CS195 Handout 8

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CS: Answer

Q: How many legs is it biologically impossible for a centipede to have?

1. 50
2. 26
3. 100
4. 74
A: 100
Q: Which of the following commercial vehicles from Grand Theft Auto IV did NOT reappear
in Grand Theft Auto V?
1. Mule
2. Benson
3. Steed
4. Pony
A: Steed
Q: What is the British term for a 64th note?
1. Semiquaver
2. Hemidemisemiquaver
3. Semihemidemisemiquaver
4. Demisemiquaver
A: Hemidemisemiquaver
Q: What year was quot;JoJo039;s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Bloodquot; first released?
1. 1987
2. 1995
3. 1983
4. 2013
A: 1987
Q: Which one of these rulers did not belong to the Habsburg dynasty?
1. Charles V
2. Philip II
3. Francis Joseph
4. Philip V
A: Philip V
Q: What year was Min Yoongi from South Korea boy band quot;BTSquot; born in?
1. 1994
2. 1993
3. 1995
4. 1992
A: 1993
Q: In Magic: The Gathering, which of the following was the first publicly released foil card?
1. Revenant
2. Lightning Dragon
3. Beast of Burden
4. Dirtcowl Wurm
A: Lightning Dragon
Q: Who is a minor god that is protector and creator of various arts, such as cheese making
and bee keeping.
1. Carme
2. Cephisso

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3. Autonoe
4. Aristaeus
A: Aristaeus
Q: In the Nintendo Game Splatoon 2, what is Marina039;s screen name?
1. DJHyperfresh
2. Kidnotsquid123
3. MC.princess
4. Ilt;30ffTh3H00k
A: DJHyperfresh
Q: In the SHMUP series, quot;Gradiusquot;, what is the name of the antagonist faction you
fight against?
1. Bydo
2. Bacterion
3. ORN Empire
4. Belsar
A: Bacterion
Q: What year was quot;JoJo039;s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Bloodquot; first released?
1. 1983
2. 1987
3. 2013
4. 1995
A: 1987
Q: What port does HTTP run on?
1. 80
2. 443
3. 53
4. 23
A: 80
Q: What is the name of the song by Beyonceacute; and Alejandro Fernaacute;ndez
released in 2007?
1. Rocket
2. La ultima vez
3. Hasta Dondes Estes
4. Amor Gitano
A: Amor Gitano
Q: How much radiation does a banana emit?
1. 0.7 Microsievert
2. 0.3 Microsievert
3. 0.1 Microsievert
4. 0.5 Microsievert
A: 0.1 Microsievert
Q: In the quot;Archiequot; comics, who was Jughead039;s first girlfriend?
1. Debbi
2. Ethel
3. Margret
4. Joani
A: Joani
Q: Which day did World War I begin?
1. April 28

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2. January 28
3. July 28
4. June 28
A: July 28
Q: In Magic: The Gathering, what card039;s flavor text is quot;Catch!quot;?
1. Ember Shot
2. Lava Axe
3. StoneThrowing Devils
4. Throwing Knife
A: Lava Axe
Q: What team did England beat in the semifinal stage to win in the 1966 World Cup final?
1. Portugal
2. Soviet Union
3. Brazil
4. West Germany
A: Portugal
Q: During World War I, which nation039;s monarchs were blood related?
1. England, Germany, Russia
2. Serbia, Russia, Croatia
3. Germany, Spain, Austria
4. France, Russia, Germany
A: England, Germany, Russia
Q: What is the fourth digit of pi;?
1. 3
2. 2
3. 4
4. 1
A: 1
Q: A comet039;s gaseous envelope which creates the tail is called what?
1. The backwash
2. The ablative
3. The wake
4. The coma
A: The coma
Q: Which of these was the name of a bug found in April 2014 in the publicly available
OpenSSL cryptography library?
1. Heartbleed
2. Shellshock
3. Shellscript
4. Corrupted Blood
A: Heartbleed
Q: Volkswagen039;s legendary VR6 engine has cylinders positioned at what degree
1. 45 Degree
2. 15 Degree
3. 90 Degree
4. 30 Degree
A: 15 Degree
Q: In what year was the game quot;Eliminatorquot; released?

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1. 2001
2. 1999
3. 2000
4. 1998
A: 1998
Q: Unlike on most salamanders, this part of a newt is flat?
1. Feet
2. Tail
3. Teeth
4. Head
A: Tail
Q: According to the lore of quot;Starboundquot;, what does the quot;Colony Deedquot; do
when it is placed down?
1. Sends out an advertisement for someone to move in.
2. Materializes a new being at it039;s location.
3. Teleports somebody from somewhere on the planet it is placed.
4. Teleports a random person to the location.
A: Sends out an advertisement for someone to move in.
Q: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands in South East Asia are controlled by which country?
1. India
2. Thailand
3. Vietnam
4. Indonesia
A: India
Q: In what year does Jurassic World open in the quot;Jurassic Parkquot; universe?
1. 2020
2. 2005
3. 2015
4. 2007
A: 2005
Q: In Diablo lore, this lesser evil spawned from one of the seven heads of Tathamet, and
was known as the Maiden of Anguish.
1. Andariel
2. Kashya
3. Malthael
4. Valla
A: Andariel
Q: What are the Three Virtues of Bionicle?
1. Work, Play, Live
2. Forge, Build, Fight
3. Build, Play, Change
4. Unity, Duty, Destiny
A: Unity, Duty, Destiny

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