Assessment of Product Manager

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An assessment of professional training for

product managers in the pharmaceutical

Lea Prevel Katsanis
Department of Marketing, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Purpose – The primary purpose of this study is to identify how and where product managers in the pharmaceutical industry receive the training
required to undertake their job tasks, and whether or not there is a relationship between the tasks they perform and the training they receive.
Design/methodology/approach – The methodology for this study was exploratory and descriptive in nature, and utilized a cross-sectional survey
design. Both descriptive and relational statistics are used to analyze the data.
Findings – The key findings reveal that product managers receive the majority of their training on the job, with the rest supported by company-
sponsored training and outside seminars. Product managers do not appear to receive company training in proportion to the frequency with which
particular tasks are performed.
Research limitations/implications – The limitations to the study are that the findings are limited to one industry and that training needs are self-
Originality/value – Managers should not assume that on the job training adequately prepares product managers to do their jobs properly, and
training should be an essential part of the product manager’s experience. The paper identifies specific areas for future training.

Keywords Pharmaceuticals industry, Marketing, Product management, Training needs, Training methods

Paper type Research paper

An executive summary for managers and executive It is not clear whether this research gap is as a result of lack of
readers can be found at the end of this article. interest on the part of researchers; the lack of training given to
product managers; or the assumption that the training they
currently receive is adequate.
Introduction European managers appear to consider product
The product management system, initially adopted by Procter management training somewhat more important than their
& Gamble in order to improve the effectiveness of developing North American counterparts. For example, The Marketing
and marketing products, has undergone significant changes Excellence Forum in the UK (which consists of market
over the years (Franzoni, 1991). In the 1990s, the leaders such as Unilever and P&G) meet together several
combination of explosive demand for new and improved times a year to exchange experiences and best practices, and
products as well as the availability of new technology for subsequently decide how to “trickle down” this learning into
production and delivery of such products generated additional their organizations (Brand Strategy, 2005).
demands on the system (O’Connell, 1996). This situation The role of the product manager, in most, if not all industries,
accelerated the rate of change and it produced an “evolved” is to develop product marketing plans, see that they are
system which attempts to respond to current market dynamics implemented, monitor the results and take corrective action.
(Katsanis and Pitta, 1995). In the current millennium, the Such a limited scope does not capture the breadth of the
growth in technology with which to communicate with coordination function (Hehman, 1984; Low and Fullerton,
customers and address internal marketing needs has 1994), the importance of boundary spanning to develop and
mushroomed. In fact, Procter & Gamble has updated its maintain a large network of industry contacts (Lysonski, 1985),
marketing training and has made this training a top priority or the highly developed level of interpersonal skills required to
for the organization (Neff, 2002). facilitate the accomplishment of tasks through relationships with
Despite the importance of product managers to the people over whom the product manager has no direct authority
marketing function, however, there has been little research (Gemmill and Wilemon, 1972).
conducted on product manager training since the late 1990s. With the increasingly rapid change, serious questions are
being raised about the ability of product managers to meet
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at these challenges in today’s leaner, faster moving and entrepreneurial enterprises (Berggren and Dewar, 1992;
Low and Fullerton, 1994; Katsanis and Pitta, 1995).
Quelch et al. (1992) indicated that product managers want
Journal of Product & Brand Management
15/5 (2006) 324– 330
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1061-0421] Acknowledgement and thanks is given to Patrick Gushue, MBA, for the
[DOI 10.1108/10610420610685721] use of data collected as part of his MBA research paper.

Professional training for product managers Journal of Product & Brand Management
Lea Prevel Katsanis Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2006 · 324 –330

