Bahupitta Kamala Case Report

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Case Report

International Journal of Indian Medicine, 2022; 3(4): 44-49 ISSN: 2582-7634

ISSN: 2582-7634
Volume 3, Issue - 4

IJIM Volume 3 Issue 4 (April 2022) p. 44-49 Published online on 43

April 2022
Case Report
International Journal of Indian Medicine, 2022; 3(4): 44-49 ISSN: 2582-7634
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International Journal of
Indian Medicine


Redasani SA1, Chandurkar VS
1. MD(Kaya-Scholor)Seth G.R. Ayurved Medical College, Solapur, Maharashtra.
2. Professor & HOD, Dept of Kayachikitsa Seth G.R. Ayurved Medical College, Solapur,
In this era of industrialization and life-threatening competition brings drastically changes in our life
style. Most often patient just comes with complaints of "feeling sick and tired". Later it gets diagnosed
as kamala (Jaundice). The incidence of such disease is increasing day by day due to change in life style
and Eating habits. Jaundice is a condition in which yellowish discoloration of skin, sclera, mucous
membranes, excretions occur due to hyperbilirubinemia and deposition of bile pigments. In Ayurveda
jaundice is described as Kamlaroga. Kamala has been described in detail along with its aetiology,
pathogenesis, symptoms, complications and management also. The description of Hepatocellular
jaundice is similar to Ayurvedic description of Kamala vyadhi. This is a case report of 52-year-old
female having Bahupittakamala (jaundice), who was treated with some Ayurvedic herbs and Virechana
like panchakarma. She got effective results with Ayurvedic Management.
Keywords: Bahupittakamala, Hepatocellular jaundice, Virechana, kamala.

Corresponding Author:
Dr.Shweta A. Redasani
MD(Kayachikitsa) Scholar
Seth G.R. Ayurved Medical College, Solapur, Maharashtra.
Email: [email protected]

How to cite this article : Shweta A. Redasani, Vivek S. Chandurkar. Ayurvedic Management of Bahupitta Kamala W.S.R.
Hepatocellular Jaundice- A Case Report. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(3):44-49

IJIM Volume 3 Issue 4 (April 2022) p. 44-49 Published online on 44

Case Report
International Journal of Indian Medicine, 2022; 3(4): 44-49 ISSN: 2582-7634

INTRODUCTION: sambhanda. So, for that a daily purgative is

Today's advanced technology and modern recommended. The combinations of some
culture has brought many advantages, but on herbs are also useful to treat the kamala. In
other hand has taken human being far away few conditions medication is not required,
from the nature. Pittakar Ahar: spicy food like just rest and few supplement will be
Vada-Pav, missal-Pav etc. and alcohol sufficient. In some condition medical
consumption tendency is also increasing day treatment is not work, in such case surgical
by day.In fast life style of competitive world help may be required. It's one attempt to
lead irregular in their eating habits and sleep management of Bahupitta kamala with some
hours. Eating outside is become fashion Ayurvedic herbs and virechana like
which increased risk of contaminated food panchakarma and get effectively result with
and water. All these etiological factors lead to Ayurvedic Management.3
disorders that is hazardous to life. Amongst A case report as follow:
them "BhaupittaKamala" is important A 52 years female patient came to us with
disease. Hepatocellular jaundice is a chief compliant since 7 days.
particular form of jaundice, in which skin, 1) Yellowish discoloration of skin.
eyes, urine become yellowish, indicating 2) Yellowish discoloration of urine
excess bilirubin which is a bile pigments in 3) loss of appetite
blood. Patients also complaints of Fatigue, 4) Nausea
Anorexia, Nausea." [1] Modern medical science History of present illness:
has only symptomatic specific treatment for The patient was normal 7 days back. Since
this disease. In all Ayurvedic texts treatment then, patient have suffered from yellowish
of kamala is given very well. discoloration of skin, yellowish discoloration
"kamalatuvirechaa" is chikitsa sutra of the of urine, Anorexia, Nausea. For Ayurvedic
kamala 2
, The Treatment of Kamala Treatment he came to our hospital - Seth
(Jaundice) must start with purgation. The Sakharam Nemchand Jain Ayurvedic
basic theory is that raktadushti responsible Rugnalaya in Kaychikitsa Department OPD.
for kamala and Yakrutta (liver) is Mulstana of For better management we admitted patient
Rakta. Rakta and pitta have Ashrya-Ashriyi in IPD.

