Quadratic Equations

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8/8/24, 4:47 PM Test Maker

Name: Quadratic Equations. Date:

1 The minimum 2 3 The minimum 4 The minimum

The minimum
turning point of turning point of turning point of
turning point of
a quadratic a quadratic a quadratic
a quadratic
curve is (12, curve is (12, curve is (10,
curve is (6, 3).
3). -6). 1).
Write an
Write an Write an Write an
equation for
equation for equation for equation for
this in the form:
this in the form: this in the form: this in the form:
y = x² + ax + b.
y = x² + ax + b. y = x² + ax + b. y = x² + ax + b.

5 6 The minimum 7 The minimum 8

The minimum The minimum
turning point of turning point of
turning point of turning point of
a quadratic a quadratic
a quadratic a quadratic
curve is (10, curve is (2,
curve is (6, -7). curve is (6, 9).
6). 10).
Write an Write an
Write an Write an
equation for equation for
equation for equation for
this in the form: this in the form:
this in the form: this in the form:
y = x² + ax + b. y = x² + ax + b.
y = x² + ax + b. y = x² + ax + b.

9 The minimum 11 The minimum 12 The minimum

The minimum 10
turning point of turning point of turning point of
turning point of
a quadratic a quadratic a quadratic
a quadratic
curve is (-7, curve is (7, curve is (-14,
curve is (5, -8).
-10). -11). 13).
Write an
Write an Write an Write an
equation for
equation for equation for equation for
this in the form:
this in the form: this in the form: this in the form:
y = x² + ax + b.
y = x² + ax + b. y = x² + ax + b. y = x² + ax + b.

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8/8/24, 4:47 PM Test Maker

13 The minimum 14 The minimum 16 The minimum

The minimum 15
turning point of turning point of turning point of
turning point of
a quadratic a quadratic a quadratic
a quadratic
curve is (14, curve is (-3, curve is (-11,
curve is (2, -9).
4). -6). 12).
Write an
Write an Write an Write an
equation for
equation for equation for equation for
this in the form:
this in the form: this in the form: this in the form:
y = x² + ax + b.
y = x² + ax + b. y = x² + ax + b. y = x² + ax + b.

https://mathsbot.com/testMaker?id=85&min=2&max=5&total=16 2/2

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