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Rahib Rahman Khan



Module Code

Module Title Research Methods in Business Management

Dr. Ahmad Ghoneim

Student ID number 1043672/3

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Word Count: 11795 excluding Tables, References and Appendices

Customer Engagement by
Mobile Operators on
Social Media

Rahib Rahman Khan (1043672/3)

Supervised by

Dr. Geraldine Cohen

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

of Master of Business and Management (Marketing)

Brunel Business School

March 2014
Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media


I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who have given me the
support and assistance during the last year. I take immense pleasure in thanking my
supervisor Dr. Geraldine Cohen for the valuable guidance and advice. I am also
highly indebted to all my beloved ones, family, friends, Brunel University staff and
others for their kind cooperation and encouragement which help me in completion of
this project and my MBA studies.

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media


Social Media present a new way for customers and companies to engage with each other,
compared to the traditional means. Facebook is considered the largest Social Media website
with over 955 million active users Therefore, Facebook is the most important one for
companies to adopt.Mobile operators, especially in the UK, are desperately trying to
maintain their existing customers by implementing new marketing strategies. The long-term
relationship between customers with their operator is of high importance to the success of
the company. Therefore, the pursuit of consumer engagement through Social Media, especially
Facebook plays a key role for the Mobile Operators.

To strengthen the understanding of the concepts of customer engagement over Social Media,
especially Facebook and identify the key triggers that motivate customers to engage with the
materials posted on Facebook.

Netnography, a virtual ethnography adapted to the study of online communities, was used as
the main strategy. Data was collected through observations, more specifically nonparticipant
and systematic, on Facebook for the leading mobile operators in the UK.

The research showed that the companies are using Facebook as a tool to involve and engage
with their customers. The results imply that there are key factors that characterized the
observed companies’ Facebook communication. Frequent updates, clear information,
visualized messages and customer involvement were vital in creating customer engagement.
Humour was found to be one of the key triggers that customers get engaged with the

Research limitations and recommendations

The main limitation of this research was the relatively short period analysed, and the focus
on a particular industry. Further research that would provide more insight would be to
analyse data of longer periods, from different Social Media and from more companies.

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Table of Contents



Table of Contents...........................................................................................................iii

List of

List of Tables..................................................................................................................vii

Chapter 1 Introduction...............................................................................................1

1.1 Background................................................................................................................1

1.2 Mobile operators industry..........................................................................................2

1.3 Aim & objectives........................................................................................................2

1.4 Dissertation structure..................................................................................................3

Chapter 2 Literature Review......................................................................................5

2.1 Social media...............................................................................................................5

2.1.1 Definition of social media...................................................................................5

2.1.2 Categories of social media..................................................................................5

2.1.3 Social networking sites (sns)...............................................................................5

2.2 Usage of social media in business..............................................................................6

2.2.1 Use of social media in retail industry..................................................................7

2.2.2 Use of social media in tourism industry..............................................................7

2.2.3 Use of social media in financial industry............................................................7

2.2.4 Use of social media in health industry................................................................7

2.3 Customers’ attitudes towards businesses on social media.........................................8

2.4 Customer engagement on social media......................................................................9

2.4.1 Definition of customer engagement....................................................................9

2.4.2 Customer engagement on social media...............................................................9

2.4.3 The customer engagement cycle.......................................................................10

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2.4.4 Customer engagement and word of mouth.......................................................14

Chapter 3 Research Methodology............................................................................15

3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................15

3.2 Research design........................................................................................................15

3.2.1 Research philosophy.........................................................................................15

3.2.2 Purpose of the study..........................................................................................15

3.2.3 Research approach............................................................................................15

3.2.4 Research strategy..............................................................................................16

3.2.5 Data collection technique..................................................................................16

3.3 Data gathering..........................................................................................................16

3.3.1 Data gathering method......................................................................................16

3.3.2 Data sample selection........................................................................................17

3.3.3 Data gathering structure....................................................................................17

3.3.4 Data gathering schedule....................................................................................18

3.4 Data analysis and display.........................................................................................19

3.5 Data quality and ethics.............................................................................................19

3.5.1 Validity..............................................................................................................19

3.5.2 Reliability..........................................................................................................20

3.5.3 Ethics and confidentiality..................................................................................20

3.6 Research limitations.................................................................................................20

Chapter 4 Research Findings...................................................................................21

4.1 Orange uk.................................................................................................................21

4.1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................21

4.1.2 Facebook page description................................................................................21

4.1.3 Interactions and content....................................................................................22

4.2 Vodafone uk.............................................................................................................23

4.2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................23

4.2.2 Facebook page description................................................................................23

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4.2.3 Interactions and content....................................................................................25

4.3 Three uk....................................................................................................................26

4.3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................26

4.3.2 Facebook page description................................................................................26

4.3.3 Interactions and content....................................................................................27

4.4 O2 uk........................................................................................................................28

4.4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................28

4.4.2 Facebook page description................................................................................28

4.4.3 Interactions and content....................................................................................30

4.5 T-mobile uk..............................................................................................................31

4.5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................31

4.5.2 Facebook page description................................................................................31

4.5.3 Interactions and content....................................................................................32

Chapter 5 Research Analysis....................................................................................34

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations......................................................37

6.1 Conclusions..............................................................................................................37

6.2 Managerial recommendations..................................................................................37

6.3 Future research.........................................................................................................38

References 39

Appendix I 43

I.I Orange UK Facebook Posts.......................................................................................43

I.II Vodafone UK Facebook Posts..................................................................................56

I.III Three UK Facebook Posts.......................................................................................58

I.IV O2 UK Facebook Posts...........................................................................................79

I.V T-Mobile UK Facebook Posts..................................................................................80

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List of Figures

Figure 1 “Customer Engagement Cycle” (Sashi, 2012).........................................................11

Figure 2 "Digital Marketing Framework" (Kierzkowski et al., 1996)....................................11
Figure 3 Orange UK Facebook Page......................................................................................22
Figure 4 Vodafone UK Facebook Page..................................................................................24
Figure 5 Three UK Facebook Page.........................................................................................27
Figure 6 O2 UK Facebook Page.............................................................................................29
Figure 7 T-Mobile UK Facebook Page...................................................................................31

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List of Tables

Table 1 Data Gathering Structure...........................................................................................18

Table 2 Examples of Orange UK posts (Appendix I.I)...........................................................23
Table 3 Examples of Vodafone UK posts (Appendix I.II).....................................................26
Table 4 Examples of Three UK posts (Appendix I.III)..........................................................28
Table 5 Examples of O2 UK posts (Appendix I.IV)...............................................................30
Table 6 Examples of T-Mobile UK posts (Appendix I.V).....................................................33
Table 7 Comparative Analysis................................................................................................34

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Social Media has revolutionized marketing in the last couple of years as it allows marketers
to deliver instantaneous, tailored services and content to their customers. On the other hand,
customers, especially younger ones, abandon traditional Media for Social Media
services,this made it increasingly vital for marketers to understand and control this
channel.Social Media presents challenges to all sectors; this research looks at how
marketers of Mobile Operators can best use Social Media to engage with their customers.
Drawing on a literature review, this paper adopts Netnographic methodology to explore the
nature and scope of customer engagement by the leading Mobile Operators in the UK on

1.1 Background
Social Media is defined as sites where the creation and consumption of content is user
generated or sites that serve a social networking role(Berthon et al., 2012).These websites
have become some of the most popular destinations on the Internet, 76% of Internet users
have accessed Social Media websites in 2012 (Liao, 2012a). This research focuses on
Facebook as an example of Social Media as it continues to dominate the SocialMedia
websites, with 97% of Social network users having accessed the site in the year 2012 (Liao,
2012a). Facebook has 955 million monthly active users at the end of June 2012, with 552
million daily active users on average (Facebook, 2012).

Social Media evolutionwas based on the new era of user generated content on the Internet
that started by Web 2.0 (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). Web 2.0 changed the traditional
websites which were fixed and can only be viewed by their visitors, into becoming
collaborative, dynamic, and interactive plus visitors are actively participating in the
generation of the content (Adebanjo and Michaelides, 2010; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010).

Social Media became the most recent marketing phenomena because of its tremendous
advantages in the business area(Kirtiş and Karahan, 2011). Companies have preferred to
employSocialMedia as the best way to reach new customers and engage with their existing
ones(Chan and Guillet, 2011). However, companies are facing a difficult task in
understanding how to engage their customers through interaction, participation,
entertainment and innovative creativity as they must be able to make the customers a part of
the consumption process by identifying their needs and then work on to meet these
needs(Gambetti and Graffigna, 2010).

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media

1.2 Mobile operators industry

The scope of this researchis limited to the UK’s mobile operators market. That is because
there is a gap in the literature regarding the use of SocialMedia by mobile operators
anywhere in the world. 44% of the customers of SocialMedia use their smart phones to
access these websites (Liao, 2012a), which makes it more valuable for the mobile operators
to be engaged with their customers on these websites, as their target audience are already
there which is a prerequisite to have a Social Media (Dann and Dann, 2011).

The UK mobile operator market is one of the largest in Europe, both in revenue of £15
billion and number of subscribers of 83.2 million subscribers (Liao, 2012b). It is served by
5 leading Mobile Network Operators (MNO) which are: Orange, T-Mobile, Vodafone, O2,
and Three. There are also other smaller companies that are called Mobile Virtual Network
Operators (MVNO) which are companies that provide the same range of services to the
customer as the network operators.They do so by buying bulk airtime and line/access
provision services from others and rebadging them such as Virgin Mobile and Tesco
Mobile (Liao, 2012b). This research is only looking at the leading mobile network

The UK is considered as a mature market with high penetration rates and that results that
the costs of attracting new mobile phone customers are high. Therefore, mobile operators
are trying to maintain their existing customers by implementing new marketing strategies
(Jurisic and Azevedo, 2010). In the Telecommunications industry, once customers have
been acquired and connected to the network through a particular operator, their long-term
links with their operator are of greater importance to the success of the company in such a
competitive market than the links they may establish with other service providers or
manufacturers in other sectors (Gerpott, Rams and Schindler, 2001).

1.3 Aim & objectives

The aim of this study is to strengthen the understanding of the concepts of customer
engagement over SocialMedia, especially Facebookand contribute to the body of
knowledge by identifying the best practice approaches for the mobile operators industry.
The objectives of this research are:

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media

 Understand how the mobile operators are using SocialMedia (Facebook) to engage
with their customers.
 Identify the key triggers that motivate customers to engage with the materials posted
on Facebook.
 Compare the effectiveness of these mobile operators’ Facebook pages with the

1.4 Dissertation structure

This paper is organised as follows:

Chapter 2 literature review

This chapter will begin with the basic definitions of Social Media and its categories then
highlight the usage of SocialMedia in business according to the literature. In addition, the
customers’ attitudes towards businesses on SocialMediaare presented. Thereafter, a review
of customer engagement on SocialMediais provided, explaining customer engagement
definition and the customer engagement cycle and their implementation on SocialMedia.

Chapter 3 research methodology

This chapter analyses the research design chosen, explaining the philosophy, purpose,
approach, strategy and the data collection technique for this research and the reasons for
their appropriateness. Afterwards, a detailed explanation of the datagathering and analysis
is provided. Finally, the ethical issues and the limitations of the dataare stated.

Chapter 4 research findings

This chapter presents anoverview of the findings obtained from the research divided for
each of the five mobile network operators. The key points are mentioned and explained
separately for each one of them. This is structured by including a brief description of the
mobile operator. Thereafter, a description of the Facebook page of the company is
discussed then detailed observations to the customer engagementis deliberated.

Chapter 5 research analysis

The chapter combines the analysis of the findings presented in the previous chapter by
comparing the Facebook pages of the mobile operators to each other, and discuss this
analysis based on the literature review conducted earlier.

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Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter draws conclusions and summarises the key issues highlighted in the analysis
and discussion of the findings. Thereafter, it makes recommendations for the mobile
operators to improve their customer engagement on SocialMedia plus suggestions for
further research.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Social media

2.1.1 Definition of social media

Social Media is “a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user
generated content”(Dann and Dann, 2011; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). Social Media
enables Internet users from all over the world to interact, communicate, and share ideas,
content, thoughts, experiences, perspectives, information, and relationships (Scott, 2010).

2.1.2 Categories of social media

There are different types of SocialMedia, which were categorized with respect to social
presence/media richness andself-presentation/self-disclosure. The result is 6 different types
which are: blogs, collaborative projects (e.g. Wikipedia), content communities (e.g.
YouTube), virtualSocial worlds (e.g. Second Life), virtual game worlds (e.g. World of War
Craft) and SocialNetworking Sites (SNS)(e.g. Facebook) (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010).
Other types of SocialMediawere also identified such as sites dedicated for feedback (e.g.
Tripadvisor) (Vickery and Wunsch-Vincent, 2007). Social Networking Sites (SNS) have
immense capabilities that businesses can use for customer engagement that is why this
research focused only on them.

2.1.3 Social networking sites (sns)

SNS are web-based services that allow individuals to establish a public or privateaccount
within a system, communicate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and
view and navigate their list of connections and those made by others within the system
(Weinberg, 2009; Ellison, 2007). Additionally, SNS are identified by text-based
communication and the sharing of pictures, videos, and other forms of Media with a high
level of self-disclosure (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010).

The feature that all of these sites have in common is that users are able to create their
ownpersonal profile page. Users of Social networks sites engage in various activities. The
most common of these activities is called “friending” where users becomes “friends” with
other users on the Socialnetwork that they know from real life interactions, or people they
have communicated with via the virtual world of the Internet. Another popular featureon
SNS is to create groups for different events, where users can invite other users to participate

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in the event or just share their thoughts. Moreover, in the recent years, SNS have become a
place for third party developers to locate and promote their applications and games for
users to use. This has promoted the use of Socialnetworks, to the extent that users not only
communicate with people, but also have the opportunity to play games and connect with
brands (Li and Bernoff, 2011).

2.2 Usage of social media in business

Social Media marketing uses SocialMedia sites in order to raise a company’s visibility on
the Internet for the purpose of presenting its products and services. Social Media sites are
beneficial for creating Social (and work) networks and for exchanging thoughts and
information(Akar and Topcu, 2011). Seth Godin, in his book ‘Unleashing the Ideavirus’,
proclaims “marketers have to establish a foundation and process where interested people
can market to each other: Ignite consumer networks and then get out of the way and let
them talk” (Godin, 2001).

SNS’s popularity continues to grow; connecting people with just about everything they
watch and buy. People areconstantly drawn to these sites (Nielsen, 2011). SNS have
changed the traditional, corporate monologue into a two-way dialogue with customers and
prospects. They allow companies and brands to learn more about target audiences via more
convenient and affordable means, provide cost-effective communications in comparison to
traditional channels such as Radio, TV and newspapers, emphasise great,illustrativecontent
and empower companies to leverage valuable assets to attract fans, garner followers and
friends.Moreover, companies can harness the importance and relevancy of “now”, real-
time, instantaneous communications and deliver a greater reach with a multiplicative effect
of pass along, as compared to other marketing communications channels (Spredfast, 2011).

Furthermore, the interactive nature of SNS exhibits the ability to establish conversations
among individuals and firms in communities of sellers and customers. Most notably, these
sitesinvolve customers in content generation and value creation which has excited users
with its potential to better serve customers and satisfy their needs (Sashi, 2012).

Several studies were made in different industries and different countries trying to
understand how companies are using SocialMedia to engage with their customers, and to
determine the triggers that enable customers to engage with the material these companies
post on their pages on these SNS.

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2.2.1 Use of social media in retail industry

In a study conducted by Kunz and Hackworth (2011) to investigate the use of SocialMedia
by eighteen top retailers during the fall of 2009, it was found that all 18 retailers had
presence on Facebook. However, some retailers had no posts or minimal discussions, while
others were making much use of their Facebook page by having discussions, sharing
photos, positing news or questions and offering discounts. This has led to customer
engagement and satisfaction. Results did not conclude that there was a correlation between
the numbers of activities by the retailers on Facebook, to the percentage increase in the fan
base (Kunz and Hackworth, 2011).

2.2.2 Use of social media in tourism industry

Another study investigated the extent to which SocialMediawas being utilized in the Hong
Kong hotel industry. The researchers evaluated the performance of 67 hotels on 23 different
SocialMedia websites according to 18 criteria. The study found that Facebook, after twitter,
was the second most widely used SNS, but had the most extensive marketing efforts. The
most frequent and commonactivity that hotels engage in, was to promote the company’s
discounted products or services offered to general guests or sometimes, exclusively to the
online community. Other popular activities were answering guests’ inquiries, handling
complaints, and holding contests. One significant problem identified was the lack of
interaction between hotels and customers. To resolvethese issues, SNS were found to be
used as a method for sending messages other than engagement. The main reasons for this
were that the content was not engaging enough to make the customers start or participate in
the discussions and the company did not respond to customers’ posts in the past (Chan and
Guillet, 2011).

2.2.3 Use of social media in financial industry

Bonsó and Flores (2011) completed a study to evaluate the extents to which global financial
institutions are using SocialMedia to transform the way when they perform their corporate
communication. The main finding of this study was that there was a distinct lack of strategy
regarding the effective management of corporate dialogue among financial institutions. It
was found that only 3% of the financial institutions globally use SNS(Bonsón and Flores,

2.2.4 Use of social media in health industry

Park and Rodgers et al. (2011) examined 1,760 wall comments on health organizations'
Facebook pages to ascent how health organizations use interactive features on Facebook to

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promote their brand. The researchers observed that non-profit health organizations were
more active in posting to Facebook than any other health organization examined, but they
still do not take full advantage of interactive features (Park, Rodgers and Stemmle, 2011).

Another study completed a content analysis of 275 non-profit organization profiles on

Facebook, examining how these new SNS were being used by the organizations to advance
their missions and programs. The study found that most non-profit organizations
understood the importance of disclosure in their profiles, listing the administrators and
describing their organization. However, a limited number linked back to their website from
their Facebook page or used their organizational logo on Facebook. Interestingly, only a
small number of the non-profit organizations provided the mission statement of the
organization or provided a history of the organization. On the other hand, non-profit
organizations did not use Facebook to distribute organizational news. A small number of
them posted photographs, provided links to external new stories, posted news
announcements or uploaded videos. Moreover, the non-profit organizations did not
offerseveral methods to become more involved with them. The most common method was
to provide an email, and only a small number provided an outlet to make charitable
donations, listed current volunteer opportunities, provided an organizational phone number,
included a calendar of events, or listed an e-commerce store on their profile (Waters et al.,

2.3 Customers’ attitudes towards businesses on social media

The IBM Institute for Business Value surveyed more than 1,000 customers worldwide and
asked 350 executives on customers’ attitudes towards the use of Social Media by
businesses. Despite the astounding escalation of SocialMedia adoption, only a remarkably
small percentage of customers were found to engage regularly by responding to posts and
authoring content(Baird and Parasnis, 2011b). More than half of customers did not consider
engaging with businesses via Social sites. Significant gaps were found between what
businesses thought customers cared about, and what customers said they wanted from their
SocialMedia interactions with companies. In exchange for their time, endorsement and
personal information, customers expected something tangible(Baird and Parasnis, 2011a).

Another study attempted to identify the factors affecting customers’ attitudes toward
marketing with SocialMedia by questioning undergraduate students between the ages of 18
and 24. It was found that neither gender nor shopping on the Internet was effective in
determining attitudes toward marketing with SocialMedia. On the contrary, there was a

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significant relationship between the family income of customers and their attitudes toward
marketing with SocialMedia. Therefore, when the level of income increased, the attitude
toward marketing with SocialMediapositively increased, as well. Also, customers’ use of
SocialMedia, their knowledge of SocialMedia, their following of SocialMedia, and their
fears about marketing with SocialMedia all affected their attitudes toward marketing with
SocialMedia(Akar and Topcu, 2011).

2.4 Customer engagement on social media

2.4.1 Definition of customer engagement

Adobe, a software company whose stated objective is to develop tools for companies to
connect with customers sponsored surveys of managers in private as well as public sector
companies across the world regarding customer engagement (Adobe, 2008). The surveys
indicated that companies were striving to create a high level of customer engagement
defined as “an intimate long-term relationship with the customer” (EIU, 2007a, b, c, d).

In terms of strategy, “engagement refers to the creation of experiences that enable

companies to build deeper, more meaningful and sustainable interactions between the
company and its customers or external stakeholders” and proposes “It is not a fixed point
that can be reached but a process that expands and evolves over time” (Economist
Intelligence Unit, 2007b).

Forrester Consulting (2008) defined customer engagement as “creating deep connections

with customers that drive purchase decisions, interaction, and participation over time.” In
an E-marketing glossary, customer engagement was defined as follows: “The
customerengagement concept is intended to increase the time or attention a customer or
prospect gives to a brand on the web or across multiple channels” (Chaffey, 2008).

2.4.2 Customer engagement on social media

Social Media with its ability to facilitate relationships may help to conceptualisethe
marketing concept, market orientation, and relationship marketing by providing the tools to
better satisfy customers and build customer engagement(Sashi, 2012).

Social Media has developed new features to be used for customer engagementsuch as
multidirectional dialogs, allowing brands talk to the customers, customers talk to the
brands, and, perhaps most importantly, customers talk to each other. This new type of
engagementwas impossible before Web 2.0 as it was participatory, allowing users to

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participate; and user generated as most of the content and connections in an online
community were created by users, not by the brand (Akar and Topcu, 2011).

However, using SocialMedia as a channel for customer engagement raised stimulating

challenges for traditional customer relationship management (CRM) approaches. CRM
strategy, enabled by processes and technologies, is designed to manage customer
relationships as a means for extracting the greatest value from customers over the lifetime
of the relationship. These strategies typically concentrate on the operational responses
required to manage the customer. With SocialMedia, though, companies are no longer in
control of the relationship. Instead, customers using theirhighly influential social networks
are now driving the conversation, which can outperform a company’s marketing, sales and
service efforts with their outstandingimmediacy and spread(Baird and Parasnis, 2011a).

Accordingly, Brodie et al. (2011) developed a working definition for customer engagement
on Social Media,which says, that it involves specific interactive dialogue between
customers and the brand, and/or other customers. Moreover, it is a context-dependent,
mental state characterized by fluctuating intensity levels that occur within active, iterative
engagement processes. Also, it is a multidimensional model comprising cognitive, emotive,
and/ or behavioural dimensions, and plays a key role in the process of social dialogue
where other interpersonal concepts are engagement antecedents and/or consequences in
iterative engagement processes within the brandcommunity (Brodie et al., 2011).

2.4.3 The customer engagement cycle

Sashi (2012) presented a model explaining the stages of the customer engagement cycle
that consists of connection, interaction, satisfaction, retention, commitment, advocacy, and
engagement as shown in Figure 1. This model is similar to the Digital
Marketing Framework which revolves around five essential elements for success in digital
marketing, namely, attract users, engage users’interest and participation, retain users, learn
about their preferences and ultimately, relate back to users to provide customised
interactions(Kierzkowski et al., 1996), as shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 1 “Customer Engagement Cycle” (Sashi, 2012)

Figure 2 "Digital Marketing Framework" (Kierzkowski et al., 1996)

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The prerequisite for establishing relational exchange with emotional bonds is for sellers and
customers to connect with each other. Social Mediasignificantly facilitate the establishment
of connections with a large number and a wide range of individuals and firms. Customers
may use existing connections with sellers and other customers to satisfy a need or they may
seek new connections with sellers and customers outside their current circle. Sellers
searching for customers may also establish connections (Sashi, 2012). This stage can be
seen by how the company is connecting their own website with the SocialMedia for their
customers, and also by having affiliate programs with other brands to promote each other
on SocialMedia(Teo, 2005).

Once connected; the customer can interact with seller personnel and other customers. As
mentioned above, SocialMedia is a tool that enables more frequent, faster, and richer
interactions among much larger groups of connected individuals and organizations or
communities. Interactions among sellers and their customers can improve understanding of
customer needs, especially changes in these needs over time and facilitate modifications to
existing products or the development of new products to better satisfy these needs. It also
allows customers to participate in the value adding process and collaborate with sellers in
creating value (Sashi, 2012). This phase can be seen in how the company is triggering the
customers to interact on SocialMedia either by creating contests, campaigns or games, or by
starting discussions on different topics (Teo, 2005).

Only if interactions between a seller and a customer or among the members of a community
including the seller and customers result in satisfaction will they stay connected and
continue to interact with one another and progress towards engagement. Satisfaction with
interactions during anacquisitionprocess may precede or follow the purchase and
dissatisfaction at any stage can disrupt the process and result in customer exit. A high level
of satisfaction achieved when customer expectations are exceededand emotions become
highly positive has been described as not just satisfaction but delight(Sashi, 2012).

Customer retention can result from either overall satisfaction over time or
extremelypositive emotions. Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on retention,
affective commitment does not have an impact on retention, and calculative commitment

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has a positive effect on retention and recommends the inclusion of customer satisfaction as
well as calculative commitment (Sashi, 2012). This is seen on SocialMedia when the
company has dynamic content, provide hyperlinks to related sites and provide loyalty
programs to their SocialMedia fans and friends (Chan and Guillet, 2011).

Commitment in a relationship has two principal dimensions: affective commitment and
calculative commitment. Calculative commitment is more practical and results from a lack
of choice or switching costs. Calculative commitment leads to higher levels of customer
loyalty and enduring relationships with sellers. Affective commitment is more emotional
and results from the trust and reciprocity in a relationship. It leads to higher levels of trust
and emotional bonds in relationships with sellers. Customer loyalty may be considered the
result of calculative commitment to a product, brand, or company while customer delight is
the result of affective commitment to a product, brand, or company. If customers are loyal
as well as delighted, that is, customer commitment to a seller encompasses both calculative
and affective commitment, and then the customer and seller are in an enduring relational
exchange with strong emotional bonds (Sashi, 2012).

Delighted customers may keep their delight to themselves or in a connected world interact
with others in their Social networks to spread the word about their positive experiences
with a product, brand, or company. Loyal customers lacking an emotional bond to the seller
that they regularly patronize, may not offer unsolicited encomiums about the product,
brand, or company to others despite their enduring relationships with the seller or they may
offer recommendations when presented with the opportunity to do so on a purely rational
basis free of emotional attachment (Sashi, 2012).

When delighted or loyal customers share their delight or loyalty in interactions with others
in their Social networks and become advocates for a product, brand, or company, the
foundation has been laid for proceeding to the next and perhaps most critical step in the
cycle, customer engagement. Both customer delight and customer loyalty are vital for
customer engagement. In other words, customer engagement requires affective commitment
as well as calculative commitment or trust as well as a commitment between sellers and
customers. Customer engagement occurs when customers have strong emotional bonds in
relational exchanges with sellers (Sashi, 2012). This stage can be perceived in how the

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company personalizes their SocialMedia page according to their customers, how they
respond to their customers either by using a universal message or a personalized message
and also how long and how often they respond (Chan and Guillet, 2011; Teo, 2005).

2.4.4 Customer engagement and word of mouth

Peer-to-peer discussions and recommendations, which are called Word-of-mouth for
marketers, are among the most trusted forms of customers’ communication(Carl and
Noland, 2008). According to another definition, Word-of-mouth is an “informal
communicationdirected at other customers about the ownership, usage, or properties of
certain goods and services and/or their sellers” (Doyle, 2011; Westbrook, 1987). The
positive word-of-mouth is recognized as anextremelyvaluable tool for promoting a
company’s products and services. Considering its non-commercial and unpaidnature, this
method of personal recommendation is viewed with less scepticism than firm-initiated
promotional efforts (Herr, Kardes and Kim, 1991).

Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) has been facilitated by the rise of Internet-based media
and Social Media. eWOM is defined as “any positive or negative statement made by
potential, actual, or former customers about a product or company, which is made available
to a multitude of people and institutions via the Internet” (Hennig‐Thurau et al., 2004) .
SNSs are an ideal tool for eWOM, as customerscan easily spread brand-related information
in their established social networkscomposed of friends, classmates and other
acquaintances(Chu and Kim, 2011).

The customerengagement begins again afterengagement, as an engaged customer, willmake

others aware of a brand via eWOM. Then the progress continues and goes through the cycle
again (Trusov, Bucklin and Pauwels, 2009).This is considered as a marketing phenomenon
called “Viral Marketing” defined by its ability to encourage customers to pass along a
“marketing message”. It depends on the high pass-along rate from one to another, which
can cause animmense overall growth if a large number of customers shared something to
their friends, while the overall growth will decline if the pass-along numbers get too low.
Moreover, outbound Word of mouth can be easily tracked electronically such as the
number of shares made by customers on Facebook (Trusov, Bucklin and Pauwels, 2009).

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Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the methodology of the research is described and justified. The research
design selected is explained in detail, defining the philosophy, purpose, approach, strategy
and the data collection technique. Then the data gathering is explained followed by a
discussion of the method used to analyse the data.

3.2 Research design

3.2.1 Research philosophy

The philosophy for this research was Interpretivism, which implies that the world of
business, especially marketing, is too complex to be theorised by specific rules as there are
many interpretations of reality.However, these interpretations are in themselves a part of
the scientific knowledge they are pursuing plus simple, fundamental laws are inadequate to
understand the complications of the markets and cannot be simply generalised(Saunders,
Lewis and Thornhill, 2009; Blumberg, Cooper and Schindler, 2005).Accordingly, this
research had an Interpretivism philosophical approach, as its outcomes may not be
applicable to other industries or countries, plus the researcher had a subjective
interpretation of reality.

3.2.2 Purpose of the study

This research can be considered as a combination of an exploratory study and a case study.
An exploratory study is an extensivepreliminary work that needs to be done to gain
familiarity with the topic, understand what is occurring, obtain a solid grasp of the
phenomenon and reveal some pattern (Bougie, 2010). This suited the circumstances of this
research as not much was known about the engagement on customers using SocialMedia
especially for the telecommunications industry. A case study is an in-depth contextual
analysis in similar situations used for problem-solving (Bougie, 2010). This also suited the
subject of this research as a comparison between the different companies and how effective
they are in engaging with their customers on SocialMedia.

3.2.3 Research approach

The chosen approach for this research was the Inductive approach, which is based on
empirical evidence. The inductive reasoning is defined as the extrapolation of a theory from

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data already in possession, the researcher starts by collecting the data in the field and lets
the theory emerges from it (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). This approach was the
most appropriate for this study because the topic of SocialMedia was significantlynew and
not enough research had been done about it, especially in the telecommunications industry.

3.2.4 Research strategy

This research used a combination of two types of strategies which were case study and
Netnography (virtual ethnography). A case study as a strategy is defined as doing a research
which involves an empirical investigation of a particularcontemporaryphenomenon using
various sources of evidence (Robson, 2002). This strategy was of particular interest to this
research as it helped in gaining a strong understanding of the context, and it has the
potential to answer the questions of “how” and “what”. Netnography is an online marketing
research or ethnography adapted to the study of online communities(Kozinets, 2002; Hine,
2000). This strategy was also the most suitable for this research as it was required to
observe the behaviour of how the companies were engaging with their customers online on
SocialMedia (Facebook).

3.2.5 Data collection technique

The datais empirical evidence or information that is gathered carefully through the use of
rules or procedures. The technique used in this research is qualitative, which is gathering
data using the form of words. The purpose of a qualitative data collection is to achieve a
deep understanding of a problem, before proceeding to the more analytical portion of the
study (Bougie, 2010). The qualitative data is collected to get a larger knowledge about
factors that cannot be directly measured or observed(Bougie, 2010). The qualitative
approach was the most suitable for the proposed research question, as the aim was to create
a deep and richstudy, rather than a broad one, plus the intention was to incorporate a small
sample in order to create a profound understanding of the research problem.

3.3 Data gathering

3.3.1 Data gathering method

After evaluating the available qualitative methods, the researcher chose to conduct
observations, more specifically nonparticipant and systematic (i.e.structured). Observation
is considered one of the least expensive and most accurate methods of collecting purely
behavioural data. Performing observation as a data collecting method entails listening and
watching other people’s behaviour, which leads to an understanding and thus, an analytical

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interpretation of the respondents(Bryman and Bell, 2010). Nonparticipating observation,

which is collecting the data without becoming an integral part of the system, is
frequentlyused to obtain insights into research behaviour and related issues(Sekaran, 2006).
The structured (systematic) observation is the method in which there are explicitly
formulated rules for the observation and recording of the data (Bryman and Bell, 2010).

The main advantage with observation is that the researcher can collectempirical data in a
natural setting. Moreover, one can understand the observed behaviour and the situation
more accurately, and capture the dynamics of Social behaviour in a way that is not possible
through questionnaires(Bougie, 2010). Therefore, this method was chosen as it was
required to observe the behaviour on Facebook, how companies communicate to their
customers and whether they keep their customers engaged. Another rationale for choosing
this particular method was that it was more appealing to explore current events on
Facebook, and not historical ones.

3.3.2 Data sample selection

Considering the research being a qualitative case study, the researcher aimed to select a
relatively small sample size. Time aspects and resources were also taken into account. In
order to have a usablesample of data, the companies chosen should be active on Facebook,
by regularly updating their page with posts and such, in order to generate much empirical
information and should have enough likes from customers on their Facebook page to
guarantee that they have enough customer activity that can be observed.

After researching the Facebook pages of all the mobile network operators (MNO) and the
mobile virtual network operators, it was found that only the 5 main MNO have Facebook
pages that pass the criteria mentioned before. The companies chosenand their Facebook
pages are:

Orange UK:

Vodafone UK:

Three UK:

O2 UK:

Three UK:

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3.3.3 Data gathering structure

It was required to have a set of procedures that describe the activities to be performed to
empirically establish the existence or extent of existence of what is described by a
theoretical concept, which is called operationalization (Bryman and Bell, 2010).Operational
definitions are essential in measurement, and they show the researcher what to observe in
order to bring the phenomenon defined within the range of the researcher’s
experience(Bougie, 2010).

By evaluating the literature review, the concepts that were most prominent and that should
be emphasized when gathering data were identified. The operationalized variables are
explained inTable 1. Operationalization provided an understanding of what to observe
while carrying out the data collection and a guideline of what conclusions would be

Operationalized Guidelines for observing

Subscribers How many likes does the company have and is this number increasing?
Services Is the company providing different services on their page? i.e. Draws,
competitions, forums,…etc.
B2C messages Is the company sending out messages to the customers? What messages are
they communicating?
Activity With what frequency is the company updating their page?
Dialogue Are the customers posting comments to the company? If so, is the company
responding to the customers?
Customers’ Are the customers triggered to participate and comment on the company’s
stimulation page?
Customers’ Are the customers posting comments on the page? How often do the
comments& activity customers post comments or participate on the company’s page?
Response How and when does the company respond to the customers’ posts?
Table 1 Data Gathering Structure

3.3.4 Data gathering schedule

In order to gainvalid results, the data would be gathered during similar conditions for the 5
mobile operators. It was decided to collect the data during a one month period, which is
from 25/7/2012 till 25/8/2012 in order to generate useful dataas more data would have
needed more time and resources that were not available. When conducting the observations
the researcher carefully studied the companies’ Facebook pages by using the
operationalized variables as indicated in the structure.

The observation was done in 2 phases for each Facebook page. The first phase was a
general observation of the page, including the number of subscribers it had and the services

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it provided. The researcher took notes while shifting through the page and the different tabs
it contained. The second phase was a collection of all the posts on the page by the
pageadmin and other users as well whilst also collecting the number of comments, likes and
shares that each post had. This data was collected by the researcher in an excel sheet
format. The data collected can be seen in Appendix I.

3.4 Data analysis and display

In chapter 4, the research findings are displayed with analysis made per company. The data
collected for each Facebook page was divided into 2 main categories. First, is the Facebook
page description, this includes the variables subscribers and services from the structure
shown before in Table 1. In this part, number of fans for each page is mentioned, relating it
to the existing number of customer for the operator and the increase in this number through
the studies period is also mentioned. Thereafter, a detailed description of the tabs that the
Facebook page provides is illustrated.

The other category is the interactions and content this included the rest of the variables
regarding B2C messages, activity, dialogue, customer stimulation, customer comments
activity and response, shown before in Table 1. First, the number of posts which the
pagehad, is mentioned with a description of its variation through the studied period. In
addition, the number of likes, comments and shares for these posts are demonstrated.
Thereafter, an analysis of customers’ posts and the companies’ responses are emphasised.
Finally, the posts with the highest engagement according to the number of comments, likes
or shares are shown and coded to discern any pattern.

In chapter 5, an analysis of the data presented in chapter 4 are displayed with a critical
assessment in relation to the theoretical literature discussed in chapter 2. A comparison
between all the findings of the different Facebook pages is first displayed in a table format
to see the differences between the different companies, followed by a discussion for the

3.5 Data quality and ethics

3.5.1 Validity
Validity can be defined as the extent to which a measurement represents characteristics that
exist in the phenomenon under investigation (Sekaran, 2006). The datagatheringstructure
(the operationalized variables) was created based on the literature review completed. The
items were selectively adopted and modified to fit in the context of Social Media so as to

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verify the validity. Furthermore, the data was collected by using a “copy and paste” method
from the Facebook pages into an excel sheet. All the data collected was saved and shown in
appendix I to guaranteevalidity. Finally, in order to create more external validity, it was
decided to conduct replicable several case studies rather than a singular case study for one
of the mobile operators.

3.5.2 Reliability
Reliability is to which extent the research results can be repeated if the study would be set
up in an identical or similar way and refers to the stability of a measure (Bryman and Bell,
2010). In order for this study to be reliable, various case studies were conducted. In
addition, the data collection and the data analysis was carefully documented and declared in
the datagatheringsection.

3.5.3 Ethics and confidentiality

The data collected for this research was from the Facebook pages as previously mentioned.
Even though, there was no approval from the owners of these pages, the datais available
online to anyone and no privacy was broken. However, due to ethics and integrity, it was
decided not to include names of any customers that happened to be observed to maintain
confidentiality. Therefore, in the collected data shown in Appendix I, the names were
replaced by the word “customer” with a random number given to each customer. Only the
companies that were observed were mentioned by name.

3.6 Research limitations

The method of collecting the data by observation was quite time consuming in order to
generate useful data the observation period had to be extended to only 30 days.The
timeaspect was one of the major limitations,more time would have generated more depth in
the results. In addition, since there was no agreement with the owners (administrators) of
the Facebook pages, there was no access to the additional data that Facebook provides to
the pages’ administrators through “Facebook Insights”, such as demographics, page views
and unique page views, tab views, external referrers andMedia consumption. This
additionalinformation would have added more depth to the conclusions.

Moreover, the research only focused on the Mobile Operators in the UK, more time and
resources would have been needed to includeinternational companies. The other limitation
is that the study only focused on one SocialMedia website which is Facebook, statistically
the most popular and successful one based on the literature review, as a way to generate a

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more delimited, narrow study. However, more time would have been needed to explore
other SocialMedia websites such as Twitter and Google Plus.

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Chapter 4 Research Findings

In this chapter, the findings from the data collected through observations are provided. The
outline of this chapter is structured company by company, firstly including a brief
description of the mobile operator. Thereafter, a description of the Facebook page of the
company is deliberated then detailed observations to the customer engagement is discussed.

4.1 Orange uk

4.1.1 Introduction
The Orange network was launched in 1994 and bought by Mannesmann AG in October
1999, which itself was subsequently acquired by Vodafone in February 2000.
Vodafone was required to sell Orange due to regulatory concerns on the grounds of
competition, and in May 2000 was purchased by France Telecom. As at January 2012, the
brand has over 15 million customers in the UK (Liao, 2012b).

4.1.2 Facebook page description

Orange UK joined Facebook on 27 October 2010. The number of fans on the page in
August 2012 reached about 25,100, which is only 0.15% of their customer base. However,
there was an increase of 27.21% in this number in the last 30 days. Even though, there is a
clear link from the Facebook page to the website, there is no link on the website to any kind
of SocialMedia.

