Chengde Mao - The Emergence of Complexity: Lessons From DNA
Chengde Mao - The Emergence of Complexity: Lessons From DNA
Chengde Mao - The Emergence of Complexity: Lessons From DNA
ow did life emerge from a soup of chemicals? How do patterns such as schools of sh form from individuals? How do voting patterns emerge? Such a diverse array of problems seems completely unrelated. However, they all involve emergence of complexity. When individuals come together, they form patterns, structures, and organizations that cannot be discerned from the individuals alone. The study of the emergence of complexity is one of the most active and important areas of research. It is important not only
each other and form the well-known double helix structure. Two molecules of double-stranded DNA (duplexes) can further associate together if they have complementary single-stranded overhangs (sticky ends). Intermolecular interactions can be precisely predicted by WatsonCrick basepairing (adenine to thymidine and guanine to cytosine). And, these interactions are structurally understood at the atomic level. Given the diversity of the DNA sequences, we can easily engineer a large number of pairs of DNA duplexes that associate with each other with sequence
In nature, DNA occurs predominantly as a linear molecule, and if its conformations were limited to linearity, it would not be very useful for studying self-assembly. Fortunately, branched DNA structures can be engineered. Holliday junctions, for example, are intermediates that occur during genetic recombination. To model Holliday junctions, a stable fourarm junction has been constructed in which, by design, no two strands are fully complementary to each other (Kallenback et al. 1983; Seeman 2003) (Figure 1A). For example, the 5 half of
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020431.g001
(A) A four-arm junction and (B) its three-dimensional structure; (C) a DNA DX; and (D) a DNA TX.
for understanding nature, but also for technological applications, including the fabrication of large-scale integrated nanocircuits using a bottom-up approach, and the preparation of multifunctional smart nanomaterials. DNA evolved to be the primary carrier of genetic information because of its extraordinary chemical properties. These same properties also make DNA an excellent system for the study of self-assembly and selforganization. Two complementary molecules of single-stranded DNA have paired bases that bond with
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specicity and in a well-dened fashion. This property is not common among other molecular systems. Small organic and inorganic molecular pairs can interact with each other with specicity and in well-dened structures, but the number of such pairs is limited and their chemistry varies greatly. Protein molecules, such as antibodyantigen pairs, have great diversity and high specicity. However, it is extremely difcult, if not impossible, to predict how proteins interact with each other. In contrast, DNA as a molecular system fullls all the aforementioned criteria.
Citation: Mao C (2004) The emergence of complexity: Lessons from DNA. PLoS Biol 2(12): e431. Copyright: 2004 Chengde Mao. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abbreviations: 1D, one dimensional; 2D, two dimensional; DX, double crossover; TX, triple crossover; XOR, exclusive OR Chengde Mao is in the Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States of America. E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020431
are (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 1), and (0, strand 2 is complementary to the 0). These four, and only four, 3 half of strand 1, but the 3 half Y molecules are enough to of strand 2 is complementary to satisfy any input combination. the 5 half of strand 3 instead Two C molecules connect the of that of strand 1. Combining input and output molecules, branched structures and the which is necessary for the excellent molecular recognition characterization but not essential of DNA, we are ready to for the self-assembly process. engineer complicated DNA Sticky ends between the X nanostructures and use them for molecules and the C molecules studying self-assembly. are longer than those between Extensive studies have shown Y molecules and between Y and that the four-arm junction X or C molecules. Thus, the adopts an X-shape structure C and X molecules assemble (Figure 1B) under physiological rst to form the inputs because conditions, and the angle DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020431.g002 the association between longer between its two helical domains sticky ends is more stable than can vary widely (Lilley 2000). Figure 2. Self-Assembly of a 2D DX Array those between the shorter ones. It is impossible to construct Each rod represents a DNA duplex. The geometric Then the output Y molecules well-dened large structures complementarity represents the sequence complementarity of sticky ends. assemble to the assembled C from exible components. To and X molecules. In that study overcome this problem, several two DX molecules in a conformation (Mao et al. 2000), two different input well-behaved DNA motifs have been such that no other sticky ends from combinations were used, and one engineered. Double crossover (DX) these two molecules are in sufcient of them is shown in Figure 3. The (Fu and Seeman 1993) and triple proximity to interact. As a result of this resulting DNA structures are periodic crossover (TX) (LaBean et al. 2000) design, regularly ordered 2D arrays with respect to the backbones, but molecules are two early examples have formed (Figure 2). Following they are aperiodic in their sequences. (Figure 1C and 1D). In such molecules, similar strategies, others have designed Though