CV Morr
CV Morr
CV Morr
ABSTRACT 50°C and spray dried in an Anhydro spray drier using 205°C inlet and
92°C outlet air temperature conditions.
Four reference whey protein concentrates (WPCs) were prepared from Cheddar cheese WPCs were prepared from commercial Cheddar
pasteurized and nonpasteurized acid casein whey and Cheddar cheese cheese whey. The whey was prepared from 72°C - 15 set pasteurized
whey using ultrafiltration/diafiltration and spray drying processes. The milk by conventional cheese making procedures using S. cremoris
WPCs exhibited comparable composition, protein solubility and PAGE starter culture and rennet coagulant. The curd was cooked at 50°C and
and reverse phase HPLC properties. Major differences were observed separated from the whey at 50°C. One part of the whey was pasteur-
in the viscosity and foaming properties of the reference WPCs as a ized at 72°C for I5 set and the other part was not pasteurized. Both
function of pH. The WPCs generally produced higher foam expansion lots of whey were concentrated 20: I by ultrafiltration and diafiltered
but lower viscosity and stability values than for liquid egg white pro- as above, except that the whey was not clarified prior to ultrafiltration
tein. The findings were discussed in terms of the need for additional, as with the acid whey. The pH of the retentate fractions was 6.28-
fundamental knowledge of the physicochemical structure and reactiv- 6.32. The retentatcs were stored for 5 I day at 5”C, warmed to 50°C
ity of whey proteins to understand the reasons for their poor functional and spray dried as above.
performance. Reference S-lactoglobulin was purchased from ICN Pharmaceuti-
cals, Inc. (Plainview, NY) and a-lactalbumin and bovine serum al-
bumin were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis). Control
INTRODUCTION WPC was prepared at Clemson University by acidifying raw skim
THE CHEMICAL and physicochemical properties of milk pro- milk with O.lN HCI to pH 4.6, filtering, concentrating the whey
fraction 3.5:l by ultrafiltration with a DC2 hollow fiber dialyzer/
teins have been reviewed (Eigel et al., 1984; Swaisgood, 1982)
concentrator (Amicon Corp., Lexington, MA) equipped with a HlPlO,
and their functional properties have also been reviewed (Work- 10,000 M W cutoff membrane and freeze-drying the retentate fraction.
shop II, 1979; ADSA Symposium, 1984; Morr, 1982, 1983, Three commercial WPCs were obtained for the study: LACPRODAN
1984; Kinsella, 1984). Even so, the relationship between the 60 and 80 from Danmark Proteins (Dairy Specialties, Inc., Worthing-
basic physicochemical and functional properties of whey pro- ton, OH) and ENRPRO 50 (Stauffer Chemical Company, Dobbs Ferry,
teins as influenced by compositional and processing factors is NY).
still poorly understood. It is generally agreed that the rather
poor functionality of whey protein products in food product Analytical
applications is largely responsible for their limited utilization. Moisture was determined by drying samples 3 hr in a 10&105”C
Additional research is needed to determine the relationships atmospheric oven (AOAC, 1980). Ash was by ignition of oven-dried
between processing conditions and functionality of whey pro- samples in an electric muffle furnace at 550°C (AOAC, 1980). Milkfat
tein concentrates (WPCs) in model and commercial food sys- was determined by a modified Roese-Gotlieb ether extraction proce-
tems. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dure for dried milk (16.156, AOAC, 1980). One-gram samples were
whey source, whey processing, whey protein fractionation and accurately weighed into Mojonnier extraction flasks and carefully dis-
other processing parameters upon the composition, physico- persed into IO mL of distilled water to minimize.lumping. The dis-
persion was dissolved by adding I .5 mL of NH,OH and heating in a
chemical and functional properties of WPC. Acid casein whey
60°C water bath with occasional shaking for 5-10 min. The test was
and Cheddar cheese whey were used as source materials and completed according to the above procedure, except that an extra IO
the proteins were fractionated and concentrated by a combi- mL of ethyl alcohol were added just prior to making the second ether
nation ultrafiltration/diafiltration process and spray dried. extraction to prevent gel formation. Protein was determined by micro-
Functionality was limited to solubility and foaming perform- Kjeldahl (AOAC, 1980) using a nitrogen conversion factor of 6.38.
ance testing.
