Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Unconventional Cancer Treatments
September 1990
NTIS order #PB91-104893
Recommended Citation:
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Unconventional Cancer Treatments,
OTA-H-405 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1990).
Ill. . .
Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Advisory Panel
Special Consultant
Michael Lerner, Ph.D.
Bolinas, California
NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the advisory panel members. The panel does
not however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report and the accuracy of its
OTA Staff—Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Project Staff
Hellen Gelband, Project Director
Julia T. Ostrowsky, Principal Analyst
Administrative Staff
Virginia Cwalina, Office Administrator
Eileen Murphy, P.C. Specialist
Carolyn Martin, Word Processor Specialist
Michael S. Evers, J.D., Project Cure
Vicki S. Freimuth, Ph.D., University of Maryland
Janice Guthrie, The Health Resource
Sharon Hammond, University of Maryland
David J. Hufford, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Michael Lerner, Ph.D., Commonweal
Daniel J. Morns, M.D., H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Anne Paxton, Washington, DC
Terence M. Phillips, Ph.D., D.Sc., George Washington University Medical Center
Ronald D. Schwartz, J.D., and Rebecca L. Burke, J.D., White, Fine & Verville
Patricia Spain Ward, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
Robert Watson, University of North Texas
Jack Z. Yetiv, M.D., Ph.D., San Carlos, CA
NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance provided by the working group members and consultants. The working group does
no$ however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report and the accuracy of its
Chapter 1: Summary and Policy Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 2: Behavioral and Psychological Approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter 3: Dietary Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Chapter 4: Herbal Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Chapter 5: Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Chapter6: Immuno-Augmentative Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Addendum: Memorandum of Understanding Between OTA and Lawrence Burton
Concerning a Clinical Trial of-IAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Chapter 7: Patients Who Use Unconventional Cancer Treatments and
How They Find Out About Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Chapter 8: Organized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer Treatments:
Information, Advocacy, and Opposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Chapter 9: Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Chapter 10: Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional Cancer Treatments . . . . . . . . . . 197
Chapter 11: Laws and Regulations Governing Practitioners Who Offer
Unconventional Cancer Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213
Chapter 12: Evaluating Unconventional Cancer Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Appendix A: Method of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Appendix B: Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Appendix C: Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Box Page
3-A. An Example of an Adjunctive Nutritional Approach to Cancer Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3-B. Coffee Enemas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 1
8-A. The American Medical Association: Historical View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
1O-A. How the Safety and Efficacy of New Drugs Are Established . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 202
Table Page
8-1. Unconventional Cancer Treatments and Practitioners for Which NCI/CIS
Has Standard Response Paragraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
8-2. Treatments and Proponents of Treatments Declared Unproven in ACS
Statements on Unproven Methods of Cancer Management, 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
9-1. Total Initial Treatment Charges for Proprietary Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
9-2. Costs of Selected Unconventional Cancer Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Chapter 1
tion base in support of the claims; suggests possible took, as part of this project, a case study to develop
ways of generating valid information about their a protocol for a clinical trial to study the efficacy and
safety and effectiveness; and presents the legal safety of IAT. The results of this effort are reported
issues surrounding unconventional treatments that in chapter 6.
have brought civil and criminal litigation to bear on
We focus on unconventional cancer treatments, UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER
and not on the successes and failures of mainstream TREATMENTS
medicine, either in general or in treating cancer. To
help describe the context in which unconventional “Unconventional” is just one of many terms, all
treatments exist, however, a brief summary of the imperfect descriptors, that were considered, for the
status of mainstream cancer treatment is included purposes of this report, to refer to the wide variety of
later in this chapter. But this report is neither a treatments that fall outside the bounds of main-
comparison of mainstream and unconventional treat- stream medicine. Other terms used by proponents to
ments nor an equal critique of both. In many places, describe all or some of these treatments include:
the discussions of unconventional treatments in the alternative, complementary, nontoxic, holistic, natu-
report are quite critical, e.g., of the quality of ral, and noninvasive. Those used by the sharpest of
evidence offered to support the treatments, of the critics include: unproven, questionable, dubious,
claims that are made, etc. quackery, and fraudulent. At the beginning of this
study, the term ‘‘nontraditional’ was used to
In addition, adverse effects are pointed out when describe the treatments, but was unacceptable since
there is information about them. These points are not ‘‘traditional’ is widely used to refer to various types
intended to suggest that mainstream medicine is free of native healers and treatments, as in traditional
of faults, that its promise is always realized, or that Chinese medicine; nontraditional, therefore, could
practitioners of mainstream medicine are aware of describe mainstream medicine. During much of the
and use the best possible treatments for their project, the adjective “unorthodox” was used,
patients. OTA and many other organizations and chosen as a term as free as possible from value
authors have produced critical analyses of various judgments about the quality of the treatments being
areas of mainstream research and medical practice, discussed. Eventually, protests from both sides of
and these are available for the reader. The aim of this the debate prompted the change to the term ‘uncon-
report, rather, is to produce an assessment of ventional.” We intend no implicit message in the
unconventional treatments, as far as is possible use of the word ‘‘unconventional;” it was chosen
today. with the hope that debate engendered by this report
could center not on that word, but on the issues
significance. In addition, the rising toll of chronic oppose recognition of chiropractors as legitimate
diseases-with longer and more unpredictable courses- health care providers. In the mid-1970s, Chester
in the face of dramatically declining death rates from Wilk and three other chiropractors brought suit,
acute diseases heightened the need for reliable charging that the AMA and several other profes-
methods to gauge the effectiveness of treatments. A sional societies had engaged in a conspiracy to
formal set of procedures, consistent with the ‘scien- boycott chiropractors (960). In 1987, after an 11-
tific method,” now governs the clinical evaluation year lawsuit, the court ruled for the chiropractors and
of new medical technology, particularly drugs and against the AMA (614). Both the Department of
biologics. (In contrast, medical and surgical procedures— Investigation and the Committee on Quackery were
e.g., surgical operations and diagnostic techniques— eliminated in a 1975 restructuring of AMA.
are not always subject initially to such rigorous
The American Cancer Society (ACS) has also
testing.l) The formal approach has had particular
played a key role in defining the limits of orthodoxy
emphasis in the evaluation of cancer treatments, and
in cancer treatment and in discouraging the use of
over the years has been incorporated into the
treatments falling outside their definition. ACS has
processes and standards of evidence required by the
taken a leading role in efforts against practitioners of
Federal Government for the approval of new drugs
unconventional cancer treatments. Their ‘Unproven
and medical devices, and into the operations of the
Methods List” is frequently used by doctors in
National Cancer Institute, which funds most cancer
counseling their patients about unconventional treat-
research in the United States. The greatest emphasis
ments, and is used extensively by the insurance
in cancer treatment, hence in the methods employed
industry to determine whether patients should be
in cancer research, has been placed on finding
reimbursed for the costs of treatment (577). It is
treatments that directly kill cancer cells (cytotoxic
often referred to as a‘ ‘blacklist’ by the proponents
of unconventional treatment.
The American Medical Association (AMA) has A highly polarized situation exists today. As
been the organizational leader of the U.S. medical Lerner puts it:
community during this century. In addition to
enhancing the authority of physicians and support- In the “war over cancer therapies” that has been
ing the structured approach to clinical research, the widely publicized in the American media for the past
AMA has attempted to eliminate alleged health decade, both sides often describe the opposition as a
fraud, and much of this activity has focused on malevolent monolith. Thus the cancer establishment
has characterized the alternative and adjunctive
cancer treatments. From the early 1900s onward, the cancer therapies as the work of quacks preying on
task of combating activities designated as health desperate and credulous cancer victims, while the
fraud was the formal responsibility of one or another proponents of alternative therapies have depicted
organizational unit within the AMA. In addition, established therapies as the ‘cut, burn and poison”
Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the therapies of a cynical and profit-driven conspiracy.
American Medical Association (JAMA) from 1924 These stereotypes are, from a sociological perspec-
to 1949, conducted several crusades against particu- tive, familiar to anyone who has studied the phenom-
lar practitioners of unconventional cancer treatments enon of propaganda in conflict situations. Each side
and, in general, against what he considered quack- in the cancer therapies controversy accuses the other
ery. of being profit motivated, of preying on desperate
cancer patients, of cynically suppressing or ignoring
In recent years, the AMA has reduced its formal therapies that could be beneficial, and of represent-
activities against certain nonphysician providers and ing an organized conspiracy to thwart progress in
alleged health fraud. While the Division of Archival cancer. (528)
Services and Public Affairs now answers inquiries
about unconventional medicine, the Committee on
Quackery and the Department of Investigation were The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
eliminated in 1975. One of the main functions of the (FDCA) and other laws regulate the manufacture,
Committee on Quackery, formed in 1962, was to sale, and advertising of medical products. In enact-
l~e 1978 Ow reportA~~e~~i~g the Efi~a~~ and S@~ of ~edicaz Technologies (863) cites Ken ~te’s estimate that Orlly 10 to 20 ptXCeIlt Of
all procedures used in mainstream medical practice have been been shown to be effkacious by controlled trial.
6 ● Unconventionl Cancer Treatments
ing these laws, Congress has operated on the premise countries (though parents choosing treatment for a
that the Federal Government has a legitimate interest child may be restricted by legal precedents). How-
in protecting the health of its citizens, while at the ever, some treatments are excluded from choice in
same time respecting their freedoms. The system the United States because they involve the use of
that has developed is one that requires reliable unapproved substances that could only be offered
evidence of efficacy and safety accepted by the Food illegally here.
and Drug Administration (FDA) before medicines
may be offered legally.2 This status quo is supported Variations on the freedom of choice position have
by the “consumer protection” point of view. been voiced in recent years. For instance, during the
Opposition to this system, called the “freedom of lengthy legal battles over the rights of cancer
choice’ position by some advocates of unconven- patients to use laetrile, the argument centered on the
tional cancer treatment, is based on a belief that right of terminally ill patients to choose a treatment
Americans should be free to decide for themselves that did not meet the safety and efficacy require-
which treatments they want to take. ments of the FDA. In the final decision of that case,
which initially found for the plaintiffs at the Federal
The “consumer protection” point of view is
district and appeals court levels, the U.S. Supreme
supported by the contention that the average con-
Court found that even terminally ill patients should
sumer cannot be expected to make informed choices
be protected from potentially unsafe and ineffective
in a complex scientific field. In an early court case
medicines (918). The same case indirectly legiti-
under the Food and Drugs Act of 1906, the judge, in
mized the autonomy of the FDA, which had been
his charge to the jury, said:
under siege by State legislatures who were inde-
This law was not passed to protect experts pendently permitting the use of a federally unap-
especially, not to protect scientific men who know proved treatment within their States, when FDA
the meaning and value of drugs, but for the purpose regulation clearly prohibited State sanctioning.
of protecting ordinary citizens. (914,916)
In a case interpreting the 1938 FDCA, Justice Laws and regulations designed to protect patients
Frankfurter stated: from potentially harmful and ineffective treatments
have been criticized by supporters of unconven-
The purposes of this legislation. . touch phases of tional treatment for limiting patients’ access to
the lives and health of people which, in the circum- treatments of their choice. When State laws have
stances of modern industrialism, are largely beyond been passed permitting access to specific unconven-
self-protection. (913) tional cancer treatments that would otherwise be
The argument for “freedom of choice” in medical illegal (e.g., laetrile, in the 1970s), they have been
care is based on the concept of an individual’s right criticized by segments of the mainstream medical
of privacy. It is argued that this right prohibits the community for exposing patients to hazardous or
government from restraining individuals’ rights to ineffective treatments, or for dissuading patients
obtain treatments of their choosing: “the patient from seeking potential curative treatment.
should be permitted to opt for treatment consistent
with his views of higher quality of life” (416). A Relevant laws and regulations address the ap-
parallel argument is made for the physician’s right proval, labeling, advertising, and marketing of
and responsibility to provide medical care. It reasons pharmaceuticals and medical devices; the certifica-
that well-informed physicians, following their best tion of various types of medical practitioners;
judgment and having assessed the risks and benefits professional sanctions against certified practitioners
of a treatment, should be allowed to provide the care for inappropriate care of patients; the general
they deem best for their patients (950). exclusion of nncertified individuals from medical
practice; and the rules by which publicly funded
There are, in general, no legal restrictions on a programs pay for medical care. More generally,
U.S. patient’s right to choose a treatment for himself criminal and civil statutes, though developed to
or herself, either in the United States or in foreign apply to a wide range of situations, sometimes have
~echnically, FDA approval must be obtained before drugs and biologics may be marketed in interstate commerce. This criterion excludes only an
exceedingly small proportion of medicines.
Chapter l-Summary adoptions . 7
applied to disputes involving unconventional cancer To find appropriate mechanisms in the Congress
treatments. for thoughtful review of the fundamental issues
raised by the ‘‘freedom of choice” versus “con-
U.S. laws provide for the regulation of the sumer protection” quandary, and to determine
efficacy, safety, advertising, and sale of medical whether there are not better laws and regulations that
drugs and devices, under statutory authority of the would enhance both consumer protection and free-
FDA, the Federal Trade Commission, and the U.S. dom of choice in the interests of Americans with
Postal Service. Professional standards apply to the cancer. (8)
practice of medicine and are designed to limit the
bounds of medicine to practices with known or
definable safety and effectiveness, or practices that INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE
are generally “accepted’ by mainstream medicine, ON THE AVAILABILITY OF
sometimes without formal evidence. Though the UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER
threat of professional sanctions exists, physicians
appear to have considerable latitude in treating their TREATMENTS IN THE
patients; there are relatively few medical conditions UNITED STATES
for which the choices of physicians are entirely
constrained. The FDCA codifies standards of safety and
efficacy for new medical drugs and medical devices,
In addition, the enforcement of laws and profes- but does not set standards for the practice of
sional norms is incomplete, so that, in practice, even medicine; the medical profession sets its own
set bounds are readily exceeded without legal or standards for the conduct of physicians. A wide
professional consequences to the physician. The variety of unconventional cancer treatments are
potential for legal action exists against those over- available in the United States despite the limits
stepping the bounds of law, but relatively few implied by these laws and professional standards. A
actions are actually taken by the Government or by book published in 1988, Third Opinion (289), lists
disciplinary bodies. A member of the advisory panel 60 clinics and physicians in the United States
for this study reported to OTA that, based on an offering alternatives to mainstream medicine.
informal survey he conducted, it appears that in the
last three years an increasing number of disciplinary Advocates of unconventional cancer treatments
actions against unconventional practitioners may often contrast the situation in the United States to the
have taken place (219). In addition, at least some relative openness of a number of European countries-
physicians with an interest in using unconventional e.g., Switzerland, Germany, England, the Netherlands-
treatments along with mainstream treatments have to unconventional medicine. No thorough interna-
informed OTA that they are reluctant to do so tional comparison of the availability and legal status
because of the fear of legal action or professional of unconventional cancer treatments has been done,
sanctions (82,218). and OTA did not undertake such a comparison.
However, it is clear that many treatments not
This report describes the legal standing of uncon- available legally in the United States are offered
ventional treatments and their practitioners and the openly and legally in those countries. In those
legal arguments on both sides of the issue. Laws and countries, it appears that, particularly for treatments
regulations affecting unconventional cancer treat- that are supportive and adjunctive to mainstream
ments are discussed in chapter 10. Those that affect treatment, they coexist more harmoniously with the
practitioners are discussed in chapter 11. It was not mainstream community than is the case in the United
within the purview of the report to suggest an States. For example, the Bristol Cancer Help Centre,
overhaul of the basic regulatory framework for in England, which offers a range of supportive
drugs, and options that would accomplish that psychological and nutritional approaches, has many
change are not included. However, the information cancer patients who were referred there by their
in the report might be useful in considering a physicians. Such programs exist in the United
suggestion made in a joint letter to OTA by several States, the Commonweal Cancer Help Program, for
members of the project advisory panel, should the instance; the issue of differential treatment interna-
Congress wish to consider changes. The panel tionally is not simply one of legality, but of
members believe that it would be useful: acceptance.
8 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Some unconventional treatments about which used for palliative purposes, to alleviate the physical
OTA has specific information are not in fact treated interference of a cancer with other organs.
equally to mainstream medicine in other countries.
Advances in oncologic surgery include a move
In the case of IAT, for instance, though it is available
toward less radical operations for some cancers,
at a clinic in West Germany, it is not licensed by that
Government. According to an official of the German particularly early stage breast cancer. The shift is
based on the results of large randomized clinical
Government (422), the “effectiveness of the method
trials of various degrees of surgical removal (from
described [in the patient brochure] is not proven by
removing the least amount of tissue, ‘‘lurnpec-
the statements advanced. Whether the treatment can
lead to risks for patients is, from the submitted tomy,” to the most, radical mastectomy), which
information, not clear, but cannot in any way be demonstrated that, combined with appropriate ad-
junctive treatment, surgery that is less radical results
excluded” [emphasis in original]. The costs of
in survival equivalent to that of more radical surgery.
treatment with IAT are not covered by social
Another trend has been toward more aggressive
insurance carriers for German citizens. In other
countries as well, unconventional treatments are not surgical removal of metastatic tumors.
necessarily paid for by publicly funded health plans Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used as
(e.g., the Netherlands (222)). In a joint letter to OTA, primary treatments for some leukemias and lympho-
members of the advisory panel for this study mas, and are used in addition to (“adjuvant” to)
commented on the “broad availability of insurance surgery for solid tumors that have advanced beyond
coverage in other countries, such as Germany, for their original location, including both regional and
many unconventional cancer therapies. ’ distant (metastatic) spread. Out of the thousands that
have been tested, a relatively small number of drugs
Defenders of the U.S. drug approval system point (about 30) are approved for use today. The regimens
to the many instances in other countries, Great considered “state of the art” vary according to the
Britain, for example, in which drugs never approved site of the cancer, in some cases the type of cells that
in the United States have been approved, later to be make up the tumor, the stage of the cancer, and, to
banned because of serious side effects not detected some extent, characteristics of the patient.
during pre-approval clinical studies (966). It is likely
that more unsafe as well as ineffective products are General rules for mainstream cancer chemother-
approved in countries other than the United States. apy are that the highest tolerated doses be used, and
No comparative analysis of international drug laws that multiple drugs be used in combination. The use
as they relate to unconventional medicine exists so of high doses, the systemic administration, and the
it is not possible to draw conclusions about the toxic properties of many anticancer drugs account
relative merits and deficiencies of each approach. for the often severe side effects of cancer treatment.
The rules are based on the observation that some
cancer cells are resistant to the effects of some drugs.
CURRENT MAINSTREAM One of the most widespread mechanisms of natu-
rally occ urring drug resistance is a molecular
TREATMENTS FOR CANCER “pump” which works to transport chemotherapeu-
Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy (drug tic drugs out of the cancer cell before any damage
therapy), hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy are takes place. A number of other mechanisms are
the main tools of conventional cancer treatment. known, though all drug resistance is not explained
Surgery is the oldest and still most effective with current knowledge (252). If clones of resistant
mainstream treatment for solid tumors, and is cells proliferate, there is little hope for control with
curative in many cases of localized cancer in which existing chemotherapy. The emergence of resistant
all or nearly all cancerous tissue can be removed. clones and regrowth of drug-resistant cancers is a
When used with chemotherapy, radiation, or both, particular problem after treatment with lower than
surgery’s aim is to remove as much tumor as optimal doses of chemotherapy.
possible without disabling the patient, so that the Efforts to improve the success of chemotherapy
other treatments have a greater chance of success- include developing means of more specifically
fully eliminating the remaining tumor cells. In targeting the drug to the turnor, and devising ways of
advanced stages of cancer, surgery is sometimes increasing the doses. An example of the former is
Chapter 1--Summary and Options ● 9
linking cell-killing agents to monoclinal antibodies The use of radiation therapy began early in the
that are attracted to specific proteins on the surface 20th century, preceding chemotherapy, and preced-
of cancer cells. When the ‘conjugated’ molecule is ing the wide-scale use of randomized clinical trials
administered, it will not find appropriate sites on to determine the effectiveness of medical treatments.
most normal cells to which it can attach, but will link It is only in recent years, therefore, that radiation
to cancer cells. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is therapy has been subjected to rigorous evaluation. It
another approach still under development to provide is likely that radiation has been used routinely
localized cancer treatment, though its use is still beyond its effectiveness for many types of cancer;
quite limited. PDT capitalizes on the greater attrac- valid evidence for these practices still is being
tion of “hematoporphyrin” molecules (the “sensi- gathered. Advances in radiation therapy have cen-
tizer’ to tumor tissue than to normal tissue, though tered on more precise delivery systems and on
the basis of the attraction is not well understood. attempts to pair radiation with specific chemother-
Some time after the sensitizer is administered, the apeutic agents to enhance their effectiveness.
area of the tumor is illuminated with light of a
particular wavelength, either from the surface or “Biologic therapy,” the most recent approach in
from inserted fiber optics. The light provides energy conventional cancer treatment, refers to “cancer
for a chemical reaction that results in the release of treatment that produces antitumor effects primarily
oxygen, which kills cancer cells by damaging them through the action of natural host defense mecha-
physically. nisms or by the administration of natural mammal-
ian substances’ (763). Though biologic treatments
Hormonal treatment has been successful for types for cancer are relatively new, the field of biologic
of cancer that are “hormone dependent,” notably therapy, also called “biotherapy,” developed from
breast and prostate cancers. The theory behind observations and experimentation in the late 19th
hormonal, or endocrine, therapy, is that hormones century, which suggested that an immune response
produced internally are “blocked” by drugs. These could effect tumor regressions (215). Biotherapy is
drugs bind to receptors on the surface of tumor cells based on the principle that tumor cells are immunol-
where the hormones would normally bind, but they ogically “different” from normal cells, and that the
do not cause the cell to grow or replicate. These immune system, which has developed to protect
drugs are generally taken for long periods of time against ‘‘nonself,’ can be manipulated to destroy
following surgery to prevent metastatic disease. cancer cells.
Mainstream biologic therapy includes a number
Radiation therapy is used most often as an adjunct of approaches. One line of development has been to
to surgery, and maybe used before or after surgery attempt to induce reaction in the patient’s own
in different situations. It is also used as a palliative immune system, either with nonspecific stimulators
measure, to reduce the pain of bone metastasis and (e.g., Bacillus Calmette-Guerin; BCG) or, more
to shrink tumors in other parts of the body. Radiation currently, with stimulators related to the tumor itself.
may be applied at or near the site of the tumor as an The latter includes efforts to develop “tumor
implant (by insertion of a radioactive isotope) or it vaccines” that would cause the body’s immune
may be delivered to the site of the tumor by a system to activate against tumor cells. Another
high-energy x-ray generator (teletherapy). (Whole- approach is to inject the patient directly with
body irradiation is used to intentionally destroy the immune system products and cells (e.g. “lymphokine-
bone marrow of patients being prepared for bone activated killer cells’ ‘). “Cytokines” (soluble pro-
marrow transplantation.) It is thought that the main teins produced by certain immune system cells),
effect of ionizing radiation on cells is to interfere particularly the interleukins, have been the focus of
with the capacity of the DNA molecule in the considerable attention in the last few years. Another
nucleus to reproduce, but cells may be harmed in group of cytokines, the interferon, was studied
other ways as well. In general, therefore, it is at the intensively throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
time the cells are dividing that they die. Since
ionizing radiation also affects normal cells, the dose Many of the biological treatments that have been
must be modulated to achieve the greatest antitumor tried have produced some encouraging effects in
effect while attempting to minimize effects on cancer patients, but, as of yet, few are of lasting
normal tissue, to optimize the ‘‘therapeutic index. ” benefit to patients. Research in biological therapy is
10 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
geared toward increasing understanding of immune been examined, debated, and subjected to criticism
function and on developing effective ways to apply by both scientists and the general public. Attention
these tools in conjunction with other forms of cancer has focused on the lack of substantial progress in
treatment. successfully treating the most common and life-
threatening types of cancer. While the last few
The trend toward increased participation by pa-
decades have seen undisputed success in treating a
tients in decisions about their medical treatment has
number of cancers-particularly those affecting
affected mainstream medicine. Whereas in the past
children and young adults-the gains in survival for
few people would have questioned the recommenda-
most solid tumors (lung and colon cancer, in
tion of a physician, questioning has become com-
mon, perhaps even the norm. In addition, public particular) are small or nil. The long-term survival
discussion about health and disease, including all advantage of some established treatments, particu-
larly the treatment of early stage breast cancer, has
aspects of cancer, has risen, and the level of detailed
been demonstrated definitively only recently (268).
coverage of cancer by the press has grown continu-
ously. Patients and their families openly discuss the Long-term effects of some recent treatments, for
disease. During the 1980s, patient support groups, example anew chemotherapy regimen for advanced
many independent of organized medicine, have colon cancer that has shown promise in early
taken hold, and patients have much greater opportu- randomized clinical trials, are not yet known.
nities to exchange information about their treat- Individuals in the cancer research community and
in government have begun to examine the results of
The participation of patients in decisionmaking the “War on Cancer,” begun officially in 1971, and
about their treatment and their more active question- have noted a lack of significant progress in treating
ing of medical authority have also raised awareness most cancers. The National Cancer Institute (NCI)
of the importance of the quality of cancer patients’ has been criticized for misleading the public about
lives. A panel evaluating the measurement of what the results have actually been. One journal
progress against cancer (896) strongly emphasized article, in particular, became a centerpiece of the
the various dimensions embodied in “quality of debate. “Progress Against Cancer?” by John Bailar
life” as being aspects of the impact of cancer on and Elaine Smith, which appeared in the New
which systematic data should be collected on a England Journal of Medicine in May 1986 (65), took
nationwide basis. Such dimensions include: physi- abroad view of the emphases in cancer research and
cal side effects (of treatment) such as nausea, general the changes in various measures of the disease since
health conditions, and pain; functional status includ- 1950, and noted that the age-adjusted mortality rate,3
ing self-care (eating, dressing, and bathing), mobil- which was chosen as a measure of overall progress,
ity, and physical activities such as walking and has risen since 1950. They concluded that treatment
doing household chores; psychological morbidity for most cancers hasn’t gotten much better, and that
including emotional distress, anxiety, and depres- the greatest promise for cancer control lies in
sion; and social interaction including everyday research on prevention. Bailar commented further on
interpersonal contacts, social support, and the work his position in a later article (63), in which he stated:
role. “Modern medicine already has much to offer to
virtually every cancer patient, for palliation if not
always for cure; the problem is the lack of any
CONTROVERSIES IN substantial recent improvement [emphasis in origi-
MAINSTREAM CANCER nal] in treating the most common forms of cancer. ’
TREATMENT The article by Bailar and Smith stirred up interest
During the past few years, the rates of success of and controversy, which was furthered by a report by
conventional cancer treatment have increasingly the General Accounting Office (GAO, a congres-
3A mortality rate measures the proportion of the population dying during a given time period. An age-adjusted rate removes the effect of changes
in population size and age distribution within the populatio~ allowing tit comparison of the rate over time. In the United States, this allows for
population growt.lL as well as growth in the percentage of people in older age groups.
4B& Wmt on in that article to say: “There is no comfort here for the ‘medical counterculture’; nonstandard (or ‘unorthodox’) treatments are likely
to be dangerous as well as utterly ineffective.”
Chapter l-Summary and Options ● 11
sional agency) that looked at NCI’S reporting of support recommending widespread treatment with
cancer survival statistics. GAO examined changes in toxic chemotherapy (391,572).
survival since 1950 for 12 different kinds of cancer One result of the debate over progress in cancer
and compared its independent findings with those
was a request by the Senate Appropriations Commit-
reported by NCI. NCI reported gains for all 12 types.
tee to NCI in 1988 to establish a panel of technical
In each case, GAO found a more modest improve-
experts and nonexpert public representatives from
ment than did NCI, or no gain at all. These results, outside NCI to ‘‘recommend what measures or
released in early 1987, again raised controversy
series of measures are most appropriate to assess
about the rate at which progress in treating cancer is progress in cancer” (874). The panel reviewed
being made, and further opened the debate about
measures of progress currently in use and suggested
cancer treatment to public scrutiny. The article by
additional approaches (896).
Bailar and Smith and the GAO report have been used
by supporters of unconventional treatments to chal-
lenge the dominance of the NCI, ACS, and main- TREATMENTS DISCUSSED IN
stream medicine in general (see, e.g. 189).
The widespread use of chemotherapy among
The phrase “unconventional cancer treatments”
classes of patients unlikely to benefit, or for which
encompasses a tremendously heterogeneous group
benefits have not yet been demonstrated, also has
of practices. These treatments vary in content,
drawn criticism from respected researchers (147).
probably in safety and effectiveness, and in the types
The cancer research community itself has been
of practitioners delivering them. They are defined in
reexamining the value of long-accepted chemother-
this report not by what they are, but by what they are
apy for certain types of cancer. An example is
not: they are not part of mainstream, conventional
adjuvant treatment of cancers of the colon and
medicine in the United States. Because of this
rectum, the most common types of cancer in the
variety, the treatments described do not easily lend
United States. Debate was focused by a review of all
themselves to simple, general characterizations.
the randomized clinical trials of radiotherapy and
Statements or judgments about one treatment cannot
standard chemotherapy for these cancers, published
be assumed to apply to others; this applies equally to
in the Journal of the American Medical Association
positive and negative aspects.
in 1988 (144). The review suggested that these
treatments might offer little survival advantage, or at This report is about the common cancer treat-
least less than had been assumed, beyond the ments found by U.S. cancer patients outside of
benefits of surgery, which is the primary treatment. mainstream medicine; in using these treatments,
A debate in the medical literature ensued (see, e.g. patients may be rejecting conventional medicine,
108,204) with opinions strongly held for and against they may be seeking approaches to supplement
the value of adjuvant treatment, based on differing conventional medicine, or they may believe that
interpretations of the same data. (This debate pre- conventional medicine has given up on them.
ceded the dissemination of the results of advanced Though no census of patients receiving unconven-
colon cancer treatment with a new combination of tional treatment exists, the literature and expert
agents, which has shown a survival advantage.) opinion strongly suggest that Americans are most
likely to seek a wide variety of unconventional
Another debate concerns the use of adjuvant
treatments in the United States, Mexico, or the
chemotherapy for women who have undergone
Caribbean. A few seek particular unconventional
surgery. for early stage breast cancer. Early results
treatments in Europe. A large number of unconven-
from clinical trials prompted the NCI to issue a
tional treatments are available in the United States,
“Clinical Alert’ (895), with the strong message that
some practiced in violation of the law and some
women with early (stage 2) breast cancer without
within the bounds of the law.
evidence of cancer in the lymph nodes can benefit
from adjuvant chemotherapy. The Clinical Alert Some treatments that might be considered uncon-
elicited strong criticism from prominent members of ventional are excluded from discussion in this report.
the medical community, who objected mainly on One is the unconventional use of conventional
grounds that the data available from the trials were cancer treatment, such as low-dose, high-frequency
only preliminary and that they were insufficient to regimens of chemotherapy, or high-dose pulses of
12 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
chemotherapy. Although chemotherapeutic regi- their beliefs and what they do under such circum-
mens are being used in unconventional ways, they stances can take many different forms (419,529).
are, nevertheless, approved drugs with known effi- Religious figures such as ministers, priests, and
cacy by some route of administration. 5 Another type rabbis are often called on to counsel patients and
of treatment not included in this discussion is their families. Some are also involved in various
experimental treatment developed within conven- forms of religious healing, e.g., faith healing, laying
tional medical research channels, but applied to on of hands, and prayer. People from all over the
patients outside of the clinical trial system before world have traveled to the famous religious shrine at
they have been approved for use. The most promi- Lourdes, France, to pray for miraculous cures. An
nent examples of this are the biological response estimated four million people visit Lourdes each
modifiers (such as interleukin-2 and LAK cells) that year, 65,000 of whom are ill. The Lourdes medical
were (until 1989) offered by Biotherapeutics, Inc. board has examined thousands of cases claiming
(Franklin, Tennessee) on a commercial basis to cures, and 64 of these have been designated by the
patients who were not eligible for or who chose not Catholic Church as miraculous cures (264).
to participate in clinical trials involving these
substances. Several of the unconventional treatments dis-
cussed in other sections of this report also include a
This report concentrates on unconventional treat- spiritual or religious component. In macrobiotics,
ments that are well known or that have been used by for instance, the dietary guidelines are one aspect of
large numbers of patients. We do not attempt to a much larger philosophical and spiritual system.
cover the many individual treatments of various Similarly, Anthroposophic medicine, which includes
kinds that are offered on a small scale, perhaps to the use of the herbal preparation Iscador for cancer
neighbors or friends. It is impossible even to patients, is based on a complex religious philosophy
approximate the number of such cases. More often and “spiritual science” developed by Rudolph
than not, these types of treatment come to public Steiner in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
attention only through the legal system, when Other unconventional treatments that were designed
patients or their survivors bring suit to try to recover specifically for cancer patients include a spiritual
money spent on allegedly ineffective treatments or component. Spiritual aspects of the original Kelley
to try to stop the practitioner from continuing to regimen, for example, reflected the developer’s
fraudulently treat patients (see, e.g., a recent case in strong religious beliefs. A physician who founded
Arizona) (398). The cases that do surface in this way the first clinic in Tijuana offering laetrile to cancer
may represent only the worst end of the spectrum, patients, Ernesto Contreras, includes a strong spiri-
but there is no way to confirm this. tual orientation in his regimen and often leads
This report also does not attempt an account of services for patients at a chapel he built at his clinic.
unconventional treatments that once held the spot-
Patients may also seek care from traditional
light but have fallen out of favor. A 1949 report of
healers (outside their own culture), e.g., Native
the American Medical Association Council on
American healers, curanderos, shamans, and others,
Pharmacy and Chemistry, for instance, lists many
who use a strong spiritual component in their
unconventional cancer treatments largely unknown
today-’ "collodaurum, “ “HettCancer Serum,” “AF- approach to treatment. Although the extent of use of
2,’ and the ‘orgone accumulator” (39). Some other traditional healing methods by U.S. cancer patients
treatments of the past-the Rife Ray Machine, is undocumented, the popular literature suggests that
Krebiozen-still have their supporters, but, by and some approaches have become relatively common in
recent years. The ‘New Age’ movement beginning
large, they are no longer in widespread use and are
not reviewed in this report. in the 1960’s and 1970’s in the United States has
popularized a number of mystical practices, such as
Perhaps the most significant area not included crystal healing, channeling, and ‘neo-shamanism,’
consists of spiritual approaches, among the oldest as well as some traditional healing practices involv-
human responses to illness. How patients express ing curanderos, herbalists, and others (421).
%s is distinguished from the use of a substance for cancer treatment that is approved only for indications not related to cancer, such as the use in
unconventional cancer treatment of dimethyl sulfoxide, a drug currently approved only for the treatment of interstitial cystitis. Uses such as these are
within the scope of this report.
Chapter 1--Summary and Options ● 13
While most spiritual approaches treat cancer as a method involving the creation and interpretation of
any other disease or misfortune, some techniques mental images that was popularized by O. Carl
with spiritual or mystical components are often Simonton, M.D., and Stephanie M. Simonton-
associated specifically with cancer. “Psychic sur- Atchley; intensive meditation as practiced by the
gery” refers to a procedure involving removal of late Australian psychiatrist Ainslie Meares, M.D.;
spirits or physical manifestations of spiritual pathol- and a unique form of psychotherapy developed by
ogy from a patient. Some Americans travel to the Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D. While these methods are
Phillipines for “psychic surgery,” where it is the ones cancer patients are likely to find out about,
practiced in its original context of religious and they have been widely adopted and modified by both
traditional healing (419,530). Psychic surgeons from mainstream and unconventional practitioners. Ap-
the Phillipines have also come to the United States, plications of psychological and behavioral ap-
holding treatment sessions as they travel around the proaches, particularly when used in addition to
country. They have often been pursued by legal mainstream treatment, are considered by some as
authorities and some have been convicted of practic- “middle ground” treatments.
ing medicine without a license. Psychic surgery is
considered by many in the unconventional commu- Chapter 3 discusses treatments whose primary
component is dietary. Three widely known regimens
nity to be a “fringe’ treatment.
are included. Several other treatments described in
Categories of Unconventional Cancer this report, especially in the pharmacologic cate-
gory, also include dietary components, but in these
cases the dietary element is secondary to other
The treatments described in this report are components or is one of several other approaches
grouped, for convenience, into four general catego- used. The first discussed in chapter 3 is the Gerson
ries: psychological and behavioral, nutritional, regimen, consisting of a low-salt, high-potassium,
herbal, and pharmacologic and biologic. These vegetarian diet, various pharmacologic agents, and
categories are not the only ones that could be coffee enemas. It was developed in the 1940’s and
devised, and the groupings do not connote common- 1950’s by the late Max Gerson, M.D., and is now
ality among their elements beyond the basic nature offered at a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. The second
of the treatment. Since many of the treatments nutritional approach is the Kelley regimen, origi-
include a variety of components, however, assign- nally developed by William D. Kelley, D.D.S. The
ment to certain categories was not straightforward Kelley regimen as currently practiced by Nicholas
and could have been done differently in a number of Gonzalez, M.D., involves a complex nutritional
cases. In general, assignment to the categories was program based on dietary guidelines, vitamin and
based on the nature of the central or unique element enzyme supplements, and metabolic typing. An-
of each approach. other treatment discussed is the macrobiotic diet,
Chapter 2 of this report discusses behavioral and consisting largely of cooked vegetables and whole
psychological approaches to cancer treatment. Many grains, which proponents recommend as part of an
forms of psychological and behavioral intervention overall macrobiotic philosophy and belief system
are used adjunctively to relieve pain and distress incorporating many aspects of daily living. The
associated with cancer and its treatment, and gener- regimens presented here are examples of a wider
group of approaches using nutritional components,
ally, to improve a patient’s psychologic outlook.
many of which are poorly documented and are lesser
Some individuals have claimed that psychological
approaches can cause tumor regression and prolong known.
survival. The potential contribution of psychosocial A dietary program, which is actually part of a
interventions to extending life has recently begun to multifaceted approach that includes conventional
be studied by mainstream researchers, with encour- cancer treatment, stress reduction, exercise, and
aging results. The efficacy of psychological and psychological support, developed by a practicing
behavioral approaches in improving the course of U.S. physician, Keith Block, M.D., is discussed as
cancer is still uncertain, however. The chapter an example of a “middle ground” approach. In his
describes three of the most popular psychological practice, the dietary needs of cancer patients are
interventions for which claims of tumor regression assessed using a system that attempts to bring
or life extension have been made: mental imagery, together findings from mainstream nutritional and
14 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
cancer research with a modified macrobiotic-type treatments discussed is the regimen developed by
diet (without the ideologic underpinnings of macro- the late Virginia Livingston, M.D., and offered at her
biotics). The results of this approach, however, have clinic in San Diego. The main component of the
not yet been assessed in any formal way. Block may regimen is a vaccine designed to treat and prevent
be representative of a type of physician who infection with the microbe that Livingston believed
incorporates some dietary advice, often leaning to be a cause of cancer. The treatment regimen also
toward a diet with little animal protein, with low fat includes a variety of components intended to bolster
and high fiber, and who may use psychological and patients’ immune responses in general and to
behavior components as well in the treatment of counteract effects of microbial infection, including
cancer patients, though Block’s program is probably antibiotics, vitamin and mineral supplements, and a
more formal than most. There is no documentation special diet.
of the number of physicians in this category or the
Another treatment described is one offered by
content of their nutritional advice, since little has
Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D., at his clinic in
been written about it. However, according to some
Houston. Burzynski uses what he calls “Antineo-
members of the advisory panel for this study:
plastons,’ substances described as peptides or
It is our collective professional judgment that amino acid derivatives isolated from urine or synthe-
nutritional interventions are going to “follow” sized in the laboratory. His current regimen for
psychosocial interventions up the ladder into clinical cancer patients includes oral and intravenous use of
respectability as adjunctive and complementary approximately 10 types of Antineoplaston, all of
approaches to the treatment of cancer. (8) which are manufactured at the Burzynski Research
Chapter 4 discusses five of the best known herbal Institute in Texas.
substances used in unconventional cancer treat- Another pharmacologic treatment is described by
ments. These include proprietary mixtures of herbal its developer, Emanuel Revici, M. D., as “biologi-
products, such as in the Hoxsey treatment, devel- cally guided chemotherapy” and reported to consist
oped by the late Harry Hoxsey and currently offered of a variety of minerals, lipids, and lipid-based
in Tijuana; Iscador, made from a species of Euro- substances. Revici practices his regimen in New
pean mistletoe, used mainly in the context of York.
Anthroposophic medicine in Europe; and Essiac, an
herbal tea developed by the late Rene Caisse, R.N., “Eumetabolic” treatment offered by Hans Nieper,
and currently offered in Canada. Also discussed are M.D., in Hannover, West Germany, is also de-
single-agent treatments, such as chaparral tea, pre- scribed. Nieper prescribes a combination of conven-
pared from the leaflets and twigs of-the creosote tional and unconventional agents (including phar-
bush, a plant indigenous to the desert areas of the maceutical drugs, vitamins, minerals, and animal
southwestern United States, and Pau d’Arcoj a and plant extracts), and recommends that patients
substance derived from the inner bark of trees native follow a special diet and avoid particular agents,
to Argentina and Brazil and sold in health food foods, and physical locations (“geopathogenic zones”)
stores in the form of capsules, tea bags, or loose that he believes are damaging. Nieper reportedly
powder. treats a significant number of U.S. patients.
Many other herbal substances are sold in health Chapter 5 also describes a number of other
food stores and are advocated for general health pharmacologic and biologic agents that are used as
purposes in the unconventional literature, but few unconventional cancer treatments, some singly and
others for which information is available appear to some in combination. Examples include laetrile, a
be advocated specifically for cancer treatment (ex- substance widely popular in the 1970’s and currently
ceptions include, e.g., Jason Winters Herbal tea, offered in several clinics in Mexico; vitamin C,
which is specifically for cancer treatment). whose most prominent advocate for use in cancer
treatment is the biochemist Linus Pauling, Ph.D.;
Chapter 5 discusses a large and diverse group of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), an industrial solvent
unconventional cancer treatments that have as their often used in combination with laetrile and vitamin
central component a pharmacologic or biologic C; cellular treatment, processed tissue obtained from
substance, such as biochemical agents, vaccines, animal embryos or fetuses given orally or by
blood products, and synthetic chemicals. One of the injection; and various substances containing oxy-
Chapter I-Summary and Options ● 15
gen, including hydrogen peroxide and ozone taken treatments results mainly from the paucity of infor-
orally, rectally, or via blood infusion. Hydrazine mation about some treatments.
sulfate, a substance that, from 1975 to 1982, was on
the American Cancer Society’s Unproven Methods In many cases, little or no specific information
List, was taken off when clinical trials under an was available on adverse effects, though the absence
investigational new drug exemption (IND) were of information cannot be taken by itself as an
started. The trials were controversial, however, and indication that the treatments are safe. According to
it is still considered in the context of unconventional one observer (21 8), one reason that little information
cancer treatments. Its supporters persisted, however, has been generated about adverse effects of uncon-
and recent studies in major research institutions have ventional treatments is the implicit threat of personal
suggested strongly that this substance may help to legal actions for admitting an adverse effect. While
improve the nutritional status and prolong the lives mainstream physicians face little sanctioning for
of cancer patients by moderating the cachexia (the reporting adverse effects of mainstream treatments,
wasting of the body) that often accompanies late an unconventional practitioner might find himself or
stage cancer. More definitive clinical trials are herself the object of a disciplinary board investiga-
planned. Supporters of unconventional treatments tion if he or she were to freely report adverse effects
often point to hydrazine sulfate as a treatment that from giving an unconventional treatment. No efforts
was unfairly branded by the mainstream but which have been made by licensing boards or other
actually is effective. responsible bodies to safeguard against such self-
incrimination. For this and other reasons, in the case
Some of these pharmacologic and biologic treat- of each treatment covered in this report, instilcient
ments are offered only at single sites under the information exists to support an adequate evaluation
direction of their developer and chief proponent. of safety and efficacy, though, as mentioned earlier,
Others are more widely available, are not necessarily common sense suggests that some treatments-e.g.,
associated with particular proponents, and may be psychological, behavioral, and some nutritional
used in combination with a variety of other uncon- approaches—are likely to be inherently safe.
ventional treatments.
“Adverse effects” are defined broadly in this
“Immuno-augmentative therapy” (IAT), offered report to refer to at least five types of harm that may
by Lawrence Burton, Ph.D., at his clinics in the apply (to both unconventional and conventional
Grand Bahamas, West Germany, and Mexico, is the treatments). These include hazards posed directly
subject of chapter 6. IAT consists of daily injections from the treatment itself (intrinsic harm); harm
of dilute serum fractions made from pooled blood resulting from a patient’s improper use of the
samples. As a case study for this assessment, OTA treatment; harm caused by contaminated or other-
attempted to develop a protocol for studying the wise substandard products resulting from poor
efficacy and safety of IAT, in conjunction with manufacturing practices (quality control, design of
Burton, and this attempt is described in the chapter, equipment, etc.); harmful interactions or conflicts
as is the treatment itself. The protocol attempt ended with other treatments (conventional or unconven-
in a failure to arrive at a plan for study that both tional); and deterioration in a patient’s condition
Burton and OTA believed would constitute a fair caused by forgoing or seriously delaying other
and valid test of IAT. treatment that could have been effective. While all
Information Included About Treatments these types of adverse effects are possible, it is
important to note that on the basis of current
OTA drew from a variety of sources, including information, their significance and magnitude for
peer-reviewed literature, non-peer-reviewed or un- any given unconventional treatment is unknown.
published literature, patient brochures from individ-
ual practices or clinics, and personal communication The standards we used for judging the quality of
with practitioners and their associates. The descrip- evidence for safety and efficacy are the same
tions include, where possible, the approach taken in standards OTA has developed and applied in a wide
each treatment, how each is used to treat cancer, the range of studies. All past and current OTA studies,
proponents’ claims for mode of action and intended except this one, have dealt with mainstream medical
outcome, potential adverse effects, and attempts at practice and research. Many have been critical of the
evaluating each treatment. The uneven coverage of quality of studies and the inadequate basis they form
16 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
for making health policy decisions. These include even to estimate the number of such individuals in
studies of well-child care (871), glaucoma screening the United States. Some of these practitioners treat
(873), computed tomography (CT) scanning (865), friends and neighbors, while some operate more
and alcoholism treatment (868), to name just a few. widely, advertising in alternative publications and
A number of earlier OTA studies have dealt specifi- promoting themselves nationally. Since these indi-
cally with the methods of technology assessment, viduals may be in contravention of the law by
including clinical research. The reader is referred to practicing medicine without a license, some are
Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Medical Tech-
nologies (863), The Implications of Cost- understandably quiet about their activities. After bad
EffectivenessAnalysis of Medical Technology (864), experiences, cancer patients or their families occa-
Strategies for Medical Technology Assessment (867), sionally report these unlicensed practitioners, who
and The Impact of Randomized Clinical Trials on then may be subject to civil and criminal charges.
Health Policy and Medical Practice (869).
The standards that have developed are based on A more readily identifiable group of unlicensed
the experience of clinical trials over the last 30 years practitioners who often give advice about unconven-
or so, largely during which time the methodology tional cancer treatments are some health food store
has been developed. What has emerged is an employees. These individuals generally are not
understanding of which type of study is likely to formally trained health professionals and are not
produce valid evidence and which is prone to permitted under law to dispense medical advice or
produce answers that are later found, in better prescribe treatments. A field study carried out for
designed studies, not to be corroborated. The pros this assessment in three urban areas (420), as well as
and cons of various study designs are discussed in earlier work (839), suggest that many health food
chapter 12. store personnel will, in fact, give medical referrals to
unconventional practitioners, will in some cases
PRACTITIONERS OF discourage people from seeking conventional medi-
UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER cal care, and will in other cases recommend specific
TREATMENTS products as treatment.
Practitioners of unconventional cancer treatments Historically, there have always been a number of
range from charismatic figures with no medical
well-known practitioners active at a given time. The
training to highly trained physicians or other health
professionals who have departed entirely from practices of some, e.g., Max Gerson and Harry
mainstream practice. Another important group, Hoxsey, are continued by associates or relatives
though of unknown size and largely undocumented after the developer dies. Those who become well
practice, are the “middle ground’ physicians. known have generally been strong personalities,
Members of the advisory panel for this study offered charismatic, who evoke great loyalty on the part of
the following opinion: their patients.
Most practitioners of unconventional cancer ther-
apies. . are interested in and attracted primarily to Physicians in the United States are subject to civil
this “middle ground.” They seek to supplement and criminal laws related to the practice of medicine,
judicious use of conventional therapies with spiri- as well as State licensing requirements and profes-
tual, psychological, and nutritional approaches that sional standards which, if violated, may lead to
they hope will improve quality of life and possibly
contribute to life extension. (8) sanctions limiting the physicians’ ability to practice.
Licensed physicians who practice unconventional
These practitioners do not forma cohesive group medicine are subject to the same laws and standards,
and have been relatively silent in the public debate and have, occasionally, been charged with civil or
about unconventional cancer treatments. criminal offenses, had their medical licenses re-
There are also practitioners who are not licensed voked, or been subject to lesser professional sanc-
health professionals who promote specific uncon- tions. Some have also had privileges for reimburse-
ventional cancer treatments, but it is impossible ment by the Federal Medicare program revoked.
Chapter 1--Summary and Options ● 17
Pursuit of evaluation by practitioners and support- Chapter 12 of this report discusses past ap-
ers varies considerably among the wide range of proaches to evaluating unconventional treatments,
treatments covered in this report. As portrayed by along with some ideas that might be adopted to
members of the project Advisory Panel, proponents further evaluation efforts. The term “evaluation” is
of the “middle ground” (mainly psychological, used broadly here to describe the systematic gather-
behavioral, and dietary approaches used along with ing of evidence related to the effectiveness and
mainstream treatment) may be most interested in safety of treatments, including information provided
testing and refining their treatments, but they by supporters of unconventional treatments and
apparently find the current system for doing so individuals unaffiliated with specific treatments.
unsupportive (8). An additional hurdle is posed by
Review of Evidence for an Unconventional
the different orientations toward evaluation in the
Treatment: An Example
social sciences, from which a number of psychologi-
cal and behavioral approaches have come, as op- For the most part, evidence put forward by
posed to that in medicine. The former rely more individuals identified strongly with particular treat-
heavily on inferences from uncontrolled, nonexperi- ments has been of a type not acceptable to the
mental observation, whereas the evaluation of medi- mainstream medical community. A common format
cal technologies relies heavily on experimental is a series of individual case histories, described in
designs, particularly randomized clinical trials. At narrative. The endpoints are more often than not
least some psychological practitioners and research- “longer than expected” survival times, sometimes
ers (7) have expressed an explicit belief that such with claims of tumor regression. In mainstream
experimental methods are not necessary or appropri- research, case reports of unexpected outcomes have
ate to determine the effects of psychological and been useful and do have a place, but they almost
behavioral approaches. never can provide definte evidence of a treatment’s
From a methodological point of view, for treat- effectiveness.
ments consisting of pharmacologic or biologic An example, well known among supporters of
agents that are intended to extend survival time, with unconventional treatments, of evidence put forth
or without affecting the tumor directly, appropriate systematically by a proponent is a series of case
evaluation methods would be the same as those that reports of 50 patients treated by Kelley with his
have been developed and validated for mainstream nutritional program, and described by Gonzalez, a
pharmacologic and biologic treatments. Should physician, in his unpublished book about Kelley,
new, validated methods become available--e.g., One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition,
approaches currently being investigated under the Cancer, and William Donald Kelley (353). (Gon-
rubric of “outcomes research” or ‘‘medical treat- zalez himself practices a variation of the Kelley
ment effectiveness research" (88O)-these, natu- program.) This series has been singled out by
rally, could apply to unconventional as well as unconventional treatment proponents as one of the
conventional treatments. In the case of outcomes or best of its kind, which has been ignored by main-
effectiveness research, however, it will probably be stream medicine (529,596). OTA carried out a
some years before enough is learned about these review of Gonzalez’ material by six members of the
techniques to gauge their long-term usefulness. advisory panel for this project, three physicians
generally supportive of unconventional treatments
For many-faceted approaches e.g., combina-
(though none associated directly with the Kelley
tions of dietary, psychological, and behavioral
program) and three mainstream oncologists. Each
aspects-which have as major goals improved
case was assigned randomly to one unconventional
quality of life, some adaptation of methods maybe
and one mainstream physician.
necessary, perhaps borrowing from social science
research, where appropriate. But in the final analy- Fifteen cases were judged by the unconventional
sis, the concepts basic to the unbiased evaluation of reviewer as definitely showing a positive effect of
medical interventions and the reliance on random- the Kelley program; the mainstream reviewer of
ized clinical trials will still apply. Practical prob- each case found 13 of these unconvincing and 2
lems, not methodologic ones, however, are likely to unusual. Nine cases were judged unusual or sugges-
be the most significant obstacles to evaluating tive by the unconventional reviewer; the mainstream
unconventional cancer treatments. reviewer found these cases unconvincing. Fourteen
Chapter l-Summary and Options .21
~errned “unconventional reviewers” and “mainstream reviewers” for purposes of this discussion.
22 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
ently. Out of these ‘‘best cases,” a blinded review Such studies would represent a new direction;
resulted in establishing two complete and four OTA could identify no examples of methodologi-
partial remissions (274). cally sound clinical trials, assisted by dispassionate
observers, of unconventional treatments carried out
NCI decided to proceed with a prospective study in their unconventional settings.
of laetrile, carried out by researchers at the Mayo
Clinic. They began with a typical “phase I“ study In principle, clinical trials are simple, but they can
to determine toxicity and dose (620). Those results be extremely difficult to organize, even working
were used in designing the phase II study of entirely within the system. The added complications
antitumor activity in 178 patients with a variety of of working with an unconventional treatment render
cancer types (623). Among the 175 patients evalua- such trials a true challenge. OTA’s experience
ble at the end of the study, one had a partial during this assessment in developing a clinical trial
remission. No further clinical trials were deemed protocol for IAT illuminated some key points. One
necessary, as the drug was considered ineffective. of the most significant is that, except in rare cases,
evaluation should be initiated by and the responsibil-
A host of criticisms was heard from laetrile ity of the practitioners using or otherwise positively
proponents. In the confrontational atmosphere that interested in the treatment, though they need not be
exists around unconventional cancer treatments, it (and preferably are not) associated exclusively with
appears impossible to resolve these questions con- the treatment. (The Federal Government has initi-
clusively, but this study appears to have been a fair ated evaluations only when treatments [e.g., laetrile
test of the main claim for laetrile, that it was an and vitamin C] have become very popular and
antitumor agent. potentially affected large numbers of patients.)
Whoever undertakes these studies, it is important to
involve developers or other key practitioners of the
Possibilities for Improved Evaluation of treatment in developing a plan for the study, and in
Unconventional Treatments reporting and publishing its results. To ensure
credibility and the availability of technical expertise,
The basic principles of scientific evaluation are
the trial should, if possible, be carried out in an
firm, but the process of reaching the point of formal
accredited medical institution in the United States,
evaluation and the practical problems of acquiring
with the consent of the appropriate Institutional
useful evidence about the efficacy and safety of
Review Boards. Finally, it is of the greatest impor-
unconventional treatments may be different in some
tance that in any study the safety of patients is
ways from those encountered in mainstream treat-
ensured. This may be best accomplished by carrying
out studies in accordance with FDA regulations
Multifaceted treatments, such as the Gerson governing new and unapproved drugs and devices
treatment and macrobiotics, which would be diffi- (when applicable).
cult if not impossible to reproduce in a medical
center for the purpose of evaluation, pose additional A “Best Case Series” Approach
practical problems, and suggest the need for studies
to occur in their own settings. It has been suggested New treatments for cancer coming from main-
that this might be possible with the participation of stream research typically progress through a se-
“dispassionate researchers, on site” (88), who quence of preclinical and clinical studies before they
would evaluate patients for objective evidence of are offered to cancer patients outside an experimen-
effectiveness before and after treatment. It would not tal setting. Clinical trials generally continue even
be possible to measure improved survival in this way after anticancer agents are approved, building on the
(without an appropriate comparison group), but it pre-approval research. Unconventional treatments
might be possible to determine whether the treat- currently in use have bypassed this system before
ment had antitumor effects. Descriptive information being used to treat cancer patients. While OTA has
about quality of life could be gathered, but again, not taken a position condoning or condemning the
without an appropriate comparison, it would be use of treatments unproven through generally ac-
difficult if not impossible to attribute benefits to the cepted means, the fact that this is the case with
treatment. unconventional treatments cannot be ignored.
Chapter 1--Summary and Options ● 23
In the course of this study, OTA explored the history of the disease itself. The responsibility for
potential for using the experience of the self-selected best case reviews would rest with the practitioners
patients who have undergone unconventional treat- offering unconventional treatments, ideally with
ments to inform the evaluation process. It is possible technical advice from appropriate experts. This
that this experience, presented systematically, might approach, still untested, would place the burden of
be useful in generating interest in a treatment, and initiating the evaluation process on the practitioner.
possibly in designing a clinical trial. However, no No matter how well done, however, a best case
valid mechanism exists to use this retrospective review cannot take the place of prospective clinical
patient experience to actually determine the efficacy trials, and no firm statements about effectiveness
and safety of these treatments. Except in rare could be made on the basis of a best case review. It
circumstances, because of the heterogeneity of is possible that, like the review of laetrile cases,7
cancer patients’ clinical courses, it is virtually relatively little will be learned from best case
impossible to predict what would have happened to reviews, despite significant effort. This will depend,
a particular patient if he or she had had no treatment to some extent, on the availability of sufficiently
or a different treatment. Groups of patients who have detailed medical records, from both unconventional
chosen to take a particular treatment cannot be and mainstream treatment. The latter, particularly,
compared retrospectively with other groups of may not be accessible to unconventional practitio-
patients, even those with similar disease, to deter- ners.
mine the effects of the treatment. The factors that set
apart patients who take unconventional treatments What might happen after a successful best case
from other cancer patients may be related to review is still an open question. In general, ’the aim
prognosis (these may be both physical and psycho- would be to apply widely accepted research methods-
logical factors), and the means do not exist currently preclinical, clinical, or both, depending on the
to confidently ‘adjust’ for these factors in analyses. intervention-to begin formal evaluation.
Examples of retrospective evaluations that have
turned out to be wrong are well documented (see, Improvements in survival, “disease-free sur-
e.g., (146)) as are problems with attempting to vival” (surviving without signs of cancer), and
evaluate the efficacy of treatment from registries of quality of life are the desired outcomes of cancer
cancer patients (145), though the problems are not treatment. As it turns out, treatments that thus far are
necessarily widely appreciated. known to improve survival have a direct effect on
tumor cells, causing regression of tumor masses, so
Nonetheless, the clinical experience of practition- tumor size is also of interest as an indicator of
ers with unconventional cancer treatments may be antitumor activity. In some cases, tumor shrinkage,
useful for: 1) providing preliminary evidence that even if not complete, can relieve physical problems
can be used to support undertaking formal evalua- caused by the position and size of a tumor, increas-
tion; and 2) helping design a formal evaluation, by ing survival time and improving quality of life.
identifying tumor types that might be responsive, by However, because many chemotherapy regimens
specifying dosages, and by suggesting potential also have significant toxicity, the ability to shrink
adverse effects for which monitoring might be tumors does not necessarily correlate with improved
necessary. One way to summarize and communicate survival (see, e.g., (91)).
the clinical experience for these purposes is to
conduct a formal retrospective review of “best Getting reliable evidence about antitumor effects,
cases,’ which would include full diagnostic, treat- improvements in survival and disease-free survival,
ment, and outcome information for a group of and quality of life requires formal clinical trials in
patients treated previously and followed up. This is almost all cases. Exceptions would be treatments
particularly well suited to treatments intended to that axe dramatically effective, that produce long-
cause tumor regression. The objective would be to term remissions in a sizable percentage of patients
provide clear evidence of tumor regression after the with advanced cancer. Unfortunately, such treat-
unconventional treatment which could not logically ments are rare. The challenge is to find ways in
be ascribed to either other treatment or the natural which unconventional cancer treatments can be
24 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
evaluated adequately, and in which less dramatic but The most serious problem in attempting to assure
still worthwhile benefits could be detected. that evaluations of unconventional treatments are
scientifically credible is that many or most practitio-
If an unconventional treatment appears “promis-
ners of unconventional cancer treatments are not
ing” (e.g., on the basis of a best case review), there
familiar with mainstream clinical research methods,
might be sufficient impetus for pursuing formal
nor do they have easy access to experts who are.
evaluation. There may, in addition, be other reasons
What is needed, and would be particularly helpful at
for conducting an evaluation of an unconventional
the stage of preparing best case series or conducting
treatment. Such studies could be very important in
small studies within unconventional settings, is
terms of public health, though they might well not
technical assistance to make sure that the standards
lead to advances in cancer treatment. A treatment’s
of evidence are understood, and for helping the
popularity might influence the decision. It might be
practitioner prepare a work plan for the project. It is
considered important, for public health reasons, to
in the public interest for the Federal Government,
evaluate treatments used by large numbers of
NCI in this case, to be involved in providing some
people, e.g., treatments offered by the long-
technical assistance, and easing access to NCI
established clinics or particular treatments that gain
review of formal best case series. NCI can help
widespread acceptance without proper clinical trials
assure the quality of any such best case reviews that
(e.g., laetrile). This is not to suggest that negative
are submitted, and, if the results are promising, assist
evidence will always dissuade cancer patients or that
in developing a plan for further evaluation.
mere popularity should be taken as a sign of
effectiveness. Indeed, it is clear from past experience Funding by the Federal Government carries with
in both conventional and unconventional medicine it conditions on research that some parts of the
that the two are not necessarily synonymous. An- unconventional community may find problematic.
other factor that, in the real world, might stimulate These include a general prohibition against funding
consideration of an evaluation is political interest. clinical trials outside the United States, the require-
This was the case in OTA’s undertaking protocol ment that clinical trials be carried out in compliance
development for a clinical trial of IAT. with FDA regulations, the particular requirements
for informed consent of patients participating in
Technical and Financial Support for Evaluations clinical trials, and the general concerns for complete
disclosure and reporting.
The Federal Government, through the NCI, is the
country’s largest sponsor of cancer clinical trials. OPTIONS
Others sources of funding do exist. The most
obvious case is funding of research by pharmaceuti- Options To Broaden the Base of Information
cal companies. Another recent model is the funding on the Use of Unconventional Cancer
and running of clinical trials by AIDS activists. Treatments in the United States
Their first, successful venture was a clinical trial of
la. Studies on the Characteristics and Motiva-
aerosolized pentamidine, a drug that inhibits the
development of pneumocystis pneumonia in HIV- tions of Cancer Patients Who Use Uncon-
positive individuals. While this model is new, it is ventional Treatments-Relatively little is known
available to supporters of unconventional cancer about the types of patients who use unconven-
treatments, and it bypasses the NCI peer review tional treatments, and their motivations for doing
so. The few studies that have been done do not
process. But funding by the Federal Government
support the stereotype of the desperate, ignorant
should be a real possibility, particularly for treat-
ments that could, if they should prove effective, be miracle seeker. Research could be carried out to
gather this information through broadly based
made widely available to cancer patients.
surveys of patients in the United States. As with
While no formal barriers block requests from all research of this type, the anonymity of the
practitioners of unconventional cancer treatments patients surveyed should be guaranteed. It might
for Government support of research, these practitio- be useful to consider studies specifically in
ners, in general, will be unsuccessful in competing “SEER” (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
for research dollars without technical assistance. Results) areas, in which incidence data are
The informal barriers are formidable. routinely collected. Such information would be
Chapter l-Summary and Options . 25
useful for determiningg the types of information acceptable for publication in the peer-
the public desires and developing the best means reviewed literature. NCI might consider pro-
of targeting that information. viding for a meeting with the preparer after the
review has been completed, to discuss the
lb. Utilization Studies--Studies could be done to
review, for the purpose of minimizing avoida-
determine the types of unconventional cancer
ble ambiguities or misunderstandings.
treatment used in the United States and the extent
of use. This information, together with the 4b. NCI could provide funding to recruit and
information from studies of patients (option 1), support a small group of consultant experts in
could be used to determine the appropriate evaluation methodology to advise unconven-
priority to be given evaluations of unconven- tional practitioners or their advocates who
tional cancer treatments. wish to plan and carry out evaluations. These
could range from advising on plans for “best
Gathering and Making Available Information case” series to planning randomized trials,
when appropriate. These consultants could
on Unconventional Cancer Treatments and
also assist with filing IND applications,
Practitioners should evaluation reach that stage.
2. Studies on Information Dissemination by Fed- One possible mechanism for carrying out
eral Agencies-The National Cancer Institute this option would be to contract, on a competi-
could have its Cancer Information Service (and tive basis, with a university or other appropri-
Cancer Communications Office) evaluated for the ate organization to assemble and direct the
adequacy and quality of information it supplies consultant group. Consultants would most
about widely used unconventional cancer treat- likely be academics or researchers who would
ments in relation to the information requirements devote a limited amount of time per year to
of its users. this activity, but to whom unconventional
practitioners could have easy access. Initially,
Improving Information on the Efficacy and this group could be given the task of drawing
Safety of Treatments Used by U.S. Citizens up specifications for best case reviews.
3. Mandated Responsibility of NCI To Pursue 5. Providing Funds for Meritorious Evaluations
Information About and Facilitate Examination of Unconventional Cancer Treatments-In a
of Widely Used Unconventional Cancer Treat- time-limited demonstration project, the Federal
ments for Therapeutic Potential—NCI does not Government, either through NCI or through
now formally seek out information on a wide another office, could provide funds for evaluating
range of unconventional treatments. Most of their unconventional cancer treatments. A review com-
activities in the past have been in reaction to mittee could be established to review proposals
reported problems or as a result of congressional for evaluations, which would have to meet appro-
pressure. Activities might take place in various priate methodologic standards. The committee
sections of NCI (e.g., the Natural Products Branch should include both mainstream scientists/
would be the logical place for herbal treatments to physicians and scientists/physicians identified
be examined). Particularly with a new set of in with unconventional treatments. Four years might
vitro screening tests coming into use by NCI, be an appropriate time period for the demonstra-
consideration could be given to screening appro- tion, divided into the two phases described below.
priate components of unconventional treatments. If implemented, the program should be evaluated
(Many herbal compounds have been screened in after three or four years to determine whether the
the past, with a mixture of positive and negative mechanism has stimulated worthwhile evaluative
test results.) efforts, and whether it should be continued. The
amount of funds that would be used for such a
4. Facilitating “Best Case Series” of Uncon-
demonstration depends on balancing two con-
ventionally Treated Patients
flicting factors: funds would need to be large
4a. NCI could develop and circulate widely speci- enough to provide for a fair test of the program,
fications for a simple process for assembling but the Government needs to limit the amount to
“best case” series in a form that might be reasonable levels until the value of such an effort
89-142 0 - 90 - 2 QL 3
26 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
is demonstrated. During the first phase, research documented adverse effects of unconventional
proposals would be solicited and reviewed. The cancer treatments (and of unconventional treat-
review committee would be funded in this phase, ments in other major disease). Currently, physi-
but no actual research funds would be allocated. cians are required to report adverse reactions to
Estimates of annual funding requirements for prescription drugs, but no such requirement exists
phase two would be based on the quantity and for unapproved substances. Criteria for acceptable
quality of proposals received during the first cases would be specified.
6. Reporting System for Remissions With Uncon- Making Available Information on Legal
ventional Treatments or Without Treatment—
The Federal Government could maintain a regis-
Sanctions Against Practitioners and Health
try for reports of documented tumor regressions Fraud Related to Unconventional Cancer
that follow unconventional treatment in circum- Treatments
stances where the regression cannot plausibly be
ascribed to the effects of previous or concurrent
8. Information About Prosecutions for Practicing
Medicine Without a License--Little informa-
conventional treatments, and for regressions oc-
tion is currently available to the public on
curring in the absence of any treatment. Criteria
practitioners of unconventional cancer treatments
for documentation of cases would be specified.
This would be of value not only to gather who have been convicted for practicing medicine
without a license. This information might be
information about potentially useful unconven-
useful to patients seeking background informa-
tional treatments, but also to further knowledge
about spontaneous remissions. tion on available treatments and on the practi-
tioners. States’ Attorneys General offices might
7. Reporting System for Adverse Effects of Un- assemble this information and make it more
conventional Treatment—The Federal Govern- readily accessible to the public. A Federal effort
ment could maintain a registry for reports of could link information from the States.
Chapter 2
other physical or mental disorders that the disease While there is a growing population of cancer
and its treatment may bring about (523,742). Exam- patients who wish to become actively involved in the
ples of interventions used to reduce distress associ- fight against their illness through these sorts of
ated with cancer and chemotherapy include hypno- programs, it is estimated that only about one in ten
sis, progressive muscle relaxation training with patients follow this route (528). It is possible that
guided imagery, and systematic desensitization more cancer patients will choose to pursue these
(102,169,823,844). approaches if they become more widely known and
readily accessible (e.g., through oncologists or
Increasingly, psychological approaches are also hospitals) (528).
being used to address broader emotional and social One of the best known programs offering psycho-
issues among cancer patients and their families. social support is the Wellness Community, which
Patients may seek help in changing their lifestyles, was founded by Harold Benjamin in 1982 in Santa
in reducing stress, in reexaminingg their relationships Monica, California and is expanding, through pa-
with others, or in pl anning for the future (807). tient demand, to other parts of the country.2 The
Wellness Community’s program, which is free to
There is a wide variety of hospital-based and participants, is intended to encourage cancer patients
independent support groups and peer support pro- and their families to participate actively in the fight
grams for patients and their families.1 These groups for recovery, thereby improving the quality of their
differ in scope, components, and approach. Some are lives and possibly enhancing their chances of
sponsored by the American Cancer Society (ACS), long-term survival (612). Since its beginning, it has
including CanSurmount, Reach for Recovery, and attracted more than 8,000 cancer patients and family
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation. Pa- members (954).
tients calling ACS’s Cancer Response System tele-
phone number can be referred to local ACS support The Wellness Community explicitly states that its
groups, hospital-based groups, or affiliated groups. approach to patient care is in support of, not a
A number of others are associated with the National substitute for, mainstream medical care. Many
Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, an Albuquerque- cancer patients are reportedly referred to the pro-
based organization that encourages the development gram by their oncologists. Oncologists also serve on
of local support groups, provides information for the centers’ Professional Advisory Boards, which
patients and researchers, and assists patients with have direct input to the staff of State-licensed
problems in job discrimination, insurance coverage, psychotherapists at each center. The size of the staff
and doctor-patient communication (825). at each facility varies according to the community;
as of 1987, the program in Santa Monica was staffed
by seven psychotherapists and seven psychotherapy
The psychosocial support offered by the groups
interns (612).
described below is based on the idea that cancer
patients can improve the quality of their lives and The central elements of the Wellness Community
perhaps contribute to their treatment and recovery by are the mutual aid groups that focus on cancer
becoming actively involved in the fight against their patients’ feelings and that teach self-help techniques
cancer. Unlike self-help groups that also act as with the idea that “positive emotions and positive
advocates of either mainstream or unconventional mental activities may improve the possibility of
cancer treatments, these groups are relatively auton- recovery from cancer” (954). Other group activities
omous (528). They are not affiliated with facilities include lectures for patients (on topics ranging from
or organizations that provide medical care or advo- self-esteem to nutrition), potluck dinners, charade
cate particular types of cancer treatment. They all, nights, joke festivals, picnics, and other group
however, see their programs as complementary to activities designed “to bring smiles and laughter
ongoing medical care. into the lives of cancer patients” (612). In addition,
IE-l= include Cmcer Cme, Cmmr Gtitice ~sti~te, Cancer Lifeline, Center for Attitudinal Healing Phone pLWPen p~ pm~, c~cer
Hopefuls United for Mutual Suppo~ the International Association of Laryngectomies, Make Today Count, Ronald McDonald House, and the United
Ostomy Association.
2As of ~ly 1~, pro- were fi oWration fi R~ondo Beach CA San Diego, CA, and ~oxvi~e, TN in addition @ sm~ Monica. Severtd other
centers were planned or were in various stages of development at that time (74).
Chapter 2--Behavioral and Psychological Approaches ● 31
members may also have one-on-one sessions with Commonweal retreats are held in a rustic ocean-
the staff psychotherapists. side center about an hour drive north of San
Francisco. The retreat staff includes the director, a
Another widely known support group is the co-director who is a psychologist trained in cancer
Exceptional Cancer Patients (ECaP) program founded work, a yoga teacher, a vegetarian cook and art
in 1978 by Bernie Siegel, M.D. in New Haven, teacher, and a massage staff. The program includes
Connecticut. The program is said to be based on a cognitive or informational component and a
“carefrontation,’ described as “a loving, safe, multifaceted lifestyle component. Commonweal of-
therapeutic confrontation, which facilitates personal fers participants access to its library of books and
change and healing” (804). Siegel’s program in- articles from the medical and popular literature
cludes individual and group support that makes use dealing with cancer treatment and research. The
of patients’ dreams, drawings, and images in an remainder of its program offers patients a daily
effort to ‘‘make everyone aware of his or her own regimen designed to release stress and encourage
healing potential” (804) and to become an “excep- personal expression of feelings. The program in-
tional cancer patient,’ which Siegel defines as one cludes small group sessions, lectures, massage,
who gets well unexpectedly. Patients are charged for yoga, training in relaxation and stress reduction
an initial, intensive, intake session,3 and for group techniques, meditation, imagery, walks in nature,
and individual sessions thereafter. journal and dream work, reflection, and other forms
of artistic expression and personal exploration.
ECaP states that its psychotherapy is in addition Commonweal’s directors believe that these activities-
to, not in place of, mainstream medical care, and that exercise, healthful diet, deep relaxation, opportunity
no medical advice is offered to participants (293). for personal expression, access to information and
ECaP also seines as an information resource; caring support-release fear and stress and enable
according to its patient literature, more than 750 patients to identify lifestyle and healing path that
people from all over the country write or call ECaP is best for them (532,744).
each week seeking information (803). It can supply
books, audio- and videotapes, and reading lists. The majority of the participants in the program
ECaP also keeps track of other centers that offer have been women, and the relatively low cost of the
similar services and may refer callers to facilities in retreat has allowed people from varying back-
their vicinity. In an effort to further expand the grounds to attend. Generally, participants have heard
availability of its services, about once a month ECaP about the program through physicians, other health
offers intensive, 2-day training sessions for people care providers, or previous participants. People
interested in setting up similar groups (which can be interested in the program are screened by the
called ECaP-like groups, as there is only one ECaP coordinator to ensure that they understand the nature
center). As of early 1990, approximately 160 people of the program, can work well with a small group,
had received this training (293). and ace able to take care of themselves. Participants
must also be under the care of a physician and
Another model support program is the Common- understand fully that the program is not itself a
weal Cancer Help Program, which was started in complete treatment (532).
1985 in Bolinas, California. Michael Lerner, Ph. D.,
Commonweal’s President, and Rachel Naomi Remen,
M.D., medical director, organize groups of 8 to 12
patients for intense, week-long sessions aimed at It is often suggested in the popular literature that
helping patients cope with stress and resolve fears various types of behavioral intervention designed to
and anxieties (particularly about pain, illness, and reduce stress or to promote positive mental images
death), and improve the quality of their lives. The act by enhancing the immune system. Since the
main purpose of the sessions is to help cancer immune system is the body’s primary defense
patients “discover those inner and outer conditions against many diseases, its enhancement is com-
under which they may best maximize their health monly linked with reducing the susceptibility to
and wellbeing” (744). cancer or with enhancing the ability to fight cancer.
3All smi~s me av~able on a sliding scale if a cancer patient cannot afford their Cost.
32 ● Unconventional cancer Treatments
Unfortunately, the actual relationships among a major difficulty in interpreting the significance of
emotions, immunity, and disease are still poorly alterations in particular immune functions is that the
understood, despite a large body of literature on the clinical implications-benefit or impairment with
subject spanning several decades. Within the last 10 regard to disease-are not yet known (93). A
years, however, new evidence has emerged concern- statistically significant increase in circulating levels
ing the biological basis of interrelationships among of disease-fighting cells could, for instance, reflect
personality, emotion, behavior, immune alterations, normal variability, or could have only short-term
neuroendocrinology, and the onset and progression effects, or could be compensated for by changes in
of disease. The relatively new interdisciplinary field other immune processes (93). The critical associa-
of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) encompasses these tions needed to interpret immune system alterations
diverse areas of research (1 1,358,461). and changes in cancer onset or progression have not
been demonstrated (12,461,564,834).
One of the catalysts for the recent interest in PNI
research was the discovery by Ader and colleagues For the most part, PNI research has focused on
that immune functions in experimental animals correlations between psychosocial characteristics,
could be altered by behavioral changes (13). That such as personality, emotions, and stress, and
observation provided evidence that the immune specific biochemical measures of immune function,
system did not function completely autonomously, or between psychosocial characteristics and disease
as was previously thought, but that other biological onset and progression. A handful of studies have
processes, e.g., necrologic and endocrine factors, been carried out to assess possible effects of
could directly modulate immune function. Recent psychological interventions on immune function or
PNI research has revealed a number of biochemical on disease onset and progression.
and neurological connections between the immune So far, PNI research on links between psychoso-
system and the central nervous system. Their clinical cial characteristics and disease has suggested that
significance, however, is still unclear (14,230,358,817). stress, or the ways in which individuals cope with
For many years, certain types of cancer have been stress, may influence immune function. It is not
thought to be influenced by immune processes, known if stress acts directly, via physiologic proc-
although the nature and extent of these influences esses, or indirectly, via altered health-related behav-
are still only partially understood. Experimental iors, such as alcohol drinking, a poor diet, lack of
animal data suggest that tumors induced by viruses exercise, etc. Of critical importance, it is not known
or ultraviolet radiation appear to elicit immune whether these altered immune responses are directly
responses (via antigen-specific T-lymphocytes) that linked to the onset or progression of cancer (564).
act against those particular tumor cells. However, Other studies have examined effects of psychoso-
the majority of cancers of internal organs (not cial factors on the risk of disease onset. There are
induced by viruses or ultraviolet radiation) are conflicting data on relationships between psychoso-
apparently not affected by T-cell-mediated immun- cial factors, e.g. ‘‘cancer-prone personalities, ” and
ity (488), although they could be susceptible to cancer onset and progression. For instance, clinical
other immune processes in ways that are also poorly depression has been found to have little or no effect
understood. Burnet’s widely known immune sur- on the risk of developing cancer in large segments of
veillance theory (112), which proposes that one the population (300,990). A recent review of these
function of the immune system is to recognize and studies concluded that “the results of prospective
destroy malignant cells as they arise, has gradually studies [on psychosocial risk factors and cancer
been modified and expanded to take into account onset] do not yet permit firm conclusions about the
broader possibilities for additional types of immune cancer-prone personality” (564).
action against malignant cells (488).
Many studies have examined effects of psychoso-
Attempts to measure and interpret alterations in cial factors on the course of cancer, with mixed
immune function are central elements of many results. In general, four types of factors have been
current PNI studies. Investigators have tried various examined: adjusting to illness, emotional expres-
ways of testing the hypothesis that the immune sion, will to live, and emotional stress. A number of
system mediates among emotions, personality, be- studies have reported correlations between one or
havior, and disease onset and progression. However, more of these factors and cancer outcome (542,735).
Chapter 2--Behavioral and Psychological Approaches .33
A recent study of 36 women with recurrent breast There is overlap in practice among imagery,
cancer found that signs of joyful attitudes were meditation, and a variety of other self-regulation
associated with longer disease-free intervals (543). techniques, such as relaxation, hypnosis, and bio-
Two other recent studies did not find a correlation feedback. Hypnosis, for instance, is probably very
between psychosocial factors and length of survival similar to meditation and imagery in its effect on
or time to relapse in patients with advanced disease consciousness (669,844). It is commonly stated in
(176,460). the popular literature that these psychological tech-
niques facilitate the achievement of a particular state
At present, one of the most controversial areas of of consciousness, and thereby enhance the immune
PNI research concerns effects of behavioral inter- system and the body’s natural healing abilities. As
ventions on immune function and cancer. Prelimin- discussed in the previous section, PNI research is
ary evidence suggests that some psychological or just beginning to address this issue.
behavioral interventions, such as hypnosis (370) and
relaxation (476), can alter immune function in
healthy individuals. Another study in progress is LeShan’s Psychotherapy
examining effects of relaxation and imagery tech-
niques on immune function in cancer patients (808). One of the most prominent examples of an
Whether psychological and behavioral methods may unconventional psychological approach is a form of
influence the onset or progression of cancer is still an one-on-one psychotherapy developed by Lawrence
open question. Studies that have approached this LeShan, a researcher and clinical psychologist, as an
issue are discussed in the last section of this chapter. adjunct to conventional treatment for cancer pa-
tients. LeShan’s two most prominent books (537,539)
explain the basis for his view that patients with
UNCONVENTIONAL USE OF advanced, metastatic disease can sometimes un-
PSYCHOLOGICAL AND dergo tumor regression and can sometimes increase
the length and quality of their lives under his
BEHAVIORAL APPROACHES IN psychotherapeutic regimen (538). His conclusions
CANCER TREATMENT are based on personal experience over several
decades with patients he has treated.
Psychological and behavioral interventions for
which an assertion of tumor reduction or life LeShan received his Ph.D. from University of
extension is made involve relatively few techniques. Chicago and began clinical research in 1952 at the
As discussed above, these same approaches are also Institute for Applied Biology in New York. He has
used for helping patients reduce pain or distress, and published widely in psychological literature. For
inmost of these cases are not claimed to have a direct many years, his research focused on relationships
anticancer effect. Given the popularity of psycho- among personality factors, traumatic life events, and
logical interventions for a wide range of purposes, cancer onset and progression. In his earlier research,
the unconventional use of these methods appears to he focused on the notion of a ‘‘cancer-prone
be a relatively small, but quite visible, part of the personality” and concluded that the interplay be-
overall field. tween personality and events can so weaken the
body’s cancer defense mechanism that a cancer is
This section summarizes information on the likely to appear (537,538,539).
psychological approaches that are most prominently
associated with direct anticancer claims in the The approach LeShan describes in his 1989 book,
popular and professional literature. Three tech- Cancer as a Turning Point, is a psychotherapeutic
niques are discussed: the psychotherapeutic method process used to identify the creative potential and
developed by Lawrence LeShanj meditation as self-healing ability of each patient. LeShan attempts
described by the late Ainslie Meares, and imagery to develop ‘the perception and the expression of the
and visualization as developed by the Simontons. individual’s special song to sing in life” and “the
These approaches are the best documented examples cause of his or her loss of contact with enthusiasm
and are the ones cancer patients are most likely to and joy’ (537). He describes his method as a process
hear about, even though many other practitioners of self-examination and growth that delves deeply
have adopted and modified them. into the patient’s past in order to ‘analyze the blocks
34 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
that keep the patient from being able to live out his As we move toward living this life, [our] own
or her true nature” (537). self-healing powers [will] act more strongly and
raise our ‘host-resistance’ to the cancer” (537).
