DS87 Vol4 DesMet 78
DS87 Vol4 DesMet 78
DS87 Vol4 DesMet 78
Roller bearings are used in a vast variety of mechanical applications and are often highly stressed
machine elements. Therefore the fatigue life of roller bearings can determine the reliability and service
life of these mechanical systems. The fatigue life of a roller bearing is greatly affected by its operating
clearance and the design of the adjacent components (namely shaft and housing). Especially the
geometric dimensioning and tolerancing of the bearing seats can have great influence on the operating
clearance and therefore the fatigue life of a roller bearing. In this article a method for the statistical
tolerance analysis of the operating clearance of cylindrical roller bearings is presented. The method uses
a discrete geometry representation coupled with contact detection algorithms for the determination of
the operating clearance. The results are thereafter coupled with the calculation of the fatigue life.
Statistical analysis of the results assists an engineering designer when choosing a robust design for the
bearing seats.
Keywords: Tolerance representation and management, Robust design, Uncertainty, Cylindrical roller
Alexander Aschenbrenner
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]
Each time a part rotates, a rolling bearing might be involved – from small dental drills to huge wind
turbines. In general, a roller bearing separates two components, which can be rotated relative to one
another, while still allowing a flow of force between both parts. In mechanical systems rolling bearings
are often mounted to a shaft or an axel and into a housing. As rolling bearings are highly stressed
machine elements, their fatigue life could determine the reliability and service life (Guo et al., 2015) of
such mechanical systems and therefor the maintenance costs.
Roller bearings normally possess internal clearance as well as clearance due to a loose fit of the bearings
rings. Generally, such clearance could have a negative effect on the service life of machine components.
For instance, the fatigue life of a rolling bearing depends – among other things – on the operating internal
clearance according to ISO/TS 16281 (2008). This correlation has also been described by Oswald,
Zaretsky and Poplawski (2009, 2012) who performed various computational analyses on interference
fitted low-speed cylindrical roller bearings and deep-groove ball bearings. The authors show that the
fatigue life of radially loaded roller and ball bearings can significantly increase or decrease due to the
internal clearance of a bearing. For instance, a small negative internal clearance (preloading) has a
positive effect on the fatigue life. However, if there is too much preloading a rapid decline of the fatigue
life occurs. On the other hand, an increasing positive internal clearance also decreases the fatigue life.
Hence, an engineering designer must act diligently when choosing a rolling bearing and determining a
bearing seats in order to achieve an operating clearance that prolongs a rolling bearings fatigue life.
Ye and Wang (2015) suggest a detailed calculation method for the optimization of the fatigue life of
cylindrical roller bearings. The method is based on a quasi-dynamic model of bearings. Besides tilting
of the bearing components, thermal expansion and centrifugation this method also allows the
consideration of the assembly interference between shaft and inner ring. After evaluating an optimal
operating clearance, the calculation method could be used to determine the optimal assembly
interference between shaft and inner ring. However, the authors don't specify how dimensional
tolerances of the bearing seat should be specified. The fit between the housing bore and the outer ring
is disregarded too. However, the rings of cylindrical roller bearings could be separately mounted,
allowing a tight fit for both rings (Eschmann, Hasbargen and Weigand, 1985). According to the
recommendations of the bearing manufacturers (e. g. Schaeffler (2012) or SKF (2014)) especially for
circumferential load on the outer ring, a press fit between the housing bore and the outer ring is more
important than a tight fit on the inner ring.
What is more, the authors neglect geometric deviations of the bearing components as well as of the
adjacent components. But geometric deviations are observable on each component due to an imprecision
that is inherent to all manufacturing processes (Zhang et al., 2011). In the case of roller bearings,
geometric deviations on the raceways or the rolling elements could affect the initial clearance of a roller
bearing. Geometric deviations on the connecting surfaces of the bearing components and on their
adjacent components may also affect the behavior of the bearing seat. These uncertainties make it hardly
possible to achieve a certain value for the assembly interference and the operating clearance. Geometric
dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) at least limits the allowable geometric deviations a priori.
Nevertheless, it is often difficult to set these limits, as the functional behavior of the components could
be influenced in many ways (Schleich and Wartzack, 2013).
In this article a method is presented that allows the analysis of the geometric dimensioning and
tolerancing of a bearing seat for cylindrical roller bearings with respect to their fatigue life. The method
could therefore assist an engineering designer when determining the tolerance specification of a bearing
seat. The method adds the calculation of the reference rating life (ISO/TS 16281, 2008) and the
deformation of the bearing rings to the concept for the consideration of geometrical deviations in the
evaluation of bearing clearance (Aschenbrenner and Wartzack, 2016). After some basic information
about cylindrical roller bearings in section 2, a description of the method is given in section 3.
Afterwards the application of the method is presented for a use case in section 4. The paper closes with
a conclusion and an outlook in section 5.
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According to Dantan et al. (2012) a tolerance analysis has to deal with the representation of the
geometrical deviations, the calculation of the behavior of a system with deviating components and the
utilization of proper analysis methods (such as worst-case searching or statistical analysis). As shown
in Figure 2, the structure of the herein presented method follows this threefold division.
