Grade 10 and 11 Mathematics Syllabus

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Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... i

Teaching approaches ........................................................................................................................ i

Promotion of values and attitudes ....................................................................................................ii

Promotion of Financial Literacy ......................................................................................................ii

Consideration of inclusive education ..............................................................................................iii

Content presentation .......................................................................................................................iii

Layout and presentation of the syllabus.......................................................................................... iv

Principles of assessment ..................................................................................................................v

Grade 10 Mathematics Syllabus ..................................................................................................... 1

Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 1

Activity plan ................................................................................................................................ 3

Grade 11 Mathematics Syllabus ................................................................................................... 44

Overview ................................................................................................................................... 44

Activity plan .............................................................................................................................. 45

Grade 10 and 11 Mathematics Syllabi form part of the integrated curriculum. This curriculum is
basically intended to draw together knowledge, skills, attitudes and values from different subject
areas to develop a more powerful understanding of key ideas which can be connected and related
in meaningful ways by both learners and teachers. Development of this syllabus was based on
five Curriculum Aspects which highlight the life challenges and contexts in which the learner is
expected to function as an individual and a member of a society. These are: Effective
Communication; Awareness of Self and Others; Environmental Adaptation and Sustainable
Development; Health and Healthy Living; and Production and Work-related Competencies.

The solid foundations of Mathematics concepts and skills have been laid in previous grades. The
syllabus materials for previous grades were intended to enable learners to take their first steps on
a pathway of active and independent learning. These materials were also aimed at building on
and reinforcing the skills and attitudes to learners. These curriculum materials are envisioned to
prepare learners to become progressively more autonomous learners throughout their academic
journey. The current Grade 10 and 11 Mathematics Syllabi have been developed in the manner
that resonates with the previous curriculum materials. The designed Learning Outcomes and
activities have been deliberately developed to advance mathematics conceptual development. In
fact, they are intended to nurture learners and to foster positive and enthusiastic attitudes towards
mathematics learning.

Teaching approaches
Teachers are encouraged to use a wide variety of teaching techniques, including group work,
practical exercises and activities involving the wider community. The emphasis on practical
activities is made because they promote mathematics conceptual development to learners, and
also stimulate their curiosity and foster an active approach to learning. The role of the teacher is
to facilitate active learning, rather than a teacher-centred didactic approach. Teachers are also
advised to improvise and, where applicable, use concrete materials from the immediate
environment to enhance learners’ understanding of mathematics concepts. Mathematics concept
development should start with manipulation of concrete objects before introducing the abstract
ideas. The general aim of teaching mathematics concepts is to equip learners with knowledge

and skills which can enable them to develop investigative and analytical skills. As a result,
learners would acquire critical and logical thinking.

Promotion of values and attitudes

Grade 10 and 11 Mathematics Syllabi were developed following the guidelines of curriculum
and assessment policy framework (2009), which one of its goals is to promote values and
attitudes to learners. The LOs as well as suggested activities have been developed with the
purpose of addressing this issue. This syllabus targets to promote positive attitude, acceptable
morals, teamwork and adherence to ethical issues. Considering that values and attitudes have
been addressed extensively in relevant subject areas, this syllabus put more focus on the specific
values and attitudes which are as follows: cooperation, confidence, honesty, appreciation,
patience and objectivity. It is hoped that this will help learners to become credible individuals
and also build good relations that will lead to their harmonious coexistence.

Promotion of Financial Literacy

The Grade 10 and 11 Mathematics Syllabi were developed with the commitment of promoting
financial literacy among the Basotho children. Mathematics teaching and learning processes have
been considered as an appropriate platform to relay messages covering financial education. The
intention is to equip learners with requisite skills which will enable them to manage their
finances in a manner that could sustain them in future. In this syllabus, learners will be engaged
in various activities that require them to calculate value of money, interpret information which
empowers them to make informed financial decisions and be conscious of benefits of saving
money. It is therefore believed that learners will understand the importance of money in their
lives. They will also become critical consumers who will avoid wasteful spending and being
drowned in unnecessary debts. Financial literacy will also help learners to become responsible
citizens who value the importance of paying taxes.

Consideration of inclusive education
The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) is committed to ensure successful integration of
learners with special educational needs (LSEN) into regular schools. Hence it has developed
legal and policy frameworks which advocate for improving access to quality education to all
learners, including LSEN. Teachers are therefore, advised to adapt suggested activities in the
syllabus to cater for different educational needs of LSEN. Teachers are requested to ensure that
the LSEN actively participate in all classroom activities. However, where necessary, teachers are
advised to prepare individualised education programmes (IPE) for every learner with special
educational needs present in the classroom.

Content presentation
The main areas covered by Grade 10 and 11 Mathematics syllabi include: numbers, shapes,
measurements, transformations, sets, ratios, algebra, probability and statistics. The Learning
Outcomes are arranged in such a way that concepts show logical connections in order to
facilitate continuous learning. This arrangement also allows for the progressive development of
content complexity. However, this is not binding, teachers may follow a different pattern when
planning their lessons. The Grade 10 and 11 Mathematics Syllabi have followed an approach
which bears a resemblance of the syllabus materials of the previous grades. The intention was to
ensure continuity in Mathematics conceptual development. Apart from that, the aim is to
promote strong understanding and connection between Mathematics concepts and content with
those of other subject areas. When planning Mathematics lessons, teachers are expected to make
some connections with content from other subject areas, where possible. This creates an overall
learning opportunity that integrates and balances concept development, skill acquisition and

Mathematical skills help learners to make sense of the world in terms of order, beauty and
consistency by noticing size, shape and position. They help to make connections, to see order
and logic. Seeing patterns, making predictions, estimating, determining rates of change,
demonstrating, problem-solving and critical thinking are all necessary in real-life situations.
Learners should learn Mathematics in ways that allow them to discover relationships, develop
understanding and the growth of thinking. Mathematics is a tool in other fields: it is a service
subject, and therefore should be taught as a tool in the context of its application in real-life. The

Grade 10 and 11 Mathematics Syllabi promote acquisition and application of mathematical skills
for effective participation in scientific, technological and socio-economic development. It also
develops appreciation among learners for contribution of mathematical skills in different fields.
Most importantly, it promotes development of positive attitudes towards Mathematics as a
foundation for further learning and career development.

Layout and presentation of the syllabus

The subject matter is divided into a number of Learning Outcomes (the terms “learning
objectives” or “learning intentions” are often used in other contexts.

Learning outcome: a statement in measureable terms of what a learner should know, understand
or be able to do by the end of a given segment of the syllabus. For each targeted learning
outcome, details are given of: the key concepts, skills, values and attitudes which underpin its
successful attainment.
Concept: a general idea which emerges from a specific situation; once understood it can be
applied to different contexts to promote understanding. For example, the concept of the family
emerges from awareness of the familiar unit in which people live; it can be applied to groups of
animals, plants or words which naturally belong together.
Skills: abilities which every learner is expected to acquire to help them learn and live well in
society; they can be mental, physical or social.
 Suggested learning experiences: teaching and learning activities designed to enable learners
to achieve a given learning outcome. This is not exhaustive, and the teacher is free to use
other complementary activities.
 What to assess: in this column, the learning outcome is broken down into several specific,
measurable and observable points, against which the teacher can check the learners’ progress.
These focus on the process and characteristics of learning rather than the final outcome.
 Suggested resources: a list of possible items, materials, persons etc. which may be used to
help achieve a given learning outcome. This is designed to help all teachers, however many
or few resources may be available in their schools and communities.

Principles of assessment
Assessment and curriculum are closely integrated and mutually supportive. The 2009
Curriculum and Assessment Policy introduces continuous assessment (CASS) as a key strategy
to reform education. Continuous assessment is an on-going system of monitoring and assessing
learners’ progress. It is closely integrated with the teaching and learning process and actually
supports learning. It is formative assessment, done in the school environment through daily
teaching. It can also be achieved through projects, quizzes, tests, interviews and observations.

In the context of Lesotho, it has been decided to merge formative assessment and assessment for
learning, moving away from the traditional ways of testing, which have been found to be
severely limiting. Testing through examinations and tests provides learners with marks or grades.
However, it does not give any indication of what the learner is actually able to do. Instead of
marks or grades, the new methods of assessment will generate statements about each learner’s
progress and ability. These will help learners, their teachers and future teachers, their parents and
guardians as well as education policy makers to know exactly what a learner has learned and is
capable of doing, also indicating areas where remedial work is needed. A further disadvantage of
conventional testing is that teachers feel under pressure to “teach for the exam” and ignore
aspects of the curriculum which will not be examined.