Rejecting a traditional Freudian psychoanalytic
approach early on in his career (537), LeShan chose Meditation
instead to find ways of helping cancer patients make
their disease a “turning point” in their lives, an Meditation can be defined as “any activity that
opportunity to fulfill their dreams. LeShan explains keeps the attention pleasantly anchored in the
this guidance toward inner development and fulfill- present moment” (92). Although there are many
ment in the following way: forms of meditation, one common feature is the
absence or near absence of logical thought and
What is right with this person? What are his (or emotional experience (608). Different approaches to
her) special and unique ways of being, relating, meditation may consist of quieting the mind, con-
creating, that are his own and natural ways to live? centrating on a single subject such as breathing or a
What is his special music to beat out in life, his repeated word, observing passing thoughts, or visu-
unique song to sing so that when he is singing it he alizing active healing processes (a Process similar to
is glad to get up in the morning and glad to go to bed the practice of imagery, described below). The
at night? What style of life would give him zest, purpose of meditating is not primarily to relax,
enthusiasm, involvement? although relaxation may be a side effect of meditat-
ing, but to raise awareness, which is seen as the
How can we work together to find these ways of prerequisite to “getting the mind back under con-
being, relating, and creating? What has blocked their trol” (92). By calming the body and fixing the mind
perception and/or expression in the past? How can
we work together so that the person moves more and through ‘dropping the anchor of attention,’ medita-
more in this direction until he is living such a full and tion is believed to be an important tool of self-
zestful life that he has no more time or energy for healing and self-regulation (92).
psychotherapy? (537) In the 1970s and early 1980s, meditation directed
against tumors received public attention as a result
Leshan believes that some cancer patients have of the work of the late Ainslie Meares, an Australian
undergone tumor regression and have increased the psychiatrist. Meares used a form of meditation
length of their lives as a result of his psychothera- aimed at producing a profound stillness of mind
peutic approach. He states his conclusion this way: (608). He characterized the practice as one of
simplicity and naturalness (609). Cancer patients
Ever since I learned how to use this approach reportedly experienced “a profound and prolonged
some twenty years ago, approximately half of my reduction” in anxiety and a nonverbal understand-
“hopeless,” “terminal,” patients have gone into ing of life and death (609). Meares believed that
long-term remission and are stiIl alive. The lives of intensive meditation ‘‘enabled the immune system
many others seemed longer than standard medical to function more effectively by inducing changes in
predictions would see as likely. Nearly all found that blood supply to particular parts of the body and in
working in this new way improved the ‘color” and
the emotional tone of their lives and made the last endocrine function and neural activity” (610).
period of their lives far more exciting and interesting Based on his experience treating 73 patients with
than they had been before starting the therapeutic advanced cancer who attended at least 20 sessions of
process. (537) intensive meditation, Meares believed his treatment
reduced anxiety, depression, discomfort, and pain in
Speculating that the psychotherapy might bring about half his patients. Meares believed that inten-
about changes inpatients’ immune function, LeShan sive meditation was associated with tumor regres-
writes that his treatment is often ‘‘sufficient to halt sion in at least 10 percent of the advanced cancer
or reverse the direction of growth of a serious patients he treated (607). He also published a
neoplasm.’ He believes that “if we recover our number of case reports of regression of cancer after
hope for the ability to live our own life” our intensive meditation and in the absence of conven-
‘‘cancer-defense mechanism [will] recover its tional treatment (603,604,605,606). (These cases are
strength and come to the aid of the medical program. summarized in ref. 608.)
Chapter 2--Behavioral and Psychological Approaches ● 35
the 24 lung cancer patients. These survival times The study found a small, but not statistically
were compared to published data on other groups of significant increase in survival time among ECaP
metastatic breast, colon, and lung cancer patients: participants compared to nonparticipants. As noted
16, 11, and 6 months, respectively. The Simontons in the published report, though, the study did not
noted that their patients lived twice as long as those control for the lag period among ECaP participants
reported in the literature and speculated that better from the time of diagnosis to the time of ECaP entry,
patient motivation, greater confidence in the treat- a period that reportedly ranged from less than 1
ment, and overall positive expectancy as a result of month to 10 years. Morgenstern and colleagues used
their regimen may have contributed to the results. two statistical methods to adjust for this error. In one
case, the adjustment produced a result showing a
The design of the Simontons’ study was such that positive effect on survival in these women, and in the
valid conclusions could not be drawn from it about other case, a negative effect on survival, neither
increased survival as a result of relaxation and result being statistically significant.
imagery, since other possible intervening variables
were not accounted for. It is not known how the A more important limitation in interpreting the
Simonton patients might have differed in physical results of this study is its overall design, in which an
and psychological characteristics from the patients attempt was made to control retrospectively for
with whom they were compared. known and unknown differences between the two
groups of patients by a matching procedure. Despite
the matching, there could still have been major
differences in personal characteristics, treatment
ATTEMPTS AT EVALUATING variables, and disease characteristics that were not or
SURVIVAL OUTCOMES could not have been identified. For this reason, this
type of study design is not generally considered
Despite anecdotal reports of tumor regression or acceptable for detecting effects on survival, unless
life extension in patients treated with imagery, the difference in survival between the treatment and
meditation, or Leshan’s psychotherapy, possible control groups is so great as to outweigh the possible
anticancer effects of these interventions in other effects of bias or confounding.
patients have not been confirmed. Researchers in
The effect of different forms of psychotherapy in
this area have, in general, focused more on the
women with metastatic breast cancer was evaluated
evaluation of quality of life issues than on antitumor
by Ronald Grossarth-Maticek and colleagues (363).
effects. The few studies that have addressed the issue
The study included 100 women, 50 of whom chose
of survival--one on Bernie Siegel’s ECaP program,
to receive chemotherapy and 50 of whom refused
and two others on different forms of psychotherapy—
chemotherapy. Half of each group of 50 was
are summarized in this section.
assigned by randomization to receive psychother-
apy. Little information is given on how the groups
A study of the ECaP program was conducted in compared in stage at diagnosis, time to entry into the
the early 1980s by Hal Morgenstern and colleagues study, and other characteristics after randomization.
in collaboration with Bernie Siegel (639). The study The investigators found that the women randomized
attempted to assess the impact of the ECaP program to psychotherapy survived 18.6 months foIlowing
on survival of patients with breast cancer. The ECaP diagnosis compared with 12.6 months for women
program consisted of groups of 8 to 12 participants randomized to no psychotherapy. The results sug-
who met once a week for 90 minutes. Sessions gest there may have been a small survival benefit for
included discussions of patients’ problems, medita- patients participating in psychotherapy.
tion, and mental imagery using drawings. The
investigators designed a retrospective followup study Another randomized study evaluating the effect of
comparing survival in a group of 34 ECaP partici- psychotherapy on survival and quality of life of
pants with a group of 102 nonparticipants. The group patients with metastatic breast cancer was recently
of patients to whom the ECaP participants were described by David Spiegel and colleagues (824). In
compared were matched for age at histologic diag- this study, psychotherapy consisted of weekly 90-
nosis, stage of disease, surgery, and course of minute supportive group sessions and self-hypnosis
disease. for pain control. The sessions were conducted for 1
Chapter 2--Behavioral and Psychological Approaches ● 37
year and were led by a psychiatrist or social worker volvement in the support group may have allowed
and a therapist who herself had breast cancer in patients to better mobilize their resources, to im-
remission. Eighty-six women with metastatic breast prove compliance with conventional treatment, or to
cancer, who were also receiving conventional treat- improve their appetite and diet through reduced
ment, were randomized to psychotherapy or no depression. They also suggested that patients who
psychotherapy (yielding 50 women in the treatment learned self-hypnosis for pain control may have been
group and 36 in the control group). Patients in the better able to remain physically active.
two groups were comparable in age, marital status,
type of surgery, degree of metastatic spread, number The results of Spiegel’s study lend support to the
of mastectomies, exercise activity, and number of practice of psychotherapy in cancer treatment, but
treatment courses. The groups did differ in stage of more information is needed before the practice could
disease at initial diagnosis, with the psychotherapy be adopted confidently on a broader scale. Spiegel’s
group having fewer women with advanced disease. provocative findings are difficult to generalize to
That difference was reportedly controlled for in the other types of psychosocial intervention and other
analysis of the data. Survival was measured 9 years
patient populations, since the study included a
after psychotherapy ended. relatively small number of subjects. One other factor
There was a significant difference in survival time limiting the interpretation of the results is the
between the two groups: women who underwent possibility that other, unidentified variables occur-
psychotherapy lived an average of 36.6 months after ring during the 9-year followup period had some
randomization to the intervention, while women in influence on survival time. The women in the study
the control group lived an average of 18.9 months were not contacted after their initial year, and it was
following randomization. Divergence in survival not known what other factors, e.g., further conven-
time between the two groups began to appear 8 tional treatment or psychosocial support, may have
months after psychotherapy ended. Spiegel and intervened during that time to create more differ-
colleagues also found that psychotherapy signifi- ences between the groups. A larger randomized
cantly reduced anxiety, depression, and pain among study will be needed to verify the results, and is
participants. The investigators suggested that in- clearly warranted by Spiegel’s conclusions.
Chapter 3
Dietary Treatments
General Comments about Unconventional Dietary Approaches Compared
With Other Forms of Nutritional Treatment ... ... ... .., ... . . . . . . .. 41
Adjunctive Use of Dietary Approaches in Cancer Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . , , , 42
The Gerson Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 44
Background and Early Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Rationale for the Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... ,.. .,. .. .,e 45
Current Gerson Treatment Regimen . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 46
Potential and Reported Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Claims of Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Attempts at Evaluating the Gerson Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
The Kelley Regimen . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Background and Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ● . . . . . . . 51
3-A. An Example of an Adjunctive Nutritional Approach to Cancer Treatment . . . . . . . . 43
3-B. Coffee Enemas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 3
Dietary Treatments
A specified diet is the primary component of some resort” offering ‘‘a multi-dimensional program for
unconventional cancer treatments. This chapter the serious health seeker” (405). The wheatgrass
reviews three examples of unconventional treat- diet is described as a “nutritional lifestyle that
ments with dietary regimens as the primary or embraces an all natural way of eating” (405). Using
central component: the treatment regimen devel- books and products commonly available in health
oped by the late Max Gerson, M. D., currently food stores and through mail order houses, patients
offered at a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico; the treatment can also follow the wheatgrass regimen on their
regimen developed by William Kelley, D. D. S., and own.
recently modified by Nicholas Gonzalez, M. D., who
The wheatgrass regimen eliminates all meat, dairy
treats patients in New York; and the macrobiotic
products, and cooked foods from the diet, while
regimen, whose educational resources and special-
emphasizing “live foods” (including uncooked
ized food products are widely available to patients in
sprouts, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds),
the United States. Coffee enemas, which are in-
wheatgrass juice, “detoxification” (enemas and
cluded in two of these regimens, are also discussed
high colonies), enzyme supplements and chlorella
separately in box 3-B later.
(green algae tablets). Proponents believe that
In other chapters of this report, treatments are wheatgrass is the key element of the program and
described that also include dietary elements, but in claim that it bolsters the immune system, kills
those cases, the diet may be one of several major harmful bacteria in the digestive system, and rids the
elements in the approach, with a non-nutritional body of waste matter and toxins (405,959). Anecdo-
treatment usually considered primary in the regi- tal case reports of tumor regressions and life
men. In the Livingston-Wheeler regimen (described extension among cancer patients who followed the
in ch. 5), e.g., dietary guidelines are specified, but wheatgrass regimen have been published in the
the regimen is centered on its original anti-infective proponent literature (see, e.g., (344)), but thus far, no
treatment. In addition, many of the clinics in the studies of its clinical role in the treatment of cancer
United States and Mexico that promote “meta- have been reported.
bolic” treatment for cancer specify particular foods
to include or avoid as part of a regimen that also GENERAL COMMENTS ABOUT
includes pharmacologic and biologic agents, exer- UNCONVENTIONAL DIETARY
cise, and spiritual and psychological components
Other dietary approaches used in unconventional
cancer treatment for which more limited information
is available are not covered in detail in this chapter. By relying for the most part on vegetarian,
One of these is wheatgrass, a component of a low-fat, high-fiber foods, the dietary regimens
regimen that has been available for several decades described in this chapter share certain characteristics
in the United States. Originally developed by Ann with the kinds of foods currently recommended by
Wigmore, the wheatgrass regimen is advocated for mainstream groups for lowering the risk of develop-
prevention and treatment of a variety of conditions ing cancer and heart disease. Recent American
and for general health maintenance. Individuals Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines for cancer preven-
attending one of three U.S. centers that offer tion, e.g., suggest reducing the intake of fat, alcohol,
instruction in following the wheatgrass regimen and salt-cured and smoked foods, while increasing
(289) are taught “an enlightened approach to the the intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
understanding of health and various cleansing and (681). One way they differ, however, is that the
rebuilding techniques to restore and/or maintain a unconventional cancer treatment diets may empha-
vigorous life” (198), according to promotional size a few particular foods and limit or totally
literature. One of the centers, the Hippocrates Health eliminate others. The macrobiotic regimen, e.g.,
Institute in Florida, describes itself as a “health advises against consuming vegetables and fruits that
42 • Unconventional Cancer Treatments
are not grown locally, such as bananas and other tube). These measures are normally limited to
tropical fruit, and against certain types of vegetable, cachexic patients in advanced stages of disease, to
such as those in the nightshade family (including patients who have particular cancer- or treatment-
tomatoes, green peppers, eggplants, e.g.). The related nutritional problems that prohibit normal
wheatgrass diet excludes all cooked vegetables and intake of food, or to malnourished patients under-
fruits in favor of raw foods exclusively. The Kelley going major surgery (34,473,798).
regimen emphasizes certain categories of food, e.g.,
vegetables or red meat, over others, on an individual It is well accepted that cancer and its treatment
basis. (The Kelley diet does not necessarily conform can cause malnutrition and that malnutrition itself
to current mainstream dietary recommendations.) It predicts a poor outcome (253). A number of
has been noted that in some circumstances, cancer physiologic factors associated with cancer are be-
patients who follow overly restrictive diets of any lieved to contribute to malnutrition, including the
kind, whether unconventional or not, maybe at risk metabolic state of the tumor and its effects on the
for malnutrition and uncontrolled weight loss (8,84). body’s metabolism, catabolic effects of conven-
It has also been noted that diets that may be useful tional treatment, and physiologic stress associated
in preventing cancer are not necessarily effective in with rapid tissue growth and cell destruction (407),
treating cancer, since substances in food that may although the ways in which these factors influence
play a role in the initiation of cancer may be different nutritional status are still poorly understood. The
from those that may contribute to tumor progression issue of how to ensure that patients obtain an optimal
(84). daily intake of nutrients and calories in order to
preserve lean body mass without stimulating tumor
The goals of the unconventional dietary treat- growth is considered unresolved (407). Total paren-
ments also overlap with the goals of conventional teral nutrition has been found to be of limited use,
nutritional support for cancer patients in that both try and in some cases even detrimental (798). In general,
to counteract the metabolic and nutritional effects of oral dietary treatments have not been evaluated for
the disease and of some forms of treatment. The possible prevention of malnutrition or for possible
unconventional treatments go beyond the conven- effects on the course of the disease in cancer
tional support measures, however, by claimin g to patients, although the initial stage of a multicenter
reverse the course of the disease, to enhance host study involving a low fat dietary intervention in
function, and to improve quality of life. patients with breast cancer was recently begun (35).
The fact that the unconventional treatments spe-
c@ particular dietary regimens for cancer patients at
all, regardless of their condition, stage of disease, or ADJUNCTIVE USE OF DIETARY
type of tumor, separates them from mainstream APPROACHES IN CANCER
cancer treatment. Nutritional support has a well- TREATMENT
l’rhis ~tion is based, in part, on apaperwrittenby Keith I. Block and Charlotte Gyllenhaal, “Nutrition: Unessential Tool in cii.IWr Thwy (w).”
Chapter 3--Dietary Treatments . 43
One practitioner’s approach that he uses currently conventional treatment, to improve the patient’s
as an adjunctive nutritional approach to cancer quality of life, and ultimately, to lengthen his or her
treatment is described in box 3-A. It is unknown how survival time (84).
representative that example is of other efforts to use A number of factors maybe involved in stimulat-
nutritional approaches adjunctively. In the judgment ing efforts to combine nutritional intervention with
of some of the members of the Advisory Panel for cancer treatment before the development of overt
this project, however, the adjunctive use of dietary deficiencies, metabolic abnormalities, and cachexia.
interventions in cancer treatment is gradually be- One factor may be the public interest in self-help
coming incorporated into conventional treatment regimens and in health effects of diet, as shown by
and becoming accepted as a potentially valuable the wide range of books and articles in the popular
supportive measure (8). The stated aim of such literature concerning diet and cancer. This is paral-
adjunctive nutritional treatment is to maintain ade- leled by the large and expanding scientific literature
quate levels of critical nutrients (assisted by close on links between specific nutritional factors and
monitoring for deficiencies and abnormalities) in cancer processes (361,660,661). Strong evidence is
order to enhance the patient’s natural resistance to emerging from laboratory and population studies
the disease, to increase the ability to respond to suggesting a substantial dietary contribution to a
44 • Unconventional cancer Treatments
large proportion of human cancers (866), though in (AMA), the New York State Medical Society, and
some cases the data are not unequivocal and many the Medical Society of the County of New York
specifics remain to be determined. Major efforts in (875).
this area at NCI are currently conducted in two In 1958, after a long investigation, the Medical
research programs: the Chemoprevention Program,
Society of the County of New York suspended
which focuses on the role of natural and synthetic
Gerson’s membership. The Society charged that
micronutrients (e.g., beta carotene, vitamin A and
Gerson’s participation in a 1946 radio broadcast,
related retinoids, vitamins C and E, and certain
during which the show’s commentator, Raymond
selenium compounds) in preventing or inhibiting
Gram Swing, described beneficial results of Ger-
cancer development; and the Diet, Nutrition, and
son’s treatment for cancer, constituted personal
Cancer Program, which focuses on macronutrient
advertising (387,465,956). Gerson reportedly also
factors (e.g., fiber and fat) in cancer development
lost his hospital privileges and malpractice insur-
ance (387,569), although no details of these actions
are available.
In 1946, during a hearing on a proposed bill to
The Gerson treatment, consisting of a low so- authorize increased Federal support for cancer
dium, high potassium, vegetarian diet, various research in general, Gerson testified before a sub-
pharmacologic agents, and coffee enemas, is one of
committee of the Senate Committee on Foreign
the most widely known unconventional cancer Relations. In his statement to the subcommittee,
treatments. As one of the first unconventional Gerson described his background, the development
approaches now commonly referred to as ‘‘meta- of his treatment for cancer, and submitted written
bolic,” 2 it may have spawned the development of case histories of 10 patients treated with his regimen,
many other currently used unconventional dietary 5 of whom were questioned in person at the hearing
and pharmacologic approaches. (875). Gerson claimed that these patients were cured
Max Gerson, M.D., a German-born physician, of advanced cancer as a result of his treatment.
spent the last 23 years of his 50-year medical career Both Gerson’s testimony and radio appearance
in the United States. He died in 1959 leaving no drew national attention. The same year, an editorial
apparent system in place to continue his treatment appeared in The Journal of the American Medical
program. In 1977, Gerson’s daughter, Charlotte Association in response to numerous requests for
Gerson Straus, co-founded (with Norman Fritz) the information about Gerson. The editorial criticized
Gerson Institute now based in Bonita, California. Gerson and his sponsors at the Robinson Founda-
The Institute oversees a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico,
tion, New York, for ‘promotion of an unestablished,
where the Gerson treatment is offered. According to
somewhat questionable method of treating cancer.
one outside report, that clinic treats approximately The editorial stated AMA’s view that Gerson had
600 patients per year (569). provided only “clinical impressions as to benefits
secured but nothing resembling scientific evidence
Background and Early Use
as to the actual merit of the method” (465). A 1949
Max Gerson was born in Germany in 1881 and report of the AMA Council on Pharmacy and
graduated from the University of Freiburg medical chemistry reiterated AMA’s view of the Gerson
school in 1907 (875). He practiced medicine in treatment, concluding that “there is no scientific
Germany, Austria, and France before emigrating to evidence whatsoever to indicate that modification in
the United States in 1936. He received his New York the dietary intake of food or other nutritional
medical license in 1938 and his U.S. citizenship in essentials are of any specific value in the control of
1944 (875). He opened a private medical practice in cancer’ (39). The American Cancer Society’s Com-
New York City and in 1946 also began treating mittee on Unproven Methods of Cancer Manage-
patients at nearby Gotham Hospital. Gerson was a ment published its first statement on the Gerson
member of the American Medical Association treatment in 1957 (90).
21ntheuneonventional cancer treatment literature, “metabolic” treatment generally refers to treatments intended to stimulate patients’ immunologic
and biochemical processes to fight eaneer. The term is used nonspecifically to refer to both particular treatments and to collections of unconventional
treatments (e.g., combination pharmacologic and nutritional treatments).
Chapter 3--Dietary Treatments . 45
sG~SOnpUbliShed many articles in German before 1945 (see biblio~aphy cited above).
46 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
enzymes, and enemas of coffee or chamomile tea patient with sepsis were reported to the San Diego
(317,328). County Department of Health Services. C. fetus
subsp. fetus was isolated from blood cultures from
Other treatments, beyond the ones Gerson speci-
nine patients and from peritoneal fluid from one
fied, have been added to the current protocol in
patient. Upon admission to the hospital, five of the
recent years. According to materials distributed by
patients were comatose and all had severe electro-
the Gerson Institute, these substances include:
lyte abnormalities. The nine cancer patients died
● ozone treatment (328) (given by enema (3 18) or shortly after admission (338).
via infusion in autologous, heparinized blood
After learning of the outbreak from a newspaper
or directly into patients’ blood vessels (401));
● hydrogen peroxide (topically, rectally, or orally) article, members of the Gerson staff contacted the
San Diego Department of Health Services to discuss
the problem, assuming from the description of
● intravenous ‘‘GKI drip’ (glucose, potassium,
treatments taken that at least some of the 10 patients
and insulin solutions) (328);
● “live cell therapy” (328); had been treated at the Gerson clinic (401). Ac-
● castor oil (328); kmowledging the possible link between the raw liver
juice and the Campylobacter infection in these
● clay packs (328);
● Lincoln bacteriophage (a vaccine made from patients, Gerson staff subsequently improved the
handling and storage of the calves liver to reduce the
killed Staphylococcus aureus bacteria) and
likelihood of contamination and instituted routine
influenza virus vaccine, both reportedly to
tests for C. fetus among their patients at the first sign
stimulate “allergic inflammation,” a process
Gerson believed contributed to healing (387); of infection; patients testing positive would then be
and treated with an appropriate antibiotic (e.g., erythro-
mycin) (401). No further reports of this type of
● laetrile (328,329).
infection in Gerson patients have been published in
The Gerson treatment is time-consuming and the literature. The clinic discontinued the use of raw
restrictive, and can be difficult to follow in areas liver juice in late 1989, however, because of
where fresh fruits and vegetables are not widely potential problems with infection (326).
available (530). To assist with the rigors of the
Coffee enemas have been associated with serious
treatment, the clinic advises patients to have a
fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, although none
“helper,’ since patients “need time and energy and
rest to heal and if they do the therapy alone it will have been reported specifically in patients undergo-
ing the Gerson regimen. One report in the literature
reduce their chances of healing” (325).
noted the death of two Seattle women, one of whom
had cancer, due to fluid and electrolyte abnormali-
Potential and Reported Adverse Effects
ties following coffee enemas (273). One of these
Two aspects of the Gerson treatment have at- women reportedly took 10 or 12 coffee enemas in
tracted attention as possible causes of adverse one night, and continued at a rate of one per hour,
effects-the use of raw calves liver juice, and coffee while the other woman took them four times daily;
enemas. in both cases, the enemas were taken much more
frequently than is recommended in the Gerson
Ingestion of raw calves liver juice has been
treatment. Another report of serious adverse effects
associated with infection with Campylobacter fetus
associated with coffee enemas cited three cases
subspecies fetus, an organism that is carried in the
(579). The overall risk of fatal electrolyte disturb-
intestinal tract of cattle and sheep. Infection with C.
ance associated with coffee enemas is unknown, and
fetus subsp. fetus is treatable if detected early, but
may depend to some extent on frequency and
can lead to sepsis and death if undetected or
conditions of use (see also discussion in box 3-B).
inadequately treated (339).
An outbreak of C. fetus subsp. fetuis infection
Claims of Effectiveness
among cancer patients, some of whom were thought
to have been treated with the Gerson regimen, was Gerson wrote (and rewrote, after the original was
reported in 1981 (339). Between January 1979 and lost) A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases to
March 1981, nine cancer patients and one lupus show that “there is an effective treatment of cancer,
48 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
even in advanced cases” (337). In testimony before be cured through the Gerson treatment (see, e.g., a
a Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on For- description of “cure of a partially removed, inopera-
eign Relations in 1946, Gerson estimated that about ble, radiation-resistant, adult astrocytoma through
30 percent of ‘hopeless cases’ of cancer he treated the Gerson Therapy” (327)).
showed a favorable response (875). In a lecture
Gerson gave in 1956 (published posthumously in Attempts at Evaluating the Gerson Treatment
1978) (336), and in a paper published in 1954, he Since the 1940s, there have been several attempts
estimated that his treatment produced “positive by a number of groups and individuals to assess the
results in about 50 percent of so-called generalized, effects of Gerson’s regimen, and at least one attempt
regrowing or final cases” (334). is currently in progress.
The current practitioners of the regimen also Gerson's Case Presentations
claim success with the treatment. Patient literature
from the Gerson Institute claims: In 1947, Gerson submitted 10 case histories of
cancer patients treated with his regimen to the
. . . the Gerson Therapy is able to achieve almost National Cancer Institute (NCI) for review (332,822).
routine recoveries in early to intermediate cancers. The only available information about that review
Even when the disease is advanced and incurable by
conventional standards (i.e., involves the liver or comes from a current NCI statement on the Gerson
pancreas or multiple internal sites) excellent results treatment, which states that the NCI review “found
are possible. The Gerson Therapy has cured many no convincing evidence of effectiveness, particu-
cases of advanced cancer in man. (329) Emphasis in larly since the patients were also receiving other
original.] anticancer treatments” (893). It was also noted that
Gerson “was invited to submit additional data but
Further, the patient literature states that even for did not do so.” Further information about the nature
patients with both cancer and other diseases (e.g., of the 1947 review is unavailable, since NCI cannot
arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes), the Gerson locate any records concerning it (766).
treatment “usually heals the body of all diseases
simultaneously’ (329). This claim is reportedly In 1959, NCI reviewed 50 case histories presented
based on Gerson’s belief that the body “will not heal in Gerson’s book A Cancer Therapy :Results of Fifty
cancer and yet leave arthritis or arteriosclerosis or Cases. NCI concluded that, in the majority of cases,
diabetes unimproved” and that “when the body’s the basic criteria for evaluating clinical benefit were
ability to heal is restored, the ‘physician within’ will not met. These criteria were the following:
set about to mend and restore the whole patient” ● The patient must have histologic verification of
(329). the presence of a malignant neoplasm, and the
diagnostic sections must be available for inde-
The vice president of the Gerson Institute, Nor-
pendent review to verify Gerson’s diagnosis.
man Fritz, republished a book by S.J. Haught (the ● If the patient had surgical resection or other
pen name for Robert Lichello, a writer for the
previous treatment for a proven malignant
National Enquirer in the 1950s), which was origi-
neoplasm, the presence of a recurrence or
nally titled Has Dr. Max Gerson a True Cancer
metastasis also must be verified histologically
Cure? (1962), renaming it Cancer? Think Curable!
and the sections made available for review.
The Gerson Therapy (1983). In his introduction to ● If the patient had been previously treated, he
the revised edition, Fritz claims that the Gerson
must be completely reevaluated and observed
treatment “can save about 50 percent or more of
for a long enough period of time to verify that
advanced ‘hopeless’ cancer patients’ and that “the
this treatment was ineffective, and that the
percentage who recover can exceed 90 percent for
neoplasm is indeed advancing (60).
early cancers and some ‘early terminal’ cancers. ”
Fritz’s claims are apparently not made by others in NCI concluded overall that Gerson’s data provided
the Gerson Institute, but the Haught book is still no demonstration of benefit (60,897). In an undated
widely available to patients and is one of the most rebuttal, members of the Gerson Institute disputed
easily accessible sources of information about the NCI’S 1959 findings, taking issue with almost every
treatment (401). The Gerson Institute’s newsletter case assessment and charging that NCI dismissed
often describes case histories of patients believed to legitimate evidence on the basis of technicalities
Chapter 3--Dietary Treatments . 49
(330). No independent assessment of the review has experienced less severe side-effects of chemother-
been made. apy than did the patients with whom they were
compared. Without claiming definitive results, Lech-
The Austrian Study
ner stated that the patients with breast and colon
An exploratory study of the clinical effects of cancer with liver metastasis benefited more than
some components of the Gerson regimen is currently others in the study. According to the report, those
under way in Austria. According to an unpublished patients ‘seem to live longer, and their quality of life
interim report (522), Peter Lechner, M.D., of the is apparently better” than patients with whom they
Second Department of Surgery of the Landeskrank- were compared, although he noted that his conclu-
enhaus in Graz, Austria, is conducting a study using sions were subjective and “of no statistical rele-
a modified Gerson regimen as an adjunctive treat- vance at all.
ment. The modified regimen is described as a high
Lechner’s description indicates that the study was
fiber, low sodium, high iodine and potassium,
not designed to generate definitive conclusions
lactovegetarian diet with regular coffee enemas. It
about changes in survival or in quality of life among
reportedly omits certain elements of the original
patients following the modified Gerson regimen.
Gerson regimen, such as liver juice, thyroid supple-
The fact that the patients following the regimen
ments (unless the patient is hypothyroid), and niacin
supplements. It also limits the number of coffee chose to undergo a relatively rigorous and demand-
ing program suggests that there may well be
enemas to two per day; Lechner noted in previous
differences between those patients and the ones who
experience with patients following the Gerson
regimen that a higher frequency of enemas was did not participate in the program. In this case, the
associated with the development of colitis (inflam- comparison between participating and nonpartici-
mation of the large intestine, often leading to pating patients does not provide a legitimate basis
diarrhea) in some patients. for judging differences in turner response, survival,
or quality of life. In addition, based on the informa-
Twenty-nine patients who chose to follow the tion provided in the report, it is impossible to
modified Gerson regimen were included in the separate the effects of the modified Gerson regimen
study. An equal number of non-participating pa- from the effects of previous or concurrent treat-
tients, matched for tumor type and stage of illness, ments. The study does, however, provide prelimi-
were paired with the patients following the regimen. nary qualitative information on the experiences of
Nineteen pairs of patients with breast cancer, eight the 29 patients who followed a modified Gerson
pairs with colorectal cancer, and four pairs with regimen along with conventional treatment. It is
malignant melanoma were studied. All patients unclear from the report how much longer the study
reportedly had previous mainstream treatment (sur- would continue or what endpoints were being
gery and possibly other treatments) and some of measured.
them were taking them concurrently (chemotherapy,
radiation, or interferon). While some of the patients The British Review
are described as having metastatic disease and in In 1989, three British researchers visited the
advanced stages of illness, the report does not Gerson Clinic on behalf of a British medical
indicate whether all patients had measurable disease insurance company (805) “to assess its basis as a
at the start of the study or whether previous or claimed dietary cure for cancer” (459). The investi-
concurrent treatment was considered to have had an gators observed patients and their treatment freely
antitumor effect in any of the patients. and were offered information from the clinic’s files
Lechner reported that patients following the on a group of patients considered by the Gerson staff
modified Gerson regimen showed no side-effects to represent “best responses” to the Gerson treat-
attributable to the treatment and did not become ment. They conducted two studies: the first was a
malnourished. One of the patients with inoperable review of the best responses, and the second was a
psychological study of patients at the clinic at the
liver metastasis who followed the Gerson treatment
time of the visit.
showed a temporary regression. In Lechner’s opin-
ion, there were subjective benefits from the modified For the review, the investigators were presented
Gerson regimen: patients needed less pain medica- with 149 cases from among all patients treated at the
tion, were in better psychological condition, and clinic since it opened in 1977. Of those, 27 were
so . Unconventional Cancer Treatments
alive and well and had sufficient documentation for In the second study, 15 patients completed a
assessment. Nearly all had had mainstream treat- questionnaire that elicited information about their
ment of some kind before beginning the Gerson background and disease history and their feelings
regimen, and a number continued to receive it in about their physicians, their physical and mental
addition to the Gerson treatment. health, the Gerson Clinic, and their interpersonal
relationships. It was found that, in general, the
The investigators reported that nine of the patients patients had very positive feelings and experiences;
had melanomas, and the course of their disease “fell they felt well supported by family and other patients
within what we would consider the limits of the at the clinic, had a‘ ‘high degree of control over their
‘natural history’ of this disease. ” Two patients health,” and had high “mood” and “confidence”
reportedly had early stage prostate cancers which scores. The investigators noted particularly that
had been removed surgically, and their survival was none of the patients was taking opiates for pain,
also judged to be consistent with what would have though several had taken them previously, and they
been expected without further treatment. Another had low “pain” scores. The investigators concluded
patient with prostate cancer having “clinically overall that there was a “significant subjective
significant disease’ had survived beyond the expec- benefit” to patients and their families from the
tation of the investigators, given his disease and treatment:
prior treatment. Two patients with breast cancer and
two with endometrial cancer were considered to The nature of the therapy requires a positive
have had disease courses consistent with their cancer contribution to be made by the patient to his or her
and other treatment. A third patient with biopsy- health and meets a need not satisfied by conventional
proven endometrial cancer who had had no conven- therapy. There are therefore lessons for oncologists
to learn in the management of desperate cancer
tional treatment subsequently underwent a hysterec-
patients and their families.
tomy, at which time no evidence of malignancy
remained, representing a case of tumor regression.
One patient with non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) Gerson Institute Case Review
had extensive radiation treatment, which could have An effort to document possible tumor remissions
accounted for a favorable outcome, and another had among patients treated at the Gerson clinic in
no followup scans, so tumor status could not be Tijuana is currently being conducted under the
determin ed. In another patient with low-grade NHL, direction of Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute
a biopsy-confirmed mass regressed with no other (402). Since 1987 (400), a “best case” review has
treatment. The remaining patients were described as been in progress to assemble relevant data from
having “slowly progressive disease. ”
Gerson patients believed to have benefited from the
The investigators concluded: treatment. As planned, the review would include
patients who either had no previous treatment or
Although several of these cases would have been who failed previous treatment, and would collect
expected to have a poor prognosis on the basis of details from each patient’s medical records (includ-
their histology and stage . . . a proportion of poor
prognosis patients do fare better than the average. ing all cancer-related discharge summaries, pathol-
Any large series of 6,000 poor prognosis patients ogy reports, slides, radiology summaries, films,
treated conventionally would produce similar re- laboratory reports, and surgery summaries). Provi-
sults. sion was made for blind reevaluation of the pathol-
ogy material by the U.S. Armed Forces Institute of
A small number of the patients appear to have had Pathology and of the medical records by experts at
disease regression that cannot be explained as being the University of California at Los Angeles. Where
an extreme of the natural history of the disease. necessary, followup evaluations on patients would
There may thus be a small antitumor effect in some
patients. However, it must be stressed, if the be conducted (including scans or other evaluative
anticancer effect of the Gerson Therapy was substan- procedures). The collected data would then be
tial, we would have expected to find evidence of a reviewed by an expert panel to determine whether
larger number of responses-if an effective new objective responses to the treatment had been
anti-cancer treatment had been given to 6,000 documented. As of August 1989, OTA had no
patients we would expect it to have been easier to further information on the status of the Institute’s
find successful cases to present. review.
Chapter 3--Dietary Treatments ● 51
THE KELLEY REGIMEN Ecology; and the third, Nicholas Gonzalez’s meta-
bolic typology based on Kelley’s ideas, which is
In the 1960s, William Donald Kelley, an ortho- currently being offered by Gonzalez in New York.
dentist by training, developed and publicized a
nutritional program for cancer patients based on
dietary guidelines, vitamin and enzyme supple- Background and Rationale
ments, and computerized metabolic typing. The In 1964, Kelley was told he had metastatic
Kelley regimen became one of the most widely pancreatic cancer, although he reported that the
known unconventional cancer treatments. Although diagnosis was never confirmed by biopsy. Applying
Kelley is no longer practicing his treatment, the one of his own “biochemical tests” (one of which
regimen has been continued in a variety of forms by he called the “Protein Metabolism Evaluation
his followers. There are three distinct phases or Index,” a test intended to diagnose cancer before it
interpretations of the Kelley program: the first, was clinically apparent), he concluded that he had
which Kelley described in his book One Answer to had cancer for several months, if not years, and that
Cancer; the second, Fred Rohe’s expansion and his wife and two of his three children also had cancer
reinterpretation as published in his book Metabolic (472). Kelley claims that his doctor told him he had
52 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
2 months to live and advised surgery, which Kelley The Kelley nutritional program gained popularity
refused. Based on his own experience, he felt that the in the 1970s, when Kelley gave many interviews and
wrong foods caused tumors to grow, while proper made unequivocal claims that his program was
foods allowed the body to fight off the tumor. By regularly able to cure a wide range of cancers: “It is
trial and error, he regulated self-administered doses extremely effective and rather inexpensive. Those
of various enzymes, vitamins, and minerals to who are willing to faithfully and tediously follow it
achieve his recovery. He proceeded to apply his will be successful. Those who follow it in part or
dietary program to his family and others, and haphazardly will be completely unsuccessful’ (472).
eventually published his recommendations and the He also developed a rnail-order approach to nutritional-
beliefs underlying them in a 1969 book entitled One metabolic treatment in which he was able to use
Answer to Cancer (472), which achieved a wide “technicians” who assisted patients in getting on
distribution. and following his program. Specific recommendat-
ions for patients were generated by his computer
In his book, Kelley wrote that cancer represented system. In addition, Kelley developed his own
‘‘nothing more than a type of placenta growing at the supply houses for the supplements,5 water filtration
wrong place and time in the body. ’ He characterized systems, and even the coffee (’‘Kelley Koffee’‘). An
cancer as a deficiency disease-a deficiency of updated and expanded version of his treatment was
active pancreatic enzymes, in particular. He believed published in 1983 by Fred Rohe with Kelley’s input
that an indication of inadequate protein metabolism (761). Kelley endorsed Rohe’s book, stating that it
signified early stages of cancer and that cancer could represented his most up-to-date findings and recom-
be controlled by supplying adequate doses of mendations.
pancreatic enzymes, a key component of his “eco-
logical” treatment (472). He claimed that this In this second phase, Kelley’s spiritual philoso-
treatment could halt the growth of tumors from phy had taken on a strong “New Age” tone. He
within 3 hours to 12 days of initiation. The difficult wrote:
part, he concluded, was clearing the body of
accumulated toxins and the toxic poisons that are . . . there has to be some purpose to human life on this
planet. That purpose seems tome to be the develop-
released as the tumors are dissolved and excreted ment of understanding and inner growth. I define
(472). inner growth as the expansion of our whole being,
particularly our spirit, as we interact with each other
and with the environment . . . This new positive
Development and Use of the Treatment foundation supports a new paradigm for the field of
health care, allowing for the influx of great new
Kelley described his treatment as ecological since streams of intelligence, experiences, and creativity.
‘‘the total person and his total environment must be Millions of people who come along in future
considered in order to give proper treatment. ” The generations will be able to build and react upon this
program consisted of five components: taking suffi new paradigm. It is an ultra-holistic model with a
cient nutritional supplements (vitamins, enzymes, completely realistic and scientific framework. We
minerals, etc.); detoxifying the body (purging, are moving from a left-brain dominant system to a
left/right balanced brain system, with plenty of heart
fasting, coffee enemas, colonic irrigations, cleansing
mixed in. I don’t know if I understand it all-I don’t
the kidneys, the lungs, and the skin, and exercising); think anybody can completely grasp such a compre-
maintaining an adequate diet;4 providing proper hensive process of change. But it’s a beautiful thing
neurological stimulation (e.g., osteopathic manipu- to watch. (761)
lation, chiropractic adjustments, ‘mandibular equil-
ibration to re-shape the skull,” or physiotherapy); According to Rohe, Kelley had noticed that not
and taking a positive spiritual attitude (“purifying everyone he treated responded the same way, and
the emotions and spirits”) (472). modified his original idea of “one answer to
4~~ ~~er~ tO ~ low pm~~ ~et and Propr prote~ ~g. Kelley c~~ that “ifp~ple wo~d not eat protein after 1:()() p.m., 83% of cancer k
the United States could be eliminated” (472); no pasteurized milk, no peanuts, nothing cooked or processed, no white flour or white sugm, lots of
vegetable and fruit @ices, plenty of raw almonds, fresh raw salads, whole grain cereals.
SKelley befieved tit tie ~pplements co~erc~y av~able ~heal~ food stores and ~g stores &d not m~t his standards c)f pdty and potency,
so he initiated a custom-made line of products made according to his spedlcations (353).
Chapter 3-Dietary Treatments .53
cancer. He came to believe that there was no single, The only classification system used by Kelley at
perfect diet for all patients. To account for each the time of the Rohe book was a breakdown between
individual’s unique metabolic makeup, Kelley de- “soft” and “hard” tumors. “Hard” tumors in-
vised a system of metabolic typing or classifying cluded all except leukemia, lymphomas, melano-
each individual and coordinating a unique set of mas, and multiple myeloma, which were classified
recommendations for each. as “soft.”
One of the elements of the Kelley program that The nutritional supplementation recommended
evolved substantially from the first phase was his by Kelley consisted of 25 supplements (enzymes,
use of diagnostic tools. The "Kelley Enzyme Test,” vitamins, glands, minerals, hydrogen peroxide, aloe
one of the many tests used in the program, was vera, bile salts, freeze-dried liver, etc.) that were to
designed to provide a very early diagnosis—1 month be taken for a 2-year period. In the standard
to several years before clinical signs of cancer (761). protocols, patients were classified as “hard tumor”
The test consisted of taking ten “Ultra-zyme” and “soft tumor” patients and were recommended
tablets over a 4-week period. The presence or the same list of supplements, although “soft tumor”
absence of cancer was indicated by the person’s patients were advised to take a few extra foods.
observation of whether they felt better, worse, or no Some patients were given specific recommendations
different during this period. Feeling either better or tailored to them and in these, patients often were
worse indicated the presence of cancer, whereas advised to take additional supplements beyond the
feeling no different meant that the person was 25 listed in the standard protocol. Patients were
probably free of cancer (but in this case Kelley referred to Kelley’s Nutritional Counseling Service
recommended that the test be repeated with a double in Texas for additional information.
dose of the enzyme tablets to be sure). The test was
not intended to indicate the location of cancer in the These supplements were intended to stimulate the
body or the type of tumor (761). release of “wastes and debris” from the body.
Ridding the body of these wastes through detoxifica-
According to Rohe, Kelley believed that environ- tion was advised as essential to the program’s
mental pollutants were being incorporated into our success. Kelley recommended that patients take at
bodies and becoming internal toxins, and that least one strong coffee enema each day, to clean out
exhaustion of the fertility of the Nation’s farmlands the liver and gallbladder and to rid the body of toxins
was depleting our foods of nutritive value. All of this produced during tumor digestion (see also discus-
led, he reasoned, to pancreatic and immune system sion in box 3-B). In addition to coffee enemas,
breakdowns, leading ultimately to cancer. Kelley recommended regular purging, fasting, and
colonic irrigation (high enemas, between 18 and 30
The diet recommended by Kelley as stated in the inches into the body). He also advised cleansing the
Rohe book outlines the following guidelines: restrict kidneys, nostrils, lungs, and skin (761).
intake of meat (except liver); consume no protein As in Kelley’s original description, other compo-
after lunchtime; no refined foods, pasteurized milk, nents of the program as described by Rohe were
peanuts, tea (except herbal), coffee (except in neurological stimulation and spiritual growth. Kel-
enemas), soft drinks, tobacco, liquor, white rice, or ley advised patients to “reactivate nerve function
fluoridated water. He recommended that patients eat through structural alignment”: osteopathic manipu-
fresh, raw salads, vegetable juices, whole grain lation, chiropractic adjustments, cranial osteopathy,
cereals, raw liver (liver must be taken raw to mandibular equilibration (to reshape the skull and
preserve the “enzymes, amino acids, and other take stresses from the brain), and reflexology.
intrinsic factors science has not yet identified—
which are destroyed when the liver is cooked’ ‘), nuts Kelley considered matters of the spirit an integral
and seeds, cultured milk products, eggs (preferably part of his program: “Just as the body must be
soft boiled or raw, except for certain types of purged and cleansed, so must the emotions and
cancers), beans, etc. In summary, the diet consisted mental attitudes be purified.” He advised removing
of increasing one’s consumption of raw foods, “all false teachings, false doctrines, fruitless activi-
decreasing protein intake, and eliminating refined ties, fears, and misunderstandings. Your spirit and
foods and additives. very being hunger for truth-the truth that can be
54 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
found only in the proper understanding of the Word Kelley designed a mail-order form for an inten-
of God.” (761) sive nutritional-metabolic program for cancer that
reached many patients who may not have had access
To support his program and make his teachings to other unconventional treatments. The idea that
more widely known, Kelley created the International cancer could occur as a result of inappropriate
Health Institute in Dallas, consisting of a group of nutrition and could be treated with intensive nutri-
doctors, dentists, chiropractors, naturopaths, meta- tional supplementation and detoxification, as articu-
bolic technicians (nutritional counselors certified by lated in his book One Answer to Cancer, brought
the institute), and attorneys. Under the umbrella of Kelley a great deal of attention from the public, the
this institute, Kelley’s Nutritional Counseling Serv- medical profession, and State medical examiners. In
ice was developed, whereby patients attended work- 1971, Kelley was issued a restraining order forbid-
shops to find out about the Kelley program and then ding him from treating non-dental disease and was
answer the 3,200-question Metabolic Evaluation prohibited from distributing copies of his book.
Survey (which reportedly took about 8 hours to Gonzalez reported that following this restraining
complete). This questionaire, analyzed entirely by order, Kelley became more cautious in his claims
computer, formed the basis for the Kelley nutritional and practice; he required all patients to sign a form
prescription, a program designed according to each acknowledging that he was a dentist, not a medical
patient’s individual nutritional needs. Questions doctor and that his nutritional programs were
were answered on computer cards and sent to intended for nutritional support, not as therapies for
Kelley’s headquarters. Kelley claimed that the cards any disease (353).
gave him a detailed picture of the patient’s metabolic
type and of the efficiency of 50 physiological Kelley’s International Health Institute and his
functions. In response to the questionnaire, patients Computer Health Service (934) were closed in the
received a lengthy, detailed computer printout of mid-1980s. A computerized metabolic typing serv-
their metabolic status along with step-by-step in- ice similar to Kelley’s is offered by Healthexcel in
structions for following their particular version of Winthop, Washington, although Kelley is not identi-
the Kelley regimen--covering foods, supplements fied as being directly involved in the service (390).
(in the range of 100 to 200 pills per day), detoxtifica-
tion techniques, psychological approaches, and life- Current Applications of the Kelley Regimen
style changes (341). With the cooperation of physi- In recent years, Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., has
cians unaffiliated with Kelley’s institute, cancer examined the Kelley regimen and has provided an
patients were advised by Kelley to submit the additional analysis of Kelley’s individual metabolic
questionaire every 6 months until, according to profiles. Since Kelley’s ideas and results are known
Kelley, their nutrient levels reach normal ranges, and only from his 1969 book and the 1983 book by Rohe,
after that, about once a year. it is not known whether Gonzalez’s descriptions
For most early localized cancer, Kelley advised match Kelley’s most recent interpretations of his
program. However, Gonzalez is practicing this
frequent oral doses of pancreatic enzymes taken
regimen in New York (354) and Kelley is apparently
between meals; the enzymes were said to destroy
not, so Kelley’s metabolic typology as interpreted by
cancerous and other defective cells (353). Kelley
Gonzalez is presented herein summary (353).
maintained that patients with metastatic disease
require prolonged therapy (1 to 2 years at least). In According to Gonzalez, Kelley believed that
patients with very advanced malignancies involving human beings can be divided into three genetically
many organs, Kelley did not claim that the tumors based categories-’ ’sympathetic dominants,” “par-
could necessarily be eliminated, only that the en- asympathetic dominants,’ and ‘‘balanced types. ’‘6
zymes often shrink much of the tumor mass and “Sympathetic dominants” will have highly effi-
could prevent the cancer from spreading further cient and developed sympathetic nervous systems.
(353). “In addition, the tissues, organs and glands nor-
-e autonomic nervous system made up of the opposing sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, innervates smooth and cardiac muscle
and glandular tissues, governing actions that are more or less automatic, such as actions of the hemt, secretio~ constriction of blood vessels, and
peristalsis. The parasympathetic nervous system tends to induce secretio~ increase the tone and contractility of smooth muscle, and cause blood vessels
to dilate. Effects of the sympathetic nervous system are opposite.
Chapter 3--Dietary Treatments ● 55
really stimulated by the sympathetic nerves-the Attempts at Evaluating the Kelley Regimen
heart for example-will be well developed. How-
ever, in this group the parasympathetic nervous In his 1987 manuscript One Man Alone: An
system will be relatively inefficient, and all the Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William
tissues and organs normally activated by this system Donald Kelley (353), Gonzalez presents case histo-
will be physiologically sluggish.” In “parasympa- ries of 50 patients he selected from Kelley’s files.
thetic dominants,” the opposite is the case; and in This case series has been singled out by proponents
“balanced types,” both branches of the nervous as one of the most convincing in support of an
system and corresponding tissues, organs, and unconventional treatment (530,596). As a means of
glands are equally developed. finding out whether the evidence presented in these
cases would be convincing to the medical commu-
Sympathetic dominants are hypothesized to have nity, OTA asked six physicians who are members of
evolved in tropical and subtropical ecosystems on the Advisory Panel for this OTA study to each
plant-based diets. Parasympathetic dominants evolved review a portion of Gonzalez’s case histories. Three
in colder regions on meat-based diets. The balanced of the physicians were supportive of some uncon-
types evolved in intermediate regions on mixed ventional treatments (though none was associated
diets. While modern migrations have extensively particularly with Kelley or Gonzalez), and three
mixed the three types, Kelley believes people tend to were mainstream oncologists. (For convenience,
belong definitively to one of the three categories. these physicians are referred to, in this section, as
“unconventional” and “mainstream.”) The three
Kelley thus evolved a diet for each type based on unconventional practitioners are not oncologists,
its hypothesized historical origins. And he traced a though each treats some cancer patients.
characteristic path of “metabolic decline” for each Each of the 50 cases was assigned to one
group when they consume the wrong diet. He “unconventional’ and one “mainstream” physi-
associates “hard tumors” with severely compro- cian for review. Assignments were made randomly
mised sympathetic dominants, and ‘soft tumors’‘— within each group of three physicians, so all possible
cancers of the white blood cells and lymph system- pairings of reviewers could occur. The reviewers
with severely compromised parasympathetic domi- were asked to assume that Gonzalez’s reports were
nants. accurate, and then comment on whether the course
of the disease described for each patient was beyond
Gonzalez dispenses with the neurological stimu- reasonable expectation, and whether attribution of
lation and spiritual components of the original benefit to the Kelley program appeared justified.
Kelley regimen, and now divides the Kelley therapy
into several components. Gonzalez’s regimen con- The cases include a variety of cancers: seven
sists of: lymphomas (various types); six pancreatic; five
prostate; four breast; four melanoma; three
● An individualized diet, “as determined by an Hodgkins disease; three leukemia; two each of
experimental blood test,’ that ranges in content colon, lung, ovary, rectosigmoid, and testicular; and
from entirely vegetarian to entirely meat, with one each of bile duct, brain, cervix, metastatic liver
about 90 variations in between. Gonzalez stated (primary unknown) myeloma, kidney, stomach, and
in a recent interview that he has ‘patients who uterine.
will not get well unless they eat fatty red meat Each case history consists of a narrative by
three or four times a day” (356). Gonzalez and copies of some supporting medical
● Large doses of nutritional supplements, as records. The criteria for including cases were: they
many as 150 pills a day (356), including had to have been evaluated by “competent special-
vitamins, digestive enzymes (e.g., pancreatic ists” so that the diagnosis would not be in doubt;
enzymes, pepsin, hydrochloric acid, bile), and patients should have been given a prognosis of
concentrates in pill-form of beef organs and ‘‘poor’ or ‘terminal’ and there had to be evidence
glands. of regression of disease or “long-term survival that
might logically be attributed to the Kelley pro-
● Coffee enemas. gram.” The patients were chosen from more than
56 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
1,000 selected patient records that Gonzalez deter- Discussion of Three Cases
mined were “potentially suitable.” He contacted
455 of them, and 160 seemed to satisfy the stated In one case history, a woman in her early 40s was
criteria. For each of these, Gonzalez reports that he diagnosed with a 7-centimeter “infiltrating adeno-
“obtained complete medical records,” and the 50 carcinoma of the colon, intermediate differentiation
cases were then selected. Gonzalez refers to these with full thickness involvement of bowel wall but no
cases as ‘‘representative’ of Kelley’s patients, evidence of regional lymph node metastasis. ’ It was
rather than his “most ‘impressive’ cases. ” removed surgically. She did well, except for chronic
fatigue, until about a year and a half later, at which
In addition to making general comments (dis- time she had a car accident and then developed
cussed below), five of the six reviewers responded severe abdominal pain with significant weight loss.
with a narrative on each case; one categorized cases Outpatient studies “revealed a large, restricting
as “seem legitimate, “ “suggestive but not defini- tumor in the remnant of her descending colon.” The
tive,” “ somewhat suggestive, ” and “definitely not narrative reports that the patient said her doctor told
convincing.” In all cases, however, documentation her that the cancer “had metastasized widely.” She
presented in the manuscript was inadequate to refused recommended surgery. Shortly, she began
confirm critical details of the narrative, and in many the Kelley program, at a time when she appeared to
cases, it appeared that critical pieces of information be “critically ill.” Within a week, her bowel
did not exist in the medical record at all (e.g., obstruction cleared and she improved gradually.
conflation of metastatic disease), mainly because “Eleven months after beginning her protocol, she
the patients had not been followed up with tests and reports passing a large globular mass of tissue which
scans to determine the status of their disease. she and Dr. Kelley assume was the remnants of her
tumor. ’ Seventeen years after diagnosis, she is alive
Fifteen cases were judged by unconventional and in “excellent health and apparently cured of her
reviewers as definitely showing a positive effect of cancer.
the Kelley program; the mainstream reviewer of
each of these cases found 13 of them unconvincing The medical records accompanying this narrative
and 2 unusual. Nine cases were judged unusual or include the discharge summary from the original
suggestive by unconventional reviewers; the main- surgery and corresponding radiology, surgery, and
stream reviewers found these cases unconvincing. pathology report.
Fourteen cases were judged by unconventional
reviewers as having been helped by a combination of The mainstream physician who reviewed this case
mainstream plus Kelley treatment; the mainstream judged that this patient’s localized tumor was
probably cured by the initial surgery. No documen-
reviewers found 12 of these cases unconvincing and
2 unusual. Twelve cases were considered uncon- tation of the reported recurrence is supplied, and the
cause of her later medical problems could not be
vincing to both the unconventional and mainstream
reviewers. determined. He commented that the globular mass of
tissue, which was apparently seen only by the
Specified criticisms of the case presentations patient, was a unique but uninterpretable feature of
included the lack of histologic diagnosis in several this case.
cases, the assumption that disease was metastatic
The unconventional physician who reviewed this
without biopsy, discrepancies between the narrative
case noted that the recurrence was not confirmed by
and the medical records (e.g., in one case, the
pathology, but felt that the Kelley program probably
surgical pathology report states that the tumor arose
was instrumental in her survival.
“in the colonic mucosa infiltrating into the wall, ”
Gonzalez describes the tumor as “growing through In a second case, a man in his late 30s had an early
the wall,” which would have a much poorer prog- stage (Clark’s level II) malignant melanoma re-
nosis), discounting the effects of prior mainstream moved from his back. A‘‘livermass’ was described
treatment (e.g., hormonal treatment, which, unlike in the hospital record as a “space occupying lesion
cytotoxic chemotherapy, may take months to take inferior portion right lobe of liver,” but was not
full effect), and the general lack of reassessment of thought to represent metastatic disease. About 3
patients’ conditions once begun on the Kelley treat- months later, he noticed a nodule under his left arm,
ment. Three illustrative cases are discussed below. which upon removal was found to be malignant.
Chapter 3-Dietary Treatments ● 57
Sixteen lymph nodes were subsequently removed, of underlying neoplasm could not be excluded.” He
which five were positive for melanoma. Four began the Kelley program shortly after that. Nine
months later, he had another nodule near the years later, the patient, when contacted, said that his
previous one, and had it removed; it also was prostate was found to be completely normal on a
positive for melanoma. No other treatment was recent physical examination. The narrative con-
recommended. According to the narrative, the pa- cludes that this was a “most remarkable patient,”
tient developed fatigue and anorexia. After another and that “it seems reasonable to attribute . . .
6 months, he noted another nodule on his forehead, prolonged survival to the Kelley program.”
and shortly thereafter began the Kelley program. He
gained weight and the forehead nodule regressed, Supporting records for this case include the
disappearing after 6 months. At his last followup 2½ discharge summary and biopsy report from his
years later, he had no evidence of cancer and was in original hospitalization.
‘‘excellent health. ’ Neither the unconventional nor the mainstream
reviewer found this a case inconsistent with the
Supporting records for this case include the
expected course. Both commented that there was no
biopsy report from the first recurrence in the left
real evidence of metastatic disease. The mainstream
axilla, a letter that appears to be from the treating
reviewer added, “The survival of nine years with
oncologist to the patient’s personal physician writ-
localized adenocarcinoma is not at all unusual, and
ten about 6 months after the forehead nodule was
such cases are identified fairly frequently inpatients
noticed (letter on plain paper, no letterhead), and a
letter written about 6 months later from the same who seek medical attention for obstructive symp-
toms related to their associated benign prostatic
oncologist to what appears to be the patient’s
insurance group discussing his history. hyperplasia” (271).
89-142 0 - 90 - 3 QL 3
58 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Another common criticism was that comparing cases supportive of benefit from the Kelley regimen,
an individual patient’s survival with average group whereas mainstream physicians did not find such
statistics is misleading and an invalid use of the suggestion of benefit, for several reasons. Key
group data, reasons appear to be lack of adequate documentation
of the course of disease and reliance in most cases on
. . . it is an elementary statistical principal that
retroactive or retrospective reviews of groups of unusually long survival rather than documented
patients such as that surveyed by Dr. Gonzalez of tumor remission. (See ch. 12 for a discussion of
necessity are fraught with the bias imposed by the “best case” series, including discussion of medical
ways in which the patients selected themselves for documentation and endpoints.)
referral to the Kelley program . . . . These patients
can hardly be considered representative of the entire MACROBIOTIC DIETS
spectrum of cancer patients. Secondly, in critiquing
the cases, Dr. Gonzalez is highly selective in Macrobiotic diets, consisting largely of cooked
marshalling references and supporting assertions vegetables and whole grains, are among the most
which are limited and clearly chosen to support his popular unconventional approaches used by cancer
point of view. His review of each case is not a neutral patients (177,530,781). Books and magazines, spe-
exercise, but is slanted to support his assertion that cial food items, macrobiotic cooking classes, and
the Kelley program has had an impact on the other macrobiotic products and services have, for the
outcomes of these patients. (544) past decade or more, been easily accessible through
local health food stores and regional macrobiotic
General comments of the unconventional review-
ers were significantly different: teaching centers (“East-West Centers”). General
bookstores are now also a common source of
As an overall assessment, I would judge that the information about macrobiotic beliefs and practices,
patients under my review appear probably, but not often carrying at least a few of the many available
certainly, to have presented for the most part an books by macrobiotic teachers and by individuals
unusual course, that the outcome exceeded normal who initiated a macrobiotic regimen following
expectancies with current contemporary conven-
diagnosis of disease. One recent example is a widely
tional management and that the effect of the Kelley
treatment contributed significantly, although not publicized book (777) (and excerpted magazine
necessarily exclusively, to the outcome. (271) articles (634,635,776)) recounting a physician’s
personal use of a macrobiotic diet as an adjuvant
I have . . . found 5 which seem legitimate; 5 treatment for prostate cancer.
suggestive but not definitive, 2 somewhat sugges-
tive; 8 definitely not convincing. If we can extrapo- During the past three or four decades in the United
late to the 50 cases there might be 12 which seem on States, a small group of proponents has been active
the basis of the info presented, to represent genuine in developing and teaching macrobiotic beliefs and
unexpected “cures” or remissions. Certainly, even practices, drawing at first from elements of Japanese
25% is striking. It obviously does not rule out culture and Eastern philosophy. During this time, the
expectancy and great motivation as the “cause” of dietary recommendations have been modified, and
the remission. continue to evolve. One of the most prominent
. . . in the cases I have marked legitimate, based upon leaders in the macrobiotic movement is Michio
the facts presented and beyond any reasonable Kushi, who, in 1978, founded the Kushi Institute
medical doubt, it appears that totally unexpected near Boston, the aim of which is to “provide the
remissions occurred. If there is such a thing as “best education necessary to achieve our common goal of
cases,’ these appear to fulfill that definition. It a healthy and peaceful world’ (501). The overall
would be unscientific to ignore such data. (795) goals of macrobiotic education include teaching
Another comment had to do with the difficulty of people to take responsibility for their state of health
assessing best cases attributable strictly to uncon- and to develop natural, balanced ways of living seen
ventional treatment, because patients so often use as essential to recovery from disease. Kushi and his
both mainstream and unconventional treatment (218). staff offer courses covering a diverse array of
practical and theoretical issues, including physical
This limited OTA review of Gonzalez’s case and psychological health and well-being, environ-
histories suggests that physicians generally support- mental concerns, spiritual evolution, and interna-
ive of unconventional treatments found some of the tional peace. Another prominent leader in the U.S.
Chapter 3--Dietary Treatments ● 59
macrobiotic movement is Herman Aihara, president cian. Ohsawa is said to have cured himself of serious
of the California-based George Ohsawa Macrobiotic illness by changing from the modem refined diet
Foundation, a group whose aim is to spread the then sweeping Japan to a simple diet of brown rice,
teachings of macrobiotics and its practical applica- miso soup, sea vegetables, and other traditional
tion in daily life. The Foundation publishes writing foods (509). He initiated the development of macro-
pertaining to macrobiotic principles and diet, along biotic philosophy, reportedly integrating elements
with a monthly magazine, and teaches macrobiotic of Eastern and Western with ‘holistic’ perspectives
cooking methods (16). on science and medicine (509). Ohsawa made his
frost of several visits to the United States in 1959.
Macrobiotics is defined as the way of life accord-
ing to the greatest or longest possible view (509).
Through his writings and teachings, Ohsawa
Kushi believes that through its practice, i.e., the
combined elements of Zen Buddhist philosophy
‘‘selection, preparation, and manner of eating of our
with macrobiotic principles. He popularized his
daily food, as well as the orientation of conscious-
approach through advocacy of the ‘Zen macrobiotic
ness,’ it is possible to apply “the order of the
diet’ —the diet from which the current (and differ-
universe, nature, and life’ to our daily lives (507,509).
ent) macrobiotic regimen was developed. Ohsawa
According to Kushi, ‘‘macrobiotics is neither a
advocated simplicity in diet as a key to good health.
treatment nor a therapy, but rather a common sense
He believed that personal happiness and health
approach to daily living” (506) and a comprehen-
could be achieved by following a predominantly
sive approach to the maintenance of health (507).
vegetarian dietary plan consisting of unprocessed,
The central and most prominent element of the organically grown grain products, especially cereal
macrobiotic belief system is its dietary practice. grains (which he referred to as “principal food”),
Most of the recent popular literature, including much vegetables, beans, fruit, and seafood. In his 1965
of Kushi’s own writings, focuses on the use of book, Zen Macrobiotics (693), Ohsawa outlined 10
macrobiotic diets not only to promote general health stages of diet (designated numbers -3 to +7), with
and well-being, but to relieve illnesses such as diet -3 consisting of 10 percent cereals, 30 percent
cancer (509) and AIDS (636). One effect of that vegetables, 10 percent soups, 30 percent animal
literature is that many U.S. cancer patients initiate a products, 15 percent salads and fruits, 5 percent
macrobiotic regimen following a diagnosis of cancer desserts, and beverages ‘as little as possible.’ With
and do so with the hope of obtaining direct health each higher number diet, Ohsawa reduced the
benefits related to their cancer; many who recover percentages of food from some of these categories or
believe that their renewed health was a result of the eliminated the category entirely and increased oth-
macrobiotic diet they followed. ers, so that, e.g., in diet +3, 60 percent was cereals,
While the macrobiotic diets were not developed 30 percent was vegetables, and 10 percent was
soups. Ohsawa regarded diet +7, which consisted of
primarily as a treatment for cancer, they are,
100 percent cereals, as the “highest” way of eating
nevertheless, promoted actively and followed by
many as a treatment for cancer. Accordingly, this for treating illness, including cancer, or as a short-
section of the report focuses on current macrobiotic term exercise in dietary simplicity (592).
practices as applied to cancer treatment. The adop-
A 1971 report of the AMA Council on Foods and
tion of a macrobiotic regimen in other primary
contexts, e.g., as a general lifestyle choice, as a Nutrition noted various types of serious nutritional
deficiencies, some of which were fatal, among
preventive measure against cancer, or as treatment
for conditions other than cancer, is not covered in individuals restricting themselves to Ohsawa’s +7
this report. diet for extended periods of time. These included
cases of scurvy, anemia, hypoproteinemia (low
Background and Philosophy serum protein), hypocalcemia (low serum calcium),
emaciation due to starvation, and loss of kidney
The introduction of macrobiotic practices into the function due to restricted fluid intake (43). Publicity
United States is usually attributed to George Ohsawa surrounding these cases led to the development of a
(1893-1966), the pen name for Yukikazu Saku- strongly negative stereotype of the macrobiotic
razawa, a Japanese teacher who studied the writings regimen in the 1960s. The American Cancer Society
of Sagen Ishizuka (1850-1910), a Japanese physi- Committee on Unproven Methods of Cancer Man-
60 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
agement published its first statement on macrobiotic behavior, including our thinking, lifestyle, and daily
diets in 1972 (90). way of eating” (509).
In the 1970s and 1980s, changes in the content and
The development of cancer is described as a
focus of the macrobiotic movement were led to a
long-term, multistep process that begins well in
great extent by Michio Kushi, who had studied with advance of actual tumor formation. Kushi writes:
Ohsawa, and who came to the United States from
Japan in 1949 (499). Kushi, along with Herman Cancer is only the terminal stage of a long
Aihara and other leaders in the macrobiotic move- process. Cancer is the body’s healthy attempt to
ment, preserved elements of Ohsawa’s philosophy isolate toxins ingested and accumulated through
while incorporating a variety of broader and more years of eating the modern unnatural diet and living
complex components into macrobiotic philosophy in an artificial environment. (509)
and practice (16). Most notably, Ohsawa’s 10-phase
dietary levels were replaced with the general ‘stan- He believes that these accumulated toxins result
dard macrobiotic diet,” which Kushi described in from overconsumption of milk, cheese, meat, eggs,
detail in his 1983 book, The Cancer Prevention Diet and other fatty, oily, or greasy foods (509), and of
(509). Aihara recommended his own macrobiotic foods with a cooling or freezing effect, such as ice
dietary guidelines for cancer patients in his books cream, soft drinks, or orange juice (509). Depending
Basic Macrobiotics (16) and Acid and Alkaline (15). on their location in the body, these accumulated
Those books, along with Anthony Sattilaro’s 1982 toxins are manifested initially as, e.g., allergies,
book, Recalled by Life, highlighted a new aspect of earaches, coughing and chest congestion, a‘ ‘bulging
macrobiotic practice, at least from a public perspec- abdomen,” periodic swelling and weakness in the
tive, by asserting a fundamental relationship be- legs, dry skin, hardening of the breasts, prostate
tween current macrobiotic diets and cancer remis- abnormalities, vaginal discharge, or ovarian cysts—
sion. problems Kushi believes are indications of poten-
tially precancerous conditions (509). As he explains
Rationale it:
Kushi and his associates have become prominent As long as improper nourishment is taken in, the
spokespersons for the ideas underlying macrobiotic body will continue to isolate abnormal excess and
practices and for the rationale for applying them to toxins in specific areas, resulting in the continual
the treatment of cancer. From Kushi’s perspective, growth of cancer. When a particular location can no
the development of cancer is determined by dietary, longer absorb toxic excess, the body must search for
environmental, social, and personal factors; by another place to localize it, and so the cancer spreads.
extension, existing cancers may be influenced by This process continues until the cancer metastasizes
these same factors. throughout the body and the person eventually dies.
Kushi cites a number of specific factors he
believes are Iinked fundamentally to the develop- In Kushi’s view, the central error in our behavior
ment of cancer, including patients’ ‘‘overall blood that leads directly to an imbalance and unnatural
quality,’ consumption of excess nutrients, exposure state in the body and thereby to cancer development,
to toxic substances, ‘‘mentality and way of life, ’ as is the consumption of food that is overly expansive
well as more general factors, such as unfavorable and contractile (509). He uses the traditional Orien-
trends in the food industry and our ‘‘increasingly tal concepts of yin (expansive) and yang (contrac-
unnatural and sedentary way of life. He empha- tile), described as antagonistic and complementary
sizes the role of personal behavior in the develop- forces that create and balance all phenomena on
ment of cancer: “cancer is not the result of some earth (509), to devise a framework for explaining
alien factor over which we have no control,” he and formulating a set of dietary recommendations to
writes, but rather “the product of our own daily treat each type of cancer.
?Kushi uses the traditional Oriental practice of “physiognomy” to diagnose cancer and to monitor its progress in individual patients. Correlations
are made between external appearances (e.g., facial features, posture, and skin color) and disorders of specific organ systems, and particular attention
is paid to certain markings in the eyes and to skin color, since a greenish skin color on certain areas of the body is claimed to indicate the existence of
a tumor (509,776).
Chapter 3--Dietary Treatments ● 61
A macrobiotic approach to treating cancer would by many cultures over thousands of years, an
first classify each patient’s illness7 as predominantly appreciation of the endless wonders of the natural
yin or yang, or sometimes as a combination of both, world, including the body’s marvelous self-
based in part on the location of the primary tumor in protective and recuperative mechanisms, and a
the body and the location of the tumor in the respect for the order of the universe that produces
particular organ. In general, tumors in peripheral or these phenomena. (509)
upper parts of the body or in hollow, expanded The overall purpose of these various changes in
organs are considered yin; examples include lym- diet, exercise, attitude, and family interactions is
phoma, leukemia, Hodgkins disease, and tumors of reportedly to bring every aspect of the patient’s life
the mouth (except tongue), esophagus, upper stom- into balance. Macrobiotic philosophy teaches pa-
ach, breast, skin, and outer regions of the brain. tients to be grateful and assume responsibility for
Tumors in lower or deeper parts of the body or in the everything in their lives, including their illness. By
more compact organs are considered yang, e.g., doing this, patients are encouraged to believe that
cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate, ovaries, bone, since they had the power to create their illness, they
pancreas, and inner regions of the brain. Cancers must also have the capability to recover from it
thought to result from a combination of yin and yang (667).
forces include melanoma and cancers of the lung,
bladder, kidney, lower stomach, uterus, spleen, liver, According to his 1983 book, Kushi does not
and tongue (509). encourage cancer patients to combine the macrobi-
otic diet with mainstream cancer treatment, except in
Macrobiotic dietary treatment would attempt to
correct the perceived excess of yin, yang, or both immediately life-threatening circumstances, such as
tendencies. For cancers classified as predominantly an inability to eat normally or an obstruction in the
yang, Kushi recommends the standard macrobiotic digestive system (509). Although he does encourage
diet (explained below) with a slight emphasis on yin patients to keep their physicians informed of their
foods, and for cancers classified as predominantly macrobiotic practices and to have periodic medical
yin, the same diet with a slight emphasis on yang checkups, he recommends in his book that patients
foods. Patients with cancers classified as resulting gradually reduce their reliance on mainstream medi-
from both yin and yang forces are advised to follow cine as their health improves. He notes that patients
“a central way of eating,” as suggested in the who follow a macrobiotic diet while taking main-
standard macrobiotic diet. Different cooking styles stream treatment might have a slower recovery than
are also recommended based on this disease classifi- they would have with the macrobiotic approach
cation (509). alone. After an initial 1 to 4 months of both
conventional and macrobiotic treatment, patients are
Beyond dietary guidelines, a number of additional advised to “reduce the frequency of outside treat-
recommendations are emphasized in the macrobiotic ment” (509). Kushi encourages patients to find
regimen, e.g., obtaining regular exercise, avoiding physicians who are also trained in macrobiotic
electromagnetic radiation, synthetic fabrics, and dietary practices and offers referrals to macrobiotic
chemical fumes, and maintaining a good mental physicians through the Kushi Institute. According to
attitude. Kushi writes: information supplied to OTA by one of Kushi’s
A person with cancer must understand that he or associates, Kushi no longer recommends against
she was directly responsible for the development of cancer patients’ combining the macrobiotic diet with
the. disease, through his or her daily diet, manner of mainstream treatment and encourages them to seek
. ongoing conventional care (652a).
thinking, and way of life. The patient should be
encouraged to reflect deeply, to examine those
aspects of modern mentality that have produced the In practice, there could be wide variation in
problem of cancer and a host of other unhappy patients’ interpretations of Kushi’s dietary guide-
situations. These reflections should include a review lines, although no systematic information is avail-
of the rich heritage of traditional wisdom developed able to document how patients are using macrobiotic
%ushi uses the traditional Oriental practice of “physiognomy” to diagnose cancer and to monitor its progress in individual patients. Correlations
are made between external appearances (e.g., facial features, posture, and skin color) and disorders of specific organ systems, and particular attention
is paid to certain markings in the eyes and to skin color, since a greenish skin color on certain areas of the body is claimed to indicate the existence of
a tumor (509,776).
62 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
macrobiotics counselor. Kushi’s 1983 book, The azuki beans, chickpeas, lentils), bean products
Cancer Prevention Diet describes specific dietary (e.g., tofu, tempeh, and natto), and sea vegeta-
recommendations for most major types of cancer. bles (e.g., wakame, hiziki, kombu, nori, arame,
agar-agar, Irish moss).
Kushi recommends a general dietary plan for . Occasional foods ‘if needed or desired’ one to
cancer prevention and treatment in addition to three times per week include a small amount of
guidelines for specific types of cancer. The standard fresh whitemeat fish (e.g., flounder, haddock,
macrobiotic diet emphasizes the intake of complex herring, scrod, snapper, sole, cod, carp, halibut,
carbohydrates over simple sugars; high fiber foods or trout), locally and organically grown fruit,
over low fiber foods; unsaturated fats over saturated dried or cooked (individuals living in temperate
ones; sea salt over refined salt; natural vitamins and climates are advised not to eat tropical or
minerals found in food, rather than supplemental semitropical fruits); seeds and nuts, grain
vitamin s and minerals; natural, organically grown sweeteners, and vinegars.
foods over chemically fertilized foods; whole, unre- . Non-aromatic and non-stimulating teas, such as
fined foods over processed foods, vegetable protein bancha twig tea, stem tea, roasted brown rice
over animal protein, and foods cooked by gas and tea, or cereal grain coffee, or plain, non-iced
wood-burnin g stoves rather than by microwave water.
ovens or electric stoves (507). ● Foods generally avoided on a macrobiotic diet
grains and flours; canned, frozen, and irradiated Advocates point out that a wide range of possible
foods; hot spices; and alcohol (500,505). combinations of particular grains, beans, vegetables,
fish, and fruit exist in individual macrobiotic diets,
Kushi recommends that people with cancer, or and that the standard macrobiotic diet is lower in fat
with a “serious precancerous condition” emphasize and cholesterol and higher in fiber, complex carbo-
certain types of food in the diet for an initial period hydrates, vitamins A and C, and beta carotene than
“until vitality is restored” (509). In general, foods a typical U.S. diet (504). It is also acknowledged,
are identified as belonging on a scale from extremely however, that macrobiotic guidelines can be inter-
yin (alcohol, tropical fruits, and dairy products) to preted too narrowly, resulting in overly restrictive
the center (grains, beans, vegetables, and nuts), to food choices (276), and, in some individuals, possi-
extremely yang (fish, cheese, poultry, meat, and ble deficiencies of certain nutrients (550). (These
eggs). Patients with a tumor type categorized as possibilities are not unique to macrobiotic diets, and
predominantly yin would be advised to avoid, e.g., apply equally to other diets.)
fruits, while occasional small amounts of white fish,
a moderately yang food, would be encouraged. Although vegetarian diets similar to the macrobi-
Patients with a yang cancer would be advised to otic diet have been acknowledged as potentially
avoid fish altogether, at least initially, but would be healthful and nutritionally adequate when appropri-
encouraged to eat small amounts of dried or cooked ately planned (30,83), such diets are believed to
fruits, which are thought of as moderately yin foods. carry a risk of nutritional deficiency under certain
Foods categorized as extremely yin (e.g., sugar) or circumstances, notably in individuals with increased
extremely yang (e.g., red meat) are considered nutritional requirements (e.g., infants and children,
inadvisable on a macrobiotic diet for patients with pregnant and lactating women, and the seriously ill
any type of cancer (509). (95)) and in cases in which the diet is unplanned,
unsupervised, or followed too restrictively (83,457).
Critics of macrobiotics have suggested that seriously
ill cancer patients, particularly those with cachexia, 8
Possible Adverse Effects have special nutritional and caloric requirements
that may not be met by a macrobiotic regimen and
The issue of possible adverse effects of the that may actually be exacerbated by it (30,53,95).
macrobiotic regimen has been a longstanding con- Such effects have not been documented, however.
troversy in the medical and macrobiotic communi-
ties. Case reports of serious nutritional deficiencies One possible adverse effect of an overly restric-
and disorders resulting from extreme use of the Zen tive macrobiotic diet is a deficiency of vitamin B12,
macrobiotic diet +7 and some types of vegetarian an essential nutrient normally supplied by meat,
diets not specifically associated with macrobiotics poultry, and other animal sources. Kushi maintains
have been published in the medical literature that his recommendation that a small amount of
(267,760,797,799). The relevance of those case certain types of fish be included in the diet greatly
reports to currently recommended macrobiotic prac- reduces or eliminates this risk. In the dietary
tices has been greatly reduced since the introduction recommendations for certain tumor types (e.g., those
of the general “standard macrobiotic diet” outlined he believes are caused by an excess consumption of
above. Partly in response to the evidence of nutri- animal products), fish is excluded, however, at least
tional deficiencies, however, macrobiotic instruc- for an initial period in some cases (509). Kushi
tors reportedly adjusted some of the dietary recom- believes that vitamin B12 is supplied by other
mendations (502,550). In current macrobiotic rec- components of the macrobiotic diet, e.g., by sea
ommendations, for instance, small amounts of vegetables and certain fermented foods (504). While
whitemeat fish and seafood are allowed a few times the vitamin may be present in some sea vegetables
per week, although dairy products, eggs, poultry, (nori, seaweed, etc.) and in some fermented soya
and red meat are generally excluded (509). Vitamin products (tempeh, tamari, rice miso, tofu, etc.) used
and mineral supplements are not recommended in in the diet, there is doubt about its availability in
the macrobiotic regimen. these foods in a form that the body can use (515).
Yancer cachexia refers to general physical wasting and malnutrition often associated with advanced cancer.
64 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Another possible adverse effect of a macrobiotic correct previous errors in diet and lifestyle; an
diet is a deficiency of vitamin D, which is essential informed and careful interpretation of the macrobi-
for growth and development. Kushi acknowledges otic dietary guidelines and cooking methods; a will
that an adequate supply of vitamin D might be a and determination to overcome one’s illness; sup-
problem for some individuals, particularly young port of family and friends; and maintenance of one’s
children, since most of the common sources of “natural healing ability” (509).
vitamin D-dairy products-are not included in the
diet (924). A recent study of Dutch children fed with
macrobiotic diets showed that growth curves for Attempts at Evaluating Macrobiotics in
these children were below the Dutch standard after Cancer Treatment
about 5 months of age and did not catchup later on
in childhood (925). For children, Kushi advocates OTA reviewed the available information concern-
the addition of fish liver oils to the diet, other foods ing the efficacy of macrobiotic diets in cancer
containing vitamins D and B 12, and exposure to treatment. This information consists of retrospective
sunlight. For adolescents and adults, he recommends case reviews and anecdotal reports, some of which
adequate exposure to sunlight without supplemental come from the popular literature, and two unpub-
vitamin D unless deficiencies develop (924). It is not lished retrospective studies. A number of individual
yet known whether these measures, if followed, are accounts of patients who attributed their recovery
successful in averting vitamin D deficiencies in from cancer to their adherence to a macrobiotic diet
individuals eating macrobiotically. have been written in recent years (73,107,483,508,
686,777,782). Although these various accounts re-
In its recent summary statement on macrobiotics, flect the authors’ beliefs that they were helped by
ACS noted that cancer patients following a macrobi- following a macrobiotic diet, they are nevertheless
otic regimen should take care to ensure adequate inadequate to make an objective assessment of the
intakes of vitamins B 12 and D, but that with proper efficacy of the diet in treating cancer.
planning, the diet could provide sufficient nutrition
(30). Another summary article also expressed con- In an unpublished study supplied to OTA by its
cern about vitamins B 12 and D and about the authors, Carter and his colleagues discuss what they
adequacy of total calories and complete protein describe as ‘‘two retrospective studies,” one of
intake on the macrobiotic diet, and advised that patients with primary pancreatic cancer, the other of
cancer patients following Kushi’s recommendations patients with advanced prostate cancer (171). The
be medically supervised and monitored for potential stated purpose of the pancreatic cancer study was
nutritional deficiencies (95). “to determine whether pancreatic cancer patients
who adopted the macrobiotic dietary approach
Claims of Effectiveness survived longer than those who did not. ”
In his book, The Cancer Prevention Diet, Kushi
claims that macrobiotic diets have ‘helped relieve’ Patients included in the pancreatic cancer study
patients with a variety of tumor types, but notes that were those who had been counseled by a particular
the “best responders” have been cancers of the counselor about macrobiotics during the period
breast, cervix, colon, pancreas, liver, bone, and skin January 1980 through June 1984, and who (or whose
(509). He believes that cancers of the lung, ovaries, next-of-kin) reported having modified their diet for
and testes have responded poorly to the macrobiotic at least 3 months. Of 109 patients who had been
approach (509). Clinical data in support of these counseled during the relevant period, 36 could be
claims are not provided. reached, and of those, 23 reported having modified
their diets for at least 3 months. The mean survival
Kushi qualifies his claims of effectiveness by (the average) and median survival (the point in time
noting that certain conditions and personal attitudes after diagnosis by which half the group had died) of
must be present for a patient to recover while these 23 patients was compared with the survival
following a macrobiotic diet. These include: a times of all pancreatic cancer patients diagnosed
spiritual awareness and an attitude of gratefulness during that same period through the National Cancer
for the illness and for the opportunity it affords to Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
Chapter 3--Dietary Treatments ● 65
Results (SEER) program.9 Statistical tests of signifi- free-of-progression, overall median survival rates,
cance were performed to determine whether the and other characteristics of stage D2 prostate cancer
macrobiotic patients lived significantly longer. patients, receiving conventional therapy and on a
macrobiotic diet” were compared with stage D2
The authors report that the mean survival for the
prostate cancer patients reported in the literature,
23 macrobiotic patients was 17.3 months, and for the
and with “matched controls receiving conventional
SEER population, 6 months. Median survival was
therapy and following a standard American diet.”
13 months for the macrobiotic patients and 3 months
No other information is provided about these con-
for the SEER patients. They concluded from this
trols. The only comparison reported in the paper
comparison that the macrobiotic patients lived
states that “the median survival of the macrobiotic
significantly longer.
group was 81 months, whereas those using the
Unfortunately, serious flaws in Carter’s analysis standard American diet had a median survival of 45
make that conclusion unsupportable and misleading. months.
