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Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Lesson 10.1
The Mahayana Buddhist Religion
Introduction 1

Learning Objectives 2

Explore 2

Discover 4
Mahayana Buddhism 4
Siddharta Gautama (563–483 BCE) 5
Sacred Texts of Mahayana Buddhists 7
General Features of Mahayana Buddhism 8
God: Nontheistic 8
Establishment 9
Followers 9

Wrap-Up 11

Try This! 12

Challenge Yourself 13

Re ect on This 16

Photo Credits 16

Bibliography 17
Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Lesson 10.1

The Mahayana Buddhist Religion

When you typically hear about Buddhism, what words come into your mind first? Monks?
Ancient Temples? Martial Arts? Meditation? Primarily, Buddhism is one of the prominent
religions in Asia. It has many Asian followers, and it was equally recognized as one of the
earliest religions in the world. Buddhism was founded more than 2500 years ago in India.
Buddha is the founder of Buddhism, and followers of his teachings are called Buddhists.
Buddhism is presently divided into three major schools: Theravada, Mahayana, and
Vajrayana. Each school has its scriptural canons or list of books viewed their doctrines and

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 1

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

disciplines to be followed.
In this lesson, the focus will be on defining Mahayana Buddhism and discussing its
establishment. We will also briefly examine the life story of Siddhartha Gautama and discuss
the basic text of Mahayana Buddhism containing Buddha’s teachings. Aside from this, we
will learn more about teachings that followers believe.

Learning Objectives DepEd Learning Competencies

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to do
In this lesson, you should be able to do the the following:
following: ● State the three levels of perfection of
Mahayana Buddhism (moral discipline,
● Trace the establishment of
cultivation of virtue, and altruistic conduct)
Mahayana Buddhism and its (HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVc-10.1).
teachings. ● Give examples of acts of generosity of
Mahayana Buddhists
● Explain the defining (HUMSS_WRB12-II/IVc-10.2).
characteristics of Mahayana
Buddhism as a religion.

Think-Pair-Share 15 minutes


1. With a partner, discuss your prior knowledge about Buddhism.

2. List three words or phrases that you both think will simplify your idea about
3. Share your findings with another pair or with the class.

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 2

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Words That Describe Buddhism




Guide Questions

1. What are the common words used to describe Buddhism?




2. How do these words relate to Buddhism as a religion?




3. Choose one word that describes Buddhism and explain its significance to the



10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 3

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism


Buddhism is a religion that was built from Siddhartha

Words to Remember
Gautama's enlightenment, making him Buddha, "the
● enlightened – freed
Enlightened One" or "the Awakened One." Buddhism
from ignorance and
teaches its followers that enlightenment is something
that an ordinary human can attain through proper
● prominent – widely
training and discipline.
and popularly known
● tremendous –
The two major Buddhist schools of Mahayana and
notable because of
Theravada take Buddha's basic teachings. However,
extreme size, power,
each school is different in its methods and ways of
or excellence
searching for liberation.

What makes Mahayana Buddhism different from other

Buddhist belief systems?

Mahayana Buddhism
The spread of Buddhist gospels through missionary efforts resulted in the creation of
Buddhist schools. These events gave way to the formation of a new form of Buddhism.
Buddhist schools used Buddha's teachings as a guide, but they had different perspectives
on accepting Siddharta Gautama as the religion's founder. Mahayana Buddhism became
known among the three branches as the "great vehicle" as it gained tremendous appeal to
the ordinary people. The word Mahayana refers to the path of Bodhisattva that can be used
to attain enlightenment. Through this path, all human beings are helped to avoid all
suffering and pain.

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 4

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism arose in North India and became prominent in East Asian countries
such as China, Mongolia, Japan, and Korea. While Theravada Buddhism was the first
Buddhist school to enter China, it did not gain as much popularity as Mahayana Buddhism.
Eventually, Mahayana Buddhism spread out through other East Asian territories like Korea
and Japan, which helped maintain its existence until the present.

However, while Mahayana Buddhism gained support from other countries, it gradually died
in its birthplace, India. The series of invasions and the rising of Islam coincided with its
outward spread.

Siddharta Gautama (563–483 BCE)

Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was born with the name Siddhartha Gautama. He was a
prince, teacher, philosopher, and spiritual leader, who lived and preached in the region
around the border of modern-day Nepal and India. Buddha is also known as “the one who is
awakened” or “the enlightened one.”

As a prince, he had lived in three palaces: during

summer, during winter, and the rainy season.
He was rarely allowed to walk outside the court.
When he goes outside, his father instructs their
guards to send away those sick and dying
residents, so when Siddhartha passes by, he
may not be able to see them. The efforts made
by the king to hide all types of suffering from
Siddhartha still failed. At the age of 29, Prince
Siddhartha encountered the “Four Sights” that
made him warier of what was happening
around him. He first saw a man who was old
and nearly blind, then a sick man, and then a
dead man in a funeral procession.
Fig. 1. Gautama, practicing
extreme asceticism

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 5

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

The last sight was an ascetic or a wandering holy man who seemed to be content in life and
at peace without any possession. Siddhartha was amazed and thought that he could
become an ascetic.

