Paper 2 Answers

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Key and mark scheme

Section 1

S.O Question Key Mark

1.3 (i) - track 1
1.2 (ii) - sector 1
1.2 (iii) - cylinder 1

1.6 (i) Total storage space = 2 x 80 x 18 x ½ = 1440kb =1.44Mb 3
1.6 (ii) High density disk or 3½” disk or floppy disk 1

1.2 (i) - A special keyboard or a touch screen (that makes a sound 1
when the keys are pressed)
1.2 (ii) - microphone with or without a headphone 1
1.2 (iii) - a light pen, a plotter, or a digitizer 1
Total 10
1.12 (i) B 1
1.12 (ii) E 1
1.12 (iii) D 1
1.12 (iv) F 1

1.3 (i) 20” 1
1.3 (ii) 2.33GHz 1
1.6 (iii) ATA 1
1.5 (iv) Read/write 1

1.1 (c) Keyboard, mouse 2

Total 10
1.11 (a) An icon is a tiny picture displayed on the screen that 2
represents a task. A pointer is used to select an icon or to
move items around the screen

1.1 (b) Hard copy is a printed output; Softcopy is output on a 2


1.9 (c) Batch processing – data is collected together before 2

processing starts; online processing – device is ready and
awaiting instructions from the operator

1.7 (d) Binary – base two or comprises two digits 0 and 1; octal – 2
base 8 or comprises 8 digits 0 through 7

1.1 (e) Software – programs; hardware – physical parts of the 2

computer Total 10
4.3 4 (a) mobility, and easy to remain in contact with home
base. Others acceptable 2
(b) May use it for personal reasons, may get lost, battery
needs recharging (any two) others acceptable 2
(c) Making calls, Sending text messages, saving important
telephone numbers (any two) 2
(d) Be able to type, and read messages, store numbers 2
(e) Password with access code for phone 2
Total 10
4.6 5 (a) multi-user involves more than one person accessing
the computers’ resources simultaneously; multi-
tasking – several tasks or applications can be accessed 2
at the same time
(b) Compact disk (CD) can play music; DVDs play
movies 2
(c) LAN – for use within a specified and limited area;
WAN a bigger area than LAN 2
(d) Telecommuting – working away from the office
environment; telemarketing- phoning potential 2
customers to market goods and services
(e) Computer operator monitors progress of various tasks
being carried out on the computer; data entry operator 2
– inputs data into the computer Total 10
5.6 6
(a) Serial – records are arranged in the same order in which 2
they were added; sequential – the records are sorted on a
key field

(b) Serial , sequential 2

(c) List1: 55, 34, 45, 39, 51, 48, 59, 40

List2: 34, 39, 40, 45, 48, 51, 55, 59 2

(a) The lists would be accessed at the same time. All 2

records still must be written to the new file
(b) List 2 would access the key first. (1 mark) since the 2
records are in order (1 mark)
Total 10
Section 2

8.3 (a) Logical or Y/N 1

8.2 (b) ACCNO 1

8.8 (c) TYPE field in both tables 1

8.9 (d) Type = “DR” AND Hospitalized = ‘Y’ 2

(i) (1 mark for both conditions; 1 mark for AND)

8.8 (ii) Type = “CY” AND INSURANCE <> ‘BIC’ 2

(1 mark for correct format; 1 mark for correct formula)
Total 8

7.3 (a) =sum(B3:F3) 1

7.4 (b) = H3 / (F3/100) 1

7.3 (c) =average(I3:I11) 1

7.3 (d) =countA(A3:A11) or count for columns B to I 1

7.3 (e) =vlookup(D14,TRAFFIC,5) 3

1 mark each argument

Total 7
Section 3

2.6 (a) 1, 0 or true, false, or yes no. (suitable responses accepted) 1

2.6 (b) (A OR B) AND (NOT B) 5

1 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0

1 mark each column

(i) 1
(iv) Read 1
10.4 Total 10
10 Program cars; 1
3.2 Var numcars, count, index:integer;
list: Array[1..10] of integer;
…assuming variables and array initialized
Begin {start of programming statements}
{reading values to the array}
While ((list[index] <> 999) and (index <=10)) do 2
Begin {Enter values}
count := count +1; 1
Write('Enter data for house ',index,': '); 1
Readln(list[index]); 1
if ((list[index] <> 999) and(index <=10)) 1
then index := index + 1; 1
writeln ('Total number of employees: ',index-1);

{checking for no cars}

Write('Total number of employees with no cars: '); 1
For index := 1 to 10 Do 1
if (list[index] = 0) 1
then numcars := numcars+1; 1
Total 15
2.2 11
(a) 1
5 4

(b) To output even numbers, (1 mark) 1

Total 5
3.2 12
Program Odd; Header - 1
Var start, finish, num : integer; Variables - 2

Begin Begin/end - 2
write('enter the start and finish integers '); prompt - 2
readln (start,finish); Input – 2
For num := start to finish Do Loop - 2
IF ((num mod 2) <> 0) IF/THEN – 1
THEN writeln (num); Condition - 2
end. Output - 1

Total 15

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