A comparison such as Carter makes between the
length of survival of a selected group of patients and It is impossible to interpret the results of the study,
the length of survival among a national sample of since details of the patients’ selection factors are not
patients would not indicate whether the selected reported in the manuscript. In general, however,
group of patients lived longer than they would have conclusions in Carter’s second study about survival
had they not followed a macrobiotic diet. The time among prostate cancer patients following
analysis overlooks the fact that treatment with a macrobiotic diets are subject to the same critical
macrobiotic diet was only one of numerous known limitations as those in the study of pancreatic cancer
and unknown differences between the groups that patients described above. A randomized study,
could have affected survival time. It is impossible to which could minimize differences between study
determine by their method whether it was, in fact, the and control populations, would be needed in the
diet, or whether other treatments or the patients’ future to generate valid evidence on possible effects
characteristics or a number of other possible factors of macrobiotic diets on cancer patients’ survival.
contributed to their survival with pancreatic cancer. Certain types of non-randomized studies could also
For this reason, comparisons between the survival be used to detect possible antitumor effects of the
times are uninformative in suggesting a possible diets. (See ch. 12 for a discussion of such studies.)
treatment effect in the selected group of patients. In another unpublished manuscript (668), New-
In addition, the way in which survival times are bold presents six case histories of patients with
determin ed in Carter’s study skews the results in advanced cancer who adopted a macrobiotic diet in
favor of an effect of macrobiotics. According to the addition to using mainstream treatment. These cases
eligibility requirements, patients following a macro- are well described medically, including reference to
biotic regimen had to survive for at least 3 months to appropriate diagnostic tests (all but one case was
be included in the study in the first place. The SEER definitely biopsy-proven) and followup scans and
patients, with whom the macrobiotic patients were tests.
compared, included all patients from the time they
were diagnosed. For pancreatic cancer patients, this At OTA’s request, several physicians on the
is an important difference, since the SEER statistics project Advisory Panel reviewed and commented on
showed that 50 percent of this national population Newbold’s cases. As was the case with the review of
had died by 3 months after diagnosis. Kelley’s cases, discussed earlier in this chapter, the
reviews split along mainstream/unconventional lines.
In the second study described in Carter’s paper, 11 The three mainstream reviewers did not find these
patients with prostate cancer who followed a macro- cases compelling, however they did not find them
biotic regimen along with conventional treatment lacking in technical detail, as they did the Kelley
were examined. No information is given about the cases. One reviewer suggested the need for a
way in which they were selected for inclusion in the randomized trial of the diet before any conclusions
study. The paper states that “length of survival could be drawn. He also commented that ‘‘restora-
%e SEER program covers about 10 percent of the U.S. population in various cities and States, and attempts to gather reports of all new cases of
cancer diagnosed in those areas.
66 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
tion of harmony and balance to the lives of people macrobiotic diet. The other physician found two
with terminal illnesses and those without terminal cases that seemed “legitimate,” two “highly sug-
illnesses is a reasonable goal,” but he did not gestive,” one ‘suggestive,” and one not convincing
necessarily think that a diet could achieve this. The (a different one from the other physician).
reasons given for skepticism about the cases were
that the effects of mainstream treatment could not be If cases such as Newbold’s were presented in the
ruled out as explanations for the observed effects; in medical literature, it might help stimulate interest
one case, that there had been no scan to verify among clinical investigators in conducting con-
continued presence of disease before the patient trolled, prospective trials of macrobiotic regimens,
adopted the macrobiotic diet; and in another case (an which could provide valid data on effectiveness. It
astrocytoma), the mainstream reviewers believed has also been suggested that improvements in
that the scans on which the reported regression recordkeeping and followup-e.g., monitoring com-
rested could not have provided definitive evidence. pliance with dietary recommendations and health
The two unconventional physicians were more status among patients-could facilitate the funding
positive about these cases. One concluded that five and conduct of randomized clinical trials needed to
of the six cases (all except the one without biopsy- study the efficacy of macrobiotic diets in cancer
proven diagnosis) showed positive effects of the treatment (503).
Chapter 4
Herbal Treatments
Chaparral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Essiac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Background and Early Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........*..**.**.***.*.*.**.* 71
Rationale for the Treatment and Claims for Efficacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Components of Essiac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Attempts at Evaluating Essiac in Cancer Patients . . . . ... ,.. .. . $ . . ., . * * * . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Current Status of Essiac in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
The Hoxsey Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........*.....**..*.**..**.***.*** 75
Rationale for the Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Components of the Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Antitumor Effects of the Hoxsey Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Attempts at Evaluating the Hoxsey Treatment . ................*.**,.**..*****.*+. 79
Mistletoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 1
Steiner’s Approach to Cancer Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Preparation and Administration of Iscador ... ..*. **. *.. *.*. .. * * $ . * . * . . . . *.*....** 83
Indications for Use **. ... ... ... **. ... ..*. *.. ... ... ... ... .*. *.. . * $ * . * * * * * **@....** 83
Effects of Iscador Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....84
Mode of Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 5
Studies of the Biological Activity of Iscador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Clinical Studies With Iscador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Pau D’Arco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Chapter 4
Herbal Treatments
The therapeutic use of plant products—herbal proved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
medicine-is among the oldest of medical practices. in 1983 for use in patients with refractory testicular
It is a central feature of many current forms of folk tumors, small-cell lung cancer, nonlymphocytic
and traditional medicine, e.g., traditional Chinese leukemias, and non-Hodgkins lymphoma (424).
medicine, Native American healing, and curander-
ismo, and is used in the treatment of a wide range of Two of the most important chemotherapeutic
disorders, including cancer, More than 3,000 differ- drugs currently used were originally developed from
ent plant species have reportedly been used to treat a folk remedy containing the rosy periwinkle plant
cancer in cultures worldwide, according to a survey (Vinca rosea), which was used in Madagascar for
of the international literature (through 1971) in treatment of diabetes. Chemical constituents with
scientific and folk medicine (382). Herbal products antitumor activity were isolated from the plant and
are also used in unconventional cancer treatment in tested for antitumor effects in animal systems. The
the United States, drawing from traditional practices constituents were later approved as vinblastine, used
in most cases, but generally offered outside of the to treat Hodgkins disease, and vincristine, used to
overall context of traditional medicine and folk treat acute childhood leukemia (826).
Plant products are also the source of much of the Traditional herbal practices, in contrast, involve
mainstream pharmacopeia. The use of botanical the use of whole plants or crude extracts of whole
plants, rather than purified active components. One
products in drug development involves the identifi-
cation and extraction of active components of whole of the central tenets of herbal philosophy is that
constituents in botanical preparations other than the
plants or crude extracts and, in some cases, synthesis
predominant active component may modify physio-
of equivalent active compounds. The rationale for
this approach is that by reducing or eliminating the logic effects of the active component in beneficial
variability of chemical composition and concentra- ways (945). The effects of crude preparations are
generally slower in onset and less dramatic than
tion that exists in crude plants, precise doses of
those of the purified active ingredient, which maybe
known compounds can be given to patients.
considered advantageous in some instances (946).
Several chemotherapeutic drugs used in conven-
tional cancer treatment were developed from botani- In recent years, some aspects of traditional
cal sources. One of the best known examples is Chinese medicine involving herbal medicine, acu-
Etoposide, derived from the mayapple plant (Podo- puncture, Qi gong, and other practices, have become
phyllum peltatum). Prompted by a 1942 report of the more popular in the United States and are used to
treatment of venereal warts using a constituent treat a wide variety of conditions. U.S. cancer
(podophyllotoxin) of mayapple, Jonathan Hartwell patients who use traditional Chinese medicine do so
and colleagues at the National Cancer Institute’s mainly for pain control, reduction in side-effects of
(NCI’S) Drug Research and Development Program conventional treatment, and enhanced quality of life,
identified the chemical structure for podophyllo- in the opinion of several members of the Advisory
toxin and isolated other constituents of the plant Panel for this project (8). Some of the herbal
(719). NCI conducted tests of the constituents for products used in traditional Chinese medicine are
antitumor activity in a mouse tumor model (the sold in U.S. health food stores and by specialty
Sarcoma 37 test), and found that all were highly supply companies (948). In China and Japan, where
active in that test system (384). NCI initiated clinical traditional chinese medicine and, particularly, herbal
trials of podophyllotoxin, which were later discon- medicine, is used in primary antitumor treatment,
tinued because of its toxicity. Clinical trials of the herbal products are the subject of much scientific
substance were continued by a private company research concerning their role in host support, e.g.,
(Sandoz Limited) in the 1960s, and semisynthetic as enhancers of immune function (207). Most of the
compounds (etoposide and teniposide) were later recent scientific literature on immune-stimulating
developed from the substance. Etoposide was ap- effects and adjunctive therapeutic use of herbal
70 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
medicine in cancer treatment has been published by This chapter summarizs the available informa-
researchers in China, Japan, and Korea. tion on five of the most widely used unconventional
treatments based on herbal substances (presented in
Higher fungi, including both edible and inedible
alphabetical order). These include single agent
mushrooms, are some of the major sources of
treatments, such as teas brewed from chaparral and
polysaccharides and other substances that have been Pau d’Arco, and mixtures of herbal products sold as
studied for antitumor and immunologic activity and
proprietary treatments-Hoxsey products, prepara-
as potential sources of new anticancer drugs. Many
tions of mistletoe, and Essiac treatments.
types of fungus are used medicinally in China and
Japan to stimulate host defenses and to enhance
patients’ overall health. One of the most extensively CHAPARRAL
studied mushrooms is the shiitake (Lentinus
Chaparral is an herbal product commonly avail-
edodes), a popular edible mushroom in Japan.
able in health food stores. There is little systematic
Lentinan, a polysaccharide isolated from extracts of
information available on its use, but it is often
the shiitake, has shown antitumor activity in a
singled out, along with Pau D’Arco and several
variety of animal tumor tests and has shown a variety
others, as a widely used unconventional treatment
of immune-altering functions, e.g., as a restorer or
for cancer. Chaparral tea has reportedly been used in
potentiator of T-lymphocyte activity, with no direct
folk remedies for leukemia and cancers of the
cytotoxicity (182). Another example includes ex-
kidney, liver, lung, and stomach (382). It is reported
tracts from the underground tuberlike growths (scle-
to have been popular among American Indians of the
rotia) of Polyporus umbellatus, an edible mushroom
Southwest as a remedy for a wide variety of
that grows wild on tree stumps. Studies have shown
disorders in addition to cancer, such as arthritis,
that a polysaccharide found in extracts of Polyporus
venereal disease, tuberculosis, bowel cramps, rheu-
umbellatus increases cellular and humoral immuni-
matism, colds, and bronchitis (266). Chaparral tea is
ties in experimental animals, is active in experimen-
claimed to have a variety of medicinal qualities—
tal tumor systems, and may potentate the effects of
it has been described as an analgesic, an expectorant,
chemotherapy (375). Other fungi studied for immu-
an emetic, a diuretic, and an anti-inflammatory
nologic and antitumor effects include Coriolus
substance (861).
veriscolor, from which the polysaccharide Krestin is
derived, and the enokidake fungus (Flammulina Chaparral tea is prepared from the leaflets and
velutipes). Clinical studies in Japan and China have twigs of Larrea divericata Coville and/or Larrea
also examined the potential for using extracts of tridentata Coville, also known as the creosote bush
some fungi in conjunction with conventional cancer (520), which is indigenous to the desert areas of the
treatment (207,375). Southwestern United States. According to one
report, the tea is made by steeping about 7 to 8 grams
A small number of botanical preparations are
of dried leaves and stems of chaparral per quart of
currently being used to treat cancer in a way that is
hot water (809).
distinct both from the context of traditional herbal
practices and from conventional drug development. A number of chemicals, e.g., gums and resins,
Some of them may have had roots in traditional have been isolated from the creosote plant. Studies
practices, but have since been removed from that of its biological activity have focused on one of its
context and offered independently or in conjunction main components, nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA),
with conventional cancer treatments by practitioners a chemical with antioxidant properties that has been
untrained in traditional medicine. These few herbal used widely in the food industry as a preservative.1
treatments can be included in this report, since in A 1969 report by Smart and colleagues (809)
their present form, they are neither a part of summarizing the available scientific data on NDGA
conventional cancer treatment nor of traditional or noted that in vitro tests revealed a‘ ‘virtual complete
folk medicine. inhibition of aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis and
l~ong & bi~l~gi~~ proWfies of -A is ~ it Mbits ~sp~ation in ce~ types of ceus; this ~tioxitit characteristic w=, ~til 1967, USed
as the rationale for the food industry’s using NDGA as a food additive to prevent fermentation and decomposition of commercial foods. In 1968, the
FDA removed NDGA from its “generally recognized as safe” (GWS) list after the results from long-term feeding studies in rats showed that NDGA
induced lesions inmesenteric Iymphnodes and kidneys. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, however, still permits the use of NDGA in lard and animal
shortenings (861).
Chapter 4--Herbal Treatments ● 71
respiration with dilute suspensions of Krebs 2 Tumor remissions were reported in four patients
ascites, Ehrlich ascites, and leukemia L121O cells. ’ in that study. One was the case previously described
Some in vitro studies reported that NDGA was of the man with recurrent melanoma (his inclusion
associated with stimulation of tumor cell growth and in the results indicates that the study was not entirely
stimulation of respiratory enzyme activity at low prospective) (see ch. 3). Another was a second
concentrations, though those same processes were patient with melanoma (in these two cases of
inhibited at higher concentrations of NDGA (810). melanoma, the duration of response was noted as 3
It has also been reported that under certain condi- months and 20 months). The third was a patient with
tions, NDGA can bind to DNA (932) and can choriocarcinoma of the testicle with pulmonary
suppress certain immune responses in cultured metastasis, whose regression lasted 2 months, and a
mouse cells (783). fourth was a patient with lymphosarcoma, whose
regression lasted 10 days. Little additional clinical
NDGA had sigificant antitumor activity in one
information about these patients, e.g., previous
animal tumor model (Ehrlich ascites tumor) when
given with high doses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), treatment or stage of illness, is given in the report. It
was noted that 27 of the patients had “subjective
but has shown no activity in several other animal
tumor models (S180, mammary adenocarcinoma improvement” during the course of their treatment
755, and leukemia L121O in mice). Additional tests with chaparral tea or NDGA.
of extracts of the crude chaparral plant and of NDGA While the authors concluded that chaparral tea
for antitumor activity in animal models showed no was not an effective anticancer agent (defined in the
significant antitumor effects, with the “possible report as a substance that caused a significant
exception of a flavonoid fraction of L. divaricata regression of 20 percent of a specific cancer type
which had marginal activity in P388" (383). Ac- lasting a minimum of 2 months), the report indicates
cording to NCI, additional animal tumor tests carried that there could have been evidence of some
out at the University of Utah reportedly showed that antitumor activity. The lack of clinical detail in the
NGDA was active in the ependymoblastoma test published report makes the results difficult to
system but not in Melanoma S91 tumors (810). interpret, but the observation that several patients
NDGA has also been reported to inhibit the develop- with advanced disease had tumor regressions sug-
ment (59 1) and promotion (57) of certain carcinogen- gests that chaparral tea and NDGA as given were not
induced tumors in rodents. necessarily inactive.
Based on a 1969 case report (809) of a patient with ESSIAC
recurrent malignant melanoma whose cancer report-
edly regressed following treatment with chaparral Essiac is an herbal preparation developed in
tea, and on some of the experimental data cited Canada as a treatment for cancer, which is reported
above, NCI sponsored a clinical study of NDGA to have originated in Indian folk medicine. From the
(810). It was reported that over a period of 1 year 1920s until the late 1970s, Essiac was made avail-
(November 1969 to November 1970), 59 patients able to cancer patients by Rene M. Caisse, a nurse
with ‘advanced incurable malignancy were treated who developed the treatment while working at a
with chaparral tea or NDGA at the University of medical clinic in rural Ontario and who became its
Utah. The treatment examined in the study included sole proprietor. Shortly before her death in 1978,
both chaparral tea as used by cancer patients and its Caisse turned over the Essiac formula, along with
component, NDGA: some patients drank two to rights to its name and manufacture, to the Resperin
three glasses per day of chaparral tea, while others Corp. of Ontario, the company currently providing
received oral doses of pure NDGA (250 to 3000 mg Essiac to patients in accordance with a special
per day). It was not noted in the analysis which agreement with Canadian federal health officials.
patients took which form of the treatment. The
outcomes of 45 of these patients were considered Background and Early Use
evaluable (defined as having received at least 4 Rene Caisse began her career as a public health
weeks of treatment or as having undergone a tumor nurse in Haileybury, Ontario. In 1922, one of
regression of at least 25 percent or more), although Caisse’s patients told her that she had recovered
few clinical details were given in the published from breast cancer some 20 years earlier after taking
report. an Indian herbal tea. Caisse obtained the recipe for
72 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
the herbal tea and began administering it to cancer ently provided any primary materials. OTA’s re-
patients in 1924 following a reportedly successful quests for primary written information from the
treatment of a relative with cancer using the tea. She Ontario company currently supplying Essiac and
named the treatment Essiac, her name spelled from Canadian health officials now coordinating the
backwards. She gradually modified the herbal for- provision of the treatment were refused.
mula, producing an injectable and an oral form of the
treatment. One of the constituent herbs, which Rationale for the Treatment and Claims
Caisse believed had antitumor effects, was used in for Efficacy
the injectable form, while three other herbs, which
she believed contributed to improvements in overall The 1977 Homemaker’s article briefly described
health rather than to tumor reduction, were used in Caisse’s view of how she thought Essiac affected the
the oral form (303). She never revealed the names of cancer process, based on her observations of patients
these herbs, nor any others she may have used. who took the treatment:
Throughout her career, Caisse insisted that the Often patients would report an enlarging and
ingredients and formula remain secret, despite hardening of the tumor after a few treatments; then
pressure from the public and medical profession to the tumor would begin to soften, and if it was located
reveal the information (303). in any body system with a route to the exterior, the
patient would report discharging large amounts of
From the late 1920s until 1942, Caisse operated a pus and fleshy material. After this, the tumor would
clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario (303), where she be gone. Rene reasoned that Essiac somehow caused
treated hundreds of cancer patients with Essiac all the cancerous cells to retreat to the site of the
(388). From the 1950s until her death in 1978, she original tumor, then to shrink and discharge-often
provided patients with Essiac from her home in to vanish altogether. (303)
Bracebridge, except for a period of unknown dura- Caisse claimed that even in what she referred to as
tion beginning in 1959 when she worked at the ‘‘hopeless’ or “terminal” cases, Essiac benefited
Brusch Medical Centre in Boston (303). patients by relieving pain, reducing tumor size, and
OTA research did not turn up any papers by increasing survival. She claimed generally positive
Caisse in the scientific or popular literature. Most of results with many types of cancer with no harmful
the available written information on Essiac comes side effects (303). She reportedly also believed that
from the press, which, since the 1920s, has periodi- treatment with Essiac would reduce the risk of
cally described certain aspects of Caisse’s career, her metastasis following surgery to remove tumor tissue
advocacy of Essiac as a cancer treatment, and (303). In a letter to the Deputy Minister of Health in
testimonials of patients treated with Essiac. Most of Canada dated October 6, 1958, Caisse wrote:
these articles have appeared in local Ontario news- My treatment consists of an intermuscular injec-
papers. 2 In 1977, an investigative article entitled tion of herbs which causes the growth to localize. If
‘‘Could Essiac Halt Cancer?’ was printed in Home- there are secondaries, they recede into the primary
maker’s, a popular Canadian magazine (303). More growth, causing it to become larger, until it is all
recently, the identity of herbs used in Essiac has been localized; then the mass starts to reduce in size. (148)
reported (388,981), but few additional treatment According to a current patient information sheet
details have come to light. No substantive informa- distributed by a cancer support group, Essiac in-
tion about the treatment regimen is available in the creases appetite, “alleviates and can eliminate
Archives of Ontario (Ministry of Culture and pain,” and “gives a wonderful feeling of well-
Communications, Toronto, Ontario), where copies being.’ It is claimed to be nontoxic and to have no
of some of Caisse’s personal correspondence be- side-effects.
tween 1938 and 1959 are kept.
There is no available information to indicate how
The description provided here is based on these Caisse applied Essiac in specific cases, e.g., whether
few sources; most of these are secondary sources, she gave all patients the same doses of the same
since neither Caisse nor her supporters have appar- formula or whether she modified the treatment
@lany of these are collected by Stan Darling, Member of Parliment, Ottawa, Ontario. One recent newspaper example is: J. Lun& “The Ojibway
Wonder Drug, Can Essiac Cure Cancer?” Norrh Buy Nugget, Apr. 9, 1988 (570).
Chapter 4--Herbal Treatments ● 73
regimen (ingredients, treatment schedules, oral v. burdock, has shown antitumor activity in some
injectable forms, etc.) for different patients. At animal tests.
present, Essiac is sold in 16 oz. bottles, with
recommended doses of 2 oz. diluted in 2 to 3 oz. of Indian rhubarb-This herb was found to have
warm water to be taken once a day for the first 10 antitumor activity at one dose level in the Sarcoma
days, later reduced to 1 oz. in the same dilution per 37 animal system but not at a higher dose in the same
day. This dose is recommended for 1 to 2 years or test system (72). Another group found Indian
longer, with amounts eventually being further re- rhubarb inactive in two other animal tumor systems
duced to two or three times per week (449). The (485). NCI tested two samples of Indian rhubarb
patient information advises that no other treatment, from Poland and found no antitumor activity in
including chemotherapy and radiation, should be mouse leukemia systems. Another type of Indian
used while taking Essiac. It states that “any other rhubarb, Peltiphyllum peltatum, was tested three
treatment which causes change in the human im- times at NCI using samples from California, and
mune system will prevent Essiac from doing its none was found active in mouse leukemia systems.
job.” If other medication must be taken, however, Components of Indian rhubarb, e.g., aloe emodin,
Essiac “will not conflict,” it just won’t “work as catechin, emodin, and rhein, have shown antitumor
fast” (449), according to current patient informa- activity in some animal test systems.
tion. Sorrel—NCI tested one sample of sorrel from
Taiwan and found no activity in mouse leukemia
Components of Essiac systems. The compound aloe emodin and emodin
have been isolated from sorrel and have shown
Several reports specify four herbal ingredients in activity in some animal test systems.
Essiac: Indian rhubarb (Rheum palmatum), sheeps-
head sorrel (Rumex acetosa), slippery elm (Ulmus Slippery elm—NCI tested slippery elm seven
fulva),and burdock root (Arctium lappa) (388,392,981). times using samples from various parts of the United
None of these reports indicate how or when these States and found no antitumor activity in mouse
ingredients were identified, although one (98 1) cites leukemia systems. Slippery elm contains beta-
personal communication from the Resperin Corp. sitosterol and a polysaccharide, both of which have
No information is available on the amount of each been reported to have antitumor activity in animal
ingredient or the method of preparation, since tumor models.
Resperin considers the formula proprietary.
Unlike the Hoxsey treatment (see below), which
Some experimental antitumor data are available has not been tested as a mixture for antitumor
on the individual herbal ingredients reportedly activity in animals, the presumably complete Essiac
present in Essiac mixture. As with the Hoxsey data mixture has been tested for antitumor activity in a
described later in this chapter, OTA obtained infor- variety of experimental mouse tumor systems. These
mation about antitumor testing of the Essiac ingredi- experiments were conducted at Caisse’s request by
ents from the Natural Products Branch at NCI (232)3 the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
and from the published literature (as collected by the (MSKCC) in the mid- 1970s and again at MSKCC at
NAPRALERT database,4 various books, and scien- the request of the Resperin Corp. in the early 1980s
tific articles). The details are summarized below: ((427). In 1983, Canadian federal health officials
requested that NCI test Essiac for antitumor effects
Burdock—Two studies reported antitumor activ- in animals (359,602).
ity of burdock in animal tumor systems (257,296),
while two others reported no significant activity for Caisse submitted three samples of Essiac (two
this herb (451,969). NCI tested burdock 14 times, dried samples used to make an extract and one liquid
with one sample showing activity, though not sample), which MSKCC tested in the S-180 mouse
considered significant, in the P388 mouse leukemia sarcoma test system. This test is intended to detect
system. Benzaldehyde, which has been isolated from immunotherapeutic effects (indicated by the occur-
rence of tumor regression) or chemotherapeutic 47 patients received “no benefits” from Essiac
effects (indicated by a diminished tumor growth treatment;
rate) (427). The results of six immunotherapy tests 8 of the patient reports were unevaluable;
and two chemotherapy tests of Essiac samples using 17 patients died;
the S-180 system all showed no activity. MSKCC 1 had a‘ ‘subjective improvement”;
tested Resperin’s sample of Essiac in a variety of 5 required fewer analgesics;
other animal leukemia and solid tumor test systems 4 had an “objective response” to the treatment;
in 17 separate chemotherapy experiments and found 4 were in “stable condition. ”
no antitumor activity in any of these tests. No
evidence of acute toxicity was found in any of these The Bureau’s judgments were based on the
tests, although some evidence of subacute toxicity written summary comments physicians submitted,
(slight weight loss in treated animals) was found not on a review of the original patient charts. The
(427). Bureau did solicit additional information on the four
patients who reportedly had an objective response
In 1983, the Resperin Corp. submitted a liquid and the four who were in stable condition. Among
Essiac sample to NCI, following a request from the these eight patients, three were then found to have
Health Protection Branch, Health and Welfare had progression of disease, two had died, and three
Canada, that Essiac be tested in animal systems. The were still in stable condition. The latter three
results of NCI’S tests with Essiac showed no patients had received previous conventional treat-
antitumor activity in the mouse lymphocytic leuke- ment that, in the Bureau’s judgment, was probably
mia P388 tumor system. In contrast to the MSKCC responsible for their stable condition. The Bureau
tests, however, NCI found lethal toxicity in the concluded that this review provided no evidence that
highest concentrations of Essiac given to the animals the progression of cancer in these patients had been
in these tests. It is not known how the composition altered by taking Essiac. It noted, however, the
of MSKCC’s samples compared with NCI’s sam- possibility that some of these patients might have
ples, or how the concentrations used in the animal benefited from the treatment psychologically or
tests relate to those in the treatments given to emotionally. The Bureau’s summary of the safety
patients. data collected in that review noted that “with
occasional batches there was some nausea and
vomiting’ ‘ and suggested that these reactions were
Attempts at Evaluating Essiac in probably due to “a variation in composition” of the
Cancer Patients herbal preparation. However, few patients report-
There have been no prospective clinical trials of edly experienced any serious side-effects from the
Essiac to determine its safety and efficacy as a treatment.
cancer treatment. In the early 1980s, however,
Canadian health officials conducted a retrospective
Current Status of Essiac in Canada
review of Canadian patients treated with Essiac
using case summaries submitted voluntarily by the In 1978, Resperin filed a “preclinical new drug
patients’ physicians. In 1982, when the review submission” 5 with the Health Protection Branch
began, about 150 physicians in Canada had report- (HPB), Health and Welfare Canada. HPB officials
edly requested supplies of Essiac on behalf of their allowed Resperin’s application to proceed, authoriz-
cancer patients. On request from the government, ing the distribution of Essiac to “qualified medical
approximately half of these physicians submitted investigators’ for clinical trials designed to obtain
summaries on a total of 86 patients to the Canadian scientifically valid data on Essiac’s safety, dosage,
federal health department (Bureau of Human Pre- and effectiveness in cancer treatment (392). In
scription Drugs, Health Protection Branch, Health addition, it was expected that the Resperin Corp.
and Welfare Canada). According to the former ‘‘would maintain adequate manufacturing and qual-
director of the Bureau of Human Prescription Drugs ity control of the drug” and would “undertake
(392), the Bureau reviewed the physicians’ reports appropriate scientific investigations to isolate and
and concluded the following: identify any active substances] in Essiac” (392).
Chapter 4--Herbal Treatments ● 75
In September 1982, HPB suspended Resperin’s Quacks Who Cure Cancer? (59), a documentary film
preclinical new drug submission. An HPB official on the history of the Hoxsey treatment and on Harry
stated that Resperin had not fulfilled its commitment Hoxsey’s personal role in its development and
under the agreement “to maintain adequate manu- promotion.
facturing, to investigate the pharmacology of Essiac,
and to arrange appropriate clinical trials” (392). According to Hoxsey’s autobiographical book
During the same period in which the Canadian You Don’t Have To Die (418), the herbal formula for
preclinical drug submission was in effect, Resperin the Hoxsey treatment was developed in 1840 by
applied to FDA for an NDA-permission to market John Hoxsey, Harry Hoxsey’s great-grandfather. It
Essiac in the United States-but this application was was derived from grasses and flowering wild plants
turned down (554). Details of the NDA submission growing in a pasture where one of John Hoxsey’s
are confidential, according to FDA rules, so no horses, afflicted with a cancerous growth, grazed
details on this application are available unless daily. The horse’s cancer reportedly disappeared,
Resperin chooses to make them public. and John Hoxsey surmised that the wild plants had
caused the recovery. He gathered some of the plants
Although Essiac is currently unapproved for from the pasture, and later added ingredients from
marketing in Canada and cannot be used in clinical old home remedies for cancer. He used the resulting
trials without a valid preclinical new drug submis- herbal mixture to treat similarly afflicted horses near
sion, the Canadian Government allows Essiac to be his farm in southern Illinois (418,938).
manufactured and sold, and to be used by cancer
patients under certain circumstances. A cooperative The herbal formula was bequeathed to John
arrangement between Resperin and HPB authorizes Hoxsey’s son, then to Harry’s father John, and
the distribution and sale of Essiac to cancer patients finally to Harry Hoxsey in 1919, whose father
“on compassionate grounds,” i.e., when no other charged him with using it to treat cancer patients “if
treatment is appropriate in the particular case (392). need be, in defiance of the high priests of medicine’
Patients who wish to obtain Essiac ask their physi- (418,984). Although Harry’s father, a veterinary
cian to make a request to the Bureau of Human surgeon, was the first to use the formula to treat
Prescription Drugs, which relays the order to the people with cancer, it was Harry Hoxsey who made
company, and the company ships Essiac directly to it famous. The first clinic offering the Hoxsey
the patient. Physicians are asked to report to HPB the treatment opened in the early 1920s and by the
clinical details on each patient using Essiac. OTA 1950s, the Hoxsey Outpatient Clinic in Dallas was
requested details from HPB about its procedures for reportedly one of the largest privately owned cancer
distributing Essiac and monitoring its use (e.g., the centers in the world (188), with branches in 17 States
type of data collected, how many patients have (58). By Hoxsey’s account, the clinic had at its peak
requested and received Essiac from Resperin via of operation 10,000 patients “under constant treat-
HPB over the past 5 years, how many of these are ment or observation” (418,582).
U.S. patients, and the types of cancer for which
Hoxsey was widely known for his flamboyant and
treatment with Essiac is being sought), but was told
confrontational style (59,938,984). His reluctance to
that no more information could be given (480).
disclose the treatment formulas and his bold claims
reportedly led Morris Fishbein, then editor of the
THE HOXSEY TREATMENT Journal of American Medical Association (J.A.M.A.),
The Hoxsey treatment involves several herbal to publish articles labeling Hoxsey and his late father
preparations, all of which are made from combina- as charlatans (938). Hoxsey sued for libel and won
tions of herbs and inorganic compounds. At present, (984).6 In 1956, the FDA Commissioner ordered that
this treatment is offered only at a clinic in Tijuana, a “Public Beware!” warning against the Hoxsey
Mexico, although from 1924 until the late 1950s treatment be posted in U.S. Post offices and
(188) it was offered at a number of clinics in the substations across the country (518,984). Repeated
United States under the direction of the late Harry clashes with FDA over violations, and a number of
Hoxsey (1901-1974). Awareness of the treatment arrests eventually prompted Hoxsey to close his
was recently renewed by the release of Hoxsey: main Dallas clinic in the late 1950s.
%e history of Hoxsey’s legal battles with the American Medical Association has been extensively reviewed elsewhere. See, e.g., (294,418,984).
76 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Since 1963, the Hoxsey treatment has been account, selective. He applied vaseleline or zinc oxide
offered at a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, under the around the perimeter of the affected area, a practice
direction of Hoxsey’s longtime chief nurse, Mildred which he believed contained the corrosive action of
Nelson (58). The herbal preparations Nelson uses to the preparations (418). Hoxsey summ arized the
treat cancer patients are reportedly based on observed outcomes of his external treatment this
Hoxsey’s herbal formulas and method of preparation way:
(78,188). In practice we have found that a small amount of
our compounds, when placed on a large cancerous
Rationale for the Treatment mass, cause a chain reaction which extends an inch
In 1956, Hoxsey described his belief that cancer or two beyond the point of application. The mass
was a systemic disease, however localized its dies, dries, separates from normal, healthy tissue and
falls out. (418)
manifestations might appear to be. Although he did
not ‘‘pretend to know its fundamental cause, ’ he Nelson believes that the Hoxsey tonic “normal-
believed that “without exception it occurs only in izes and balances the chemistry within the body,” a
the presence of a profound physiological change in process she believes results in tumor regression.
the constituents of body fluids” and that it leads to
a “chemical imbalance in the organism” (418). In a 1984 interview, Nelson said:
Hoxsey summarized the theory behind his approach When you get everything normalized, the abnor-
this way: mal cells-the tumor cells--cease to grow. And very
slowly the tumor is absorbed and excreted, and it’s
We believe that the organism’s attempt to adapt gone. (188)
itself to the new and abnormal environment pro-
duced by the chemical imbalance causes certain In that same article, it was noted that the Hoxsey
changes (mutations) in newly born cells of the body. tonic is intended to help “eliminate toxins from the
The mutated cells differ radically in appearance and body.” In addition, the Hoxsey powder and paste
function from their parent cells. Eventually a vi- were described as “escharotic agents’ that were
ciously competent cell evolves which finds the new
commonly used by conventional physicians to treat
environment eminently suitable to survival and rapid
self-reproduction. These cells are what is known as cancer before radiation and chemotherapy were
cancer. developed (188).
It follows that if the constitution of body fluids can Components of the Treatment
be normalized and the original chemical balance in
the body restored, the environment again will Hoxsey’s treatment regimen included his internal
become unfavorable for the survival and reproduc- and external preparations and “supportive treat-
tion of these cells, they will cease to multiply and ment,’ although the components of the latter are not
eventually they will die. Then if vital organs have not specified in his book (418). His preparations in-
been too seriously damaged by the malignancy (or
by surgery or irradiation) the entire organism will cluded a paste or salve applied topically for external
cancers; a powder, pills, and a dark brown herbal
recover normal health. (418)
tonic taken orally. Hoxsey adjusted the composition
He also did not claim to know how or why his and dose of each patient’s formula, depending on the
herbal cancer treatment worked, but he maintained individual patient’s general condition, the location
that it “corrects the abnormal blood chemistry and of the cancer, and the extent of previous treatment.
normalizes cell metabolism” by “stimulat[ing] the The internal treatment was taken by mouth as a
elimination of toxins which are poisoning the liquid tonic or in pill form (418).
system” (418).
Hoxsey’s 1956 book You Don’t Have To Die lists
There are three external forms of the Hoxsey the ingredients of his internal treatment given in “all
treatment used for tumors in or near the skin to ‘halt cases of cancer, both internal and external” (418) as
the spread of the disease and speed the necrosis potassium iodide combined with some or all of the
(death) of cancer cells” (418). Hoxsey reported that following substances, on a case-by-case basis:
his yellow powder is “highly selective” for malig- licorice, red clover, burdock root (Arctium lappa),
nant tissue, leaving normal tissue undamaged. The stillingia root (Stillingia sylvatica), berberis root
paste and liquid forms, however, were not, by his (Berberis vulgaris), pokeroot (Phytolacca ameri-
Chapter 4--Herbal Treatments ● 77
cana), cascara (Rhamnus purshiana), Aromatic USP external treatment, bloodroot (Sanguinaria cana-
14 (artificial flavor), prickly ash bark (Zunthoxylum densis), was used by Native Americans to treat
americanum), and buckthorn bark (Rhamnus fran- cancer, warts, and nasal polyps.
gula) (418). The last two substances in this list are
not specifically mentioned in Mildred Nelson’s list The ingredients used in Hoxsey’s external paste-
of ingredients used in the Hoxsey treatment she zinc chloride, antimony trisulfide, and bloodroot
currently offers. (418)-were used by Frederic Mohs, M.D., of the
University of Wisconsin Medical School in the
Hoxsey’s escharotic preparations, which were 1930s and 1940s to treat nonmelanoma skin cancer,
applied locally in “external cases,” included a e.g., invasive basal cell carcinoma. The Mohs
yellow powder, a red paste, and a clear solution. He chemosurgical technique, as it came to be known,
reported that his yellow powder contained arsenic used the caustic paste to permit serial microscopic
sulfide, talc, sulfur, and what Hoxsey called a examination of excised tissue (625). Mohs’ prepa-
“yellow precipitate” (664).7 The caustic red paste ration, which he referred to as a zinc chloride
reportedly contained antimony trisulfide, zinc chlo- fixative, reportedly contained 40 grams of stibnite
ride, and bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). The (antimony trisulfide in a metallic base), 10 grams of
clear solution contained trichloroacetic acid (418). powdered sanguinaria, and 34.5 cc of a saturated
The current Hoxsey treatment offered by Mildred solution of zinc chloride (624). In this method,
Nelson at the Bio-Medical Center in Tijuana in- dichloroacetic acid was first applied to the skin
cludes a liquid tonic, a salve, and a powder, all of covering the tumor, followed by application of the
which are reportedly based on Hoxsey’s formulas. caustic paste to kill and fix the tissue, and left in
The current patient literature from Nelson’s clinic place under a bandage for 24 hours, during which
lists the components of the liquid herbal tonic as: time the patient was given analgesics for pain.
“potassium iodide and herbs, licorice, red clover, Twenty-four hours later, a layer of tissue approxi-
cascara, burdock root, barberis root (sic), poke root mately 5 millimeters thick could be excised with a
and stillingia root’ (78). The ingredients of the salve scalpel, a procedure involving no pain or bleeding,
and powder are not given. In addition, Nelson’s and then examined microscopically. Several succes-
treatment regimen specifically includes nutritional sive applications of fixative, excisions, and micro-
supplements and dietary restrictions. Nelson advises scopic observation were performed until the tumor
before-meal “tri-tabs,” after-meal tablets, yeast was removed.
tablets, vitamin C, calcium capsules, laxative tab- Mohs reported high rates of success with this
lets, antiseptic douches, and antiseptic washes. She method-e. g., a 99 percent cure rate for all primary
also recommends that patients exclude certain foods basal cell carcinomas he treated (625). He noted that
that “nullify the tonic” (663), such as pork, the reliability of the method was due to the
tomatoes, pickles or other products with vinegar, microscopic control that ‘‘makes it possible to
salt, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, carbonated follow out the irregular and unpredictable exten-
beverages, and bleached flour. All patients are tested sions from the main tumor mass” (624). In a 1948
for systemic infection with the fungus Candida paper in J.A.M.A., he contrasted his use of the
albicans before treatment is initiated, although the fixative paste with that of unconventional practition-
reasons for such testing are not given in the patient ers, who, according to Mohs, used the same fixative
literature (78). Treatment lasts up to 3 days at the without microscopic control of excision, a procedure
clinic, with followup visits within 3 to 6 months after Mohs considered unreliable and excessively muti-
the initial visit. lating (624). In the early 1950s, Mohs and others
abandoned the use of the fixative paste in this
Antitumor Effects of the Hoxsey Components method and replaced it with surgical excision of
Many of the constituent herbs in the Hoxsey fresh tissue specimens, which are then examined
treatment have a long history of folk use in the microscopically as before. This latter form of Mohs’
treatment of cancer, as well as for a variety of other method is currently used in conventional surgical
conditions (266,382). One of the constituents of the treatment of some types of skin cancer, particularly
7~~ @ht ~rre~p~nd to the ~~a fom @edients in &e book New C~re~@r O/dA~/~nts @~ on HOXSey Medicines) (664), listed as: flOWm
elder, magnolia flower, blood roo~ and antimony trisulflde.
78 . Unconventional Cancer Treatments
basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas (845). Its powdered plant suspension of cascara was tested in
advantages over the fixed tissue method reportedly the Sarcoma 37 system (72). NCI tested cascara 16
include the avoidance of pain associated with tissue times and found no antitumor activity.
fixation, the ability to perform multiple stages of
excision in one day, and the elimination of ‘postfix- Barber~Two studies have reported antitumor
ation tissue slough, ’ permitting immediate recon- effects of substances isolated from barberry (415,702).
struction of the surgical wound when needed (845). NCI reported one test of barberry, which showed no
antitumor activity.
Over the past several decades, many of the
botanical products reported to be present in the Licorice—one study reported that licorice was
Hoxsey internal treatment have been tested individ- inactive in the Sarcoma 37 test system (72). NCI
ually for antitumor activity in animal systems (see tested licorice 19 times, with one sample showing
ch. 12 for discussion of animal test systems). The activity that was not considered significant. Benzal-
complete Hoxsey tonic currently given to cancer dehyde and a number of other components (e.g.,
patients has apparently not been tested for antitumor fenchone, glycyrrhizin, indole, quercetin, and beta-
activity in animal systems. sitosterol) have been isolated from licorice and
found to be active in animal test systems.
OTA obtained results of testing for antitumor
activity of the constituent Hoxsey herbs used in the Red Clover—Red clover showed no activity when
internal tonic from NCI’s Natural Products Branch,* tested in the P388 system (254). NCI tested red
the NAPRALERT database,9 an OTA contract clover 94 times, with one test showing activity that
report reviewing the history of the Hoxsey treatment was not considered significant.
(938), and other published sources. Details of the
results in animal test systems are summarized below, Pokeroot-One published study reported no sig-
giving results for NCI and non-NCI tests separately: nificant antitumor activity of pokeroot in three
Burdock—Two studies reported antitumor activ- animal test systems (Ehrlich ascites, Leukemia
ity (257,296) in animal tumor systems, while two SN36, and Sarcoma 180) (969). A component of
others reported no significant activity for this herb pokeroot is well-known, however, for its ability to
(451,969). NCI tested burdock 14 times, with one induce the proliferation and differentiation of lym-
sample showing activity, though not considered phocytes in the blood (720), a property that might be
significant, in the P388 mouse leukemia system. relevant to an immunologic response to cancer but
Benzaldehyde, a constituent isolated from burdock, which might not be picked up as positive activity in
has been reported active in two test systems in rats these animal tumor models. NCI tested pokeroot for
(848). antitumor activity 43 times; in one of these tests,
activity was reported in the Walker 256 system, but
Buckthorn-Antitumor activity of a component this test system was later withdrawn because of
(aloe-emodin) of buckthorn has been reported in the problems with its validity.
P388 tumor system (495) and in the Walker 256
system (summarized in (384)) (the Walker 256 test Prickly Ash—No tests for antitumor activity of
was later withdrawn from use because of problems prickly ash have been reported in the literature,
with its validity). Two other components, emodin although some of its components (e.g., chelerythrine
and dihydroxyanthroquinone, may also have antitu- and nitidine) have tested positive in animal systems.
mor activity in animal systems. NCI tested buck- NCI tested this plant for antitumor activity five
thorn in animal systems three times, with no times, with no positive results.
antitumor results.
Stillingia—No tests of stillingia have been re-
Cascara-Also contains aloe-emodin and emodin, ported, although one of its constituents (gnidilatidin)
which have shown antitumor activity in animal test has tested positive in animal systems. NCI has no
systems. No antitumor activity was found when a record of testing it for antitumor activity.
Taken together, the data indicate that many of the Hoxsey’s public claims of his treatment’s effec-
herbs used in the Hoxsey internal tonic or the tiveness were similar to Nelson’s present-day
isolated components of these herbs have antitumor claims. Hoxsey presented numerous case histories of
activity or cytotoxic effects in animal test systems. patients treated at his clinic in his 1956 book (418).
The complete Hoxsey herbal mixture has not been Additional case histories supporting his claims are
tested for antitumor activity in animal test systems, described in a 1954 publication by Defender Maga-
with human cells in culture, or in clinical trials, zine (251). In his book, Hoxsey noted that cancer
however. It is unknown whether the individual herbs patients sought his treatment “as a last resort.” He
or their components that show antitumor activity in wrote:
animals are active in humans when given in concen- We don’t pretend to cure all of them. The vast
trations used in the Hoxsey tonic. It is also unknown majority are advanced and even terminal cases by the
whether there might be synergistic effects of the time we get them. Many come to us after the disease
herbs used together. already has spread through the body; after surgery or
irradiation has so impaired circulation of the blood
to the affected areas that our treatment cannot reach
Adverse Effects them . . . Nevertheless we believe we cure a far
greater percentage of cases treated than is cured by
Hoxsey’s medical director stated in a 1952 any other method at present known to science. (418)
publication that no toxic reactions had been seen in
patients treated with the Hoxsey tonic, but he added In 1947, the medical director of Hoxsey’s clinic
that ‘the growth of a cancer can be stimulated if the stated it more specifically: he claimed they had been
treatment is used improperly” (664). No further curing ’85 percent of external cancers, and approxi-
information about this possibility was given. mately 25 percent of internal cancers’ (664). In
particular, it was noted that the outcome of treatment
No side-effects or toxicities specifically resulting was ‘dependent to a great extent upon the lymphatic
from the Hoxsey treatment have been reported in the system, and our best results are in cancers that have
medical literature. Side-effects of some of the a large lymphatic supply.” He stated that many of
individual herbs taken alone, often in massive doses their patients had had “the limit of X ray and
compared to the amounts present in the Hoxsey radium” and “in many of these, we cannot hope to
treatment, however, have been reported (67,179,487, cure the cancer itself because of the extensive prior
671,881). Pokeroot, a reported component of the destruction,” but that the Hoxsey treatment might
liquid tonic, contains toxic mitogenic substances “limit the further extension of the cancer and keep
(agents that induce cell division and proliferation), the patient free from pain thereafter.” This director
and has been linked with poisoning, including some noted, “in almost every case that the general health
fatal episodes, in children and adults (266). The of the patient improves’ as a result of the treatment.
relevance of these reports to possible toxicities of the He concluded that “we know that the Hoxsey
Hoxsey mixture depends on the amount of each herb treatment cures cancer, and it is only reasonable to
present in the mixture (which maybe unknown) and believe that we have within our grasp the cause, and
the total amount taken (which varies with each eventually the complete solution, of the cancer
patient). problem” (664).
was “successfully treating pathologically proven Hoxsey made attempts (in 1945 and 1950) to have
cases of cancer, both internal and external, without NCI review his patients’ records. On both occasions,
the use of surgery, radium or x-ray” (quoted in NCI determined that the records Hoxsey submitted
(418)). Criteria for such successful outcomes report- did not meet NCI’S previously established criteria at
edly included patients who remained “symptom- that time for documenting treatment effects. In
free in excess of five to six years after treatment. ” summary, these criteria required that Hoxsey:
They concluded that “the Hoxsey treatment is ● explain the composition of his herbal treat-
superior to such conventional methods of treatment
ments and his regimen for treating patients;
as x-ray, radium, and surgery. ” ● submit complete clinical and laboratory records
In 1957, a committee of faculty members of the of at least 50 patients with internal cancer to
University of British Columbia conducted a review show conflation of the diagnosis by biopsy
of the Hoxsey treatment and facilities (582). After and objective evidence of regression of primary
visiting Hoxsey’s Dallas clinic, the committee growth and metastasis by measurement, photo-
described the overall treatment regimen, along with graphs, and x-rays; and
various other aspects of the treatment (the history of ● provide proof that these patients had survived
the treatment, Hoxsey’s claims for efficacy, and the &least 5 years following treatment (418,582,984).
history of Hoxsey’s litigation concerning the treat- In 1945, Hoxsey reportedly submitted records for
ment). They were particularly interested in follow- 60 patients, 40 of which were for cases of external
ing up on patients from British Columbia who were cancer, and the remaining 20 were reportedly
treated at the clinic. The clinic gave the committee unevaluable by NCI’s criteria (582,984). In 1950,
members records for 78 patients from their ‘active’ Hoxsey submitted an additional 77 case histories, all
fries (unbeknownst to the clinic, however, some of
of which, he claimed, were “fully documented with
these patients had died). The committee was able to clinical records and pathological reports” and some
follow up on 71 of these patients, using British
of which included “actual microscopic biopsy
Columbia’s cancer registry, death registry, and
slide[s]” or details of where NCI could obtain such
physician records. Their detailed findings were material. He added that all but a few of the cases we
summarized as follows: sent in had been cured more than five years, and
For over one-half of the [cancer] patients from those few were of a deadly type of cancer where
British Columbia, the result [of treatment with the survival for even three years was considered little
Hoxsey method] has been either death or progression short of miraculous” (418).
of the disease. In nearly one-quarter there was no
proof that the patient ever had cancer. Nearly one in According to a discussion of the documentation
ten of the patients had curative treatment before Hoxsey submitted to NCI by the University of
going to the Hoxsey Clinic. In only one case, an British Columbia committee, however, Hoxsey’s 77
external cancer, was there any evidence at all that the records reportedly included only 6 biopsies; 2 of
Hoxsey treatment had an effect on the disease; in that these were from patients with internal cancer and
case, better results could have been obtained by neither of these 2 biopsies confirmed the existence
orthodox means. (582) of malignant cells (582,984). It was also reported
The latter case to which they refer reportedly that 31 of the 77 patients were dead within 5 years
involved a woman with a “slow-growing cancer of of treatment and ‘‘in the remaining 46 cases, the
the ear” who refused surgery and was treated with criteria would have been met by 12 patients if
one of Hoxsey’s external treatments. The committee suitable sections had been submitted” (582).
reported that the treatment ‘‘did, in fact, remove the According to several sources, NCI concluded on
cancerous growth, along with a good deal of normal the basis of Hoxsey’s data that no assessment of his
tissue.’ It did so ‘‘with needless pain and disfigure- treatment could be made (418,582,984). Hoxsey
ment,” given that it could have been treated with believed, however, that it was NCI’s responsibility
radiation or surgery, in the committee’s opinion to verify his case records; their failure to do so was
(582). They also reported that of the 32 patients who deliberate, he believed, resulting from a widespread
died, “two-thirds were dead in less than six months, conspiracy organized against him by the AMA
90 per cent were dead within a year, and none (418). Attempts were made to initiate investigations
survived two years” (582). into Hoxsey’s treatment and his allegations against
Chapter 4--Herbal Treatments . 81
NCI and AMA, but the investigations were never land and West Germany) under the trade name
conducted. In 1947, Senator Elmer Thomas of Iscador, which consists of fermented extracts of
Oklahoma asked the U.S. Public Health Service to mistletoe, some forms of which are combined with
investigate Hoxsey’s treatment, and the Surgeon small amounts of various metals (e.g., silver, copper,
General refused the request (294,582,984). In 1951, and mercury). Iscador is listed in the German Rote
Senator William Langer of North Dakota sponsored Liste (1989) and is registered with the Swiss
a resolution under which a subcommittee would Inter-Cantonal Office for drug control (847), but is
have been authorized to study Hoxsey’s treatment not listed in the Swiss Compendium of pharmaceuti-
and claims for effectiveness, but this resolution was cal drugs (224). Some commercial preparations of
never reported out of committee (582,984). mistletoe are licensed in West Germany, but are not
held to the same standards of efficacy as other
Hoxsey’s point of view was echoed by a 1953
medical drugs (422), according to a 1976 West
report to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Com-
merce Committee by Benedict Fitzgerald, an attor- German drug law (789) allowing for different
ney who examined records of Hoxsey’s litigation standards for unconventional treatments.
with the AMA and the Federal Government. After Approximately 40,000 patients worldwide were
reading about the circumstances of these attempted receiving Iscador treatment in the early 1980s,
case reviews, Fitzgerald wrote that NCI ‘‘took sides according to the Society for Cancer Research, a
and sought in every way to hinder, suppress, and Swiss Anthroposophic organization (8 16). Mistletoe
restrict [the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic] in their treatment treatment is reportedly available in Switzerland,
of cancer” (294). To date, no independent, com- West Germany, the Netherlands, the United King-
prehensive assessment has been made to resolve the dom, Austria, and Sweden, at clinics and private
many allegations and issues raised by Hoxsey’s practices specializing in Anthroposophic or in vari-
tumultuous career. ous types of “holistic” medicine. Commercial
preparations of mistletoe can be legally prescribed
by licensed physicians in these countries (726). The
MISTLETOE Weleda company, which makes a range of drug and
Mistletoe has long been used in the treatment of household products, also has branch operations in
a variety of acute and chronic conditions (302). It several other European countries, as well as in
was not widely used for treating cancer, however, Canada, the United States, India, South Africa,
until the 1920s, during the early development of Argentina, and Brazil (746). Although Iscador is not
Anthroposophy, a modern “spiritual science” ap- commonly used in the United States, some U.S.
plied to medicine and a variety of other disciplines. physicians have been trained in Anthroposophic
At present, mistletoe is given to patients either as the medicine and incorporate aspects of its practice into
central component of a complex, broader treatment patient care (953). The U.S. branch of Weleda does
regimen in the practice of Anthroposophic medicine not sell Iscador, as the product is not approved for
mainly in Europe (277) or as a single agent partially sale in the United States, but U.S. physicians can
or completely removed from the overall context of order Iscador directly from European manufacturers
Anthroposophic care (e.g., in the United Kingdom (952). Some U.S. patients may also travel to
and other countries). At present, mistletoe prepara- specialized clinics or hospitals in Europe to receive
tions are advocated mainly by Swiss and German Iscador treatment.
physicians practicing Anthroposophic medicine, but
Mistletoe achieved prominence as a cancer treat-
are also used by other European physicians not
necessarily associated with Anthroposophy. A larger ment through the work of Rudolf Steiner, Ph.D.
(1861 -1925), who founded Anthroposophy (598).
group of researchers in Europe, and to a lesser extent
Working with Ita Wegman, a Dutch physician,
in the United States, has focused on the study of
Steiner applied the principles of his “spiritual
mistletoe’s biological properties in various experi-
science,’ which combined spiritual and scientific
mental systems.
thought, to the practice of medicine and to the
Mistletoe preparations are available in a variety of treatment of cancer in particular. In the decades
forms (413,753), including a preparation by the trade since Steiner’s death, physicians and researchers
name Plenosol (208), but the oldest and most widely have continued developing his ideas (423) and have
used is a product marketed by Weleda AG (Switzer- established a network of clinics and hospitals in
82 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Europe, North America, and South Africa designed reportedly extraordinary mental capabilities (“higher
to put his principles into medical practice. The first faculties of perception,’ extrasensory perception, or
Anthroposophic clinics opened in Arlesheim, Swit- inner knowledge) as the key element underlying his
zerland, and Stuttgart, West Germany, in 1921. A novel proposal to use mistletoe therapeutically in
group of physicians following Steiner’s philosophy cancer (277).
founded the Society for Cancer Research in 1935. In
1949, that group founded the Hiscia Institute, whose Contributing to Steiner’s proposal to use mistle-
main purpose WaS to develop Iscador for therapeutic toe were his detailed analyses of the plant’s botani-
use and to conduct research. The Lukas Klinik, cal characteristics, which are described in many
specializing in the Anthroposophic treatment of Anthroposophic accounts of the origin of this
cancer, was opened in 1963 in Arlesheim. At treatment. Steiner examined the growth and devel-
present, the Society for Cancer Research supports opment of the semiparasitic mistletoe plant and
two research institutes (the Hiscia Laboratory, noted, e.g., that its morphology is spherical rather
where Iscador is manufactured, and the Widar than vertical; its growth is not influenced by the
Research Center, where biochemical studies of force of gravity; it grows on different species of host
mistletoe are carried out), in addition to the Lukas trees, taking water and minerals from the tree sap
Klinik and a postgraduate training facility for and supplying the tree with sugars made via
physicians specializing in Anthroposophic medi-
photosynthesis; it avoids direct contact with the
earth and makes no roots in the ground; it produces
berries all year long; and it flowers in the winter.
Steiner’s Approach to Cancer Treatment Steiner concluded from these characteristics that
mistletoe develops independently from earth forces
Steiner’s work led him to believe that cancer (e.g., gravitational, electromagnetic, chemical) and
results from imbalances in certain forces affecting from seasonal cycles, opposite to the way in which
the human body. He believed that some of these he believed tumors develop (94,477). Steiner con-
forces are responsible for cell division, growth, and cluded that these characteristics made mistletoe
expansion (“lower organizing forces”) and others uniquely valuable as a therapeutic agent. He be-
(“higher organizing processes” or “formati“ve forces’ lieved that mistletoe could stimulate ‘higher organ-
are responsible for limiting and organizing that izing” or “individualistic” forces which he felt
growth, controlling cell differentiation, and produc- were relatively inadequate in cancer patients. He
ing overall body form; it is the balance of these two suggested that by taking mistletoe, such forces
types of force that influences the strength or would be transferred from the plant to the patient and
weakness of one’s individuality. Steiner believed would result in an enhancement of host inflamma-
that in healthy people, such forces are balanced and tory defense mechanisms against cancer. The mistle-
act in harmony, whereas in people with cancer or in toe treatment was named Iscador (94) and Steiner
people “susceptible” to cancer, the higher organiz- recommended that the mistletoe be combined with
ing forces are weak, relative to the lower organizing certain metals in high dilution that he believed
forces. The resulting imbalance would lead to excess would enhance the activity of the mistletoe prepara-
proliferation of cells, loss of form, and eventually tion (847).
tumor production (477). Steiner believed that cancer
involved not only physical disorder in the body, but
With Iscador as the central element, Steiner’s
also disruptions among “different levels of matter,
cancer treatment regimen consisted of various medi-
life, soul, and spirit” (726).
cal and nonmedical interventions. Steiner developed
In the early 1920s, Steiner proposed mistletoe as and advocated specific artistic activities that he
a therapeutic agent capable of correcting the imbal- believed also contributed to recovery from cancer,
ance he believed was ultimately responsible for the such as clay modeling, eurythmy (or movement
development of cancer. In general, his proposal was treatment), and speech formation. The overall aim of
based on the process of what he called “spiritual the regimen was to strengthen patients’ “formative
science,’ in which he combined spiritual and forces” or “organic self-supportive systems” and
scientific thought as “complementary” modes of provide an opportunity for individuals to undergo
insight. Anthroposophic literature refers to his inner change and to develop the soul and spirit (533).
Chapter 4--Herbal Treatments ● 83
The current Anthroposophic treatment for cancer inclusion of metals with mistletoe preparations is not
consists of a similar, but expanded, combination of explained in the Iscador literature OTA reviewed.
inverventions intended to be used adjunctively with
conventional care (726). Conventional medical treat- Some aspects of the method by which Iscador
ment is recommended for some patients, although at preparations are made are proprietary, but it is
the Lukas Klinik in Switzerland, patients are gener- known that the whole plant is used to make an
ally referred to other centers to obtain it. Treatment aqueous extract, which is then fermented with the
at the Lukas Klinik consists of some combination of bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum. The fermented
the following, according to each patient’s condition: saps ofsummer and winter extracts of mistletoe are
conventional and homeopathic preparations for vari- mixed and then undergo sterile filtration (413,955).
ous medical problems associated with cancer (e.g., It is packaged in small ampules containing different
for hemorrhages, bone metastasis, effusions, pain, concentrations of mistletoe, ranging from 0.0001 mg
etc.); a vegetarian diet with restrictions on the mistletoe/ampule to 50 mg mistletoe/ampule, de-
consumption of mushrooms, hardened fats, refined signed to be administered by subcutaneous injection
sugars, new potatoes, and tomatoes; avoidance of at or near the tumor site. In some cases, Iscador is
alcohol and cigarettes; artistic activities such as administered orally, e.g., in cases of primary tumors
eurythmy, painting, speech formation, light and of the brain and spinal cord.l0 A typical course of
color therapy, and music; light exercise; and hyper- Iscador treatment consists of 14 injections given in
thermic baths, oil baths, and massage (277,533,534). increasing concentrations. It is usually given in the
morning, when body temperature is rising.
Preparation and Administration of Iscador
According to a report of the Swiss Cancer League
Iscador is made from a species of European (847), fermented Iscador products contain large
mistletoe, Viscum album, which differs from mistle- numbers of both dead and live bacteria (mainly
toe commonly found in the United States. The Lactobacillus) and some yeast (847). Proponents
different preparations of Iscador are classified ac- contest that assertion, noting that Iscador is filtered
cording to the type of tree on which the mistletoe to eliminate bacteria and that routine testing is
grows and are chosen for use according to the sex of conducted for microbial contamination, as required
the patient and the location of the primary tumor. For by the Swiss International Office for Drug Control
instance, “Iscador M“ refers to the preparation (723). Iscador preparations are also tested for
made from mistletoe growing on apple trees, and is endotoxin contamination (367). No cases of serious
used to treat women with cancer; ‘‘Iscador Qu,’ infection have been reported in the literature as a
from oak trees, usually for men; “Iscador p,” from result of subcutaneous injection of Iscador.
pine trees, for men and women; and “Iscador U,”
from elm trees, for men and women (726,746).
Indications for Use
The preparations are also distinguished by the
type of metal added, e.g., silver, mercury, and According to current information, Iscador prepa-
copper, in concentrations ranging from 10 -8g silver/ rations are used in several specific ways in cancer
100 mg mistletoe to l0-5g copper/100 mg mistletoe treatment. The main use of the treatment, and the one
(746). The addition of these metals is believed to for which Anthroposophists claim the best results
enhance the action of Iscador on particular organs overall, is in the treatment of solid tumors before and
and systems. An Iscador preparation with copper is after surgery and radiotherapy. It can be given in an
used for primary tumors of the liver, gallbladder, intensive schedule 10 to 14 days before surgery “to
stomach, and kidneys; Iscador with mercury is used activate the defensive functions, ” to “help prevent
to treat tumors of the intestine and lymphatic system; metastatic spread” due to surgery, and to promote
Iscador with silver is used to treat cancers of the rapid recovery. Alternatively, it can be given as
urogenital system and breast; and Iscador without followup treatment beginning immediately after
any added metals is used to treat tumors of the surgery and continuing over several years in gradu-
tongue, oral cavity, esophagus, nasopharynx, thy- ally decreasing doses and increasing intervals.
roid, larynx, and extremities (746). The rationale for Either way, Iscador is claimed to significantly
l~qotiy, p=nt~ a-s~ation of Iscador cfi= a W of increased pressure in the cranial cavity due to swelling around the tumor.
84 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
improve survival rates, particularly in cancers of the Proliferative mastopathy, stage III-abnormal
cervix, ovaries, breast, stomach, colon, and lung. growth of breast tissue
Crohn’s disease-chronic inflammatory bowel
A second indication claimed for Iscador is the
treatment of advanced stage, inoperable solid tu- Papillomatosis of the bladder—abnormal
mors. Success in such cases is said to be dependent
growth of the mucosal lining of the bladder
on the general condition of the patient when the Intestinal polyposis-presence of multiple
treatment is started, but improvement in the patient’s polyps in the intestine
general condition, reduction of pain, cessation of
Chronic gastric ulcer-ulceration of the mu-
tumor growth, and occasionally tumor regression are cosa of the stomach
Senile keratosis—scaly lesions of the skin
In addition to treating solid tumors, Iscador is also (746).
used for cancers of the bone marrow, connective In their 1984 statement on Iscador, the Swiss
tissue, and blood-forming organs, specifically, lym- Society for Oncology noted that conventional surgi-
phomas, sarcomas, and leukemias. Proponents state cal treatment for some of these conditions, e.g.,
that Iscador is less effective with these cancers than cervical abnormalities, is likely to be simpler and
with the solid carcinomas. easier for patients than long-term Iscador treatment
The fourth, and probably the most controversial, would be, and that Iscador treatment for these
use of Iscador is for treatment of ‘‘precancerous conditions could “maintain the patient in a constant
states” (847). Recent anthroposophic literature fear of cancer for many years” (847). According to
states that cancer can start early in life and can be in information provided to OTA by the Physicians
“preparation” for several years, if not decades, Association for Anthroposophical Medicine, sur-
before a tumor develops (533,847). It is believed that gery for these conditions is used “wherever possi-
a variety of factors, including psychological dam- ble” (726).
age, unresolved problems, incidents causing shock,
“strokes of fate, ” individual predispositions, and Effects of Iscador Treatment
environmental factors, can lead to an impaired
metabolism and a gradual failure of the immune The immediate physiologic effects of Iscador
system, which, in turn, decrease the body’s ability to reportedly include arise in body temperature and an
identify and destroy malfunctioning cells (536). increase in the number and activity of circulating
white blood cells. Several clinical studies of the
Proponents cite a number of conditions, some of fermented form of Iscador have noted that patients
which are associated with an increased risk of experience moderate fever (arise of 2.3 to 2.4 ‘C) on
cancer, that are treated with Iscador in an attempt to the day of the injections and in some cases, also local
prevent their development into tumors; after treat- reactions around the injection site (479), temporary
ment with Iscador, regression of these conditions is headaches, and chills associated with the fever
said to occur, along with improvement in a patient’s (367). Clinical effects of the unfermented form of
general condition (e.g., as shown by the “blossom- mistletoe treatment have not been reported. Iscador
ing of patients, who for example outgrow their treatment is also claimed to improve patients’
repressed and depressed frame of mind, and develop general conditions, even after all other treatment
new powers and initiative again” (109)). Such options have been exhausted (109), and to enhance
conditions are listed as the following: hormonal and enzyme activities (specifically, by
● Ulcerative colitis-chronic inflammatory dis- improving thyroid and reproductive organ function),
ease of the colon and rectum promote deeper sleep, improve appetite, relieve
● Cervical erosion (PapanicolaouIII and IV)- tension and depression, increase initiative, regulate
dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, or invasive carci- bowel movements, and increase functional capacity
noma of the cervix (534,536).
● Kraurosis vulvae—primary atrophy of In general, proponents claim that ‘in the majority
the vulva of cases [Iscador] treatment has had positive results
● Leukoplakia-white lesions of the mucous such as improved chances of survival, enhanced
membranes in various organs quality of life, extension of life and regression of
Chapter 4--Herbal Treatments ● 85
tumours” (530). Treatment with Iscador is generally related to (though not the same as) mistletoe’s
not claimed to result in dramatic destruction of viscumin, along with some additional cytotoxic
tumors. Instead, it is thought to slow the growth of material similar to the viscotoxins found in unfer-
tumors or even stop tumor growth altogether, and mented mistletoe (51 1).
then lead to gradual tumor regression. It is believed
that tumor cells may undergo a transformation from Several studies have investigated the effects of
malignant forms to semimalignant forms, then to Iscador, crude mistletoe extracts, and their constitu-
chronic inflammation, and finally to normal forms ents on the growth of rodent and human cell lines in
(533,534). culture. In most cases, these substances were found
to inhibit the growth of cells in culture. The degree
Mode of Action of inhibition was found to vary according to the
The current Anthroposophic literature describes types of cell used, the method of preparation of the
Iscador as having a unique combination of cytostatic extract, the subspecies of mistletoe used, and the
(suppression of cell multiplication and growth) and type of host tree supporting the mistletoe plant
immune stimulating properties (533,534). Its cyto- (752,753).
static properties are thought to derive from its
Both crude mistletoe extracts and Iscador have
constituent proteins, some of which are reported to
been extensively tested for antitumor activity in
act specifically against malignant cells. One type of
various experimental animal systems (277,475). The
protein found in mistletoe (viscotoxin), for example,
results with Iscador preparations have been mixed.
is reported to destroy cancer cell membranes in cell
Significant antitumor activity of Iscador was found
culture (753). Another type (lectin) is reported to
in some animal tests (Lewis lung carcinoma, colon
inhibit the growth of proliferating cells by blocking
adenocarcinoma 38, and C3H mammary adenocar-
the synthesis of particular proteins at the ribosomal
cinoma C6/C) (475). No antitumor activity was
level (301,536). Iscador’s immune stimulating prop-
found in other tests (leukemia L121O (475,928),
erties reportedly include the ability to increase the
leukemia L5222 (75), leukemia P388 (928), Ehrlich
number and activity of certain types of immune cells
ascites carcinoma of the mouse (475), B16 mela-
and to promote specific immune defense mecha-
noma (475, 928), Walker 256 rat carcinoma (75),
nisms leading to increased production of lympho-
and a separate test of Lewis lung carcinoma (928)).
cytes (533,534).
In a test using autochthonous primary mammary
Studies of the Biological Activity of Iscador carcinomas 12 in Sprague-Dawley rats (475), nonsignifi-
cant growth inhibition was observed 6 weeks after
The scientific literature contains a number of Iscador treatment, but no difference in median
studies conducted during the 1970s and 1980s on the survival time was found.
cytostatic and immunologic properties of mistletoe
extracts. It is now well-established that crude Immunologic effects of Iscador in human cells in
mistletoe extracts contain a cytotoxic lectin 11 (695) culture and in animals have also been investigated
(viscumin, also called mistletoe lectin I), several (208,367). In cell culture, for example, it was found
other similar lectins, and a few cytotoxic non-lectin that Iscador extracts increased the activity of natural
proteins (viscotoxins) (413,511), among other com- killer (NK) cells (374). Several studies found that
ponents, such aspolysaccharides (464) and alkaloids injections of Iscador in mice resulted in enlargement
(475). The identity and characteristics of cytotoxic of the thymus (672), and one study found increased
substances in the processed and fermented Iscador production of certain immune system cell types
preparation, however, which differs from the crude (745). It is not yet known which components of
mistletoe extract, have been less actively studied. Iscador, e.g., the various proteins or the bacteria or
One recent study (413) of the cytotoxic components a combination of several elements, are responsible
of Iscador found that it does contain a substance for eliciting these reactions.
Ilbtins are biologic~y active proteins or glycoproteins that cause agglutinatio~ precipitation or other phenomena resembling an imfn~e raction
without stimulating an antigenic response, Lectin can bind with red blood cells of certain blood groups and with malignant cells, but not their normal
counterparts. Other Iectins stimulate the proliferation of lymphocytes.
lz~ese caminomas resemble human tumors more closely than transplanted tumors with respect to growth behavior, antigenicity, and experimental
86 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Lung Carcinoma system (626). According to that patients. Based on previous animal tests, it had been
study, the Pau D’Arco extract stimulated the activity determined that a blood level of 30 ug/ml or more of
of macrophages derived from mice, killed Lewis lapachol would be necessary for physiologic activity
Lung carcinoma cells in culture, and in the animal of the drug, but the toxicities observed in the clinical
model, reduced the occurrence of lung metastasis in study indicated that physiologic levels of lapachol,
mice following surgery to remove primary tumors. in the authors’ opinion, could not be reached in
The authors suggested that the Pau D’Arco extract patients without encountering anticoagulation reac-
showed immune modulation and direct cytotoxic tions. As a result of this study, the IND for lapachol
effects in these experimental systems. This study has was closed in 1970 (231) and further study of
not yet been confirmed by other investigators. lapachol as an antitumor agent was not pursued. In
a recent paper, however, the authors noted that
On the basis of the positive results with lapachol
lapachol’s anticoagulant effects maybe inhibited by
in the Walker 256 animal system cited above,
the coadministration of vitamin K, allowing for
lapachol has been examined in at least two clinical
future assessment of lapachol’s antitumor effects
studies. Following toxicologic and pharmacologic
alone (184).
studies of lapachol in animals (173), NCI sponsored
a phase I toxicology study of oral doses of lapachol
In another uncontrolled study, nine patients, all of
in human subjects (81). In that study, 19 patients
whom had received previous conventional treat-
with unspecified advanced non-leukemic tumors
ment, were given oral doses (20 to 30 mg/kg/day) of
and two patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia
lapachol for 20 to 60 days or longer (286). One
in relapse were given oral doses of lapachol ranging
complete and two partial tumor regressions were
from 250 to 3,750 mg per day. Although the study
noted in three of the nine patients: one described as
was designed only to measure pharmacologic and
having hepatic adenocarcinoma, another with basal
toxic effects of the drug, it was noted that one patient
cell carcinoma of the cheek with metastasis to the
with metastatic breast cancer had a regression in one
cervix, and a third with ulcerated squamous cell
of several bone lesions, while none of ‘he other
carcinoma of the oral cavity. It was not indicated
patients was reported to have had objective re-
how the regressions were measured or their duration.
sponses to the drug.
Subjective improvements (e.g., reduction of pain)
The investigators also found that high oral doses were noted in all nine patients. Some of the patients
of lapachol (1,500 mg or more per day) were reportedly showed some signs of toxicity (e.g.,
associated with nausea, vomiting, and a prolonga- nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea). Valid inferences
tion of prothrombin time (an indicator of blood about the efficacy of lapachol cannot be drawn from
coagulation processes) that returned to normal when this study, since many of the clinical details are not
the drug was withdrawn. No myelosuppression, given in the published report and the possible effects
hepatic, or renal toxicity was seen among these of previous treatment were not accounted for.
Chapter 5
Pharmacologic and
Biologic Treatments
Stanislaw Burzynski: Antineoplastons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
claims .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ....+... +. .. .. .. .., .. .$ .. .,~. +.......+ ... ..*+*.-* 93
Published Clinical Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Attempts at Evaluating Antineoplastons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Cellular Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Hydrazine Sulfate .;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Laetrile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...,$... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Adverse Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ●
A large and diverse group of unconventional include Ernesto Contreras, Robert Bradford, Jimmy
cancer treatments has as its central component a Keller, and Kurt Donsbach. Some of the major
pharmacologic or biologic substance, including components of the ‘metabolic’ treatments (vitamin
biochemical agents, vaccines, blood products, and C, laetrile, DMSO, cellular treatment, hydrogen
synthetic chemicals. Some of these pharmacologic peroxide, and ozone) are also discussed in this
and biologic treatments are offered at single sites chapter. The treatments are presented in alphabetical
under the direction of a developer or other chief order according to the name of the main practitioner
proponent. Others are more widely available, are not or the substance used.
necessarily associated with particular proponents,
and may be used in combination with a variety of
other unconventional and conventional treatments. STANISLAW BURZYNSKI:
Examples of unconventional pharmacologic or ANTINEOPLASTONS
biologic cancer treatments associated with a single In the late 1960s, Stanislaw R. Burzynski, M.D.,
practitioner include: “Antineoplastons” offered by proposed that a naturally occurring and continuously
Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D., at his clinic in functioning biochemical system in the body, distinct
Houston; an autogenous vaccine developed by the from the immune system, could “correct” cancer
late Virginia Livingston, M.D., at her clinic in San cells by means of ‘special chemicals that reprogram
Diego; “eumetabolic” treatment offered by Hans misdirected cells. He called these chemicals ‘Anti-
Nieper, M.D., in Hannover, West Germany; and neoplastons, and defined them as naturally occur-
“biologically guided chemotherapy” practiced by ring peptides1 and amino acid derivatives that inhibit
Emanuel Revici, M.D., at his office in New York. the growth of malignant cells while leaving normal
Each of these treatments is discussed in detail below. cells unaffected (124,133). Burzynski developed a
Another pharmacologic treatment, “Immuno- treatment regimen for cancer based on the adminis-
Augmentative Therapy” offered by Lawrence tration of various types of Antineoplastons, which he
Burton, Ph.D., at his clinics in the Bahamas, West originally isolated from urine and subsequently
Germany, and Mexico, is discussed in chapter 6. synthesized in the laboratory. He currently treats
patients with Antineoplastons at his clinic and
Examples of pharmacologic approaches offered at
research facility in Texas.
a number of places, either singly or in combination,
include laetrile, megavitamins, dimethyl sulfoxide Burzynski received his M.D. in 1967 and his
(DMSO), cell treatment, digestive enzymes, hydro- Ph.D. in biochemistry the following year, both from
gen peroxide, ozone, and a variety of other agents. the Medical Academy of Lublin in Poland. He
When used in various combinations and with special moved to the United States in 1970, and obtained a
diets, enemas, and instructions about avoiding license to practice medicine in Texas in 1973. From
substances thought to be harmful, these treatments 1970 until 1977, he held the positions of research
become part of a general approach often referred to associate and assistant professor at the Baylor
as ‘metabolic therapy,’ a non-specific term used by College of Medicine in Houston. In 1977, he left
many unconventional practitioners to refer to a Baylor to establish his own research institute. He is
combination of unconventional approaches aimed at now president of the Burzynski Research Institute in
improving the physical and mental condition of Stafford, Texas, where he and his colleagues con-
cancer patients (96). Many of the best known duct in vitro and animal research on Antineoplas-
‘‘metabolic clinics’ are located in or near Tijuana, tons. Burzynski’s clinical practice focuses on treat-
Mexico, not far from the U.S. border, e.g., Centro ment of cancer patients with Antineoplastons, which
Medico del Mar, American Biologics, the Manner he administers at his outpatient clinic in Houston.
clinic, St. Judes International, and Hospital Santa His current regimen for cancer patients includes oral
Monica. Practitioners associated with these clinics and intravenous use of approximately 10 types of
Ipeptides area broad category of molec~es, including many biologically active proteins, that are made Up of combinations of amino acids.
92 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Antineoplastons, all of which are manufactured at identified as Antineoplastons AS2-1 and AS2-5
the Burzynski Research Institute. (130), have also been administered to cancer patients
(see discussion below).
From 1974 to 1976, Burzynski received funding
from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for re- Burzynski believes that a variety of Antineoplas-
search involving gel filtration techniques to isolate tons are present naturally in the tissue and body
peptides from urine and for testing their ability to fluids of healthy people, but that, possibly as a
inhibit in vitro growth of several types of cultured consequence of cachexia (a metabolic process that
human cells (142). In 1976, Burzynski applied results in physical wasting), cancer patients excrete
unsuccessfully for renewal of this grant, although he excessive amounts in the urine, leaving them with
did receive supplemental finding until July 1977 low circulating levels. He states that treatment with
(245). In 1983, he applied to the Food and Drug Antineoplastons reduces the amount of endogenous
Administration (FDA) for an Investigational New Antineoplastons excreted, and that excretion of
Drug exemption (IND), which would allow him to Antineoplastons decreases with tumor regression
use Antineoplastons in human studies designed to (133). Burzynski hypothesizes that Antineoplastons
determin e the efficacy and safety of Antineoplas- may act by interfering with the action of certain
tons. That application was put on “clinical hold,” enzyme complexes (methylation complex isozymes)
the action taken by the FDA in cases where data that allow malignant cells to gain a growth advan-
submitted are insufficient to just@ the investiga- tage over normal cells (546). He has also suggested
tional use of a substance in cancer patients. In March that Antineoplastons may interact directly with
1989 the clinical hold was removed for one study, DNA (524).
allowing a study of the oral form of Antineoplaston
Burzynski believes that Antineoplastons repre-
A10 in a small number of women with advanced,
refractory, breast cancer (125). That study, which sent a “completely new class of compounds’ (516).
It is unclear whether or how Burzynski’s Antineo-
was planned to be conducted at a U.S. medical
plastons relate to a variety of known growth factors
center, was later “delayed,” according to a public
notice from Burzynski’s staff, “due to the high and inhibitors that are the focus of considerable
mainstream research in biochemistry and oncology.
cost’ ‘ of conducting clinical trials in the United
Burzynski’s theory of a biochemical antitumor
States (858). To date, no form of Antineoplaston has
surveillance system in the body mediated by en-
received FDA approval for use on patients outside of
dogenous Antineoplastons has not been recognized
that specific study.
in the broader U.S. scientific community. However,
Burzynski first isolated Antineoplastons from Burzynski has recently supplied some scientists with
blood and then the urine of individuals without Antineoplastons which they are testing for biochem-
cancer. 2 He reportedly obtained dozens of fractions ical and physiologic properties, particularly anti-
(128), each containing many different Antineoplas- tumor activity, in cultured tumor cells and in animal
tons (133). Burzynski and other researchers reported tumor models (see discussion below).
testing each fraction for anticancer activity in
Burzynski’s Treatment Regimen
cultured human cells and then for toxicity in
animals. His first fraction, Antineoplaston A, which At present, oral and intravenous forms of 10 types
he used to treat 21 cancer patients at a hospital in of Antineoplaston are made by the Burzynski
Houston (143), was later subdivided into fractions Research Institute; most patients reportedly take the
A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 (132,133). Fraction A2 was oral form (124). Treatment starts with small doses
reported to contain an ‘‘active’ ingredient which and increases gradually until Burzynski determines
was named Antineoplaston A10; Burzynski identi- that an optimal level has been reached. In some
fied the chemical structure of A10 as 3-phenyl- cases, Burzynski also prescribes low-dose chemo-
acetylarnin o-2,6-piperidinedione (131). In addition therapy (124) and a variety of common prescription
to using it to treat patients, Burzynski supplies this drugs (134,136,138). Burzynski claims that follow-
product to the Sigma Chemical Co., which offers it ing initial treatment with Antineoplastons, some
for sale through its catalogue for research purposes. patients produce sufficient quantities of endogenous
Two degradation products of Antineoplaston A10, Antineoplastons and no longer need treatment, while
%uzynski developed the laboratory methodology to make at least one type of Antineoplaston (AlO) synthetically.
Chapter 5--Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 93
others continue taking oral doses of Antineoplastons Burzynski does claim that the ‘majority of cancer
to “guard against future recurrence of cancer” patients treated at [the Burzynski Research] Institute
(124). showed positive response to treatment” (124). His
patient brochure states that Antineoplaston treat-
The patient brochure from the Burzynski Re- ment makes it ‘‘possible to obtain complete remis-
search Institute states that the treatment is “non- sion of certain types of cancer’ and that ‘‘the
toxic” (124), but that a “small percentage of number of patients who are free of cancer over five
patients had some adverse reaction sometime during years as the result of Antineoplaston therapy is
the course of treatment. ” Side-effects cited include steadily increasing” (124). In addition to their
“excessive gas in the stomach, slight skin rash, postulated therapeutic role, Antineoplastons are
slightly increased blood pressure, chills and fever” claimed to be useful in diagnosing cancer. Burzynski
(124). believes that measuring the levels of naturally
circulating Antineoplastons in blood and urine
There are no reports of adverse effects from “may help to identify individuals who are more
Burzynski’s treatment in the published literature. susceptible to the development of cancer or to
One unpublished report based on a site visit to the diagnose the cancer at the early stages” (129,133).
