Bite Force and Occlusal Stress Production in Hominin Evolution
Bite Force and Occlusal Stress Production in Hominin Evolution
Bite Force and Occlusal Stress Production in Hominin Evolution
ABSTRACT Maximum bite force affects craniofacial not confirm our hypothesis of isometry. Specimens in the
morphology and an organism’s ability to break down genus Homo fall below the regression line describing the
foods with different material properties. Humans are relationship between bite force and molar area for non-
generally believed to produce low bite forces and spend human anthropoids and australopiths. These results
less time chewing compared with other apes because suggest that Homo species generate maximum bite
advances in mechanical and thermal food processing forces below those predicted based on scaling among
techniques alter food material properties in such a way australopiths and nonhuman primates. Because this
as to reduce overall masticatory effort. However, when decline occurred before evidence for cooking, we
hominins began regularly consuming mechanically proc- hypothesize that selection for lower bite force production
essed or cooked diets is not known. Here, we apply a was likely made possible by an increased reliance on
model for estimating maximum bite forces and stresses nonthermal food processing. However, given substantial
at the second molar in modern human, nonhuman pri- variability among in vivo bite force magnitudes meas-
mate, and hominin skulls that incorporates skeletal data ured in humans, environmental effects, especially varia-
along with species-specific estimates of jaw muscle archi- tions in food mechanical properties, may also be a factor.
tecture. The model, which reliably estimates bite forces, The results also suggest that australopiths had ape-like
shows a significant relationship between second molar bite force capabilities. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:544–
bite force and second molar area across species but does 557, 2013. VC 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Apes such as chimpanzees spend 40% of the day intensive over the lower paleolithic (e.g., in the Acheu-
feeding and chewing, whereas humans today, including lian), but it certainly became more elaborate during the
hunter-gatherer populations, spend less than 5% of the middle paleolithic (Klein, 2009). Wrangham et al. (1999)
day chewing foods with a higher energy density that posit that cooking began at least two million years ago,
have been cooked or mechanically processed (Organ but the oldest evidence for controlled fire is dated to 1.0
et al., 2011). Because processed foods are usually softer Ma (Berna et al., 2012), and cooking hearths with burnt
and less tough, they usually require less time and force bones become common only in the middle paleolithic
to comminute. Yet, despite much interest in how and (James, 1989; Rowlett, 2000; Goldberg et al., 2001).
when the transition from more to less mechanically Interpretations of the fossil record have led to less
demanding diets occurred, we lack reliable data on bite consensus about changes in diet and the origin of cook-
force and stress generation capabilities in nonhuman ing and mechanical processing. One line of evidence is
primates and fossil hominins. Here, we build on existing postcanine tooth size, which increases in Australopithe-
models to estimate bite forces and occlusal stresses in a cus, becomes even larger in robust species such as Au.
large sample of nonhuman primate and hominin skulls. boisei, and then decreases in Homo Postcanine crown
These estimates incorporate human and nonhuman pri- size is similar in H. habilis and Au. africanus but is
mate masticatory muscle architecture data to account about 25% smaller in early African H. erectus, and then
for variations in both skeletal geometry and muscle decreased roughly 10% over the Pleistocene (Wood, 1991;
architecture. Additionally, we explore how different cor- McHenry and Coffing, 2000; Lieberman, 2011). Several
rection factors (CFs) for the relationship between the
skeletal estimate of jaw adductor muscle cross-sectional
area (CSA) and muscle physiological cross-sectional area Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
(PCSA) influence estimates of bite force generation. version of this article.
Archaeological and comparative data provide the most
direct evidence for the transition from unprocessed to Grant sponsor: American School for Prehistoric Research
mechanically processed or cooked diets. Chimpanzees (Peabody Museum, Harvard University).
occasionally use rocks to break open hard foods like nuts
and palm seeds (Goodall, 1986; Boesch and Boesch, *Correspondence to: Carolyn M. Eng, Department of Human
Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 11 Divinity Ave.,
1990), and although such behaviors leave little archaeo-
Cambridge, MA 02138. E-mail: [email protected]
logical trace, early hominins likely used rocks to pound
open some foods, and perhaps to grind them before Received 9 March 2012; accepted 24 April 2013
chewing. Evidence for the use of stone tools is at least
2.6 Ma old (de Heinzelin et al., 1999; Semaw et al., DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22296
2003), and possibly extends to 3.4 Ma (McPherron et al., Published online 11 June 2013 in Wiley Online Library
2010). Food processing may have become slightly more (
anterior dentition. Furthermore, scaled to produce the do not need to generate high bite forces and would have
same bite force, peak transitory forces were relatively lower PCSAs and thus, higher CFs. Therefore, we pre-
low in the human cranium and mandible relative to dict that humans will have relatively higher CFs com-
other taxa. Wroe et al. argue that these data provide evi- pared with nonhuman primates. This hypothesis is
dence that the human jaw improves performance for important to test because if muscle architecture differs
hard object feeding. Although 3D FEA has advantages between humans and nonhuman primates, and only spe-
over models that use 2D data and approximate muscles cies in the genus Homo had human-like jaw muscle
as a single vector, Wroe et al. modeled only one female architecture, then bite force estimates that do not
per group, and just two fossil hominins, neither from the account for muscle architecture differences may under-
genus Homo. Additionally, because Wroe et al. use the or over-estimate differences between Homo and other
muscle CFs from O’Connor et al. (2005), their estimates primates.
of bite force do not account for the differences in muscle
architecture across humans and nonhuman primates. Hypothesis 2
Here, we build upon the approaches used by Demes
Following Demes and Creel (1988), molar bite force is
and Creel (1988), O’Connor et al. (2005), and Wroe et al.
predicted to correlate significantly and scale isometri-
(2010) to estimate molar bite force and stress generation
cally with molar occlusal area across anthropoids. The
in a broad sample of extant apes and fossil hominins.
