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atII Bks Lec 2021 34 35
Parallel Computers -V
0.8 Trends
Architectural development targets issues of program flow mechanisms, distributed/
centralized processing, computing methods such as cluster/grid etc, modeling com-
putation etc.
The following approaches are considered as the sustainable architectures.
1. Data flow architecture
2. Distributed processing
3. Cluster computing
4. Grid computing
5. Neural network based model
6. DNA computing
7. Optical computing
8. Quantum computing
0.9 Program Flow Mechanisms
Program flow mechanism points to driving factor in computational flow. These are:
A HLL architecture reduces semantic gap between h/w instruction and the HLL.
0.9.2 Demand-driven (reduction) computer
It was developed by MIT.
Peripheral devices were not suitable for data driven before 2000.
Reduction machines trigger an instruction execution based on demand for its results.
Example: let consider computation of
e = ((a - 100)× b + (c× d)).
In demand-driven, demand of value e triggers evaluation of x = (a - 100)× b and y
= c× d.
Further, it triggers evaluation of z = a - 100.
Each of these evaluated value is returned to the respective demander (that is, z = a
- 100 to compute x and x & y to compute e) to get the final solution (e).
In demand-driven, instructions are executed only when their results are required by
an other instruction and, therefore, it is also referred to as lazy evaluation.
Idea of lazy evaluation machines matches with functional programming concept.
Data-driven or DFM realizes bottom-up approach also called eager evaluation. For
example, to compute
e = ((a - 100)× b + (c× d)),
operations are carried out immediately after all operands are available. It computes
z = a - 100 and y = c× d
then, x = (a - 100)× b
then, e = x + y.
Such a machine can also have high potential for parallelism and throughput.
0.10 Data flow processors
Control flow
Conventional von Neumann machines follow control flow (CF) mechanism.
Order of instruction execution in such a machine is explicitly stated in program.
The next executable instruction depends on execution of current instruction. PC
stores the address of next executable instruction.
Instruction can be executed in CF m/c even if some of its operands are not ready.
Further, state-of-the-art control flow machines use shared memory for instructions
and data. This prevents efficient parallel processing.
Data flow
Instructions in dataflow machine (DFM) are unordered.
An instruction Ii+k can be executed before instruction Ii at time t.
Objective is to execute an instruction instruction Ii+k as soon as its operands are
ready and do not wait for completion of instructions preceeding Ii+k .
Execution in DFM is driven only by availability of operands - doesn’t require PC.
However, a DFM requires special compiler. Figure 54 illustrates computational
steps in a DFM for Z = 8 + (x+y) * (x-y).
x y
+ _
* 8
x y
+ _
* 8
The above figure represents a DFG (data flow graph), developed in 1960s.
A dataflow program is basically compiled into a DFG. DFG is a directed graph with
two components - actors (nodes representing instructions) and arcs.
An arc represents data dependence between two instructions.
During execution of prog, data propagate along arcs in data packets, called tokens.
An arc may be free of tokens at some point of time when operands are not available.
An actor is executed (fired) at time t if its operands (tokens) at arcs are present at t.
Figure 56 shows the generic form of an actor and the firing principle.
a b
Actor Op * *
Op: Arithmetic (+, −, *, /, ..)
Logical (and, or, ...) a*b
Array operators
a) DFG components b) Before firing c) After firing
Figure 57 denotes fork of DFG.
Source Source
x y z x y z
f f
Before firing After firing
f(x,y,z) f(x,y,z)
a) Function
x y x y x y
Gate structures (True/False/Merge gate and switch) are shown in Figure 59.
a a
Before firing After firing Before firing After firing
a) True gate
a a
Before firing After firing Before firing After firing
b) False gate
b is not destroyed
a b b a
c) Merge gate
In True gate (Figure 59(a)), if input arc receives token (a) and its true arc receives
token ’True’ (T), then the gate fires and token a is transferred to output arc.
If true arc receives a ’False’(F) token, then after firing token a is destroyed.
Similarly, in case of False gate (Figure 59(b)), if input arc receives token a and its
false arc receives token ’False’ (F), gate fires and token a is transferred to output
arc. But if false arc receives a ’True’ (T) token, after firing token a is destroyed.
Each actor of DFG is represented as activity template referred to as cell (Figure 60).
Cell contains operation code, slots for operands, control information and destination
address fields. A token consists of a value and a destination address.
Control info: data type of operand, ack required, error control information, ...
Ready flag indicates whether the operand (data i) is available for processing.
Operation code
data 1 ready
data 2 ready
data p ready
destination 1
destination 2
For example DFG of Figure 54, packaged unit of activity templates is in Figure 61.
x y
+ _
* 8
x [ ] T/F
[ ] T/F
mult add
[ ] T/F [ ] T/F
[ ] T/F [8] T/F
[ ] T/F
y [ ] T/F
DFG for z = 8 + (x+y) * (x−y)
DF computer is suitable for distributed implementation. However, DFMs, in gen-
eral, are built as an attached processor to a host computer. Host computer handles
code translation and input-output functions.
The basic structure of a DF computer is shown in Figure 62.
I/O Unit
PE 0
PE 1 Instruction cell block
Operation code
data 1 ready
data 2 ready
PE 15
data p ready
Control tokens destination 1
Operation packets
Data tokens
destination 2
Instruction unit (memory) stores the operations that are ready to execute.
Data hazards due to true dependences and control hazards can be avoided by DFM.
The prototype DF computer designed so far is classified as the static dataflow, dy-
namic dataflow and explicit token store architecture.
0.10.1 Static dataflow
In static model, a node (actor) fires when all its inputs carry token and there is no
token at the outputs of the node.
Such a model requires an acknowledgment (Figure 63) from the subsequent nodes
which accept the outputs of the node as their inputs.
A subsequent node informs whether it has consumed the input token.
Each node is then receives a control tag, as one of its input, from the subsequent
node indicating that the subsequent node has consumed the data on the output arc.
x y
+ _
* 3
* Acknowledgement
0.10.2 Dynamic dataflow
In dynamic dataflow, a node/actor of DFG fires iff all input arcs received the tokens.
Absence of output token in output arc is not mandatory.
Dynamic DFM allows more than one token in an arc - ack is not required.
To associate a token on the arc to appropriate cell block (data set), it needs a tagging
scheme called token matching while the processor pool section generates a token.
Processor operates on the operands that have similar tags and the memory update
unit uses the tags to update cells belonging to the same data set.
Architecture of such a machine computer is shown in Figure 65.
Cell structures in static and dynamic data model are same.
I/O unit
processor pool
instruction execution
data tokens
control tokens
Instruction queue
Consists of
cell blocks