Gec0080 - Art Appreciation - Expanded Syllabus (Editted 2024)

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Camanchiles, Matanao, Davao del Sur



GEC 008

SY: 2024-2025






GEC coordinator



Course Title: GEC 008: Art Appreciation with Fundamentals of Music

No. of Units: 3
Schedule: TTH 7:30am-4:00pm
Venue: MBR 3 and ECBR 11


Name: Dorothy Faye Namoca-Villaver, MAED-Music Education

Degrees: Master of Arts in Education-Music Ed Adventist University of the Philippines (2019)
Bachelor of Music in Church Music Adventist University of the Philippines (2015)
Mobile Phone: (63) 956-155-6032
Email Address: [email protected]

Consultation Hours: MW 9:00-10:00


Art Appreciation is a three-unit course that develops students' ability to appreciate, analyze and critique works of art. Through
interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches, this course equips students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical,
philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in order to hone students' ability to articulate their understanding of the arts. The
course also develops students' competency in researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating
art productions.
Philosophy: SPAC believes in Jesus Christ, the Exemplar of holistic excellence.

We believe in Jesus Christ, who is the embodiment of God the Father and the Holy Spirit. He became flesh and dwelt among men. As a child and as
a man, He “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52), setting an example of a holistic life.

Mission: SPAC is committed to:

1. Prepare a people for God’s kingdom.
We believe that Jesus Christ, Savior of the World, is soon to come and that He has commissioned this Church for which SPAC belongs
to preach the gospel into all the world (Matt. 28:18-20) so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life (John 3:16).
2. Nurture students for a meaningful and productive life of service for church and society.
We believe that the students are a precious trust for whom we are tasked to “restore the lost image of Jesus Christ” so that they can be
trained into a meaningful and productive life of service for church and society.

Vision: A leading provider of transformative Christian Education with an Adventist distinction for the service of God, church, and country
(pro Deo, Ecclesia et Patria)
We envision to provide quality Christian education with an Adventist distinctive for students from all walks of life. We are inclusive in our
recruitment and redemptive in our nurture. We advocate an education that gives opportunity to everyone to maximize his/her God-given potential.

Core Values:
Spiritually Attuned
We believe that above all other pursuits in life, we are to seek God first and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). He is the Alpha and the
Omega, the beginning and the end, and the ultimate reality in our lives (Rev. 1:8).
Physically Fit
We believe in the blessing of the health message and we are committed to live it and teach it so that God’s purpose for our lives can be
Academically Competent
We believe that our students should be academically competent, equipped with all the needed knowledge, skills, and habits to be able
to make a meaningful contribution to the cause of God, church, and country.
Committed to Service
We believe in Jesus Christ who is the embodiment of God the Father and the Holy Spirit. He became flesh and dwelt among men. As a child and
as a man, He “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52), setting an example of a holistic life.

The General Education Department is committed to develop God-fearing students who are not only academically competent but also deeply
committed to serving God, the church, and the country (pro deo, ecclesia, et patria) through a holistic education that integrates faith, knowledge and
service capable of making a positive impact on their church, community, and country.

The General Education Department envisions in developing individuals of exceptional character and intellectual capacity who are deeply rooted in
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and committed to serving humanity with integrity, thereby making a significant and enduring positive impact on society.

A well-rounded general education develops students' knowledge, skills, and Christ-like attitudes essential for thriving in an ever-changing world,
enabling them to contribute meaningfully to society and lead fulfilling lives.

Core Values:
Spiritually Attuned
We believe that above all other pursuits in life we are to seek God first and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). He is the Alpha and the
Omega, the beginning and the end, and the ultimate reality in our lives (Rev. 1:8).

Physically Fit
We believe in the blessings of the health message and we are committed to live it and teach it so that God’s purpose for our lives can be

Academically Competent
We believe that our students should be academically competent, equipped with all the needed knowledge, skills, and habits to be able to
make a meaningful contribution to the cause of God, church, and country.

