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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.58

Development and Acceptability of Lesson

Exemplars with Differentiated Instruction for Grade
7 Students
Kelvin Carl D. Fulay1, Aldin D. Labo2

Abstract: This study aims to develop and validate differentiated instructions according to the learning styles of grade 7 students in J.P.
Laurel High School of the school year 2019–2020. This study utilizes descriptive-developmental method to develop lesson exemplars in
mathematics utilizing differentiated instruction in accordance to the varied learning styles of the students. Inventory tools and
questionnaires were given to the respondents in conducting the study and collected all the gathered results afterwards. The literatures of
the study focuses on the definition of differentiated instructions, students’ learning styles, and effect of using differentiated instruction
in lesson. The study was conducted on the sample of 35 grade 7 students of J.P. Laurel High School. The findings of the study revealed
that the majority of the respondents are visual learners (51.42%), followed by auditory learners (20%), and kinesthetic and visual-
auditory learners (14.29%). In addition, the study revealed that the students scored higher in post-test than in pre-test after the conduct
of the developed lesson exemplars using differentiated instruction. Moreover, the study also showed that there is a significant difference
between the mastery level of the students in the pre-test and post-test when grouped according to their learning styles. The following are
the recommendations based from the conclusions of the study: diversity of the students must always be considered in every learning
situation. Without knowing the learners’ preferred learning styles (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic), parents or the learner himself may
choose a curriculum that doesn’t meet the needs; use differentiated instructions and interventions that are compatible to the students’
learning styles to further enhance students’ achievements; teachers may formulate appropriate teaching pedagogy and develop
understanding of curriculum content with regards to the varied learning styles of the students to improve the mastery level of the
students; teachers should assess students’ learning and reconstruct teaching methods to achieve the desired learning outcomes; school
administrators and mathematics master teachers may continue to conduct class observations to teachers to provide technical assistance
in the delivery of the lesson; and future research should also be conducted to validate the effects of using differentiated instruction in
other branches of Mathematics to address learning gaps.

Keywords: Development, Acceptability, Lesson Exemplars, Differentiated Instruction

