Lecture Plan D
Lecture Plan D
Lecture Plan D
Course Objective
To introduce DSP basic concepts for design of filters and learn all types of Frequency domain transforms
Learning Outcomes
Analyze discrete time signals and systems using frequency domain transforms; Process continuous time signals using
discrete time systems; analyze digital signals, design digital systems, with understanding of the ADC/DAC interfaces,
apply DSP to complex real-world problems.
Unit Lecture
Topics to be Covered Learning Outcome
No. Hours
Motivation and introduction to the course with review Hand Computing of both linear
of LTI systems, impulse response, Discrete-Time (DT) and circular convolutions and
Signals and Systems, linear convolution and circular finding system output with
1 6
convolution. Impulse response from LCCDEs, given impulse response and
frequency response and system functions. system identification problems
Efficient Computation of DFT through the Fast Fourier Estimate spectra of discrete-
Transform algorithm; zero-padding and windowing. time signals
5 6
decimation-in-time, decimation-in-frequency
Z transform and its applications, computations, relation Determine and interpret the z-
6 to Fourier transform for discrete-time signals. pole-zero 6 domain transfer function of a
analysis of discrete-time systems; discrete-time system
Filter design techniques. FIR and IIR filter design, ideal Implementation of various types
7 frequency selective filters. of filters and analyze how they
affect signal characteristics.
Application of DFT in an Orthogonal Frequency Use of DFT for multi-carrier
8 Division Multiplexing OFDM system (if time permits) 3 transmission, cyclic prefix
Text Books:
1. A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing
2. S. K. Mitra: Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach, McGraw Hill Higher Education,
3. Scahum’s outline of Digital Signal Processing (For practice of problems)
4. Others: there are a huge number of free e-books on DSP as well as numerous web-based resources. Do
make sure to explore on-line and read about the lecture topics and practice similar drill problems discussed
during classes and given as homework assignment problems.