Bordism Skript
Bordism Skript
Bordism Skript
Johannes Ebert
Mathematisches Institut Universität Münster Einsteinstr. 62
48149 Münster, Germany
Winter term 2011/12; Manuscript typeset by Felix Haas
1 Differential Topology 2
1.1 Transversality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Orientations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 The cobordism relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Characteristic Classes 26
3.1 Definition and Basic Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2 Universal Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 Cohomology of classfying spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.4 Multiplicative Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5 Bordism vs. Homotopy: The Pontrjagin-Thom Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.6 Pontrjagin-Thom Construction and Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1 Differential Topology
Definition 1.0.1 Regular and Singular Value Let M m , N n , be two smooth manifolds and f ∶
M → N be a smooth map. An element x ∈ N is a regular value if for all y ∈ M with f (y) = x, the
differential Ty f ∶ Ty M → Tx N is surjective. A singular value is an x ∈ N which is not a regular
Remark 1.0.2 If m < n, then the condition that x ∈ N is a regular value means that x does not
lie in the image of f .
Definition 1.0.5 Let M m be a smooth manifold and C ⊂ M be a subset. We say that C has
measure zero if for each chart M ⊃ U → Rn , the set φ(C ∩ U ) ⊂ Rn has Lebesgue measure zero.
This notion is well defined because of two facts: a C 1 -diffeomorphism of open subsets of Rn maps
sets of measure zero to measure zero; and any manifold has a countable atlas. Note that the union
of countably many sets of measure zero has again measure zero and that the complement of a set
of measure zero is never empty (unless M itself is empty). The following theorem is fundamental
for all of differential topology.
Theorem 1.0.6 Sard′ s Theorem Let f ∶ M m → N n be a smooth map. Then the set of singular
values of f Crit(f ) ⊂ N has measure zero.
For the proof, see [1], p. 58 ff. The most immediate application, or rather, the simplest special
case, of Sard’s theorem is:
Corollary 1.0.7 If n > m and f ∶ M m → N n is smooth, then f (M ) ⊂ N has measure zero, hence
N ∖ f (M ) ≠ ∅.
We discussed the proof that is given in [2], section 15.7, but only in the case N = Rn . Recall that a
proper injective immersion is an embedding. In particular, if we started with a proper map f and
a bounded , the resulting g will be an embedding. Each manifold admits a proper map to R: pick
a countable, locally finite cover by relatively compact open sets Ui of M , let fi ∶ M → R≥0 be a
function with compact support and fi ∣Vi = 1, where Vi ⊂ Ui are smaller subsets that cover X. Then
the function f = ∑i ifi is proper. So any manifold has a proper map to Rn for each n. This shows
that we can realize any manifold as a closed submanifold of Rn for n ≥ 2m + 1. In particular, any
manifold admits a complete metric.
Definition 1.0.9 Let f ∶ M → N be an immersion. The normal bundle of f is the vector bundle
ν f ∶= f ∗ T N /T M on M . If f is the inclusion of a submanifold, we write νM
or simply νM for the
normal bundle.
Remark 1.0.10 Suppose that N has a Riemann metric. Then the normal bundle is isomorphic
to the orthogonal complement of T M in the Riemannian vector bundle f ∗ T N .
Before we define tubular neighborhoods, we add a small remark on vector bundles. Let π ∶ E → M
be a smooth vector bundle. There is a canonical bundle monomorphism η ∶ E → T E∣M , sending
e ∈ E to the equivalence class of the curve R → E; t ↦ te. Moreover, the differential of π yields a
vector bundle epimorphism T π ∶ T E∣M → T M . These maps yield an exact sequence
0 → E → T E∣M → T M → 0, (1)
which admits a canonical splitting, namely the differential of the zero section ι ∶ M → E.
2. There is an open neighborhood U ⊂ ν f of the zero section such that t∣U is an embedding.
η Tt
3. The composition ν f → T ν f → f ∗ T N → ν f (the first map was described before the definition,
the third map is the quotient map) is the identity map.
We followed the proof given in [2] and we used a lemma from [1]. To gain some flexibility in dealing
with tubular maps, we need two lemmata.
Lemma 1.0.13 There exists a smooth map σ ∶ R+ × R+ × [0, 1] × Rn → Rn , (r, , t, x) ↦ σtr, (x) such
2. σ0r, = id.
Using this lemma, we show: if t ∶ ν f → N is a tubular map, then there exists a tubular map
t̃ ∶ ν f → N that coincides with f on a neighborhood of the zero section and that embeds the whole
of ν f into N . The image of such a tubular map is called a tubular neighborhood. The following
theorem explains in which sense a tubular neighborhood is uniquely determined by f .
An application of the Whitney embedding theorem and tubular maps is the following theorem.
1. There exists a function ∶ M → (0, ∞), such that any function g ∶ M → N which satisfies
d(f (x), g(x)) < (x) is homotopic to f .
2. For any continuous function ∶ M → (0, ∞), there is a smooth map g ∶ M → N with
d(f (x), g(x)) < (x). If there is a closed A ⊂ M and f is already smooth on a neighbor-
hood of A, we can pick g to coincide with f on A.
1.1 Transversality
The most important notion in differential topology is transversality.
The proof is an exercise. The following result is one of the key results of differential topology:
The proof presented in the lecture was taken from [1], §14. The first application of transversality
is to computations of some homotopy groups (see any book on algebraic topology, e.g. [2], for the
definition of homotopy groups).
By Theorem 1.0.15, any homotopy class has a smooth representative, which can be chosen to
be tranverse to g. A dimension count and a similar argument, applied to homotopies, gives the
Example 1.1.6 Let Mon(Rn , Rm ) ⊂ Matm,n (R) be the subspace of injective linear maps. It is an
open subset; and the complement Matm,n ∖ Mon(Rn , Rm ) is the union ⋃n−1
r=0 Mr , where Mr is the
subset of all matrices of rank r. Mr is a submanifold of dimension (m − r)r + rn and therefore
πi (Mon(Rn , Rm ) = 0 for i < m − n.
1.2 Orientations
For many purposes in differential topology, orientations are quite important. We begin by fixing
definitions and conventions. Let V be a finite-dimensional real vector space. An orientation of V
is an equivalence of bases of V , where two bases are equivalent if their transformation matrix has
positive determinant. Another way (and in some sense better) to define orientations is by means
of the exterior algebra.
Definition 1.2.1 Let V be an n-dimensional real vector space. Let Λn V be the top exterior power;
a one-dimensional vector space. An orientation of V is one of the two components of Λn V ∖ {0}.
The standard orientation of Rn is the component containing the element e1 ∧ . . . en . If V and W
are two oriented vector spaces, we orient their sum V ⊕ W so that, if (v1 , . . . , vn ) is an oriented
basis of V and (w1 , . . . , wm ) is an oriented basis of W , then (v1 , . . . , vn , w1 , . . . , wm ) is an oriented
basis of V ⊕ W .
The problem with this definition is that the vector spaces V ⊕ W and W ⊕ V are canonically
isomorphic, but that the isomorphism is not orientation preserving (its determinant is (−1)mn ). It
can be shown that it is impossible to remove this problem: direct sum of oriented vector spaces is
not a symmetric operation, or in more fancy terms: oriented vector spaces do not form a symmetric
monoidal category.
Again, a more elegant definition can be given using the exterior algebra. Let Λn V → X be the
bundle of top exterior powers. It is a real line bundle. We form Or(V ) ∶= (Λn V ∖0)/R>0 → X; which
is a twofold covering. We define an orientation to be a cross-section of Or(V ) → X. The above
orientation conventions prompt an orientation convention for submanifolds. If M is an oriented
manifold and N ⊂ M a submanifold, we say that orientations of N and the normal bundle νN M
compatible if the (almost) canonical isomorphism T M ∣N ≅ T N ⊕ νN is orientation-preserving.