Orange Facebook page, shown in Figure 3, provides different services to its customers.
First, they have a link to another Facebook page called “Orange Helpers” which has two
people availableonline from 9am to 5.30pm every weekday dedicated to answering
customers’ questions. In addition, they have a “private message” tab, which customers can
use to send a question. Some tabs are dedicated to certain promotions and offers such as
“Samsung Galaxy 3S” and “U24 Videogram”. Orange also engages with customers by
having competitions on their Facebook page such as “Where’s Romeo” and “Snap to Win”.

Another tab that Orange has on their Facebook page is the “Tariff Selector” tab, which is a
step by step questionnaire to help the customerselect the best plan that suits him/her best.
Last but not least, orange provides a tab called “Swapables” dedicated for the extra
subscriptions they provide their customers with other brands such as “The Times”, “Mobile
TV” and “Russel Grant Astrology.”

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Figure 3 Orange UK Facebook Page

4.1.3 Interactions and content

In the period of 30 days, Orange posted 74 new posts, with an average of about 2.5 posts
per day and this ranged from no posts on some days to 7 posts on some other days. The
average number of likes per post per day was around 15 ranging from no likes to some
posts to a maximum of 37 likes to one of the posts. The average number of comments per
post per day was 16.2 with a minimum of 0 and maximum of 80. The average number of
shares is 0.34 shares per post per day with 0 minimum and maximum of 4. Moreover, 84%
of the posts were accompanied by a photo and 12% were accompanied by a video, while
the remaining posts were different such as a question.

Customers posted around 229 posts in the period of 30 days, on an average of 7.5 per day.
Orange UK responded to about 73% of the customers’ posts. About 18% were answered
more than 24 hours after the creation of the user post, while 17% were answered in less
than 8 hours. It was also noticed that the response for any question was usually just a link to
the “Orange Helpers” Facebook page instead of providing an answer right away, or it was
an excuse to a complaint from the customer. However, there was individual follow up in
some cases to confirm that the query has reached the helpers.

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Post Likes Shares Analysis
Discover how many of your friends and
family are on Orange / T-Mobile UK with the The post clearly encouraged people to
free U24 mobile app. comment and Orange
132 25 0
Tell us which phone you have, below, and respondedaccordingly,which increased the
we'll reply with the right link to download number of total comments
Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to
win: The post asked a question as part of a
Clue 3: I’ve seen some big churches in my 110 46 0 competition and provided a link to the
time but this one takes the biscuit... I could competition tab for people to join
really go for a biscuit right now.
23 years old or under? U24 gives you 1GB of The post was a promotion for people under
data, unlimited calls and unlimited texts (to 24 with a link to the promotion tab. It
80 37 0
Orange and T-Mobile) every month - find out started a backlash from people aged over
more: 24 calling Orange ageist
Win a 5-star city break, guess which city
Romeo is using his Travel Angel app and
Travel Saver weekly bundle in today. To The post was an advertisement for a
enter, click here: 14 103 0 competition with a link to its tab. This post
Follow Romeo’s clues, guess the mystery city, had the biggest number of likes
and you could win a luxury break to join him
Clue 1: I'm not fussy where I bathe, I've
bathed in puddles, ponds, swamps, I once
even bathed in a dog bowl. But this is the This was also part of the same competition
most amazing bath I've ever seen! 54 40 11 with a link to its tab. This post had the
Guess where I am andyou could win a trip biggest number of shares.
here - enter on the Facebook
Table 2 Examples of Orange UK posts (Appendix I.I)

It can be seen from the examples inTable 2 that a competition such as “Where’s Romeo”
that Orange UK has launched, causes a lot of customer engagement. Customers are excited
to answer the question and join the competition. On the other hand, customers were not
happy with a certaincampaign “U24” and considered it as ageist and that created a debate
and lots of comments. It can also be seen that the number of shares were relatively low,
which causes the customer engagement cycle to end at the customer who are already
connected without attracting new customers.

4.2 Vodafone uk

4.2.1 Introduction
Vodafone UK Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vodafone Group plc., which is the
biggest mobile communications company by revenues from its global operations across
Europe, Africa, Middle East and the Asia-Pacific countries (as at the end of 2011).
Vodafone was first established in 1982 when it was awarded a mobile license in the UK. As
at the end of 2011, Vodafone had 19.3 million customers (Liao, 2012b).

4.2.2 Facebook page description

Vodafone UK joined Facebook on March 6, 2009. The number of fans on the page in
August 2012 reached about 569 thousand, which is about 2.9% of the customer base. The

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increase in the number of fans in the last 30 days was about 3.1%. There are no clear links
between the Facebook Page and the company website. There is a link on the website to the
Facebook page under “Getting in touch” at the bottom of the first page, and there is a link
to the website from the Facebook page that can be only seen in the “About” tab under
“Contact Info”.

Vodafone Facebook page, shown in Figure 4, has different tabs that offer loads of services
to customers. “Got a Question” provides a community forum for Questions and Answers,
which is linked to the forum available on Vodafone website. The “Tech Team” from
Vodafone employees is responsible in answering the queries with a promise to respond in
less than 24 hours. Moreover, there are the top contributors from the community that
Vodafone calls “Community Experts” who have a specific badge next to their username
when they answer a question. There are hundreds of “Customer Experts” on the forum, and
they are ranked according to the amount of support they provide through a reward system.
These “Community Experts” also provide answers that sometimes will resolve the
customer’s issue with no response from Vodafone. In addition, customers can search in the
forum using tag words to find a similar question that has been answered before.

Figure 4 Vodafone UK Facebook Page

Another tab that provides a plethora of information is the “YouTube Videos” tab, which is
linked to Vodafone UK YouTube channel. The videos are divided into different categories,

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and each category is divided into subcategories, which enables a customer to find the video
that he/she is looking for. The videos provide information about different handsets
&devices, general troubleshooting hints and tips and Vodafone products and services; in
addition to videos from TV Ads and promotional campaigns. The number of videos was
about 600 in August 2012 and had around 17,443,723 video views.

Vodafone also provides a tab called “Vodafone VIP” that customers can register for further
experiences from other brands such as “London Fashion Week”, “Warehouse” and
“Formula 1”. Furthermore, “Vodafone Freebees” is another tab that provides customers
with free SIM cards with excellent rewards, which they can order directly from the
Facebook Page.

4.2.3 Interactions and content

In the period of 30 days, Vodafone UK posted 48 posts with an average of 1.6 posts per
day, which ranged from no posts on one day to a maximum of 3 posts per day. The average
number of likes per post per day was around 165 ranging from no likes to some posts to a
maximum of 1078 likes to one of the posts. The average number of comments per post per
day was 78 with a few of 0 and most of 321. The average number of shares is 1.5 shares per
post per day with 0 minimum and maximum of 24. Moreover, 44% of the post where only a
status, 24% of the posts were accompanied by a photo, 20% were accompanied with a link
and 6% were accompanied by a video, while the remaining posts were question type.

Vodafone UK does not allow customers to post directly on the page. Customers have to go
to the “Got a Question” tab to post any query they have. The number of user posts was
around 1450 post,which is an average of 48.3 posts per day. Almost all questions were
either answered by a person from Vodafone “Tech Team” or one of the “Community
Experts” or both. It was noticed that the response was usuallyextremelyhelpful and
satisfactory to the customer, and a private message sometimes will be sent to the customer
with more details regarding his specific case.

It can be seen from the examples in Table 3that customers get engaged when the post is
made of a question, even if there was no prize, customers will be interested in giving their
opinion. Also, customers will hit like as a response to a post saying “hit like”. Moreover,
customers got engaged with posts regarding a competition and a luckdraw.

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Post Likes Shares Analysis
Which of these colours looks the best? There’s a The postasked customers to
342 332 19
pink one on its way too… comment with their opinion
If you could WIN your BlackBerry Curve 9320 in The post also asked a question
one of our exclusive colours, which would you 321 280 15 about what the customer think
choose; Classic Blue or Vivid Violet? and asked for them tocomment
Mobile maths: add up all the numbers in your mobile The post was a fun post that
phone number and tell us what your total sum is. Let’s 257 43 0 encouragedthe customers to
see who’s got the highest number out there… enter into a fun simple game
How many times a day do you check your mobile phone? The post clearly asked the
58 1215 0
Hit LIKE if youcouldn’tcount it on two hands! customers to press like
Hooked on your mobile? Hit LIKE if your phone is The post also askeddirectly to
64 1078 0
in touching distance at all times of the day! press like
Hit LIKE if you want £500 to spend on a new wardrobe The post was a campaign for
AND a night at The May Fair - official hotel of London! Vodafone VIP with “London
52 844 0
You could feel like a VIP with Vodafone at Fashion” plus asking customers
Vogue London Fashion's Night Out. Enter now... to like it
Win a BlackBerry Curve 9320 on Vodafone Pay as you A post regarding a draw to win
98 175 27
go in the Vodafone ‘Brighten Up’ photo prize draw a new phone
Table 3 Examples of Vodafone UK posts (Appendix I.II)

4.3 Three uk

4.3.1 Introduction
Three UK was established in 2003 as part of Hutchinson Whampoa Limited, which offers
mobile services in the UK and globally under the 3 (Three) brand. It is currently the
smallest of the MNOs in the UK. As of August 2011, Three UK had about 7.5 million
customers (Liao, 2012b).

4.3.2 Facebook page description

Three UK Facebook page was created in 2007. The number of fans on the page reached
60,711 in August 2012, with an increase of 4% in the last 30 days. This number of fans
represent about 0.8% of Three UK customer base. On the official website, there are clear
links to all the SocialMedia websites, including the Facebook page. Also on the Facebook
page, under “Contact Info” in the “About” tab, there are links to the website, blog and other

The Facebook page, shown in Figure 5, has only a limited number of tabs. The “Support”
tab provides videos that containhelpful tips and advice, with a search option for customers.
The number of videos available is about 19 videos. Moreover, there are links to the website,
regarding other topics such as help with mobile phones or mobile broadband. In addition,
there is a “Contact Support” button that opens a form that customers can use to send a
query to the support team. Another tab on Three UK Facebook page is called “Win”, which
provides a competition every couple of days.

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Figure 5 Three UK Facebook Page

4.3.3 Interactions and content

In the period of 30 days, Three UK posted 29 posts, with an average of about 1 post per
day, but it actually reached 3 posts on some days, while on other days, there were no posts
at all. It was also noticed that there is a trend in the posts timing; all posts were on
weekdays, and no posts on weekends at all, plus most of the posts were posted around noon

The number of likes per post per day was on average 81 likes, which reached 197 for one of
the posts. The number of comments per post per day was on average about 36 but reached a
peak of 195 once. The average number of shares per post per day was 4 shares, and was
almost 0 for all posts; however, it reached 14 for one post. Moreover, almost 65% of the
posts were accompanied by a photo, 6% were only a status, 10% were accompanied by a
link and the rest were accompanied by a video.

Customers posted 1430 posts in the 30 day period, with an average of 46 posts per day.
Three UK responded to about 79% of these posted. Ten percent of the responses were after
24 hours while about 45% of the responses were in less than 8 hours. It was noticed that
Three UK only answered when the post was a question or a query by providing ansolution,
a procedure or a link to what was meant to be done. On the other hand, Three UK did not
comment on most of the posts that contained a complaint or a negative feedback. Also, it
was noticed that the employees work only on weekdays and no posts were answered on

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Post Likes Shares Analysis
Afternoon! Apparently the average age we getour handson
a phone these days is 9 yrs 8 months! We were a *little* bit The post presented a fun fact
195 57 0
older when we got ours ;-) How old were you and what was and asked a fun question
Fancy winning some exclusive summer prizes?...ohyou do?
The post was a campaign to
Then head over to our Win tab and get involved! We've put
83 217 0 the “Win” tab, which provided
the clue to a Jessie J track into Google maps, go check it
out and see if you can guess which! Lol. ;-)
Roll up, roll up! Round 3 of our comp is under way! Head
over to our‘Win’ tab and see if you can work out which
The post was another link to
Maverick Sabre track we’re talking about from our 37 197 14
the competition.
Instagram snaps. There’s a trip to Ibiza in it, so get
Like’ this if you’re waiting for the next big smartphone? The post provided a link to
We have just the thing for you, SIMs built for their own blog, and directly
54 146 1
Internetting :-) Starting at just £6.90, with lots of flexible askedthe customer to like the
options. post.
Who's ready for another comp?? Round 2 has just kicked
off onour‘Win’ tab. We’ve had a go at sketching a Jessie J The post was also a promotion
52 134 0
song title in Draw Something (It’s harder than it looks!). to the “Win” tabcompetition
Enter for amazing Summer prizes :-)
Table 4 Examples of Three UK posts (Appendix I.III)

It is clear from the examples in Table 4that customers got engaged when the posts were
about a competition in three of these examples. Moreover, customers got engaged when
there was a fun factand when they were asked a fun question regarding their age ortheir
first phone.The comments on these posts were either answers to the questionor made fun of
the new fact posted by Three UK. Customers also responded positively when they were
asked to “like” a specificpost which was a link to Three UK own blog.

4.4 O2 uk

4.4.1 Introduction
O2 UK is a part of the TelefónicaO2 Europe group which comprises integrated, fixed and
mobile businesses in the UK, Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Established in 2001, following the demerger of BT Wireless (mobile business) from BT
Group, O2 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telefónica S.A. It is also part of the Tesco
Mobile joint venture business in the UK. As at the end of 2011, O2 UK’s total mobile
customer base was 22.16 million, which remained flat from the previous year (22.21
million) (Liao, 2012b).

4.4.2 Facebook page description

O2 UK joined Facebook on 10th of November 2008. The number of fans on the page in
August 2012 was about 596 thousand, with an increase of 5% in the last 30 days. This
represents a 2.67% of their customer base. At the bottom of the official website, there is a
link to follow their SocialMedia (Facebook and Twitter);while on the Facebook page there
is a link to the website only under the “Basic Info” and “Contact Info” in the “About” tab.

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O2 UK provides many services on their Facebook page, shown in Figure 6. The “Get in
touch” tab has 4 different services. The first one is “O2 Just Ask”, which opens a new
window to have a live chat with a customer service representative. Secondly, O2 created an
online virtual agent called “Lucy” in the second service “Ask Lucy”, which provides
answers to customers’ queries and suggestions of other questions asked by other people.
Also, there is a link to O2 Twitter account, which offers support and advice to customers.
Last, but not least, there is a link to “O2 Forum”, which is a virtual community that
contains information about products, services and different mobile devices.

Figure 6 O2 UK Facebook Page

The “Pay & Go Top-up” is another tab that enables customers to top-up their O2 pay and
go phones using a credit card. On the other hand, “O2 | Free Sim” tab offers the customers
to order a new SIM card from a wide range of options provided with detailed information
about each option. The “Priority moments” tab provides exclusive deals and offers with
other brands such as Zizzi, Toni&Guy, National Express and WHSmith.

Other tabs on the O2 UK Facebook page are about the different activities that O2 are
involved in. “International Events” has details about some events that O2 organized to
celebrate the cultures of different countries such as the Caribbean and India, plus providing

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information about prices to call internationally. “O2 Learn” has a video library of short
revision lessons to help students; best videos are also awarded by O2.

4.4.3 Interactions and content

In the period of 30 days, O2 UK posted 37 posts. There were no posts on some days, while
on other days, there were 5 posts, but the average was 1 post per day.Most of the posts were
around noon time or earlier, but none were after noon time. 56% of the posts were
accompanied by a photo, 15% were accompanied by a link, 15% by a video and the rest
were a mixture of questions and status updates.

The average number of likes per post per day was 588, with a peak that reached 3,843 likes
for a specific post and a minimum of 30. The average number of posts per post per day was
about 76 comments, with a maximum of 224 comments on one post and a minimum of 3
comments on another. The average number of shares was 74 shares per post per day, with a
maximum that reached 440 shares for a certain post.

O2 UK does not allow customers to post on the page. Customers have to go to the “Get in
touch” tab described before and choose their favourite way to get in touch with O2.
Moreover, no one is able to see other customers’ posts, as it is being done in a private
session between the customer and O2.

Post Comments Shares Analysis
The post was a funny text
Busted! {with a photo of a funny text message thread on
224 3843 440 message that made people
an iPhone}
comment, like and share
Another funny post that people
Oh, this guy is GOOD. His love = indestructible.{with a liked, shared and commented
140 3326 387
photo that contains an old Nokia phone} saying their opinion about this
old Nokia phone
Priority Moments, Angry Birds and Instagram are all great
Another funny post that people
apps… But how good would this be?! {With a photo of an 141 1829 209
liked and shared.
app called “Ex-Girlfriend Radar”}
Who wants to be a millionaire? Now's your chance with A promotion for a competition
Insane Bolt Ons: (invisible friend and 158 1208 68 sponsored by O2, with a link to
disco pig also available) the competition
Who wants to be a millionaire? Now's your chance with
Another promotion for a
Insane Bolt Ons: (invisible friend and 159 1457 108
competition sponsored by O2
disco pig also available)
This day 16 years ago the Nokia Communicator 9000 A post about the old Nokia
launched. It was high spec with camera, email and web 141 1956 81 phone. The postreceived a large
browsing – Like? number of likes.
Table 5 Examples of O2 UK posts (Appendix I.IV)

It can be seen from the previous examples in Table 5 that the funny posts were extremely
popular on the O2 Facebook page, receiving a large number of comments, likes and shares.
Also, customers engaged with the posts regarding a competition called “Insane Bolt”.

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Moreover, a photo of an old phone from 16 years ago was appealing to many people to
press the like button and to comment with their memories with this certain phone.

4.5 T-Mobile uk

4.5.1 Introduction
T-Mobile, originally called Mercury One2One, was first launched in September 1993. The
company was acquired by Deutsche Telecom in 1999 and rebranded as T-Mobile in 2002.
A merger of T-mobile and Orange was announced in September 2009, and a new company
called “Everything Everywhere” was officially formed in April 2010. As of January 2012,
the company has over 12 million customers (Liao, 2012b).

4.5.2 Facebook page description

T-Mobile UK joined Facebook on October 8, 2012. In August 2012, the Facebook page had
slightly more than 130 thousand likes, which represent around 1% of their customer base.
There was also a 3% increase in the number of likes of the Facebook page in the last 30
days. There is a link to the website from the Facebook page under “Contact Info” in the
“About” tab. On the other, there is no clear link from the website to the Facebook page.

T-Mobile UK Facebook page, shown in Figure 7, contains different tabs. “Get your FREE
SIM” is a tab that offers customers the opportunity to order a free SIM card from T-Mobile.
The “Shop” tab is a promotion to a certain phone, with a link to the website that provides
more information. The “Twitter” tab is linked to T-Mobile Twitteraccount providing a live
update to all the posts on twitter.

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Figure 7 T-Mobile UK Facebook Page

Another tab called “What’s Your Line Up”, built jointly with Motorola, allows customers
to create a Social graph (photo) with some of their friends from Facebook, and then shares
the photo on the customers’ wall on Facebook. Furthermore, these customers enter into a
draw to win a new headset.It was noticed that during the process of creating the photo,
customers needed to approve that the application will collect data from their page and post
on their wall, which might prevent people from continuing. Moreover, the status posted on
the customers’ wall contains a link to Motorola Facebook page but not to T-Mobile page,
so it does not attract more customers to T-Mobile page.

Finally, the “What Britain Loves” tab provides a link to the website called by the same
name, which is run by T-Mobile. The website provides information about different
activities and events that can be done around UK such as “Notting Hill Carnival”, “Exam
Results Day” and “Lord’s Test Match”. There is also a link to T-Mobile Facebook page
from this website.

4.5.3 Interactions and content

In the period of 30 days, T-Mobile UK posted 52 posts with an average of less than 2 per
day. There was almost consistency of 2 posts per day, one early in the morning and the
other at noon time. The average number of likes per post per day was around 48 likes, with
some that exceeded 200 likes. The average number of comments per post per day was
around 25 comments with a maximum of over 100 comments for 2 posts. Customers rarely

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shared any of the posts from T-Mobile except for 2 certain posts that had a large number of
shares of 108 and 77.

Customers posted around 1,009 posts in the period of 30 days, with an average of 33 posts
per day. This average was exceeded tremendously on certain days; due to either issues on
the T-Mobile network or issues with the phone customer care service that prevented
customers from calling them. T-Mobile has a Facebook team that respond to users’ post
with an addition to their own name. However, this team only responded to 71% of the
users’ posts. On the other hand, the responses were usually in less than 24 hours.
Additionally, the responses provided valuable information or a request for a private
message with more details to provide a better response.

Comment Share
Post Likes Analysis
s s
All hail the novelty slipper:! The post contained a funny photo
What kind of silly footwear do yousport at home 11 293 77 with a link to an activity on “What
when nobody's watching? Britain loves” website
Pasties: food of the gods but not the taxman. The post also had a link to what
Hit 'Like' if pasties taste better without 6 244 0 Britain loves, and a direct request to
VAT! customers to hit‘like’
The post was a funny photo and a
Comedy tattoos are still permanent. What's the link to a couple of other funny ones
18 243 108
funniest ink you've spotted: on their website “What Britain
The post was a direct question about
Do you remember your first mobile phone?
customers’ first phone. Customers
144 50 0
were interested in mentioning their
What was it, and more importantly; how big was it?!
This was also a direct question about
The year's not over yet... but what's been your best
129 27 0 what customers’ best phone of the
phone of 2012 so far?
Another question about the best
Mobile photographers, this one is for you: what's the
92 26 0 phone for pictures, customers were
best phone for taking pictures?
interested in saying their opinion
Table 6 Examples of T-Mobile UK posts (Appendix I.V)

It is clear from these examples in Table 6that customers were interested in funny photos
and links and that excited them to share these photos and links with their friends. Also,
customers responded well to a direct request of “Hit ‘like’”. Direct questions to customers
about their experiences and opinions also interested customers to comment with their
answers, but not to share with their friends.

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Chapter 5 Research Analysis

This chapter provides an analysis of the data and findings presented in chapter 4 with a
critical assessment in relation to the theoretical literature discussed in chapter 2. Table 7
provides a summary of the data for all the Facebook pages in a comparison with each other.

Facebook Page Orange Vodafone Three O2 UK T-Mobile


Number of Fans in August 2012 25,100 569,852 60,711 596,298 130,000

Percentage of Customer Base 0.15% 2.90% 0.80% 2.67% 1%
Increase of fans in the 30 days period 27.21% 3.10% 4% 5% 3%
Average Number of posts in the 30 days 2.5 1.6 1 1 2
Average number of likes per post per day 15 165 81 588 48
Average number of comments per post per 16.2 78 36 76 25
Average number of shares per post per day 0.34 1.5 4 74 2
Average number of Customers posts 7.5 48.3 46 NA 33
Percentages of posts' Responses 73% 100% 79% NA 71%
Table 7 Comparative Analysis

Vodafone UK and Orange UK were found to have the highest number of fans on their
Facebook pages and the highest percentage of their customer base. It was noticed that both
of these pages had a separatetab for answering customers' queries, and both had a virtual
community for customers to help each other or a virtual online agent that
responseimmediately. This confirms what was mentioned before in the literature review
thatFacebook communication is more personal than traditional marketing channels since it
enables companies to be in direct contact with their customers, and customers receive the
company’s messages within seconds and vice versa(Spredfast, 2011).

On the other hand, Orange UK made an attempt to have “Orange Helpers” to answer
customers’ queries, but it was a link to another page instead being directly on the same
page. Additionally, responses were only given on week days from 9am to 5pm. This might
explain the reason of having a high increase in the number of fans in the 30 days period but
a smallnumber of fans at the end, as customers will be attracted initially but may

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leaveshortly afterwards as they will not get answers quickly. This also confirms what was
mentioned in the literature review that the contact between the company and the customer
is personal on Facebook since customers are able to participate in a direct dialogue with the
company, where they can ask questions, propose suggestions or leave criticism and get a
response from the company quickly (Baird and Parasnis, 2011a).

It is necessary to try to engage customers through communicating with them, since on the
Internet it is difficult to attract visitors and develop personal relationships. When customers
are engaged and involved, they seem more likely to revisit the Facebook page (Sashi,
2012). O2 UK was the most successful in having the best engagement with their customers
measured by the numbers of likes, comments and shares combined. From the analysis done
before, it was noticed that humourand ironywas what made O2 successful. This is also
confirmed by some of the posts that T-Mobile UK and Three UK had, and experienced a
high number of comments, shares and likes. This was not mentioned in any of the literature
and can be considered as a contribution from this research

Moreover, other trends that were successful in engaging customers can be noticed from the
different Facebook pages. Posts regarding competitions on 4 out of the 5 companies
(Orange UK, Vodafone UK, Three UK and O2 UK), had relatively high engagement from
customers. This agrees with what as mentioned before in the literature review considering
draws and competitions as one of the most engaging criteria on SocialMedia(Chan and
Guillet, 2011; Teo, 2005).

Furthermore, Vodafone UK was the most successful in creating a virtual community on

their Facebook page under their “Got a question” tab, which was illustrated previously.
This is in correspondence to the literature review that stated that customer engagement is
not only the interaction with the company but with other community members as well, as
Customers can take part of each other’s experiences, learn from each other and
communicate. The communication between customers takes place in the comments under
the company’s posts or customers’ posts (Brodie et al., 2011).

In order to generate engaged customers and build a successful Facebook page, the company
must regularly update the page(Akar and Topcu, 2011). Most of the observed companies
updated with one or several posts each day, as well as answering customer comments. The
company constantlysent out new messages in the form of posts, videos or contests.
However, Orange UK and Three UK hardly ever posted anything on Weekend, which can

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be considered as a drawback, as some customers might have more time to check Facebook
on weekends than weekdays.

In addition, it was noticed that most of the posts from all companies were accompanied by
photos. These posts received more attention from the customers according to the number of
likes and shares they had. An explanation for this could be because photos are always a
better way to send messages to customers, apart from messages via text. The messages in
this case are being visualised and therefore, increases customer engagement, as it has been
proven positive in previous studies (Kunz and Hackworth, 2011).

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Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions
The aim of this research was to understand how the mobile operators are using the
SocialMediaespecially Facebook to engage with their customers and identify the key
triggers that motivate customers to engage with the materials posted. The research showed
that the companies are using Facebook as a tool to involve and engage with their customers.

Communication on Facebook is characterized by speed. Companies update their pages

regularly in order to sustain customer interest and not be forgotten. The companies often
communicate with their customers by answering their questions and comments, thus
keeping up with the paste of the customers. In the digital world, companies have to be alert
in order to meet the competition and the demands of the customer.

Most of the mobile operators researched used the tools that Facebook provided such as
separatetabs for answering customers' queries and building virtual
communities.Furthermore,when communicating to customers, the messagewas always
visualized through photos, and the posts were being done on a regular basis to keep
customers engaged.

As discussed in the literature and proved from the analysis, competitions and draws were
found to be one of the triggers that motivated customers to get engaged. On the other hand,
humour was never mentioned in any of the literature as one of the triggers, but it was found
in this research, and can be considered as the contribution to the literature, on two different
Facebook pages that funny posts received a lot of likes and shares.

6.2 Managerial recommendations

This research has showed that being active on Facebook today isvery common for
companies, as it isa fast way to reach out to customers and establish a dialogue and
relationship. By being active on Facebook, a company can learn much about its customers
and their preferences and needs. The results of this research can be used as a guideline that
companies canfollow in managing their Facebook pages.

For the companies that have been studied, it can be clearly seen that Orange UK and Three
UK are the ones that needed some improvements to be able to attract more customers to
their page and have better engagement with them. For Orange UK, it is recommended to

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focus on the quality of the posts instead of the quantity, plus a better approach in the
responses to customers’ queries needs to be taken. For Three UK, it is recommended to
expand the services provided on the page, and maybe vary the timings and the dates of the
posts to make sure they are being seen by the customers.

6.3 Future research

This research brought forward the importance of Facebook as a contemporary
communication tool for companies and their customers. The research has contributed with a
fundamental insight into how communication is carried out on Facebook. The subject is
considered relatively new, and not much research had been done on it. Other researches that
confirm the findings of this research and others are still needed, in particular the use of
humour as a way for engaging customers. Further research can be done by analysing data of
longer periods and more companies and various industries.

Moreover, a suggestion for future studies would be to investigate other Social Networking
Sites such as Twitter and Google Plus, and compare the analysis with the ones made on
Facebook. The drawbacks and negative aspect of companies active on Social Media could
be a suggestion to focus on for future researchers, as well as to investigate whether it could
have negative effects on the relationship between the company and the customers.

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Appendix I

I.I Orange UK Facebook Posts

Lik Comme Shar
Name Post Type Time
es nts es
customer hello I am unable to connect to and other sites on internet, though some others works just fine... status 0 2 0 26/07
94 03:57
customer Fix internet! make sure is available not just for 10 min! status 0 0 0 26/07
95 05:41
customer When is big useage your broadband internet crashes instantly! I can not wait for your 4G. I will take contract on my name. And if I will experience similar thing like on your status 0 29 0 26/07
96 broadband, I will get back every single penny I spent! Including dongle! Deal? :) 05:43
customer Give me internet! Give me internet! I deserve internet and its not FREE!!!! status 0 0 0 26/07
97 06:18
99 06:20
customer ur contract sucks big time my mum has had 3 new phones been charged for them and still cant make phone calls or texts i think tradeing standards should be involved status 1 2 0 26/07
214 08:00
customer can we get a phone mast in esh winning please?!?! or close?? paying 50 quid a month for a phone that gets no signal is getting ridiculous status 0 2 0 26/07
24 12:26
customer actually hate orange I've been waiting 2 weeks for an important letter! which i was told would only take 3-4 working days! what a joke this phone company is they are quick enough to status 0 0 0 26/07
23 send you your bill and junk mail. But something you actually need takes forever! I've phoned up for a second letter last week and its still not here! Pissed off isn't the word! can't wait to 15:21
get away from this bull shit company!
customer Text 3060402 to 69937 for 'Night Time by Tyler Shemwell...G-ESTEEM/I'm i doing too much/Or losing my touch/...a brilliantly written song about "can't wait until night time to status 0 0 0 26/07
226 party," with lines like,/Riding through the slum/Where i'm from/A place where crack fiends and fat girls love me the most/Some never made it home to take their work clothes 17:06
off/Afraid they gonna miss something/.-"Real and A Good Time"STAY BOW-LEGGED & THICK. G-ESTEEM (Presidential Election Nov 6, 2012) 44-Life
customer Hi orange,My name is Varut Rintanalert and it seem that there is a misunderstanding about the termination of my contract. I have called orange call center since october 2011 to status 0 5 0 27/07
51 terminate my number 07856* but it is seem that up until now I am still getting charge by your company to my account at 42.60 every month. Please terminate my account otherwise I 03:10
will tell my bank to block all the transaction, charge back and spread all this story about how orange's customer service played a tricked on me. Thanks.
customer Another day another broken promise from the Orange support team. The mantra of "it will be fixed by 5pm tomorrow" is clearly just a script as I have had that message for the past 4 or status 0 1 0 27/07
70 5 days now. And during that time no phone. Absolutely appalling service, totally regretting moving from Vodaphone. Will wait and see what happens at 5pm tomorrow, while 04:09
searching sky for flying pigs, and breaking out a pen and paper which may make a comeback if Orange has their way ... Time to buy shares in Royal Mail !!
Phones Ed Sheeran - You Need Me, I Don't Need You (Official Video) | | Get Ed's debut album '+' on iTunes: Amazon: video 0 0 0 27/07
4u U.S. & Canadian Fans! Get the "The A-Team EP" here: h... | We’ve decided that week is MUSIC WEEK! We know that you're listening to music via your 07:00
mobiles, so we have a treat for you this week thanks to our friends at Deezer and Orange UK! Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow for more info. What are you listening to on your
mobile this bank holiday? |
customer This network is shit!!! Any 1 reading this! DO NOT change networks to thies sneeky shits! I'm forever on the fone!!!! Ud be better off not using ur phone. An just walkin to tell the status 0 0 0 27/07
65 person! :@ 09:09
customer Im with orange well was i wud nt recomend anyone using them ther shit they say u have gone over your mins when you havnt and charge you more on your bill than they should never status 0 0 0 27/07
3 use orange there shit...... 13:40
customer Orange are crap status 6 5 0 27/07
5 13:41
customer Wrappz | | If you own Apple�s expensive and most delicate iPhone 3Gs then buy attractive Wrappz iPhone 3 cases and other accessories. You can go to video 0 0 0 27/07
213 for latest iPhone 3 cases and for other accessories. | How iPhone 3GS cases can make your iPhone attractive and eye catching? | 23:31
customer Just a thought but why moan about a contract after u chose 2 sign up.. Just PAYG! Simple. status 0 3 0 28/07
188 01:56
customer Since nobody seems to respond to email complaints I'm posting this copy of my email here in the hope it might get more attention!To: [email protected]: status 5 17 0 28/07

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 44

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
56 COMPLAINT - For the attention of the Managing DirectorDate: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 21:40:15 +0100Dear sir/madam,I am emailing to complain about your complete failure to provide 02:37
any kind of adequate customer service to me.I rang on 7/7/12 to request an unlocking code for my orange pay monthly Nokia C3 handset. The lady I spoke to asked why I wanted one
and I explained that I wanted to use a free Lycamobile SIM in the handset once or twice a week in order to ring my mother in Cyprus for 1p per minute (a service which Orange seem
unable to provide). The lady said there would be a £20 charge to unlock the handset and I said I wasn't happy to pay this as I would still use my mobile as normal for all other calls and
since I don't currently ring my mother on my mobile on a regular basis, Orange would not be losing any of my custom. She said she'd have to check with her supervisor and who agreed
that due to the reason I wanted the code and the fact that I've been a customer for so long they would agree to waive the fee. I was asked to provide the IMEI number and the code
would be emailed to me within 7-14 days. I was not asked to provide my email address (as a result I assumed this information was on your records given that you seem to be able to
email me with offers and other unsolicited information!).When, after 14 days or so I had received no email I called back, and was advised by a gentleman this time that his colleague
was incorrect and should have told me it would be up to 30 days. He told me that as I'd only made the request on 7/7/12 I must wait another couple of weeks before I chased again. I
was disappointed to have been misinformed but I accepted his explanation and kept checking my emails.Then on Friday (10/8/12) at approximately 9.00pm and more than 30 days after
my original request, I rang again, as there was still no email. This time a lady told me that the original request had not been properly completed. Apparently this was because you didn't
have my email address. Why did the first person I spoke to not ensure that they had my email address? Why did the second person I spoke to not realise that the request had not been
completed because you did not have my email address?I expressed my disgust at these events, but confirmed my email address to her and was told by your agent that she would put the
request through again urgently. I said fine reiterated the agreement that the fee would be waived. She said the first agent should never have told me the fee would be waived, that it
would be £20. I told her that wasn't good enough and she said that since I'd been kept waiting for so long she would waive the fee, put the request through again and I could expect to
receive my code in up to 7-14 days! This was absolutely unacceptable given that I've already been waiting for more than 35 days already. She said that since the first request had not
been completed this was treated as a completely new request. I requested to speak to a manager and she informed me none was available at that time (9.15pm) and that since the call
centre closed at 10.00 she could not promise me a callback that day, but I would get a call from a manager on Saturday.Needless to say nobody rang me on Saturday (11/8/12) and
instead I was forced to ring your call centre once again in the evening at around 9.00pm. This time I asked to speak to a manager straightaway and was told in no uncertain terms that I
would have to pay the £20 fee. That nobody should have agreed to waive it, and that it would be a wait of up to 7-14 days for it in any case. I told her this was unacceptable and asked
to speak to her manager. She said this was not possible and I therefore asked how I could escalate my complaint. She gave me an email address of
[email protected] (although I find the above email address under your complaints code of pratice on your website!). I explained that I expected to be in
possession of the code today (13/8/12), free of charge, she felt she could not promise this.I am totally amazed by the catalogue of customer service errors and problems. If you cannot
arrange for me to be sent the unlocking code (to this email address) by the end of the week and free of charge I will be taking my business elsewhere when my contract expires. And I
will be sharing this awful customer service experience with as many people as possible. I would also like some compensation for the inconvenience I have been caused and the time it
has taken me (going through your ludicrously lengthy push button menus) to get even to this unsatisfactory point.I hope to hear from you very soon with a resolution.Yours
sincerelyHeather Lewis
Page How often do you use your phone's camera to take pictures?No matter what age you are, you can now share more of your photos and comments with your friends using our U24 photo 13 4 0 28/07
Admin Videogram Facebook app: | 03:20
customer Any ideas when Orange are releasing the Windows Phone 7.5 Tango/Refresh update for HTC Mozart please? status 0 2 0 28/07
167 03:55
Phones Let's Dance | | | Let's have a little dance, shall we? Click the play button of the playlist below and you'll get 18 million songs on your mobile and computer FREE for link 0 0 0 28/07
4u 15 days, a little treat from our pals at Deezer and Orange UK! | 04:00
Mobile Mobile Choice Consumer Awards 2012 survey | | | Hey guys, we've had 17,500 votes in the Mobile Choice Consumer Awards 2012 survey! If you want to link 0 2 0 28/07
Choice win Best Value Phone, Best High Street Retailer, Best Customer Service, Best Customer Care and Best Network then remember to tell your fans. Good luck :) | 05:03
customer After leaving Orange due to poor Customer Service some 5 Months ago. Yet again I have been let down due to your Poor and incompetent staff at your Customer Care/Call Centre. status 4 2 0 28/07
34 You wonder why after 20yrs your Loyal customer are Leaving You . 06:38
Orange Wall Photos | You and up to 5 of your Facebook friends can star in a personalised Videogram (a bit like a movie, but made up of your Facebook photos): Just visit photo 0 0 0 28/07
Film Thanks to our brothers and sisters at Orange UK, just select which friends you want to feature, and wait as it turns your images into a unique 07:41
Club montage.And, if you're under 24, you can take advantage of Orange's new U24 offer too. Lovely. |
Page Which handset are you currently using? Our Dolphin 7 SIM Only plan gives you 250MB data, 150 minutes, 500 texts + all the usual benefits of being an Orange customer, and lets you photo 17 7 0 28/07
Admin keep your current phone: | 08:19
111 08:38
customer Can you help we wairing area managering to contact from newbury store since end of May please help status 0 3 0 28/07
219 08:52
customer the real shit status 0 0 0 28/07
103 10:16
customer I have been an orange customer for years, and signed a new contact at a franchise store in December for around £17 per month, I then find out that fir the last 6 odd months I've been status 5 15 0 28/07
12 getting charged £36 per month for the same contract. Dialled 150 for help to be told I had to go through the store. Went to the sure today to be told that they well have to contact orange 10:36
to see what can be done. I have the copy of the contact I signed and i'm not happy with the service provided!! Well be changing service provider as soon as I can!!