Figure 2. Necessary steps for the tolerance analysis of the operating clearance and fatigue
life of cylindrical roller bearings
First of all, a large number of virtual components with their specific dimensional and geometric
deviations are sampled. Utilizing the dimensions of the raceways a roller sort is selected for each roller
bearing, whereby deviations may also occur within a roller sort. After the generation of the non-ideal
components the operating clearances of all virtual roller bearings are calculated. These results are then
used to determine the fatigue life of each roller bearing. Operating clearance and fatigue life define
functional capabilities of cylindrical roller bearings and are therefore considered as functional key
characteristics (FCKs) (Thornton, 1999) For both FCKs a statistical analysis is performed in which
statistical characteristics are evaluated, such as the sample mean, the sample standard deviation and the
correlation coefficients. Finally, this information can be used to purposefully adjust the tolerance
specification of the bearing seat in order to increase the fatigue life of the roller bearings. In the following
three subsections each of the first three steps is described in greater detail.
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bearing individually. In practice, however, only a couple of classes are considered for reasons of
When the deviations of all components have been sampled, the mounting of the bearing rings could be
simulated. In general, a deformation of the bearing rings will only occur if there are interferences
between the bearing rings and their adjacent components. In this case the deformation could be evaluated
using a Finite Element Simulation. However, for statistical reliable results a large number of rolling
bearings must be evaluated and Finite Element Simulations come with high computational costs. At
least the dimensional deformation of the bearing rings (i. e. contraction of the outer ring and expansion
of the inner ring) can be easily approximated analytically following the calculation rules in DIN 7190-
1 (2013). These calculation rules are based on the calculation of the cylinder stress in thin- or thick-
walled cylinders (depending on the diameter ratio) (Schmid, Hamrock and Jacobson, 2014).
Unfortunately, geometric deviation like out-of-roundness can't be considered. Therefore a modified
calculation formula is used: Utilizing the discrete geometry representation, the components are
subdivided into very thin slices. The actual interference is calculated for each slice. Next, each slice is
treated like a closed cylinder and the radial deformation of this cylinder is calculated according to the
calculation rules for interference fits. The results of each slice are then transferred to the respective
raceway. This modification was compared to several Finite Element Simulations. As the modification
tends to overestimate the deformation of the bearing rings, a linear regression model based on the results
of the Finite Element Simulation was implemented. The results of the regression model are quite
promising (coefficient of prognosis up to 99.70 % and a mean absolute deviation around 0.01 µm).
However, the modification has only been tested for harmonic out-of-roundness deviations (waviness).
Thus, further testing is necessary.
Besides the deformation of the bearing rings due to mounting, the thermal expansion of the bearing
components must be considered too. For this purpose the linear thermal expansion of the components is
calculated. According to Mitrović et al (2015) the temperatures of the bearing components stays almost
constant after run-up. As a result, the temperature of a bearing component is the same for all evaluated
roller bearings.
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ante in reference to the fixed central point. As shown in Figure 4, the actual geometry of a roller is
substituted by an enveloping circle.
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For the use case a cylindrical roller bearing of the type NU206 with clearance class CN and tolerance
class PN is considered. The target value of the initial bearing clearance is 32.5 µm. The roller bearing is
exposed to a constant dynamic loading of 3000 N which applies as a circumferential load on the outer
ring and as a point load on the inner ring. According to the bearing type the dynamical load rating is
45 kN. The temperature conditions within the bearing are considered constant (inner ring: 72.5°C,
rollers: 70°C and outer ring 67.5°C). The rotational speed should be constant at 1800 rpm.
In this use case only harmonic out-of-roundness deviations (waviness) on the shafts and housing bores
are considered. For comparability, all shafts should have the same number of waves (f S = 7). Also the
number of waves for the housing bores is constant (f B = 6). The dimensional tolerances and roundness
tolerances are chosen according to the recommendations of the bearing manufactures (e. g. Schaeffler
(2012), SKF (2013)).
For the bearing components only dimensional deviations are considered. The exterior dimensions of the
roller bearings correspond to the values in ISO 492. The interior dimensions (namely the raceway and
roller diameters) are a matter for the bearing manufactures. However, the dimensional tolerances of the
adjacent components of needle roller and cage assemblies can be assumed as reference values. For the
rollers three diameter classes are used. The classes form a closed interval for which the values should
be normally distributed across all classes. Except for the installation angles, all other values should be
normally distributed centered at their mean value. Table 1 gives an overview of all ranges and statistical
characteristics for all input variables.
