Codage Batterie Après Changement

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Lors du remplacement de la
batterie, il faut renseigner le
nouveau numéro de série de la
batterie au gestionnaire


Les AUDI de dernière génération sont munies d’un gestionnaire d’énergie.

Lorsque le niveau de batterie atteint un certain seuil (30% en général), le gestionnaire de batterie se
met automatiquement en mode économie d'énergie afin de limiter la consommation de cette énergie
et afin d’en concentrer le maximum pour permettre le démarrage du véhicule.

lors d’un changement de batterie , il est donc important de mentionner à la voiture qu’une batterie
neuve a été installé.

en effet, si votre batterie est à 30% et que vous en installer une nouvelle chargé à 100%,
le gestionnaire crois que la batterie est toujours à 30% et donc essaye de charger la batterie à
nouveau alors qu’elle est au maxi de sa charge.

Pire, le système MMI se met en sécurité et s'éteint automatiquement si le niveau atteint moins de
15% de charge

il est donc important de réaliser l’opération de reconnaissance suivante:

Module 61 - «Régulation de Battery» « gestionnaire d’énergie»

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Long Coding Helper is used with applications such as Niels Ezerman's excellent LCode.exe (included
with this distribution of VAG-COM):

Use the [Transfer Coding] button to send the coding from LCode to the New coding section of the
Long Coding Screen,

Use the [Do It!] button in to save the new Soft Coding to the controller and return to the Open
Controller Function screen.

Use the [Cancel] button to return to the Open Controller Function screen without saving.

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

61-Battery Regulation module
Would never work.

I'm having some weird electrical problems so i decided to revisit my battery

I went here
VCDS (screen 19-CAN@gateway _> Long Adaptation -> Channel 4 -> Battery identification)

and my battery was ENERTEC and an Engraved # 01939117

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

and in the back there was a QR Code and a # beside it

Decoding the QR Code I got

205# 000 915 105 DH #0803800 #588119201#27081134*205 EMC318R25U/*= 99{40@85m
So in VCDs I figured the first # is the Part #, 2nd is manufacturer of the battery and 3rd is the

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

8K0915105D MLA 180714EPDD
8K0915105D MLA EMC318R25U

I don't think I'm suppose to be MLA I'm suppose to be ENE for ENERTEC but it won't accept
8K0915105D ENE EMC318R25U.

Am I doing this right?

I saved it and the car seems to be running fine.

The new battery at this point there is a BEM code.

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Affichage du niveau de charge de la batterie dans le menu du MMI:

Il est possible d’afficher le niveau de batterie sur le MMI si la fonction n’est pas présente.
notamment suite à une mise à jour, la fonction disparait.
voici la manipulation à faire pour réactiver le niveau de batterie:

Aller dans le menue caché : Audimodif/VAGCOM/Menu_Cache_-_Hidden_menu

SETUP + CAR pendant 6 secondes

«car menu Maske»,
affichage batterie et
accepter les modifications

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS


What happens when a battery without a BEM (Battery Energy Management) code is installed in a
vehicle? Banner has had to consider this question in the case of Audi.

BEM = Battery Energy Management

In view of the increasing use of electrical power in modern vehicles, the battery constitutes a vital
component. Therefore, in order to guarantee its long service life in spite of higher loads, vehicles
such as the Audi A6 employ intelligent energy management.

The massive rise in on-board power requirements in the latest car generation places fresh demands
on batteries, especially in connection with micro-hybrid applications involving stop-start technology
and brake energy recuperation. The BEM incorporates ongoing parameters such as the charging
status and the age of the battery. This data is then reported to the vehicle computer, which
decides upon the energy balance in the vehicle and if required, limits the use of comfort consumers
such as seat heating or air conditioning and provides the driver with a warning. Where possible, the
aim is to constantly guarantee engine starts.

Differing systems
Themajorityofautomotive manufacturers such as BMW operate with an open system, i.e. the
independent retrofitting market can install a suitable battery without the need to reprogram the
vehicle electronics. However, producers like Audi employ a closed system and allocate so-called
BEM codes for originalretrofittingbatteries. Unfortunately,suchcodesare unavailable for free spare

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

part batteries.

Installation of batteries without a BEM code

Basically, the installation of a non-BEM free tested battery is possible as exemplified by Audi.
However, a battery must be employed that possesses OEM quality (preferably Power Bull and in the
case of an original AGM battery, replacement with a Running Bull), is of identical dimensions with
the original battery and also has the same labelled performance as the original.

Self-teaching system
In the case of an elderly battery, the vehicle system stores the term “defect battery”. Accordingly,
if a new battery is installed without the entry of a BEM code, initially the vehicle does not
recognise the presence of a replacement. Therefore, the energy management system must either
be informed of the new battery status via a BEM code input, or learn the new battery status. The
more trigger events (impulses, signals, e.g. starts, cold starts) experienced by the battery, the
faster this process is completed. The vehicle computer then successively releases the previously
limited systems, e.g. the full performance of the air conditioning system.