The syllabus is presented in such a way that, along with each learning outcome, assessment
criteria guide the teacher in what to assess to determine whether the learning outcome has been
successfully achieved, partially achieved or not yet achieved. Teachers should share Learning
Outcomes and success criteria with learners so that learners know what they are learning and the
standards they are aiming for. They should also provide feedback (which may be oral or written)
that helps learners to identify improvement. Both the teacher and the learner will reflect on
learners’ performance and learners will learn self-assessment techniques to discover areas for
improvement. This promotes a more active approach to learning and recognises that both
motivation and self-esteem are crucial for effective learning and progress, and that these can be
increased through effective assessment techniques. In addition to self-assessment, peer-
assessment is a useful tool which will be used where appropriate.

Grade 10 Mathematics Syllabus
At the end of Grade 10, learners should be able to:

1. form and interpret sets of ordered pairs.

2. demonstrate understanding of calculations involving universal set containing up to three sets.
3. find squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots by applying prime factorisation.
4. find a general rule for quadratic sequences.
5. demonstrate understanding of optimisation of measures on areas and volumes.
6. calculate interior and exterior angles of irregular polygons.
7. demonstrate understanding of use of angle properties of a circle.
8. demonstrate understanding of use of properties of a tangent at a circle.
9. use angle properties of a circle to solve problems.
10. demonstrate understanding of calculations involving surface area and volume of solids.
11. demonstrate understanding of relationship between geometrical vectors.
12. describe and perform enlargement with negative and fractional scale factor.
13. demonstrate understanding of describing and performing a combination of transformations.
14. use given data to solve problems on simple and compound interest.
15. draw and interpret graphs in practical situations.
16. expand and factorise quadratic expressions.
17. demonstrate understanding of basic operations on algebraic fractions.
18. demonstrate understanding of calculations involving fractional indices.
19. demonstrate understanding of solving indicial equations.
20. perform calculations involving matrices.
21. solve probability problems of combined events using tree-diagram of two or more events.
22. present and interpret statistical data.
23. present and analyse data using measures of spread.

24. evaluate and generate relations and functions.
25. draw and interpret quadratic and cubic graphs.
26. draw and interpret inverse and exponential graphs.
27. solve linear inequalities in two variables.
28. solve inequality problems using linear programming.
29. locate points and regions using loci.
30. calculate dimensions of triangles using sine and cosine formula.
31. draw and interpret bearings involving three journeys.

Grade 10 Mathematics Syllabus
Activity plan.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
1. form and interpret sets Concepts  Teacher and learners review set sort materials according to Materials from
of ordered pairs. Universal set notation used for describing their common features. the immediate
Ordered pairs relationship between two sets. environment
 Teacher and learners review form a bigger set that
Skills mappings. contains formed sets. Mathematics
Classification  Learners, guided by a teacher, describe universal set.
Manipulation use functions to generate sets of
Communication inputs and outputs. use appropriate notation to Teacher’s
Interpretation  Learners write input and output describe the sets. Guide
as coordinates.
 Teacher and learners deduce the represent the formed sets
concept of ordered pairs. using a Venn diagram.
 Learners list the ordered pairs as
elements of a set. form and describe sets from
different scenarios using
 Teacher provides a variety of
appropriate notation.
scenarios that require learners to
represent three sets in different form and describe sets of
Venn diagrams. different types of numbers.
 Learners represent the given sets
using a Venn diagram. establish the relationship of
 Learners identify members of any two sets in the universal
each set which do not appear in set.
the other set.
 Learners find the number of solve problems involving set
elements of each set in the notations.
universal set.
 Learners form and describe sets
using appropriate notation.

 Learners establish the
relationship of any three sets in
the universal set.
 Learners solve problems
involving set notations.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
2. demonstrate Concepts  Teacher and learners review set represent number of elements Mathematical
understanding of Sets notations including number of in a universal set using Venn kit
calculations involving Universal set elements in a set and subsets. diagram of up to three sets.
universal set containing Venn diagram  Learners, under the guidance of a
up to three sets. Set notation teacher, represent number of find the number of elements
Number of elements elements in a universal set using in each region/subset in the
Subsets Venn diagram of up to three sets. universal set.
Disjoint sets  Learners find the number of
Maximum elements in each region within calculate maximum and
Minimum the universal set. minimum number of
 Teacher provides learners with
Skills elements.
different scenarios involving
Classification calculations of maximum and
Listing find maximum and minimum
minimum number of elements.
Manipulation number of elements.
 Teacher guides learners to use the
Communication formula for determining number
Interpretation solve problems involving
of elements for the specified set
counting within the universal set calculations of number of
elements in a set.

 Learners find maximum and

minimum number of elements.

 Learners solve problems
involving calculations of number
of elements in a set.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
3. find squares, square Concepts  Teacher and learners review: express perfect squares as Mathematics
roots, cubes and cube prime factorisation prime factorisation, squares, product of prime factors in kit
roots by applying prime squares square roots, cubes and cube index notation
factorisation. square roots roots.
cubes  Learners express perfect squares identify the type of numbers
cube roots as product of prime factors in within the indices
index notation index notation.
find the square roots of
 Learners identify the type of
Skills perfect squares expressed as
numbers within the indices
simplification  Leaners find the square roots of product of their prime
Manipulation perfect squares expressed as factors.
Logical thinking product of their prime factors.
Critical thinking  Learners change non perfect change non perfect squares
squares into perfect squares by into perfect squares by
multiplying by positive integer k. multiplying by positive
 Learners express perfect cubes as integer k.
product of their prime factors in express perfect cubes as
index notation.
product of their prime factors
 Learners find the lowest common
factor of numbers within the in index notation.
identify the type of numbers
 Leaners find the cube roots of
perfect cubes expressed as within the indices
product of their prime factors.
find the cube roots of perfect
 Learners change non perfect
cubes into perfect cubes by cubes expressed as product of
multiplying by positive integer k. their prime factors
 Learners solve problems
involving squares, square roots, change non perfect cubes into
cubes and cube roots. perfect cubes by multiplying
by positive integer k.

solve problems involving
squares, square roots, cubes
and cube roots.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
4. find a general rule for Concepts  Teacher and learners review form sequences using Mathematics
quadratic sequence. Sequences: generation of number sequences consecutive square numbers. kit
arithmetic from a given rule.
quadratic  Teacher and learners review establish a rule of the
General rule general rule for arithmetic sequence.
first difference sequence.
second difference  Learners form sequences using predict the subsequent terms.
Simultaneous equations consecutive square numbers.
 Learners establish a rule of the deduce the algebraic
Skills sequence. representation of a general
Ordering  Learners predict the subsequent rule.
Manipulation terms.
Calculation find a general rule of a given
 Teacher and learners deduce the
Interpretation algebraic representation of a quadratic sequence.
Logical thinking general rule of the form:
Critical solve problems involving
quadratic sequences.
 Learners find a general rule of a
given quadratic sequence.
 Learners solve problems
involving quadratic sequences.
5. demonstrate Concepts  Teacher and learners review: find maximum and minimum Mathematics
understanding of Limits of accuracy: lower bound, upper bound and area of a shape. kit
optimisation of measures lower bound minimum or maximum.
on areas and volumes. upper bound  Teacher and learners review solve problems that involve
Area perimeter of a given shape. optimisation of area.
Volume  Learners under guidance of a
Optimisation teacher use lower and upper optimise volume.
minimum bounds to find maximum and
maximum minimum area of a shape. solve problems involving
 Learners solve problems that optimisation of area and
Skills involve optimisation of area. volume.
Ordering  Learners under guidance of a

Calculation teacher use lower and upper
Interpretation bounds to optimise volume.
Logical thinking  Learners solve problems
Critical thinking involving optimisation of area
and volume

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
6. calculate interior and Concepts  Teacher and learners review measure all interior angles of Mathematics
exterior angles of Angles difference between regular and irregular polygon. kit
irregular polygons. Interior and exterior irregular polygons.
Irregular polygon:  Teacher and learners review calculate sum of interior
convex calculation of interior and angles of the irregular convex
concave exterior angles of regular polygons.
Angle properties of a polygons.
calculate sum interior angles
polygon  Teacher and learners review of irregular convex polygons.
finding sum of irregular polygons
Skills using the idea of triangles. compare formulae for
Manipulation  Learners measure all interior calculating sum of interior
Measurement angles of irregular polygon. angles of irregular convex
Accuracy  Learners calculate sum of interior and regular polygons.
Logical thinking angles of the irregular convex
Critical thinking polygons. measure all exterior angles of
 Learners deduce the general irregular convex polygon.
formula for calculating sum of
interior angles of irregular calculate sum of exterior
convex polygons. angles of the irregular convex
 Learners compare formulae for
calculating sum of interior angles compare the sum of exterior
of irregular convex and regular angles of irregular and