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 45

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer | | | We all have to pay for our essential services - Gas, Electric, Mobile Phone, Internet, Landline etc every link 0 0 0 28/07
64 month. This is what I term Residual Debt. Whether we like it or not, we all pay these bills anyway! What would you say if I could show you a way of getting paid for using these 11:41
services? PM me for further details or visit my website and allow me to show you how to turn your RESIDUAL DEBT into RESIDUAL INCOME! No
brainer really. =D |
Phones Let's Dance | | | What did you think of yesterdays playlist? Hit the link if you’ve not done it yet and find out about Deezer on the Orange UK Panther plan. Oh and link 0 0 0 29/07
4u listen to some top tunes FREE for 15 days too! | 03:33
customer After a month of repeatedly contacting Orange phonelines, I have now come to the realisation that nobody in your call centres has any idea what they're talking about. Every time I call, status 2 1 0 29/07
11 I get a different response and I'm left without a phone for the entire period because you don't have the ability to help. I don't usually use SocialMedia sites for this purpose but to say I'm 06:53
disappointed in the service would be a massive understatement. I pay for a phone service, is it too much to ask to receive that?!?!
Page Searching for your big break? We're teaming up with Absolute Radio to offer one lucky winner a six month paid apprenticeship. Find out more: | http://photos- photo 22 0 2 29/07
Admin 08:23
T- Wall Photos | One million children in the UK don't know where their next meal is coming from. Recycle your old phone with Mobiles4Meals, together with Orange UK and photo 0 0 0 29/07
Mobile - | 10:48
customer I swear all customers should get a free £10 top up, because not having signal for this long is baddd... status 0 1 0 29/07
197 12:51
customer Looking at all the negative stuff on this wall from other people I feel I should share my experience with Orange. I was a loyal Vodafone customer for several years, despite having status 1 3 0 29/07
196 consistently received abysmal customer service from them (long hold times, poor signal, serious issues cancelling contracts). I switched to Orange 2 years ago on an iPhone contract 15:16
and have never looked back. The longest time I have ever had to wait on hold to customer services is less than 10 minutes, and every time I ring them they are so helpful and do exactly
what I need.I have also recently started working for Orange, and their benefits are fantastic, along with providing a fab working environment. The company really do their best, and I
would just like to big up Orange UK!
Phones Let's Dance | | | Today we are listening to Payphone by Maroon 5. For access to 18 million songs on your phone with Deezer, don’t miss out on their free trial. Click link 0 0 0 30/07
4u the play button for unlimited music on your mobile FREE for 15 days, you can thank Orange UK for that one. Tell us your tune of the week? | 00:58
Page Do you need assistance with something? If so, the Orange Helpers (our dedicated customer support team here on Facebook) are standing by to help. Simply drop them a line using their photo 10 1 0 30/07
Admin contact form: | 02:17
customer Everything Everywhere gets 4G Go-ahead from Ofcom | | Everything Everywhere gets 4G Go-ahead from Ofcom | link 1 0 0 30/07
45 everywhere-gets-4g-go-ahead-from-ofcom.html | 04:25
customer How match the iphone4s ? status 0 1 0 30/07
10 06:23
Page When is your next upgrade due?When the time comes, simply speak directly to the Upgrade Team on 150 (or 450 if you're on Pay As You Go) | photo 20 41 1 30/07
Admin ash3/542445_406250299439402_149244604_s.jpg 07:20
Page Enjoy unlimited calls, texts and 1GB of data for just £36 a month on The Works: | photo 16 11 0 30/07
Admin ash4/418721_407979432599822_1474682778_s.jpg 10:00
customer Will orange be doing a 4g dongle? status 0 0 0 30/07
209 13:02
customer i have an idea about a project for the orange network. any way forward? status 0 1 0 03/08
7 05:10
customer Berlin status 0 2 0 03/08
15 05:15
Page Photos | Where's Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: | photo 5 6 0 03/08
Admin 06:00
customer 18,700 people obviously don't have your broadband. status 1 2 0 03/08
8 06:38
customer HELP... I was messing around with my i9000, and now my EFS folder is empty, have no signal, phone not finding sim card or imei number. Is there a way of getting this back? status 0 1 0 03/08
36 07:16
Page Photos | Where’s Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: 3: Didn't think pigeons liked music huh? Ever noticed how our heads bob along like we're listening to photo 5 2 0 03/08
Admin music? Well all pigeons carry around mini MP3 players with them... nah just kidding, we just walk funny :) | http://photos- 08:06
Orange Wall Photos | Win a 5-star break in a mystery European city with Orange UK.The city in question is the setting for a film where a young man must keep his mother unaware of the fact photo 0 0 0 03/08
Film that a certain Marxist leader isn't around anymore...Think you know where it is? Submit your guess via this link: | 08:17
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: Clue 4: Oh sweet someone's left a euro in the Photoautomat, AKA the photo-booth. Say cheese! | Clue 4 | photo 7 2 1 03/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 46

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Admin Where’s Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: Clue 4: Oh sweet someone's left a euro in the Photoautomat, AKA the photo-booth. Say cheese! | http://photos- 09:12
customer Pleaseee can you create a Windows Phone verson of the U24 app status 0 0 0 03/08
25 09:22
Page Guess where Romeo's been using his Travel Angel app today and you could win a 5 star luxury break.To enter, go to our Facebook tab: | http://photos- photo 18 2 1 03/08
Admin 10:30
customer Help. I need to know the best way to deal with a complaint against an Orange "customer support" agent who felt to threaten me because he has access to my name, address etc.Any status 1 0 0 03/08
221 usual complaints of the nature, I usually get "we need 2 weeks to listen to the call, and we'll call you back" ..I don't understand why it would take 2 weeks to listen to a call and why 10:35
Orange never call back. Awful service.
customer try berlin status 0 0 0 03/08
47 11:25
customer Really is a waste of time trying to sort out ANY complaint with you guys, I am consistently ignored - This has been going on for MONTHS!!! I have demanded a release from my status 0 2 0 03/08
168 contract but all you do is avoid your errors - poor show Orange. 12:02
customer My iPhone's just changed its display name to say "NothingEverywhere" status 0 0 0 03/08
224 12:53
customer i can safely say orange as a mobile network provider are the most abysmal shower of a company i have ever dealt with....customer service is by far and a way the worst i have ever status 0 0 0 03/08
27 experienced if it wasnt going to cost me 857 pounds to buy out my contract i would be long gone........STAY AWAY PEOPLE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED 13:19
customer I've asked for my bbm to be on like 7 times and you have still not put it on :( status 0 0 0 03/08
32 13:21
customer Another customer discusted with Orange customer service. I was told to be quiet and to listen to him, he wouldnt put me through to his manager, and he refused to unlock my phone status 1 1 0 03/08
31 telling me i had to go else where. Discusting 13:34
customer 08444* these people keep texting me and all the sites lead up to this network how the hell do you get rid of these texts status 0 0 0 03/08
20 14:01
customer Wen ya car clener fuck up ring 5 star clean car status 1 1 0 04/08
2 01:11
Page Win a 5-star city break, guess which city Romeo is using his Travel Angel app and Travel Saver weekly bundle in today. To enter, click here: Romeo’s photo 12 1 0 04/08
Admin clues, guess the mystery city, and you could win a luxury break to join him there | 01:24
Page Photos | Where’s Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: 5: Ah the Neptune fountain, I've heard there's a TV tower around here somewhere... | http://photos- photo 8 3 1 04/08
Admin 01:40
Page Photos | Where’s Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: 6: Ah what, 986 steps?! Lucky I'm a pigeon! Wings engage, see you at the top slow coaches! via photo 15 19 2 04/08
Admin PhotoSynth | 05:00
customer Hello Orange. I came hear to complain about ur top-up *prizes* which seem geared only towards England/London. Tickets for concerts in London??? That's going to cost Scottish status 0 0 0 04/08
194 customers a lot of money for fares/hotels etc. I think you had better rethink this strategy or face losing SCOTTISH customers. 06:24
customer Just a shame orange signal is sooooo poor in sutton. Called the business 150 line to find a call q time of 45mins! status 0 1 0 04/08
61 09:58
Page Clue 7 | | | Video description copy: Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: Clue 7: That is one big gate, the garden must be ma-hussive. I wonder if video 6 13 0 04/08
Admin they've got an over-sized bird feeder. | 10:29
customer Really pissed off with Orange mobile. They rip me off with £12 per month phone insurance, only to then tell me I'm not covered because I reported the damage after 48 hours. Can't status 0 1 0 04/08
69 believe I've received such poor service! Emailed them with a complaint and they've ignored me! Seriously going to consider moving to an alternative contract when this one expires. Be 10:39
warned everyone!!!!
customer Wheres tweeto and the funky bunker? status 2 1 0 04/08
75 11:58
Page Guess where Romeo's been using his Travel Angel app today and you could win a 5 star luxury break.To enter, go to our Facebook tab: | http://photos- photo 13 1 0 04/08
Admin 12:55
customer hope ur havin a fab holiday pal xxx status 0 1 0 04/08
22 14:22
Page Photos | Win a 5-star city break, guess which city Romeo is using his Travel Angel app and Travel Saver weekly bundle in today. To enter, click here: photo 5 1 1 05/08
Admin Romeo’s clues, guess the mystery city, and you could win a luxury break to join him there. | 01:30
customer I have the sky sports swappable but when I watch it even on a really good internet connection it buffers a lot and the picture quality Is terrible Im using a Samsung galaxy's s3 any status 0 1 0 05/08
29 help ??? 01:34
Page Clue 8 | | | Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: 8: Apparently the most famous polar bear in the world used to live here. Awwww I think this video 9 15 2 05/08
Admin giraffe wants to be my friend. | 01:34

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 47

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Page Photos | Where’s Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: 9: Just chilling out on the grass in front of the Altes museum. Might wonder over to the fountain in a photo 13 21 0 05/08
Admin minute, see if I can chat up some local birds.via Cinemagram | 05:00
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: | Clue 10 | Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: | photo 15 7 1 05/08
Admin 09:13
customer Germany status 0 1 0 05/08
30 10:29
customer Your customer service advisors are the biggest con artists I've ever known. Even more so than Vodafone. Obviously, your computer systems aren't worth cow's manure. Sick to death of status 3 6 0 05/08
106 constantly being given mis-leading information by your staff, and can't wait for the day that my contract ends with Orange. Anyone thinking of getting a contract with Orange, don't. 11:15
The phone and the reception is great. Their Aftersales and billing team are wonderful, but you have to get through the customer service team, and they are incompetent as hell. I would
like to make an official complaint and being told by the customer service team that I have to make the complaint to the representative....yeah, right.
customer Oi Orange! What's this nonsense that you're giving under 24's an extra 1gb of data and unlimited calls and texts, if they're on a monthly plan where they pay over £15 a month??? I'm status 18 13 0 05/08
57 28, my plan is over £45, I never miss a payment and have been with orange around 7 years, yet I get nothing? I don't get unlimited calls or texts in my extortionate plan!I think that's 11:56
ridiculous and think you's should get your act together and stop discriminating against age!!Might need to look for another provider who values their current & long term customers a
little more!!!!!!!!!
customer 45 minutes on hold status 0 0 0 06/08
203 04:04
customer orange disgraceful status 0 0 0 06/08
204 04:04
customer not only 3 masts down status 0 0 0 06/08
205 04:05
customer no means of accessing my account status 0 0 0 06/08
206 04:06
customer disgraceful response and disgraceful that i have been told first that i need my account password to be told why the service isnt working... status 0 7 0 06/08
207 04:12
customer ive just got a samsung galaxy 3 and have signed up for the swapabbles. is there a app or anything i can put on my homepage so i can quickly open it to watch or do i have to go throught status 0 2 0 06/08
200 orange webpage everytime ? 05:32
Page Today is your final chance to win a 5-star trip to our mystery European city...Check out Romeo's clues on our profile and submit your guess on our competition tab before midnight photo 16 2 3 06/08
Admin tonight: | 07:22
customer Hi there,how can I get an offer of upgrade?My current contract is about to end in next 2 months and I consider staying for next one. status 0 2 0 06/08
72 08:40
Page Just under 6 hours left to win a luxury break to our mystery European city...Do you know where Romeo's been on his travels? Check out the clues on our profile and submit your guess photo 12 2 1 06/08
Admin through our competition tab: | 10:38
customer I am writing in great frustration to report your poor performance of your service that I have been subjected to ever since I have been with Orange since 2008.To start with I have been status 0 1 0 06/08
182 with Orange since 2008 and from the very beginning your network coverage is very bad. I have called your technical team a number of times and we have been through the 14:30
troubleshooting a million times. I have moved to different parts of Brighton and yet the signal are never as good as your competitors (namely Vodaphone). Its not just a comparison,
but the precisely the reason to switch to their services.1. I took my chances with Orange when I signed with another contract since last november 2011. I have a Samsung Galaxy
Nexus, and it is a good phone however, your network just doesn't seem to help. First, I hardly get network, so the use of mobile internet is of hardly any convenience as I end up not
using it due to lack of poor network. As you will be able to notice that only last month, my usage was high for the reason I spent a lot of time in central London which is only place I
think your network works. While I see all the other networks effective, its only that Orange is not working properly. Since last 3 months, I have called your technical teams a number of
time as I rely on mobile internet a lot more than before. We have gone through troubleshooting yet again, changing the network to Orange/t-mobile/orange t-mobile and trying all
different sort of combinations. The technical guy ran all the diagnostics and finally failed to conclude but mentioned that the coverage is indeed poor in the area and technical team
recommended me to write customer services to let your team know that technical team was unable to resolve the issue. I, myself being an network engineer is not ignorant of the fact
how mobile communication works. Your services has been appalling. The call disconnects and the network disappears abruptly leaving me struggling even to make a call least use
internet over mobile. Your team have offered compensation which I only received a part of it. Its more like a carrot and stick approach where I am offered nothing but a hope. On a
practical side, your engineers asked me to ask you for a a proper compensation after concluding that there has been a network failure for 4 months. I hope that you will be able to go
through my account and see how long i have been with Orange. I have been patient with your service all the while and I think its high time that your sort out your services.
customer I am with orange and recently went on a cruise. Was sent numerous messages to buy data package at £3pday for save30MB, I replied to accept the bundle. Did not receive any message status 0 5 0 06/08
183 to say it wasnt working. My brother who didnt take the bundle was on same cruise. We compared notes and found we both been charged for a mass of data even though we were 14:49
careful. When I followed up with Orange i was asked if I phoned Orange before I went on holiday, was told that they cannot differentiate when someone is at see for purpose of
sending the text selling the bundle but that it doesnt work at sea! I got ripped off and the customer service person was so cheeky as to suggest that if i had money to go on a cruise that it
shouldnt be a problem.Someone was supposed to get back to me but nobody bothered. I think their service is sadly lacking! If you take this package it will probably be a rip off too.
customer YOur (or your friend T-Mobile) mast is down covering a lot of TQ13 area my postcode is (TQ13 8NQ) . Please advise when it will be fixed thanks. Lot of very unhappy people in this status 0 1 0 07/08
175 part of the world where, until recently, you were the only game in town. Others have coverage here now. Your call centre is not helping by saying 'no coverage' and other silly stories. 01:09

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 48

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
All of us have had Orange for years and the 'no coverage; story makes you look silly. Please advise exacrly what is going on and an ETA for repair thanks. As I have said your call
centre is not helping and as a friend said 'my cat makes more sense' - Thanks
Page Did you manage to guess where Romeo was using his Travel Angel app? The correct answer was BERLIN! Stay tuned - we'll be announcing the winner of the 5-star break later photo 17 1 0 07/08
Admin today…Romeo and this Travel Angel app will be back on Friday when he flies off to his final mystery destination: | 01:52
customer how do you check your mins and texts ect when your on contract? status 0 3 0 07/08
73 02:09
customer my mam is having a problem getting her account details online, she switched from pay as you go to a monthly contract. When she logs onto her account and it still says she is on pay as status 0 4 0 07/08
62 you go and she cannot get to see her bills. She changed over a month ago. Please help. 03:42
customer How do I download an unlimited text message package? status 0 1 0 07/08
19 07:38
customer I would like to say a HUGE thank you to mike littlewood & helen stevenson of orange after going that extra mile today , as i was aput to terminate my contract with orange after 3 status 1 3 0 07/08
81 years. A shame all orange staff are not all so helpful example the team leader darren and guy john wo have wasted my time frlast 2 weeks ... Mike & Helen you are a credit to orange 08:33
thanks again xx
Page Congratulations to Christiane Martin, winner of the luxury break to our mystery city, Berlin:"I have been to Berlin many years ago when the wall was still there, so I can't wait to see it photo 16 6 0 07/08
Admin now: Checkpoint Charly, the Sony Centre, Brandenburg Gate… to mention but a few!"Thanks to everyone who entered - Romeo's back on Friday for his final European adventure. 09:20
Make sure you stay tuned for your chance to win our final 5-star luxury break: |
customer can i get the details ACtually i havent made up my cv i donot how to make it..i can give you my details so that you can contact me my email address [email protected] and status 0 1 0 07/08
55 phone+923415384744, secondly i am apllying for student visa in UK i am not the british national.should i apply for student visa or work visa??/because i also want to pursue my degree 12:01
and also do the job
customer when is the problem with the swapables goin to be sorted? status 0 2 0 07/08
210 14:56
customer I was told my number would have been ported today but I've waited all day. Any reason how this may have not happened? status 0 1 0 07/08
202 15:34
customer Firstly, I changed my contract over to my girlfriends name and asked for the billing details, e.g. direct debit to be kept the same. Yesterday she received a letter saying we hadn't paid status 2 3 0 08/08
198 our bill and I would be cut off after 5 days. I imMediately phoned up and made a payment via the automated system and setup a new direct debit going to my bank account. I thought 04:59
that would be the end of it - but no - today I have been disconnected. I called up and Orange wouldn't deal with me as I am not the account holder. I originally asked for my name to be
put on this account as well as my girlfriends and I was told this was done - but I guess it wasn't. After a few calls, I found someone who was willing to help and she has checked the
payment that I made last night and she has lifted the bar on the phone, although that could take 24 hours. That's 24 hours without service that I have paid for because of Orange's fcuk
up.Second, why advertise offers like U24 when no one from the call centre knows how to add it.......? I'm sick of trying to get it nowOrange please contact me. I have messaged you
with my phone number, thanks.
Page Approximately how many texts do you send on an average day?If you're 23 or under, U24 gives you unlimited texts to anyone on Orange and T-Mobile UK: | photo 15 34 2 08/08
Admin 06:37
customer Good Afternoon Mobile Number – 0797387* and 0779431*Account Number - 70777207 I am writing this complaint due to the appalling service I have experienced over the past status 0 1 0 08/08
26 6 months. I am a loyal customer of Orange and have frequently recommended friends and family to Orange. Unlike other mobile phone providers, I thought Orange was a reputable 07:52
company and had never experienced any problems before. I can tell you now that I will never recommend anybody to orange again and will be cancelling all of my services with
you at the soonest opportunity and take my business elsewhere if this matter is not resolved ASAP. I also have had no response to the letter I sent 3 weeks ago nor have I had a reply
from Mr T Alexander whom I emailed 3 weeks ago.I will start from the beginning to give you a better understanding of my overall experience so far.........1. I ordered the new Iphone 4
S 64GB for my partner on the 4th January 2012. I was advised the phone was out of stock but we would have the handset within 4 weeks. I left my contact details and the store manager
'Dave' assured me I would receive a phone call in a couple of weeks to collect my new phone. 2. Three weeks later and I still hadn't heard anything. I went online, found the store
number and called them.....nobody answered so I left a voicemail requesting someone to call me back and left my contact details.3. The next day I still hadn't received a call back so I
called the store again........nobody answered again. I kept trying and eventually on my fifth attempt someone answered and told me that they were expecting a delivery tomorrow and the
manager would call me the next day to advise when we would be getting the phone.4. Another week later and still had no idea when we would receive the phone so we went in to the
store to speak to someone in person. We were told we were at the top of the list and would be next to receive a phone. 5. Another 2 weeks pass by and it's now the middle of February, 6
weeks after we ordered the phone. Again we visited the store and again told we were next on the list. I find it hard to believe that not a single Iphone had been delivered to the store in 6
weeks. All this was blamed on Apple not supplying or ordering enough stock for the demand. 6. Out of frustration I called 150 of my mobile to see what I could do to get this resolved
and was told that I could have the phone I wanted the next day but they couldn't apply corporate discounts and it had to be done in store. The operator advised that I should not have
been waiting this long as there had not been any stock problems since January. I thanked her for her help and advised her I would wait for the phone to be delivered to store as I wanted
the discount. 7. Finally at the beginning of March after calling the store numerous times and visiting on 4 separate occasions we are told we can collect the phone. We go in to the
store the following Saturday. I was then told that orange had stopped the discount for Fujitsu employees back in February and I would not be able to receive this anymore. I complained
and stated that when we placed the order the discount was valid and had we received the phone within the 4 week period we were originally advised then we would still have been
well inside the expiry of this discount. The manager 'Dave' advised he would apply the discount (25%) as a good will gesture and it should appear on the first bill.8. We received first

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 49

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
bill and no discount was applied, so we went back to the store again to query this. I was told that there had been a technical issue with the systems and that it would be applied to the
next bill and the previous bill would be discounted and a refund applied to my account.9. The second bill came and still no discount. Again I went back to the store and demanded to
know what was going on as I could no longer cancel this service as we were out of the 28 day period. Again I was told that an email had been sent to head office and the discount would
be applied to the next bill.10. The third bill arrived and what a surprise no discount!!! Again went back to the store and was told that they would get this sorted once and for all as I had
been inconvenienced so much. At this point I had lost all faith in Orange and could only see a 'Bleak future' not a 'Bright' one.11. The fourth bill arrived and again no discount had
been applied to my account. I have now reached a dead-end, how many times do I need to go into the store and how many times will your staff fob me off with excuses and lies? I
cant see anything that has been done to resolve my problem and have had to travel 6 miles from my house and park in pay and display car parks each time I visited the store which
has now cost me a considerable amount of money (around £50) I feel I have been treated unfairly during the whole 6 months and to be honest I think its a s
customer My sister has a problem with her blackberry curve 8520 phone, the problem is that her internet comes up with '' A problem occurred while trying to render the page '' and she also has a status 0 1 0 08/08
33 problem with her facebook and twitter apps by not letter her sign in. Everything else such as; bbm, texting ect is all fine. She is on contract. 08:16
customer Let me tell you what happens when an Orange helper offers their assistance, nothing!!! They leave you in a situation where the executive office decided that it will only answer the part status 0 5 0 08/08
169 of you issue that they decide is your fault they ingore the rest of the issues, like a six month accusation that you have not been paying bills when you have and like where they apply an 10:13
icreased charge to your contracted rate. And get this they expect you to pay over £200 to be released from a contract that they have breached!!! Penny snatching con artists - thanks for
nothing Orange helpers - biggest waste of time EVER!!!!!!!!!
customer Updated my xperia s to ics now data is extremely slow and deezer wont connect over the network. Is there a setting that needs changing or fix for this? status 0 2 0 08/08
100 11:50
customer I have an Orange PAYG and want to buy a phone (not from Orange) on an Orange contract - Can I migrate the the number from PAYG to Contract status 0 0 0 09/08
46 09:05
Page What percentage of your friends and family are on Orange / T-Mobile? Use the new U24 app to find out: you're 23 or under, U24 gives you unlimited calls to photo 20 40 0 09/08
Admin anyone on Orange / T-Mobile UK: | 10:30
customer Which? warns on mobile phone contract price rises | | Mobile phone companies could be making up to £90 million a year by legally using “hidden” contract link 0 0 0 09/08
170 clauses to raise the cost of what should be fixed-rate tariffs, the consumer group Which? warns today. | The Executive office gladly offers to damage your credit rating rather than 11:08
resolve their unethical practice of increasing your contractual costs without your consent they, when you object they force it on to you anyway without allowing you to leave the
contract without paying them a penalty so they can take even more of your hard earned cash which you actually work for while they sit on their cosy chairs and ignore emails and
charge you more and more money to cover their business costs!!!! Join the campaign to stamp this out!!
phone-contract-price-rises-7946169.html |
customer Why am I getting charged 42p for other services on my iPhone extra 45 plan? status 0 1 0 09/08
35 12:24
customer Internet crashing like MAD in E15! status 0 2 0 09/08
88 14:59
customer worst internet in the universe and broadband!! How can you blame router and everything but doing nothing to improve quality!!!!! status 0 0 0 09/08
89 15:18
customer >>> unable to download, lags on games in minutes!! and crashes in 1hr maybe 30 times. status 0 0 0 09/08
90 15:23
Page Win a 5-star city break, guess which city Romeo is using his Travel Angel app and Travel Saver weekly bundle in today. To enter, click here: Romeo’s photo 18 0 0 10/08
Admin clues, guess the mystery city, and you could win a luxury break to join him there. | 01:26
Page Clue 1 | | | Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: 1: Ola! I have arrived; roll out the red carpets, sound the trumpets, lock-up your cats, Romeo is video 14 9 0 10/08
Admin here! | 01:37
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: 2: The city that has everything, including a beach! I wonder if it has Jammy photo 21 17 0 10/08
Admin Dodgers? PhotoSynth | 03:00
Page Where's Romeo? Guess which city he's in to win a luxury break: | photo 7 1 0 10/08
Admin 04:00
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: 3: I’ve seen some big churches in my time but this one takes the biscuit... I could really go for a biscuit right photo 46 110 1 10/08
Admin now. | 06:00
customer I upgraded and stayed with Orange through the Carphone Warehouse, I finally got my lovely new Samsung Galaxy S3 through the post today only to find out that I can't actually use status 0 2 0 10/08
18 the new phone for 3 days! I'm totally fed up :( Orange blame the Carphone Warehouse and vice versa. All I want is my micro sim to activate now. Why is that so difficult? I am keeping 06:13
the same number! All I need is 1 person to activate it :(
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: 4: Pigeons don't generally wear boots, but there was this one time I nibbled the ends off a couple of sherbet photo 28 9 2 10/08
Admin flying saucers and used them as slippers: Via Shazam | 08:00
customer Hi, I just purchased an extra but being the dumb ass that I am its a western europe extra and I cant use it..cost me £5 HELP :/ status 0 0 0 10/08
187 08:13

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 50

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer when you going to sort your crap signal out in DY5 area !!! status 0 0 0 10/08
109 08:40
Page Guess where Romeo's been using his travel app today and you could win a 5 star luxury break. To enter, go to our Facebook tab | photo 18 5 0 10/08
Admin 10:00
customer I didn't think Orange could sink any lower - however this is the recent info I have had!!(Bearing in mind my 24 month contract is up in November, and this is after starting this campain status 3 4 0 10/08
171 in June (although they only bothered about it in August))Oh and this came after telling me that refusing to pay (my terms were withholding payment) meant that they would report me 10:04
as a non payer and ruin my credit score, then telling me that they won't change their stand and to take my complaints elsewhere!I offered a compromise allowing them to use the
balance increased charges that they have been appying without consent to pay the penalty that they want to charge to allow me out of my contract. (Which I have been discovered after
trolling the web that they should have given me the option to leave before they forced the charges upon me - I envision a campaign along the lines of the PPI campaign coming
along)Anyway I digress.....I have now paid over 75% of my handset and according to these money for mobiles websites it is worth over £150 - this is what Orange have to say about
it:"Further to your recent email I am willing as a gesture to place you out of agreement on condition that the phone is returned in reasonable condition to Orange. I must stress that this
resolution is in no way related to the Orange price increase. Ofcom as our regulators will confirm that our price increase is allowable.Our resolution has been based upon any other
issues you feel you have encountered and again is not an admission on the part of Orange. This resolution would be in full and final settlement. Please confirm your response by return
mail.I trust this is satisfactory and look forward to hearing from you."And to top it off they are now complaining because I have set them timescales......... erm...... how much longer do
you want you have already had months?!?!?!
customer Romeo, Romeo, Romeo or rather Guinness, Guinness, Guinness - book of Records obvo and clearly entry warranted . . . Matter I posted on Helpers on April 3rd still being investigated status 0 0 0 10/08
41 apparently - Spin fae doing Sod All more like! What's the explanation and more pertinently 'THE Objective Justification'? 10:06
customer I've tried endlessly to find the Travel Angel app on my Galaxy Tablet. Feeling a complete failure - or is it only me? status 0 0 0 10/08
63 11:02
customer Hey Orange, i'm on a panther contract and there are not enough sports swappables for the Nokia Lumia 800, I feel like I'm wasting my swappables. I just want some kind of sports status 0 0 0 10/08
40 swappable available for my phone.Can you help?Thanks 11:54
customer i have been with you for over 6 years and the network connection is still terrible. i got the all new samsung galaxy s3... suppose to be quick!!!!!! Ummm no status 0 0 0 10/08
13 13:09
customer watford status 0 0 0 10/08
102 14:44
customer Hi, Are you going to be rolling out signal boost to orange branded HTC one x and s? I just took delivery of an x but sad to find no signal boost (vital where I live). Kineto (suppliers of status 0 0 0 10/08
189 signal boost app for orange) have been running a competition to win a HTC one x and s with signal boost. Did anyone win one? Did it have the app? I love my new x but CS advisor 14:54
mistakenly said it came with SB.
customer another night, another crash of broadband :) status 0 0 0 10/08
91 16:02
customer | | | :( | link 0 0 0 10/08
92 16:15
customer hi, i have got dolphin 35(24 month) contract, a samsung galaxy s2.the galaxy s2 broke of water damage, and i sent it to a guy who works for samsung, and he sais he cant fix it. this status 0 94 0 10/08
54 means it has been opened up. will it cost extra to get an upgrade? if i chose one which cost the same (£32 a month) or can i send it back for another one or something? i dont know what 18:14
to do-.-
Page Win a 5-star city break, guess which city Romeo is using his Travel Angel app and Travel Saver weekly bundle in today. To enter, click here Romeo’s clues, photo 15 1 1 11/08
Admin guess the mystery city, and you could win a luxury break to join him there. | 02:00
customer When will anyone respond to my official complaint? Your customer service is appalling. I am going to take action against you and I think I know who's going to win! Getting some status 0 3 0 11/08
76 sort of response is just polite! 02:03
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: 5: Apparently there's a magic fountain around here. I wonder if it'll grant me the wish to be ruler of all photo 35 37 0 11/08
Admin pigeons?! PhotoSynth | 02:10
customer Where are the clues??? status 0 1 0 11/08
52 02:31
customer Hey Orange can you stop phoning me please, several times every day is getting so yesterday and I did make it really clear that I would contact you when I am ready and that I did not status 0 2 0 11/08
199 want any more calls, be so nice, thanks a million, slainte. 02:55
customer Barcelona!!! status 0 0 0 11/08
48 03:01
customer Barcelona status 0 0 0 11/08
79 03:15
customer Barcelona! status 0 0 0 11/08
44 04:41
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: Clue 6: Found an awesome twig in Parc Guell. Can't wait to show the guys back home. | http://photos- photo 28 19 0 11/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 51

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Admin 05:00
customer I wanna go on holiday with Orange!! <3 <3 <3 status 0 5 0 11/08
185 05:25
customer Why are kineteco running a competition to win an HTC one x with their signal boost software when the one x doesn't come with signal boost? status 0 0 0 11/08
190 05:59
Phones Wall Photos | Where's Romeo? Our friends at Orange UK need your help finding Romeo their homing pigeon - he's flown off to a mystery European destination. Head over to their photo 0 0 0 11/08
4u page for clues as to where he is & enter your guess here to win a luxury city break. | 06:02
customer Why are kineteco running a competition to win an HTC one x with their signal boost app when orange don't supply the one x with signal boost? status 0 0 0 11/08
191 06:04
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: 7: This place knows how to put on a good spread. Reminds me of that time when that family left their picnic photo 13 4 0 11/08
Admin unattended to play frisbee, that was an absolute free-for-all! Restaurant reviews from Trip Advisor | 08:00
customer Why are kineteco running a competition to win an HTC one x with their signal boost app when orange don't supply the one x with signal boost? status 0 0 0 11/08
192 09:10
Page Guess where Romeo's been using his travel app today and you could win a 5 star luxury break. To enter, go to our Facebook tab | photo 13 2 0 11/08
Admin 10:00
customer Why do you keep deleting my post? It's a valid question.Why are kineteco running a competition to win an HTC one x with their signal boost app when orange don't supply the one x status 0 3 0 11/08
193 with signal boost? 11:04
customer FIX YOUR BROADBAND! status 0 0 0 11/08
93 12:19
customer Thank you for replacing my Sony Xperia S the same day, hope I don't get any trouble with this one. status 0 1 0 12/08
68 01:48
customer why am I only getting part of my voice mail on my Toccolite ? status 0 1 0 12/08
110 01:48
Page Win a 5-star city break, guess which city Romeo is using his Travel Angel app and Travel Saver weekly bundle in today. To enter, click here Romeo’s clues, photo 9 1 0 12/08
Admin guess the mystery city, and you could win a luxury break to join him there. | 02:00
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: | Clue 8 | Where’s Romeo? Guess now to win a trip there: | photo 12 2 0 12/08
Admin 02:07
customer When are you going to sort the swapables problem out ? status 0 2 0 12/08
212 02:13
Page Clue 9 | | | Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he's in to win: Clue 9: Right there's got to be some tasty paella left overs around here somewhere. Oooops er... 'lo video 8 9 0 12/08
Admin siento' lady, didn't mean to scare you! | 05:24
Page Where’s Romeo? Guess which city he’s in to win: 10: Thought I'd soak up some night-life here at the Plaza Reial, as it's my last night. It's been a pleasure but I photo 29 38 0 12/08
Admin must say buenas noches for now. London here I come! | 09:00
customer When will the network be restored in the Lincoln area please? This is day 3 of little or no signal at all. status 0 2 0 12/08
195 09:14
customer So after waiting on hold for 40 minutes to check progress on a complaint, I get told I can't wait anymore and cut off! Cheers for that! status 0 9 0 12/08
80 09:51
Page Win a 5-star city break, guess which city Romeo is using his Travel Angel app and Travel Saver weekly bundle in today. To enter, click here | http://photos- photo 11 1 0 12/08
Admin 10:00
customer Lovely!! Ignore me since Friday - that is really going to help me cool down!!! status 0 0 0 12/08
172 10:38
customer Hi, I have nokia lumia 800 and wish to configure the internet settings automatically, please can you help me? status 0 1 0 13/08
39 00:51
customer Customer's Perception of Social Media use by Telecoms Operators Survey | | | Hi GuysHope you are wellI am a Media and PR masters student in Newcastle link 0 0 0 13/08
201 University currently carrying out a research on SocialMedia use by Mobile Network Operators in the UKI would really appreciate it if you helped answer a few questions. It will only 02:01
take a few minutes.You will find the questions here: result of this survey will be used solely for academic purposes.The success of
my work is highly dependent on your feedback.Thank you in advance.Semira Mahmud |
Page With Romeo safely back home after his weekend break, the clock is now ticking - you have until midnight tonight to guess where he's been for your chance to win a luxury 5-star break photo 13 2 0 13/08
Admin there. Do you know the name of Romeo's mystery city? Make sure you submit your guess via this link >>> | 02:57
customer I recommend the BlackBerry® Curve 9320 from Orange. | | Time to meet the BlackBerry® Curve™ 9320 – an affordable smartphone with a precise QWERTY link 0 0 0 13/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 52

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
166 keypad, long-lasting battery and all the services BlackBerry® customers love. Enjoy a super-powerful BlackBerry® browser, with multiple-tab browsing and faster page-loading times. 08:09
Connect with friends in a flas... | Time to meet the BlackBerry Curve 9320 – an affordable smartphone with a precise QWERTY keypad, long-lasting battery and all the services
BlackBerry customers love. It’s available from £10.50 on Orange UK. Head in-store today and speak to a member of the team for more details. |
Page Final call to win a 5-star luxury break - check out Romeo's bird's eye view of the mystery city on our page.Once you know, enter here: | http://photos- photo 18 2 0 13/08
Admin 10:33
customer Joaquim Filipe Moura Guillaume Albert Tomislav Sekerija Daniela Raab Adam Derk status 0 0 0 13/08
49 11:28
customer if you upgraded in phones 4 u, or if you got new orange contract an d phone from phones 4 u, can you insure your phone with phones 4 u? status 0 4 0 13/08
87 12:14
customer Wanted to know where my phone unlock code is as I applied for it on the 5th of july, the money for it was taken on the 18th of july. I have contacted customer services at least 5 times, status 1 2 0 13/08
53 they say the email has been sent as yet I have not received. I am disgusted with the lack of customer services. 15:27
customer Just had a nightmare weekend - my phone was stolen again - the third time in two months. Bitterly angry and feel sick to the pit of my stomach. I used to think that I was a sensible status 0 0 0 13/08
88 person, and after working in London for a number of years, I felt safe there - but not anymore. You start to question every detail when something like this happens to you. Why me??! I 23:51
own very few possessions of high value, and am not ostentatious about the ones I do have. I work hard to be able to pay for the few items I own and it angers me that some scumbag
believes they can come along and help themselves. I am not posting here as a way of reporting the crime - I have already spoken to the police and my phone company. I just wanted to
put this out there - firstly as I would be extremely grateful for any advice on how to avoid this happening again, and also to warn others to be aware and make sure you keep your
possessions safe
Page Congratulations to our final winner, Lisa McNally, who correctly guessed that Romeo was in Barcelona!Thanks to everyone who took part over the last 3 weeks and a very special photo 14 2 0 14/08
Admin thank you to Romeo the pigeon, who's now safely back in his Yorkshire loft and enjoying a well deserved break ( ')> | 07:33
customer wheres your home phone and broadband i need to give them abuse too.............AGH I HATE THIS COMPANY SO MUCH status 0 1 0 14/08
67 08:22
customer Cover Photos | Festival Rideshare new logo and branding...STC!Orange UK, Festivals For All, AGreenerFestival Page, Julie's Bicycle, Nike Better World, Sustainable Brands, Green photo 0 0 0 14/08
225 Messengers, Festival Republic, Samsung UK | 11:15
customer Hi orange customer services. I would like to ask how you think it's fair to treat loyal customers of two years spending over average amounts on your services, like absolute rubbish and status 6 4 0 14/08
173 worthless.I end my contract soon and no efforts have been made to keep custom more so to get rid. I have been denied the request to keep my number even with giving notice, and I 12:24
have been death with rudely on telephone calls, being called wrong names, given wrong information, then being on hold for hours of my life. People have better things to do than v
customer Can I ask how to make complaints please, is there an address customers can write to please? Thankyou orange status 0 1 0 14/08
174 12:26
customer | | | What are Oranges views on the Which investigation into customers being told link 0 0 0 15/08
104 categorically by sales staff that prices won't go up. Even when asked outright about price increases. | 06:32
customer I had a contract from orange last year but I was then sentenced an only got out ov jail and are been told I owe £573.03, my key worker rang you earlier about this matter, and had asked status 0 3 0 15/08
6 if you could free up the contract and let me pay the monthly amount again if you send me the sim card, 07:24
Page 23 or under? You could enjoy the benefits of U24: unlimited calls and texts to Orange / T-Mobile + 1GB of extra data. Find out more: | http://photos- photo 21 41 0 15/08
Admin 10:19
customer been with orange for almost 6 yrs thought they were fab.... until recently. never been spoken to the way i have by their advisers on the phone and they haven't done as they been asked. status 0 0 0 15/08
21 These errors have cost me a fortune and i'm totally sick. 8 months and counting to get out of the contract and i can't wait! 10:25
customer Hi, is there a way to stop my phone force connecting to T mobile even when an equally good Orange signal is available? I can't use data, make calls or send messages on T mobile. The status 0 0 0 15/08
38 other day I didn't realise my phone had been on T mobile for a couple of days and I'd missed a text that was pretty important - really annoyed by this. 11:22
Page What are we doing well? What could we do better? Have your say in our survey for your chance to win a £25 Amazon voucher: | photo 22 43 0 15/08
Admin 12:20
customer Hi Orange, my phone contract is under myparent's name? Will I be able to get U24 added? status 0 0 0 15/08
227 12:35
customer hi orange.ive had an issue for three days now i rang costomer services and they said they would ring me back but i rang back today and had to buy more internet service just to status 0 1 0 15/08
16 stay in contact with orange helpers on my phone.becouse all my data usage got swallowed up downloading a game on orange swapables.nova 3 that doesnt even work and when i 13:13
downloaded the game i used my own wifi at home.but for some reason it used all of my data usage allowance for this bill is normally £36 a month its now £42.50 and ive got
nearly a whole month to go .so basically i downloaded a game that doesnt even work and my bill is gonna be unafordable by the time im done.ive been on gamelofts web site for help
the game isnt even listed for my device s3. ive never had so much greef.but anyway i know ya not gonna help me out so again thanks for your time.and i look forward to my bill at the
end of the month.
customer Orange UK I'm still waiting for a proper response to my last post. But thought I should let you know that I have posted again but on your Orange page. Can I have a response please?! status 0 0 0 15/08
78 13:17

