The Effect of PowerPoint Presentations Prepared An

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The effect of PowerPoint presentations prepared and presented by prospective

teachers on biology achievement and attitudes toward biology

Article in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences · December 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.462


17 1,458

5 authors, including:

Mehmet Erkol Ali Alaş

Gaziosmanpasa University Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi


Sakip Kahraman



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Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 3043–3047


The effect of PowerPoint presentations prepared and presented by

prospective teachers on biology achievement and attitudes toward
Hasan Gürbüza, Mustafa KÕúo÷lub *, Mehmet Erkola, Ali Alaúb, SakÕp Kahramanc
KazÕm Karabekir Education Faculty, Atatürk University, Erzurum, 25240, Turkey
Education Faculty, Aksaray University, Aksaray, 68100, Turkey
Education Faculty, Bayburt University, Bayburt, 69000, Turkey

Received October 26, 2009; revised December 2, 2009; accepted January 13, 2010


The study aims to explore the effect of preparing and presenting powerpoint slides on prospective teachers’ biology achievement
and attitudes toward biology. The sample of the study was 109 freshman students from Pre-School Education Department at
Atatürk University in Turkey. The sample was randomly assigned as control group consisted of 53 students and experimental
group consisted of 56 students. The experimental group was taught by powerpoint presentations preparing and presenting by
prospective teachers while the lesson was conducted through traditional approach in the control group. Results indicated that
preparing and presenting powerpoint slides had a significant effect on prospective teachers biology achievement and attitudes
towards biology.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Keywords: Computer based education; powerpoint presentations; biology achievement; attitudes toward biology; prospective teacher.

1. Introduction

The most important aim of science teaching is to provide being learned and used the science concepts which are
abstract and hard to learn. But the vast majority of students is not successfull in learning science (Leonard, 2000).
Therefore, science educators have studied to enhance students’ learning of science concepts for many years. One of
these attempts is to use computers in science education. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the computers began
to be used in the college science classroom and this kind of learning came to be called Computer Based Education
(CBE) (Halyard and Pridmore, 2000). CBE means using computers in education for all kinds of purposes. This
includes both learning process itself and the educational administration (Rahkila, 1996). According to YalÕn (2003),
CBE is to use computers for teaching a subject or for reinforcing a behaviour shaped before. In Turkey, the
computers have been using in education since 1984 (OdabaúÕ, 1998).

* Mustafa KÕúo÷lu. Tel.: 05063159387

E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-0428 © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
3044 Hasan Gürbüz et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 3043–3047

CBE has increased its popularity since the integrating computers into learning environments. Because using
computers provides teachers and students some advantages like helping to visualize the concepts, using time
effectively, improving complex problem solving and higher order thinking skills (Hopson et al. 2001-2002 ; Muir
1994 ; OdabaúÕ 1998 ; Peck and Dorricott 1994). Studies comparing CBE (include web-based, CD-ROM, simulation
e.t.c.) and traditional teaching approach revealed that CBE is more effective in increasing the students’ achievement
(Morgil et al. 2003 ; Morgil et al. 2004 ; Özdener and SayÕn 2004), attitudes toward CBE (Grossel, 1971) and the
lesson (Geban et al., 1992) than traditional teacher-centered approach. Additionally, CBE helps students eliminate
their misconceptions about the science concepts (Büyükkasap et al., 1998).
1.1. CBE in Biology Education
Many biological events have complex and dynamic structures. Therefore, the students should have knowledge
about structure, process and cause-effect relations in order to define and understand these facts (Yaman, 2005). But,
students and prospective teachers have some diffuculties in understanding these kinds of complex events and cause-
effect relationships in biological facts (Köse and Uúak 2006 ; Nehm and Reilly 2007 ; Temelli 2006). Using
computers in biology lessons have a positive effect on understanding complex and dynamic process of biology
(Pektaú et al. 2006 ; Riffell and Sibley 2005 ; Soyibo and Hudson 2000 ; Strauss and Kinzie 1994 ; TaúçÕ and Soran
2008) and on eliminating misconceptions about biological concepts (Köse et al., 2003).
1.2. Using Powerpoint Presentations in the Science Lessons
One of the presentation software programs used in CBE is Microsoft Powerpoint Program that provides to project
information directly from a computer onto a screen (Bartsch and Cobern, 2003). The some purposes of using
powerpoint presentations are to support lectures by highlighting key points, to stimulate interest by using of clipart
and cartoons and to display assignment information (Sammons, 1997). According to studies, powerpoint
presentation increases students’ motivation (Marmiené, 2006) and the achievements in the lessons (Akda÷ and Tok
2004 ; Aydo÷du 2006 ; Mantei 2000). Besides, after the instruction with powerpoint, most of the students stated that
powerpoint helped them take notes and study for exam (Noppe, 2007) and they preferred powerpoint lectures to
traditional lecture (Frey and Birnbaum, 2002).
Researches that explore the effect of preparing powerpoint presentations by students are very limited. Gunel et al.
(2006) compared the effectiveness of writing summary report and preparing powerpoint presentation on students’
achievements about two units in physics lesson. Result indicated that students preparing the powerpoint presentation
scored significantly better on achievement test than the summary report format group. In another study, Marmiené
(2006) investigated the students’ ability to choose the material and the content of powerpoint presentations on
professional topics via the internet and as well as the ability to prepare and deliver the presentation in front of the
audience. At the result, it was reported that preparing and delivering powerpoint presentation improved students’
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
In the present study, we aimed to explore the effect of powerpoint presentation preparing and presenting by
prospective teachers on biology achievement and attitudes toward biology.
2. Methodology