to spend more time thinking, writing and training, and that good salesperson are only a subset of the skills required for a good
they believe creative efforts are not rewarded. There are product manager. Consequently, product managers with a sales
persistent criticisms of product managers, which include their background are unprepared for working in a physical office
short-term focus, short-term tenure in the job, and ignorance space, as well as for the technical type of expertise required for
of key tasks required (Gabarro, 1985; MacStravic, 1996; writing marketing plans and understanding the intricacies of
Murphy and Gorchels, 1996; Katsanis et al., 1996). Many of product development (Panigyrakis and Veloutsou, 1999).
these concerns appear to be linked to the common practice of Ross (1999) states that many newly-appointed
corporations which recruit both young and inexperienced pharmaceutical product managers have minimal marketing
candidates. With inadequate knowledge and lack of skills, for the following reasons:
experience, many of these individuals fail in their duties as .
product management is not a career path in the industry;
product managers (Low and Fullerton, 1994). In addition, .
product managers are recruited from the sales force;
the “soft” skills of product management appear to be given .
few companies have comprehensive, thorough training
short shrift by many companies, which would include programs; and
leadership, team-building, coaching, mentoring, .
rapid turnover can result in as many as three different
presentation and negotiation (Cowlett, 2001). individuals handling a product in a short period of time,
There appears to be a gap between the requirements of the which causes lack of continuity. He concluded that
highly developed product management system and the relatively product managers need rigorous and systematic training.
inexperienced individuals who hold the positions in the system.
It can be reasonably assumed that the current level of training The limited literature available which specifically addresses
received by product managers may not be sufficient for them to product manager training suggests that product managers
successfully carry out their tasks. This study will address the usually receive a continuous flow of recommendations and
issue of product manager training, with a specific focus on suggestions with respect to the necessary skill sets (Bart,
product managers in the pharmaceutical industry. 1986). The success of this method of training, however, relies
solely on the ability of the supervisor to assign appropriate
tasks and provide constructive and meaningful feedback. The
Study objectives apparent absence of a formal mechanism by which the
The primary objective of this study is to identify how and where supervisor provides training, is a significant factor in the gap
product managers in the pharmaceutical industry receive the between position requirements and the knowledge and
training required to undertake their job tasks. The experience of the product manager.
pharmaceutical industry was chosen because it currently When the pharmaceutical industry is examined, it can be
operates in a rapidly changing business environment which seen that the competitive pressures for product managers to
necessitates significant changes in the product management perform are intense. In today’s business environment, product
function. Through identification of where pharmaceutical managers must deal with a variety of exogenous factors which
product managers receive their training, understanding may make their role more complex. Third party payer scrutiny,
be shed on either the strengths or weaknesses of the current demand for cost-benefit outcomes, price constraints, and the
training systems. Second, it will attempt to identify the future growing complexity of government regulations are but a few
training needs of product managers in this industry, which is examples of such factors. Pharmaceutical product managers
experiencing rapid evolutionary changes. The findings may must be trained not only to supervise the execution of the
prove valuable to firms who are attempting to develop promotional plan and budget, but must also possess a wide
appropriate training programs for their product managers. range of skill sets ranging from statistical and quantitative
analysis and marketing research to a strong understanding of
basic financial principles including the dynamics of profit and
Literature review loss administration. (Medical Marketing & Media, 1993). In
While a great deal has been written describing product 1999, the Healthcare Marketing and Communications
managers, little has been written which focuses on product Council, the pharmaceutical industry’s oldest and largest
manager training. For the most part, product manager trade association, determined that training for new and/or
training takes two forms: formal education which is received aspiring product managers should have the highest priority.
prior to beginning their career, and on-the-job training (Bart, They subsequently organized the first Pharmaceutical
1986). Most, if not all, formal training is theoretical, usually Product Manager Development Program (Girondi, 1999).
resulting from a general business degree which the new In light of the foregoing, it is evident that an assessment of
product managers complete prior to entering the work force. current product manager training will provide a useful
On-the-job training has been reported in the literature as perspective and a necessary step toward the development of
informal and dependent on the knowledge base of upper-level future training programs for product managers.
management (Bart, 1986). Several general models of
management training and adult learning have been Research questions
presented in the literature, and while useful, do not shed
light on the amount or type of training received by product The key research questions are as follows:
managers. RQ1. On what tasks do pharmaceutical product managers
Most pharmaceutical product managers come from a sales spend most of their time?
background. However, these managers do not have the RQ2. On which of these tasks do pharmaceutical product
appropriate skill level or knowledge to understand the key managers receive training, and from what sources?
tasks of brand management, because the job skills for the two RQ3. What are the self-reported training needs of product
positions are quite different. The skills required in order to be a managers?