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 53

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer Do you struggle for signal in your area? There is a new solution available for all networks- a signal booster.Prices start from £119.99 and are simple to install. For more details, and to status 0 3 0 15/08
220 buy, visit: 13:36
customer Home | | Publicity Photographer Lincolnshire | my orange provided blackberry torch is an essential bit of kit within my business... | link 0 0 0 15/08
186 23:07
customer well as promised because of orange's complete incompetence with dealing with official complaints along with many others i might add i am posting on every orange page i can find.can status 3 5 0 16/08
83 someone explain to me why on my payg phone you keep charging me for games and gprs usage when phone not even turned on,and using orange world when phone is unbranded and 01:09
bought from htc and doesnt even have orange world on it...or 3 calls last night to customer service(thats a joke if ever) where i am told oh well and phone put down on me...or the
message at 3am telling me you have changed my address as requested when not asked for.or the 7 charges of 96p in 2 minutes whilst i was on the phone to orange and mobile network
turned off.and isnt it funny how always get off shore call centre until you ask for pac code then you get transferred to british call centre.your way to deal with this is to turn the gprs off
on my account....great not as if i have a smart phone is it???this is 2nd time in 3 months and trading standards and cisas now involved...after checking the orange pages on here this is a
common thing to happen.great customer service orange(even better way to treat someone that until recently worked for you!!!)
Page Orange UK asked: U24 is the latest Orange app to hit your mobile - when was the last time you downloaded an app? questio 0 0 0 16/08
Admin n 07:01
customer I always had a feeling I should of left your service a longtime ago. But carried on, dont you feel any shame in providing this level of service at such a high cost status 1 5 0 16/08
217 08:30
T- Mobiles for Meals - Netmums | | | Do you have an unused mobile phone? Recycle it with Mobiles 4 Meals & feed a hungry British child today! Mobiles 4 Meals in link 0 0 0 16/08
Mobile partnership with Orange UK and find out more about it here: | 09:59
customer come on orange big company and can't even sort your own website out :( anyways get issues with your site and many others do it - Sorry, that didn't work. Please try again later. - status 0 5 0 16/08
71 YA-0014Come on get it sorted will you. 14:11
customer use your services. status 0 0 0 16/08
50 17:06
customer Rubbish customer service status 2 1 0 16/08
218 20:19
customer Third blackberry handset you've replaced, clearly a fault with the phone but yet you won't do anything about it? Absolute crap customer service, paying 36 pound a month for a phone status 1 5 0 17/08
37 that is broken. Brilliant. 01:49
customer Your customer service is have made my contact longed that what it should be....24 moths is 2 years not longer...You are a shocking network... status 0 0 0 17/08
76 03:48
customer morning fellow orange customers, 10 days of limited service,no credit and gprs turned off on my account and is it sorted ????NOT A CHANCE IN HELL... status 2 1 0 23/08
84 00:55
customer Having a lot of issues lately sending/receiving texts and making calls - and looking through the Facebook comments (in my friends feed and on this page) a lot of other people (in the status 0 1 0 23/08
17 Stoke on Trent area) are having the same issue. (e.g. Full signal, yet can't make calls / send texts)I rang CS last night and they said there are no known issues in the Stoke on Trent area 01:37
at the moment.I've since figured turning 3G off resolves the issue.Can you confirm if there is a known issue in the S-o-T area and if so - when its going to be fixed?
customer i wanted to buy orange tokyo cell phone where and how can i get it please anyone tell me status 0 1 0 23/08
9 02:13
customer Having quite a few issues within the last 24hours in making calls and sending texts yet it is showing I have full signal? Any advice would be appreciated status 1 3 0 23/08
82 04:02
customer Unhappy with the service receiving from Orange apparently the conversations I had on Wedneday 15th August and 21August have never taken place. Also despite having had status 0 2 0 23/08
58 replacement handsets and replacement batteries it is not showing on my account. Is this Orange trying to deny that there has ever been a problem with my phone so they dont have to 05:22
sort it out. If we delete the notes it hasnt happened. Really unhappy Orange. You put up prices mid contract and now this.
customer Please tell my why I have spoken to 6 different customer service reps to gain 6 different answers as to why Orange can't install my broadband including IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT. status 0 1 0 23/08
83 Thankyou Orange 05:43
customer Just signed up with Orange about three weeks ago and they shut my phone down because they did not have proof of address. They did not send me a letter, text or call me asking for status 2 13 0 23/08
66 the proof. When I tried to call the help line 150, it would not let me talk to anyone in help. Great service Orange!!!! 05:54
customer I sent a message to the helpers days ago. It has been forgotten. I also was told on this very page that another issue was being looked into. Even though I have commented it is being status 0 1 0 23/08
28 ignored now.Why are we being ignored? 06:12
customer Hi Orange,After using your services for more than 3 years, your upgrade reps said I did not worth even a loyalty point to upgrade my plan and even suggested me to sign contract with status 11 7 0 23/08
108 someone else so I did. And now I realise my contract with you would be over on this August 27 so I called again to make sure it's the right date and you will stop charging me but guess 06:43
what? The retention reps said you will keep charging me until 30 days of disconnection notice. What a joke! What does contract mean to you if you keep charging people even after
their contracts with such a lame excuse as you need 30 days notice!?!? Now I so understand why all of the people I know have told me from the beginning I should not use you!! And
from now on I will tell everybody I know not to use you as well. So good luck with your business, I know you will need lots of it to stay in this market when you treat your customers
this way!!
Page How many Facebook friends do you have? (tell us below)With the U24 Videogram Facebook app, simply pick five, pick your favourite style and we'll use your shared photos to create photo 12 0 0 23/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 54

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Admin a short, personalised video: Oh, and you don't have to be under 24 to use it! | 07:49
customer Hi Orange. How do you add more magic numbers to your account? It says use the "+" symbol, but there isn't one on the page... status 0 2 0 23/08
58 08:32
customer No offence, orange is amazing! but the helpers at twitter could take a page out of @BTCare 's book and not forget/ignore so many tweets etc. status 1 1 0 23/08
216 11:07
customer Orange still waiting on a call from you twice I have spoken to customer services and been promised a call back. Still waiting. Even orange helpers can't get back to me. How long do I status 2 0 0 23/08
60 have to wait. Fed up paying for a faulty phone. 11:43
customer Hello, I email to express my utter disappointment, dissatisfaction and frustration through lack of customer care, total customer focus and the loss of a goal to providing your customer status 4 2 0 23/08
105 with a product that they are happy with. With this I make an OFFICIAL COMPLAINT, I require a full response within 14 days.I upgraded my phone early. Approx. 3 months. I paid a 14:20
fee over £60.00 to do so. Which was paying the rest of my plan off because that's what was left (I am aware at this point I could have reduced my plan anyway, so this is where the
approx. £60 come from)I upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy Note. Through the process I made it clear my current plan I did not use! I Never used the minutes, the data or the texts. I was
put onto a bigger plan offering more. This is not suitable or right for me. I was advised to go on this plan would mean the phone was free. (not that the service advisor got £2.00 more
bonus to sell a bigger plan? that is completely unsuitable?) I accepted the plan through the urgency of me really wanting the phone due to my old one being damaged and I didn't want
to claim through insurance etc etc. Why did the advisor choose to upsell a plan that was clear was not suitable to me? Answer required Why did the sales person only advise me that the
plan was 24 month after I had paid for the upgrade? Answer required Why was you allowing customer to purchase the note on a cheaper plan for 18 with no extra cost online, and yet I
had to pay to go on a cheaper plan or less months (bear in mind I have paid to exit early out of contract so a spiel on I have had a discount I do not accept)? Answer required?As I paid
the fee and my bill at the same time. Only after this was advised that this was a 24 month plan. The week before I upgraded I spoke to an advisor who didn't also advise me of a 24
month plan and also didn't try to upsell a plan to me. In fact he was really nice and I marked highly in the text survey to him. WHY when I have had a call that has not been 100%
satisfactory have I not been asked to survey that call? Answer required What has happened to the amazing customer care and service that I have received over being with you the years I
have.What's happened to the mind-set "leaving customers with a phone and plan that is Right For Them, that they are happy with, understand and leaving them impressed to a level
deserving of recommendation" I thought this is what customer care and sales is about. It is certainly the way my Customer Care team work and are lead. I would love this to be seen by
the director of sales and customer care. I would like them to listen to the calls made and if they are totally satisfied with the process, service and care I have received and I would like a
response off them.I look forward to your full reply and response to my complaint. Mike Jackson
customer Enjoying the phone... think its great.... but no covers for it at the moment except few pouches on ebay.... if you bring out a phone, you should also bring out cases for it please!!!!1 status 1 2 0 23/08
176 14:54
customer So 4G soon - unlimited plans?????? status 1 1 0 23/08
215 15:51
customer 11 days and still not sorted orange...great UK service as usual.I am getting better offers of help from orange in other countries...and yes everything is being posted on every orange page status 1 7 0 24/08
86 on Facebook. 00:26
customer worst network ever... got another 12 months on my contract then I'm going to "Lebara" status 24 9 0 24/08
43 02:48
Page | | | 4G is the next generation in mobile technology - but what does this mean? Watch to find out, and see how it's going to change Britain for the video 47 45 5 24/08
Admin better... | 03:49
customer I have a great idea for a tv ad for 4G. Please get in touch if you are inteterested. Thanks. status 0 0 0 24/08
211 04:04
Page Faster downloads and streaming, quicker connections, better coverage - it's time to reap the benefits of 4G mobile networks: | photo 50 18 1 24/08
Admin 05:00
Page Using the U24 Videogram Facebook app is easy: Simply choose your Facebook friends and preferred style, and we'll give you your very own personalised short photo 74 1 0 24/08
Admin video to share... | 06:00
customer Please stop trying to rob me.I'm 16, and my Xperia Ray on a contract with Orange broke not long ago, my mum owns the contract. I was told in store that it would be £70 for an status 3 3 0 24/08
14 emergency replacement, I later found out that their idea of an equivalent handset was the Xperia U. To put into perspective, the Xperia Ray was often described as a powerful, feature 06:27
packed compact smartphone, with a great camera, the Xperia U is defined as a good budget Android handset, hardly an equivalent, it's fatter, has less talk time, a worse camera, poor
battery, and is plastic in construction, everywhere. Recently, I managed to get the money to finally fix my phone, I was then told that a recent pricing strategy change had occured,
(literally 3 days ago) that pushed the original quoted £70 to £170, now usually, an emergency replacement is not the phone's full price, rather a fraction of that, I'd like to mention now
that the supposed 'equivalent' Xperia U already sells in many stores for £169.99 PAYG. I am effectively being told to buy another phone, this hardly constitutes as a 'emergency
replacement' let alone an equivalent. Also, it's worth mentioning that the Xperia Ray isn't even worth £170 itself anyway, I could probably buy the same phone for much less, what
upsets me is that it's hard to come by money like £70 when all you have is a paper round and pocket money, these kinds of opportunities come rarely. And now I can't even fix my
phone because Orange want more than double what they originally wanted, they want more than my handsets worth, to then give me a budget Android handset. Like if you think this is
customer Will 4g work on iPhone 4s? status 0 10 0 24/08
208 08:03
customer So again, I didn't pay my bill as I got rid of my Direct debit as my contracts ending and a letter comes straight after and a civil uproar begins!! Yet when I needed to contact orange and status 1 1 0 25/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 55

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
74 they stuck extra stuff on my bill without telling me (traffic tv) which I didn't sign up for, no-one bothered sending me a letter or contacting me . Glad I'm done with orange. Been with 02:03
you since a teen and had nothing but grief. I pay my bills, when I get paid. Simple.
customer Orange Send’s Your phone number to websites! | Dan's Blog | | Orange Send’s Your phone number to websites! Posted on August 25, 2012 by admin Once again link 0 0 0 25/08
42 a network has screwed up. Sending phone numbers and more information via HTTP headers. This is a serious security risk. Your phone number is sent in the following headers X-EE- 02:10
MSISDN X-Nokia-msisdn ... | Orange UK Sends your phone number to websites!!! |
customer you need to explain to me why when i took my phone out on contract. you told me the blackberry torch 9800 was the best phone out so high tec and I've had 5 handsets now because status 2 6 0 25/08
184 then 4 of them develop the same fault and my last one the buttons stopped working and it had a mind of its own. my hole family are on orange and i dont think its good enough that 04:30
when i talk to people over the phone they are rude and ignorant about things.
customer I have a contract and i get 3g for my galaxy s3..wil i br upgraded to 4g?? status 0 2 0 25/08
3 07:51
customer You suck Cock! Shit network sort the signal out!! status 0 0 0 25/08
101 09:44

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 56

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media

I.II Vodafone UK Facebook Posts

All Posts were by Vodafone Page administrator, as it was not allowed to anyone else to post.

Com Sha
Post Type Likes Time
ments res
Tens of thousands of our customers have been to events with Vodafone VIP and we’d love to see your photos. Why not upload your Vodafone VIP photos to our tab here photo 30 22 2 26/07
What’s hardest to resist on a Saturday morning – the smell of fresh coffee or the new message symbol flashing on your phone? Which do you tend to first? status 56 130 1 26/07
Where’s the most annoying place to be interrupted by a mobile phone? In bed? In the cinema? Tell us… status 48 146 27/07
You’re going for an afternoon nap. Do you take your mobile phone with you? Hit LIKE if you do…. status 617 56 27/07
A 'sunny smiley' kinda weekend? Hit LIKE if you managed to enjoy some sunshine... photo 652 32 72 28/07
We got many of the artists who played at Download Festival this year to sign a guitar & it could be yours in our latest competition with Vodafone VIP. Win this AND tickets to Download Festival
link 26 8 1 28/07
2013. Like?
Want to make the most of your Samsung Galaxy SIII? Sign up to our webinar, taking place this Thursday, for tips from our experts and a chance to ask your SIII-related questions. Head over to the
link 26 31 29/07
eForum to register now.
Embarrassed smiley? Or sunburnt smiley with all this lovely weather we’ve been having? photo 112 25 15 29/07
Mobile maths: add up all the numbers in your mobile phone number and tell us what your total sum is. Let’s see who’s got the highest number out there… status 43 257 30/07
Love music? Love fashion? Love designer discount shopping? Vodafone customers can win a pair of tickets to see a UK artist perform an intimate gig at the launch event of Vodafone London
link 14 15 31/07
Fashion Week.
Always trickier to find your mobile phone when you forget to take it off silent before you lost it. Hit LIKE to agree. status 351 30 1 31/07
Ever wondered what it would be like to drive around with a Jedi Master in your car? Meet the man who knows… link 24 75 1 01/08
Who loves Yoda? Our latest ad goes live tomorrow, featuring Yoda’s maiden voyage in a London cab. Unlike the rest of us, he won’t need to use the free Vodafone taxi chargers this summer. link 30 21 2 01/08
The most annoying place to run out of mobile phone battery is______? status 64 205 02/08
All those contacts stored in your mobile phone but how many phone numbers can you actually remember? Hit LIKE if it’s less than 10! status 474 37 02/08
Congratulations to Calvin Harris for reaching number 1 with "We'll Be Coming Back" in the Vodafone Big Top 40 status 55 11 03/08
If you get a new mobile phone number, how long does it take you to memorize the number? status 58 150 03/08
Checking through the photos on your phone, what have you taken more pictures of than anything else? status 44 102 04/08
Guess which of the festivals in this year's Vodafone VIP line-up this photo was taken at - the bubbles might give it away... photo 44 18 04/08
How many times a day do you check your mobile phone? Hit LIKE if you couldn’t count it on two hands! status 1215 58 05/08
How far back does your Facebook Timeline go? Ours starts in the early 1980s. Hit LIKE if you're in your 20s too! link 117 25 06/08
What’s the last app you downloaded? status 44 120 07/08
Hit LIKE if you remember this video from last year. How many of the phones can you name? link 39 16 07/08
Which of these colours looks the best? There’s a pink one on its way too… photo 332 342 19 08/08
It’s Friday afternoon – Hit LIKE if your phone’s already filling up with messages about the weekend. status 140 47 1 08/08
Hit LIKE if you’re ditching your camera this summer and just using your smartphone instead status 493 54 09/08
Checking Facebook instead of doing the housework? Hit LIKE if that’s you right now…. status 730 58 09/08
Texting in your sleep? Dreaming about your mobile phone? Hit LIKE if your mobile phone is with you at all times – even when you sleep! status 692 73 10/08
Choose a ringtone? Take a photo? The very first thing you do when you get a new mobile phone is________? status 58 204 12/08
Looks like the Reading Festival and Leeds Festival just got even better for weekend festival goers with a free drinks and breakfast : link 27 31 13/08
JustTextGiving by Vodafone lets you collect fundraising donations by text message. So tell us, who out there has ever raised funds for charity? Time to think about getting your own, free,
link 28 36 14/08
personalised text code…?
The mobile phone I have is ________? And I love it because ________? status 58 237 15/08
Wake up, panic, check your mobile phone, and then realise it’s a Saturday and you’re NOT late for work. Tell us – have you enjoyed that great feeling before? status 253 35 1 16/08
‘Ringxiety’ – does it really exist? You hear your phone ring, go to answer, but there’s no call and you’d imagined it. Who’s experienced that? status 239 52 17/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 57

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Congratulations to Rita Ora for becoming this weeks Vodafone Big Top 40 new number 1 with How We Do (Party) status 48 31 2 17/08
Hit LIKE if you want £500 to spend on a new wardrobe AND a night at The May Fair - official hotel of London Fashion Week! You could feel like a VIP with Vodafone at Vogue London
link 844 52 1 18/08
Fashion's Night Out. Enter now...
Who LIKES an eye-catching phone? Find out how Picasso inspired this design photo 65 54 2 19/08
Win a BlackBerry Curve 9320 on Vodafone Pay as you go in the Vodafone ‘Brighten Up’ photo prize draw photo 176 98 27 19/08
We’ve got the BlackBerry Curve 9320 exclusively in Vivid Violet and Classic Blue, so we thought we’d give some away in our latest prize draw. But you have to join in the fun with our colorful
photo 96 24 2 20/08
Tent – check. Off-roader festival trolley – check. Sleeping pods – check. Matching flags, ponchos, hats & wellies – check. The deluxe festival camping pack has it all and loads more. Who wants to
link 34 7 21/08
win it?
Hit LIKE if you've personalised your phone. Student Gaby Sahhar's design for the Vodafone Smart II Tate Edition launched yesterday - check out the story behind it on Vodafone Social. link 23 8 22/08
Think violet and what comes to mind? A packet of Parma Violets? Or the BlackBerry Curve 9320 in Vivid Violet? How about winning one… link 98 44 2 23/08
You guessed it! As Bradley Wiggins won gold for Great Britain in the cycling time trial, Vodafone marked a new record for the amount of data carried
status 43 36 24/08
over our network per second. Were you were glued to your smartphone during the games?
If you could WIN your BlackBerry Curve 9320 in one of our exclusive colours, which would you choose; Classic Blue or Vivid Violet? photo 280 322 15 25/08

Congratulations to Sam and the Womp for becoming this weeks Vodafone Big Top 40 new number 1 with Bom Bom! status 57 32 1 24/08
Our customers can get 25% off at WAREHOUSE online with Vodafone VIP. How would you use your discount – save a little cash or buy something extra with the savings?? link 42 39 25/08
Who ♥ s Android? link 102 36 25/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 58

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media

I.III Three UK Facebook Posts

Lik Comme Shar
Name Post Type Time
es nts es
Page Afternoon! Apparently the average age we get our hands on a phone these days is 9 yrs 8 months! We were a *little* bit older when we got ours ;-) How old were you and what was status 195 57 0 26/07
Admin it? 07:54
Page Fancy winning some exclusive summer prizes?...oh you do? Then head over to our Win tab and get involved! We've put the clue to a Jessie J track into Google maps, go check it out photo 83 217 0 27/07
Admin and see if you can guess which! Lol. ;-) 17:04
Page Roll up, roll up! Round 3 of our comp is under way! Head over to our ‘Win’ tab and see if you can work out which Maverick Sabre track we’re talking about from our Instagram photo 37 197 14 28/07
Admin snaps. There’s a trip to Ibiza in it, so get cracking… 12:23
Page Like’ this if you’re waiting for the next big smartphone? We have just the thing for you, SIMs built for Internetting :-) Starting at just £6.90, with lots of flexible options. photo 54 146 1 29/07
Admin 22:46
Page Who's ready for another comp?? Round 2 has just kicked off on our ‘Win’ tab. We’ve had a go at sketching a Jessie J song title in Draw Something (It’s harder than it looks!). Enter link 52 134 0 30/07
Admin for amazing Summer prizes :-) 19:29
customer Download Be Mine (feat. Tjr & Lil Moosie) by Swagg Trupers on Nokia Music | | Get Be Mine (feat. Tjr & Lil Moosie) by Swagg Trupers (Island Def Jam Digital video 0 0 0 08/08
348 Distribution) on Nokia Music | NOKIA ROCKS WTH CLEAN TEEN~TAINMENT | 05:02
customer I have recently moved to 3 after being with o2 for over 10 years. I shopped around and eventually believed I got the best deal from 3 given the services provided. It has been 27 days status 0 1 2 08/08
93 since I have made the purchase and I have been having nothing but issues. I have returned to the store with endless problems which is 4 to date. I am not a technical person however 05:06
the phone i purchased is evidently faulty. I use my phone to make, calls and text therefore I am not on an expensive tariff. I believe the customer service provided to me has reflected
the fact that I am not a significant spender with the company. I have been told on numerous occasions to try and fix the problem myself (however how can I fix an echo in the
speaker?). All I ask is that I am given a new handset however it now turns out that my phone is having to be sent away for an engineer to assess the issues which will take a minimum
of ten days. No allowances or refunds will be made to compensate for the inconvenience during this period. When I was with o2 I always received high quality customer service and
they never had a problem issuing a new handset if mine was broken. I said that as a customer I will not be accepting this handset back (if repaired) which I believe is fair, however the
member of staff I spoke to cannot give me that assurance which adds to my frustration. If I could I would now cancel my association with 3 and return to o2 as I have had nothing but
an endless list of problems since joining the company.
customer Hello. I received my replacement phone today, however a Micro SIM card is needed for this new phone (Nokia Lumia 610) and I only have a normal sized SIM card. I have had status 2 10 1 08/08
188 problems with my usual phone for months, it has been with Three/Repair Company since 19 July and it has now been deemed beyond economical repair, and has damage caused by 05:17
Three/repair company.By Three's own admission the customer service received as not been to standard. It has been abysmal.I am still without a phone and I would like somebody
from Three to contact me today as I would like to know how you intend to solve yet another error.
customer Hi Three.Any idea how long your Social care team take to reply to emails? I followed your link to the support page, emailed them on Monday but not heard anything back as yet. Its a status 0 3 1 08/08
76 right pain as I have no data connection as I have had to turn it off. I rely on my emails for work and I dont have access to them now. 05:44
customer Am having signal problems in the bletchley,Milton keynes area today. status 0 5 3 08/08
182 06:37
customer Been with 3 ever since it came out with a rather LARGE LG flip phone and funny camera ( yes its going back a bit I know ) ..I can honestly say for £ 23 pcm samsung galaxy Ace status 1 13 2 08/08
57 2000 mins 5000 texts ..5000 3-3 mins all I can eat data am IMPRESSED PLUS I can pay my bill in two payments :o) Some peple may have problems with ya network ( have seen 07:00
the complaints on here) some may not I find the guys on 333 polite ( sometimes) never rude ...sales staff on phone are brilliant .. the shops ( could be better trained giving out false
info isnt a good sign) HOWEVER .. one thing bugs me .. when a phone is in need of repair WHY doesnt three hand out a 3G phone( while the normal one is bein fixed) and we have
to wait weeks on end with NO phone...
customer On checking this months ebill i found in addition to my allowances a charge for a downloaded game, I dont download games or anything for that matter from the 3uk site. Ok the status 0 0 0 08/08
99 charge was free, but Id still like to know what the hell this is, bill reads as follows, Fri 27 Jul 00:12 3Download Apps - 3 UK Games Store Application FSTZ 000 £0.00Total charges 07:11
excluding VAT £0.00..
customer W6 7DS... Again. Slow and intermittent internet. I know there's nothing with the masts, so fix whatever else is wrong. Mate is having the same problem. We're fed up!! status 0 4 0 08/08
217 07:28
customer Now i have voice mail and can't even get to hear them, 17 days of no service is beyond a joke. Now i have been told this problem won't be sorted till the 28th of this month. I'm now status 2 22 3 08/08
322 going to stop all payments, as i have not had any replys to my emails, so now having to go on Facebook to let you know how angry i am. 3 network...... Never again you are a joke. 07:30
customer its embarrassing to find that my phone internet is a tonn faster than my landline. i hit 11mbps on my phone and my landline is only 3mbps... wow... I love the ONE PLAN! :D status 1 5 2 08/08
215 07:36
customer Hi 3, is it you calling from 0800 358 4492? status 0 7 0 08/08
18 07:54
customer nice to join u status 3 1 0 08/08
391 08:18
customer nice to join u status 2 0 2 08/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 59

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
392 08:31
customer Very unhappy with being on three network. Getting harrassed anytime of day or NIGHT!! To change my tariff, which I've said over and over again I do not want to change.. I only status 3 4 2 08/08
131 joined as I was offered free three to three calls on the tariff that I was put on, as made my life easier it being free to call most of my family.. my partner has had the free calls removed 09:43
from his tariff and has now been told that he will have to pay for a bolt on if he wishes to get free mins.. which is a joke as it was his original tariff before some rude customer service
representative changed ot with out him agreeing.. so seeing as now my family have gone over to o2 I am aswell.. I'm fed up with the harrassment and rudeness of three network. I've
been in contact with o2 to whom have offered £10 free credit when transferring over to them... goodbye three
customer I took out a contract with three last month I lost my phone and called them and was told if I didn't get the phone back they would give me a replacement when I called asking for a status 0 3 2 08/08
196 replacement they then said they wouldn't and I would have to pay over a hundred pound for the phone so now I am paying for a contract phone which I no longer have three sucks 10:07
customer This is the Forth Time I have Posted This Message on the support Pages so lets try again . "My email will not send over 3G is there any reason it has stopped working. When I get status 0 1 0 08/08
369 home the mail is sent via wifi using the same server ? Can someone please have a look at this for me. Here Is The Error (Hi. This is the qmail-send program at 10:42 I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.)" WOULD
customer Why have we had basically NO service/reception on 3mobile for around two days in LE8 area???!!! What's going on??!! status 0 4 0 08/08
103 11:13
customer So where's this HTC One X update then Three..???? You told me a month since the end of July.. soon be the middle of August status 2 19 1 08/08
173 12:17
customer Hey peeps - getting closer to the weekend now :) status 1 5 3 08/08
352 12:26
customer Where is the promised end of July software update for the HTC one X. status 3 6 2 08/08
332 12:52
customer MOBILE SIM CARDS OF THE WORLD | | Writing away with | Hello there. I am Tulan from Bangladesh. I am an avid collector of SIM cards link 0 2 1 08/08
374 (used/unused). This is a personal hobby just like coin, stamp, monetary notes collection. It is not always possible for me to visit countries in order to collect them. Most are given to 13:22
me by my friends who live abroad. I also buy them when I visit other countries. I am writing to enquire is there any possibility that your company might be able to help me in my
collection by sending me a SIM card to my postal address. Many companies have sent me sim cards and are always sending. Some dont have a policy to send unregistered sim cards
abroad which I honor and respect. As proof I have attached a document where companies like Vodafone, Orange, Tele2, Telenor are interested to contribute.I also assure you, if in the
future there is any INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION regarding collection of SIM cards, it will be HIGHLIGHTED that the SIM card has been sent by the mobile company
themselves. Your company name will be highlighted. I have started a blog where my present collection is highlighted. Please visit my blog to check out my collection. I would
forever be grateful to you if you do. Please contact me through my email. Thank you in advance . Full postal address is given below if you are willing to help
me.SincerelyTulanDhaka, Bangladesh.Email : [email protected]: |
customer hi how can i get an unlock code for my Samsung i5700? status 0 4 1 08/08
295 13:35
customer What's the number to speak to someone from customer service. My phone signal has been down for two days!!!!! status 0 4 0 08/08
220 15:03
customer The win tab cannot find it when using my iPhone. Please provide me with a link status 0 1 0 08/08
209 15:13
customer Hi, I have 2 contract phones on The One Plan but I would like to downgrade one of them. Can you tell me if you still offer this option and if you do, how long into the contract would status 0 2 0 09/08
53 I need to be? 00:43
customer Ah morning All - super sunny Thursday to you :) status 0 1 2 09/08
353 01:10
customer Absolutely rubbish network and company! Not helped me what so ever! status 1 6 0 09/08
90 01:25
customer Hi is 3 days now that my BlackBerry Internet Service doesn't work anymore!!! And is not a network problem of my area as it doesn't work anywhere! I've tried to pull out the battery status 0 5 1 09/08
96 and restart the device but nothing changed! Please help me! 02:32
Page Whoops, posted a link to the wrong competition there! Head over to the "Win" tab to win a trip to Ibiza! status 22 21 0 09/08
Admin 02:55
customer After having various problems during the year I spent with your network with signal strength, and network availability, the microphone on the iPhone supplied stopped working status 0 2 2 09/08
121 rendering the phone useless. I went into the 3 store in Coventry city centre to resolve the issue, and quickly got talking with one of your employees who despite my phone being in 03:04
warranty, was adamant about trying to sell me a second mobile phone contract which would of cost me an additional £27 a month on top of the £30 i already paid. Telling me this
was the only way to solve the issue there was no other way.After making arrangements with another company I rang 3 to find out how much it would cost me to cancel the contract
completely. I was told £340 is what it would cost me, however if I spoke to the technical department this would be discounted due to my troubles.When ringing to cancel, during half
an hour on the phone being passed back and forwards from department to department, not only do I find out that the £340 is IN ADDITION to my £32 bill for the month, but i also
find out my phone could of been sent back to 3, or I could have had the option for an early upgrade after all!Also, there was not the possibility of any discount on the cancellation fee
despite being told twice by two of your employees there would be.Ideally to solve this complaint I would first of all like an explanation as to why i was supplied the wrong

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
information from the very start of this process.I also believe, that as far as my contract is concerned, I have held up my half of the deal by paying on time and in full month in month
out for a year, while I have been met with countless connection issues and more seriously appalling customer service that has resulted in me spending an obscene amount of money I
didn't need to.I am in no way at all expecting to reclaim the whole of my cancellation fee back, but what i do expect is some kind of compensation or reimbursement because of these
reasons,a) Attempted mis-selling by your staff in storeb) Supplying me with the wrong information (failure to mention the phone was still under your warranty)c) I have paid for a
service I will not be receiving for the next yeard) how poor the phone service was with youe) how much the half hour phone bill is going to cost mef ) the promise of discount on the
fee which was false.I look forward to hearing from you. I am also going to take a copy of these complaint form and note everything that has said so i can send it to the relevant
authority if this escalates further.Thankyou,Jack
customer After having bad signal indoors in my new property, I called up Three customer services to ask what can be done. I went through my issues and was assured a call from tech support status 3 21 0 09/08
334 within seven days and given £5 credit for the inconvenience of not being able to use my phone inside. Received my phone call back and had a Homesignal booster on the way for 04:28
next day delivery. All sorted in less than seven days and one very happy customer. Just goes to show if you follow the correct procedures, Three will get you sorted... Facebook isn't
the place to do it!
customer My day wouldn't be complete without a daily moan to Three, can somebody please confirm whether my MicroSim card has been despatched yet? Now four weeks without a status 2 11 1 09/08
189 phone..... 05:13
customer unhelpfull and usless ill never re new a 3 contract status 2 3 0 09/08
125 05:25
customer can my son yous the internet in america,with all you can eat data add on status 0 3 3 09/08
86 05:43
customer Can someone help me? If i top up like 10pound and i want to send 5 of them to another phone number can i do that? if yes, how??thanks for help status 0 2 0 09/08
94 06:45
customer Can you tell me why your network is not as good as 02? status 0 15 3 09/08
241 06:57
Page Anyone got friends that do this? Way to make the most of All You Can Eat data I guess! ;-) | photo 62 35 1 09/08
Admin snc7/578677_503168459698112_1372785136_s.jpg 08:55
customer Didn't you like my post, what utter rubbish corrispondence from 3 as per! status 0 11 3 09/08
216 08:56
customer Can I buy any top-up voucher in London Heathrow airport ??? status 0 6 1 09/08
237 09:14
customer Have you heard that T-Mobile are removing tethering from their full monty plan! status 1 10 1 09/08
329 09:39
customer Have decided to LEAVE my three contract phone at home while away in US in Dec ( saves me a bomb money wise ) MY question is can I take a THREE PAYG sim card and use status 0 5 3 09/08
58 that to call home /internet with wifi ?? was gonna get a samsung PAYG phone 09:58
customer Does 3 have a "bolt-on" that will allow me to use my phone as much as I want in America for a set fee? status 0 2 3 09/08
29 10:03
customer Wow just feel the need to share this with everyone on this page . After purchasing a Blackberry phone in April ,it failed to charge in July. Took it to the 3 shop where we bought it status 2 20 2 09/08
83 who after lots of arguing and informing me they don't work to the Sale of Goods Act sent it for repair. The repair centre then contacted me and told me the repair was outside the 10:16
warranty (broken usb port) and I would have to pay £119.99 for a 3 month old phone. I declined and told them i wanted a replacement as it was obviously not fit for purpose and not
of satisfactory quality( as advised by Trading standards). I was informed by this site to send an email to customer service who today contacted me. After twenty minutes explaining
how many laws the salesman had broken etc , how I had fulfilled all my side of the Sale of Goods Act by allowing them to repair it which they didn't do I wanted a
replacement..........The lady on the phone goes off leaving me on hold to speak to her supervisor and comes back to say as this is a contract phone(it's not i paid cash for it and
explained this to her , she suggests I pick a model I like and purchase a nice new one instead) AT MY EXPENSE. Now that's customer service. SO now back to Trading Standards
who have told me they will support me in any ensuing legal action.
customer This is infuriating, signal fine until 2 weeks ago and for the last fortnight I've had nothing. Lost 2 jobs because people couldn't get through and I couldn't pickup my answer phone status 0 2 3 09/08
277 messages!Three really need to get coverage sorted out, it's all well and good having the best iPhone tariff but if you can't use it, what's the point!! 11:24
customer I don't believe it, just put a comment on your wall about poor coverage and you remove it. Maybe you should spend less time worrying about poor Facebook comments and deal with status 3 5 3 09/08
278 your poor customer service and signal coverage! 11:32
customer can not figure out if the one plan allows you to watch tv on your mobile at no extra charge? status 1 4 0 09/08
78 11:43
customer Hi Three. I've changed my contact preferences but you or your agents are still harassing g me with phone calls and silent voicemails. Time to call the police? Please sort. status 0 7 0 09/08
161 11:48
customer I am trying to access my 'Three' account for my iPad I recently purchased through 'Three' but am having problems. I am following instructions on here: status 0 5 1 09/08
34,/?new,kb=mobile,ts=mobile,t=casedoc,case=obj(5439)But am having no luck, it just takes me to the login page. 17:08
customer Happy Friday 3 Peeps - le weekend is almost here :) status 0 10 3 09/08
354 23:35

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer Your cell phone scans for the nearest base station in order to provide it with the strongest signal and, in turn, the best possible connection. It checks 21 different control channels to status 0 0 1 10/08
247 determine the strongest available signal.Your cell phone then selects the strongest signal for its use.An origination message (a very short message of about ¼ second in length) is then 00:05
sent by the cellular phone, which includes its MIN (Mobile Identification Number, that is, your cellular phone number), as well as the ESN (Electronic Serial Number), and the
number that has been dialed.Once the cellular service provider verifies that you are among its customers - based on the sent-out MIN and ESN - the base station sends a channel
assignment message to the cellular phone (another ¼ of a second in length), telling the phone where the conversation will be.The cell phone then tunes into that assigned channel and
the call begins. All of this has happened by the time you hear the ringing or busy signal on the other end of the phone.And if you call is not registered & you fail to get a dialing Tone,
customer Oh can you smell my breakfast cooking ? status 0 4 1 10/08
355 01:43
customer Still no update? what happened tp "i'll keep you updated"? was that a joke? status 0 0 0 10/08
24 02:00
customer I have been on the phone to Three for 25 minutes now and still no one can transfer me to the "right" department. Its ludicrous. As I type this I have been transferred 5 times!!!! status 3 3 0 10/08
260 02:20
customer Hi I'm looking for a mifi what is 3 's best deal. Thanks. status 0 4 0 10/08
200 02:30
customer Can I make a suggestion about your voicemail service?Could you think about changing the way it is laid out? For example;When listening to voicemails, I don't want to hear the status 1 1 1 10/08
222 telephone number and time stamp of the message before the recording. For the life of me I will not recognise the number off-by-heart, the guy takes too long to say the numbers, and 03:22
as soon as the person starts speaking I will know EXACTLY who it is, if I don't know who it is well I can just keep listening until the automated voice tells me the number.Also, why
can’t the personal message be simpler? It’d be much quicker to have “hi, im not in right now, leave a message” “beep” ….. and message can be left imMediately after.I’m just
thinking of time saving here, coming from o2 to Three, most things are great, but the voicemail system is damn slow!Cheers
customer is three network down in DE233YX area many thanks status 0 1 0 10/08
187 03:32
customer You were also built to cost me a fortune, your dongal, is great....but why does £25 only last me a week, yes i skype a lot.....Sky broadband on the 30th.....sorry Three had status 0 9 3 10/08
289 your chance!!!! 04:00
customer phone call at weekend and young lady seemed keen to sort my problem out, asked me to try and only use network at location in question TR4 8PF and she would check and give me a status 0 2 0 10/08
282 call after 3 days. Now Friday and no call as yet, service still sub standard for 5 bars of High Speed network well under 1Mb, at times still drops to 120kbps. 04:08
customer No signal for the last 2 hours.. Based in Barnes SW13... Any idea when I will be able to use my phone again??? status 0 2 1 10/08
221 05:01
customer 3 | photo 2 0 0 10/08
264 05:46
customer HTC has been upgrading all its HTC Sense 4.0 phones to bring some much needed changes to the way legacy menu buttons work. Since HTC’s device features capactive navigation status 2 3 1 10/08
64 keys instead of virtual ones they needed a sensible way to allow users to access Android 2.x menus.The original way forced users to put up with a huge, black bar which took up 06:15
prime real estate at the bottom of the display. This new update eradicates that issue by giving users the option to use a long-press of the recent apps button instead.HTCInside also
notices a new tab button that can be accessed without going into the browser’s menu, better performance, tweaked homescreen animations, and more. This 148.13MB update (which
brings build 2.17.401.2) is said to be headed out to devices right now so check for it in the settings menu.
customer I have just been passed between 5 different sections of your un-trained - Un organized disgrace of an on call team - At the end of which I have been put on hold / Hung up on? Is this status 1 1 0 10/08
346 the common practice of Three - to regularly treat customers with such poor service that we do not call again? I would like a call back from someone in some sort of position of 06:23
organised - I had a dongle - I cancelled it - Three never bothered actually cancelling it - It affected my credit rating - I called to rectify - the situation & have now spent over 2 hours
being passed around from section to section to NO avail - DISGRACEFUL - i CAN BE CONTACT PRIVATELY VIA F.BOOK & GIVE MY CONTACT DETAILS - If you are
even bothered enough to do this -
customer I have just been passed between 5 different sections of your un-trained - Un organized disgrace of an on call team - At the end of which I have been put on hold / Hung up on? Is this status 1 2 2 10/08
347 the common practice of Three - to regularly treat customers with such poor service that we do not call again? I would like a call back from someone in some sort of position of 06:25
organised - I had a dongle - I cancelled it - Three never bothered actually cancelling it - It affected my credit rating - I called to rectify - the situation & have now spent over 2 hours
being passed around from section to section to NO avail - DISGRACEFUL - i CAN BE CONTACT PRIVATELY VIA F.BOOK & GIVE MY CONTACT DETAILS - If you are
even bothered enough to do this -
customer it took 10 attempts to get through to 3. Is anyone like me travel a lot abroad and get no service. Last year service was terrible in New Zealand yet Vodaphone customers no problems. status 0 2 0 10/08
129 This year in Italy poor service again. I am off to Africa tomorrow no doubt will be left high and dry. They promise me they could offer a good service but have failed to come up 06:28
with the goods
customer Any update on the HTC One X update? Will it be 1.29 or the newly released 2.17 firmware? status 0 1 0 10/08
126 06:40
customer Did I win? :) | photo 1 0 0 10/08
160 06:53
customer would love to know why myself and my neighbours phones aren't working! We cant call or text! Is there and issue with the network in the Littleover area of Derby???? Seriously status 0 7 3 10/08

