Vietnam Market Entry Guide 2024 1721875377
Vietnam Market Entry Guide 2024 1721875377
Vietnam Market Entry Guide 2024 1721875377
Guide 2024
About Acclime
Acclime Vietnam is a leading provider of FROM ASIA, FOR ASIA Ho Chi Minh City:
professional accounting, tax, payroll, compliance, Level 9, Lim Tower 3,
company establishment and advisory services in As a regional expert provider of corporate services, 29A Nguyen Dinh Chieu, District 1
Vietnam, with a focus on providing exceptional Acclime helps corporates and private clients seamlessly Phone: +84 (0)28 3535 8200
services to international clients. advance their businesses and interests in difficult-to-
navigate markets in Asia and beyond. Our years of Hanoi:
With offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and in-market experience and deep knowledge helps our Unit 504, Level 5, Hanoi Tower
Danang, we assist foreign invested and locally clients to avoid pitfalls and make progress faster. 49 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem District
owned companies maintain the highest level of Phone: +84 (0)24 6273 3589
professional standards in Vietnam through proactive A REGIONAL SPECIALIST WITH GLOBAL STANDARDS
advice, compliance and reporting assistance. Danang:
In a market characterised by increasing sophistication Level 3, Diamond Time Complex Building,
SERVICE LINES and complexity, our regional network of grass-roots 35 Thai Phien, Hai Chau District
experts is pushing the corporate services sector Phone: +84 (0)236 366 4662
Our Service Lines cover five key areas: with bold, innovative solutions that are seamlessly
• Accounting, Financial Reporting, Outsourcing delivered to the highest global standards.
and Chief Accountant Appointment [email protected]
• Tax Consulting and Compliance FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT:
• Payroll Outsourcing and HR Advisory
• Licensing, Market Entry and Company Structuring Rizwan Khan Thi Le
• Advisory Services and Transaction Support Managing Partner Director - Advisory Services
[email protected] [email protected] Disclaimer: This publication is general in nature and is for general information purposes only.
These Service Lines allow Acclime to provide a Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information at the time
comprehensive suite of services to foreign investors, Vlad Savin Thao Nguyen of the publication, no warranty or guarantee can be given in respect to the information
based around a multi-disciplinary approach to providing Partner Head of Licensing, Market presented herein. No responsibility or liability is taken for reliance on this publication, and
implications of any actions arising from this document are fully disclaimed. Readers are
solutions and support to foreign investors in Vietnam. [email protected] Entry and Secretarial Services
encouraged to obtain specific professional advice regarding their individual situations.
[email protected]
(c) Copyright 2019-2024 Acclime Vietnam. All Rights Reserved.
AU S T R A L I A | C A M B O D I A | C H I N A | H O N G KO N G | I N D I A | I N D O N E S I A | M A L AYS I A | N E W Z E A L A N D |
P H I L I P P I N E S | S I N GA P O R E | T H A I L A N D | U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S | U N I T E D S TAT E S | V I E T N A M Vietnam Market Entry Guide 2024 2
1. Why Vietnam 4
5. Company Establishment 9
6. Transaction Support 11
8. Investment Considerations 13
200 200
The relative political and economic stability, together with
legislative processes to encourage foreign investment 0
(whilst still protecting domestic and state enterprises), 0%
have enabled foreign investment to grow across a broad 0 -10%
range of sectors and locations. Vietnam has also benefited -400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
from political and economic instability of other economies 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
in Asia in recent years, with Vietnam continuing to provide a
credible investment destination.
Exports Imports Surplus/(Deficit) Retail Sales (Billion USD) Growth Rate
90 electronic products
& accessories
80 Others 16.17%
300,000 300
When looking to enter a new market, or expand existing MARKET REVIEWS
operations, knowledge and experience is key to making
At Acclime, we spend time to
the right decisions. Our multi-disciplinary approach to Before entering a market, a common strategy is to understand investment motives and
market entry provides a robust foundation to ensuring the understand the local parameters of that market, expected outcomes when foreign
correct decisions are made, and in the right timeframes. and the opportunities or gaps within, from an
independent yet critical perspective. Our Market
investors are looking to enter Vietnam.
Services that form the core elements to Reviews enable investors to make commercial decisions It is only after we truly understand the
our Market Entry Support are: without bias, and with balanced information. “why” we can provide our experience
FINANCIAL & TAX DUE DILIGENCE VALUATIONS and advice relevant for their intentions.