Professional training for product managers Journal of Product & Brand Management
Lea Prevel Katsanis Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2006 · 324 –330

RQ4. Is there a difference between the time spent on key Table I Key functional tasks performed by pharmaceutical product
functional tasks by product managers and the amount managers
of company training received for these tasks?
RQ5. Is there a difference between company training 1. Develop annual intermediate, and long-range marketing and
received and on-the-job experience for key functional business strategies and plans
tasks? 2. Manage and recommend strategies and plans relative to pricing,
RQ6. Is there a difference between the time spent on specific distribution, labeling and packaging associated with assigned
functional tasks and self-reported training needs for products
key functional tasks? 3. Establish quantifiable product, project, and personnel objectives.
4. Develop unit and dollar sales forecasts
5. Recommend and develop strategies for new dosage forms
6. Conduct team meetings, foster communications among team
Study methodology members and departments, and issue appropriate and timely
This research is exploratory, descriptive in nature, and 7. Work with sales management to achieve national and regional sales
utilized a cross-sectional survey design. As such, no formal strategies and plans
hypotheses will be stated. Descriptive statistical analysis and a 8. Direct selected projects that will impact across product lines and
two-tailed test of proportions using the z statistic were used to influence future business policies of the firm
analyze the data. 9. Ensure, through leadership and direction, that the planning,
The questionnaire consisted of 22 functional tasks divided developing, implementation, and monitoring of the marketing
into three sections. These tasks were adapted from Smith programs conform with and fully support the product plan
(1991) and are well established in the literature as the key 10. Initiate and maintain appropriate linkages between the product and
functional tasks for pharmaceutical product managers project teams and other functional departments
(see Table I). 11. Communicate and actively participate with research and project
The first section asked respondents to estimate the relative management to ensure that product research and development
time they spent on 22 different tasks. A five-point scale was plans are implemented that fulfill agreed-to strategies
used which ranged from “Very frequently” to “Rarely”. The 12. Exercise final team approval on promotional copy and field
second section asked where the respondents acquired the communications related to assigned product
knowledge to conduct these tasks (this included university/ 13. Assist team members in the informal training process relative to
college, company training; external seminars; or on-the-job team interactions and activities
experience). The final section asked respondents to estimate 14. Review and comment on selling incentive programs
their future training needs on the 22 tasks using a five-point 15. Recommend appropriate allocation of sales resources to the sales
scale ranging from “High” to “None”. For purposes of and marketing department for the current planning period
brevity, only the largest percentage tasks from the list of 22, as 16. Introduce new products on to the market
well as the statistically significant tasks from the same list will 17. Assist in the resolution of actual or potential conflicts identified
be reported. between assign product marketing strategies or programs and
Questionnaires were mailed to 300 pharmaceutical product existing provincial, or federal laws and regulations
managers whose names were obtained through a commercial 18. Monitor social, political, economic, regulatory, and legal trends
mailing list and randomly generated. The final number of affecting assigned markets and make recommendations
questionnaires used in the survey was 50, or a 17 percent rate 19. Consult with and engage outside support, consultants, and agencies
of return. In this group of respondents, 27 different to acquire audited-marketing data
companies from the industry were represented. 20. Research competitors and the industry in general for new ideas,
trends, or phenomena that may be benchmarked
21. Establish budgets, budget mix, and monitor expenditures by specific
Study limitations media and target audiences for products or projects
The generalizability of the findings presented is limited to one 22. Anticipate and appraise management of changes in the marketplace
industry. Additionally, the need for training is self-reported, and initiate modifications to the marketing plan based on evolving
and not based on an external and/or objective party providing market dynamics
the evaluation. However, the data presented here can be quite Source: adapted from Smith (1991)
useful to pharmaceutical industry managers who wish to
identify general areas for training and development needs.

those which respondents indicated they spend their time

Findings “frequently”). Table II illustrates the ten primary functional
Demographics of sample tasks based on this survey.
Of the product managers surveyed for this study, 75 percent When ranked by percentage, the top five functional tasks
were between the ages of 30 and 40 years old; 66 percent of are: “direct and implement marketing plans”, “foster and
these individuals possess a Bachelor’s degree, and 65 percent direct product team communication”, “exercise approval for
have between one to three years of experience as a product promotional copy and material”, “establish and monitor
manager. budgets”, and “anticipate market changes”.