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
236 considering leaving this network! 07:33
customer I've had a lack of data for most of the day (Leeds LS1, HTC One X), is there an outage ? status 0 3 1 10/08
238 07:41
Page And the lucky winner of round 3 is…… Ian Roderick. Congratulations! You managed to guess ‘Let Me Go’ as theMaverick Sabre track :-) Stay tuned guys, thereare more chances to photo 38 4 3 10/08
Admin win, starting next week! | 08:10
customer I can't remember setting a pin for accessing customer service ? What do I need to do to rest one ? status 0 2 2 10/08
134 08:43
Page That's us signing off for the week, looking forward to fun 'n' frolicks in the sun :-) Which we'll probably take a gazillion pictures of on our phones! Like this if you'll be doing the photo 51 23 1 10/08
Admin same! | 08:47
customer why does sometimes stops working? status 0 1 1 10/08
399 08:47
customer Stop calling me!! If my family or friends want one of your deals I'm sure they'll contact you. status 2 1 0 10/08
59 08:54
customer UPDATE: been in contact with three customer services for the 6th time in nearly 3 week an I'm appalled that after all this time they still haven't got my unlock code from htc. I've status 0 1 1 10/08
280 been passed around from pillar to post, told one thing then another' promised my code on 1 day then to be told it'll be another 3-5 days an still nothing. this is not good customer 09:10
service and i'm surprised they haven't been reported to ofcom because this isn't the first time I've had issues with three customer services and I bet I'm not the only one and frankly I'm
sick of it.P.S, your signal sucks used to get great signal an now I don't
customer Can anyone tell me if I can use tethering on a all you can eat data contract? status 0 4 0 10/08
331 10:18
customer I see my bill has increased this month all because of you thieving buggers! Great tactic though, make sure the sales team 'exaggerate' how its fixed price for 24 months first, give it a status 0 2 3 10/08
298 few months into the contract and then spill the good news!! PS - do make sure none of your sales team contact me when the contract is near to ending otherwise I would have no 11:21
choice but to give my honest opinion! Thanks....
customer Why don't you have UK call centre's???? status 1 9 0 10/08
219 12:33
customer Hello I find your customer service department Very unprofessional status 1 5 1 10/08
15 12:47
customer I hope someone can help because I can't find an answer at - Is there a maximum length of time I can go between top-ups without my number being deactivated? I use my status 0 5 1 10/08
185 credit very slowly - I last topped up in February - but I don't want to wake up one morning and find my phone doesn't work. 13:00
customer Thnxs 3 !!!!!!!!:-D status 0 0 0 10/08
246 13:17
customer have a sim only contract with a few months to run.called to find out how much it was to pay off early shock horror £49 admin fee right away. they don't tell you that when you sign status 0 5 0 10/08
235 up. so beware 13:30
customer To 3, If one of my Friends,whilst talking to them,turned away/switched off after 1 1/2 mins.,Do you think i would be Happy with said friend??? Why do u insist on toying with my status 0 1 0 10/08
293 happiness,3??:( 13:40
customer ALL SHALL PASS AND GONE FOREVER. status 0 3 0 10/08
30 15:04
customer 3rd attempt at 885mb iso image download. status 0 6 1 10/08
248 15:40
customer I am very angry and dissapointed with the service that I have received from 3mobile.Over the last 11 months, 3mobile have been taking money out of my account without permission. status 0 1 1 10/08
87 In early 2011, I rang 3mobile months ahead of when my contract was due to end and therefore disguarded my phone once the contract had finished. However since then they have 16:14
still been charging me for insurance cover of £7 a month, without my permission. For the duration of almost a year!
customer 3 (weak signal) mobile - just a warning don't use these people - they do not have a comprehensive network of transmitters and are intransigent and dishonest when trying to resolve status 0 2 3 10/08
69 problems..they will always have work on the transmitter area you are in or have just been to. 23:46
customer Well Three. The HTC One X has had another big software update released by HTC (2.17). Without giving us your standard reply of the last one (1.29) failed your testing blah blah status 3 13 2 11/08
202 blah and you have no date when it will be released. Would someone from Three please tell us what the hell is going on! We are all stuck with phones with a long list of fundamental 00:33
faults that have been resolved by HTC months ago but because we made the huge mistake of buying from Three you are not distributing these updates to your customers. As I said
we are all fed up with the standard answer you are giving us all so please be more imaginative with your response and speak to someone internally with the actual knowledge of these
updates before responding. Thanks from a very unhappy Three customer (one of many it seems!)
customer Dear Three. Thank you for sending me a Microsim card for my replacement phone. I have asked for it to be activated but I am still waiting for it to be ready.However I am unhappy status 5 9 0 11/08
190 that you have already deactivated my regular Simcard. I would phone your CS Dept to discuss, but, um, I can't.Now 4 and a half weeks phoneless :S 01:09
customer Wrappz | | Create a custom Mackbook case using Wrappz\'s online app. Wrappz provide personalized, quality Macbook cases at affordable prices. For more video 0 0 2 11/08
336 details, visit: | Custom Macbook Case at Wrappz | 01:15
customer Hey, I had my phone stolen while abroad. Would Three be able to trace my phone by the use of its IMEI number? status 0 12 3 11/08

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
308 01:55
customer I have seen bad service before but 3 beats the lot. Need to cancel broadband service as going overseas but left hanging on the phone twice first time over 20 mins then over 15 mins. status 0 8 1 11/08
328 Also sent emails with no response +44 (0)7728509232any ideas how to get a response? 04:06
customer Upgrading your Mobile Broadband. - Upgrading your device - Upgrades - Support - Three | | Here you'll find out how to upgrade your Mobile Broadband and link 0 0 1 11/08
240 when you can upgrade. | 07:05
command=new,kb=mobile,ts=mobile,t=article,varset_cat=upgrade,varset_subcat=4184,case=obj(5567),varset_username=Mobile:mobileUser?s_search=helpsearch |
customer What a dreadful company! Applied for business contract, was accepted, no paperwork appeared. Contacted you by web, email & telephone, to no avail. The chap on the phone said status 0 0 0 11/08
218 someone would contact me back, nothing. If you guys hold new customers in such high regard, I dread to think about the quality of service had I signed up. 07:24
customer Hey guys whats with the signal probs at ct6 postcode ? status 0 11 2 11/08
19 07:24
customer I have a HTC Desire S branded to the Three network. Can you tell me when you will be rolling out the Ice cream sandwich update. status 0 6 0 11/08
268 08:14
customer WORST COMPANY EVER!sent my phone for repair the second time now for the same problem.first time they put in a second hand screen.second time they've lost my phone!am status 0 0 0 11/08
140 now stuck without a smartphone i paid for!after mulyiple calls to various departments they cant help me. 09:09
customer my partners phone has also gone in for repairs twice!first time they couldnt find a problem so they sent it back covered in scratches!second time i tell them to sort out the fault AND status 0 0 0 11/08
141 the damage they caused. and i just got a letter saying due to water damage they are not responsible for any repairs so will be sending me my phone back REFUSING ALL 09:24
RESPONSIBILITIES FOR REPAIR!!!this is disgusting behaviour from your side THREE.
customer Please stop phoning me 3-4 times a day trying to sell tariffs to my friends and family! That sort of marketing will make me switch providers. status 4 3 1 11/08
38 09:26
customer Will you guys be getting the One X’s successor, the HTC Endeavour C2? Scheduled release of October or earlier and my contract is up 29th September….. status 0 3 0 11/08
315 09:42
customer this network hat to 17 pounds for 300mins 3000texts and unlimited internet when on giffgaff you can get 10 pounds 250 mins unlim texts unlim internet and premium rate numbers status 2 30 2 11/08
154 free 10:27
customer I'm changing from 02 to three so I've checked on the area coverage online and it says I can text and make calls at my home/work postcode but may have to go outside (or something status 1 14 2 11/08
179 along them lines) is this normal?! I don't want to have to go outside everytime to make a call or check I have any texts?! Worried I've made the wrong choice changing providers now 15:47
customer Junaid akram status 0 0 0 12/08
158 02:44
customer Sort your signal out oh my god I seriously have signal less than 50% of the time!!! It's so annoying and when I ring up to complain its like oh ring back on another phone, I don't have status 1 4 3 12/08
44 two phones?! It was okay on my old 3 phone its just my HTC where I have no signal can you please help me 03:27
customer I'd like to thank 3 for the excellent service i've recived since joining on a trial of one-plan sim only. - coverage is excellent, and the tether data is nice and fast on my iphone 4s.also: i status 5 6 0 12/08
371 like the way your off-shore call centres can be called about anything, not even 3 related questions. - i asked them, if there was any showers in mumbai airport, for when i go 03:53
travelling, the oppo i spoke to was very informative.keep up the good work.
customer Worst network in the work shit signal for one. Secondly add 70 to the amount I have to pay off my contract as they told me a different amount every time dude to the fact they can't status 16 24 0 12/08
267 use a calculator and then won't even repair my broken phone that has broke three times. sort it out 08:51
customer Having major issues with Three - trying to change my phone contract to a SIM 300 rolling contract. Have been on hold x3 for over an hour each this month, and cannot seem to do status 0 6 3 12/08
198 this style of "upgrade" online via My Three either. I still haven't managed to change my contract! I have been with three for six years, never known the customer service to be this 10:40
bad! Is there a way to arrange a service call so I can finally sort this out? Thanks.
customer What do i need to do to get "three home signal"? 4 months with awful reception at home, support gets through 1 out of 4 times and says everything is ok :( status 0 3 0 12/08
244 10:41
customer hello, just bought new simcard (pay as you go) and can't access my account via web browser. sim is already registered, got my password via sms, but when i trying to login, website status 0 6 3 12/08
377 shows following message: There is a problem: Sorry, you cannot resubmit the login form. any ideas? 13:01
customer So who's still waiting for the HTC one x update? status 0 1 2 12/08
312 16:39
customer I recently (8/8/12) took out a contract with 3 network on an iphone 4s from the Bolton branch store (served by a young lad called Danny), after some minor use of the phone i realized status 1 7 3 12/08
297 i wasn't happy with the apple product provided and wished to change it. I went into the store on (9/8/12) and talked to the manager about returning the phone and changing the 17:30
contract to a better deal with 3 but he told me that since i opened THE BOX the phone was un-returnable and i was tied into a 24 month contract. My consumer rights have been
clearly violated here and I'm not happy with the service provided.New rights under the Consumer Credit DirectiveUnder the Consumer Credit Directive, which came into force on 1
February 2011, consumers now have 14 days to cancel a credit agreement. The legislation applies to all credit agreements, whether made in person, on the internet or over the phone,
under changes to the Consumer Credit Act 1974.If you change your mind about the orderSome types of contract are covered by cooling-off periods. This is a period during which you
can cancel a contract without having to pay anything if you change your mind. The exact details vary depending on the type of contract.I believe, by law, i have a 14 day cooling off

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
period in which i can cancel my contract with no charge and a full refund is given but three network don't seem acknowledge this law and therefore is breaking it. All i want is to
simple exchange the phone for a Samsung Galaxy S3 and I'm happy to alter my contract accordingly.I would appreciate a call back on this issue and i hope to get it resolved as soon
as possible.
customer trying to register put in my last 6 digits from my sim card and nothing happens grrr status 0 0 0 13/08
170 00:19
customer I'm fed up with having to re-boot my Samsung galaxy s2 at least 10 times a day as when I try to accesses the internet I get a three page come up asking if i'm trying to use my phone status 0 1 2 13/08
68 as a hotspot or tethering then I need an add on, well i'm not and am getting fed up with having to re-boot every time I get this message just so I can access the internet, please advise ! 01:46
customer Customer's Perception of Social Media use by Telecoms Operators Survey | | | Hi GuysHope you are wellI am a Media and PR masters student in link 0 0 0 13/08
314 Newcastle University currently carrying out a research on SocialMedia use by Mobile Network Operators in the UKI would really appreciate it if you helped answer a few questions. 01:59
It will only take a few minutes.You will find the questions here: result of this survey will be used solely for academic
purposes.The success of my work is highly dependent on your feedback.Thank you in advance.Semira Mahmud |
customer Just been on hold for the last 25 mins and still didn't get thru 3 is the worst network around these days total joke!!! status 0 0 0 13/08
100 02:18
customer Wrote on here about my HTC One X issues. Wanted answers as phone is faulty (due to you not supplying software updates in line with everybody else) - so I wish to free myself status 0 6 1 13/08
61 from a contract with a faulty handset which has already been replaced.Now, after 6 days, still no response.Why am I not surprised? Please just let me leave. You're embarrassing as a 02:27
customer Has firmware update 4.0.4 been released for the Samsung Galaxy S2 yet? status 0 1 2 13/08
12 04:30
customer There's no three coverage on Brixton Road SW9!! third time this is happening! I've gotten in so much trouble cos of this! I so hate your Network!! status 0 9 3 13/08
373 04:44
customer After writing to Simon Harding, Head of Operations at Three and having no response, I don't know how i can complain any further. Between Three repairs telling me that my status 1 4 0 13/08
367 blackberry is waiting on a part to be repaired, then sending me letters saying that it cannot be fixed, to your customer help telling me that it is being sent back all working with no fee. 05:06
This morning i received my phone back, in the state it was sent off, with a stock letter which said i had NOT contacted three (which is hilarious seeing as I have called over 10 times
in the last week, and written 3 letters). This is a truly horrendously run company, who know that there is nothing the end user can do to protect themselves, and whilst you are in the
contract you will be direct debited for any fee they want to send your way. It is FARCICAL! I have never dealt with such poor customer service. Take a leaf out of Apple's book if
you want to keep your customers..
customer As it appears your complaints form isn't working either I will copy the content of my form on here for all to see. Hope this time someone bothers to contact me back about it!! status 1 7 1 13/08
40 Absolutely, awful, vile and down right discusting service!!Details of complaint:Where do I start.... I had a 24 month contract with 3 for an internet dongle I had and always paid my 05:17
bill. I had Virgin installed for TV, phone and broadband and called 3 to cancel your services, but as I was still within my contract at that point and so had to pay until the end so just
lowered my monthly plan and payments each month until that contract ended and continued to pay. After my contract had ended and I had paied what I owed I recieved
communication from a company called CSL, advising that they were collecting just over £20 on behalf of yourselves - they explained that although my contract had ended I had to
call you directly to cancel it fully, and so if I paid the £20+ with them I could call you and get it cancelled which I did. A couple of weeks ago I then receive further communication
from CSL that I owe another £20.08, again that they are collecting on behalf of you. They could tell me no more as to why other than the same explanation as before and that I would
have to contact you directly and discuss it. After finally managing to get through to somebody (phone line kept cutting dead, then automated message to say call back as you were
having technical difficulties etc) I explained that I had paid through CSL, called and cancelled with you directly and then again had correspondance about another alleged £20.08 that
I owe. Basically for whatever reason when I had called and cancelled through your cancellation team, it had never been recorded in your systems and no cancellation for my account
had been put through. (Just to put things into perspective I have also moved house 2 years ago and updated my new address with you on a number of occastions, which your system
also has seemed to struggle with and I have had all correspondance with yourself sent to my old address, despite my efforts to update this.) The first 3 reprasentative that I spoke with
was quite helpful when I explained my situation and advised that he would ensure my address was up to date and that he could put me through to cancellations to speak with me
further and that they could also contact CSL on my behalf to advise that they do not need to contact me for the £20.08, and that before he transfered me through he would put full
notes on my record for his colleauge to read. Unfortunately your representative in collections was LESS than helpful, infact his customer service skills were absolutely vile and it is
because of him and my interaction with him that I will never consider using 3 and any of your services ever again. He basically told me that there is no record of my cancellation (I
know that as I had told him this) and that I would have to cancel again, and with that came a notice period that I would have to pay for and also that there is nothing he can do
regarding the £20.08 that CSL keep chasing me for.This is the long version of events cut very short.... I went on to explain to the representative that I had already paid my notice and
would not be paying again and that I had also paid an additional £20 to CSL and would not be paying that again and asked for him to go and speak with a manager to get it sorted so
that I could cancel and hear no more about it, and not have to pay another penny because I had already paid what I owed. He would not do this, just went silent, would not reply to
me (I was litterally saying, hello, will you answer me and got nothing back), he kept flicking my call on to mute, which I then asked him not to do, the line remained silent for some
more time before he then transferred my call to another line that just played music - I did hold for another 10 minutes to see if anybody else answered, which nobody did.I have since
made a number of tweets, to both @ThreeUK and @ThreeSupportUK, explaining the VILE customer service I have recieved... @ThreeUK were less than helpful just directing me to
Threesupport - I tweeted them again a number of times before someone actually replied just basically asking if they could help. I then asked them for a direct line to call them and
recieved nothing back...Where do I start.... I had a 24 month contract with 3 for an internet dongle I had and always paid my bill. I had Virgin installed for TV, phone and broadband
and called 3 to cancel your services, but as I was still within my contract at that point and so had to pay until the end so just lowered my monthly plan and payments each month until
that contract ended and continued to pay. After my contract had ended and I had paied what I owed I recieved communication from a company called CSL, advising that they were
collecting just over £20 on behalf of yourselves - they explained that although my contract had ended I had to call

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 65

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer 40 days now since first complaint concerning TR4 8PF. 5 bars H signal and just clocked a 150kbps download speed, constant connection problems. Despite constant promises from status 2 11 0 13/08
283 the 'SUPPORT TEAM'?? (what support) nothing is happening, promised a return phone call a week ago and NOTHING. 3 emails to your support dept, text message saying 'Closed 05:47
query as you have rung to resolve the problem' nothing has been resolved. Recoded delivery letter sent to Maidenhead office asking for email or written response, received
NOTHING.Happy to take customer money but not bothered in the slightest tooffer a decent level of support
customer Seems from looking on your FB account that I am not the only un happy customer and yet you don't really seem that bothered and don't even reply in some cases! VILE!! I will now status 2 5 1 13/08
41 be taking further action. 06:14
customer 3 ur are the crappiest phone company ive ever done buisness with anyone thinking of getting a contract with the biggest rip of merchants dont and as for a call center in india wtf is status 1 6 2 13/08
378 that about not happy 06:31
customer You are aware of the issues with my handset.Rachel Kidd (Executives Office) was aware weeks ago.I ask again, after calling 333 and not finding anybody that can help, and not status 1 6 0 13/08
VIA FACEBOOK, TWITTER, EMAIL OR CALL ME!Please.My handset has a number of faults which make it almost useless. I pay a premium price for my handset, and would
like it to work as the manufacturer and the adverts state.You are aware of these faults. All I ask is that you remedy them using software HTC have given you, or let me cancel my
contract.I have supplied the email references, and expect contact after 6 days of silence.I will keep this up.
customer Oh my god, its now 24 days without service and still no one from your team has been in touch. Even the shop is closed, so want out of this contract now. status 3 16 1 13/08
323 07:35
customer OMG! ok, check this out....i send in my phone for repairs as there is a software issue with it.3 send it back covered with scratches and saying they cant find a fault!so i sent it back a status 0 0 0 13/08
142 week later to fix softare and damage.just been notified that thay have found water damage in the phone so now is not covered by the warranty and because there is no warranty now, 07:36
they cant fix the scratces they caused!!!!!!rang 3 CS about the water damage and they said there was no water damage the first time but when i sent it back there was so i must have
got water in it the week i had it????unreal and shocking are some of the words i can describe three.extremely poor customer service
customer dongle support from 3 is a load of tripe status 1 10 1 13/08
102 07:52
customer A company who is not even bothered about the amount of unhappy customers they have complaining on a public SocialMedia site says it all!! I will make sure I will do all in my status 2 8 2 13/08
42 power to spread the word on my experiences with this awful company and take it to the highest place possible! 08:11
customer I was thinking of setting up a page were ill share links of trading standards ,ambudsum for trading and this shit companys head office anyone intrested in joining post comment here if status 2 24 2 13/08
379 theres enuf ill set the page up why are we lettng a phone company rob us 08:19
customer It's important that you complain first to the business you're unhappy with – and give them a chance to look into your problem. They have eight weeks to do this. We can help by status 0 7 3 13/08
380 contacting the business for you, and telling them about your our consumer helpline on 0300 123 9 123 or 0800 023 4567Monday to Friday – 8am to 8pmSaturday – 08:36
9am to 1pmwe'll be happy to phone you backemail [email protected] will usually be able to deal with phone queries on the spot – so phoning might be
quicker than emailing usHere are some hints on the best ways of making sure your complaint is taken seriously.Got a complaint? here's what to do ... [British Sign Language video-
clip]2. ask us to look at your complaintIf you're not happy with how the business has dealt with your complaint, you can ask us to look into it for you. But the business you're
unhappy with has eight weeks to look into your complaint first – before we can investigate your case.You will need to fill in our complaint form – so that we know your details. We
can help you do this (phone us on 0300 123 9 123 or 0800 023 4567). Or you can download the form below.
customer If im still here in an hour ill be surprised lol they cant hang up on me but they can block status 0 0 0 13/08
381 08:39
customer The Trading Standards Institute and itsa Limited1 Sylvan CourtSylvan WaySouthfields Business ParkBasildonEssex SS15 6THUKThis is for trading standards ill post a link for status 0 0 0 13/08
382 contacting the Media next 08:43
Page Three UK | Win | | We <3 a text ;) But our network was built for more. We were built for the internet. Hard-wired to serve up the stuff you love, on an uber-fast beefcake of a link 52 32 3 13/08
Admin network. We’re for streaming Eastenders to a teepee in Cornwall. For Skyping your mum Happy Birthday from the top deck of the 47 bus. For tweet... | Time for week 4 of our 09:09
competition, who’s ready? Head to our win tab to check our Draw Something riddle and you could be on your way to Ibiza! |
customer trying to locate my other phone that i also sent in for repairs but according to the tracking, repair centre havent even recieved it yet. its been 10 days so far. trying to ring the store i status 0 0 0 13/08
143 sent it from and they havnt been answering and now the phone off the hook!!!what the hell is going on!!! 09:11
customer ive been with three for 5 years now and its never been this bad. it just seem to be getting worser by the day. status 0 0 0 13/08
144 09:13
customer Would you buy out my o2 contract. They suck!!!! :-) status 0 14 1 13/08
55 09:19
customer does anyone who can reply my email or contant via EMAIL ASAP.i have sent email to support (three UK) about complaint.however,there is no one answer or reply my email.!!!!!!! status 0 12 3 13/08
376 09:37
customer it's all fair and well having all you can eat data and minutes, BUT if you can't get a reliable phone signal most places let alone am i meant to use any of it? i have never had status 4 11 1 13/08
316 full signal for more than a minute and that's in a major city!!!why do you even have a "HOME SIGNAL BOOSTER"?to me it just says your signal is weak from the i got 10:07
a call from customer services to see if i'm happy!!! they couldn't put through a request to have 333 call me back...what's up with that? MY SIGNAL IS SO WEAK AND
customer Here is the first address you should write to:3 Customer services (complaints)Hutchison 3G UK LtdPO Box 333GlasgowG2 9AGI have put (complaints) after the name just so they status 0 0 0 13/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 66

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
383 know!I have already written to this address and after 14 days still have not recieved any response from them yet!Make sure your letter is firm but not too threatening and explains 10:20
your complaint clearly and concisely. Also explain that you have made several calls their customer services and you are not happy with the outcome.Make sure that you end
the letter requesting...
customer On March 22nd, Ofcom* published data of their most recent complaints data includng mobile services. Orange came up as the most complained network with 3UK a close 2nd. As status 0 0 0 13/08
383 you can see from the chart provided by Ofcom, although Three only came second to Orange in more recent months, their overal performance is still worse than other mobile networks 10:28
with O2 having the best performance. They state that Three's high complaints ratio has been driven...
customer in 2003 but I still believe is relevantThe UK telecom watchdog Oftel received on average more complaints status 2 19 2 13/08
384 from 3's customers than any other mobile operators. The figures published by Oftel shows Virgin Mobile to be the best network with less than 0.1 complaint per thousand subscribers 10:40
between April 1 and the end of September.Vodafone was second with 0.1 complaints per thousand customers. Orange lost the best network title and is tied with T-Mobile and O2
with 0.2 complaints for every 1000
customer Hi, i have a problem with my Huawei E586 device. Im on a danish ship in Harwich harbor, but i have no signal on my broadband device. What to do...? status 1 10 1 13/08
324 10:54
customer 4th day in as many weeks where I'm having issues with your network. I'm coming to the end of a 24 month contract where I spend between £50 - £60 a month with you. Love the status 1 15 3 13/08
201 couldn't care a less attitude of your staff when I tell them I'm cancelling the contract at the earliest opportunity, not even interested why I'm leaving. That's a great way of trying to 12:18
improve your service for current and or future customers! O2 here I come
customer three used to have the cheapest price plans befor to balance out the bad CS.but now, you get better deals on other networks and the CS has gone even worse! status 0 0 0 13/08
145 12:36
customer Sorry tim hadent relised freedom of speach and information to people who are sick of 3 was boring u but if ur actualy on the page cos u like it then ur a slim few because i like so status 0 0 0 13/08
385 many are sick of complaing to india and being hung up on after an hour my emails ignored but not for long im going to a better network bye 13:26
customer | | | https://encrypted- link 1 0 2 13/08
145 | 13:28
customer | | | link 1 0 1 13/08
146 | 13:35
customer appears I am getting charged for handling short code texts, not st my request. 7.50 a month extra for june and july plus 4.50 in may, appears to be another form of scam. how do I stop status 0 4 2 13/08
168 it, I sent stop, but still getting these chargeable texts. changed my settings not to download texts automatically, it may let me know in advance what it is. can anyone advise. thank 15:50
customer Why do I have no signal and no 3G ughhhh status 0 9 0 13/08
88 17:25
customer Well thats a novel way to keep customers, sign them up to 24 month contracts without even mentioning it. TOP service, well done! Don't think for a second I'm going to continue my status 0 4 2 13/08
290 broadband service or even move my mobile to yourselves which I was going to do. 17:32
customer Anyone know what the latest Three branded firmware for the Desire HD is?Mine is on v1.37 (Android 2.2) and says there's nothing newer... status 1 9 1 13/08
225 20:09
customer DONGLE ISSUE :-Its early in the morning just gone 6:20am.AGAIN , I am still having problems with your broadband speed or should that be the lack of it ..........The broadband status 2 21 1 14/08
115 speed is still flatlining.On start up I cant even load the THREE page and most of the time I am unable to access a new page , its been taking too long to load so they end up 00:30
crashing .Received Message on page :- error 118 :- TIMED OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!before you even ask , its not the mast !!I have a dashboard showing 5 bars HSDPA .It is your
broadband speed again.ZERO - UP , ZERO - DOWN SO what happens now !!!!!!!!!!!!!This issue has been going on too long , when a page fails to load , I have to reload it again and
sometimes again . I am using my broadband allowance just trying to load a page . I shouldnt need to be doing this .I left a similar message on your page last week , you managed to
answer some of it but not all of it ......WHY !!If you are unable to assist then you should not post part replies on here .Can you answer this .When I load the dashboard and the
dropdown bar appears , I get access to the internet .But when the dropdown bar does not appear I am unable to access the internet ..If this is the case why am I showing a volume
usage of 35MB if I cannot access !!" Just had a look at the THREE page again ! , it would appear that you are showing some wrong information on this page .And are you aware it
is an offence to show deceptive , misleading and false advertising . "looks like a call to the ASB -Advertising Standard Bureau
customer Happy Tuesday to you out there in 3 land :) status 1 12 2 14/08
356 01:16
customer "We were built for the internet," Yeah, that's why the internet is so slow this morning at a time where I need to use it. Wish I was at home to use our hub but I'm away. Never had any status 1 4 2 14/08
122 problems with the dongle until this morning, and I'm not the only one having problems 02:36
customer Please can you tell me who I need to speak regarding the problems with my handset, and cancelling my contract.The 'facebook tab' doesn't work on my phone.No replies to my emails status 1 5 1 14/08
63 or enquiry form on ThreeUK website.Now out of 28 days due to lack of response.Why have these Social Media pages and not deal with the issues raised?Different Day, Same 03:04
customer I am having a terrible time trying to sort out my complaint with Three with your call centre staff. I find them rude, obnoxious and generally unhelpful. I have tried complaining status 2 10 1 14/08
33 through your general procedure twice and no one has contacted me in over a month. Please can I have the contact details to a UK correspondant or someone who may be able to 03:12
resolve my complaint properly before I have to waist more time and effort taking this further.
customer I am having connection problems, strangely !the only site I can get is facebook I am in the KY5 area in Scotland...anyone else having similar problems ? status 0 18 0 14/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 67

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
105 03:16
customer Hi this question is to admin how many of u have a phone with 3 tell the tryth because this page is being watched i bet not many of u have status 2 0 0 14/08
386 03:36
customer photo 0 0 0 14/08
107 04:29
customer photo 0 0 0 14/08
108 04:31
customer photo 0 4 2 14/08
109 04:43
customer I'm currently in Tenerife bought euro pass for the last 4 days and today says sorry your unable to purchase a euro Internet pass this is for monthly customers only. I'm on a sim only status 0 5 2 14/08
98 the one plan c'mon it's costing me a fortune ringing customer services 04:49
customer Hi Three, Ordered some free sim cards last week, Thursday or Friday I think it was, how long will they take to arrive? status 0 10 0 14/08
275 04:58
customer Dear Three. You suck. I'm sick of suddenly being unable to load data for a few hours at a time for no inexplicable reason. Please fix it before I go elsewhere. Thanks. status 0 0 0 14/08
139 05:12
customer I have been told you have got problems with the Hoole Chester Transmitter status 1 4 0 14/08
46 05:22
customer How do find out last number that called me status 0 8 2 14/08
372 05:47
customer And ive just checked my emails again to just incase u could be bothered to reply and theres still nothing but what was there was a phones for u email bout there special offers my status 0 1 2 14/08
387 lucky day 06:05
customer Is it possible to get SIM replacement for my contract service? status 0 2 0 14/08
84 06:39
customer a suggestion...why do we have to contact your support team at our cost?why don't you make a list of everybody on here having an issue, move the list to customer services or the status 1 6 3 14/08
317 relevant dept and have them call us back? then pass the list on to managers at 3 as there is clearly a big problem with the 3 signal 07:00
customer Three. The network with the most utterly dire customer support bar none. I reported an issue a week ago, an issue that has been occuring since 26th July. Since then I've been lied to, status 1 10 0 14/08
73 promised call backs, assured by people they would "take ownership" of the problem and generally fobbed off. No further on with the original issue and totally fed up with phoning 07:20
the robots in the call centre.If you're thinking of joining Three .....DON'T.
customer Three's My3 - ALL OF THE BROKEN LINKS. | | | MY3 or not My3 that is the question? Will it work, will it ever work again properly, can the even get it to work????????? | video 0 1 1 14/08
249 07:26
customer Right then Three - here is the deal.You have 4 weeks after the UK release of 2.17 for the HTC One X to get the update rolled out. If you cannot manage that - you are left with 2 status 8 23 1 14/08
17 options - 1) Terminate my contract - but I will warn you - I am keeping the phone.2) Debrand my phone and I will quite happily keep paying you a monthly fee to use the network.If 07:39
you choose not to release the update - and to keep charging me for a service that 80% of the day I cannot use because you refuse to fix a phone that you are selling NOT FIT FOR
PURPOSE. Then I am going to get in touch with every news organisation in the land, I am going to get in touch with every tech blog in the land, I am going to inform every single
one of my tech friends about just how shoddy any support at all from your network is. I am going to get in touch with Ofcom because not only are you refusing to do anything at all
about the poor service you are fobbing off your customers with - you are also crying about how unfair the 4G auction is - well - if you aren't actually going to look after your
customers - then quite frankly you don't deserve to exist. It is totally beyond me WHY you bother to brand your phones in the first place - if you can't be arsed to update them - don't
brand them - they become the manufacturers problem them - you are just a service provider. But to brand them, fill them with crap that we can't even use in this country, and then
refuse to fix problems with them because (and I quote) as Ros on your blog rudely told all the customers that keep asking about your fictional software update "We aren’t required to
take all Maintenance Releases, just so you know." Um..yes, yes you are - especially ones that actually make the phone work like it is supposed to (by which I mean - allow the phone
to actually connect to your network). I am getting fed up of your non-existent support now. This has dragged on too long, meanwhile all of us with our Shiny HTC One X's are
plagued with problems that you know about. Fix them - or don't bother branding any phones in the future - you CANNOT have it both ways.
customer Hi folks, I'm wanting to contact someone from the Three marketing dept is there a direct telephone number or email? Cheers Nick Dcsu status 0 0 2 14/08
232 07:46
customer My word its scorchio down here in Hampshire (27c) phew! status 0 10 2 14/08
357 07:55
customer @Three, you keep telling me to give you my contacts details via the support tab but are you aware that the contact us link leads to a blank page !DISGRACEFUL! status 0 0 1 14/08
147 08:05
customer Hutchison 3 Global Services - H3GS | | We are Hutchison 3 Global Services Pvt. Ltd. or H3GS. We are a 100% subsidiary of the Hutchison Whampoa Group (a Fortune 500 link 0 2 0 14/08
74 company that introduced 3rd Generation -3G- telecom technology to the world). Located at Mumbai and Pune and spread across an area of over 5,17,125 sq. ft., ‘3’ has over 10,0... | 08:23
As well as posting here you can try on |
customer Tried to upgrade earlier. Wanted to add the fee onto my monthly bill but was told that wasn't a option. One customer loss when contract expires now! status 0 8 1 14/08
184 08:50

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 68

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Page A modern twist on the good old fashioned postcard? We like! Get creating with Touchnote Postcards And if you've got a Samsung Mobile phone or tablet they're free until the 31st photo 31 15 3 14/08
Admin of August! Check out the one we received the other day :-) | 08:59
customer Asia's Richest In Talks To Merge Network With Vodafone - Forbes | | Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa, controlled by Li Ka-shing, posted full-year profit that link 0 5 3 14/08
250 more than doubled. (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife) Li Ka-shing’s Hutchison Whampoa is reportedly in talks to combine its 3 mobile brand in Ireland with British 09:06
telecom giant Vodafone Group. The... | here on hot off the press, Three Ireland to merge with Vodaphone, pity they could not do it here their mast is only 150 metres away. |
customer disgusted with 3mobile customer services - very quick to seel you the phone and take your money, very poor in resolving customer complaints - my suggestion use a different status 2 13 0 14/08
51 network provider !!! 09:23
customer My parents have managed to get their account blocked because of wrong passwords, they've had 2 sent to them now and I've been making sure they did it right. I never got one so I status 0 2 2 14/08
223 had to request a new one. They can't check their bills now, wouldn't it be simpler if you could just send a letter through the post, we're not all technological you know! 10:13
customer Is there anyone out there in the Cuffley area? I have been without coverage for three weeks now and am looking to see if there is anyone else in the same situation! status 0 4 2 14/08
396 11:11
customer I have an iPhone 4 which I bought recently along with the box but it is network locked to Three UK. Can u guys please tell me how to unlock it? Btw this phone is now in Pakistan. status 0 7 2 14/08
23 Please help! Thanks 12:22
customer What a wonderful quiet week's holiday I had in Hampshire and Dorset. Only a few miles from Winchester and then out to the coast. No calls, no texts to annoy me. No emails except status 1 10 2 14/08
245 when I switched on the Wi-Fi. Of course this is all down to the fact that 99% of the time I had no signal at all! Now I see why people complain about the 3 coverage. 12:26
customer I have a Samsung Galaxy Ace. Can anyone tell me how to find out how many minutes I have used please?Ta status 1 10 3 14/08
20 13:00
customer Oh my goodness could three get an worse !!! Complaint made due to fraudulent activity on my account I advise going to cancel my dd until the matter has been resolved and lone status 1 0 0 14/08
113 behold my phone has now been place on stop and the fraudulent team are yet to make a decision nearly 3 weeks on !!!! How much proof do you need someone went on my account 13:01
ordered a new phone which was delivered to a completely different address and yet when I call for updates I'm passed from around from one person to the next and no one is able to
help !!! Good give me strength a lots of it !!!!!!!!!!
customer Shall I go for S2 or Sony Xperia P? I got told the Xperia P came out two weeks ago and that it's better than the S2 some how? Three finally given me a really good offer - going tell status 0 8 2 14/08
81 the lady what phone I want tomorrow most probably. 13:52
customer Why is there not the facility. To top up, another phone, in your account. By your card, not voucher. status 0 7 0 14/08
320 14:07
customer is 4G gonna be available anytime soon it would be awesome to be the first status 0 4 0 14/08
153 19:47
customer Good morning out there to the happy and unhappy customers - hope you have a good day :) status 0 10 2 15/08
357 01:09
customer Mac Solutions(UK) Ltd. | | We specialise in providing Connectivity & Reporting solutions to industrial customers.In addition, we are the UK experts in network-based, Automatic link 0 0 0 15/08
194 Backup Solutions for Control systems devices, such as PLCs. | | 02:52
customer | | | Holly Crap.. Three UK u still think its something to do with my end consumer device? Brain up BS21 1BE have some link 0 0 0 15/08
398 problems with backbone or s/w config..(Its like that for 2weeks or even more) | 02:57
customer Dear 3.... Since morning I have no signals on my three network... This happens with your sim a lot. I am based in Essex, please do something!! status 0 1 1 15/08
95 03:33
customer Now, that's even better!If you look into all my comments on here in the last few days, you will probably see that I was told by both your Customer Services and your Complaints status 1 20 3 15/08
97 Department that it was not possible for them to make calls to international numbers. So, calling a customer who is now in France about their complaint is not possible it seems.Well, 04:03
we have just received a call from one of your call centres in India, on our French number, regarding an outstanding balance.Would you care to explain how this is possible? And by
explain, I mean tell us why some of your customer service people tell us it is not possible to contact us in France, when clearly it is, rather than advising us to use the support tab on
your facebook page?Regards.
customer My son has a zero limit on his account yet was allowed to run up a £540 bill....suggest you try a different provider if you want to manage your costs status 1 6 2 15/08
309 05:11
customer Why is my ipad obill cost more than normal this month? I have paid £25.00 every month for over 6 months,but this mont why I have 88p more.I am not bother paying but what for? status 0 1 0 15/08
341 05:45
customer Oops ,thunder , lightening , torrential rain and signal gone down - scartch that - back up but still no sky signal :( status 0 2 2 15/08
358 06:16
customer why is it everytime it rains the signal goes status 0 2 1 15/08
296 06:37
customer My htc desire c has just arrived but there are no instructions how to get back off to insert sim card also how long should it take to come on had it plugged in for ages but still nothing status 0 7 3 15/08
163 help anyone? Cheers :-) 06:57