He then decided to leave his comfortable life as a prince and became a wandering ascetic.
He searched for peace, and he attempted to end the sufferings that people were
experiencing. With his companion, they practice extreme asceticism where they were not
eating for several days, and they were staying in a spot without moving. One day,
Siddhartha Gautama nearly died from drowning in a river because of being weak. He then
realized that he would not achieve enlightenment through severity. When a woman named
Sujata offered to help, he accepted it, causing disappointment to his companion, who
eventually left him alone.

Siddhartha continued the quest alone, and he meditated under a Bodhi tree. After 49 days
of meditating, at age 35, he attained enlightenment. All the answers he had been seeking
became clear. He became Buddha as he achieved total enlightenment.

Mahayana Buddhists hold specific notions about Siddhartha Gautama. They believe that
Siddhartha taught key principles to his dedicated followers. They also believe that Buddha is
not just a simple human being but a kind-hearted celestial as he shows unconditional love
to people. For them, divine beings like Siddhartha Gautama help lessen people’s sufferings,
leading them to salvation.

Check Your Progress

Which of the personal characteristics of Siddhartha Gautama do
you want to possess? Explain your answer.

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 6

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Sacred Texts of Mahayana Buddhists

Sutras are generally identified as the set rules in Sanskrit literature based on law or
philosophy. Mahayana Sutra reflects the concepts of Mahayana Buddhism. Different
branches of Buddhism emphasize various sutras as their primary text. These sutras are
written in a dialogue that provides answers even to the most basic human existence
questions. The sutras became influential because they taught that all people could equally
attain “Buddha-nature” or enlightenment. The most important and prominent Mahayana
Buddhist texts are the following:

Sutra Description

Lotus Sutra contains various traditions of Mahayana Buddhism such

as concepts concerning the Trikaya, Bodhisattva, and
● Trikaya – Buddha has three bodies: a body of the
absolute truth, a body that experiences
enlightenment, and a body that manifests world
embodiment in human form.
● Bodhisattva – Someone who postponed his or her
entry into the state of nirvana to help others
achieve enlightenment. Attaining enlightenment is
open to anyone regardless of gender, race, social
status, etc.
● Nirvana – the state of liberation from the cycle of
death and rebirth

Heart Sutra part of Perfection Wisdom of Sutra containing short pieces

of Buddhist key concepts in Mahayana perspectives such
as nirvana, total emptiness, and ultimate reality

Land of Bliss Sutras ● contains the teachings of Amitabha Buddha, the

celestial or heavenly Buddha
● shows people can enter an ideal world

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 7

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Other critical Buddhist texts are regarded as secondary Mahayana texts written by
Nagarjuna, an early Buddhist thinker. Their writings focus on interpreting the Sutra of
Perfection of Wisdom that elaborates the concept of emptiness.

Check Your Progress

What is the importance of the sutras in Mahayana Buddhism?

General Features of Mahayana Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism also has a unique identity, making it different from the other schools
of Buddhism. This section will describe the establishment, their beliefs in God, and the
followers of Mahayana Buddhism.

God: Nontheistic
The central figure of Buddhism is Siddhartha Gautama, during the experience of his
enlightenment. Some non-Buddhists may assume that Buddhists worship Buddha as their
god the same way Christians worship Jesus Christ and the Muslims worship Allah. Buddha
himself emphasized that he is not a god and that his teaching was solely for helping people
attain enlightenment. Buddha was considered a spiritual leader whose life serves as the
foundation of the Buddhist religion.

Buddhism is different from the major world religions because it believes in a nontheistic
god. Buddhists, as such, do not focus on belief in gods and goddesses. Instead, they focus
on ethics and morality. Though they believe that gods or devas exist, they were subjected to
be respected and not to be worshiped. Humans experience pain and pleasure. These allow
them to set off meditation for them to desire achieving liberation from suffering.

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 8

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism originated in Northern India. It is composed of many schools
interpreting fundamental human beliefs following the values and ideals of Buddhist
teachings. It is widespread in China, Tibet, Mongolia, Japan, and Korea. Since its founding
more than 2000 years ago, Mahayana Buddhism departed into numerous schools that can
develop their own ritual. This religion is called the “great vehicle” as it aims to extend
religious authority to many people.

Fig. 2. A map showing the expansion of Mahayana Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism is the most popular Buddhist school today. The most significant
number of its practitioners are in China. The Mahayana schools and their sub-schools are
still firmly rooted in China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. Mahayana Buddhism gained
popularity among Asians because of the openness of their tradition—that even an ordinary
person can achieve spiritual liberation like what happened to Siddhartha Gautama.

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 9

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Check Your Progress

Which of the following features of Mahayana Buddhism would you
like to know more about? Why?

In Philippine Context
There are a lot of places to worship among religious communities in Manila. One of the
religions that successfully built temples to worship around Manila was Buddhism that
caters to an estimated 47,000 practitioners of the religion, according to a 2015 census.