Time spent on key functional tasks Sources of knowledge

The majority of product managers spend over 70 percent or On average, product managers receive 87 percent of their
more of their time on ten of the 22 tasks (the tasks listed are knowledge through on-the-job experience. This on-the-job

Professional training for product managers Journal of Product & Brand Management
Lea Prevel Katsanis Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2006 · 324 –330

Table II Primary functional tasks ranked by percentage

Tasks % “Frequent” mentions Rank by %
Direct and implement marketing plans (9) 92 1
Foster product team communication (6) 86 2
Exercise copy/promotional material approval (12) 86 3
Establish and monitor budgets (21) 86 4
Anticipate market changes (22) 80 5
Work with sales management (7) 78 6
Establish objectives (3) 78 7
Develop strategies (1) 76 8
Maintain departmental linkages (10) 76 9
Develop dollar/unit forecasts (4) 74 10

experience is supported by company-sponsored training (29 received significant amounts of company training (even
percent), college/university training (15 percent); and outside though the finding was not statistically significant with
seminars (14 percent). Percentages exceed 100 percent due to respect to proportional differences).
the multiple selections possible for this answer.
The top ten tasks on which product managers receive On-the-job experience vs company-sponsored training
company-sponsored training are listed in Table III. Overall, There appear to be differences between knowledge acquired
the single highest percentage of company training received through company training programs and knowledge acquired
was 56 percent for “objective setting.” Other areas of high through on-the-job experience. Table IV presents this data,
percentages of company sponsored training received included: and it can be observed that when on-the-job experience is
“developing strategies”, “fostering team communication”, higher, company training is lower for six out of the seven tasks
and “establishing and monitoring budgets.” Some of the most which have the highest proportion of company sponsored
frequently performed tasks, such as “direct and implement training. The one exception to this is “establishing
marketing plans,” and “exercise copy and promotional objectives,” which was not statistically significant. However,
material approval” show lower levels of training reported. this is the one item for which product managers received the
highest proportion of training. Companies may consider
outside expertise to be necessary for teaching this function
Frequently performed tasks vs considerable company because if objectives are not properly established, marketing
training plans cannot be properly implemented.
The z statistic was calculated to determine whether the
proportion of “frequently performed tasks” is different from Anticipated training needs
the proportion of “company training received.” When product managers were asked to assess which of their
Product managers do not appear to receive company training needs were “considerable,” three areas emerged:
training in proportion to the frequency with which particular “introducing new products” (48 percent), “anticipating
tasks are performed. The most statistically significant results market changes” (44 percent), and “resolution of
correspond to those tasks for which respondents received governmental/legal/ issues” (43 percent). Seven of the nine
proportionally less training: “promotional and copy areas of considerable training areas are not in the top ten
approval”, “directing and implementing marketing plans”, ranked tasks (Table V).
“developing forecasts”, “establishing and monitoring The percentage of product managers receiving company
budgets”, and “fostering team communication”. training was compared to the percentage of time these same
While the function “new product introduction” was not an tasks are performed frequently. Only two of the nine tasks
area which product managers ranked highly in terms of time showed statistical significance. However, both the significant
spent, the data suggest that it is one of the areas which and non-significant findings are of interest.

Table III Respondents receiving company-sponsored training compared with time spent on primary functional tasks
Company sponsored
Rank by Time spent training received 0.05
Tasks % (% respondents “frequently”) (% respondents “considerable”) z significance
Establish objectives (3) 7 78 56 1.66 0.0485
Develop strategies (1) 8 76 48 2.29 0.0110
Foster team communication (6) 2 86 44 3.28 0.0010
Establish and monitor budgets (21) 4 86 38 3.93 0.0000
Introduce new projects (16) 18 40 36 0.53 0.2981
Direct and implement marketing plans (9) 1 90 36 4.35 0.0000
Exercise copy/promotional material approval (12) 3 86 34 4.40 0.0000
Develop dollar/unit forecasts (4) 10 74 32 4.03 0.0000

Professional training for product managers Journal of Product & Brand Management
Lea Prevel Katsanis Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2006 · 324 –330

Table IV Proportion of respondents receiving company training compared with respondents reporting on-the-job experience for primary functional
Tasks % receiving company training % on-the-job experience z 0.05 significance
Establish objectives (3) 56 72 1.26 0.1038
Foster team communication (6) 44 90 6.48 0.0002
Establish and monitor budgets (21) 38 92 4.21 0.0000
Introduce new products (16) 36 94 4.21 0.0000
Work with sales management (7) 26 96 5.83 0.0000
Manage 4 Ps (2) 24 94 6.03 0.0000
Monitor departmental linkages (10) 20 96 6.66 0.0000

