Rules&Schedule Comser

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1. Students are expected to maintain their good name and 1. Clothing: blue top (Make a Difference uniform), red top,
reputation of Sekolah HighScope Indonesia Kelapa PE uniform, Highscope Batik (for those who teach),
Gading; they keep good manners in words and actions. black top (for those who don’t teach).
2. Students are responsible for personal belongings 2. A keepsake/souvenir for the family/homeowner
(money, wallets, cameras, handphones, clothes, and (optional).
bags). 3. Jacket, shirt/t-shirt, pants
3. Students are expected to actively communicate and 4. Personal toiletries (towel, toothpaste, toothbrush,
interact with their parents (06.00 - 07.00 AM and 06.00 shampoo, soap)
- 07.00 PM). 5. Sandals
4. Bringing and buying instant food is not allowed during 6. Worship paraphernalia (mukena/sarong)
the live-in. The family will provide the best meal they can 7. Personal medicine
serve during live-in. No need to worry about feeling 8. HP and charger
hungry at night. 9. Flashlight
5. Students must wear decent clothes (shirts with sleeves, 10. Umbrella/raincoat
not transparent, knee-length pants) 11. Book and stationery
6. Jewelry, make-up, dolls/puppets, and nail polish are not 12. Menstrual pad (for girls)
allowed during live-in. 13. Clean plastic bag
7. Each student is required to wear sneakers (the ordinary 14. Enough cash (small change money)
shoes/sneakers that they usually wear at school).
Departure : Make a difference uniform
Tuesday : Batik (for teaching group)
PE uniform (Exercise)
Black/dark shirt (kerja bakti)
Arrival : Red shirt / t-shirt
ITINERARY DAY 1 10.45 Last Check-in
Monday, February 5, 2024
11.30 - 12.50 Flights to Yogyakarta

Time Activity Notes 12.50 - 13.10 Baggage Claim

Morning Departure Group 13.10 - 13.30 On the way to Restoran Yu Djum

13.30 - 14.00 Lunch PIC Mas Pito

05.30 Gather at Soetta Airport PIC Mr Max Restoran Yu Djum
Domestic Departure Terminal 3 Mr Ed, Mr Max,
Ms Valen, Ms 14.00 - 15.30 On the way to Desa Pentingsari
Aina, Mr Tri, Ms
Luli, Mr Maksum 15.30 - 16.00 On the way to each homestay,
unpacking, clean up.
07.10 Last Check in

07.55 - 09.15 Flights to Yogyakarta

09.15 - 09.30 Baggage Claim 15.30 - 17.30 “Promoting Tourism Village HP is given to
Digitally”. Students are allowed to students.
09.30 - 09.45 On the way to Restoran Yu Djum take pictures and document them.

09.45 - 10.30 Breakfast PIC Mas Pito 17.30 - 18.30 Personal Activity (socializing with
Restoran Yu Djum the village residents, take a bath)

10.30 - 12.00 On the way to Desa Pentingsari 18.30 - 19.00 Gather at the Village Hall /
12.00 - 13.00 Opening and Handover Ceremony PIC Mr Tri
Lunch PIC Desa 19.000 - 20.00 Kenduri PIC Desa
Bakti BCA Introduction to traditional art HP is collected to
13.00 - 13.20 On the way to each homestay, HP is collected to
unpacking, clean up. homeroom. 20.00 - 21.00 Sharing “Promoting Tourism MC Mr Haris and
Village Digitally”. Bakti BCA
13.20 - 15.30 Socializing.
Activities with the 21.00 - 21.30 Reflection PIC Homeroom
21.300 - 05.00 Return to homestay and take a
Afternoon Departure Group rest.