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 69

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Page We’re loving seeing some of our fave vintage video games released as apps lately, which do you most wish you could play on your smartphones in 2012? For us it's Donkey Kong ;-) photo 101 45 0 15/08
Admin | 07:45
customer We have recently purchased one of your WiFi Dongle Adapters (ZTE MF10 Wireless Router) but the first one kept randomly cutting us out of the internet so we took it back and got status 0 7 3 15/08
123 it exchanged where the second one is doing the same.We took it back today, where they refused to exchange it or refund us because they do not have a returns policy. 07:51
customer Three Customer Service = USELESS!!! Clearly don't want to keep me as a customer even though I've been with them for 12years! The guy I spoke to, Dheeraj, was more interested status 1 7 2 15/08
340 in selling me something that any new customer could get... Well, your loss Three & another networks gain! 08:08
customer I have been with you guys for 3 years now.. Since I have changed to my iphone package with you where i pay £35 I hardly get any coverage. In a month at least two weeks i don't status 2 5 2 15/08
52 have coverage. Last week of July I had the same issue. This month, last week I had the same issue. Even today I had the same issue. Bear in mind I am paying for all this time... You 09:38
guys are so shit.. The network is horrible.. I know you tried calling me yesterday. I am sorry to say I didn't receive your call as I had no network. The same applies with today also..
customer Honestly, I wish I could cancel my contract cause I'm getting charged left right and centre for nothing ! My bill for this month is £37.08 I understand I used 10 minutes over my status 1 5 1 15/08
177 allowance but that was £3.10 so I dunno why three decided to add on nearly £4 extra! Can someone from three cancel my contract for free as I'm getting so annoyed with it ?! 10:01
customer why do you keep changing my upgrade date been with 3 for years but seriously thinking of changing to orange status 1 10 1 15/08
229 10:25
customer Wow, this is a first, the IP address returned Warwick as the location. first time in over 5 years, my actual location. Well it first displayed Rowley Regis then changed to Warwick, status 0 3 3 15/08
251 then it locked up. The reconnection came back Dudley then Warwick. Looks like Three are manipulation their IP addresses. 11:10
customer I'm giving up trying to register. Does anyone know the number I call to speak to customer services, maybe they can tell me... status 0 8 0 15/08
20 11:59
customer One more month to go and we are leaving 3, the miwi, is absoloutely rubbish even tho perfect coverage mm cut out 4 times tonight, am sick to death of it and has made our decision status 0 8 3 15/08
165 we will not be reknewing and all emails u get is we are improving it in your area, what a lot of bull.. 12:51
customer why have you stopped doing loan phones in your stores? the stores excuse was because people never returned them but thats not acceptable. ive been without a phone for over a week status 0 0 0 15/08
148 now and that could have been avoided if you repaired my phone properly the first time round instead of installing second hand parts! 13:31
customer can any one tell me when htc one x will get update that fixes the phone whilst im paying top doller that burns an hole in my pocket and cos it overheats the bottom softkeys only status 0 2 3 15/08
66 light when they want and not when needed why is it full of apps that i dont use... come on three tech crackon europe are on 129 software where on 128 whys that where in europe 14:41
too !
customer Having a call centre in India is all very well for you but when they don't understand the way us English folk word things it's gets a bit frustratiing....not pleased with 3 over the past status 1 4 3 15/08
181 month or so and the language barrier just made it a whole lot worse :-( 14:46
customer hi there im getting a new laptop and got 3 contract dongle but ive lost the disk to reinstall it what do i do status 0 11 1 15/08
166 15:40
customer Why do Three UK keep giving its contract customers less than sub standard customer services, nothing but excuses and fob off's (every time I've rang up) and still feel the need to status 0 10 2 15/08
281 feed us with a load of rubbish about "there has been a technical problem" when we all know its because nobody understands what your saying because your call centres are based 16:55
outside the UK because its cheaper for Three
customer My network is down :( NE347PP area status 0 1 2 15/08
397 17:36
customer Here's one thumbs up from a satisfied customer, just to counter some of the negative remarks I'm reading here! Great coverage, great tarriff and exceptional customer service. Support status 3 7 0 16/08
339 for HulloMail on PAYG a big hook too. Pity it took 16 years of trying every other network bar Vodafone to get here! 00:39
customer Hello out there in Planet 3 - nearly the weekend :) status 0 8 3 16/08
359 00:54
customer Yet another day of intermittent to poor reception on Three UK. Yet another hour spent on the phone talking to technical support. I have a brand new phone, the latest software and a status 0 9 0 16/08
110 sparkly new sim card. Advice for technical support - maybe you need to work on your network!! 03:00
customer Wall Photos | The weekend is almost here and we have two very special shows coming up at the amazing Ocean Beach Club Ibiza! Broadcasting live from Ocean Beach, Capital FM photo 0 0 2 16/08
118 and Three UK join forces with Ibiza Live to bring you the ultimate party weekend! More details coming up... check it >> | 03:05
customer Three, seriously it appears I'm paying £36 a month for 0 calls (can't make em)0 texts ( can't send em)Even when the network is up the signal once indoors isn't great, but I got round status 4 18 2 16/08
13 that, the fact this is the third/ fourth time since January that I have not had signal is nothing less than a joke. I know of at least 3 other people around here that are about as fed up with 03:27
you as I am.SORT IT OUT!
customer Hi im a PAYG customer from Ireland,i cant seem to find the Three Ireland facebook page so here it goes, as of yesterday every time i use the internet like facebook youtube or yahoo status 2 6 3 16/08
60 mail on my mobile im being charged for it from my credit. Up until now i have had all you can eat data & had all this usage free ,plus when i went to check my balance all it told me 03:53
was how much i have remaining on my top up, there was no info on how many free three to three calls or free txt's messages etc i had remaining unlike before. Has three got rid of all
these extras or is it a glich in the accounts ,if so ive been charged over 14.85 euro since yesterday from my top up for using the internet on my mobile ,i got no notice from three about
this change in charging as i was aware i had "all you can eat data" so either there is a good explanation for this or im entitled to some sort of refund for this charging. Look forward to
hearing from you.
customer just a question the Essential SIM 50 BlackBerry plan is there anyway of adding extra mins or texts? status 0 0 1 16/08
213 05:05

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Page SIM plans built for the internet. « Welcome to the Three Blog | | We’re the network built for the internet and our goal is to equip you guys with the best possible link 147 54 1 16/08
Admin mobile experience. It’s all well and good making this bold statement but behind the scenes a number of things need to be done to make this happen. Our Devices team work hard to 05:14
make sure our range of sm... | ‘Like’ this if you’re waiting for the next big smartphone? We have just the thing for you, SIMs built for Internetting :-) Starting at just £6.90, with lots
of flexible options. |
customer Rubbish network status 2 14 3 16/08
65 05:16
customer Had no signal all day! I don't usually get this problem! status 0 7 3 16/08
112 05:16
customer hay 3 why not bring back 12 and 18 months contracts with handsets instead of 24 month status 0 4 0 16/08
128 05:36
customer Why do i keep getting calls from your "representatives" offering me a selected offer for £13 a month?! my number isn't anywhere, i don't fill in surveys, and i'm not on contract! I'M status 1 7 2 16/08
82 FED UP OF RECEIVING THESE CALLS! my calls are now being recorded, and will be being monitered, if ANY OF YOUR "REPRESENTATIVES" CALL ME AGAIN, I WILL 05:43
BE MAKING A FORMAL COMPLAINT ABOUT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. if you could get back to me, and explain where EXACTLY you got my number from, so
i can talk to them about it to. THANKS
customer Dear 3. Please could you tell me an email address to send complaints to please. I have barely any signal at home, and when I am out and about with a full signal, my phone cuts off a status 1 4 0 16/08
85 call or the internet stops working. I have used the online email system but am getting no where very quickly. Kind regardsEd 05:58
106 06:21
customer Broken Phone, 10 months into contract away for repair twice have the cheek to ask me to pay £25 a month on my contract to have a alternate phone ontop of £50 for difference in status 0 8 2 16/08
206 value for "wear and tear" on my handset!! next stop trading standards and off com, sale of goods act anyone? GRRRR and I will keep posting this on ever single SocialMedia site to 06:22
do with three that I can find TILL SOMEONE BOTHERS TO LISTEN TO ME!! FUMMING!!!!!!!!!
customer It seems that only positive comments are allowed on this page... I am positively fed-up with the very poor Internet service and connection that i am receiving from 3. I haven't been status 0 5 2 16/08
306 able to connect via broadband dongle all day. I am paying a fortune for rubbish! 06:31
customer My husband, daughter and myself are all with three and although we've never had a brilliant signal, lately we have none at all. We can't make or receive calls or texts anywhere in or status 0 5 2 16/08
342 near our house and was wondering if there is problem with the mast in our area? We are in Mosstodloch, moray in Scotland. 06:51
customer STILL CAN'T GET INTERNET CONNECTION ON MY LAPTOP!!!!!! 'the server at can't be found because the DNS look-up failed.' I am paying a fortune for a status 2 31 0 16/08
307 service that I am not getting!!!!! 07:39
customer Got a Blackberry Bold 9900 today. How long do you have to charge a new phone when you first get it? I know phones arrive partially charged already. I've always been told 8 hours status 0 7 3 16/08
180 to charge it though. 08:02
customer My contents insurers want a quote emailed to me for a replacement handset for my damaged Samsung Galaxy Nexus. If I provide my email can you do this from here? Could do with status 0 2 2 16/08
231 ASAP 08:42
customer just a question the Essential SIM 50 BlackBerry plan is there anyway of adding extra mins or texts? status 1 4 1 16/08
214 08:51
customer Is the facebook app is free because it saying that I should download it and surf for free is that true or a scam tell asap status 0 2 3 16/08
262 09:40
customer If you want to move to @ThreeUK from another network, beware - their number portability sucks. Bought a new phone and started a sim-only contract almost two weeks ago, and status 1 10 1 16/08
271 they have not been able to sort out the number portability issues since then. The phone is, for all intents and purposes, unusable. So if you want to move to three, consider that you 10:08
may end up incommunicado for weeks.
customer Dont use three, There service is rubbish you never answer the support queries and i have a phone i cant use as you keep cutting the calls off even tho i have full signal.. Utterly status 1 1 0 16/08
349 Useless.. 10:15
customer Stop deleteing my post,Dont use three, There service is rubbish you never answer the support queries and i have a phone i cant use as you keep cutting the calls off even tho i have status 2 1 0 16/08
350 full signal.. Utterly Useless.. 10:16
customer Dont use three, There service is rubbish you never answer the support queries and i have a phone i cant use as you keep cutting the calls off even tho i have full signal.. Utterly status 4 16 0 16/08
351 Useless.. 10:16
customer Nice info blog status 0 0 0 16/08
393 11:09
customer Nice info blog status 0 0 0 16/08
394 11:11
customer Stop deleting my post !You actually stopped me from receiving texts because my £40.00 bill was three days over due ....i could understand if it was hundreds of pounds in status 0 4 2 16/08
345 arrears ...but forty quid ? As a customer of four years and had numerous glitches with signal and service disruption i think thats really petty. 11:15
customer These people have shocking customer service and their call centres are populated with clueless clowns. Avoid. I have been trying to port my sick child's number and they are status 1 1 0 16/08
49 incompetent , embarrassingly so, and not accountable. Rubbish experience, embarrassment for a phone company. 11:31
customer Rubbish incompetence is leaving my Diabetic daughter without independence after messing up her phone unlocking. No-one cares and no-one deviates from the standard script and status 0 9 2 16/08

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
132 takes responsibility! Disappointing. 11:57
customer Just put a complaint on here and it has gone!! Dear 3, you are so rubbish that you cannot deal with a complaint about your stupidity; clearly you live upto your idiotic image. What status 0 4 2 16/08
50 sort of losers do you employ???? Suggest you get your finger out of your speaker hole and do a proper job of this issue!! 11:59
customer Three UK Thanks 3 You have saved me from thoses bloody Spam PPI Insurance Messages I only had to change my Number at a Cost of £10,21 But its well worth it ! status 1 9 1 16/08
265 12:13
customer Hi, My friend bought to me an Iphone 4S from yours and bring it for me in Brazil. It is not working. It is locked. How can i unlock the phone? Could you help me? Thank you. status 0 3 0 16/08
120 13:21
customer Dear 3...... our relationship is so sad..I give you commitment in the shape of a payment every month but you won't commit to this relationship by giving me a decent signal. Where is status 3 2 3 16/08
45 your heart?? Please release me, let me go so that I may seek a connection with another. The counselling process via India has not worked despite the dedication of the advisors even 14:45
they cannot carry on a counselling session with a broken signal. I have tried to love you but getting nothing in return has broken my heart and diminished my faith in you as phone's time to say farewell. But apparently only you can end this relationship, I am tied to you for another 18months, with no working phone, no working internet and an
empty pocket...I beg you, do the decent thing.
customer Were has my signal gone....not been able to make a call all day. Can't seem to find any info regarding network problem's. Please bring my signal back.... status 1 5 3 16/08
156 15:01
customer Hi i have a three contract phone. im thinking of rooting it to get rid of the apps that were im built and take up all my space so i can't even have Facebook app in. If i do this will it status 1 6 3 16/08
326 affect my space internet and text and calls allowance 17:41
customer IP Locator | Locate Network Address on Google Map | Internet Protocol Tools | | Find what's running on an IP Address. | Note to Engineers: if I check the IP link 0 2 1 16/08
252 address at it does not change to Warwick | 20:41
customer My cousin sent me a phone but its lock to yo network is there a way you can inbox me the code to use it wit a different network as we don't hav 3 here its a Sony Ericsson Cyber Shot status 0 3 1 16/08
169 C903 23:27
customer Morning Planet 3'ers - its FRIDAY woohoooo :) status 0 5 1 17/08
360 00:34
customer Network issues in NE270BY? status 0 3 0 17/08
135 03:07
customer any update on eta of 4.04 update for htc one x plz battery is joke full charge and it lasts till dinner time status 1 2 0 17/08
67 03:21
customer Just sent you an email, please respond asap so I can pass this on to the ombudsman and deal with my complaint once and for all. status 1 23 2 17/08
178 05:01
customer So when are Three Ireland going to acknowledge that their system is incapable of handling the traffic put upon it and finally give me a refund for the constant interrupted service i am status 0 3 0 17/08
279 receiving? 05:04
customer Hi, on your new range of sim only plans, is it still possible to add an all you can eat data add on for £3 a month, should I later find I require more data? status 0 1 2 17/08
27 05:11
customer Wall Photos | Tonight, get yourselves down to the Ocean Beach Club Ibiza for the ultimate Ibiza Live with Capital FM and Three UK!!James Barr will be broadcasting live from 8pm photo 0 0 0 17/08
119 til 12am on Capital FM and we'll be partying by the pool to some of the best music in the world - come down and get involved! For VIP bed reservations call +34 971 803 260 :) | 05:28
customer I don't know why people keep moaning about the internet it's ok in Brighton | photo 3 7 3 17/08
258 05:49
customer Why are you still billing me when I closed my account due to poor service and sent the dongle back and was told no more payments would be needed. I have tried ringing but keep status 1 2 0 17/08
233 getting put on hold. Sort it out. Broadband number 07411361903. 06:57
customer Cannot beleive how after all these years of being a customer i have been treated from your team, with issues reguarding my handset. status 0 3 2 17/08
310 07:01
customer Whats happened to three network in poole ?? No service for a day now !! status 0 2 1 17/08
234 07:29
Page The Premiership kicks off (mwah!) this weekend, how will you be using your smartphone to make sure you don’t miss any of the action? We’ve downloaded the Sky Sports app in photo 32 13 0 17/08
Admin eager anticipation! | 07:53
customer Hi there I am having so many problems with my network and when I call customer service I get lied to and fobbed off with excuses. I am a long term contract holder and when I ask status 0 14 3 17/08
269 to speak a uk manager a get told I get an Indian manager is this right I can't be transferred to a UK manager? 08:13
customer Just wondering... anyone else with an iPhone (not sure its relevant) who keep getting calls dropped after a few minutes. Its happening indoors & outdoors and really doing my head in status 0 6 0 17/08
124 now... 08:17
customer So, my billing issues finally got 'resolved' a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't get out of my contract like I wanted. Actually would have taken out a new one with you guys there and status 0 1 1 17/08
56 then over the phone as your network service is great but no. However, I do have a silver lining and that is in a few months I will be free!! Back to T-Mobile with glorious UK call 08:17
centres filled with staff who dont treat you like crap and cheap contracts with good phones :)
Page Drum roll please….. The answer to round 4 was…. ’Traktor’. Congrats to our lucky winner. You’ll soon be winging your way to Ibiza with a friend. Feeling a bit sad that you didn’t photo 44 31 0 17/08

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Admin win? Don’t worry, round 5 starts next week! | 08:35
customer Im having trouble topping up my dongle online with the debit card status 0 3 0 17/08
70 09:19
customer wht abt iphone5 ??? status 0 4 3 17/08
266 09:51
customer pls can smone download yr product? status 0 4 1 17/08
305 10:24
customer Iam with 3 uk 7 to 8 years I don't have any problem but the last 2 months I have faced to many problems because of the network coverage and 3 uk team pissied me off they don't status 6 17 0 17/08
22 care about customers and I'll tell my friends that if you are thinking about the 3 you must becarefull and the 3 pepole will offer you good deals but the sevice is rubbish I think I will 10:41
be leaving 3 soon
customer I want to unlock my iPhone 4 I am from India status 0 6 2 17/08
239 12:00
customer I am just writing on here to let you and others know that i am disgusted by the way i was treated for being mugged and my phone being taken. I have complained several times and status 8 31 2 17/08
195 had no decent feedback or response from you. I want everyone to know not to go to Three as they are a very unhelpful bad company and i will no longer be recommending anyone to 13:26
customer Can anyone help me decide please - upgrading soon from HTC Desire HD to either the One X or Galaxy S3 but don't know which one to go for! Any advice would be great thanks :) status 0 5 0 17/08
395 13:28
customer If I have Text 500 + £3 a month unlimited data add-on can I use my Galaxy Nexus to tether to my laptop to give me Internet? Or do I need something else? status 0 11 2 17/08
111 13:46
customer DO YOU DO BIG NUMBER MOBILES YET ON 3 status 0 3 3 17/08
242 14:28
customer hiya three, i recently purchased a three mobile and its broken, will you send me a new one please? status 0 5 3 17/08
302 14:38
customer this is now beyond a joke!i go to collect my phones today from the 3 store after they were sent in for repair. ones gone missing again and the other still has the same fault with the status 0 0 1 17/08
149 screen and it been to the repair centre the second time now for the same god damn problem!if you cant fix it why cant you just give me another phone?!!! 14:49
customer welcome once again the wonderful world of mega SLOW mobile internet on the THREE Network. Just tested and achieved the fantastic speed of 120kbps download and 600kbps status 0 5 3 17/08
284 upload and this is with 5 bars of H signal and only 1.7 miles from the mast. Drive .2 miles the opposite direction and latch on to a mast that is 2.3 miles away and can get 5Mbps 15:48
download and 3.5Mbps upload and still THree UK say there is nothing wrong.Fed up speaking to customer services in the UK and India as always treated like a mushroom, sure you
all know what that means, was told 43 days ago that there was a problem with the mast that was causing the problem, 11 days ago I was told that the problem had been definately
fixed and the service would be back to normal. NO CHANGE still rubbish and still they insist that there is not a problem.
customer If there is nothing wrong wit the mast that serves TR4 8PF can you explain why I have just done three speed tests and got the following results:1) 120kbps down 650kbps up2) status 0 7 3 17/08
285 3.1Mbps down 1.2Mbps up3) 150kbps down 1.15Mbps upDo you still insist that ther eis nothing wrong if so the explain the inconsistant speeds.Watched it on one test and the speed 16:10
went from 100kbps to 3.5Mbps ten down to 0kbps and then up 900kbps and then down to 0 and finally finished at 600kbps but there is nothing wrong with the mast or the service I
am receiving.
customer hiya ive toped up my dongle but it says i have 10 pound of balance not what i wanted ..i wanted internet data allowance plz help status 0 4 3 17/08
159 16:29
customer Three updates SIM-only plans, unlimited data now starts at £12.50 p.m. | Android Central | | You can now get an All-you-can-eat data monthly contract link 0 0 2 17/08
390 from as little as £12.50. Everyone loves a bargain. | ooooo..... Think I might change my package with Three UK to this one. | 16:51
customer Good Grief, Saturday Morning, Donlge connected first time, Phone actually getting a dialling tone & able to make calls. If this keeps up I will be joining Tim praising Three. Now status 0 8 2 18/08
252 that will be something strange........ 00:26
customer DO YOU HAVE THE Big Button Mobile Phone-Ideal for the ELDERLY ON 3G PLEASE.......... status 0 4 3 18/08
243 00:45
customer OMG you think Three's service can't get any worse and then IT DOES!! EVERYONE I speak to in their foreign call cente tells me a contradicting story - are they all just liars? Are status 1 5 2 18/08
133 they all just playing me for a complete fool? Even Facebook responder says "fill in customer service form and we'll contact you" - rubbish do they?! I filled in it and yet again, no 03:12
response. As I said earlier - NO-ONE CARES!
customer hi guys, can you PM me pls as I want to switch my number, I have a puc status 0 2 0 18/08
171 03:27
customer Samsung Galaxy s Cases | | Wrappz provide custom Samsung Galaxy S Cases at affordable prices. They provide all types of quality personalized Samsung mobile video 0 0 1 18/08
338 phone & tablet cases. For details, visit: | Samsung Mobile Phone Cases by Wrappz | 03:40
customer Usually i wouldn't take to the realms of Facebook to exploit my anger involving such a situation but now is definately the right time.I have been an exceptional customer for the better status 1 5 1 18/08
300 part of 6-7 years, and i have ever recieved from your network is utter dissappointment. Firstly, a month ago i recieved my new Samsung Galaxy Europa which was damaged as i 04:04
could not charge it's battery. After a lengthy FIVE CALLS to your network (because your 'brilliant' team never bothered to ring me back), I got my replacement phone...WHICH

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 73

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
HAS NIL NETWORK COVERAGE. When i became aware of this problem i contacted three again, whom may i add can't understand a word i say (this isn't me trying to be
discriminative, but its just the same as a German and French person trying to have a conversation; they just can't understand one another)...Anyways like i mentioned, i contacted
your Customer Services team and after a long 45 minutes of being put through to different members and being put on hold they thought it would be a great idea to end the call so i
had to go through the whole process yet again!For a major Mobile Network, i find it amazing how you can still attract so many customers with the small levels of customer service
experience your team maintains, not to mention the underwhelming deals you have to offer. I tried to terminate my contract, but i was told it would cost £400 to do so. This must be
why your customers stay with you so long...Because they have no other choice!Bottom line is, i've been an incredibly loyal customer for a long time and this shouldn't be how you
treat them. For Seven years i've had to scrape the bottom of the barrel concerning Mobile phones, whilst my friends etc have much better phones AND deals. I am genuinally
disgusted and unsure as to why i have not been as privileged by your network as i should have been? Some of my friends pay the same monthly bill as me and have a brand spanking
new iPhone, whilst my phone functions as if it was carved out of stone...Why is this? Whatever reason it may be, it is absolutely appaling.
customer Sefn mc m status 0 0 1 18/08
36 07:21
customer | | | internetting.....hahaha, it reminds me of this link 0 0 0 18/08
150 guy | 09:59
customer Hello,I am thinking about buying one of your phone contracts but I have a question about tethering. I note that on your standard plans tethering can be bought for £5 a month extra status 0 15 1 18/08
193 but that it has a 2GB limit. I also note that with the One Plan tethering is included but there is no mention of a data limit. Is there a data limit for tethering on the one plan?Thanks 11:12
customer Any one else have problems with the network at about 12.15 and after today? status 0 6 0 18/08
253 13:49
customer TO DAY BI TO DAY. status 1 0 2 18/08
30 16:53
customer Hello 3 status 0 0 1 18/08
10 20:25
customer asalaamu caleykum ? status 0 0 0 19/08
319 01:04
customer Just found out Wedding at the Sikh temple the weekend 15 coaches of guests + cars & walkers. Contention straight through the roof, absolutely no chance of a connection, bl**du status 0 0 0 19/08
254 useless, tried telling Three. Via VirginMobile. 02:34
customer just to let you know i am VERY disappointed with 3 mobile. i have been a customer of 3 for the last 6/7 years and have never had a problem with them. always paid my bill on time status 2 4 0 19/08
137 an praised their customer service and network and choice of phones and packages on many occasions. but i have had a problem with my new galaxy S2 and put it in for repair. i have 02:51
now discovered that they are trying to blame me for the damage to the phone. the problem was the phone kept cutting out, they say it was caused by water in the USB port on the
phone(the phone has never been near water) and i now have to pay for the repair as its not covered by my warranty. when i phoned to ask about it the woman from customer services
would not tell me any thing except "that's just how it is. you can pay for the repair or get your phone back still broken but u will have to continue paying your monthly bill". so i
asked to speak to a manager and got told that ALL managers and ALL the supervisors were in a meeting for the rest of the day! i also went to my local 3 store to explain my situation
and spoke to a manager, her explanation to why my phone had water in the USB port even though it has never been near water..... it was in my pocket to long and the condensation
got into the USB port! seriously? i will be fighting this all the way and if its not resolved i will be leaving the 3 network and advising every one i know to stay clear as they obviously
only care about getting you a contract but have no interest in helping afterwards.
customer You guys have the worst customer service ever. I popped into a three outlet and they said they could cut my overseas sim card so that I could insert it into my three contracted phone status 0 0 2 19/08
79 to type in the unlock code. Giving me excuses such as it's a different shape, please educate your employees to recognize that a standard aim card is a standard aim card to come up 04:14
with better excuses for being lazy.
customer How can you say you will credit me with a month's line rental (approx £21) but then over £35 from my account?Three's service continues to be shocking.... status 0 3 0 19/08
191 05:57
customer Is there an award for the most incompetent network provider? You guys would win hands down. My wife wanted to use her phone abroad, so she phoned you up and you said it's all status 0 1 0 19/08
48 sorted. Now she is abroad phone doesn't work! I have tried to phone but because of the data protection act I can't discuss any details, funny though if I wanted to pay a bill the data 06:21
protection act is not an issue! Idiots!!!!!!!!
customer When in your network will be available update to android 4.0.4 for HTC ONE X? thx status 1 3 0 19/08
176 07:13
customer I need to get in touch with someone about cancelling my one mouth rolling contract,please .thankyou status 0 3 3 19/08
136 08:35
customer Went into a phone shop to do an early upgrade, the manager said he could do me a better deal if I switched to Three UK, he didn't understand why I fell about laughing. status 1 1 0 19/08
286 10:58
customer To counteract all the negativity - I think 3 is the best network and that's all :) status 4 4 2 19/08
361 11:49
customer I have a contract with three already, if I took out an iPad plan could I get a better deal calling or would I just get the same deals as what's online? status 0 4 0 19/08
299 13:45
customer hi if I up grade my phone n keep my number will my contract stay with my old phone or my new one status 0 1 0 19/08

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
39 14:28
customer How do i access the wi-fi actually? status 0 1 1 19/08
287 14:34
customer Three I love you, I really do, but please stop calling me. I don't want a dongle, or another phone. Regards, a fellow Maidonian. status 4 1 0 19/08
210 15:36
customer Dear employees of Three network.Let me start by saying how amazed I am that I have signal to even write this message to you. Over the course of my 2 year contract I have had...let status 0 2 3 19/08
333 me put it this way...the WORST experience of my life. Your signal is utterly terrible for starters. I can be in my house, have signal briefly, but the moment I go outside, all hope of 18:22
contacting my friends and family are but a distant memory.The internet with Three is absolutely abysmal. If I even manage to get on to the net (the rare occasion that it is) then 5
minutes down the line, its gone. You people haven't a clue just how frustrating it is! My girlfriend and I have just had a baby ok...and thank god I was home when she went in to
labour! Because if I was out then there would have been no way for her to get hold of me due to your appalling signal! And if that had happened then I would have found one of your
directors and shoved this phone so far down their throat that they would've needed a full blown colonoscopy to even find it!Ladies and gentlemen, if there's one piece of advice I can
offer you...let it be to Never accept or arrange to go on a contract or payg with this company. As you will regret it! The signal and internet issues are beyond a joke. I have had
nothing but problems with it since day 1, and customer services will do nothing to help. I hope this message reaches someone important because changes need to be made before this
company loses all their customers. (how that has not happened already I do not know)Yours sincerely...One incredibly hacked off customer...
customer Hi,please could you repair the 3g signal at Nunthorpe Middlesbrough TS7 please,total loss yesterday,and still down now. Thanks. :-) status 1 6 3 19/08
344 23:34
customer Hi again Three. Would you care to at least acknowledge (even better respond) to my question I posted on here on the 11th Aug if that isn't asking too much? Or have you just put status 2 3 2 20/08
203 your fingers in your ears saying la, la, la, la....... 00:01
customer is there a problem with the network in middlesbrough area? i've had no signal for two days now status 0 2 2 20/08
175 01:06
368 01:15
customer Quick question. You say that the payments on my contract with you are for your service (lol) and not the phone itself so why do I have to give you money to unlock the handset? status 0 6 0 20/08
389 01:35
customer Is there no signal in the TQ14 area again? status 0 1 1 20/08
330 02:29
customer I'd like to get in contact with your company in regards to a new sim/and or contract. How can I speak to a person (and not an automated voice service) without paying 14pence per status 0 2 2 20/08
117 minute, alternatively when I went through your voice service none of the options applied in regards to the service I require and I was cut off. As a potential new customer this is 02:46
extremely off putting.
customer | | | with all the negativity on here I'd just like to say I love you | link 3 1 1 20/08
72 02:51
customer Hi is there any chance i could get a call back from someone at three. i have mobile broadband with a dongle it was workin really well i had just toped it up then them simcard stoped status 0 7 3 20/08
325 workin and that was two weeks ago. i did get a new sim last week as i still didnt recive my new one. however that has still not been activated and im gonna lose my credit. I need 03:18
answers. i have loads of work to do and cant get online to do it.
customer shit network! status 4 5 0 20/08
301 04:07
Page Fancy winning some exclusive summer prizes?...oh you do? Then head over to our Win tab and get involved! We've put the clue to a Jessie J track into Google maps, go check it out status 152 68 2 20/08
Admin and see if you can guess which! Lol. ;-) 04:50
customer HI,trying to submit answer to competition (on my PC) but it wont go through. Is there an email address i can enter by? status 0 1 2 20/08
199 04:57
customer I felt the need to counter the amount of negativity on here. I and my partner have been with Three for a long time! We have both found Three's customer service to be top notch (in status 7 4 1 20/08
54 store and phone) and our contracts to be amazingly good value. Thanks Three! 05:19
customer hi quick question please im tryimg log in my three i enter my password and phone number keeps saying not regonised u asked4new password which3have sent still cant access my3 status 0 1 2 20/08
32 any help 05:30
customer can u unlock an iphone 4? its not a contract phone, if so, how much? status 0 3 0 20/08
186 06:02
customer recently found out it doesnt pay to be loyal to your network... possible return incoming! status 0 5 2 20/08
343 06:09
customer how do i submit a bill query via email status 0 1 1 20/08
91 06:29
customer Is there a way to check my credit without having to use the internet as at the moment everytime I check my credit it costs me! Also does 3 do upgrades for their PAYG customers like status 0 2 0 20/08
92 most other networks? 06:54
customer I upgraded to an htc one x about 3-4 months ago. It died on me just over 2 weeks ago, I took it into the local 3 shop and they sent it off for a repair. Collected it this morning only to status 1 2 2 20/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 75

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
259 find out when I got home that it still did not work. So back to the shop I went and it's away again to be fixed. The staff in the shop were very helpful, apologetic and embarrassed. 07:06
Hope ur engineers are better second time round!
customer im not to happy aboght the Three UK app in adroid it was fine as it was i prefair to see my ballqnce on sreen like i did befoure not connect to a browser and sign in not a good move status 0 5 1 20/08
366 on your partplease restore it back to as it was in the next up date and please dont mess with it again it was fine as it was thank you 08:02
Page Our favourite new app, as used by the athletes at the closing ceremony! LEDit | photo 91 24 1 20/08
Admin 09:11
customer How I improve my signal with Three, a 12db gain aerial attached to a cradle which I sit my phone in, give a 2 bar increase in signal strength. (eBay 170762408060) | http://sphotos- photo 2 1 1 20/08
255 10:38
customer Your network top speeds before 7days ago about 400 to 500kbs since then round about 45kb at the very most but actually around 10kb :-Dwtf this is on three separate three mobiles:- status 0 6 0 20/08
7 Pso no its not the handset or settings and told its not the network :-Dhaha what the fuck is the problem my postcode is gu1 1jq :-D but you don't need to check I already know the 10:41
bullShit I'm going to hear:-D
customer Is there any word on you updating the HTC One X to the new ICS 4.0.4. I believe the update has been out since Friday 10th status 0 9 3 20/08
16 10:43
customer Aug 20, 2012 10:56am | | | | video 0 0 1 20/08
288 10:56
customer are there any three staff on this at the moment? status 0 2 1 20/08
47 11:34
customer Hi, yr website never seems to work properly, I can't use my 3g login successfully. Why is this? I want to get a migration code please. status 0 1 1 20/08
130 11:48
customer Are there ever staff reading things on here? status 1 6 0 20/08
292 12:11
customer I called the consumer services no. and waited 15 mins for someone to answer the phone. I then phoned the sales no. and someone answered in 15 seconds but refused to help. Time to status 1 4 1 20/08
211 move to a company who values its customers! 12:16
customer Blackberry 9900 + oneplan + superfast data = Happy 3 customer :) status 2 1 2 20/08
362 13:45
customer On these numbers are listed as being your company 08443380201 and 08443380289, is this true? My mother is registered with the TPS and in her 70's has been status 0 1 0 20/08
257 tortured over the past two weeks with silent calls, up to 7 and 8 a day from these numbers at all times. Please reply! 13:49
customer Can I set a maximum usage limit in case my daughter accidentally goes over her calling/texting allowance? Thanks status 0 7 3 20/08
311 15:50
customer Lmao top speeds seriously at least its consistent :-Dthree not the network to go for unless you wanting to go back to dial up:-P | photo 0 11 3 20/08
7 17:59
customer Three UK what on earth is wrong with your network for 2 days now I have had no 3g coverage and so the internet will not work on my iphone!! Don't know why I pay such an status 4 15 0 21/08
114 expensive contract!!! Whereas O2 haven't had these problems. 00:10
customer Any idea when the current 'network problems are due to be resolved? Thanks status 0 7 0 21/08
273 02:01
customer Morning my little 3 buddies out there today :) status 1 9 1 21/08
363 02:04
customer SIM plans built for the internet. « Welcome to the Three Blog | | We’re the network built for the internet and our goal is to equip you guys with the best possible link 0 0 0 21/08
37 mobile experience. It’s all well and good making this bold statement but behind the scenes a number of things need to be done to make this happen. Our Devices team work hard to 02:27
make sure our range of sm... | If you are heading to university this September and are looking for a new contract, Three UK may have the answer for you. The sim only plans are
built for the internet and start from as little as £6.90/month. Head in-store for more details |
customer Hi if i have a samsung s3 and its a micro simcard... if i wanted to buy another phone that is a standard simcard how do i get my number transfered over to the standard simcard? status 0 15 2 21/08
313 02:43
customer How long does it take for a unlocking code for a Samsung Galaxy Ace, supposedly a week but im still waiting (over 2 weeks)!! status 0 6 3 21/08
167 03:06
customer Hi Three, your data network appears to be down in Brighton... Had to survive a whole wander around town without being able to tell you! status 0 9 3 21/08
104 03:30
customer I just bought a sim card which has no credit. I have registered an account on your website and you text me a password but I am unable to log in, here is a photo of the error message I photo 0 6 0 21/08
261 am getting. What am I doing wrong? | 03:44
customer My Issue with Three, in Full. My Samsung Galaxy Nexus started turning off, and not charging sent phone away for repair, the handset came back 3 weeks later having being status 4 9 3 21/08
207 “repaired” and went through their “quality check”, I assume this check is to ensure the handset is in working order. Picked phone up from my Three store to find it turned itself off 04:04
anytime you put it down, or indeed moved it. So off it went again, (after I had to wait a week for loan phone to come into store) once again “repaired” and the obviously effective
“quality check”, back in store to pick the phone up and loan and behold EXACT same problem. So I did a little research and find that this problem is quite common with the Galaxy

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 76

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Nexus, as such sent a letter of complaint and said I believe it to be not fir for purpose as described in the Sale Of Goods Act 1979, as such I want a alternate handset, obviously Three
cannot repair my device and if I get the same one again then I may have the same problem. So I get a call from customer services and seem quite open to the idea of me getting a new
handset (at first) they ask what I want, and I have had a Samsung Galaxy handset for years and want to stay with that, Samsung Galaxy 3 is suggested, but as it is a newer handset I
would have to pay the £50 difference, to be honest it’s a bit rich asking for money when I have had a broke phone for 6 weeks but I agree, and they take payment, the line then goes
dead. One hour later the same guy calls me back to say its all going ahead but I will have to pay £25 a month extra on my contract (as well as the £50) this is where it gets stupid. He
said for every month I have owned my handset (10 months) it has diminished in value by £25 p/m (based on that it will be worth nothing by December) and as such I was only
entitled to handset worth £125, he also said if I had a broken TV and it broke inside its warranty then I would not get a one of equal value should I take it back to the retailer, I don’t
know what planet this guy lives on but its certainly not Earth! So I took to ranting on Facebook, and quickly was told to fill in a form Via the Facebook page and someone from their
SocialMedia care team would be in contact, this was 5 days ago. So here I am AGAIN no one rang me (other than their sales team) trying to sell me additional products!! Anyone out
there think this stinks as much as me?
customer Had contract since August 2011 and it worked a dream, full coverage everywhere in home town. Since end of July 2012 I've been unable to send texts or make calls at home or in status 0 7 3 21/08
14 town. Partner on the same network, different phone and same issues so not a phone issue. 3 have given us 3 separate dates for when the "issue will be fixed" meanwhile telling us that 04:46
it's not a problem that we cannot make calls (I mean why would you use a phone to make calls???) and still relieving us of a hefty sum of money at the end of every month. The
website shows erroneously and disingenuously that there is full coverage on my postcode and that there are no issues. Complete and utter lie.Very angry and very frustrated, wish I'd
never left O2.
customer hi guys i keep getting disconnected from hsdpa coverage in there a mast thats faulty providing this signal? status 0 8 1 21/08
335 04:57
customer hello, I need help contacting customer service from a landline in the states. Any options?? status 0 1 2 21/08
212 05:53
customer Took my "new" Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S into my local "3" store to complain that it gets red hot (even when not being used or charged) and battery life is a miserable 6 hours... status 0 4 1 21/08
294 plus, if the battery IS allowed to run 100% flat, it WON'T charge again inside the phone (I have an external battery charger) Seems that if the phone is under 28 days old, you're 06:01
supposed to ring 333 and complain. I did so. Their solution? "Go into your local "3" shop, and they'll give you a 'loan phone' and will ship yours back to us for examination, and
repair or replacement" So, today I'm going back to the SAME shop. Crazy! To be fair, The "ring 333" or "take it into the shop" choice is determined by how long you've had the
phone, and I complained ON the day when the changeover takes place....
customer filled a support request out... still no response :/ do i make that call to communications ombudsman or are you going to sort my issue's? status 0 12 0 21/08
24 06:44
customer | | | 6Mb in a car at 60mph. I don't get why everyone link 3 4 3 21/08
226 else is complaining... | 06:44
customer Hi Three, just had some good news from my mate, he's coming over to 3 from Vodafone :) status 3 9 0 21/08
276 07:10
customer Is it the hpdsa+ x2 roll out thats causing all the network problems..3 status 0 0 0 21/08
174 07:31
customer Is this really Three's approach to customer service and retention:- being offered a 'deal' where the 2 year total cost is more than what is advertised on the site- being told that the status 1 0 2 21/08
204 prices on the website are Ex VAT to try and convince me the deal I was being offered was 'special'!! That's just lying! 07:41
customer Hi. The 3 network has been faulty where I live for 5 days now. The man in the local 3 shop says it's due to a fault with the mast and it is still being worked on. However I have been status 0 3 1 21/08
164 unable to make calls, send/ receive texts (apart from at intermittent intervals). I can't ring the helpline (no signal) and the link on your website won't progress as it says I'm entering a 08:11
postcode of more than 10 characters (I'm not). Please can you advise if I am able to claim any form of compensation for loss of phone usage? thanks for your help.
customer Is the 3 network any better than it used to be? The coverage was rubbish and It was impossible to get a signal inside a building or your home! Have any improvements been made to status 0 13 1 21/08
272 this once crappy service?? 08:31
Page Shoes glorious shoes… you can never have enough of them right?! And to put our money where our mouth is we’ve teamed up with Office Shoes with a £20 voucher giveaway for photo 45 20 0 21/08
Admin each BlackBerry UK & Ireland 9320 bought from us before September 13. | 08:40
customer 4G? status 0 10 1 21/08
228 08:52
customer what is up with your network today..internet kept coming and going status 2 1 1 21/08
291 09:07
customer Hi, just thought I would give you some feedback to tell you of the good work you are doing with my WiFi Broadband connection I have with you, it is SO strong considering of status 2 2 0 21/08
230 where I live here in Ross on Wye admittedly the WiFi dongle is a few feet from the window where reception is usually at its best but my signal is at its peak with my PC 09:52
customer built for the internet,i might aswell go back to a 3210. status 0 6 0 21/08
321 10:01
customer Just had the worst customer service from your call center !! status 3 2 2 21/08
11 10:29
customer I had to go out of country for a few months and they refused to freeze my contract until I come back. Now, I am not stupid to pay for the months I haven't used the service. Is there status 0 3 0 21/08
375 any solution or am I gonna have to cancel the contract then? 10:45