Table V Self-reported training needs compared with time spent on key functional tasks
Company sponsored
Rank by Time spent training received 0.05
Tasks % (% respondents “frequently”) (% respondents “considerable”) z significance
Introduce new products (16) 18 48 40 0.93 0.1762
Anticipate market changes (18) 16 44 42 0.23 0.4090
Resolution of governmental/legal issues (17) 21 43 28 2.14 0.0162
Research competitors (20) 14 31 48 2.17 0.0150
Develop strategies (1) 8 27 76 4.80 0.0000
Review sales incentive programs (14) 22 27 10 4.70 0.0000
Direct and implement marketing plans (9) 1 27 92 5.50 0.0000
Develop dollar/unit forecasts (4) 10 25 74 5.00 0.0000
R&D development (11) 15 25 42 2.57 0.0051

Even though the results are not statistically significant for explanations. When levels of company training versus
“new product introductions,” the data suggest that product on-the-job experience are examined, the inference can be
managers appear to believe they need training in this made that upper management appears to believe that on-the-
important area (this item received the highest percentage for job experience, in most cases, is sufficient and that product
“considerable” training needed). The same may be surmised managers can learn what they need from their direct
for “anticipated market changes” analysis. The need for supervisors. Another explanation may be the possible
training in these areas is not surprising, as the time spent as a assumption by upper management that “practice makes
product manager is short (on average, between one and three perfect.” Given the high rates of turnover and lack of
years). These functional areas are constantly evolving and experience as reported in the literature, this would seem to be
require both monitoring and updating of information. a faulty assumption.
Three functions which show statistical significance (“develop Further, the findings suggest that the level of company-
strategies”, “direct and implement marketing programs”, and sponsored training and outside training is relatively low. This
“forecasting”) also show fairly low levels of training needed is a somewhat worrisome situation. Companies appear to rely
when compared to the relatively high frequency of task largely on their own internal training capabilities, and the lack
performed. This may suggest that the on-the-job experience of external knowledge infusion may lead to the perpetuation
and acquired company training is sufficient for these specific of untrained product managers on the road to failure. This
tasks. The function “resolution of governmental/legal issues” is may also be partly an explanation for high turnover, as lack of
one where product managers’ time is not spent frequently, but knowledge may lead to job frustration.
where the level of training need appears relatively high because It was encouraging to observe that emerging areas of
of the complexity and rapid change of the laws and regulations importance, such as “introducing new products,” “fostering
for pharmaceutical products. product team communication,” “anticipating market
changes,” and “resolution of governmental/legal issues” are
receiving relatively high levels of training. The literature
Discussion of results points to these emerging areas of importance to the
The results of this study are consistent with the previous pharmaceutical industry as critical for product manager
literature (Smith, 1991) with respect to the functional success (Medical Marketing & Media, 1993).
responsibilities of pharmaceutical product managers. It is Finally, product managers did not seem to believe they needed
certainly not surprising that product managers spend the training on those areas which they perform frequently. This
majority of their time on the day-to-day routine tasks required finding was somewhat surprising given the short tenure and
to manage their brands. relative lack of experience of most product managers. They may
Functional tasks performed frequently appear to receive suffer from the same “practice makes perfect” myopia as upper
less company sponsored training. There are two possible management. The areas they did identify as important for

Professional training for product managers Journal of Product & Brand Management
Lea Prevel Katsanis Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2006 · 324 –330