Definition 1.3.2 Normal Vector Field Let (W, φ0 , φ1 ) be a bordism from M0 to M1 . A normal
vector field is a section v ∶ ∂M → T M ∣∂M such that for all x ∈ ∂0 W , the vector v(x) is an inward
vector and for all x ∈ ∂1 W , v(x) is outward.
One can show that there is always a normal vector field and the space of normal vector fields
is convex (a partition of unity argument). Any normal vector field gives rise to a vector bundle
R ⊕ T ∂W ≅ T W ∣∂W ; (u, t) ↦ u + tv. (2)
Using this isomorphism, we define the notion of an oriented bordism.
Definition 1.3.4 Bordism Group The unoriented bordism group of n-dimensional manifolds is
the set
Nn ∶= {M n ∣ M closed smooth n − manifold}/ ∼
M0 ∼ M 1 ∶⇔ there is a bordism from M0 to M1 .
The oriented bordism group is the set
Theorem 1.3.5 Bordism and oriented bordism are equivalence relations. The assigment [M0 ] +
[M1 ] ↦ [M0 ∐ M1 ] turns both Nn and Ωn into abelian groups. Moreover, defining [M0 ][M1 ] ∶=
[M0 × M1 ], turns N∗ ∶= ⊕n≥0 Nn into a commutative ring and Ω∗ ∶= ⊕n≥0 Ωn into a graded-
commutative ring.
Proof: We only prove that being bordant is an equivalence relation for Ωn (Nn is easier).
• Neutral element: ∅ ∐ M = M ∐ ∅ = M
• Inverse: We have [M ] + [−M ] = ∅, which can be seen, by considering the cylinder over M
and bending one end over the other.
Due to the classification of 1-dimensional manifolds, the zero dimensional bordism groups are
easy to calculate. The result is that Ω0 ≅ Z and N0 ≅ Z/2. This calculation already gives rise to
interesting results. Consider the following situation. Let M m be an oriented manifold, N n ⊂ M m
be a submanifold. Let furthermore K k be a third oriented and closed manifold and f ∶ K → M be
a smooth map. Assume that f ⋔ N . Then f −1 (N ) ⊂ K is a submanifold of K; it has dimension
k − m + n and the normal bundle is νfK−1 (N ) ≅ f ∗ νN
. Since M and N are oriented, νN has an
orientation by the above convention and we orient f (N ) by this orientation convention. Taking
the bordism class of f −1 (N ), we obtain an element
♯(f ; N ) ∶= [f (N )] ∈ Ωk−m+n .
That this definition makes sense is the content of the next result. The proof gives a first insight of
the connection between homotopies and bordism and is an important motivation for the
Pontrjagin-Thom construction.
The simplest special case of the invariant ♯(f ; N ) is when k − m + n = 0; in this case we get an
element in Ω0 = Z. We discuss two special cases in more detail. The first is the mapping degree.
Let f ∶ M n → N n be a smooth map between closed oriented manifolds of the same dimension. Let
z ∈ N be a regular value. Let 1 " f ∶ M → M × N be the map x ↦ (x, f (x)) (the graph embedding).
Definition 1.3.7 Mapping Degree The mapping degree at a regular value z ∈ N of a smooth
map f ∶ M → N is the element degz (f ) ∶= ♯(1 " f ; M × z) ∈ Ω0 = Z.
Proposition 1.3.8 The mapping degree has the following properties:
1. If N is connected, then degz (f ) does not depend on the choice of the regular value z.
2. If f0 ∼ f1 , then deg(f0 ) = deg(f1 ).
3. deg f g = deg(f ) deg(g).
The first two properties are not entirely trivial consequences of the homotopy invariance. For the
first, we consider the submanifold graph(f ) = {(x, f (x)} ⊂ M × N and the map ιz ∶ M → M × N ,
x ↦ (x, z) and note that ♯(1 " f ; M × z) = (−1)n ♯(ιz , graph(f )). Now we can give a purely
differential-topological proof of one of the pivotal results of homotopy theory. Let M n be a closed
oriented connetced n-manifold. Let [M ; S n ] be the set of homotopy classes of continuous maps.
Given f ∶ M → S n , we know that f is homotopic to a smooth map. The homotopy invariance of
the mapping degree shows that [f ] ↦ deg(f ) is a well-defined map [M ; S n ] → Z.
Theorem 1.3.9 Hopf The map deg ∶ [M ; S m ] → Z is a bijection for each closed oriented
connected n-manifold M .
Corollary 1.3.10 There is an isomorphism of groups πn (S n ) ≅ Z.
Another important special case of the intersection index is the Euler number of a vector bundle.
Let V → M be a rank k oriented vector bundle over a compact oriented manifold of dimension n.
Then the Euler number Eul(V ) is defined to be the element ♯(s; M ) ∈ Ωn−k , where M ⊂ V is the
zero section and s ∶ M → V is any section transverse to the zero section. Surely Eul(V ) does not
depend on the choice of s and if V has a section without zero, then Eul(V ) = 0. Computation of
some examples (spheres, complex-projective spaces, oriented surfaces) give credibility to the
following theorem.
Theorem 1.3.11 If M is a closed oriented manifold, then
Eul(T M ) = χ(M ) = ∑ (−1)k dim Hk (M ; Q).
The proof can be given either using Morse theory [6] or Poincaré duality (see Theorem 2.4.15
Definition and Lemma 2.1.2 Fundamental Class Let M n be a topological manifold and
x ∈ K ⊂ M n with K compact. Then there is exactly one class [M ]K ∈ Hn (M, M − K), such that
for all x ∈ K and every oriented chart x ∈ U → Rn with ϕ(x) = 0, we have that
/ Hn (M, M − x) ≅ / Hn (U, U − x) ≅ / Hn (Rn , Rn − 0).
Hn (M, M − K)
[M ]K / µn
Remark 2.1.4 Neighborhood retracts (e.g. submanifolds) are ”nice”. If K, L are not nice, then
the above isomorphism still holds, if one replaces H p (K, L) by the Cech-cohomology
Ȟ ∶= colimU,V H p (U, V ),
where L ⊂ U ⊂ V ⊃ K and U, V are open in M .
Example 2.1.5
1. Let M m , N n be oriented topological manifolds and K ⊆ M, L ⊆ N compact, then
[M × N ]K×L = [M ]K × [N ]L ∈ Hm+n ((M × N ), (M × N ) − (K × L))
due to the uniqueness of the fundamental class.
2. Let M0 , M1 be oriented, compact n-manifolds and (W, id0 , id1 ) an oriented bordism. We glue
necks onto W :
̂ ∶= W ∪M ((−∞, 0] × M0 ) ∪M ([0, ∞) × M1 ),
W 0 1
̂, W
consider the isomorphism ϕ ∶ Hn+1 (W ̂ − W ) → Hn+1 (W, ∂W ) and define
[W ] ∶= φ∗ [W ]W ∈ H (W, ∂W ).
It holds that
∂[W ] = −[∂0 W ] + [∂1 W ].
Proof: W.l.o.g. let f be smooth, x ∈ N be a regular value. Let further x ∈ U ⊆ N with U open
and all u ∈ N be regular values. Then
f ∣f −1 (U ) ∶ f −1 (U ) Ð→ U
Hn (M ) / Hn (N )
Hn (M, M − {y1 , . . . , yr }) / Hn (N, N − x)
Hn (⊔ri=1 Vi , ⊔ri=1 (Vi − {yi })) Hn (Rn , Rn − 0)
(a1 ,...,ar )↦∑i ai
⊕ri=1 Hn (Rn , Rn − 0)
H k (M ) / H n+k (W, ∂W )
≅ ≅
≅ / Hm−k (W )
Hm−k (M )
which lets the above map be an isomorphism called Thom-isomorphism. The image of 1 ∈ H 0 (M )
under this map is referred to as the Thom class.
For the general situation, we consider a principal ideal domain R, a topological space X and a
fiber bundle π ∶ E → X with fiber F x ∶= π −1 (x) and a subbundle E0 ⊂ E. We make the following
definitions and remarks:
The Leray-Hirsch theorem makes a statement on the structure of H ∗ (E; E0 ) as a module over
H ∗ (X) under the following assumption.