2.1. Participants
The sample of the study was 109 freshman prospective teachers attending the Human Anatomy and Physiology
lesson from Pre-School Education Department at Atatürk University in Turkey. The study was conducted in two
classes randomly assigned in two groups, one control group (CG) and one experimental group (EG). There were 56
students in EG and 53 students in CG.
2.2. Research Design
A quasi-experimental pre-post test design with control group was used for the study. The EG was taught by
powerpoint slides preparing and presenting by prospective teachers while the lesson was conducted through the
traditional method in CG.
2.3. Instruments
Two instruments, Biology Attitude Scale (BAS) published previously (Pekel, 2005) and Biology Achievement
Test (BAT) developed by researchers, were used to collect data. The BAS contains 15 attitude statements with each
Hasan Gürbüz et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 3043–3047 3045

items using a five-point-likert-scale (1=Strongly Disagree, 5=Strongly Agree). The BAT have 31 multiple-choice
questions about the Human Anatomy and Physiology. The BAT and the BAS were administered to both groups as
pre test and post test. Schematically, research design of the study is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Research Design of The Study

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

EG BAS, BAT Powerpoint Presentations BAS, BAT
CG BAS, BAT Traditional Method BAS, BAT

2.4. Procedure
The intervention was implemented over 9 weeks period during the first semester of 2008-2009 academic year.
The subjects of the lesson were systems in human body consisted of nervous system, endocrine system, motion
system, circulation system, respiratory system, digestive system, evacuation system, genital system and sense
organs. Before the implementation, it was introduced to the prospective teachers in EG how to prepare a powerpoint
presentation during the two weeks. Then, the prospective teachers were divided into nine groups consisted of at least
six students. Every group chose a subject to prepare powerpoint presentation. The presentations were limited to 50
slides include table, photograph, graphic and written script. The students were free to use books, articles, magazines
and internet during the preparation process of powerpoint presentations. Presentations were delivered to class by the
goup members in the technology classroom during the lesson duration. The prospective teachers used not only their
speaking skills but their communicative skills as well. They asked questions to the audience and discussed the
subject with the class. The control group students were taught by traditional teacher-centered approach involving
talk and chalk type.

3. Findings

The BAT and the BAS administered to both group as pre-test at the beginning of the study and, the results are
presented below.
According to the pre-test scores, there was no difference between EG and CG based on the BAT and the BAS
scores at the beginning of the study (p>0,05) (Table 2).
Table 2. Prospective teachers’ pre-test scores on the BAT
Group n M SD p
EG 56 11,41 3,95 0,402
CG 53 12,09 4,51

Additionally, pre-test scores of the BAS showed that there was no statistically difference between EG and CG at
the beginning of the study (Table 3).
Table 3. Prospective teachers’ pre-test scores on the BAS

Group n M SD p
EG 56 3,08 0,79 0,389
CG 53 3,22 0,88

At the end of the study, the BAT and the BAS administered to CG and EG as post-test again. Post-test scores
indicated that the prospective teachers in EG scored significantly better on the BAT than the prospective teachers in
CG (Table 4).
3046 Hasan Gürbüz et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 3043–3047

Table 4. Prospective teachers’ post-test scores on the BAT

Group n M SD p
EG 56 20,21 4,04 0,000**
CG 53 15,64 4,15
The difference is significant at level 0,001

About the BAS, post-test scores indicated that preparing and presenting powerpoint slides significantly raised the
prospective teachers’ attitudes toward biology in EG (Table 5).

Table 5. Prospective teachers’ post-test scores on the BAS

Group n M SD p
EG 56 3,19 0,79 0,012*
CG 53 2,80 0,83

4. Discussion
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of preparing and presenting powerpoint slides about human
anatomy and physiology subjects on their biology achievement and attitudes toward biology. Results indicated that
presenting and preparing powerpoint slides had a significant effect on prospective teachers’ biology achievement
and attitude toward biology. The learners are active in preparing process of the powerpoint slides and use different
sources about the subjects. Therefore, they get kinds of information and construct them in their minds. Finally, this
construction in mind positively effects conceptual understanding and attitude. These results also supports Mayer’s
cognitive theory of multimedia learning. According to Mayer (2001 ; as cited in Bartsch and Cobern, 2003, p.84),
people, when learning, will place relevant words into auditory working memory and relevant images into visual
working memory. People then organize information separately in auditory and visual memory and finally integrate
these representations with prior knowledge.
These results are very meaningful for displaying the advantages of powerpoint presentation prepared by students
according to the constructivist manner in increasing the students’ biology learning and attitudes toward biology.
Further studies about the other biological subjects are recommended to the researchers in biology education.

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