1. Introduction of learners is present with different needs. Thus, the

diversity of learners is indeed present in every classroom
Students learn in different ways – through seeing, hearing, situation.
memorizing, reflecting, visualizing and creating
mathematical models. These learners have different levels of Such diversity requires different teaching styles to fully cater
motivation, attitudes about learning, and responses to the needs of every learner. To address this diversity,
specific classroom environments and instructional practices. different teaching approaches and methods were developed
Felder and Brent (2013), said that there are three categories – Lecture method, Peer tutoring, Inquiry-based instruction,
of diversity that have been shown to have important and the like. Each approach focuses on different aspects of
implications for teaching and learning: (1) differences in instructions and takes into account different classroom
students' learning styles (characteristic ways of taking in and settings. One of the approaches is integrating Differentiated
processing information), (2) approaches to learning (surface, Instruction in lessons. Differentiated Instruction is a way in
deep, and strategic), and (3) intellectual development levels which a teacher anticipates and responds to a variety of
(attitudes about the nature of knowledge and how it should students’ needs in the classroom. To meet students’ needs,
be acquired and evaluated). teachers differentiate by modifying the content, the process,
and the product of instruction. Differentiating instruction
Learning styles have been attributed to a variety of student’s offers different paths to understanding content, process, and
differences. Some students prefer studying in a quiet products, considering what is appropriate given a child’s
environment while others can fully digest the material with profile of strengths, interests, and styles (Dixon, et al.,
music on their ears. Some students learn best with pictures 2014).
or visual presentation of information while others learn more
on verbal explanations. However, one learning style can According to Tomlinson (2001), a teacher who differentiates
never be superior against the other, nor that it is more his or her instruction recognizes this diversity and uses a
effective than other styles. In other words, they are just variety of strategies to reach and engage all learners.
different, with different weaknesses and strengths. Differentiated instruction takes a variety of forms in the
classroom according to what is learned (content), how it is
Learning styles refers to the concept that individuals differ learned (process), how learning is demonstrated (product),
in regard to what mode of instruction or study is most or what environment it is learned.
effective for them (Pashler, et al, 2008). Some people may
find that they have a dominant learning style while some Differentiated Instruction caters to the need of the students
find that they use different learning styles in different with respect to their in-class learning (Tomlinson, 2014;
circumstances. Similarly, in a learning environment, variety
Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20612114640 DOI: 10.21275/SR20612114640 369
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.58
Suprayogi, et al., 2017; Magayon and Tan, 2016), as well as Since the Philippines has adopted the K-12 Curriculum
out-of-classroom learning (Beecher and Sweeny, 2008). Program in the Basic Education in 2012, one of the
implementation guidelines is to have a content
Furthermore, it also develops professional pedagogical differentiation (Department of Education, 2012). Hence, the
growth on the teacher (Robinson, et al., 2014; Wan, 2015). study on integrating differentiated instructions in accordance
However, there are possible conflicts arising from the use of to the students’ learning styles is needed.
differentiated instruction (Wan, 2015).
Implementing Differentiated Instruction indeed hones
In terms of students learning inside the classroom, students to become more responsible individuals as every
Differentiated Instruction allows the students to compete student is challenged at his or her own level. Despite
against one another, always moving toward – and often possible conflicts with personal teaching beliefs, studies
beyond – designated content goals. In other words, teachers have found that Differentiated Instruction as a pedagogical
who differentiate instruction provide specific alternatives for approach is more beneficial to the students in terms of
individuals to learn as deeply as possible and as quickly as having more comprehensive and deeper learning, and in
possible, without assuming one student’s road map for developing students’ individuality. By this, it would allow
learning is identical to anyone else. (Tomlinson, 2014) the students to reach their highest potential and increase
Differentiated instruction can in still a new excitement and their understanding and knowledge to the fullest extent
passion for learning to all students. Thus, it can provide possible. In light of this, the researcher proposed this study
enrichment opportunities to all learners. to develop and validate differentiated instruction used in a
classroom situation considering the varied learning styles of
Moreover, differentiated instruction is put forward as a key the learners.