Theorem 2.3.3 Leray − Hirsch Theorem Let everything be as above and assume 2.3.2, then
Φ ∶ H ∗ (X) ⊗R RB Ð→ H ∗ (E, E0 ; R)
x ⊗ b z→ π ∗ x ⋅ b
1.) Formalities
f˜ f
(E, E0 )
π /X
TopX Ð→ R − Mod
where TopX has as objects (f, Y ) where f ∶ Y → X is a continuous function and the
morphisms are commutative triangles
Y1 /X
Φ is given by
Φ ∶ H ∗ (Y ) ⊗R RB Ð→ H ∗ (f ∗ E, f ∗ E0 ; R)
y ⊗ b z→ π∣∗ y ⋅ f˜∗ b f
where the first isomophism is given by r ⊗ b ↦ (rx )x∈X ⊗ b and the second by b ↦ (bx )x∈X .
Under these identifications, Φ becomes
Φ ∶ ( ∏ R) ⊗R RB Ð→ ∏ H (F , F0 ; R),
x x
x∈X x∈X
(rx )x∈X ⊗ b z→ (rx bx )x∈X
which is an isomorphism.
3.) We check the Mayer-Vietoris property. Take A, B ⊆ X open, and assume the theorem holds
for A, B, A ∩ B, then we shall prove that the theorem also holds for A ∪ B. We introduce the
Ln (A) ∶= (H ∗ (A) ⊗R RB)n (the piece of degree n); K n (A) ∶= H n (E∣A , E0 ∣A ; R);
≅ Φ ≅ Φ ≅ Φ ≅ Φ ≅ Φ
K n−1 (A) ⊕ K n−1 (B) / K n−1 (A ∩ B) ∂ / K n (A ∪ B) / K n (A) ⊕ K n (B) / K n (A ∩ B)
All the above squares commute, only commutativity of the square containing the boundary
maps ∂ needs to be checked. Commutativity here amounts to
×z ×z ×z
0 / C ∗ (Y × Z) / C ∗ (U1 × Z) ⊕ C ∗ (U2 × Z) / C ∗ (U1 ∩ U2 × Z) /0
U ×Z
with z ∈ C ∗ (Z) and ∂z = 0, where the subscript denotes the complex of small simplices with
respect to the covers U = {U1 , U2 } and U × Z = {U1 × Z, U2 × Z}. These complexes are chain
equivalent to the full singular cochain complex by the small simplex theorem. Thus the
boundary map ∂ from the Mayer-Vietoris sequence commutes with the cohomology cross
product ×. Thus we indeed have the above commutativity.
4.) Let f ∶ Y → X be a weak homotopy equivalence (i.e. fn ∶ πn (Y ) Ð→ πn (X) ∀n). We assume
that the theorem holds for Y and show that this also lets the theorem hold for X.
The map f induces a map between the long exact homotopy sequences:
π∗ (F x ) / π∗ (f ∗ E) / π∗ (Y ) / π∗−1 (F x ) /⋯
≅ ≅ ≅ ≅
π∗ (F x ) / π∗ (E) / π∗ (X) / π∗−1 (F x ) /⋯
Thus by the 5-Lemma, f˜ ∶ f ∗ E → E is a weak homotopy equivalence and the same argument
shows that f˜ ∶ f ∗ E0 → E0 is weak homotopy equivalence. By the Hurewicz theorem and the
5-Lemma again,
f˜∗ ∶ H∗ (f ∗ E; f ∗ E0 ) Ð→ H∗ (E; E0 )
is an isomorphism and the universal coefficient theorem proves that
H ∗ (E, E0 ; R) Ð→ H ∗ (f ∗ E, f ∗ E0 ; R)
H ∗ (X) Ð→ H ∗ (Y )
is an isomorphism.
5.) The theorem holds for all finite dimensional CW complexes X. This is proved by induction
on the dimension n of X. We have already seen the case n = 0. So now let dim(X) = n > 0
and let D ⊂ X contain exactly one point out of every open n-cell. The theorem holds for D.
A ∶= ⋃ {open n−cells} ≃ D, B ∶= X ∖ D ≃ X n−1 ;
this gives a cover A ∪ B = X and A ∩ B = ∪ ({open n−cells} ∖ {∗}) ≃ ∪S n−1 . By induction
hypothesis and step (4), the theorem holds for A, B and A ∩ B and so by step (3), it follows
for X.
6.) We can now prove the theorem for an arbitrary CW complex X. We set E (n) ∶= π −1 (X (n) )
and have a commutative diagram
H ∗ (X) ⊗R RB
Φ / H ∗ (E, E0 ; R)
≅ (i)
(lim H ∗ (X (n) )) ⊗R RB ≅ (ii)
= (iii)
lim Φ(n)
lim(H (Xn (n)
) ⊗R RB) ←
Ð / lim H ∗ (E (n) , E (n) )
←Ð ←Ð 0
where (i) is an isomorphism by the CW-homology theorem. The map (ii) is an isomorphism
since E (n) → E is a π∗ -isomorphism for ∗ < n and thus a homology isomorphism in small
degrees. (iii) is an isomorphism because the inverse system is eventually constant.
2.4 Thom-Isomorphism
Definition 2.4.1 Thom − Class Let π ∶ V → X be a real vector bundle of rank n and set
V0 ∶= V ∖ 0 where 0 is understood as the image of the zero section. A Thom-class is an element
is an isomorphism.
Remark 2.4.3
• If τ is a Thom-class for V → Y and f ∶ X → Y , then
f˜∗ τ ∈ H n (f ∗ V, f ∗ V0 )
is a Thom-class also.
τV × τW ∈ H n+m (V × W, (V × W )0 )
is a Thom-class also.
Definition 2.4.4 Thom − Space Let V → X be a vector bundle with metric, then consider the
associated disc and sphere bundles
Remark 2.4.5
• If X is compact, then the Thom-space coincides with the one-point-compactification:
Th(V ) = V + .
• We have
̃ ∗ (Th(V )) ≅ H ∗ (V, V0 ),
H Th(V × W ) ≅ Th(V ) ∧ Th(W ).
Theorem 2.4.8 Let V → X be a vector bundle of rank n, then set HV ∶= ∐x∈X H n (V x , V0x ; R)
(which has a unique topology that turns it into a bundle (of discrete abelian groups) over X).
1.) The following is an isomorphism of abelian groups:
ψ ∶ H n (V, V0 ; R) Ð→ Γ(X; HV ).
α z→ (x ↦ jx∗ α)
The proof follows a similar pattern as the proof of the Leray-Hirsch theorem.
1.) ψ is natural w.r.t. bundle maps. We have Hf ∗ X = f ∗ HV and the following commutes for
f ∶Y →X
H n (V, V0 ; R) / Γ(X; HV )
H n (f ∗ V, f ∗ V0 ; R) / Γ(Y ; Hf ∗ V )
where we have used the Künneth theorem and Γ(X; HV ) = C 0 (X, H n (Rn , Rn − 0)). So the
theorem holds for trivial bundles.
3.) We now run a Mayer-Vietoris argument. Let X = A ∪ B with A, B open. We assume that
the theorem holds for A, B, A ∩ B. We get the commutative diagram
= (i) ≅ ≅
⋯0 / Γ(HV ) / Γ(A, HV ) ⊕ Γ(B, HV ) / Γ(A ∩ B, HV ).
The upper row is the Mayer-Vietoris sequence, and we have used that
H n−1 (V ∣A∩B , V0 ∣A∩B ) = 0 by assumption. The exactness of the bottom sequence is clear.
With the 5-lemma we get that (i) is also an isomorphism. As in the proof of Theorem 2.3.3,
we conclude that the statement is true for bundles over CW complexes.