 Learners measure all exterior regular polygons.
angles of irregular convex
polygon. use angle properties to
 calculate sum of exterior angles calculate exterior and interior
of the irregular convex polygons. angles of irregular polygons.
 Learners compare the sum of calculate sum of interior
exterior angles of irregular and angles of irregular concave
regular polygons. polygons.
 Learners use angle properties to
calculate exterior and interior calculate sum of exterior
angles of irregular polygons. angles of irregular concave
 Learners calculate sum of interior polygons.
angles of irregular concave
 Learners calculate sum of
exterior angles of irregular
concave polygons.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
7. demonstrate Concepts  Teacher reviews parts of a circle draw a circle and one chord Mathematics
understanding of use of Angles and angle properties. inside. kit
angle properties of a Angle properties of a  Learners draw a circle and one
circle. circle: chord inside. find a perpendicular bisector
perpendicular bisector  Learners find a perpendicular of a chord by folding papers
of a chord, bisector of a chord by folding or construction.
equal chords, papers or construction. identify that perpendicular
intersecting chords  Learners under guidance of a bisector of a chord passes
teacher deduce that perpendicular through a centre.
Skills bisector of a chord passes
Manipulation through a centre. draw equal chords inside a

Measurement  Learners draw equal chords circle.
Accuracy inside a circle.
Logical thinking  Learners find a perpendicular find a perpendicular bisector
Critical thinking bisector of each chord by folding of each chord by folding a
a paper or construction. paper or construction.
 Learners measure the distance of measure the distance of each
each chord from the centre. chord from the centre.
 Learners under guidance of a
teacher deduce that the distance identify that the distance
between the perpendicular between the perpendicular
bisector of each chord from the bisector of each chord from
centre are equal. the centre are equal.
 Learners draw two chords
crossing each other inside a draw two chords crossing
circle. each other inside a circle.
 Learners measure the distance
between point of intersection and measure the distance between
each point at a circumference. point of intersection and each
point at a circumference.
 Learners under guidance of a
teacher deduce intersecting chord use intersecting chord
theorem of the form theorem.
, where
AB and CD are chords solve problems that require
intersecting at P. the use of chord properties.
 Learners solve problems that
require the use of chord

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
8. demonstrate Concepts  Teacher reviews parts of a circle. draw a line touching a Mathematics
understanding of use of Angle at a centre  Learners draw a line touching a circumference of circle at one kit
properties of a tangent Tangent theorem, circumference of circle at one point (tangent).
at a circle. point (tangent).
Skills  Learners draw a line from centre draw a line from centre of a
Manipulation of a circle to a point where a circle to a point where a
Measurement tangent touches a circumference. tangent touches a
Accuracy  Learners measure angle at a point
Logical thinking of contact.
Critical thinking measure angle at a point of
 Learners under guidance of a contact.
teacher deduce that a radius and
tangent are perpendicular. identify that a radius and
 Learners draw two tangents from tangent are perpendicular.
the same point outside the circle.
 Learners measure the lengths of draw two tangents from the
each tangent from the points on same point outside the circle.
the circumference to the point of
measure the lengths of each
tangent from the points on
 Learners under guidance of a
the circumference to the
teacher deduce that tangents from
point of intersection.
the same point are equal.
 Learners find the relationship identify that tangents from
between angles at a centre of the same point are equal.
circle and a point of intersection
of the tangents. find the relationship between
 Learners solve problems angles at a centre of circle
involving use of tangent theorem. and a point of intersection of
the tangents.

solve problems involving use

of tangent theorem.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
9. use angle properties of a Concept  Teacher reviews parts of a circle measure angle at the Mathematics
circle to solve problems. Angle properties:  Learners draw a circle and divide it circumference of a circle. kit
angles in into two equal parts.
semicircle, angle at  Learners draw two chords from the identify that angle in
a centre, ends of a diameter to the same point semicircle is right-angle.
angles in the same at circumference of a circle. find the relationship between
segment,  Leaners measure angle at the angle at a centre and angle at
opposite angle in a circumference of a circle.
quadrilateral, the circumference.
 Learners under guidance of a
alternate segment teacher deduce that angle in use property of angle at the
rule semicircle is right-angle. centre to calculate angles.
 Learners find the relationship
Skills between angle at a centre and angle identify that angles in the
Manipulation at the circumference. same segment are equal.
Measurement  Learners use property of angle at
Accuracy the centre to calculate angles. calculate angles using angles
Logical thinking in the same segment property
 Learners under the guidance of the
Critical thinking
teacher use the property of the angle identify opposite angles in
at the centre to deduce that angles in the cyclic quadrilateral.
the same segment are equal.
 Learners calculate angles using calculate angles using
angles in the same segment property opposite angles in the cyclic
 Learners under the guidance of the quadrilateral.
teacher use the property of the angle
at the centre to deduce that opposite identify alternate segment
angles in the cyclic quadrilateral. rule.
 Learners calculate angles using
opposite angles in the cyclic calculate angles using
quadrilateral alternate segment rule.
 Learners under the guidance of the solve problems involving
teacher use the property of the angle angle properties of a circle.
at the centre to deduce alternate
segment rule

 Learners calculate angles using
alternate segment rule.
 Learners solve problems involving
angle properties of a circle.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
10. demonstrate Concept  Teacher reviews volumes of describe pyramid, cone and Mathematics
understanding of Surface area prisms. cylinder. kit
calculations involving Volume  Learners describe pyramid, cone
surface area and volume Solids: and cylinder. draw nets and form models
of solids. cone  Learners draw nets and form of cones, pyramids and
pyramid models of cones, pyramids and sphere.
sphere sphere. derive surface area of a cone
 Learners derive surface area of a using its model.
Skills cone using its model.
Manipulation  Learners derive surface area of derive surface area of
Measurement pyramid. pyramid.
Accuracy  Learners derive surface area of
Logical thinking sphere. derive surface area of sphere.
Critical thinking  Learners calculate surface area of
calculate surface area of
cones, pyramid and sphere.
cones, pyramid and sphere.
 Learners derive volume of a
square-based pyramid using derive volume of a square-
prism of the same sizes of height based pyramid using prism of
and base. the same sizes of height and
 Learners derive volume of a cone base.
using a cylinder of the same sizes
of height and base. derive volume of a cone
 Learners under the guidance of a using a cylinder of the same
teacher deduce formula for

volume of sphere. sizes of height and base.
 Learners calculate volume of
cones, pyramid and sphere. identify formula for volume
of sphere.

calculate volume of cones,

pyramid and sphere.

Learning Outcome: at Concepts and Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
the end of Grade 10, skills should assess learner’s
learners should be able ability to:
11. demonstrate Concept  Teacher and learners review vector represent addition and Mathematics
understanding of Vector: notation, addition and subtraction of subtraction of two vectors kit
relationship between parallel, vectors and scalar multiplication. diagrammatically.
geometrical vectors. non-parallel,  Learners represent addition of two
base, vectors diagrammatically. describe addition and
position  Learners describe addition of vectors subtraction of vectors using
using vector notation. vector notation.
Skills  Learners represent subtraction of two recognise that subtraction of
Manipulation vectors diagrammatically.
Logical thinking vectors is addition of vectors
 Learners describe subtraction of vectors in opposite direction.
Critical thinking using vector notation.
 Learners deduce that subtraction of multiply a given vector by
vectors is addition of vectors in opposite different scalars and represent
direction. each of them
 Learners multiply a given vector by diagrammatically.
different scalars and represent each of
them diagrammatically. identify parallel vectors.
 Learners under the guidance of teacher
solve problems involving
deduce parallel vectors.
parallel vectors.
 Learners identify parallel vectors.