Undertaking appropriate Financial and Tax Undertaking an effective Valuation in Vietnam is not There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach
Due Diligence, with a clear focus on identifying simply about using a static profit based multiple, but the
and quantifying risks, provides a document for approach needs to look in depth at a target to understand to Vietnam, and we take pride in
negotiation and rectification strategies. future growth, risks and key drivers to the business. tailoring our services accordingly.
Due Diligence strategies and processes need to be Our Valuation experts use their personal experience,
tailored to specific sectors and industries, and rely industry data and extensive connections to develop
around local knowledge and experience. Our Due models and valuation results that are robust and
Diligence reports are designed around actions and reliable for making investment decisions. Rizwan Khan
risks, with identified issues highlighted and prioritised Managing Partner
for investors to make appropriate decisions. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Acclime Vietnam
COMMERCIAL DUE DILIGENCE Understanding who the competitors are (direct and
indirect) within a market segment, and then digging
The process of undertaking Commercial Due Diligence on deeper to understand each of those competitors in
a potential target ensures that a full understanding of the depth, is a strength of our teams at Acclime. Building
commercial reliances, risks and opportunities is obtained true understandings of competitors in an industry
prior to transactions occurring. Related party transactions or segment gives power to an investor that cannot
and regulatory compliance issues are commonly identified in be understated when first entering the market.
this stage, and should be rectified as part of the transaction.
We assist in determining the appropriate structure for Vietnam has strict currency and foreign exchange controls,
investment into Vietnam; be it an offshore holding vehicle, however for correctly structured investments, the effect
an onshore SPV structure, or differing combinations; we of these controls can present only limited obstacles in
look to ensure that structures provide regulatory, corporate practice.
and operational advantages for entry and future exit.
Market Entry Strategy, Corporate Structure
Development Tax & Determination (including Vietnam Licensing (company Post-licensing Registrations Assistance with Accounting,
Structural Analysis, possible offshore holding establishment) and Tax, Payroll and Reporting
Restricted Investment and structure and local corporate implementation Compliance, together with
Sector Analysis structure) Statutory Responsibilities
The common documents required for a standard application for the establishment of foreign-owned enterprise (FOE)
are listed below. These documents may vary slightly depending on the jurisdiction of the investor, and is intended as a
general guide:
An indicative timeline for the establishment of a foreign-owned Vietnamese company is illustrated below:
Note: Where Ministerial or other specific approvals are required then this timeline can be significantly different.
and proven system ensure a smooth and efficient process
throughout the entirety of the transaction. Even with the best intentions from all
parties, deals can still fall apart. That
is where Acclime, particularly our
By thoroughly understanding the transaction, the market, Vietnam expertise makes a difference.
and the parties involved, Acclime works with our clients
through every stage of planning and completion. This We go beyond the basics, identifying
comprehensive approach ensures all potential risks, issues potential roadblocks before they
and key commercial considerations are addressed.
derail the deal. We don’t just spot
The aim is to move towards commercially successful issues — we work with all parties to
completion, avoiding transaction failure in the final
stages and setting our clients up for a smooth post-deal develop solutions and clear roadmaps,
ensuring parties’ expectations are
aligned for a smooth closing.
Thi Le
Director - Advisory Services
Acclime Vietnam
Reaching”completion” for a transaction starts a new COMPLIANCE Once a transaction has reached
journey for investors. This requires understanding
and ensuring appropriate focus is placed on the key The ongoing compliance obligations of Vietnamese completion, the real challenges
components for operational success. Acclime’s ongoing entities involve a significant number of lodgements, often just commence.
services teams assist in all elements of post-transaction along with paper records (dossiers) retained and signed
support, and work with investors to develop and for the majority of transactions and accounting actions.
monitor plans for these. Having a master “Compliance Plan”, and monitoring Acclime can assist and provide clear
and reporting against this plan is important.
LICENSING SUPPORT benefits to investors with integration
Looking at director appointments, registered addresses, SPA MONITORING assistance or planning, managing
company Charters, branch registrations, business lines, and monitoring the process, and
sub-licenses and investment capital are all items that Conditions and obligations contained in an SPA, both
likely needed attention and action post-transaction. financial and practical, should be separately recorded coordinating the change-management
Acclime is uniquely equipped to attend to and ensure and a formal monitoring programme put in place. This
allows investors to minimise risk, and make sure that all
aspects, using our practical experience
these taken care of.
parties to the transaction complete and undertake their and a multi-disciplinary approach.