1.) if V is oriented, then there is exactly one compatible Thom-class τV ∈ H ∗ (V, V0 ; Z),
2.) For R = Z/2 we have H n (V x , V0x , Z/2) = Z/2, then HX (V, V0 , Z/2) → X is a Z/2
group-bundle (not a principal bundle!) and thus trivial. Considering the isomorphism in
ψ ∶ H n (V, V0 ; R) Ð→ Γ(HV ; R), α z→ (x ↦ jx∗ α)
it follows that α is a Thom class, iff ψ(α)(x) is a generator for all x ∈ X, but in a Z/2 there
is only one such generator.
1.) In the bundle H n (V, V0 ; R) we have the subbundle UV of all generators, which is a Z/2
principal bundle and thus not necessary trivial. Considering the orientation bundle Or(V )
we have the isomorphism
Or(V ) Ð→ UV ,
oX z→ ϕ∗x un
Theorem 2.4.11 Properties of the Euler − Class Let V, V1 , V2 be vector bundles over X of
rank n, n1 and n2 respectively. Let f ∶ Y → X be a continuous function, then the following hold
4.) if n = rank (V ) is odd, then 2e(V ) = 0 and thus e(V1 ⊕ V2 ) = e(V1 ) ∪ e(V2 ) is always true.
3.) Since two sections are alway homotopic, we have that z is homotopic to the zero section s, so
e(V ) = s∗ τV = z ∗ τV .
(X, X)
and H n (X, X) = 0, we have e(V ) = 0.
4.) We denote V with opposite orientation by V − and consider the orientation reversing map
f (v) = −v. With the commuting diagram
V / V,
τN ∩ [M ]K = (−1)n(m−n) j∗ [N ]K ∈ Hn (M, V )
• M = U due to excision,
Corollary 2.4.13 Let M m be oriented and compact, π ∶ V → M a vector bundle of rank k and
s ∶ M → V a section that is transversal to the zero section: s ⋔ 0. Then K m−k ∶= s−1 (0) ⊆ M is a
submanifold with νZM = V ∣Z . It follows that
Corollary 2.4.14 Poincare − Hopf With the same conditions as in the previous corollary, but
k = m and thus [Z] ∈ Ω0 ≅ Z, it holds that
Theorem 2.4.15 Topological Gauss − Bonnet Let M n be a closed oriented manifold, then
• If n is odd, then 2e(T M ) = 0 and thus ⟨e(T M ), [M ]⟩ = 0, but also χ(M ) = 0, due to
Poincaré duality and the universal coefficient theorem, i.e.
• We thus consider n even and chose B a basis of H∗ (M ; Q), where all α ∈ B are homogeneous
and {α# ∣ α ∈ B} is a basis for H ∗ (M ; Q) with
⟨α# ∪ β, [M ]⟩ = δα,β ∀ α, β ∈ B.
Note that such elements α# ∈ H ∗ (M ; Q) exist, due to Poincaré duality. Now we consider
the diagonal
τ = ∑ cγδ (γ # × δ), γ, δ ∈ B.
which gives cαβ = (−1)∣α∣ δαβ and thus τ = ∑α (−1)∣α∣ (α# × α), which in turn lets us calculate
Definition 2.5.1 Fiber Bundle with Structure Group A fiber bundle over X with structure
group G and fiber F is a triple
π q
(E Ð→ X, P Ð→ X, ϕ)
• π ∶ E Ð→ X is a fiber bundle,
Remark 2.5.2 Alternative Definition In the literature one usually finds the above definition
in terms of an open, trivializing cover {Ui }i∈I of X with trivializations
hi ∶ π −1 (Ui ) Ð→ Ui × F,
ϕij ∶= hi ○ h−1
j ∶ (Ui ∩ Uj ) × F Ð→ (Ui ∩ Uj ) × F
(x, f ) z→ (x, gij (x)f )
with the functions gij ∶ (Ui ∩ Uj ) → G fulfilling the cocycle condition gij gjk = gik . Definition 2.5.1
agrees with that provided G ⊂ Homeo(F ), i.e. G acts faithfully on F .
Example 2.5.3
• G = Diff(X) with C ∞ -topology and X a compact manifold gives a smooth bundle with fibre
which gives the contravariant functor PrinG (−) ∶ Top Ð→ Set. Since f0 ≅ f1 gives f0∗ P ≅ f1∗ P , the
functor PrinG (−) in fact factorizes over HoTop ∶
is a bijection. The answer to this question is affirmative, if we restrict ourselves to base spaces X
that are CW-complexes, and is given by the so called classifying space.
R /P
X × [0, 1]
r / X × [0, 1]
Before we come to the proof of the theorem, let us state a few corollaries.
Corollary 2.6.2 Let X, P, G be as in the theorem and Pt ∶= P ∣X×{t} . Then there is a bundle
P1 × [0, 1] /P
X × [0, 1]
id / X × [0, 1]
Proof: P1 × [0, 1] = r∗ P
f0∗ P ≅ f1∗ P.
Remark 2.6.5 The proof of Theorem 2.6.1 is not very intuitive, and so we give a few examples
to get a feeling of what is involved.
E0 × [0, 1] / X × [0, 1]
π0 ×id
where the diagonal map exists and is unique because of the homotopy lifting theorem.
2.) Vector bundles on compact spaces. Let V → X × [0, 1] be a vector bundle and X a compact
Hausdorff space. Let further pr ∶ X × [0, 1] → X be the projection onto the first component
and ιt ∶ X → X × [0, 1] the embedding ιt (x) ∶= (x, t) for which we define Vt ∶= ι∗t V, then it
holds that
V ∣X×{t} ≅ (pr∗ Vt )∣X×{t}
By the Tietze extension theorem, there is a neighborhood X × {t} ⊆ U ⊆ X × I such that
V ∣U ≅ (pr∗ Vt )∣U .
Since X is compact there is a ε > 0, such that X × (t − ε, t + ε) ⊆ U and thus
Vt ≅ Vu , for ∣u − t∣ < ε.
Since I is compact and connected, we get V0 ≅ V1 . (Lebesgue Lemma).
3.) Smooth fiber bundles with compact fibers. Let M be a manifold and f ∶ X → M × I a smooth
fiber bundle with compact fiber. ∂t is a vector field on M × I. There is a vector field V on X
(Tx f )(Vx ) = ∂t ∣f (x) .
In the following the fact that f is proper is essential. We take the flow ϕt of V and get the
ϕt φ
X /X X0 × [0, 1] /X
f f
M ×R
m / M ×R M × [0, 1]
id / M × [0, 1]
• There is an open cover (Uj )j∈N of X such that PUj ×[0,1] is trivial. Let λj be a partition of
unity subordinate to (Uj )j∈N , and set
We now define
P ∣Uj ×[0,1] / P∣
Uj ×[0,1]
≅ ≅
(rj ,idG )
Uj × [0, 1] × G / Uj × [0, 1] × G
and, outside of supp(λj ), we have that Rj is the identity. We can thus extend Rj to all of
P . Now, due to the local finiteness of the partition of unity, the following expressions are
well defined and give the maps stated in the theorem
R ∶= ⋯ ○ Rj ○ Rj−1 ○ ⋯ ○ R2 ○ R1 ,
r ∶= ⋯ ○ rj ○ rj−1 ○ ⋯ ○ r2 ○ r1 .
where we restrict ourself to the case where X is a CW-complex. The proof of the general case can
be found in [2], chapter 14.
P ∣A /E
A /B
and with Zorn’s lemma there exists a maximal element. It now suffices to study the case where
we just add one cell, i.e. X is the pushout in
S n−1 /Y
Dn /X
Now given the bundle map f ∶ PY → E, we recall the homotopy theorem and get
π ∗ P ≅ Dn × G.
S n−1 × G Ð→ E,
which is G-equivariant and thus determined by f˜∣S n−1 ×1 → E. Now finally due to πn−1 (E) = 0, we
see that we can extend f˜ and thus also f .