basis for this prediction is that bite force is proportional
We use physical measures of muscle mass, fiber length,
to PCSA and thus scales to the power of 0.67 against
and pennation angle to calculate muscle PCSA and esti-
body mass. Using measures of M2 area from this study
mate muscle architecture CFs for each extant primate.
along with body mass estimates from Smith and Jungers
Species-specific CFs allow us to account for differences
(1997), we found that in our sample of primates, M2
in muscle architecture related to the wide variation in
area scales with body mass to the power of 0.46, so the
feeding behaviors across primates. Our goal is to esti-
predicted scaling coefficient of bite force relative to occlu-
mate molar bite force using both skeletal and muscular
sal area should be close to 1.46 (0.67/0.46).
parameters known to influence comminution efficiency
in vivo. We also test predictions for the scaling of maxi- Hypothesis 3
mum bite force and occlusal area (i.e., occlusal stress)
among taxa. Because of recent changes in food processing, we
predict that Homo species generate relatively low max-
BIOMECHANICAL MODEL AND HYPOTHESES imum bite forces compared with other primates and
fall below the regression line between molar bite force
Torque (t), the rotational force about an axis, is the and molar occlusal area for nonhuman primates and
product of an exerted force (F) and its moment arm (r). australopiths.
In a biological system, muscle torque (tin) must offset a
resistant torque (tout) to maintain equilibrium: tin 5 tout,
or Fin 3 rin 5 Fout 3 rout. Applying this equation to mas-
tication, the maximum magnitude of bite force produced MATERIALS AND METHODS
at any location along the dental row (FBite) is equal to Skull Sample
the muscle resultant force, FMuscle, times the ratio of the
muscle resultant in-lever arm (rMuscle) divided by the We calculated bite forces for male and female skulls
out-lever arm (rBite), using the primary jaw adductors, (crania plus mandibles) of six species of extant homi-
the masseter (mass.), medial pterygoid (MP), and tempo- noids, one old world monkey (Macaca fascicularis), and
ralis (temp.). Another factor to consider is differential eight fossil hominin species in Australopithecus and
recruitment of the working side (WS) and balancing side Homo (Table 1). Sample sizes in the extant species were
(BS) muscles. After Spencer (1998), we assume that BS chosen to be commensurate with the samples from fossil
muscle forces average 80% of WS forces for a typical taxa. In extant species, adult individuals with a full den-
molar. Therefore, overall bite force is estimated as: tal row and no apparent pathology were chosen from the
collections at the Museum of Comparative Zoology and
1:8ððF3rÞWS Mass: 1ðF3rÞWS Temp: 1ðF3rÞWS MP Þ Peabody Museum, Harvard University. The modern
FBite 5 (1) Homo sapiens sample consists of 12 late agricultural/
rBite early industrial individuals from the Campania and
Lazio regions of Italy. Hominin measurements were
The model and background information summarized obtained from casts. Presumptive males and females
above lead to three general hypotheses. were not available for all hominin species. Additionally,
no mandible was available for several fossil crania. In
Hypothesis 1 these instances, we measured mandibles of similar-sized
We predict that muscle architecture CFs (the ratio of individuals; for H. habilis, the OH 13 mandible was
skeletally measured CSA to muscle PCSA) differ paired with the KNM-ER 1813 cranium. For H. heidel-
between humans and nonhuman primates. Because a bergensis, the Mauer mandible was paired with the
muscle architecture CF indicates how a muscle’s mass is Kabwe and Petralona 1 crania and for H. erectus, the
arranged to modify its force-generating properties, spe- BK67 mandible was matched with the KNM-ER 3733
cies that comminute fracture resistant foods would bene- cranium.
fit from packing more fibers in their jaw adductor
muscles to increase muscle PCSA, hence, muscle force. Occlusal Area
These species would have relatively low CFs compared
to species with smaller PCSAs. Conversely, species that Occlusal area of the second upper molar (M2) was cal-
regularly consume extremely soft and/or processed diets culated as the product of buccolingual and mesiodistal
diameters. In non-fossil specimens, these measurements The height and width of the medial and lateral pterygoid
were taken using digital calipers (accuracy, 0.01 mm) fol- plates were measured with calipers and modeled as an
lowing Wood (1991). Whenever possible, fossil measure- ellipse to estimate the medial pterygoid CSA. The CSA of
ments were taken from the literature (Brace and the masseter was estimated as the maximum projected dis-
Mahler, 1971; Frayer, 1976; Wood, 1991; Rightmire, tance (in superior view) between the zygomatic arch and
1993; Kimbel et al., 2004). Because molar area could not the mandibular ramus multiplied by the length of the mus-
be measured in the edentulous STS5 individual, second cle origin on the zygomatic arch. The reliability of muscle
molar area values for Au. africanus were used. area and lever arm measures were tested using repeated
measures made by a single observer. For all measure-
ments, the intraclass correlation coefficient for measures
Lever Arm Estimates made on a single skull was greater than 0.95 (P < 0.05).