solution to meet the growing diversity of the students
(Suprayogi, et al., 2017). It is proven in the study of 2. Statement of the Problem
Magayon and Tan (2016) which states that in the Philippine
setting, the use of differentiated instruction in Mathematics This study aims to develop and validate differentiated
motivates students’ interest, makes learning easier, and instructions through learning styles of grade 7 students at
challenges students to learn and do more. Hence, J.P. Laurel High School for the school year 2019 – 2020.
implementing differentiated instruction is said to be
effective in catering to the individuality of students and at Specifically, the study aims to answer the following
the same time helping them to have positive outlook about questions:
school, increase engagement in learning, and improve 1) What are the learning styles of grade 7 students?
achievement. 2) What lesson exemplars using differentiated instructions
could be developed in teaching grade 7 students?
The benefit of using differentiated instruction extends 3) What is the mastery level of the students when grouped
beyond classroom walls. Beecher and Sweeny (2008) according to the learning styles along pre-test and post-
noticed that students became interested in afterschool test?
classes. The school studied by Beecher and Sweeny had, on 4) Is there a significant difference between the mastery level
average, 200 students participating in afterschool classes. of the students in the pre-test and post-test when grouped
The authors proposed that students wanted to spend extra according to their learning styles?
time studying and learning because they felt it was valuable 5) What is the acceptability of the lesson exemplars with
and related to their lives, which increased their academic differentiated instructions as validated by the experts?
3. Research Methodology and Procedures
In the study of Robinson, et al (2014), educating teachers
about how to differentiate instruction in classrooms is Research Design
significant for it develops and implements professional Descriptive – Developmental is used by the researcher in
development opportunity that includes cross curricular this study. According to Richey (1994), developmental
strategies and time to create real lessons that can be actively research has been defined as the systematic study of
used within the classroom. Thus, it allows teachers to designing, developing, and evaluating instructional
identify and share successful differentiation strategies and to programs, processes, and products that must meet criteria of
add new practices in the field of teaching. internal consistency and effectiveness. There are many types
of developmental research and one of which involves
With the use of Differentiated Instruction, changes in situations in which the product-development process is
teaching beliefs regarding this approach as well as teaching analyzed and described, and the final product is evaluated.
efficacy levels, and positive attitudes toward differentiated The researcher developed two (2) lesson exemplars in
teaching have been evident in the teaching-learning process. Mathematics 7 using differentiated instruction according to
However, there existed different concerns including class the learning styles of the students to assess students’
management and conflicts with personal teaching beliefs. achievement.
These concerns may be related to practical experiences and
confidence as well as expectations upon students. (Wan, The researcher utilized inventory tool to determine the
2015) learning styles of the students. Lesson exemplars with
differentiated activities about basic concepts in geometry
and angles were used to discuss the said topics. To
Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20612114640 DOI: 10.21275/SR20612114640 370
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.58
determine the mastery level of the students, a teacher-made effectively are added to the developed lesson activities made
pre-post design was used. Frequency count, percentage, by the researcher. Below is the rating scale with its
weighted mean and t-test, were also used to interpret the corresponding descriptive interpretation for the experts’
results of pre-test and post-test, learning style inventory tool validation tool:
and experts’ validation tool for the developed lesson
exemplars. Rating Scale Descriptive Interpretation
4.50 – 5.00 Outstanding
The Sample 3.50 – 4.49 Very Satisfactory
The respondents of the study are grade 7 students of J.P. 2.50 – 3.49 Satisfactory
Laurel High School for the school year 2019 – 2020. 1.50 – 2.49 Fair
According to the statistical data provided by the School 1.00 – 1.49 Poor
Records Designate as of school year 2019-2020, record
shows that there are 176 enrolled grade 7 students. The Based from the result of the pre-test and post-test, the level
respondents are grouped homogenously. However, only one of the students was categorized into the following mastery
class, composed of 35 students, are the respondents of the levels (DepEd Order No. 71, s. 2010 & “Standards-Based
study. The respondents were chosen based on convenience Assessment DepEd’s Perspective” NETRC-Department of
sampling since they are one of the handled classes of the Education):
researcher himself. Mastery Level Scale