Proof: For a space Z to be weakly contractible, it is equivalent, that for all k ≥ 0 and every
map S k−1 → Z factors over Dk :
S k−1 /Z
For Z = mapG (P ; E), this amounts to
P × S k−1 /E
P × Dk
which is solved by the last theorem.
f /G
X /B
gives f ∗ E ≅ P . It only remains to show uniqueness. Let f0 , f1 be two such maps, then define
f = (f0 , f1 ) ∶ X × {0, 1} → E and we have the isomorphism
ϕ ∶ P × {0, 1} Ð→ f ∗ E Ð→ E.
So we have a bundle P × [0, 1] → X × [0, 1] and the G-map ϕ, thus the extension of f to X × [0, 1]
exists and we have f0 ≅ f1 .
EG ∶= E, BG ∶= B.
Example 2.7.5
1.) Let G = Σn be the symmetric group, and
and thus gives rise to the unordered configuration space C n (Rm ) ∶= F n (Rm )/Σn . Together
they form the Σn -principal bundle
F n (Rm ) Ð→ C n (Rm ).
The configuration space has vanishing lower homotopy groups: πi (F n (Rm )) = 0 for i < m − 1
by Theorem 1.1.4, thus the direct limit
Let now π ∶ Y → X be any n-fold covering (i.e. a fiber bundle with structure group Σn and
fiber n = {1, . . . , n}), then considering
and an embedding j:
Y / X × R∞
we can define fj ∶ X → C (R ), fj (z) ∶= j(π −1 (z)), which gives
n ∞
2.) Let G = Gln (R). Recall the definition of the Stiefel manifolds
n ∶= {f ∈ Matm,n ∣ f injective},
by which we can define the Grassmann manifolds Grm n ∶= Stn /Gln (R). Again we work with
Vn,m ∶= Stm
n ×Gln (R) R Ð→ Grn
n m
X / Gr∞
3.) We take any closed subgroup G ⊂ Gln (R). Then G is a Lie group and
Gln (R) Ð→ Gln (R)/G
is a smooth G-principal bundle. Analogous to the previous case, we have
BG ≅ St∞ ∞
n /G = (Stn ×Gln (R) (GLn (R)/G))
4.) The previous examples are folklore; this one I found in the book [3]. We consider the
diffeomorphism group G = Diff(M ) with C ∞ -topology of a compact manifold M . We
consider the Fréchet submanifold of embeddings Emb(M, R∞ ) ⊆ C ∞ (M, Rm ), and the action
Diff(M ) × Emb(M, Rm ) Ð→ Emb(M, Rm ), (f, j) ↦ j ○ f.
We will check that this gives the Diff(M )-principal bundle
Emb(M, Rm ) Ð→ Emb(M, Rm )/Diff(M ).
Fix a j0 ∶ M ↪ Rm and w.l.o.g. let this be the inclusion. We consider a tubular neighborhood
U → M ↪ Rm and set
U ∶= {j ∶ M → Rm ∣ j(M ) ⊆ U, r ○ j ∶ M → M diffeomorphism} ⊆ Emb(M, Rm ).
Diff(M ) ⊆ C ∞ (M, M ) is open (note that for the homeomorphisms Homeo(M ) ⊆ C 0 (M, M )
is not open, since being a homeomorphism is not an open condition). The mapping
U Ð→ U, j ↦ j ○ (rj)−1
is Diff(M )-equivariant, since for h ∈ Diff(M ) also j ○ h ↦ j ○ (rj)−1 , and thus induces
ψ ∶ U/Diff(M ) Ð→ U.
Its inverse is ψ −1 (j) = Im(j), and we indeed get local trivializations
U/Diff(M ) × Diff(M ) Ð→ U.
([j], h) z→ ψ([j]) ○ h
So just as in the finite dimensional cases, we get
We now turn to the general construction of classifying spaces. There are several posiibilities; we
use the one introduced by Milnor.
Definition 2.7.6 Join Let J be a set and Xj be a topological space with j ∈ J. The join of
{Xj }j∈J is defined as
∗j∈J Xj ∶= {(tj , xj )j∈J ∣ tj ∈ [0, 1], xj ∈ Xj , ∑ tj = 1 and only finitely many tj ≠ 0}/ ∼,
(tj , xj )j∈J ∼ (tj ′ , xj ′ )j ′ ∈J , ∶⇔ ∀ j ∈ J ∶ tj = tj ′ and if tj ≠ 0, then xj = xj ′ .
The join X ∶= ∗j∈J Xj is given the coarsest topology such that the following projection maps are
tj ∶ X Ð→ [0, 1], xj ∶ t−1
j (0, 1] Ð→ Xj .
Theorem 2.7.7 Milnor Construction of the Classifying Space The following is a functor
G z→ (EG → BG),
Proof: We shall see, that the following choices give the desired properties of the classifying
EG ∶= ∗i∈N G, BG ∶= EG/G,
where the latter arises from the free right G-action (tj , gj ) ⋅ g ∶= (tj , gj ⋅ g) on EG.
h / π(Ui ) × G h((tj , gj )j∈J ) ∶= (π((tj , gj )j∈J ), gi )
π(Ui )
• EG ≅ ∗ is contractible. Set 0 ∶= (0, g). The two maps EG → EG that associate to (tn , gn )n∈N
the images
(0, (t1 , g1 ), (t2 , g2 ), . . . ), ((1, e), 0, 0, . . . ),
respectively, are homotopic, via the homotopy
Moreover, the formula ((tt1 , g1 ), ((1 − t)t1 , g1 ), (t2 , g2 ), ⋯) defines a homotopy H1 from the
map (0, (t1 , g1 ), (t2 , g2 ), . . . ) to the identity. In a similar way, we define homotopies
H2 , H3 , . . .
H1 H2 H3
(0, (t1 , g1 ), (t2 , g2 ), . . . ) z→ ((t1 , g1 ), 0, (t2 , g2 ), . . . ) z→ ((t1 , g1 ), (t2 , g2 ), 0, (t3 , g2 ) . . . ) z→ ⋯
If we reparametrize the homotopies, such that the first takes time [0, 12 ], the second [0, 14 ]
and so on, then the infinite concatenation is well defined and gives a homotopy from
identity to the map (0, (t1 , g1 ), (t2 , g2 ), . . . ).
Theorem 2.7.8
P Ð→ EG.
p z→ (λi (π(p)), ϕi (p))i∈N
• Vice versa, if f ∶ P Ð→ EG is G-equivariant and f −1 (t−1 j (0, 1]) G-stable and open in P , then
Vj ∶= π(f −1 (t−1
j (0, 1])) is an open cover of X and the following commutes
f tj
P / EG 6/ R
3 Characteristic Classes
3.1 Definition and Basic Properties
Characteristic classes correspond to the cohomology of BG.
Definition 3.1.1 Characteristic Class Let G be a topological group and R a commutative ring.
A characteristic class for G-bundles with coefficients in R of degree n is a natural transformation
of functors
c ∶ PrinG (−) Ð→ Hsing
(−; R),
where PrinG (−), Hsing
(−; R) ∶ Top → Set.
Remark 3.1.2 Yoneda Lemma and Cohomology of BG The Yoneda lemma gives
Remark 3.1.3 Conventions In the following, we shall consider K-vector bundles V → X for
K = R, C, H. When possible, we shall treat them on a common ground and thus adopt the
conventions listed in the following table.
Be aware however, that the Pontrjagin classes arising in the quaternionic case K = H, are not the
ones one usually finds in the literature.
In the complex case, we shall make use of the complex base (v1 , . . . , vn ), which induces the
positively oriented real base (v1 , iv1 , . . . , vn , ivn )
Remark 3.1.4 Goals The goal of this section is to calculate H ∗ (X; R) for the following pairs
Also we shall try to better understand the way in which elements of H ∗ (BG; R) correspond to
characteristic classes.
H Ð→ KP ∞ .
Its dual L ∶= H ∗ gives the generator x ∶= e(L) ∈ H d (KP ∞ ; F) of the cohomology ring
H ● (KP ∞ ; F) ≅ F[x].
Definition 3.1.6 Outer Tensor Product Given two vector bundles V → X, W → Y , we define
their outer tensor product as
V ⊠ W ∶= [pr∗X V ⊗ pr∗Y W ] Ð→ X × Y.