the resulting four-byte onetwo or three DNA duplexes lie side by DNA motifs to assemble into 2D arrays, dimensional (1D) structures are quite side. Two neighboring duplexes are whose symmetries include tetragonal simple, this study demonstrated that joined by two crossovers, which prevent (Yan et al. 2003), pseudohexagonal aperiodic structures are achievable any duplex from twisting against its (Mao et al. 1999; Liu et al. 2004), and through self-assembly. neighbor duplex. Thus, the interhelical hexagonal (Chelyapov el al. 2004; Ding Winfree and co-workers in this angles become xed at 0. Other et al. 2004). issue of PLoS Biology have extended motifs quickly followed, including the Inspired by early theoretical the algorithmic self-assembly strategy paranemic crossover motif (Shen et al. suggestions (Winfree 1998), from 1D to 2D (Rothemund et al. 2004), rhombus/parallelogram motif experimental exploration of aperiodic 2004). This achievement is certainly a (Mao et al. 1999), cross motif (Yan et self-assembly immediately followed. milestone in the eld of self-assembly. al. 2003), and several triangle motifs One study applied algorithmic selfIt overcomes a great challenge, as the (Chelyapov et al. 2004; Ding et al. 2004; assembly to TX molecules (Figure 3) structural complexity dramatically Liu et al. 2004). They all are stable, (Mao et al. 2000). The assembling rule increases from 1D to 2D structures. rigid, and readily designed for selfexclusive OR (XOR) is encoded in These researchers have applied assembly. the TX molecules. Consider the value the same XOR algorithms to DX One simple example of self-assembly of all inputs and outputs is the formation of two-dimensional as either 1 or 0. For XOR (2D) periodic arrays or 2D crystals. This operations, if two inputs is also one of the greatest successes in are the same, the output the eld of DNA self-assembly (Figure will be 0; otherwise, 2). The rst 2D DNA crystals were the output will be 1. If assembled from DX motifs (Winfree molecules X and Y are et al. 1998). In a 2D crystal, each the input and output, DX molecule contains four sticky respectively, Yi molecule ends (AA and BB) distributed takes the input from the on its two component duplexes. The Xi and Yi 1 molecules. complementarity of the sticky ends In other words, the is designed in such a way that a DX values of the Xi and Yi molecule will interact with another DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020431.g003 molecules determine four DX molecules through its four 1 Figure 3. Self-Assembly of a 1D Aperiodic TX Array Based on XOR what Y molecule will be sticky ends. Any two DX molecules can Operation incorporated. There are interact with each other though only The value of any input or output is binary, either 1 or 0. four different types of Y one pair of sticky ends. Any pair of If two inputs are the same, the output is 0; otherwise, the output is 1. molecules, whose inputs sticky end interactions will position the
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In principle, a wide range of 2D patterns could be generated with the same set of molecules and the same strategy, changing only the rst row of the assembly, which species the external inputs. Realization of this goal will critically rely on the elimination of assembly errors, or the introduction of error corrections (Winfree and Bekbolatov 2004). The current work DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020431.g004 represents a neat approach Figure 4. Schematic Representation of Self-Assembly of a to understanding the Sierpinski Triangle Based on XOR Operation emergence of complexity. It The values in the bottom row are the inputs. integrates both simulation and wet chemistry. It molecules in their study and achieved also provides a plausible approach fractal structures, Sierpinski triangles to nanofabrications. Over the (Figure 4). External inputs are in the last decade, a variety of methods bottom row. Each row takes inputs have been developed, which use from the row immediately below, biomacromolecules as templates to and sends the operation outputs to fabricate nanostructures (Braun el al. the row immediately above. Each 1998; Douglas and Young 1998; Mucic position takes two inputs (identical et al. 1998; Fu et al. 2004). Limited or non-identical) from lower left by the complexity of the available and lower right positions, and sends biomacromolecular templates, simple identical output to both upper left nanostructures are the usual result: and upper right positions. The arrows mostly nanowires, nanoparticles, and indicate the direction of information simple aggregates of nanoparticles. ow, or assembly sequences. In their The current work illustrates the experiment, the rules are encoded possibility of generating more in DX molecules. This study is complicated structures and promises conceptually straightforward, but unprecedented structural complexity the experimental challenges are for nanomaterials. tremendous. One key challenge is assembly delity. The right molecules References have to compete with partially matched Braun E, Eichen Y, Sivan U, Ben-Yoseph G (1998) molecules. The concentrations of DNA-templated assembly and electrode attachment of a conducting silver wire. Nature the competing molecules further 391: 775778. complicate the delity issue, as some Chelyapov N, Brun Y, Gopalkrishnan M, Reishus molecules could be rapidly depleted D, Shaw B, et al. (2004) DNA triangles and selfassembled hexagonal tilings. J Am Chem Soc. from the solution. In that sense, the In press. current work is quite stunning even Ding BQ, Sha RJ, Seeman NC (2004) Pseudohexagonal 2D DNA crystals from double though the assembly is far from perfect.
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