CH1HP0537 Proposal

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EPPE Project Proposal:


Project type: DP - Emergency Assistance to Displaced Populations

Secondary project
SN - Emergency Shelter and Settlements
Executing agency: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

In Afar, 1,054 households/5,798 individuals (2841 male, 2957 female will be suppo
 In Tigray, 1180 households/6,490 individuals
(3180male, 3310female) will be supported with cash for NFI.
 In Somali, 3,055 households/16,802individuals
(8233male, 8569female) will be assisted with Emergency Shelter
(in-kind) and Cash for NFI.
 In Oromia, 2070 households/11,385individuals
(5578male, 5807female) will be supported with Emergency
Shelter (in-kind) and Cash for NFI.
 In Tigray, Gulo mekada, Eastern Zone,
3500 individuals (1680 male, 1820 female), and in Amhara, 3000
individual (1442 male and 1558 female),
Adi Arekay and Tselemti woredas of North Gondar zone will be
supported through the provision of shelter repair kits

 Local NGOs and INGOs

 Local government representative
 Regional government officials
 Communities members

Management site: L3-Response-Northern Ethiopia-CH1H

Duration: 6 Months

Budget: 2,203,964.00 US Dollar


Headquarters (please change details as appropriate):

17 route des Morillons • C.P. 71 • CH-1211 Geneva 19 • Switzerland
Tel: +41.22.717 91 11 • Fax: +41.22.798 61 50 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet:
Through the proposed CERF intervention for Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs), IOM and
its operational partners will support a total of 8,659 households (46,975 individuals) through
provision of either life-saving emergency shelter (in-kind), NFI (in-kind), cash for NFI and/or
provision of Shelter repair kits in Amhara, Afar, Oromia, Somali and Tigray regions in Ethiopia. The
overall objective of the project is to restore dignified living conditions and access to essential
household items for IDPs and returnees. The implementing partners are Development for Peace
Organization (DPO), Community in Action Against Poverty (CAAP), Voice of Wilderness Development
Organization (VWDO) and Peoples Action for Development PAD.

The response under this project will include:

1. Provision of in-kind emergency shelter and NFI kits. 2. Provision of Shelter repair assistance and
Cash for local material and labor
3. Provision of cash assistance for NFIs, based on need and appropriateness.
4. Technical training on shelter repair assistance and construction
5. House Land and Property (HLP) support to all Households supported with shelter rehabilitation
The targets for this response are returnees and IDPs living in camp-like settings sometimes in open
spaces without protection from climate hazards and other protection risks and those who have
managed to return to their place of origin but whose houses are fully or partially damaged.

Activities overview

IOM and its implementing partners will support vulnerable households in Afar, Tigray, Oromia, and
Somali with provision of life-saving emergency shelter (in-kind), NFI (in-kind) or cash for NFI.The
Emergency Shelter kits will include two (2) plastic tarpaulin sheets and rope while the NFI kit is
comprised of kitchen set, (2) sleeping mats, (2) blankets, (2) mosquito nets, NFI bag, washing basin,
kettle, handwashing jug and basin set, jerry cans and soap. For people with disabilities, a distinct
ES/NFI Disability Inclusion (DI) kit will be provided. Cash for NFI assistances will be provided to
enable conflict or drought-affected households purchase household items from local markets. Each
beneficiary household will receive a one-time payment of 100 USD to purchase NFIs. The targeting
criteria will be further refined as per the assessment findings in each location. Nevertheless, the
plan is to target drought and/or conflict-affected, food insecure, vulnerable households such as HHs
with no employment, financial support or have lost source of income including female, child,
elderly, and persons with disability, households with pregnant or lactating women. IOM and its
implementing partners will work contingently with the ES/NFI Cluster to identify and target the
most vulnerable groups.
IOM also proposes to support conflict affected households (returnee -IDPs) and host community in
Tigray and Amhara regions through the provision of in-kind shelter repair kits and cash for purchase
local materials and labor.

Locations and beneficiaries' distribution

The beneficiaries are distributed; accordingly,21.3% Tigray,6.4% Amhara, 12.3% in Afar, 35.8%
Somali and 24.2% Oromia.

1. Rationale

The project target drought and/or conflict-affected, food insecure, vulnerable households such
as HHs with no employment, financial support or have lost source of income including
female, child, elderly, and persons with disability, households with pregnant or lactating

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women. IOM and its implementing partners will work contingently with the ES/NFI Cluster
to identify and target the most vulnerable groups.