The following definition of the characetristic classes is due to Dold and can be found in the book
Definition 3.1.7 Chern − and Stiefel − Whitney Classes Consider the K = R, C vector
bundle V → X, then we have the Künneth isomorphism
≅ n
H dn (X × KP ∞ ; F) Ð→ ⊕ [H dk (X; F) ⊗F H d(n−k) (KP ∞ ; F)]
e(V ⊠ L) z→ ∑ [ak (V ) ⊗ xn−k ]
if k > n, then wk (V ) ∶= 0, ck (V ) ∶= 0,
Remark 3.1.9 Analogous statements with analogous proofs hold for wi (V ) in the real case.
1.) Follows from the naturality of the Künneth isomorphism.
2.) Let p ∈ X, then we can consider it as a map p ∶ {∗} → X and it suffices to show
p∗ c0 (V ) = 1 ∈ H 0 (∗). But we know p∗ c0 (V ) = c0 (p∗ X) = c0 (Cn → {∗}), and
e(Cn ⊠ L) = e(⊕ni=1 L) = e(L)n = xn . Now equating the coefficients gives the desired result.
3.) Let V have rank n and W rank m, then on one hand we have
e((V ⊕ W ) ⊠ L) = e((V ⊠ L) ⊕ (W ⊠ L)) = ∑ (ck (V ) × xn−k ) ∪ (cl (W ) × xm−l ),
on the other, we also have e((V ⊕ W ) ⊠ L) = ∑n+m
k=0 ck (V ⊕ W ) × x
4.) Consider e(L ⊠ L) ∈ H 2 (CP ∞ × CP ∞ ) and set x1 ∶= e(L ⊠ C), x2 ∶= e(C ⊠ L), which gives
t∗ x1 = x2 , t∗ x2 = x1 t∗ (L ⊠ L) ≅ L ⊠ L,
and thus z = 1.
Remark 3.1.10
• In the literature (e.g. [4]), the above properties (1-4) are usually stated as axioms.
• We have CP 1 ≅ S 2 and ⟨c1 (H); [CP 1 ]⟩ = −1. This convention was introduced by Hirzebruch,
in order to recover the usual Riemann-Roch formula for Riemann surfaces.
Corollary 3.1.13 A real line bundle L → X is trivial iff w1 (L) = 0. Similarly, a complex line
bundle L → X is trivial iff c1 (L) = 0.
The following is a topological version of the technique, omnipresent in the theory of compact Lie
groups, to reduce statements on Lie groups to the maximal torus.
Theorem 3.1.14 Splitting principle Let V → X be a K-vector bundle of rank n, then there
exists a space Q and a map f ∶ Q → X, such that
Proof: Consider the projective bundle q ∶ P V → X and the associated tautological line bundle
q ∗ V ⊇ HV ∶= {(l, v) ∣ l ∈ P V, v ∈ l} Ð→ P V.
Take the set B ∶= {1, c1 (HV ), c1 (HV )2 , . . . , c1 (HV )n−1 } ⊆ H ∗ (P V ), then for all x ∈ X the inclusion
jx ∶ P Vx ↪ P V lets jx∗ B be a base of H ∗ (P Vx = CP n−1 ) (Leray-Hirsch). Thus we have that q ∗ is
injective in cohomology and we conclude
q ∗ ≅ HV ⊕ q ∗ V /HV .
Induction over the rank of V now gives the claim.
Remark 3.1.15
• We can iterate the above construction
q4 q3 q2 q
⋯ Ð→ P (q2∗ (q ∗ V /HV )/Hq∗ V /HV ) Ð→ P (q ∗ V /HV ) Ð→ P V Ð→ X
l1 ⊆ l2 ⊆ l3 z→ l1 ⊆ l2 z→ l
with dim(li ) = i. After n-steps, we arrive at Q = {(x, lo ⊆ ⋯ ⊆ ln ) ∣ x ∈ X, li ⊆ Vx }, thus each
fiber is a flag manifold
Fk (Cn ) ∶= {0 ⊆ X1 ⊆ ⋯ ⊆ Kk ⊆ Ck ∣ dim(Xi ) = i},
on which U (n) acts transitively and has the stabilizer subgroup
⎛ z1 0 0 ⎞
⎜ ⋱ ⋮ ⎟
⎜ ⎟.
⎜ 0 zk 0 ⎟
⎝ 0 ... 0 (∗) ⎠
If k = n, then Fn (Cn ) = U (n)/T (n), where T (n) is the maximal torus.
For a GLn (C)-principal bundle
P ×GLn (C) Fn (Cn ) Ð→ X
is injective in cohomology and gives
EU (n) ×U (n) U (n)/T (n) / BU (n)
BT (n)
• Let c1 (HV ), then p∗ V = HV ⊕ p∗ V /HV and c(p∗ V ) = (1 + x)c(p∗ V /HV ), which gives
c(p∗ V /HV ) = ∑ xk c(p∗ V ).
• We always have #Weyl(G) = χ(G/T ), which is proved with Poincaré-Hopf, and thus
H ∗ (BG; Q) ≅ H ∗ (BT ; Q)#Weyl(G) .
Theorem 3.1.16 Uniqueness The splitting principle implies that if c̃ is a characteristic class
for C-vector bundles, which satifies (1 − 4), then c̃ = c.
Theorem 3.1.17 Let V be an R-vector bundle of rank n, then w1 (Λn V ) = w1 (V ).
Proof: The splitting principle shows, that it is sufficient to prove the claim for a sum of line
bundles V = V1 ⊕ ⋅ ⊕ Vn , and then w(V ) = ∏ni=1 (1 + w1 (Vi )), and
w1 (V ) = w1 (V1 ) + ⋯ + w1 (Vn ) = w1 (Λ1 V1 ⊗ ⋯ ⊗ Λ1 Vn ) = w1 (Λn (V1 ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ Vn )) = w1 (Λn V ).
Corollary 3.1.18 Orientability A rank n vector bundle V → X is orientable, iff w1 (V ) = 0.
ck (W ) = (−1)k ck (W ).
c1 (W ∗ ⊗ W ) = c1 (W ∗ ) + c1 (W ) = c1 (C) = 0.
2c2l+1 (V C ) = 0.
Remark 3.2.5 From 4.), we see that for complex vector bundles, Pontrjagin classes do not give
any new information.
1.) Follows from the naturality of the Chern classes.
∞ ∞
2p(V ⊕ W ) = 2 ∑ pk (V ⊕ W ) = ∑ (−1)k 2c2k (VC ⊕ WC )
k=0 k=0
= ∑ (−1)k 2 ∑ cp (VC )cq (WC )
k=0 p+q=2k
= ∑ (−1)k 2 ∑ c2i (VC )c2j (WC ) = 2p(V )p(W )
k=0 i+j=k
That is, we need 2m(2m − 1)/2 = m(2m − 1) transpositions, in order to identify the two basis
and we thus get the following sign:
4.) p(VR ) = ∑∞ ∞
k=0 (−1) c2k (VC ) = ∑k=0 (−1) c2k (V )c2k (V ).
k k
”⇒” This is easy, due to the fact, that a section of Λn V is a volume form.
It will be of crucial importance to understand the characteristic classes of the tangent bundle of
the complex projective space. For that, we need to determine the tangent bundle of the projective
space first.
φ ∶ P V × End(V ) Ð→ T (P V )
(l, f ) z→ dt ∣t=0 (e
d tf
⋅ l) ∈ Tl (P V )
End(V ) Ð→ Hom(H, V ) Ð→ Hom(H, V )/Hom(H, H).
Theorem 3.2.9 Consider the inclusion j ∗ ∶ H n (BSO(n + 1); R) Ð→ H n (BSO(n); R) and let
c ∈ H n (BSO(n + 1); R) be a characteristic class. If M0 , M1 are oriented bordant, then
Remark 3.2.10 Let M n be a manifolds, whose tangent bundle arises as the pullback by
fT M ∶ M → BSO(n), then (fT M )∗ [M ] ∈ Hn (BSO(n)), and
Remark 3.2.11 The theorem can be applied to polynomials of Pontrjagin classes, but not to the
Euler class.
