Api 510
Api 510
Api 510
I 510 PRESTUDY GUIDE This guide has been prepared for use by itcSkills, and is intended to be used only by those attending theAPI 510 Examination Preparation Course.
This course is written by itcSkills and Codewest. This document represents a substantialinvestment of time and expense. It is provided to attendees of the course as the coursetext. It is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and Canadaand may not be copied without written permission from Schindler & Associates andCodewest. Do not copy or distribute this document. COPYRIGHT 2006, itcSkills, ANDCODEWEST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Introduction and What to Expect on the Actual Examination 1 Course Outline and Required Code Books 5 API 510 Body of Knowledge 7 API 510 Practice Questions 9 IRE II Practice Questions 13 RP 572 Practice Questions15 RP 576 Practice Questions18 ASME V NDE Practice Questions 20 Practice Math Problems 23 ASME VIII Div. 1 Practice Questions 26 ASME IX Practice Questions 31 Answers Keys to Practice Questions and Math Problems 34 Past Exam Questions Remembered by Ex-Students 52 Miscellaneous Quiz Questions 61
API 510 TRAINING COURSEPREPARATORY COURSE WORK Welcome to the pre-study guide for the June 2006 API 510 Training class. We are very pleased that youhave entrusted your training to us for this important examination, and we take this responsibility veryseriously. Our mission together is quite simple, and one which we will remain focused on until the day of your examination. Simply put, this mission is: ACHIEVE A PASSING GRADE ON THE API 510 EXAMINATION This is our only goal, and together, with diligence, patience, and hard work, I know that we will succeed inmaking this mission a reality. In this regard, this Preparatory Course is provided to help get you started and better prepared for the journey ahead. it consists of the following items: Course Outline Schedule and location information API 510 Body of Knowledge ASME/API Quiz ASME questions and 10 practice math questions that can be studied to prepare for theup-coming test Answer sheets for the Quizzes/Math Problems Actual past examination questions Remember! This is your examination and your training course. You will only get out of it what you arewilling to put into it. Therefore, if you do not complete this material, you will only be lowering your chances of successfully completing our mission. You must complete this Preparatory to increase your probability of passing the test! Please setaside time every day until class starts to study the material in this book. Please come to class as prepared as possible. it is very important to attend every class, complete allhomework assignments, and pay very strict attention to the classroom presentation. Again, your participation is the key ingredient to passing the test. Once again, we appreciate the opportunity to provide this training and we are willing to go the extra mileto ensure your success in the examination. Review the documents upon which the examination is based and become familiar with their layout. Behonest and identify your strong a weak areas so you can develop a study plan. Use the pre-study Guideas a tool to prepare for the course and then come prepared with questions.
FORMAT OF THE EXAMINATION The API 510 inspector certification examinations consist of objective multiple-choice questions coveringknowledge essential to the professional practice of inspecting in-service pressure vessels and processpiping. Each exam is constructed according to detailed test specifications. Each question has four alternative answers, only one of which is correct. The examinations contain 150 questions and are divided into two parts. Part 1 is open-book, andconsists of 35-45 questions, which can be answered using API and ASME reference material.Candidates will have 4 hours to complete Part 1. Part 2 is closed-book, and consists of 105115questions which must be answered without access to any reference material. Candidates will have 4hours to complete Part 2. A total of 8 hours is allowed to complete each exam. ADMISSION PROCEDURE If you application and fee is received before the deadline, and you meet the education and experiencerequirements set by API, you will be allowed to sit for the exam. You should receive notification of thetest site from the jurisdiction prior to the exam date. Please be aware of any special instructions that maybe included in the jurisdiction notification. Please report to the test site no later than 7:30 AM on the morning of the exam. Seating of candidates,distribution of test materials, and testing instructions will begin at 8:00 AM. Remember to allow adequatetravel time to find the testing site on the morning of the exam. On the morning of the exam, candidates should bring an appropriate form of picture identification bearingtheir signature. Examples of acceptable forms of ID are a drivers license, a passport, or an employeeidentification card. Social security cards are not acceptable. If you move or change your address, it is your responsibility to notify API and the jurisdiction of your newmailing address at least 4 weeks before the exam date so that your score report can reach you in a timelymanner. EXAMINATION PROCEDURES The testing time for each part of the exam is 4 hours. Additional time has been allowed for instructions. There is a one-hour lunch break scheduled after Part 1 of the exam, but if you completePart 1 before time is called, you may leave the testing room. However, you may not reenter theroom until Part 2 of the exam is about to begin. Candidates should bring some sharpened #2 pencils with erasers, a