Atkins 2020
Atkins 2020
Atkins 2020
of Pages 7
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Lingual nerve injury, a well-described complication of third molar removal, may result in permanent lingual sensory deficit leading to symptoms
including lost or altered sensation, inadvertent tongue biting, and the development of unpleasant neuropathic pain, with consequent impaired
quality of life. We analysed outcomes of a prospective case series to determine whether direct anastomosis of the lingual nerve results in
improved sensory recovery and reduced neuropathic pain, and whether delayed surgery is worthwhile. In 114 patients who underwent nerve
repair at our nerve injury clinic following damage sustained during mandibular third molar removal, sensory deficit was assessed before and
after surgery using a questionnaire and visual analogue scales (VAS) to assess pain, tingling, and discomfort. Neurosensory tests were utilised to
evaluate light touch, pin-prick, and two-point discrimination thresholds. Subjectively, 94% patients felt their sensation had improved following
nerve repair, with significant reductions in the incidence of tongue biting (p < 0.0001), impaired speech (p < 0.0001), and neuropathic pain
(p = 0.0017). Quantitative neurosensory data showed highly significant improvements in light touch, pin-prick, and two-point discrimination
(all p < 0.0001), and VAS scores for pain (p = 0.0145), tingling (p < 0.0025), and discomfort (p < 0.0001) were significantly reduced. Patients
with high levels of pain preoperatively (VAS > 40) showed highly significant reductions in pain (p < 0.0001). No correlation was found between
surgical outcome and patient’s age or delay until surgery. Lingual nerve repair results in good sensory outcomes and significant improvements
in the incidence and degree of neuropathic pain, even when delayed.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Keywords: case series; delay to surgery; lingual nerve surgery; neuropathic pain; treatment outcome
0266-4356/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Please cite this article in press as: Atkins S, Kyriakidou E. Clinical outcomes of lingual nerve repair. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YBJOM-6110; No. of Pages 7
2 S. Atkins, E. Kyriakidou / British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery xxx (2020) xxx–xxx
is a major barrier to recovery, causing a mechanical barrier Sensation on the affected side of the tongue was assessed
that impedes axon regeneration,7,11,12 and suggesting that a preoperatively and postoperatively using a questionnaire cov-
single repair site rather than a graft would result in improved ering inadvertent tongue biting, speech impairment, and
outcome. Nerve allografts are an alternative when the extent experience of tingling (paraesthesia), discomfort, and pain.
of the nerve gap may result in tension on the repair.8,12 Patients quantified their pain, tingling and discomfort on the
Many studies have shown lingual nerve repair to be effec- affected part of the tongue using 100 mm visual analogue
tive for reducing neuropathic pain, and have demonstrated scales (VAS). Patients scored their symptoms on each VAS
that patients with no preoperative pain have not developed from 0 (an absence of symptoms) to 100 (worst pain and
pain following recovery.13–16 It has been postulated that late discomfort imaginable or continuous tingling symptoms).
repairs (more than six months) will not result in a reduc- Patients were further asked to rate their feeling on the injured
tion in pain,17 although several studies have demonstrated side of the tongue on a scale from 0% (no sensation) to 100%
the opposite.14,15,18 There is also debate on the timing of (normal sensation).
repair, and whether late repair is worthwhile.14,19,20 Neurosensory investigations to evaluate light touch and
We therefore asked three main questions: pain (pin-prick) sensation, and two-point discrimination were
undertaken as follows:
1 Does direct anastomosis of the lingual nerve result in
improved sensory recovery? Light touch sensation
2 Does this procedure reduce neuropathic pain in patients
suffering this unpleasant condition? A von Frey hair (20 mN; 2 g) was applied randomly to all
3 Is surgery for the recovery of sensation, or reduction in areas of the tongue. Patients indicated sensation by raising a
pain, worthwhile if it has been delayed? finger, whilst their eyes were closed and tongue protruded.