Bite force out-levers were measured using digital cali- Muscle PCSAs were estimated from skeletal estimates
pers on each skull from the glenoid fossa center to the of CSA using species-specific muscle architecture CFs.
center of the occlusal surface of M2. Using scaled photo- For chimps, the masseter, temporalis, and medial ptery-
graphs of the skulls, in-levers were measured with goid muscles were dissected from a formalin-fixed adult
ImageJ software (NIH, Bethesda, MD) as the perpendic- male (Harvard University MCZ 61063). Dissected muscles
ular distance between the approximate line of action of were weighed and fiber length (Lf0 ) measured from three
each major jaw adductor and the glenoid fossa center. regions in each muscle using digital calipers. Pennation
Following Hiiemae (1971), the masseter’s line of action angle was measured with a goniometer as the angle
was estimated in lateral view from the midpoint of the between the fibers and the distal tendon. Under magnifi-
muscle origin on the zygomatic arch to the angle of the cation, muscle fiber bundles were isolated from each fasci-
mandible; the line of action of the temporalis was esti- cle and mounted on slides. Following Lieber et al. (1990),
mated from the centroid of the muscle’s origin (measured bundle sarcomere length (Ls0 ) was determined by laser
with ImageJ) to the coronoid process; and the line of diffraction and normalized fiber length (Lf) calculated as:
action of the medial pterygoid was estimated in infero-
medial view (perpendicular to the muscle’s plane) Lf 5L0 f (2)
L0 S
between the lateral and medial pterygoid plates and the
centroid of the muscle’s insertion on the mandible. where Lf0 is measured fiber length and 2.7 lm is the
optimal sarcomere length for human muscle (Lieber
Muscle Cross-Sectional and Physiological et al., 1994). PCSA was calculated as:
Cross-Sectional Areas
M cosu
For the temporalis, modeling clay was used to fill the PCSA5 (3)
q Lf
temporal fossa between the zygomatic arch and the lateral
wall of the skull. The clay was then removed and scanned where M is muscle mass, u is pennation angle, and q is
on a flatbed scanner and the area measured in ImageJ. muscle density (1.0564 g/cm3; Mendez and Keys, 1960).
These data were combined with PCSA values from addi- representing H. habilis precludes making statistical
tional adult chimps for the masseter (n 5 1; Spencer, comparisons with other species.
personal communications), temporalis, and medial ptery-
goid (n 5 2; Spencer, personal communications; Taylor, RESULTS
personal communications) to obtain an average PCSA
for each muscle. For human CFs, PCSA was calculated Differences in masticatory morphology among taxa
using measures of muscle mass, fiber length, and penna- vary in terms of the average EMA at M2 as well as
tion angle from the temporalis, masseter, and medial uncorrected total jaw adductor muscle CSA. Average
pterygoid measured by van Eijden et al. (1997) in 8 EMA of the jaw adductor muscles at M2 in australopiths
humans. Temporalis and masseter PCSA values reported is not significantly different from gorillas, orangutans,
in Taylor and Vinyard (2013) for P. pygmaeus (n 5 2), chimps, bonobos, gibbons, and macaques and most Homo
Hylobates sp. (n 5 3), G. gorilla (n 5 4), P. paniscus (n species except H. heidelbergensis (Table 2 and Support-
5 1), and Macaca sp. (n 5 4) were used to calculate CFs ing Information Table S1). Additionally, the uncorrected
in the remaining anthropoid species. To compare mass- total CSA of the masticatory muscles in australopiths is
eter PCSA between primates and humans, we used the not significantly different from all species (Table 2 and
sum of the masses of the deep and superficial masseter Supporting Information Table S2). The pattern in Homo
along with the superficial masseter normalized fiber is different. While the uncorrected total jaw adductor
length and pennation angle reported in Taylor and Vin- muscle CSA in modern H. sapiens is similar to that of
yard (2013) to calculate total masseter PCSA. all Homo species (Table 2 and Supporting Information
CSAs measured on the primate skulls were averaged Table S2), modern humans have a significantly greater
and divided by the average PCSA for each species to cal- average masticatory muscle EMA at M2 than H. heidel-
culate muscle architecture CFs for the temporalis, mass- bergensis and H. neanderthalensis (Table 2 and Support-
eter, and medial pterygoid. Temporalis PCSA was not ing Information Table S1). In addition, average jaw
reported for P. pygmaeus and P. paniscus, so the chimp adductor muscle EMA at M2 in modern humans (0.58 6
temporalis CF was used in these species. A medial ptery- 0.01 cm) is significantly larger than that of most other
goid PCSA is available only for chimps, so the chimp extant apes (Gorillas: 0.49 6 0.01 cm; Chimps: 0.51 6
medial pterygoid CF was used for all nonhuman primates. 0.01; Gibbons: 0.44 6 0.01; Supporting Information Ta-
Species-specific CFs were used to calculate muscle PCSA ble S1). Modern humans, orangutans, and bonobos have
for extant primates from skeletally measured CSA. Aus- similar average EMAs at M2 (Table 2 and Supporting In-
tralopith muscle PCSAs were calculated using the chimp formation Table S1).
CF, whereas Homo PCSAs were calculated using the Dissections and muscle architecture data from Taylor
human CFs. We consider using the human CFs for Homo and Vinyard (2013) were used to calculate muscle archi-
to be the most conservative choice for phylogenetic rea- tecture CFs as the muscle CSA measured on the skull
sons as well as the general morphological similarities divided by the average PCSA for temporalis, masseter,
between Homo and later humans. Estimating Homo and medial pterygoid muscles in each primate group
PCSAs using the chimp CFs allows us to test the effect of (Table 3). With the exception of the human masseter,
this assumption on bite force estimates. The normalized these CFs are considerably less than 1.0 (Fig. 1), indicat-
muscle CSAs were multiplied by muscle specific tension ing that the skeletally measured CSAs underestimate
(35 N/cm2) to calculate muscle force (Zajac, 1989). PCSAs, hence muscles’ capability to generate force. Note
also that the CFs vary across muscles and between spe-
Statistical Analyses cies. As predicted (H1), the human CFs fall two standard
deviations above the nonhuman ape CFs for the mass-
To test the hypothesis (H1) that muscle architecture eter (1.48 vs. 0.73 6 0.20; mean 6 2 SDs) and tempora-
CFs differ between humans and nonhuman primates, we lis (0.65 vs. 0.38 6 0.12). As a consequence of the high
examined whether the human masseter and temporalis CFs in humans, the uncorrected total muscle CSA esti-
CFs fell two standard deviations outside the mean CFs mates are similar between P. troglodytes and all Homo
for nonhuman apes. Least squares regression of log- species (Table 2 and Supporting Information Table S2)
transformed M2 bite force plotted against log-trans- but after correcting for muscle architecture differences,
formed M2 occlusal area were used to test the hypothesis P. troglodytes generates significantly larger muscle
(H2) that bite force scales isometrically with molar area. forces than all Homo species (Table 4 and Supporting In-
Prediction intervals on the regression line of M2 molar formation Table S3). If we assume that muscle size is
area and bite force for australopiths and nonhuman proportional to skeletally measured CSA and that the
anthropoids were used to test the hypothesis (H3) that accuracy of skeletal measures of CSA does not vary
Homo species generate relatively low bite forces. Multi- among taxa, these results suggest that the greater bite
ple stepwise regression was then used to examine the force capability of apes compared with humans is largely
relative contributions of muscle force and EMA to bite achieved through altered muscle architecture as opposed
force. ANOVA was used to compare total uncorrected to a gross increase in muscle size.