Committed to Service
We believe in God who is excellent in all things and we are committed to follow the life He led while He was on earth and to become
humble partakers of his nature (2Peter 1:4)

1. Foster Educational Success: Develop the attitudes, skills, and learning habits necessary for success in education and related endeavors.
2. Affirm Christian Principles: Uphold sound educational principles and values within the context of Christian revelation.
3. Promote Reflective Inquiry: Engage in free inquiry, reflective thinking, and the sharing of ideas, especially in the field of teaching.
4. Apply Proven Educational Principles: Utilize tested principles of the educational process in practice.
5. Advance Knowledge through Research: Develop knowledge and skills in research to contribute to the advancement of education and provide
rational solutions to social problems.
6. Honor the Creator through Service: Acquire professional skills that honor their Creator and unselfishly serve humanity, regardless of ethnic,
religious, or socio-economic backgrounds.
7. Uphold SDA Educational Standards: Recognize and uphold the distinctive Christian standards of Seventh-day Adventist education and
incorporate these into the instructional program.
8. Exemplify Moral Integrity: Live with high moral integrity and adhere to ethical and spiritual principles in both professional and personal life.
9. Demonstrate Leadership: Exhibit good leadership by participating in and leading church and community services.
10. Understand Student Needs: Comprehend the nature, needs, and motivations of pupils/students, as well as community needs and problems, to
devise and use appropriate materials, methods, and techniques in creating a conducive learning environment.
11. Ensure Teaching Quality: Demonstrate excellence in the qualitative aspects of teaching and be actively involved in the assessment process.
12. Encourage Independent and Creative Thinking: Foster independent and creative thinking through a learning environment that liberates
thought and promotes creative understanding

Program Educational Objective (GEC)

Grow Educationally and Professionally:
Develop attitudes, skills, and learning habits essential for educational success and related professional endeavors.

Embody Adventist Christian Values:

Uphold and integrate sound educational principles and values within the context of Adventist Christian revelation.

Cultivate Service-Driven Individuals:

Acquire professional skills that honor the Creator and selflessly serve humanity, irrespective of ethnic, religious, or socio-economic

This forms the acronym GEC:

Grow Educationally and Professionally
Embody Adventist Christian Values
Cultivate Service-Driven Individuals

Graduate Institutional Description GA Departmental Description

Attribute Code (Harmonized from the CHED Standard Program Outcomes/Standard
Program Graduate Attributes and SPAC Institutional Graduate
Perceives and describes the world in a correct way, asks pertinent
Asks pertinent questions, reflecting a heightened consciousness
questions reflecting a heightened consciousness and curiosity towards
and curiosity which will generate and use innovative ideas to
the current and emerging developments in education and its
solve problems and make decisions to answer current and
Creative and Critical relationship to larger historical, social, cultural, political, and religious
emerging needs and opportunities of the church and society. GA1
Thinker processes. Such experiences will lead graduates to facilitate learning
indicated by creatively applying skills in curriculum development,
Perceives and describes the world in a correct and creative way
particularly in lesson planning, materials development, instructional
through the constructive application of knowledge, ideas, and
delivery, and educational assessment aligned with
beliefs aligned with the Seventh- day Adventist principles and the SDA principles and teachings.

Exhibits Christian leadership skills to contribute positively to Exhibit Christian leadership skills to work effectively and contribute
the accomplishment of team goals through collaborative positively to the accomplishment of team, church, and societal goals
processes in a peaceful, tolerant, compassionate, and non- through collaborative processes in planning, assessing, and reporting to
Service-Driven Citizen discriminatory way. preserve and promote Filipino historical and cultural heritage in the
realm of education. Such experiences will empower graduates to
Contributes to society by performing civic duties, obeying the perform civic duties, obey the law, respect authorities, practice
law, and respecting authorities. professional and ethical standards, and nurture a right relationship with
God, self, others, and the environment with compassion, respect, and
Nurtures right relationship with God, self, others, and the integrity in response to the demands of the community.
environment and serves with compassion, respect, and
Communicates effectively and confidently ideas and feelings
in a clear, organized manner in both written and oral
communication to convey meaningful information to church Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning,
and society assessing, and reporting curriculum goals by writing and speaking
Effective Communicator
Listens actively to the intent and spirit of others’ words and GA3 confidently, listening actively, and responding rationally and
responds rationally and assertively but not arrogantly, assertively in consonance with the ethical standards of effective
respecting others’ opinions communication in order to convey meaningful information to the
school, church, and society.
Demonstrates appreciation and application of ethical and moral
standards of effective communication
Mingles with people from all walks of life, seeing every person a
crowning act of God’s creation Practice professional and ethical standards in teaching diverse learners,
Transformative Christian mingling with people from all walks of life, showing personal care and
Witness Shows personal care and concern in meeting the need of others GA4 concern in meeting the needs of others, responding to the demands of
the community, living a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle, and
Leads an exemplary Christian life, practicing a well-balanced,
healthy lifestyle and manifesting sound discernment of what is manifesting sound discernment of right and wrong. To that effect, a
right and wrong. graduate leads an exemplary Christian life.
Pursue life-long learning by updating abilities, knowledge, skills, and
Values all forms of learning and updates abilities, knowledge,
qualifications in order to demonstrate basic and higher-level thinking
skills, and qualifications towards a more refined professional.
Reflective Life- long skills through planning, assessing, and reporting alternative teaching
Learner approaches and applying skills in curriculum development. As a result,
Reflects on the significance of God and develops awareness of
a graduate reflects on
the spiritual nature and religious meaning of life.
the significance of God, develops awareness of the meaning of life, and
acts in recognition of professional, social, ethical, and spiritual