 Learners solve problems involving use parallel vectors to deduce
parallel vectors. base vectors.
 Learners under the guidance of a
teacher use parallel vectors to deduce represent vectors using base
base vectors. vectors.
 Learners represent vectors using base plot the given points on the
vectors. Cartesian plane.
 Learners plot the given points on the
Cartesian plane. find column vectors for given
 Learners find column vectors for given points presented on the
points presented on the Cartesian plane Cartesian plane from the
from the origin. origin.
 Learners under the guidance of a
teacher deduce position vectors. represent position vectors
 Learners represent position vectors using vector notion.
using vector notion.
solve problems involving
 Learners solve problems involving
position vectors.
position vectors.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
12. describe and perform Concept  Teacher reviews enlargement explore ways of finding Mathematics
enlargement with Enlargement with positive scale factors. centre and scale factor. kit
negative and fractional Scale factor:  Teacher provides learners with
scale factor. negative diagrams showing enlargement enlarge shapes given
fractional with negative scale factor. dimensions with centre and
 Learners explore ways of finding negative scale factor.
Skills centre and scale factor. describe enlargements
Manipulation  Learners under the guidance of involving negative scale
Drawing the teacher deduce that the centre
Logical thinking factor.
is located between the object and

Critical thinking the image. provides learners with
 Learners enlarge shapes given diagrams showing
dimensions with centre and enlargement with fractional
negative scale factor. scale factor.
 Learners describe enlargements
involving negative scale factor. explore ways of finding
 Teacher provides learners with centre and scale factor.
diagrams showing enlargement enlarge shapes given
with fractional scale factor. dimensions with centre and
 Learners explore ways of finding fractional scale factor.
centre and scale factor.
 Learners under the guidance of describe enlargements
the teacher deduce that the centre involving fractional scale
is located between the object and factor.
the image
 Learners under the guidance of Learners solve problems
the teacher deduce that the involving enlargements.
enlargement has fractional scale
 Learners enlarge shapes given
dimensions with centre and
fractional scale factor.
 Learners describe enlargements
involving fractional scale factor.
 Learners solve problems
involving enlargements.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
end of Grade 10, learners teacher should assess
should be able to: learner’s ability to:
13. demonstrate Concepts  Teacher review translation, perform translation on a Mathematics
understanding of Translation reflection, rotation and enlargement. given shape then perform kit
describing and Reflection  Learners perform translation on a reflection on its image.
performing a Rotation given shape then perform reflection
combination of Enlargement on its image. introduces notation used in
transformations.  Teacher introduces notation used in performing combination of
Skills performing combination of transformations.
Manipulation transformations. perform different
Drawing  Learners perform different combinations with other
Logical thinking combinations with other
Critical thinking transformations.
 Learners solve problems involving solve problems involving
combinations of up to three combinations of up to three
transformations transformations.
14. use given data to solve Concepts  Teacher reviews calculation of rate calculate simple interest Mathematics
problems on simple and Interest: and percentage. using a formula. kit
compound interest. compound  Learners explore ways of calculating
simple simple interest. explore ways calculating
Percentages  Teacher introduces a formula for compound interest.
calculating simple interest. use a formula for calculating
Skills  Learners calculate simple interest compound interest.
Critical thinking using a formula.
Logical thinking  Learners explore ways of calculating generate data from simple
Manipulation compound interest. and compound interest be
 Learners under the guidance of a presented graphically.
teacher deduce a formula for
calculating compound interest. draw and interpret graphs
 Learners calculate compound interest using generated data.
using a formula.
solve problems involving
 Learners generate data from simple
simple and compound
and compound interest be presented

 Learners draw and interpret graphs
using generated data.
 Learners solve problems involving
simple and compound interest.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
15. draw and interpret Concepts  Teacher reviews graphs of simple draw and interpret graphs of Mathematics
graphs in practical Graphs and compound interest. cost and consumption. kit
situations. Cost and consumption:  Teacher creates scenarios that
bills, tax, fuel involve calculation of cost and draw distance-time using
Motion/Kinematics: consumption. given data.
distance-time, Speed-  Learners creates data from the calculate gradient of
time, acceleration and given scenarios. distance-time.
retardation  Learners draw and interpret
graphs of cost and consumption. find that gradient of distance-
Skills  Learners draw distance-time time is speed.
Manipulation using given data.
Drawing  Learners calculate gradient of draw speed-time using given
Logical thinking distance-time. data.
Critical thinking  Learners under guidance of a
calculate gradient of speed-
teacher deduce that the gradient
of distance-time is speed.
 Learners draw speed-time using find that the gradient of
given data. speed-time is acceleration.
 Learners calculate gradient of
speed-time. interpret given graphs and
 Learners under guidance of a describe every step of a
teacher deduce that the gradient journey.
of speed-time is acceleration.
 Learners interpret given graphs identify shapes that form area

and describe every step of a under the graph.
 Learners identify shapes that calculate and describe area
form area under the graph. under the graph.
 Learners calculate and describe
solve problems that involve
area under the graph.
graphs in practical situations.
 Learners solve problems that
involve graphs in practical

Learning Outcome: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
the end of Grade 10, should assess learner’s ability
learners should be able to:
16. expand and factorise Concepts  Teacher reviews expansion and identify and collect like terms Mathematics
quadratic expressions. Quadratic expression factorisation of expressions. in an expression that can kit
Term:  Learners identify and collect like reduce to the form
variable terms in an expression that can where
coefficient reduce to the form are integers, and .
Skills are integers, and . expand expressions with single
Manipulation brackets, where the coefficient
Measurement  Learners expand expressions with
single brackets, where the of the multiplier variable is
Accuracy greater than one.
Logical thinking coefficient of the multiplier
Critical thinking variable is greater than one. factorise expressions which can
 Learners factorise expressions reduce to single bracket.
which can reduce to single
bracket. expand quadratic expressions
 Learners expand quadratic with double brackets.
expressions with double brackets.
 Learners factorise quadratic factorise quadratic expressions,

expressions, where . where .
 Learners solve problems that
reduce to quadratic expressions. solve problems that reduce to
quadratic expressions.
17. demonstrate Concepts  Teachers reviews prime find LCM using pairs of Mathematics
understanding of basic Fractional equations factorisation to find LCM and algebraic expressions. kit
operations on algebraic Numerator HCF.
fractions.  Learners find LCM using pairs of add or subtract two fractions
algebraic expressions. with the same algebraic
Lowest Common
 Learners add or subtract two denominator.
Multiple (LCM)
BODMAS/ BIDMAS fractions with the same algebraic add or subtract two fractions
denominator. with different algebraic
Skills  Learners add or subtract two denominator.
Manipulation fractions with different algebraic
Logical thinking denominator. multiply or divide two
Critical thinking  Learners multiply or divide two algebraic fractions.
algebraic fractions.
 Learners simplify algebraic Learners simplify algebraic
fractions. fractions.
 Learners solve problems that can
solve problems that can reduce
reduce to algebraic fractions.
to algebraic fractions.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
18. demonstrate Concepts  Teachers and learners review the express perfect squares from Mathematics
understanding of Basic operations laws of indices. square root form to index kit
calculations involving Indices  Learners, under guidance of the form.
fractional indices. Laws of indices: teacher, express perfect squares
from square root form to index express perfect squares from
form. nth root form to index form.
 Learners express perfect squares calculate indices of the form:
from nth root form to index form.
 Learners, under guidance of the
teacher, calculate indices of the
calculate indices of the form:
Manipulation  Learners, under guidance of the
Critical thinking teacher, calculate indices of the
calculate indices of the form:
= =

 Learners, under guidance of the solve problems involving

teacher, calculate indices of the fractional indices.
 = =

 Learners solve problems

involving fractional indices.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
19. demonstrate Concepts  Teacher and learners review perform calculations Mathematics
understanding of solving Standard form numbers written in standard involving addition and kit
indicial equations. Equations: form. subtraction of numbers
linear  Learners, under teacher’s written in standard form.
guidance, perform calculations
Indicial equations of the solve basic indicial equations
involving addition and
form: of the form by
subtraction of numbers written
in standard form. equating the exponents.
 Teacher and learners review
solve basic indicial equations
laws of indices and order of
of the form by
(where and are operations.
equating the exponents.
positive integers)  Learners, under the teacher’s
Lowest common multiple guidance, solve basic indicial solve basic indicial equations
(LCM) equations of the form of the form +
BODMAS/ BIRDMAS by equating the exponents. by equating the exponents.
Numerator  Learners, under the teacher’s
Denominator guidance, solve basic indicial
equations of the form
Skills by equating the
Manipulation exponents.
Communication  Learners, under the teacher’s
Interpretation guidance, solve basic indicial
equations of the form:
by equating the
20. perform calculations Concepts  Teachers and learners review: identify diagonals in a 2 by 2 Mathematics
involving matrices. Matrices the order of matrices, matrix. kit
Order multiplication of matrices of any
Multiplication order by a scalar, multiplication calculate the determinant of a
Scalar of matrices of any order and 2 by 2 matrix A.

2 by 2 matrix of the identity matrices (I). calculate the inverse of
form:  Learners identify diagonals in a matrices using formula.
2 by 2 matrix.
 Learners, under guidance of the
Determinant expressed teacher, calculate the
as: . determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix
 Teacher introduces a concept
inverse of a matrix.