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 77

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer absolutely rubbish customer service, been waiting an hour for a supervisor to phone me back after trying to upgrade my phone... yes we want to keep you as a customer Mrs Lilliman, status 3 7 3 21/08
192 but will only offer you the same deal EVERYONE can get on the internet, then have the cheek to say that if I was a new customer I would get a better offer!! Well done 3... thats me, 12:12
my husband and my daughter you'll be losing as customers.
customer got a call earlier today from a UK based complaints centre who are going to try and resolve my problems so fingers crossed this time. status 0 0 2 21/08
151 13:17
customer Do you know when 4G phones will be available to buy? status 0 21 3 21/08
155 13:28
customer jeeze some people need to get out more status 0 2 0 21/08
9 13:37
customer why cant i use my phone to ring/text/use internet or anything it says i have signal but it beeps as i am contacting someone and cuts off???? something wrong with 3 ??? status 0 1 1 21/08
28 14:13
customer Absolutely disgusted with the service from the executives office. I complained to them several weeks ago. I chased the complaint last week to be told I would be called by EOB status 0 1 3 21/08
127 Friday 17/08/12. Lo and behold this hasn't happened. I called again just now to chase this. After 19.5 minutes on the call and all of the discussion I was told that all he could do was 14:31
update the account with "has not heard back from the executives office so gave number to call them". They agreed that their notes on the call should accurately reflect the discussion.
I believe this doesn't cover it at all!! Ye number he gave me for the executives of is 08707330295 and does not work. All the time I am calling them and vein charged by my current
provider for the privilege!! Still no further forward!!!!
customer I got a blackberry curve 8350 but it unlocked and was not brought from three. But it my blackberry brakes can three fix it tell me asap status 0 7 0 21/08
263 14:46
customer Answer why when I rang 2 pay my partners account was I told I needed 2 send MY bank account statement??? Fraudulent at the least.. Absolute disgusting service.. status 0 3 1 21/08
157 14:51
customer Come on 3.....we know u can beat the other networks.....make 4G cheaper than the rest...... status 1 3 0 21/08
71 15:46
customer I genuinely am happy with Three, your signal is the best, I've tried every UK network, and none compare to your amazing and reliable signal and data network, I will happily stay status 1 7 2 21/08
303 with Three and introduce you to friends and family as I am constantly satisfied with great offers, and great speeds, your network is perfect for my needs, I thought its write this as 15:58
something nice for you to read, no grief from me, just satisfaction :-)
customer Three is built for the internet? i beg to differ. my mum & dad have absolutely no signal where we stay. ridiculous, cant even get a hold of them if im in an emergency. status 0 5 3 21/08
304 17:44
customer can anybody tell me how to reset my skype phone s2 ... i can`t connect it to the computer ... so will it be all right after reset ? please help me :) status 0 1 3 21/08
116 19:01
customer The slowest service ever G429AW yeah cant get on at times and slower than a snail....and for £10 I get 4 days and I dont even down-load status 0 2 0 21/08
172 22:46
customer Hello .. I bought an iPhone 4 with the contract for your company from 2years ago .. The contract now expired .. I want to unlock my iphone nowImei for iphone :012418002822351 status 0 5 2 22/08
224 00:02
customer Morning peeps - its wednesday so half way to the weekend , have a wicked wednesday today :) status 0 4 1 22/08
364 00:29
customer Most worst customer services experience i ever had in call center ...i hadbeen hold on more then 30 min on phone...they even dont know how to behave...Three Uk should improve status 3 4 0 22/08
197 your customer service if you care about your customers... 02:18
customer I would of retired by the time i get a response from Three..... status 0 6 1 22/08
25 02:32
customer I cannot wait to leave your network. all I ever get are pointless phone calls from your customer service team which ask me the same questions and give me no solutions. All I get is status 0 1 0 22/08
162 charge more and more and more money for a service that doesn't work. Only 30 more days.... 03:16
customer Is it possible to purchase a simcard from your network then roam in Zambia? How much does it cost? VAT + SIM + POSTAGE?? status 0 6 1 22/08
80 03:21
customer with the very weak signal i have from 3 and the constant searching and switching to find your signal by my phone and it's already "awesome " battery life and old updates, which status 0 1 0 22/08
318 seem slow to be released...the htc one x is a waste of my time HTC UK Three UK Which? Action HTC...why do i pay for something i can't use properly? i think and old phone from 03:37
5 or even 10 years ago will be more reliable...
customer Really if someone dont get in contract today I am just taking this out of your hands and going to Off Com & Trading Standards I am SICK of waiting, I was promised last week your status 4 4 1 22/08
208 SocialMedia team would get in contact, I was promised yesterday someone from exec office would be in contact "very soon" I am still waiting, my phone is still broke and I will not 03:42
wait another day longer. Your actions over the last 6 weeks constitute a breach of contract, and on that basis I am well within my rights to terminate my agreement, SORT IT
customer Three UK now that your company has confirmed you have bought EE's 1800 mhz spectrum are you gonna have to rename your company to "Four Uk" ;-) status 0 2 2 22/08
101 03:44
customer I have never been so unsatisfied with a phone company ever!! Three is one of the most unreliable services ive used!! I constantly get charged ridiculous amounts of money for status 0 1 2 22/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 78

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
89 delivery reports WHICH I DONT RECIEVE, I never hardly have signal which I have complained about 5 times in 3 month!! Then when I tell a member of the customer service team 03:54
I want to leave the network he tells me my contract got changed into a 12 month one 3 months ago and I never got made aware of this!! Then he hangs up on me!! Absolutely

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 79

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media

I.IV O2 UK Facebook Posts

All Posts were by O2 Page administrator, as it was not allowed to anyone else to post.

Com Shar
Post Type Likes Time
ments es
Busted. photo 2772 254 460 26/07
There are no words... photo 568 257 58 27/07
A boost for your local high street - small businesses can now create deals, for free, with O2 Priority Moments. link 78 36 2 28/07
Pay & Go Go Go's live now: it's Pay & Go, reinvented. There's a hidden message in this pic - found it? Keep it under your hat and tweet it to us @O2 tomorrow... photo 354 181 30 29/07
O2 Wifi is now available in some of the busiest parts of London. Anyone can use it, and... it's free. Win. link 171 55 30/07
Going out anywhere this summer? We've put together a guide on getting the best from your phone while you're out. Check it out on our blog. link 27 69 1 31/07
O2 Priority Sports, powered by Nike+, is coming. Priority and sport, evolved. Text SPORTS to 2020 to get involved. photo 67 27 1 01/08
Got some amazing snaps from your holiday? Share them and you could win a trip to Berlin, courtesy of O2 Travel... photo 76 55 2 02/08
Sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain. Even the weather is doing hurdles. photo 751 50 58 03/08
Oh, this guy is GOOD. His love = indestructable. photo 3327 140 387 04/08
O2 Pay & Go Go Go tv advert link 234 121 29 05/08
We've all been there... photo 1848 98 155 06/08
Taken any epic holiday snaps? Upload them to Instagram and tag them with #O2Travel - you could win a trip to Berlin. But hurry - time's almost up... photo 82 42 5 07/08
O2 Learn takes a new app-roach to online learning... link 38 36 1 08/08
The O2 Pocket Hotspot. Make your pocket a hotspot, without feeling like you're setting fire to your cash. link 63 59 3 09/08
Forget extra minutes and texts - our new Insane Bolt Ons have arrived: link 393 132 10/08
New to the O2 Bolt On range: an ultimate disguise kit and an imaginary friend. They could be yours, free! Just visit our page and like the one you like. link 267 60 1 11/08
This photo won someone a trip to Milan... Think you can do better? Show us your travel snaps on Instagram and you could be off to Paree (Paris) thanks to O2 Travel! photo 68 37 1 12/08
Who wants to be a millionaire? Now's your chance with Insane Bolt Ons: photo 1209 86 68 13/08
It’s almost time. Exclusive sporting experiences & offers for O2 customers, powered by Nike+. Join the team - text SPORTS to 2020. link 42 33 1 14/08
Priority Moments, Angry Birds and Instagram are all great apps… But how good would this be?! photo 1829 141 212 15/08
Want a million in cash in the post? photo 1459 159 108 16/08
Best place to check the weather on your phone ever? photo 672 90 49 17/08
This day 16 years ago the Nokia Communicator 9000 launched. It was high spec with camera, email and web browsing – Like? photo 1962 143 82 18/08
Young... tick. Determined... tick. Musical talent... tick. Why not apply? link 33 11 1 19/08
Our new On & On ad link 246 63 60 20/08
It’s here. Priority Sports from O2, powered by Nike+. Join events with the world’s best athletes and access Nike product exclusives. Get the app on Android today – text ‘SPORTS’ to 2020. link 80 40 21/08
Want to see Example kickstart his new UK tour next year? We’ve got Priority Tickets going on sale on Wednesday at 9am. Head over to photo 465 65 27 22/08
We still have over 900 limited edition Nike+ Ice FuelBands available exclusively to Priority Sports members. Be one of the first in the UK to own one! Get Priority Sports on Android today – text
photo 356 77 2 23/08
‘SPORTS’ to 2020.
Feeling motivated or just had a naughty weekend? Priority Sports members get access to Nike+ Run Clubs. Join the club – text ‘SPORTS’ to 2020 or visit status 31 48 24/08
Sharing Eid with your loved ones, or just calling to say Salaam? Do it for less with an O2 International Sim. link 337 82 6 25/08
Busted. photo 3874 224 442 26/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 80

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media

I.V T-Mobile UK Facebook Posts

Lik Com Sha
Name Post Type Time
es ments res
Page Turn your old mobile phone into meals for hungry British kids with Mobiles 4 Meals. Here's how you can make a difference: | 26/07
photo 31 0 2
Admin ash4/376639_412331755489564_824281757_s.jpg 03:15
Page 26/07
All hail the novelty slipper:! What kind of silly footwear do you sport at home when nobody's watching? 11 293 77
Admin 06:48
customer 26/07
HTC One X, sense 4.1 Update! Pull your finger out T-mobile we want it now! Stop keeping us guessing, grow up and think about your customers!! status 0 0 0
180 06:51
"Get your FREE SIM here" I did, topped up £10, phone didn't work, phoned up poorly trained advisor could work out why it didnt but did tell me I have been charged for the sim. Later
customer 26/07
phone still doesn't work, kicked up big stink, eventually and 'as a geasture of goodwill' refunded sim charge! False advertising, so anyone on PAYG make sure they don't charge you or status 0 0 0
191 07:20
stear well clear of T-Mobile
customer 26/07
Please get network coverage in staffordshire sorted!! This is 3 days now numerous people have been unable to use full services. status 1 6 0
40 07:30
Page All hail the novelty slipper:! What kind of silly footwear do you sport at home when nobody's watching? | 26/07
photo 312 11 97
Admin snc6/255220_412437065479033_818033844_s.jpg 09:07
customer 26/07
im really disappointed with tmobile after my recent upgrade I have been messed about unnecessarily charged and not refunded spoken to rudely and will be leaving as a result status 0 0 0
66 09:32
customer 26/07
if due for an upgrade would i get the full monty £26 even cheaper status 0 1 0
91 10:41
customer Hey there. My contracted Motorola has recently stopped working. I take out monthly insurance, but I can't locate my insurance and phone purchase docs. If I come into a T-Mobile store 26/07
status 0 5 0
145 with just my faulty phone and some ID, will they be able to pull up all the details they need on their system?Thanks very much for your help,Laura 15:30
customer Who do I contact about a completely useless phone signal in GL52 5JU? Its either T-Mobile or its my Samsung S3 - but I cannot make or receive calls on my phone as the audio is 27/07
status 0 9 0
237 completely broken up. 01:37
customer 27/07
How do I get you're mobile broadband page off my laptop? I have put £20 on but can't use it because I can't remove you're mobile broadband payment options page status 0 3 0
122 01:53
customer Right for near on a week now ive had no signal...i want to leave t mobile as im disgusted now im disabled with no contact of anyone and you are not willing to resolve this matter so i want 27/07
status 0 1 0
126 to leave 02:49
customer 27/07
T-mobile needs to sort out how it does its credit reference which it use to check who is qualified for upgrade status 0 3 0
76 03:12
customer 27/07
Ahhhhhh whay wrong with t mobile no signal for days status 0 1 0
123 03:35
I found out today when I tried to text/call 150, that you had suspended my account without telling me what was even going on. Apparently you sent me a text yesterday to say it had
happened, funnily enough I NEVER received ANY texts saying that, only ones to say my booster pack had been updated.How disgusting is it, for you to cut me off without ANY notice.
customer What a lovely bank holiday surprise that was. Any other company I know would have called me first. Such bad customer service!!The woman on the phone was SOO rude! Arguing with 27/07
status 0 7 0
82 me!! Absolutely disgraceful. Not the way to treat your customers at all.If there had been an oustanding bill because I had gone over my account limits, why wouldn't call me up to ask for 03:43
payment from me? This would've been fine. It would've saved you an angry phone call and me being pissed off on my day off!Only 1 month into my contract with you, and I'm already
complaining. If I only I wasn't bound for the next 23 months, then I would leave now!!!Get back to me, Hanna Lambert.
Page Want unlimited free texts forever? Get it and save £10 with the T-Mobile Energy Black | 27/07
photo 32 22 2
Admin ash3/551852_412709865451753_1956485517_s.jpg 04:00
customer 27/07
hey, are your stores open today? i need to go in and upgrade my contract status 0 3 0
17 04:02
customer 27/07
Hi, I'm due an upgrade soon would I be able to get the new Sony Erricson with £25pm ??? (: status 0 5 0
16 04:14
customer 27/07
with T.MOBILE ALL THING COME EASY status 0 0 0
69 04:20
customer 27/07
My phone has no signal and has been on and off your at least a week NOT good enough if i didn't pay my contract on time you'd soon be on to me SORT it status 0 1 0
150 04:46
Your byzantine systems for customer communication have completely defeated me today. I started out this morning as a happy customer and now I will now look to leave T-mobile once
customer 27/07
my contract has expired. On the web site your "instant" chat service advisors hadn't even replied after 7 minutes, what rubbish and to think I was looking to up-grade. One customer pretty status 0 1 0
176 04:55
much lost!

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 81

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
Hi there, I'm collecting mobile phones for charity and recently sent a batch in to envirofone that had been donated at various collection points. However, one of the phones is locked by t-
customer 27/07
mobile and as such cannot be recycled until the block is removed. I have no idea who donated it and as such cannot contact them to remove the block. Do you have any suggestions as to status 0 1 0
249 05:03
how I can unblock this phone? I'd really appreciate any help you could give me. Many thanks.
customer 27/07
can i talk to some one from t mobile on here status 0 1 0
96 06:14
customer 27/07
what a dessolution....just spent 15minutes find out that my internet settings take 24 hours to reset...let s hope it will work tomorrow... status 0 5 0
187 06:55
customer 27/07
where s my msg gone? status 0 0 0
189 07:01
customer 27/07
i need some help topping up my i pad from voucher please help status 0 0 0
96 07:05
customer 27/07
this is the worst service in the world been trying to talk to some one since 8 this morning need to top up my i pad i cant do my work untill it is done status 1 0 0
97 07:44
customer T mobile service is a disgrace. I emailed a massive email to them to do nothing despite a member of staffs terrible attitude towards customer.I'm waiting on call back and will update fb 27/07
status 4 10 0
118 with results 07:45
customer 27/07
Hi, I have a sim only contract with you and am happy with this. I am however looking to purchase a Samsung ace 2 how much would this be to purchase from t-mobile please? status 0 1 0
213 10:36
customer I just bought my tmobile smartphone, and I find I cannot make any call; I cannot receive any call; and it the customer service (which I have called with my foreigner mobile paying 27/07
status 0 1 0
4 international fare) just told me to call back tomorrow. Very, very, very bad service. 11:44
Page Fizzy laces, cola bottles, flumps.What's your favourite pick n mix sweet: | 27/07
photo 261 88 20
Admin prn1/526109_412843728771700_119680684_s.jpg 12:00
customer 27/07
When will the issues with signal in north Staffordshire be resolved? No signal since tea time yesterday. status 0 1 0
266 12:25
customer I believe that T~Mobile UK is the best network is cause it.Has a very clear reception indeed for some pay as you gomobile phones in the United Kingdom of Great 27/07
status 0 2 0
48 Britain 14:12
Hi both me and my Mum are T-mobile contract customers and since thursday of last week we have both been experiencing problems with our service. We both have the same phones
customer Samsung Galaxy S2's and we are unable to make outgoing calls and receive incoming calls and send and receive text messages as we have no signal and a circle with a line through it. This 27/07
status 0 8 0
85 doesnt last all day its intermittent, however, its causing both of us problems as we both need our phones to be working all the time, not just some . Can you please advise us to what the 14:56
problem is please. Thank you
ok, so t mobile are doing a fab iphone full monty deal for £26 for iphone 4. does this include tethering as i cant seem to find an answer. the gu i spoke to in the shop says it does and its
customer 27/07
taken out of your unlimited internet allowance, but ive read also today that they have changed this and you cannot tether.i really want to use my new iphone to tether to my ipad. any status 0 2 0
74 16:32
Page 27/07
Hit 'Like' if pasties taste better without VAT! 6 244 0
Admin 18:27
customer So, update for HTC One X, fixes a few issues, improves speed, removes extra three dot bar and generally improve the phone no end! Why are tmob sitting on it and deleting posts asking 28/07
status 0 3 0
180 about it, please stop messing with it and pass on our update to sense 4.1. Please! 00:28
customer Hi I sent a post asking how much a galaxy ace 2 was from t-mobile. I received a reply informing me of the contract price but i was actually looking to purchase it on pay as you go. Could I 28/07
status 0 1 0
213 please have the purchase price many thanks. 01:44
customer 28/07
When I recieve a text message from one of my contacts their number comes up but not their name? any idea why? I have a Nokia c6 status 0 1 0
21 02:00
customer Still no signal in ST6 then............. so thats 1/4 of my monthly contract my phone has been useless the majority of the time. If I don't pay 1/4 of my bill, bet you will be quicker to chase me 28/07
status 0 3 0
190 for money than you are in acknowledging you have signal issues in Stoke! 02:14
customer 28/07
After 3 times of calling 150 this Morning after 10 mins waiting each time told can not take my call! Call back!!!! What to do? status 0 0 0
211 03:24
we have always had a great signal with you guys where we are located (St Levan/Penzance) but the last couple of days we have NO signal at all for some reason, makes no difference
customer 28/07
where we move the phones (always had the same phone, so it's NOT the phones) makes no difference where we drive to either, it goes back and forth to a LOW signal to NONE or Limited status 0 1 0
33 04:19
Service. Can someone please look into this matter? Thank You in advance
Page 28/07
Stay ahead of the curve with the BlackBerry® Curve White on PAYG: | photo 47 10 0
Admin 04:29
customer Is there anyone at T mobile who would like to deal with the problem I am having connecting my blackberry 9360 to my emails. Call centre staff either drop my call, don't know the answer 28/07
status 0 1 0
116 and are certainly not interested. 04:44
customer Mobile Choice Consumer Awards 2012 survey | | | Hey guys, we've had 17,500 votes in the Mobile Choice Consumer Awards 2012 survey! If you want to win link 0 0 0 28/07
163 Best High Street Retailer, Best Customer Service, Best Customer Care and Best Network then remember to tell your fans. Good luck :) MC | 05:23

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 82

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer Can I renew my phone early and whats involved? Being used to always having 18months contracts before the 24months is just too long. Im not getting any answer via email from you 28/07
status 0 1 0
262 only a standard reply saying i want to cancel my contract which is not the case so its obviously not being read! 05:43
customer 28/07
Can you please tell me if 'T-Mobile Upgrades' is anything to do with you? I've just had a call from them offering an early upgrade. Thanks in advance. status 0 3 0
106 06:09
customer Why has the operators now gone to pinay land? Im sick of talking to non english people. T-Mobile are trying to charge me £35 for a tariff which is £22 month due to change in billing 28/07
status 0 3 0
120 dates. Get stuffed T-Mob im not paying ive told the operator that and im telling you IM NOT PAYING so go ahead and do what u need to 06:10
customer 28/07
T-MOBILE SUCKS status 0 0 0
120 06:14
customer Again not a reasonable response from t mobile. If you are considering buying a t mobile phone or upgrading I would have a good look around the market as everyone would pay a little 28/07
status 1 1 0
118 extra to get excellent service sadly this is not the case with t mobile. I am waiting on an update and will provide feedback on here 06:34
T-mobile has the worse kind of deals and you defo dont get satisfaction when you have a problem ,they wouldnt fix my internet connection although STOLE money from me by still taking
customer 28/07
payment ,when i asked for my money back i was told i could have FREE MINUTES , they arent free you have taken money for them and after ten years as customer i changed networks i status 1 0 0
89 06:41
advise anyone not to join tmobile they are a disgrace
customer Absolutely disgusted with the service T-Mobile provides being a customer for over 5 years on and off lost my phone, requested a copy of blacklisting to send to my insurance STILL 28/07
status 1 1 0
209 haven’t received after 22 days and numerous requests, this is how they treat their customers?? Will not be renewing my contract at all!! Very unhappy customer!!! :@ 07:25
customer 28/07
My contract ends in march 2013, what's the cancellatin fee? status 0 11 0
223 07:30
customer Hi I have a problem, I have just bought a new fone which only takes a microsim, as a tmobile customer my problem is how do I get hold of a TMobile microsim and still keep my 28/07
status 0 2 0
177 number. ? Paul Holroyd 09:42
customer why oh why am I being told conflicting information?? 1 minute its my phone (which is new) then its my sim card then when i say but it works when im at work they customer service dont 28/07
status 1 4 0
60 seem to believe me i tell them ive had confirmation from this site saying there is a problem in the area and they deny it what the heck is going on??? 11:24
customer When will you be updating the Sony Neo V (MT11i) from Android 2.3 to Android 4.x? Sony even announces it on their web site but yet I can't get it on my phone. Seems to be T-Mobile 28/07
status 0 2 0
102 doesn't care about their customers having the latest and best experience. 11:26
Page 28/07
Comedy tattoos are still permanent. What's the funniest ink you've spotted: 18 243 108
Admin 11:45
Page What is 4G? | | 4G LTE -- the next generation of fast, mobile internet -- has huge potential benefits for society and the economy. Scores of countries already have access to... | ‘Like’ 28/07
video 87 26 2
Admin internet on your phone? ‘Like’ the idea of faster mobile internet? Find out what 4G is and what it could do for you: | 11:46
customer When T Mobile and Orange become "everything everywhere" for existing customers from March 2013 will we all be entitled to the orange wednesday offer that only Orange customers 28/07
status 1 3 0
134 currently receive? Thanks! 12:30
customer Well, it looks like I'm not the only unhappy t mobile customer! Absolute rip off merchants with the rudest 'customer service' staff I have ever come across. As well as the service being crap 28/07
status 2 3 0
31 the signal is even worse. Roll on April when I can leave this sham of a network. 12:34
customer 28/07
Hi i topped up with a £10 voucher on friday traced 6 to 8 texts i sent but my credit has gone how do i find out where it has gone please .... status 0 2 0
105 12:49
customer 28/07
Cujem da castis besplatnim internetom status 19 3 0
255 14:06
I find it utterly ridiculous that you impose a 500MB cap limit on your mobile broadband, despite me paying £7 for a week's worth of access. If it was 500mb per day, I would be happy, but
customer 28/07
I consider £7 for what has essentially been 2 days worth absolutely extortionate. 500MB is just completely unrealistic in this day and age. I will almost certainly be considering other status 1 1 0
148 15:17
I have been with t mobile since I was a teenager (13) I can not believe that when I got my blackberry a year and a half a go I taken it back to the shop for a repair due to the key pad not
customer 28/07
working last Christmas eve I got it back and have nothing but problems with it. When I ring customer services I get told nothing to do with us ring the manufacture and when I ring them status 1 1 0
218 23:44
I am told to contact my network provider.
nothing more exciting than spending the majority of my morning waiting to speak to some of your ever so helpful staff...not only ...sorry they just answered...turns out you have been
charging me for text messages and calls at ridiculous rates for months and I have been none the wiser. The answer to this mysterious riddle was that I had changed the date when i was
customer 29/07
going to pay (ahead of schedule I might add) so...not only have i paid you twice in August , I now have the added merit of paying you over £140 (over 4 times my normal rate) for an status 3 2 0
125 01:04
inclusive minutes and text plan. (Just so you know sometimes I record my calls too....for training and quality (lol) control purposes. RIDICULOUS SYSTEM! RIDICULOUS STAFF
RIDICULOUS SIGNAL!!!! Cant wait to upgrade to a better network! .... On a more positive fact I have nothing.
customer Hi Tmobile, my PAYG sim on my blackberry curve isnt working, it says SIM NOT PROVISONED:2 on the homescreen, i need to keep the number as its used as a business mobile, please 29/07
status 0 1 0
114 help asap! 01:07
customer Hi, I am trying to get my missed delivery of my new phone transferred to a more convenient UK Mail depot, however they say they can't do that without your permission. Is there a T- 29/07
status 0 1 0
6 mobile no I can call to discuss this - have tried various options on 150 but don't know what dept this would be. Thanks! 03:36
customer I am still waiting to find an answer to the problem I sent yesterday, Myself, my wife and our son have three different phones, one being a blackberry, an iphone 4, and a samsund tocco lite, status 0 2 0 29/07
33 we have had them for a while, and have ALWAYS had T-Mobile, and been at the same address (tr196lt) and have ALWAYS had a good signal, the last 2-3 days on all 3 phones, it makes 03:56

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 83

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
no difference where the phones are, you can lay it down on the counter and it will go from a low signal, to no signal, to limited will do this all day long without the phone even
having to be touched or moved.
customer 29/07
Hi T-Mobile UK.I need your help please, your live chat on the website isn't working. Can you please get in touch ASAP?ThanksChris Long status 1 4 0
35 04:54
Page Have you perfected the 'staring-at-celebs-while-pretending-to-ignore-them' move yet? | 29/07
photo 26 5 0
Admin snc7/574456_413465682042838_1510492967_s.jpg 04:58
Dear T-Mobile,I'm writing this post, to really thank you for making my life hell the past 9 months. You have done a brilliant job! Through my experience I have learnt you are the most
miserable excuse for a company I have ever encountered.Your staff are rude and unhelpful and in most cases not trained in anything that they should be. Anybody with a brain bigger than
a sunflower seed could do better. Your directors are not much better, getting fobbed off left right and centre, telling lies which are inconsistent with each other.Now anybody reading this
on your wall will more than likely have found the same out for themselves - I have no doubt that this isn't purely my experience.You do not treat the customer fairly, and you don't keep
customer 29/07
evidence of oral contracts agreed over the phone and then change your mind on what the contract is for. I have got to the point where I really do hope you will summon me to court, and I status 0 2 0
140 06:13
hope this happens quickly, but really this is a warning to anybody getting involved with your joke of a company - DON'T! I sincerely will never have anything to do with Everything
Everywhere ever again and I will be doing everything I can to make sure people DO hear what I have to say about all of my experience as you won't listen. I may not manage to solve my
account, or the astronomical bill you have sent me to try and intimidate me, but this is in the hopes that it will do somebody else some good and stop them getting into the same mess as
me.Sincerely, A massively dissatisfied and soon to be ex-customer.
customer I intend to buy a 'Full Monty 12 month' sim-only plan. Could you tell me if calls and texts to T-Mobile in other countries (Poland specifically) are included in unlimited minutes or do they 29/07
status 0 2 0
100 cost extra? 06:14
customer Hey there, Ive been through the diagnostics kit online and it seems my phone has a battery fault as it runs out within a couple of hours. If I bring it in to be repaired will I get a courtesy 29/07
status 0 9 0
260 phone? Ive got it insured on your insurance plan and only had it since June. I need it for my weekend and it would be helpful if I could get it sorted sooner rather than later. Thanks :) 06:34
T-mobile and Orange should be shut down for bad practice | | I hope to unite the people who have been screwed over by these guys - I know there's plenty of you out there like me! If we
customer come together under one hat, we might be heard.Please post your experiences and the so called "solutions" they have offered! | Hi Everybody,As I can see there are a lot of unsatisfied 29/07
link 0 0 0
140 customers, feel free to come and join my new page, if we get noticed we might get something done about this companys bad practices.Thanks | 07:12
customer 29/07
I have lost my sim while travelling abroad, to whom shall i write to issue replacment sim, how much will cost ??? status 0 0 0
221 07:27
customer 29/07
Is the 6 months bbm still going on or has it stopped? status 0 0 0
138 07:28
customer 29/07
Hi guys My T-Mobile account is looked and I need to print my bills, could you please help. I will send you my details on a private message. Cheers, T status 0 0 0
250 07:29
Page 29/07
Do you remember your first mobile phone? What was it, and more importantly; how big was it?! 144 50 0
Admin 12:41
Page 30/07
The year's not over yet... but what's been your best phone of 2012 so far? 129 27 0
Admin 16:32
Page 31/07
Mobile photographers, this one is for you: what's the best phone for taking pictures? 92 26 0
Admin 08:28
Ever visited our YouTube channel? If so, we want your feedback!Tell us what we're doing right, or what we could be doing better, and you could win a £25 Amazon voucher!Here's the
Page 15/08
link to our short online survey: just in case you haven't seen it in a while... here's the T-Mobile Royal Wedding video!'s for sharing :) | photo 37 22 2
Admin 11:04
customer Do you struggle for signal in your area? There is a new solution available for all networks- a signal booster.Prices start from £119.99 and are simple to install. For more details, and to 15/08
photo 2 0 1
252 buy, visit: | 13:35
customer 16/08
dobry den ja mem net od t-mobilu chcem by som sa opita ze ako zistim svoju verejnu ip status 0 1 0
182 00:31
customer 16/08
I am due an upgrade next month, can you guys match this? | photo 0 1 0
45 02:09
Over the past couple of months I've had messages from T-Mobile telling me that my mobile broadband usage was at 80% of its reasonable usage allowance. Now, I very, very rarely use
customer 16/08
my mobile dongle (maybe a couple of hours a month). Has anybody else had similar issues? Obviously I've tried to phone them but can't get put in touch with the relevant customer status 0 2 0
216 04:20
services assistant.
customer 16/08
@darrylisip: @TMobileUKhelp Hi I need help getting a phone back from a phone swap order ref 0418760550 urgent as has all #s on it pls call ****** status 0 0 0
46 05:47
customer 16/08
Why when someone tries to call me it rings once then won't let me answer, and when i try and call them back it says 'network busy'? sort it out. status 0 1 0
170 07:53
customer When t mobile say after 7 days they have to return your phone for repair THIS IS LIES. Trading standards uk state "all items must be free from faults and defects for a period of 6 months status 0 3 0 16/08
215 within this time you are entitled to a refund or replacement!!!!!! " so come on then t mobile what do you say to that and even more so my phone was obtained via the website so you have 08:17

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 84

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
to by law take into account the cooling off period so basically up to six months you have to REPLACE THE FAULTY HANDSET
Wholesale Android mobile Android tablets | | Wholesale Android mobile Android tablets Mobile phone Dual sim smart phone | 、All Fast Card Tech fans can like
customer 16/08
this page → FB Fans Group or join in Fast Card Tech - Team this group ~!!!You can learn more about the Fast Card Tech Information ~!!!Thank you for your support link 0 0 0
38 08:45
~!!!Online shop website : |
customer 16/08
Your customer service is beyond pathetic. I simply cannot wait to end my contracts with t mobile. status 2 4 0
238 09:41
Page Mobiles for Meals - Netmums | | | Do you have an unused mobile phone? Recycle it with Mobiles 4 Meals & feed a hungry British child today! Mobiles 4 Meals in 16/08
link 10 9 0
Admin partnership with Orange UK and find out more about it here: | 09:59
lets try again. steven are you there,it barry i am still not getting an answer to my i cant even log in,it says it doesnt recognise my name or password what on earth is going
customer 16/08
on,email me and i will send a private message to you.some girl amanda got in contact and the best she could come pu with was phone the call centre and then they say dont recognise my status 0 0 0
22 10:37
customer 16/08
p.s i did email amanda back but have heard nothing,i know t mobile might be a great company but to me its a pain, status 0 1 0
22 10:38
customer Hi t-mobile I need help regarding my blackberry handset as it. Got water damaged yesturday in the heavy rain that I got in the north east is there any chance u maybe able to fix it or am I 16/08
status 0 7 0
26 gonna have to pay for it to be fixed 10:39
I recently Phoned in to enquire about my current price plan and the assistant I spoke to informed me that there was a better plan tht wud ensure I paid less but enjoyed more services. He
told me that it would just be a simple change and that it would take effect the following month until my contract is up for renewal which should be in (this) December. I have since
customer 16/08
discovered that I have bin enrolled on a new plan that is 24 months long which I do not do! I only take 18 month contracts because I cant take care of phones properly! If you cannot offer status 0 2 0
253 11:38
me back my 18th month contract that I was happy on until I was misled, then I will be happy to find alternatives. This information was not relayed to me at the point of change and I find
this very bad and misleading. What is it with t-mobile that I cannot understand?
OK I just had a conversation with one of your call center operatives which I felt compelled to share. I was calling to report a stolen mobile phone.....ME: I have called to report a mobile
phone as stolenOPERATOR: Is the number you are calling from the number of the phone which you wish to report as stolenME: Sorry?OPERATOR: Is this the number of the phone you
customer 16/08
wish to report stolen?ME: Can I just make sure I am understanding you correctly.....You are asking me if this phone which I am calling you from AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME is the status 1 2 0
30 12:47
phone which I have had stolenOPERATOR (OBLIVIOUS) : Yes SirME : *Deep sigh followed by head-desk* Is there someone else there I can speak to please!This is a GENUINE
conversation which I had earlier on this evening, I was just curious to know whether it was one of your company policies to employ brain donors at your call centers ?
customer 17/08
Could anyone confirm if you can see your plan's details online? I keep getting this message for a long time now. "Plan featuresThe system is currently unavailable, please try again later." status 0 3 0
264 01:18
customer Fresh ... we loved working with all The Recruits (Inverclyde) 2012 on our business challenge. The BIG question is ... who will be this years RECRUIT? Has anyone from your Greenock 17/08
status 0 1 0
71 team got any ideas? 03:00
Just joined T-Mobile from Three, who I've used for the last 6 year's. I'm gutted at the appalling customer service I've received on my first day with you, never have I had the phone put
down on me by an agent. My Lumia 800 arrived with a standard sim card and not a micro sim, meaning I can't use it. After being on hold for 15 minutes I finally got through to resolve the
issue, only to be told my sim isn't registered and I can't do anything until it is. Another 15 minutes of holding to be connected to a woman with no recollection of my account. I pass on my
customer details and she says there's no account with my details on. I explain that the previous woman found my details and I'm calling to register my account... She fobs me off saying "You need to 17/08
status 0 4 0
139 visit your local store...". My local store is over an hour away. I explain that it's too far to travel and she says "You need to have your account set up at your local store by a representative". I 03:51
explain once more that it's too far to travel and seeing as I ordered online I expect to have the issue resolved over the phone, or online. She says once more "visit your local store, I'll locate
it for you". I said it's in Lancaster, over an hour away and I'm not travelling all that way to have it resolved, I'm speaking to you on the phone now and I'd like it fixed... She HANGS UP!
What a great first impression, I'm blessed to have joined your network.
customer 17/08
Can you sort the signal out in falmouth somthings gone wrong we normally get it hear but it says we haven't got any now ??????? Sort it out t mobile status 2 2 0
112 05:30
customer Hi T-Mobile, you have a tariff SIM only The Full Monty 31 (12 months) that offers unlimited calls, texts and data for £21 monthly. What happens after 12 months? Does the price rise 17/08
status 0 3 0
224 back to £31? 07:21
I would just like to say that T-Mobile is the worst mobile operator i have ever been with.Their customer support is even worse.I had a problem with payment from my account in July so
called up to see if there was a way pay through the bank.I was given a HSBC account number to lodge money to.After sending two Faxes with the lodgemnet reciept they have still not
customer 17/08
found my money and have cut off my line.Just getting the fax through was an ordeal as every time i ring up im given a different story and different fax number.After faxing again today I status 0 0 0
49 08:44
have now been told it can still take five working days and if money has not been credited to my account they would put it down as missing payment and chase it up.This is nearly a month
after i paid it.People stay away from T-Mobile,if i wasnt only a few months into a 2yr contract,I would be leaving them.
customer 17/08
Dont like criticism or people airing their views? status 0 0 0
51 08:50
customer 17/08
why do you keep deleting my posts?if criticism of your service is not allowed here,where should i post it? status 0 2 0
51 09:04
Page The Twits, Matilda, The BFG… Roald Dahl's a national treasure, but which book is your fave? | 17/08
photo 67 37 0
Admin snc6/200637_409308699125203_758786608_s.jpg 09:07
customer Heya, Question:Does "Unlimited Browsing, with 750mb per month downloads" mean that I can watch as many youtube videos as I want? Or does watching a youtube video count as status 0 1 0 17/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 85