(PO) (LO)
PO1 Intellectual LO 1 Higher levels of comprehension (textual, visual, etc.)
Competencies LO 2 Proficient and effective communication (writing, speaking, and use of new technologies)
LO 3 Understanding of basic concepts across the domains of knowledge.
LO 4 Critical, analytical, and creative thinking
LO 5 Application of different analytical modes (qualitative &quantitative artistic and scientific, textual
and visual, experimental, observation, etc.)
PO2 Personal and LO 6 Appreciation of the human condition
Civic LO 7 Capacity to personally interpret human experience
responsibilities LO 8 Ability to view the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives
LO 9 Self-assuredness in knowing and being Filipino
LO 10 Capacity to reflect critically on shared concerns and think of innovative, creative solutions guided
by ethical standards
LO 11 Ability to reflect on moral norms\imperatives as they affect individuals and society
LO 12 Ability to appreciate and contribute to artistic beauty
LO 13 Understanding and respect for human rights
LO 14 Ability to contribute personality and meaningfully to the country’s development
PO3 Practical Skills LO 15 Application of computing and information technology to assist and facilitate research
LO 16 Ability to negotiate the world of technology responsibility
LO 17 Problem-solving (including real-world problems)
LO 18 Basic work-related skills and knowledge
PO4 Teamwork and LO 19 Ability in working together towards a common goal, utilizing each person's unique skills and strengths.
Collaboration LO 20 Ability to rely on communication, mutual respect, and shared responsibilities.
LO 21 Collaboratively enhances creativity and problem-solving by combining diverse perspectives and ideas.
PO5 Affirm LO 22 Ability to understand that knowledge comes from God.
Adventist LO 23 Understanding the importance of worship.

CO General Course Outcomes (CO) PO Standard Program GA Institutional Graduate

Code Upon the completion of the course, the Code Domain/Standard Program Code Attribute
students can: Graduate Attribute
CO Demonstrate an understanding and PO Intellectual Competencies GA Reflective Life-long Learner
1 appreciation of arts in general, including 1 5
their function, value, and historical
CO Define and demonstrate the elements and PO Intellectual Competencies GA Effective Communicator
2 principles of design 1 3
CO Explain and evaluate different theories of art PO Intellectual Competencies GA Effective Communicator
3 and Music Analysis. 1 3
CO Analyze and appraise works of art based on PO Intellectual Competencies GA Creative and Critical Thinker
4 aesthetic value, historical context, tradition, 1 1
and social relevance.
CO Mount an art exhibit (concept development, PO Personal and Civic GA Creative and Critical Thinker
5 production, post-production, marketing, 4 Responsibilities 1
documentation, critiquing)
CO Create their own works of art and curate PO Personal and Civic GA Creative and Critical Thinker
6 their own production or exhibit 2 Responsibilities 1
CO Utilize art for self-expression and for PO Personal and Civic GA 1 Creative and Critical
7 promoting advocacies 3 Responsibilities GA 2 Thinker Service-
Driven Citizen
CO Discover and deepen their identity through PO Personal and Civic GA 4 Transformative Christian
8 art with respect to their nationality, culture, 5 Responsibilities GA 5 Witness Reflective Life-long
and religion. Learner
CO Deepen their sensitivity to self, community, PO Practice Skills GA 2 Service-Driven
9 and society. 4 GA 5 Citizen Reflective Life-
long Learner