2. Project Description

Through the proposed CERF intervention for Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items
(NFIs), IOM and its operational partners will support a total of 8,659 households (46,975
individuals) through provision of either life-saving emergency shelter (in-kind), NFI (in-
kind), cash for NFI and/or provision of Shelter repair kits in Amhara, Afar, Oromia, Somali
and Tigray regions in Ethiopia. The overall objective of the project is to restore dignified
living conditions and access to essential household items for IDPs and returnees. The
implementing partners are Development for Peace Organization (DPO), Community in
Action Against Poverty (CAAP), Voice of Wilderness Development Organization (VWDO)
and Peoples Action for Development PAD

3. Partnerships and Coordination

IOM at all levels of project intervention confirms that a strong and regular coordination is
maintained with all implementing partners in the respective target locations. As a Cluster Lead
Agency (CLA), IOM in addition works closely with the Inter Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) both
nationally and at the field level through the national and subnational Shelter/NFI clusters. IOM also
actively participates in the Ethiopian Humanitarian Country Team (EHCT), CLA, and other forums in
the country. Furthermore, IOM is a Co-lead for Cash Working Group Ethiopia (ECWG), is a member
of Strategic Advisory Group and hosting Cash Cap advisor staff who is supporting the CWG with
advisory role. IOM has been actively participating in the National as well as sub-national CWG where
the working group is active including Amhara and Tigray.
Moreover, IOM at the national, regional, and respective Woreda and kebele level closely works with
the local government offices and respective focal points to maintain strong working relationships
thereby ensuring a timely information sharing, informed decision by target beneficiaries and proper
allocation of resources.
All activities and decisions will be coordinated with the national and subnational Shelter-NFI cluster
as well as local authorities. IOM will independently assess and verify the needs to ensure correct
targeting and prioritization.

4. Monitoring
IOM has an office in Addis Ababa and Sub-Offices across the country, including in Mekelle
and Shire (Tigray region), Semera (Afar region), Moyale (Oromia region) and Jigjiga (Somali
region). IOM has been providing emergency shelter and non-food items as well as cash-based
assistance across Ethiopia. Sufficient field-based Shelter NFI staffs are available in all the sub
offices who will primarily lead the field level activities while the overall coordination and
implementation of the project will be managed by Addis Ababa based program colleagues
within the Emergency and Post Crisis Unit. The project will use the ES/NFI Cluster's
severity/location and response prioritization and displacement risk mapping to ensure
appropriate identification of the most vulnerable group from the total affected population is
supported. IOM will select sub-implementing partners based on due diligence assessments,
recommendations from the ES/NFI cluster, prior experience in the relevant sectors and
operational capacity in the target locations. Sub-grant agreements will be put in place once

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the funding is approved, and this process is not anticipated to take more than a month. IOM
will travel to the project locations for supportive supervision of implementing partners. After
project kick off, the partners will implement the project activities over the course of 4-5
months including post-distribution monitoring and reporting.

IOM will closely monitor implementation of the project during beneficiary selection, registration and
verification and cash transfer. Post Distribution Monitoring team will be in place to conduct on-site
monitoring activity to analyze the effectiveness of repair kits utilization. Sample population from the
beneficiary group will be presented with follow-up FGDs and HH based questionnaires to gather
actual first-hand data on the feasibility of intervention. Furthermore, the beneficiary complaint
feedback mechanisms put in place will be further monitored which will serve as an input for
enhancing future program implementations.

5. Evaluation

Real-time evaluations will be carried out as needed to learn from the initial phases of the
interventions and identify lessons for the continuing project. IOM staff members will
examine the appropriateness, effectiveness, coverage, coordination and coherence of the
responses implemented. They will consider the extent to which general lessons from other
responses have been applied to current interventions. IOM Field, RO Nairobi, and
headquarters staff will use the learning from this ongoing evaluation to modify the planned
responses if appropriate.
Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) exercises will be periodically undertaken to ensure beneficiary
feedback is collected and built into programming. Assessment results and lessons learned will pave
the way forward for future interventions and will be shared with key stakeholders and in relevant

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6. Results Matrix

Data Source and Collection Baselin

Indicator Target Assumptions
Method e
Objective: Living conditions of population
affected by the Northern Ethiopia Crisis are
improved through timely and quality provision of
shelter services
Outcome 1: Living conditions of displaced Targeted locations
population is improved through timely and remains accessible for
quality provision of Emergency shelter and NFI delivery of human
services. assistance
Number of people receiving in-
Beneficiary registration,
kind shelter assistance (shelter 0.00 6500.00
repair kit)
Number of in-kind shelter kits Targeted location
survey report, PDM 1300.00
Output 1.1: 6500 Returnees and selected Host distributed (shelter repair kits) remain accessible for
community population in Amhara and Tigray Number of people accessing Reports, IOM 5Ws, delivery of
0.00 6500.00
regions have access to Shelter shelter services (HLP support) beneficiary registration humanitarian
Number of people receiving assistance
PDM, distribution report 6500.00
conditional cash transfers
Total value of conditional cash
Distribution report 130000.00
transfers distributed in USD
Activities that lead to Output 1.1 Targeted locations
1.1.1 Provision of Shelter Repair kit remain accessible for
1.1.2 CASH for local material and labor delivery of
1.1.3 Needs and market feasibility assessment humanitarian
1.1.4 Beneficiary selection, verification, and CFM (complaints and feedback mechanism) desk