Definition 3.3.2 Transfer Map Let G be a finite group and let p ∶ X Ð→ Y be a G-principal
bundle. We define the transfer map
trf p ∶ C∗ (Y ) Ð→ C∗ (X)
Remark 3.3.3 Transfer Map Since trf p is a chain map, we get the induced map
p∗ ∶ C∗ (X) Ð→ C∗ (Y ),
we have
trf p ○ p∗ (c) = ∑ gc, p∗ ○ trf p (c) = ∣G∣c. (4)
Equation 4 implies
trf ∗p ○ p∗ (y) = ∣G∣y, p∗ ○ trf ∗p (y) = ∑ gy
on the cochain level. Because (pg)∗ y = p∗ y, p∗ maps into the G-invariant part
C ∗ (Y ; R) Ð→ C ∗ (X; R)G .
This map is injective (true for any covering), and it surjective if R = Q because
1 1 ∗ 1
x= ∑ gx = p ○ trf ∗p (x) = p∗ ( trf ∗p (x)),
∣G∣ g ∣G∣ ∣G∣
Because G is finite and we are considering Q-vector spaces, H ∗ (C ∗ (X; Q)G ) ≅ H ∗ (X; Q)G .
Altogether, we have proven that
p∗ ∶ H ∗ (Y ; Q) → H ∗ (X; Q)G
is an isomorphism.
Theorem 3.3.4 Ring − Isomorphisms The following ring homomorphisms are isomorphisms
≃ / SVn
BU (n − 1)
BU (n)
id / BU (n),
where SVn is the unit sphere bundle of the universal vector bundle and the left vertical map
is induced by the inclusion U (n − 1) → U (n). A similar statement is true for the orthogonal
Now we evoke the Gysin-Sequence
(∗) p!
Z[c1 , . . . , cn−1 ] H ∗ (BU (n − 1)) / H ∗ (BU (n))
∃j ⋅cn
, v
H (BU (n))
where (∗) is the induction hypothesis and j exists, since p∗ is surjective (because the Chern
class ci on BU (n − 1) extends to BU (n)) and every surjection on a polynomial ring has a
Due to the surjectivity of p∗ , we have that p! = 0 and thus ⋅cn is injective, which means for a
x ∈ H ∗ (BU (n)), that we have
x = cn ⋅ y + jp∗ (x)
for some y if smaller degree. We can now repeat this argument with y.
6,7) (i) Here we obtain from the Gysin sequence and the inductive assumption a commutative
Q[p1 , . . . , pm−1 ] H ∗ (BSO(2m − 1)) / H ∗ (BSO(2m))
H (BSO(2m))
We need to determine the kernel of the Gysin map p! . For that, one uses the identity
p! (p∗ x ⋅ y) = x ⋅ p! (y). This implies that if x is a polynomial in the Pontrjagin classes,
then p! (x) = 0 and p! (ex) = p! (e)x. Therefore the kernel is the ideal eH ∗ (BSO(2m)),
as was to be shown.
5.) BO(n) ≅ EO(n) ×O(n) O(n)/SO(n), so BSO(n) → BO(n) is a two sheeted covering.
BSO(n) = {(V, o) ∣ V ⊆ R∞ , dim(V ) = n, o orientation of V },
we have a Deck-transformation
such that
F (X × R) = 1, F (V ⊕ W ) = F (V )F (W ),
then the following is a ring homomorphism
Ω∗ Ð→ Q.
[M ] z→ ⟨F (T M ), [M ]⟩
Definition 3.4.2 Multiplicative Characteristic Class A multiplicative characteristic class
with values in Q is a natural transformation
F ∶ PrinG (−) Ð→ H ∗∗ (−; Q).
In the following we shall need the set of multiplicative characteristic classes of K-vector bundles
with values in Q that fulfill certain additional requirements. We set
MCCK ∶= {F ∶ PrinGln (K) (−) Ð→ H ∗∗ (−; Q) ∣ F natural, F (X × K) = 1, F (V ⊗K W ) = F (V )F (W )}
Remark 3.4.3 Let F ∈ MCCC and consider the dual canonical bundle L → CP ∞ , then
f (x) ∶= F (L) ∈ H ∗∗ (CP ∞ ; Q) = Q[[x]] and
f (x) = 1 + f1 x + f2 x2 + ⋯ ∈ 1 + xQ[[x]].
Theorem 3.4.4 Hirzebruch The following maps are bijections. In the complex case
MCCC Ð→ 1 + xQ[[x]],
F z→ F (L)
and in the real case
MCCR Ð→ 1 + x2 Q[[x2 ]].
F z→ F (LR )
Proof: We shall only prove the complex case.
• First we prove injectivity. Let F0 (L) = F1 (L), then due to the splitting principle, we have
F0 (p∗ V ) = F0 (L1 ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ Ln ) = F0 (L1 )⋯F0 (Ln ) = F1 (L1 )⋯F1 (Ln ) = F1 (p∗ V ).
• Now we come to surjectivity. Let f ∈ 1 + xQ[[x]] and V = ⊕ni=1 Li for line bundles Li . Then
we define
n n n
F (V ) ∶= ∏ F (Li ) ∶= ∏ f (c1 (Li )) ≡ ∏ f (xi ).
i=1 i=1 i=1
The main theorem on symmetric polynomials, says that for monomials σi of even order,
there is a Krn (σ1 , . . . , σn ) such that
Krn (σ1 (x1 , . . . , xn ), . . . , σn (x1 , . . . , xn )) = (∏ f (xi )) ∈ H 2r (X; Q),
i=1 2r
n n n
c(V ) = ∏ c(Li ) = ∏(1 + xi ) = ∑ σi (x1 , . . . , xn )
i=1 i=1 i=1
so we have ci = σi (x1 , . . . , xn ) and thus
Krn (c1 (V ), . . . , cn (V ) = (∏ f (xi )) .
i=1 2r
Remark 3.4.5 So for every f ∈ 1 + x2 Q[[x2 ]], we get an element F ∈ MCCR and thus the ring
∗ ⊗ Q → Q,
ΩSO [M ] ↦ F ([M ]).
In the following, we shall consider the new series
∞ ∞ ∞
g(t) ∶= ∑ F ([CP ])t = ∑ ⟨F (T CP ), [CP ]⟩ t = ∑ ⟨F (L
n n n n n
), [CP n ]⟩
n=0 n=0 n=0
∞ ∞
= ∑ ⟨f (x)
, [CP n ]⟩ tn = ∑ ϕ(f
n t
) n
n=0 n=0
(f )
where ϕn is the n-th coefficient of f (x)n+1 .
it holds that
g(x) = h′ (x).
(f )
Proof: We take f to have a positive convergence radius. Then, since ϕn was the n-th
coefficient of f (x)n+1 , we have
∞ ∞
(f ) n 1 f (x)n+1 1 1 f (x)
g(t) = ∑ ϕn t = ∑ ( ∫ n+1
dx) tn = ∫ f (x)t
n=0 n=0 2πi c x 2πi c 1 − x
1 1 1 1 dx 1 h′ (z)
= ∫ dx = ∫ = ∫ dz = h′ (z)
2πi c 1 − g(x) q(x)
t 2πi c q(x) − t 2πi c z − t
Corollary 3.4.7
1.) There is exactly one f ∈ 1 + x2 Q[[x2 ]], such that for given an ∈ Q and a0 = 1, we have
ϕ(f )
n = an ∀n ∈ N.
Q[y1 , y2 , . . . ] Ð→ Ω∗ ⊗ Q
yi z→ [CP 2i ].