non-programmable calculator,and a set of API and ASME reference materials. Highlighting, underlining, page tabs, or written notesin the margins of the code books are acceptable. Note: API and ASME publications arecopyrighted material. Photocopies of these reference documents are not permitted in theexamination room. No loose notes, papers, or other books of any sort may be brought into the examination room. No test materials, documents, notes or memoranda of any sort are to be taken from the examinationroom. No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked during the testing period.Candidates should listen carefully to instructions given by the proctor. Candidates have the opportunity to comment on any question believed to be misleading or inaccurateat the end of the examination. A form for this purpose will be provided to candidates upon request.Be specific when commenting on a question as each comment will be individually reviewed by theExamination Committee. Individual responses to question comments will not be provided. Proctors are authorized to maintain secure and proper test administration procedures, includingrelocation of candidates. Candidates may not communicate with each other during the examination. SUGGESTIONS FOR TAKING THE EXAMINATION Answer the questions in order, but dont waste time on questions containing unfamiliar or difficultmaterial. You can come back to them later, time permitting. Make educated guesses at correct answers rather than leaving the answer spaces blank. The scoreon the test will be based on only the number of correct responses, with no penalty for wrong answers. Record your answers carefully on the separate answer sheet. The numbering of the questions in thetest booklet should match the numbering of the responses on the answer sheet. Should you change your mind on any answer, erase previously marked responses thoroughly.Multiple responses to a question will be scored as incorrect. Avoid making any stray marks on theanswer sheet.A criterion referenced passing score has been established by a panel of content experts usingappropriate standard setting procedures. The passing score for each administration of the API 510 and570 inspector certification examinations are based on a statistical equating process which adjusts for fluctuation in difficulty levels across different examinations. Equating ensures that candidates areevaluated according to the same competency standard from year to year.After each examination administration, individual test questions subject to comments from candidates areevaluated for their clarity and accuracy by the API Exam Construction Task Group prior to the gradingprocess. Questions determined to be ambiguous may be scored with multiple correct answers at nopenalty to the
candidates.Exams are scored using an automated system. Any grievance or requests for manual scoring must besubmitted in writing to API within 90 days after receipt of your score. Requests for manual scoring mustinclude a viable reason why your exam should be re-graded. There is a $50 fee for manual scoring of exams. Requests should be submitted to: American Petroleum Institute Industry Services Dept. Inspector Certification Programs 1220 L Street, NMWashington, D.C. 20005-4070 202-962-4739 (Fax) AFTER THE EXAM Approximately 8 weeks after the examination, candidates will receive score reports. These reports willcontain the date of the test administration, the title of the examination, the candidates name and address,the candidates identification number, the candidates total score, and the candidates subscores on eachof the content areas covered in the test. Should you pass the exam, you will receive a wallet card andcertificate approximately 6 weeks after notification of your score. Please do not call API for testresults; these results will not be given over the telephone. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS Candidates with special needs may request special testing arrangements by submitting, with their application; (a) a letter describing the basis for the need, such as a physical disability or cognitiveimpairment; (b) a detailed description of the type of accommodation, such as large print or extended time;and (c) written verification of the need, such as a letter or report from a licensed health professional. Therequest and its accompanying documentation should be sent to API with the application. There is noadditional charge for special accommodations. NOTES ON ROUNDING IN MATHEMATIC EQUATIONS API has not published a policy on rounding (either up or down) when calculations are performed as partof the examination, although they have been asked to publish this policy. The calculation answers arenormally far enough apart so that rounding does not usually present a problem. However, we can onlyinstruct based on (historically) what has worked best (so far). This is the rounding policy that will be usedduring this course (but may be modified on the exam by API): 1.) Thickness Calculations: Round to the third decimal place, and dont round-up/down. Example #1 - .0075 - is .007 - (same as on test) Example #2 - .0993 - is .099 - (may be shown as 0.100 on test) Example #3 - .9998 - is .999 - (may be shown as 1.00 on test) 2.) Pressure Calculations: Round to whole single digit as psi: Example #1 - 239.3 psi - is 239 psi (same as test) Example #2 - 1007.9 psi - is 1007 psi - (may be shown as 1008 psi on test) Example #3 - 999.99 psi - is 999 psi - (may be shown as 1,000 psi on test) 3.) Square Root - Do not round any number under a square root. Simply hit the square root button ( ) on the calculator and utilize that full number.