training needs were indeed the ones which are emerging as Brand Strategy (2005), “Marketing capability: marketing
important areas for their companies and the industry. excellence”, Vol. 2, November, p. 30.
Cowlett, M. (2001), “Learn to take on a management role”,
Managerial implications Marketing, 13 September, p. 31.
Franzoni, L. (1991), “Product managers: finding the right
One important implication of this research to the practicing fit”, Bank Marketing, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 28-31.
manager is that they should ensure that product managers Gabarro, J. (1985), “When a new manager takes charge”,
receive basic training in the fundamentals of their job; in other Harvard Business Review, Vol. 63 No. 3, pp. 110-33.
words, do not assume that “practice makes perfect”. One may Gemmill, G.R. and Wilemon, D.L. (1972), “The product
find that practice simply reinforces bad habits, which ultimately
manager as an influence agent”, Journal of Marketing,
has negative effects on performance. The competencies of new
Vol. 36, January, pp. 26-30.
product managers should be assessed when they take on their
Girondi, R.A. (1999), “The need for product manager
positions, particularly those who come in “from the field”. This
would help managers understand what training is required, training: somebody is doing something about it”, Medical
rather than having all product managers receiving the same Marketing & Media, Vol. 34 No. 8, p. 98.
training (some of which may not be required). Training is often Hehman, R.D. (1984), Product Management, Dow-Jones-Irwin,
a low priority item for many companies. Given the complexity of Homewood, IL.
the product management function, training should be Katsanis, L.P. and Pitta, D.A. (1995), “Punctuated
considered as essential to the performance of the organization. equilibrium and the evolution of the product manager”,
One way to reduce the frequent turnover associated with the Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 4 No. 3,
product manager position is to have well-trained individuals. pp. 49-60.
Finally, there are many new areas pharmaceutical product Katsanis, L.P., Laurin, J.P. and Pitta, D.A. (1996), “How
managers are required to have expertise in, such as direct to should product managers be evaluated in emerging product
consumer marketing, and database management (CRM). management systems?”, Journal of Product & Brand
Addditional training and special expertise may be required for Management, Vol. 5 No. 6, pp. 3-20.
these functions. Low, G. and Fullerton, R. (1994), “Brands, brand
management, and the brand management system:
Areas of future research a critical-historical evaluation”, Journal of Marketing
Research, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 173-90.
Future research may focus on the effectiveness of current Lysonski, S. (1985), “A boundary theory investigation of the
training methods in preparing product managers to product manager’s role”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49
accomplish their functional responsibilities. This research
No. 1, pp. 26-40.
must ensure that the effectiveness measurements can be
MacStravic, S. (1996), “Marketing or management? Which
measured both internally and externally.
way the future?”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Vol. 16
A second area of future research would be to examine what
skills marketing managers today consider important for No. 2, pp. 10-13.
product managers to possess; whether it is perceived that Medical Marketing & Media (1993), “Product management
salespeople have these skills; and finally, whether or not the has changed . . . have you?”, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 6-10.
training needs of product managers from non-sales Murphy, W.H. and Gorchels, L. (1996), “How to improve
backgrounds differ from those with sales backgrounds. product management effectiveness”, Industrial Marketing
A third area of future research is that of curriculum Management, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 47-58.
development for product manager training programs. This Neff, J. (2002), “Back to school for P&G”, Advertising Age,
study suggests that many product mangers learn on-the-job Vol. 73 No. 39, p. 3.
from their immediate supervisors. Certain tasks may be best O’Connell, M.J. (1996), “Marketing-driven change
learned “outside” the company, and an assessment of which management”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Vol. 16
skill sets are most appropriate for external training should be No. 1, pp. 11-13.
identified. Panigyrakis, G.G. and Veloutsou, C. (1999), “Brand
This study can be carried out for different industries, or managers in the pharmaceutical industry: are they any
across industries for all product managers to see if similar different?”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 8
results emerge. Additionally, it would be interesting to No. 6, pp. 497-512.
compare results from product managers within the same Quelch, J.A., Farris, P.W. and Olver, J. (1992), “The product
firm, to examine within-firm differences. management audit: design and survey findings”, Journal of
Finally, it would be of interest to see if there is a correlation Product & Brand Management, Vol. 1 No. 4, p. 21.
between performance on the job and the training received by Ross, W. (1999), “It’s time we trained our product
the product manager when starting his/her job. Training managers”, Medical Marketing & Media, Vol. 34 No. 8,
would be expected to produce improved performance results pp. 84-91.
under most circumstances. Smith, M.C. (1991), Pharmaceutical Marketing: Strategy and
Cases, Pharmaceutical Products Press, Binghamton, NY.
Bart, C. (1986), “Product strategy and formal structure”, Further reading
Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 7 No. 4, pp. 293-312.
Berggren, E. and Dewar, R. (1991), “Is product management Medical Marketing & Media (1991), “Managing a product
obsolete?”, Journal of Retail Banking, Vol. 13 No. 4, under attack: a firsthand report on Clozaril”, Vol. 26
pp. 27-32. No. 10, pp. 6-11.

