Genesis The Mary Shelley Play
Genesis The Mary Shelley Play
Genesis The Mary Shelley Play
Shelley Play
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GENESIS: The Mary Shelley Play
GENESIS: The Mary Shelley Play premiered originally as, simply, The Mary Shelley
Play at Theatre Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, on November 7, 1978, directed by Rick
McNair and designed by Pat Flood.
The Mary Shelley Play was the recipient of a three-month’s Canada Council Artist’s
Grant. It received a workshop production at Theatre 3 in 1977, directed by Mark
Schoenberg, and a full production by the Scheme Ov Things Theatre Ensemble in 1985,
directed by Svetlana Zylin, at the Poor Alex, Toronto, as well as university productions at
Ryerson University, Toronto and the University of Western Ontario.
The Mary Shelley Play was REVISED and renamed GENESIS: The Mary Shelley Play;
NYC/USA premiere, co-produced by The Neighborhood Playhouse School of the
Theatre and Deep River Productions November 3, 1994, directed by Kathleen Patricia
Cullen, designed by Harold G. Baldridge. It was subsequently produced at Evergreen
College, Olympia, WA, directed by Elizabeth Ripley.
Lake Geneva, early summer, 1816. The action of the play takes place in the living room
of Diodati, Byron’s villa, and the bedroom of Mary and Shelley’s villa, now named the
Maison Chapuis, which was located up the hillside from Diodati.
Although the play is written in two acts, it has been performed successfully without an
Mary has several interior monologues, during which the action of the play stops. These
monologues should be indicated by a lighting change and cessation of sound.
MARY HUMPHREY BALDRIDGE: Playwright, poet and short story
writer, published and produced in the USA, Canada and Australia. Plays
Play; Ruth & Robert & Robert & Ruth; LA BONNE DAME: Remembering
George Sand (dance/drama in English and French); THE REVENGE OF
THE DINOSAUR LADY, 2009 Finalist in the Mountain Playhouse
International Comedy Playwriting Contest. New plays include LAND
WARRIOR, 2010 Finalist Centenary Stage Company Susan Glaspell contest,
and The COLD HOUSE. She has also contributed short plays to the
statenislandferry/A-train plays and East Village Chronicles, NYC. She
conducts the Playwrights Lab at the Neighborhood Playhouse, NYC.
Founding Member Playwrights Guild of Canada; Lifetime Member Dramatists
Guild NYC.