BM1201 Operations and Supply Chain Management MOODLE
BM1201 Operations and Supply Chain Management MOODLE
BM1201 Operations and Supply Chain Management MOODLE
Instructions to students:
Candidates must answer ALL questions. All answers must be written in the
answer booklet. This paper contains thirteen questions. Section A is worth
12%, Section B is worth 8%, Section C is worth 20%, Section D is worth
This examination paper consists of 7 printed pages including the title page.
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Section A
Section B
This section is worth 8% of the paper. Please put your answers in the answer book
Question 4
Shaping the right supply chain for a given product (or product range) is critically
important. Where would you place the following products? Please place the
corresponding letter reference (A, B, C, and D) in the matrix here below.
(4 marks)
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Question 5
Please clearly illustrate in the chart below the typical relationship between the
coefficient of variance on one hand and the average sales per item on the other hand.
Draw a curve in below chart.
low high
(4 marks)
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Section C
This section is worth 20%. You are required to complete the blanks. Answer ALL
questions. Answers must be put in your answer booklet.
Question 6
Companies carry inventory for different reasons. What is the principle reason why
companies carry inventory of the types listed here below? Please keep your answer
(4 points)
Question 7
Many companies calculate demand forecasts based on historical sales data using a
time series approach.
The level of detail may vary from basic moving averages to more sophisticated models
with exponential smoothing, trend analysis and seasonality.
Provide the names of four further forecasting methods.
(4 marks)
Question 8
A firm purchased goods with a purchase price of $1,000 and the following credit terms:
a credit period of 30 days; 1% discount if paid within 10 days. The firm paid for these
goods on the 5th day after the date of sale.
The firm must pay ________$ for the goods.
(4 marks)
Question 9
A firm purchased raw materials and paid for them after 30 days. The raw materials were
used to manufacture a finished good that was sold 100 days after the raw materials
were purchased. The customer paid for the finished good 60 days later.
The firm's cash conversion cycle is ________ days.
(4 marks)
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Question 10
A process with very high variety and very low volume is likely to have
Please fill in the gap with the name of one of the types of layouts.
(4 marks)
Question 11
Please discuss two supplier financing tools/solutions and discuss benefits and
drawbacks for involved parties as well as implementation challenges. Use examples to
illustrate the usefulness of the financing tools/solutions.
(20 marks)
Question 12
Describe and categorise various risks to which global supply chains are exposed.
Suggest at least three ways how a company can mitigate such supply chain risks.
Please use examples to justify your answers.
(20 marks)
Question 13
With reference to an operation of your choice, write a short report on lean operations
that includes:
A description of the basic principles of lean operations.
A discussion of potential wastes within your selected operation.
An analysis of barriers to lean implementation within your selected operation?
(20 marks)
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