Calculations Updated To PDF
Calculations Updated To PDF
Calculations Updated To PDF
* Input vat is denied for double cab light delivery vehicle in terms of s17(2)( c)
* Capital allowances
s11(e ) deductions are allowed. Write off period per binding rule no. 47 = 4 years and is apportioned for p
Building will be used to make taxable supplies, therefore input tax can be claimed
*Capital allowance
Building used for trade purposes, there qualifies for S13(1) Deductions
3. Purchase of machinery:
Value of machinery = Cost R 1 380 000 + Installation costs R 12 500 = R1 392 500
The machinery will be used to make taxable supplies, therefore input vat may be claimed.
*Capital allowance
Deemed input vat calculated @ lesser of : Actual cost R 293 250 and Market value R300 000
* Capital allowance
s12E deductions for Non-manufacturing machines used for purposes of trade in Small Business Corporat
at 50% of the cost in the first year it is brought into use
Assets given to employees are a deemed supply in terms of s8(14) of the Vat act.
8. Insurance payout
*Input vat was claimed on payment of the premiums.
The insurance payout constitutes a deemed supply and vat output is payable.
* Rental income
R 2 500 x 6 units = R 15 000
* Capital allowances
s13sex deductions allowed on the cost of the residential units and an extra 5% as it qualifies as a low cos
13. Entertainment
* Input vat is denied for entertainment expenses in terms of s17(2)(a) of the Vat act.
Input vat = Nil
375 000
181 630
38 250
16 304
8 152
11 804
6 522
7 826
1 304