Burzynski Research Institute noted two patients who
developed sepsis after treatment, one of whom died, These claims are based on a number of recent
although it did not include information confirming clinical studies in which Burzynski reported favora-
the association between the patients’ death and ble clinical outcomes, including complete remis-
Burzynski’s treatment. The authors of that report sions, partial remissions, and stabilization of dis-
noted that one possible route of infection is through ease, in patients with various types of advanced
intravenous injections into an indwelling subclavian cancer, following injection of Antineoplaston A2
catheter; infections of the indwelling lines would be (137), A3 (140), A5 (141), A 10 (138), AS2-1 (136),
likely if aseptic technique is not followed; this is and AS2-5 (134). Burzynski reported that three of
more likely if the patient is not thoroughly instructed these Antineoplastons (A3, A5, and A10) will be
in the techniques of aseptic injection (79). Walde, studied in phase II trials.
who visited Burzynski’s facilities in 1982, also Burzynski occasionally publicizes his treatment
noted this risk of catheter sepsis and air emboli via press releases. In a recent statement, for example,
resulting from patients administering their own it was announced that “dramatically improved
intravenous doses through indwelling subclavian results in the treatment of prostate cancer due to a
catheters, but concluded that ‘‘the number of com- recent discovery made within the past year’ had
plications that [Burzynski and his associates] have been obtained through Burzynski’s administration
been aware of, or have been notified of, have been of Antineoplastons given orally. It noted that “with
extremely low” (933). this route of administration, some prostate cancer
patients, even those whose cancer failed to respond
to conventional therapy, have experienced a com-
Claims plete remission of their cancer in as little time as five
months” (126). In that press release and another one
While treatment success rates are not specifically (127), it was claimed that Burzynski’s methods
cited in the Burzynski Research Institute patient ‘‘may also be effective in diagnosing and preventing
brochure, such rates are widely quoted in the popular some types of cancer,” citing results from experi-
literature. An article in Macleans magazine, for mental animal studies conducted at the Burzynski
example, credits Burzynski with a 46 percent rate of Research Institute and at the University of Kurume,
“total remission for cancer of the colon” from the Japan.
use of one type of Antineoplaston. That article also
reports that Burzynski has had the most success with
cancers of the bladder, breast, prostate, and bone
Published Clinical Studies
(291). A recent newspaper article quotes a spokes- Burzynski and his colleagues at the Burzynski
woman for the Burzynski clinic as saying that Research Institute have a long list of published
“preliminary studies show that 80 percent of tumor papers and presentations at meetings in which they
patients respond positively to the treatment” (721). report on animal and biochemical studies of Antine-
94 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
oplastons, as well as on studies of their use in cancer These three papers have similar formats and have
patients. Most of Burzynski’s recent clinical papers a similar level of detail, so some general observa-
(studies of the effects of Antineoplastons on cancer tions can be made about them. First, the reports raise
patients, as opposed to laboratory research) appear a question about whether these studies were actually
in supplements to the journal Drugs Under Experi- planned prospectively, with protocols including
mental and Clinical Research, one in 1986 and one patient selection criteria, specific recordkeeping
in 1987. These supplements were devoted entirely to requirements, etc. (a “clinical trial”), or whether
Antineoplastons and all publication and printing they represent groups of patients studied retrospec-
charges for these supplements were borne by tively. Details concerning a protocol, which would
Burzynski (840).3 be expected in reporting a clinical trial, are generally
lacking. In addition, there is little systematic infor-
Burzynski’s list of publications (124) includes a mation about patients’ treatment prior to Antineo-
number of “phase I clinical studies,” along with plastons, except in specific cases, some of which are
several other types of study that also include clinical discussed below. A table with certain information
outcome data, such as ‘‘initial clinical studies,” and about each individual patient (diagnosis, age, sex,
“toxicology studies.” Many of these studies are length of Antineoplaston treatment, highest dosage,
listed as presentations made at conferences outside adverse reactions, desirable side-effects, and anti-
the United States; these reports are not readily cancer effect) is included in each of these papers.
available in the open literature. Many of the pub-
lished studies appear in the Drugs Under Experi- A particular difficulty with these papers is that
mental and Clinical Research supplements, one some important terms--e.g., “completer regression"
appears in a journal or a book cited as Advances in and ‘partial regression,’ terms used to describe the
Experimental and Clinical Chemotherapy (which is effectiveness of Antineoplastons in these papers—
not listed at the National Library of Medicine), and are not used in accordance with their generally-
one appears in a book, which presents the same data accepted definitions. In the first Burzynski study
as a paper in one of the supplements. cited above, six “complete remissions’ were re-
ported among 15 patients described as having
Despite the fact that these are reported as early “advanced neoplastic disease. ” Three of these six
stage studies, which in mainstream research would patients were reported to have non-metastatic transi-
concentrate on toxicology (i.e., safety more than tional cell carcinoma of the bladder, grade II, which
efficacy), they also report on clinical outcomes, would not be described as ‘‘advanced” by main-
including partial and complete remissions. stream definitions. These three patients are de-
Burzynski’s reputation for success rests at least in scribed in some detail. Two of them reportedly had
part on these reports. OTA’s concern with these no measurable malignant disease when they began
studies is that, among other problems, Burzynski’s Antineoplaston treatment. According to the article:
definition of a remission, while not stated in any of
the papers, appears to be discrepant from the Patient D.D., diagnosed with transitional cell
generally accepted definition,4 making the results carcinoma of the bladder, Grade II, had seven
difficult if not impossible to understand. Three transurethral resections of the tumours and six
papers from the 1987 Drugs Under Experimental recurrences in 16 months preceding the treatment
and Clinical Research supplement are representa- with Antineoplaston A2. Her treatment began shortly
after the last transurethral resection, therefore she did
tive (’‘Initial clinical study with Antineoplaston A2 not have measurable tumour at that time. The patient
injections in cancer patients with five years’ follow- was incomplete remission and free from recurrences
up” (139), ‘Phase I clinical studies of Antineoplas- for two years and six weeks as the result of treatment
ton A3 injections” (140), and “Phase I clinical with Antineoplaston A2 intravenous injections. She
studies of Antineoplaston A5 injections’ (140)). developed recurrence one year and two months after
These are discussed below. discontinuation of Antineoplaston A2 injections.
3~ou@ ~o~tme~c~ jow~~ do not c~ge authors for pub~shing papers, it is not unco~on for authors to pay a fee for publication andprinti.ng.
d~ conventio~ terminolo~, re~essions may occur in patients who initially have “measurable d-,” which means tbat tumors that can either
be felt during physical examinationor can be seen clearly on some type of diagnostic film or scan, and which can be measured in at least two dimensions.
A complete regression is said to occur when the disease measured can no longer be found at all. Partial regression describes the condition where the
measurable tumor is reduced by at least 50 percent in size.
Chapter Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 95
Patient J.J. . . . underwent transurethral resection would usually consider these levels as indicators of
of the tumour shortly before the beginning of the underlying disease or as risks for serious medical
treatment with Antineoplaston A2 injections. He was complications.
found to have no recurrence after 56 days of
treatment and decided to discontinue the therapy at
that time. Five months later, he developed recurrence Attempts at Evaluating Antineoplastons
and underwent transurethral resection of the tumour
and instillation of Thiotepa. The patient was disease- In 1983 and 1985, at the request of the Canadian
free for over five years. Bureau of Human Prescription Drugs, NCI tested
three of Burzynski’s Antineoplastons for antitumor
Neither of these patients had measurable malignant effects in the mouse P388 Leukemia assay, a test that
disease when treatment began and both had recur- NCI used routinely as a prescreen for antitumor
rences after treatment. Patient J.J. had curative activity until 1985 (2,602) (see ch. 12 for details). No
conventional surgery and chemotherapy as treat- antitumor activity (as measured by a statistical
ment for the recurrence. Burzynski counts both of increase in survival) was found for Antineoplastons
these patients as complete remissions, and J.J. as a A2 and A5. Both showed toxicity at the highest dose
five-year survivor, as a result of Antineoplaston given, while at lower doses, neither antitumor effect
treatment. However, the evidence presented does not nor toxicity was found. Both Antineoplastons were
substantiate the claimed benefit to either patient found inactive over wide dose ranges (602). Antine-
from the treatment. oplaston A 10 was also tested in a range of concentra-
tions in this mouse system, and the results indicated
In the second paper, another patientin‘‘complete that there was no increase in survival at any
remission’ is described as having "adenocarcinoma concentration and there was toxicity at the higher
of the colon, status post resection,’ meaning that the dose levels (360).
tumor had been removed surgically before the
patient started treatment with Antineoplastons: More recently, Antineoplaston A10 has been
studied in several experimental animal tumor sys-
The patient . . . maintained complete remission tems. Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia
during the treatment with Antineoplaston A3 . . . reported on results indicating that oral Antineoplas-
After discontinuation of this form of treatment he ton A10 delayed the development of viral-induced
developed recurrence with liver metastasis, which
responded to treatment with different formulations mammary tumors in C3H+ mice and inhibited the
of Antineoplastons and 5-fluorouracil. This patient growth of carcinogen-induced mammary tumors in
is alive, well and free from cancer over six years after Sprague-Dawley rats (393). Eriguchi and colleagues
his participation in Phase I studies with Antineoplas- at Kurume University, Japan, presented results
ton A3. suggesting antitumor effects of Antineoplaston A10
on the development of urethane-induced pulmonary
This patient evidently had no measurable disease adenomas in A/WySnJ mice (275). A second group
when Antineoplaston A3 treatment started, but at Kurume University reported that Antineoplaston
reportedly had a “recurrence,” was treated with A10 reduced the growth of human breast cancer cells
conventional chemotherapy plus Antineoplastons, in athymic mice (385). Recent experiments using
and then was reported free of cancer. There is no human and mouse tumor cell lines were summarized
evidence that this patient was helped by Antineo- in an abstract written by researchers at the Uni-
plastons, and the case does not describe a “complete formed Services University of the Health Sciences,
remission’ attributable to that treatment. Maryland. It was noted that Antineoplaston AS2-1
promoted cell differentiation in human promyelo-
Another unusual feature of these studies is the
cytic leukemia HL-60 cells grown in culture and
section describing increases in platelet and white
suppressed some of the neoplastic properties of
blood cell counts as “desirable side-effects.” In
mouse fibrosarcoma V7T cells in culture (775).
each case, the post-treatment levels are not just
increased, but are abnormally high. In the case of A 1981 television news report (“20/20”) on
platelet counts, levels are high enough (ranging from Burzynski’s cancer treatment, followed by numer-
about 500,000 to 3.4 million) to lead to possible ous inquiries from patients about the treatment,
blood clotting. The authors do not explain why these reportedly prompted David Walde, a physician
effects should be considered desirable; physicians practicing in Ontario, to visit Burzynski’s facilities
96 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
in April 1982. In his written report (933), which he They also concluded that the two patients for whom
sent unsolicited to Health and Welfare Canada and some CT scans were available showed no definite
to NCI, Walde described Burzynski’s clinical and response to Antineoplaston treatment. In those
research facilities and summarized the treatment cases, they believed that the views on the scans were
regimen. He reportedly also reviewed about 60 not the same, making direct comparison impossible.
patient records, but did not report on them in detail.
He concluded that there was sufficient information In other cases, the consultants reported that
about Burzynski’s treatment to warrant evaluating Burzynski’s patients had had effective treatment for
“then nature and action of [Antineoplastons]. . . even treatable cancers before starting Antineoplaston
if these eventually do not result in any major treatment, and they described two specific examples.
therapeutic advances” and recommended that The first was a woman who had had radiation
Burzynski apply for investigatory new drug clear- treatment for stage III cervical cancer, and had gone
ance in Canada so that Walde could coordinate to Burzynski when there was still necrotic tumor in
clinical studies with Canadian health officials. He the cervix; a cytologist was unsure whether any
also suggested that outside funding sources be viable cancer cells remained, but noted extensive
sought to support clinical studies, and advised radiation changes. The turner gradually disappeared,
against ‘sensationalism through the public media, ’ which the consultants felt could be attributed to the
to avoid disruption to ongoing and future clinical prior radiation, rather than to Antineoplastons. The
studies. other patient had prostatic cancer with bone metasta-
ses who had had an orchiectomy 3 months before
In November 1982, consultants to the Ontario beginning Antineoplastons. His bone scans im-
(Canada) Ministry of Health visited Burzynski’s proved, which the consultants attributed to the
clinical and research facilities in Houston for the delayed effects of the orchiectomy, which com-
purpose of providing information to the Ministry of monly takes months for full effects to become
Health about the treatment because some Ontario evident.
residents had sought reimbursement under the On-
tario Health Insurance Plan (79). After reviewing On the basis of the cases they reviewed, Black-
Burzynski’s published papers and viewing the clinic stein and Bersagel reported that they found no
and laboratories, the consultants, Martin Blackstein examples of objective response to Antineoplastons.
and Daniel Bergsagel, asked Burzynski to select In addition to reviewing the cases, they asked about
examples of patients who he believed had had a good four patients reported by Burzynski in 1977 to have
response to Antineoplaston treatment. They speci- had complete remissions with treatment. According
fied that each case had to satisfy the following to the report, three of those patients had progressed
conditions to be considered: 1) proven histologic fairly rapidly and died. The fourth patient was still
diagnosis of cancer; 2) complete record of all cancer alive at the time of the review (1982), but the
treatment before Antineoplastons (some of which consultants felt his disease (a solitary bladder tumor)
might be responsible for a delayed response); had been removed during the biopsy. In conclusion,
3) complete record of additional treatment; and Blackstein and Bersagel’s report recommended that
4) original X-rays, CT, or isotope scans used to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan not cover the cost
document a response. of Antineoplaston treatment for Ontario residents.
Burzynski presented them with about 12 cases at Burzynski wrote a detailed rebuttal (135) to their
the clinic, and sent them additional cases afterward. report, charging that Blackstein and Bersagel "com-
According to the report, there were original X-rays pletely distorted the research, production, and clini-
for only one case; for two others, selected CT scans cal data presented to them. ” He disagreed with each
were available. The case with X-ray evidence was a individual assessment, concluding:
patient with metastatic nodules in the lung from a
Out of the initial nine cases presented in the clinic,
colon cancer, which, from his history, appeared to be six patients obtained complete remission and two
a slowly progressing disease. The consultants con- remaining patients were very close to complete
cluded that the X-rays showed no documentable remission. Only one patient was treated with radia-
change, though there were difficulties in interpreta- tion and chemotherapy and one additional patient
tion because the films were reportedly taken on received a very small dose of palliative radiotherapy
different machines with different magnifications. before coming for the treatment with antineoplas-
Chapter 5-Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments . 97
tons. Two patients died from causes unrelated to which could yield valid information on efficacy,
cancer like multiple emboli in the lungs and perfora- have not been conducted.
tion of the stomach ulcer. (135)
Burzynski contested the report’s judgments on the CELLULAR TREATMENT
quality and content of the clinical data. He cited Cellular treatment refers to a group of related
clinical records (photocopies of which he included) procedures that may be referred to as “live cell
to show that each case was confirmed by biopsy and therapy,’ “cellular therapy,” “cellular suspen-
that “the remission of each of them was confined sions, ” ‘‘ glandular therapy,” or “fresh cell ther-
by at least one other doctor not associated with our apy.” In general, cellular treatment involves injec-
clinic. ‘‘ tions or ingestion of processed tissue obtained from
In 1985, in a separate and more limited effort to animal embryos or fetuses. It was developed in
gather information about Burzynski’s treatment, the Switzerland in the early 1930s by Paul Niehans,
Canadian Bureau of Prescription Drugs reportedly M.D., and became widely known when various
contacted 25 physicians with patients who had public figures received the treatment and claimed it
visited Burzynski’s clinic in Houston for treatment restored their youth or extended their lives (26). One
with Antineoplastons. According to a memo sum- of Neihans’ colleagues, Wolfram Kuhnau, M.D.,
marizing the effort (829), information on clinical introduced the treatment in Tijuana in the late 1970s
outcomes in 36 patients from five provinces report- (238,490). Currently, at least 5 Tijuana clinics offer
edly consisted of tumor type and clinical status as cellular treatment as a component of “metabolic
reported by telephone from the physicians (actual therapy” (289,968). To OTA’s knowledge, cellular
records were apparently not obtained). Of the 36 treatment is not widely practiced in the United
patients noted by the physicians, 32 had died with States, although no Federal or State law prohibits
“no benefit” from the treatment, one had died after physicians from preparing his or her own cellular
having a “slight regression for two months,” one treatments for patients. FDA has issued an import
died after having been stable for a year, followed by alert concerning the detention of shipments of
progression of disease, and two were alive at the foreign cellular treatment products to the United
time of the survey. Of the two who were alive, one States (887).
had metastatic lung cancer and the other had cervical Cellular treatment uses a variety of materials,
cancer, and both had received radiotherapy prior to including whole fetal animal cells (derived, e.g.,
Antineoplaston treatment. The memo does not from sheep, cows, and recently also sharks (491))
indicate the existence of more detailed data on the and cell extracts from juvenile or adult animal tissue.
clinical course of these patients (including time The organs and glands used in cell treatment include
between treatment and outcome recorded) or the brain, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, thymus, liver,
basis for selecting the 25 physicians for the survey. kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart, ovary, testis, and
OTA’s requests to the Canadian Bureau of Prescrip- parotid (261). Several different types of cell can be
tion Drugs for further information about this survey given simultaneously-some practitioners routinely
have been denied. It is not possible to draw give up to 20 or more at once (489).
conclusions about efficacy or safety of Antineoplas-
ton treatment from this limited information, since it A number of different processes are used to
was a retrospective analysis of self-selected patients prepare cells for use. One form of the treatment
and there may have been bias toward reporting poor involves the injection into the buttocks of fleshly
outcomes. removed fetal animal tissue, which has been proc-
essed and suspended in an isotonic salt solution. The
Despite a substantial number of preliminary preparation of fresh cells then maybe either injected
clinical studies presented by Burzynski and his immediately into the patient, or preserved by being
associates describing outcomes among the patients lyophilized (freeze-dried) or frozen in liquid nitro-
he treated with Antineoplastons, and an attempt at a gen before being injected. In the latter process, the
“best case” review, there is still a lack of valid preserved cells can be tested for pathogens, such as
information to judge whether this treatment is likely bacteria, viruses, or parasites, before use. Fresh cells,
to be beneficial to cancer patients. Thus far, prospec- in contrast, are used before such testing can be
tive, controlled clinical studies of Antineoplastons, performed. Other types of cellular treatment may use
98 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
dehydrated concentrates in tablet or capsule form Kuhnau claims that “in the hands of a physician
taken orally. trained in this form of therapy, the proper selection
of cells and their appropriate administration pro-
The types of cell given are reported to correspond vides a well-tolerated treatment which is virtually
in some way with the organ or tissue in the patient free of side effects” (489). He claims never to have
that is diseased or malfunctioning (“like cells help seen a fatality or toxic reaction to the material (238).
like cells” (261)). Proponents claim that the injected
cells “travel to the similar organ from which they A number of adverse effects could, however, be
were taken to revitalize and stimulate that organ’s associated with cellular treatment. Allergic reactions
function,” an effect which is said to have been to calf thymus tissue derived from 5-day-old animals
“validated by scientifically controlled laboratory were noted in patients with histiocytosis-X, a
and clinical experiments’ (322). heterogeneous group of rare disorders, and cellular
treatment was stopped in these patients (698). A
Proponents of cellular treatment believe that recent report in the British Medical Journal de-
embryonic and fetal animal tissue contains active scribed a case of a 79-year-old man who developed
therapeutic agents distinct from vitamins, minerals, antibodies against human skin antigens and signs of
hormones, or enzymes, and “the fact that these an autoimmune skin disease following injections of
active agents have not yet been identified seems of extracts of human placental tissue (778). Cellular
little consequence” (261). Kuhnau claims that treatment also poses a risk of transmitting bacterial
cellular treatment “stimulate[s] weak organ func- or viral infections, such as brucellosis (a generalized
tion and regenerates] its cellular structure” (489). infection characterized by fever, sweating, and pain
Proponents claim that cellular treatment is accepted in the joints) or encephalomyelitis (a viral infection
by the body because ‘‘embryonic cells from unborn characterized by inflammation of the brain and
animals. . . are immunologically inactive and hence spinal cord), from donor animals to recipient pa-
not recognized as ‘nonself’ by the patient’s immune tients, as noted in a 1984 FDA “talk paper” (885).
system’ (238). It is stated that the cellular treatment
using cells from endocrine organs ‘‘harmonize A number of serious immunological reactions to
hormones . . . [and] balance the intricate hormone- cellular treatment in West Germany were noted in a
producing and feedback mechanisms of the endo- recent report in Lancet (514). In one example cited,
crine system” (238). Cellular treatment is also a woman athlete reportedly received several hundred
claimed to stimulate the immune system. injections of cellular therapy and subsequently went
into fatal anaphylactic Shock.5 Other adverse effects
Although cancer is not one of the primary were also noted in that report, including immune
conditions for which cellular treatment is promoted, vasculitis, encephalitis, and polyradiculitis follow-
cellular treatment is included in the array of treat- ing cellular treatment, and a delayed effect of
ments offered to cancer patients at “metabolic” chronic progressive neurological disease with peri-
clinics in Tijuana (490). Positive results following neural inflammation and demyelination. A 1957
cellular treatment have been claimed for a wide survey of 179 West German hospitals reportedly
variety of genetic, necrologic, and multifactorial revealed 80 cases of serious immunological reac-
conditions, including Down syndrome, Klinefelter’s tions, 30 of them fatal, in cellular treatment recipi-
syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s dis- ents. On the basis of these findings, the West
ease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, lupus, arthritis, German Federal Health Office suspended the prod-
muscular dystrophy, and infertility (238). At one uct licenses of a number of commercial cellular
Tijuana clinic where cancer patients reportedly preparations (including lyophilized or freeze-dried
make up 70 percent of the caseload, cellular whole-cell preparations and cell extracts), and “strongly
treatment, using umbilical cord tissue in particular, recommended” that the use of fresh cell prepara-
is “increasingly being given in cancer therapy” at a tions, which are made in the clinics themselves and
frequency per patient of several “rounds” per year do not come under pharmaceutical regulations, also
(238). be stopped.
SAnaphylaxis is an immediate, exaggerated immunologic (allergic) reaction to a foreign protein to which the body has become hypersensitized as
a result of past exposure. Anaphylaxis is frequently treatable with appropriate medical care, but in the absena of treatment it can be fatal.
Chapter Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 99
DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE (DMSO) human solid tumor cell cultures (243,827), but it did
not improve survival in animals implanted with
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a commonly human tumor cells (243); this lack of an effect in vivo
available product with a wide variety of non-medical is the basis for NCI classifying DMSO as a relatively
uses. In industry, it has been used as a chemical weak differentiating agent, compared to other avail-
solvent. In laboratory research, it is often used as a able agents (243).
cryopreservative for cultured cells. One of the
properties of DMSO is that it is absorbed very As a potential enhancer of the activity of known
rapidly through the skin and cell membranes, cytotoxic agents, DMSO was found to increase the
carrying along almost anything else (particularly activity of some of these agents in tumor-bearing
low molecular weight molecules) dissolved in it that rats (854). DMSO has been tested experimentally for
would not otherwise be able to cross those barriers. antitumor effects, both in various tissue culture and
Intravenous and oral administration of DMSO allow in animal systems, and was found to be inactive. In
it to penetrate rapidly into vascular and non-vascular a clinical study using DMSO in combination with
tissues in the body (854). Its popular use among the chemotherapeutic agent cyclophosphamide in
athletes, people with arthritis, and others have patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung,
stemmed from claims that topical DMSO reduces DMSO did not enhance the effect of cyclophospha-
pain, decreases swelling, and promotes healing of mide (319).
injured tissue. The FDA approved the use of bladder One of the most widely available sources of
instillations of a 50 percent solution of DMSO (sold information about the use of DMSO in unconven-
under the trade name “Rimso-50”) to relieve tional cancer treatments is the booklet found in many
symptoms of interstitial cystitis, a painful chronic health food stores, Dr. Donsbach Tells You What
bladder disorder (884). At present, “Rimso-50” is You Always Wanted to Know About DMS0 (263). In
still the only DMSO product approved by FDA for this booklet, it is claimed that “while DMSO has not
use in humans. DMSO available in health food brought ‘cure’ for health problems, it has been and
stores or by mail order is an industrial form of the is now the source of comfort for millions of medical
chemical, consisting of about 99 percent DMSO, and consumers.” Donsbach states that DMSO acts by
is not labeled for human use (45). making cancer cells “behave more normally by
DMSO is commonly used in unconventional bringing about a mitotic turnabout.” He proposes its
cancer treatments, particularly in ‘metabolic’ treat- use as a treatment to relieve pain, to slow the growth
ments, such as those offered at several clinics in of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, to control inflamma-
Tijuana and in the United States (e.g., at a hospital tion and swelling, to relieve burns and sprains, and
in Zion, Illinois and at clinics in Nevada, Pennsylva- to relieve the symptoms of arthritis, herpes, tuberculo-
nia, and California (289)). DMSO is often combined sis, sinusitis, and cancer. Another source in the
with laetrile and vitamin C, among other substances, popular literature discusses the use of DMSO in
and administered to patients intravenously. For combination with conventional chemotherapeutic
drugs (593).
example, the “Manner Cocktail,” consisting of
10CC of DMSO, 25 grams of vitamin C, and 9 grams Mildred Miller, an advocate of DMSO use in
of laetrile dissolved in a 250cc bag of a 5 percent cancer treatment (616), claims that intravenous
dextrose solution (574), is used to treat cancer DMSO “dissolves the protein shell surrounding the
patients at the Manner Clinic in Tijuana. cancer cells and begins to restore the abnormal cell
to normalcy” (615) and that it “stimulate[s] the
DMSO has been studied in mainstream research
body’s own immune system, as well as altering the
for a variety of possible therapeutic uses. As a
cancer cell, causing it to become mature or burn
possible cytotoxic agent, DMSO has been studied in
out” (617). Miller is associated with a clinic in Las
human tumor cell lines and in human tumor model Vegas that uses DMSO as one of its main compo-
systems in animals, and in each case, DMSO nents of cancer treatment.
demonstrated no activity (243). As a possible tumor
differentiating agent (942) (a substance that stimu- Topical application of DMSO has been associated
lates tumor cells to undergo development to mature, with redness, itching, and inflammation of the skin
benign cells (827)), DMSO was found to be active in and a garlic-like taste and odor on the breath.
mouse and human leukemic cell cultures and in Intravenous administration of DMSO has been
100 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
reported to cause transient hemolysls (breakdown of You have to distinguish between good ideas and
red blood cells), resulting in urinary excretion of bad ideas and ho-hum ideas. And hydrazine, I think,
hemoglobin (45,983). Several additional adverse is a ho--hum idea. The key thing is not to prevent
effects of DMSO are mentioned in the Donsbach people from losing weight while they die; the key
booklet (263), including “possible damaging effects thing is to get rid of their cancer, and that was always
the issue. The trouble was nobody saw the value of
to the liver, the kidneys, bloodforming organs, and pumping a lot of resources into a therapy that gave
the central nervous system”; and “headache, dizzi- you plumper people by the time they died (767).
ness, nausea, and sedation. ”
The initial proponent of hydrazine sulfate was
Toxic effects to the lens of the eye were reported
Joseph Gold, M.D., director of the Syracuse Cancer
in studies involving the use of DMSO in dogs,
Research Institute in New York. Gold proposed a
rabbits, and pigs, although no such effects have been
biochemical mechanism for primary tumor growth
noted in studies with human subjects (45). The
and progression and for the development of cachexia
safety of prolonged use of DMSO in humans has not
(345). He hypothesized that cancer cachexia results
been established.
from a systematic energy-losing cycle involving
glycolysis in tumor cells and gluconeogenesis in the
HYDRAZINE SULFATE liver and kidney, and proposed that an interruption
in this metabolic circuit could result in clinical
In the mid- 1970s, one of the commonly discussed
improvement (347). After considering a number of
unconventional cancer treatments was hydrazine
possible agents capable of interfering with the
sulfate (646,682), a chemical agent proposed to treat
process, Gold settled on hydrazine sulfate as a likely
cancer cachexia, the progressive weight loss and
inhibitor of a key enzyme in the process (348,350).
debilitation characteristic of advanced cancer. On
the basis of animal data and preliminary human In 1973, Gold reported on results of experimental
studies conducted in the United States and the Soviet animal tests indicating that hydrazine sulfate inhib-
Union (described below), hydrazine sulfate was also ited the growth of various rodent tumors and
claimed to cause tumor regression and subjective potentiated antitumor action of some chemother-
improvement in cancer patients. According to one apeutic drugs (346). Several groups, including
observer (743), hydrazine sulfate was publicized in investigators at Calbiochem (a pharmaceutical com-
the news media as a “dramatic breakthrough— pany), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
bringing people back from the dead.” The American and the Medical College of Virginia, obtained IND
Cancer Society (ACS) published its first ‘Unproven exemptions to study the efficacy and safety of
Methods” statement on hydrazine sulfate in 1976 hydrazine sulfate in cancer patients. Positive public-
(24). In 1979, however, it was taken off the ACS list ity about hydrazine sulfate at a 1974 meeting of the
of unproven methods, following the initiation of National Health Federation, an advocacy group for
clinical trials under a new IND exemption (90), unconventional treatment, led the public to request
although this change was not publicly made until hydrazine sulfate directly from the company. The
1982, when the next revised list was published. FDA later stopped the company from selling it to
patients and withdrew all INDs on the agent.
While hydrazine sulfate has, in the last few years,
been studied by some mainstream researchers, it is In 1975, Gold reported results of the descriptive
still considered an unconventional treatment. Arti- study of hydrazine sulfate conducted under Calbio-
cles in the popular literature continue to highlight chem’s IND (349). Using reports from physicians
controversial issues in hydrazine sulfate’s develop- whose advanced cancer patients were taking hydra-
ment (416,549,647). Proponents argue that the zine sulfate, Gold noted several cases of tumor
primary emphasis on treating cachexia, rather than regression and subjective improvement, and some
the tumor itself, resulted in hydrazine sulfate being adverse effects, such as numbness in the extremities
not only ignored but maligned by conventional and transient nausea. An uncontrolled study con-
medicine. In a 1988 interview with a Washington ducted in the Soviet Union also reported tumor
Post reporter, the former director of NCI, Vincent regression and subjective improvement among pa-
DeVita, Jr., reinforced this view of why hydrazine tients taking hydrazine sulfate (794). This latter
sulfate was not received more enthusiastically by the study was followed up with a larger descriptive
oncologic community: study in the Soviet Union that reported some cases
Chapter 5--Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments . 101
of partial regression, stabilization, and subjective Stronger evidence of hydrazine sulfate’s effects
improvement (324). In contrast, 3 small, uncon- on cancer patients comes from the most recent study
trolled clinical studies found no evidence of tumor reported by Chlebowski and colleagues (186). A
regression among advanced cancer patients taking randomized, prospective, placebo-controlled clini-
hydrazine sulfate (527,690,828). cal trial was conducted to assess changes in nutri-
tional status and survival time as a result of
More recent clinical studies of hydrazine sulfate hydrazine sulfate taken in addition to cisplatin-
have examined effects other than antitumor re- containing combination chemotherapy. Sixty-five
sponses. Rowan Chlebowski, M. D., Ph. D., and his patients with advanced, unrespectable (non-operable)
colleagues at the University of California at Los non-small-cell lung cancer were randomized to
Angeles (UCLA) have examined the effect of chemotherapy and hydrazine sulfate (oral doses of
hydrazine sulfate on metabolism and weight loss in 60 mg/day) or to chemotherapy and placebo. These
cancer patients. In 1984 and 1987 papers describing patients had had no prior chemotherapy and were
biochemical studies, Chlebowski reported that hy- described as being partially or fully ambulatory
drazine sulfate is metabolically active, improves (performance status O to 2). All patients received the
abnormal glucose tolerance, and reduces the in- same defined nutritional counseling.
creased glucose production rates seen in cancer
patients with weight loss (187,849). These studies Nutritional status was found to be improved in
did not examine clinical outcomes in patients given patients taking hydrazine sulfate: they had signifi-
hydrazine sulfate. cantly greater caloric intake and albumin mainte-
nance. In previous studies, a low serum albumin
In a separate study, Chlebowski and colleagues level inpatients with non-small-cell lung cancer was
examined the effects of a 30-day hydrazine sulfate found to be predictive of poor survival time, while
treatment regimen on weight, appetite, and caloric maintenance of serum albumin level was found to be
intake in cancer patients (185). The study was not significantly predictive of better 2-year survival in
designed to measure changes in tumor growth, since patients with this type of cancer.
indicators of measurable disease were not required
of patients entering the study, and concurrent Median survival time among patients in the study
chemotherapy was permitted. Sixty-one of the was found to be greater among those taking hydra-
patients entered into the study were randomized to zine sulfate (292 days) than among those taking the
hydrazine sulfate or placebo; 40 additional patients placebo (197 days), but this difference was not
were assigned hydrazine sulfate and included in the statistically significant. Differences in survival time
study results. Approximately half of the patients did reach statistical significance when the patients
were evaluable after 30 days, which greatly reduced were separated into two groups-approximately 35
the actual size of the study. Unfortunately, results patients in relatively better condition (performance
from the randomized and nonrandomized groups status O or 1), and approximately 30 patients in more
were combined, and the report does not state how impaired condition (performance status 2). Those
many patients from the randomized group were in patients in better condition who took hydrazine
the evaluable group included in the results. Report- sulfate lived significantly longer (328 days) than
ing only in percentages, the authors stated that a those taking placebo (209 days). Forty-two percent
higher percentage of the patients on hydrazine of these patients taking hydrazine sulfate were alive
sulfate maintained or increased their weight, im- at 1 year, compared to 18 percent of those taking
proved their appetite, and increased their caloric placebo. There was no similar increase in median
intake, suggesting a beneficial effect on these survival for patients in relatively worse condition;
clinical measures. However, valid judgments about both treatment groups in this case had a median
such differences could be drawn only from the survival of 132 days. Hydrazine sulfate was not
randomized data, which were not presented apart found to have a direct antitumor effect on patients in
from data on the serially treated patients. Neverthe- either group. No complete responses were found,
less, the study did provide suggestive evidence that and among the partial responses noted, 23 percent
hydrazine sulfate might improve outcomes in cancer were in patients taking hydrazine, while 29 percent
patients with cachexia, suggesting the need for were found in patients taking the placebo. These
further research. were presumably attributable to the chemotherapy.
102 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Based on the results showing that hydrazine market the substance (985). The popularity of
sulfate improved nutritional status in patients with laetrile increased dramatically in the early 1970s
non-small-cell lung cancer and increased survival when members of the ultraconservative John Birch
time in the subset of those patients who were more Society came to the aid of a physician and fellow
fully ambulatory, the authors suggested that hydra- member who had been arrested for illegally treating
zine sulfate warrants further evaluation as an adjunct patients with laetrile. Using this case as a starting
to conventional treatment. As they noted, the modest point, several Birch Society members joined to-
size of this trial limits the strength of the conclusions gether to found the “Committee for the Freedom of
that can be drawn from it. The results were Choice in Cancer Therapy,” pimarily to advocate
sufficiently promising, though, to have recently the right of cancer patients to use laetrile (722).
prompted NCI to sponsor one or more phase III Other groups, such as the Cancer Control Society
randomized studies designed to further evaluate the and the National Health Federation, actively pro-
influence of hydrazine sulfate on clinical outcomes moted the use and legalization of laetrile (962). With
in cancer patients (316). the support of Andrew McNaughton, a Canadian
businessman, several factories around the world
were built to manufacture laetrile (101).
Laetrile is perhaps the best known unconventional Some proponents of laetrile cite a theory of cancer
cancer treatment of the past two decades. In the etiology known as the ‘‘Unitarian’ or ‘‘trophoblas-
mid-1970s, an estimated 70,000 people had used it tic” theory as the basis for treating cancer with
for cancer treatment, pain control, or cancer preven- laetrile. First proposed by John Beard in 1902 and
tion (274), and by 1979, 21 States had legalized its later expanded on by Ernst Krebs, Jr., in the 1940s
use (722). During the same period, laetrile had and 1950s, that theory draws a connection between
become the focus of apolitical and legal controversy cancer cells and trophoblast cells, which are cells
about patients’ access to unapproved drugs (see ch. present during pregnancy that are thought to protect
10) (396,525,578,648,705). Since the early 1980s, the fertilized egg from rejection by the woman’s
laetrile has lost much of its popular appeal, but is immune system. Both cancer cells and the tropho-
currently available at many of the unconventional blast cells are described in the trophoblast theory as
cancer clinics in Mexico used by U.S. patients. invasive, erosive, corrosive, and capable of being
carried through the bloodstream to other parts of the
Amygdalin, laetrile, Laetrile (capitalized), sar-
body. According to the theory, trophoblast cells
carcinase, and nitriloside are some of the names of
could develop at various places in the body from
chemically related substances given to patients as
precursor cells distributed throughout the body
laetrile treatment (903). Proponents have also re-
during embryonic development, and that these
ferred to the treatment as a vitamin (“B-17”) even
precursor cells could, under certain circumstances,
though it has never been recognized as such by the
become cancer cells. Laetrile proponents have also
scientific community. One of these names, Laetrile,6 proposed that cancer is a deficiency disease caused
is the trade name for a substance chemically related
by a lack of laetrile (“vitamin B-17”) in the diet
to amygdalin, a substance found naturally in pits of
apricots and other fruits. In this report, the term
“laetrile” is used to refer generally to this group of
closely related substance(s) used in unconventional When laetrile is subjected to enzymatic break-
cancer treatment. down in the body, it breaks down into three
chemicals: glucose, benzaldehyde, and hydrogen
Laetrile was developed from an extract of amygdalin cyanide (545). Various preparations of benzalde-
by Ernst Krebs Sr., M.D., and Ernst Krebs, Jr., and hyde have been studied recently, mainly in Japan, for
was frost used to treat cancer patients in California in antitumor activity in experimental animals (581) and
the early 1950s. Its use in the United States, Mexico, in preliminary clinical studies (481,482). Cyanide
and Canada gradually expanded in the 1960s, as has well-known toxic effects on human cells, both
various laboratories were set up to produce and normal and malignant (197).
G~~le WaS nwed in referen~ to its biochemical properties; it was laevorotatory, or left-handed, to pokuized light ~d belonged to the
mandelonitrile class of chemicak.
Chapter Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments . 103
Laetrile proponents claim that laetrile kills tumor differed substantially from the labeled potency. In
cells selectively, while leaving normal cells alone. In addition, of approximately 1,500 ampules that were
support of this, Ernst Krebs, Jr., hypothesized that examined visually, about 400 contained particulate
normal cells produce an enzyme, beta glucosidase, matter, and 20 showed microbial growth (primarily
that breaks down laetrile, releasing cyanide, which budding yeast and fungal hyphae), indicating con-
is then converted by a second enzyme, rhodanese, to tamination of the material. These contaminants pose
the less toxic thiocyanate molecule; cancer cells, additional risks of complications, especially when
however, lack the enzyme rhodanese, according to given intravenously to patients who may be im-
Krebs’ theory, and therefore are killed by the free munosuppressed. Bradford and colleagues at the
cyanide (704,903). American Biologics clinic in Tijuana have noted the
existence of “pure” and “decomposed and de-
In the 1970s, proponents claimed that laetrile had
graded” products sold as laetrile or amygdalin (97).
direct antitumor effects, relieved pain associated
with advanced cancer, and helped to prevent cancer
(903). In recent years, specific claims of antitumor Attempts at Evaluating Laetrile
activity of laetrile have rarely been made. Instead, Since the 1950s, laetrile has been examined for
laetrile is more often discussed in the context of antitumor activity in a variety of experimental test
“metabolic” regimens, with claims made for anti- systems. Its use in cancer patients has also been
tumor responses and life extension resulting from described by several proponents and it has been the
the use of a combination of treatments, including subject of clinical trials sponsored by NCI. These
laetrile, DMSO, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, efforts are summarized b e l o w .
enzymes, oxygen treatment, cellular treatment, and
other substances (97,239,576). Animal Studies
Laetrile has been tested for antitumor activity in
Adverse Effects
a variety of transplanted rodent tumor systems.
Since laetrile itself is about 6 percent cyanide by Experiments were conducted in several different
weight, cyanide toxicity is possible when laetrile is laboratories under NCI sponsorship in 1957, 1960,
broken down in the body. If an excessive amount of 1969 (twice), and 1973, testing the effects of laetrile
laetrile is ingested, or if something is done to alone or in combination with beta glucosidase.
accelerate or increase the release of cyanide from These experiments used several different sources of
laetrile, then toxic and lethal levels of cyanide can be laetrile and a variety of transplanted rodent tumor
reached. Beta glucosidase, the enzyme that can systems, and in each case, no antitumor activity was
markedly accelerate the release of cyanide from found (906). Other investigators have tested laetrile
laetrile, is found in common foods as such raw alone (183,404,838) or laetrile with beta glucosidase
almonds, other nuts, bean and alfalfa sprouts, (519,965) in transplanted rodent tests. No antitumor
peaches, lettuce, celery, and mushrooms (784). activity has been found in any of these experiments.
When laetrile is simultaneously ingested with a
Laetrile alone and in combination with beta
source of the beta glucosidase enzyme, toxic cyanide
glucosidase has also been tested for antitumor
levels may result. Cyanide toxicity has been ob-
activity in human tumor xenografts in athymic
served in patients receiving laetrile, although many
(nude) mice. Using MX-1 mammary or CX-2 colon
patients have taken it without showing any signifi-
tumor xenografts in these mice, no antitumor effects
cant clinical signs of cyanide toxicity (620,623).
of laetrile with or without the enzyme were found
Common adverse effects noted in the studies (de-
scribed later in this section) by Moertel and col-
leagues at the Mayo Clinic were nausea, vomiting, Spontaneous animal tumor systems have also
headache, and dizziness. Isolated reports of deaths been used in a variety of tests involving laetrile. In
due to cyanide poisoning following the ingestion of a study often cited in the proponent literature, Harold
laetrile have appeared in the literature Manner and colleagues (575) treated mice that had
(100,585,644,697,768,779,800,8 11). Samples of Mex- spontaneous mammary tumors with the following
ican laetrile were examined at NCI for potency, three agents, tested individually and in various
content, and quality of manufacture (248,249). It combinations: laetrile (50 mg/kg body weight per
was found that the measured potency of the samples day injected intramuscularly), vitamin A (333,333
104 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
IU/kg body weight per day administered via stom- had laetrile or the control treatment. This was
ach tube), and digestive enzymes (10 mg injected intended to address the issue of unintentional bias in
every other day ‘directly into and around the tumor observing the presence of metastasis, since the two
mass’ ‘). The animals were observed for signs of methods that Sugiura used to detect metastases—
tumor regression during a 30-day period of treat- gross observation and microscopic analysis-were
ment. reported to be inherently subjective, while another
method he did not use, bioassay, was reported to be
According to the published report, no tumor less subject to bias. These independent and blind
regressions were observed in the animals treated experiments (including those Sugiura participated
with laetrile alone, vitamin A alone, or laetrile and in) did not confirm Sugiura’s initial results. The
vitamin A in combination. Tumor regressions were authors concluded that in the spontaneous animal
observed in the four treatment groups receiving the tumor system, ‘‘laetrile was found to possess neither
digestive enzymes (and a few in the control groups); preventive, nor tumor-regressant, nor antimetastatic,
in these animals, ulcerations containing necrotic nor curative anticancer activity. ”
malignant cells in viscous fluid were found at the
tumor sites. Fifty-two percent or more of the tumors The report summarizing both Sugiura’s work and
regressed in the groups treated with enzymes alone, the independent experiments (on which Sugiura was
enzymes and vitamin A in combination, enzymes a coauthor) noted that Sugiura believed his initial
and laetrile in combination, or enzymes, vitamin A, results were valid and that laetrile had antimetastatic
and laetrile in combination. The highest percentage activity. In an addendum to the paper, Daniel Martin,
was found in the latter group, in which all three Chester Stock, and Robert Good added that the
treatments were given. The authors concluded that negative results of the blind experiments suggested
laetrile given alone is ‘‘not effective in tumor that Sugiura’s initial experiments were unknowingly
regression” but that when all three are given at the biased, and reiterated their conclusion that laetrile
same time, “76 percent of the tumors do completely had “no action against the formation of metastasis
regress.” It appears from the results, however, that in the spontaneous tumor system. ”
the main effect observed was the immediate prote- Human Studies
olytic effect of injecting digestive enzymes directly
into tumor masses. From the 1950s until the late 1970s, laetrile was
reported to have been used widely, not only in the
The largest and most complex set of tests on United States, but also in Europe, Mexico, and
laetrile in animals was described by Chester Stock elsewhere. Descriptions by practitioners of its use in
and colleagues at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer cancer patients appeared in various books and
Center and Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and journals. These include a 1962 book by Howard
Queens (837). One of the investigators at Sloan- Beard on the trophoblastic theory of cancer (381), a
Kettering, Kanematsu Sugiura, conducted six initial 1962 report in a U.S. medical journal written by a
experiments using CD8FI mice with spontaneous New Jersey surgeon (643), numerous reports by a
mammary tumors, and found that the mice treated physician in the Philippines (e.g., (662)), an abstract
with laetrile showed no significant prevention of and presentation by practitioners in Italy and Bel-
growth of primary tumors, but did show inhibition in gium (765), papers by Dean Burk and Hans Nieper
the development of lung metastasis. In an unusual (e.g., (110)), and a 1977 book describing patients
sequence of events, unauthorized information about treated at a California clinic (758). None of these
these experiments was made public before the reports describes controlled, prospective trials from
results were confirmed independently, leading to which valid judgments of laetrile’s effects could be
allegations by proponents that “proof” of laetrile’s made. They were probably influential in increasing
effectiveness had been obtained and then suppressed the popularity of the drug, however, since they all
by the Sloan-Kettering researchers (240,648,813). reported good results believed to be specifically
related to laetrile.
These experiments were followed by a series of
five experiments designed to replicate Sugiura’s In the mid-1970s, the National Cancer Institute
initial experiments. In two blinded experiments, the (NCI) attempted to obtain documented evidence of
assessment of tumor status was done in such a way objective responses to laetrile, using an approach
that the observer did not know whether the mice had designed to collect information from the records of
Chapter Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments . 105
people who themselves claimed, or whose practi- the patients from the NCI files who had not had
tioners claimed, had been treated successfully. The laetrile, one, who had not had any treatment, was
intention was not to try to estimate possible rates of judged to have had a partial response.
effectiveness, or to document adverse effects, but
simply to discover any evidence for an antitumor Despite attempts to blind the panelists to whether
affect. the patients had had laetrile, a higher-than-expected
proportion answered correctly when asked to guess
Retrospective Review of Cases
whether patients had had laetrile or other treatment.
NCI sent nearly half a million letters to physi- However, the consensus for the six laetrile-treated
cians, other health professionals, and pro-laetrile patients determined to have had partial or complete
groups, asking for documented case histories of responses, and three determined to have had an
patients who had shown objective responses to increased disease-free survival, was that they had
laetrile (274). Consent of the patient or next of kin, received conventional chemotherapy.
confirmatory histologic material, measurable dis-
ease, adequately documented history, use of laetrile The discussion in the report of that review
with or without metabolic treatment for a period of illustrates the difficulty in interpreting results such
at least 30 days, with at least a 30-day period as these. The authors make a number of useful
preceding during which no conventional cancer points. First, the rather small number of cases
treatment was given, and records in English were submitted in relation to the solicitation effort, and
required for cases submitted. Supporting informa- the loss of cases due to sources not submitting
tion for each submitted case was sought from requested information, left a relatively small number
physicians, clinics, hospitals, and laboratories. of evaluable cases. It is unclear what NCI could have
done differently to increase the number of cases
The solicitation and review of the public record
submitted. The authors also commented that cases
resulted in identifying 230 patients with claimed
rejected from the review as invaluable were not
objective responses from laetrile, all of whom (or the
necessarily examples of poor medical management
next-of-kin) were asked to authorize release of their
or of patients who may not have benefited from
medical records. Ninety-three gave permission, and
laetrile. The necessary rigor of NCI’S process alone
after assembling the records for all cases, 26 were
determined their evaluability. A natural tendency is
found to be insufficient for review (many because
to want to compute a “response rate’ using these
requested records were not sent). The review was
data, but, in fact, there is no valid means to do so,
based on the 67 remaining laetrile-treated cases (one
therefore these data cannot be summarized i n a
of whom had two separate courses of laetrile). In an
meaningful statistical sense.
attempt to avoid personal biases against laetrile in
the evaluation, 26 case histories of patients with A number of explanations for the six cases
similar types of cancer who received conventional determined to have benefited after laetrile treatment
treatment, but not laetrile, were pulled from the NCI are offered in the published report. First, it is
files, and added to the laetrile cases. A summary of
possible that the patients responded to laetrile, but in
the clinical course of each of the 93 cases, without this type of study, that explanation cannot be
specifying whether the patient had or had not assumed true:
received laetrile, was presented to a panel of 12
expert clinical oncologists from outside NCI for Submission of incorrect clinical interpretations,
their independent review. A group consensus was falsified data, intentional or unintentional omission
then reached after discussing the results of the of data (for example, concurrent conventional ther-
individual reviews. apy), the possibility that we were unaware of some
physicians treating these patients or non-response to
By consensus, there were two complete remis- our inquiries must all be considered in interpreting
sions, four partial remissions, nine cases of stable these findings. . . . Spontaneous regressions of tu-
disease, and seven cases of progressive disease. mors, although rare, have been documented. . . with
Thirty-five cases were non-evaluable, meaning that frequency varying according to tumor type. Even in
they did not meet original criteria for cases, and 11 the absence of true spontaneous regression, the well
had insufficient data on which to judge response. Of documented variability in the natural history of some
106 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
tumors may confuse interpretation (904) and, in fact, was also stopped if an extremely high blood cyanide
the panel judged by consensus that a partial response level was reached (3 micrograms per milliliter); this
occurred in one patient receiving no treatment during was the case for three patients.
the course evaluated. The patients treated with
Laetrile were almost always given concomitant Standard criteria were used to assess patient
metabolic therapy. . . as well as general supportive- response. An “objective response” had to meet the
care measures such as improved diet, psychologic following three conditions: 1) at least a 50 percent
support and the unmeasurable ingredient of hope. decrease in a particular measurement of the most
This fact makes it difficult to attribute any tumor clearly measurable tumor area of an originally
responses to Laetrile alone. chosen “indicator lesion” (or if malignant enlarged
The authors suggested, however, that the data would liver were the measurable disease, a 30 percent
be used by NCI in determiningg if further study is decrease in a particular measurement); 2) no in-
needed. A prospective trial, described below, was crease in the size of other areas of malignant disease;
conducted following the case review. and 3) no new areas of malignant disease. Two
criteria had to be met to be classified as in “stable
Phase I and II Clinical Trials condition”: 1) less than 50 percent decrease in the
measurement referred to above in the first criterion
After the laetrile case review described above,
for an objective response; and 2) no new areas of
NCI sponsored phase I and II clinical trials, which
malignant disease. Meeting any one of three criteria
were carried out at the Mayo Clinic. In the phase I
constituted “objective progression’ 1) an increase
study (620), information about dosage and toxicity
was gathered in preparation for the phase II study of more than 25 percent in any indicator lesion; 2)
new areas of malignant disease; or 3) severe clinical
(623), which is described here. One hundred seventy-
deterioration precluding further therapy and obser-
eight patients with advanced cancers were treated
with amygdalin, according to a regimen “represen- vation.
tative of current Laetrile practice,” and were pre- The study found that 1 of the 175 evaluable
scribed a diet and vitamin supplements designed by patients met the criteria for a partial response (at
the investigators to be similar to metabolic regimens least 50 percent decrease in size, but not disappear-
offered by many laetrile practitioners. A subgroup ance of lesion), and that response was transient.
(14 patients with colorectal cancer) was given a More than half of the patients had measurable
high-dose regimen of both amygdalin and supple- progression at the end of the 3-week intravenous
ments, resembling high-dose regimens used by some amygdalin course. By the end of 2 months, about 80
laetrile practitioners. percent had measurable disease, and by 7 months, all
About a third of the patients had colorectal cancer, patients had progressed. The median survival (the
the next largest categories being lung, breast, and point after starting treatment at which half the
melanoma, with rare cancers represented by fewer patients had died) was 4.8 months. The 14 high-dose
patients were similar in these outcomes to the entire
patients. All patients had disease for which no
conventional treatment was available, though none group.
was bedridden and all were able to eat normally. There was little evidence in this trial population of
Most of the patients were capable of working at least symptomatic relief. Few people gained weight, and
part time. About a third of the patients had had no improvements in performance status for those origi-
chemotherapy at all. This is of interest because some nally impaired were few. Twenty percent of patients
metabolic practitioners claim that laetrile and meta- claimed some symptomatic benefit at some point
bolic therapy are more effective in patients whose during treatment, but this was generally short-lived.
immune systems have not been damaged by chemo- After 10 weeks, 5 percent of patients reported still
therapy. receiving benefit.
The amygdalin was prepared by NCI from apricot Toxicities were generally mild when patients
pits, corresponding to the laetrile sold by major adhered strictly to the treatment schedules. Typical
suppliers to U.S. patients. It was administered symptoms of cyanide toxicity-nausea, vomiting,
intravenously for 21 days, followed by continued headache, and mental dullness-occurred in some
oral dosage, and stopped with progression of the cases, particularly when patients took more amyg-
cancer or severe ‘clinical deterioration.’ Amygdalin dalin during a specified time period than was
Chapter Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 107
prescribed (e.g., when a dose was missed, and the genous vaccine designed to treat and prevent infec-
patient “made it up”). tion with the microbe that she believed causes
cancer. The current treatment regimen, offered at an
The authors stated that survival times of patients
outpatient clinic in San Diego, includes a variety of
in the trial “appear to be consistent with the
components intended to bolster patients’ immune
anticipated survivals in comparable patients receiv-
responses in general and to counteract effects of
ing inactive treatment or no treatment. ” When
microbial infection. These components, which have
challenged on this point in a letter to the editor of the
changed over time, include antibiotics, vitamin and
New England Journal of Medicine (709), the investi-
mineral supplements, and a special diet. The Liv-
gators compared the survival curve of colorectal
ingston-Wheeler treatment was added to the ACS
cancer patients in the trial to survival of colorectal
list of unproven methods in 1968 (23). In February
patients who had received new chemotherapeutic
1990, Livingston was issued a cease and desist order
agents at the Mayo Clinic, and found no difference
by the California Department of Health Services to
(619). The study was not designed, however, to
stop prescribing and administering the autogenous
determine if amygdalin causes moderate increases in
vaccine as part of her treatment regimen (831). 8
lifespan (or improvements in well-being or pain
control), since it did not include a randomized After receiving her M.D. from New York Univer-
control group, and thus the author’s comparison is sity in 1936, Livingston held a number of academic,
not entirely valid. clinical, and laboratory positions, including associ-
The study was criticized by laetrile supporters, ate professor in the Bureau of Biological Research at
who claimed that the material NCI used was not Rutgers University and associate professor of micro-
“Laetrile,” but in fact, a‘‘degradedproduct” (237). biology at the University of San Diego (563). In
However, the NCI product was prepared to corre- 1969, she established the Livingston-Wheeler Clinic, 9
spond to one of several popular formulations being where she was director, and began treating cancer
administered to U.S. patients at the time, and the patients on a full-time basis. Livingston was one of
regimen used in the study did reflect then current the most widely known practitioners of unconven-
practices of proponents. If the treatment had the tional cancer treatment in the United States.
antitumor activity claimed for it, a substantial Livingston’s hypothesis on the role of infectious
number of patients in this trial should have shown agents in the etiology of cancer originated from her
objective responses. As it turned out, only 1 out of work in the mid- 1940s on scleroderma, a systemic,
175 patients studied showed a response-a partial, autoimmune connective tissue disorder. Comparing
transient tumor response—which was far below tuberculosis, leprosy, scleroderma, and cancer, she
expectations based on proponents’ claims of lae- noted that “all four diseases are characterized by a
trile’s efficacy. simultaneous process of production and destruction
of tissue and by a progressive, systemic involvement
THE LIVINGSTON-WHEELER of the host” (971). She redirected her research from
REGIMEN the bacteriology of scleroderma to that of cancer,
beginning with tissue from a patient with breast
More than 40 years ago, the late Virginia (Wuer- cancer.
thele Caspé) Livingston-Wheeler, M.D.,7 reported
that she identified a specific microorganism she In a paper published in 1950 (973), Livingston
believed was associated with the development and reported on a group of microorganisms that she
progression of cancer. During the 1950s, she devel- isolated from tumor tissue. She referred to these
oped a comprehensive theory of cancer causation organisms as a single culture and described the
based on this common infective agent and designed various forms in which they appeared: ‘‘minute
a corresponding anti-infective treatment-an auto- filterable granules beyond the limits of visibility of
vofflci~ly, she ~ti the name Virginia C. Livingsto~ M.D. Dr. Livingston died shortly before this OTA Report was finished.
8~e Dw~ent fomd tit tie use of tie Vaccfie by the Livingston.wheeler Cwc violated California’s Health and %fety Code, which “prohibits
the sale, providing, or prescribing of any cancer drug, medicine, compound, or device unless it has been scientifically proven to be safe and effective
in the diagnosis, treatmen~ alleviatio~ or cure of cancer and an application therefore has been approved by the Department or the United States Food
and Drug Administration.”
9SiUW her dea@ tie clinic has been renamed the Livingston Medical Center.
108 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
the light microscope, “ “larger granules approxi- To examine their potential for causing disease,
mately the size of ordinary cocci readily seen with Livingston inoculated mice and guinea pigs with
the light microscope,” “globoidal forms,” “rod- cultures of P. cryptocides and reported a “wide
like forms with irregular staining,” and “globoidal range of neoplastic tissue changes’ in the inoculated
forms which appear to undergo polar budding.’ She animals (972,978). These results were confirmed by
reported that she did not find these forms in the Irene Diner at the Institute for Cancer Research in
tissues of healthy individuals, and suggested that Philadelphia (255,256). On the basis of these experi-
this organism might be of primary or secondary ments, Livingston concluded that P. cryptocides was
importance in the etiology of cancer. pathogenic in animals, and extrapolated this patho-
genicity to humans. She believed that P. cryptocides
Although admittedly not the first to culture is the “primary etiologic agent in proliferative and
microorganisms from tumor cells, Livingston be- degenerative diseases” (977) and claims that her
lieved that she was the first to postulate interrelation- work proves it to be the causative agent in all
ships among the observed bacteria, viruses, and cancers. In the absence of clinical studies examining
mycoplasma. To do this, she examined the ‘ ‘devel- the possible role that P. cryptocides might play in the
opmental cycle of the organism through each development of cancer, however, the pathogenicity
transitional phase” using specific growth media, of this microbe or group of microbes in humans
differential staining, high power microscopic resolu- remains unresolved.
tion, and electron microscopy. She concluded that
these phases represented different developmental There is little support, outside of a few researchers
forms of the same microorganism (974), which she (see, e.g., (106)), for Livingston’s belief that the
characterized as “pleomorphic,” a term used in different microbes observed in tissues and blood of
microbiology to refer to bacteria that change in size cancer patients are actually different forms of the
and shape during their lifecycle (also called “cell same organism. At present, no independent evidence
wall deficient” bacteria) (584). She reported that exists to corroborate her contention that the micro-
these different forms included micrococci, diph- bial forms are related to each other as different forms
theroids, bacilli, fungi, viruses, and host-cell inclu- of a single, pleomorphic organism. Evidence does
sions (977). In 1970, Livingston proposed a formal show that the bacterial culture Livingston isolated is
classification for this microbe and described her not a new and unique species as claimed: P.
method for isolating and culturing it (978). She cryptocides cultures supplied by Livingston were
classified it under the order Actinomycetales, which identified as different species of the genus Staphylo-
includes the bacteria associated with tuberculosis coccus and Streptococcus (3,4,258). The issue of
and leprosy, and named her microbe Progenitor isolating bacteria of any kind from tumor tissue and
cryptocides (PC), meaning “the ancestral, or pri- urine of cancer patients, however, is generally not
mordial, hidden killer” (563). disputed, since many groups of researchers have
reported isolating various species and strains of
bacteria from such sources (see, e.g., (3,62,209)).
Livingston believed that P. cryptocides is ubiqui-
Some of these bacteria have also been shown to
tous in patients with cancer and, contrary to her
undergo morphologic alterations characteristic of
earlier observation, that it is also present in some
cell wall deficient (or pleomorphic) bacteria (4).
individuals without apparent disease (560). She
Acevedo and others have looked into the effect that
believed that in a healthy person, this microbe is
these organisms might have on the body’s immune
maintained at low levels in the body, but under some
response to malignant cells (4).
conditions, it can multiply in overwhelming num-
bers and become invasive and tumor-promoting During the course of her research into the
(978). Special staining methods were developed by properties of P. cryptocides, Livingston discovered
Livingston and her colleagues to determine the that this microbial culture produces a substance in
degree of latent or overt infection, an indicator that vitro that is closely related to the human hormone
she used to determine the progress of the disease chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (980). 10 Her report
during treatment (979). was the first to document the production of a
lwuman chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone secreted in pregnancy by the trophoblast cells that form the outer part of the -o ~d allow
implantation. In early pregnancy, this hormone plays a role in main - the lining of the uterus and in preventing spontaneous abortion of the fetus.
Chapter S-Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 109
mammalian hormone-like substance by microorgan- supplements. That paper described how the vaccine
isms, and this has been confirmed by other investiga- was made and administered to cancer patients,
tors (209,580). Others have observed a protein although clinical details about the patients, such as
similar to hCG produced in vivo by a variety of tumor type, previous treatment, or outcome, were
microorganisms (5). The hormone has been found in not provided; it was noted only that, following
tumor tissue isolated from cancer patients, though vaccine treatment, “a number of these patients
not from every species of bacteria isolated from appear to be improving. Livingston did not publish
cancer patients; it has also been found in bacterial any other papers in the medical literature presenting
isolates from individuals without clinical manifesta- data on tumor regression or life extension in cancer
tions of cancer (3). These findings suggest that the patients treated with her regimen. At present, other
production of a chorionic gonadotropin-like sub- information about the treatment consists of the
stance by human tissues or microorganisms is not materials available from the Livingston-Wheeler
uniquely associated with cancer, although they do Clinic (a patient brochure, a physician handbook,
not rule out a possible role for the hormone in the and a compendium of published research papers by
development of some cancers. Researchers have Livingston and some of her colleagues), and two
suggested the possibility that chorionic gonadotropin, books written for a general audience (Cancer: A New
whether produced by human cells (691) or by Breakthrough (975) and The Conquest of Cancer
bacterially infected human tumor tissue, may sup- (563)). The Conquest of Cancer contains case
press certain immune responses (517), and that history Summaries of patients treated at the clinic
substances acting against hCG may inhibit the (see discussion below).
growth of malignant cells (471).
Livingston stated in a deposition (559) that her
Livingston believed that P. cryptocides is “an treatment does not interfere with conventional
essential but dormant part of all cells, ” and is treatment and can be used adjunctively (559). She
normally kept in check by a fully functional immune stated in her book, however, that she preferred that
system. She believed that ‘‘when immunity is patients avoid conventional treatment before start-
suppressed or weakened, P. cryptocides proliferate ing her regimen, since, as she explained it, “often
and allow cancer to gain a foothold, secreting the they come to us after having been so heavily treated
same (chorionic gonadotropin) hormone found in that their immune systems are all but destroyed, and
abundance in all tumors. ’ She viewed cancer as an their turners are far advanced” (563).
“immune deficiency disease” caused by specific
inadequacies in the diet and by toxic chemicals in the
environment. She stated in her 1984 book, “the Treatment Regimen
modern diet is simply deficient in providing the The treatment regimen (as of July 1990, before
nutrition essentials that maintain a healthy, vital Dr. Livingston’s death) used at the clinic included a
immunity to cancer . . . what we put in our mouths number of different immunologic, pharmacologic,
either causes or directly contributes to the onset of and nutritional components.
cancer through the depression of our immunity”
Before the 1990 “cease and desist” order was
issued (see above), the autogenous vaccine was
Possible treatment approaches for cancer based on administered to all patients. The vaccine was in-
her theory of cancer causation were discussed for the tended to eliminate P. cryptocides from the body and
first time in a paper Livingston published in 1965 was made from each patient’s own culture of
(977). In that paper, she reported treating 40 patients microorganisms, which were isolated from urine. In
with a regimen that included an autogenous vaccine- the initial treatment period, each patient was sup-
one made from each patient’s culture of P. cryp- plied with enough vaccine for 9 to 12 months.
tocides. The vaccine was designed to promote the Thereafter, new cultures were obtained periodically
production of immunologic cells, to suppress the for the production of new vaccines, so that the
invading microorganism, and to promote host resis- treatment continued to correspond to any changes in
tance. Other components of the treatment include the patient’s P. cryptocides levels as treatment
laxatives, cleansing enemas, and a special diet low progressed (559). Gradually, the frequency of auto-
in carbohydrates and high in well-cooked proteins, genous vaccine administration was decreased and
fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and vitamin and mineral eventually, only occasional booster shots were
110 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
given. Livingston also gave a “purified antigen” Another component of the regimen is bowel
vaccine made at the clinic, consisting of a cell wall hygiene and detoxification. Livingston stated that
extract of a general P. cryptocides culture (562). frequent enemas, and sometimes high colonies, are
necessary to cleanse the intestinal tract of patho-
Other immunologic treatments included in the
genic bacteria and toxic materials. She stated also
regimen are mixed bacterial vaccines, antibiotics,
that they help relieve pain and improve appetite and
and various commercially prepared nonspecific digestion. Daily coffee enemas may be recom-
immune stimulators, such as levamisole (a conven-
tional antiparasitic agent also used as an immune
stimulant and recently shown effective in treating In this regimen, emphasis is placed on the use of
patients with colon cancer), and tuftsin (an experi- abscisic acid, a plant hormone and vitamin A analog
mental agent noted for various immune stimulating that Livingston believed neutralizes chorionic gona-
properties). The bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) dotropin in the blood and urine. She stated that
vaccine, a vaccine that immunizes against tuberculo- abscisic acid is normally produced in the human
sis and used as a general immunologic stimulant in liver, unless its function is impaired (561,976). This
some conventional cancer treatment, is also used in claim has apparently not been examined independ-
many cases. Other treatments are offered on a ently by researchers unaffiliated with Livingston.
case-by-case basis.
There have been no reports in the literature of
Progress in reducing infection with P. cryptocides direct adverse effects from the Livingston regimen.
is monitored by examining smears of a patient’s There are some potential risks, however. As with any
blood under a darkfield microscope, an uncommon injection into the body of a foreign substance, the
type of microscope that Livingston believed a key to injection of the autogenous vaccine carries the
identifying P. cryptocides microbes. A decrease or associated risk of sepsis or anaphylaxis. Some risk
increase in the number of visible P. cryptocides of contamination in the preparation of the material is
microbes in the blood smear is used to indicate also possible, depending on the processes and
increasing or decreasing immune response as a result procedures used to make and assure the sterility of
of treatment. Other tests are also used to assess the vaccines manufactured at the clinic. In addition,
immune response and progress of treatment (563). in any setting, the use of whole blood transfusion,
even with directed donors’ blood, carries a small risk
Another component of the regimen is the provi-
of transmitting various infectious agents. Living-
sion of fresh, whole-blood transfusions from a
ston’s ‘custom formula,’ consisting of an extract of
young, healthy person (preferably a family mem-
sheep liver and spleen, carries certain risks associ-
ber), and injections of gamma globulin to increase
ated with all types of cellular treatment. (See
the number of circulating antibodies. Livingston
discussion of cellular treatment earlier in this
also used a “custom formula,” consisting of an
extract of sheep liver and spleen, to “increase the
white blood count [and] enhance immunogenic
systems.” Other immunologic agents that may be Claims of Efficacy
used include T-cells, thymosin (a hormone-like
Livingston claimed that her treatment regimen is
factor extracted from calf thymus), interferon, and
capable of curing cancer by stimulating the immune
tumor necrosis factor.
system. In support of this claim, she presented in her
Livingston recommended that patients follow book, The Conquest of Cancer, a summary of
specific nutritional guidelines. The recommended clinical outcomes of patients treated at her clinic.
diet emphasizes ‘living food’ ’-whole grains, fresh According to Livingston, “someone not employed
vegetables, and fruits. She strongly encouraged by our clinic drew 100 charts from our files totally
patients to stop smoking and to eliminate meat and at random,” which Livingston then evaluated.
poultry products, alcohol, coffee, refined sugars, and Sixty-two of these were considered evaluable by
processed foods from their diets. Also included is a Livingston’s criteria: she excluded patients whose
nutritional supplementation program, consisting of records lacked confirmed pathology reports, who
high doses of vitamins (especially vitamins A, B6, discontinued the Livingston-Wheeler treatment, who
B12, and C), minerals, digestive enzymes, and bile were ‘‘too weak and ill to carry out the program,’
salts. and “who had only recently checked into the clinic,
Chapter 5--Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments . 111
or whose cases were so recent that even the tional treatment. For a 6-month period, patients were
dramatically fast reversals could only be labeled given regular doses of an autogenous vaccine
inconclusive. Patients who received previous or prepared from cultures of chorionic gonadotropin-
concurrent conventional treatment were not ex- producing bacteria isolated from the patients’ urine
cluded. (820). According to a summary of preliminary
results (a full description is not yet available), the
Livingston concluded from her review that “our
study found several cases of tumor regression, some
success rate has been 82 percent” and “considering
complete and some partial, in this group of patients.
the patients we called inconclusive but for whom we
No adverse reactions, except localized redness and
were able to be of some help, it is over 90 percent,’
an occasional rash that were resolved by changing
although there was no discussion of which cases
the vaccine dose, were noted. Speckhart and
were included in these percentages and for what
Johnson’s full results may contribute information to
reasons. She did not define what she meant by
the further evaluation of the efficacy of such
“success” or being of “some help. ” Regarding the
vaccines in cancer treatment.
18 percent that she did not consider successful, she
stated that she “probably could have helped these
patients had they not come to us with enormously HANS NIEPER
debilitated immune systems resulting from having
Another widely known practitioner of unconven-
already undergone massive chemotherapy and radia-
tion." tional cancer treatment is Hans Nieper, M.D., a West
German physician. Patients from many countries,
The conditions of some of the patients in this including the United States, reportedly have sought
review may or may not have improved as a result of his treatment. Nieper specializes in the treatment of
Livingston’s treatment, but the data presented in her cancer, multiple sclerosis, and heart disease (77).
book on this group of self-selected patients do not For cancer, Nieper prescribes a combination of
support calculation of an overall “success rate. ” conventional and unconventional agents (including
Insufficient information is presented on the clinical pharmaceutical drugs, vitamins, minerals, and ani-
course of these patients for readers to arrive at mal and plant extracts), and recommends that
independent judgments about the treatment’s useful- patients follow a special diet and avoid particular
ness and the complete, original patient data have not physical agents, foods, and physical locations (“ge-
been examined by outside researchers. opathogenic zones’ that he believes are damaging.
At present, there is insufficient information to Since 1964, Nieper has been affiliated with the
indicate whether this regimen is or is not effective in Paracelsus Silbersee Hospital in Hannover, West
treating cancer. However, Livingston’s ideas have Germany. He received his M.D. from the University
stimulated other researchers to study some aspects of Hamburg in 1953 (77). In addition to his medical
of her cancer treatment regimen. For example, practice and clinical research, Nieper hypothesizes
Anthony Strelkauskas, M.D., at the University of about some aspects of theoretical physics. His
South Carolina, is reportedly studying the immune writings cover subjects such as the “shielding
responses of breast cancer patients to the autogenous theory of gravity” and the potential for harnessing
vaccine, but results have not yet been published useful energy from space, which he refers to as the
(559). ‘‘tachyon field. Some of his ideas about problems
A prospective clinical trial of the use of an in medicine, including some aspects of cancer
autogenous vaccine in the treatment of cancer is etiology and treatment, are based on his theories of
energy fields (677).
currently underway in Virginia under the direction
of Vincent Speckhart, M.D., and Alva Johnson, Nieper has published a large number of papers and
Ph.D. (819). The aim of the evaluation is to observe books on medical subjects, in several languages,
tumor responses following vaccine administration according to information from a private library in
among 33 patients described as having advanced Wisconsin 11 that collects and distributes some of
forms of cancer and as either failing previous Nieper’s papers in the United States. These papers,
treatment or having recurrences following conven- some of which are translated from German, are
ll~e Admir~ Ruge Archives, A. Keith Brewer Science Libr~, Richland Center, WiSCO~in.
112 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
distributed by that library as mimeographed type- audience on Nieper’s treatment regimens from
scripts, with a title, Nieper’s name as author, and a Nieper or his supporters.
date; although in all but a few papers, no source or
Thus far, government and private organizations in
citation is given to indicate whether they correspond
the United States have not provided synopses of
to published articles. Using indexes to the open
Nieper’s treatment, as has been done for a variety of
medical literature accessible in the United States
other unconventional cancer treatments that U.S.
(e.g., Index Medicus and Science Citation Index),
cancer patients use. No written statements about
OTA found citations to a small number of articles by
Nieper are available from the Cancer Information
Nieper, only a few in English (675).
Service (CIS) at NCI or the Committee on Unproven
In 1985, an English translation of his book Methods (ACS). One aspect of Nieper’s treatment
Revolution in Technology, Medicine and Society was addressed in a 1986 FDA ‘talk paper’ (890) on
was published (677). This book contains discussions the issue of importation of Nieper’s treatment
(often difficult to follow) of his theories and research materials. In 1987, FDA issued an import alert (891),
interests (titled, e.g., “On the Subject of Medicine announcing that shipments of drugs prescribed by
and the Tachyon Era,” ‘‘ The Symposium on Energy Nieper would be detained by U.S. Customs agents.
Technology in Hannover,” “Congress on Gravity FDA considers the shipment of these drugs into the
Field Energy in Toronto, “ “Epilog for the Hannover United States to be in violation of the Food, Drug,
and Toronto Energy Conferences,’ and ‘Encourag- and Cosmetic Act, since they lack U.S. approval for
ing Signs in Politics, Economy, and Intellectual use and are not labeled according to standards set
Leadership”). Within the context of these subjects, forth in that law.
Nieper discusses approaches to the treatment of Based on the book and mimeographed papers
cancer, multiple sclerosis, thrombosis, arterioscler- referred to above, some aspects of Nieper’s treat-
osis, lupus, asthma, heart disease, and a variety of ment for cancer can be described. Nieper describes
other conditions. his approach to treatment as “eumetabolic,’ a term
Nieper’s book and mimeographed papers cover a he coined to refer to the use of substances derived
range of issues in cancer prevention and treatment from plants or animals that he considers not to be
and also discuss particular treatments that he be- “foreign” in the human body. The regimen for
lieves are important. Although he states that his cancer includes “subtoxic doses of chemotherapy,’
ideas are based on clinical and laboratory data, he “hormone therapy,” and “gene-repair therapy;”
does not explain them in the context of other the components and rationale for them are only
available medical literature. Rather, he discusses his indirectly and partially described. The overall aim of
approaches to treatment in the context of theories the cancer treatment regimen is to activate the
and conclusions derived from his general knowledge ‘‘internal defense system,’ which Nieper believes is
of medical research. The lack of straightforward the body’s own mechanism for fighting cancer. He
descriptions of his treatment approaches and of uses low-dose chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery
citations to existing medical literature make it to kill or remove tumor cells directly, but cautions
difficult, at best, to determine the components of his that chemotherapy ‘‘must never be so extensive that
treatment regimens and the specific information valuable mechanisms of the body’s own defenses are
(including his data and others’) on which they are thoughtlessly damaged” (677). Nieper believes that
based. internal mechanisms control the healing process in
cancer; “exogenous factors and procedures have,
Nieper offers additional information about his therefore, little effect on. . . the incidence. . . and the
treatments in the course of occasional seminars and curing rate” (676). Nieper believes that cancer is
workshops in the United States, which are sponsored caused by suppression of natural host defenses, by
by the Hans Nieper Foundation, an information and overeating the wrong types of food, and by exposure
support group based in California and directed by a to certain environmental factors. He refers to partic-
former patient. At a 1987 full-day seminar for ular environmental factors that he believes lead to
medical professionals, held in New York, Nieper “gene instabilities” and to the activation of onco-
discussed his protocols for the treatment of cancer genes: X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, alternating cur-
and multiple sclerosis (453). There is virtually no rent electrical fields, and the “tachyon field turbu-
other available information intended for a U.S. lence of the geopathic zone. ”
Chapter 5--Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 113
In Nieper’s view, geopathic zones “play a deci- treatment. A “positive response” was defined as
sive role in the development of cancer cells and “18-month survival with considerably improved
cancerous tumors” (677), in that he believes there is health.” Nieper claims that “the percentage of
a higher incidence of cancer in areas of high levels patients whose disease gets under control within an
of earth radiation and in areas situated over subterra- 18-month period of observation is close to 40
nean water veins. He believes that geopathic zones percent” but he restricts this to “mobile, so-calld
cause disturbances in the magnetic or electrostatic incurable patients, ’ because “the results with hos-
properties of tissues in the body, which disrupt the pitalized patients are less than half as good since
genetic material. Nieper claims that 92 percent of hospitalization indicates that the disease has pro-
cancer cases he has examined are associated with gressed too far” (674,675). Since no data are given
long-term occupancy (particularly where the indi- on tumor stage, prior treatment, specific treatments
viduals sleep) of geopathic zones. He believes that given to patients under his regimen, or how these
‘‘removal of cancer-stricken patients from geopathic particular patients were chosen for inclusion in the
zones absolutely belongs to the conscientious duties analysis, the information provided is insufficient to
of an oncologist” (677). draw any conclusions about efficacy.
Nieper states that his treatment regimen is “more OXYGEN TREATMENTS
or less the same in all conditions of malignancy
whatever the finding” (673). A wide range of Various types of oxidizing agents are discussed in
substances used to treat cancer patients is discussed the popular literature on unconventional cancer
in his writings, including dehydroepiandrosterone, treatments and at meetings sponsored by advocacy
magnesium, selenium, beta carotene, bromelaine and information groups such as the Cancer Control
(papain), cod liver oil capsules, vitamin C, photons, Society (162). Although not apparently widespread
BCG, gamma globulin, magnesium orotate, tumos- in the United States, the use of oxidizing agents has
terone, mistletoe, amygdalin and mandelonitriles been reported at clinics in Mexico and West
(laetrile), benzaldehyde, urea, glutathione, Didrouval- Germany where U.S. cancer patients are treated
trate, carnivora (an extract of the Dioneaea muscip- (289,588). The most commonly mentioned treat-
ula plant), pau d’arco, ‘‘adrenal whole extract,’ and ments of this type are ozone (a gas), hydrogen
squalene (derived from shark’s liver oil) (676). peroxide (a liquid), antioxidant enzymes, and related
products (853). Oxidizing agents such as ozone and
In addition to prescribing some or all of these hydrogen peroxide are commonly available and
agents, Nieper cautions patients to avoid alternating have a variety of mainstream uses: as antiseptic,
current fields, such as electric blankets and heating disinfectant, and cleansing agents, as laboratory
pads, and to avoid all cigarette smoke. He recom- chemical reagents, and in the food packaging
mends that they follow a special diet—a low-salt, industry. In addition to their use in unconventional
low-carbohydrate, ‘Kirlian-positive vegetarian diet,” cancer treatments, oxidizing agents are also pro-
including whole grain cereals and breads, carrot posed as components of unconventional treatments
juice with heavy cream, vegetable and fruit juices, for AIDS, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis,
low-fat milk, all types of vegetables and fruits, arthritis, and a variety of other conditions (96,297).
moderate amounts of coffee, tea, eggs, and butter,
and limited amounts of fish. Patients are cautioned The late Otto Warburg, a German chemist twice
to avoid most types of meat, sausage, chicken, veal, awarded the Nobel Prize, was one of the first to
shellfish, sugar, alcohol (except “sour” wine), discuss an association between oxygen levels in the
white bread, cheese, vitamin B12, and iron (167). body and the etiology of cancer, and to suggest that
the growth of cancer cells is favored by an intracellu-
The information available about Nieper’s treat- lar environment low in oxygen (936). Many others
ment regimen contains very little clinical data on have since expanded on Warburg’s ideas, and much
outcomes in cancer patients following treatment. A has been written about oxygen treatments in general.
mimeographed paper dated 1977 and a 1980 paper Not only is there no accepted rationale for the
with the same information show a table listing 23 proposed effects of oxidizing agents in cancer
general tumor types found in 214 patients, along treatment among current proponents, but disputes
with the number of patients with each tumor type among oxygen proponents are found in descriptions
and the number of “positive responses’ to his of these treatments in the unconventional literature
114 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
(80,217). The role of oxygen compounds in the using hydrogen peroxide, including ear drops, nasal
initiation and progression of cancer has long been a spray, and tooth gel. Donsbach states that every
subject of mainstream scientific study. In general, cancer patient at his clinic in Tijuana receives dilute
active oxygen is thought to contribute in a variety of “infusions of the 35% food grade hydrogen perox-
ways to the development of malignant cells (180). ide throughout their entire stay” (262). In 1988, the
U.S. Postal Service issued Donsbach a cease and
Ozone can be administered by direct infusion of desist order to stop him from claiming that the
the gaseous mixture into the rectum or into muscle, hydrogen peroxide used orally or intravenously is
but it is usually given by unconventional practition- effective against cancer or arthritis, or that it is fit for
ers in blood infusion, a process whereby blood is human consumption (69). Another clinic, the Gerson
removed, treated with oxygen, and returned to the clinic in Tijuana, has recently added ozone therapy
body, as explained in a recent review by an to their regimen, partly on the basis of the laboratory
unconventional medicine advocate: study by Sweet and colleagues referred to above
The ozone is produced by forcing oxygen through (401). Patients at the Gerson clinic are commonly
a metal tube carrying a 300-volt charge. A pint of given ozone enemas, consisting of 500 to 1,000 cc of
blood is drawn from the patient and placed in an ozone given rectally in less than 1 minute (318).
infusion bottle. The ozone is then forced into the
bottle and mixed in by shaking gently, whereupon Another form of oxygen treatment, superoxide
the blood turns bright cardinal red. As the ozone dismutase, is an antioxidant enzyme believed to play
molecules dissolve into the blood they give up their a role in aerobic metabolism (689), Several uncon-
third oxygen atom, releasing considerable energy ventional treatment facilities in Tijuana (e.g., the
which destroys all lipid-envelope virus, and appar- Manner Clinic and American Biologics Hospital and
ently most other disease organisms as well, while Medical Center), reported using this enzyme in their
leaving blood cells unharmed (297). regimens for cancer patients (22,574).
Medizone International, a company that manufac- Oxidizing agents, such as ozone and hydrogen
tures a device used to deliver ozone by infusion in peroxide, can destroy cells, including those of the
the blood system, has filed an investigational new blood-forming organs, and at some doses, can be
drug application with FDA to study the possible use seriously damaging or even lethal (860). The doses
of ozone as an antiviral agent. Before phase I studies at which these agents can be administered safely
in humans can proceed under the IND, however, the have not yet been determined. Although advocates
company is required to submit data, probably of ozone and hydrogen peroxide maintain that these
involving tests in animals using a range of doses, substances can be used safely, other unconventional
showing that ozone can be administered safely. practitioners have noted possible adverse effects
Little information in the published, peer-reviewed (98).
literature is available on the use of ozone in general
in the treatment of cancer, or on the recommended EMANUEL REVICI AND
doses and regimen for treatment. Claims for the “BIOLOGICALLY GUIDED
efficacy of ozone are based on a number of papers CHEMOTHERAPY”
and case reports of its use on cancer patients
(926,929), in animal studies (52,586), and in cell Emanuel Revici, M.D., is a physician in his
culture (940). One paper by Sweet and colleagues, nineties who currently practices in New York City.
published in Science, presents indirect evidence that During a career sp anning seven decades and four
atmospheric ozone selectively inhibits the growth of countries, Revici has developed an apparently unique
human tumor cells in cell culture (in vitro) (846). approach to the treatment of cancer and a wide range
of other disorders, including AIDS, Alzheimer’s
Hydrogen peroxide is given in dilute form by disease, arthritis, chronic pain, radiation injury,
various routes--oral, rectal, intravenous, vaginal, Sshizophrenia drug addiction and others (597,747,748).
and in bathing. Proponents state that hydrogen Revici proposes that the clinical manifestations of
peroxide oxidizes toxins, kills bacteria and viruses, cancer are associated with an imbalance of two
and stimulates immunity (364). One unconventional general classes of lipids (fatty acids and sterols) in
practitioner, Kurt Donsbach, who treats cancer the body and in some cases also with the presence of
patients in Tijuana, formulated a line of products particular lipid constituents (conjugated fatty acids).