muscle CSA, total muscle force, M2 bite force, M2 area, Maximum estimated M2 bite forces vary widely across
and average EMA in the masseter, temporalis, and species (Table 4). Gorillas, orangutans, and australopiths
medial pterygoid across species in H. sapiens, P. troglo- generate the highest estimated maximum M2 bite forces,
dytes, P. pygmaeus, M. fascicularis, H. lar, and G. go- and gibbons and H. heidelbergensis generate the lowest
rilla. Pairwise comparisons were made using Dunnett’s M2 bite forces. In terms of estimated molar occlusal
T3 post hoc test, which accounts for unequal variance stress, chimps, bonobos, orangs, and macaques generate
across groups and is suitable for multiple comparisons the highest estimated M2 bite stresses, whereas species
(Dunnett, 1980). Significance was set to a 5 0.05. in the genus Homo generate the lowest estimated M2
Although we can make general comparisons between H. stresses (Table 5). Note that gorillas and australopiths
habilis and other species, the single individual have large second molar areas compared with other
TABLE 2. Masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid skeletally measured cross-sectional area and effective mechanical advantage
at M2 for the species used in this study
Skeletally measured cross-sectional area (cm2) Effective mechanical advantage
Masseter Temporalis Medial pterygoid Masseter Temporalis Medial pterygoid
H. sapiens 11.14 6 0.63 6.83 6 0.37 1.95 6 0.05 0.61 6 0.01 0.49 6 0.02 0.63 6 0.01
Male 10.60 6 0.75 6.65 6 0.61 2.00 6 0.08 0.60 6 0.02 0.47 6 0.03 0.62 6 0.02
Female 11.79 6 1.07 7.05 6 0.40 1.90 6 0.05 0.62 6 0.02 0.51 6 0.03 0.64 6 0.02
Pleistocene H. sapiens 12.68 6 0.29 7.21 6 0.35 2.91 6 0.15 0.53 6 0.04 0.43 6 0.04 0.35 6 0.03
H. habilis 12.04 7.34 2.18 0.60 0.53 0.29
H. heidelbergensis 10.40 6 0.17 6.17 6 0.33 3.74 6 0.15 0.47 6 0.01 0.35 6 0.02 0.26 6 0.02
H. erectus 10.41 6 0.68 6.68 6 0.54 2.54 6 0.16 0.54 6 0.04 0.48 6 0.02 0.45 6 0.06
H. neanderthalensis 11.11 6 0.33 7.93 6 0.50 3.25 6 0.18 0.48 6 0.04 0.39 6 0.02 0.38 6 0.04
Australopith average 20.26 6 4.87 14.45 6 4.06 3.71 6 0.74 0.62 6 0.02 0.43 6 0.02 0.48 6 0.02
Au. afarensis 22.46 16.35 3.26 0.62 0.41 0.52
Au. africanus 10.95 6.67 2.70 0.65 0.48 0.47
Au. boisei 27.37 20.35 5.15 0.59 0.41 0.45
P. troglodytes 12.72 6 0.76 9.95 6 0.65 2.06 6 0.03 0.52 6 0.01 0.45 6 0.01 0.57 6 0.01
Male 13.89 6 1.18 11.43 6 0.84 2.13 6 0.04 0.51 6 0.01 0.45 6 0.02 0.56 6 0.01
Female 11.55 6 0.78 8.48 6 0.53 2.00 6 0.05 0.54 6 0.01 0.44 6 0.01 0.58 6 0.01
P. paniscus 10.18 6 0.34 7.18 6 1.14 1.01 6 0.07 0.50 6 0.00 0.45 6 0.03 0.64 6 0.02
Male 10.53 8.33 1.08 0.51 0.49 0.63
Female 9.84 6.04 0.94 0.50 0.42 0.66
G. gorilla 27.74 6 2.31 20.70 6 2.09 4.68 6 0.44 0.48 6 0.01 0.38 6 0.01 0.61 6 0.01
Male 33.40 6 1.30 26.03 6 1.19 5.74 6 0.33 0.45 6 0.01 0.37 6 0.02 0.59 6 0.02
Female 22.08 6 1.39 15.37 6 0.20 3.62 6 0.18 0.51 6 0.01 0.38 6 0.01 0.64 6 0.02
P. pygmaeus 17.68 6 2.67 15.63 6 2.18 3.79 6 0.33 0.55 6 0.01 0.44 6 0.01 0.60 6 0.02
Male 21.70 6 1.70 18.99 6 1.30 4.29 6 0.16 0.53 6 0.01 0.42 6 0.01 0.59 6 0.03
Female 11.66 6 1.47 10.59 6 0.47 3.04 6 0.23 0.57 6 0.00 0.46 6 0.02 0.62 6 0.01
H. lar 4.37 6 0.19 2.80 6 0.13 1.06 6 0.04 0.42 6 0.01 0.44 6 0.01 0.46 6 0.01
Male 4.75 6 0.20 3.01 6 0.18 1.17 6 0.03 0.40 6 0.02 0.44 6 0.02 0.45 6 0.02
Female 4.00 6 0.17 2.60 6 0.15 0.96 6 0.02 0.43 6 0.02 0.44 6 0.02 0.47 6 0.01
M. fascicularis 4.50 6 0.23 4.00 6 0.30 1.07 6 0.07 0.46 6 0.02 0.46 6 0.01 0.57 6 0.03
Male 5.07 6 0.13 4.55 6 0.35 1.21 6 0.07 0.44 6 0.01 0.47 6 0.01 0.52 6 0.01
Female 3.94 6 0.14 3.46 6 0.32 0.93 6 0.06 0.47 6 0.04 0.44 6 0.00 0.62 6 0.03
TABLE 3. Muscle physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), skeletally measured cross-sectional area (CSA), and muscle architec-
ture correction factors (CFs; skeletally measured cross-sectional area/muscle physiological cross-sectional area) for the masseter,
temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscles
Masseter Temporalis Medial pterygoid
2 2 2 2 2
CSA (cm ) PCSA (cm ) CF CSA (cm ) PCSA (cm ) CF CSA (cm ) PCSA (cm2) CF
Human 11.14 7.53 1.48 6.83 10.47 0.65 1.95 5.28 0.37
Chimpanzeeb 12.72 18.67 0.68 9.95 23.92 0.42 2.06 13.77 0.15
Bonoboc 10.18 16.77 0.61 7.18 NA 0.42d 1.01 NA 0.15
Gorilla 27.74 37.74 0.74 20.70 47.24 0.44 4.68 NA 0.15
Orangutan 17.68 20.25 0.87 15.63 NA 0.42d 3.79 NA 0.15
Gibbon 4.37 5.38 0.81 2.80 8.55 0.33 1.06 NA 0.15
Macaque 4.50 6.99 0.64 4.00 12.26 0.33 1.07 NA 0.15
PCSA values calculated from mass, fiber length, and pennation angle (n 5 8) reported in Van Eijden et al. (1997).
PCSA values measured in this study and averaged with PCSAs for the masseter (Spencer, personal communications), temporalis,
and medial pterygoid (Spencer and Taylor, personal communications).
PCSA values for masseter and temporalis in other nonhuman primates reported in Taylor and Vinyard (2013). See text for details.
In the absence of P. paniscus and P. pygmaeus temporalis PCSA data, the chimp temporalis CF was used for these species.
taxa, keeping their bite stresses comparatively low de- bite forces are not significantly different from any of the
spite high bite forces. On the other hand, M2 bite forces taxa examined due to the small sample size and large
are concentrated on smaller molar areas in chimps, variation among australopiths. Australopiths have the
bonobos, and macaques, leading to relatively higher M2 capacity to generate similar muscle forces compared
occlusal stresses (Table 5). with gorillas (3,113.97 6 743.48 N vs. 4,051.98 6 367.40
It is impossible to know when human-like muscle N) and orangutans (2,759.30 6 342.76 N). Additionally,
architecture evolved, but if we assume that the human australopiths generate similar magnitudes of maximum
CFs apply to the genus Homo and chimp CFs apply to M2 bite forces (Table 4) and bite stresses (Table 5) com-
australopiths, comparison of fossil hominins with extant pared with gorillas and orangutans. If we apply human
primates suggests that the masticatory capabilities of CFs, australopith muscle forces (1,608.49 6 395.84 N)
australopiths are similar to, or greater than, extant non- are more similar to chimp muscle forces (1,966.84 6
human apes. However, australopith muscle forces and 86.20 N) and they generate similar maximum M2 bite
TABLE 4. Total masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscle force and molar bite force at M2, both calculated using muscle
cross-sectional areas measured on the skull and corrected using muscle architecture correction factors
Muscle force (Newtons) M2 bite force (Newtons)
H. sapiensa 816.49 6 32.22 825.75 6 45.17
Male 798.21 6 46.30 789.22 6 56.49
Female 838.41 6 47.69 869.57 6 74.53
Pleistocene H. sapiensa 963.95 6 33.14 754.72 6 51.18
H. habilisa 886.02 790.58
H. heidelbergensisa 932.56 6 24.12 582.34 6 17.88
H. erectusa 846.49 6 53.39 753.45 6 76.34
H. neanderthalensisa 997.99 6 25.94 738.52 6 61.90
Australopith averageb 3,113.97 6 743.48 2,796.01 6 595.45
Au. afarensis 3,281.32 2,989.65
Au. africanus 1,750.73 1,681.57
Au. boisei 4,309.85 3,716.82
P. troglodytes 1,966.84 6 86.20 1,780.18 6 71.42
Male 2,164.28 6 105.94 1,928.60 6 98.65
Female 1,769.40 6 76.68 1,631.76 6 62.43
P. paniscus 1,354.46 6 121.34 1,244.65 6 135.01
Male 1,475.80 1,379.66
Female 1,233.12 1,109.65
G. gorilla 4,051.98 6 367.40 3,420.10 6 251.55
Male 4,991.04 6 184.50 4,067.33 6 97.59
Female 3,112.92 6 89.41 2,772.86 6 80.55
P. pygmaeus 2,759.30 6 342.76 2,559.69 6 295.84
Male 3,287.97 6 187.37 2,978.83 6 250.14
Female 1,966.28 6 146.44 1,930.99 6 169.41
H. lar 734.04 6 26.33 578.19 6 19.93
Male 796.81 6 22.15 618.90 6 25.81
Female 671.27 6 10.83 537.48 6 9.09
M. fascicularis 920.92 6 56.67 806.93 6 45.39
Male 1,042.14 6 50.90 898.42 6 40.88
Female 799.70 6 51.01 715.45 6 48.60
Bite forces in all Homo species were normalized using a correction factor calculated from human muscle architecture data.