09.00 Gather at Soetta Airport PIC Mr Avrian, Ms

Domestic Departure Terminal 3 Silvia, Ms Shinna
ITINERARY DAY 2 Bradley (8A) vyrgio Audrey (9Y),
(8A) Brennan (C), Sonya (9Y),
Tuesday, February 6, 2023 Apotik Hidup Mr. Avrian 10
Kaory (C), Wira , Reynold (8X),
Ravael (B) Callista (9X)
G-Yool (8Y),
Time Activity Notes
Ernest (9A) Kenaz Nicky (9Y),
Kerjabakti (9A) Rainer (9B), Venedict (9Y),
05.30 Wake up, have breakfast, get HP is given to students. Mr. Tri 10
halaman Richard (8B), Reyko Tasya (Z),
(C), Varrel (C), Michelle (8X),
Jason (9X),
06.30 - 07.00 On the way to school
Kenzie (9A), Mika
07.00 - 07.30 Morning Exercise HP is collected to (8A) Edward (8B), Arafah (8Y),
homeroom. Pengecatan Ammar (9B), Zeeta Erika (9Y), Kaiyo
Mr. Haris 18
tembok / pagar (C), Arjuna (C), (Z),Galang (8X),
07.30 - 09.00 Activities at school according to Valian (C), Hiraka Sebas (9X)
the division of tasks arranged. (C),
G-Yool (8Y),
Ernest (9A) Kenaz Nicky (9Y),
ACTIVITY STUDENT’S NAME Kerjabakti Mr. Max dan Mr (9A) Rainer (9B), Venedict (9Y),
selokan/parit Maksum Richard (8B), Reyko Tasya (Z),
Numbers of (C), Varrel (C), Michelle (X)
students Jason (9X),
Elden (8X) Abi
Michelle (8A) Owen (8Y) Shanice
Tama (8A), Gery Gavin (8Y), Kent
(8A) Arsya (9B) (8Y) Morla (8Z)
Mr. Ed & Ms (8A), Maddie (8B), (8Y), Egan (8X), Perpustakaan Ms. Sylvia 12
Pengajaran Math 12 Kimie (9C) Nora Jeanette (9Z),
Valent Arya (9B), Renata Attar (9X), Daniel
(8C) Viola (Z), Vito
(8C), Brandon (9C), (8Z), Tasya (9Z)
Ellin (9A), Aurell Ella (8X), Zahra
(9A), Elle (8B), (9X), Rafael
Ms Shinna 12 Jovini (9B), Callista (8Y), Belle (9Y),
Science Time Activity Notes
Malca (8C), Abbey Gavin E. (8Z),
(9C), Mike (9Z)
09.30 - 11.00 Learn traditional music Gamelan and Dance at
Jong Jun (89X), instruments, Dance, Wayang Main Pendopo
Alia (8A), Gissel Tisha (89X), Suket, and Janur. Wayang Suket at
Pengajaran (8A), Hilly (9B), Anandita (89Y), Pendopo A
Ms. Luli 12
English Shalom (8B), Deisler Zora (89Y), Janur at pendopo B
(9C), Nathan (8C), Kevin (89Z),
Callista (89Z) 11.00 - 12.30 Outbound Activities 25 Jeeps
Mayumi (8Y),
Field trip around the village
Senam SKJ & Mr. Haris & Mr
Afrand (9A), Max
Sydney (8Y),
(students are allowed to bring HP)
8 (C), Andrew &
Permainan Max Denzel (9X),
Jonathan (B) 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch and sholat/prayer HP is collected to
Vian (8X)
homeroom. 08.00 - 09.00 Music and Arts Performance

13.30 - 14.00 Return to respected homestay.

09.00 - 09.30 Farewell HP is given to
14.00 - 15.00 Activities with the students.
09.30 - 11.30 Departure to the airport
15.00 - 16.00 On the way to Candi Prambanan
13.10 Last Check-in

16.00 - 17.30 Visit Candi Prambanan 13.40 - 14.55 Flights to Jakarta PIC Homeroom

17.30 - 19.00 Personal Activity (have a dinner, HP is given to students. 15.00 - 15.30 Baggage Claim
15.30 - 16.30 Students are picked up at the PIC Homeroom
19.00 - 19.30 Gather at the Trimurti Theatre PIC TWC Prambanan airport
(Indoor) or Open Stage (Outdoor) HP is collected to

19.30 - 21.30 Ramayana Ballet

21.30 - 22.30 On the way to the village

(Students go directly to their

22.30 - 05.00 Take a rest.

Wednesday, February 7, 2023

Time Activity Notes

05.30 Wake up, have breakfast, get ready. HP is given to


06.30 - 07.00 On the way to Main Pendopo

07.00 - 07.30 Morning Exercise HP is collected to


07.30 - 08.00 Preparation for Music Arts


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