Required CODES & Standards for API 510 ICP Exam June 2006
You require the following Code Books for the course and examination. Make sure you have thecorrect editions and bring them with you. ASME 2001 Edition With 2002 & 2003 Addenda Section II, Materials, Part D, External Pressure Graphs We will give you these during the course Section V, Nondestructive ExaminationArticle 1, General RequirementsArticle 2, Radiographic ExaminationArticle 6, Liquid Penetrant ExaminationArticle 7, Magnetic Particle ExaminationArticle 23 SE-797 Only Section VIII, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Division IUG, General Requirements for All Methods of Construction and All MaterialsUW, Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by WeldingUCS, Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Carbon and Low Alloy SteelsUHT, Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Ferritic Steels With Tensile PropertiesEnhanced by Heat TreatmentAppendix 1, Supplementary Design FormulasAppendix 2, Rules for Bolted Flange Connections with Ring Type GasketsAppendix 3, DefinitionsAppendix 4, Rounded Indications Charts Acceptance Standard for Radiographically DeterminedRounded Indications in WeldsAppendix 6, Methods for Magnetic Particle Examination (MT)Appendix 8, Methods for Liquid Penetrant Examination (PT)Appendix 12, Ultrasonic Examination of Welds (UT) Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications, Part QW.API 510 Eighth Edition June 1997 Plus Addendum 1, 2, 3 and 4API 572 Second Edition February 2001 API 576 Second Edition December 2000 API 577 First Edition October 2004 API 577 First Edition December 2003 Only the Following Damage Mechanisms 4.2.3 Temper Embrittlement 4.2.7 Brittle Fracture 4.2.9 Thermal Fatigue 4.2.14 Erosion/Erosion-Corrosion 4.2.16 Mechanical Failure 4.3.2 Atmospheric Corrosion 4.3.3 Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) 4.3.4 Cooling Water Corrosion 4.3.5 Boiler Water Condensate Corrosion 4.4.2 Sulfidation 4.5.1 Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (Cl-SCC) 4.5.2 Corrosion Fatigue 4.5.3 Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking (Caustic Embrittlement) Wet H2S Damage (Blistering/HIC/SOHIC/SCC) High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA)
Note: If printing from CD-Roms or company Intranets check that the graphics and tablesprint completely, we have had candidates experience problems with these.