Chapter S-Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 115
Using a test system he developed to measure certain medical negligence have also been filed against him
physiologic changes that he believes reflect these in Federal court since 1983 (see ch. 11 for details).
lipid imbalances, Revici treats patients he identifies
as having a predominance of one or the other class The main source of information available about
of lipid with one or more lipid-based pharmacologic Revici’s treatment is his book, published in 1%1,
agents intended to counteract the imbalance (741). entitled Research in Physiopathology as a Basis of
Revici characterizes his regimen as a “dualistic” Guided Chemotherapy With Special Application to
approach to cancer chemotherapy (747), referring to Cancer (747), which focuses on the theoretical basis
his proposal that different and opposing groups of for his approach. In it, he argues that “cancer-as
agents, rather than a single type operating by one well as other conditions-can be integrated into a
mode of action, may be required to treat cancer. hierarchic concept of organization which applies
throughout nature.” According to his theory, that
Revici received his medical degree in 1920 from
organization is determined by certain laws, among
the University of Bucharest, Romania, where he
them the law of dualism, or opposing forces, at every
later worked as assistant professor in internal
level. He discusses his views of the activity of
medicine. He practiced medicine and conducted
clinical research in Paris (1936-41) and in Mexico organic and inorganic substances in relation to: the
level of organization in the body at which they act
City (1941-46) before settling in New York, where
(nuclear, cellular, organ, etc.); their “dualistic na-
in 1946 he established the Institute of Applied
ture’ other substances in the body (particularly
Biology. Since 1947, Revici has maintained a
lipids); and how they affect the body’s defense
private practice in New York. He also served as chief
mechanism (747). Revici believes that this dualism
of oncology (1955-65) and as consultant (1965-78)
at Trafalgar Hospital, formerly the Beth David affects one’s physiologic state and is key to under-
Hospital, a New York facility purchased by Revici’s standing how disease may develop and how it may
fundraising organization (212,213). A recent review be treated.
of Revici’s career characterized that hospital as a
Revici deseribes his treatment for cancer-which
general care facility employing over 200 resident
he refers to as “biologically guided chemotherapy” —
and visiting physicians, and noted that it contained
animal research laboratories staffed by 35 scientists as nontoxic, individually guided chemotherapy using
lipid and lipid-based substances (210). He believes
and technicians, “all involved in projects inspired
that tumor cells, as well as other types of abnorma1
by or related to Revici’s theories and therapeutic
method” (212). Trafalgar Hospital closed in 1978, cells, share a common biochemical characteristic—
reportedly because of financial difficulties (21 1). an imbalance in the normal distribution of lipids-
which he views not as the primary cause of cancer,
In 1949, the AMA Council on Pharmacy and but as the direct cause of its impact on the body’s
Chemistry published an article in the Journal of the metabolism. He categorizes two general patterns of
American Medical Association (J.AM.A.) warning local and systemic effects of lipid imbalances
against Revici’s treatment, among other unconven- reportedly found by him in patients with cancer, one
tional treatments (39). In a letter to the editor, the pattern resulting from an excess of fatty acids and the
AMA article was criticized for disparaging Revici other pattern resulting from an excess of sterols.
with unwarranted accusations about his work (738).
The J.A.M.A. article was reportedly reprinted and According to Revici’s analysis, a relative predom-
distributed by the ACS’s Brooklyn Cancer Commit- inance of fatty acids leads to an electrolyte imbal-
tee, which Revici later sued for libel. The case was ance, specifically an increase in sodium in the
eventually settled out of court through mediation by extracellular fluids, and an alkaline environment in
the Medical Society of the State of New York (740). tumor tissues; Revici refers to this as a “catabolic”
The ACS Committee on Unproven Methods of condition. In the opposite case, a predominance of
Cancer Management published its first statement on sterols reportedly leads to a reduction in cell
Revici’s treatment in 1961 (22a). Since 1984, Revici membrane permeability and an inhibition of the
has faced legal challenge regarding his license to cells’ oxidative processes, which in turn reduces the
practice medicine in New York State; he is currently availability of intracellular oxygen, interferes with
on probation for a 5-year period that began in the breakdown of carbohydrates, and results in
October 1988. Two malpractice suits charging excess lactic acid in the extracellular fluids; Revici
116 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
refers to this outcome as an ‘anabolic’ condition. 12 Revici’s treatment regimen has apparently not
Patients determined by Revici to have a predomi- been adopted or continued by other practitioners
nance of fatty acids are treated with sterols and other outside of his institute, either in the context of
agents with positive electrical charges that can conventional clinical studies or unconventional
counteract the negatively charged fatty acids. Those practice, so at present, Revici’s New York office is
determined to have a predominance of sterols are the only site where the treatment is used. For several
treated with fatty acids and other agents that increase years in the 1960s, however, some of Revici’s
the metabolic activity of fatty acids (513,741,749). treatment agents were reportedly used in Belgium by
the late Joseph Maisin, who at that time was Director
A physician who worked closely with Revici from of the Cancer Institute of the University of Louvain
1946 until 1957 noted in a summary of Revici’s and President of the International Union Against
approach that “since the lipid imbalances appear to Cancer. According to several letters written to
play an important role in determining g the metabolic, Revici between 1965 and 1970 (573), Maisin
local and systemic features of the disease,” the
obtained a number of compounds from Revici
treatment regimen is intended to modify those (including fluoroheptanol, selenium diethyl-
features by administering substances that influence thiocarbamate, and others referred to as “PCA,”
the lipid imbalance. Some of Revici’s research “CMS,” “MHS,” " MHSe5,’ and “anti-MHSe”)
efforts focused on developing chemical agents and treated patients generally described as those
capable of modifying lipid imbalances and on
with advanced metastatic cancer who had failed
developing tests to identify and measure the balance
previous treatment. Some patients were treated with
of lipid in individual patients (741). a combination of Revici’s agents and radiotherapy,
Revici has some support for various aspects of his while others were given Revici’s agents alone.
theoretical approach among a small group of re- These letters do not describe the conditions under
searchers. In a recently published paper, Harold which the patients were treated (e.g., as part of a
Ladas reviewed Revici’s work with selenium com- formal evaluation or on an informal basis), or how
pounds in the treatment of cancer (513). In a recent particular agents were chosen for particular patients.
unpublished manuscript, Leonard Kunst, Harold The letters were apparently written to inform Revici
Ladas, and Frederick van Kampen reviewed some of Maisin’s clinical observations, and included brief
aspects of Revici’s theory in the context of current summaries of some cases considered to have re-
knowledge about the role of lipids in the cancer sponded well to the treatment. Maisin noted that
process, and suggested that lipid substances such as some patients experienced tumor regressions, disap-
those Revici uses may act by targeting and potenti- pearance of metastasis, and improved fictional
ating the action of antitumor agents at the tumor site status following treatment. Maisin died in 1970 and
(494). In another unpublished manuscript, Kunst and no further information about Maisin’s experience
Ladas reviewed Revici’s proposal regarding bio- with Revici’s treatment is available.
chemical changes in lipids associated with radiation
exposure and the use of n-butanol to treat radiation Earlier in his career, Revici published papers in
injury (492). A third unpublished paper by Kunst South American and European scientific journals
and Ladas examined Revici’s ideas concerning (31). Since the 1950s (751,961), however, Revici
correlations between the molecular charge and has not published updated descriptions or studies of
biological activity of certain types of molecules his cancer treatment in the peer-reviewed scientific
(493). In a 1985 Institute of Applied Biology literature (although attempts were reportedly made
publication, one of Revici’s medical associates, to do so (739,836)). The most recent openly avail-
Dwight McKee, described many aspects of Revici’s able description of his cancer treatment regimen
current theoretical approach to treating a wide written by Revici is his 1961 book, referred to above,
variety of conditions (597). There has been no which provides some information from laboratory
comprehensive review in the mainstream medical experiments and clinical experience (including case
literature of Revici’s theory and its application to histories of patients treated with his method) sup-
cancer treatment, however. porting his theoretical approach. The book does not,
lz~ofic~dca~bolic we terms referr@ to the body’s metabolism. In usual usage, anabolic metabolism corresponds to the cons~ctive Synthesis
of macromolecules, whereas catabolic refers to the breakdown of complex materials in the body and the release of energy.
Chapter 5-Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 117
however, provide details of the empirical basis for The urine indices that Revici uses as diagnostic
classifying cancer patients’ metabolic conditions or and treatment tools are not used in this way in
for choosing specific treatment agents according to mainstream medicine; they are not diagnostic of the
that system of classification. At present, Revici and presence of cancer or its systemic effects and have
his associates appear to be the only ones who know wide natural variations depending, for example, on
how to interpret and apply his diagnostic and fluid intake and ingestion of acid or alkaline foods
treatment protocols, since the protocols are, at least or other substances. Revici’s 1961 book and some of
to some extent, proprietary and cannot be deduced his articles discuss the use of these urine indices, but
from his book. In the absence of up-to-date descrip- do not offer evidence validating their reliable use in
tions of the rationale and process of his treatment identifying metabolic abnormalities, or confirming
regimen, it maybe impossible for Revici’s treatment that such metabolic abnormalities actually exist
to be continued in the future without his personal among patients. In support of his conclusions about
involvement. these tests and their clinical significance, Revici
refers to laboratory experiments and clinical studies
conducted under his direction at the Institute of
Applied Biology over many years, the bulk of which
Revici’s Cancer Treatment Regimen
have apparently not been reported, critiqued, or
confirmed externally.
In order to determine whether a patient’s condi-
tion is anabolic or catabolic, Revici-tests for certain Revici uses the Periodic Table of Elements as one
characteristics (specific gravity, pH, and surface of several guides to deciding on treatment regimens
tension) of the patient’s urine before treatment is for his patients. Based on his study of the organiza-
initiated. Revici believes that these indices, while tion of elements in the Periodic Table, he believes
not diagnostic of cancer, reflect systemic changes in that the periods (horizontal rows) indicate at which
the body produced by lipid imbalances (513,741). level of biological organization in the body a
As treatment progresses, the urine is reexamined particular element acts—at the level of subnuclear
periodically to determine whether and by how much particles, the nucleus, the cell, the tissue, or the
these indices change. A sterol predominant or whole body. He also believes that the placement of
anabolic condition is considered to be indicated by elements in particular series (columns) determines
urine that is alkaline (pH greater than 6.0 to 6.2), has whether they act anabolically or catabolically in the
a high surface tension (above 68 dynes/cm2), and has body (749). For example, he considers elements in
a low specific gravity. Patients whose urine meas- group VIA-oxygen, sulfur, selenium, and tellurium-
ures below 6.0 to 6.2 in pH and below 68 dynes/cm2 active against a chronically anabolic state (513).
in surface tension are considered to be catabolic, or
fatty acid predominant (741). According to Revici and several others writing
about Revici’s treatment, a wide variety of chemical
agents has been used in his regimen. Revici recently
Revici reportedly believes that, in healthy indi- stated that most of the substances he uses as
viduals, these urine indices tend to fluctuate up and treatments for cancer are either “twin formations”
down over a narrow range around median values— (reportedly defined as two adjacent carbon atoms
pH of 6.0 to 6.2 and surface tension of 68 dynes/cm 2— having the same induced electrical charge (493)) or
while cancer patients tend to show values fixed at inorganic elements (e.g., iron, magnesium, copper,
either higher or lower levels (741). Progress of or selenium) incorporated in or bound to lipids
treatment is measured by the degree to which it alters (749), but he did not say which specific substances
these urine indices toward normal values. Revici are in current use in his practice.
asks his patients to monitor these changes at home
using a colorimeter to indicate urine pH. Urinary Since the 1940s, one of the agents Revici has
surface tension is measured using a glass “uroten- frequently used to treat patients classified as having
siometer” (747), a device designed for Revici’s use. a sterol predominance is lipid-bound selenium.
Other urine indices reportedly used in Revici’s Revici reportedly has used many different prepma-
classification method include specific gravity and a tions of selenium, such as “T Sel’ (selenium bound
chloride index (the ratio between specific gravity to “eleostearic acid,” “Rel” (“a mixture of a
and chloride concentration) (748). 7-carbon diselenide and 3-heptanone”) (513), and
118 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
hexyldiselenide (741). Other substances used to treat The results obtained and especially their high
this classification of patients include: fatty acids proportion, even in far advanced cases, permits a fair
(including some isolated from human and animal judgment of the place of the present form of
sources), sulfur compounds (e.g., colloidal sulfur, application of this method in the fight against cancer.
sodium thiosulfate), hydrines (e.g., epichlorohy- Based on these results, we are fully entitled to
consider it, not only a highly beneficial treatment
drin), aldehydes, male hormones (testosterone), and which can be offered now for this disease, but even
mustard compounds (513). a major step nearer to the solution of the problem of
Substances Revici has reported using to treat the therapy of cancer (747).
patients classified as catabolic or fatty acid predomi-
nant include: sterols (e.g., cholesterol), alcohols Attempts at Evaluating the Revici
(e.g., butanol, glycerol, heptanol, octanol), female Treatment Regimen
hormones (estrogens), amines (e.g., aminobutanol), In 1978, two compounds containing selenium that
nicotinic acid derivatives, metals (mercury, iron, Revici has used—amyl selenide and selenium dieth-
bismuth), and halogens (e.g., iodine) (747). yldithiocarbamate (“Secar’’)-were submitted on
Revici’s behalf to the Drug Therapeutics Program,
The treatment agents are given orally or by
NCI, for testing of antitumor activity in an animal
injection (210). Revici’s technicians prepare the
tumor screening test (l). One of the compounds,
treatment agents according to Revici’s formulas and
amyl selenide, showed antitumor activity in the
instructions (213). To OTA’s knowledge, these
mouse P388 Leukemia test system (905). The other
treatment agents have not been analyzed independ-
compound, selenium diethyldithiocarbamate,
ently. According to a 1989 statement on Revici by
showed no antitumor activity in this test (905).
the American Cancer Society, Revici was issued 17
Although agents that test positive in prescreen are
U.S. patents between 1981 and 1988 for chemical
usually tested further in NCI’S tumor panel, amyl
formulations described for use against cancer, viral
selenide was not submitted for further testing.
diseases, and substance abuse, and for termination of
Another compound, trithioformaldehyde, was said
pregnancy (31).
by Revici supporters to have been tested in experi-
While selenium compounds can generally be mental animals at Roswell Park Memorial Institute
toxic (197), Revici reportedly believes that he has in the late 1970s (212,652), but the Institute has no
identified a form of selenium that is nontoxic to records to confirm such tests or their results (754).
patients (the “negative bivalent form”) (213). He More recently, another selenium compound that
believes that treatment can cause inflammation Revici reportedly uses was tested in several other
around the area of the tumor, causing it to become animal tumor systems. According to a letter from a
more painful and to become larger and softer, before British company (Advisory Services, Ltd., London),
causing it to shrink and disappear (513). No adverse the diheptyl diselenide was reportedly tested at the
effects from Revici’s treatment have been reported Imperial Cancer Research Fund and Westminster
in the medical literature. Hospital, London, on a variety of tumor systems, and
was found to be active in four of them (L1210
leukemia, Lewis lung metastasis, M5076 liver
Claims metastasis, and early S 180 tumor growth). Acute
Revici states in his book that his treatment ‘when and chronic toxicity of the compound was also
correctly applied. . . can, in many cases, bring under studied, and it was found that the dose at which
control even far-advanced malignancies” (747). In antitumor activity was found was ‘fairly close to the
support of this, he presents many case histories of toxic dose” (484). Further studies on the compound
cancer patients with partial or complete remissions were recommended ‘‘to determine more precisely
following his treatment. The recent transcripts of a the nature of the activity and to see if we can obtain
congressional hearing held in New York also significant anti-tumor activity without, at the same
contain numerous presentations by and on behalf of time, inducing undue toxic reactions” (484).
Revici’s cancer patients claiming remissions as a As a means of presenting Revici’s overall clinical
result of his treatment (749). Revici concludes his experience in cancer treatment, a descriptive study
1961 book by noting: of clinical outcomes in all the cancer patients treated
Chapter 5--Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments . 119
with the Revici regimen between 1946 and 1955 was for a sustained period as reported by the patient,”
summarized in an unpublished paper (741). The usually referring to relief from pain, a sense of
paper was written by Robert Ravich, M. D., who well-being, and increased energy, strength, and
worked closely with Revici at the Institute of appetite.
Applied Biology and who, with Revici, treated the
patients described in the report. Most of the patients Of the 1,047 cases reviewed, 100 were judged to
were reported as “far advanced” or “terminal” and have had favorable objective and subjective re-
had had previous treatment (e.g., surgery, radiation, sponses; 11 had objective responses only; and 95
hormones, and nitrogen mustard). Cases included in had subjective responses only. These cases included
the report were limited to those whose diagnosis of 23 different types of primary cancers. Two hundred
cancer was ‘clearly established by the best available ninety-six patients were judged to have had no
means, by qualified physicians, surgeons and pa- response, subjective or objective, and 545 patients
thologists not connected with the Institute of Ap- had equivocal or undetermined responses (380 of
plied Biology” but otherwise were not selectively this latter group were treated less than 3 months).
included or excluded, since the report was intended Details of the individual cases were not given in the
to describe the entire population of patients treated report.
by Revici during that time.
To date, the only published clinical study of
The 1,047 patients were classified as either fatty
Revici’s treatment for cancer is a paper that appeared
acid or sterol predominant, according to Revici’s
in J.A.MA. in 1965 written by the ‘‘Clinical
diagnostic testing (based mainly on urine analyses of
Appraisal Group” (CAG), a group of nine New
pH and surface tension, as described above). Of the
York physicians assembled specifically for that
patients found to have a sterol predominance, 152
study (571). According to the report, the study was
were treated with sodium thiosulfate and sulfurized
done at the request of the Board of Trustees of
oil; 95 with sulfhydryl containing compounds (e.g.,
Revici’s Trafalgar Hospital. It evaluated the clinical
ethyl, hexyl, heptyl and dodecyl mercaptan, meth-
course and outcomes of selected cancer patients who
ylthioglycholate, and dimercaprol); 78 with fatty
were referred to Revici for treatment. The authors
acid mixtures extracted from various natural sources
reported that they did not influence or modify the
including human placenta, and animal and fish
treatment Revici offered to these patients during the
organs; 64 with conjugated or alpha-hydroxy fatty
study. All of these patients were considered refrac-
acids; and 53 with hexyldiselenide. Of the patients
tory to conventional treatment. Other criteria were
found to have a fatty acid predominance, 106 were
that only hormone-independent (571), solid tumors,
treated with n-butanol; 77 with glycerin, 51 with
certified by tissue diagnosis, were included. Ex-
cholesterol or other non-saponifiable lipids ex-
tracted from unspecified organs; and 10 with oc- cluded from the study were tumor types that were not
expected to progress in a short period of time and
tanol. Treatment agents given to the remaining 361
patients who had recently undergone conventional
patients were not specified. Individual determi-
therapy. Thirty-three cancer patients were ultimately
nations of dose were made on the basis of each
included in the study.
patient’s urine analyses and it was noted that no
toxic reactions were observed. Treatments were
The authors reported that 22 of the 33 patients
given orally and by injection.
died of cancer or its complications while on the
Both objective and subjective outcomes were Revici treatment. Eight other patients left the study
recorded. A favorable objective response was de- group “in unimproved condition” after some time
fined as measurable “reductions in size and extent on the regimen. Four of these eight patients later died
of the disease as visualized either directly by the eye of cancer, two of them went elsewhere for palliative
or by X-ray, or by palpation” that were ‘‘sustained treatment, and two were lost to followup. The three
for a significant period of time and in the direction remaining patients were under Revici’s care at the
of improvement over several successive observation close of the study period and all of these were
intervals.’ However, in some cases, stabilization of reported to have shown signs of tumor progression.
disease “over long intervals” was also considered The study group concluded that none of these 33
an objective response. A favorable subjective re- patients Revici treated showed signs of objective
sponse was defined as ‘‘satisfactory improvement tumor regression. The group concluded that “the
120 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
In the event that this method should have proven Although it is an essential nutrient, vitamin C
ineffective in the types of cancer accepted (in the cannot be synthesized by the human body and must
analysis), and not a single reduction in the size of any be derived from the diet or from supplements, which
tumor noted, these should have been the only can be prepared synthetically or extracted from fruits
conclusions that could have been rightfully drawn. and vegetables. Relatively small amounts of vitamin
To conclude from a limited study, such as this, that C in the diet are needed to avoid overt deficiency
the method should be discontinued, in all cancers, is diseases such as scurvy. The recommended daily
to say that since surgery and radiation have failed in allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is 45 milligrams
these same terminal patients, these “recognized” (0.045 grams) per day (661a). Its use in unconven-
methods should also be discontinued, not only in tional cancer treatment usually involves megadoses
these types of cancer but in all cancers in general. (usually 10 grams per day or more) of vitamin C,
(emphasis in original) administered intravenously or orally (dissolved in
water or juice or as capsules). Dosages are adjusted
Recently, Seymour Brenner, M.D., a radiologist to each patient, but in general, they usually begin
in private practice in New York, took initial steps with 1 to 2 grams daily and increase gradually to 10
toward documenting and verifying the medical grams or more per day. The tolerance level is
records of 10 patients treated by Revici. In present- reached when the patient experiences the vitamin’s
ing summaries of these cases at the March 1990 laxative effects (when taken orally), and dosage is
meeting of the Advisory Panel for the present OTA then reduced and maintained at a slightly lower level
study, Brenner stated that he believed these 10 (557). Proponents state that they do not know the
patients to be examples of successful treatment with best dose in cancer patients, but generally assume it
Revici’s method, citing evidence of tumor regres- to be about 10 grams per day, which is “as much
sion, improved quality of life, and enhanced sur- ascorbate as the patient can tolerate without gastro-
intestinal side effects” (158).
vival. These case histories have not yet been
subjected to critical review. No prospective con- The idea of using vitamin C in cancer treatment
trolled clinical trial to evaluate the safety and was first proposed in the early 1970s by Cameron.
efficacy of Revici’s treatment has been conducted. Cameron examined the process of uncontrolled
Chapter 5--Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 121
invasiveness in tumor growth, and looked for ways alone in research into the biochemical and physio-
to inhibit cancer cells from infiltrating and damaging logic effects of ascorbate in experimental systems.
surrounding normal tissue and from metastasizing to During the 1980s in particular, a wide range of
distant organs. He focused on the possible role of an experimental studies supporting a biological ration-
enzyme, hyaluronidase, in supporting tumor inva- ale for considering the role of ascorbate in cancer
siveness, and suggested that manipulation of an processes was conducted and reported in the litera-
inhibitor of this enzyme, which existed in the blood, ture. Many of the studies focus on the role of vitamin
could be used to control the process (151). In the C in preventing the development of cancer (e.g.,
early 1970s, Cameron and his colleague Douglas epidemiologic studies examining associations be-
Rotman noted that the inhibitor molecule they were tween consumption of foods containing vitamin C
examining contained an ascorbate component. They with cancer incidence), reviewed and summarized in
hypothesized that increasing the supply of ascorbate the recent National Research Council (NRC) docu-
in the blood might increase the production or action ment Diet and Health (661). That document also
of the hyaluronidase inhibitor, and thereby restrain reviewed experimental evidence concerning the role
the invasion of tumor cells into normal tissue (160). of ascorbic acid in preventing the formation of
certain carcinogens in the body and in enhancing
Linus Pauling, working in California, considered cellular immunity. In addition, studies have exam-
a possible role for vitamin C in cancer treatment. He ined the effect of ascorbate in animal tumor models,
focused on the role of collagen in the process of which have produced positive, though somewhat
tumor invasiveness, and noted that vitamin C was variable, results (342).
required for the synthesis of collagen ( 158). Cameron
and Pauling, collaborating in their research, sug-
gested that increasing the intake of vitamin C would Claims
stimulate the synthesis of more collagen fibrils and
thereby strengthen it, which in turn would help Cameron and Pauling state that high doses of
restrain malignant cells from invading surrounding vitamin C are ‘‘helpful to virtually every cancer
tissue and increase the body’s natural resistance to patient and can be dramatically beneficial to a
cancer (155). They later reported that a deficiency of fortunate few” (558). They claim that vitamin C
vitamin C was associated with a weaker intercellular ‘‘not only increases the time of survival of the
matrix, and suggested that malignant cells could patient but also leads to improvement in general
more easily infiltrate local tissue and metastasize to health and the feeling of well-being” (158). They
distant sites as a result (159). note in their 1979 book that:
Giving vitamin C in large dosage to patients with
Cameron began administering high-dose vitamin advanced cancer produces subjective benefit in
C intravenously to some of his most advanced almost every patient by about the fifth day. The
cancer patients at the Vale of Leven Hospital, Loch patient will claim to feel better, stronger, and
Lomonside, Scotland, in 1971. He reported that “the mentally more alert. Distressing symptoms such as
majority had gained a respite period of relative bone pain from skeletal metastasis diminish and
well-being, comfort, and dignity” despite eventu- may even disappear completely . . . the patient
ally succumbing to their disease (153). In 1974, becomes more lively and shows more interest and
also eats more food, indicating that he has a better
Cameron and a colleague reported tumorregressions appetite and is no longer feeling nauseated and
and subjective benefits in cancer patients treated miserable. (158)
with high-dose vitamin C (154). He and Pauling
reported enhanced survival and improved well- Vitamin C is generally advocated as a supportive
being (improved appetite, increased mental alert- measure, not a replacement for mainstream treat-
ness, decreased need for pain relievers, etc.) among ment. “With the possible exception of during
patients who took high-dose vitamin C (156,157) intense chemotherapy,’ Cameron and Pauling write,
(see discussion below for details of these studies). “we strongly advocate the use of supplemental
ascorbate in the management of all cancer patients
Cameron and Pauling’s advocacy of the use of from as early in the illness as possible . . .“ (158) to
vitamin C in cancer patients sets them apart from make patients more resistant to their illness and to
mainstream medicine, but they are by no means reduce toxic side-effects of mainstream treatment.
89-142 0 - 90 - 5 QL 3
122 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Cameron and Pauling’s 1979 book, Cancer and the risk of developing urate stones. No cases of urate
Vitamin C (158), contains brief case histories of stones have been reported in the literature, however.
patients who had reportedly exhausted all main-
Several additional side-effects noted in a small
stream treatment options. Responses to vitamin C
number of patients have been attributed to high
treatment are categorized as: no response (20 percent
doses of vitamin C, although the clinical signifi-
of patients), minimal response (25 percent), retarda-
cance of these problems is unclear. These side-
tion of tumor growth (25 percent), cytostasis (the
effects include “rebound scurvy” (a scurvy-like
“standstill effect”) (20 percent), tumor regression
syndrome) resulting from sudden cessation of high-
(9 percent), and tumor hemorrhage and necrosis (1
dose vitamin C intake (8 18), gastritis (inflammation
percent). The authors speculate that better results
of the lining of the stomach due to the acidity of
would be seen with earlier adjunctive use of vitamin
vitamin C) (821), hemolysis (breakdown of red
C with surgery, radiotherapy, or hormonal treatment,
blood cells) (161), reduction of serum ceruloplasmin
although possibly not with chemotherapy (even
activity (which suggests interference with copper
though vitamin C is stated to protect against
metabolism) (290), and iron overload.
unpleasant side-effects of the chemotherapy).
Pauling states that “a large body of scientific Attempts at Evaluating High-Dose Vitamin C
work clearly shows that vitamin C plays a central
and most important role in developing and maintain-
in Cancer Treatment
ing the immune system’ and that it is ‘‘a key The first major study reporting clinical results of
material necessary to this defense system’ (556). He vitamin C treatment in patients with advanced
believes it acts by “strengthening the natural protec- cancer was published in 1974 by Cameron and
tive mechanisms of the body and making them more Campbell (154). They studied a series of 50 consecu-
effective” (158). tive patients with advanced cancer who were under
Cameron’s care at the Vale of Leven Hospital in
Scotland and who, at the time, had no viable
Potential Adverse Effects
mainstream treatment options. Most patients were
Pauling states that large doses of vitamin C can be treated with 10 g/day of oral ascorbic acid (a liquid
given over long periods of time without serious formulation), and some began with intravenous
side-effects. No large case series or placebo con- ascorbic acid for up to 10 days, at a usual dose of 10
trolled studies have revealed any adverse effects of g/day (some received higher doses), then switching
megadoses of vitamin C other than looseness of the to the liquid oral formulation.
bowels. In the two studies conducted by the Mayo
The authors categorized the responses of patients’
Clinic (discussed later in this chapter), vitamin C
megadoses were found to be relatively nontoxic tumors into the following categories: no response,
17 patients; minimal response, 10 patients; growth
(236,622). Mild nausea and vomiting, the most
retardation, 11 patients; cytostasis (stopping of
frequent toxic reactions, which affected 40 percent
growth), 3 patients; tumor regression, 5 patients; and
of patients in the earlier study (236), were seen in
tumor hemorrhage and necrosis, 4 patients. In
identical proportions of treatment and placebo
addition, the majority of patients reported improve-
ments in well-being. Other benefits included: relief
The medical literature contains a few case reports of pain from bone metastasis; in one patient, relief
of toxicities that might have been associated with of headache from a cranial tumor; reduction in
taking large doses of vitamin C. One report sug- malignant ascites and pleural effusions; reduction in
gested a risk of kidney failure in patients with hematuria (blood in the urine) in patients with
preexisting renal insufficiency (587,696). Vitamin C urinary tract cancers; reduced malignant hepato-
ingestion may also increase the risk of kidney stones megaly (liver enlargement) and reduced malignant
(812), although no cases have been reported. It has jaundice in some patients; and halting or reversal of
also been argued that vitamin C may increase the rising erythrocyte sedimentation rates. The authors
risk of other types of kidney stone (e.g., mate also claimed that these patients lived longer than
stones), and Stein and colleagues (833) noted that a expected, an outcome that cannot be reliably meas-
single 4 gram dose of vitamin C could increase ured in this type of study, which lacked a comparable
urinary excretion of uric acid, which might increase control group.
Chapter 5--Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ● 123
In a 1976 study (156), Cameron collaborated with Patients in the low- and high-ascorbate groups
Linus Pauling, reporting on the 50 patients from the were compared according to “survival times after
Cameron and Campbell study described above plus being pronounced terminal.” The low-ascorbate
50 additional ascorbate-treated patients. The pa- group survived an average of 43 days and the
tients were matched for certain characteristics (age, high-ascorbate group, 201+ days (some patients
sex, and site and histologic features of the primary were still alive at the time the paper was written).
tumor) in a 1 to I0 ratio with patients not treated with The authors concluded that this report “may be
vitamin C whose records were pulled from the files considered to substantiate the observations reported
of the Vale of Leven Hospital. All patients in both by Cameron and Pauling.” They further concluded
groups had been labeled as “untreatable” with that “vitamin C seems to improve the state of well
mainstream treatment. A follow-up to this study was being, as indicated by better appetite, increased
published in 1978 (157) in which 10 of the original mental alertness, and desire to return to ordinary
100 ascorbate-treated patients who had rare cancers life.” No information is given on how these
were replaced with 10 patients with more common characteristics were assessed.
cancers, for whom 10 good control “matches” This study has similar drawbacks to Cameron and
could be made. A new control group was chosen Pauling’s, mainly that the groups compared were not
from the same pool of hospital cases as for the earlier comparable on factors other than vitamin C. In this
study (about half of the earlier control group was study, the two groups were treated at different
also in this group). In the 1976 and 1978 papers, (though overlapping) time periods, making the
comparisons of survival from: 1) frost “hospital comparison more tenuous. The suggestive results of
attendance,’ and 2) “date of untreatability” were this study, however, reinforced the need for random-
presented. In the later results, which were somewhat ized studies.
more extreme than the earlier ones, a survival time
from date of untreatability for vitamin C patients of
293 days was reported, compared with 38 days for The First Mayo Clinic Study
the control patients. The survival times from first Cameron and Pauling’s clinical studies, which
hospital attendance were 681 days for treated and generated widespread interest among cancer pa-
360 for control patients. Cameron knew that these tients, prompted a series of three NCI-funded
studies were “less than perfect” methodologically, randomized trials of vitamin C. The first trial,
but he hoped that they would stimulate interest conducted at the Mayo Clinic, enrolled 150 ad-
among investigators with experience in clinical trial vanced cancer patients; most (93 percent) had
design to carry out randomized trials (153). progressive disease after prior radiotherapy or che-
motherapy and the rest were considered too ill to
The experience of 99 Japanese cancer patients, undergo mainstream treatment (236). About 40
classified as “terminal,” who received vitamin C percent of the patients had colorectal cancer, which
during the period 1973 through 1977 has been was also a prevalent type in Cameron’s studies.
reported by Morishige and Murata (640), researchers About 20 percent had pancreatic cancer, 10 percent
affiliated with the Linus Pauling Institute. The most had lung cancer, and the rest had various other types.
prevalent cancers were of the stomach, lung, and Of the 150 patients randomized to receive vitamin
uterus, accounting for more than half the total. C or placebo, 27 chose not to participate immedi-
Patients were divided into two groups for analysis: ately following randomization, before they had
‘‘low-ascorbate,’ defined as zero to four g of taken any of their assigned medication. The 63
vitamin C per day (44 patients), and “high- patients in the control group were given a‘ ‘compar-
ascorbate,” defined as 4 or more g/day (14 patients ably flavored lactose placebo. ’ The vitamin C dose
had 5 to 9 g/day, 13 had 10 to 29 g/day, and 28 had was 10 g/day, as recommended by Cameron and
30 to 60 g/day). The practice in the hospital where Pauling, taken as 20 500-milligram capsules; those
they were treated had evolved toward larger doses, taking the placebo were also given 20 capsules per
over the time period of this retrospective review, so day. Treatment was continued until death or until the
the low-ascorbate group was treated generally in the patient was no longer able to take the oral treatment.
earlier years and the high-ascorbate group in later Median survival for all patients in the study was
years. about 7 weeks.
124 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
The survival curves for the vitamin C-treated and not considered eligible for surgery or radiation. The
placebo-treated groups were nearly identical. In the doses of vitamin C and placebo were the same as for
entire study population, there was one long-term the first Mayo Clinic trial and were administered
survivor, a patient with metastatic pancreatic cancer, orally in the form of 20 tablets per day. No
who had a massively enlarged liver, and jaundice. intravenous or oral liquid doses were used.
He had not responded to “many previous attempts
The endpoints in this trial were: survival after
at chemotherapy,’ but had symptomatic improve-
randomization, time to disease progression, objec-
ment and some reduction of the jaundice, and was
tive regression, toxicity, and changes in pre-trial
alive 63 weeks after entering the study. This patient
symptoms. One hundred and one patients were
was in the placebo group.
randomized, one dropping out before taking any of
The two groups of patients taking vitamin C or the capsules, so the analysis is based on the 100
placebo were found to be similar in the percentages patients who participated. Eight patients stopped
of patients experiencing symptomatic relief and taking the capsules or reduced their dosage for a
side-effects. About a quarter in each group reported variety of reasons. Three of these cases were known
improved appetite, and about 40 percent, improved to be related to adverse effects of treatment: one
activity levels. Improvements in strength and pain taking placebo stopped because of intolerable side-
control were slightly greater in the vitamin C group effects, and the other two, who were taking vitamin
(63 percent of patients) compared to controls (58 C, reduced dosages because of gastrointestinal
percent), but this difference was not statistically upset. All treatment was stopped at progression of
significant. More than 40 percent of both vitamin C disease, worsening of symptoms or performance
and placebo groups reported nausea and leg swel- status, or loss of body weight. As in the first Mayo
ling, and between 20 and 40 percent reported Clinic study, side-effects were similar among the
vomiting, heartburn, and diarrhea. two groups, and not generally severe.
The authors concluded that vitamin C conferred The study found no difference in time to progres-
no significant survival or symptomatic benefit on the sion of disease and no increase in survival time in
patients in the study. Noting that the patients in this patients treated with vitamin C; through the frost year
study differed, however, from those in Cameron and of followup, 49 percent of patients taking vitamin C
Pauling’s studies in at least one respect-prior and 47 percent of patients taking placebo were alive,
treatment with immunosuppressive chemotherapy and there was a substantially larger proportion of
--Creagan stated that it was impossible to draw any long-term survivors in the placebo group. No
conclusions about the possible effectiveness of patients in the study had measurable tumor regres-
vitamin C in previously untreated patients. The sion. Eleven vitamin C-treated and 17 placebo-
immune systems of the patients in Creagan’s study treated patients had some cancer symptoms at the
may have been more compromised (though not beginning of the trial; 7 and 11, respectively (about
considered entirely unable of mounting an immune equal proportions), reported symptomatic relief
response) than Cameron’s patients, few of whom during the trial.
had received prior cytotoxic chemotherapy. Creagan
and colleagues noted that their patients’ “earlier The Third Mayo Clinic Study
immunosuppressive treatment might have obscured According to one of the investigators in the first
any benefit” resulting from vitamin C. two studies, a third, multi-center randomized trial,
with similar treatment regimens to the first two
The Second Mayo Clinic Study
trials, was undertaken to address criticism that the
The postulated interference of previous chemo- earlier trials may have been inherently biased
therapy on the action of vitamin C prompted the because they were single-center trials (234). The
Mayo Clinic investigators to undertake another only published report of this trial gives preliminary
randomized trial, this time including only patients results in abstract form (859). The authors report no
with no previous chemotherapy (622). All patients survival benefit, but “a possible but not significant
had advanced colorectal cancer, a type claimed by trend of improved appetite, strength and pain control
Cameron and Pauling to respond well to vitamin C, in the vitamin C group but no change in disability.’
and one for which no chemotherapy was recom- The median survival of all patients in the study was
mended at the time of the study. These patients were 6.5 weeks. Little other information is given.
Chapter S-Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments . 125
According to one of the investigators (235), “selection bias,’ a problem often encountered in
analysis of this study was never completed because retrospective, uncontrolled studies, was responsible
the early results were unpromising, consistent with for the apparent success of the treatment.
the results of the two previous studies. He believed
Cameron does not deny the existence of inherent
that the vitamin C question had been laid to rest and
flaws in his studies, but he argues that the Mayo
did not consider it important to complete and publish
Clinic trials did not adequately test his premise or
full details of this study.
reproduce his procedure, and therefore do not refute
Australian Study his conclusions. Several important methodologic
issues raised by the Mayo Clinic studies, some of
A clinical trial of the effect of megadoses of
which have been debated in a number of published
vitamin C on survival in cancer patients was begun
letters and articles (621,708,710,755,756), are sum-
in 1982 at the Royal North Shore Hospital in
marized below.
Sydney, Australia (152,540). The results of the study
have not yet been published, so only the design can Types of Patient Enrolled-In Cameron’s study,
be described here (541). Using a double-blind, few patients were previously treated with chemo-
randomized prospective format, the study focused therapy, whereas in the first Mayo Clinic study, the
on survival time among 99 patients with Dukes D majority had previous chemotherapy or radiother-
colorectal cancer who had not undergone major apy. Pauling argued that vitamin C acted by strength-
surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy for at least 4 ening patients’ immune systems and that those who
weeks prior to entry in the trial. Asymptomatic were previously exposed to cytotoxic chemotherapy
patients were randomized to receive either vitamin were less capable of responding to the immune-
C (10 g in liquid oral doses) or placebo (liquid oral enhancing effects of vitamin C than were patients
citric acid), while symptomatic patients were ran- who had not had chemotherapy. Creagan and
domized to receive mainstream chemotherapy plus colleagues argued that, although the patients were
vitamin C or chemotherapy plus placebo. The irnmunosuppressed, they were not totally incapable
vitamin C or placebo mixtures were to be continued of generating an immune response. They noted,
in each patient regardless of changes in their clinical however, that their results in pretreated patients did
status. The study protocol did not indicate whether not allow them to draw conclusions about the
patients were tested for compliance to the regimen possible effectiveness of vitamin C in previously
by performing urine or blood analyses for ascorbate. untreated patients. The second Mayo Clinic study
According to one researcher who interviewed the addressed this issue by enrolling patients who more
principal investigator of the study, no survival closely resembled Cameron’s patients-patients with
benefit of vitamin C over placebo was found in the advanced cancer of the large bowel who were
study (757). OTA was unable to obtain further previously unexposed to cytotoxic drugs.
details about the results of this study.
Method of Administration of Ascorbate—
Methodologic Issues in Evaluations of Vitamin C Cameron administered ascorbic acid either by intra-
venous solution or by oral liquid doses. In Moertel’s
The explicit aim of the frost two Mayo Clinic
studies, patients were instructed to take 20 tablets
studies was to confirm or refute Cameron and
Pauling’s assertion that patients treated with mega- orally per day. It has been argued that higher blood
levels of ascorbate could have been achieved using
doses of vitamin C would live longer than expected
intravenous administration compared with either
and would benefit from an improved quality of life
during their illness. The Mayo Clinic studies at- oral form, but this was not measured in any of the
studies reported here. Also, since oral doses given in
tempted to test Cameron’s treatment regimen in
liquid form are generally easier to take than are 20
prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled studies
pills a day, patient compliance with the oral tablet
designed to generate unbiased conclusions about
regimen could have been lower than with an oral
effects of the treatment. As discussed above, Moertel
liquid regimen.
and colleagues found that patients who were ran-
domly assigned to vitamin C had no survival Testing for Compliance to the Regimen—It is
advantage over patients assigned to placebo. A possible that some patients in the Mayo Clinic trials
major consideration in interpreting Cameron and may have taken fewer than the assigned 20 pills a
Pauling’s positive results is the possibility that day (which could result in lower vitamin C doses in
126 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
the treatment group) and that some patients may taken to indicate treatment failure. Cameron and
have self-medicated with commonly available vita- Pauling argue that normal procedures for dealing
min C supplements outside of the trial (which could with cytotoxic drugs in clinical trials should not
result in higher vitamin C levels in the placebo have been applied to vitamin C.
group). One or both of these possibilities could
In addition, Pauling believes that patients could
reduce the difference observed between treatment
have been harmed by the sudden cessation of high
and control groups and thereby make the detection
doses of vitamin C, and that gradual reduction in
of treatment effects more unlikely.
dose is a safer approach to stopping treatment.
Ascorbate concentrations in the body can be Pauling states that high blood levels of vitamin C
measured in samples of urine or blood. Such testing can drop to below normal levels when intake is
by urinalysis was not conducted in the frost Mayo stopped abruptly (described as the ‘‘rebound ef-
Clinic trial, but was done to a limited extent in the fect”) and that for a period of a week or two, very
second trial, where 11 patients were tested at one low ascorbate levels can cause greater susceptibility
point: 5 patients assigned to the vitamin C group to infection, decreased resistance to the disease, or
showed high urine ascorbate levels, and 5 patients worsening of an existing condition (158,555). Ex-
assigned to the placebo group had “negligible” perimental evidence exists for a biochemical effect
levels within the range of normal controls for the in the body of sudden cessation of high doses of
assay. The other patient assigned to the placebo vitamin C, but it has not yet been shown that these
group had an intermediate level, but the result was biochemical changes lead to overt changes in
attributed to problems with the assay in that case. physical condition among cancer patients. In
Moertel’s study, patients treated with and then
Cameron and Pauling argued that the levels of
withdrawn from vitamin C showed similar survival
ascorbate measured in patients assigned to the
placebo group were higher than would be expected times compared to patients in the placebo group, but
for cancer patients and that the testing was incom- other possible adverse effects of ascorbate with-
plete and inadequate to verify compliance with the drawal were not specifically reported.
regimen, since only about 10 percent of the patients Although the Mayo Clinic trials addressed some
were tested and then only once during the study. of the relevant questions pertaining to the effects of
Moertel argued that their data, based on patient vitamin C, they do not appear to have settled the
compliance records’ and urinalyses, indicated that controversy surrounding its efficacy in cancer treat-
patient compliance with the regimen was very high ment. In addition to the issues discussed above, the
and that self-medication among the patients as- Mayo Clinic trials did not fully address Cameron
signed to the placebo group did not occur. Testing and Pauling’s claims that vitamin C improves the
for ascorbate in blood, rather than urine, may have quality of life of advanced cancer patients in helping
provided more meaningful data, particularly if such to control pain and improving general well-being.
testing were done periodically during the study. Cameron and Pauling found easing of pain particu-
Duration of Treatment-It is common in clinical larly in patients with bone metastasis; few patients
in the Mayo Clinic trials had bone metastasis.
trials of cytotoxic agents for treatment to be with-
drawn when patients show signs of tumor progres- Among the issues noted above, only the issue of
testing patients not previously treated with chemo-
sion. In Cameron’s studies, vitamin C was adminis-
tered to patients in most cases until the time of death, therapy was addressed in subsequent evaluations.
The other issues remain unresolved and lead to
since it was believed that vitamin C acts not by direct
difficulties in interpreting the results of the two
cytotoxic action, but by strengthening patients’
Mayo Clinic studies.
resistance to the disease, slowing the rate of tumor
progression, or increasing the patient’s ability to Cameron reported that he and Pauling submitted
forestall death even in the presence of the disease. In a collection of ‘‘best cases” to NCI for review in
the second Mayo Clinic trial, vitamin C or placebo December 1989. According to Cameron, NCI is
was withdrawn when patients showed signs of sponsoring a symposium at NIH in September 1990,
significant tumor progression or deterioration in on experimental research concerning biological
general or symptomatic status, since such signs were functions of ascorbate in relation to cancer (153).
Chapter 6
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Background on IAT ... ... ... .. . . . * . . . . . . . . . . * . * * . . . . . . . . * * . . * . . . . * . * . * 129
Burton’s Theory of Cancer Control Through Augmentation of the
Immune System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
Burton’s Pre-Clinical Research ... ... ... ... .*. ... ... .*. ... ... .. e*+*.....+**.**** 131
Treatment of Human Cancer Patients With IAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Scientific Review of Burton’s Patents . .,..............***..*...******..**.***** 135
Information About Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Design of a Clinical Trial for IAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
The First IAT Working Group Meeting . .....,.,.........**.**.*...******...**** 140
Addendum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Memorandum of Understanding Between OTA and Lawrence Burton
Concerning a Clinical Trial of IAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Chapter 6
Immuno-Augmentative Therapy
IHowe of R~re~n~tive~ Bfi~ 7936 (Aug. 18, 1980) ~d 8341 (Nov. 13, 1980), introduced by Representative McDodd.
130 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Several organizations, including the American the cells and metastatic or local recurrence of
Cancer Society (ACS) (27), the National Cancer cancer” (430).
Institute (NCI) (246,901), FDA (679,888), and the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (882,883), have John Clement, M. D., a physician at the IRC,
published statements warning U.S. cancer patients describes the theory behind IAT as follows:
against using IAT. Some of these statements are In the normal healthy person any mutant cancer
based on possible viral contamination of IAT. Since cells are recognized and antibodies attempt to
IAT materials are not tested regularly by any destroy them; this reaction is promoted by Tumour
independent laboratory, it is not known whether the Complement (TC), which is produced by cancer
claimed improvement in manufacturing and viral cells, and is the effective signal to the antibodies to
testing procedures since 1986 effectively mitigates destroy that cell. These necrotic tumour cells are then
the risk of biologic contamination identified at that passed to the liver to be “sanitized.” If tumour cell
time. necrosis occurs too rapidly the liver can be over-
loaded, leading to production of Blocking Proteins
which shield tumour cells and slows down the
Burton’s Theory of Cancer Control Through antibody reaction to those cells. Patients with cancer
may have very high levels of this Blocking Protein.
Augmentation of the Immune System Deblocking Proteins neutralize this blocking action
The IAT patient brochure describes a specific and so enable antibodies to access the tumour cells.
anti-cancer immune system in mamm als and states Patients with cancer tend to have a deficiency of
that “it works optimally when a balanced proportion Deblocking Protein.
of activated components are present. Burton adopted . . . in order to effect this control you need Tumor
this theory early in his career and he continues to cite Complement produced by the cancer cell to alert and
it (114). However, despite the fact that laboratory activate the Antibodies and you also need sufficient
technology to do so has existed for many years, Deblocking Protein to neutralize the Blocking Pro-
Burton has never directly demonstrated that the tein and allow the antibodies access to the cancer
cells. (200)
factors he describes actually exist in IAT, nor shown
that IAT has activity to alter the course of human At least four IAT products maybe prescribed to treat
cancers. human cancer patients. The IAT brochure states that
Burton asserts that IAT is based on restoring some of these are manufactured from the pooled
optimal function to the native immune system, one blood of cancer patients and others from the pooled
function of which “is to recognize and destroy blood of human donors who do not have cancer. The
neoplastic cells and thus to serve as a natural brochure (430) describes IAT products as:
mechanism for the control of carcinogenesis’ (430). Deblocking Protein (DP)—an alpha 2 macroglob-
Burton maintains that “an immune defense against ulin 2 derived from the pooled sera of healthy donors.
cancer antigens is at least initiated in most, if not all, Tumor Antibody 1 (TA1)-a combination of alpha
persons who contract cancer.” The IAT brochure 2 macroglobulin, IgG, IgM, and IgA3 derived from
states that “some patients’ immune systems are the pooled sera of healthy donors.
initially impaired by cancer itself, or were previ- Tumor Antibody 2 (TA2)-differs from TA1 in
ously impaired to allow the disease, and are then potency and possibly composition of immunoglob-
further weakened in patients treated by radiation or ulins; also derived from pooled sera of healthy
chemotherapy.” This allows “mutant cells that donors.
otherwise would have been neutralized or destroyed Tumor Complement (TC)-a substance isolated
. . . to proliferate, invade nearby tissues, and migrate from blood clots of IRC patients with many types of
to other parts of the body’ (430). Burton claims that cancer. Described as complement C34 that is uniquely
‘‘immune augmentation’ with IAT will ‘‘destroy active in activating TA1 and TM.
%usual scientilc use, alpha 2 macroglobulin would refer to anantibodybelonging to one of the five major classes of bloodborne immunoglobul@
the Ig M group. Although Burton describes DP as an alpha 2 macroglobulin, to OTA’s knowledge he has produced no analytical results to confhm that.
No alpha 2 macroglobulin that has been identiled by mainstream researchers has the properties Burton ascribes to DP.
31@, Ig~ ad IgA me three of the five classe,s of bloodbome immunoglobulins. IgM molecdes me ~so c~~ ~croglob~.
d~ u~ scien~ic use, cs refers t. one of a ~oup of p~sma Pmtefi tit me activat~ to vfious ~unoIc@ functions by antibody-antigen
Chapter 6--Immuno-Augmentative Therapy ● 131
There is no record of Burton’s carrying out biochem- to their cancer or the treatment, they are encouraged
ical analyses of these materials to identify their to return to the IAT clinic for further assessment and
components, and his patents describing their manu- adjustment of their treatment regimens (199).
facture prescribe no tests for verifying identity. Nor Burton advocates surgical removal of cancerous
has independent analysis of IAT materials been tissue before beginning IAT, to the extent possible,
reported from samples provided directly by Burton. but discourages chemotherapy or radiotherapy (1 15).
Reference to analysis is made in a popular article
(982) on IAT, which says that it has not been Burton’s Pre-Clinical Research
classified “down to the last molecule,” but that
there were “some limited chemical and immuno- Burton asserts that the basis for IAT, as it is
chemical analyses run by an outside chemist several currently offered, is the pre-clinical research that he
years ago.” The article goes on to say that Burton and his colleagues conducted at U.S. research
and his former partner Friedman were told that the institutions (114,430). Burton and various col-
substances contained ‘‘ alpha2macroglobulin, leagues published about 20 papers dealing with
“immunoglobulin A“ and traces of “complement biological factors affecting turners in fruitflies and
mice in scientific journals between 1954 and 1963,
C’3.” There is no indication of who did these
analyses and no actual record of the results. and brief abstracts of additional work with mice and
humans through 1969. One or two articles on human
NCI analyzed IAT treatment materials provided research were reportedly submitted for publication
by the family of a deceased IAT patient in 1984. through 1972 but were never published.
According to the NCI analysis, all the treatment
materials were dilute blood proteins, in which the Research on Fruitflies
major component was albumin, and all were re-
As graduate students in biology at New York
ported to be devoid of the components described in
the IRC brochure (246). University, Burton and his colleague Frank Fried-
man studied the inheritance of various traits in
The IAT Cancer Treatment Regimen fruitflies. Though many researchers were studying
Burton states that treatment regimens are based on fruitflies at the time, Burton and Friedman were
apparently alone in postulating that tumor-bearing
his determination of the patient’s initial immuno-
competence and the responses of past patients with fiuitflies contained a transmissible, biologic factor
that could be isolated, injected into, and cause
similar status, which have been compiled in a
tumors in other fruitflies (113,117,123,380).
computer program. As treatment proceeds, Burton
tests patients’ blood daily or twice-daily for the Burton and Friedman received their doctoral
relative concentrations of four basic factors: Tumor degrees from New York University in 1955 and, in
Antibody (TA1 and TA2), Tumor Complement 1957, went to the California Institute of Technology
(TC), Blocking Protein Factor (BPF), and Deblock- (Caltech) for post-doctoral training. In the course of
ing Protein Factor (DPF). BPF “blocks” the their research at Caltech, Professor Herschel Mitch-
claimed antitumor effects of TA1 and TA2, and is ell advised Burton and Friedman on developing a
not administered as part of the IAT regimen. Burton method to purify the tumor factor they had report-
adjusts the daily prescription of TA1, TA2, TC, and edly identified in fruitflies (618). They later reported
DPF in light of his blood tests during patients’ initial that purified tumor induction factor, “TIF,” had
6-to 8-week course (430). Patients inject themselves interspecies activity (between fruitflies and mice),
subcutaneously or intramuscularly with the pre- while the crude extract did not (315). After a series
scribed amounts. Other medications (e.g., predni- of experiments (122,312,313), Burton and his co-
sone, a corticosteroid) are also prescribed for many investigators concluded that TIF, the presumed
patients (199). active component in the purified fruitfly extracts,
contained protein, nucleic acid, and lipid (312), and
After the initial treatment period at the IAT clinic,
was most likely a tumor-inducing virus (122).
patients generally return home with supplies of IAT
to continue self-injections according to a schedule Burton and his colleagues hypothesized that the
provided by Burton, based on his proprietary com- variable tumor-inducing potential of TIF that they
puter program (115). At regular several-month observed in different stages of its purification was
intervals, or if patients have acute illnesses unrelated explained by other substances that motified its
132 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
treated animals, and that the treated group survived This talk met with a mixed reception among
longer than did the untreated controls. What appears researchers in attendance. Of particular concern was
to be the same experiment was included in the 1963 the fruitfly assay that they were still using as part of
presentation and paper discussed below. the mouse experiments. During the discussion,
Kassel indicated that they were in fact using a new
Burton and his colleagues presented three papers assay, based on blackening and death of fruitflies,
about tumor induction and inhibition in mice at the that was “much less complicated than identifying a
New York Academy of Sciences in 1%2 (119,311,470). tumor and also bypasses this question. ” Burton
They described an elaborate system of bloodborne stated that the new assay correlated completely with
tumor-inducing and inhibiting factors that was their old assays and they had given them up.
stated to exist in mammalse The effects of injecting
different combinations of purified extracts were At about this time, Kassel left St. Vincent’s to
described, some of which reportedly reduced meas- pursue research elsewhere and was involved in the
urable tumors in mice. In these presentations, discovery of tumor necrosis factor (170). In 1966,
Burton’s group first speculated that injection of Burton and Friedman presented a demonstration of
carefully balanced doses of these factors could be their extracts’ ability to shrink tumors in mice to the
used therapeutically to control mammalian cancers. Science Writers Seminar sponsored by the American
They reported on six experiments with leukemic Cancer Society. They injected four mice with hard
mice, including the results that, in five of the mammary tumors with their serum fractions, and,
experiments: one observer wrote, within 45 minutes the tumors
. . . 37 of 68 experimental animals survived for an had become soft and shrunk by half their original
average of 131 days without any evidence of size (982).
leukemia. The leukemia had gradually regressed, as
evidenced by reduction of palpable nodes and Some observers were amazed and others were
spleen, until it was eliminated by the end of the skeptical. Some journalists quickly sensationalized
fourth week of treatment. Burton and Friedman’s demonstration. One news-
paper headline read, “15 Minute Cancer Cure for
They reported that average survival of untreated Mice: Humans Next?” (565). An oncologist who
mice was 12 days. examined the mice following the demonstration
later stated that “it was obvious that he had
In 1963, the team presented a summary of their massaged the tumors until they had become fluid
research on tumor-inducing complexes in mammals and then aspirated out the tumor and necrotic
to the New York Academy of Sciences (subse- material. ’ He stated further that a "fresh puncture
quently published in the Annals of the New York wound was found at each tumor site’ (638).
Academy of Sciences (468)) describing the response Although his colleagues apparently took this mixed
of cancerous mice to various combinations of response in stride, Burton was reportedly infuriated
purified fractions. In leukemic mice, they reported (982). After the science writers’ seminar, the ACS
that the untreated controls died after an average of offered to fund Burton and Friedman’s research, on
about 13 days. About half of the treated mice died the condition that it proceed in collaboration with a
after an average of about 37 days, and the other team of clinical research oncologists. The ACS offer
survived much longer. In mice with mammary was refused. The mouse demonstration was repeated
tumors, they reported significant decreases in tumor before oncologists and pathologists at the New York
volume in the treated groups and significantly Academy of Medicine in September 1965, but there
increased volume in the controls. was apparently skepticism and little interest in
pursuing their research.
The authors concluded:
The study of the biological action and interaction A brief abstract in 1965 reported an experiment in
of these components in mice bearing spontaneous which 48 tumor-bearing mice were injected with
neoplasms has suggested the existence of an inhib- “I” and “V” extracts derived from leukemic mice
itory system involved in the genesis of tumors and and from cows with lymphosarcoma (314). The
capable of causing specific tumor cell breakdown. abstract states in part:
134 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Small tumors disappeared in 2 hours. Larger ones 1977, and Friedman ended his affiliation with both
softened-liquefied in 24 hours and in many in- Burton and IAT (308).
stances, resorbed in 2 to 4 days. Many of the mice
died, the cause of death being associated with Later in 1977, Burton’s New York sponsors
massive hemorrhage into the tumor. . . . Conditions helped him to establish the Immunology Research-
necessary to obtain survival after tumor liquefaction ing Centre, Ltd. (IRC) in Freeport, Grand Bahamas
included a precise ratio mixture of V and I and the (958). It was intended by the sponsors as a research
precise dose. institute, with investigational treatment to be pro-
vided to cancer patients. The initial plan was to treat
3,000 to 5,000 cancer patients according to a specific
Treatment of Human Cancer Patients
study protocol submitted by IRF to the Bahamian
With IAT Ministry of Health (957). In practice, IAT has not
Burton described the use of IAT in cancer patients been provided according to a formal study protocol,
at the hearing held by Congressman Molinari in and clinical data have not been collected systemati-
1986 (see above) (114). Burton recounted that cally, beyond patient history and encounter records.
Antonio Rottino, M.D., then Director of Laborato- In 1978, the Bahamian Ministry of Health asked
ries at St. Vincent’s Hospital, administered some of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to
the purified blood fractions prepared by Burton and participate with them in a joint site visit to IRC after
Friedman to a few terminal cancer patients during its first year of operation (852). Based on this visit,
the mid to late 1960s. Burton recalls some encourag- PAHO recommended to the Ministry that IRC be
ing results in this undocumented initial human trial. closed in large part on grounds that IRC was not
An early goal of Burton and Friedman’s human carrying out its stated intent, part of its agreement
research was to develop a blood test to measure the with the Government of the Bahamas to operate
effects of their injections. Burton testified that a there, to evaluate IAT as a cancer treatment. The site
paper submitted in 1972 to the Society for Experi- visit report concluded that “the present procedures
mental Biology and Medicine reported the isolation of the Center do not permit any meaningful evalua-
of “Blocking Protein” (BP), which Burton de- tion,’ and further that “it is highly unlikely that any
scribed as a titratible substance that reflected tumor change in procedures will make the treatment
status and could be used to monitor changes. Burton evaluable. They observed in addition that “no
stated at the Molinari hearing that this paper was consistent treatment effect has been achieved when
rejected for publication because it included insuffi- assessed by objective criteria. ”
cient information on the substance’s identity. This
Commenting on IAT treatment materials, the
was one of his last attempts to publish his work in the report states:
scientific literature.
The material being used to treat patients is
Burton and Friedman left St. Vincent’s in the mid similarly a totally unknown quantity. Although the
1970s. With the support of clergy, businessmen, and various fractions are referred to by Dr. Burton as
several physicians, the Immunology Research Foun- ‘‘antibody fractions’ and ‘complement fractions,’
dation (IRF) of Great Neck, New York was estab- there is in fact no evidence that any of these fractions
lished on their behalf in 1973. It was there that do contain antibody of any relevance to the tumor
significant numbers of cancer patients were first involved or that in fact there are any active or even
treated with IA” By the late 1970s, more than 100 inactive complement components.
cancer patients had been treated at IRF. Also during
The Bahamian Government did not close the clinic
that period, Burton and Friedman obtained five U.S.
after the PAHO report was issued.
patents for four IAT-like products and the methods
by which they are produced (432,433,434,435,436). As scientific knowledge about the human immuno-
They also took initial steps with FDA toward deficiency virus (HIV, the AIDS virus) and technolo-
obtaining Investigational New Drug (IND) status for gies for detecting it emerged in the mid-1980s, the
MT. The FDA did not allow the IND to proceed safety of all biologics derived from human blood and
because it lacked specific information that they blood products, including IAT, began to be ques-
required (889), and eventually, Burton and Friedman tioned. In 1985, two patients in Washington State
withdrew the IND. The Great Neck facility closed in brought vials of various IAT products to the health
Chapter 6--Immuno-Augmentative Therapy ● 135
department for testing. Using ELISA (enzyme- During the period the clinic was closed, Congress-
linked immunosorbent assay) screening tests, all man Guy Molinari visited IRC, and in January 1986
tested vials were reportedly positive for hepatitis B in New York, held a “congressional public hearing
surface antigen, and 8 of the 18 were reported on the Immuno-Augmentative Therapy of Lawrence
positive for HIV antibody (diagnostic for the pres- Burton” (114). At that time, the patients formed the
ence of the viruses themselves) (883). IAT Patients’ Association (LATPA), and reportedly
shared the IAT treatment materials that they had
The set of IAT vials and accumulated test data among them.
were then sent from Washington State to CDC for
additional testing. At CDC, repeat testing by ELISA The clinic reopened in March 1986, after IRC
identified 6 vials positive for HIV antibody, and all agreed to conditions set forth by the Bahamian
18 positive for hepatitis B surface antigen. Results of Government, including the acquisition of equipment
more definitive Western Blot testing on all 18 vials to screen blood sources for HIV and hepatitis B;
were uninterpretable. The final test, the ‘‘gold regular reporting of all viral test results to the
standard’ for establishing the presence of HIV, is to Ministry of Health; compliance with standard blood
grow it in lymphocyte culture in the laboratory. A donor screening and collection practices; treating
sample from one of the IAT vials did contain live only non-Bahamian cancer patients; requiring that
HIV which was grown and isolated by this method. patients who begin IAT have a confirmed outside
Thirteen of the vials were also positive for hepatitis diagnosis of cancer; and requiring review by the
B antigen (883). Ministry of full medical records for all new patients.
As a result of these tests (all had been completed
except the HIV culture), the Bahamian Ministry of Scientific Review of Burton’s Patents
Health asked CDC and PAHO to send a scientific The IAT patient brochure states that the methods
team to IRC, to determine whether a public health of isolation and extraction for the IAT fractions
hazard existed. On July 2, 1985, the scientists toured given to patients at IRC and for blocking protein are
the facility and met with Burton and his staff described in five U.S. patents (two patents pertain to
concerning sterility practices and precautions. “Blocking Protein’ issued to Burton between 1978
Burton told the site visitors that he did not and 1980 (430). The findings reported here come
acknowledge the association of hepatitis B surface largely from a contract report to OTA (725) and
antigen with the potential for infection, nor the comments on it by outside reviewers.
association of HIV (then called HTLV-III or LAV) The patents describe substantially different sub-
or HIV antibody with AIDS. Burton said he relied on stances and processes than those described in
micropore filtration and heating during processing Burton’s pre-clinical research. The relationship to
of the products to eliminate biological contaminants his previous work is not direct. The extent to which
and product infectivity. He stated also that the the patents describe the process actually used at the
sterility of the serum is checked by injecting it into clinic also is unknown, as there are no available
laboratory mice and monitoring for sickness (89). In eyewitness accounts of its preparation.5
his trip report, the PAHO Chief of Epidemiology,
who led the site visit, concluded that the clinic The patents are confusing and complicated, with-
should be closed for several reasons, beg inning with: out being particularly complex or sophisticated
scientifically, and all contain directions that would
First and foremost, the clinic is producing an make it impossible to assure that the end products
unsafe biological product with procedures and meth- would be similar from batch to batch. These
ods which appear to be unsafe for the staff involved.
There are no indications of real interest in establish- directions include ranges of settings on analytic
ing accepted quality control measures. (830) instruments, ranges of processing times, and the
necessity of taking precise readings that go well
Later that month, the Bahamian Government closed beyond the reliability of the laboratory equipment
the IRC. specified. In addition, the methods described to
50TA IW b~n Critictied, in review comments by Robert Houstou for ma g that the patented procedures accurately represent the production
of IAT at the Clinic, as is stated in the brochure. Mr. Houston asserts that “patents often omit key elements and blur important details as a safeguard
against infringement.”
136 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
establish the identity and potency of the products are substance in serum said by Dr. Burton to be related
often convoluted; many steps are repeated with no to the presence or absence of cancer.’ They reported
clear purpose, after which the process returns to a further that MetPath setup a laboratory in Freeport
previous step. to “see if there really was a protein in the blood of
patients who have malignant disease,” and to
The essential method of isolating the specified ascertain if their scientists could measure “what Dr.
fraction in each of the patents is by differential Burton said he was measuring.” MetPath was
centrifugation-spinning at high speeds—many dif- reportedly able to find a “strange protein in the
ferent times. Centrifugation alone is an ineffectual blood of certain of the specimens.” According to a
technique for isolating specific proteins, contrary to 1981 letter from Paul Brown, M.D., Chairman of the
what is claimed in the patents (725). For example, Board of MetPath at the time of the interaction with
“Prol A Fraction” (corresponding to Tumor Anti- Burton (105a), MetPath was unable to develop a
body in the IAT patient brochure) is described as an reliable test based on Burton’s information and
antibody, meaning that it belongs to a particular
“extensive laboratory testing.” There were 25
class of protein with distinct immunologic activity. percent false positives in patients without cancer,
Using the patented Prol A Fraction recovery tech-
and 25 percent false negatives in patients with
nique, however, it would not be possible to isolate an cancer.
active antibody.
In the Tumor Complement Fraction patent, am- Glassman reported that MetPath sent 193 coded
monium hydroxide (a strong base in the acid-base vials of blood samples, four from cancer patients, to
system) is used to adjust the pH of the material. This Burton for testing. She states that Burton identified
will damage or inactivate most components of the the cancer patients correctly, but also identified six
immune system, including all elements currently other samples as positive. While MetPath initially
thought by mainstream researchers to be active considered them ‘false positives,’ Glassman states
against cancer. The procedures for Blocking Protein that within a year, all six had been diagnosed with
Fractions I and II could not specifically produce cancer. Brown stated:
anything except clarified blood serum. While sub-
stances present in the original donor serum (except MetPath did, in fact, send a certain number of
the active immunologic molecules which would be vials of blood samples to Dr. Burton in the Bahamas
inactivated by a heating step) might remain in the for testing. The results obtained by Dr. Burton were
final product, these would vary from batch to batch, substantially delayed and were not received by
depending on what was initially present. MetPath until well after the original specimens had
been destroyed. Accordingly, no conclusion can be
It is possible that immunologically active sub- drawn from the results of this testing trial. We are not
stances, such as lymphokines, tumor necrosis factor aware of the basis for the assertion that the results
(TNF), etc., could be present at various stages of the were “spectacular” or that the “tests proved to be
IAT manufacturing process, but it appears likely that 100% accurate and identfied the blood specimens of
they would be inactivated by the process, and if patients known to have cancer.”
present at all, could be in only trace amounts.
We are quite distressed at the assertions being
made by Dr. Burton and hope that this letter will put
The “MetPath contract” any misconceptions to rest. (105a)
60 Minutes, in its May 1980 episode about
Lawrence Burton (782), Glassman’s book, The OTA could find no other documentation of the
Cancer Survivors (341), and Lerner’s Integral relationship between Burton and MetPath, and no
Cancer Therapy (531) (citing Glassman) all report specific references were given in the books cited or
that a major U.S. manufacturer of diagnostic tech- by 60 Minutes. We contacted MetPath to see if the
nology, MetPath, had been interested in Burton’s original test results were available for independent
blood test for detecting cancer. According to 60 analysis. They replied that they no longer have the
Minutes, MetPath entered into a contract with Dr. records. The medical personnel with a memory of
Burton in July 1979, in the frost phase, to “verify the this event hold the general view that the assay did not
existence and determine the measurability of the work (486), as reported in 1981 by Paul Brown.
Chapter 6--Immuno-Augmentative Therapy ● 137
~oxicities are defined as unintended or adverse physiological effects of treatmen~ such as decline in cardiac, renal, or hepatic function. “Sterility”
is defined as the absence of biological contaminant ts or infectious agents (e.g., viruses, bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma).
138 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
and HTLV-III (now called HIV). About 50 of the benefited psychologically from seeking and under-
150 IAT patients who responded reported negative going IAT. During the 1978 PAHO site visit, 49
blood tests for HTLV-III antibody or virus, and none charts, selected by IRC staff, of patients who had
reported a positive test. About 6.5 percent indicated ‘‘encouraging results,’ were reviewed. The site visit
that they had confirmed diagnoses of hepatitis B, report concluded that, “In the majority of cases, the
though the questionaire did not ask how the best thing that could be said is that there was
diagnosis had been made or when it occurred in insufficient information to reach any kind of judg-
relation to the timing of IAT treatment (552). ment” (852).
U.S. oncologists responding to a 1987 survey by The IAT Patient Brochure contains a detailed
NCI and the American Society of Clinical Oncology two-page table that lists a large number of human
(ASCO) reported their observations of 95 IAT malignancies for which “at least 50% of patients
patients seen in the course of their practices. These have responded to immuno-augmentative therapy
reports included 1 patient positive for HIV antibody; with long-term regression of tumors and/or remis-
1 case of adenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes); 3 sion of symptoms” (428). The major types are:
cases of fever of unknown origin; 7 cases of cancers of the breast, colon, lung, ovary, pancreas,
hepatitis; 13 cases of infection (abscesses or sepsis, prostate, head and neck, stomach, cervix, liver,
mainly Nocardia); and 1 case of rash or arthralgia. bladder, and kidney; Hodgkins disease; leukemias;
The Nocardia infections were acknowledged by mesotheliomas; lymphomas; melanomas; and brain
Burton as originating at the Clinic (see above). For tumors. These include patients with metastatic
the other problems, it cannot be concluded that IAT disease. A few subgroups are identified for which
was or was not the source (898). fewer than 50 percent of patients have responded.
OTA requested the data or calculations on which this
Because some IAT products are made from the
table is based, but IRC was unable to provide them
pooled blood of cancer patients, there is an addi-
or to support the claims with other data (199).
tional theoretical concern about transmission of
cancer-causing viruses (111), however no data exist In the 1987 survey of IAT patients by Cassileth
on which to judge the likelihood of this happening and colleagues referred to above (178), an attempt
with IAT. The potential infectious and oncogenic was made to look at two standard measures of
risks posed by IAT increase with the number of treatment efficacy. The study was designed origi-
donors used in product manufacture. nally to compare survival and quality of life between
Recently, the AMA’s Diagnostic and Therapeutic matched pairs of patients with metastatic cancer (a
Technology Assessment (DATTA) program at- patient from the Pennsylvania Cancer Center files
was to be matched to each IAT patient), but because
tempted an assessment of the safety and efficacy of
too few IAT patients met the eligibility requirements
IAT. DATTA provided a panel of medical experts
(only 29 had available biopsy reports and metastatic
with published and unpublished information on IAT
disease at diagnosis), the authors did not carry out a
and asked for their evaluation of the treatment. Of 26
matched analysis. In addition, the authors found that
panelists, none rated IAT safetyas‘‘established”; 6
at the time they first went to the IRC, the IAT
rated it as “investigational”; 19 rated it as “unac-
ceptable”; and 1 rated IAT safety as “indetermi- patients in the survey were more likely to be
nate” (467). ambulatory, were younger, better educated, and of
higher socioeconomic status than are cancer patients
in general.
Information About Effectiveness
There are currently no reliable data about IAT’s About a third of the patients reported improve-
ment in appetite following the first visit to the clinic,
efficacy as a cancer treatment. A number of anecdo-
and about a third reported becoming more ambula-
tal reports exist, however. One hundred forty-two
tory (although 86 percent reported being ambulatory
testimonials of cancer patients treated at IRC were
submitted to the Florida State Legislature in the before starting treatment). About half the patients
reported no change in their performance status.
early 1980s. Despite discrepancies noted later, an
analysis of these submissions showed patient reports Cassileth and colleagues also reported on the
of subjective improvement (986). A few oncologists survival of the 79 IAT patients. The patients in the
have reported on terminal cancer patients who study began IAT an average of 17 months after
Chapter 6--Immuno-Augmentative Therapy • 139
diagnosis, and 50 patients were alive an average of comprises all patients who present at diagnosis in
65 months after diagnosis. The 29 deceased patients some identifiable catchment area (though this can-
survived an average of 59 months. The authors not always be defined precisely, on a population
cautioned against inappropriate interpretation of basis). The experience of the series, if large enough,
these data, later writing that “it is not possible to should approximate the survival experience of the
determine the extent to which patient sampling larger population of patients with that type of cancer.
biases contributed to these results, especially the If some patients, in particular those who die in the
observed survival distribution’ (175). In a review of first few months after diagnosis, are excluded, the
Cassileth’s study done at OTA’s request, John Bailar statistics of the group would be skewed toward
(a biostatistician) agreed with Cassileth’s conclu- longer survival times. During a site visit to IRC in
sion, adding that the quality of life questionnaire September 1987, OTA staff were asked to examine
used may have been seriously flawed and inadequate the IRC medical charts of the 11 peritoneal mesothe-
for obtaining accurate information from these pa- lioma patients included in this study. The mean
tients. Bailar emphasized that the information Cas- survival of the 11 patients was 9 months before they
sileth reported on survival time is unusable in the began treatment with IAT. One of the comparisons
absence of some appropriate comparison (64). Ac- made in the paper by Clement, Burton, and Lampe
cordingly, valid inferences about the efficacy of IAT is with a series of 45 patients whose mean survival
in controlling cancer cannot be drawn from this was 6 months. It is clear that many patients with this
study. Nonetheless, IAT supporters continue to type of cancer die very soon after diagnosis. For the
point to this study as strong evidence of the efficacy most part, Burton’s patients had already survived a
of IAT (see, e.g., (416)). critical period before beginning IAT”
Clement, Burton, and Lampe compiled the rec- As described above, a survey was conducted by
ords of 11 peritoneal mesothelioma patients treated NCI and ASCO in 1987 to ask U.S. oncologists
with IAT between May 1980 and February 1987 about their experiences with IAT patients. Respond-
(202). They reported the following survival informa- ing to a series of questions concerning IAT’s
tion: potential efficacy, oncologists treating 78 cancer
The total subject population represents a mean patients reported: 2 patients alive with objective
survival of 35 months and a median survival of 30 response; 9 alive with no objective response; 12
months; with a range for all cases from seven months alive with evidence of disease progression; 1 dead
to 80 months. despite objective evidence of response; 63 dead with
objective evidence of progression; 4 dead with
Comparing survival to average survival of mesothe- evidence of IAT-related toxicities; and 3 unevalua-
lioma patients reported in other published series, the ble patients. The researchers concluded that this
authors conclude that survival in these IAT-treated survey cannot be used to draw valid inferences about
patients is two to three times greater than that the effectiveness of IAT (898).
reported for mesothelioma patients otherwise treated.
They apparently did not consider the IAT patients’ The AMA’s recent DATTA report on IAT in-
prior treatment regimens, however, nor the selection cluded a rating of efficacy (in addition to safety,
factors that rendered patients well enough to go to discussed earlier). Of the 27 DATTA panelists, none
the Bahamas clinic even before IAT treatment rated the efficacy of IAT as “established”; 6 rated
began. The authors also failed to note that the ranges it as “investigational,” 16 rated it as “unaccepta-
of survival times observed are actually quite similar b l e ’ and 5 rated it as ‘‘indeterminate. ’ The
to the ranges of survival times noted in other DATTA report concluded that IAT is “of no proved
reported series of mesothelioma patients. They value as a treatment for cancer’ (467). Because the
reported a survival range of 7 to 80 months for information base on which to judge efficacy is
IAT-treated mesothelioma patients, while the litera- inadequate, this DATTA opinion cannot be regarded
ture reports they cite give survival times ranging as evidence that IAT is or is not efficacious.
from 1 to 60 months.
After more than 10 years of IAT use in human
No valid statistical analysis can be performed on cancer patients, and despite several attempts to plan
such a group of cases. They are not analogous to the a prospective clinical trial, no reliable data are
usual case series presented in the literature, which available on which to base a determination of IAT’s
140 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
efficacy as a cancer treatment. IRF and various New ous attempts on the part of NCI to work with Burton
York physicians attempted unsuccessfully to ar- on an evaluation of IAT had ended in failure, with
range a clinical trial for IAT in the 1970s. NCI Burton finally refusing to provide what NCI consid-
directly attempted to arrange a clinical trial again in ered crucial information about IAT, and then claim-
the early 1980s, but negotiations finally broke down ing bad faith on NCI’s part (762).
with Burton’s representative. The process was
aborted due to poor communication between NCI The First IAT Working Group Meeting
and Burton, complicated by reported findings of
OTA’s IAT Working Group first met on March
product contamination (244). In all of these at-
31,1987, to discuss possible approaches to a fair and
tempts, as with OTA’s, Burton himself was, for the
competent evaluation of IAT. A specific proposal
most part, involved only indirectly; the people he
prepared by IRC was considered as were other
designated as representatives, who were devoted
approaches. At the meeting, three major issues were
patients or other supporters, did not have authority
discussed at length: 1) the potential for obtaining
to speak for him, nor did they have intimate
information from IRC patient records that might be
knowledge of the details of IAT treatment. OTA’s
useful in an overall evaluation of IAT; 2) the patient
attempt to develop a clinical trial protocol in
safety issues raised by a clinical trial of IAT; and 3)
collaboration with Burton, described below, also
possible approaches to clinical trials of IAT.
ended in failure.
Obtaining Information From
FOR IAT A proposal by IRC and suggestions from the
Congressman Molinari and his cosigners asked Working Group for use of existing patient records
OTA to develop “the first comprehensive protocol were considered. The IRC proposal asked for a
to be used in an evaluation of IAT,” and to perform “statistical analysis” of the records of 11 patients
a “statistical analysis on IAT’s efficacy, utilizing with peritoneal mesothelioma who had been treated
existing clinical data. ’ OTA enlisted the assistance at the clinic. These 11 patients are discussed in the
of academically based experts in clinical trials, an paper by Clement, Burton, and Lampe (201), which
oncologist from NCI and one from FDA, and asked was reviewed earlier in this chapter. For the reasons
Burton for his participation. Burton appointed a given earlier, there appears to be no valid means to
resident patient who was active in the IATPA, to analyze this group of patients for the possible effect
represent him on this “IAT Working Group.” of IAT on length of survival, which was the
Burton himself would not participate except at suggestion made in the IRC proposal.
interim and final decision points. As is turned out,
this was a significant handicap. The Working Group considered two other ap-
proaches to using existing patient records. A “best
There were pluses and minuses to having IAT as case’ approach similar to that carried out by NCI for
the object of this task. On the plus side, IAT laetrile (discussed in ch. 5), relying on documented
presented many of the challenges likely to arise in evidence of tumor regression, was considered. OTA
attempting to evaluate other unconventional treat- considers the best case approach potentially useful
ments for cancer+. g., “secret’ components to the as a formal way to present evidence that could be
treatment, significant concerns about safety, treat- useful to support carrying out appropriate clinical
ment taking place outside the country. Another trials of unconventional treatments. In the case of
advantage was that the claimed effects of IAT were IAT, however, the goals of such an exercise were
no different from those made for most mainstream unclear. Since the decision to evaluate IAT had
cancer pharmaceuticals, and should, therefore, have already been made on political grounds, it did not
been amenable to testing and measurement using appear that presenting best cases would accomplish
standard study designs. On the minus side, it was not anything, except to delay the beginning of a clinical
Burton but Congress, speaking for Burton’s patients, trial, if it were to take place. 7 This is somewhat
who initiated the request for evaluation; and previ- analogous to the laetrile review, which ended with
7~e ~e~o~eliow ~=e~ &d not ~Wt me s~dwds of a &st MW review, ~me tie a~ysis WM b~ed ody on Iengti of survival ~d nOt ~Or
regression it did not appear that those eases would be appropriate for a best case review.
Chapter 6-lmmuno-Augmentative Therapy . 141
very little evidence in support of the treatment. With Peritoneal mesothelioma is an exceedingly rare
laetrile, a decision was made to proceed with a cancer; about 200 cases per year are diagnosed in the
clinical trial anyway, because of the public health United States (894). This may be contrasted with
importance of doing so. (At the time, laetrile had 149,000 cancers of the lung, 98,000 cancers of the
been legalized in more than 20 States, and was in colon, 42,000 cancers of the rectum, and 90,000
widespread use, which was not the case with IAT.) cancers of the prostate (25). Under the best of
An “informal” examination of patient records circumstances, even if patients with more advanced
was also considered by the Working Group. It was disease were included, it would take years to accrue
thought that there might be some value in simply sufficient numbers of patients for even a modest
looking at typical patient records to get an idea of the clinical trial in this disease. If IAT were a treatment
type of patient treated at IRC and to see how records used exclusively on patients with peritoneal meso-
were generally kept. This activity would have no thelioma, then there would be no choice, but since it
specific endpoint. It was decided that the time and is used widely, and is reported successful by Burton
money needed to carry out such a review, given the for patients with a wide range of cancers, the
lack of clear goals, would not have been justified. preferable choice is a commonly occurring cancer.
Issues Related to Patient Safety A more fundamental concern with the IRC
in a Trial of IAT proposal is the concept of comparing actual survival
IAT materials are made from pooled blood with a “definitive prognosis’ given to the patient on
samples from people with and without cancer. As entering the study. Except in rare circumstances,
such, the potential for infection must be assessed and prognosis for individual cancer patients cannot be
minimized before such mater-ids are given to determined accurately enough to form the basis for
patients in a clinical trial. At the time of the first such analysis, which is why it is necessary in
Working Group meeting, it was assumed that attempting to determine effects of treatment on
treatment with IAT would take place in the Baha- survival to have a randomized control group. Based
mas, so the treatment materials would be made there. on the 11 cases presented by Clement, Burton, and
What was contemplated was that quality assurance Lampe, if IAT is effective, its effect is not so extreme
procedures would be developed to be put in place at as to be evaluable in this way.
the clinic and that testing of fmished materials would
take place on some regular schedule at an independ- Regression of disease was the other major end-
ent laboratory in the United States. At the time of the point proposed by IRC, and it would be possible to
meeting, it was left that OTA would ask IRC for measure this in a clinical trial without a control
information about the processing of IAT materials group. “Phase II” clinical trials in cancer, designed
and would gather information from FDA and else- to detect tumor regression, are often of this type.
where concerning probable testing requirements. According to members of the Working Group,
This issue was left in an unfinished state at the first however, mesothelioma can be a difficult disease to
meeting. follow in terms of disease progression or regression.
Other solid turners are more easily followed and
Planning a Clinical Trial assessed.
The IRC proposed a clinical trial in patients with
peritoneal mesothelioma who did not have advanced The Working Group went on to consider other
disease. According to the proposal, patients would approaches to an IAT clinical trial and cancers other
have to be diagnosed in the United States and “given than mesothelioma. According to IRC literature,
a definitive prognosis by the evaluating oncolo- patients with virtually all types of cancer are treated
g i s t . ” Patients would be treated at IRC under and for most types, IRC reports that more than 50
Burton’s direction. After treatment, ‘Patients would percent benefit from treatment (430). The Working
be re-examined at a period after their prognosis date Group stressed the need to study patients with
thought to have statistical significance and possibly common cancers who have measurable and followa-
again near the end of the study period. ” Serious ble disease (e.g., primary or metastatic lung cancer,
problems with this proposal, discussed below, relate colon cancer with followable lung, liver, or intra-
to the patient population and the basic study design. abdominal masses, or primary renal carcinoma).
142 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Two possible phase II clinical trial designs were control arm. In addition, measures of the quality of
discussed: uncontrolled (all patients treated with life of the two groups would be compared.