Learning Outcome: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
the end of Grade 10, should assess learner’s
learners should be able ability to:
20. continues Inverse of a matrix  Learners, under guidance of the establish whether a matrix is Mathematics
expressed as: teacher, calculate the inverse of invertible or not from its kit
= matrices using formula: determinant.
= find that the product of a
(where 0. )
Invertible matrix  Learners, under guidance of the matrix with its inverse is
( ) teacher, establish whether a matrix identity matrix.
Simultaneous equations is invertible or not from its solve problems involving
determinant. determinants and inverses of
Skills  Learners, under guidance of the matrices.
Manipulation teacher, deduce that the product of
Critical thinking a matrix with its inverse is identity interpret scenario and write
Logical thinking matrix. equations in matrix form.
 Learners solve problems involving
determinants and inverses of identify coefficient matrix,
matrices. variable matrix and constants
 Teacher creates a scenario in matrix.
which information is expressed as
write coefficient matrix,

two equations in two variables. variable matrix and constants
 Learners, under guidance of the matrix in the form:
teacher, write these equations in
matrix form.
 Learners, under guidance of the find the inverse of matrix A.
teacher, identify coefficient
matrix, variable matrix and solve for by multiplying
constants matrix and write those both sides with the inverse of
in the form: , to obtain:
AX = B. .
 Learners find the inverse of matrix
A. solve simultaneous equations
 Learners, under guidance of the using matrices.
teacher, multiply both sides by the
inverse, to obtain: solve problems involving
. determinants, inverses and
 Learner solve simultaneous simultaneous equations.
equations using matrices.
 Learners solve problems involving
determinants, inverses and
simultaneous equations.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
21. solve probability Concepts  Teacher and learners review express the given scenarios Mathematics
problems of combined Probability probability of: two combined using the notation: kit
events using tree- Possibility space diagram events and the use of a
diagram of two or Sample space possibility space diagram and a
more events. Combined events tree diagram.
Tree diagram  Teacher creates a scenario in
Mutually exclusive which the words and/or are

events used.
Disjoint sets  Learners, under guidance of the
Intersecting sets teacher, express the scenarios express the probability of one
using the notation: event or the other as:
 Teacher creates scenarios that
Communication find the probability of events
involve two sets that intersect
Interpretation in given situations.
to express the probability of
one event or the other as: draw tree diagram of more
than two events.

 Learners express the list the outcomes of

probability of one event or the probabilities of more than two
other as: events.

solve probability problems of
 more than two events using the
 Learners find the probability of tree diagram.
each event.
 Teacher creates scenarios that
involve probabilities of more
than two events.
 Learners draw tree diagram of
more than two events.
 Learners list the outcomes of
probabilities of more than two
 Learners solve probability
problems of more than two
events using the tree diagram.

Learning Outcome: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
the end of Grade 10, should assess learner’s ability
learners should be able to:
22. present and interpret Concepts  Teacher and learners review identify and mark the midpoints Mathematics
statistical data. Frequency: bar chart. of the top parts of the bars on kit
 Learners identify and mark the the bar chart.
Frequency polygon midpoints of the top parts of
Histogram the bars on the bar chart. join the midpoints by straight
Height  Learners then join the line segments to form a
Class Width midpoints by straight line frequency polygon.
Frequency density segments to form a frequency solve problems involving
Area: polygon. frequency polygons.
 Learners group the given
Stem-and-leaf table distribution into equal class group the given distribution into
intervals from the given equal class intervals.
Skills scenarios.
Drawing  Teacher introduces class find the upper and the lower
Estimation intervals as a feature that bounds of the given class
Interpretation differentiates between a bar intervals.
Manipulation chart and a histogram.
find the unknown value given
 Teacher and learners deduce
the lower bounds and the upper any of the quantities, area, class
bounds in the given intervals. width and height of the bar as
 Learners find upper and lower related by the formula:
bounds of the given class
 Teacher introduces the group the given distribution into
relationship between class unequal class intervals and find
width, height and area of each a unit for comparing the class
bar in the histogram. widths.
 Learners find the unknown
value given area, class width or calculate the number of units per
height of the bar.

 Teacher creates a scenario bar, using the given unit.
where a distribution is to be
grouped into unequal class divide the frequencies by the
intervals. number of units per bar to find
the frequency density per bar.
 Learners group the given
distribution into unequal class
intervals and find a unit for
comparing the class widths.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
22. continues.  Learners calculate the number use the number of units to
of units per bar, using the given establish the upper bounds of
unit. the frequencies.
 Teacher introduces the
use frequency density to
relationship between the class
identify height of each bar.
width (units), frequency
density (height) and the draw a histogram with the
frequency (area) of each bar. class widths defined by the
 Learners find the frequency number of units and the
density per bar by dividing the frequency densities.
frequencies with the number of
units per bar. solve problems involving
 Learners use the number of histograms.
units to establish the upper draw the stem and leaf
bounds of the frequencies. diagram using given data.
 Learners use frequency density
to identify height of each bar. identify the mode, the median

 Learners draw a histogram with and the range from the given
the class widths defined by the stem and leaf diagram.
number of units and the solve problems involving the
frequency densities. stem and leaf diagram.
 Teacher introduces stem and
leaf diagram as a way to
represent data.
 Learners draw the stem and
leaf diagram using given data.
 Learners identify the mode, the
median and the range from the
given stem and leaf diagram.
 Learners solve problems
involving frequency polygons,
histograms and the stem and
leaf diagrams.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
23. present and analyse Concepts:  Teacher and learners review find the percentiles using the Mathematics
data using measures of Cumulative frequency range, cumulative frequency cumulative frequencies. kit
spread. curve curve and the median from the
Percentile cumulative frequency curve. find the quartiles using the
Quartile  Teacher introduces the cumulative frequencies.
Scatter plot measures of spread which are
Discrete data draw scatter plots from given
percentiles and quartiles.
Independent variable  Learners, under guidance of the
Dependant variable teacher, find the percentiles interpret the behaviour of the
Line of best fit using the cumulative plots on a scatter plot to
Correlation frequencies. determine the ‘line of best fit’
 Learners, under guidance of the and correlation.
Skills: teacher, find the quartiles using
Plotting the cumulative frequencies. solve problems involving
Drawing  Teacher introduces the scatter scatter plot, line of best fit
Estimation Interpretation plot which is drawn using axes and correlation.
Manipulation and plots in the form of dots.
 Learners, under guidance of the
teacher, draw scatter plots from
given data.
 Learners, under guidance of the
teacher, discuss the behaviour
of the plots by considering the
pattern and direction.
 Teacher introduces the idea of
‘line of best fit’ and correlation
to interpret the behaviour of the
data from the scatter plot.
 Learners interpret the
behaviour of the plots on a
scatter plot to determine the

 Learners solve problems
involving scatter plot, line of
best fit and correlation.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
24. evaluate and generate Concepts  Teacher and learners review express functions using Mathematics
relations and Relations types of relations and linear function notation. kit
functions. Functions functions from graphs.
Notation  Teacher introduces notation to define domain and range
Domain express functions. in representing input and
Range  Teacher introduces domain and output of a function.
Inverse functions range to represent input and
Composite define a function under a
output of a function. given domain.
 Learners, under guidance of the
Skills teacher, define a function under evaluate functions.
Classification a given domain.
Logical thinking  Learners evaluate functions. solve problems involving
Critical thinking  Learners solve problems evaluation and generation
Evaluation involving evaluation and of functions.
Substitution generation of functions.
define inverse function
 Teacher and learners discuss
and its notation.
the effect of using output on
reversed order of operations to finding inverse functions
find the result. algebraically.
 Teacher and learners discuss
the results to establish how find the inverses of
reversing the order of functions using algebraic
operations affect output in method.
relation to the input. solve problems involving
 Teacher introduces the inverse inverse function
function and its notation.
 Teacher introduces how to find evaluate composite
the inverse functions functions.
 Learners find the inverses of solve problems involving
functions using algebraic inverse and composite

method. functions.
 Teacher introduces composite
functions and the notation.
 Learners evaluate composite
 Learners solve problems
involving inverse and
composite functions.