Bite forces in australopith species were normalized using a chimpanzee-derived correction factor.
Fig. 1. Muscle architecture correction factors (skeletally measured cross-sectional area/muscle physiological cross-sectional
area) for the human, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, orangutan, gibbon, and macaque masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid
forces compared with chimps (1,413.75 6 308.94 N vs. Australopith bite stresses are significantly smaller than
1,780.18 6 71.42 N). Australopiths are also more similar gorilla, chimp, and orangutan bite stresses when using
to chimps when using average chimp and human CFs. the human CFs.
TABLE 5. M2 molar area and M2 bite stress for the species used significance (P < 0.10; Supporting Information Tables S3
in this study and S4).
If we apply the chimp CFs to fossil Homo, Homo bite
Molar area M2 bite stress force estimates are significantly greater than modern H.
at M2 (cm2) (N/cm2)
sapiens bite forces (except for H. erectus, whose are simi-
H. sapiens 1.08 6 0.02 768.42 6 48.12 lar) and not significantly different from most nonhuman
Male 1.08 6 0.03 732.70 6 52.41 ape bite forces including chimps, bonobos, and orangu-
Female 1.08 6 0.04 811.28 6 88.17 tans (P > 0.05). However, Homo bite forces are signifi-
Pleistocene H. sapiens 1.27 6 0.08 613.12 6 61.02 cantly smaller than gorilla bite forces (P < 0.05). With
H. habilis 1.64 482.06 chimp CFs, bite stresses are similar between fossil
H. heidelbergensis 1.30 6 0.23 478.49 6 83.47
H. erectus 1.56 6 0.06 485.17 6 48.47
Homo and modern H. sapiens, except H. neanderthalen-
H. neanderthalensis 1.31 6 0.05 561.51 6 32.84 sis who has significantly greater bite stresses than mod-
Australopith average 2.61 6 0.50 1,078.92 6 178.74 ern H. sapiens (P < 0.05). With chimp CFs, bite stresses
Au. afarensis 2.12 1,410.21 are similar between fossil Homo specimens and nonhu-
Au. africanus 2.11 796.95 man apes. Finally, applying average chimp-human CFs
Au. boisei 3.61 1,029.59 to fossil Homo, we find that fossil Homo bite forces and
P. troglodytes 1.18 6 0.03 1,510.09 6 59.52 stresses are similar to modern H. sapiens bite forces and
Male 1.22 6 0.04 1,591.25 6 92.02 stresses and significantly smaller than chimp and gorilla
Female 1.15 6 0.04 1,428.93 6 66.96 bite forces and stresses (P < 0.05). Smaller bite forces
P. paniscus 0.85 6 0.08 1,462.32 6 15.19
Male 0.93 1,477.50
and stresses in fossil Homo compared with orangutans
Female 0.77 1,447.13 only approaches significance (P < 0.10) with the average
G. gorilla 2.60 6 0.15 1,312.05 6 41.05 chimp-human CFs.
Male 2.93 6 0.10 1,389.02 6 39.16 The regression between maximum M2 bite force and
Female 2.26 6 0.14 1,235.09 6 48.81 M molar area (Fig. 2) in all non-Homo species is highly
P. pygmaeus 1.71 6 0.09 1,478.38 6 107.79 significant with a slope of 0.90 (95% confidence interval:
Male 1.84 6 0.05 1,613.56 6 109.73 0.83–0.97; R2: 0.93), but does not confirm H2 that bite
Female 1.51 6 0.01 1,275.62 6 107.44 force scales isometrically (predicted slope of 1.46) with
H. lar 0.43 6 0.01 1,346.83 6 43.95 molar area in nonhuman primates. When Homo is
Male 0.46 6 0.02 1,355.06 6 90.87
Female 0.40 6 0.01 1,338.61 6 26.63
included in the analysis, the strength of the relationship
M. fascicularis 0.45 6 0.01 1,785.59 6 99.84 and slope both decrease (95% CI: 0.55–0.92; R2 5 0.45).
Male 0.47 6 0.01 1,921.62 6 122.32 As hypothesized (H3), species in the genus Homo fall
Female 0.44 6 0.02 1,649.56 6 138.65 below the regression line of M2 area and bite force for
australopiths and nonhuman primates, indicating a
reduced ability to generate M2 occlusal stress (Fig. 2).
Species in the genus Homo fall below the regression line
When compared with most earlier Homo, modern if we apply the average chimp-human CFs but do not
humans have a greater average EMA at M2, but similar fall below the line with chimp CFs.
maximum jaw adductor muscle forces and M2 bite forces.
Modern H. sapiens generate similar total jaw adductor DISCUSSION
muscle force compared with Pleistocene H. sapiens, Comparison With In Vivo Measures of Bite Force
H. erectus, and H. heidelbergensis, and significantly
lower muscle force compared with H. neanderthalensis Archaeological evidence suggests that advances in
(Table 4 and Supporting Information Table S3). Modern food processing techniques began with the Oldowan, and
H. sapiens generate similar M2 bite forces (Table 4 and that the regular use of cooking probably began in the
Supporting Information Table S4) and bite stresses middle Pleistocene. Both changes may have decreased
(Table 5 and Supporting Information Table S6) compared the selective advantage for having a large, robust masti-
with Pleistocene H. sapiens, H. neanderthalensis, and H. catory complex to generate and resist high bite stresses
erectus. Modern H. sapiens generate significantly higher during mastication. However, testing these and other
bite forces (Table 4; P < 0.05) but not significantly differ- hypotheses requires accurate and reliable estimates of
ent bite stresses compared with H. heidelbergensis (Ta- maximum bite force from fossils.