How Do I Prepare For Class? The API Body of Knowledge covers a lot of material and many inspectors do not becomeexposed to this on a regular basis. The course is intensive we do not apologize for this. Youpay a lot of money and we like high exam pass rates. First obtain all the listed documents and familiarize yourself with them. Analyze the areas of knowledge you think you are already strong in and then make a list of your weak areas. Note: the exam now contains a lot of Recommended Practices where closed book questions aredrawn from. You need to spend time reading and memorizing key issues from these documents. Do not leave it until the day before the course and then cram for hours it rarely works!! Try to set a period every day for the week before the course to look at the documents and thepractice information in this guide and try to solve the problems. Everyone is different but the more preparation you do the easier the class, the easier theexam. Make notes on areas you encounter difficulty with and be prepared to raise them in class. Weare there to help. What Do I Need To Bring To Class? All the codebooks listed. A non-programmable calculator preferably with large buttons. A Ruler Pens, Pencils, Eraser Questions.Any real world problems related to the subject its easier to relate the work directly to what youmay be encountering at work. The reminder of this text sets questions as you might meet in the examination. Use them as atool to help you find your way around the code books. Everybody learns in their own way, adopt a style that suits you. Frequent short study periodsare better than long intensive sessions as much of this material can be very boring PRACTICE QUESTIONS TO PREPARE FOR CLASS This section contains the following: API 510 Practice Questions RP 572 Practice Questions RP 576 Practice Questions ASME V and NDE Practice Questions ASME VIII Practice Math Questions (10) ASME VIII Practice Questions ASME IX Practice Questions Answer Sheets for the above Math Problems and Code References for the Answers to the PracticeQuestions.
API 510 PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1. The scope of API 510 covers? a. boilers b. pressure vessels c. power piping d. all the above
2. Name three types of pressure vessels and containers that are excluded from the requirements of API 510. 3. How is the MAWP determined for the continued use of a pressure vessel? 4. What type of examination is the most important? 5. What is the difference between an alteration and a repair? 6. Is the addition of an unreinforced nozzle an alteration or a repair? 7. When is field inspection of a new vessel not required? 8. Above ground vessels shall be given a visual external inspection at what interval? 9. Name three types of surface preparation that may be needed? 10. What is the maximum test/inspection interval permitted for pressure-relieving devices? 11. Define on-stream inspection. 12. Name four kinds of records that the owner/user must maintain for each pressure vessel? 13. Which of the following are considered to be repair organizations? a. holder of an ASME "S" stamp. b. owner or user who repairs his own equipment. c. a contractor whose qualifications are acceptable to the owner-user. d. a, b, c above. e. b, c above. 14. Define rerating. 15. How many years experience must a high school graduate have to qualify as an Owner-User Inspector under API 510? 16. Name five modes of deterioration. 17. When new vessels are placed into service or the service conditions are changed what are thethree methods for determining the probable rate of corrosion? 18. What other examination methods may be used to supplement the visual examinations? 19. Do you always have to remove insulation at the time of each external inspection? 20. When would removable internals need to be completely removed? 21. When may in service inspection be substituted for internal inspection. 22. What areas should be examined on riveted vessels? 23. Define uniform corrosion? 24. Name and describe four items that must be considered when the minimum actual thickness andmaximum corrosion rate are adjusted? 25. For a corroded area of considerable size in which circumferential stress governs the leastthickness along a critical element may be averaged over a length not exceeding? 26. Can large vessels with two or more zones of differing corrosion rates have each zone treatedindependently regarding inspection intervals?