Learning Outcome: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
the end of Grade 10, should assess learner’s ability
learners should be able to:
25. draw and interpret Concepts  Teacher and learners review: use the equation Mathematics
quadratic and cubic 𝑥𝑦−plane  graphs of linear equations of the to find the kit
graphs. Coordinates form (drawing graphs corresponding values.
Straight lines: and writing equations from graphs).
Gradient  Teacher introduces the general draw the graph of
intercept orientation of the non-linear graphs: and check on
Axis of symmetry parabola on nature of or nature of and
Turning point and .
Roots find the corresponding values of
Tangent  Under guidance of the teacher
learners use the equation and for the given value of
to find the or using the graph.
Skills corresponding values.
sketch the parabola using the
Plotting  Learners draw the graph of discriminant, axis of symmetry,
Calculation and check on roots and the turning point.
Critical thinking
nature of and
Logical thinking solve problems involving
Manipulation  Learners find the corresponding
values of and for the given

value of or using the graph. discriminant.
 Teachers emphasises the behaviour
draw graphs of and
of the graph for discriminant
and . on the same
 Under guidance of the teacher plane.
leaners sketch the parabola using
solve for the intersection using
the discriminant, axis of symmetry,
the graphs.
roots and the turning point.
 Learners solve problems involving find the range of points in which
discriminant. either graph is greater or less.
 Teacher and learner review graphs
of a straight line draw a tangent to a given curve
 Learners draw graphs of and use it to find an estimate of
and the gradient of the curve at a
on the same plane. given point.
 Learners solve for the intersection solve problems involving linear
using the graphs. Learners find the graph, parabola and tangent.
range of points in which either
graph is greater or less. draw a cubic graph to find the

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
end of Grade 10, learners teacher should assess
should be able to: learner’s ability to:
25. continues.  Teacher introduces a tangent to a draw a tangent and use it to
curve. find an estimate of the
 Learners draw a tangent to a given gradient at a given point.
curve and use it to find an estimate
of the gradient. solve problems involving
 Learners solve problems involving cubic graphs.
linear graph, parabola and tangent. integrate the graphs and use

 Teacher introduces how to draw them to solve problems.
cubic graph using a table of points.
 Learners draw a cubic graph to find
the intercepts.
 Learners draw a tangent and use it
to find an estimate of the gradient at
a given point.
 Learners solve problems involving
cubic graphs.
26. draw and interpret Concepts  Teacher introduces inverse graphs draw and analyse the Mathematics
inverse and - plane and emphasises the restrictions. inverse graphs. kit
exponential graphs. Coordinates  Learners draw and analyse the
inverse graphs. draw tangent and use it to
Straight lines:
 Learners draw tangent and use it to find an estimate of the
find an estimate of the gradient of gradient of the graph.
Axis of symmetry the graph. solve problems involving
Turning point  Learners solve problems involving inverse graphs.
Roots inverse graphs.
Tangent  Teacher introduces the exponential draw and analyse the
graphs. exponential graphs.
Skills  Leaners draw and analyse the
Plotting exponential graphs. draw tangent and use it to
Calculation  Leaners draw tangent and use it to find an estimate of the
Critical thinking find an estimate of the gradient of gradient of the graph.
Logical thinking the graph.
solve problems involving
Manipulation  Leaners solve problems involving
exponential graphs.
exponential graphs.
 Leaners integrate the graphs and integrate the graphs and use
use them to solve problems. them to solve problems.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
27. solve linear Concepts  Learners, under the guidance of represent inequalities using Mathematics
inequalities in two Linear inequality the teacher, represent horizontal and vertical kit
variables. Inequality signs inequalities using horizontal number lines.
Solution set and vertical number lines.
Cartesian coordinates  Learners list solution sets of list solution sets of graphed
( plane) graphed linear inequalities in linear inequalities in one
one unknown. unknown.
Number line
 Learners, under the guidance of represent inequalities of the
Skills the teacher, represent form using a line
Graphing inequalities of the form
Manipulation using a line
Plotting segment. list solution set of the
Calculation  Learners list solution set of the inequality of the form
Logical thinking inequality of the form .
Critical thinking .
 Learners list solution sets of list solution sets of
inequalities from given number inequalities from given
line. number line.
 Teacher and learners review
plotting of straight line graphs. represent inequalities of the
form using
 Learners, under the guidance of
the teacher, represent plane.
inequalities of the form
using plane. represent solution sets
 Learners represent solution sets
graphically. show inequality graphs of the
 Learners show inequality form by shading
graphs of the form wanted region.
by shading wanted region.
 Learners list solution sets of list solution sets of
inequalities. inequalities.
 Learners solve problems using solve problems using

inequalities. inequalities.

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
28. solve inequality Concepts  Teacher ad learners review draw inequalities involving Mathematics
problems using linear Linear inequality linear programming involving more than three constraints. kit
programming. Inequality signs: three inequalities.
open and/or closed  Learners, under guidance of the shade unwanted region
dots teacher, draw inequalities within constraints.
broken and/or solid involving more than three
lines use the objective function to
testing above/below  Learners shade unwanted
lines region in those constraints. draw graphs of linear
Cartesian coordinates  Learners use the objective programming and use them to
( plane) function to optimise. maximise and minimise.
Number line  Learners draw graphs of linear
Region programming and use them to generate linear programming
Constraint maximise and minimise. question from practical
Objective function  Teacher engages learners into activities.
Optimisation making their own linear
programming question from solve problems involving
Skills practical activities. linear programming.
Graphing  Learners solve problems
Manipulation involving linear programming.
Logical thinking
Critical thinking

Learning Outcome: at the Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
end of Grade 10, learners should assess learner’s
should be able to: ability to:
29. locate points and Concepts  Teacher and leaners review use scale to construct a shape. Mathematics
regions using loci. Line bisector construction of shapes. kit
Angle bisector  Learners, under guidance of bisect sides and/or angles to
Arcs the teacher use appropriate mark intersection.
Mediator scale to construct shapes.
find locus of points around
Equidistant  Learners bisect sides and/or
Locus and/or inside a boundary.
angles to mark intersection.
Points  Learners, under guidance of find a point and/or a region
Region the teacher, find locus of defined by loci.
Journeys points around a boundary
3D loci and/or inside a boundary. shade a region.
 Teacher guides learners in
Skills finding a point and/or a solve problems involving loci.
Drawing region defined by loci.
Scaling describe loci in 3D using a
 Learners find a point and/or a
Interpretation point, line and their
region defined by loci.
Shading combination.
 Learners shade a region.
 Learners solve problems solve problems involving 3D
involving loci. loci.
 Teacher guides learners into a
Logical thinking
Critical thinking scenario leading 3D loci.
 Learners describe loci in 3D
using a point, line and their
 Learners solve problems
involving 3D loci.

Learning Outcome: Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
at the end of Grade should assess learner’s ability
10, learners should be to:
able to:
30. calculate Concepts  Teacher and learners review types of state a pair of angles whose Mathematics
dimensions of SOHCAHTOA angles properties and trigonometric sum is kit
triangles using Right-angled ratios. Calculator
sine and cosine triangle  Learners state a pair of angles whose sum compare the values of the
formula. Pythagoras theorem is cosines and sines of angles
Complementary  Learners use calculators to compare the whose sum is
Supplementary values of the cosines and sines of angles
Proportionality whose sum is generalise that
Sine formula:
 Learners, under guidance of the teacher,
generalise that .
Cosine formula: . solve problems involving
complementary angles.
 Learners solve problems involving
Area of a triangle complementary angles. state a pair of angles whose
 Learners state a pair of angles whose sum sum is
Skills is
Calculation  Learners use calculators to compare the compare the values of the
Interpretation values of the cosines and sines of angles cosines and sines of angles
Deduction whose sum is whose sum is
Logical thinking  Teacher and learners generalise that
generalise that
Critical thinking
 Learners solve problems involving
supplementary angles.
solve problems involving
 Teacher introduces the concept sine
supplementary angles.
formula using proportionality of angle
and distance. state situations in which
 Learners state situations in which proportionality holds.
proportionality holds.
 Learners identify and name sides in identify and name sides in

relation to their angle. relation to their angle.
 Teacher and learners deduce that:
find length sides and angles
using sine formula.

 Learners solve for sides and angles using
sine formula.

Learning Outcome: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
the end of Grade 10, should assess learner’s ability
learners should be able to:
30. continues  Teacher introduces cosine draw acute angled triangle and
formula as a formula that is used name sides and angles.
in calculations involving right
angled and non-right angled draw a perpendicular height
triangles. from one of the vertex to the
 Learners draw acute angled opposite side.
triangle and name sides and
use Pythagoras’s Theorem to
find two expressions for the
 Learners draw a perpendicular height (h).
height from one of the vertex to
the opposite side. form an equation using the two
 Learners use Pythagoras’s expressions.
Theorem to find two expressions
for the height (h). find an expression for cosine to
 Learners form an equation using eliminate one variable.
the two expressions.
 Learners find an expression for rearrange the equation to find
cosine to eliminate one variable. three forms of the cosine
 Learners rearrange the equation

to find three forms of the cosine draw an acute angled triangle
formula. and drop a height (h) from one
 Teacher and learners review vertex.
calculation of area of a right
angled triangle. express the height in terms of
 Teacher introduces the formula the sine of an angle.
for calculating area of a non-
calculate area by using formula
right angled triangle involving
for calculating area of a non-
sides and angles of the triangle.
right angled triangle.
 Learners draw acute angled
triangle and drop a height (h) relate to
from one vertex.
 Learners express the height in
terms of the sine of an angle and
substitute height in the
expression .