Course Time Content Desired/Specific Materials/ Values Integration Teaching- Assessment

Outcome Allotment Learning Outcomes References (IFL) Learning Task/
Activation (DLO/SLO) Given Activities Method
simulated relevant (TLA) (AT)
situations/scenarios, the
students are expected
CO 1 Week 1  Course 1. know what to Syllabus Group Activity:
Orientation expect in this PPT Composed a Tune
 Expectations course using the School
2. have an idea of how Emblems as the
on this Course
the grading works lyrics.
 Grading 3. determine how to
System keep their grades
 Requirements
Quizzes and
 Culminating
Concept Methodology Define in your
CO 1 What is art? own
1. Introduce Art and Syllabus Art is everywhere Class discussion:
CO 3  Art words.
 Creativity
its classifications. Keyboard oral recitation
CO 4 2. determine the PPT
 Imagination Strategy Why study art?
kinds and their What is art?
“Art Imitates Why do we
works in the What is
Kinds of Art Nature” “Our God need to
society Creativity?
 Sculpture is the master of appreciate art? What is
 Architecture Understand the everything. He What is creativity? Imagination?
 Painting elements of Art created everything Why do people
 Poetry and how to use that we see around create works of Oral Recitations
 Literature them in Music Art us, He gave life to art? on
 Music 3. Appreciate each all, and especially, each topic about
 Theater Art
 Dance Art and its He gave us the (individual) aside from their
individual ability to perform Why is art, own definitions.
purpose. and appreciate not nature?
what He created.” (Art is universal;
Elements of Art art is cultural; art
 Line
1. Identify the Conclusion is not nature; art
 Color elements of art Everything that involves
 Shape 2. Analyze the we see around us experience) (Art
 Space various elements is art. Even We as expression, as
 Form present in visual, are God’s work of a form of
 Texture auditory, and Art. So, we must creation)
combined arts Appreciate Lecture/
Categories of Art 3. Learn how to everything around illustration /
 Visual Art identify the notes us. Just like God
 Auditory Art and their note Appreciates his
 Combined Art placements work.

1:31 “And
God saw
everything that he
had made, and,
behold, IT WAS

CO 2 Week 2 Introduction to 1. Identify the Syllabus Concept Methodology: Group Activity:

CO 8 Basic Music elements of art Basic Theory Discuss basic 4 students in
CO 9 Theory 2. Analyze the Keyboard elements. each group.
 C major Scale various elements Strategy
 Clefs present in visual, Just like big Group Activity
 Note auditory, and buildings and and Group The teacher will
placements combined arts infrastructures that Performances in give rhythmic
3. Learn how to we can see in the Class exercises for the
Elements of Music identify the notes city, all of them class from the
 Melody and their note have a good Mirroring book-
 Harmony placements foundation. A technique: the Dannhäuser
 Rhythm good base that can teacher will clap,
 Forms withstand storms and the student 15 mins to
 Lyrics that will hit it. will follow. practice, then
These architectures will perform the
Kinds of notes and infrastructures, Round singing: the patterns in front
 Whole Note all started with the teacher will sing, of the class
 Half Note basics. They then the student
 Quarter Note cannot build those will sing after.
 Eight Note buildings and have
 Sixteenth Note those aesthetics
 Dotted Note without going back
 Triola to the basics.

 Key Signatures Conclusion

 Time Signatures Just like Music and
Architecture, as a
mere humans, we
cannot stand alone
without the help
and guidance of
God. That is why
we have the Bible
as our guide to
help us continue
our journey ahead,
the Bible is our
CO 2 Week 3 Introduction to Key 1. identify the right PPT Concept Methodology: Group Activity:
CO 8 Signatures key signatures of Syllabus Basic Theory Discuss basic 4 students in
CO 9 the songs. elements. each group.
Sharp Major Strategy
Scales Just like big Group Activity
 C Major buildings and and Group The teacher will
 G Major infrastructures that Performances in give rhythmic
 D Major we can see in the Class exercises for the
 A Major city, all of them class from the
 E Major have a good Mirroring book-
 B Major foundation. A technique: the Dannhäuser
 F# Major good base that can teacher will clap,
 C# Major withstand storms and the student 15 mins to
that will hit it. will follow. practice, then
Flat Major Scales These architectures will perform the
 B♭ MAJOR and infrastructures, Round singing: patterns in front
 E♭ MAJOR all started with the the teacher will of the class
basics. They sing, then the
cannot build those student will
 D♭ MAJOR buildings and have sing after.
 G♭ MAJOR those aesthetics
 C♭ MAJOR without going back
 F♭ MAJOR to the basics.