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple in Malate, Manila

The largest Buddhist temple in Manila is the Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple in Malate.
The monks in this temple practice Humanistic Buddhism. It is a philosophy that focuses on
welfare services such as charity works, cultural activities, and education. It highlights three
acts of goodness: doing good deeds, speaking good words, and thinking good thoughts.

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 10

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

The main shrine of Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple is home to the largest sitting Buddha in
the Philippines. Here, Buddhists offer candles and incense. The surrounding walls have
rows of the Buddha’s image. The ceiling was designed with lotus, a common Buddhist
motif as the flower grows in muddy water.

● Mahayana Buddhism is known as the great vehicle as it led the path of Bodhisattva
to attain the enlightenment to help all human beings from all sufferings and pain.
● The founder of Buddhism was born with the name Siddhartha Gautama. He was
eventually called Buddha.
● Sutra is a set of rules in Sanskrit literature-based law or philosophy that basically
reflects Mahayana’s concept.
● Some of the general features of Mahayana Buddhism that makes it unique from the
other religions are:
○ God (Nontheistic): Buddhists do not focus on belief in gods and goddesses.
○ Establishment: It originated in Northern India.
○ Followers: Mahayana schools and their sub-schools are still firmly rooted in
China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 11

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Try This!
A. Identification. Choose the correct word from the box and write it on the blank before
each number.

ascetic Land of Bliss Sutras nontheistic

Buddha Lotus Sutra North India

Bodhisattva Nagarjuna Siddhartha Gautama

China nirvana sutras

________________ 1. It literally means "one who is awakened" or "the enlightened


________________ 2. He was a wandering holy man who seemed to be content with


________________ 3. This is a set of rules in Sanskrit literature-based law or


________________ 4. It is the state of liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth.

________________ 5. He is someone who postponed his or her entry into nirvana to

help others.

________________ 6. These contain the teachings of Amitabha Buddha.

________________ 7. He was an early Buddhist thinker who wrote secondary

Mahayana texts.

________________ 8. These texts do not focus on belief in gods and goddesses.

________________ 9. It is the birthplace of Mahayana Buddhism.

________________ 10. This is the real given name of Buddhism’s founder.

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 12

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

B. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write false.

________________ 1. At the age of 29, Prince Siddhartha encountered “the four


________________ 2. Mahayana Buddhism was known as the “great lotus” as it aims

to extend religious authority to many people.

________________ 3. The sutras teach that all people can equally attain a
“Buddha-nature” state.

________________ 4. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion.

________________ 5. The first one in the “four sights” that Siddhartha encountered
was a dead man in a funeral procession.

Challenge Yourself
Answer the following questions.

1. Based on the features of Mahayana Buddhism, what makes it unique from the other






10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 13

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

2. How do you think the concept of Bodhisattva contributed to Mahayana Buddhism as

one of the most successful missionary religions in the world?






3. Which of the following core values (maka-Diyos, makatao, makakalikasan, and

makabansa) deeply encompasses the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism? Explain
your answer.






10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 14

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Suggested Rubric for Grading

The rubric below is a suggested one. Your teacher may modify it based on your needs.
Consult your teacher for the final rubric.

Performance Levels

1 2 3 Suggested
Criteria Score
Beginning Proficient Advanced Weight
Proficiency Proficiency

Content The answer is unclear The answer is clear The answer is clear
and insufficient; there but barely sufficient; and sufficient; the
is a major flaw in the there is a minor flaw argumentation is
argumentation. in the argumentation. excellent.

Organization The answer does not The answer flows The answer flows
flow logically, and its logically, but its parts logically, and its
parts are not clearly are not clearly parts are clearly
structured. structured. structured.

Mechanics/ There are many major There are minor There are virtually
errors in sentence errors in sentence no errors in
Language Use
construction, construction, sentence
grammar, or spelling. grammar, or spelling. construction,
grammar, or

Total Possible Score 18

10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 15

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism

Re ect on This
Answer the following question briefly.

Recall the “four sights” (an old man, a sick man, a dead man, and an ascetic). How will these
sights make an ordinary person reflect the real purpose of life like Siddhartha Gautama did?
Explain your answer.











Photo Credits
Siddhartha Gautama meditating by Sacca is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia

MahayanaMap by World Imaging is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

FoGuanTemplejf7621 21 by Ramon FVelasquez is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia


10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 16

Unit 10: Mahayana Buddhism


Cabato, Regine. “Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism: Manila's Minority Religions.”
CNN Philippines. Accessed December 28, 2020.

Gross, R.M. “Historical consciousness and traditional Buddhist narratives.” Int. J. Dharma
Studies 1, 5. 2013. https://doi.org/10.1186/2196-8802-1-5.

Huang T-R and Wang Y-H. “Perceiving Self, Others, and Events Through a Religious Lens:
Mahayana Buddhists vs. Christians.” Front. Psychol. 10:217. doi:

Thorp, Charley Linden. “Mahayana Buddhism.” Accessed December 26, 2020.


10.1. The Mahayana Buddhist Religion 17

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