ble 5 and Supporting Information Table S6). It is worth Although we cannot test the accuracy of bite force esti-
noting that our modern human bite force estimates are mates for fossil hominins, the predicted M2 bite force
slightly higher in females than males. However, this dif- values of extant hominoids including humans correspond
ference is not statistically significant and is likely due to well with published empirically measured maximum bite
our small modern human sample size. forces (Table 6). Of note, our estimates of maximum M2
Modern H. sapiens have absolutely lower maximum bite force for humans fall within the range of experimen-
M2 bite forces and occlusal stresses than most extant tal measures of maximum bite force measured using a
apes. Compared with modern H. sapiens, chimps and broad array of techniques on humans from western pop-
gorillas have significantly higher M2 bite forces (Table 4 ulations (Klatsky, 1942; Pruim et al., 1980; Gibbs et al.,
and Supporting Information Table S4) and M2 occlusal 1981; Van Spronsen et al., 1989; Dean et al., 1992;
stresses (Table 5 and Supporting Information Table S6) Braun et al., 1995; Sinn et al., 1996). The only sample
because of significantly higher muscle forces in chimps with significantly higher bite forces is a Yupik (formerly
and gorillas compared with humans (Table 4 and Sup- known as Alaskan Eskimo) population (Waugh, 1937),
porting Information Table S3). Although bite stresses which is reported to have maximum bite forces nearly
are significantly higher in orangutans than humans twice as high as those of other human populations.
(Supporting Information Table S6), higher muscle and Yupik and Inuit skulls are reported to have enormous
bite forces in orangutans versus humans only approach masticatory muscles, anteriorly positioned jaw adductor
Fig. 2. Logarithmic plot of M2 molar area and M2 bite force. The black symbols represent australopith species, white symbols
represent Homo species, and gray symbols represent extant nonhuman primates. Where identified, males are plotted as triangles
and females as squares. Specimens with unidentified sex are plotted as circles. The regression line (fit on nonaveraged data) is rep-
resented by the gray solid line and the gray dashed lines show the 95% prediction intervals. The scaling equation of bite force at
the second molar (BF) and second molar area (MA) is BF 5 3.02 3 MA0.74 when all specimens are included and BF 5 3.16 3
MA0.90 when Homo is excluded. The regression line shown here does not include Homo.
muscles, and low prognathism (Hylander, 1977). The lat- consider is the remarkable range of published in vivo
ter two features indicate a high EMA, whereas the for- human bite forces. In vivo bite forces not only range
mer would increase masticatory muscle force generation, across studies but also differ by as much 3-fold within
together producing extremely high occlusal forces that the same population (Fig. 3). Although this large vari-
may be adaptive for well-documented Yupik and Inuit ability is hypothetically unique to humans, we lack
feeding behaviors including chewing seal skin, eating enough in vivo bite force measures from other primates
frozen food and bone, and using the jaws as pliers (de to make such a conclusion. Variation among in vivo bite
Poncins, 1941). forces across studies may also be due to methodological
Although Yupik and Inuit populations may be adapted differences in transducer type and size and whether bite
for generating large bite forces, individual bite force force is measured unilaterally or bilaterally.
capabilities are also strongly affected by environmental In terms of nonhuman primates, there are few in vivo
factors during development. Modern humans that measurements available to test our results. Lucas et al.
engage in vigorous masticatory activity associated with (1994) estimated maximum bite force in orangutans by
bruxism (i.e., teeth grinding) and have related severe measuring the amount of force required to break Macad-
dental attrition generate relatively high bite forces (911 amia seeds that they observed orangutans fracturing in
N; Waltimo et al., 1994). However, our bite force esti- a single bite. Lucas et al. found that orangutans would
mates from a late agricultural/early industrial modern need 2,000 N of force to break the seeds, which is
human sample are probably not lower than Yupik and below our maximum M2 bite force estimate of 2,559.7 6
Inuit bite forces solely from chewing a diet of processed 295.8 N (Table 6). Our estimates of M2 bite force for
foods because similar maximum bite forces have been macaques, 806.9 6 45.4 N, are higher than measures
measured in other indigenous populations include the reported in the literature (Table 6). Hylander (1979)
Shipibo of Peru (601 N; n 5 24), the Otomi of Mexico measured molar bite force in macaques (Macaca fascicu-
(738 N; n 5 43), and army recruits from the Aymara of laris) using a transducer-mounted plastic block.
Peru (818 N; n 5 51; Neumann and DiSalvo, 1958). Hylander’s average maximum bite force measure of
While tortillas are a dietary staple for the Otomi, the 256.3 6 39.3 N (range: 205.0–333.43 N) falls below the
Shipibo and Aymara eat both domesticated and wild maximum M2 bite force estimated here. Dechow and
foods, highlighting how bite force capabilities are influ- Carlson (1990) measured molar forces while maximally
enced by a complex interplay of genetic, dietary, and stimulating the masticatory muscles in anesthetized
extramasticatory factors. Another cautionary note to macaques (Macaca mulatta). Using unilateral measures
Fig. 3. Mean and ranges of maximum bite forces estimated in this study for humans (white markers) and nonhuman apes
(gray markers), and in vivo bite force estimates (mean and range; black markers) from Gibbs et al. (1981) (1); Klatsky (1942) (2);
Pruim et al. (1980) (3); Braun et al. (1995) (4); Waltimo (1994) (5); and Waugh (1937) (6). Where identified, males are plotted as tri-
angles and females as squares. Circles are the average of male and female bite forces. The ranges of in vivo bite forces demonstrate
that bite force can vary up to 3-fold within populations.
should be taken when choosing CFs for fossil species as size to estimate maximum molar bite forces for fossil
it influences bite force estimates. Using the human CFs and extant species. While our estimates of bite force
or the chimp-human average CFs, fossil Homo species from extant nonhuman primates are similar, we esti-
generate similar maximum M2 bite forces compared with mate lower bite forces for modern H. sapiens (825 vs.
modern humans but significantly greater bite forces 1,470 N), H. erectus (753 vs. 2,075 N), and Au. africanus
than modern humans when using the chimp CFs. (1,711 vs. 2,598 N) and higher estimates for Au. afaren-
Our results do not confirm our hypothesis (H2) that sis (3,047 vs. 2,305 N) and Au. boisei (3,783 vs. 3,471 N).
