Transportation Notes

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Assign t-2 CULkeo cE loet)

Page io
Expt. No: Date

plain te tbffic carac feittes in detail.

Study af tanffic chernetertc s e the ot esse ntiyn
penqu sHE fo ny impYeme nt of toffle fuilies
he taef'c cluareteitc s include oed
cluantrÙttee ind vehiular cdhaeteristice

he phycical mente and eonoti onel haetent tics Df

huma bainge
he veaiculg chaselemtiee mcludeg etdy af
Vaisug paamaetey af ehide tiEe dimensien adt
Maximu mtzning ba diy Speed byaki ny tena
uloig Systen t y ,et
Raad Uiey chaeEenst'a

Reed wAeY behaviax ik affee ted biy bath er temal

Physicol facts!
Pemane-t frctns

Paycuasegi cal fcky.

aalpss aud tnutepretHon of tttire
Celtectiem, 4alysis

Ve hm study
rigin qmd destiton Study
St eed 3teudy
Pating study ete.
S. Tyafi'e tnd foanepotetton planning.
Baed on the Study related t lad ye and tonspfa
ethemeto nedel ane hmated to edict hew
System wis behne unde en eonon,

3. Teie Design
Geometc desu highiay
Tateseeten desizu
Gode sepded n terhaye
Desig of on street nd off streetp g

4. Mejueo peret f tofit

- tegslon qnd en focemet eahe
- Mea ures for megatn of ptiny of vehce

- T f c Cntden'ees

S Administrtion!
Secure nd
erficent taff'c i ciHe is tn prtnt
functen toffi'e engineey.
Expt. No :

Discuss the diftentnt ty pes of Spe cd_ bsel in

ypes Df Specl studies
Spot Srect tadies
fet Specl studies to meare fe ed ut Speiec

1ae time Studie

T a l tme the me teten toy a Nehicle t
Y aigen

)Speed Delay Studes

Delay is the time bot by a Veicle due t

Scmes) Im pnnet

Htyhway Dyyemme

Define steppiy sistt tne
istaure ahead heedel hy
The een
befne meetny q
t- bino his vehicte t a stop
Stetiaasy oby'et on the ead i's Cealted a

S4-prig Mem - pasris s s t Utnce

Coossinsist dstane

to vis ion

Storpins sistit Dstance (ssD) s tte minmn sist

'stanee a v lhle On
whuay at qmy spot
Suftie'emt length to eable the diven te stop
Vemcle toavelng at esig 3peed Sefely witot
Collfsicn wit qmy other

featue of o ad ahead
Heiyt of divena eyeobne the nead urae

Expt. No: Pae Nc


Atftiate the time mean Speed nd Spaee Mena
Nih net sketeh
Ting Mean Speed (Tms)
Time niean Speed
passing duetm t'm e
the sÙmple f spot SPeet
en Speed V

pae MeAn Speed (sN9)=

but Spattd eightages i en insted

tem perd
f thene are n Sicea hebitles the the aVeaje

Jhen Seacr mean Srecd v,


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