2023 08 23-24 Radar Silo

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Radar Silo Stock Inspection

Plant 7/8

22-24 August 2023

Cement Silo 1 (PCC)
Finish Mill P.78

Silo 1 (PCC)

Manual Radar Measurement

53.50 Var.
Date Measurement (Inc. Dead Stock)
Tabel Tabel Shift Measurement Shift Measurement vs Radar
PX Trend ERP
(Silo) (Silo) vs PX Trend PX Trend (Tabel - Silo) (PX Trend vs ERP)
m m ton m ton ton m % ton % ton %
21-Aug-23 19.50 34.00 12,568 32.87 12,107 12,111 1.13 2.1% 461 2.2% (4) 0.0%
22-Aug-23 18.50 35.00 12,978 33.24 12,256 12,234 1.76 3.3% 722 3.5% 23 0.1%
23-Aug-23 21.50 32.00 11,749 31.95 11,727 11,702 0.05 0.1% 22 0.1% 25 0.1%
24-Aug-23 24.25 29.25 10,623 30.76 11,239 (1.51) -2.8% (617) -3.0%
25-Aug-23 -
26-Aug-23 -
27-Aug-23 -
0.64 1.19% 260 1.27% 7 0.04%

Variance data between manual measurement with Radar (PX Trend) – August 24, 2023
➢ = 1.51 m
➢ = error 2.8 % (< 5%)
Cement Silo 2 & 3 (OPC) – August 23, 2023
Finish Mill P.78 Finish Mill P.78

Silo 2 (OPC) Silo 3 (OPC)

Manual Radar Measurement Manual Radar Measurement

53.50 Var. 53.50 Var.
Measurement (Inc. Dead Stock) Measurement (Inc. Dead Stock)
Shift Measurement
Date Tabel PX Tabel Shift Measurement Shift Measurement vs PX Radar Tabel Tabel Shift Measurement Radar
ERP PX Trend ERP vs PX Trend (Tabel -
(Silo) Trend (Silo) vs PX Trend Trend (Tabel - Silo) (PX Trend vs ERP) (Silo) (Silo) vs PX Trend (PX Trend vs ERP)

material material
deepness deepness
height height

m m ton m ton ton m % ton % ton % m m ton m ton ton m % ton % ton %
21-Aug-23 13.25 40.25 16,805 38.49 16,005 14,404 1.76 3.3% 800 3.5% 1,601 7.0% 45.50 8.00 2,131 15.33 5,464 5,449 -7.33 -13.7% (3,333) -14.6% 15 0.1%
22-Aug-23 11.75 41.75 17,487 39.39 16,413 14,772 2.36 4.4% 1,075 4.7% 1,640 7.2% 45.50 8.00 2,131 53.50 22,834 22,822 -45.50 -85.0% (20,703) -90.7% 12 0.1%
23-Aug-23 12.50 41.00 17,146 39.90 16,645 14,977 1.10 2.1% 501 2.2% 1,668 7.3% 45.50 8.00 2,131 14.10 4,906 4,903 -6.10 -11.4% (2,775) -12.2% 3 0.0%
24-Aug-23 11.50 42.00 17,601 40.52 16,929 1.48 2.8% 673 2.9% 39.50 14.00 4,861 13.96 4,843 0.04 0.1% 18 0.1%
0.96 1.8% 436 1.9% 701 3.07% 8.42 15.7% 3,833 16.8% 4 0.02%

Variance data between manual measurement with Radar (PX Trend) – August 24, 2023
❑ Silo 2
➢ = 1.48 m (increase 0.38 m)
➢ = error 2.8 % (< 5%)

❑ Silo 3
➢ = 0.04 m (decrease 6.06 m)
➢ = error 0.1 % (< 5%)
➢ Low stock

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