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
53 downloading? 11:56
customer I was unable to register a new visa card to top up with. It was only recognising 12 digits rather than the needed 16. I could not find anyinfo that would help within the T-Mobile site itself. 17/08
status 0 1 0
167 If you could inform me on what to do next it would be highly appreciated.Many thanksNatalie Wayland. 12:29
customer Hi I have a BB curve. Im trying to downlaod the new version of whatsapp but it says cessthat my carrier (i.e T-mobile) have blocked access to the site, can i ask why and how do i 17/08
status 0 5 0
103 download whatsapp? 12:41
customer 17/08
How can i get subsidy PIN to unlock my T-Mobile phone so that other SIMs will work in it.? please reply me soon status 0 1 0
186 13:16
customer 17/08
any admin here able to help me reset my login details status 0 2 0
270 14:10
customer 17/08
I Cant beloved how poor your company is 2complaints 3new phones 4trips to t mobile shop and this one isn't working status 0 5 0
245 15:28
customer Hi! Due to the fact I am abroad I haven't used my T-Mobile sim card for about 10-11 months (surely less than one year). I have just topped it up online but I am still not able to make 17/08
status 0 1 0
133 outbound calls or send texts. Do I need to have it reactivated? If yes, how? I will go back to the UK in september. Thank you :) 18:23
customer i have been charged on the 17th of august 2012 £1 for going on the internetnon my phone when i did not and also charged 0.35p to a mobile no on the 17th august 2012 when i did not get 18/08
status 0 1 0
146 through to that no 04:21
customer 18/08
the worst customer service i have ever seen !thanks for not helping me one more time... status 0 1 0
20 04:38
customer Is the data network down in Tw2 and tw9 can send SMS messages but cannot get any Internet and all my apps that need the Internet don't work! Have had to come to Starbucks to send you 18/08
status 0 5 0
37 this message! 05:06
customer 18/08
Can someone message me please I am very unhappy!!! status 0 0 0
107 05:53
customer 18/08
Do T mobile OFFER 100GB DATA ON 3G MONTHLY currently using about 106 gb on three all u can eat data. status 0 1 0
25 07:44
customer 18/08
is anyone having 3g problems today? my vivacity won't connect at all today to mobile internet status 0 2 0
75 07:52
customer 18/08
You finally got your internet working. status 0 0 0
57 08:47
customer 18/08
Admin please check your inbox and do reply me...Many thanks status 0 0 0
268 08:49
customer 18/08
how do you find the factory reset code for a zte-g affinity ??? status 0 1 0
178 10:09
customer 18/08
i dare you to ask me if my iphone is unlocked yet. i actually dare you to reply to me and ask if the unlock i requested more than 28 days ago has been done. status 0 1 0
77 12:09
customer Not impressed with your service. My phone broke today and i was told by three different t-mobile employees that I was not allowed to purchase an HTC One X from t-mobile unless I took 18/08
status 0 2 0
274 out a new contract. How about allowing existing customers a chance to buy high end phones from your company rather than sending us around the shops trying to buy one? 14:21
customer 18/08
is t mobiles signal down at the moment? my phone has had no signal for over 6 hours now status 0 1 0
86 16:36
customer 18/08
Hello guys.Guys, is there anyway I can unlock my old Nokia 3410 to use it here in Brazil? status 0 2 0
267 17:08
customer 19/08
No T mobile or Orange signal in SG9 and can't say when it will be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! status 0 1 0
101 03:04
customer 19/08
How do I make a complaint to someone in the uk??????? As I am one unhappy customer!!!!!!!!!!!! status 1 6 0
142 03:52
Page Chicken Shops are often named after obscure places. Much like the Beckham kids. What's your local called? | 19/08
photo 56 53 2
Admin snc7/417177_409937902395616_984664074_s.jpg 07:00
customer Hi Tmobile, I have the Universal Huawei Mobile broadband dongle (E3131) The one that doesent have the Tmobile logo on, but I got it as a replacement for my broken one from you., 19/08
status 0 1 0
168 Now when I plug it into my windows vista laptop, nothing happens, but when I connect it to my acer laptop it connects straight away and I really need to use the other laptop. thanks 08:22
customer I have seen adverts on bus stops in Edinburgh, stating that I can get the Samsung Galaxy 3 on a monthly plan for £26, giving me unlimited internet, texts and 2000 mins. and yet I can't find 19/08
status 0 2 0
7 this online...can you explain this? 09:37
customer I am writing to complain about the appalling service I have received this weekend from staff in your Chester branch.I went in on saturday morning, and was served by Sian. While serving status 6 11 0 20/08
165 me, she carried on her personal conversation with her female colleague, of a similar age. It was obvious that my presence was interrupting their day. The other girl complained that Sian 01:17
already had a sale, and she didn't. Having worked in retail management for many years, I would not accept that kind of behavious from my staff whilst they were serving customers. She
sold me the Xperia S in place of my Xperia X10 as I was at the end of my contract. I asked her if she thought I should buy a new, larger sd card for my new phone, and she told me I should

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
be fine with my existing card. I now know after purchasing the phone that it doesn't support sd, and so have no way of transferring my data from my old phone. Surely this is quite relevant
to the purchase of the phone. She evidently has no knowledge of the phone itself, which doesn't fill me with confidence.I declined insurance at POS, knowing that I already had a policy on
my old phone, and assuming I would be able to update the policy and transfer it to the new phone myself after purchase.I then went in Sunday morning, to confirm this. The same girls
were in the store, and refused to serve me until they had served a man who was browsing the phones, despite the fact he wasn't waiting in a queue, and I was.When I was finally served, I
asked them to confirm if I could or could not transfer the existing policy to my new phone, and instead of answering me, they kept telling me in an agressive manner that I should have
taken the policy out yesterday at POS. I explained that I knew I hadn't taken it out, and was not trying to take it out now, but trying to get information. I felt intimidated by their attitude,
and was treated as ignorant by them throughout the exchange. They couldn't seem to understand what I was asking, and just kept telling me that I should have got the policy yesterday so
that Sian would get commission, which just added to their unproffesionalism. All I wanted was information, and they couldn't understand what I was asking, despite it being a simple
question. The other girl told me I would need to cancel my policy and open a new one, while sian told me the insurance company would transfer the policy. Again, the conflicting advice
does not fill me with confidence.She also failed to tell me that this phone only takes microsim. She did not inform me of this, nor offer to sell/give me a microsim. I therfore can't use my
new phone at all. I will admit, I don't know much about phones, but I do know it won't operate without a sim. I can't understand how she didn't know the specifications of the phone. I was
pressured into paying £110 upfront for the phone, and until this matter r.e the sim card is resolved, it is completely useless. I have no idea hpw I am expected to get a microsim, when I do
not feel comfortable returning to the store. Clearly I have made a very expensive mistake in sticking with T Mobile after all these years. I assumed that the provider I had trusted for so
many years would provide me with an easy and pleasant transaction. Sadly I was wrong
Dear T-mobile, I ordered an upgrade online 10 days ago. I received an email confirmation saying that my phone would be delivered in 2 days. As I have still not received anything, I have
customer 20/08
emailed T-mobile twice but received no reply. I rang T-mobile to ask where my phone was - the first person I spoke to was unable to help me and the second person I spoke to did not status 0 5 0
9 01:52
understand me due to a language barrier. Please can you advise how I can find out where my phone is as my existing on is broken so I have been without a phone for 10 days now.
customer 20/08
when your due an up grade do u have to pick from the 5 deals or can u pick any phone? status 0 3 0
147 05:03
customer hours on phone trying to return a phone, I didnt complete order but t-mobile still took the money out my bank and sent me phone... now want me to pay to send it back... shocking customer 20/08
status 0 0 0
15 service... 06:32
customer 20/08
hi no more e mails about crapy blackberry mobile phones please,and whats with the textes about free month web from 441? status 0 2 0
108 07:13
customer 20/08
Any ideas to the 4.04 tmobile release date for the one x? status 0 1 0
263 07:22
Page Boost your BlackBerry®! Get BBM™ and e-mail free when you top up £10 on our BlackBerry® PAYG plan! | 20/08
photo 41 7 1
Admin prn1/542398_410295005693239_561291543_s.jpg 09:31
customer 20/08
T-Mobile | | | Real T-Mobile!i=8&j=21 |!i=8&j=21 link 0 0 0
81 10:24
customer 20/08
Very unhappy customer! Got charged for a different/outside company sending me texts, trying to get hold of T-mobile but no answer..... status 0 1 0
271 11:20
customer I have just tried to contact you by phone, email (Via your web site), and your chat thing.....Phone has kicked me thingy is closed and the email link just takes you to questions. For 20/08
status 0 5 0
137 a network as big as yours.....that is pretty ridiculous! 12:36
Dear T mobile- this is a way to contact you listed on your website! So I am contacting you rather than the old email address for customer services which i have just received a reply from
and is defunct!I am a T mobile customer for both Mobile phone (Contract £36 a month with an I- phone 4s) and mobile broadband (£10 per month).I am writing to discuss the mobile
broadband as I am having continual problems and frustrations with it. I have now had the service for approx. 6 months. Many times when I am using the internet it will give me messages
that the 'DNS lookup has failed' on various websites. This happens while I am connected to the internet through the broadband manager. As well as this, for instance when I am trying to
connect to Hotmail I will receive a message saying 'we can't connect to Hotmail, please make sure you are connected to the internet', after this I will get a page saying the server cannot be
found. This also happens during the time I am connected to the internet. I spend so much time trying to connect to pages and trying to reopen them and clicking on an email to open it to be
customer 20/08
met with the above messages. this happens continually and I waste so much time trying to use this service. The fact that I am connected to the internet leaves me flummoxed as to what to status 0 1 0
131 13:47
do about it as the messages I get on the page are telling me i'm not connected? the error being most likely caused by having no connection to the internet. I doubt it is my settings as I
previously had SKY and i never had any of these problems. My connection was fine and I had speedy response to any page I was looking for or loading. In addition to this the 'dongle' is
often disconnecting while in use. I have no idea why this is as it is not touched, moved or anything done to it. It means that in the middle of attempting to use the internet the connection
will cease and then a message will come up in the Broadband manager that the 'device is not recognised' after some minutes this will change to 'device is initialising'.I just think this service
is frusrtating, unreliable, impractical, time consuming and really not a good standard. I would recommend your phone service to anyone (and have done on several occassions actually) but
the mobile broadband, well that is a different matter!Please can you help and get in touch to rectify these ridiculous problems that I am paying to use every month!!!
Arrrgh really bad customer service T-mobile! I got my brand new iPhone on Wednesday last week as I've been phoning the customer services every single day since then as I can't send or
customer 20/08
receive any texts and I can't make any calls...Any idea how I can get my phone fixed? I had an appointment today at Apple and my iPhone is absolutely fine so the problem is coming from status 0 1 0
154 16:26
my provider.Looking forward to hearing from you.
customer 21/08
signal is realy bad for 2days can't even send messages status 0 1 0
185 02:41
customer controversial T- Mobile commercial on czech tv | | controversial T- Mobile commercial on czech tv | | 21/08
video 0 0 0
70 02:41

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer 21/08
When was t-mobile gonna tell its costumers there gonna be changing to a new company status 0 0 0
28 03:49
customer Hey, how can I terminate my contract ? I moved abroad and I cannot contact 150 from Bulgaria, also I tried to do it on phone +44 7953 966 150, but it doesn't redirect me , it just ends my 21/08
status 0 3 0
3 call. Couldn't do it via e-mail as I received answer from [email protected]. Thanks 03:49
customer 21/08
Every 1 should read this from the news regarding t-mobile status 0 0 0
28 03:53
customer 21/08
anyone else getting no network today been told there is a issue with the network and it should be resolved within 72 hours it a joke, I would like a response to this please status 0 2 0
229 04:45
customer 21/08
has anyone sent there phone back to t-mobile to be repaired and got back a phone with other peoples pic's,voice recordings and videos? status 0 1 0
248 05:28
customer My friend is appalled by your your policy for new members. If you do not have a UK passport you cannot have an S3 phone, even of he is a resident in the UK 20 yrs. Wht is the 21/08
status 0 5 0
149 justification behind his policy? T Mobile lost a client!!!! Such a shame because I was honking of getting the sameFull Monty deal. You lost 2 clients. 05:53
customer Why am I recently unable to use skype over my 3G.Its been working up to the last couple of months and I use it a lot to stay in touch with my daughter.... Its ok on wifi but I'm not often 21/08
status 0 1 0
196 near that during the day 06:31
customer 21/08
do t-mobile customers get buy one get one free tickets for cinema on wednesdays same as orange customers status 0 1 0
93 07:10
customer Just come back from t mobile shop in bath were i thought i was picking up a new phone cus my htc has been in for repair for two weeks (again ) to find that they sent me the same phone 21/08
status 0 11 0
179 but with new i accepted this as i was glad to . . . 08:08
customer 21/08
Ive just bought an iPhone 3gs on ebay and it turns out that it is barred by uk networks. Is there any way of having this reversed. status 0 1 0
54 08:29
I am sick to death of Tmobile why whenever you ring you call centers no one is English it's so hard to understand them. Wait times to speak to someone aswell are so bad waited 40 mins
customer 21/08
the other day had to put the phone down in the end. So I am going to have to go out of my way to go into one of your store to end my contract. I do not care that i have to pay £120 as long status 0 1 0
220 08:58
as I am always from one of the uks most worsted customer service provided
Hello. My daughter is going abroad from the US to study at the University of Glasgow this fall (Sept 1-Dec 15). Our whole family are currently tmobile customers in the US. My daughter
customer 21/08
needs local phone/text/dataplan coverage while in Glasgow. She has an LG Optimus smart phone, and Tmobile/US gave me the unlocking code. I would like to purchase her a monthly status 0 0 0
136 10:01
plan from Tmobile UK, but I have questions. Can I email a representative about them?
customer is there something wrong in newcastle-under-lyme, im on orange but have been using the orange t-mobile signal for some time now and i cant connect to it now, saying unable to connect 21/08
status 1 12 0
202 try later...... 10:44
customer 21/08
Tmobile I am a contract customer and since 6:30PM I have not been able to recieve calls, texts or send them or call anyone. What the heck is going on? status 1 3 0
8 11:40
I have been a customer of T-Mobile for 10 years and after speaking to one of your employees on the phone, I am seriously considering leaving! Ive spent the past 3 days trying to phone
customer 21/08
you guys to pay my bill and when I finally got through today, the girl was abrupt and condescending and claimed no manager was available to speak to me when I asked to speak to one. status 0 1 0
113 13:04
She then hung up the phone, Ive never experienced such bad customer service ever and the best thing is Im just trying to pay a bill.
t-mobile are the worst company they dont treat all customers the same they just take from the poor and give to the rich like many others if u are a pay as u go customer and pay £15 for 30
customer day u only get 1GB but if u pay monthly £15 u get 18 months and 10 GB well 1GB will only last a few days due to pc's or laptops needing updating so we are paying £15 for nothing and u 21/08
status 0 0 0
128 call them up to try and see what they can do and they dont wanna know cause u dont give them a credit card NOT A COMPANY TO DEAL WITH WHEN IT COMES TO INTERNET 13:04
customer Its a shame that this page does not have a dislike button. I've been a loyal customer to T Mobile for 8 or 9 years on contract but it seems that counts for nothing. Shocking customer 21/08
status 12 8 0
254 service!... just re-newed my contract, REALLY wish i hadn't now, although i have a 7 day cooling off period... best get cooled off and check out some other networks! 14:09
customer 21/08
Is this network better with a blackberry do u get free bbm and text when u top up tell me asap status 0 0 0
183 14:58
Right I'm giving t mobile till Thursday dinner time other wise I'm ending my 24 month contract and not paying a early end agreement payment neither, I had nothing since 9.30 am this
customer morning and I mean it 1 very angry customer (oh and by the way neither as my husband or daughter) get it sorted or I'm not paying a penny I have been out and got a signal come home 21/08
status 0 4 0
229 and got nothing, but had one last night and yesterday if t mobile are facing problems they need to sort it out fast otherwise they are going to lose customers very quickly we have had no 15:48
messages on websites or nothing it is getting me very angry now grrrrrrr !!!!!
customer 21/08
Oh and by the way there site is down for matinence status 0 0 0
230 15:51
customer my network stopped working over night!! it shows that data is sent out but i cant receive data. . . is there any problem? my phone and balance are alright! just checked wifi, works fine. 21/08
status 1 3 0
24 restarted and selected network manually - didnt help. thx in advance for your advice! 22:04
customer 21/08
t mobile i cant get my t mobile usb internet to work internet explorer cannot display the webpage status 0 0 0
90 23:21
customer Hi in the postcoded area st7 2qa is there any problem with the mast in the area , I think it's near Linley road meeting to near Crewe road , on my galaxy s2 it won't pick up a 3G signal but 22/08
status 0 1 0
155 go half mile towards another base Station it's fine ? Thanx 00:22

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 88

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer 22/08
anyone having problems with bbms status 0 0 0
153 00:49
customer 22/08
hi is there something wrong with the t mobile network please, i can't use my PAYG dongle?Thank you status 0 1 0
115 00:50
Is there something wrong with the T-Mobile service? As I cannot use or access my BBM, What's App or Internet? I get a notification saying "There is insufficient network coverage to
customer 22/08
process your request" which, to be honest is very vague. What exactly does this mean? Plus phoning 150 is a very frustrating process as nobody will answer my call!! I am very displeased status 0 1 0
10 00:55
with T-Mobile as it stands! And have done well thus far not to write a profanity riddled message. I hope my query can be resolved ASAP!
Hi, my bbm services have suddenly stopped working. I have 6 months free bbm services and I am really annoyed right now cos I need my emails to work on my phone. I have tried ringing
customer 22/08
150, ringing 08454125000 and each time I am getting cut off. Can you get one of your advisors to get back to me ASAP. I NEED MY PHONE TO WORK!!!!! I HAVE ALSO SENT A status 0 0 0
159 00:58
customer 22/08
my bbms hasent been working all night and my signal keeps going,sort it out please! status 0 0 0
192 01:04
customer 22/08
Is bbm and internet down?! My bbm & internet's stopped working since last night even thought I've topped up! status 0 1 0
157 01:17
customer Sooooo T-Mobile supposed to be down for blackberry and internet upon ringing them was told that the money I just put on my phone for my bb will not be given back even tho T-Mobile 22/08
status 0 1 0
239 have taken it but I cannot use the services and nobody knows when it will be working again thank you for nothing once again........ Off to get a new fine on different network 01:26
customer 22/08
14 01:32
customer 22/08
How the hell do you get to speak to someone there? 10 mins on 150 listening to automated stuff, and still can't get through to a person!! status 1 3 0
174 01:33
customer 22/08
why is my bbm and internet not working ? would love to know,tried ring but you don't seem to like answering phones! status 2 1 0
169 01:35
customer 22/08
Is there a problem with your BBM service? I can't get any answers. 150 is not accepting calls and no one is available on the online chat! HELP!!! status 1 0 0
55 01:51
customer 22/08
Is there a problem with the PAYG Blackberry service as mine has been out of action since yesterday evening. There are no service problems shown on the website? status 0 1 0
208 01:55
customer 22/08
Are the networks down again? No BBM, no internet, no e-mail..... status 0 1 0
117 01:56
customer please explain to me why i only topped my phone up a week ago and i paid for my blackberry messenger and internet and texts, which by the way cost me £15 and now its taken it all 22/08
status 0 1 0
88 away.. ive paid for it for a month and had it for a week. i tried ringing customer services and ive been told my call isnt important enough? 02:02
customer Hi T-Mobile,Is your Internet down in Liverpool as i cant connect to the Web? Ive tried restarting my phone and Removing my Sim Card etc.. And still cant get online. I have the correct 22/08
status 0 25 0
109 settings.Thanks 02:07
customer 22/08
fix your internet service! why have u not gave any of your customers an update its been down since last night!!!! status 1 5 0
256 02:12
T mobile are crap I'm ending my contract and going to some one else I have 3 lines on contract and cancelling my direct debit in a min, there is no information on there website it is saying
customer 22/08
no service issues bull shit no one can do anything my s3 is useless can't do anything I'm cancelling my direct debit now it isn't on we pay for a service we are not getting this is what status 0 0 0
233 02:28
happened on O2 months ago they took 48 hours to sort it this as been a problem for about a week now
customer 22/08
Service appears to be fine now!...thanks. status 1 0 0
55 02:37
customer ENTERTAINED' SO PLEASE SUBSCRIBE THANK YOU | I want to thank T-Mobile UK for what happened last night even though it was a negative situation and something 22/08
link 0 0 0
265 completely out of my control it made me realize how dependent I have been on the internet & technology I need to learn to go back to mother nature but in the mean time please watch and 02:46
share all the videos from my company's official channel and please subscribe thanks |
customer 22/08
Still no service in my area get it fixed this is beyond a joke now grr status 0 0 0
233 03:14
customer 22/08
Can we have a answer please I had no service for anything now since 9 am yesterday morning I'm ending the contract now status 0 0 0
234 03:39
customer 22/08
11 04:14
Could I please request a call back from T-Mobile, by somebody who will be able to understand me and I them. Having spent the last hour and a half being shouted at by your "customer
customer 22/08
Service" regarding my bill and questions I had. I'm very frustrated and have still got no answers. Please PM me for my number - if not I'll just write it my conversations all on your status 2 5 0
206 04:16
wall.Thank you
customer help!!! i can't track my order onloine it is saying my number is not recognised , i ordered the phone 2 days ago it should arrive today ??? status 0 3 0 22/08

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
171 04:32
I'm have contacted trading standards and they told me if my issue isn't resolved with in 2 hours then I have ever right to end my contract as you company have not kept to your agreement
customer 22/08
by not providing a service even though I been told by one of your colleges that there are no service issues in my area please reply to this it is a joke now and if i haven't had a reply by 2pm status 1 25 0
235 04:52
I'm ending the contract
customer 22/08
why is my order taking so long being processed?? status 0 2 0
212 05:25
customer 22/08
in need of managers email add or customer relations email plase or anyone i can complain to. thank you. status 0 2 0
172 06:10
customer Is anyone from t-mobile prepared/capable of discussing fonesafe insurance? I am having problems with a claim and fonesafe say its down to t-mobile, 150 customer services say its 22/08
status 0 2 0
110 fonesafe, and they dont seem to care and appear to know nothing about anything 06:31
customer so discusted with T mobiles customer service!! If u wonna speak 2 a real person ie not machine, expect 2 been on hold 4 most of ur day and when u finally speak 2 someone u think u 22/08
status 1 1 0
219 would of got more help from the machine...kmt ending my contract not getting another penny out of me with that service!! 07:11
customer Ok. So i have given your team over a week now to respond to my complaint and when confirm receipt of complaint this is the timetable you advise. I have sent a private message through 22/08
status 0 9 0
241 Facebook account 2 days ago and it has not been respond to so it is apparent i am now being ignored. 07:24
customer 22/08
why can't i log on or do quick top up??????? status 0 4 0
83 07:50
You are impossible to get in touch with!!!! When I finally spoke to someone they found my query too complicated and hung up! I have wasted an hour now between calls and looking for a
customer 22/08
simple email address!!!!! PLEASE CAN SOMEONE GET IN TOUCH WITH ME VIA FB AND I WILL PROVIDE A MOBILE NUMBER!!!!! I really need to speak with someone status 1 3 0
39 07:55
customer I have been trying for a hour to speak to a UK call centre, I don't speak broken English, and did Not join any Indian or South African telecoms company , you would NOT employ anyone 22/08
status 1 3 0
111 with such bad English in a UK call Centre, 3rd attempt unsuccessful so now I will return your phones to Livingston shop 08:00
customer T Mobile UK | | Student Discounts and Deals- Save money whilst studying abroad in the UK, from cheap calls to discounted clothes. | Need to upgrade your 22/08
link 0 0 0
67 phone?T-Mobile UK Have some brilliant student deals on Pay As You Go phones, with up to 30% off! | 08:24
customer i have an iphone 4s on 02 and want it unlocked so i can stick my t-mobile sim in it and i read that you can do this for a fee of £15.32 can you confirm this is correct and if so how do i get it 22/08
status 0 4 0
251 done? 08:41
status 1 0 0
The phone I am complaining about if the HTC Cha Cha which you don't even have on the market anymore - and haven't done for months due to the amount of complaints you have. Well I
think it is absolutely ridiculous how you treat customers, my phone won't even turn on after the FOURTH TIME of returning it, I have an extortionate phone bill from using a previous old
customer phone that I now realise has charged me £5 a day because it wasn't unlocked from the previous company. You have cost me time and money and I would never recommend your services to 22/08
status 1 5 0
225 anyone!!!I hope everyone reads this and understands how pathetic your services are. I am a very unhappy and angry customer and have been for a year now. My last hope is that tomorrow 09:51
when I return this HTC Cha Cha phone ONCE AGAIN that I shall never hear the words 'we'll send it off and get it checked over'. If it's been checked over and come back and fourth four
times, I think it's safe to say the phone is faulty. The customer is always right!- I know that for sure now.I hope you do something about this before I do!
customer 22/08
2555555........ status 0 0 0
276 09:51
customer Youre a disgraceful,pass the buck ,non helpful rip off merchants and i can not wait for my contract to be over as ive never been so disgusted in my life....i suggest everyone leave might get 22/08
status 0 6 0
126 more luck elsewhere 10:52
customer Hi there, ive just recently noticed that my broadband fair use policy is now 512MB, this is different from the original 1GB i was told when i purchased the modem. Has there been a change 22/08
status 0 1 0
261 that im not aware off? Thanks. 11:20
customer So, I think t mobile have now got to the stage that they wont even acknowledge me as apparently my complaint was resolve even though the response had nothing to do with the actual 22/08
status 1 1 0
241 complaint submitted. Next step Ombudsman 11:51
How do I top-up using the web when all I get is the following patronising message?500 - Internal Server ErrorSorry, but something's gone wrongFor very complicated reasons, the page
customer 22/08
you're looking for hasn't worked properly. But it shouldn't be hard to track down.Explore our site map or use the quick links at the foot of this page to help you find what you want.Or jump status 0 1 0
47 12:56
to any of these pages and look from there.
Will T-Mobile be compensating customers for the loss of service at 11pm yesterday (21 Aug) to 10am today (22 Aug)? Also, while I was trying to contact Customer Services to report the
customer 22/08
problem, I was told (by your telephone robot) the service was down due to weather-in Manchester there were no weather problems...then the line was disconnected. Pretty appalled at the status 2 9 0
72 13:33
'service' I've received.
customer 22/08
Would like to thank a member of your team/ supervisor (welsh Matt as he shall now be known!) for helping! Very friendly and helpful! Give that welsh man a raise! status 0 1 0
135 13:55
customer Phoned Customer Services today - James Fernandez - He took my landline no. in case I got cut off. As I have been offered some 'free' stuff I think it is accepted I have been mis-charged as status 0 1 0 22/08
200 per the reason for my call (I was told I would have free internet usage this month - but it clearly was not free at all). A confusing discussion ensued where I ws trying to point out that 15:41
offering me credit for next 3 months is worthless combined with my other set up/offers - James asked what I was looking but lo & behold before we could finish the discussion I was cut
off. And did he phone me back on the landline he'd taken a note of - hmmm : no. I then phoned again & spoke to sales who said I would have to pay 25p to be connected back to customer

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 90

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
services plus it wouldn't be possible to ensure I spoke to same advisor. WHY should I have to pay to speak to TM when 1/I've been mis-charged 2/my complaint has not been properly
handled 3/I was told TM would phone back if got off, but then didn't.
customer Can a member of the Customer Services Team please send me the direct email address to the Director of Customer Relations, or the equivilant. I have tried ringing the useless 150 service, 22/08
status 0 0 0
72 which isn't allowing calls, and the contact us page is a waste of time...if I do not hear from you, I will register a complaint with the office of fair trading and OFCOM! 16:25
customer wow rather that t-mobile addressing my post they deleted it omg how bad is that well i will keep doing these post till t-mobile start treating all customers the same instead of giving to the 22/08
status 0 1 0
128 rich and taking from the poor just because we aint got a credit card to give them well screw u 19:05
Hi again still having problems in st7 2qa postcode area . On t mobile 3G on my android phone it's saying h but with no signal . Other areas around stoke on Trent this is happening to . I
customer 22/08
tried another sim which I brought from a shop that's the same as well .On my I phone on orange it's fine apart from when on t mobile 3G it has a signal but text messages keep failing I status 0 1 0
155 21:49
messages are fine . A few people on Facebook are also commenting on this to .
customer 22/08
There will be how much early termination fee of phone which i had used 1 or 2 month status 0 1 0
84 22:43
customer 22/08
no signal for 3 days now. when will this be fixed? status 0 1 0
193 23:51
customer can you explain why the last few days i have had problems with the network an today i have no network at all?even tho your website states there is no current service issues,when in fact 23/08
status 0 1 0
161 there is. need advice on this as its cost me money due to your network failing.. 00:34
customer I am getting serious issues with 2g signal on both Orange & T-Mobile at the moment is there a know problem with your network this week. I am not the only person with this that I know 23/08
status 0 1 0
196 of... 00:45
status 0 7 0
customer 23/08
Can anyone help? I arrived back from Spain last night and just when I needed my phone the most it cannot receive or make calls or texts, yet it can use the web? What is going on? status 0 2 0
158 02:06
hi, i orderd a phone form you guys on monday before 5 o'clock and the guy said that it would arrive on wednesday in the normal post by special delivery but it is now thursday and i ahve
customer recieved my post for today and it is not in that post either, i have tried to talk to a online represenative but they are all busy , i also could not find a suitable number that would get my 23/08
status 0 3 0
5 through to customer services, i was just wondering if you would be able to give me a number to call where i can ask them if they know when my phone will be delivered so that i can 02:57
ensure that i am in the house for the delivery.
customer 23/08
Help! Am trying to connect to internet and all I keep getting is 'error 6 handle is invalid' message. Any ideas? status 0 1 0
275 03:17
customer 23/08
No phone service in Stoke-onTrent........................ whats going on??? status 0 1 0
205 03:39
customer 28 working days been and gone and iphone 4 still not unlocked. cancelled my account refused to pay my bill and still no success. what does it actually take for t-mobile to do anything? 23/08
status 8 1 0
77 absolute joke of a network, the worst customer experience I have ever, ever had. 04:01
customer 23/08
twice now i have posted a comment and twice u have deleted it what ya trying to hide status 0 3 0
129 05:15
customer Does their customer service team EVER answer the phone? - Ordered a phone nearly 3 weeks ago, eventually they respond to an email AND still no phone yet they have my money.... 23/08
status 0 1 0
42 #poorcustomerservice #worsethanthree 05:28
customer 23/08
hi there i am trying to register to mtm and its saying my number is already linked to an account status 0 1 0
198 07:56
I’ve just been into your Shrewsbury town store to enquiry about upgrading my Phone, two assistants were in the shop, I was offered assistance by one , I asked when my contract was due,
the assistant serving said he was actually working for Orange but he was told by the other whose name I found out was Joe, to text the word up to 150 and a text was returned with my
upgrade date, I then went on to ask how much it would be to upgrade early, I was told by Joe to call T Mobile who would be able to give me this information!!!!!!!!!!, I state the
customer 23/08
following “ I’ve been a loyal customer for many years but when I came into the shop to ask for help I’m told to for all intense to go away and call the company “ please can you tell me the status 0 1 0
222 08:30
point of having high street shops ? Can I ask about your training programmes for customer service education, do you specialise in getting rid of customers and driving them to the arms of
your competitors, I was totally shocked with my experience within your store today, really upset, not only did I want to upgrade but I had my sister with me who has unfortunately fallen
on hard times and my intent was to get her an I-phone and paid for everything. Joe had no intention of helping me today or any other day I would imagine.
Page 23/08
The year's not over yet... but what's been your best phone of 2012 so far? status 27 130 0
Admin 09:24
customer 23/08
Any possibility of a 4G Android slider QWERTY phone release before Christmas? status 0 1 0
240 09:59
customer 23/08
haw to block up somebodys namber? status 0 1 0
44 11:34
customer 23/08
Wondering why T mobile has failed to send or provide me information to process my iPhone insurance claim despite waiting over 3 weeks and visit two store! status 0 1 0
132 12:21
customer the full monty 31 says £10 off for limited time. Please can you tell me whether it would then remain the reduced price throughout the contract? status 0 0 0 23/08

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Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
143 14:37
customer 23/08
can anyone please tell me if the full monty 31 reduced price stays at that price for the duration of the contract? status 0 0 0
143 14:42
Home broadband with Orange - T-Mobile | | T-Mobile customers can now get unlimited broadband from our friends at Orange from just £5 a month. | Your current
customer 23/08
promotion for home broadband deals refers to customers being able to take advantage of Orange's "Film to Go" offer every Thursday. Over on the Orange Film Club facebook page, link 0 0 0
87 14:57
though, they're saying that Film to Go is no longer available, and there are currently no plans to revive it. What gives? |
customer 23/08
So 4G soon - unlimited plans?????? status 0 1 0
244 15:51
customer 23/08
How do I get hold of the email for the head office of t mobile??? status 0 1 0
226 16:09
customer 23/08
tmobile starff are rude! status 0 1 0
151 17:19
customer Why T mobile had a terrible customer services and delivery is impossible to talk with somebody who know the right thing I spend so long time and no result.I want to cancel the service 24/08
status 0 1 0
68 with you!!!!!! 00:55
customer 24/08
How come in my mobile broadband I have £10 credit, but my fair usage has run out?? status 0 3 0
162 01:52
customer 24/08
210 03:28
customer 24/08
need some help i'm trying to check my bill online and its not letting me log in? status 0 1 0
95 04:02
Page Go online away from home! Mobile Broadband with T-Mobile: browse the internet for £2 a day or £15 a month | 24/08
photo 18 9 0
Admin ash4/390792_411633715559368_1946881961_s.jpg 05:00
customer Hi. I have tried so much to contact you for help and still I remain helpless. I bought an iphone microsim a week ago and once I inserted it into my iphone and text 12 month free web to 44, 24/08
status 0 4 0
92 I recieved a text saying I am not eligible for this reward. Please help me to activate this reward manually. I will give you all the details needed just please reply back and assist me! 05:05
customer 24/08
A suggestion for everyone on TMobile, switch to ANYOTHER carrier then you actually get customer service!!!!!! status 0 0 0
173 05:16
customer Hi, I've noticed that my contract that ended in June is still being charged for. For some reason, 2 accounts of family members were merged into one payment by T-Mobile and the whole 24/08
status 0 4 0
41 payment is still being taken... 05:21
Mobile phone signal problems continue in Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle | | FRUSTRATED mobile phone users may have to wait until next week before
customer 24/08
their phones are working correctly again after the area was hit by a network fault.Customers who use Orange or T Mobile networks... | | link 0 0 0
204 05:33
customer 24/08
I've just spoken to Jon/Jonathan at the Loyalty Centre and I have to say that he was an absolute star. He's really made my day. Excellent service and a spot on chap. Give him a raise. x status 0 1 0
199 05:52
customer 24/08
Having problems with phone no incoming or outgoing calls keeps saying on screen call failed. I live in Luton Bedfordshire. Any help please' status 0 1 0
228 06:21
customer 24/08
I cancelled my contract in June and T mobile is still taking money out of my account. How kind!! status 0 2 0
18 07:13
customer 24/08
your service is balls argggg :( status 0 0 0
124 09:51
Page Britain Loves a Bank Holiday party! Dig out the body paint, dust off your headdress...Notting Hill Carnival is here: | 24/08
photo 70 4 3
Admin prn1/553774_411723218883751_718906267_s.jpg 10:00
customer 24/08
Is 6.1.A.0.454 update ics??? status 0 1 0
195 11:52
customer 24/08
No signal at all, need to take an important call, Called technical. Been on hold for a veryyyy long time now guys, disgusting customer service for any customer, Sort it out. status 0 0 0
79 12:49
Wow you guys are amazingly stupid. I had to be on the phone for 40 to make a simple data plan prepaid purchase. After being transferred 6 different times and having made the payment
customer 24/08
with my card number you "Supervisor", Rudy agent# R0630 could not confirm that the product was activated. So you like taking money but don't like activating product? Also who came status 0 1 0
99 13:03
up with your call center system, a middle school student on a homework project?
customer 24/08
5 week old phone in for repair already,track it online they told me, its wont fecking recognise my details,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr status 0 1 0
104 13:18
customer 24/08
Ridiculous customer service on hold for an hour status 2 3 0
79 13:20
customer Please can T-Mobile explain the poor level of service I received tonight while speaking to its online adviser, Gary? I alsked whether you offered "mobile wi-fi" on a monthly deal. I was status 0 2 0 24/08

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 92

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
told you did at £5 a month. I was later told, after around 20 minutes, that it was actually £15 a month and I'd been quoted for just "wi fi". I didn't receive an apology until I asked for one.
201 14:04
Very disappointing.....
customer been sitting on hold to tmobile for 53 mins now. This is my second call this long my phone has been broken for about a month now and I am getting pretty annoyed I do not know what am 24/08
status 0 7 0
64 I meant to do? 15:07
Can you please explain why you have been charging me for a web n'walk I cancelled in 2010 and after two emails, several phone calls and failed promises of elusive supervisors who are
too busy to talk and say they will call back but never do this issue hasn't been investigated and is not resolved? Your customers pay your wages. The least you can do is to offer a customer
customer 24/08
oriented service. Everytime we ring we have to explain the complaint from the start! You credited my account with a symbolic amount but you didn't have the courtesy to ring me back as status 0 1 0
94 15:13
promised, reply to my emails within your 7 days timescale or any timescale for that matter or just communicate with me!!! I have been with you since 2001 and this is how you treat me? I
am sure trading standards and the ombudsman will have something to say about this. Your service is appalling and fortunately there are many other providers in the market!
customer 24/08
tmobile are the worst network ever... cant wait to finish my all 4 business contract and move to somewhere else.. only i can say :( status 1 2 0
164 19:56
customer 25/08
why i m getting this????can i go with t mobile | photo 0 2 0
184 00:23
Have tried to send an email to complain that I am unable to register my broadband pay per day dongle and get redirected all over the place the web site is a mess it costs a fortune to call
customer 25/08
from my home phone and I do not have a t mobile mobile phone thank god that is with vodaphone each time I try to register inorder to make an online payment it wipes my details and status 0 0 0
246 01:40
goes back to a blank registration document. am seriously considering taking the bloody thing back to the shop and getting a different network
customer 25/08
How very professional of T Mobile to delete my post about how crap there registration service is..........NOT Professional at all status 0 1 0
246 02:17
Page 25/08
Got your number! If you could have one person's phone number, who would you choose?! status 28 92 1
Admin 03:00
customer 25/08
Hi there, I have just chosen the wrong together award by accident, can it be changed please? Thanks status 0 2 0
19 03:04
customer 25/08
handyman services covering all of hertfordshire and in and around enfield status 0 0 0
160 04:33
customer 25/08
I've just graduated, I've got 2 degrees, please could 40400 stop sending me info about further/higher education!! status 0 2 0
194 06:22
customer 25/08
why can I not find a case for my T-mobile energy? status 0 1 0
272 06:46
customer hi in our house we have 3 fone contracts out with t mobile we cannot get signal we have tryed foning e mailing and no one gets back to us so now im trying this approach please help whats 25/08
status 0 1 0
32 the point in us having these contracts when we cant even receive or make calls ! 06:51
customer Wasted my one day off waiting for me new phone. Not coming. Cancelled my account now and put in an official complaint. Also don't appreciate being spoken to like I'm stupid by 25/08
status 0 0 0
65 upgrades 07:20
Got a contract phone great deal was recommended by a friend so we get vouchers too ( if they turn up!! ).The light on phone never worked took me a few days to figure it out also my
customer 25/08
internet is not either, gone to store because its been eight days they cant do anything go to apple they will sort it !!!! Tmobile thanx for nothing wasted 20 minutes on the phone for a dead status 0 1 0
36 08:04
line,rang back following day 45 minute wait not happy glad your joining orange they have great customer service maybe you will learn something. ;-)
customer 25/08
is there a flexible travel booster for the balaerics ? status 0 3 0
258 08:11
I am disgusted at how I have been treated by T-mobile. When my phone was stolen I was made to wait on a line for 25 minutes to speak to someone. I then was not sent a replacement sim
customer 25/08
card, attempted to cancel my account and then was charged for an additional month during which I didn't even have a number to use.I would discourage anyone strongly from joining T- status 7 3 0
61 10:56
Hi David/To who this may concern,I have been incorrectly billed on 14/08/12 for a fee of £21.17.My phone has been inactive and blocked since it was stolen in June.I was then not sent a
replacement sim card and was incorrectly informed that I should wait to hear back from the Billing department before proceeding to get one.I then had to ring again on the 13th July to
customer then cancel my contract, by which stage I was forced to pay for an additional month.Then recently I have received another bill as this cancellation had not gone through. I refuse to pay for 25/08
status 0 0 0
61 this second bill as I retain the fact that I have cancelled my contract and my phone has been redundant since June. I have used no services of T-mobile andI refuse to pay for this error to 11:19
correctly record my cancellation.I am equally frustrated by the fact I have recently paid a large T-mobile bill and your inability for staff to convey correct information has locked me into
paying for two additional months.Please cancel this last incorrect bill.Regards,EleanorMy last number was 07538293202 but you wont be able to call me on this.
I am disgusted at how I have been treated by T-mobile. When my phone was stolen I was made to wait on a line for 25 minutes to speak to someone. I then was not sent a replacement sim
customer 25/08
card, attempted to cancel my account and then was charged for an additional month during which I didn't even have a number to use.I would discourage anyone strongly from joining T- status 0 1 0
62 11:22
customer 25/08
Can I get a free laptop with an internet dongle? status 0 1 0
259 11:41
customer am getting fed up now now signal for 2 days tmob dont seem to know why and say no problem in the area but several other people in Stafford all who are tmob or orange anre in the same 25/08
status 0 2 0
58 boat so why are tmob unaware???? 12:44

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 93

Customer Engagement by Mobile Operators on Social Media
customer 25/08
NO SERVICE IN US CARLIFORNIA???????????!!!!! status 0 3 0
273 23:18

Student ID: 1127295 MBA Business Project 94

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