No safety risk
If a high-quality battery is installed without the input of a BEM code, this neither constitutes a
safety risk, nor a possible danger of damage to the vehicle electronics or other components.

Audi A8 (4E) Battery Replacement

(Redirected from Audi A6 (4F) Battery Replacement)

This procedure details how to replace a battery in a vehicle using a separate battery management
control module. See the separate instructions for models where the battery management control
module is a slave/subsystem of the gateway.

The following procedure does assume you are using a battery supplied by VW/Audi, all necessary
details for the following steps can found on the battery itself. Make sure to refer to the factory
repair manual in order to fulfill all additional prerequisites.

[61 - Battery Regulation]
[Coding - 07]
Use the pull down menu to select the battery (slave) listed as #1.
[Battery Coding]

• Enter the new Battery Part Number (10 or 11 digits).

• Enter the new Battery Serial Number (10 digits).
• Select the new Battery Vendor.
[Do it!]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Your new Battery should now be coded and the Battery Control Module should be aware of the new

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Note: The 10 digit serial number may be preceded by the battery vendor code, for instance VA0 of
Varta. If the code is VA0310314E04G then drop the VA0 and just enter 310314E04G. Sometimes the
battery part number sticker can cover up the white sticker with the serial number.

If you are encountering difficulty communicating with modules during or after the coding process
make sure the battery charger is connected as per repair manual.

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Recode or Long Coding Screen

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Corresponds to VAG 1551/1552 function 07

Recode is used to set various options in a Control Module.


• You should refer to the Factory Repair Manual for your particular car (or some other
documented procedure) before attempting to Recode a Control Module. At the very least,
write down the original values, saving an AutoScan is a great way to do that. There is no
other way to "undo" or restore the original values if what you're trying to do doesn't work out.


• Some Modules require a valid Login before you can re-code them.
• A feature unique to VCDS: You can leave the Work Shop Code unchanged, or enter any
workshop code you desire. Certain other programs always leave a tell-tale WSC when you re-
code a module.
• The Importer Number is only relevant for recoding controllers that use KWP-2000. By default,
this will remain unchanged unless you have set up an Importer Number in the Options screen.
• Up to 20 lines of coding chart data can be included in a Label File. This data is shown in a
balloon on the coding screen.
VCDS can show coding "charts" when appropriate information is available in a Label File for the
control module in question. A balloon will appear after a few seconds if the Label File contains the
appropriate information:

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Airbag Coding: When coding new Airbag Modules in many VW models, VCDS can "Suggest" an
appropriate Coding value based on the Index number of the airbag controller. This feature is
available only when VCDS is used with one of our Professional Grade (HEX) interfaces. Disclaimer:
We cannot guarantee that the coding which VCDS may suggest will be correct, but there should be
no harm in trying it. If it's not correct, the control module should refuse to accept it and the coding
will remain at 00000. To access this function, click on the [Coding Helper] button. See the Aibag
Coding page for more information.

Follow the instructions on the screen to locate the index number for the airbag controller:

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

As long as the Index entered is valid and documentation exists in the appropriate label file, the new
Coding (either short coding or Long Coding) should be entered into the Soft Coding field:

Coding of Slave Modules. On the latest cars, many "slave" modules are codeable. The coding screens
(both regular and "long") will present a drop-list of available modules which can be selected for

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

Battery Coding Assistant

For cars that require a replacement battery to be coded in the 61-Battery Regulation module use
this function. Note that the 10 digit serial number may be preceded by the battery vendor code, for
instance VAO for Varta. If the code is VAO25402160104 then drop the VAO and just enter

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Audimodif : VAGCOM VCDS

On some new vehicles like the 8T0 (Audi B8 platform), the Gateway Installation is not accessible via
Long Coding. In such cases, use the [Installation List] button in the Open Controller screen for CAN
Gateway to access this screen. This function is available in all Gateways that support an
Installation list and is explained on the Installation List Page.

Long Coding. This function is needed to Code some control modules in the newest cars which use
CAN for diagnostics. Due to the complexity of Long Coding strings (up to 255 bytes of hexadecimal
data) we've accommodated (and urge) the use of Copy & Paste in this function and usage of the
Long Coding Helper.

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Long Coding Helper is used with applications such as Niels Ezerman's excellent LCode.exe (included
with the latest distribution of VCDS):

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Click on each of the Byte numbers in row 3) and you'll see the selectable options below. Check or
Un-check the boxes for the desired results. Example: "Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) installed". In
some cases, there will be a drop-down menu that assigns the correct bits for more complex
operations that require multiple bits to be changed .

Close the Long Coding Helper by clicking the Windows X box on the top right of the screen or
clicking the Exit button on the top left of the screen to send your altered Coding value back to the
Coding screen.

Use the [Do It!] button in to save the new Soft Coding to the controller and return to the Open
Controller Function screen.

Use the [Cancel] button to return to the Open Controller Function screen without saving.


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