27. List 15 features that must be covered in the owner-user quality assurance manual for pressurevessel inspection systems. 28. What is the efficiency factor to be used when determining the MAWP for a corroded area in thesolid material area of a vessel (away from a weld by greater than 1 or twice the materialthickness)? 29. How are the intervals between pressure-relieving device testing/inspection determined? 30. What is the maximum period between internal or on-stream inspections? 31. When an internal inspection is to be performed name at least five safety precautions that shouldbe taken before entering the vessel. 32. For buried vessels what is the basis for establishing the external inspection frequency? 33. Surfaces of shells and heads should be carefully examined for? 34. What three things must be done when the service conditions of a vessel are changed? 35. Repairs and alterations to pressure vessels are covered by API 510 provided what method isemployed? 36. When both ownership and location of a vessel are changed what must be done? 37. Is a pressure test required after each periodic inspection? 38. May fillet welded patches be used for repairs? 39. What are the minimum and maximum pressure test temperatures recommended by API 510? 40. When a pneumatic pressure test is to be performed, what are the additional examinationsrequired by the ASME Code prior to the test being performed? 41. When the pressure test pressure will exceed the settings of any safety relief valves or appurtenances what must be done? 42. Repair organizations that repair pressure relief valves are required to have what kind of a writtenprogram? 43. Name at least 9 topics that are part of a pressure relief valve repair organizations quality controlmanual? 44. In addition to the 16 topics covered in the pressure relief valve repair organizations qualityprogram, what additional requirement must be met? 45. What is the efficiency factor to be used when determining the MAWP for a corroded area in aweld? 46. What authorizations and approvals are required prior to the commencement of repairs or alterations? 47. What ASME Code section are welding procedures and welders qualified in accordance with? 48. What is the welding technique that is used as an alternative to PWHT for P-1 and P-3 materials? 49. When is a pressure test considered mandatory? 50. Is it permissible to substitute local PWHT for 360 degree banding on local repairs? 51. When local PWHT is substituted what are the four conditions that must be adhered to? 52. Define LT and ST Corrosion Rates? 53. When fillet welded patches are used for repairs what design considerations must be made? 54. What are the requirements that must be met when a pressure vessel is rerated? 55. Sketch the basic nameplate or stamping that is used for a rerated vessel. 56. What alternative method may be used to determine acceptability vessel walls when corrosion hasreduced the thickness below the minimum required wall thickness? 57. If a corroded area is found in the center portion of an ellipsoidal or torispherical head, whatformula would be used to calculate the minimum required thickness?
58. Which is the preferred method to use internal inspection or on-stream inspection? 59. Who must review and endorse the repair procedures used on stainless steel weld overlay andcladding? 60. For the controlled-deposition welding technique using SMAW, the weld area shall be maintainedat what temperature and for what minimum time after completion of the repair? (assuming 7018H4 electrodes are not used) 61. The repair area on stainless steel weld overlay and clad vessels constructed of P-3, P-4 or P-5base materials should have the base materials examined for what type defects and by whichNDE method? 62. When a pressure test is not performed following a repair or alteration what is required as asubstitute? 63. When is the controlled deposition welding method used (i.e., what additional testing is required?) 64. What is the minimum number of thickness measurements that must be taken on each vessel tosatisfy the internal or on-stream requirements? 65. When may widely scattered pitting be ignored? 66. Who must be consulted prior to repairs of cracks at high stress concentrations? 67. When there is a conflict between requirements specified in the ASME Code and API 510, whichdocument governs? 68. Do the requirements of API 510 apply to new construction of pressure vessels? 69. Materials for repairs or alterations shall conform to what requirements? 70. What are the two main elements of an RBI Program? 71. The RBI assessments must be reviewed and approved by whom, when used to increase or decrease inspection intervals? 72. Name some of the factors to be considered in an RBI Assessment. 73. When should rupture disks and vacuum-breakers be examined? 74. When is fitness-for-service used? 75. What is RP 579 and what does it cover? 76. By definition, what constitutes an industry-qualified UT Shearwave examiner? 77. What do each of the specific sections of RP 579 cover (Sections 4 11)? \78. Who selects the most appropriate corrosion rates to be used?
