What Is Structural Health Monitoring: Sensors
What Is Structural Health Monitoring: Sensors
What Is Structural Health Monitoring: Sensors
ensure the integrity of structures and ensure public safety. SHM systems monitor and assess
the structural system by collecting data from sensor networks. This data can then be analysed
to detect changes in the structural system such as structural degradation, damage, and
hazards. In this blog article, we’ll explore the advantages of using SHM for civil engineering
purposes and how to design a successful SHM system.
What is Structural Health Monitoring
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a process that involves using sensors, data acquisition
systems, and analysis tools to monitor the performance and condition of structures over time.
SHM is commonly used in civil engineering, aerospace engineering, and mechanical
engineering applications to ensure the safety and reliability of structures.
The goal of SHM is to detect changes in the structural behavior or condition that may indicate
damage or degradation before a catastrophic failure occurs. SHM systems can be designed to
measure a wide range of parameters, such as structural vibrations, strains, deformations,
temperature, and humidity.
SHM systems typically consist of the following components:
Sensors: These are devices that measure physical parameters such as strain, displacement,
acceleration, and temperature. The sensors are usually installed on or within the structure.
Data acquisition system: This is a system that collects data from the sensors and records it
for analysis. The data acquisition system may include analog-to-digital converters, signal
conditioners, and data storage devices.
Analysis tools: These are software tools that analyze the data collected by the SHM system.
The analysis tools can be used to detect changes in the structural behavior or condition and to
predict the remaining useful life of the structure.
Communication system: This is a system that allows the SHM system to communicate with
other systems or stakeholders, such as the building owner, maintenance personnel, or
emergency responders.
The benefits of SHM include improved safety, reduced maintenance costs, and increased
lifespan of the structure. By detecting damage or degradation early, SHM systems can help to
prevent catastrophic failures, reduce downtime, and improve the reliability of the structure.
The use of SHM in civil engineering can provide many advantages. SHM can be used to
monitor the performance of structures in real-time, which can help engineers to identify and
address problems before they cause serious damage. SHM can also be used to improve the
efficiency of maintenance and repair operations, as well as to improve the safety of
There are a few key considerations for designing an effective SHM system. First, the system
must be able to collect accurate data from the sensors. Second, the data must be processed in
a way that allows for accurate assessment of the structural system. Third, the system must be
designed for the specific needs of the civil engineering application.
SHM systems can provide many benefits for civil engineering applications. By ensuring
accurate data collection and analysis, SHM can help engineers to maintain the safety and
integrity of structures.
What are the benefits of using SHM in civil engineering?
SHM can be used to monitor the performance of structures in real-time, which can help
engineers to identify and address problems before they cause serious damage. SHM can also
be used to improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair operations, as well as to improve
the safety of structures.
SHM systems can provide many benefits for civil engineering applications. By ensuring
accurate data collection and analysis, SHM can help engineers to maintain the safety and
integrity of structures.
When might SHM not be the best solution?
There are a few key considerations for designing an effective SHM system. First, the system
must be able to collect accurate data from the sensors. Second, the data must be processed in
a way that allows for accurate assessment of the structural system. Third, the system must be
designed for the specific needs of the civil engineering application.
SHM systems can provide many benefits for civil engineering applications. However, they
may not be the best solution in every case. When designing an SHM system, it is important to
consider the specific needs of the application to ensure that the system is effective.
We recently introduced our range of Leap Sensors for structural health monitoring
(SHM) using the IoT. Structural health monitoring is the process of regularly checking
infrastructures such as roads, bridges, buildings, tunnels, etc. for changes that may indicate
deterioration or recent damage. Most of this is still done with physical inspections, but
advances in wireless sensor technology now make it possible to install remote monitoring
systems. With regular, consistent monitoring, it’s a lot easier to catch small problems before
they become big problems and better plan for maintenance. Also, reporting and auditing are
automated for more reliable tracking.
Because there’s such a wide range of structures to monitor, and different factors to watch for,
we’ve developed a broad range of sensors. Here are our top 5 sensors for SHM:
1. Strain Sensors
Strain sensors monitor loads, compression, tension, bending, and torsion in a structure.
Because bridges, buildings, and overpasses carry heavy loads, they are subject to a lot of
strain, so this is a key factor our clients want to monitor. These sensors generally need to be
configured to a client’s specific needs. The system uses over-the-air wireless zeroing to
compensate for installation residual strain, which gives the sensors incredible accuracy &
2. Crack Detection Sensors
Crack detection sensors do just what they say; they are used to monitor the position and
length of cracks in concrete structures (roads, buildings, tunnels.) Cracks in roads, bridges,
tunnels, and buildings may signal underlying problems, and subtle movement may indicate a
larger issue. Our crack sensors are highly accurate and easy to tailor to a particular
3. Vibration Sensors
Vibration sensors take a simple yet effective approach to SHM. A change in vibration is an
excellent predictor of an impending issue in a structure or equipment. The vibration sensor
monitors the g-force a structure experiences. The sensor will measure and report the average
and maximum g-force of a structure +/-16G, on all three axes. In the case of a high G-force
event, the transceiver node can instantly transmit the data from the event and send an alert.
4. Tilt Sensors
Tilt sensors, (also known as inclinometers) use in-place MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical
Systems) technology. This allows the sensor to monitor slippage in embankments, piers,
abutments, retaining walls, etc. The Leap wireless transceiver node powers the inclinometer
from its onboard battery and converts the signal to the wireless transmission.
5. Piezometers
Piezometers are typically used for monitoring fluid pressure or pore water pressure in
embankments, boreholes, standpipes, reservoirs, and tanks. Water where it isn’t supposed to
be, or water at the incorrect pressure can be highly destructive, so monitoring it is another key
element in SHM.
The Leap Sensors have a unique feature where multiple strain or vibration measurement
points may be “daisy-chained” together on an industrial CAN bus so that multiple readings
can be monitored and transmitted with one transceiver node. This allows for very cost-
effective monitoring of many points (or a large area) with one transceiver.
These are just the top 5 sensors we offer in SHM. See our full range of SHM sensors., and
learn more about how Leap’s wireless sensor system can work for your SHM needs
by talking to one of our wireless sensor experts today.