A Survey of ICI Reduction Techniques in OFDM System

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ISSN 2348–2370



A Survey of ICI Reduction Techniques in OFDM System

PG Scholar, Dept of ECE, Vaagdevi College of Engineering, JNTUH, Telangana, India.
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Vaagdevi College of Engineering, JNTUH, Telangana, India.

Abstract: In Today‟s world OFDM plays very important IFFT/FFT. Fig.1, illustrate the block diagram of OFDM
role for wireless communication systems. OFDM has over system. The input data stream is converted into parallel data
lapping subcarrier spectrum[1] due to this overlapping stream and mapped with modulation scheme. Then the
spectrum OFDM has very high spectral efficiency. OFDM symbols are mapped with Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
is also known as Multi carrier modulation technique and (IFFT) and converted to serial stream. The complete OFDM
this OFDM system is very sensitive to carrier frequency symbol is transmitted through the channel.
offset [1,2], which cause loss of orthogonality and
amplitude reduction of OFDM signal and lead to Inter
Carrier Interference( ICI)[2] ,which is one of the major
weakness of OFDM system. In this paper various ICI
reduction techniques are discussed. Techniques like Time
domain windowing, Frequency domain equalization,
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), Extended kalman
filtering (EKF) and ICI self cancellation technique.

Keywords: OFDM, ICI, MLE.

Now a Days OFDM is very useful for high speed data
transmission systems, because it has several unique Fig.1. Block diagram of FFT based OFDM system.
features like Robustness to multipath fading, high spectral
Therefore OFDM symbol can be expressed as
efficiency, and immunity to impulse interference,
flexibility and easy equalization over single carrier
communication system. The basic Principle of OFDM (1)
system is to divide the available bandwidth into „N‟ narrow Where x (n) denotes the sample of the OFDM signal, X(m)
sub-channel [1] at equidistance frequency .the sub channel denotes the modulated symbol within subcarrier and N is the
spectrum overlap each other but the subcarriers signal are number of subcarriers.
still orthogonal. But one of the major weaknesses of
OFDM system is ICI [2], which result from Doppler shift On receiver side this symbol are converted back to parallel
in the channel or by difference between the Transmitter stream and mapped with FFT then with demodulation scheme
and Receiver local oscillator frequency this ICI destroy the and converted to serial data as output data.
orthogonality of the spectrum and signal can‟t be received The demodulated symbol stream is given by
without interference. The problem of ICI can be solved by
various techniques proposed by various researchers which
include Time domain windowing, Frequency domain (2)
equalization, Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE), Where w (m) corresponds to the FFT of the samples of the w
Extended, Pulse Shaping and ICI self cancellation (n).
technique. This paper discusses all the prominent ICI III. ICI REDUCTION TECHNIQUES
reduction technique described above. The rest paper is A. Frequency Domain Equalization
organized as follows section II. Discusses OFDM system Frequency domain equalization process is approached for
model and ICI .section III describes various ICI reduction reduction of ICI by using suitable equalization techniques [4].
techniques and in section IV conclusion is given. We can estimate the ICI for each frame by inserting frequency
domain pilot symbols in each frame as shown in bellow Fig.2.
II. OFDM SYSTEM MODEL It can only reduce the ICI caused by fading distortion which is
A basic OFDM system contains modulation scheme, serial not the major source of ICI. Again it is only suitable for flat
to parallel transmission, parallel to serial transmission and fading channels, but in mobile communication the channels
Copyright @ 2015 IJATIR. All rights reserved.
are frequency selective fading in nature because of D. ICI Self Cancellation Scheme
multipath components. Here also the channel needs to be The main idea of this scheme is to modulate the input data
estimated for every frame. Estimation of channel is symbol onto a group of subcarriers with predefined
complex, expensive & time consuming. Hence the method coefficients such that the generated ICI signals within that
is not effective one. group cancel each other, hence the name self- cancellation.
One data symbol is not modulated in to one sub-carrier, rather
at least in to two consecutive sub-carriers [8,9, 10]. If the data
symbol „a' is modulated in to the 1st sub-carrier then „-a‟ is
modulated in to the 2nd sub-carrier. Hence the ICI generated
between the two sub-carriers almost mutually cancels each
other. This method is suitable for multipath fading channels as
here no channel estimation is required. Because in multipath
case channel estimation fails as the channel changes
randomly. This method is also suitable for flat channels. The
method is simple, less complex & effective. The major
drawback of this method is the reduction in band width
Fig.2. Pilot subcarrier arrangement. efficiency as same symbol occupies two Sub-carrier.

B. Time Domain Windowing E. Pulse Shaping

We know that OFDM signal has widely spread power In the OFDM spectrum that each carrier consist of a main
spectrum. So if this signal is transmitted in a band limited lobe followed by a number of side lobes with reducing
channel, certain portion of the signal spectrum will be cut amplitude. As long as Orthogonality is maintained there is no
off, which will lead to inter carrier interference. Reduction interference among the carriers because at the peak of the
of interference is achieved by windowing the signal [3]. every carrier, there exist a spectral null. That is at that point
Basically windowing is the process of multiplying a the component of all other carriers is zero. Hence the
suitable function to the transmitted signal wave form. The individual carrier is easily separated. When there is a
same window is used in the receiver side to get back the frequency offset the Orthogonality is lost because now the
original signal. The ICI will be eliminated if the product of spectral null does not coincide to the peak of the individual
the window functions satisfies the Nyquist vestigial carriers. So some power of the side lobes exists at the centre
symmetry criterion. It can only reduce the ICI caused by of the individual carriers which is called ICI power. The ICI
band limited channel which is not the major source of ICI. power will go on increasing as the frequency offset increases.
The above method cannot address to it. Windowing is done Now the purpose of pulse shaping is to reduce the side lobes
frame by frame & hence it reduces the spectral efficiency [6,7]. If we can reduce the side lobe significantly then the ICI
to a large extent. Hence the method is not effective one. power will also be reduced significantly. Hence a number of
pulse shaping functions are proposed having an aim to reduce
C. Maximum Likelihood Estimation the side lobe as much as possible.
Another method for frequency offset correction i.e. ML
estimation in OFDM systems was suggested by Moose. In IV. REFERENCES
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