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1.scope of HRM in modern 2.

process of selection in HRM

organizations and its significance.
Job Analysis and Position
Talent Acquisition and Recruitment: HRM Description: The process begins with
encompasses the process of attracting, a comprehensive analysis of the job
sourcing, selecting, and hiring the right role, including its responsibilities,
talent for the organization. required skills, qualifications, and
Employee Onboarding and Orientation: HRM Significance: This step ensures
involves designing and implementing alignment between the
onboarding programs to integrate new organization's
employees into the organization smoothly. Sourcing Candidates: HR employs
Training and Development: HRM focuses on various methods to attract potential
identifying the training needs of employees candidates, such as posting job
and providing them with opportunities for advertisements on job boards,
skill enhancement and career development. Significance: Effective sourcing
Performance Management: HRM is expands the pool of candidates,
responsible for designing performance increasing the likelihood of finding
appraisal systems to evaluate employee the right fit for the role.
performance objectively. Resume/CV Screening: HR reviews
submitted resumes or CVs to shortlist
Compensation and Benefits Administration: candidates who meet the basic
HRM is involved in designing and qualifications
administering competitive compensation Significance: This initial screening
and benefits packages to attract and retain helps in efficiently managing the
employees. candidate pool and identifying
individuals who possess the
Employee Relations and Conflict Resolution: necessary qualifications for further
HRM handles employee relations issues and evaluation.
acts as a mediator in resolving conflicts Initial Assessment: Candidates who
between employees or between employees pass the resume screening may be
and management. Legal Compliance and Risk subjected to initial assessments,
Management: HRM ensures that the which could include pre-employment
organization complies with labor laws, tests
regulations, and industry standards. Significance: Initial assessments help
in gauging candidates' suitability and
Strategic HR Planning: HRM collaborates identifying
with senior management to align HR Interviews: Qualified candidates are
strategies with the organization's overall invited for interviews, which may
goals and objectives. include one-on-one interviews, panel
interviews, behavioral interviews, or
Organizational Development and Change competency-based interviews..
Management: HRM assists in managing Reference and Background Checks:
organizational change and development HR conducts reference checks by
initiatives Final Selection and Offer: Based on
the assessments, interviews, and
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion: HRM reference checks, HR makes the final
promotes diversity and inclusion initiatives selection decision.
to create a more equitable and inclusive
workplace. This involves implem
3.performance appraisal in 4. Human Resource Planning 5.Rcruitment and selection in
Environmental Scanning: HRP Recruitment:
Setting Objectives and Expectations: At begins with analyzing the Identifying Job Vacancies: The
the beginning of a performance cycle, internal and external factors recruitment process typically
managers and employees should that may impact the begins with identifying job
collaboratively establish clear, measurable organization's human resource vacancies within the
objectives and expectations. needs. organization.
Continuous Feedback: Throughout the Strategic Planning Alignment: Job Analysis and Description:
performance cycle, managers should HRP must align with the HR conducts a job analysis to
provide regular feedback to employees organization's strategic plan determine the duties,
regarding their performance. and objectives. Forecasting responsibilities, qualifications,
Documentation: It's essential to document Demand: The next step involves and skills required for the
performance-related information forecasting the organization's vacant position. Based on this
throughout the evaluation period., future demand for human analysis,
Performance Evaluation: At the end of the resources. Recruitment Strategy: HR
performance cycle or at designated Assessing Supply: In parallel develops a recruitment strategy
intervals, managers conduct formal with forecasting demand, HR to attract qualified candidates
performance evaluations. During these professionals assess the current to the vacant position. This may
evaluations, supply of talent within the involve determining the
Rating and Ranking: Managers often organization. This includes appropriate recruitment
assign ratings or rankings to employees evaluating the methods, such as internal job
based on their performance. These ratings Gap Analysis: Once the postings,
can be numerical demand and supply of human Advertising and Promotion:
Feedback Session: Following the resources have been Using the chosen recruitment
performance evaluation, managers meet determined, HR conducts a gap methods, HR advertises the job
with employees to discuss the results. This analysis to identify any vacancy to reach potential
feedback session provides an opportunity disparities between the candidates. This could include
to review the employee's performance, organization's creating job postings, placing
Development Planning: Based on the Developing Action Plans: advertisements, attending
performance appraisal, managers and Based on the gap analysis, HR career fairs, or leveraging social
employees collaboratively develop a plan develops action plans to media platforms to promote the
for professional development. address identified gaps and opportunity.
.Reward and Recognition: High- ensure that the organization has Screening Applications: Once
performing employees may be rewarded the right people in the right applications are received, HR
and recognized for their achievements. roles at the right time. screens them to identify
Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs): Implementation: Once action candidates who meet the basic
In cases where employees' performance plans have been developed, HR qualifications and criteria
does not meet expectations, managers may implements them according to outlined in the job description.
develop Performance Improvement Plans the timelines and strategies Selection:
(PIPs). outlined.. Reviewing Resumes and
Monitoring and Follow-up: Throughout Monitoring and Evaluation: Credentials: HR reviews
the next performance cycle, managers HRP is an ongoing process that resumes, cover letters, and
continue to monitor employees' requires continuous monitoring other application materials
performance and provide ongoing and evaluation to ensure its submitted by candidates to
feedback and support as needed. effectiveness. HR professionals assess their qualifications, skills,
track key metrics such as and experience relevant to the
recruitment success rates, job.
employee turnover,. Conducting Interviews:
Flexibility and Adaptability: Qualified candidates are invited
HRP should be flexible and to participate in one or more
adaptable to changing internal rounds of interviews. Interviews
and external factors. As may be conducted by HR
organizational priorities shift, personnel, hiring managers, or
market conditions evolve, or panels of interviewers and can
new technologies emerge, take various formats, including
phone interviews
6.various methods of and development 8.concept of wages and
recruitment and selection programs in HRM? Give discuss the types of wages
processes. examples prevalent in organizations
Recruitment: Hourly Wages:
On-the-Job Training (OJT): Hourly wages are based on the
Job Postings: Posting job Example: A new employee number of hours worked by an
openings on the company's shadowing a more experienced employee.
website, job boards, social colleague to learn how to Salary:
media platforms, and perform specific tasks or use Salary refers to a fixed amount
professional networking sites. certain software systems. of compensation paid to
Campus Recruitment: Visiting Mentoring and Coaching employees on a regular basis,
colleges and universities to Programs: regardless of the number of
attract entry-level talent Example: Pairing junior hours worked.
through career fairs, employees with senior mentors Piece-Rate Wages:
presentations, and networking who provide guidance, advice, Piece-rate wages are based on
events. and support to help them the quantity or quality of work
Internship Programs: Offering develop professionally. produced by an employee.
internships to students or recent Formal Classroom Training: Commission is a form of
graduates as a way to assess Example: Conducting variable pay tied directly to an
their potential for full-time workshops or seminars on employee's sales performance
positions. topics such as leadership skills or achievement of specific
Direct Applications: Accepting Online or E-Learning targets.
applications directly from Programs: Bonuses:
candidates who proactively Example: Providing access to Bonuses are one-time or
reach out to the company. web-based courses or modules periodic payments awarded to
Selection: covering a range of subjects, employees as a reward for
Interviews: Conducting one or from technical skills like coding exceptional performance,
multiple rounds of interviews to to soft skills like time meeting goals, or achieving
assess candidates' skills, management. milestones.
experience, cultural fit, and Cross-Training: Overtime Pay:
motivations. Types of interviews Example: Rotating employees Overtime pay is additional
include: through different departments compensation provided to
Phone/Screening Interviews: or roles within the organization employees for hours worked
Initial conversations to assess Job Rotation: beyond the standard workweek
basic qualifications and interest. or daily hours.
Example: Assigning employees
Behavioral Interviews: Asking Benefits-in-Kind:
to temporary roles or projects
candidates about past Benefits-in-kind, also known as
experiences and behaviors to fringe benefits, are non-
Executive Education
predict future performance. monetary forms of
Technical Interviews: compensation provided to
Example: Sending high-
Evaluating candidates' technical employees in addition to their
potential employees or
skills and knowledge relevant to wages.
executives to attend external
the role. seminars, conferences,
Panel Interviews: Involving Leadership Development
multiple interviewers from Programs:
different departments or levels Example: Providing targeted
in the organization.
training and coaching for
Job Offers: Extending offers to
employees identified as
selected candidates, including potential future
details such as salary, benefits,
and start date.
9.different methods of
training and development
used in organizations
Training:Conducting instructor-
led training sessions in a
physical or virtual classroom
Online or E-Learning
Courses:Providing web-based
training modules accessible via
computers, tablets, or mobile
On-the-Job Training
(OJT):Training employees by
having them learn and perform
tasks directly within their work
Job Rotation:Rotating
employees through different
roles or departments within the
Mentoring and
Coaching:Pairing less
experienced employees
(mentees) with more
experienced colleagues
(mentors) for guidance and
Simulations and Role-Playing
Exercises:Creating scenarios or
simulations that replicate real-
world situations employees may
encounter in their roles.
Case Studies and Problem-
Solving Activities:Presenting
real or hypothetical business
cases for analysis and
Workshops and
Seminars:Hosting interactive
sessions led by subject matter
experts or external trainers.
Cross-Functional Teams and
Projects:Forming teams
comprising members from
different departments or
functions to work on specific
projects or initiatives.
External Training Programs
and Conferences:Sending
employees to attend external
training programs, workshops,
conferences, or industry events.

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