IAT), similar in some ways to the IRC proposal, and
A reasonable size for a study of this type
a trial with randomized controls (one group treated
assuming, for instance, that about 25 percent of
with IAT and the other receiving other standard or
patients would benefit (a more modest goal than
supportive treatment, whichever is appropriate).
what is claimed for IAT), would be a total of about
OTA and the Working Group assumed at the time
80 patients, 40 in each arm.
that IAT-treated patients, regardless of the study
design, would have to be treated at the IRC in the The advantages and disadvantages of each study
Bahamas. design were discussed at length. The main advan-
tages of a small uncontrolled study, compared with
In an uncontrolled phase II study, patients who the randomized design, would be its lower cost,
met study criteria (type and stage of disease, somewhat shorter duration, and the fact that it is a
previous treatment, general condition or “perform- standard design. As used in mainstream research,
ance status,” etc.) would be offered participation. small phase II studies are often used to help identify
Those who agreed would be evaluated for tumor which specific cancers should be included in further
status and other possible outcome measures (e.g., phase II studies. With IAT, however, Burton would
“quality of life” measures) and sent to IRC for specify, based on his experience, which cancers
treatment. The number of patients needed for the would and would not be appropriate.
study would be determined in part on the basis of the
The main disadvantage of the small uncontrolled
predicted effectiveness of the treatment (this would
study would be the difficulty in interpreting the
have to be supplied by Burton). Patients would be
results. A “patient selection bias,” which would not
reevaluated at specified intervals (determined on the
affect trials of new mainstream treatments to the
basis of how quickly Burton predicted the treatment
same degree, could work either for or against finding
would work), the number of responses (complete
an effect. On one side, for instance, physicians
and partial remissions) counted, and the proportion
responding compared with prespecified measures of enrolling patients in the study may have a conscious
or unconscious bias for or against the treatment, and
success. For instance, a sample size of 20 to 30
may choose to offer enrollment in the trial as an
would give a good chance to detect a benefit in 20 to
30 percent of patients (399). alternative selectively, based on a preconceived
notion of IAT’s value and on the patient’s prognosis.
Patients themselves may also have preconceptions
It was envisioned that, in a randomized study of
about IAT and may “select themselves” into the
IAT, a principal investigator in the United States
study differentially on that basis. With no control
would share overall responsibility for the clinical
group, there is no way to assess the effects of this
trial with Burton. Physicians agreeing to collaborate
possible “enrollment bias,” which could be large,
at various institutions would offer enrollment to
on the outcome. This would not be a concern in a
patients meeting specified entry criteria. The design
randomized design.
would be explained to patients, so that they under-
stood that they had an equal chance of getting IAT Other factors may also show some variability that
or supportive treatment. As each patient agreed to would be impossible to account for adequately
participate, random assignment would be made to without a randomized control group. These include
one or the other arm (this could be done by an variations in tumor size due to measurement varia-
independent center). After patients were fully evalu- bility, real short-term fluctuations (but not long-term
ated, those randomized to receive IAT would go to shrinkage) in tumor size, and other influences on the
the Bahamas for treatment. Patients in the control size of the tumor (e.g., effects of previous treatment).
group would receive their specified care. All patients Any small or moderate response in an uncontrolled
would be reevaluated at appropriate intervals. The study would be inconclusive and likely to lead to
endpoints would be standard, objective measures of controversy. While this could happen in a random-
disease regression or progression. The results would ized study as well, it is much less likely, given the
be analyzed by comparing the percentage of patients direct comparison with controls. Another advantage
with positive responses who had been randomized to of the randomized design is that evaluation of serial
the IAT arm with the percentage responding in the tumor images would be conducted by individuals
Chapter 6--Immuno-Augmentative Therapy . 143
blinded as to which treatment group patients were in, views. Contact was made between OTA and the
eliminating a potential source of bias. attorney, and subsequently the attorney, acting on
Burton’s behalf, asked that OTA staff visit the clinic
overall, a clear-cut result would be much more in the Bahamas. Specifically, Burton wanted OTA
likely in a randomized trial than in an uncontrolled staff to tour the clinic, examine the records of his
one. Even a negative result in the proposed random- patients with peritoneal mesothelioma, and meet
ized study would be more informative and would some patients. OTA agreed to travel to the clinic and
allow better estimation of the upper limit of potential to follow an agenda set by Burton, with the
effectiveness of IAT than would the uncontrolled understanding that progress on the protocol, as
design, should further studies be planned. Of the reported in the draft OTA report, would be discussed
options considered, OTA adopted the randomized as well. An OTA Assistant Director (Herdman),
phase 11 trial as the best first step toward the fair and Project Director (Gelband), and Analyst (Solan)
unbiased evaluation of IAT called for by Members planned a 3-day trip to Freeport in early September
of Congress. 1987, in accord with Burton’s proposed agenda.
A summary of the meeting was circulated to all
participants afterward, and some important points The First Bahamas Meeting
emerged in their comments. Some of these, particu-
larly concerns of NCI and FDA, had to do with In addition to OTA staff and Burton, Burton’s
whether Burton would be willing to supply Suffi original representative, his lawyer, a consultant
cient information about the treatment materials for statistician, and a member of then-Congressman
their safety to be assessed and assured, to the degree Molinari’s staff were present. The outcome of the
possible. NCI stated that the study should take place meeting, which actually ended after 2 days, was a
at a research institution in the United States. Other review by OTA of the peritoneal mesothelioma
comments expanded on the types of cancer that records (discussed earlier in this chapter) and a
might be considered. In general, the Working Group “memorandum of understanding” (see Addendum
members were supportive of proceeding in the to this chapter), signed by Burton and Herdman,
direction spelled out in the draft summ ary paper. covering some key points in the design of a clinical
trial. OTA staff were present on the second morning
The response from Burton’s representative (425), to observe the process of drawing and testing
who had offered little guidance during the meeting, patients’ blood according to Burton’s specifications.
was received 2 months after the draft was sent. It was There was no preparation of the treatment materials
a long and legalistic discourse on the OTA process going on, however, and OTA requests for more
for the study, with general discussion about evaluat- information about how the products were made were
ing unconventional treatments and the need for not fulfilled.
“innovative evaluative techniques,” but with no
comments specifically on the plan set out for Burton’s participation in the discussion was
consideration. The response also said that Burton limited mainly to the first morning. At that time, he
himself had been advised by his representative not to characterized the OTA draft as ‘‘childish and
read the draft. inane. At the conclusion of the meeting, OTA
agreed to continue exploring the feasibility of
OTA responded to Burton’s representative in studying peritoneal mesothelioma and to try to
detail, and wrote to Burton (397) to inform him that further develop a protocol based on the memoran-
his “lack of representation by an appropriately dum of understanding.
skilled person’ on the Working Group appeared to
be making progress difficult. In the letter, Burton Key provisions of the memorandum of under-
was asked to replace his representative with some- standing included: that the design would be a
one with technical experience in appropriate areas, randomized trial; that the trial would be conducted
and to become more involved himself in the process. in the United States; that recruitment of patients
should be possible within a span of about 1 year; and
Burton responded that he believed the situation that appropriate measures would be taken to assure
would improve with the participation of his attorney, the safety and sterility of materials that would be
who was very familiar with IAT and with Burton’s given to patients.
144 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
The most significant issue relating to patient The Second Bahamas Meeting
safety, however, was whether the clinical trial would
OTA representatives (Herdman and Gelband),
be carried with official Investigational New Drug
accompanied by an FDA oncologist who is an expert
(IND) status from FDA. For all practical purposes,
in biologics, traveled to the clinic in August 1989.
if the trial were to be carried out as envisioned in the
The objectives for the meeting were to come to
United States, an IND would be necessary. The IND
agreement on an appropriate type of cancer to be
application would entail Burton’s disclosing the
studied, and to allow Burton and his representatives
details of how IAT treatment materials are made and
how much of each material patients generally to begin a dialog with FDA so that the IND process
receive. This information would allow FDA to could be started.
consider possible risks, ways of reducing them It was OTA’s belief that the first of these
without interfering with the basic IAT regimen, and objectives was met: an agreement was reached that
appropriate quality control tests to be carried out patients with advanced colon cancer with measura-
during the clinical trial. (Information provided to ble disease would be studied. The entire meeting
FDA in an IND or a Drug Master File (DMF), on with Burton, planned for 2 days, lasted only a few
which an IND may be based, remains entirely hours. There was no opportunity to observe the IAT
confidential with FDA.) production process. The FDA biologics expert
discussed the general requirements for an IND and
It was possible that Burton could maintain as explained what is done with the information fried
confidential the algorithm used to determine the with FDA. Burton and his then-current representa-
exact dosages, which is the one part of the treatment tive (the original representative to the IAT Working
that he maintains exclusively proprietary, but it was Group had died by this time) did not pursue this
not assured that FDA could agree to this. The discussion in detail.
materials themselves are prepared in both the Burton expressed his wish to have a “pre-test," in
Mexican and German IAT clinics, but Burton which patients with advanced colon cancer with
provides dosage information for all clinics based on measurable disease (the same criteria as for the
transmitted laboratory values. Burton would have clinical trial) would be treated at the clinic in the
the same relationship to the U.S. trial as to his clinics Bahamas and their progress monitored in the United
in other locations. States. Burton stated that this would require patients
to be recruited in the United States by NCI or another
All of this information was communicated to clinical trial sponsor and sent to the clinic. OTA
Burton in a letter in June 1989 (397). In concluding, made it clear that this would not be considered part
the letter stated: of the clinical trial and that NCI was unlikely to
cooperate in such a venture.
At this point in our process, I now need your
assurance that we all understand where we are. We OTA prepared a draft summary of the second
still must select a type of tumor that will make for a Bahamas meeting, covering mainly the choice of
feasible, meaningful trial of IAT. We need to know cancer type to be studied, the requirements for an
any conditions you would place on NCI as a trial ~-D, and-Burton’s responsibilities during the trial. It
sponsor, the role you expect to play in the trial, and reiterated OTA’s position that a pre-test in the
we especially need to know that you can provide the Bahamas, as described by Burton, could not be the
type of information that I’ve described [regarding an basis for an acceptable evaluation of IAT, and
IND], which is absolutely essential to getting a trial therefore the idea could not be supported by OTA.
going. The draft report was sent to the IAT Working Group
and Burton for comments.
OTA proposed a meeting with Burtor A to discuss
these issues, with the added participation of an The Clinical Trial Described by OTA
expert in biologics and an oncologist of Burton’s The clinical trial design developed by OTA, in
choice, or suggested by OTA. In further telephone consultation with the IAT Working Group, expert
conversations, OTA requested also that the visit consultants, and Burton and his representatives,
include an opportunity to observe IAT materials would be a test primarily of whether treatment with
being produced. IAT leads to shrinkage of tumors, as reported by
146 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Burton. It would also gather information on quality would not know which treatment group patients
of life, adverse effects, and survival (though it were in. Blinding is used to assure that the groups are
probably would not be large enough to definitively assessed without bias. In this trial, the assessment
detect possible improved survival due to IAT). would involve review of initial pathology and
assessing the regression or progression of tumors.
The clinical trial would take place at an accredited
U.S. medical center acceptable to both the trial Standard, accepted, statistical techniques would
sponsor (possibly NCI) and Burton, in accordance be applied in the analysis. Whatever the result of the
with the current regulations of the Department of study, Burton and the trial investigators would agree
Health and Human Services concerning IND and to publish the results for scrutiny by the scientific
Institutional Review Board requirements. All pa- community.
tients would be treated in the United States. Patients
agreeing to participate after giving informed consent Burton’s Response to OTA’s Clinical Trial
would be allocated by random assignment to IAT or Description
supportive treatment.
Burton responded to the OTA draft (116) stating
Patients with metastatic cancer of the colon with that he had “not agreed to much of what you have
measurable disease would be eligible, specifically a chosen to include in your report,’ and that the report
diagnosis of “Dukes’ D colorectal carcinoma.’ This ‘‘reflects little more than an outline to obtain
is a relatively common cancer, and one for which negative results. ’ The letter goes on to state that
treatment options are limited. To the extent possible, “the pre-trial was a nonnegotiable prerequisite to the
patients would have had no previous chemotherapy clinical trial of IAT in the U.S.,’ and points out that,
or radiotherapy, a condition set by Burton to in an earlier letter to him, OTA had stated that "NCI
preclude the possibility that responses during the had suggested just such a ‘small non-randomized
trial could be attributed to the previous treatment pilot phase.’” He terms it “strange” that the draft
rather than IAT. However, response to prior treat- states his pre-trial would not be considered part of
ment would not be a problem because the control OTA’s plan.
group would provide a check on late responders to
previous treatment. Burton had misinterpreted NCI’S proposed “pilot
phase,” which they clearly stated would be a small
Patients would spend the necessary 6 to 8 weeks study preceding the randomized study in the United
initially at the treatment center, having blood drawn States, for the purpose of assuring the feasibility of
each day and receiving IAT. They would return the full trial and collecting information about
home with treatment materials and a schedule for potential toxic effects. These were not Burton’s
self-administering them for periods of time specified goals, and a pre-trial at his clinic would not have
by Burton (about every 3 months, according to provided the information desired by NCI.
treatment regimens at the clinic in the Bahamas).
In his letter and in a telephone conversation with
Burton (personally or through a representative) OTA, Burton signaled his wish to deal directly with
would be responsible for providing instructions for NCI. Herdman responded (397) that he believed the
making the various IAT fractions and for carrying OTA draft report was an accurate representation of
out necessary laboratory measurements at the U.S. the discussions and agreements that had been made
treatment site. He would be asked to test materials and that ‘the trial described in the draft would be the
made at the site to ensure that they met his standards. fairest, most expeditious initial evaluation of IAT.”
Measurements would be transmitted to Burton daily However, OTA accepted Burton’s decision to pro-
during initial treatment and thereafter at intervals ceed with the NCI as final.
specified by Burton, and he would transmit back the
dosage schedules for each patient. In several telephone calls following shortly, one
of Burton’s representatives (the same one who had
All patients would be examined at regular inter- several years earlier represented Burton in discus-
vals, including appropriate scans and tumor meas- sions with NCI) and the President of the IAT
urements, and aspects of quality of life assessed. All Patients Association both attempted to reopen dis-
review of patient data to assess response would be cussion with OTA. OTA agreed that this would, of
done in a blinded fashion, that is, the reviewers course, be possible, if Burton himself wished to do
Chapter 6--Immuno-Augmentative Therapy ● 147
so, but no word was ever received from Burton designated representative. Data from IAT
himself; nor has he initiated discussions with NCI. blood analysis will be transmitted to Dr.
Burton, who will specify the daily IAT
ADDENDUM regimen for each patient. Information re-
quired for “standardization” of treatment
Memorandum of Understanding Between
material will be transmitted to Dr. Burton as
OTA and Lawrence Burton Concerning he requires.
a Clinical Trial of IAT 8. Methods of assessing the safety and sterility
On September 9, 1987, the Office of Technology of all IAT materials to be given to patients will
Assessment of the U.S. Congress (OTA) and the be included as part of the protocol. Such
IAT, Ltd. (Centre) of Freeport, Bahamas have testing will be a pre-condition for beginning a
agreed in principle to the following points regarding clinical trial and will continue as appropriate
the design of a clinical trial protocol to evaluate the throughout the trial. Such testing will be
efficacy of Imnmno-augmentative therapy (IAT). performed by an established clinical labora-
tory to be mutually agreed upon.
1. Peritoneal mesothelioma will be the tumor
9. During the course of the trial, patient care,
candidate of choice for the protocol, provided
other than IAT treatments, will be provided by
both parties are satisfied that enough patients
the patients’ private physicians or licensed
can be recruited for such a study within
physicians at the agreed-upon study center.
approximately 1 year of commencing re-
cruitment efforts. 10. As in all clinical trials, patients offered
2. The study will be a randomized clinical trial participation will be informed of all signifi-
in which patients will be assigned to treatment cant details relevant to both IAT and the other
with IAT or some standard treatment. treatment before their consent is sought.
3. The endpoints that will be considered for use 11. Interim studies (e.g. x-rays, ultrasound, CT
in this protocol shall include survival time, scans, as specified in the final protocol) will
quality of life, and tumor status. be submitted to independent groups of quali-
4. Both the Centre and OTA agree that no fied specialists in those particular disciplines.
interim data or study results will be published All such materials will be sent without reveal-
before the clinical trial is completed. ing patient identifiers or, importantly, which
5. Patients will be eligible for the trial only if treatment the patient is receiving.
they have a confirmed pathological diagnosis 12. OTA and the Centre will provide any and all
of peritoneal mesothelioma, preferably con- non-proprietary materials (including articles,
firmed by the Armed Forces Institute of data, etc.) used to support recommendations
Pathology or another medical institution to be or conclusions bearing on study design.
mutually agreed upon. Efforts will be made to 13. Lines of communication between OTA and
recruit patients with minimal or no prior the Centre will be kept open for the prompt
chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Prior surgery exchange of pertinent information.
will be acceptable. Patients with advanced
disease (beyond the abdomen) will be ex- Both the Centre and OTA will make a good faith
cluded [referring specifically to peritoneal effort to research these points and determine their
mesothelioma]. feasibility in order to complete the design of a
6. The trial will be conducted at a single site (to protocol as promptly as possible.
be mutually agreed upon at a later date) in the Office of Technology Assessment:
United States.
7. IAT blood analysis and preparation of IAT (signed by Roger C. Herdman, M.D.)
treatment materials will take place at the U.S. IAT Ltd:
study site by personnel trained and supervised
by Lawrence Burton, Ph.D., of the IAT or his (signed by Lawrence Burton, Ph.D., Director)
Chapter 7
The published literature on unconventional can- NCI’s Cancer Information Service (CIS) runs a
cer treatments has often depicted users of these nationwide telephone hotline that provides infor-
treatments as deviant, poor, marginal persons, hos- mation on the gamut of questions about cancer,
tile to mainstream medicine, mentally unstable, including unconventional treatments. In an analysis
ignorant, gullible, “straw-graspers," or as unin- of computerized data reporting on more than 10,000
formed “miracle-seekers” (see, e.g., (104)). These CIS inquiries over a 4-year period, Freimuth found
stereotypes generally reflect the opinions of the that callers inquiring about unconventional cancer
writers and society, and are not backed by systematic treatments had a higher average level of education
observation. Though scanty, the studies that have than the “average” of all CIS callers (306).
152 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
In 1986, Louis Harris & Associates, under con- disease to seek information about or use unconven-
tract to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tional cancer treatments.
and the Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS), surveyed attitudes toward “questionable Many patients are motivated to seek unconven-
treatments.” Questions were asked of a national tional treatments by their desire to live and their fear
cross-sectional sample of 1,514 adults, including a of death from cancer (395,445). One cancer patient
sample of 297 people who reported a diagnosis of wrote to OTA that she began looking into unconven-
cancer at some time. The survey found that among tional cancer treatments in ‘attempt to move beyond
the surveyed population, including the subgroup incapacitating fear and panic” (366). While these
with cancer, “college graduates seem more likely motivations may contribute significant.ly to deci-
than those without a degree to use treatments that are sions to seek treatment, there are no data to suggest
questionable.” The researchers concluded that peo- that those who use unconventional cancer treatments
ple who report using ‘‘questionable treatments’ are are either more fearful or life-loving than other
generally similar demographically to the whole cancer patients. These two factors might equally
population of those seeking treatment for particular motivate a cancer patient to seek out or accept
health reasons (566). mainstream treatment. The limited data available
thus far suggest that overcoming fear of illness and
Users of unconventional cancer treatments in the death can be viewed as psychological challenges
United States cannot be characterized adequately faced by most cancer patients (233,417,713). In this
because so little work has been done to find out context, use of an unconventional cancer treatment
about them. The few studies discussed here, how- is one of many possible responses.
ever, suggest that patients interested in using uncon-
ventional cancer treatments are a heterogeneous The desire to mitigate feelings of helplessness and
group, not from one stratum of society. hopelessness may specifically motivate cancer pa-
tients to use unconventional treatments. Holland, a
psychiatric oncologist, suggests that cancer patients
Patient Attitudes and Motivations may become vulnerable psychologically when they
learn of metastasis or disease progression because it
Cancer patients may become interested in uncon- is so difficult to accept a worsened prognosis. She
ventional treatments for a variety of reasons. The finds that many patients wrestle with the “uncon-
available data suggest that patients most frequently trollability” of their disease and may experience
add unconventional treatments to their mainstream helplessness and hopelessness, manifested by symp-
treatment regimens well after their diagnosis and toms of anxiety, depression, or both (408). In this
mainstream treatment, and then either continue both context, Holland observes that exploring unconven-
or continue only unconventional treatment (177).1 tional cancer treatments serves to both restore a
The experience of CIS suggests that disease progres- degree of personal control and offer a perceived
sion or recurrence may precipitate or intensify a antidote to the cause of turmoil. Both the activity
patient’s interest in unconventional cancer treat- required to search for alternative treatments and the
ments (174). One of the cancer patients who wrote fact that most unconventional treatments represent
to OTA described her family’s anguish and growing some promise of cure may be irresistible (408).
interest in identifing unconventional treatment as
her condition worsened on mainstream treatment Some cancer patients may be motivated to use
(733). OTA received a number of similar letters and unconventional treatments by their feelings of aban-
telephone calls during the course of this assessment. donment or rejection by mainstream physicians
However, many patients seek unconventional treat- during the course of their cancer treatment (395).
ments after completing mainstream treatment, when Both cancer patients and oncologists have com-
they have no evidence of cancer remaining but mented on how poorly many physicians respond to
cannot know whether the treatment was successful the intense psychological needs of cancer patients
for the long term. This section will present factors and cope with their own limited success in this arena
that may motivate patients at various stages of their as healers. Some patients may begin to seek out
lrn c~sde~’s 1984 study of canmr patients, 60 percent of those using unconventional cancer treatments began their nse of these at an average of
24 months after beginning conventional lmatment.
Chapter 7--Patients Who Use Unconventional Cancer Treatments and How They Find Out About Them ● 153
unconventional treatments when, in the course of Similarly, in the 1986 Harris Poll described above,
their mainstream treatment, they are made to feel although 90 percent of U.S. cancer patients using
like treatment failures, of little interest, or aban- questionable treatment methods did not consider it
doned (410,802). likely that unconventional treatment would “cure”
them, a substantial number found them ‘effective.’
Patients who use unconventional cancer treat-
ments have cited an undeniable need to “do GATHERING INFORMATION ABOUT
something’ to assure continued survival (366,733).
This need was dramatized in the 1988 television
movie, ‘‘Leap of Faith,’ in which lymphoma patient TREATMENTS
Deborah Ogg sought out several unconventional Person-to-person contact—word of mouth-is an
cancer treatments during a time when she was important way for cancer patients to find out about
asymptomatic, her cancer was stable, and no main- unconventional treatments, and is cited by many
stream treatment was recommended. A patient with patients as the most persuasive source of informa-
metastatic lymphoma who wrote to OTA about his tion in treatment decisions (55,190,288,365). In an
use of several unconventional cancer treatments unpublished 1987 survey of cancer patients who use
stated, “I felt I had nothing to lose and I just might unconventional treatments, a sociology student work-
get some help” (265). Another cancer patient who ing with an unconventional cancer treatment advo-
uses an unconventional cancer treatment wrote to cacy group (the International Association of Cancer
OTA that she began her dedicated search for these Victors and Friends; IACVF) found that “friends”
treatments at the point when, although her disease and “the media” were the two most frequent
was stable, she realized “the limitations of tradi- sources for learning about unconventional cancer
tional medicine in the treatment of [her] type of treatments. Other sources included a large advocacy
cancer’ (366). group (The Cancer Control Society; CCS), family
Little information exists about the attitudes to- members, physician referral, and incidental expo-
wards mainstream medicine of patients using uncon- sure to clinic advertisements or brochures (193).
ventional cancer treatments. An Australian study Similarly, the Harris nationwide survey found
(which may or may not be generalizable to U.S. ‘‘word of mouth’ the most common method of
patients) reports that negative views of mainstream introduction to unconventional treatments reported
medicine are not key factors in most patients’ by U.S. adults. Although not asked specifically
decisions to use alternative forms of care (260). about unconventional cancer treatments, 3 out of 10
Another study suggests that a constellation of users of “questionable products” of all kinds
attitudes, including an opposition to mainstream reported that they learned of these from friends or
medicine and acceptance of officially condemned neighbors, and 45 percent of users reported telling
health beliefs, was important to the widespread use others of their experience (566). Cancer patients are
of one unconventional cancer treatment, laetrile, in likely to feel socially isolated and to some extent
the 1950s and 1960s (931). Holland suggests that unique when they begin to consider alternatives to
patients who have previously relied exclusively on conventional treatment (365). Person-to-person con-
mainstream care may be willing to suspend their tact appears to be especially compelling and persua-
usual pattern of disbelief and accept unproven or sive in this situation, gaining camaraderie in what
unconventional treatments when it becomes clear to was previously seen as a unique problem.
them that mainstream medical treatment can no
longer control the cancer (408). Once the surface is scratched, there is a great deal
of supportive information that would encourage
The belief that unconventional cancer treatments patients looking into unconventional cancer treat-
may be useful even if they may not cure cancer is ments. Patients find specific leads from advertise-
common among users. In one study, 190 cancer ments in the many journals and newsletters pub-
patients with metastatic disease were interviewed lished by advocacy organizations (described in ch.
about their beliefs; only 25 percent indicated that 8); at conventions held by some of the larger
they thought laetrile, vitamins, or special diets could advocacy groups; and through the anecdotes of
cure cancer, yet 70 percent stated that they would try clergy, fiends, family members, nurses, physicians,
these forms of treatment if they were available (272). physical therapists, social workers, etc. Others may
89-142 0 - 90 - 6 QL 3
154 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
get treatment advice and referrals from diverse depending in part on the nature of the store and local
sources such as fellow cancer patients at mutual aid interest in particular treatments.
group meetings, health food store workers (see
Health food stores and their employees are
below), or even wig store personnel. Information
thought to be influential in cancer patients’ decisions
referrals may sometimes be obtained through social
about unconventional treatment, but the evidence in
organizations, e.g., the Singles Club for Live Food-
support of this contention is largely anecdotal or
ers, based in Hollywood. Some popular books on
conjectural. One exception is a 1983 survey spon-
specific unconventional cancer treatments are avail-
sored by the American Council on Science and
able at commercial bookstores, health food stores,
Health (839), a group that describes its purpose as
and specialized libraries, and these are often sug-
protecting consumers by providing them with valid
gested to cancer patients.
scientific information. In that survey, researchers
Some patients take an analytical approach to visited or telephoned health food stores in the New
researching unconventional cancer treatments. Many York, New Jersey, and Connecticut areas and either
locate and interview patients already using uncon- asked specific questions about products or presented
ventional treatments. Others may read widely, con- a set of symptoms and asked for advice. In the one
sult a professional research service, or take a special scenario that might relate to cancer treatment, a
bus trip to visit unconventional cancer treatment researcher called 17 stores, stating that, for no
facilities, and then compare features of available apparent reason, she had lost 15 pounds in the past
treatments. month (a symptom that could result from cancer) and
was concerned about losing more. Employees in
Health Food Stores seven stores recommended that the caller see a
physician. Five tried to diagnose the problem, and in
Local health food stores are a major source of nine stores, employees recommended dietary prod-
information about unconventional cancer treatment. ucts plus a variety of mineral, vitamin, and other
In the 1970s and 1980s, health food stores became supplements. Two other store employees referred
common fixtures in many communities. Having the caller to an herbalist and a naturopath, while a
started as small businesses selling mostly vitamins third employee discouraged her from seeing a
and natural foods, health food stores gradually physician.
expanded in scope, variety, and number to become
In an effort to understand more about the role of
providers of a wide range of dietary, cosmetic, and
household products. A common thread among many health food stores in patients’ decisions about
of the stores is an interest in “alternative” health unconventional cancer treatments, OTA commis-
care and its network of services and providers. They sioned a small survey in three cities: Philadelphia,
provide vitamins and natural foods promoted for Tucson, and Berkeley (420). In that survey, the
general health maintenance, prevention of disease, graduate student researchers noted the types of
available printed material related to cancer treatment
and often treatment of disease; herbal products and
homeopathic preparations for a variety of common and asked for advice about treatment, giving the
ailments; and an array of written materials, including details of a friend or relative’s cancer with which
books, pamphlets, and popular health magazines. they were familiar. Responses to the reserchers
Health food stores also provide a link to unconven- differed by store and by city, but in all three cities,
tional health services by maintaining bulletin boards health food stores provided links to the alternative
cancer treatment network. A pro-alternative, rather
for notices about clinics, practitioners, and mail-
order products and by referring customers directly to than an anti-medicine, attitude prevailed. In general,
practitioners who use unconventional approaches, salespeople were willing to give advice, which
included do-it-yourself practices, specific clinics
including physicians, herbalists, chiropractors, ho-
and practitioners, further sources of advice, includ-
meopaths, naturopaths, and acupuncturists.
ing referral networks or organizations favorable to
Other than the most popular ones, books and alternative medicine, and books, magazines, and
articles about unconventional cancer treatments are pamphlets. No single book, product, or treatment
relatively difficult to find in public places outside of was brought up consistently, however. In addition to
health food stores. The selection of materials varies literature and products for sale, and the advice of
widely among different health food stores, however, salespeople, informal contact with other patrons and
Chapter 7--Patients Who Use Unconventional Cancer Treatments and How They Find Out About Them . 155
bulletin board postings offer health food store Occasionally, popular books and movies, such as
customers entry into the alternative network. Death Be Not Proud, may contribute to the public’s
The OTA survey is in general agreement with the general awareness of unconventional cancer treat-
American Council on Science and Health study and ments. In some cases, it is not the treatments, but
the anecdotal information pointing to health food rather the political issues surrounding the availabil-
stores as relatively easy places of entry for seeking ity and evaluation of unconventional cancer treat-
out alternative cancer treatments. The growth in ments that have been the specific subject of both
numbers of health food stores over the past decade movies and television shows, such as in the AMA
suggests that a large portion of the population has Department of Investigation’s Medicine Man in
easy access to such stores, but we still do not know 1958, the film Hoxsey: Quacks Who Cure Cancer?
the number of cancer patients for whom health food and various radio and television talk shows in 1988
stores play an important role. and 1989 (e.g., Morton Downey, Oprah Winfiey,
Sally Jesse Raphael, Robert Atkins). As described in
Mass Media and Books the discussion on health food stores, a number of
According to the 1987 Harris poll described popular books publicize unconventional cancer treat-
previously, most American adults are generally ments and are frequently cited by users as their
aware that ‘‘questionable’ or unconventional treat- initial source of information.
ments for cancer and other chronic diseases exist.
The media are important sources of information Although mass media may be the most powerful
about cancer in general, as was found by a 1978 ACS conduit of cancer information to the public, there are
survey in which the overwhelming majority of few data to assess their impact or how they may
respondents described television, newspapers, and
differentially portray mainstream and unconven-
radio as their primary sources of information about
tional cancer treatments. One review suggests media’s
cancer (548). The airing of a single 15-minute
segment of the television show ‘‘20/20’ in October general handling of cancer to be fairly accurate in
1987, entitled “Promise Them Anything,” which content and neutral in tone (307), but others raise
examined the promotion of unconventional cancer concerns about undue sensationalism in reporting on
treatments at conventions held by advocacy groups, cancer treatments (642). For example, in a recent
undoubtedly increased general awareness of uncon- nationally broadcast television talk show, Stanislaw
ventional cancer treatments among the estimated Burzynski, M. D., developer of “Antineoplastons,”
viewing audience of 18 million people (670). An and his patient-advocates were both encouraged and
example of “unintended publicity” by the media applauded by the hostess, with little opportunity
was the press coverage of actor Steve McQueen’s allowed for the hastily invited expert in mainstream
use of unconventional treatments before his death oncology to discuss her concerns about the treat-
from cancer. The total number of inquiries to NCI’s ment’s safety and efficacy (729).
Cancer Information Service concerning unconven-
tional treatments-which is a useful marker of
public awareness of unconventional cancer treat- Some popular books, such as Glassman’s The
ments—increased substantially during that time Cancer Survivors and How They Did It (341), and
(305). Kushner’s Alternatives: New Developments in the
War Against Breast Cancer (510) make mention of
Over the last 3 years, in addition to the “20/20”
unconventional treatments though not focusing on
episode cited above, a major network aired several
them. A chapter on unconventional treatments is
shows on this topic, concerning individual patients’
search for unconventional cancer treatment options, included in the Consumer Reports Book, Charting
nutritional approaches to cancer treatment, the role the Journey: The Cancer Survivors’ Almanac of
of positive thinking in curing cancer, and the Resources (651). Others, such as Moss’ The Cancer
phenomena of underground medical cults and health Industry: Unraveling the Politics (648), and Lerner’s
fraud. These shows reached estimated audiences of Integral Cancer Therapies (531), focus on uncon-
7 million, 20 million, 24 million, and 16 million ventional treatments and place them in a positive
respectively (670). light.
156 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Box Page
8-A. The American Medical Association: Historical View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Table Page
8-1. Unconventional Cancer Treatments and Practitioners for Which
NCI/CIS Has Standard Response Paragraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
8-2. Treatments and Proponents of Treatments Declared Unproven in ACS
Statements on Unproven Methods of Cancer Management, 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Chapter 8
Organized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer
Treatments: Information, Advocacy, and Opposition
There are organizations that exist solely to advo- This office is responsible for NCI responses to
cate ‘‘alternative medicine, ’ or ‘‘freedom of written inquiries about cancer treatments, including
choice’ in medicine; and there are organizations foreign inquiries and legislative requests, and also
whose sole goal is to eradicate ‘‘health fraud. ’ questions originating within the National Institutes
Unconventional cancer treatments are major con- of Health (NIH). Difficult or complex questions
cerns of both types of group. Other organizations, from the public may be referred by CIS to the Public
including Federal agencies, engage in activities Inquiries Office for research and resolution. The
related to unconventional cancer treatments as part staff work with other NCI staff in writing and
of a broader agenda. The strategies of all these distributing many treatment-related publications,
groups vary, but most include some component of including the standard response paragraphs used by
providing information to the public or to health CIS staff to answer inquiries about unconventional
professionals; some include lobbying or other politi- cancer treatments (174).
cal activity; others become involved with private
legaI actions involving patients, practitioners, and Cancer Information Service
clinics. NCI established the CIS in 1975, as part of a
This chapter presents the activities of the Federal Federal initiative to meet the diverse informational
Government concerning unconventional cancer treat- needs of cancer patients. CIS is a telephone network
ments, through the National Cancer Institute (NCI) consisting of a national office and 25 regional
and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and offices, each covering one or more States or large
then discusses the activities of private sector organi- population areas. Calls coming in after hours or on
zations that have taken stands for or against uncon- weekends are transferred to a toll-free 24-hour
ventional cancer treatments. Following that, the number answered by the national CIS office, which
chapter discusses examples of specialized informa- is run by a private business under contract to NCI.
tion services. Information on a wide range of cancer-related topics
is available to callers through CIS staff, who are
health educators and trained volunteers. In response
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to inquiries, CIS staff may consult a computerized
INFORMATION ON database, their office’s subject matter files (includ-
UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER ing newspaper and periodical articles), and their
reference library. CIS staff also have access to the
TREATMENTS expertise of NCI physicians and researchers. Fol-
lowup on telephone inquiries is done by mailing
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) printed materials or a return phone call (306).
NCI has a responsibility to inform the public Inquiries to CIS about unconventional cancer
about cancer. In 1986, NCI staff answered about treatments constitute about 1 percent of all inquiries,
400,000 public requests for information (373). The and people most frequently ask about these treat-
Public Inquiries Office and the Cancer Information ments in addition to other cancer-related questions
Service (CIS), two branches of NCI’s Office of (e.g., clinical trials, treatment in general, coping and
Cancer Communication, supply information to the counseling, chemotherapy), according to a recent
public about cancer treatments. The Public Inquiries review of 4 years of CIS experience (306). Data on
Office and CIS have provided some information on the types of unconventional cancer treatment asked
unconventional treatments for several years, and about are not uniformly recorded by CIS staff.
NCI is in the process of developing a more detailed However, the Florida regional office of CIS did
data base on unconventional treatments. record this information between September 1982
160 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
and February 1983, a period when staff answered Table 8-l—Unconventional Cancer Treatments and
558 telephone inquiries about unconventional can- Practitioners for Which NCI/CIS Has Standard
cer treatments. They reported that most of their Response Paragraphs
inquiries concerned Immuno-Augmentative Ther-
apy (probably due at least in part to the proximity of Janker Clinic
Antineoplastons/Dr. Stanis.liaw Burzynski
Florida to the Bahamas), other types of “immuno- Dr. Hariton Alivizatos/Greek Cancer Cure, Inc.
therapy,’ Macrobiotic diets, and the use of vitamin Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
C; other inquiries concerned advocacy organiza- Hydrazine sulfate
tions, home remedies, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), Dr. Harold Manner
and the Burzynski cancer treatment (781). Koch synthetic antitoxins
Hoxsey herbs
According to a recent review of the limited data Gerson therapy
available, CIS responded to a total of 10,399 Lawrence Burton, Ph. D./lAT
Holistic medicine
inquiries about unconventional cancer treatments Macrobiotic diet
during the 4-year period between January 1983 and SOURCE: V. Friemuth, “The Public’s Search for Information on Unortho-
December 1986. Friends and relatives of cancer dox Cancer Treatments: The CIS Experience,” prepared for the
Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, Washington,
patients accounted for just over half these inquiries; DC, Feb. 18, 1988.
cancer patients, 18 percent; the general public, 12
percent; health care professionals, 6 percent; and the Most CIS statements about unconventional can-
media, less than 1 percent. Over the last 4 years, all cer treatments are several pages long, varying in
CIS offices, with the exception of Oklahoma, have what they cover. They often identify a major
recorded some inquiries about unconventional can- proponent, describe the treatment, and briefly state
cer treatments. The six offices reporting the highest the claims made. Almost every statement summa-
percentage of inquiries about unconventional treat- rizes the evidence available to NCI and draws some
ments were Tennessee, California, Washington State, conclusion about the treatment, the proponent, or
New York City, Texas, and Wisconsin (306). both.
For some treatments (e.g., Antineoplastons, lae-
CIS staff read or paraphrase a standard response trile), the details of evaluation attempts by NCI and
paragraph to all callers asking about unconventional other bodies are presented, while for others (e.g.,
cancer treatments. This paragraph: 1) urges patients ‘‘non-toxic chemicals,’ Manner therapy), the state-
to remain in the care of physicians who use ments simply state that ‘‘no evidence exists that
“accepted and proven methods’ 2) warns that use these are effective in cancer treatment.” In two
of unconventional cancer treatments may result in cases, the Gerson therapy and Krebiozen, the state-
loss of time and reduce chances for cure or control ments indicate that a record review was conducted
of disease; 3) points out the availability of experi- by NCI. Although the findings of those reviews are
mental forms of treatment for situations where not presented in detail, the statements conclude that
standard therapy is not available or has not been these reviews neither established treatment efficacy
effective; and 4) encourages patients to ask their nor elucidated promise warranting clinical trial
doctor about their eligibility for clinical trials (306). investigation. In a few of the statements (e.g., Koch
antitoxins, Hoxsey), very little information about the
When inquiries come in, CIS staff may also read treatment is provided, but actions of FDA, Federal
from or paraphrase standard response statements Trade Commission (FTC), State cancer councils,
about specific unconventional cancer treatments and other governmental agencies related to the
(see table 8-l), and they may send copies of these treatment or practitioner are described.
statements to callers. These standard response state- In several cases, while the statements report that
ments are prepared by NCI staff, reviewed by the there is little evidence to support the treatment itself,
Office of Cancer Communication, revised as neces- they acknowledge the potential importance of rele-
sary, and then passed through a formal clearance vant fields of research, and go on to describe
process. In addition to these statements, CIS staff research conducted by NCI or another mainstream
may read, paraphrase, or photocopy other materials medical institution in those fields. For example, the
collected by individual CIS offices (306). statement on hydrazine sulfate and the statement on
Chapter Organized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer Treatments . 161
the Gerson therapy acknowledge the potential role of the public how to recognize, avoid, and help stop
adequate nutrition in cancer treatment and describe what they consider to be ‘health fraud,’ a term that,
the research on nutrients in cancer being conducted as used by the FDA, encompasses some of the
by NCI’S Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer program treatments covered in this report.1 In 1986, FDA
(DNCP). Though the statement on hydrazine sulfate worked with the National Association of Consumer
criticizes early published research, it also describes Agency Administrators (NACAA) to establish an
it as “provocative,” and goes on to detail current Information Exchange Network. In 1988, the Office
NCI-funded research efforts on this substance and its of Consumer Affairs contracted with Harris Associ-
possible role as an adjuvant cancer treatment (899, ates to conduct a national survey (discussed in ch. 7)
900). documenting the extent and impact of what they
defined as health fraud on the U.S. public, focusing
Data Base on Unconventional Treatments on use in the treatment of chronic diseases, such as
In an effort to provide practitioners with more arthritis and cancer.
information about unconventional cancer treatments, A few individuals within FDA are knowledgeable
in 1987, NCI awarded a contract to Emprise, Inc., a about unconventional cancer treatments and may
private consulting firm, to prepare information on 26 answer specific inquiries or represent the agency on
unconventional cancer treatments. Each entry will related matters. Staff from the Office of Health
include: 1) a statement reviewing the scientific data Affairs also respond to inquiries from health profes-
supporting the treatment, 2) a sample “patient and sionals and organizations regarding unconventional
doctor dialogue’ that physicians may find useful in cancer treatments. An FDA historian may respond to
discussing these treatments with patients, and 3) a public inquiries about unconventional cancer treat-
summary overview and fact sheet about the treat- ments with articles and reprints.
ment. NCI has not decided how it will use this
information. It may become part of PDQ, an on-line, The Office of Regulatory Affairs imposes and
free, cancer treatment information system targeted publicizes sanctions that may involve unconven-
to health professionals, in operation by NCI since tional cancer treatments. The office publishes narra-
1982. Emprise also plans to make versions of the tive notices of Import Alerts, which have, on
information available in scientific monographs that occasion, dealt with bans on the importation of
will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals (631). unconventional cancer treatments (e.g., IAT, Nieper
products). Under the Commissioner of Regulatory
The Food and Drug Administration Affairs, staff at regional and district offices specifi-
FDA has statutory authority to regulate the cally monitor health fraud and make enforcement
marketing of drugs, devices, and biologics in inter- efforts. In this vein, the government has sought
injunctions against Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski to
state commerce. Many of the best-known unconven-
tional cancer treatments involve drugs, devices, or prevent shipment of unapproved drugs across state
biologics unapproved by FDA, and these treatments lines, and seized some of his records. (See ch. 10 for
become FDA’s concern when interstate shipment a full description of this case.)
occurs or reports suggest they pose a public health The Office of Public Affairs prepares “FDA Talk
hazard (411). (See ch. 10 for a description of FDA’s Papers, ” which are intended to guide FDA person-
responsibilities in regulating drugs.) Because FDA’s nel in answering questions posed by the public, and
interest arises from these concerns, FDA may are also available to the public directly. A few recent
provide the public with almost exclusively negative FDA Talk Papers have discussed unconventional
information about unconventional cancer treatments. cancer treatments (e.g., live cell therapy, homeo-
To some extent, FDA’s Office of Consumer pathic remedies).
Affairs both initiates public awareness and responds On the agency level, FDA has provided consider-
to occasional public inquiries on unconventional able information about some unconventional cancer
cancer treatments. In the last few years, FDA and the treatments through sponsorship of health fraud
Pharmaceutical Advertising Council (PAC) devel- conferences (61 1). In 1985, FDA, FTC, and the U.S.
oped a multi-media public service campaign to teach Postal Service cosponsored a National Health Fraud
lmou@out this Smtion the term “health fraud” is used in the way it is USed by ~A.
162 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Conference in Washington, DC. This was the first cil, investigate, sometimes litigate, and generally
national conference on health fraud since 1966, and warn the public about the hazards they believe are
was attended by approximately 250 representatives posed by unconventional cancer treatments. Many
of Federal, State, and local agencies, independent of these organizations collaborate, sharing resources
public interest groups, and industry associations and personnel, and have sometimes worked with
(866). The goal of the conference was to heighten Federal agencies, such as FTC or FDA, acting
awareness of health fraud in the United States and to against health fraud. These organizations have been
facilitate the cooperation of various concerned termed collectively “quackbusters.” Many share
agencies in the public and private sectors. As a information among themselves; and prominent indi-
followup to the 1985 national conference, FDA held vidual ‘‘quackbusters” often serve on the commit-
regional health fraud conferences during 1986 in tees of several organizations.
several cities across the country.
This section discusses ACS, AMA, ASCO, and
In March 1988, FDA sponsored another national NCAHF and their activities.
Health Fraud Conference in Kansas City. This 2-day
conference, cosponsored by two local hospitals, The American Cancer Society (ACS)
included speeches and workshops with general and
specific information about, among other topics, ACS is headquartered in Atlanta and has 57
unconventional cancer treatments and their practi- divisions throughout the United States. Originally
tioners. Specific unconventional cancer treatments founded in 1913 as the American Society for the
were highlighted as examples of fraudulent treat- Control of Cancer, ACS is a large, voluntary health
ments (e.g., laetrile and IAT). Legal, fiscal, and organization, “dedicated to eliminating cancer as a
sociological aspects of health fraud were discussed major health problem by preventing cancer, saving
(658,988). lives from cancer, and diminishing suffering from
cancer through research, education, and service”
(90). While a strong emphasis is placed on support-
PRIVATE SECTOR ing cancer research and training, public and profes-
INFORMATION ABOUT sional education remain important program priori-
ties for ACS (373). An early ACS slogan was “Fight
UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER Cancer with Knowledge” (409). The most promi-
TREATMENTS: OPPOSITION nent program relating to unconventional cancer
treatments is the long-standing ACS Committee on
Most information about unconventional cancer Unproven Methods of Cancer Management. The
treatments, positive and negative, is developed and Committee and its statements, as well as other
disseminated through private sector organizations. relevant ACS activities, are described below.
The most influential of these on the negative side is
the American Cancer Society (ACS), through its
Committee on Unproven Methods of
“Unproven Methods” activities, which are only a
small part of the Society’s broad agenda. Histori- Cancer Management
cally, the American Medical Association (AMA) The majority of ACS public and professional
played a role in fighting what it defined as quackery, education activities regarding unconventional can-
which has included a number of specific unconven- cer treatments originate with the Committee on
tional cancer treatments, but it has been less active Unproven Methods of Cancer Management.2 Estab-
in recent years. The American Society for Clinical lished in 1954, the Committee is administered by the
Oncology (ASCO), a professional society for oncol- professional staff of the national office, and serves as
ogists, has had an ongoing interest in unconven- an information resource for all ACS divisions. The
tional cancer treatments. Other smaller organiza- Committee shares information with ASCO, FDA,
tions, such as the National Council Against Health the U.S. Pharmacopoeia, AMA, and also, on an ad
Fraud (NCAHF), the National Council on Nutri- hoc basis, with the unproven methods committee of
tional Information, and the Quackery Action Coun- the European Association of Cancer Societies (373).
zAtits h. 7 l~om=ting, t.hecommittee on Unproven Methods of CancerManagement proposed anmne change to tie COmmittm on QuestioMble
Methods of Cancer Management. This change awaits approval by the %eiety’s House of Delegates in November 1990 (90).
Chapter Organized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 163
Although the original intent of the Committee was Unproven methods of cancer management differ
to provide information to physicians on uncon- from standard accepted treatments which have been
ventional forms of cancer treatment, more members shown by scientific study to be effective. Standard
of the public than physicians currently approach methods of treatment have undergone study to prove
ACS about unproven methods. The main activity of that they are both effective and safe. If methods of
the Committee is “to initiate and approve the therapy have not had careful review by scientists
preparation of materials for the education of the and/or clinicians to show that they are effective, then
they are not deemed proven and should not be
medical profession and the public concerning un-
recommended. (28)
proven methods for treatment and/or diagnosis of
cancer” (90). The Committee also funds small
research projects, such as two current pilot projects A recent brochure lists 27 individual ACS state-
to determine the extent of use of unproven methods ments on Unproven Methods of Cancer Manage-
of cancer management across the United States. ment (table 8-2). Most statements describe treat-
ments, but some profile practitioners or advocacy
The Committee meets three times a year to organizations. Some statements open with a stan-
discuss unproven cancer treatments, advocacy or- dard section that indicates the purpose of the
ganizations for unconventional treatments, and prac- statement and why ACS recommends that unproven
titioners offering unproven cancer treatments, and to methods of cancer management not be used. Addi-
review related projects. Members may be assigned tional information varies from statement to state-
to small working groups for specific projects, such ment but may include claimed benefits of treat-
as revising the Unproven Methods statements. The ments, citations from published literature, summary
Committee maintains more than 900 information and criticism of available data, examples of legal
and documentation reference files. ACS states that action, plans for mainstream evaluation of treat-
they gather information by conducting literature ments, and biographical information about propo-
searches, reviewing existing files, and inviting nents. All have a strongly negative tone and clearly
proponents of unconventional cancer treatments to attempt to dissuade use of unconventional cancer
submit materials during the drafting and revision treatments. Some advocates for unconventional
processes (287). Statements on unproven methods cancer treatments term this “the ACS black list. ”
that appear in the ACS publication CA-A Cancer
Journal for Clinicians are drafted by a technical In 1988, ACS began the process of updating all of
writer or by a health professional with interest and the unproven methods statements. As they are
knowledge in the topic, and reviewed and approved completed and approved by the Committee, they
by the Committee before adoption and public appear in the ACS professional journal, CA-A
distribution (90). Cancer Journal for Clinicians. In 1989, the n e w
statements on the International Association of Can-
In an ACS brochure titled ‘Unproven Methods of cer Victors and Friends, Inc. (29), the Revici method “
Cancer Management,’ ACS urges the public not to (31), and macrobiotic diets (30) were published.
use “unproven methods,” and to distinguish these
from established and investigational mainstream The ACS unproven methods statements are re-
treatments: garded as authoritative by many public and private
sector organizations. In addition to their use by
Methods of investigation in cancer management patients and their physicians, the statements are also
. research generally include some of the following: used as reference documents in insurance coverage
observations on the effects of the therapy under decisionmaking (577). A recent survey of the
study in an adequate number of patients with commercial health insurance industry by the Associ-
biopsy-proven cancer; complete evaluation of all ation of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) re-
clinical and laboratory data including case histories,
radiographs, and microscopic slides; reproducible vealed that ACS Statements on Unproven Methods
findings; assessment of treatment results as com- are one of the five most frequently consulted sources
pared with a control group or standard treatment; of information used by major insurance companies
examination of survival outcome; and consultation in their deliberations regarding reimbursement for
with other research groups. cancer treatment claims (577).
164 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Table 8-2—Treatments and Proponents of Treatments similar inquiries to regional ACS offices.) The
Declared Unproven in ACS Statements on Unproven inquiries were handled either by the CRS or Un-
Methods of Cancer Management, 1987 proven Methods Committee staff. Of those inquir-
● Hariton Alivizatos, M.D. (Greek cancer cure, inc.) ing, 415 were patients or their family members, 356
● Antonio Agpaoa, the “psychic surgeon” were health professionals, and 33 were from the
● Antineoplastons
● Vlastimil (Milan) Brych
media. The specific content of the calls is not
● Chaparral tea recorded in sufficient detail to determine patterns of
● The Committee for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy, Inc. public interest in particular treatments.
● Contreras methods
● Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) Educational Programs
● Electronic devices
● Fresh cell therapy ACS sponsors public service advertisements,
● Gerson method of treatment for cancer
● Hoxsey method or Hoxsey chemotherapy health fairs, conferences, and other special programs
● lmmuno-Augmentative therapy of Lawrence Burton, Ph. D., with, generally, only a minor focus on unconven-
Bahamas tional cancer treatments. The ACS divisions are
● Independent Citizens Research Foundation for the Study of
Degenerative Diseases independent, however, and some choose to be more
● International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends, Inc. active in this area than others (796).
● Iscador
● Issels combination therapy, proposed by Josef Issels, M.D. Cancer Response System
● Kelley malignancy index and ecology therapy
● Koch antitoxins Since 1984, ACS has operated the CRS, its
● Laetrile
● VirginiaWuerthele-Caspe Livingston, M.D. and EleanorAlexander- telephone “hotline” information service, as a joint
Jackson, Ph.D.—PPLO vaccine and test educational project between ACS headquarters and
● Macrobiotic diets regional offices. CRS is operated by ACS volunteers
● Metabolic cancer therapy of Harold W. Manner, Ph.D.
● National Health Federation
and professional staff, using two toll-free telephone
● Carey Reams lines, according to prescribed procedures and guide-
• Revici cancer control lines (796). A minority of CRS inquiries involve
● O. Carl Simonton, M.D.
— unconventional treatments.3
SOURCE: American Cancer Society Inc., “Unproven Methods of Cancer
Management,” pamphlet, 87-25M-No. 3028, 1987. Although regional ACS offices may handle in-
quiries somewhat differently than does the national
Inquiries to ACS About Unproven Methods of office, the national office provides the regional
Cancer Management offices with most of the information used to respond.
Most ACS staff reaming CRS telephone lines read
Depending on whether callers inquire during or or send standard statements prepared by the Un-
after office hours and on the level of information proven Methods Committee to callers inquiring
requested, inquiries to ACS about unconventional about specific unconventional cancer treatments.
cancer treatments may be handled by the National Personnel are asked to emphasize that it is not ACS
Office Professional Education Staff, local Cancer policy to recommend any specific treatment and
Response System (CRS) staff, or other individuals urge callers to maintain contact with their main-
designated by divisions (373). The Delaware Divi- stream physicians (796). Other reference informa-
sion, for example, has designated one individual to tion may include ACS public education pamphlets;
handle all inquiries from health professionals about articles from the ACS practitioner journal, CA-A
unconventional cancer treatments (33). Cancer Journal for Clinicians;4 FDA Talk Papers;
the ACS publication for medical students, Clinical
The ACS National Office received about 800 Oncology; the Cancer Manual, written for a general
telephone or written inquiries about unproven meth- audience; and articles from other journals. ACS
ods over the 46-month period from November 1983 divisions may also develop their own reference
through September 1987. (There is no count of materials.
3~ addition t. ~omtion on ~mnventio~ cancer ~=~ents, ~S also main~ mate~s on more common.ly qested iIlfOrmatiOn (e.g.,
causes of cancer, prevention strategies, specitlc malignancies, orthodox cancer treatments, clinical trials, rehabilitation resources, and other support
semices for cancer patients).
dFor e=ple, the ~yflme Ig88 issue of CA -A Cuncer JozmIuZ for Clinicians contains articles on self-help groups, psychos~ial issues, and
unconventional cancer treatments.
Chapter 8--Organized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 16.5
The American Medical Association and third-party payers. (See ch. 9 for a description of
the insurance industry’s use of DATTA opinions.)
AMA is a large trade organization whose mem-
bership includes individual physicians, all State and Medical technologies may be proposed for DATTA
county medical societies, and 70 medical specialty review by the public or by several offices within
societies throughout the United States. AMA states AMA, but are selected for the formal review process
that it seeks to “promote the art and science of based on the priorities of the Council on Scientific
medicine and the betterment of public health,” by Affairs. In formulating an opinion, DATTA staff
“representing the medical profession, providing review literature from technical journals and then
information about medical matters, upholding pro- survey assembled panels of experts from relevant
fessional conduct and performance, and advancing medical specialties about the technology’s safety
standards of medical education” (47,71). Under this and efficacy. About 10 DATTA opinions are pub-
banner, AMA has made efforts to prevent what it lished each year in the Journal of the American
considers health fraud and to educate the profession Medical Association. All DATTA opinions are
and the public as to the advantages and disadvan- considered provisional, and may be reassessed upon
tages of controversial therapies. In the past, AMA new findings and information.
crusaded actively against unconventional cancer Three unconventional cancer treatments have
treatments (see box 8-A), but in recent years their been evaluated by the DATTA program. The first
activity in this area has waned. two were subjects of mainstream research, which
Currently, questions concerning unconventional were also promoted in the alternative medical
treatments are generally referred to other organiza- community. The third, IAT, exists wholly outside of
tions, such as ACS. AMA does maintain fries of conventional medicine and research. DATTA as-
published and unpublished literature on unconven- sessed Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine for
tional treatments, however, and will respond to use in cancer therapy several years ago.s Whole-
questions about them. Responses are provided by body hyperthermia was originally assessed in 1983
staff of the Division of Library and Information (466) and rated as “investigational” for use in
Management. In 1989, AMA published a small cancer treatment. DATTA later reassessed whole-
annotated bibliography of the published, main- body hyperthermia for cancer in 1986 (46) after FDA
stream literature on a group of unconventional approved a hyperthermia system for a specific
treatments, not limited to cancer. AMA itself, palliative cancer treatment indication. The updated
however, did not editorialize on the treatments DATTA evaluation states that use of regional or
(843). Another AMA activity, the Diagnostic and local hyperthermia for the indication approved by
Therapeutic Technology Assessment (DATTA) Pro- FDA represents ‘‘established medical practice, ”
gram in the Division of Basic Sciences, Group on while the use of whole-body hyperthermia, and other
Science and Technology, also has become involved, applications of local and regional hyperthermia
to a limited extent, with unconventional treatments. remained “investigational.”
IAT was the subject of a 1988 DATTA evaluation
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technology (467). In the published DATTA opinion, panelists
Assessment Program had no data from clinical trials or other studies to
review; only historical information, descriptive arti-
DATTA was created in 1982 to distill and cles, and reports of health hazards were included.
publicize information for practicing physicians on The overall opinion was negative (680). (See ch. 6
the safety and clinical efficacy of emerging or for a full discussion of the IAT DATTA evaluation.)
controversial medical technologies. DATTA re-
sponds to approximately 600 information requests The American Society for Clinical Oncology
per year with letters, phone calls, and formal
DATTA opinions published in the Journal of the (ASCO)
American Medical Association (71,446,787). Most ASCO has been generally silent about unconven-
inquiries are from individual physicians, patients, tional cancer treatments. Its primary concern is with
5BCG is a biologic USed in o~er countries for treatment of tuberculosis, and is sometimes used in the United States as an WXOnventiOXd @atment
for both cancer and AIDS.
166 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
clarifying scientific and political issues germane to U.S. oncologists to document their experience with
the mainstream practice of oncology in the United patients who had been treated with IAT.
States. It does, however, have a standing committee Public inquiries to ASCO on unconventional
concerning unconventional treatments, and has made cancer treatments are generally referred to ACS or
some efforts to discuss these treatments with their NCI, and the few inquiries received from oncolo-
membership and the public. Efforts in this regard gists are handled by the chairman of the Unorthodox
have included the 1983 publication of “Ineffective Practices Committee (963). ASCO’s 1989 represen-
Cancer Therapy: A Guide for the Layperson” (48), tative on the ACS Unproven Methods Committee
and collaboration with NCI in 1980 on a survey of and on AMA’s Cancer Council is an oncologist
Chapter 8-Organized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 167
known for his negative stance on unconventional cally discourages use of what is considered fraudu-
cancer treatments. As of 1988, the same individual lent or unproven nutritional treatments. It also
also was serving on the Committee on Hematology maintains a speakers’ bureau, and sells videotapes,
and Oncology in the Scientific Information Section manuals, books, and assorted reprints.
of the United States Pharmacopoeia, which is
currently developing information on unproven can-
cer remedies.
ASCO, along with AMA and ACS, articulates INFORMATION ABOUT
what is considered standard or reasonable cancer UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER
treatment in the United States. ASCO is considered
highly credible and while, as an organization, it does
not do much to influence directly the use of
unconventional cancer treatments, its representation Some of the most active organizations providing
on related committees within AMA, ACS, and the information to promote the use of unconventional
United States Pharmacopoeia, and its general lack of cancer treatments or, more generally, freedom of
public discourse on unconventional cancer treat- choice in medicine include the Cancer Control
ments conveys a view of these treatments as Society (CCS), the International Association of
collectively lacking value. Lack of ASCO endorse- Cancer Victors and Friends (IACVF), the National
ment or serious consideration probably influences Health Federation (NHF), the Foundation for Ad-
mainstream oncologists against incorporating these vancement in Cancer Therapies (FACT), the Coali-
treatments into their practices and, in general, from tion for Alternatives in Nutrition and Healthcare
referring patients to unconventional practitioners. (CANAH), and the American Quack Association
(AQA). There are, in addition, groups formed in
support of particular treatments and practitioners,
The National Council Against Health Fraud e.g., the IAT Patients’ Association (IATPA), the
Friends of Dr. Revici, and the Hans Nieper Founda-
tion. A few private information services also provide
specialized information about and, in some cases,
NCAHF describes itself as an organization of referrals to unconventional cancer treatments. Ex-
“health professionals, educators, researchers, attor- amples of these types of organizations are discussed
neys and concerned citizens, wishing to actively later in this chapter.
oppose misinformation, fraud, and quackery in the
health marketplace” (656). The group was founded
in 1977 in California as a local consumer advocacy
group for health matters, and became national in The Cancer Control Society (CCS)
1984. The council ‘‘conducts studies and investiga-
tions to evaluate claims made for health products CCS, founded in 1973 by two former IACVF
and services’ educates Americans about “health members, is currently one of the most active
fraud, misinformation, and quackery”; promotes organizations advocating the use of unconventional
consumer health laws; and "encourage[s] and aid[s] cancer treatments. Based in California, it has ap-
in legal actions against consumer protection health proximately 5,000 members. In a spring 1988
laws violators.” Its newsletter is NCAHF’s main mailing, CCS stated that its purpose is ‘‘public
means of promoting its cause, but it also has a education in the prevention and control of cancer and
Resource Center that sells books and articles on other diseases through nutrition, tests, and non-toxic
health care fraud (656). alternative therapies.’ The same flier cites laetrile,
Gerson therapy, Hoxsey treatment, Koch enzymes,
Affiliated with NCAHF, the Nutrition Informa- wheat grass, immunology, mega-vitamins and min-
tion Center is a non-profit group, based in Arizona, erals, detoxification, nutrition, dimethyl sulfoxide
that publicizes negative information about providers (DMSO), and chelation therapy as examples of the
of unconventional cancer treatments and specifi- treatments considered “non-toxic” by CCS (166).
168 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
CCS members receive a journal, the Cancer Florida, Illinois, New York, Texas, Washington
Control Journal, and may be eligible for discounts State, and affiliates in Canada and Australia. One
at selected treatment-related supply houses (270). IACVF goal is “to continually collect, research,
CCS provides free lists of practitioners and clinics analyze, evaluate, and disseminate new information
offering unconventional treatments, in addition to concerning alternative non-toxic treatments, thera-
selling books, informational pamphlets, cassette peutic agents, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, nutritional
tapes, self-help materials, and spectific treatment- aids and clinics in the United States and abroad”
related products directly to the public. CCS holds an (29).
annual convention on unconventional cancer treat-
ments, attended by approximately 1,000 people per IACVF facilitates person-to-person networking
year, at which 50 to 100 practitioners of unconven- by providing a list of “recovered patients” and
tional cancer treatments, many of whom practice in encouraging contact by potential patients. IACVF’s
Mexico, discuss and promote their services (764). publication, Cancer Victors Journal, focuses on
Treated patients also participate in the CCS annual unconventional and occasionally conventional ap-
convention and may offer testimonials in support of proaches to cancer prevention and treatment, nutri-
practitioners. tion, interviews with researchers and practitioners,
and personal case histories of cancer ‘‘victors. ”
In order to respond to public inquiries, CCS IACVF runs an informational telephone hotline
maintains a 24-hour telephone hotline and sends out through its national and regional offices. Its national
information (including names and addresses) about office reports an average of 5 to 10 calls per day
unconventional practitioners and clinics; mailings concerning unconventional cancer treatments, with
also include names and addresses of patients who some regional offices receiving more (192). In
have used unconventional treatments (163,164,166). response to inquiries, IACVF provides supportive
In at least some cases, CCS specifically recommends telephone counseling and, at the volunteer’s discre-
practitioners and types of unconventional cancer tion, general discussion of available unconventional
treatment based on the inquiring patient’s diagnosis cancer treatments. As followup, callers may be sent
and any expressed preferences. Aside from periodic written materials advocating a wide variety of
updating of their membership list and letters to unconventional cancer treatments. IACVF’s Na-
members asking their permission to be contacted by tional Office develops and distributes sample infor-
other patients, no formal effort is made to follow up mational packets, also distributed by regional chap-
on patients referred by CCS to unconventional ters, along with supplemental information relevant
practitioners (764). to each area of the country. Regional chapters also
CCS assists cancer patients in looking into sponsor seminars on topics related to cancer and
unconventional treatment options by providing pro- cancer treatment.
spective patients with a list of patients who have IACVF cooperates with CCS in developing and
used various unconventional treatments and their publishing listings of alternative cancer treatments,
telephone numbers. CCS also arranges “Cancer
practitioners, treatment supplies, clinics, and sup-
Clinic Tours,” consisting of guided bus trips to port groups. The Association also participates in the
Mexican clinics that offer unconventional treat-
CCS annual convention.
ments. Commentary by CCS bus tour guides about
the clinics and practitioners may influence patient
decisionmaking, as may the comments made by the The National Health Federation (NHF)
practitioners and patients they meet at each clinic.
Approximately 200 people per year take the CCS NHF was established in 1955 and provides
trip to Mexican cancer clinics (764). generally positive information about unconven-
tional medical treatments (not limited to cancer)
The International Association of Cancer coupled with consistent criticism of mainstream
medicine. NHF also acts politically, attempting to
Victors and Friends (IACVF) effect legislative change to deregulate practitioners
IACVF, founded in 1963 by a cancer patient, and enhance “freedom of choice” in health care. It
currently has approximately 4,000 members. Head- is based in California, with 82 chapters in 32 states
quartered in California, IACVF has chapters in (389).
Chapter Urbanized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 169
NHF advocates the use of unconventional treat- it deems “holistic,” “host-oriented,” and “non-
ments through its journal, Health Freedom News, toxic.” Treatments meeting FACT’s nontoxic cri-
which contains articles and advertisements for teria are fever therapy, immunotherapy, cellular
treatment-related supply houses, clinics, and practi- therapy and botanicals (298). In addition to the many
tioners offering unconventional cancer treatments. unconventional cancer treatments advocated in FACT
NHF also sells books, reprints, and pamphlets that literature, a few innovative cancer treatments from
advocate specific unconventional cancer treatments. mainstream research institutions are also advocated.
One of the most vocal advocacy organizations in the
United States, NHF uses its journal to seek both In its effort to educate the public, FACT responds
financial and political support from its readership for to requests by sending out books, article reprints,
"freedom of choice” causes. and cassette tapes. Their publication, Cancer Forum,
has a circulation of approximately 5,000. FACT
The main issue around which NHF frames most of
volunteers respond to telephone inquiries by “as-
its goals is its belief that many government actions
sessing patients’ physical, financial, and geographic
in the health area are invasions of personal freedom
needs” (770). In addition, FACT’s public education
and civil liberties. The organization’s role is to fight
activities have included a conference in Philadelphia
for an individual’s right to choose their health care,
on nutritional and psychoneuroimmunologic cancer
a liberty they feel is restricted by the health industry
treatments, attended by patients and professionals.
as it exists presently.
The group makes treatment referrals almost ex-
Coalition for Alternatives in Nutrition and clusively to “metabolic” practitioners. Referred
Healthcare (CANAH) patients are asked to report back to FACT on their
treatment experiences and their comments are con-
CANAH is a coalition, based in Pennsylvania, sidered by FACT staff in making future referrals.
that has as its main goal the enactment of a FACT had planned to undertake a structured evalua-
Healthcare Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitu- tion of the treatment experiences of their callers in
tion and similar amendments to the constitution of 1987, but the project has been delayed indefinitely
each state, but the group involves itself in a wide (770).
variety of health issues, including access to uncon-
ventional cancer treatments. Like NHF, CANAH
argues that conventional medicine controls health American Quack Association (AQA)
care in the United States, suppressing other types of
care (such as homeopathic, naturopathic, etc.) to AQA, a sma11 organization founded in 1985 and
which people should have access. CANAH presents based in Florida, views both patient and practitioner
its stands on various issues through its newsletter, use of unconventional health care treatments as
Healthcare Rights Advocate, and other publications "freedom of choice’ prerogatives. Its membership
(205). includes both professionals in the health field and
lay practitioners. The AQA publication, the Journal
The Foundation for Advancement in of the American Quack Association, which is
published with Health Consciousness, contains arti-
Cancer Therapies (FACT)
cles and letters to the editor from practitioners and
FACT is a New York-based educational organiza- patients advocating the use of unconventional medi-
tion, founded in 1977, with chapters in Detroit, cal treatments. AQA invites its members and readers
Boston, and Philadelphia. It distributes information of its journal to share ‘‘descriptions of their experi-
about cancer treatments it considers “nontoxic.” ences with Quack Remedies which they have found
Based on a belief that cancer is a sign of systemic effective’ (498). There are currently more than 350
dysfunction or imbalance in a person, FACT advo- members of AQA (497).
cates cancer treatments that purport to enhance
patients’ resistance. The group focuses on “early AQA sponsors an annual “Quality Care With
non-invasive diagnosis, nutrition, detoxification, Kindness” conference at which the availability and
structural balance, and mind-body connection’ practices of numerous unconventional practitioners
(298). FACT only advocates cancer treatments that are publicized (497).
170 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Project Cure and the Center for tive cancer treatments (289), publishing a quarterly
Alternative Cancer Research newsletter, The Turning Point, and publishing a
brochure summarizing their view of state-of-the-art
Project Cure, established in 1979 by a former mainstream cancer treatments and “alternatives”
cancer patient and businessman, describes itself as (280).
“the first citizens’ lobby group acting on behalf of
cancer patients and their non-toxic treatment alterna- Committee for Freedom of Choice in Medicine
tives” (280). According to its literature, Project (CFCM)
Cure’s primary goal is to “encourage Congress and
the medical community to evaluate and employ Formerly known as the Committee for Freedom of
nutritional, non-toxic cancer therapies” (731). Choice in Cancer Therapy, CFCM, a California-
based organization, describes itself as “committed
Toward its stated goals, Project Cure provides the to freedom of choice with informed consent for
public with petitions and postcards to express their physicians and patients in medicine’ (365). CFCM
sentiments directly to legislators. Topics of recent sponsors informational seminars on alternative can-
Project Cure write-in campaigns include: supporting cer treatments and distributes generally positive
legislation to prohibit food irradiation, advocating information about specific treatments. CFCM is one
increased nutritional education in medical school of the oldest politically-active advocacy organiza-
curricula, opposing licensing of dietitians, advocat- tions in this field, beginning in the 1970s with
ing that NCI spend more of its research budget on lobbying efforts to legalize laetrile (365). At one
nutritional treatments and prevention of cancer, and time, there were 500 CFCM chapters nationwide;
urging Congress to “protect OTA from biasing now there are approximately 50, the decrease due
influences’ in this assessment of unconventional apparently to changes in the legal status and waning
cancer treatments. In addition to postcard cam- popularity of laetrile (54).
paigns, Project Cure personnel contact congres-
In recent years, CFCM has begun to advocate
sional staff directly, and have collaborated with
‘‘metabolic therapy and general freedom of choice
other advocacy organizations in efforts to influence
in health care” and currently provides a referral
public opinion.
service to more than 500 ‘holistic’ doctors in North
Project Cure also created a Center for Alternative America and abroad. CFCM frequently collaborates
Cancer Research (CACR) (732). CACR’S primary with other advocacy organizations (280).
service is the provision of free packets of informa- Through their magazine, The Choice, CFCM
tion in response to inquiries about unconventional consistently criticizes new and established main-
cancer treatments. CACR reports sending out more stream cancer treatments, oncologists, and cancer
than 300,000 such packets between 1987 and 1989 treatment institutions and encourages the exclusive
(280), each including a 1986 article from the New use of unconventional metabolic treatments for
England Journal of Medicine (65), a 1987 study by cancer (and other diseases). This journal contains
the General Accounting Office (862), and a reprint advertisements for mail-order “metabolic prod-
of the Fitzgerald Congressional Hearings of 1953 ucts,’ ‘ and books advocating unconventional cancer
(294)-three documents that question the degree of treatments (sold by CFCM), as well as for the two
success of current conventional approaches to can- treatment clinics run by CFCM leaders.
cer treatment.
Although Project Cure literature disavows advo- The Coalition, Alliance, and Foundation
cating “a specific therapy or practitioner” (731), Over the last few years, individuals from several
CACR provides the public with information on advocacy organizations have collaborated to ad-
various alternative cancer treatments, clinics, and vance the interests of alternative medicine in the
practitioners, and also refers patients to specific United States. The ‘Coalition for Alternative Medi-
support groups or information services that provide cine’ was formed in the spring of 1986 by individu-
‘‘additional counseling and direction.’ Project Cure als from IATPA, CCS, CFCM, IACVF, NHF,
tries to educate the public about non-toxic alterna- People Against Cancer, and Project Cure. The
tive cancer treatments by distributing free copies of Coalition cited a short-term goal of winningapolitical
a recently published international guide to alterna- support for a congressionally mandated OTA evalu-
Chapter 8-Organized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 171
ation of IAT and a long-range goal of establishing ‘a Congressman Guy Molinari to hold public hearings
permanent mechanism in government for the evalua- on IAT. Although Burton’s clinic was allowed to
tion of alternative therapies that show promise” reopen, an IATPA member indicated, “in the course
(206). The Coalition met again in November 1986 of these events, we [IATPA] became convinced that
and January 1987, but eventually disbanded due to a conspiracy exists which suppresses evaluation of
internal conflicts and financial problems (595). unconventional treatments and have become more
A few individuals from the defunct Coalition broadly politically active in response to this” (455).
regrouped in late 1987 to form two new allied Since the reopening of the IAT clinic in March
organizations-the Alliance for Alternative Medi- 1986, IATPA leaders and a member of then-
cine (AAM) and the Foundation for Alternative Congressman Molinari’s staff, acting as principal
Medicine (FAM). AAM’s literature states that it is members of the Coalition (and later the Alliance for
composed of “organizations, physicians, and other Alternative Medicine), helped to rally congressional
professionals in the medical field, as well as interest, culminating in the request for OTA’s case
alternative therapy practitioners. Alternately, study of IAT. In addition to political activity, IATPA
FAM, whose goals are the same as AAM, is an members share information, emotional support, and
organization open to the public (456). assistance (e.g., discount lodging, arrangement for
meals and transportation, legal assistance, insurance
AAM’s primary goal “is to assist government
advice, customs tips, storage, and long-term access
agencies in developing an efficient and cost-
effective evaluation method for both orthodox and to medications) through a periodic newsletter and
person-to-person networking. The IATPA also pub-
alternative cancer therapy” (17). AAM anticipates
that, as one outcome, such a government organized lishes a Patient’s Handbook and informally provides
information and support to new and potential IAT
evaluation program will ‘‘serve to separate the
‘quacks’ and ‘opportunists’ from the genuine re-
searchers and practitioners” (19). As one of their Hans Nieper Foundation (HNF)
first major efforts, AAM sponsored a spring 1988
showing of the fiim Hoxsey: Quacks Who Cure In 1985, HNF was established to advocate the
Cancer? for congressional staff, intended to increase unconventional cancer treatments developed and
awareness of the politics surrounding alternative provided by Hans Nieper, a German physician
medicine (18). In contrast, FAM’s role is ‘‘to practicing in Hannover, Germany, where some U.S.
support the educational and research goals” (299). patients are treated. In addition to publishing a
newsletter, providing informational support to po-
Patient Associations tential patients, and selling books and written
materials about Dr. Nieper’s treatment, HNF ar-
Immuno-Augmentative Therapy Patients’ ranges for Nieper to speak in the United States
Association (376,378,379). FDA has imposed an import ban on
IATPA was founded in July 1985 with the single Nieper products because of inadequate labeling or
goal of reopening the Immunology Researching misbranding and seizures have intermittently been
Centre (IRC), a clinic in the Bahamas at which made (678,892). HNF expresses concern about this
Lawrence Burton offers IAT IRC had been closed and the problems it creates for Nieper patients in the
by the Bahamian Ministry of Health following a site United States, though they have taken no formal
visit by representatives of the Centers for Disease actions to alter the ban (377).
Control (CDC) and other consultants, prompted by
Friends of Dr. Revici
much-disputed reports that IAT treatment materials
were contaminated with Human Immunodeficiency The Friends of Dr. Revici is a network of
Virus (HIV, the AIDS virus) and hepatitis B virus. individuals who support Dr. Emanuel Revici’s
(See ch. 6 for a complete discussion.) In order to unconventional cancer treatment. The group is based
facilitate the clinic’s reopening, the IATPA offered in New York, with local groups in several cities
to purchase laboratory equipment so that the IAT across the United States. It states that its goal is to
clinic could test for these two viruses (553) (the share information with new and current patients
clinic itself actually purchased the equipment). The concerning all aspects of Revici treatment. Members
leadership of IATPA also persuaded then- assist each other in obtaining necessary medical
172 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
records; arranging for lodging, food, and transporta- customized literature on both mainstream and un-
tion to Dr. Revici’s office in New York; and in conventional cancer treatment options, but will also
acquisition, storage, and appropriate use of the review medical records, obtain second opinions
prescribed medications (9). Like the Hans Nieper from selected medical advisers, and provide cancer
Foundation, this organization also provides finan- patients with an independent synthesis and interpre-
cial support to assist with Dr. Revici’s legal ex-
tation of all the information (595).
Specialized Commercial Information Services Another commercial information service, the
A few commercial information services offer to Health Resource, provides cancer patients with
act as personal treatment information “brokers” for reports containing a literature review for both
cancer patients. They assist in identifying conven- conventional and unconventional treatments, and
tional and unconventional treatments and providers. offers patient vignettes and patient contacts, all
Can Help, one such service, provides patients with based on the client’s diagnosis and interests (365).
Chapter 9
Table Page
9-1. Total Initial Treatment Charges for Proprietary Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
9-2. Costs of Selected Unconventional Cancer Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Chapter 9
Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments
2Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, for instance, generally do not cover the costs of learning visualization or imaging for relief of pain
sForunconventio@~an~r ~w~ents, ~S~o~dmoStl&elyco~iSt of ~ting o~y organicallyrai~meats and produce, adding vitamin and mineral
dietary supplements, or both.
176 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
system acts as an impediment to the incorporation of treated concurrently could affect the intensity and
any unconventional approach into a conventional duration of use of medical services. Factors most
treatment regimen (8). often causing variation among clinic charges for
unconventional cancer treatments include: the
This chapter explores some of the issues related to
breadth of services available (especially laboratory
charges and reimbursement for unconventional can- and diagnostic testing facilities) at the clinic; the
cer treatments. Topics include a descriptive discus-
type of treatment (e.g., nutritional, pharmacologic,
sion of treatment charges; an estimate of total initial
herbal) that is offered; the services that are covered
treatment charges for certain types of treatment or
under the charges for an “office visit” or ‘‘cancer
selected clinics; third-party payer criteria for reim-
treatment program’ the setting (inpatient or outpa-
bursement of medical services; the process of claims
tient) in which treatment is delivered; and the length
evaluation; court cases involving denials of reim-
of initial and followup treatment.
bursement; and fraudulent insurance claims associ-
ated with unconventional cancer treatments.
Other factors, not unique to unconventional can-
cer treatment clinics, unpredictably affect treatment
CHARGES FOR expenses. For example, if the treatment includes a
UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER change in dietary habits3, the patient’s food bill may
TREATMENTS increase. Those patients who are treated at outpatient
clinics away from their home city must pay hotel,
Cancer patients may receive unconventional treat- food, and transportation expenses for the duration of
ments in many different settings. Some patients their treatment, which can range from a few days to
make office visits to a local practitioner, others several months or more. If family members accom-
travel within the United States to a hospital or pany the patient during treatment (which is encour-
practitioner’s office for outpatient treatments, and aged or required by some clinics), their travel and
certain individuals choose inpatient or outpatient subsistence could be considered part of total treat-
treatment in Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, or Asia. ment expenses for the individual as well.
In this chapter, OTA has chosen one word, “clinic,”
to refer to any setting in which an unconventional
OTA reviewed patient information brochures and
cancer treatment is provided. With the exception of
Third Opinion, a directory of alternative cancer
one mail-order treatment clinic, the word clinic
treatment centers (289). An OTA contractor subse-
encompasses physicians’ offices; institutions that
quently contacted each clinic and verified and in
provide services, such as surgical, medical, labora-
some cases updated the information compiled on
tory, and diagnostic services that are typically found
charges, duration of treatment, followup treatment,
in U.S. accredited hospitals, and that treat both
and at-home followup treatment programs. The
inpatients and outpatients; and institutions whose
information presented in this section was current as
services are not as inclusive as those found in U.S.
of May 1988, and reflects charges at 44 clinics4 in
accredited hospitals, but that do offer certain serv-
the United States, Canada, and Mexico; this may not
ices to inpatients, outpatients, or both.
be representative of all available treatments. Clinics
Variations among charges occur both between were only classified as “treatment clinics” if the
clinics that offer different types of treatment (such as patient brochures advertised treatment for cancer, or
nutritional or pharmacologic) and among clinics if the clinic was listed under the heading ‘Treatment
offering similar treatments. As with any medical Centers’ in Third Opinion. Since the time this
service, charges may vary among patients who information was gathered, charges may have
receive similar treatments due, in part, to differences changed, clinics may have closed, and some new
in the individual’s health status. The stage of the clinics may have opened. This section should be
disease, the patient’s response to treatment, and the only regarded as a descriptive review of charges at
presence of other serious illnesses that must be some unconventional cancer treatment clinics.
3F~rmconventio~cmWr ~a~ent~, this ~o~dmost l~e]ycomist of eating o~y Organicallyraisedmeats and produce, adding vitamin and mineral
dietary supplements, or both.
4S~V ~l~cs ~tie fiti~ly iden~l~ ~ough patient brochures and Third Opinion, however, 16 clinics could not be ~cluded in the ~ studY
because they were closed, could not be contacted, chose not to answerOTA’S inquiries, or provided incomplete information.
Chapter 9--Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 177
A downpayment of $3,000 to $5,000 is required indicated the frequency of follow-up visits, which are
before starting treatment at this clinic. recommended at periods ranging from 2 weeks to 4
months following initial treatment. A sixth clinic
Pharmacologic and Biologic advises weekly, monthly, or bimonthly followup
visits, and includes the charges for these visits in its
A combination of pharmacologic and biologic initial treatment charges. Two clinics simply indi-
treatments is offered at two clinics, one in Mexico cate that charges for and the frequency of followup
and one in the United States. The U.S. clinic has visits vary.
outpatient treatment only, and the Mexican clinic
treats both outpatients and inpatients. Charges range Seven clinics, including both Mexican clinics,
from $5,100 to $9,000 for 3 weeks of treatment at the provided information on at-home treatment pro-
Mexican clinic. There are two types of followup grams. No clinic estimated the duration of at-home
treatment provided by the Mexican clinic: 1) referral followup treatment, although two clinics indicated
to specific physicians in the United States, and 2) that their treatment in part constituted a lifestyle
treatment materials for which patients are charged change. Six clinics listed charges for followup
$300 to $1,500 per month. The U.S. clinic charges supplements or medications, ranging from $50 to
$375 for 6 months of treatment and approximately $300 per month.
$250 per month for supplements. The initial outpa-
tient visit lasts 1 to 3 days. The only reference to Nutritional and Biologic
follow-up says that it is prescribed “as needed” and
that it costs approximately $100. One U.S. clinic offers a nutritional and biologic
treatment, given on an outpatient basis. This clinic
does not estimate the length of the initial treatment
Pharmacologic and Nutritional period. The initial office visit costs $200, with
Eleven clinics, two in Mexico and nine in the additional charges of $80 to $350 for lab tests. The
United States, use a combined pharmacologic and clinic recommends that patients return for a fol-
nutritional approach. Both Mexican clinics provide lowup visit, which costs $55, after 2 to 3 months. A
inpatient treatment, and the U.S. clinics only offer recommended annual “re-evaluation” costs $200.
outpatient treatments. Four U.S. clinics charge No at-home followup program is described.