Gel electrophoresis
MATERIALS & METHODS Discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was con-
ducted by the method of Laemmli (1970) using a model 220 vertical
Whey protein concentrates electrophoresis cell (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, CA). The
stacking gel contained 3% acrylamide in pH 6.8 buffer and the sep-
Reference WPCs were prepared from sulfuric acid casein whey and arating gel contained 9% acrylamide in pH 8.8 buffer. Ten milligrams
Cheddar cheese whey by the New Zealand Dairy Research Institute, of WPC were dispersed in 1 mL distilled water, filtered through a
Palmerston North, New Zealand. Sulfuric acid casein WPCs were 0.45 pm metricel membrane filter (Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA)
prepared by pasteurizing milk at 72°C for IS set, separating it at 72°C and diluted I:5 (v/v) with sample buffer. Fifty p,L of protein solution
and acidifying the skim milk fraction to pH 4.6 with dilute H2S04. were added to each well and electrophoresed 2.5 hr at 30 mA constant
The curd was cooked at 50°C and the whey was separated at 47°C. current. Gels were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R 250 (Bio-
One part of the whey was pasteurized at 72°C for 15 set and the other Rad Laboratories, Richmond, CA) in a solution containing 454 mL
part was not pasteurized. Both lots of whey were clarified at 48-5O”C, of 50% methanol in distilled water (v/v) and 46 mL of glacial acetic
concentrated 20: I (v/v) by ultrafiltration and diafiltered with a 2.37: I acid. Gels were then destained in a solution containing 50 mL of
(v/v) water to retentate ratio using a DDS Type 35 ultrafiltration unit methanol and 75 mL of glacial acetic acid, diluted to IL with distilled
fitted with a 9 m2 GR 60 PP membrane at 47-50°C to provide a flux water.
rate of 52-57 L mm2 hr ‘. Retentate fractions containing about 16% SDS-PAGE was also conducted by the procedure of Laemmli’( 1970),
total solids and at pH 4.7-4.8 were held 1-2 days at 5°C. warmed to except that the concentration of SDS was increased to 0.2% (v/v) in
all solutions and O.OlM dithioerythritol (DTE) was substituted for
mercaptoethanol (Brooks and Morr, 1984). About 10 mg of WPC
were dispersed in I .O mL of sample buffer and 10 pL of the dispersion
Author Morr is affiliated with the Dept. of Food Science, Clem- were added to each well. The I .5 m m thick gels were electrophoresed
son Univ., Clemson, SC 29631. at 35 mA constant current, fixed with trichloroacetic acid and sulfo-
Fig. 2-Sephadex G- 150 gel filtration patterns from commercial
WPCs eluted in pH 7phosphate
60; and (B) LACPRODAN-80.
buffer (0.1 M): (A) LACPRODAN-
Flow rate was 35 mLlhr.
b:L TIME,min --w
tein compositions. Control WPC exhibited severalprotein bands Cheddar cheeseWPC dispersion had a high viscosity value of
near the origin which were absent from reference WPC pat- 17.6 cp at pH 9, the stable nonpasteurized Cheddar cheese
terns. WPC dispersion foam had the lowest viscosity of I .5 cp at pH
SDS-PAGE separation patterns in Fig. 6 reveal that all four 4.5.
reference WPCs contain similar molecular weight protein com-
ponentsin approximately equal concentrations.A major amount DISCUSSION
of the protein was in the 20-30 K molecular weight range
(Brooks and Morr, 1984). These patterns also revealed three AS INDICATED PREVIOUSLY (Morr, 1982; Kinsella, 1984;
additional bands with higher molecular weights which may Workshop II, 1979; ADSA Symposium, 1984), the generally
indicate immunoglobulins or aggregated proteins. The Spher- poor functional performance of WPCs is largely responsible
osil-S WPC pattern (Fig. 6E) exhibited severaladditional bands, for their limited use by the food industry. A better understand-
confirming previous observations that its proteins have under- ing of the relationship between the basic physicochemical .and
gone substantial denaturation/aggregation. Interestingly, these functional properties of whey proteins and the influence of
latter protein aggregateswere not dissociated by SDS and DTE composition and processing conditions used in their manufac-
in the gel, which normally dissociate protein complexes (Ni- ture is needed. It is generally believed that improved WPC
chols and Morr, 1985). functionality can be achieved by: increasing protein content;
decreasingresidual lactose, minerals and milkfat contents; and
Viscosity and foaming data by using fractionation and manufacturing processing condi-
tions that will minimize protein denaturation and interaction.