Just like Music and
Architecture, as a
mere humans, we
cannot stand alone
without the help and
guidance of God.
That is why we have
the Bible as our
guide to help us
continue our journey
ahead, the Bible is
our Basic.
CO 2 Week 4 -Key Signatures 1. Identify the right PPT Concept Methodology: Group Activity:
CO 8 -Introduction to key signatures of Syllabus Basic Theory Discuss basic 4 students in
CO 9 solfege and dictation the songs. elements. each group.
Just like big Group Activity
buildings and and Group The teacher will
infrastructures that Performances in give rhythmic
we can see in the Class exercises for the
Quiz city, all of them class from the
have a good Mirroring book-
foundation. A technique: the Dannhäuser
good base that can teacher will clap,
withstand storms and the student 15 mins to
that will hit it. will follow. practice, then
These architectures will perform the
and infrastructures, Round singing: patterns in front
all started with the the teacher will of the class
basics. They sing, then the
cannot build those student will
buildings and have sing after.
those aesthetics
without going back
to the basics.

Just like Music and
Architecture, as a
mere humans, we
cannot stand alone
without the help and
guidance of God.
That is why we have
the Bible as our
guide to help us
continue our journey
ahead, the Bible is
our Basic.
SEPTEMBER 11-13, 2024
CO5 CO6 Week 6 Introduction of 1. Identify the Syllabus Concept Lecture/illustration The teacher will
CO7 Solfege and musical terms and Beats give different
Rhythmic the dynamics. Music Sheet Give a different kinds of rhythmic
Dictation 2. learn the Strategy rhythmic pattern patterns.
syncopatio Dannhäuser When we are and clap or tap.
Introduction to n singing, dancing, The student will
Solfege and Sight 3. Understand the or even speaking Perform how to clap them.
Reading concept of in front of an clap a
syncopation and audience, like in syncopation and The student will
-Sol-Fa-Syllables its meter. spoken poetry, we a triola sing a note line
-Forms 4. Understand the use rhythms on for the first time
-Dynamics placements of every word or note Impromptu with correct
-Musical Terms notes and how to that we utter. sight sing. notes and tones.
sight- sign them. Every beat of
words and notes Board activity
Solfege Dictation that we produce is Board drill
Activity very important to
the listeners
because they can
feel the beat of the
piece. It helps
them understand
Introduction to or appreciates the
Rhythmic Dictations music or the
and Patterns poetry in a very
distinct manner.
-Sycopation Conclusion
-Accents In our daily lives,
we have our own
Performance beat. But we must
Activity remember that we
must always have
the same beat as
God. We must
walk with the same
rhythm as God,
for we will never be
lost, nor will be
CO5 CO6 Week 7 Review of 1. Identify the Syllabus Concept Lecture/illustration The teacher will
CO7 Solfeggio and musical terms Beats give different
Rhythmic and the Music Sheet Give a different kinds of rhythmic
Dictation dynamics. Strategy rhythmic pattern patterns.
2. learn the When we are and clap or tap.
syncopati singing, dancing, The student will
on or even speaking Perform how to clap them.
3. Understand the in front of an clap a
concept of audience, like in syncopation and The student will
syncopation and spoken poetry, we a triola sing a note line
its meter. use rhythms on for the first time
4. Understand the every word or note Impromptu with correct notes
placements of that we utter. sight sing. and tones.
notes and how to Every beat of
sight- sign them. words and notes Board activity
that we produce is Board drill
very important to
the listeners
because they can
feel the beat of the
piece. It helps
them understand
or appreciates the
music or the
poetry in a very
distinct manner.