INTEGRATION committed obligations.
REPATRIATION - CAPITAL, PROFITS AND OPERATIONS Monitoring and controlling assets in Vietnam, including
sufficient documentation and recording, will enable control
Short and long term consideration to how funds are to within operations, but also enables value to be obtained
repatriated from Vietnam should be planned from the on disposal. Appropriate evidence should be maintained
outset. Acclime can work with investors to determine in Vietnam to confirm ownership of assets, in turn
strategies that minimise trapped capital, utilise loans empowering the entity to later sell these are realise the
for (relatively) unrestricted funds flows into and out of value within.
Vietnam, and develop treasury planning models for annual
Consideration needs also to placed on operational The exit strategy of any investor into Vietnam is almost
payments, including regional management re-charges, as important as the entry strategy. Unless assets can be
to understand the Foreign Contractor Withholding Taxes realised and investments repatriated, then investments
payable, and how to make these work to an investors’ should be carefully considered.
We help investors ensure that their capital structures,
REGULATORY AND COMPLIANCE repatriation strategies, and ability to exit without trapped
funds at an appropriate time in the future are paramount
The future intentions of investors may involve expanded elements to their initial investment consideration and
operations, and these plans may come with additional market entry strategy.
limitations and obligations from a regulatory and
compliance perspective. Understanding constraints and
putting plans in place at early stages will assist in the
future success of the investment.
Within Vietnam there are sectors in which full or JOINT VENTURES AND LOCAL PARTNERS Not all sectors in Vietnam permit
partial foreign ownership is prohibited or restricted,
or which require additional licensing or permissions Where restrictions exist, or where local partners present 100% foreign ownership, and
before proceeding. Certain Business Lines are opportunities for joint investment, there are important many have particular restrictions
effectively discretionary for approval by authorities, so structural considerations to take on board.
understanding the current approach by the authorities and additional requirements.
is an important element to initial planning. Often strategies include a fully foreign owned local
structure, which in turn becomes an investor or
contractor with the Vietnamese partner, but in a Assisting investors to understand
BUSINESS LINES & RESTRICTIONS manner where IP, assets and knowledge that are and map restrictions, allows us to
brought into country and protected and controlled by
We work with investors to understand their expected the foreign investor. If the local relationship experiences put in place effective strategies to
activities within Vietnam, in order to build a profile of difficulties in the future, then this allows for the foreign manage these constraints and minimise
required Business Lines for their investment license. investment in Vietnam to be protected and to continue
into the future with less risk. investor risk, all within a structure that
Where certain business lines are restricted, or have makes the investor comfortable.
additional requirements, we look at alternative Business COMPANY CHARTER STRATEGIES, AND SHAREHOLDER
Lines that may be available without restrictions, or to AGREEMENTS
develop strategies that allow the intended operation
without the certain Business Lines being required. A core protection for foreign investors, particularly Thao Nguyen
those undertaking investments with other parties, is to Head of Licensing, Market Entry
Creative structures and Business Line determination understand the options for creative Company Charter and Secretarial Services
can make the difference for an investment. development (i.e., embedding certain rights), and the Acclime Vietnam
limitations and options for shareholder agreements -
STRUCTURES & NOMINEES including the use of offshore structures and agreements
where it can be effective.
Developing structures for investments can be more
challenging when investment restrictions exist, but care Acclime can advise and help develop strategies
should be taken when seeking to use “Nominees” in that protect, and which are effective for particular
Vietnam. There may be ways to work around these, but arrangements.
significant risks exist with Nominee approaches, and
these should be discouraged without due consideration
of the impact and implications.
(*) WTO is one of several international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory, and its commitments are commonly enacted. This publication will outline additionally beneficial commitments from
other agreement (i.e., the CPTPP) in Notes that may apply to some certain sectors.
Vietnam Tax Guide 2024 17
Reach out to Acclime’s experts
A core element of Acclime’s services is the provision of market entry support to foreign investors – assisting investors to
understand the options, processes and requirements for their Vietnam entry, and then delivering on the structural and
practical elements of this entry.
At Acclime, we have qualified licensing and advisory professionals who are experts in market entry services and are working
with businesses to make this journey as smooth as possible. If your organisation needs any support with any market entry
matters, our experts are ready support with further information on these.
Unit 504, Level 5, Hanoi Tower,
49 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem District
Level 3, Diamond Time Complex Building,
35 Thai Phien, Hai Chau District