$1,500 to $4,500 for 3 to 4 weeks of treatment and
a fifth clinic, located in Mexico, charges $7,500 for Nutritional and Psychological
3 weeks of treatment. The second Mexican clinic
charges $1,500 per week and recommends 2 to 8 One U.S. clinic offers an outpatient treatment that
weeks of treatment; lab fees, which are extra, combines nutritional and psychological compo-
average $400 to $500 per week. One U.S. clinic nents. Patients may receive 1 to 7 days of initial
charges by the month: the first month costs $1,500, treatment, which costs $325. No follow-up visits or
and each month thereafter is $300, although this at-home followup treatment programs are deseribed
clinic did not provide an estimate of the total initial for this clinic.
treatment period. Another U.S. clinic charges $4,000
to $5,000 for 1 year of treatment. The remaining Miscellaneous (Hyperthermia)5
three clinics in this category charge by components.
One U.S. clinic provides whole-body hyperther-
Office visits range from $50 to $280; initial evalua-
mia to outpatients. The recommended initial pro-
tions range from $100 to $280.
gram consists of 25 hyperthermia treatments over 5
Some information on followup visits was avail- weeks. Patients are charged $400 per treatment, or
able for eight U.S. clinics. Charges at five clinics $10,000 for the full course. The clinic suggests that
range from $20 to $200 for a followup visit. Only the patients return for followup visits after 2 weeks, then
clinic with charges at the upper end of this range after an additional month, then every 2 months.
indicated the average length of these visits, approxi- There is no charge for the followup visits. There is
mately 1 to 2 days. Three of these five clinics also no mention of at-home followup treatment.
5~ ~~~m medicfie, lw~ or regio~ hyperthermia is amepted as adjunctive treatment for some cancers, dong with radiotherapy, but iS
considered investigational in other settings (694). Wholebody hyperthermia is not an accepted modality in mainstream medicine.
Chapter Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 179
6& ~ention~ ~alier, the “fiti~ ~a~ent ~rogm’ refas to the ~atment ob~ed d~g the period of time, as determined by the clhdc, tit
the patient receives his or her fiist course of treatment. This period of time was defined as the length of time indicated by the clinic in their brochures,
or under the heading “kqgt.h of Treatment/Stay” in Third Opinion, and checked with the clinics by the OTA contractor. These charges are presented
exactly as given by the clinic, and may or may not include expenses for diagnostic services, laboratory services, or room and board. Treatment continued
as part of an at-home followup program is not considered part of the initial treatmentprograq and therefore expenses for followup programs or visits
are not included in the estimated total initial treatment charges.
180 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Table 9-1 shows the range of charges among Antineoplastons. However, based on the dosage
clinics that offer only one or an indivisible package information in the patient brochure, total charges for
of treatments. Charges for the two herbal treatments a standard regimen of Antineoplaston injections
were lower than charges for treatments at the other alone (not including charges for office visits and
three clinics. The Bio-Medical Center, offering laboratory tests and diagnostic tests) could be
“Hoxsey” treatment, lists charges for laboratory $2,520 to $8,820 for the initial treatment period. In
work, examinations, and x-rays as an additional addition, listed itemized expenses typically include
$450 to $850. It was unclear if this was the estimated only office visits and laboratory tests; it is not always
additional charge for each visit, or for lifetime clear if there is an additional charge for the treatment
treatment. itself.
The costs of initial treatment with IAT and
Antineoplastons appear to be about the same, Total treatment expenses for an individual patient
approximately $10,000. However, it is unclear if have occasionally been reported publicly, generally
patients at Burzynski’s clinic can receive the “high- during litigation over reimbursement or in articles
dose treatment” and the standard Antineoplaston describing a particular unconventional treatment or
treatment in combination; if this is possible, initial practitioner. One patient incurred medical bills of
treatment charges could then approach $20,000. The approximately $200,000 for 21 months of treatment
cost might also vary depending on the number of that began in early 1986 at the Burzynski clinic
office or hospital visits made by a patient during the (192). This particular patient’s medical bills (nearly
initial treatment period; a large number of visits $9,500 per month) seem substantially higher than
could substantially increase the total initial treat- what would be expected from the clinic’s patient
ment costs. information materials.
Table 9-2 summarizes the range of initial total Total treatment expenses may be easier to project
treatment expenses at 25 clinics offering combina- for clinics with a single charge or charges by periods
tions of treatments.7 Expenses range widely for of time. For instance, the Bio-Medical Clinic in
initial treatment programs, from $100 to $52,000 for Tijuana charges patients a lifetime fee, excluding the
combination treatments, and from $1,500 to $16,000 charges for laboratory and certain diagnostic tests.
in the pharmacologic and nutritional category. These additional expenses are estimated in the
Clinics with lower charges often only treat outpa-
patient information materials, so patients could
tients; a patient’s actual expenses for treatment include them when estimating total treatment ex-
could be higher after paying for room and board.8
penses. One report of total expenses for a patient
who received treatment at the Gerson clinic, which
Quality of Charge Information charges patients on a weekly basis, suggests that
total treatment expenses may be accurately pre-
It is impossible to estimate total initial treatment dicted from this type of charge information. This
expenses based on the information given in some particular patient received 6 months of treatment in
clinic brochures. Clinics that itemize charges are the 1984, for which he was charged $10,000 (728). As
most difficult; not only do the length and intensity of of May 1988, the predicted charges for this clinic
treatment vary, but clinics often do not report the (including separate laboratory charges) were ap-
typical range of treatment components that patients proximately $2,000 per week for a 2- to 8-week
receive. Itemized charges may make a clinic’s initial treatment period. Followup treatment ex-
treatment appear less expensive than treatment at a penses were estimated at $50 per month. For 6
clinic that charges a single fee for the initial months of treatment in 1988, expenses would range
treatment program. For example, Stanislaw from $4,250 to $16,250. This patient’s expenses of
Burzynski’s clinic charges $45 per treatment of $10,000 fall within the expected range.
% table 9-2, expenses were not estimated for the 13 clinics that listed charges by treatment component. Nutritional and biologic treatments are not
shown in this chart because the only clinic included in this category charges patients by treatment component. An additional clinic, described in the
pharmacologic and nutritional sectiom was not included because it did not provide an estimate of the duration of treatment and it was thus not possible
to extrapolate total initial treatment charges.
SDuration of treatment at outpatient clinics ranged from 1 day to 3 months.
Table 9-l—Total Initial Treatment Charges for Proprietary Treatments
C$l In
x x C’h
v- In
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .
.. .. .. ..
.. .,
..,. .
Chapter 9-Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 183
The total treatment charges estimated by OTA does not extend to all the medical services required
(see tables 9-1 and 9-2) are higher than those by a cancer patient, such as prescription drugs. In
reported by Cassileth and her colleagues in 1984 addition, estimates of costs are in 1984 dollars, so an
(177). Based on interviews with 202 patients, they adjustment for medical cost inflation would be
determined that charges for the frost year of uncon- needed to bring the estimate up to current dollars. It
ventional cancer treatment were under $1,000 for was not OTA’s purpose in this report to delve into
most patients and less than $500 for 50 percent of the issue of conventional treatment costs; the
patients. However, these data sets cannot be com- numbers are simply provided for a rough compari-
pared directly because OTA’s data differ from son.
Cassileth’s in several important ways. First, OTA
only looked at charges for organizations that identi- Summary
fied themselves as treatment clinics, and these Charges for unconventional cancer treatments
charges may be greater than those for all available vary from a few hundred to tens of thousands of
unconventional cancer treatment services. Second, dollars and it maybe difficult for a patient to predict
charges in Cassileth’s study were reported by actual treatment expenses. It is impossible to assess
patients, and no documentation for these self- the accuracy of OTA’s estimates of total initial
reported data was sought. Third, Cassileth includes treatment charges for unconventional cancer treat-
expenses for two types of treatment, spiritual and ments because information provided by the clinics is
imagery, which were not included in OTA’s analy- not always precise, and only one other researcher has
sis9; 87 percent of patients who used imagery and 94 attempted to estimate charges for unconventional
percent of those using spiritual treatments spent less cancer treatments. The expenses for a single patient
than $500 in the first year of treatment. may be more than any of these data suggest as some
patients use more than one unconventional cancer
Proponents of unconventional cancer treatments treatment (177,265). While charges at many uncon-
often claim that charges are generally lower than ventional cancer treatment clinics appear to fall
those for conventional therapies. The range of initial below the average charges for conventional cancer
total treatment charges as estimated by OTA (tables treatment, patients often must pay out-of-pocket for
9-1 and 9-2) suggest that charges may fall both all unconventional services (see next section), and
above and below initial treatment charges for thus unconventional treatments may incur greater
conventional cancer treatments. One estimate of economic losses for an individual.
patient expenses for conventional cancer treatments
comes from a study that used data from the Medicare THIRD-PARTY REIMBURSEMENT
Continuous History Sample File (MCHSF) (66).1° FOR UNCONVENTIONAL
Initial treatment charges, defined as those occurring
in the first 3 months after diagnosis, ranged from
$6,954 for melanoma to $14,443 for stomach cancer, An ongoing debate surrounds the question of
with the average for all sites being $10,039. Contin- whether third-party payers should reimburse for
uing monthly expenses11 ranged from $424 (uterine medical expenses related to unconventional cancer
corpus) to $766 (bladder), with the average for all treatments. Many patients are frustrated when their
sites being $578. For several reasons, these numbers claims are denied. Medical services that lack data
should not be viewed as definitive estimates of the showing efficacy and safety, or are not generally
cost of conventional cancer treatments. First, that accepted by the medical mainstream, may not be
study may underestimate expenses for conventional covered by third-party payers, even if a patient
cancer treatment, in part because Medicare coverage believes he or she benefited from such a service.
gAlthou@ there are several clinics that offer psychological treatments, including imagery, th=e were described m “SUPPofi &ToUPs” in thefi
brochures or in Third Opinion, and thus were not included in our analysis of charges.
10C~ge5 forinpatientho5pi@ s~ys, s~lled nusing facilities, home healtb agencies, outpatient services, physic~n s-ices, ~dpsychia~c se~ices
were all included in the dataset. Expenses were defiied as the charges to Medicare, rather than the amount reimbursed by Medicare to thephysiciaq
patient, or provider.
llconfi~gexpemes defmedas ~mon~yc~gmbe@g the fo~month~ter~~osis andendingwiththe seventhmonthbefore dti~
if death occurred. These expenses are probably an overestimate, since, unlike the data for initial treatmen~ this dataset includes charges for both cancer
and non-cancer-related medical services.
184 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Patients who receive unconventional cancer treat- payers. These sources provide little support for
ments may believe that their expenses will be unconventional cancer treatments.
covered, because patient information materials from This section describes typical contract provisions
many clinics claim that many or most U.S. insurance and claims evaluation practices for the major U.S.
companies will reimburse patients for the medical third-party payers: Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue
expenses of their treatment. However, most U.S. Shield (BC/BS), and commercial carriers.
third-party payers do not knowingly reimburse
claims for unconventional cancer treatments. In Contract Provisions Relating to
some cases, the insurer may pay claims unwittingly, Unconventional Cancer Treatment
lose a court case and be forced to pay for treatment,
or settle out of court to avoid a trial.
As with coverage for any type of treatment, the Title XVIII of the Social Security Act established
language of the insurance contract is the key Medicare, a federally-funded program that covers
determinant of whether an unconventional cancer hospital, physician, and other medical expenses for
treatment will be covered. The contract language persons 65 years of age and older, certain disabled
sets the criteria that a medical service must meet persons, and persons with certain chronic diseases
before the third-party payer will reimburse any (not including cancer). The Health Care Financing
patient expenses. If a particular medical service is Administration (HCFA), the Federal agency respon-
disallowed by name in the policy, the third-party sible for administering the Medicare program, writes
payer is not legally obligated to reimburse the guidelines for coverage and reimbursement. Other
expenses of that service to the consumer. However, Federal programs, including Medicaid and the
third-party payers cannot reasonably be expected to Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uni-
individually specify all of the medical services that formed Services (CHAMPUS), are influenced by
are or are not covered by the policy; therefore they Medicare coverage and reimbursement decisions
rely upon phrases such as “medically necessary’ (791).
and ‘reasonable and necessary, to describe what is
covered. Such general language lends itself to a The law that created Medicare prohibits payment
variety of interpretations; disputes over the interpre- for services or items that “are not reasonable and
tation of these phrases form the basis of many necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or
lawsuits against third-party payers. injury” (Social Security Act, Section 1862(a)1, 42
USCA 1395y (l)(A)). As interpreted by HCFA, a
The criteria used to determine coverage and treatment is considered medically reasonable and
necessary if it has been generally accepted by the
reimbursement and the sources consulted for infor-
professional medical community as effective and
mation are other points of dispute in court cases
involving unconventional cancer treatments. Al- safe for the condition being treated.12 Colonic
irrigation, cellular therapy, and laetrile are among
though each third-party payer determines its own
the medical procedures or items HCFA does not
criteria for coverage, many consult similar sources
for information. The published medical literature consider to be reasonable and necessary; therefore,
they are not currently covered by Medicare (221).
and the opinions of medical specialty societies,
individual physician consultants, or national organi- With a few exceptions, which are discussed
zations such as the American Cancer Society (ACS), below, drugs and biologics must have final market-
the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the American ing approval from the Food and Drug Administra-
Medical Association (AMA), and the U.S. Pharma- tion to be considered safe and effective and,
copeial Dispensing Information (USP DI) are the therefore, reasonable and necessary .13 Under the
main sources of information used by third-party laws of the Medicare program, a substance is not
lzp~A~temediq~tter N~+ 77~, Jan- 1977, as cited ~R.D. Schw-, andRoLo B~kq ‘ ‘~g~co~~~ on~eAv~ability of Unorthodox
Cancer Treatments: Consumer Protection View” (791).
IWtApproved ~dimtiom~~ refers to those medical uses for which the ~A ~ ‘et ermined the drug is safe and effective. The drug manufacturer must
present clinical data for each indication sought, that demonstrates safety and efficacy; if the manufacturer presents data for more than one medical use
of the drug, more than one indication may be approved to appear on the label.
Chapter 9--Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 185
considered a‘ ‘drug’ or ‘biologic’ unless it is listed anemia will typically be covered, since this is an
or approved for listing in certain drug compendia. accepted medical practice (877).
These compendia include the U.S. Pharmacopoeia,
Medical services obtained outside the United
National Formulary, U.S. Homeopathic Pharmaco-
States are not covered by Medicare, except in cases
poeia, AMA Drug Evaluations, or Accepted Dental
in which the foreign hospital was closer to or more
Therapeutics (Sec. Sec. Act Section 1861(t), USCA
accessible than the nearest adequately equipped U.S.
42 Section 1395(t), CCH 1223,3115, 1988). Drugs
hospital. In addition, the foreign hospital must meet
and biologics used for indications other than those
HCFA’s definition of ‘hospital,” and be accredited
approved by FDA may be covered as long as FDA
has not ruled that such use is unapproved specifi- by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health
Care Organizations (JCAHO) or meet local accredi-
cally; and as long as other reimbursement criteria are
tation requirements equivalent to those of JCAHO
met (221). Coverage is not available for drugs, such
(221) (42 CFR 405.153 and 42 CFR 405.313,
as laetrile, that are marketed without FDA approval
October 1987 edition; 42 USCA 1395y(4)).
(45 Fed. Reg. 110, June 5, 1980).
Coverage of services by physicians14 who are not
Charges associated with the administration of
doctors of medicine (M.D.s) or osteopathy (D. O. S),
certain experimental cancer drugs, “group C“
or by other health care professionals,15 is limited
drugs, may be covered under Medicare although the
under Medicare. For example, coverage of chiro-
drugs have not received final FDA marketing
practic service is “specifically limited to treatment
approval. Since the mid-1970s, group C drugs have
been distributed by the Cancer Therapy Evaluation by means of manual manipulation. . . . The manual
manipulation must be directed to the spine for the
Program of NCI’s Division of Cancer Treatment in
cooperation with FDA to make promising drugs purpose of correcting subluxation demonstrated by
x-ray to exist” (221).16 Medical services rendered
available outside of a clinical trial for some termi-
by all other types of health professional, with only a
nally ill patients. While the drugs themselves are
given free of charge, there are costs, such as hospital few exceptions, are covered by Medicine only if they
or physician charges, associated with their adminis- are incident to a physician’s professional services
and only if there is direct personal supervision by the
tration (10,221,589). For a drug to be placed in group
C, NCI must determine that the drug has shown, in physician (221). Medicare does not reimburse for
at least two studies, “evidence of reproducible medical services given by several health profession-
relative efficacy in a tumor type, which [will] alter als who are often associated with unconventional
the pattern of care of the disease’ (964), or evidence cancer treatments, including acupuncturists, homeo-
indicating the drug has the potential to affect the paths, naturopaths, and masseurs, even if such
standard of care (10). Distribution of group C drugs treatment was ordered by a physician. Nutrition
is limited to physicians registered as investigators services are reimbursed only to hospitalized patients
with NCI, who are also required to report any
adverse reactions (589). Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Medicare clearly excludes coverage of treatments There are 78 regional Blue Cross and Blue Shield
intended only to improve the general health of the (BC/BS) plans selling insurance within designated
patient, and not to treat a specific illness. For geographic areas and writing their own insurance
example, it is unlikely that charges for detoxification contracts (56). Contract language affecting uncon-
treatments, such as sweat baths or supervised ventional cancer treatments, therefore, may vary
fasting, given to remove toxins from a cancer widely although some generalizations hold. Typi-
patient, would be covered. However, charges for cally, M.D.s, D.O.s, podiatrists, chiropractors, den-
vitamin B 12 therapy for the treatment of pernicious tists, and optometrists practicing within the scope of
ldAccord~ to the Social SeCIU-@AC~ “physician” is defined as a doctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathy, doctor of dental surgery, doctor of den~
medicine, doctor of podiatric medicine, doctor of optometry, or a chiropractor, who is legally authorized to practice his or her healing profession in the
State in which he or she practices and who practices within the scope of that license (Compilation of the Social Security Laws 1981 section 1861(r)).
ISR~ent ~en~ents t. Medi~~ now ~~t ~ted coverage for the services of sel~t~ health we pmfession~s, includtig certified nUrSe
anesthetists, certtiled nurse-midwives, and clinical psychologists (42 USCA supplement 1395(x) (bb)(@(gg)).
16Additio~ly, thec~opractorm~tbe li~m~ or, ~ s~tes~thoutlicens~g, o~erwise legally permitted topracticeby the State (USCA supplement
42 1395x (r) 1988).
89-142 0 - 90 - 7 QL 3
186 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
their licenses are accepted BC/BS providers (641). tional cancer treatment so far, ozone treatment,
However, differences exist among plans due to which it labeled investigational (86). If FDA has not
variations in State laws and regional medical needs given a drug or biologic final marketing approval for
(641,815). Claims for medical services obtained in the indication for which it was used, BCBSA usually
foreign countries are usually reviewed on an individ- recommends against reimbursement. Few drugs or
ual basis. Coverage may be available for such biologics used in unconventional cancer treatments
claims, as long as the plan determines the services would meet this criterion. In the past, BCBSA has
were medically necessary (56,641). chosen not to evaluate or issue coverage recommen-
dations for drugs and biologics that do not have FDA
BC/BS plans may also seek coverage recommen-
final marketing approval or are not used for the
dations from their trade association, the Blue Cross
indication(s) approved by FDA. BCBSA is, how-
and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA). Two pro-
ever, in the process of reevaluating their role in
grams within BCBSA, the Medical Necessity Pro-
assessing drug coverage (56,343).
gram (MNP) and the Technology Evaluation and
Coverage (TEC) Program, evaluate the effective- For examples of the process by which coverage
ness, efficacy, and medical necessity of new or policies may be determined, OTA contacted the
emerging (in the case of TEC) and well-established medical directors of two large BC/BS plans. At
(in the case of MNP) procedures and devices. Except BC/BS of New Jersey (BCBSNJ), members of the
in a few cases, these programs are purely advisory, medical advisory staff determine if a medical service
and their role is to issue coverage recommendations may be covered. They typically consult: 1) the
to member plans (56,447,851). A recent survey of published scientific literature, recognized experts in
plans showed that 36 percent “almost always” use the field, professional organizations, reports or
TEC recommendations as issued, while another 62 position papers from various technology assessment
percent occasionally alter TEC recommendations to programs, including the National Center for Health
better conform to local conditions. In this same Services Research and the Clinical Efficacy Assess-
survey, 58 percent of the plans indicated that “TEC ment Program of the American College of Physi-
Program publications [are] the single most impor- cians; and 2) the recommendations of the Medical
tant resource for new technologies” (343). Advisory Panel of BCBSA. Additionally, in 1981
TEC will not recommend that a technology be BCBSNJ createda‘‘Multispecialty Advisory Com-
covered unless it meets the following five criteria mittee,” (MAC) which comprises local physicians
(87,88): who represent approximately 28 different disci-
plines. On average, this committee meets four times
1. It must have obtained final approval from the annually and acts in an advisory capacity. MAC may
appropriate government regulatory bodies (FDA review the coverage recommendations of BCBSNJ
approval to market for the specific indications as well as suggest new coverage policies. BCBSNJ
and methods of use for which BCBSA is uses criteria quite similar to those of the TEC
evaluating the technology). program (described above) when determining the
2. The scientific evidence must permit conclu- coverage status of a medical service (241).
sions concerning the effect of the technology on
health outcomes (including well designed tri- BS of California uses a slightly different format,
als, the results of which are published in convening a‘ ‘Medical Policy Committee” that sets
scientific peer-reviewed journals). coverage policies. The Medical Policy Committee,
which is composed of both physician and nonphysi-
3. The technology must improve the net health
outcome. cian members of BS of California’s Board of
4. The technology must be as beneficial as any Directors, meets four to five times a year in an open
session to review specific technologies. BS staff
established alternatives.
conduct literature searches and write an analysis of
5. The improvement must be attainable outside
the investigational settings. the state of each technology, and get written
opinions from specialty societies and national or-
Few unconventional cancer treatments meet these ganizations before meetings. In addition, BS invites
criteria, largely because of a lack of clinical evidence oral testimony from outside experts, including
and lack of publications in scientific peer-reviewed health economists and members of specialty socie-
journals. TEC has evaluated only one unconven- ties, to augment the written analyses. BS of Califor-
Chapter 9--Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 187
nia follows the five TEC criteria (listed above) to Some policies stipulate which licensed or certi-
determine if a technology is investigational or fied practitioners’ services are covered. In the
established (780). policies reviewed by OTA, covered practitioners
included M.D.s, D.O.s, podiatrists, chiropractors,
dentists, optometrists, clinical psychologists, clini-
Commercial Plans cal social workers, psychiatric social workers, mid-
wives, and, occasionally, registered nurse anesthe-
Most commercial health insurance policies cover tists. For selected medical treatments, a few policies
treatments considered part of “standard medical extend coverage to naturopaths, homeopaths, bio-
practice,” but do not offer coverage for treatments feedback technicians, nutritionists/dietitians, and
considered to be “experimental’ or not ‘medically massage therapists (227). Other policies use more
necessary. ‘’17 Some insurers may specify the criteria general language when defining which practitioners’
necessary for a treatment to fit these terms. For services are covered; for example, “A ‘doctor’ is a
example, some policies reviewed by OTA indicated licensed practitioner of the healing arts acting within
that to qualify for coverage, treatments would need the scope of the license” (657).
approval from FDA (220,659), or “the cognizant
college or academy of medicine as identified by the Coverage for investigational or experimental
American Medical Association” (659). Other poli- treatments may be easier to obtain under health
cies do not specify criteria, although many indicate insurance policies with case management’ clauses;
that claims will be adjudicated based on generally such policies are available to consumers at addi-
accepted standards of U.S. medical practice. tional cost (357). Under ‘case management’ provi-
sions, treatments are evaluated on an individual
Many of the policies that OTA reviewed exclude basis, taking into consideration the health of the
the following from coverage: nonprescription drugs, patient and the possible alternatives to the selected
nutritional supplements or vitamins (even if they are treatment. Coverage may be possible for a treatment
prescribed), chiropractic services (except as speci- the insurer considers investigational, if it is the best
fied in the contract), services given by a health alternative available to the particular patient. How-
professional who does not meet the insurer’s defini- ever, the insurer first would have to agree that an
tion of doctor, and services given in an institution unconventional cancer treatment complied with its
that does not meet the insurer’s definition of definition of “investigational” or “experimental”
hospital. A few policies specifically exclude colonic before reimbursement could be received. An excep-
therapy (227); serums, preparations, and remedies tion may also be made for a patient who is a member
(including homeopathic) that by law do not require of a group policy if the group agrees to pay higher
a prescription (226,227); and chelation therapy, premiums for the coverage of one member’s uncon-
except in the treatment of lead, mercury, gold, or ventional cancer treatment (320). The frequency
arsenic poisoning (28 1,655). Additionally, some with which this mechanism is used is not known.
policies contain clauses restricting coverage to those
cancer treatments that are considered by most
knowledgeable physicians to have a success rate of Claims Evaluation
at least 50 percent survival 5 years following
treatment (628). At the time a claim for reimbursement is submit-
ted, the insurer determines whether the medical
A few policies explicitly state that medical services qualify for coverage under the terms of the
services obtained outside the United States are not insurance contract. Recently, third-party payers
covered, except in an emergency. These policies have begun interpreting contract language more
generally do not cover even emergency medical narrowly as well as relying more heavily on the
treatments received after a designated period of time safety and efficacy evaluations of Federal agencies,
(usually 30 to 90 days) from the date of leaving the mainly FDA (599). They are also attempting to
United States (225,226,227). reduce the number of fraudulent insurance claims
1i’T~ ~ccmately describe the thousands of he~~ insurance policies available in the United States would be impossible; significantV&ttiOIIS IXkt
not only between insurers but also among policies of a single company. This section should only be regarded as a descriptive review of several current
herdth insurance policies.
188 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
they pay, including those for unconventional cancer guidelines when evaluating a claim, the contractors
treatments. may vary in their interpretation of the guidelines
(814,870). The absence of a clear national policy
Claims for unconventional cancer treatments are
concerning what is considered “reasonable and
usually filed either directly by patients, or on their
necessary” treatment, the myriad rules and regula-
behalf by an insurance billing consultant, who may
tions of the Medicare program, the high degree of
be an agent of an insurance company, or may be
independence in judgment given to contractors to
affiliated with a clinic. The consultant’s job is to
adjudicate claims, and the decentralized process that
understand the details of the contract and to obtain
controls the development of coverage guidelines all
as much reimbursement for the patient as is legally
contribute to the varying interpretations of guide-
possible (228). Patients who use unconventional
lines (447,814,870). The HCFA national office does
cancer treatments locate billing consultants through
make a certain number of national coverage deci-
other patients, treatment clinics, and attorneys who
sions each year that are communicated to the
practice medical claims collection (951). Insurance
contractors. In addition, contractors may consult a
billing consultants may be able to obtain reimburse-
number of sources when adjudicating coverage,
ment for an unconventional cancer treatment by
including HCFA’s information manuals, physician
providing information in the claim form that will
consultants, and regional offices; the contractor’s
explain why the medical services should be covered
own medical staff; peer-reviewed scientific litera-
under the provisions of the insurance contract. Even
ture; local specialty societies; university medical
if coverage is denied for the treatment itself,
reimbursement for ancillary services, such as diag- centers; a national insurance association; or col-
leagues from another third-party payer (447,870).
nostic tests, hospital room and board, or physician
visits, may be provided (951). While HCFA clearly prohibits coverage for some
unconventional cancer treatments, such as colonic
The Process of Evaluation irrigation, cellular therapy, and laetrile (221), poli-
Evaluating a claim for an unconventional cancer cies for other unconventional cancer treatments are
treatment may be difficult for an insurer since the not stated explicitly.
treatment may be unknown, or it may involve a
BC/BS Plans
standard treatment used in an unconventional man-
ner (such as low-dose chemotherapy). Claims for The Medical directors of BC/BS plans18 assess
unconventional cancer treatments are often passed questionable cases in light of current trends and
up the echelons of claims reviewers until a reviewer accepted practices of the U.S. medical community.
is found who is familiar with the treatment, or, The director may consult Federal agencies, peer-
eventually, to the office of the medical director reviewed scientific literature, specialty groups, indi-
where an individual assessment of the treatment is vidual and local physician consultants, or members
made. If, however, a precedent or policy exists for a of an advisory panel made up of local physicians, for
particular unconventional cancer treatment, the claim advice (56,241,780). In some cases, a medical
may be resolved at a lower level (241,780,908). All director may ask the treating physician to explain the
third-party payers set their own reimbursement and rationale for using a particular treatment (641).
evaluation policies, and more or less information
may be required by any one carrier to evaluate the Commercial Carriers
claim. Medical directors of commercial carriers assess
Medicare Evaluation Process and Criteria questionable claims in light of current trends and
accepted practices of the U.S. medical community,
HCFA relies on outside regional contractors and consult many of the same information sources
(BC/BS plans, commercial carriers, and professional used by HCFA and BC/BS. A 1987 survey of a
review organizations) to process Medicare claims. subset of commercial insurers described the sources
Although all contractors use Medicare coverage of information these companies most frequently use
18AS mentioned e~lier, tie individual BC/BS plans set their own coverage and reimbursement policies.
Chapter 9--Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 189
when evaluating claims for cancer chemotherapy Complaints submitted to an insurance commis-
drugs. 19 All the companies surveyed used FDA, a sioner are reviewed to ensure that the company has
local physician consultant, NCI, and AMA in their acted in accordance with the State insurance laws.
process of adjudicating claims. Nearly all the As part of this process, the State Insurance Depart-
respondents consulted the ACS Unproven Methods ment may request a detailed report of the insurance
Committee, 39 percent referred to a national physi- company’s finding and compare this information to
cian consultant, 28 percent requested information the patient’s insurance contract. An insurance com-
from a university cancer center, and 28 percent mission may only determine if an insurer has
consulted the Association of Community Cancer violated any of the State insurance laws; insurance
Centers. Several also indicated that they independ- commissions typically do not have the authority to
ently reviewed the medical literature (577). interpret the insurance contract, including phrases
such as “medically necessary. ” If the insurance
Commercial carriers are becoming more attentive
department determines the company violated the
to claims evaluation, and are requesting evidence of
terms of the insurance contractor State law, it will
safety and efficacy before reimbursement is ap-
request that the company pay the benefit. Depending
proved. For some, a drug is not considered safe and
upon State law, this request may or may not have the
effective unless it has been approved by FDA. In the
force of law. If the insurance commission believes
1987 survey of insurers mentioned above, half the
the insurer has acted improperly, but did not in fact
respondents mentioned that FDA approval of a drug,
violate any State laws, the commission may recom-
device, or biologic was necessary for reimburse-
mend that the patient litigate (567,601,788). Since
ment; however, a significant percentage of compa-
many disputed claims for unconventional cancer
nies also used more subjective criteria such as
treatments center on the interpretation of the con-
medical necessity (44 percent), safety and efficacy
tract, especially phrases such as ‘‘medically neces-
(28 percent), and acceptance by the medical commu-
sary, ” a State insurance commission finding may
nity (28 percent) (577).
have minimal effect on claims for unconventional
cancer treatments.
Appealing Reimbursement Decisions
Legal Challenges
Patients who are denied reimbursement but feel
they deserve coverage under the terms of their As a last resort, patients who have been denied
contract may pursue several avenues of recourse. reimbursement for an unconventional cancer treat-
First, an appeal maybe made directly to the insurer. ment have sued their insurers. Though the outcomes
All insurance contracts indicate how an appeal may of these cases have varied, to a great extent patients
be fried, as well as the time period in which the have been successful in their suits. Two factors have
insurer must respond to the claim. If the patient is contributed significantly to the success of patients in
unsatisfied with the outcome of the appeal, often cases gaining reimbursement for unconventional
another appeal may be submitted, or the patient may cancer treatments. First, it is a basic tenet of contract
appeal directly to the medical director. A patient and insurance law that a contract be viewed in the
who remains unhappy with the reimbursement way most favorable to the insured.20 The other
decision may write a letter of complaint to the State contributing factor that has, in some cases, helped
Insurance Commissioner. Because each State sets its the insureds is the tendency of insurance companies
own insurance laws, the State Insurance Commis- to use language such as “usual and customary” or
sioner is responsible for making certain that compa- “reasonable and necessary,” to describe covered
nies practicing in the State operate according to law services, making the contracts vulnerable to broad
(357). interpretation.
%hu-veys were sent to tie top 25 for-profit health insurance companies; 18 (72 percent) responded. Since no surveybas been conducted on ti topic
with respect to unconventional cancer treatments, it is not possible to say whether the same information sources are used and whether they are used as
~nce contracts are usually considered adhesion contracts, the distinctive feature of which is that tie weaker party (the insured) has no realistic
choice as to the terms; they are given a take-it-or-leave-it option they cannot negotiate. In considering a dispute involving an adhesion contrac~ the law
requires that the weaker party be giventbe benefit of the doubt, meaning any ambiguity in the contract isCQnstrued in the weaker party’s favor (458).
As noted by the judge in one such case, the court “must consider all the evidence in the light and with all reasomble inferences most favorable to the
pkiintiff” (687).
190 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Disputes over the interpretation of unclear or which coverage was approved or denied, since this
ambiguous contract language have formed the basis requirement was not specified in the contract (600).
of several lawsuits between third-party payers and In this case a cancer patient’s claims for reimburse-
patients who have used unconventional cancer ment for Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT) had
treatments. The criterion used by courts for deciding been denied by Connecticut General for the sole
whether a treatment should be covered is based on reason that the treatment was not FDA-approved.
the City of Carter Lake v. Aetna decision in 1979:
the court asks, What would a lay person believe is Similarly, in Shumake v. Travelers the court ruled
covered after reading the insurance policy? The that the insurer had to reimburse for laetrile and
answer to that question is then the criterion used by vitamins, because they were determined to be
the court in its decision (194). However, the medically necessary in accordance with the terms of
advantage that patients have in these cases is not the insurance policy. The plaintiff’s policy permitted
insurmountable, as the outcomes of R.A. v. Pruden- reimbursement for a treatment if the ‘‘duly qualified
tial and Free v. Travelers show. In these cases, the attending physician” determined such treatment
policyholders claimed they expected reimbursement was medically necessary. The company argued that
for laetrile and nutritional therapies because these the court should consider “general standards of
treatments were ‘reasonable and necessary’ for the medical or scientific acceptance’ in its ruling. The
treatment of their cancer. However, the judges in court rejected this argument, finding that if the
these cases did not find this argument convincing, insurer intended to use “general standards of
because it was demonstrated that the patients knew medical or scientific acceptance’ in deciding whether
prior to treatment that neither laetrile nor nutritional to reimburse, it should have clearly defined such
treatments were considered to be effective by the standards (801).
American oncologic, medical, or regulatory commu-
Plaintiffs have also argued that improvement in
nities. In both of these cases, the patients had signed
their physical condition should be the medical
informed consent documents or affidavits (to obtain
standard used to determine coverage. In Zuckerberg
laetrile) stating that the treatments were not FDA-
v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield, one of the three issues
approved or were not considered effective by the
the court looked at in order to determine whether the
majority of physicians (37,304,734).
plaintiff should receive reimbursement was the
Other grounds for suit concern the medical subjective benefit of the Gerson therapy. The court
standards by which therapies are judged to be posed this question to the insurer: “[effectiveness
reasonable and necessary. Plaintiffs often cite their is measured by its results. How could defendant
interpretation of this clause when asserting that they exclude this treatment as ineffective without ever
reasonably expected reimbursement. In Henne v. looking at the results?’ The fact that the third-party
Mutual of Omaha, the insured’s policy in part payer did not consider the subjective benefit to the
excluded “services and supplies not prescribed by a patient contributed to the court’s ruling in favor of
doctor in accordance with generally accepted profes- the plaintiff (992). However, upon appeal both the
sional medical standards. The plaintiffs argued that State appellate and supreme courts overturned the
nutritional and vitamin treatments conformed to ruling on other grounds (related to the other two
“generally accepted professiona.l medical standards,” original issues) (993). Similarly, in Dallis v. Aetna
because a significant minority of U.S. physicians the court, after refusing the insurer’s motion for an
used such therapy, and because the Commonwealth immediate judgment, allowed testimony from IAT
of Virginia had not disciplined the physician for patients who testified that the treatment in question
improperly practicing medicine. The court ruled had benefited them (247).
against the plaintiffs, however, finding that the
treatment did not fit “generally accepted profes- The argument of subjective benefit, however,
sional medical standards, ’ in part because it was not does not ensure coverage. In Dallis v. Aetna, the
accepted by ‘‘a majority of practicing physicians’ appeals court judge allowed the testimony because
(394). it ‘‘was relevant to the determination of a fact in
issue, namely, whether the IRC treatment was a
In McLaughlin v. Connecticut General the judge ‘necessary’ treatment for cancer, ’ and because the
held that the insurance company should not have witness’ opinions ‘‘were rationally based on their
used FDA approval as the medical standard by own perceptions. ’ But, he noted that “[t]o the
Chapter 9--Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments .191
extent that the witnesses’ opinions lacked a scien- ment Income Security Act (ERISA), which covers
tific basis, appellant had the opportunity to expose group medical plans, preempts the State laws that
this fact” (247), which presumably would have would otherwise apply. The standards of evidence
undermined the effect of their testimony to some required by ERISA are different from those required
extent. In another case, Free v. Travelers, testimony in contract law. ERISA gives the administrator of a
of subjective benefit was rejected by the judge group health plan discretionary authority to decide
because, “[a]s one court noted, it is simply not claims. Further, ERISA requires that denial of
enough to show that some people, even experts, have coverage ‘‘must be upheld unless it was arbitrary,
a belief in [the] safety and effectiveness [of a capricious, made in bad faith, not supported by
particular drug]. A reasonable number of Americans substantial evidence or erroneous as a matter of
will sincerely attest to the worth of almost any law” (462). These are standards of evidence that are
product or even idea” (629). more favorable to the insurer than those required
There are also several cases in which courts have under contract law. Because this strategy is just
confirmed the insurer’s right to limit medical benefit evolving, particularly in the context of unconven-
coverage. In Wehmeyer v. Prudential, the judge tional cancer treatments, it is not clear how success-
upheld a patient’s right to free choice of treatments, ful it will be. However, in one of the earliest
but also affirmed the insurer’s “right, in the course pertinent ERISA cases, McLaughlin v. Connecticut
of reasonable judgment, to confine its coverage to General, the more stringent standards did not help
those treatments proven to be effective and medi- the defendant. In this case, the two major claims by
cally productive” (944). The court in Risner v. Blue the plaintiffs were breach of insurance contract and
CrosslBlue Shield of Michigan ruled that insureds breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair
could not expect to “obtain any treatment whatso- dealing. The insurance company argued, among
ever he chooses at any facility he chooses and other things, that ERISA preempts the State insur-
afterwards collect from his health insurance carrier’ ance and contract laws. The judge found, however,
(759). that although ERISA covered the insurance plan
involved, it “did not preempt State law claims for
Other judges have ruled in favor of insurers by breach of contract and implied duties of good faith
upholding their responsibility to promote public and fair dealings’ (600). The court found in favor of
good. In R.A. v. Prudential, the judge did not permit the plaintiff. In other ERISA cases (e.g., Filary v.
a liberal interpretation of the term “necessary,” General American Life Ins. Co., 711 F.Supp. 258
because that could result in payment for many (D.Ariz., 1989)) involving unconventional treat-
ineffective or less effective therapies. Increases in ments, but not for cancer, decisions have favored the
benefits paid to insureds would create higher premi- insurance companies.
ums for all; “[t]hose who accepted the logical limit
of effective treatments would, as a condition for
The above examples represent a few of the legal
coverage of same, be forced to pay for worthless
issues raised during court trials. According to one
treatments as well . . . there is no public good in
advocate of unconventional treatments, by threaten-
this” (734).
ing to sue, many patients can obtain payment for the
The success of patients in getting the courts to find treatment through an out-of-court settlement (951).
in their favor seems to have prompted responses However, if an insurer will not settle out of court,
from both insurance companies, who are more patients must be prepared to pay attorneys’ fees, wait
precise in their contract language, and their lawyers, until the trial can be heard by a jury or judge, and
who have developed at least one new strategy for endure a possibly long trial. In one case recently
defending suits that do arise. More and more, decided in favor of the patient, the trial lasted only
insurance companies have had cases removed from 3 days, but attorneys’ fees for the patient were
State courts to Federal courts, arguing that the $97,361, and the patient’s out-of-pocket expenses
jurisdiction of a Federal law, the Employee Retire- were approximately $24,000.21
~Note that in this chapter, “insurance fraud” is defined as an intentional misrepresentation of the facts in order to obtain reimbursement. ‘I’& is
distinguished from “health fraud, “ in that it does not necessarily involve false or unsupported claims of a treatment’s effectiveness.
Chapter 9--Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments . 193
coverage of drugs and biologics to those approved investigational drugs or for drugs that are used for
by FDA or included in drug formularies; and other than FDA-approved indications is becoming
(especially for Medicare) restricting coverage of more difficult to obtain.
medical services to specified health care profession-
als. Some claims for unconventional cancer treat-
Third-party payers may permit coverage of pa- ments may be reimbursed unwittingly, but third-
tient care expenses associated with clinical trials or party payers are focusing their efforts on halting
the Group C drugs. Although these drugs or biol- such reimbursements. Patients who choose to pursue
ogics remain investigational until given FDA final their claims may be able to obtain some reimburse-
marketing approval, most third-party payers do not ment, especially through an out-of-court settlement,
consider these drugs comparable to unconventional though the outcomes of court cases have been
cancer treatments. For most third-party payers, a mixed. Unless insurers undergo a major shift in their
crucial distinguishing feature of investigative drugs reimbursement policies, it is unlikely that it will
is that clinical data exist that suggest some degree of become easier to obtain coverage for these treat-
efficacy. Furthermore, the drug is identified and ments, as the general trend among insurers is to be
described, as is the scientific method used to produce tougher about reimbursement criteria for all types of
the clinical results. At the same time, coverage for medical services.
Chapter 10
Box Page
10-A. How the Safety and Efficacy of New Drugs Is Established ..* .....**.......*** 202
Chapter 10
Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional
Cancer Treatments
safe and ineffective drugs-the rationale and pur- Proponents of “freedom of choice” in medical
pose of the FDCA. It is argued that the safety and care support implementation of a variety of mecha-
efficacy requirements of FDCA are a rational nisms, ranging from State laws exempting certain
extension of the government’s overall responsibili- unconventional cancer treatments from safety and
ties to promote public health. In an early case that efficacy requirements, to elimination of FDCA
reached the U.S. Supreme Court involving the 1938 requirements for proof of both safety and efficacy of
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Justice Frankfurter drugs distributed in interstate commerce, to an
articulated the need for government regulation: amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would
guarantee “freedom of choice” in health care.
The purposes of this legislation . . . touch phases
of the lives and health of people which, in normal The main route by which the argument for open
circumstances of modem industrialism, are largely access to unconventional treatments has been pur-
beyond self-protection. (913) sued is through the courts, and it is in response to
For unconventional cancer treatments, the ration- such court cases that the argument for consumer
ale for consumer protection extends beyond simply protection has been further developed. In State and
protecting the public health and safety through the Federal courts such questions as the right of
regulation of practitioners and treatments. It also privacy,2 the right of parents to choose unconven-
includes protecting the public from inaccurate or tional treatments for their children, and the ability of
fraudulent claims about treatments. For instance, the patients to take responsibility for their treatment
purpose of FDCA provisions that regulate packag- decisions through informed consent (in a malprac-
ing and advertising of prescription drugs is to protect tice case), have been addressed. So far, no legal right
consumers from false and inaccurate claims made has been established that would allow patients
for products. general access to unapproved drugs.3 The outcomes
of the cases described below show that the straight-
The argument for ‘freedom of choice’ in medical forward argument for an absolute right to choose any
care is based on the concept of an individual’s treatment has not been upheld by the courts. In all the
fundamental right of privacy. It is argued that this cases where the right of privacy in choosing medical
right prohibits governmental and private restraints treatments has been invoked, the issue of free choice
on individual rights to make choices regarding has immediately been blurred by controversies over
treatments and therefore that individuals should be whether treatments have any demonstrated benefit.
allowed to decide whether to use any treatment of However, by addressing the issue of informed
their choosing: as stated by one ‘‘freedom of consent, the court leaves the door open for a patient
choice’ proponent, “the patient should be permitted to take on some responsibility for choosing an
to opt for treatment consistent with his views of unconventional cancer treatment, broadening the
higher quality of life. . .“ (416). A parallel argument legal interpretation of free choice.
is made for a physician’s right and responsibility to
provide medical care. It reasons that well-informed Litigation Involving “Freedom of Choice” in
physicians, following their best judgment and hav-
ing assessed the risks and benefits of a treatment, Unconventional Cancer Treatments
should be allowed to provide the care they deem best In California, the right of privacy was addressed
for their patients without outside interference (950).1 by the State Supreme Court in 1979, in a case
l~e legal restraints on physicians who offer unconventional cancer treatments are discussed in ch. 11, which deals *fly with the Practice of
me right of privacy generally encompasses various rights recognized as inherent in a free society, including a general right to be left alone and to
be protected from governmental interference. It also includes the freedom of the individual to make fundamental choices involving the individual, his
or her family, and relationships with others, except where such choices prove to be harmful to others and possibly oneself. Limitations on such
fundamental rights are justifkd only by a compelling State interest. Although the Constitution does not explicitly mention the right of privacy, “zones
of privacy’ have beencreatedby specit3c constitutional guarantees based on the Bill of Rights and on Amendments to the Constitution. TheU.S. Supreme
Court has created zones of privacy in areas such as marriage, procreation contraception abortioq family relationships, childrearing, and education. The
right of privacy has been invoked in some cases involving medical decisio ~g, including the right to refuse treatment (as in the widely publicized
Quink.m (441) and Bouvia (94a) cases.
SfJuch acc=s is cmn~y ~ted to ~pproved ~gs tit me und~ an investigatio~ new ~g ~~) exemptio~ &llgs txwght fiOIIl fOK@Xl
countries for personal use, or to particular States where laws have been enacted to exempt certain unapproved drugs ftom safety and efficacy
Chapter 10--Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 199
involving a physician charged with violating the opposing parties, this case made its way to the U.S.
State’s Health and Safety Code.4 In this case, the Supreme Court. However, as it progressed through
physician, James Privitera, had been convicted by a the Federal court system, new issues were brought
jury of a felony, conspiracy to sell or prescribe an into consideration, making it impossible to charac-
unapproved drug (laetrile) to cancer patients. The terize it solely as a case about patients’ rights of
verdict was appealed on the grounds that the statute privacy in choosing their medical treatments.
was unconstitutional; Privitera’s lawyers contended
that the right to obtain laetrile is a fundamental right Originally, Glen Rutherford, on behalf of a class
of privacy. The California Court of Appeals over- of cancer patients, brought suit in Federal district
turned the conviction because it found, among other court to stop FDA from prohibiting interstate
things, that the State Health and Safety Code shipment of laetrile. The court found the drug to be
violates patients’ rights to privacy under the Califor- nontoxic and effective if given in the correct dosage,
nia and U.S. Constitutions (716). When the State and permitted its limited purchase. The government
appealed the decision, the case went to the California appealed the decision. The U.S. Court of Appeals for
Supreme Court, which found that the right to obtain the I0th Circuit upheld the lower court’s injunction
drugs of unproven efficacy is not encompassed by but directed the district court to remand the case to
the right of privacy embodied in either the State or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for
Federal Constitutions.56 determination of whether laetrile was a‘ ‘new drug’
In his argument for the right of privacy, Privitera (within the meaning of the FDCA) and, if so,
relied heavily on cases, such as Roe v. Wade, where whether it was exempted from the safety and
the right to privacy in medical decisions was effectiveness requirements by falling under either of
expanded by the courts’ decisions. However, in its two “grandfather” clauses. FDA’s determination
decision on the Privitera case, the court pointed out that laetrile was a new drug that did not fall under
that Roe v. Wade established that the right of privacy either grandfather clause brought the case back to the
in decisions pertaining to medical care is not district court. The presiding judge concluded that
absolute, noting that, “the lesson of Roe v. Wade for FDA’s determination was incorrect (he determined
our case is that a requirement that a drug be certified that the drug was grandfathered), and that by
effective for its intended use is a reasonable means denying cancer patients access to laetrile, FDA was
to ‘insure maximum safety for the patient’ “ (717). infringing on the constitutionally protected right of
Having decided that the State’s Health and Safety privacy. Again the decision was appealed. However,
Code did not violate a fundamental right of privacy, in its decision, the court of appeals did not address
the court concluded that, “section 1707.1 [of the the lower court’s ruling, but introduced anew issue:
statute] amply satisfies the applicable standard by the court found that FDCA’s standards for safety and
bearing a reasonable relationship to the achievement efficacy had ‘‘no reasonable application” to termi-
of the legitimate state interest in the health and safety nally ill cancer patients and allowed terminally ill
of its citizens” (717). Privitera was unsuccessful in individuals to receive laetrile. FDA appealed the
an attempt to have the U.S. Supreme Court review decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, which focused
the case (718). only on the issue of whether the safety and efficacy
requirements applied to drugs for terminally ill
To date, the only Federal case testing the right of patients. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme
privacy in access to unapproved drugs for cancer Court reversed the lower court’s ruling by upholding
treatment is United States v. Rutherford. Because the FDCA provision, and remanded the case to the
every decision was appealed successfully by the lower court (918).7 The circuit court upheld the
A’I’his code ~hes l?eder~ or State approval of drugs used totreat cancer patients.
5~e ~o~$s decision WM Spfit Cj t. 2. me ~ef Justice &S~n@, ~@g tit the co~tifitio~ right to privacy for both the patient ~d physician
was violated. In a separate dissent another Justice expressed the opinion that the majority opinion condoned action that appeared to him to be cruel and
inhuman treatment (717).
6Eachco~~s decision t. view this ~ a fi@t t. Pfivacy issue or not dete~ed the leg~ s~n~d by which the cow>dged the statute. The Ap~ds
court saw the right to choose any medical treatment as constitutionally protected and applied the compelling interest standard, which requires that the
‘State have a compelling interest that overrides the right to privacy. The State Supreme Court, however, did not see it as a protected right and therefore
applied the rational basis test, which requires that a statute bear “a reasonable relationship to the achievement of a legitimate state interest” (717).
7~e Suprme Co@ did not address the fight of privacy issue because tit was not the basis of the appe~s cow decisio~ the subject Of the appeal.
200 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
FDCA provision and dismissed the argument that ventional treatment might be effective, while there
the right of privacy extends to the use of unapproved was also evidence that conventional treatment was
drugs (920). A petition for a writ of certiorari, which failing (440). Joey Hofbauer died a few years later,
would put the case before the court of appeals again, in 1980. In both cases, how the courts weighed the
was denied by the Supreme Court (919). evidence of effectiveness of the available treatments
seems to have played more of a role in their
Two court cases concerning the use of laetrile
decisions than the concern for a right to family
have addressed the issue of parents’ rights to choose
privacy (692).
an unapproved treatment for their child, both of
whom had cancers that, in all probability, were In a malpractice case that is still in the court
curable with appropriate mainstream treatment. In system, another aspect of ‘‘freedom of choice’ in
both cases, the State requested that courts declare the unconventional cancer treatments was addressed:
children wards of the State, arguing that the parents’ whether patients can assume the risk for the treat-
actions constituted parental neglect. However, the ments they choose, thereby relieving practitioners of
circumstances surrounding the parents’ decisions legal responsibility. In Schneider v. Revici, Edith
led the courts to different opinions (525,692). In Schneider and her husband sued Emanuel Revici and
Massachusetts, Chad Green, a 2-year-old boy with the Institute of Applied Biology, Inc., for fraud and
acute lymphocytic leukemia, was declared a ward of medical malpractice in connection with his use of
the State when his parents stopped his chemotherapy unconventional treatments in treating Schneider’s
while he was in remission and put him on what they breast cancer. Before the trial began, the defendants
called a metabolic therapy (laetrile and a nutritional tried to modify their answer to the charges “to
regimen). Though his parents had already left the include express assumption of risk as an affirmative
State with Chad, the State Supreme Court upheld a defense” (786). The trial judge denied the motion.
court order requiring he receive State-supervised If the judge had allowed the motion, during the trial
chemotherapy and cease taking the unapproved the defense would have argued that Edith Schneider
treatment. The court acknowledged that parents had assumed the risk of her treatment by signing a
have natural rights that encompass a private family release form. The jury found in favor of Mrs.
life, but viewed the child’s well-being as an overrid- Schneider only on the malpractice claim and awarded
ing interest. The court based its decision of what was her and her husband $1.05 million. 8 Revici appealed
in the child’s best interest on strong medical the verdict, arguing, among other things, that the
evidence that the unconventional treatment was not trial judge erred in not allowing express assumption
improving the child’s condition, while, until the of risk as a defense. The appeals court agreed,
parents stopped treatments, conventional treatment finding that express assumption of risk provided a
had controlled the leukemia. It found the nutritional complete defense. The case was remanded to the
therapy “useless and dangerous’ (692). Chad Green lower court for a jury to consider the issue of
died in Mexico shortly after his parents took him assumption of risk.
there for unconventional treatment (627).
The appeals court’s decision adds a new dimen-
A similar case in New York, In re Hofbauer, sion to the argument for “freedom of choice” in
involved a 7-year-old boy, Joey Hofbauer, with medical care by expanding the potential of the
Hodgkins disease. Again the State tried to prevent patient to take on responsibility for treatment choice.
the parents from continuing to treat the child with In its opinion, the court specifically noted:
metabolic therapy (including laetrile) by pursuing a
child neglect case. However, in this case the New [W]e see no reason why a patient should not be
allowed to make an informed decision to go outside
York Court of Appeals found that the parents, who currently approved medical methods in search of an
had found a licensed physician to prescribe laetrile, unconventional treatment. While a patient should be
had not “failed to exercise a minimum degree of encouraged to exercise care for his own safety, we
care” (653) since they were following a recom- believe that an informed decision to avoid surgery
mended treatment that had ‘not been totally rejected and conventional chemotherapy is within the pa-
by responsible medical authority” (439). In addi- tient’s right “to determine what shall be done with
tion, the court found some evidence that the uncon- his own body.” (786)
sHowever, thq also found that she was 50 percent negligent and reduced the awaxd accordingly to $525,000.
Chapter 10--Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 201
In the upcoming trial, the jury will have to decide State Governments carry out their responsibilities in
whether the consent form signed by Mrs. Schneider this area, describes their effect on unconventional
constitutes an assumption of risk. cancer treatments, and, where possible, provides
examples of relevant litigation arising from viola-
Summary tions of the laws.
The cases described above demonstrate that the
courts generally have not agreed with the arguments Federal Regulation of Manufacturing and
put forth for “freedom of choice” in unconventional Marketing of Drugs
cancer treatments. Though they are sympathetic to
the plight of cancer patients, they see the laws, such FDA has regulatory authority over the manufac-
as the FDCA, as both fulfilling Congress’ intent and turing and marketing of food, drugs, devices, and
playing a necessary role in protecting the public cosmetics in order to ensure their safety and (in the
from unproven treatments that might not be safe or case of drugs and devices) efficacy. The Federal
effective. Schneider v. Revici has brought a new Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDsCA) (21 U.S.C.
issue to the forefront of this area of law that could § 321-393) authorizes FDA to prohibit the interstate
have an impact on both patients’ and physicians’ marketing of unsafe or ineffective drugs (21 U.S.C.
attitudes toward these treatments by extending the § 331), and provides for sanctions against manufac-
potential for patients to take on more responsibility turers, distributors, or promoters who violate the
for their treatment choices, relieving the practitioner terms of the FDCA (21 U.S.C. § 333). It does not
of some liability. include sanctions against patients who use these
drugs. The FDCA requires that the safety and
effectiveness of a drug be established before FDA
FEDERAL AND STATE grants formal approval for the drug to be shipped in
REGULATION OF interstate commerce. (See box 10-A for a description
UNCONVENTIONAL of how the safety and efficacy of drugs are estab-
lished.) FDA determines whether a sponsor has
TREATMENTS shown ‘‘substantial evidence” of the safety and
Both Federal and State Governments, through efficacy of a new drug it wishes to market, but is not
their appropriate agencies, are responsible for regu- responsible for carrying out investigations necessary
lating the manufacturing, marketing, and advertising to prove drug safety and efficacy (791).
of drugs and the advertising of health products in
FDA also has the authority to collect additional
general. 9 At the Federal level, the Food and Drug
information on substances that are, or are suspected
Administration (FDA) is responsible for approving
of being, marketed or promoted in violation of the
new drugs for interstate commerce; stopping inter-
FDCA. FDA can collect samples and conduct
state marketing of adulterated, misbranded, or unap-
examinations and inspections of the substance in
proved drugslO; and regulating advertising of pre-
question; examine records to determine whether the
scription drugs, among other responsibilities. The
substance has been marketed in interstate com-
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), along with FDA,
merce; enter and inspect manufacturing sites and
is responsible for stopping false advertising of most
warehouses; refuse imported products that appear to
products and services, including over-the-counter
violate the FDCA; and not@ manufacturers or
drugs, devices, and treatment regimens. The U.S.
promoters that they may be violating FDA regula-
Postal Service (USPS) is responsible for protecting
tions in time for them to make corrections voluntar-
consumers from false and deceptive mail-order
ily before FDA initiates legal or administrative
advertising. Regulation of intrastate commerce in-
proceedings (21 U.S.C. §372,373,374, and 381).
volving drugs unapproved by FDA falls under the
jurisdiction of each State. In addition, States have FDA regulations apply only to specific substances
their own laws about false advertising and health used in treatments, not to treatment regimens or
fraud. This section discusses how the Federal and practices. Among unconventional cancer treatments,
me discussion of FDA authority applies generally to specific substance~gs, biologics, and foods—for which medical claims can be made. It
does not extend to psychological, behavioral, or spiritual techniques, or to general dietiuy regimens (except in some cases to specit3c dietary products).
lounapproved drugs are tigs that have not been approved by FDA for marketing in the United states.
202 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
the FDA regulations apply to pharmacologic agents Most other types of unconventional cancer treatment
(e.g., laetrile or Burzynski’s Antineoplastons), bio- (e.g., psychological and metaphysical approaches,
logic agents (e.g., vaccines or the biologic products nutritional regimens) would not be considered drugs
used in Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT)), and therefore would not be subject to regulation
herbal preparations (e.g., the Essiac or Hoxsey under the FDCA as long as drug-type claims were
tonics), and homeopathic preparations. Under the not made for them.
terms of the FDCA, drugs are defined as ‘‘articles,” Drugs manufactured, sold, or used in interstate
including chemical or biological substances, ‘(other commerce are subject to FDA regulation. This
than food) intended to affect the structure or any includes drugs that are sold to patients who then
function of the body of man’ and ‘intended for use transport them across state lines or drugs whose
in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or components or packaging are produced in another
prevention of disease in man” (21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(l)) .11 State before sale to a patient (168). FDA’s authority
ll~A ~- es product labels, promotional materials, advertisementa, and oral representations to determine whether a substance is intended to be
used therapeutically.
Chapter 10--Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 203
Anecdotal evidence from patients or physicians who have used the drug is not sufficient to exempt it from the
new drug classification. As one judge explained:
. . .it is simply not enough to show that some people, even experts, have a belief in safety and effectiveness. A reasonable
number of Americans will sincerely attest to the worth of almost any product or even idea. To remove the aberrations in
uniformity which can result from a well-staged ‘ ‘swearing match,” the law requires more. Indeed, it has been heretofore
held that the purpose of the normal inquiry is not to determine safety and effectiveness at all, but to ascertain the drug’s
general reputation in the scientifc community for such characteristics. It is certain that a conflicting reputation is
insufficient to establish general recognition.
Therefore, what is required is more than belief, even by an expert; it is a general recognition based upon substantial
scientific evidence as delineated in the regulatory guidelines. (910)
The standards of safety and effectiveness specified in the FDCA apply regardless of the type or severity of
disease for which a drug is intended. However, depending on the benefits a drug provides and the severity of the
condition being treated, different risks are acceptable; for all drugs, the risks must be balanced against the benefits
derived from them. It is known and accepted that a number of drugs used to treat cancer have adverse effects so
serious that they would not be acceptable in treating, e.g., self-limiting conditions or other non-life-threatening
Until 1988, use of drugs under INDs was limited to the patients involved in the clinical trial. In a rewrite of
the IND regulation, a new provision, often referred to as “treatment IND,” was added. Under a treatment IND,
patients with life-threatening or serious diseases may obtain certain drugs that have not yet been approved by FDA
for marketing (474). The purpose of this rule is:
. . .to facilitate the availability of promising new drugs to desperately ill patients as early in the drug development process
as possible, before general marketing begins, and to obtain additional data on the drug’s safety and effectiveness. (21 CFR
§ 312.34)
This new rule permits drugs that are in phase III trials (the final stage of clinical investigation before a new
drug application is submitted), or sometimes phase II trials, to be available to patients with serious diseases or
immediately life-threatening diseases who are not enrolled in a clinical trial. In these cases, FDA requires that there
be a proper treatment protocol in place to obtain the treatment IND, which requires the collection of certain
experimental data. FDA may deny the treatment IND if it decides that there is insufficient evidence for concluding
that the drug may be effective or if the drug would expose the patient to an unreasonable risk.
Drugs are approved by FDA for the specific indications studied in the clinical trials. These indications appear
on the package insert and are the only ones for which the product maybe labeled. Once a drug is approved by FDA,
however, physicians are legally free to prescribe it for any medical conditions they wish.
also covers drugs imported into the United States to inadequate warnings of potential dangers, or inaccu-
be sold here. Drugs that are produced, packaged, rate information about ‘the contents ‘of the product
sold, and used entirely within a given State (from (279).
components grown, synthesized, or manufactured
within that State) or completely outside the country
Enforcement of the FDCA
fall outside FDA’s jurisdiction (168,791).12
Violations of the FDCA requirements can lead to
FDA can also take action to stop the interstate a variety of penalties, such as seizure and destruction
distribution of unapproved substances used in un- of the drugs in question, injunctions to restrain
conventional cancer treatments if the substances are further violations, and criminal penalties (e.g., frees
shown to be ‘adulterated’ or ‘misbranded. Under and imprisonment) (21 U.S.C. $332,333, and 334).
the FDCA, a drug is considered adulterated if it has Violators of the FDCA may also be subject to
not been made according to current good manufac- penalties under the Criminal Fines Enforcement Act
turing practices or if its strength, purity, or quality and the Comprehensive Crime Control Act (which
falls below that which it is represented to have. A amended Title 18 of the U.S. Code) authorizing frees
drug is ‘‘misbranded’ if its labeling contains of up to $500,000 for corporate or organizational
unfounded claims or inadequate directions for use, defendants and $250,000 for individual defendants
204 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
(181). Cases of possible violation of the FDCA are This time, the district court found that the drug was
reviewed by FDA attorneys, the U.S. Department of not exempt from FDCA requirements because of a
Justice, and by local U.S. Attorneys, who decide grandfather clause and that the law did not infringe
whether to proceed with civil or criminal action on a constitutional right of privacy. The fact that the
(168,791). Supreme Court denied a request for a writ of
certiorari that would reopen the issue before the
Litigation Involving the FDCA appeals court indicates that the court agreed with the
district court’s decision (919). In the end, the courts
Several cases involving unconventional cancer upheld both the provisions of the FDCA and FDA’s
treatments have challenged specific provisions of interpretation of them.
the FDCA and the way in which FDA has carried
them out. In other cases, practitioners who use
In a more recent case in Texas, Stanislaw
unconventional methods have been charged with
Burzynski, M.D., the developer of Antineoplastons,
violating provisions of the FDCA. Examples of both
and his patients, challenged parts of the FDCA in a
types of case are given below.
countersuit against the government. Originally, in a
The most intensive legal challenge to any provi- civil action in 1983, FDA accused Burzynski of
sion of the FDCA was the Rutherford case (dis- violating two provisions of the FDCA. Specifically,
cussed above). When Rutherford originally brought Burzynski was charged with selling his unconven-
the case to court requesting the injunction to prevent tional cancer treatment, Antineoplastons, in inter-
the FDA from prohibiting distribution of laetrile, he state commerce. In addition, the government sought
challenged the legality of FDA’s actions. Later, after to stop the manufacture and distribution of the
FDA determined that the drug fell under the FDCA treatment on the grounds that drugs were adulterated
requirements for new drugs and was not eligible to within the meaning of the Act, because the facility
be exempted under a grandfather clause which did not comply with FDA regulations concerning
would have exempted it from efficacy requirements, good manufacturing practices (912). The judge
the district court found that FDA’s interpretation issued an injunction that granted most of FDA’s
infringed on a constitutionally protected right of requests. In particular, it ordered Burzynski to bring
privacy. When the case reached the U.S. Court of his facility up to FDA standards for good manufac-
Appeals, that court did not address the statutory and turing procedures, but also ordered FDA to cooper-
constitutional issues on which the lower court ruled ate in an IND by acting promptly on a submission for
(that the drug was entitled to an exemption and that approval. Burzynski was explicitly allowed to con-
the law violated a constitutional right of privacy). tinue manufacturing and prescribing the drug in
The court of appeals did find, however, that the Act’s Texas. Two years later, in 1985, as part of a criminal
standards of safety and effectiveness have no investigation based on a referral from FDA, the
reasonable application to the terminally ill. This Department of Justice searched the administrative
issue was also taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court. offices of the Burzynski Research Institute. During
In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court held the investigation, the government legally seized the
that the FDCA contained no express exemption, nor patient-treatment records. Burzynski and some of
did Congress intend there to be an implicit exemp- his patients filed a counterclaim seeking return of the
tion, with respect to drugs used by the terminally ill. records, financial compensation for damages, and
The “effectiveness” requirements of the Act ap- other relief. The district court dismissed these
plied equally to drugs used by terminally ill cancer counterclaims. Burzynski and his patients appealed
patients, who are entitled to the same protections the decision to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals,
under the FDCA as other patients; this included the but again the court found in favor of the government
assurance that the drugs they use are safe and in regard to seizure of the records and most of the
effective and that these drugs will not increase their other counterclaims (911). The appellate court did
pain and suffering (918).13 The Supreme Court agree that Burzynski and his patients were denied
remanded the case to the circuit court to resolve the the opportunity for discovery, unfairly preventing
statutory and constitutional issue brought up earlier. them from supporting any counterclaim that might
131t~ ~~o b~n awed ~~t ~fi~u~ly ill patients we entifled to even ~~tfl p@~tiOn tin less Seriously ill patients since tie SeriC)llS retie of theh
illnesses may interfere with their ability to make informed decisions about using risky or unapproved drugs (902); and 21 CFR $ 56.ill(b).
Chapter 10--Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 205
have entitled them to injunctive relief in order to stop drugs, devices, and cosmetics who make false claims
the government from disseminating false informa- for their products are in violation of the FDCA’s
tion to outside parties (911). On this issue, the case misbranding provision. While FDA is primarily
was remanded for further proceedings and is still responsible for the accurate labeling of foods and
pending. In addition, in December 1987, the patients drugs and for advertising of prescription drugs to
petitioned the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari, professionals, FTC is primarily responsible for the
which would have brought the lower court’s deci- consumer advertising of foods and over-the-counter
sion up for reexamination. Their petition was denied drugs. 15 Both FDA and FTC have jurisdiction over
(967). advertising of medical devices (791). The ways in
which FTC and the Postal Service (which is
In an earlier case, Andrew Ivy, a Chicago physi-
responsible for monitoring mail order advertising)
cian and promoter of Krebiozen, an unconventional
can regulate advertising claims for unconventional
cancer treatment popular in the 1950s, was indicted
cancer treatments are discussed below.
along with another physician and two manufacturers
of Krebiozen, on forty-nine separate criminal charges,
Federal Trade Commission
ranging from violations of the FDCA to conspiracy
and mail fraud (937).14 Ivy countered by bringing FTC learns of potentialm problems with advertising,
suit against the Attorney General of the United including ads for health-related products, through
States and the U.S. Attorney for the Northern consumer complaints or through its own monitoring
District of Illinois seeking to enjoin them from efforts. The Federal Trade Commission Act (FTCA)
proceeding against him. He requested instead that an (15 U.S.C. § 41 et seq.), which authorizes FTC to
impartial medical commission be appointed to regulate advertising claims, contains both a general
conduct a clinical test of the drug (supervised by the prohibition of unfair or deceptive acts or practices in
court) to determine its efficacy in treating cancer. or affecting commerce (15 U.S.C. § 45 (a)) and a
Ivy claimed that he could not receive a fair trial, with provision that specifically prohibits the false or
all the rights guaranteed by the Fifth and Sixth deceptive advertising of foods, drugs, devices, or
Amendments of the Constitution, if the trial pro- cosmetics (15 U.S.C. § 52). FTC is authorized to
ceeded. The judge ruled in favor of the State and Ivy stop advertisements if they contain a representation
appealed. The appeals court judge affirmed the or omission that would likely mislead reasonable
lower court’s decision, asserting that the criminal consumers and that representation or omission is
trial against Ivy, prior to an impartial test of the material (203). It is not necessary for FTC to show
drug’s effectiveness, would not violate Ivy’s rights that deception has actually occurred or that an
to a fair trial and due process. The judge noted that advertiser intended to deceive consumers (36,191).
though ‘resolution of the efficacy issue was beyond
FTC has several alternatives in enforcing the
the intelligence and comprehension of the jury. . .mere
FTCA. In most false or deceptive advertising cases,
complexity of the factual issues involved in a
FTC issues an administrative complaint against the
criminal case is not constitutional basis for preclud-
advertiser. Following a hearing held before an
ing the trial’ (452). The appeals court agreed with
the district judge, who pointed out that juries are administrative law judge, the Commission may
issue a cease-and-desist order prohibiting future
regularly required to decide issues not within their
deceptive advertising (15 U.S.C. § 45(b)). FTC also
scope of knowledge or understanding. In such cases
has authority to seek preliminary and permanent
the expert witness is used to bridge the gap in
injunctions from Federal district courts for viola-
tions of the FTCA (15 U.S.C. § 53). In cases where
Federal Regulation of Advertising FTC has entered a cease-and-desist order against an
advertiser, it may seek refunds or other restitutions
Three Federal agencies, FDA, FTC, and USPS, for injured consumers from a State or Federal court,
are involved in regulating advertising claims made if it can be shown that the violations were fraudulent
for health products. As discussed in the previous or dishonest (15 U.S.C. § 57(b)). FTC can also
section, manufacturers and promoters of foods, promulgate industry-wide guidelines and trade regu-
14After ~ “q ~ell.public~ ~ that t~~k ~v~~ ~ ~~ to COrnpl@e, Ivy ~d MS Co-&fen~ts Were acqtitted Of w c-es against them (91s).
1%DA, however, does have jurisdiction over direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertistig (1s 1).
206 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
lation rules in response to widespread violations of incidence. In February 1989, the company signed a
the statute (15 U.S.C. § 57(a)). consent agreement obliging them, among other
things, to refrain from implying that the findings of
If FTC seeks to initiate proceedings to obtain those organizations support a finding that the
monetary civil penalties, it generally must go company’s products could reduce the risk of cancer;
through the Department of Justice (15 U.S.C. § 5(a)). to stop advertising, packaging, promoting, or label-
The FTC can seek civil penalties for violations of its ing its products as being able to cure, treat, prevent,
trade regulation rules or of previous orders (15 or reduce the risk of disease in humans; and to pay
U.S.C. § 45(l)-(m)).
$200,000 each to the American Diabetes Associa-
Litigation Involving the FTCA—FTC has used tion, American Cancer Society, and American Heart
its authority to stop false advertising of unconven- Association for the support of research. The order
tional cancer treatments. In 1975, FTC sued Travel also prohibits the company from making false
King, Inc., for false claims about its “psychic claims about any other products, putting specific
surgery’ treatment for cancer and other disorders. restrictions on the claims that could be made in
The company advertised and sold trips to the advertising, labeling, and packaging of certain
Philippines where the treatment was performed. products. In addition, General Nutrition must make
Following a trial, FTC ordered the company to stop available, upon request from FTC, all materials used
selling its treatments. The company was also re- for advertising and disseminating information about
quired to send a warning letter to consumers who its products, and studies used as the basis for claims
requested information (857). In a more recent case, it makes about its products (442).
FTC obtained a preliminary injunction, stopping U.S. Postal Service
Pharmtech, the manufacturer of an unconventional
nutritional treatment (“Daily Greens,” capsules Unlike FTC, which has very broad authority,
containing vitamins, selenium, beta-carotene, and USPS jurisdiction over false advertising is limited to
dehydrated vegetables) from advertising that its mail order products (where money or property is
product could reduce the risk of developing certain sought through the mail) under the civil False
types of cancer (283). In the ads, the promoters based Representation Statute (39 U.S.C. § 3005). The
their claims on findings in a report, Diet, Nutrition, Postal Inspection Service investigates potential vio-
and Cancer, published by the National Academy of lations of section 3005. It reviews direct mail
Sciences. FTC argued successfully that the report advertising, television commercials and a number of
did not substantiate the promoter’s claims and that health and general publications for mail order health
the report stated that the findings did not apply to products for possible false claims. Another source of
dietary supplements, such as Daily Greens. The information is complaints from consumers and
court, agreeing with FTC’s contention that the health professionals concerning such advertising.
promoter’s claims for this product were false, Enforcement—Promoters who are investigated
misleading, and deceptive, issued the preliminary for false advertising through the mails have the right
injunction prohibiting advertisements containing to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative
these claims. In addition, Pharmtech signed a law judge and may appeal any adverse decision to
consent agreement prohibiting it from claiming, the USPS Judicial Officer, who then renders the final
without substantiation, any health benefits for its decision. Upon finding a violation under section
products (724). 3005, the Judicial Officer may issue two orders: an
A similar case, brought against General Nutrition, order directing that all mail containing product
orders addressed to the promoters be returned to the
‘ Inc., was also concluded with a consent agreement
(282). In 1984, General Nutrition was accused of consumer and an order that the promoter cease and
making false and unsubstantiated claims about its desist from similar advertising practices. Violations
products, in particular, one called “Healthy of cease-and-desist orders bring a $10,000 a day
penalty for each day of violation (463).
Greens.” The company implied that findings of the
National Cancer Institute, and American Cancer Administrative proceedings, however, are neces-
Society, and the National Academy of Sciences in sarily time-consuming and USPS cannot issue any
the Academy’s report, Diet, Nutrition and Cancer, remedial orders until the process concludes. There-
associated the product with a reduction in cancer fore, Congress gave USPS authority to seek from a
Chapter 10--Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 207
U.S. district court judge an injunction detaining the and appointments at the clinic. The clinic was
promoter’s incoming mail while proceedings are eventually closed down by Mexican authorities, and
pending (39 U.S.C. § 3007). the woman in Utah was indicted for interstate wire
fraud (568).
In those cases where the product poses a serious
health hazard or the claim is blatantly false, the The Federal smuggling statute (18 U.S.C. § 545)
Inspector may decide to present the case to the U.S. prohibits unlawful introduction of products into the
Attorney for criminal prosecution in Federal court United States. Possession of such products alone is
under the Mail Fraud Statute (18 U.S.C. § 1341). sufficient for conviction under this statute; in
Under this statute, a person who uses the mail in a addition, any such products are confiscated by the
scheme to intentionally defraud consumers may be Government. Penalties for violating this statute
subject to up to $1,000 in fines, up to 5 years in jail, include fines, imprisonment for up to five years, or
or both, for each violation. both. In one case, United States v. Richardson, John
Litigation Brought by USPS—During the 6- Richardson, M.D., and three co-defendants (Ralph
month period from October 1, 1986 to March 31, Bowman, his office manager, and Robert Bradford
1987, the USPS concluded 34 civil actions dealing and Frank Salaman, two members of the Committee
with claims for medical products and services (907). for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy) were
Some criminal cases have also been brought. In one convicted of several crimes including conspiracy to
recent civil case, promoters of what they call 35% smuggle laetrile from a clinic in Mexico into the
“food grade” hydrogen peroxide (H 20 2) were United States (962). The defendants argued that
charged with misrepresenting their product as a cure FDA’s classification of the drug, which prohibited
for AIDS, cancer, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, its being brought into the country, was an act of
and arthritis, among other diseases. In settling the governmental misconduct; they claimed their ac-
case, the promoters agreed that the Judicial Officer tions were justified because laetrile was unavailable
could issue an order to stop their representing but necessary in the United States. Their conviction
hydrogen peroxide as having a therapeutic effect on was upheld on appeal (917). Bradford was freed
human disease and injury, unless claims could be $40,000, Richardson $20,000, and Salaman and
supported by reliable and competent evidence (443). Bowman $10,000 each (962).
The Federal conspiracy statute (18 U.S.C. § 371)
Other Relevant Federal Statutes prohibits “two or more persons [from] conspiring]
There are several additional Federal criminal to commit any offense against the United States, or
statutes that may affect the marketing and advertis- to defraud the United States.’ The statute authorizes
ing of unconventional cancer treatments. Allega- frees up to $10,000, imprisonment for up to 5 years,
tions of crimes are investigated and, if pursued, or both. There are several examples of litigation
prosecuted by a U.S. Attorney where the crime where practitioners have been charged with conspir-
allegedly occurred. They are usually based on either acy in connection with their involvement with an
consumer complaints or recommendations of govern- unconventional cancer treatment. For example, the
ment agencies, such as FDA and FTC, who believe defendants in United States v. Richardson were
the crimes have been or are being committed. charged and convicted of conspiring to possess and
distribute laetrile, and the defendants in United
The Federal wire fraud statute (18 U.S.C. § 1343) States v. Durovic (the Ivy case, see previous
prohibits the use of telephone, radio, or television to discussion) were charged with, but not convicted of,
make false representations for products and services conspiracy (915,917).
in interstate or foreign commerce. Violation of this
statute can lead to crimin al penalties of fries up to Several Federal criminal fraud statutes have been
$1,000, imprisonment for up to five years, or both. used in cases involving unconventional cancer
In one case, a woman in Salt Lake City, Utah, treatments. These statutes make it a criminal offense
operated an organization called “Western Health to deliberately falsify and conceal facts from the
Research” and the “Western Research Center.” Federal Government (18 U.S.C. § 1001) or to
Patients who contacted her through a toll-free deliberately present false claims to any agency or
number were referred to a clinic in Mexico run by department of the Federal Government (18 U.S.C. §
James Keller, and were given travel arrangements 287). These two statutes have been invoked in
208 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
prosecutions concerning false statements on claims medical products and services and discusses State
submitted to Medicare and Medicaid by practition- laws that apply specifically to unconventional can-
ers (see ch. 9). cer treatments.
The Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Stale Food and Drug Laws
Organizations (RICO) Act (18 U.S.C. § 1961-1968)
classifies a variety of criminal offenses, including Following the passage of the Federal FDCA in
bribery and welfare fraud, as racketeering activity. 1938 covering interstate activities, it was proposed
To date, no unconventional practitioners have been in 1940 that all States adopt a uniform food, drug,
convicted of offenses under RICO (79 l). One suit in and cosmetic law in order to provide the same
the complicated legal battle of Burzynski and his coverage for intrastate activities (56a). To date, 23
patients versus Aetna involves a RICO suit. In States have adopted the uniform law, in whole or in
December 1987, in response to an insurance claim part, in State laws regulating the intrastate manufac-
from a cancer patient for reimbursement of the costs ture, promotion, labeling, and distribution of drugs
for Burzynski’s treatment, Aetna Life Insurance Co. and devices. The uniform law uses nearly identical
filed a counterclaim against Burzynski and the definitions for adulteration and misbranding of
Burzynski Research Institute, alleging that drugs as the FDCA, so any State law based on the
Burzynski planned to defraud insurers and patients, uniform law is likely to have similar provisions for
and engaged in a pattern of racketeering activity by dealing with these issues.
forwarding misleading and deceptive claims for
One difference between the uniform law and the
insurance reimbursement (630). This case is still
FDCA, however, is that the uniform act includes a
pending (631) (see ch. 9).
provision against false advertising, which at the
Federal level is split between the FTC and FDA.
State Regulation of Manufacturing and Another difference is that nearly all of the States that
Marketing of Drugs have adopted some form of the uniform act have a
While Federal laws regulate the marketing and provision in their food and drug law that prohibits
public advertising of any treatment as effective
advertising of some unconventional cancer treat-
ments in interstate commerce, State laws extend against certain conditions, including cancer. It is
regulation to commerce within States (intrastate argued that justification for this prohibition was
based on the assumption that certain diseases should
commerce). In addition, some State laws explicitly
regulate intrastate use and possession of particular be treated only by professionals and that public
unconventional treatments. advertising of treatments available directly to con-
sumers could encourage patients to treat themselves
In addition to prescribing any approved drug or without professional care (526).
device, licensed physicians may legally “manufac-
ture, prepare, propagate, compound, or process State Regulation of Advertising
drugs solely for use in the course of their profes-
sional practice” (21 USCA § 360 (a)). This means
In addition to the advertising provisions of food
it is legal for physicians to prescribe treatments they and drug laws that some of the States have adopted,
manufacture that are unapproved by FDA, but only all States have laws prohibiting false advertising of
products and services. These State laws, whose
in the State in which they manufacture the treat-
provisions are similar to those of the FTCA, are
ments. It is illegal to transport unapproved drugs
across State lines and laws pe rtaining to good enforced by each State’s Attorney General.
manufacturing practices apply to physicians as well One recent case involved United Sciences of
as to commercial medical manufacturers. However, America, a company whose advertising claimed its
treatments made from the patient’s own tissues that nutritional treatment could help prevent cancer. The
are customized for each patient are not regulated Attorneys General of Texas, California, and New
under Federal or State laws; theoretically, this would York filed suit jointly, charging the company with
include the Livingston-Wheeler autogenous vaccine false advertising under their States’ false advertising
(which is manufactured individually for each pa- laws by making improper claims. Initially, the
tient) (791). This section summarizes the scope of company advised its distributors of the actions
State regulation of marketing and advertising of against it, including an injunction barring it from
Chapter 1 0--Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 209
marketing and shipping its products without appro- (described above).lG The law authorizes the State
priate correction and disclosure statements and health agency to issue cease-and-desist orders to
barring it from making false claims. Several months those who violate the State cancer law (see, e.g., ch.
later, the case was settled when the defendants, 5, discussion of the case of Virginia C. Livingston,
without admitting fault, agreed to pay $35,000 to M.D.). Failure to comply with these orders can lead
each State and refrain from making unproven and to injunctions against the promotion of the treat-
misleading statements about United Sciences prod- ments and to criminal penalties against the promot-
ucts (68). ers.
In another case, the State of California sued a
company, Ancient Gold, also know as the Colostrum
Legalization of Specific Unconventional
Research Foundation, for falsely representing that
their product, colostrum, could inhibit the symptoms Cancer Treatments Under State Laws
of cancer and other diseases. The company was sued
in both criminal and civil State courts for violation In contrast to State laws that prohibit the use of
of the State Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; the civil unconventional cancer treatments, several States
suit also sought an injunction to prevent the firm have enacted laws that specifically exempt certain
from making further false representations (85). unconventional treatments from State drug regula-
tion and from some aspects of medical practice acts.