In our daily lives,
we have our own
beat. But we must
remember that we
must always have
the same beat as
God. We must
walk with the same
rhythm as God,
for we will never be
lost, nor will be
CO5 CO6 Week 8 Review of Solfeggio 1. Identify the Syllabus Concept Lecture/illustration The teacher will
CO7 and Rhythmic musical terms Beats give different
Dictation and the Music Sheet Give a different kinds of rhythmic
dynamics. Strategy rhythmic pattern patterns.
2. learn the When we are and clap or tap.
syncopati singing, dancing, The student will
on or even speaking Perform how to clap them.
3. Understand the in front of an clap a
concept of audience, like in syncopation and The student will
syncopation and spoken poetry, we a triola sing a note line
Quiz its meter. use rhythms on for the first time
4. Understand the every word or note Impromptu with correct
placements of that we utter. sight sing. notes and tones.
notes and how Every beat of
to sight- sign words and notes Board activity
them. that we produce is Board drill
very important to
the listeners
because they can
feel the beat of the
piece. It helps
them understand
or appreciates the
music or the
poetry in a very
distinct manner.

In our daily lives,
we have our own
beat. But we must
remember that we
must always have
the same beat as
God. We must
walk with the same
rhythm as God,
for we will never be
lost, nor will be
OCTOBER 7-11, 2024
CO 7 CO8 Week 10 Introduction of 1. Understand the Music Concept Voice audition Sing 1 song in
CO9 Songs concept of Sheets Music Appreciation for their Final front of the
-Song choices music. Exam class to
-Auditions for voice 2. Identify their Keyboard Strategy Culminating determine their
ranges (soprano, own voice Every section has Activity voice range.
alto, tenor, bass) range. its own song to
3. Audition like a real learn. They will
choir. learn the melody
-Choir Lessons and and its harmony.
Techniques They will also try
to conduct their

Learning the
song is hard for
but there will always
be someone who
will help you when
you are having a
hard time.
CO 7 CO8 Week 11 Learning of the 1. Understand the Music Concept Choir practice Students will be
CO9 Songs by voice concept of Sheets Music Appreciation for Culminating given 2 songs
music. Activity with music
Section A 2. Identify their Keyboard Strategy sheets and they
-Go tell it on the own voice Every section has Year-End will practice and
Mountain range. its own song to Thanksgiving study those
-Sing of a Merry 3. Audition like a real learn. They will Concert songs.
Christmas choir. learn the melody December 14,
and its harmony. 2024
Section B They will also try
-Affirmation of to conduct their
Faithfulness piece.
-Christmas Song of
Praise Conclusion:
Learning the
Section C song is hard for
-People Need the first-timers,
Lord but there will always
-Christmas Gloria be someone who
will help you when
Section D you are having a
-Worship the King hard time.
of kings
-Christmas songs of
CO 7 CO8 Week 12 Learning of the 1. Understand the Music Concept Choir practice Students will be
CO9 Songs by voice concept of Sheets Music Appreciation for Culminating given 2 songs
music. Activity with music
Section A 2. Identify their Strategy sheets and they
-Go tell it on the own voice Keyboard Every section has Year-End will practice and
Mountain range. its own song to Thanksgiving study those
-Sing of a Merry 3. Audition like a real learn. They will Concert songs.
Christmas choir. learn the melody December 14,
and its harmony. 2024
Section B They will also try
-Affirmation of to conduct their
Faithfulness piece.
-Christmas Song of
Praise Conclusion:
Learning the
Section C song is hard for
-People Need the first-timers,
Lord but there will always
-Christmas Gloria be someone who
will help you when
Section D you are having a
-Worship the King hard time.
of kings
-Christmas songs of
CO 7 CO8 Week 13 Learning of the 1. Understand the Music Concept Choir practice Students will be
CO9 Songs by voice concept of Sheets Music Appreciation for Culminating given 2 songs
music. Activity with music
Section A 2. Identify their Keyboard Strategy sheets and they
-Go tell it on the own voice Every section has Year-End will practice and
Mountain range. its own song to Thanksgiving study those
-Sing of a Merry 3. Audition like a real learn. They will Concert songs.
Christmas choir. learn the melody December 14,
and its harmony. 2024
Section B They will also try
-Affirmation of to conduct their
Faithfulness piece.
-Christmas Song of
Praise Conclusion:
Learning the
Section C song is hard for
-People Need the first-timers,
Lord but there will always
-Christmas Gloria be someone who
will help you when
you are having a
hard time.
Section D
-Worship the King
of kings
-Christmas songs of
NOVEMBER 13-15, 2024
CO 7 Week 15 Final Rehearsals at 1. Understand the Music Concept Choir practice Students will be
CO8 the Gym concept of Sheets Music Appreciation for Culminating given 2 songs
CO9 music. Activity with music
Section A 2. Identify their Keyboard Strategy sheets and they
-Go tell it on the own voice Every section has Year-End will practice and
Mountain range. its own song to Thanksgiving study those
-Sing of a Merry 3. Audition like a real learn. They will Concert songs.
Christmas choir. learn the melody December 14,
and its harmony. 2024
Section B They will also try
-Affirmation of to conduct their
Faithfulness piece.
-Christmas Song of
Praise Conclusion:
Learning the
Section C song is hard for
-People Need the first-timers,
Lord but there will always
-Christmas Gloria be someone who
will help you when
Section D you are having a
-Worship the King hard time.
of kings
-Christmas songs of
CO 7 Week 16 Final Rehearsals at 1. Understand the Music Concept Choir practice Students will be
CO8 the Gym concept of Sheets Music Appreciation for Culminating given 2 songs
CO9 music. Activity with music
Section A 2. Identify their Keyboard Strategy sheets and they
-Go tell it on the own voice Every section has Year-End will practice and
Mountain range. its own song to Thanksgiving study those
-Sing of a Merry 3. Audition like a real learn. They will Concert songs.
Christmas choir. learn the melody December 14,
and its harmony. 2024
Section B They will also try
-Affirmation of to conduct their
Faithfulness piece.
-Christmas Song of
Praise Conclusion:
Learning the
Section C song is hard for
-People Need the first-timers,
Lord but there will always
-Christmas Gloria be someone who
will help you when
Section D you are having a
-Worship the King hard time.
of kings
-Christmas songs of
CO 7 Week 17 Final Rehearsals at 1. Understand the Music Concept Choir practice Students will be
CO8 the Gym concept of Sheets Music Appreciation for Culminating given 2 songs
CO9 music. Activity with music
Section A 2. Identify their Keyboard Strategy sheets and they
-Go tell it on the own voice Every section has Year-End will practice and
Mountain range. its own song to Thanksgiving study those
-Sing of a Merry 3. Audition like a real learn. They will Concert songs.
Christmas choir. learn the melody December 14,
and its harmony. 2024
Section B They will also try
-Affirmation of to conduct their
Faithfulness piece.
-Christmas Song of
Praise Conclusion:
Learning the
Section C song is hard for
-People Need the first-timers,
Lord but there will always
-Christmas Gloria be someone who
will help you when
Section D you are having a
-Worship the King hard time.
of kings
-Christmas songs of
CO 7 Week 18 FINAL EXAMINATION Rubrics for Musical Performance