Learning Outcome: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the teacher Resources
the end of Grade 10, should assess learner’s
learners should be able ability to:
30. continues.  Learners calculate area by using find the shortest distance given
formula for calculating area of a non- appropriate information about
right angled triangle. a non-right angled triangle.
 Learners, under guidance of the
solve problems involving
teacher, relate to .
shortest distance in a triangle.
 Learners find the shortest distance
given appropriate information about a solve problems involving
non-right angled triangle. sides, angles and areas in a
 Learners solve problems involving non-right angled triangle.
sides, angles and areas in a non-right
angled triangle.
31. draw and interpret Concepts  Teacher and learners review bearing interpret given diagrams Mathematics
bearings involving Bearings involving single and two stage illustrating bearings. kit
three journeys. Journeys journeys.
Properties of angles  Teacher and learners review angle measure length between two Mathematical
Parallel lines properties and measuring angle points. set of
North line between north line and line of journey instruments
measure angle between north
Cardinal points in clockwise direction.
line and line of journey in
Scale  Teacher introduces the idea of bearings Navigation
clockwise direction. compass
for locating positions in three stage
Skills journeys. calculate bearings.
Drawing  Learners interpret given diagrams
Representation illustrating bearings. describe three stage journeys
Measurement  Learners measure length between two using bearings.
Scaling points.
Conversion  Learners calculate bearings. represent scaled bearing
diagrammatically from given
Accuracy  Learners describe three stage journeys
Estimation three stage journeys.
using bearings.
Recording  Learners represent a scaled bearing use trigonometry to solve
Reporting diagrammatically from given three problems involving bearing
Critical thinking stage journeys.

Logical thinking  Learners use trigonometry to solve and vice versa.
Manipulation problems involving bearing and vice
versa. solve problems involving
 Learners solve problems involving interpretation and drawing of
interpretation and drawing of bearings bearings for three journeys.
for three journeys.

Grade 11 Mathematics Syllabus
At the end of Grade 11, learners should be able to:

1. find a general rule for cubic sequence.

2. demonstrate understanding of calculations involving mixed solids.
3. calculate appreciation and depreciation.
4. evaluate and generate composite functions and their inverses.
5. describe and transform figures using stretch.
6. describe and transform figures using shear.
7. transform figures using matrices.
8. apply trigonometric ratios and formulae on 3D figures.
9. describe and prove similarity and congruency of shapes.
10. apply variations of quantities.

Grade 11 Mathematics Syllabus
Activity plan.
Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able learner’s ability to:
1. find a general rule for Concepts Teacher and learners review: calculate volumes of the Materials
cubic sequence. Sequences:  quadratic sequences. given cubes and arrange from the
arithmetic  volumes of solids. them in ascending order. immediate
quadratic  Teacher provides learners with environment
General rule recognise patterns in a
cubes of different dimensions.
first difference  Learners calculate volumes of Mathematics
second difference the given cubes and arrange kit
extend a sequence to the
them in ascending order. required term.
Skills  Learners recognise patterns in Teacher’s
Classification a sequence. generalise a sequence as Guide
Manipulation  Learners extend a sequence to simple algebraic statement
Communication the required term. ( ) term.
Interpretation  Learners generalise a sequence
as simple algebraic statement continue a given number
( ). sequence of the form:
 Learners continue a given
number sequence of the form: where are integers,
and .
where are integers,
and .

2. demonstrate Concepts  Teacher reviews surface area sort materials according to Materials
understanding of Surface area and volume of cone, pyramid their common features. from the
calculations involving Volume and sphere. immediate
composite solids. Composite solids:  Learners explore composite form a bigger set that environment
cone, pyramid, solids in their immediate contains formed sets.
cylinder, sphere environment. Mathematics
describe universal set.
 Learners present their kit

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able learner’s ability to:
2. cont. Skills  Teacher provides learners with use appropriate notation to
Manipulation a variety of composite solids. describe the sets.
Measurement  Learners identify solids that
Accuracy form a composite solid. represent the formed sets
using a Venn diagram.
Logical thinking  Learners calculate required
Critical thinking dimensions of composite form and describe sets
solids. from different scenarios
 Learners calculate volumes using appropriate notation.
and surface areas of composite
solids. form and describe sets of
 Learners solve problems that different types of numbers.
require application of
composite solids (quantity establish the relationship of
survey). any two sets in the
universal set.
solve problems involving
set notations.

3. demonstrate Concepts  Teacher review calculations calculate capital and

understanding of Appreciation: involving simple and currency appreciation.
calculating capital compound interest.
appreciation and currency  Learners under the guidance solve problems involving
depreciation (decay) of Depreciation: of the teacher mention assets types of appreciation.
assets. Compound decay they know.
describe depreciation and
Simple decay  Learners identify assets that its types.
Percentages increase/decrease in value
with time.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able learner’s ability to:
3. cont.  Teacher introduces idea of
appreciation and its types. calculate simple decay
 Learners under the guidance using idea of simple
of a teacher calculate capital interest.
and currency appreciation.
calculate compound decay
 Learners solve problems
using the idea of
involving types of
compound interest.
 Teacher introduces calculate value of given
depreciation and its types. assets using formula for
 Learners calculate simple compound decay.
decay using idea of simple
interest. solve problems involving
 Learners calculate compound depreciation.
decay using the idea of
compound interest.
 Learners calculate value of
given assets using formula for
compound decay.
 Learners solve problems
involving depreciation.
4. evaluate and generate Concepts  Teacher reviews calculation describe composite
composite functions Relations involving functions and their functions and the notation.
and their inverses. Functions inverses.
Notation  Teacher introduces composite distinguish between a
Domain functions and the notation. product of functions and
Range  Learners distinguish between composite function
Inverse functions a product of functions and notation.
Composite composite function notation.

evaluate composite

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able learner’s ability to:
4. cont. Skills  Learners, under the guidance explore whether composite
Classification of a teacher, evaluate functions are commutative.
Logical thinking composite functions.
Critical thinking prove that composite
Evaluation  Learners explore whether functions are not
composite functions are commutative.
solve problems involving
 Learners under guidance of the composite functions.
teacher deduce that composite
find an inverse of
functions are not commutative.
composite function of the
 Learners solve problems form
involving composite functions.
find the composite of
 Learners find an inverse of inverses of the form:
composite function of the form .