These laws only affect the intrastate use of the
State Laws Pertaining to Cancer Treatment substances, so they do not conflict with the interstate
provisions of the FDCA. They may conflict, how-
In addition to State laws regulating intrastate ever, with the safety and efficacy provisions of State
commerce of drugs, at least 30 States have passed food and drug laws and with the objectives of the
laws pertaining specifically to cancer, a few of uniform national drug standards. These exemptions
which have provisions for regulating unconven- have not been challenged in court (791).
tional cancer treatments. overall, these cancer laws
provide for a variety of activities, including organiz- One State offered the following rationale for its
ing and providing resources to combat the disease, provision legalizing the use of laetrile in cancer
establishing registries and advisory boards, and treatment:
assisting patients in paying for cancer treatment
(279). Some of these laws specify that cancer can be In a free society, people should be able to choose
treated only by certain categories of licensed health their own forms of treatment for disease as long as
professional. Others authorize the State health agency doing so does not expose them to harmful products.
to approve cancer treatments before they can be used In other words, the safety of drugs needs to be
in the State (791). assured by government but not necessarily the
effectiveness of drugs. (665)
The oldest and most comprehensive State cancer
statute is California’s (149). This statute established At present, at least 19 States have laws legalizing
criteria for cancer treatments similar to those of the the prescription and intrastate sale of laetrile to
FDCA and provided a mechanism for informing the cancer patients (2 other States had this provision but
public about treatments that are considered to be repealed it). Several States enacted (and later re-
unsafe or ineffective. This law also incorporated pealed) provisions legalizing the use of IAT Many
regulations making it illegal to use certain uncon- of these laws require certain types of informed
ventional cancer treatments, including laetrile and consent or limit the use of the substance to physi-
the Hoxsey tonic, within the State. Under this cians. Some of the statutes prohibit State licensing
statute, James Privitera, a medical doctor, and four boards from disciplining physicians who prescribe
co-defendants were convicted by a jury of conspir- laetrile. Other laws protect manufacturers from
acy to sell and prescribe an unapproved drug, penalties associated with the manufacture or distri-
laetrile, for the alleviation or cure of cancer, a felony bution of the substance.
IG~e defen~ts appe~~ the conviction on the grounds that the right of the patient toobt@ or the physician to prescribe, a E=ttment Was ensured
by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. After being overturned by the appeals court, the conviction was affiied by the California Supreme
Court (see earlier discussion of case) (717).
210 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Box Page
11-A. States’ Definition of the Practice of Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Chapter 11
Laws and Regulations Governing Practitioners Who Offer
Unconventional Cancer Treatments
practice medicine in the context of defined religious completed 1 year of residency training in a program
ministries. In some States, faith healers, Christian approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate
Science healers, and other clergy are specifically Medical Education,2 and have passed the Federation
exempted from regulations that apply to health care Licensing Examination sponsored by the Federation
providers. California, for example, exempts faith of State Medical Boards. Osteopaths and allopaths
healers from licensure, as practitioners who “treat are included in the definition of physicians; cur-
exclusively by prayer in accordance with the teach- rently, about 500,000 allopathic physicians (M.D.s)
ings of a bona fide religious sect or organization. ’ and 25,000 osteopathic physicians (D. O. S), are
If, however, faith healers combine prayer with other licensed in the United States (711).
methods, such as diet, drugs, or massage, they would
not be protected by the exemption and could be All States require periodic licensure reregistra-
prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license tion. When reregistering, physicians may be re-
(791). In one case, a minister in Arizona, Kenneth quired to inform the board of any administrative
Lee Anderson, was prosecuted for practicing medi- sanctions, adverse liability awards, or felony charges
cine without a license after he and a doctor of that occurred since their last contact with the
osteopathy treated patients with a substance called licensing board. Physicians may also be required to
“Tumorex,” the composition of which was undis- report substance abuse, physical illness, or mental
closed (51). illness that may affect the competent and profes-
sional practice of medicine. The completeness of
Licensure such reporting and its effects on reregistration are
not documented. Approximately 25 States mandate
Physicians must be licensed before they may continuing medical education as a prerequisite to
legally practice medicine in the United States. State
reregistration (284a), and a few may soon require a
licensing laws identify the basic qualifications an
periodic competency reexamination (703).
individual must have in order to practice as a health
professional, define the permitted scope of practice, For physicians who offer unconventional cancer
and provide general standards of expected profes- treatments, continuing licensure may present more
sional competence and conduct. Although require- difficulties than initial licensure. If these physicians
ments vary among States, in general, a person must receive administrative sanctions or an adverse ruling
be a graduate of an accredited medical school, l have in a liability case, State law may mandate reporting
l~e Li~Son Comttee on Me&c~ ~ucation is the a~rediting body for educatio~ pmgr~s l~ding to the medicd doctor degree.
% most States, physicians can become licensed after 1 year of clinical training following medical school, but six States require more postgraduate
training and four require none (699).
Chapter 11--Laws and Regulation Governing Practitioners Who Offer Unconventional Cancer Treatments .215
of that information, possibly making license renewal Some States are developing legislation that would
more difficult. restrict anyone except registered dietitians or physi-
cians from counseling patients about nutrition,
The statutory scope of practice for licensed, making it illegal for many nutritional advocates and
non-physician health care providers (e.g., nurses, non-physician practitioners to give nutritional ad-
chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths) is also vice (855). Some nutritional advocates have already
defined within State laws, but there is variation been found guilty of practicing medicine without a
among States in how these health care providers are license. Geraldine Matson, an unlicensed nutritional
regulated and whether licensing is required. De- consultant, was sentenced to 40 hours of community
pending on the State, these health care professionals service at the American Cancer Society after plead-
may legally provide psychological, spiritual, or ing guilty to practicing medicine without a license in
other non-drug unconventional treatments (791). Washington State. The Washington State Depart-
Homeopaths and naturopaths are licensed separately ment of Licensing began an investigation of Matson
in the States where they are allowed to practice after a physician reported that the employees of a
(791). However, the majority of licensed homeo- local wig salon had given a cancer patient informa-
paths are M.D.s or D.O.s who use homeopathic tion on nutritional treatments. Two undercover
medicine as part of the medical care they provide agents posing as a cancer patient and her husband
(909). went to the salon, and were then referred to Matson.
Matson was charged with practicing medicine with-
out a license after advising the ‘cancer patient” that
The Practice of Medicine Without a License she had scurvy and that she should ‘‘discontinue
chemotherapy because it would prevent nutritional
Several practitioners of unconventional cancer therapy from working” (707,730).
treatments have been prosecuted for the criminal
charge of practicing medicine without a license. In PHYSICIAN DISCIPLINE
California, Milan Brych claimed to have received a
Because their practices fall outside of what is
medical degree outside of the United States, but was
generally considered standard medical practice,
treating patients without having a State license.
Brych was convicted on a number of charges, physicians who offer unconventional cancer treat-
ments may be particularly vulnerable to investiga-
including practicing medicine without a license,
tions for alleged violations of State or Federal laws,
grand theft, and grand theft by false pretenses (714).
medical incompetence, or unprofessional behavior.
In another case, two health food store owners in
Indiana, Harry Graham, a “nutritional therapist” A finding of guilt in these cases may result in frees,
and Ellen Graham, a registered nurse, treated a a jail sentence, or an injunction prohibiting whatever
action is under investigation. Physicians may also be
breast cancer patient with laetrile and colonic
irrigations. The patient eventually died and the subject to administrative sanctions that directly
Grahams were tried and convicted of practicing affect their ability to practice medicine. Sanctions,
ranging from license revocation to a private repri-
medicine without a license, criminal recklessness,
and involuntary manslaughter (438). In another mand, are typically imposed by the State medical
California case, an unlicensed healer was prosecuted board.
for treating a leukemia patient with lemonade, salt This section describes the types of disciplinary
water, herb tea, special light therapy, and deep action that can be taken against physicians. A
abdominal massage. The patient died as a result of discussion of all potential restrictions is beyond the
massive internal bleeding, possibly as a result of the scope of this section. Licensed physicians are
abdominal massage. The practitioner was convicted emphasized, because, among the 50 States, re-
of practicing medicine without a license and the quirements for licensure and grounds for discipli-
illegal sale of certain drugs. The initial conviction nary action are more uniform for physicians than for
also included the charge of second degree murder other health care professionals. Examples of sanc-
but was later reversed because causation could not tions against physicians who have offered various
be established (715). unconventional cancer treatments are highlighted.
% this chapter, the term “physician” refers to both M.D.s and D.O.S.
216 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
4Fee.~pfi@ ~volve~ one ~hy~icim ~ceiv~g ~ ~ermn~ge of ~o~er practitionm’s fee irl papent for ~vkg referred the patient to the second
Chapter 11--Laws and Regulations Governing Practitioners Who Offer Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 217
unconventional cancer treatments who have been Gerber contended that he was not attempting to
involved in some type of disciplinary proceeding. treat the patient’s cancer, but rather to nutritionally
and metabolically support a patient who had refused
Charges against physicians who prescribe uncon- conventional treatment. The Board dismissed that
ventional cancer treatments have included gross assertion because the witnesses for Gerber testified
negligence, gross incompetence, negligence and that the above substances typically were used
incompetence on more than one occasion, unprofes- because they were believed to be “cancer inhib-
sional conduct (e.g., willful violations of laws, or itors. The Board did not find convincing the
inadequate recordkeeping), and practicing fraudu- testimony about the nutritional and metabolic value
lent medicine (this can include misrepresenting their of any of these treatments for a patient with
ability to cure a patient of an illness). Grounds for endometrial cancer (832).
these charges include: use of unapproved drugs (e.g., The Board agreed with the State’s expert wit-
laetrile) (103,195,437); use of unapproved sub- nesses that with immediate conventional treatment,
stances for the treatment of cancer (e.g., Hoxsey the patient would have had a 90 percent chance of
herbs, wheatgrass juice, and pangymic acid) (832); long-term survival. The Board found that Gerber:
and maintaining inadequate patient records (214,923).
. . . should have known and recognized that surgery
and/or radiation treatment were the recognized,
Examples of efforts to discipline physicians for effective, and sole medically acceptable means of
such violations follow. These cases reveal the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the endometrium,
complexity of disciplinary hearings. according to the standard of medical practice in
California. (832)
Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D.—Besides being in- Further note was made that the patient apparently
volved in court battles described in earlier chapters,
canceled a scheduled surgery several days after first
Stanislaw Burzynski is the subject of an investiga-
consulting Gerber, and although he documented in
tion by the Texas Board of Medical Examiners for
her chart that she was being treated by several other
possible violations of the Texas Food, Drug, and
unconventional practitioners, he did not record that
Cosmetic Act, which prohibits the prescribing of
he suggested she seek conventional care. The Board
drugs not approved by FDA or, alternately, by the
State Department of Health. The board argues that
this, in turn, is a violation of the Texas Medical The accepted standard of medical practice for a
Practice Act. A date for a hearing, the next formal patient [presenting] with a well-differentiated
step, has not been set (as of May 1990); motions to adenocarcinoma of the endometrium, and who
dismiss submitted by Burzynski’s attorney have adamantly refuses conventional accepted treatment
been rejected. If the board finds Burzynski in therefore, is: 1) continuously and emphatically to
encourage the patient to seek conventional treat-
violation of these laws there is a broad array of ment; 2) strongly discourage any patient attempts to
sanctions it may impose on him (458,790). seek out unproven modalities . . ., and 3) not to
undertake courses of unproven treatment and/or
Michael Gerber, M.D.—This case was initiated substance use, because these have the effect of
by an independent oncologist who treated a former lulling patient fears or misleading her to conclude
Gerber patient in her terminal phase, when her that effective cancer therapy is in progress. It was
uterine cancer had metastasized widely. The central established and it is found that such activity falsely
issue in this case was Gerber’s unconventional reassures cancer patients concerning their prognosis
and discourages them from seeking effective and
treatment of the patient when she was first diag-
timely treatment. (832)
nosed. The oncologist believed that Gerber, while
practicing as a self-described "orthomolecular prac- With no previous offenses noted, Gerber’s license
titioner, ‘‘ inappropriately treated a potentially cura- to practice in California was revoked in June 1984.
ble patient for 27 months with Hoxsey herbs, The Board of Medical Quality Assurance found him
megavitamins, chelation therapy, Wobe Mugos guilty of gross negligence and incompetence, re-
enzymes, Chaparral tea, pangymic acid, benzalde- peated similar negligent acts, and other similar
hyde, wheatgrass juice, coffee or enzyme enemas, charges. The finding of guilt was due, in part, to his
apricot pits, red clover, and slippery elm (832). use of substances unapproved by either State or
89-142 0 - 90 - 8 QL 3
218 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Federal authorities for the treatment of cancer, and that [his] method for treating cancer is effective or
excessively prescribing and administering diagnos- that it benefited [patients]. ” However, they specifi-
tic tests and ineffective drugs and treatments (832). cally reported that Revici did not promise patients
that his treatments would cure cancer (grounds for
Emanuel Revici, M.D.—Emanuel Revici has
‘‘misrepresentation,’ another basis for license revo-
been the subject of prolonged controversy because
cation) (923). In November 1985, the New York
of his unconventional treatment for cancer. Profes-
State Commissioner of Health joined the committee
sional societies and health authorities in New York
in recommending to the New York State Board of
State, where Revici practices, began questioning his
Regents that Revici’s medical license be revoked
treatments more than 20 years ago; however, an
official investigation was completed only recently.
Revici’s medical license was officially suspended in In March 1986, however, a separate Regents
1984 (for a short time) in response to New York Review Committee recommended that the case be
State Department of Health charges of medical remanded to the hearing committee because Revici’s
misconduct including practicing medicine fraudu- original attorney was suffering from the strains of
lently, practicing with gross incompetence, practic- terminal disease during his defense, and Revici’s
ing with gross negligence, and substandard practices right to council (guaranteed by the Sixth Amend-
of these types on more than one occasion. ment) may have been compromised. The hearing
A committee of the New York State Board for committee met again in August 1987 but Revici and
his new lawyer chose not to attend because they felt
Professional Medical Conduct, referred to as the
the hearings were a sham and that ‘no valid purpose
hearing committee, initially held hearings on Re-
would be served by continuing or participating in
vici’s medical practice for a total of 19 days between
hearings before OPMC [Office of Professional
January 1984 and May 1985 (923). While investiga-
Medical Conduct]” (923). By refusing to attend,
tion into the charges proceeded, Revici continued his
Revici lost his opportunity to introduce new evi-
unconventional cancer treatment practice under
dence and witnesses, and present further defenses to
specified conditions. During the investigation, Re-
vici agreed to: the OPMC’s charges. The hearing committee noted
this, and then reaffirmed their original recommendat-
1. only treat patients for cancer if they had an ion of September 1985 (923).
established “outside” diagnosis (including a
In March 1988, Revici and his lawyer submitted
pathology report);
2. provide fully informed consent (including the additional information and testimony directly to the
Regents Review Committee. Although the review
recommendation that patients consult a trained
committee ruled that Revici “may not obtain a de
oncologist); and
novo hearing before us and thereby bypass the
3. manufacture or administer any “experimental
statutory hearing process, ” they did review the
drugs or substances ‘‘ in accordance-with State
record from the hearing committee’s proceedings.
and Federal laws. (666)
On June 27, 1988, the Regents Review Committee
In September 1985, the hearing committee com- issued a report in which they accepted many, but not
pleted its initial investigation and found Revici all, of the original findings of the hearing committee.
guilty of gross incompetence, gross negligence, Some modifications were made to the original
negligence and incompetence on more than one findings, but overall, the committee felt that Revici’s
occasion, violating a particular Rule of the Board of practices endangered his patients and found them
Regents, and unprofessional conduct. In particular, “far below the legal standards required of a licensed
the committee cited Revici’s attempts to dissuade at physician.’ The Regents Review Committee em-
least two patients from seeking conventional cancer phasized that the charges against Revici were
treatment, treatment of at least three patients with ‘‘based on specific acts and violations’ and were not
agents unapproved for the treatment of cancer, brought against him for “engaging in research or
maintaining inadequate patient records, “willful writing about new, non-traditional methods for
violation of laws regarding unapproved agents,” treating cancer” (923). This committee found Re-
and ‘‘fail[ure] to realize that his method was not vici guilty of the charges and unanimously recom-
effective’ in the treatment of cancer. The committee mended in June 1988 that his license be revoked for
found that Revici produced ‘no persuasive evidence at least 1 year beginning October 1, 1988 (923).
Chapter 11--Laws and Regulations Governing Practitioners Who Offer Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 219
On July 29,1988, the New York Board of Regents well-being, PROS initially impose remedial actions,
accepted the Review Committee’s modified find- such as a requirement of further education or
ings of guilt, but decided in a 4 to 3 vote (with 2 warnings, before recommending that the Office of
abstaining) to mitigate the committee’s recom- the Inspector General exclude or suspend the practi-
mended measure of discipline. Revici’s medical tioner (221,872). PROS may consider a variety of
license revocation was stayed and he was placed on factors when determining the severity or duration of
probation for 5 years (921). During his probation, the disciplinary sanction they propose, such as other
Revici is allowed to continue practicing medicine related offenses, any adverse impact a sanction may
under specific terms, similar to those agreed to while have upon Medicare beneficiaries or the community,
his license was under investigation (922). potential savings to the program, and the amount of
financial damage incurred by the Medicare program
Medicare Sanctions Against Providers of (221). Professional sanctions are reported to the
Unconventional Cancer Treatments public through local newspapers and are also re-
ported to State licensing boards.
Another avenue for regulating physician’s activi-
ties is through the Medicare program. Under the Of the almost 500 practitioners excluded
Social Security Act, the Department of Health and participating in Medicare between 1982 and 1988
Human Services (DHHS) is authorized to impose (547), at least 6 were excluded for practices related
administrative sanctions on providers who defraud to their prescribing of unconventional cancer treat-
or abuse the Medicare program (414). DHHS ments.6Two examples of such actions are summa-
delegates this authority to the office of the Inspector rized below.
General. Some providers of unconventional cancer
treatments have been among those excluded from
The late Virginia Livingston, M.D., a physician
the system because their services have not met the
who developed and prescribed an immunologic
program’s requirements. Medicare sanctions may
unconventional cancer treatment (discussed in ch.
include temporary or permanent exclusion from
5), was originally excluded from Medicare begin-
Medicare payment, or the imposition of monetary
ning on March 29, 1986, for providing care that was
penalties if it is demonstrated that the provider:
considered by the Office of the Inspector General to
1. overcharged Medicare for services; be both substandard and substantially in excess of
2. deliberately misrepresented on Medicare patient needs. Livingston argued that her treatment
claims the services that were rendered; or was experimental and therefore not substandard;
3. deliberately provided services that were either however, the judge found insufficient compliance
in excess of patients’ needs or of poor quality with a study protocol and informed consent proce-
(substandard), as judged by local professional dures to allow that interpretation. On appeal, how-
standards. ever, the judge found that while the evidence showed
Livingston’s treatment was not recognized as stan-
When monetary penalties are imposed, practi-
dard practice by the medical community, it was of a
tioners wishing to remain eligible for future Medi-
unique nature and should be regarded as “non-
care payments must reimburse the Medicare pro-
standard” rather than “substandard.” He deter-
gram for the previous overcharging or inappropriate
mined that too little was known about the treatment
payments (414,876).
to find that the services she provided were either
heal insurance carriers and Utilization and substandard or substantially in excess of her pa-
Quality Control Peer Review Organizations (PROS),5 tients’ needs, and he overturned the exclusion. He
under contract to DHHS, monitor medical care found also that the Inspector General’s Office was
provided to Medicare beneficiaries, identify possi- remiss in both apprising Livingston of the serious-
ble violations, and recommend disciplinary action to ness of the charges and nature of the perceived
the Inspector General’s Office (878). Unless a offenses and in making educational visits before
practitioner’s actions immediately threaten patient imposing sanctions. Livingston became eligible to
spRo~ ~~U~~bYD~s tO ~OfitO~ the ~~hO~~i@~ ~~d the~ph~sicians provide to M~iC~e pati@S inO&r to ensu that ServiCeS Me rnediCdlY
provided in the appropriate setdng, and meet professionally recognized standards of care (872).
6vfi@a c. LiVingS@n, M.D., w~llim GOl&ag, M.D., John Potts, M.D., James Priviter& M.D., Donald COle, MD., victor Ram, M.D. (791).
220 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
7However, ADS and W. of its components are not listed in the Homeopathic PhUmCOpt?iU, -g MS desc~ption ~cc~ate (g@).
Chapter 11--Laws and Regulations Governing Practitioners Who Offer Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 221
A special “Hearing Report,” submitted on his treatment; warning the patient about possible ad-
behalf by the National Center for Institutions and verse reactions; monitoring the patient’s needs and
Alternatives, urged that only a probationary sanction changing dosages or treatments as the condition
be issued. Halstead, who denied wrongdoing, asked warrants; and providing appropriate informed con-
to be allowed to continue practicing medicine under sent (791). Emanuel Revici recently lost a medical
terms of probation, or community service, or both. malpractice case brought against him in Federal
He maintained that in prescribing ADS, he “fol- District Court involving a patient with a rectal
lowed [his] own deep scientific, conscientious tumor, who was under his care for 2 years before
convictions [and]. . . did everything in [his] power to dying. This case, Boyle v. Revici, was brought by the
attempt to save the lives of [his] patients” (371). nephew of the deceased patient. The jury found in
favor of Boyle and awarded him $1.5 million. Revici
However, at the sentencing hearing, the probation
is appealing the verdict on evidentiary grounds.8
officer assigned to the case testified that the current
charges against Halstead were not isolated incidents. Surviving family members also may sue a practi-
Halstead had been called before the Board of tioner for loss of support caused by death under a
Medical Quality Assurance in the past, his license ‘‘wrongful death’ theory. Oftentimes, the allegation
had been suspended at least once, and he had of wrongful death is combined with a “survival
previously been placed on probation. This history, action, where the surviving family member sues on
combined with the probation officer’s finding that the deceased’s behalf for pain and suffering sus-
Halstead “shows little or no remorse for his . . . tained before death. In civil suits, plaintiffs may
crimes,’ led to the conclusion that unless his license request financial compensation for economic losses
was revoked, Halstead would continue to prescribe or for emotional damages. In some cases, punitive
unconventional treatments. In addition, the proba- damages also may be awarded (791). Organizations,
tion officer noted that Halstead ‘used his position of such as third-party payers, may also bring civil
trust, as a physician” to sell unconventional treat- charges. When Medicare and other third-party pay-
ments to terminally and chronically ill patients. He ers act as plaintiffs in civil litigation, they often sue
recommended that Halstead “be removed from the practitioners for fraudulent insurance claims (631).
community for as long a period of time as is legally (See ch. 9 for a discussion of insurance coverage for
possible” (371). The court found Halstead guilty of unconventional treatments.)
20 felonies and several misdemeanors. In addition to
the permanent revocation of his medical license, he Some physicians have defended their use of
was sentenced to 4 years in prison and fined $10,000 unconventional treatments by arguing that patients,
(372). when fully informed about the treatment, its alterna-
tives, and attendant risks, may legally assume some
Civil Charges
of the risk inherent in receiving the treatment. In at
Because their practices fall outside of standard least one case, Schneider v. Revici, a Federal
medical practice, physicians who offer unconven- Appeals Court found this argument valid and
tional cancer treatments are vulnerable to the civil suggested that it may alleviate or diminish the
charge of malpractice. Suits can be brought by physician’s liability for negligence. The Federal
former patients and their relatives. The basis for court has remanded the case to the original trial court
malpractice is the physician’s negligence in fulfil- for consideration of whether the consent agreement
ing professional duties, such as selecting the best signed by the patient constitutes an assumption of
treatment for the patient; informing patients about risk. It was set to be retried starting in November
the treatment effects; determining the correct dosage 1989 (631), but was postponed (70). (See ch. 10 for
for the treatment; storing, preparing, or using the discussion of the case.)
Sunder ~~t ~ ~~ed tie CCdmd ~n’s s~~te” ~ New York S@te, a mco~~g of conve~ations between the decedent and the defendant k
inadmissible as evidence. Revici is appealing the judge’s application of that statute to this case (150).
Chapter 12
Evaluating Unconventional
Cancer Treatments
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
The Need for Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Mainstream Evaluation of Cancer Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Screening and Preclinical Testing of Potential Anticancer Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Clinical Trials of New Anticancer Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Issues in Evaluating Unconventional Cancer Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Endpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Organizational Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228
Clinical Trials and INDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Using Information Retrospectively From Treated Patients: Efficacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Efficacy: Some Techniques That Are Prone to Producing Invalid Information . . . . . 230
Efficacy: ‘‘Best Case Reviews” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Capitalizing on the Experience of Treated Patients: Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Testing Treatment Materials for Potential Anticancer Activity and Sterility . . . . . . . . . . 234
Testing Treatment Materials for Potential Anticancer Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Testing Treatment Materials for Composition and Sterility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Chapter 12
Evaluating Unconventional Cancer Treatments
approaches). Presumably, valid evidence from eval- benefits. In the ideal system, medical treatments do
uations would either cause treatments to become not become part of standard practice until adequate
accepted by mainstream medicine (if the treatment evidence exists. The system has not worked per-
is effective) or to be abandoned once and for all (if fectly. There are probably many ineffective treat-
the treatment is ineffective). ments, for cancer and for other conditions, that are
believed effective on the basis of inadequate evi-
Individuals knowledgeable about unconventional
dence. Some of these are being reexamined in new
treatments have their own explicit or implicit
clinical trials, and the process of updating and
criteria, based at least partly on intuition, for
weeding out treatments is likely to continue.
choosing among unconventional cancer treatments
(e.g., Ironer differentiates by such factors as the Extension of life and improved quality of life are
training of the practitioner, whether the treatment is the hallmarks of a successful cancer treatment.
completely “open’ or has “secret’ components, Tumor shrinkage (antitumor effect) is an intermedi-
whether the charge for treatment is ‘‘reasonable, ’ ate endpoint that is easier to study than is life
what claims are made regarding outcomes (530)). extension, and is regarded as good evidence on
Other people have other approaches (e.g., McGrady’s which to proceed to studies that can measure life
CANHELP computerized data bank (594)), and extension and quality. All conventional cancer
since every treatment has its adherents, there clearly treatments known to extend life thus far do, in fact,
must be conflicts among the lists of “good” and have antitumor effects, but some treatments with
“bad.” Without formal clinical research, however, strong antitumor effects do not appear to be benefi-
it is not possible to get beyond this unsatisfactory cial in the long term. It is important, therefore, that
status quo. promising treatments eventually be studied directly
for life extension and quality of life in randomized
On a more pragmatic level, evaluation may also
trials (discussed later in this chapter).
be important for legal and financial reasons. For
unconventional cancer treatments that involve sub- Before new cancer treatments are given to patients
stances that would be classified as new drugs or for clinical testing, in the current mainstream
biologics, evidence of safety and efficacy (and approach to evaluation, extensive “preclinical”
formal approval by the Food and Drug Administra- laboratory and animal studies are carried out to
tion (FDA)) are required before they may be offered establish a reasonable presumption that an agent
legally in this country. In general, acquiring this might ultimately be of value to cancer patients. Both
evidence entails carrying out a series of prospective natural and synthetic agents are normally screened
clinical trials, including randomized trials. For and tested in various animal tumor models (323,351).
unconventional cancer treatments that do not in- Preclinical studies are used to determine whether the
volve substances that require FDA approval, e.g., compound is active against cancer cells, to attempt
psychological, behavioral, or dietary approaches, no to learn about mechanisms through which the agent
regulatory requirement applies. However, health has its effects, to learn as much as possible about
insurers may require evidence of efficacy and safety adverse effects, and to estimate the doses that might
as a condition for covering those treatments. Evalua- be tried in patients.
tion may also be of benefit to health care profession-
als who are incorporating “middle ground” treat- Screening and Preclinical Testing of
ments into their practices, but who fear professional
sanctions for doing so (218).
Potential Anticancer Drugs
Until recently, the most common type of primary
MAINSTREAM EVALUATION OF screening test for botanical products (and other
substances) involved the use of tumor-bearing
CANCER TREATMENTS rodents—mice or rats with tumors that arose and
Legal approval and widespread use of medical were maintained in inbred strains. (Examples of
drugs and biologics, and, ideally, the adoption of such systems include P388 leukemia, L1210 leuke-
new medical practices, are based on evidence of mia, B16 melanoma, Lewis Lung carcinoma, Ehr-
efficacy and on knowledge and acceptance of lich ascites, Walker 256 carcinosarcoma, and Sar-
adverse effects. A decision about whether to use a coma 180 tumor models.) Generally, these animals
product requires weighing the risks against the would be treated with a range of doses of an
Chapter 12--Evaluating Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 227
experimental agent. An antitumor effect would be In 1985, NCI discontinued the use of animal
indicated by an increase in survival of the experi- tumor systems for routine, primary screening test-
mental animals compared with the untreated control ing, in part because of these problems. In their place,
animals. Cytotoxic (cell killing) or cytostatic (block- a test system of human tumor cell lines grown in
ing further cell division) effects are measured in culture is currently being setup for initial screening
some of these tumor models, while others measure of possible antitumor agents. The new system
immunologic responses of the host animal to the focuses on identifying substances that maybe active
experimental agent. in specific tumor types. Substances that test positive
in this new system would then be tested in human
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) once used the tumor-bearing athymic (nude) mice, and then in
L1210 mouse leukemia tumor model (from 1956 to other whole animal systems for toxicology testing as
1971) and the P388 lymphocytic leukemia (from a final step before use in human subjects (2,841).
1971 to 1985) as primary screening tests for new
antitumor agents (841). Agents that tested positive Clinical Trials of New Anticancer Agents
in these tests were generally tested further in animal “Phase I“ clinical trials are often the first time
systems1 before being considered for human trials. new anticancer treatments are given to human beings
Those that tested negative might have been retested (except in cases in which new treatments for cancer
in the same or similar systems a number of times. For have been used for other purposes). Patients with
botanical products, such retesting might have in- very advanced cancers, with virtually no hope of
volved the use of different parts of the original plant, recovery, are asked to participate in these trials, as
different dose ranges, or different ways of adminis- investigators attempt to determine appropriate dos-
tering or preparing the experimental solution. ages and learn about unwanted toxic effects, as well
as to look for evidence of anticancer effects. These
Animal tumor tests can generate information trials involve relatively few patients, usually in the
about a new agent’s biological properties, e.g., its range of 15 to 30, who are observed intensively.
immunologic and pharmacologic effects, in a whole
animal system. The usefulness of such data depends Phase II studies serve the purpose of generating
on the degree to which they predict corresponding information about antitumor effects and additional
effects in human beings. The information gained information on unintended adverse effects. These
from animal tumor tests can be used to select agents studies span a rather wide range, initially often
for clinical testing in human beings. including a number of different tumorsina‘‘screen-
ing” study to see if any tumor types are particularly
sensitive to the treatment, progressing to phase II
The limitations of animal tumor tests are well
studies focused on one or a small number of tumor
known. Their results do not necessarily correlate
types (phase III studies, if eventually undertaken
with results in human patients with cancer, although
with a particular agent, almost always include only
the degree of correlation varies with the type of test
a specific tumor type).
and the type of human cancer. There are many
examples in which the response in an animal tumor Patients eligible for phase II studies generally
system failed to predict a similar response in have advanced cancers and no available proven
humans, in addition to examples in which animal treatment options. Often, these patients already have
results correlated closely with clinical responses. had surgery, radiation, several different chemother-
One way around this problem has been to use a apy regimens, or a combination of these treatments.
variety of different tests to study each new agent. In Anywhere from 15 to 30 or so patients are generally
general, the greater the number of animal tumor enrolled in single arm phase II studies, but they may
systems that show antitumor responses to a drug, the include more patients. Accurate information about
greater the chances that the drug will be active in patients’ clinical status and the status of their tumor
humans. Activity in only one or two animal systems (quantitative measurements) are obtained at the start
tends to correlate with little chance of activity in of the trial, and patients are reassessed at specified
humans (99). intervals to determine changes in their status. While
1~~ ~ormodel~ ~omo~y ~~ed for ~econd~ testing inc]ude spon~mus or ~cinogen.induced ~ors (autochthonous tumor s@ZllS) Or
human tumors transplanted into athyrnic (nude) mice. These tests are considered impractical as primary drug screening tests.
228 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Organizational Issues
ISSUES IN EVALUATING Regardless of the type of treatment or the context
UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER in which it is given, the aim of evaluation is to
TREATMENTS provide unbiased information about its effect on
cancer patients. In this sense, the inferential basis for
The same principles of evidence apply to uncon- determining effectiveness will always be the same:
ventional as to conventional treatments. The need is the patient better off with the treatment than
ultimately for unbiased clinical trials, in all likeli- without, all other things, on average, being equal.
hood randomized clinical trials, is not obviated by The way this comparison is achieved may need to be
any factor specific to unconventional treatments. In somewhat different for some unconventional treat-
ments than is customary for mainstream treatments.
general, appropriate methods exist for evaluating all
types of treatment, but the organization of clinical For treatments following the “medical model,”
trials involving unconventional treatments may those that consist of drugs or other regimens that can
differ significantly from those in the mainstream, be specified according to a protocol, and for which
and the importance of various endpoints may differ the treatment setting is not thought to play an
as well. These issues are discussed below. important part, clinical trials can be organized as for
Chapter 12--Evaluating Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 229
other cancer treatments. Most of the pharmacologic might include, e.g., the Gerson treatment (though it
and biologic treatments, whether used as primary is possible to isolate components of that treatment),
treatments or adjunctive to mainstream treatment, IAT, treatment by Revici, and the macrobiotic
would fall into this category. The clinical trials of regimen (although a particular diet could be iso-
laetrile, Vitamin C, and hydrazine sulfate (see ch. 5 lated). If they desired to do so, practitioners (aided
and below), for example, were appropriately carried by experts in research design) could initiate studies
out in a conventional medical setting (the criticisms of patients coming to them for treatment using
of the vitamin C trials did not have to do with conventional phase I and phase II designs. If
setting). preliminary evidence suggested an effective treat-
ment, randomized clinical trials could, theoretically,
Psychological, behavioral, and dietary treatments be organized outside the treatment center, with
used adjunctively with mainstream treatments can patients randomized either to the center or to other
also be studied using existing clinical trial designs, treatment, but such studies entail greater practical
as long as they can be specified and isolated. and ethical problems. The discussion below, con-
Spiegel’s randomized trial of a psychological inter- cerning ‘best case reviews,’ suggests a mechanism
vention (824) serves as a good model. In that study, that might facilitate randomized clinical trials in
patients with breast cancer were randomly assigned such situations.
to be offered a psychological intervention or not.
Decisions about other types of medical treatment
were left to the women and their physicians, and Clinical Trials and INDs
were not considered part of the clinical trial. The two
groups were compared in the end by their survival. Another issue to be dealt with is the desirability of
Dietary regimens and other behavioral and psycho- conducting formal evaluations, such as clinical
logical approaches could be studied similarly. trials, under an IND. In most cases, this will be a
legal requirement (for evaluations of new and
unapproved drugs and devices).
It would also be possible for adjunctive treatments
to be studied in the context of randomized clinical The requirement that clinical trials be carried out
trials of primary treatments. In the simplest version under FDA-approved INDs may be seen as a
of what is called a “factorial” design, patients formidable barrier by unconventional practitioners.
would be assigned independently to two treatments, Securing such approval is, indeed, a significant
so four groups would result: 1) primary treatment effort. But, as the case of Stanislaw Burzynski has
plus adjunctive treatment, 2) primary treatment demonstrated, it is possible, and it can be facilitated
only, 3) adjunctive treatment only, 4) neither treat- by help from FDA.
ment. Comparing groups 1 and 2 combined with 3
and 4 combined would give an assessment of the A big issue facing an unconventional practitioner
primary treatment; and groups 1 and 3 combined contemplating applying for an IND is divulging
versus 2 and 4 combined would give an assessment proprietary aspects of how the treatment is made and
of the adjunctive treatment. These adjunctive treat- administered. The FDA has been entrusted over the
ments might also be tried in mainstream phase I and years with the trade secrets of large and competitive
phase II clinical trials along with other experimental corporations, and has maintained their trust through
treatments to gather preliminary data for planning vigilant protection of this information. Even the fact
larger, more definitive trials. Studies of this type that an application has been filed is completely
could be arranged in a medical setting, even if the confidential, unless disclosed by the applicant.
adjunctive treatment were administered outside. (During the course of this assessment, FDA would
not inform OTA about the existence of IND applica-
Treatments that would be difficult to isolate from tions.) The content of the IND application always
their usual setting or to duplicate elsewhere, or remains confidential. While these safeguards will
treatments tied closely to an individual practitioner not convince some unconventional practitioners that
pose some greater challenges. (These would also the FDA can be trusted, the fact is that the
generally pose the greatest difficulties in making practitioners cannot cite instances of unwarranted
them available widely to cancer patients.) These disclosure of this confidential information.
230 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
better prognosis. The fact that these patients began matching on all the important prognostic factors,
IAT on average about a year and a half after since important ones may be elusive.
diagnosis means that they survived their period of A study of “ECaP” (Exceptional Cancer Pa-
highest risk (the portion of the survival curve with tients) participants, by Morgenstern and colleagues
the steepest slope) of dying from their cancer. These (639), discussed in chapter 2, is a good example of
patients already were ‘survivors.” None of this can a matched study. In that study, women with breast
be taken as evidence that IAT did or did not help cancer who had participated in ECaP support groups
them, but it does point out differences in the were matched on age at diagnosis, stage of disease,
distribution of known prognostic factors. The au- whether they had had surgery, and ‘‘sequence of
thors recognized this, concluding: malignancy. On initial analysis, a significant
These characteristics make it impossible to draw benefit emerged for the ECaP group. But the
valid inferences from this dataset concerning treat- matching factors did not take into account the very
ment efficacy and safety. . . The deficiencies of this large effect of the “lag period” between diagnosis
dataset underscore the need for an unbiased, metho- and entering the ECaP program. Some of the
dologically sound comparison of IAT and conven- controls had actually died during the time corre-
tional cancer treatment modalities. sponding to the lag period before the ECaP patient
Cassileth and colleagues’ study, however, was joined up. In addition, the matching factors did not
interpreted by the IAT Patients’ Association (IATPA) cause the groups to be equivalent in their use of
as proving that IAT was effective. A ‘‘Dear Sena- chemotherapy. This suggests that other personal and
tor” form letter produced by the Patients’ Associa- disease characteristics also differed, and some of
tion (for members to fill in their names and mail to these may have been related to prognosis. The final
the appropriate Senator) contains the following, analysis showed no difference in survival once the
which states that ‘dramatic new evidence’ emerged known prognostic factors were accounted for. Stud-
from Cassileth’s study: ies such as this are bound to be inconclusive because
of the virtual impossibility of successfully “match-
The IAT patients studied were alive nearly twice ing’ patients.
as long as the average patient who is treated
conventionally. Statistically, the odds against this Efficacy: “Best Case Reviews”
being a chance occurrence are 100 million to one!
(431) One objective measure of the efficacy of a cancer
treatment is its effect on the tumor itself. Not all
This study and its interpretation by the IATPA treatments that shrink or slow the growth of tumors
illustrate the difficulty in presenting accurately and ultimately turn out to be of survival value to patients,
unequivocally the severe limitations of such data. but while antitumor effects are not “sufficient” to
At the present time, it is not possible to compute predict efficacy, they are, for treatments as we know
rates of survival (or other response) that can be them, “necessary.” A first step toward determining
related meaningfully to particular treatments, using the ultimate value of a treatment is to determine
only the records of patients who have had those whether it has antitumor effects. (This is the main
treatments, and attempting to compare them with purpose of phase II studies of anticancer treatments.)
some ‘standard’ survived (or other response) infor- Nearly all the unconventional treatments learned of
mation. This statement can be qualified to except the in the course of this assessment do make claims for
unlikely case of an extraordinarily successful treat- tumor shrinkage or disappearance, so it is not
ment, in which case no comparison might be unreasonable to look for these effects in patients.
necessary at all. The mechanism of claimed effects are relatively
unimportant here, but the time scale for effects
“Matching” —Another approach that is often should be taken into account: some proponents
tried is to “match” patients taking a particular claim that their treatments have direct cell-killing
treatment with patients who have similar personal effects, which may happen rather quickly (e.g.,
and disease characteristics, and then track their laetrile, Hoxsey tonics), while for other treatments
survival. This approach fails on the same grounds as that claim to work by building and stimulating the
comparisons with overall statistics or with reports in patients’ immune systems, the effects are described
the literature: the impossibility of identifying and as more gradual (e.g., macrobiotics, IAT).
232 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
One way to determine whether a treatment has in the mainstream community, such as pathologists,
antitumor effects is to test it in a phase II trial. Given oncologists, and specialists in nuclear medicine,
a treatment that has been used by hundreds or which may seem a steep climb for an unconventional
thousands of patients, however, is there another way clinic to undertake. The Gerson Institute, one of the
of efficiently generating some, at least preliminary, major unconventional clinics treating U.S. patients
information before a prospective trial is contem- in Tijuana, has embarked on such a best case review,
plated? NCI’s laetrile case review (274), described however. Results have not been reported, but it
in chapter 5, was an attempt at this. The results were could prove to be the first successfully completed
disappointing because a relatively small number of study of its type mounted by an unconventional
evaluable cases were submitted, but still, valuable treatment proponent.
lessons were learned from it about laetrile and about
the method itself. This “best case” approach, with It is important to note that a best case review is not
modifications, could be used more prominently in the end of the evaluation line; some cautions must be
determining which might deserve further investiga- kept in mind. This type of study cannot, except
tion. One element that may be crucial to the success possibly in exceptional cases, provide definite proof
of a best case review is the active participation, or at of efficacy in terms of life extension, nor any
least support, of the unconventional practitioner. estimate of rate of response to the treatment. In
addition, the concerns expressed in the report of
The objective of the best case review is to produce NCI’s laetrile review are relevant: the possibility of
evidence of tumor shrinkage (or, in particular falsified information being used, omission of infor-
cancers, other accepted objective measures of less- mation, either intentional or unintentional; other
ening disease) in a group of selected patients (either mainstream or unconventional treatment that may
current or former), with evidence documenting that have been used by the patient without the unconven-
the patients had the particular unconventional treat- tional practitioner’s knowledge; the possibility of
ment under study and, as far as possible, that they did mistaking the natural variability of cancer for true
not have any other treatments during that time regression; and the possibility of “spontaneous
period. regression.’ This last point is worth pursuing a little
The basic elements of each case in a best case
review would be: 1) documented diagnosis by an So little data exist about the nature and rates of
appropriate licensed professional, including pathol- spontaneous regression that is almost impossible to
ogy reports and microscope slides of the tumor; 2) discuss informatively. Spontaneous remissions are
history of prior treatments; 3) length of time between often invoked to explain otherwise unexplainable
the most recent treatment and the treatment under recoveries from cancer, yet such remissions are
evaluation; 4) x-ray studies from before and after the usually considered to be exceedingly rare phenom-
treatment under evaluation was administered; and 5) ena. It is worth noting that two instances of
a statement from the physician and the patient saying “otherwise unexplainable regressions” have been
that no other treatments were administered at the described in chapter 5 of this report. One of the
same time as the particular treatment under evalua- NCI-file patients in the laetrile review, who had had
tion. no treatment, was deemed to have had a partial
remission (274); and the only long-term survivor in
These elements require a significant amount of the first Mayo Clinic vitamin C study was a
documentation. Clearly, many patients who benefit pancreatic cancer patient who had both subjective
from cancer treatment-mainstream or unconven- and objective evidence of lessening disease (though
tional--could not be included in a best case review, tumor status itself was not reported), and who was
because their records would not be sufficient to meet taking the placebo.
these demands. However, an adequate and convinc-
ing review could be based on as few as 10 or 20 Overall, the best case review may be a powerful
successful cases. If a treatment is even moderately tool for supporters of unconventional cancer treat-
successful and has been used for many years, that ments who want to begin the evaluation process. It
number meeting the criteria should be available. can be carried out relatively easily independent of
Such a review will require time, patience, persever- major cancer research centers, although specialized
ance, resources, and the cooperation of professionals expertise is needed for reviewing pathologic diagno-
Chapter 12--Evaluating Unconventional Cancer Treatments ● 233
ses and for interpreting scans and other medical treatment. Results of laboratory tests not generally
testing information. It also is not free: patient carried out at unconventional clinics (e.g., liver
followup and medical expertise can be expensive, function, kidney function, cardiac tests), descrip-
and a large investment of time is required on the part tions of clinical symptoms, and autopsy reports for
of the unconventional practitioner or his or her patients who have died are available in some cases.
representative. Nevertheless, it is doable, it poses no This type of investigation is most likely to be
particular legal problems, and it does not involve undertaken by mainstream groups concerned with
securing an IND or the approval of an Institutional unknown adverse consequences of unconventional
Review Board (IRB). OTA has recommended to treatments. Given that it is not the type of study in
Lawrence Burton and supporters of IAT a best case which the unconventional community is likely to
review of his selected, successfully treated patients participate, locating patients and confirming infor-
as a prerequisite for carrying out a prospective mation about their unconventional treatment may be
clinical trial under Federal Government auspices. a difficult exercise. Several approaches are possible.
Importantly, NCI and independent researchers would
look seriously at evidence from well-documented There may be cases in which the clinic or
best case reviews of unconventionally treated cancer practitioner will cooperate by providing lists of
patients. The end result should be, if the evidence current or former patients. Associations of patients
warrants, a somewhat eased entry into further (see ch. 7) have formed around particular clinics and
evaluation through prospective clinical trials. treatments, and the associations may be willing to
provide the names of members, or the names of
CAPITALIZING ON THE members who have died. These associations are
EXPERIENCE OF TREATED often autonomous and have somewhat different
PATIENTS: SAFETY perspectives from the practitioners. Another ap-
proach, which has been tried, is to survey physicians
Just as described above for assessing efficacy, and ask about their experiences. One such example,
there are some informative and some not very described in chapter 5, was the NCI/American
informative ways of using patient experience to Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) survey of
assess the safety of treatments. Examples of both ASCO members concerning patients they had seen
will be described in this section. who had been treated with IAT. After a significant
effort, the authors found that the survey could not be
In cases where unconventional practitioners or
clinics keep detailed patient records, it would viewed as a “definitive analysis of IAT efficacy or
toxicity. No rates could be calculated, as the
theoretically be possible to examine them for
appropriate denominator for the sample could not be
adverse side-effects that might be related to the
treatment. The practitioners themselves might also ascertained, and because the nature of the survey
would have had the effect of eliciting responses from
be good sources of this information, if they noted
physicians who had particularly bad experiences.
particular patterns of unintended effects. Such a
More to the point on the toxicity side, however, for
means of detection is not unlike the way newly
the type of information collected to be valid, it
discovered adverse drug effects are reported to the
would have to be ‘‘evaluated with a thorough chart
FDA, at least for rarer effects that would not
review to determine whether other factors may have
necessarily be detected in formal premarketing
accounted for the findings. ” Unfortunately, this
clinical trials. OTA found no reports of systematic
records-based studies of adverse effects by uncon- survey approach has quite limited usefulness.
ventional practitioners, however, and it is probably
Another attempt to find information about ad-
not realistic to expect many, if any, to undertake
verse effects of IAT was made in 1981 by a
these studies.
physician who advertised in the Florida Association
Another possible approach to gathering informa- of Clinical Oncology Journal (987). The advertise-
tion on adverse effects in past (and possibly current) ment asked physicians to send narrative reports of
patients is by examining medical reports from patients known to them who had been treated at the
physicians and hospitals who have seen patients IAT clinic in the Bahamas, with the idea of starting
after they leave unconventional treatment or who are a “registry” of such cases. Seven physicians re-
seeing them concurrent with the unconventional sponded reporting on a total of 21 patients (989).
234 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
This, again, is probably not a particularly useful If some of these materials were to demonstrate
approach. promising activity in preclinical tests, they could be
considered for development in the rigorous system
Aside from doing surveys, it is possible that that has been devised for all conventional potential
useful information about adverse effects of uncon- anticancer drugs. This would involve identification
ventional treatments could be collected if physicians and isolation of active molecules, possible synthesis
had an easy, open channel to report findings as they of the compound in the laboratory, and further
are noted, similar to their reporting of adverse effects biochemical and safety testing in animals. The other
of legal pharmaceuticals to FDA. There is currently path open would be to try to study these products in
no Federal agency with such a charnel. A‘ ‘registry’ clinical trials (after some preclinical safety testing)
could be opened to accept and keep on record in the way that they are used by cancer patients in
documented cases of adverse effects resulting, with unconventional treatments.
a high degree of probability, from unconventional
cancer treatments. Currently, adverse treatment
effects collected and reported by individuals or
groups perceived as “quackbusters” often are not Testing Treatment Materials for Composition
well-documented, though they may be accurate, and and Sterility
reach the public only through specialized newslet-
ters, occasionally the popular press in a sensational Substances used in unconventional cancer treat-
way, and rarely, the medical literature. If reporting ments are often “proprietary,” their composition
were perceived as a responsibility of any treating deliberately kept secret, and they are often manufac-
physician, and if available patient records were tured only at the treatment site, or by unregulated
reevaluated by an office in a Federal agency, the manufacturers. In these cases, there is often interest
registry of reported effects has the potential to be a in the mainstream community in finding out whether
useful reference for physicians and the public, for the composition of these materials resembles de-
research, and possibly for legal actions. scriptions by the proponents, and whether they may
be contaminated by various types of organism.
Treatment materials have been turned over to U.S.
TESTING TREATMENT authorities by patients or the families of patients, and
MATERIALS FOR POTENTIAL subsequently analyzed. The best known recent
ANTICANCER ACTIVITY example of this was testing of IAT materials by NCI,
which was reported in the Journal of the American
AND STERILITY Medical Association (246) in 1986. In that case,
significant contamination was reported, and the
composition of the materials was reported to be
Testing Treatment Materials for Potential mainly albumin. That testing, it is widely believed,
Anticancer Activity led to the closure of the IAT clinic by the Bahamian
Currently, the Federal Government does not
systematically seek out and screen substances in
commonly used unconventional cancer treatments The claims of contamination are denied by
in the United States. NCI does test substances of Burton, who asserts that his preparation procedures
plant and animal origin (including undersea organ- precluded the possibility of contamination (114).
isms) collected from around the world by botanists, There seems to be no way to ascertain the facts of
anthropologists, and oceanographers. Many herbal this case, which has become celebrated in both the
compounds popular in the United States, in some mainstream and unconventional communities.
cases mixtures of more than one component, or
individual components, are readily available in Although the IAT example might suggest other-
health food stores or by mail. The investment wise, it is possible that some practitioners might be
involved in acquiring and testing these materials in willing to submit their materials for testing specifi-
the current battery of preclinical screens, while not cally for contamination, if procedures could be
negligible, may be worthwhile. worked out to assure propriety on both sides.
Chapter 12-Evaluating Unconventional Cancer Treatments .235
The Assessment Process Advisory Panels include individuals from outside the
Federal Government with expertise in the various areas
John Dingell, Chairman of the U.S. House of Represen- covered in the assessment, and representing the important
tatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, wrote to points of view on the issue at hand. Advisory Panels do
OTA in August 1986 asking that a study be done of not write, nor do they take responsibility for, the content
treatments for cancer that are “out of the mainstream. ” of OTA reports, but their participation is considered
The request stated:
essential to producing fair and authoritative reports.
Many of these treatments maybe without benefit, some
may actually be harm.ful, and some, probably a small Choosing an Advisory Panel for this study required
number, may have value. However, there is a general lack
of objective information about them, thus making rational
OTA to go beyond the mainstream medical sphere in
decisions about such alternative therapies extremely dif- which it usually operates. Many contacts with unconven-
ficult. tional representatives were made through an initial
contact with Michael Lerner, President of Commonweal,
The letter asked OTA to describe the treatments and who was asked to be a special consultant to the study. In
look into policy issues surrounding their availability and addition, a long list of individuals recommended to be on
evaluation. Congressman Dingell’s letter also recognized the Advisory Panel was received unsolicited from a group
the letters OTA had received from then-Congressman called the “Coalition for the Evaluation of Alternative
Molinari and 42 other Members of the House and Senate Therapy,” a coalition of preexisting groups that appeared
requesting that OTA review the existing data on the to have formed in response to the OTA study. (The
efficacy of a particular treatment, Immuno-Augmentative Coalition no longer exists.) The Advisory Panel was
Therapy (IAT), and design a formal evaluation plan for chosen with consultation from Dr. Lerner. The chairper-
that treatment. Congressman Dingell suggested that OTA
consider the IAT work as a case study within the larger son, chosen by OTA, is Rosemary Stevens, a medical
study. 1 historian who had not worked specifically in the area of
unconventional medicine. The Advisory Panel contains
In response to Congressman Dingell and the requests individuals generally supportive of unconventional treat-
about IAT, OTA proposed a study titled “Nontraditional ments (8 members), individuals who were openly op-
Methods of Cancer Management: Science and Policy posed (2), and individuals with technical expertise clearly
Issues,’ which was approved by the Technology Assess- allied to mainstream medicine and research, but who had
ment Board (TAB; OTA’s governing body) in September not taken a position against unconventional treatments
1986. (The title was changed twice, based on advice of the (8). Dr. Lerner also functioned very much like an
Advisory Panel and others, ending with the published title Advisory Panel member in his capacity as special
of Unconventional Cancer Treatments.) The study was to consultant.
begin in January 1987, with a final report to be delivered
to TAB in June 1988 (with publication some months
later), and preceding that, the case study on IAT to be In addition to the Advisory Panel, the project staff
delivered in December 1987. Because of the difficulty of appointed a second group, the “IAT Working Group,” to
gathering information for the study and the extensive assist with designing a clinical trial protocol for IAT. This
interactions with the public and Congress concerning it, group consisted of individuals with technical expertise in
the TAB delivery date was extended four times, and the clinical trial design, plus an appointed representative each
report was finally delivered to TAB in July 1990. from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). Lawrence Burton,
developer of IAT, was asked to participate as well; he
Project Advisory Panel and appointed a patient, the founder of the IAT Patients
IAT Working Group Association, to represent him and also asked that a
statistician (the husband of one of Burton’s patients) who
One of the first tasks was the appointment of an was interested in IAT, be included. This was done. Dr.
Advisory Panel, a feature of every major OTA project. Lerner was associated with this group as well.
IBy~tatutq Om my undertake assessments at the rqu=t of the ~ of any full committee of the Congress. The Chahman may request the
work personally, on behalf of a ranking minority member, or on behalf of a majority of the committee members. OTA’s Board may also quest work
as may the Director of OZ4, but individual Members of Congnxs, such as then-Congressman Molinari, do not have authority to request assessments.
240 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Meetings of the Advisory Panel Advisory Panel about one month before a meeting in early
March 1990. Copies of the draft were also sent to more
First Meeting than 200 other individuals and groups for review before
the meeting. OTA invited requests from outside reviewers
The Advisory Panel first met in July 1987. A prelimi- to address the meeting if they had serious criticisms of the
nary outline of the report was presented by the project report. Sixteen responded and their statements took up the
staff. Areas for contract work had been identified, as had morning of the meeting. These were:
some potential contractors. At that time, however, only
one contract had been let, to Michael Lerner, to produce ● Seymour M. Brenner, M.D., Community Radiology
a “conceptual framework” for analyzing the various Associates, P.G.;
treatments to be covered, and to provide background ● Peter Chowka;
information on a wide range of treatments. Advisory ● Michael L. Culbert, The Committee for Freedom of
Panel guidance was solicited for prospective contractors Choice in Medicine, Inc.;
for the other areas. ● Michael Evers, Project Cure;
The meeting was notable for bringing the uncon-
● Robert G. Houston;
ventional treatment supporters together with the main-
● Richard A. Jaffe, attorney for Stanislaw Burzynski;
stream in a neutral forum. Discussion was generally
● Wolfram Kuhnau, American Biologics;
non-confrontational and informative. However, undoubt-
● Virginia Livingston, Livingston-Wheeler Clinic;
edly because of the difficulty of the topic and lack of
● Clinton Ray Miller, National Health Federation;
precedence for a study of this type, no clear direction for ● Ralph Moss, The Cancer Chronicles;
the report as a whole emerged. ● Vivien Newbold, M.D.;
● Maryann Roper, M.D., National Cancer Institute;
Second Meeting ● Janet I. Smith, MSAM, Consumer Health Strategies;
● Patricia Spain Ward, University of Illinois; and
The second Advisory Panel meeting was held in late ● Frank D. Wiewel, IAT’ Patients’ Association, Inc.
July 1988. A partial draft of the report was sent to the
Advisory Panel for discussion at this meeting. OTA had The presentations ranged from reasoned critique to
asked the panel not to circulate this draft to others because presentation of additional information to shouted personal
of its preliminary nature, but, as it turned out, it was attacks on the integrity of the project staff.
widely copied and circulated, and a large number of In the afternoon, the panel discussed the draft. There
observers at the panel meeting had copies. One, Robert
seemed to be two major themes: first, that throughout the
Houston, had prepared a critique, “Objections to a
draft, OTA had failed to highlight the “middle ground,”
Cover-Up: The OTA Report on Alternative Therapies,”
except in the chapter on psychological and behavioral
which he distributed at the meeting. Other groups, e.g., approaches. Second, that what was needed for fair
Project Cure and the IAT Patients’ Association, also
treatment of unconventional cancer treatments was a
passed out literature. Observer comments were allowed “level playing field. ” There was also considerable
by the chairperson as appropriate. The tense atmosphere
discussion about the tone of the report, which was
and combative nature of many of the observers and panel perceived as unduly critical of unconventional treatments.
members strained the discussion. There was a great deal To the extent possible, given the hostile atmosphere,
of criticism of the draft, largely from the panel members
policy options were discussed, as well as other parts of the
on the unconventional side. Their main concerns were that report. As at the second meeting, many spectators, in
there had not been enough time for them to review the
addition to those scheduled, were allowed opportunities
draft, that the draft was incomplete, and particularly, that to speak.
policy issues were presented orally at the meeting, but had
not yet been written. There was also criticism that too The OTA Director, along with the Assistant Director
much emphasis had been placed on adverse effects, that for Health and Life Sciences, the Health Program
the “scientific development” of the treatments was not Manager, the project staff, and other OTA officials, were
discussed sufficiently, and that traditional practitioners present for the entire meeting. A number of TAB staff and
and New Age approaches were given too prominent a other Congressional staff members also attended.
Third Meeting IAT Case Study
The latter half of 1988 and all of 1989 was spent The conduct of the IAT case study is discussed in the
rewriting the report almost in its entirety, relying less on latter part of chapter 6. The IAT Working Group met
contract papers and more on OTA staff research, which twice during the course of the study, in March 1987 and
proved necessary for a thorough treatment of the subject. May 1988. OTA staff (accompanied by an FDA official
A complete draft, with policy options, was sent to the on the second trip) met with Burton and his representa-
Appendix A-Method of the Study .241
tives in the Bahamas twice. These meetings are all judicious historian’s balance.” All of Dr. Stevens editing
discussed in some detail in chapter 6. suggestions were incorporated into the final version.
‘‘one-pagers’ on the main project and on IAT in response provided under this contract was used in many places in
to these requests. the report.
Communication With the Public Sharon Hammond: “An Examination of the Public
Education Efforts of Three Mainstream Cancer Organ-
OTA received hundreds of telephone calls and letters izations’
(both individual and mass-produced) about this study.
Most phone callers were looking for information about The purpose of this contract was to describe the
particular treatments, usually on behalf of a friend or educational activities related to unconventional cancer
relative with cancer. Most had found out about the study treatment of the American Cancer Society, the National
through articles in alternative magazines or papers or by Cancer Institute, and the American Society for Clinical
word of mouth. To the extent possible, project staff Oncology. Some of this information appears in chapter 8.
provided general information or directed them to other David J. Hufford, Ph.D.: “Cultural and Social Perspec-
sources of information. The one-page study descriptions
tives on Unorthodox Cancer Treatment”
were also sent to the public. Particularly during the period
of the draft review, many people called and wrote to This report provided general background and context
register disapproval of the report. In general, these were for unconventional cancer treatments. It is referred to in
not people who had seen copies, but were repeating views several places in the report.
publicized by advocacy organizations.
David J. Hufford, Ph.D.: “Selected Unorthodox Cancer
Other Inputs To Report Practitioners’
The purpose of this contract was to describe various Material from these reports appears mainly in chapters 3
types of unconventional practitioner (e.g., holistic physi- and 4.
cians, naturopaths, homeopaths). Little of the information
from this contract was used in the final report. Robert Watson: “Quality of Life Assessment Instru-
ments: A Review of 32 Current Measures and One
Terence M. Phillips, Ph.D., D.Sc.: “Critical Review of Classic”
Published Pre-Clinical Studies by Lawrence Burton,
Ph.D.” The purpose of this contract was to provide an
annotated bibliography of methods used to assess quality
The purpose of this contract was to review Burton’s of life. It was decided later in the project not to cover this
published work of the 1950s and 1960s, on fruitflies and in detail.
mice, mainly, which Burton says is the basis of Immuno-
Augmentative Therapy (MT). Phillips is a clinical Jack Z. Yetiv, M.D., Ph.D.: “Adverse Medical Conse-
immunologist and protein chemist. Material from his quences of Unorthodox Cancer Treatments”
report appears in chapter 6. This report provided information on reported and
Terence M. Phillips, Ph.D., D.Sc.: “Review and Analy- suspected adverse effects of unconventional treatments,
sis of Lawrence Burton’s Patented Processes and to complement the selectively positive information in the
Products” Lerner contract. The contract was let after receiving
Lerner’s draft, in which he stated that his emphasis was on
OTA was urged by Burton’s supporters to review his the positive aspects, and he had not covered the “casual-
patents. Phillips was asked to analyze the patents, critique ties of unconventional cancer therapies” thoroughly.
the procedures, and determine, if possible, what materials
would be produced by them. He was also asked to
determine any relationship to Burton’s published pre- Other Sources
clinical work. Material from this patent review appears in
chapter 6. A paper prepared by Keith I. Block, M.D., an Advisory
Panel member, and Charlotte Gyllenhall, Ph.D. (“Nutri-
Ronald D. Schwartz, J.D., and Rebecca L. Burke, J.D.: tion: An Essential Tool in Cancer Therapy”), was used as
“Legal Constraints on the Availability of Unorthodox a primary source in chapter 3. Extensive conversations
Cancer Treatments: Consumer Protection Point of with Richard Jaffe, an attorney associated with several
View” unconventional practitioners, provided much of the basis
The purpose of this contract was to describe the laws, for the “freedom of choice” discussion in chapter 10 and
regulations, and other legal constraints on unconventional for some of the ideas presented in chapter 9 concerning
cancer treatments, specifically giving the legal basis for insurance coverage for unconventional cancer treatments.
the “consumer protection” point of view. It was used in A review of fifty case histories of patients in the Kelley
writing chapters 10 and 11. (See above, report by Michael program, as described in an unpublished manuscript by
S. Evers.) Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., was carried out by members of
Patricia Spain Ward, Ph.D.: “History of Hoxsey the Advisory Panel at the request of OTA. The results are
Treatment,”” History of Gerson Therapy,” and “His- reported in chapter 3. Some Advisory Panel members also
tory of BCG” reviewed case histories of patients treated with a macrobi-
otic regimen, as reported by Vivien Newbold, M.D. This
The purpose of this contract was to describe the also is reported in chapter 3. To obtain information about
historical antecedents and development of three popular laboratory testing of the herbs contained in Hoxsey’s
unconventional cancer treatments. (A fourth, macrobiot- formulas and Essiac, OTA had searches of the published
ics, was included in the statement of work but was literature carried out by NAPRALERT, which maintains
dropped by mutual consent of the contractor and OTA.) a data base on natural products.
Appendix B
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
and the internal epithelia that line various glands (e.g., Efficacy: The probability of benefit to individuals in a
breast, pancreas, thyroid). See cancer. defined population from a medical technology applied
Chemotherapy: The use of specific chemical agents to for a given medical problem under ideal conditions of
arrest the progress of, or eradicate, disease in the body. use.
Chiropractic: A system of treatment based on the theory Encephalomyelitis: An inflammation of the brain and
that disease is produced by disruptions in the normal spinal cord that is caused by infection with any of a
flow of a natural life force termed “Innate Intelli- number of viruses.
gence. ” This life force flows through the nervous Endogenous: Developing or originating within the or-
system and is disrupted by displacements of the spinal ganism, or arising from causes within the organism.
vertebrae called subluxation. Chiropractic manipula- Enema: A rectal injection for the purpose of clearing out
tion is intended to correct the subluxation allowing the bowel, or administering drugs or food.
the uninterrupted flow of Innate Intelligence to return Etiology: The cause or origin (of disease).
the body to full health. As practiced currently in the Experimental group: In a randomized clinical trial, the
United States, most chiropractic is limited to treating group receiving the treatment being evaluated for
skeletal abnormalities. safety and efficacy. The experimental treatment may
Chiropractor: A practitioner of chiropractic. be anew technology, an existing technology applied to
Chronic: Lingering, lasting, as opposed to acute. A term a new problem, or an accepted treatment about whose
used to describe persistent disease. safety or efficacy there is doubt. Compare control
Clinical trial: A scientific research activity undertaken to group.
define prospectively the effect and value of prophylac- Health fraud: False or unsupported claims for a medical
tic, diagnostic, or therapeutic agents, devices, regi- treatment’s effectiveness.
mens, procedures, etc., applied to human subjects. Health: The state of optimal physical, mental, and social
Control group: In a randomized clinical trial, the group well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and
receiving no treatment or some treatment with which infirmity.
the group receiving experimental treatment is com- Herbalist: A practitioner who prescribes medicaments of
pared. The control treatment is generally a standard herbal compounds; also, one versed in herbal lore.
treatment, a placebo, or no treatment. Compare experi- Herbal treatments: Treatments based on the therapeutic
mental group. use of plant products.
Conventional: As used in this report, referring to Homeopathy: A philosophy of treatment founded by
‘‘mainstream’ or ‘‘orthodox’ medical treatment. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), in which micro-
These terms are used interchangeably, with no in- doses of medicines are believed to stimulate the body’s
tended distinctions among them. vital force. Some of these medicines are not known to
Cure: (n.) A medical treatment that reliably relieves the contain even one molecule of the original compound
patient of the disease. (v.) To heal, to make well, a per dose, but are considered by the homeopath to be
restoration to health. extremely powerful. The power of these doses is
Device, medical: Any instrument, apparatus, or similar or enhanced by “succession” (violent shaking) per-
related article that is intended to prevent, diagnose, formed at various stages in their preparation.
mitigate, or treat disease or to affect the structure or Immune system: A specialized group of body cells and
function of the body. cell products that respond to foreign organisms and
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO): Analkyl sulfoxide, C 2H6OS, substances in the body. The cell products are largely
a powerful solvent that can dissolve aromatic and immunoglobulins (antibodies), produced by special-
unsaturated hydrocarbons, organic compounds, and ized white blood cells known as lymphocytes. Some
many other substances. Its biological activities include lymphocytes and various other cells of the immune
the ability to penetrate plant and animal tissues and to system directly attack foreign organisms.
preserve living cells during freezing. In mainstream Immunity: The condition of being immune; an organ-
medical treatment, it has been shown efficacious for ism’s capacity to resist disease. Immunity may be
one condition, interstitial cystitis. It is used in a number either innate or acquired. Innate immunity is natural or
of unconventional cancer treatment, applied topically inherited. Acquired immunity may be active (resulting
in conjunction with other agents. from either previous exposure to the disease-causing
Drug: Any chemical or biological substance that maybe agent or vaccination) or passive (resulting from the
applied to, ingested by, or injected into humans in transfer of preformed antibodies in immune serum or
order to prevent, treat, or diagnose disease or other from mother to fetus).
medical conditions. Immunotherapy: Cancer treatment that produces antitu-
Effectiveness: Same as efficacy (see below) except that mor effects primarily through the action of natural host
it refers to “. . . average or actual conditions of use. ” defense mechanisms or by the administration of
Appendix B--Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ● 247
natural mammalian substances. Also called biotherapy physical and mental condition of cancer patients,
and biological therapy. sometimes including the concept of “detoxification.”
In vitro: Literally, “in glass,” pertaining to a biological Metastasis: The spread of a malignancy to distant body
process or reaction taking place in an artificial sites by cancer cells transported in blood or lymph
environment, usually a laboratory. Sometimes used to circulation.
include the growth of cells from multicellular organ- Microbe: A minute living organism, especially applied to
isms under cell culture conditions. those minute forms of life that are capable of causing
In vivo: Literally, “in the living,” pertaining to a disease in animals, including bacteria, protozoa, and
biological process or reaction taking place in a living fungi.
organism. In biomedical research, used to describe Microorganism: A minute living organism, usually
experiments or processes in whole animals (e.g., mice, microscopic, such as bacteria, viruses, molds, yeasts,
rats, humans), as opposed to those in a test tube or other rickettsiae, and protozoa.
experimental system. Naprapathy: A system of treatment employing manipu-
IND application (Investigational New Drug application): lation of connective tissue (ligaments, muscles, and
An application submitted to FDA by any person or joints) and dietary measures; said to facilitate the
company for permission to conduct clinical research recuperative and regenerative processes of the body.
on an unapproved drug. If approved, the IND exempts Naturopathy: The healing of disease through natural
the sponsor from the FDCA prohibition against methods, making use of physical forces such as air,
shipping unapproved drugs in interstate commerce for light, water, heat, massage, etc.
the study or studies specifically described in the IND Neoplasm: A new growth of tissue in which the growth
application. is abnormal, uncontrolled, and progressive. Malignant
Injunction: A prohibitive order issued by a court at the neoplasms are also called “tumors” or “cancer.”
request of one party forbidding another party from New Drug: According to the FDA standard it is defined
committing some act. in part as: “any drug . . . the composition of which is .
Insurance fraud: Intentional misrepresentation of the such that such drug is not generally recognized, among
facts in order to obtain reimbursement from an insurer. experts qualified by scientific training and experience
Interstate commerce: Traffic, commercial trading, or the to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of drugs, as
transportation of persons or property between States. safe and effective for use under the conditions pre-
scribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling
Intravenous: Within a vein or veins.
thereof.” (21 U.S.C. § 321(p)(l)).
Laetrile: Trademark name for l-mandelonitrile-B-
glucuronic acid. Nontoxic: In general medical use, referring to treatments
without adverse effects.
Leukemias: Cancers of the blood-forming organs, charac- Nostrum: A medicine of secret composition recom-
terized by abnormal proliferation and development of mended by its preparer but usually without scientific
leukocytes (white blood cells) and their precursors in proof of its effectiveness.
the blood and bone marrow. (See cancer.)
Oncogene: A gene of which one or more mutant forms is
Lymphomas: Cancers of cells of the immune system associated with cancer formation.
(i.e., the various types of lymphocytes). See cancer. Oncologist: A physician who specializes in the treatment
Macrobiotics: A lifestyle and diet adapted from the Far of cancer, usually referring to medical oncology,
East and popularized in America by Michio Kushi and which is a subspecialty of internal medicine.
others. Macrobiotics is not primarily a treatment for Oral: Pertaining to the mouth, taken through or applied
cancer, but it is adopted by some cancer patients. The in the mouth as an oral medication.
principles of the diet consist of balancing the “yin” Osteopathy: A system of treatment founded by Andrew
and “yang” energies of foods. Different types of Taylor Still (1828-1917) and based on the theory that
cancer are considered either yin or yang and the the body is capable of making its own remedies against
macrobiotic program must be adapted to the particular disease and other toxic conditions when it is in normal
type of cancer and to individual traits. structural relationship and has favorable environ-
Malignant: Referring to tumors that are able to invade mental conditions and adequate nutrition. It utilizes
neighboring tissue and metastasize to distant sites in generally accepted physical, medicinal, and surgical
the body. methods of diagnosis and therapy, while placing chief
Medical malpractice: Professional misconduct or unrea- emphasis on the importance of normal body mechanics
sonable lack of skill by a physician or other health care and manipulative methods of detecting and correcting
provider. faulty structure.
Metabolic treatment: Anon-specific term used by many Palliative treatment: Treatment designed to provide
unconventional practitioners to refer to a combination relief from a disease or condition (e.g., to provide
of unconventional approaches aimed at improving the comfort or reduce pain), but not to cure the disease or
248 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
Vaccine: A preparation of living, attenuated, or killed are taught to see their cancer cells as vulnerable and
bacteria or viruses, fractions thereof, or synthesized disorganized, and their treatment as powerful and
antigens identical or similar to those found in the directed only at the cancer cells, sparing the healthy
disease-causing organisms, that is administered to cells. They are also instructed to see their immune
produce or increase immunity to a particular disease. systems flushing away the cancer cells.
Visualization: The use of mental imagery to create
positive beliefs that will activate the body’s defenses
against disease. In one type of visualization, patients
89-142 0 - 90 - 9 QL 3
Appendix C
1. Abbott, B.J., Developmental Therapeutics Program, 14. Ader, R., Greta, L.J., and Cohen, N., “Conditioning
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3. Acevedo, H.F., Campbell-Acevedo, E., and Kloos, 18. Alliance for Alternative Medicine, “Dear Friend,”
form letter, Liberty Lake, WA, undated.
W.E., “ExPRxsionof Human chorion.ic ~ph-
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copy and Immunocytochemical Studies with Mono- tives 1(1):1,4, 1986.
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1978. 1961.
6. Achterberg, J., Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and 23. American Cancer Society, “Unproven Methods of
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7. khterberg, J., “Recommendations for a Disci- 24. American Cancer Society, “Unproven Methods of
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8. Achterberg, J., Block, K., Coh, J., Fink, J.,
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258 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
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Laetrile and IAT Experiences,’ paper presented at (1986).
Accepted Dental Therapeutics, 187 169, 187; see also Journal of the American Medical
Advances in Experimental and Clinical Chemotherapy, Association
94 insurance reimbursement and, 187, 189, 191
Adverse effects, 234-235 macrobiotics, 60
Antineoplastons, 93,95 American Quack Association, 169, 171
biologically guided chemotherapy, 118, 119 American Society for Clinical Oncology, 140, 141, 164,
cellular treatments, 98 168-169,233
Chinese medicine, 69 Animal research, 226-227
coffee enemas, 51 Antineoplastons, 95
defined, 15 biologically guided chemotherapy, 118
dietary treatments, 42,47,60,63-64 Essiac, 73
dimethyl sulfoxide, 99-100 Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT), 133-135
Gerson treatment, 47 laetrile, 103-104
herbal treatments, 69,79,84,87 ozone infusion, 114
Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 131-132, 136, 138- vitamin C, 121
140, 143,233-235 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 135
Anthroposophy, 14,81,82-84,85
information on, general, 15, 17,26 Antineoplastons, 14,91-97,157,162,182, 183,206-207,
Iscador, 84,87 210,219,323
laetrile, 103, 107,201
adverse effects, 93,95
Livingston-Wheeler regimen, 110 clinical trials, 93-95
macrobiotics, 60,63-64
oxygen treatments, 114 effectiveness, 93-97
Food and Drug Administration, 92,219
selenium, 118, 119 metastasis, 96
vitamin C, 121, 122, 123, 126 remission, 94-95, 96-97
see also Toxicity Ascorbic acid, see Vitamin C
Agua del Sol, 222-223 Assessment, see Evaluation
AIDS, 136-137, 139-140,209
Association of Community Cancer Centers, 166, 191
Aihara, Herman, 60 Attitudes
Alliance for Alternative Medicine, 173
Allopathic medicine, 216 as cancer cause/cure, 29, 31-34
Alternatives: New Developments in the War Against
patients, 3,24-25,49,50,61, 140, 147, 154-155,
Breast Cancer, 157
Autogenous vaccine, Livingston-Wheeler regimen, 14,
AMA Drug Evaluations, 187 41, 107-111, 183,211-212
American Cancer Society
dietary regimens, 41,42,44,64,208 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, 168
hydrazine sulfate, 100 Bahamas, 15,131,136,137,139,143, 145,146,147,149,
Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 131, 135 162, 179,234
information dissemination, general, 11, 153, 157, Bailar, John, 10, 141
164-166,169 Barberry, 78
Basic Macrobiotics, 60
insurance eligibility, 5, 186 Beadle, George, 134
psychosocial support, 30 Beard Howard, 104
Revici, Emanuel, 115, 118 Beard, John, 102
statistics, 11 Behavioral approaches, see Psychological and behavioral
Unproven Methods List, 5, 15,44,60, 100, 112, 115, approaches
164-166, 168, 191 Benjamin, Harold, 30
American Council on Science and Health, 156-157 Bergsagel, Daniel, %
American Medical Association, 5, 12,215 Best case approach, 23,25,97, 142,231-233
Gerson treatment, 43-44 Beta carotene, 63, 113
Hoxsey treatment, 81 Biological approaches, see Immuno-Augmentative Ther-
Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 140, 141, 168 apy; Immunological system; Pharmacologic and
information dissemination, general, 157,164,166-168, biologic approaches
292 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
see also Cancer Information Service; Fraud; Food and Kelley regimen, 13,20-21,42,51,51-58
Drug Administration macrobiotics, 12, 14,4142,58-66, 162
Contract law, 186,187-188, 189,191, 192,193-195 quality of life, 43,49,50
Conventional treatment, 8-10, 155 sodium, 43,46, 113
controversies, 10-11 wheatgrass regimen, 41,42
evaluation, 226-228 see also specific vitamins
unconventional treatments and, 178; see also Diet and Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, 208
nutrition: adjunctive uses Dimethyl sulfoxide, 14,99-100,222
Costs, 3,18-19,177 Disciplinary measures, practitioners, 7, 212,215,217-222
clinic charges, factors, 178-185 Kelley regimen, 54
dietary treatments, 178, 180, malpractice, 202,215,218,222,223
information on, 178-179, 181, 182, 185 vitamins, 192
biologic and pharrnacologic approaches, 179-180,181, Donsbach, Kurt, 99-100, 114
184 Dr. Donsbach Tells You What You Always Wanted to
see also Insurance; Medicare Know About DMSO, 99-100
Counseling Drugs
psychosocial, 29-31 see also Chemotherapy; Pharmacologic and biologic
spiritual, 12 approaches
Court cases, see Litigation Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 94
Crime and criminal, 6, 16, 18,201,205-206,207, Dulbecco, Renato, 134
fines, 206,207,209,211,221 Eastern philosophy, 58-59,60-61
malpractice, 202,215,218,222,223 Economic factors, see Costs; Financial arrangements;
racketeering, 194, 210 Insurance
unlicensed practitioners, 16,26, 199,215,217,222 Educational attainment, patients, 154
see also Fraud Educational programs, 166,216
c riminal Fines Enforcement Act, 206 Effectiveness, 3,20,23-24,25,226,230-233
Current Procedural Terminology, 194 Antineoplastons, 93-97
Customs controls, see Import controls best case, 23,25,51,97, 142,231-233
biologically guided chemotherapy, 116-117, 118
Dallis v. Aetna, 192-193 Federal role, 6,199, 203,205; see also National Cancer
Data bases, 78,226 Institute Food and Drug Administration
National Cancer Institute, 153, 161, 163 Gerson treatment, 47-50
Decisionmaking, by patients, 10,30, 154-155, 157-158 herbs, 72-73,77-81,84-86
Defender Magazine, 79 Hoxsey treatment, 77-81
Department of Health and Human Services, 221 hydrazine sulfate, 100-102
see also Medicare; specific administrative subunits imagery and visualization, 35-35
DeVita, Vincent, 100 Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT), 132, 140-147,
Diagnosis 168,230-231
biologically guided chemotherapy, 117 information on, 25
costs, 178, 181 insurance eligibility and 177-178, 185-186, 189-190,
Kelley regimen, 53 192
Diet and Health, 121 Iscador, 84-86,87
Diet and nutrition, 12, 13-14,41-66, 155, 164,208 Kelley regimen, 56
adjunctive uses, 14,42-43,44, 101, 110, 111, 122,229 laetrile, 103-107,201-202
adverse effects, 42,47,60,63-64 Livingston-Wheeler regimen, 110-111
American Cancer Society, 41,42,44,64,208 macrobiotics, 64
carbohydrates, 113 meditation, 34
case histories, 20-21,45,48,55-58 pharmacologic and biologic approaches, 83
cost of treatment and, 178, 180, 184 psychological/behavioral approaches, 33
eumetabolics and, 111, 112-113 vaccines, 110-111
evaluation of, 48-50,55-58,64-66, 229 vitamin, C, 120, 121-122, 122-127
Gerson treatment, 13,22,41,43 -50,114,162-163, 192, wheatgrass regimen, 41
215 see also Clinical trials
hydrazine sulfate, 101 Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 193
litigation, 192 Enemas, 189
Livingston-Wheeler regimen, 110 coffee, 4546,47,49, 51,52,55
294 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments
see also Food and Drug Administration; Federal Trade Social Security Act, 186-187,221
Commission; Standards Social support, 13,29-31,36
Religion, see Spiritual approaches Sodium, dietary, 43,46, 113
Remission, 228 Sorrel, 73
Antineoplastons, 94-95, %-97 Speckhart, Vincent, 111
biologically guided chemotherapy, 116-117,118,119, Spiegel, David, 36-37
120 Spiritual approaches, 12-13,53-54,216
clinical trials, 23 Anthroposophy, 14,81,82-84,85
Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 134, 135, 140 Eastern, 58-59,60-61
information on, 16,26 meditation, 34
laetrile, 104, 105 Standards, 15
vitamin C, 121, 122 clinical trials, 16,49, 80, 81, 106, 147-149,204-205,
Research 232,235
Center for Alternative Cancer Research, 172 eligibility, insurance, 185-195
experimental treatments within conventional channels, evidence, 5, 193
12 pharmaceuticals, 112, 199
Federal role, 5,24-25 practitioner, 16; see Licenses and permits
historical perspective, 10 safety, 7, 15
outcomes, 20 Stanford University, 21
patient characteristics, 24-25 State-level action, 199,201,202,210-212, 215,217,
see also Animal research; Clinical trials; Evaluation; 218-221,222-223
Pre-clinical testing criminal practices, 26
Research in Physiopathology as a Basis of Guided Federal Government, relations with, 6,210,211-212
Chemotherapy with Special Application to Cancer, Gerson treatment, 43,215
115 Kelley regimen, 54
Resperin Corp, 73,74,75 Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 131, 136, 140,211
Revici, Emanuel, 14, 115-120, 169, 173-174,202,203, insurance coverage, 188-189, 191, 192, 193
220-221 laetrile, 102,201,202
American Cancer Society, 115, 118 see also Disciplinary measures, practitioners; Licenses
Revolution in Technology, Medicine and Society, 112 and permits; Litigation
Rhubarb, 73 Statistical analysis, 21
Risner v. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan, 193 hydrazine sulfate, 101
Roe v. Wade, 201 macrobiotics, 64-65
Rohe, Fred, 52-53 methodological issues, 125, 126, 141, 148
Rosy periwinkle, 69 mortality and survival, 10-11, 123, 124, 140-141, 149,
Rotmann, Douglas, 121 230-231
Safety, 3,226,233-234 Steiner, Rudolph, 12,82-83
Federal role, 6,7, 199,203, 205; see also Food and Stillingia, 79
Drug Administration Stock, Chester, 104
Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 138-140, 143, 145- Stomach cancer, 70, 123, 185
147, 149,233-235 Strelkauskas, Anthony, 111
insurance eligibility and, 177-178, 185 Sugiura, Kanematsu, 104
see also Adverse effects; Toxicity Support groups, 30
Sarcomas, 78,84 Surgery, 8,9, 11
Schneider v. Revici, 202,203,223
breast cancer, 11
Science, 114, 134 evaluation of, 5
Selenium, 116, 118-119 psychic, 13
Shumake v. Travelers, 192
Switzerland, 81
Side effects, see Adverse effects Technical assistance, 24
Siegel, Bernie, 31,36 Technology Evaluation and Coverage Program, 188,189
Simonton-Atchley, Stephanie M., 13,35-36 Telephone services, 30, 153, 158
Simonton, O. Carl, 13,35-36 American Cancer Society, 166
60 Minutes, 131, 138 American Medical Association, 168
Slippery elm, 73 Cancer Control Society, 170
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 73-74, 100, 104 Cancer Information Service, 25, 112, 153, 161-163
Smith, Elaine, 10 Terminology
300 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments