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Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning

aarom assistive active range of motion DM Diabetes Mellitus

abd abdomen DNR do not resuscitate
ac before a meal DOA dead on arrival
ad lib as desired DOB date of birth
ADL activities of daily living DON Director of Nursing
adm admission, admitted DR dining room
AM morning dsg./drsg dressing
amb ambulate, ambulatory, able to walk DVT Deep vein thrombosis
amt amount DX Diagnosis
approx approximately EKG Electrocardiogram
arom active range of motion ENT ear, nose, throat
as tol as tolerated ER Emergency Room
ASAP as soon as possible ESRD End stage renal disease
ax axillary FBS Fasting blood sugar
bid twice a day FF Force fluids
BLS Basic Life Support fl (fld) fluid
BM bowel movement ft feet
BP, B/P blood pressure Fx Fracture
BR bed rest GI Gastrointestinal
BSC Bedside Commode gt, gtt drop, drops
c with Gyn Gynecology
c/o complains of h (hr) hour
Ca cancer H2O water
cath catheter HAV Hepatitis A Virus
CBC Complete blood count HBV Hepatitis B Virus
CBR complete bed rest HCV Hepatitis C Virus
cc cubic centimeter HOB head of bed
CCU Cardiac care unit/ coronary care unit HOH Hard of hearing
CDC Center for Disease Control HS, hs Hour of sleep (bedtime)
CHF Congestive Heart Failure ht. height
cl liq clear liquids HTN Hypertension
CNA Certified Nursing Assistant Hx History
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease I&O intake and output
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation ICU Intensive care unit
CVA Cerebrovascular accident or stroke IDDM Insulin dependent DM
dc, d/c discontinue in inch
disch discharge Isol Isolation
DJD degenerative joint disease IV intravenous
Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning
Lab Laboratory qd every day
lb. pound qh every hour
liq liquid qhs every night at bedtime
LLE Lower Left Extremeties qid Four times a day
LPN Licensed Practical nurse qod every other day
LUE Left upper extremeties R rectal or respirations
LVN Licensed Vocational nurse R/O rule out
meds medications RBC red blood cells
MI mycardial infraction rehab rehabilitation
mL milliliter resp respiration
MS Multiple sclerosis RLE right lower extremeties
N&V nausea and vomiting RN Registered Nurse
NA Nursing Assistant ROM range of motion
neg negative s without
NGT Nasogastric tube S/S signs and symptoms
NIDDM noninsulin dependent DM SOB shortness of breath
NKA No known allergies spec specimen
no. number ST speech therapy
noc night STAT At once, immediately
NPO nothing by mouth TB Tuberculosis
O2 oxygen Tbsp Tablespoon
ocbed occupied bed TIA Transsichemic attack/stroke
OJ orange juice tid three times a day
OOB out of bed TLC Tender Loving Care
OT occupational therapy TPR temperature, pulse, respirations
OTC Over the counter tsp. teaspoon
oz ounces TY tympanic
pc after meals U/A Urinalysis
per by, through unbed unoccupied bed
PM afternoon, evening UTI urinary tract infection
PO By mouth VS vital signs
Post op spec After surgery urine specimen w/c wheelchair
PRN as needed WA while awake
prom Passive Range of Motion WBC White blood cells
pt patient wt weight
PT physical therapy
q every
q2, q3, etc every 2 hrs, every 3 hours, etc.

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