Table 1. Variable values of the initial tolerance specification
Input variable Range Statistical characteristics
Shaft diameter S: [29.980 mm; 29.993 mm ] µ = 29.9865 mm; σ = 2.16̅ µm
Roundness deviation (shaft) aS : [0 µm; 4.5 µm] Bisected normal distribution
µ = 0 µm; σ = 1,5 µm
Installation angle (shaft) θS : [0°; 360°[ Uniform distribution
Housing bore diameter B: [61.970 mm; 62.000 mm] µ = 61.985 mm; σ = 5 µm
Roundness deviation (housing) aB : [0 µm, 6.5 µm] Bisected normal distribution
µ = 0 µm; σ = 2.16̅ µm
Installation angle (shaft) θB : [0°; 360°[ Uniform distribution
Housing outer diameter A: [94 mm; 96 mm] µ = 95 mm; σ = 0. 3̅ mm
Inner ring bore diameter d: [29.990 mm; 30.000 mm] µ = 29.993̅ mm; σ = 1. 1̅ µm
Raceway diameter (inner ring) F: [37.489 mm; 37.500 mm ] µ = 37.4963̅ mm; σ = 1. 2̅ µm
Raceway diameter (outer ring) E: [55.501 mm; 55.529 mm ] µ = 55.5103̅ mm; σ = 3. 1̅ µm
Outer ring outer diameter D: [61.987 mm; 62.000 mm] µ = 61.9956̅ mm; σ = 1. 4̅ µm
Roller diameter s1 : [8.988 mm; 8.990 mm[ Normal distribution across all
s2 : [8.990 mm; 8.992 mm[ diameter classes
s3 : [8.992 mm; 8.994 mm] µ ≈ 8.991 mm; σ = 1 µm
According to Figure 5 a) the mean operating clearance is quite high for this tolerance specification of
the bearing seats. Hence, a tighter fit of the bearing seats is possible and would potentially increase the
fatigue life of the bearings (displayed in Figure 5 b)). This could be easily achieved by shifting the
tolerance zone (and therefore the mean value) of the shaft diameter and/or the housing bore diameter.
Next, the sample standard deviation of the operating clearance is quite high leading to suboptimal
constellation with an operating clearance even higher than the targeted initial clearance. Therefore the
sample standard deviation should be decreased too. For this purpose one or more tolerances must be
restricted. However, a restriction of the tolerances could increase manufacturing costs (Hoffenson,
Dagman and Söderberg, 2013). As a result the tolerance with the highest sensitivity should be altered,
because a small restriction of a highly sensitive tolerance could be more effective than a large restriction
of a tolerance with a quite small sensitivity. According to Figure 5 c) the housing bore diameter has by
far the highest influence on the operating clearance. Thus, the tolerance of the housing bore diameter is
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Figure 5. Results of the initial tolerance specification:
a) Histogram of the operating clearance b) Histogram of the reference rating life
c) Spearman Correlations and scatter plots of the adjacent components
Nevertheless, a closer look to the Spearman Correlations in Figure 5 c) reveals, that all the other
tolerances have almost no influence on the operating clearance. The shift of the shaft diameter's tolerance
zone should already increase the sensitivity of the shaft diameter. The tolerance of the outer diameter of
the housing is already pretty high. Further expansion of the tolerance limits will not influence the
operating clearance, but it could also have no effect on the manufacturing cost. At worst, it could even
deteriorate the product quality. Therefore this value is not altered. On the other hand, the roundness
tolerances are quite strict limitations with only a small influence on the operating clearance. Hence, the
values of the roundness tolerances are expanded. The resulting alterations are summarized in Table 2
and the corresponding results are shown in Figure 6:
Table 2. Values of the improved tolerance specification
Input Altered Range Statistical alterations
Shaft diameter S: [29.990 mm; 30,003 mm] µ = 29.9965 mm
Roundness deviation (shaft) aS : [0 µm; 6 µm] σ = 2 µm
Housing bore diameter B: [61.970 mm; 61,990 mm] µ = 61.98; σ = 3. 3̅ µm
Roundness deviation (housing) aB : [0 µm; 9 µm] σ = 3 µm
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As expected, the interference fit on the shaft as well as the mean shift of the housing bore diameter has
led to a decrease of the operating clearance. The restriction of housing bore diameter has also caused a
decrease of the sample standard deviation. However, the decrease is relatively small because of the
increased sensitivity of the operating clearance in reference to the other deviations (cf. Figure 5 c)).
Despite of this, most of the operating clearances are still positive guaranteeing the mountability of the
bearings. Moreover, the very restrictive roundness tolerances of the shaft and housing boring can be
Nevertheless, a raise of the sample standard deviation of the fatigue life occurred. A reason for this is
the discontinuity of the relationship between the operating clearance and the fatigue life. Yet, the mean
fatigue life has been increased tremendously.
Summing up the results for this use case, an improved tolerance specification of the bearing seats can
be achieved by employing the herein presented method, though the solution is still not optimal. Further
adjustments would be necessary. Instead of performing those adjustments manually an optimization
algorithm could be used such as the Particle Swarm Optimization proposed by Walter, Spruegel and
Wartzack (2014).
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The authors like to thank the Industrial Collective Research (IGF), a subgroup of the Consortium of
Industrial Research Associations 'Otto von Guericke' e.V. (AiF), and the Research Association for Drive
Technology (FVA) for their support. The authors also like to thank the anonymous referees for their
helpful comments, which helped to improve the article.
The research project IGF 18417 N "Roller Bearing Tolerances: Basics for the revision of the tolerance
design of roller bearings" is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on the
basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
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