RP 572 PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1. What is the most common material used in the construction of pressure vessels? 2. Inspection of external parts while the unit is in service should be made when? 3. When should new vessels be inspected? 4. How would you check the thickness of metallic linings? 5. Name three shell types for heat exchangers? 6. What are three materials that provide corrosion resistant surfaces in pressure vessels? 7. List the safety precautions that must be taken prior to entering a pressure vessel? 8. Prior to 1956 what pressure vessel construction code was used by refineries? 9. What are common internal corrodents? 10. List three visual signs of the application of faulty fabrication? 11. List at least three problems that can occur from using faulty materials? 12. What are the purpose of guy wires? 13. The frequency with which a pressure vessel should be inspected depends on what factors? 14. When is a service history record established? 15. Name three opportunities when inspections are possible? 16. What should the Inspector do before starting the inspection of a pressure vessel, particularly onein severe service? 17. Is it necessary to remove all surface deposits for an inspection? Give reasons. 18. Is it necessary to remove internals completely during an inspection? Why? 19. What is hydriding? 20. When is it allowable to use the average thickness of a corroded area? 21. What are two common materials used for tubesheets? 22.What are the basic reasons for inspection? 23. What is the primary cause of deterioration in pressure vessels? 24. List six of the tools used in the inspection of a pressure vessel? 25. When inspecting a pressure vessel externally what should the inspection start with? 26. Briefly describe the items to be checked when externally inspecting the following equipment: a. foundations and supports b. Nozzles c. steel supports
27. Upon what will the number of thickness readings taken depend? 28. Name the principal strip-lining methods used in refinery vessels? 29. What must every pressure vessel manufacturer prepare in order to obtain the ASME CodeCertificate of Authorization? 30. In addition to checking for corrosion on an external inspection name three other items to checkfor? 31. What two methods of inspection are used when all the tubes in a bundle are to be checkedinternally for through-wall defects or thinning? 32. Name two ways to check the profile of a pressure vessel?
33. What would be inspected by hammer testing? 34. Briefly describe how you would make a detailed internal inspection of a pressure vessel? 35. What are the three most important factors to consider when checking metallic linings? 36. What types of nonmetallic linings are commonly used? 37. On what two factors does the degree of internal surface preparation depend? 38. What should be accomplished during the preliminary visual inspection? 39. Name three methods of measuring metal thickness? 40. When should hammer testing be used and when is it not recommended? 41. What inspection techniques are used to inspect nonmetallic linings? 42. To whom should general inspection reports be sent? 43. Describe briefly the steps to perform a hydrostatic test of a pressure vessel? 44. What test method would be used for testing a vacuum vessel for leaks? 45. What metallurgical changes would you be inspecting for and what tests would be used todetermine each change? 46. What is the retiring thickness of a part? 47. Name three conditions that will result in excess thickness of a pressure vessel shell? 48. When should a pressure test be applied to a repair? 49. What code would you use to determine the minimum thickness required for pressure vesselaccessories such as trays and supports? 50. Briefly describe the repair method to be used for cracks? 51. What are the three types of records that should be kept in the record file? 52. Copies of completed reports recommending repairs should be distributed to whom? 53. What should the repair reports contain? 54. When an exchanger is removed from service what test is recommended prior to dismantling? 55. What basic data should each type of file contain? 56. What data should the continuous files contain? 57. Sketch an exchanger with two fixed tube sheets. (BEM) 58. What is the first step in inspecting a tube bundle? 59. How are thin spots in tubes determined? 60. How are scattered pits best repaired? 61. Some jurisdictions require the repair firm to possess what authorization to perform the repair? 62. Name three likely locations of corrosion on tubes in a tube bundle? 63. What would be checked during the visual inspection of an extended plate exchanger? 64. What must be done to the finned tubes of an air-cooled exchanger before starting an inspection? 65. Where is erosion-corrosion of tubes most prevalent in an air-cooled exchanger? 66. Define a pressure vessel?
67. List four methods of construction used on pressure vessels. 68. Improper heat treatment can be caused by? 69. What two NDE methods are now primarily used to measure thickness? 70. How can the extent of surface cracking be determined? 71. The selection of thickness measuring tools depends on what five factors?
RP576 PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1. Briefly describe the following relief devices: a. safety valve rupture disk b. relief valve c. safety relief valve d. pilot operated safety relief valve e. balanced safety relief valvef.
