Quarter 2 Module 3:
Formulating a Statement of
Opinion or Assertion
CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
English Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 Module 3: Formulating a Statement of Opinion and Assertion
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Quarter 2 Module 3:
Formulating a Statement of
Opinion or Assertion
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
Formulating a Statement of
1 Opinion or Assertion
Learning Competencies
The learner:
1. recognize fact, opinion, and assertion;
2. distinguish opinion and commonplace assertion from fact; and
3. formulate statements of skim for major or central ideas.
Hello learner! This module was designed and written with you in mind. Primarily, its
scope is to help you construct well-written statements of opinion or assertion, which
are key elements in expository and argumentative writing.
Learning Objectives:
1. recognize fact, opinion, and assertion;
2. distinguish opinion and commonplace assertion from fact; and
3. formulate statements of skim for major or central ideas.
What I Know
1 CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
2. It is a statement that is verifiable, or can be proven true or false based on
evidence or proof.
A. Fact C. Commonplace Assertion
B. Opinion D. Bias or Prejudice
2 CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
10. What makes the following statement an example of commonplace assertion?
Milk is good for your body.
A. It asserts that milk is the best source of calcium which makes bones
and teeth stronger.
B. It makes people believe that milk contains all the vitamins and
minerals that the body needs.
C. It disregards the fact that some people are lactose intolerant, and milk
may cause stomach upset.
D. All of the above.
For numbers 11-15, read the given excerpt of an opinion article and then identify
statements of fact, opinion and assertion from the passage.
Conducting online classes today is ideal, there is no doubt about it, but ours
is considered a third world country. Having an online class is possible and but it is
never fair to all students especially those studying in public schools. Online classes
are financially
cannot cope with these demands.
The majority of the students in public schools do not have gadgets or fast-
internet service connections necessary for online classes. Teachers cannot just hold
these classes to a small number of the class only because most students have no
means to join. Those who are not privileged of sufficient income will be denied of the
learnings attained in activities and discussion.
3 CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
Everyday conversation and writing is characterized not only by factual
These categories of assertion are so prevalent in social media today, and the
distinction between one another is slowly becoming unclear because of how netizens
present everything as facts. This is why every social media needs to be a critical and
informed reader to be able to verify the truthfulness of the information he/she comes
In one of the previous modules, you learned about the language of research,
advocacies and campaigns. Opinions and assertions are very important in advocacies
and campaigns; hence, it would be advantageous for a writer, or even a speaker, to
clearly express their views on important matters.
4 CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
Activity #2:
Go over each of the following statements and write FACT if it is factual, and
OPINION of it is a personal interpretation or conclusion derived from factual
evidence, and ASSERTION if it is a commonplace assertion, or a claim that is not
supported by evidence. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. There is not a single district in Baguio City with zero record of Covid-
19 cases.
2. The surge in the number of Covid-19 cases in Baguio can be attributed
to expanded testing efforts and heightened contact tracing.
3. To ease the worsening poverty caused by the pandemic, livelihood
projects for poor families are a better solution than cash subsidies.
4. The liquor ban is one of the best policies of the local government in
keeping the coronavirus disease under control.
5. The only tourists allowed to come to Baguio are those from Region 1
and nearby provinces with minimal Covid-19 cases.
6. Tourism always solves the financial woes of every major city in the
entire country.
7. Many poor families have greatly benefitted from the two tranches of the
business venture.
9. Longer quarantine period translates to lower crime rates in every city.
10. In times of global crisis, men are better leaders than women.
What is It
Whenever you browse your newsfeed, will you be able to tell how much of the
and opinion or assertion, then you are likely to fall victim to misinformation or fake
news. As a 21st century learner, you should be able to tell the difference between the
two. Similarly, you are also expected to know how to properly construct statements
of opinion or assertion. Below is a detailed discussion of opinion and commonplace
An opinion is a type of assertion which expresses a judgment, viewpoint, or
statement about matters commonly considered to be subjective. It is a personal view;
however, it is still based on facts. In other words, it is an honest attempt to draw a
preference, or prejudice (e.g. The president is the worst leader the country has ever
5 CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
An opinion statement is composed mainly of a debatable topic and a focus
(i.e., the specific feeling or belief the writer or speaker has about the topic.) It can
sometimes be distinguished from other constructions because it often uses qualifying
words such as almost, usually, maybe, probably, often, some, most and in most cases.
Take, for instance, the sentence: Most public schools are ready for distance education.
opinion that is easier to support. Opinions
result from ambiguities; the more ambiguous a statement, the more difficult it is to
verify, and so they are open to disputes.
There are three categories of opinion statements, namely:
debated or opposed. In other words, they are personal views. They may be true for
the speaker o
important to make the readers aware of the evidence and how it led you to arrive at
your opinion.
Another statement or expression that is somewhat similar to an opinion is
called commonplace assertion. Readers or listeners sometimes confuse the two
with each other; however, a commonplace assertion does not appear to be as
subjective as an opinion. Instead, it claims universality and is presented as an
absolute truth. Further, a commonplace assertion is a statement used to make a
declaration or to express strong belief on a particular topic, often without evidence.
They are so common (because they are passed on by friends, family members, and
the media) that they are believed to be true even without proof, and some statements
of commonplace assertion have become stereotypes. For example:
6 CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
As for the second example, many people have also accepted this as a fact.
However, it is not clear
need to visit a physician anymore. Moreover, it is still possible that someone who
eats apple everyday could get sick and will need to visit a doctor.
to best suit their individual learning styles and increase their academic
The same conclusion is echoed in the case study of Bernard John Kolan
and Patience Emefa Dzandza in 2018. They noted that although only about
20 percent of their respondents use social media mainly for academic
purpose, the remaining 80 percent still use the tools to perform academic-
7 CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
Meanwhile, a 2017 study in Pangasinan looked into how teachers perceive
the role of social media in education. The findings revealed that social media
Distraction. This is indeed the downside in social media usage and it is for
this reason that DICT is proposing to ban it in schools. Undoubtedly, students
do get distracted from doing school requirements when they already logged in
to, say, Facebook. Worse, this could result in addiction.
But despite the fact that social media could be a two-edge sword, schools
can still greatly capitalize on its use. A recent study in Saudi Arabia notes
seminars to educate students about the possible implications of social media
usage on their academic performance. Moreover, contrary to the proposal of
DICT, these researchers suggest that teachers channel assignments or
discussions on social media platforms to inculcate the proper use of these
sites for academic work.
access to social media. They claim that if parents will lessen the time their
kids spend on these sites, and if they pay attention to their academic progress,
Indeed, there are gains and losses in the unabated use of social media;
performance? I would say that people put their trust in us first, that we --
educators, parents, and learners -- could still regulate the use of social media
in order to maximize learning beyond the walls of the classroom.
Vanessa Abubo, Baguio Midland Courier (June 16, 2019)
The article above is evidently an opinion piece because of the use of the
earlier, opinions are personal judgments based on available facts, which is why there
are also proof or evidence in this commentary.
But how many opinionated statements or assertions were you able find in the
article? Here are some of them; and if you identified the following, then you are a
critical reader:
Banning its (social media) use in schools will greatly affect meaningful
interactions inside and outside the classroom.
Group chats are a necessity to keep them (students) updated of upcoming
classroom activities and requirements...
Social media could be a two-edge sword.
There are gains and losses in the unabated use of social media.
Before proceeding to the next activities, please take time to rate this opinion article.
Shade the emoji that matches your reaction towards the text.
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Source: https://emojipedia.org/facebook/
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Activity #4:
Write a statement of opinion or assertion for each of the given topics.
Opinion Commonplace
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
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What I Can Do
Choose the letter of the best answer, and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a statement that is commonly believed to be true even without proof or
A. Fact C. Commonplace Assertion
B. Opinion D. Bias or Prejudice
11 CO_Q2_English 10_Module 3
4. What is the similarity between an opinion and a commonplace assertion?
A. They can be opposed.
B. They are subjective and personal.
C. They are based on evidence or proof.
D. They are generally accepted to be true.
6. Under what category of opinion statement does the following statement belong
to? Online selling has become a very viable source of income nowadays.
A. Statement of Truth C. Statement of Policy
B. Statement of Value D. Statement of Preference
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For numbers 11-15, read the given excerpt of an opinion article and then identify
statements of fact, opinion and assertion from the passage.
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Additional Activities
Activity #7:
Write an opinion article about any current social or political issue. Be sure to
phrase your opinions and assertions correctly, and write in no less than 200 words.
Be guided by the following rubric.
- Adapted from Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
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