The Instrument Mean Percentage Mastery Level Descriptive Equivalence

The gathering of data used in this study is possible using the 96 – 100 Mastered 86 – 95 Closely Approaching Mastery
following instruments: (a) Learning Style Inventory Tool (b) 66 – 85 Moving Towards Mastery
A teacher made pre-test and post-test, (c) Developed lesson 35 – 65 Average Mastery 16 – 34 Low Mastery 5 – 15 Very
exemplars, and (d) Validation tool to rate the validity and Low Mastery 0 – 4 Absolutely No Mastery
reliability of the lesson exemplars.
Data Collection Procedure
Learning Style Inventory Tool. The research adopted an To gather data and information on the respondents, the
inventory tool from Dunn and Dunnto determine the researcher sent communication letters to the principal of
learning styles of the grade 7 students. It is composed of Bulan National High School to ask permission to allow three
twenty-four (24) questions. The respondents will answer Mathematics teachers namely Ms. Ma. Anunciacion C.
each question from 1 to 3 with the following indicators: 1 – Jazmin, T-III; Mr. Dante G. Gleabo, MT-I; and Ms. Charity
Never applies to me, 2 – Sometimes applies to me, and 3 – V. Luzuriaga, MT-I to evaluate and validate the instruments
Often applies to me. used in the study. The same letters and copy of the
instruments (Learning Style Inventory Tool, Pre-Post Test,
Pre-Test and Post-Test. The pre-test and post-test to be Validation Tool, and Developed Lesson Exemplars) were
administered to the Grade 7 students was composed of 10 sent to Ms. Maria Luisa L. Gordola, T-III and Mr. Jomar A.
items, with four options-multiple choices test with some Gersalia, T-III, both are Mathematics teachers of San
open-ended questions. The test was only limited to 10 items Francisco National High School; Ms. Rissa G. Bonita, T-III
due to time constraints and because of the fact that there are of J.P. Laurel High School; and Mr. Domingo H. Enteria,
only two (2) learning competencies discussed and some SSP-I of Gate National High School for validation.
questions in the differentiated activities are under formative
assessment. The test was designed to measure the concepts The researcher collected, organized, and tabulated the data
to be learned by the learners in Basic Concepts in Geometry after the retrieval of the instruments. After establishing the
and Angles. The contents of the test are taken from different validity and reliability of the instruments, the researcher sent
learning resources by the researcher himself. communication letter to Sorsogon Division Office headed by
Mr. Jose L. Doncillo, CESO V, to ask permission to conduct
Two lesson exemplars with the following topics; Basic the study in J.P. Laurel High School which is under its
Concepts in Geometry and Angles were developed. The supervision. The School head of J.P. Laurel High School,
learning competency of these developed lesson exemplars Mr. Aceron M. De Jesus, SSP-I, and respondents of the
are anchored to the curriculum guide of the Department of school were also given letters to gather data in conducting
Education (DepEd). The lesson exemplars are composed of the study.
four (4) main parts: learning objectives, learning content,
learning procedure, and assignment. The learning procedure An inventory tool for the learning styles of the students, and
used the 5E’s learning model – Engage, Explore, Explain, a teacher-made pre-test, were administered before the
Elaborate, and Evaluate. These lesson exemplars were implementation of the developed lesson exemplars. The
evaluated by mathematics teachers of Bulan Cluster using developed lesson exemplars were validated by the above
the validation tool for pre-service teachers adopted from mentioned Mathematics teachers of Bulan Cluster. The two
Sorsogon State College. The experts evaluated the following topics in grade 7 Mathematics which are basic concepts in
parts of the lesson exemplar: (1) objectives, (2) subject geometry and angles were discussed with the use of
matter, (3) procedure, (4) evaluation, and (5) assignment differentiated instruction considering the students’ varied
using 5-point Likert Scale: 5–outstanding, 4–very learning styles. Post-test was administered after the
satisfactory, 3-satisfactory, 2–fair, and 1–poor. The implementation of the lesson.
comments and suggestions on how to discuss the lessons
Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20612114640 DOI: 10.21275/SR20612114640 371
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.58
Afterwards, the researcher summarized all the information according to their learning styles, 3.56 is the mean score
and resulting data. Statistical treatment was used to the in pre-test of the visual learners, while 8.61 in post-test.
gathered data for interpretation. For auditory learners, students scored 4.43 in pre-test,
while 9 in post-test. When it comes to kinesthetic
4. Data Analysis Procedure learners, the mean score in pre-test is 2.4, while the mean
score in post-test is 8. For students under visual-auditory
Statistical tools to which the data were subjected to after learning style, 3.6 is the mean score in pre-test, while 8.6
conducting the study are the following: frequency count, in post-test. The computed p-value in all area is 0.00
percentage, weighted mean, and t-test. which is tested at 0.05 level of significance represents
highly significant.