(f )
3.) If ϕn = 1 for all n ∈ N, then g(t) = ∑∞k=0 t
= 1−t
2 , which gives h(t) = arctanh(t),
q(x) = tanh(x) and
x x
f (x) = = .
q(x) tanh(x)
Let everything be as in the definition. Consider the Thom space Th(V ) ∶= D1 V /SV with
∞ = {SV }. To any given continuous map
we can associate an element (f −1 (0), f ∣f −1 (0) , ϕ) ∈ L(M, A; V ). However we need to say what ϕ is
supposed to be. For that, we consider a tubular neighborhood U = D1/2 V of M in D1 V where
f −1 (U ) ⊆ M ∖ A. Making use of a smooth approximation, we can assume, that f ∣f −1 (0) is smooth.
If f is transverse to the zero section: f ⋔ 0, we have
where (Ni , gi , ϕi ) are the data obtained from fi under the above map.
Now (N, f, ϕ) is given. We chose a tubular neighborhood N ⊂ U ⊆ M ∖ A and consider the map
⎪x, if x ∈ U
M Ð→ U /∂U = M /(M ∖ U ), x↦⎨
⎩∞, if x ∉ U.
≅ ≅
For a tubular map νN M
Ð→ U we get the induced map U /∂U Ð→ Th(νN
), which induces the first
of the following two maps
(M, A) Ð→ (Th(νN
), ∞) Ð→ (Th(V ), ∞),
the second one being induced by g ∶ N → X and ϕ ∶ νN M
Ð→ g ∗ V. Defining
L̃(M, A; V ) ∶= {(N, g, ϕ, t) ∣ (N, g, ϕ) ∈ L(M, A; V ), t ∶ νN → M ∖ A tubular map}, the above
where (N0 , g0 , ϕ0 , t0 ) ∼ (N1 , g1 , ϕ1 , t1 ), iff there is a (W, G, ψ, T ) with (W, G, ψ, ) as above and
T ∶ νW → [0, 1] × (M ∖ A) with a tubular map such that T ∣Ni = ti .
Adding the fact that L̃(M, A; V ) ≅ L(M, A; V ), proves the claim.
L(M, A; V )/ ∼≅ [B × (S n , ∗); (Th(V ), ∞)] = [(S n , ∗); map(B, Th(V ))] = πn (map(B, Th(V )))
τ ∩ c∗ [S n ] ∈ Hn (ν) ≅ Hn (M ),
πn+k Th(V )
hur / Hn (X)
Hn+k Th(V )
hur([f ]) = (τ ∩ f∗ [S n ]) = (−1)nk f∗ [M ].
1.) A filtration X0 ⊂ X1 ⊂ ⋯ ⊂ X of X,
Two stable vector bundles V0 , V1 over X are called equivalent (concordant), iff there is a stable
vector bundle V over X × [0, 1], such that VX×0 = V0 and VX×1 = V1 .
Definition 4.1.3 (Ω) − Spectrum A spectrum is a sequence of pointed spaces {Xn }n∈N and
εn ∶ ΣXn → Xn+1 .
A spectrum {Xn , εn }n∈N is called Ω − spectrum, iff εn is a homotopy equivalence for all n ∈ N.
Remark 4.1.4 An equivalent definition for a spectrum is, to prescribe maps Xn → ΩXn+1 .
Definition 4.1.5 Thom Spectrum Let V → X be a stable vector bundle, The Thom spectrum
Th(V ) is defined by setting Th(V )n ∶= Th(Vn ) and taking the maps
Σ(Th(V )n ) = Th(Vn ⊕ R) Ð→ Th(Vn+1 ) = Th(V )n+1 .
where εn ∶ Vn ⊕ R → Vn+1 ∣Xn is the isomorphism, which is part of the data of the given stable
vector bundle.
Theorem 4.1.7 Generalized (Co)homology Theories Let {En , εn }n∈N be a spectrum and X
be a space, then the following maps
(Σ∧id)∗ (εk ∧id)∗
πn+k (Ek ∧ X+ ) Ð→ πn+k+1 (ΣEk ∧ X+ ) Ð→ πn+k+1 (Ek+1 ∧ X+ )
For a pair (X, A), we can define the generalized (co)homology theories
Example 4.1.8 By the above construction, the Eilenberg-Mclane spectrum En = K(Z; n), gives
E n (X, A) = lim[(X, A), (Ωk−n K(Z; k), ∗)] = lim[(X, A), K(Z; n)] = H n (X, A; Z).
Ð→ Ð→
k k
Definition 4.1.9 Homotopy Groups of a Spectrum Let E = {En , εn }n∈N be a spectrum, then
we define its homotopy groups by
Definition 4.1.11 Thom Spectrum We consider the universal bundle ESO(n) → BSO(n) and
Vn ∶= ESO(n) ×SO(n) Rn ,
which lets V ∶= lim Vn be a stable vector bundle. The Thom spectrum is now defined as
M SO ∶= Th(V ) = lim M SO(n),
Definition 4.1.12 The to the Thom spectrum associated generalized (co)homology theories are
M SOn (X) ∶= lim πn+k (M SO(k) ∧ X+ ), M SOn (X) ∶= lim[X+ , Ωk−n M SO(k)].
Ð→ Ð→
k k
Remark 4.1.13 Our goal is to calculate the bordism ring. In order to do so, the following
isomorphism will come in very handy
π∗ (M SO) ≅ ΩSO
∗ ,
lim πn+k (M SO(k) ∧ X+ ) = {(M n , g, o) ∣ g ∶ M → X, o orientation on M n }/ ∼ .
Where in both cases ∼ means bordant.
Remark 4.1.15
1.) The following holds:
Q[y1 , y2 , . . . ] Ð→ Ω∗ ⊗ Q.
yn z→ [CP n ]
Proof: We have already seen injectivity. Let p(n) be the number of partitions of n ∈ N, then
⎪0, if i ≠ 4N
dim Q[y1 , y1 , . . . ]i = ⎨
⎪ if i ∈ 4N.
The surjectivity can be seen as follows:
Ωn ⊗ Q = πn (M SO) ⊗ Q
hur Thom
= lim πn+k (M SOk ) ⊗ Q Ð→ lim Hn+k (M SOk ; Q) ≅ lim Hn (BSO(k); Q).
Ð→ Ð→ Ð→
k k k
Now Hn (BSO(k); Q) is dual to H (BSO(k); Q), which has the same rank as Q[y1 , y2 , . . . ].
β ∶ H 2k (M ; R) × H 2k (M ; R) Ð→ R.
(x, y) z→ ⟨x ∪ y, [M ]⟩
With Sylvester’s theorem, we know, that there is a basis {vi }i∈I , such that
Lemma 4.3.2 Let (V, β) be a R-vector space with symmetric bilinear form and U ⊆ V be an
isotropic subspace (i.e. β∣U ×U = 0). If dim U = 12 dim V, then sign(β) = 0.
⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜ −1 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1 0 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
thus sign(V ) = 0.
Lemma 4.3.3 Let (V0 , ω0 ), (V1 , ω1 ) be symplectic vector spaces, (V0 ⊗ V1 , ω0 ⊗ ω1 ) symmetric,
sign(V0 ⊗ V1 , ω0 ⊗ ω1 ) = 0.
Proof: Take an isotropic subspace U ⊆ V0 with dim U = 1
2 dim V0 , then (ω0 ⊗ ω1 )∣U ⊗V1 is
Lemma 4.3.4 Properties of the Signature
1.) sign(−M ) = −sign(M ),
2.) sign(M ⊔ N ) = sign(M ) + sign(N ),
3.) sign(CP 2n ) = 1,
4.) sign(∂M ) = 0,
5.) sign(M × N ) = sign(M ) ⋅ sign(N ).
1.)-3.) These are easy.
4.) Let dim(∂M ) = 4n and j ∶ ∂M ↪ M be the inclusion. Then
H 2n (M ) / H 2n (∂M ) δ / H 2n+1 (M, ∂M )
≅ ≅
H2n (∂M ) / H2n (M )
Theorem 4.3.5 Hirzebruch Let L ∈ H ∗ (BSO; Q) associated to x
tanh x , then
sign(M ) = ⟨L(T M ), [M ]⟩ .
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