Section A
-Go tell it on the Mountain
-Sing of a Merry Christmas

Section B
-Affirmation of Faithfulness
-Christmas Song of Praise

Section C
-People Need the Lord
-Christmas Gloria

Section D
-Worship the King of kings
-Christmas songs of Joy

1. Year-end Thanksgiving Concert

The students will perform their final songs by sections during the Year-End Thanksgiving Concert at the SPAC gym during Sabbath.


Formula: (Student’s Score / Perfect Score) x 50 + 50

Participation (Interaction, Group Activities, Performance Task) 40%

Output (Quizzes, Assignments) 20%
Examination 40%
Total 100%


1. All requirements should be submitted at the specified time in the class and not in the instructor’s house or anywhere on the school campus.
2. Cell phones should be set in silent mode while the class is going on.
3. Prompt and regular attendance should be observed. Absences, whether excused or unexcused, which exceed 20% of the number of hours
required for the course will cause a student to receive a mark of FA (Failure of Attendance). Tardiness incurred three times will be marked
as equivalent to one absence.
4. Academic honesty shall be observed at all times. Dishonest work cannot be given any credit regardless of the grade at that point. The
student executing such will be subjected to disciplinary measures.
5. The prescribed uniform must be worn during classes. A student not wearing the prescribed uniform cannot be accepted to class unless he/
she must get an acceptance note signed by the VPSA.
6. Examinations shall be taken at the scheduled time. The student will only be given a special examination with a fee of P30/unit not later than
one week after the exam schedule with the following reasons: sickness (with medical certificate), emergency in the family (letter signed by
parents), or financial reasons (certification from the DSF).
7. Completion of a student’s grade may be allowed within one week after the last day of the final examination for valid reasons only.
8. A grade of not less than C+ (83-85) should be achieved. A student who cannot comply is required to repeat the course.
SDA Hymnal
Dannhäuser book 1
theory/ https://www.essential-music-

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