2. What should be checked during a visual on-stream inspection of a relieving device? 3. List three applications for a rupture disk? 4. What are three reasons for inspecting relieving devices? 5. What is a primary consideration used to establish the inspection frequency of relieving devices? 6. There are three basis for establishing the frequency of shop inspections/overhauls. What is eachand briefly describe? 7. What inspections and testing should be done on new relieving device installations? 8. An on-stream inspection of a relieving device should be done on what intervals? 9. What is the ideal time to perform inspections of relieving devices? 10. What should be done after extended shutdowns with relieving devices left on a unit? 11. Following reassembly of the relieving device what tests should be done? 12. What is the principle objective in keeping records of safety relieving devices? 13. What precautions should be observed when inspecting pressure relief devices? 14. What service information should be contained in the history of a relieving device? 15. Name three applications for safety valves? 16. What medium is normally used to test relieving devices in the shop test block? 17. Briefly describe the shop test block used for testing with air? Make a sketch. 18. What should be done immediately after the removal of HF relief devices that will be sent to theshop? 19. List the nine points that should be visually checked during the dismantle of a relieving device? 20. Prior to the start of dismantling what test should be performed and why? 21. During the relieving device test after reassembly what two items are to be checked? 22. What basic information should the Specification Record contain? 23. What data should the Historical Record contain? 24. List six causes of improper performance in relieving devices? 25. When are resilient valve seats used?
26. What should be done with connecting piping and block valves before disconnecting relief valves? 27. What should be done before relief lines are opened to the atmosphere? 28. What are two types of hydrocarbon that can cause plugging or sticking? 29. List two limitations for each of the following pressure relief devices: a. safety valve rupture disk b. relief valve c. safety relief valve d. pilot operated safety relief valve e. balanced safety relief valvef.
30. Rupture disks should not be re-used after dismantling of the rupture disk device, even if they aresound and have not ruptured, why?
ASME CODE SECTION V The following articles fall within the scope of the examination and should be studied: Article 2 Radiographic Examination, excluding Appendices I, II and III Article 6 Liquid Penetrant Examination Article 7 Magnetic Particle Examination, concentrate on the prod and yoke methods only. In the day to day inspection activities nondestructive examinations are used and the API Inspector musthave both an understanding of the practical applications as well as the specific requirements. It is not necessary for the API Inspector to have the in-depth knowledge of the SNT-TC-IA Level IIExaminer for the nondestructive methods but should know where in the ASME Code to find therequirements. ASME SECTION V AND NDE PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1. Which NDE methods are required to have written procedures? 2. To what standard are NDE personnel to be qualified? 3. Describe how a check of backscattered radiation is performed? 4. What permanent identification must appear on the radiograph? 5. How is density monitored? 6. Deleted. 7. What are the IQI thickness and hole sizes for a number 30 IQI? 8. What are the two radiographic exposure techniques permitted by the Code? 9. An IQI is an abbreviation for _____________________ ? 10. Deleted 11. Deleted 12. Is geometric unsharpness an essential variable when radiographing welds in pressure vessels toASME VIII? 13. For single wall viewing source side markers shall be used on what components? 14. The IQI is normally placed on thea. source sideb. film side 15. Where is the lead letter "F" placed when film side IQIs are used? 16. A circumferential seam is to radiographed as a single exposure, what are the minimum number of IQIs to be used? 17. Shims are used when a radiographing__________________? 18. When viewing single film radiographs made with an X-ray source what is the minimum andmaximum permitted density? 19. It is required to radiograph a steel plate with a weld. The plate thickness is 7/16 inch and the weldreinforcement is 1/16 inch. What source side IQI is required and what is the essential hole 20. Are intensifying screens permitted by ASME Code Section VIII Div. 1? 21. For which NDE methods are there alternative personnel qualification requirements in SectionVIII? 22. What is the permitted density variation anywhere through the area of interest? 23. What minimum RT detail information must be provided to the Inspector along with theradiographic film? 24. The initial PT procedure shall contain what information? 25. Deleted. 26. Deleted.