For quantitative comparison, scores were noted on a four-
This study represents, to our knowledge, the largest num-
point scale (0 = no response, 1 = response at the tip only,
ber of patients undergoing a standardised technique of direct
2 = response in most areas, and 3 = response in all areas with
lingual nerve repair who were assessed by a standardised
no obvious difference from the contralateral side).9,19
Pinprick sensation
Patients and methods
The ability to detect pain was assessed on a four-point scale as
above but using a sharp probe with a force of 150 nM (15 g).
This case series comprises 114 patients who were referred to
Patients were asked to indicate only when they felt pain or
our nerve injury clinic and underwent lingual nerve repair by
direct end–end anastomosis. All patients had suffered their
injury as a result of third molar removal or, in five cases, third
molar coronectomy. Patients were assessed preoperatively Two-point discrimination
(2000–2018) and reviewed at approximately four months and
up to one year postoperatively (minimum six months). With the patient’s eyes closed and tongue protruding, metal
All repairs were undertaken by one of a small team of probes ranging from 2 mm to 18 mm apart were drawn
senior surgeons (the first author included) using an identi- 5–10 mm across the surface of both sides of the tongue. The
cal technique, as reported previously.9 Briefly, anastomosis minimum separation consistently reported as two points was
was undertaken under general anaesthesia by means of a lin- recorded as the two-point discrimination threshold. For anal-
gual flap with relieving incision lingual to the first premolar. ysis, where two points could not be discriminated at 18 mm,
Periosteum and scar tissue were carefully dissected under the threshold was recorded as 20 mm.
magnification to identify the nerve. Often, the nerve was com-
pletely transected, but in some cases a neuroma-in-continuity Statistical analysis
was identified. Other findings included bony perforations of
the lingual ridge or cortical plate associated with the area of Data were analysed using Prism 8 (GraphPad Software). The
injury, and significant scar tissue. Sometimes metallic frag- categorical (yes/no) incidence data from the patient ques-
ments were identified within the damaged nerve stumps or tionnaire were compared before and after surgery by means
neuroma (confirmed by histopathology). Central and distal of the McNemar test with continuity correction, using only
stumps were freed, allowing resection of the neuroma, and paired data from patients with both preoperative and post-
microsurgical repair with 8–10 non-resorbable sutures (8/0 operative data. A Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test
Ethilon® , Ethicon). Due to the natural arc of the nerve, direct or a paired Student’s t test, as appropriate, was used to com-
anastomosis was achievable in all cases. All patients received pare quantitative data from patients with both preoperative
prophylactic perioperative and postoperative antibiotics and and postoperative data. Postoperative data were from the last
dexamethasone. visit (minimum of six months). All quantitative data were
Please cite this article in press as: Atkins S, Kyriakidou E. Clinical outcomes of lingual nerve repair. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YBJOM-6110; No. of Pages 7
S. Atkins, E. Kyriakidou / British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery xxx (2020) xxx–xxx 3
Questionnaire responses
Neurosensory tests
Please cite this article in press as: Atkins S, Kyriakidou E. Clinical outcomes of lingual nerve repair. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YBJOM-6110; No. of Pages 7
4 S. Atkins, E. Kyriakidou / British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery xxx (2020) xxx–xxx
Table 1
Comparison between responses to questions asked preoperatively and at the final test. Data are number (%).
Question Preoperatively Postoperatively 2 statistica p valuea
Inadvertent tongue biting? 92/110 (84) 40/97 (41) 36.54b <0.0001
Taste disturbance? 79/92 (86) 56/75 (75) 2.769c 0.0961
Speech affected? 80/107 (75) 37/93 (40) 22.40d <0.0001
Pain? 52/110 (47) 29/104 (28) 9.818e 0.0017
Data are numbers of patients who responded “yes” out of the total number of patients with a response for that parameter. % data are percentage of patients with
a response, who responded “yes”.