The learning style inventory tool was used to determine the 5) When it comes to the acceptability of the developed
preferred learning styles of the respondents. Frequency lesson exemplars in the topic Basic Concept in
count was used in interpreting the results of learning style Geometry, the mean score in the following indicators are
inventory tool. as follows: objective – 4.83, subject matter – 4.63,
procedure – 4.5, evaluation – 4.67, and assignment –
In the evaluation and validation tool of the experts on the 4.83, which means that all indicators has a descriptive
developed lesson exemplars, weighted mean was used to interpretation of outstanding. On the other hand, the topic
compute for the overall average of the instrument. Angles has a mean score of 4.92 in objective, 4.85 in
subject matter, 4.63 in procedure, 4.92 in evaluation, and
With regards to the pre-test and post-test results, frequency 4.75 in assignment. The overall weighted mean of the
count and percentage was used to determine the level of lesson exemplars is 4.69 (Basic Concepts in Geometry),
mastery of the respondents. The primary goal of using the and 4.81 (Angles) which are both under the descriptive
pre-post design is to determine if there is a difference among interpretation outstanding.
groups with regard to some variable of interest after
imposition of intervention (Bonate, 2000). Moreover, t-test 6. Conclusions
was also used to know the significant difference of the
mastery level in pre-test and post-test when grouped Based on the findings, the following conclusions are drawn:
according to the learning styles of the students. Results were 1) The Grade 7 students of J.P. Laurel High School S.Y.
tested at 0.05 level of significance to determine the 2019 – 2020 have different learning styles. Majority of
significant difference of the mastery level in pre-test and them are visual learners, some of them are auditory
post-test scores. learners and kinesthetic learners, while some of them
have two learning style (visual-auditory learners) which
5. Findings is the combination of visual and auditory.
2) The topics Basic Concepts in Geometry and Angles are
Based on the results of the statistical analyses of the data, the the two lesson exemplars developed using differentiated
findings of the study are as follows: instructions in accordance to the learning styles of the
1) In terms of the learning style of the respondents, 51.42% students.
of the Grade 7 students are Visual learners, 20% are 3) In the area of the mastery level, students scored higher in
Auditory learners, and 14.29% are Kinesthetic learners post-test than in pre-test in all type of learning style
and Visual-Auditory learners. It implies that majority of (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and visual-auditory). The
the respondents are visual learners that preferred learning mastery level descriptive equivalence of the students in
through visual format rather than auditory or using body pre-test and post-test when grouped according to their
movements. learning style is closely approaching mastery.
2) The developed lesson exemplars taught in grade 7 using 4) There is a significant difference between the mastery
differentiated instructions according to the learning styles level of the students in the pre-test and post-test when
of the students are Basic Concepts in Geometry and grouped according to their learning styles.
Angles. 5) The two developed lesson exemplars entitled, Basic
3) It was determined than when it comes to the mastery Concepts in Geometry and Angles has an overall rating
level of the visual learners during pre-test, students of outstanding based on the validation of the experts.
scored 35.6% with an above mastery descriptive
interpretation, while 86.1% is the score in post-test which 7. Recommendations
means closely approaching mastery. For students under
auditory type of learning style, they scored 44.3% in pre- After the conclusions are mentioned, the following
test (average mastery), while 90% in post-test (closely recommendations are presented:
approaching mastery). In terms of kinesthetic learners, 1) Students’ diversity must always be considered in every
students have a mean percentage score of 24% in pre-test learning environment. Without knowing the learners’
(low mastery), while 80% in post-test (moving towards preferred learning styles, parents or the learner himself
mastery). When it comes to visual-auditory learners, the may choose a curriculum that doesn’t meet the needs.
mean percentage score of the students in pre-test is 36% 2) Use differentiated instructions and interventions that are
(average mastery), while 86% in post-test (closely compatible to the students’ learning styles to further
approaching mastery). enhance students’ achievements.
4) In terms of the comparison between the mastery level of 3) Teachers may formulate appropriate teaching pedagogy
the students in pre-test and post-test when grouped and develop understanding of curriculum content with
Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20612114640 DOI: 10.21275/SR20612114640 372
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.58
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Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20612114640 DOI: 10.21275/SR20612114640 374

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