Professional training for product managers Journal of Product & Brand Management
Lea Prevel Katsanis Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2006 · 324 –330

About the author A rare study into this area by Lea Prevel Katsanis of
Canada’s Concordia University sought the views of 300
Lea Prevel Katsanis is an Associate Professor of Marketing pharmaceutical product managers, and from within the 50
and Chair, Department of Marketing, Concordia University, respondents, 27 companies were represented. The survey
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Lea Prevel Katsanis can be asked respondents about the areas in which their training
contacted at: [email protected] needs are considerable. These emerged as:
introducing new products;
Executive summary .
anticipating market changes; and
This executive summary has been provided to allow managers and
resolution of governmental/legal issues.
executives a rapid appreciation of the content of this article. Those In short, the very issues that are at the heart of the business
with a particular interest in the topic covered may then read the and impact significantly on the future of the firm. Product
article in toto to take advantage of the more comprehensive managers reported that they spending most of their time on
description of the research undertaken and its results to get the full the day-to-day routine tasks required in managing their
benefit of the material present. brands. Somewhat surprisingly they didn’t feel that they
needed extra training in these areas, but that too can be
interpreted as worrying – it could be mere myopia, an
Big pharma’s Achilles heel assumption of good practice, when there is little evidence to
Few businesses have thrived more than pharmaceutical suggest that external benchmarks have been sought.
businesses in an increasingly global marketplace
characterized by lower rates of tariffs, inter-connected Practice does not make perfect
communications and big brands. R&D costs are such that The picture emerging is one heavily reliant on on-the-job
without international markets there would be no “big” in “big training. There certainly seems to be a belief from upper
pharma” – virtually all national markets would simply be too management that this is the most effective approach, either
small to support the scale and uncertainty of investments. that or benign neglect of alternatives. Even this seems
unsystematic – knowledge absorption by osmosis perhaps.
The product manager’s role The assumption that “practice makes perfect” is one that is,
Yet globalization brings its own challenges, and emerging
at best incomplete. Product managers need early and ongoing
competitors, particularly from the generic drugs providers,
training in the basics of their job. Without specific programs,
The product management system, initially developed by
including use of external providers, engrained bad habits will
Proctor & Gamble, is central to the plans of the
pharmaceutical giants in their fight for market supremacy. It merely perpetuate themselves. Of course the product
is a fast moving field, changed by new communications managers who are newly in-post will not know what they
technologies and faster product-to-market cycles. The don’t know, but their companies can anticipate and put in
responsibilities for products and brands have always been robust structures for developing those whose success
large. Their direct reports are low in number – the job is underpins corporate success.
about winning friends (or not) and influencing people, people It is little surprise then that retention of product managers is
over whom they have no line authority. so low, yet this is a situation that surely can’t be allowed to
In short, it’s a key role that demands a high degree of continue. If people with the skills to close sales in the short-
knowledge, an ability to continually update and renew term, are put into roles that demand a different perspective,
knowledge and skills, and a high level of interpersonal skills to then left under-prepared for the rigours ahead, any sense of
work through people to achieve results. It is normally about achievement is likely to be minimal or accidental. If people who
developing product marketing plans, ensuring their delivery, felt a strong sense of control over their own destiny are put into
monitoring results and taking corrective action where necessary. situations where influence rather than authority is the key, it is
It is a highly skilled role then. One where training not difficult to imagine the levels of frustration that will result.
investment is a given. You would think so. The reality, while It is the upper-level myopia regarding this that is much
better in Europe than in North America, is different. The harder to fathom. Executives will recognize just how vital
pharma giants have protected themselves from competition in product managers are to their achieving desired revenue
a number of ways, apparently invincible. Yet, like the Achilles targets. They must have some sense of the complexities and
of Greek mythology, they have missed one very important ambiguities of the role. So why is product manager training
spot, and have made themselves vulnerable. neglected?
However, looking at this issue from a more positive
Where to focus training efforts perspective, pharmaceutical multinationals are on the whole
Product manager roles are rarely part of a career planning doing very well. Investing in product manager training is not a
process; they are mainly recruited from sales. They know the difficult problem to solve. Solving it will correlate to even
business, yet this does not prepare them to the role that lies greater commercial success. This could be the best decision
ahead, in fact the skill sets for sales and for product you make when you are crunching the numbers in the next
management are completely different. Those newly appointed budgetary cycle.
are unlikely to be adequately trained for the role. And the
turnover in product managers is high, few last in the job for (A précis of the article “An assessment of professional training for
long, which is both ironic and potentially disastrous, the role product managers in the pharamceutical industry”. Supplied by
requires a focus on the medium- to long-term future. Marketing Consultants for Emerald.)

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