Paper 2 Answers
Paper 2 Answers
Paper 2 Answers
Section 1
1.6 (i) Total storage space = 2 x 80 x 18 x ½ = 1440kb =1.44Mb 3
1.6 (ii) High density disk or 3½” disk or floppy disk 1
1.2 (i) - A special keyboard or a touch screen (that makes a sound 1
when the keys are pressed)
1.2 (ii) - microphone with or without a headphone 1
1.2 (iii) - a light pen, a plotter, or a digitizer 1
Total 10
1.12 (i) B 1
1.12 (ii) E 1
1.12 (iii) D 1
1.12 (iv) F 1
1.3 (i) 20” 1
1.3 (ii) 2.33GHz 1
1.6 (iii) ATA 1
1.5 (iv) Read/write 1
1.7 (d) Binary – base two or comprises two digits 0 and 1; octal – 2
base 8 or comprises 8 digits 0 through 7
8.3 (a) Logical or Y/N 1
Total 7
Section 3
2.6 (a) 1, 0 or true, false, or yes no. (suitable responses accepted) 1
1 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
Total 5
3.2 12
Program Odd; Header - 1
Var start, finish, num : integer; Variables - 2
Begin Begin/end - 2
write('enter the start and finish integers '); prompt - 2
readln (start,finish); Input – 2
For num := start to finish Do Loop - 2
IF ((num mod 2) <> 0) IF/THEN – 1
THEN writeln (num); Condition - 2
end. Output - 1
Total 15