a Chi squared statistic and two-tailed p value from McNemar’s test with continuity correction for data from patients with both preoperative and postoperative
Fig. 2. Mean VAS scores (±SEM) for the level of pain, tingling and discomfort. Patients scored their symptoms on a 100 mm scale from 0 = an absence of
symptoms to 100 = worst imaginable (pain and discomfort) or continuous (tingling) symptoms. Preoperative data are shown in blue and responses at the final
postoperative test in red. There were statistically significant reductions in symptoms postoperatively as assessed by VAS, compared with preoperative levels, for all
three parameters (pain: p = 0.0145; tingling: p < 0.0025; discomfort: p < 0.0001; paired Student’s t test). Post-op = final postoperative test; pre-op = preoperatively;
SEM = standard error of the mean; VAS = visual analogue scale.
reduced postoperatively (Fig. 2). All three symptom measures and/or neuropathic pain, mainly in the form of dysaesthesia
were statistically significantly reduced following lingual or hyperalgesia.
nerve repair (pain: p = 0.0145; tingling: p < 0.0025; discom- There was a significant reduction in tongue biting after
fort: p < 0.0001). In particular, the great majority (79%) of surgery, which is something that patients find particularly
patients with higher (over 40) pain VAS scores preopera- unpleasant; this is likely to be associated with the highly sig-
tively had a large (mean 44.1) reduction in postoperative pain nificant improvement in ability to detect sharpness (pinprick)
(p < 0.0001). postoperatively.
Further, the threshold over which two points could be dis-
criminated was significantly reduced, and the ability to detect
Effects of timing of surgery and patient’s age light touch was improved following surgery. These findings
corroborate the observation that 94% of patients felt subjec-
Any relation between the delay in surgical repair following tively that their sensation had improved, and are in keeping
nerve injury and surgical outcome (as assessed by the differ- with earlier studies.9,14,18,21
ence in discrimination thresholds between the affected and Patients also reported a significant improvement in speech,
unaffected sides of the tongue), and between the patient’s age yet interestingly there was no significant improvement in
at the time of surgery and surgical outcome, was assessed. In taste. This lack of improvement in taste contrasts with the
neither case was there any significant correlation (Fig. 3). study by Robinson et al9 that showed a significant improve-
ment in gustatory function, but correlates with the study by
Riediger et al22 that showed extremely poor recovery of taste
following surgery. Nakanishi et al6 observed a poorer return
Discussion of gustatory function with an increase in delay to surgery,
which may explain why we failed to demonstrate improve-
The majority of patients seen at our nerve injury clinic benefit ment, as many of our patients had a lengthy delay to surgery.
from advice and observation but do not require surgery due to For some patients, lingual nerve injury can cause dysaes-
satisfactory recovery from lingual nerve injury. Lingual nerve thesia, which can have a significant detrimental effect on
repair was undertaken on patients with significant anaesthesia
Please cite this article in press as: Atkins S, Kyriakidou E. Clinical outcomes of lingual nerve repair. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YBJOM-6110; No. of Pages 7
S. Atkins, E. Kyriakidou / British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery xxx (2020) xxx–xxx 5
Please cite this article in press as: Atkins S, Kyriakidou E. Clinical outcomes of lingual nerve repair. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YBJOM-6110; No. of Pages 7
6 S. Atkins, E. Kyriakidou / British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery xxx (2020) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Atkins S, Kyriakidou E. Clinical outcomes of lingual nerve repair. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
YBJOM-6110; No. of Pages 7
S. Atkins, E. Kyriakidou / British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery xxx (2020) xxx–xxx 7
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post-traumatic neuropathy: a retrospective two-year cohort study. Int J 1509–18.
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25. Renton T, Yilmaz Z, Gaballah K. Evaluation of trigeminal nerve injuries nerve injuries after dental and oral surgery: an evidence-based review.
in relation to third molar surgery in a prospective patient cohort. Rec- Ann Plast Surg 2019;82:653–60.
Please cite this article in press as: Atkins S, Kyriakidou E. Clinical outcomes of lingual nerve repair. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),