IJIM Volume 3 Issue 4 (April 2022) p. 44-49 Published online on 45

Case Report
International Journal of Indian Medicine, 2022; 3(4): 44-49 ISSN: 2582-7634

Personal History:No H/o DM/ HTN, Asthma g) Sparsha (skin) = Pitavarniya.

On Examination - h) Druka (eyes) = Netrapitata
a) Nadi (pulse) = 76/min. i) Akruti= Madhyama.
b) Mala (stool) = Vibandha j) Bala= Madhyama.
c) Mutra (urine) = Pitavarniya. k) Raktadaaba (B.P) = 110/80 mm/Hg
d) Jeeva (tounge) = Eshathasaam. Material and Method:
e) Agni= Kshudhamandya. Centre of study: S.S.N.J.Ayurvedic
f) Shabda (speech) = Normal. Ruganaayan,Solapur. Single case study.
Table 1: Material with Daily treatment & prognosis:
Sr.No Dravya Dose Duration Anupana
1 Daruharidra 2gm 1 pack (6gm)+2 Water=1/2 cup (12ml)
2 Nimba 2gm Kawathnimiti
3 Patol 2gm Given twice a day
4 Haritaki 2gm
5 Punarnava 2gm
6 Kutaki 2gm
7 Arogyavardhi vati 500mg Twice a day With above kwath
8 Suwarnasutashekahara 125mg 4 times Normal water
9 Trivruttaavaleha 10gm HS Normal water
10 Virecahnachoorna 2gm HS Normal water

This chart shows prepared medicine 3) Manasika: Kama, Chinta, Bhaya and
ingredient with its dose, duration and Krodha
Hetu of kamala as:4 Dushya: Rasa Rakta Mansa
1) Ahar: Kshara-amala-lawana-ushanaahar. Adhishtana:Rakta, Mansa
VirudhaanaMasha, tila tail Vyaktistan:Twaka
2) Vihar: Suppression of natural urga
(chhardivegadharan) Divaswap

IJIM Volume 3 Issue 4 (April 2022) p. 44-49 Published online on 46

Case Report
International Journal of Indian Medicine, 2022; 3(4): 44-49 ISSN: 2582-7634

Table 2 : Mode of Action according to Dravya

Dravya Mode of Action
Daruharidra6 Kandughana, Pittahara, Yakruttojaka, Dipana
Nimba7 Kandughana, Pittahara,Ruchya, Dipana
Patol8 Pittasarak, Dipana, Rechana, yakruttojaka
Haritaki9 Piiaghna, Pittavirechaka, Anulomak
Kutaki10 Rechaka, Depana, Rkatashdhikara
Punarnava11 Swedal, Shotgna
Suwarnasuashekahara Pitta vata shamak, Aampachak, Enhance immunity due to gold
Arogyavardhnivati Regulation of pitta secretion, Maintain healthy fluid level in body
Trivittaavaleha Anulomana , Pittaghna
virechnachoorna It contains sonamukhi, balharidra, suntha, saidhva which usefull
in constipation problem. It has pachan and virechan dual action

Table 3: Investigations Result
Test 20/07/2021 28/07/2021
Sr.bilirubin(total) 20.4 12
Sr.bilirubin(direct) 16.2 9.4
Sr.bilirubin(indirect) 7.80 3.30
SGPT 889 138

The patient had started improving during complete knowledge about the complete
hospital stay and at the end of 25 days all pathophysiology, types of kamala and the
symptoms nearly get decreased line of treatment of kamala (Jaundice). They
were much about concerned towards the
CONCLUSION: health of patient due to which there is
On the basis of above description, it can be description of a lot of medicines of jaundice
concluded that our ancient Acharyas had according to the nature and nurture of

IJIM Volume 3 Issue 4 (April 2022) p. 44-49 Published online on 47

Case Report
International Journal of Indian Medicine, 2022; 3(4): 44-49 ISSN: 2582-7634

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2013, P.528-529.

Source of Support : None declared

Conflict of interest : Nil

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& Career Academy.(ARCA) Email: [email protected]

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