M2 bite force scales isometrically and with a high degree When comparing our average bite force values with
of correlation with molar occlusal area. As hypothesized the estimates of Wroe et al. (2010), our estimates fall
(H3), species in the genus Homo fall below the regres- above their values for female G. gorilla (2,773 N vs.
sion line between bite force and molar area in nonhu- 1,723 N), Au. boisei (3,717 vs. 2,161 N), female P. pyg-
man primates and australopiths, suggesting a reduced maeus (1,931 vs. 1,031 N), Au. africanus (1,682 vs. 831
ability to generate occlusal stress. N), and female P. troglodytes (1,632 vs. 1,511 N) but our
If cooking did not begin regularly until one million bite force estimates fall below their average estimated
years ago or more recently, then changes in the skull in bite force for female H. sapiens (870 vs. 1,317 N). There
early Homo such as smaller teeth, reduced facial but- are several reasons why our results may differ. First,
tressing and less robust mandibles, could be due to Wroe et al.’s estimates are based on only one female
increases in nonthermal food processing (Wood and Col- individual per species and thus may under represent av-
lard, 1999; Klein, 2009; Lieberman, 2011). Cutting, slic- erage bite forces. Additionally, because Wroe et al. used
ing, mechanical pounding, and other methods of extra- human CFs to estimate muscle PCSA in anthropoids,
oral mechanical processing decrease the size of food par- they likely underestimate nonhuman anthropoid muscle
ticles before ingestion and mastication. These processing PCSAs and subsequently, muscle forces (Taylor and Vin-
techniques also break down cell walls of plants and fi- yard, 2013). On the other hand, Wroe et al. (2010) esti-
brous connective tissue in meat, decreasing stiffness and mated H. sapiens bite force from a San hunter-gatherer,
toughness. Although later Homo was hypothesized to who may generate higher bite forces than our late agri-
fall further from the regression line than early Homo, cultural/early industrial modern human sample that
modern H. sapiens generate similar bite forces and likely consumed a highly processed diet. Additionally,
stresses compared to early Homo. These results are not they estimate three-dimensional bite forces, whereas
consistent with a two-stage shift in masticatory capabil- this study’s moment arms are solely in the sagittal plane
ities with the first related to first nonthermal food proc- and 3D bite force estimates may be more accurate than
essing and then later to cooking. Reduced variation in 2D estimates. Finally, Wroe et al. represented muscles
bite forces across Homo, however, limits the ability to as multiple force vectors, which may more accurately
infer major dietary transitions from occlusal or craniofa- represent muscles with complex attachments.
cial features. Larger sample sizes as well as additional Nonetheless, the results presented here agree with
sources of data such as enamel thickness and occlusal Wroe et al. (2010) that human bite force estimates are
topography will be necessary to test for changes in mas- influenced by their relatively greater EMAs compared
ticatory abilities within Homo. with nonhuman apes. While Wroe et al. found the great-
est relative difference in EMA at the anterior dentition
Comparison With Previous Studies and further discussed the implications for using teeth as
tools in Homo, our study is limited to molar bite force
These results help refine previous estimates of bite estimates. Wroe et al. argued that the large EMAs allow
force capabilities among hominins. Although Demes and humans to generate high bite forces with relatively low
Creel (1998) used unitless BFEs, there is good agree- muscle forces that may have permitted gracilization of
ment between our data and Demes and Creel, which the mandible and cranium in later Homo. Wroe et al.
both estimate bite force values in australopiths to be did not include earlier Homo species in their analysis,
similar to those of G. gorilla and P. pygmaeus. Similarly, but the results presented here indicate that modern
both studies found bite force values in Homo to be less humans generate similar or slightly higher bite forces
variable and slightly below what would be expected in than earlier Homo, suggesting that high bite force effi-
species of similar molar size based on values from the ciency in modern humans may not apply to other Homo
other primates and hominins. In addition, O’Connor species. Furthermore, it should be evident that mechani-
et al. (2005) calculated a maximum M1 bite force of 815 cal advantage is a poor proxy for bite force. Plotting sec-
N for H. sapiens, 790 N for H. neanderthalensis, and ond molar bite force against total jaw adductor muscle
1,650 N for P. pygmaeus. The average maximum second force and average EMA at M2 demonstrates that muscle
molar bite force calculated in this study was 825.75 N in force covaries significantly with M2 bite force across this
H. sapiens, 738.52 N for H. neanderthalensis, and sample (Fig. 4). Multiple stepwise regression confirms
2,559.69 N for P. pygmaeus. These broadly comparable that muscle force is the best predictor of bite force.
estimates differ primarily because of muscle architecture When EMA is added to the regression equation, the R2
CFs. The human CFs used here are similar to O’Connor value changes from only 0.966 to 0.976, suggesting that
et al. in the temporalis (0.65 vs. 0.64) and medial ptery- M2 bite force is increased by increasing muscle force
goid (0.37 vs. 0.26), but our masseter CF is 50% larger rather than muscle mechanical advantage.
(1.48 vs. 0.99). Additionally, we used a masseter CF cal-
culated from orangutan data and chimp muscle-derived Limitations
temporalis and medial pterygoid CFs to estimate orang-
utan bite force. These were 12–42% lower than the mus- Several limitations of this study merit consideration.
cle CFs used by O’Connor et al. (2005) and thus we One is that we used only a single static estimate of
estimated higher orangutan muscle forces and bite EMA, even though this ratio changes dynamically
forces. Constantino et al. (2010) use molar tooth chip throughout the jaw joint’s range of motion (Koolstra,