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Ventilation Design Report

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In absence of any available district cooling network in the proposed area, a chilled water generation plant dedicated for IKEA use will be required. The
Chiller Plant could be an Air Cooled or a Water Cooled plant. Decision on Chiller Plant to be air cooled or water cooled is to be made by IKEA based on
the advantages and disadvantages of both systems provided in this report. Design of Chiller Plant is not included in our current scope. Comparison for the
air cooled and water cooled system is provided in this report upon request from IKEA/PI. Our understanding is that the design of Chiller Plant, air cooled
or water cooled option to be finalized by IKEA, shall be added to our current scope. Accordingly a detailed concept for the Chiller Plant shall be

A constant primary and variable speed secondary chilled water system shall be proposed. Secondary chilled water pumps will pump the chilled water to the
airside equipment through a secondary chilled water network / vertical risers to equipment located at upper levels. Secondary chilled water pumps (two run
& one standby) and secondary chilled water piping is covered in our current scope, design scope of chilled water plant and associated Controls within the
chiller plant are to be advised by IKEA as per above.
The cooling in various areas is being achieved by ceiling suspended chilled water Air Handling Units (AHU) or Fan Coil Units (FCU). An access platform
shall be provided for maintenance of the AHUs installed at high level of the double height self-serve ware house.
AHU/FCU shall comprise of cooling coil, fan & filters. Cold air is supplied through insulated sheet metal ducts & fed through supply air outlets. After
cooling the space, the air is picked up above the annular space between false ceiling & the structural slab or in the void spaces at high level, through which
it travels back to the FCU’s or AHU’s for re-circulation after re-conditioning.

We understand from GEMAC that the transformer room, HV & LV room are to be air-conditioned. AHUs installed in separate rooms will be used to air-
condition the transformer, HV & LV Rooms.

The server room shall be air conditioned via a chilled water coil Close Control Unit (CCU) to maintain indoor conditions of 22 ± 1 C and 50 ± 10% RH. A

DX coil CCU with matching out door condenser shall be proposed as a backup unit for server room, The standby CCU shall be backed up by the standby
generator as well for operation during power failures/breakdowns.

A standby DX unit backed up by the standby generator shall be proposed for the UPS room as well as the security/CCTV room. Both UPS room and
CCTV room are proposed to be maintained at 24 ± 1 C, although there is no control on Relative Humidity (RH) in these rooms resulting RH is expected to

be 50 ± 10%.

Paint room shall be provided with a separate AHU which will operate in recirculation mode when paint room is ‘not in use’ and in 100% outdoor air mode
(no recirculation, all supplied air being extracted) when paint room is ‘in use’. A 2 position ‘in use / not in use’ switch provided near the entry to paint
room shall ensure above operation via opening/closing of motorized dampers in fresh air intake, return air and extract air lines to be detailed in detail
design stage. Air shall be supplied at high level, return/extract shall be picked up from low level within the paint room. Paint room shall be completely
enclosed and separated from other surrounding spaces. 100mm thick paint stop fiberglass filter to Euro Class 3 Fire Class DN53438-D CSTB-F with
efficiency 94% for 2 stage coat, 88% varnish and 84%clear coat shall be specified for the recirculation AHU as well as extract air fan. Paint room AHU
shall have an electric heater coil to control room set point while operating in 100% outdoor air mode.

Carpentry area shall be air conditioned via a separate AHU. IKEA to confirm if a dust collection system will be installed by IKEA in this room and if there
are any relevant provisions required from us.

Maintaining indoor air quality is an essential element of our concept. This will be done through positive fresh air ventilation being provided to the space at
all times, year round. However, the cost of conditioning this air, year round, will be greatly minimized by recovering up to 80% of the energy spent on
conditioning same.

Fresh air needed for ventilation shall be conditioned to approximately the room enthalpy conditions & shall be ducted to each area. Multiple Fresh Air
Handling Units (FAHUs) are installed on the roof towards the centre portion of the building between grids H & L. An exhaust system will take approx.
80% of the supplied fresh air from each space and pass by an air-to-air heat exchanger (total enthalpy wheel) to enable the incoming fresh air to be pre-
cooled before the exhaust air, now warmer and moisture laden is finally discharged into the environment. No contamination or mixing of the 2 air streams
will be possible by using a purge on the enthalpy wheel. Fresh Air shall be filtered using both flat and bag filters in addition to the sand trap louver used at
intake. Return air is also to be filtered before entering the Heat Wheel to protect the wheel from getting choked.

Treated air is routed to various areas through sheet metal ducts. Extract or return air from various areas is brought back to the units via sheet metal ducts. A
positive pressure shall be maintained in office rooms. Negative pressure shall be maintained in kitchen, toilets, baby care areas & smokers rooms.

GEMAC has advised that there are no specific local authority regulations providing ventilation air flow rates for building spaces. Ventilation as per
ASHRAE 62.1 is acceptable method. ASHRAE 62.1 provides minim ventilation air flow rates to be maintained in breathable zones within buildings. The
ventilation air rates provided in the Inter IKEA systems construction specifications (revision March 2006) are higher than the current version of ASHRAE
62.1 2013 hence IKEA specified rates shall be followed. However for spaces such as offices and toilets/locker rooms etc. for which ventilation/extract air
rates are not available in IKEA Construction specifications (revision 2006), rates as per ASHRAE 62.1 shall be complied.

The ventilation rates as per IKEA Construction specifications are about 25 percent higher than the ventilation air rates required by ASHRAE standard 62.1-
2013 ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality. Therefore rates required by IKEA shall be the basis for the Ventilation design. However, in order to
provide energy savings, demand control ventilation (DCV) shall be proposed for self- serve ware house, market hall and showroom. Therefore, the supply
and extract air fans of FAHUs serving these spaces shall be operated via variable speed drives (VFD). The speed of FAHU supply fan VFD shall be
dictated by concentration of CO2 detected via CO2 sensors installed within the breathing zone of the three spaces. The reduction in speed of FAHU supply
fan VFD in response to CO2 concentrations shall be limited to maintain fresh air supply required for building pressurization at all times. The reduction in
speed of FAHU extract air fan VFD shall be such that the total extract air flow from the FAHU extract air fan is never less than 50% of the rates of FAHU
supply air fan. The reduction in extract air flows shall only reduce the general extract taken from spaces, any toilet extract ducts connected to extract air
fans of these FAHUs shall be provided with constant volume dampers to maintain constant amount of extract air from toilets at all times. When the fan
VFDs speed reduces to the point of lower limits for supply and extract air fan flow rates as explained above, the VFDs shall be commanded to lock the
speed and operate the fans at constant speed unless an increase in CO2 level demands increase in fan speed. This shall be achieved via BMS programming.
The effectiveness of demand control ventilation with respect to maintaining building pressurization shall be carefully studied and investigated during detail
design phase of the project and if DCV is incorporated in design, the lower limits of supply and extract air flow rates shall be defined.

Smoke detectors shall be provided in SA ducts of all FAHUs on roof to shut down FAHU and close the motorized fire dampers in ducts at building entry
points, upon detection of smoke.

Battery room shall be air conditioned with FCU however a continuous ventilation rate of 5.6l/s/sqm as per NFPA 1 shall be maintained. 18gauge stainless
steel 304 ducting with 2B finish shall be specified for ducts in battery room. Fan motors shall be specified as explosion proof motors, fans shall be backed
up by emergency power supply from standby Generator.

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