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1.1.5 Housing, Land and Property: Assessment of the land rights issues in any locations where
beneficiaries are going to be building their houses
1.1.6 'Building back better' training - technical support and progress monitoring
1.1.7 Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Within one month of actual provision of shelter repair kits,
Number of people receiving in- Beneficiary registration,
kind shelter assistance reports
Number of in-kind shelter kits Targeted locations
Output 1.2: 5,798 returnees in Afar have access distributed PDM, distribution report 1054.00 remain accessible for
to Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Item (NFI) delivery of
assistance Number of people receiving in- humanitarian
survey report, PDM 0.00 5798.00
kind NFI assistance assistance
Number of in-kind NFI kits
PDM, distribution report 1054.00
Activities that lead to Output 1.2
1.2.1 Procure ES and NFI kits
Targeted locations
1.2.2 Conduct rapid needs assessments in sites of reported returns
remain accessible for
1.2.3 Beneficiary registration, selection, and prioritization for ES and NFI assistance, establishment
delivery of
of beneficiaries' selection committees and complaints mechanism.
1.2.4 Distribute ES and NFI kits with protection mainstreaming and COVID-19 mitigation measures assistance
firmly in place
1.2.5 Conduct Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM).
Number of people receiving
Reports, IOM 5Ws, Targeted locations
sector-specific unconditional 6490.00
Output 1.3: 6,490 displaced individuals in Tigray cash transfers (Cash for NFI) beneficiary registration remain accessible for
have access to Cash for Non-Food Items (NFI) delivery of
assistance Total value of sector-specific humanitarian
Reports, IOM 5Ws,
unconditional cash transfers 118000.00 assistance.
beneficiary registration
distributed in USD (Cash for NFI)
Activities that lead to Output 1.3 Targeted locations
1.3.1 Coordination meetings with cash partners, CWG and government authorities remain accessible for
1.3.2 Cash feasibility needs and market assessments delivery of

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1.3.3 Beneficiary registration, selection and prioritization for cash assistance, establishment of
beneficiaries' selection committees and complaints mechanism. humanitarian
1.3.4 Cash disbursement assistance.
1.3.5 Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM)
Number of people receiving in-
Target areas are accessible
kind shelter assistance 0.00 28187.00
during the project period.
(emergency shelter kit)
Targeted locations remain
Number of in-kind shelter kits Targeted locations
accessible for delivery of 5125.00
Output 1.4: 28,187 drought-affected individuals distributed humanitarian assistance. remain accessible for
in Oromia and Somali regions have access to delivery of
Emergency Shelter and Cash for NFI assistance Number of people receiving humanitarian
sector-specific unconditional Distribution report, PDM 0.00 28187.00 assistance.
cash transfers (Cash for NFI)
Total value of sector-specific
unconditional cash transfers Distribution report 512000.00
distributed in USD
Activities that lead to Output 1.4
1.4.1 Procure ES kits
Targeted locations
1.4.2 Cash feasibility needs and market assessments
remain accessible for
1.4.3 Beneficiary registration, selection and prioritization for ES and cash assistance, establishment
delivery of
of beneficiaries' selection committees and complaints mechanism humanitarian
1.4.4 Distribute ES and cash with protection mainstreaming and COVID-19 mitigation measures assistance
firmly in place.
1.4.5 Conduct Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM).

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7. Work Plan

Responsible Time Frame - Months

Party 1 2 3 4 5 6
1.1.1 Provision of Shelter Repair kit IOM
1.1.2 CASH for local material and labor IOM
1.1.3 Needs and market feasibility assessment IOM
1.1.4 Beneficiary selection, verification, and CFM (complaints
and feedback mechanism) desk establishment
1.1.5 Housing, Land and Property: Assessment of the land
rights issues in any locations where beneficiaries are going to IOM
be building their houses
1.1.6 'Building back better' training - technical support and
progress monitoring
1.1.7 Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Within one month of
actual provision of shelter repair kits, IOM's
1.2.1 Procure ES and NFI kits IOM
1.2.2 Conduct rapid needs assessments in sites of reported
1.2.3 Beneficiary registration, selection, and prioritization for
ES and NFI assistance, establishment of beneficiaries' selection IOM
committees and complaints mechanism.
1.2.4 Distribute ES and NFI kits with protection mainstreaming
and COVID-19 mitigation measures firmly in place
1.2.5 Conduct Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM). IOM
1.3.1 Coordination meetings with cash partners, CWG and
government authorities
1.3.2 Cash feasibility needs and market assessments IOM
1.3.3 Beneficiary registration, selection and prioritization for
cash assistance, establishment of beneficiaries' selection IOM
committees and complaints mechanism.
1.3.4 Cash disbursement IOM
1.3.5 Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) IOM
1.4.1 Procure ES kits IOM
1.4.2 Cash feasibility needs and market assessments IOM
1.4.3 Beneficiary registration, selection and prioritization for
ES and cash assistance, establishment of beneficiaries' IOM
selection committees and complaints mechanism
1.4.4 Distribute ES and cash with protection mainstreaming
and COVID-19 mitigation measures firmly in place.
1.4.5 Conduct Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM). IOM

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8. Budget
Provide a budget narrative, if necessary, to explain the nature of each item on the budget or to
explain how the cost estimates were calculated.

Prepare a budget using the appropriate budget template.

See Module 2 (Step 11: Developing the Budget).

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