Macro Econs Obj and Answers - MR Ampoh
Macro Econs Obj and Answers - MR Ampoh
Macro Econs Obj and Answers - MR Ampoh
Questions – MR AMPOH
B. Y = AD + C + G + NX
C. Y = AD + C + I + G + NX
D. Y = AD + C+ I + G
Answer: C.Y = AD + C + I + G + NX
3. CENTRAL BANK use contractionary monetary policy
A. to increase govt expenditure
B. to reduce inflation
C. measurement tool
D. money
C. Prime Minister
D. President
B. lower
C. stabalize
Answer: A.higher
B. 1%
C. -6%
D. 6%
Answer: A.-5%
B. 1%
C. 2%
D. 3%
Answer: A.0%
B. M*V=P*Y
C. M+V=P
Answer: B.M*V=P*Y
B. Investment
Answer: A.Saving
D. purchase of a stock.
15. Which factor would shift the Aggregate Demand curve to the
A. a fall in interest rates which increases investment
B. increase; demand
C. decrease; demand
D. decrease; supply
B. investment
Answer: B.investment
18. A decrease in the price level shifts the curve to the right, and
the aggregate demand curve .
A. IS; shifts to the right
B. decrease; IS
C. increase; LM
D. decrease; LM
Answer: D.decrease; LM
B. Consumption
C. Government spending
22. The Phillips curve implied that there was a trade- off available
to governments between: A. The price level and unemployment
B. The price level and employment
B. Past experience
B. balanced accounts
B. higher
C. lower
Answer: B.higher
B. flexible
B. none of these
C. increase
D. reduce
Answer: D.reduce
a. 0<b<1 b. 0>b<1
c. 0=b<1 d. 0>b<1
Answer: a
Answer: a
a. Unstable
b. Inverse
c. Stable
d. Neutral
Answer: c
a. MP curve of labor
c. MC curve of labor
Answer: a
a. Money illusion
b. Inflation
c. Full employment
Answer: c
a. Short run
b. Wage price flexibility
c. Fiscal policy
d. Underemployment equilibrium
Answer: b
Answer: b
A. Production function
C. Effective demand
D. Both A & B
Answer: d
B. Production function
C. Effective demand
Answer: c
A. Irving Fischer
B. Milton Friedman
C. Alfred Marshall
D. J M Keynes
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: b
B. Neutrality of money
C. Classical dichotomy
D. Money multiplier
Answer: c
45. The expansion in money supply doesn’t affect the real output and
employment in the economy indicates
C. Neutrality of money
D. Money illusion
Answer: c
A. Demonstration effect
B. Keynes effect
C. Income effectD. Pigou effect
Answer: d
Answer: b
B. 25%
C. 5%
D. 24%
Answer: b
A. 1929
B. 1933
C. 1936
D. 1935
Answer: c
Answer: b
Answer: b
A. aggregate supply
C. supply of money
D. aggregate demand
Answer: c
A. $50
B. $1,050
C. $1,000
D. $850
Answer: d
C. unemployment declines
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: d
B. Adam smith
C. J M Keynes
D. Milton Friedman
Answer: c
B. Endogenous
C. Exogenous
D. Depends on money supply
Answer: c
B. C+I+G
C. C+I+G=(X-M)
D.None of these
Answer: b
B. 2
C. 5
D. 1
Answer: c
Answer: a
Answer: c
C. Expenditure of households
D. Income of households
Answer: a
65. Those goods which are meant for final use of consumption
are known as A. Consumer goods
C. Intermediate goods
B. A consumer good
C. Intermediate consumption
Answer: b
A. Monetary policy
B. Fiscal policy
C. Taxation policy
Answer: b
B. M2
C. M3
D. M4
Answer: a
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: d
Answer: a
Answer: c
Answer: a
Answer: a
Answer: a
Answer: a
Answer: b
Answer: b
Answer: a
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: a
A vertical
B slope upward
C slope downwards
D Horizontal
Answer: c
Answer: b
Answer: b
94)) Keynes assumed that the price level was fixed because A)
inflation was not a serious problem during the Great Depression.
B) his primary focus was on output and employment.
Answer: d
96) IS curve represent the combination of:
A combination of income and interest
B Combination of price and out put
C combination of interest and investment
D None of the above
Answer: a
Answer: b
Answer: a
Answer: c
Answer: b
b) Wealth
c) Saving
d) InvestmentAns: Wealth
Answer: b
b) Wealth
c) Interest
d) SavingAns:Saving
Answer: d
c)Ragnar Frisch d)
J.R. Hicks
Ans: Ragnar Frisch
Answer: c
b) Flow concept
Answer: b
b) Flow Variable
c) Ratio Variable
Answer: a
c) In an accounting year
Answer: a
b) Dynamic method
c) Comparative static method
Answer: b
d) None of these
Ans: A complete absence of change
Answer: a
a) Myrdal
b) Ricado
c) Malthus
d) SayAns: Myrdal
Answer: a
c) Comparative static
Answer: a
b) Distribution phase
c) Disposition phase
Answer: d
b) Wage
b) Households, Government
d) Firms, Government.
Ans: Households, firms
Answer: a
b) Money flow
c) Physical flow
Answer: c
d)Foreign Ans:
Answer: a
b) Households to firms
c) Firms to government
d)Households to government
Ans: Households to firms
Answer: b
d)Foreign sector
Ans: Foreign sector
Answer: d
b) Subsidies
c) Both A and B
Answer: c
120) If factor cost is greater than Market price, then it means that:
a) Indirect taxes > subsidies
Answer: c
121) Final goods refer to those goods which are used either for ………….
or for ……….
a) Consumption, Investment
b) Consumption,resale
d)Resale,further production.
Ans:Consumption, Investment
Answer: a
Answer: c
124) Market price ad factor cost would be equal when there is:
A) no direct tax
b) no indirect tax
c) no subsidy
Answer: d
b) Unemployment Allowance
Answer: d
d) all of theseAns:all of
Answer: d
Answer: c
b) Naional income
c) Domestic income
Answer: a
Answer: d
b) National Income
b) Closed Economy
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
Ans:Closed Economy
Answer: b
Answer: a
b) unemployment allowance
c) profit
Answer: a
Answer: b
b) personal income
Answer: d
b) 950
c) 1000
d) 900Ans:1050
Answer: a
d) none of these
Ans: distributive share method
Answer: a
c) retained earnings
d) none ofthese.
Ans:none of these.
Answer: d
b) Dividend
c) Retained Earnings
d) None of theseAns:Dividend
Answer: b
144) If a farmer sells Wheat to miller for RS.500 and miller sells flour
to baker for Rs.700 and baker sells bread to consumer for Rs.1000,
then total value added by Miller and baker is: a) 500
b) 300
c) 1700
d) 1200
Answer: a
b) windfall gains
c) pension on retirement
d) capial gains
Ans:pension on retirement
Answer: c
d) all of these
Ans: phase of income disposition
Answer: c
Answer: b
b) Falling prices
c) Constant prices
Answer: a
b) income method
c) expenditure method
Answer: d
Answer: c