Draconic Cube
Draconic Cube
Draconic Cube
1 Draconic Cube
Draconic Cube
A draconic cube can be formed when a black dragon
wyrmling is engulfed by a gelatinous cube. Because black
dragons are immune to the acid damage of the cube, they are
not killed but as a wyrmling are sometimes not strong
enough to escape.
Occasionally this leads to a symbiotic relationshoip
between the two creatures. The dragon sacrifices flight and
some speed for more hit points and the ability to engulf
opponents and do additional acid damage. The gelationous
cube instinctively realizes that letting an intelligent dragon
take the lead offers more opportunities to feed.
They generally live in underground lairs where their cubic
form fills a tunnel, preventing prey squeezing around them.
While waiting for creatures to approach, they pull their
dragon parts inside the cube to keep themselves hidden.
Then when combat begins, they can stick their neck out and
breath a line of acid down the passage.
Draconic Cube 2
Draconic Cube created by Jim Heston 2021
Illustration by Jim Heston
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster
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