prove that
 Learners find the composite of

inverses of the form: .
 Learners prove that
 Learners deduce that

 Learners prove that Learners solve problems

that involve composite
 Learners solve problems that
involve composite functions.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able learner’s ability to:
5. describe and transform Concepts  Teacher reviews drawing and explore ways of finding
figures using stretch. Stretch description of enlargement. invariant line and stretch
Invariant line  Learners explore ways of factor.
Shear factor (±) finding invariant line and
stretch factor. stretch shapes given
Skills  Learners guided by a teacher dimensions with invariant
Drawing deduce the stretch factor. line and stretch factor.
Manipulation  Learners stretch shapes given
Critical thinking dimensions with invariant line describe stretch on the
Logical thinking and stretch factor. given shapes.
 Learners describe stretch on
the given shapes. solve problems involving
 Teacher provides learners with stretch.
diagrams showing stretch with
both negative and positive
stretch factors.
 Learners solve problems
involving stretch.
6. describe and transform Concepts  Teacher reviews drawing and explore ways of finding
figures using shear. Shear description of stretch. invariant line and shear
Invariant line  Learners explore ways of factor.
Shear factor (±) finding invariant line and
shear factor. shear shapes given
dimensions with invariant
Skills  Learners under the guidance of
Drawing line and shear factor.
the teacher deduce the shear
Manipulation factor. describe shear on the given
Critical thinking  Learners shear shapes given shapes.
Logical thinking dimensions with invariant line
and shear factor.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
6. cont.  Learners describe shear on the solve problems involving
given shapes. shear.
 Teacher provides learners with
diagrams showing shear with
both negative and positive
 Learners solve problems
involving shear.
7. transform figures using Concepts  Teacher and learners review represent coordinates using Mathematics
matrices. Base vector types of transformation and matrices. kit
Matrices: properties as well as matrix
Column multiplication. multiply coordinate matrix
order  Learners, guided by a teacher, by transformation matrix
Inverse matrix represent coordinates using to obtain image matrix.
Identity matrix matrices.
Object  Learners, under guidance of a write coordinates from the
Image teacher, multiply coordinate image coordinate matrix.
Area matrix by transformation
matrix to obtain image matrix. write coordinates from the
Skills  Learners write coordinates image coordinate matrix.
Manipulation from the image coordinate
Critical thinking matrix. plot the coordinates of the
 Learners plot the coordinates object and the image.
Logical thinking
of the object and the image.
 Learners identify and describe identify and describe the
the type of transformation. type of transformation.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
7. cont.  Learners, under guidance of a find transformation matrix
teacher, find transformation using object matrix and
matrix using object matrix and image matrix.
image matrix.
 Learners find transformation find transformation
matrix using object matrix and matrices using base
image matrix. vectors.
 Teacher introduces the use of
base vectors for finding the find object matrix using
transformation matrices. transformation matrix and
 Learners find transformation image matrix.
matrices using base vectors.
 Learners find object matrix
using transformation matrix
and image matrix.
 Learners, assisted by a teacher
identify features common to
matrices of each type of
 Learners identify features
common to matrices of each
type of transformation.
 Learners identify and describe
the type of transformation
from the features of a
transformation matrix.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
8. apply trigonometric Concepts  Teacher and learners review Moulding
ratios and formulae on Trigonometric ratios three dimensional figures, sketch the models. materials
3D figures. sine, cosine and quadrants, trigonometric ratios Straws
tangent functions sine formula, cosine formula, calculate lengths/distances
Sine formula complementary and and angles in 3D figures.
Cosine formula supplementary angles.
calculate lengths/distances
Common angles  Learners, assisted by a teacher,
3D figures and angles in 3D figures.
model 3D figures using
Unit circle manipulatives. solve problems involving
Reference angle  Learners model 3D figures trigonometry in 3D
Graphs of sine using manipulatives. figures.
functions  Learners, assisted by the
Graphs of cosine teacher, sketch the models. identify various right-
functions  Learners sketch the models. angled triangles from the
Unit circle  Teachers introduces centre of the circle with
calculation of lengths and radius as the hypotenuse.
Skills angles in 3D figures, using
Modelling trigonometric ratios, sine use reference angle(s) in a
Drawing/sketching formula and cosine formula. unit circle to represent,
 Learners calculate lengths and complementary,
Manipulation supplementary and reflex
angles in 3D figures.
Estimation angles.
 Learners solve problems
involving trigonometry in 3D
 Learners, under guidance of
the teacher, identify various
right-angled triangles from the
centre of the circle with radius
as the hypotenuse.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
8. cont.  Teacher introduces reference
angle(s). find pairs of coordinates
 Learners, guided by the involving angle and sine of
teacher, use reference angle(s) an angle ( ) and then
in a unit circle to represent, plot the graph of .
supplementary and reflex identify common angles
angles. with the same value of
 Learner, assisted by the sine.
teacher, find pairs of
coordinates involving angle use the unit circle to locate
and sine of an angle the common angles with
( )and then plot the the same sine.
graph of .
solve problems involving
 Learners identify common graphs of functions of sine,
angles with the same value of cosine and tangent
 Learners use the unit circle to
locate the common angles
with the same sine.
 Learners repeat the above
three processes for graphs of
and .
 Learners solve problems
involving graphs of functions
of sine, cosine and tangent.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
9. describe and prove Concepts Teacher and learners review
similarity and Corresponding sides transformation (isometric) identify corresponding
congruence of shapes. Similarity  Teacher guides learners to sides and angles.
Congruence identify corresponding sides
Proof and angles in a pair of shapes. identify pairs of shapes
Postulates  Learners identify that have corresponding
Linear scale corresponding sides and sides which are equal and
SSS, SAS, AAS and angles. corresponding angles
which are equal.
RHS  Teacher provides several pairs
of congruent shapes. use a table to show proofs
Skills  Learners, under guidance of a of congruence.
Estimation teacher, identify pairs of
Manipulation shapes that have solve problems involving
Critical thinking corresponding sides and angles identification and proofs of
Logical thinking which are equal. congruent shapes.
 Teacher introduces postulates
for congruency. identify pairs of shapes
 Teacher emphasises equality that have corresponding
of sides and equality of angles, sides which have a
SSS, SAS, AAS and RHS. common ratio and
 Learners under the guidance of corresponding angles
a teacher use a table to show which are equal.
proofs of congruence.
 Learners solve problems use a table to show proofs
involving identification and of similarity.
proofs of congruent shapes.
solve problems involving
 Learners, under the guidance
identification and proofs of
of a teacher, identify pairs of
similar shapes.
shapes that have
corresponding sides with

common ratios and equal

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
9. cont.  Teacher introduces postulates
for similarity. use linear scale to do
 Teacher emphasises calculations involving
proportionality of sides and areas and volumes of
equality of angles. similar figures.
 Teacher emphasises inclusion
solve problems involving
of a conclusion to end a proof.
identification and proofs of
 Teacher, guides learners in
congruent shapes and
using a table in providing
similar shapes.
 Learners use a table to show solve problems involving
proofs of similarity. areas and volumes of
 Learners solve problems similar figures.
involving identification and
proofs of similar shapes.
 Learners use linear scale to
calculate areas and volumes of
similar figures.
 Learners solve problems
involving areas and volumes
of similar figures.
 Learners solve problems
involving identification and
proofs of congruent shapes

and similar shapes.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
10. express direct, inverse Concepts  Teacher and learners review express each relation in the Mathematics
(indirect), joint and Indices indices, proportion, direct form of an equation: kit
combined variation in Variation proportion and inverse
algebraic terms to find Direct variation proportion.
unknown quantities. Inverse variation  Teacher introduces direct
Constant of variation and its notation: rewrite the given equations
variation (k) where to solve for k.
Notation ( )  Teacher and learners mention rewrite the given equations
and discuss example leading to to solve for one of the
Skills direct variation. variables.
Estimation  Learners, assisted by the
Manipulation teacher, express each relation solve problems involving
Critical thinking in the form of an equation: direct variations.
Logical thinking
 Teacher creates scenarios express each relation in the
leading to calculation of k. form of an equation:
 Learners, guided by a teacher,
rewrite the given equations to
solve for k.
 Teacher creates scenarios rewrite the given equation
leading to calculation of one of in terms of k.
the variables.
 Learners, guided by the rewrite the given equations
teacher, rewrite the given to solve for one of the
equations to solve for one of variables.

the variables.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
10. cont.  Learners solve problems solve problems involving
involving direct variations. inverse/indirect variations.
 Teacher introduces
inverse/indirect variation: express the relation in the
form of an equation:
 Teacher and learners mention
and discuss example leading to
inverse/indirect variation rewrite the given equation
 Learners, guided by the in terms of k.
teacher, express each relation
in the form of an equation: rewrite the given equation
to solve for one of the
 Teacher creates scenarios
leading to calculation of k. solve problems involving
 Learners, assisted by the joint variations.
teacher, rewrite the given
equation in terms of k. express the relation in the
 Teacher creates scenarios form of an equation:
leading to calculation of one of
the variables.
 Learners, assisted by the
teacher, rewrite the given rewrite the given equation
equations to solve for one of in terms of k.
the variables.

 Learners solve problems
involving inverse/indirect rewrite the given equation
variations. to solve for one of the

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
10. cont.  Teacher introduces joint
variation and its notation: solve problems involving
where combined variations.
solve problems involving
 Teacher and learners mention
and discuss example leading to
joint variation.
 Learners, guided by a teacher,
express the relation in the form
of an equation:

 Teacher creates scenarios

leading to calculation of k.
 Learners, guided by a teacher,
rewrite the given equation in
terms of k.
 Teacher creates scenarios
leading to calculation of one of
the variables.
 Learners, guided by a teacher,
rewrite the given equation to

solve for one of the variables.
 Learners solve problems
involving joint variations.

Learning Outcomes: at Concepts and skills Suggested learning experiences What to assess: the Resources
the end of Grade 11, teacher should assess
learners should be able to: learner’s ability to:
10. cont.  Teacher introduces combined
variation and its notation:
 Teacher and learners mention
and discuss examples leading
to combined variation.
 Learners, guided by the
teacher, express the relation in
the form of an equation:

 Teacher creates scenarios

leading to calculation of k.
 Learners, guided by the
teacher, rewrite the given
equation in terms of k.
 Teacher creates scenarios
leading to calculation of one of
the variables.
 Learners, guided by a teacher,
rewrite the given equation to

solve for one of the variables.
 Learners solve problems
involving combined variations.
 Learners solve problems
involving variations.


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