Foaming data for 6% reference WPC dispersions and liquid Certain basic information is also needed on the inherent phys-
egg white are in Fig. 7 and 8 and Table 6. Initial viscosity icochemicalpropertiesof the whey protein componentsof WPCs,
values for unwhipped WPC dispersions were higher at pH 4.5 e.g., their primary structure with respect to location of ionic
(Fig. 7) than at pH 9 (Fig. 8). Although viscosity of unwhipped and sulthydryl-disulfide groups, and secondary structure with
liquid egg white was only about I cp and independent of pH, respect to conformation state and the opportunity for forming
its viscosity increased at a much greater rate during whipping intra- and inter-molecular bonding through ionic and disulfide
than any of the reference WPC dispersions at both pH values. bond interchange mechanisms. Also, the influence of their hy-
The viscosity of reference WPC dispersions remained rela- drophobicity as influenced by processing conditions that pro-
tively constant or underwent a slight decreasewhen whipped mote unfolding of the respective whey protein molecules may
at pH 4.5, but increased from about I cp (unwhipped) to 8- be important.
16 cp when whipped for I5 min at pH 9 (Fig. 8). HPLC results obtained in this study were interpreted as in-
All reference WPC dispersions produced higher maximum dicating that the proteins in all four reference WPCs retained
foam expansion values at pH 4.5 than at pH 9 and higher foam their relative hydrophobicity values. For example, B-lacto-
expansion values than for liquid egg white at pH 4.5 (Table globulin, which eluted last from the hydrophobic column with
6). The order of decreasing maximum foam expansion values retention time of about I2 min is assumed to be the most
for reference WPC dispersions at both pH 4.5 and 9.0 was: hydrophobic whey protein. The similarity of reversephaseHPLC
nonpasteurizedacid casein WPC, pasteurized Cheddar cheese elution patterns for the four reference WPCs confirms that the
WPC, nonpasteurized Cheddar cheese WPC and pasteurized processing treatments used in their preparation did not cause
acid casein WPC. The maximum foam expansion values for substantial protein denaturation or protein-protein interaction
reference WPC dispersions tended to be inversely related to which would have resulted in alteration of their hydrophobic-
foam viscosity after I5 min whipping at pH 4.5, but this re- ity, as for two of the commercial WPCs. This approach, in
lationship was less clear-cut at pH 9 (Table 6). conjunction with PAGE data, may provide useful criteria for
Foam stability data in Table 6 were quite variable and lacked evaluating the extent of denaturation and aggregation of whey
an obvious relationship with pH, viscosity or maximum foam proteins in WPCs and thus provide an indication of their po-
expansion. For example, the least stable foams were produced tential functionality.
from nonpasteurized acid casein WPC at pH 4.5 and nonpas- Results from this study allow a comparison of the functional
teurized acid casein and Cheddar cheese WPC dispersions at performance of WPCs produced from pH 4.6 acid whey and
pH 9, which had intermediate foam viscosity and expansion from pH 6.2-6.3 Cheddar cheesewhey, with and without pas-
values. Nonpasteurized acid casein WPCs dispersion foams teurization. Although acid whey generally contains about 1.5
had a low stability of only 5 min at pH 4.5, even though it times as much minerals as Cheddar cheesewhey (Morr, 1984),
had the highest maximum foam expansion value of 1510%. Cheddar cheeseWPCs in this study contained about 1.6 times
Maximum foam stability was provided by the nonpasteurized more minerals than the acid casein WPCs. Apparently, the
Cheddar cheese WPC dispersion at pH 4.5 (60 min) and by minerals in acid whey are in a more diffusable state than those
pasteurized Cheddar cheeseWPC dispersion at pH 9 (68 min), in Cheddarcheesewhey. Although not determined in this study,
even though they exhibited only intermediate maximum foam Cheddar cheese WPCs would be expected to contain a signif-
expansion values. Although the highly stable pasteurized icant concentration of glycomacropeptide (GMP) fragment of
$-lg A/B
Fig. B-PAGE patterns from: (A) control WPC; (B) reference whey
proteins; (C) nonpasteurized Cheddar cheese WPC; (D) pas-
teurized Cheddar cheese WPCa; (El nonpasteurized acid casein
WPC; and (F) pasteurized acid casein WPCa. a Whey was pas-
teurized at 7.X-15 set prior to ultrafiltration and diafiltration.
Fig. B--SDS-PAGE patterns from: (A) pasteurized acid casein
WPCa; (B) nonpasteurized acid casein WPC; (C) pasteurized
Cheddar cheese WPCa; (D) nonpasteurized Cheddar cheese WPC;
and (E) Spherosil-S WPC (Nichols and Morr, 1985). a Whey was
pasteurized 72”C- 15 set prior to ultrafiltration and diafiltration.
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