27. Deleted 28. Deleted 29. Deleted 30. Deleted 31. Where is the IQI placed when radiographing a weld? 32. When using penetrant materials on nickel base alloys, austenitic stainless steels and titaniumwhat certifications must be obtained? 33. Deleted 34. Deleted? 35. Where are wire IQIs always placed? 36. Liquid penetrant examinations detect discontinuities that are: a. slightly subsurface b. open to the surface c. both a and b
37. What are the essential variables that when changed in a PT procedure may require a newprocedure to be prepared? 38. List the two types of penetrants and the three basic penetrant processes? 39. Deleted 40. What is the term penetrant materials meant to cover? 41. The acceptance tolerance for the MT units ammeter shall be that the reading shall not deviate bymore than _______% of full scale relative to the actual current value as shown by the test meter? 42. Describe briefly the basic steps in making a liquid penetrant examination? 43. What is considered to be the standard temperature range for liquid penetrant examination? 44. What is the retention time for radiographic film and reports for radiography performed onpressure vessels? 45. To remove excess penetrant after the penetration time has elapsed for the solvent removablepenetrant is it permissible to flush the test piece gently with solvent then wipe it dry? 46. The magnetic particle examination method can detect:a. near surface discontinuitiesb. surface discontinuitiesc. both a and b above 47. Final interpretation shall be made not less than ___________minutes after the developer is dry? 48. What are the two types of radiation sources used in radiography? 49. What are the acceptance standards for liquid penetrant examinations of welds in pressurevessels? 50. The written procedure for the magnetic particle examination shall contain what minimuminformation? 51. List the five techniques for magnetic particle examination? 52. Each piece of magnetizing equipment with an ammeter shall be calibrated at what frequency? 53. What is the acceptance criteria for the lifting power of yokes when they are checked annually? 54. What are the acceptance standards for magnetic particle examinations of welds in pressurevessels? 55. Any imperfection that causes an indication in excess of ______% DAC shall be investigated? 56. What is the minimum light intensity for visible MT examination?
ASME CODE SECTION VIII, DIVISION 1 The examination concentrates mainly on the math problems, which accounts for 20% of the total possiblegrade. While it is important to study the entire Code the emphasis should be placed on a completeunderstanding of the various formulas and their application in solving the five examination mathproblems. A thorough study must be made of the following paragraphs: 1. UG-27 Thickness of Shells Under Internal Pressure. 2. UG-28 Thickness of Shells and Tubes Under External Pressure. 3. UG-32 Formed Heads and Sections, Pressure on the Concave Side. 4. UG-34 Unstayed Flat Heads and Covers (Formula 1 only). 5. UG-37 Reinforcement Required for Openings in Shells and Formed Heads. 6. UG-116 Required Marking. 7. UW-11 Radiographic and Ultrasonic Examination. 8. UW-12 Joint Efficiencies. 9. Appendix 1, 1-1 Thickness of Cylindrical and Spherical Shells. 10. Appendix 10 When solving math problems whether for the examination or for actual work situations a few simple rulesare necessary. 1. Make a diagram of the problem. 2. List the given values. 3. Derive any values not given. 4. Show formula to be used including source designation. 5. Enter all factors into formula and make calculation. 6. Check calculation for errors. 7. State conclusion. The examination math problems are normally based on the concept that the vessel or vessel part hasbeen in service. This means that there are no original design questions to consider. Under these circumstances there are certain basic points that must be understood when solving the mathproblems. These are: 1. Efficiencies are determined by the extent of radiography, type of joint and the application of TableUW-12, UW-11(a)(5)(b) and UW-12(d) as applicable. 2. When determining allowable pressure or thickness in corroded conditions for cylindrical shells or pipe the inside radius is taken at the bottom of the corroded area exclusive of corrosionallowance. 3. When solving a problem to determine t min for use in a remaining life problem the inside radius touse is the original radius increased by the amount of corrosion allowance specified in theproblem. 4. Radii may have to be adjusted depending on the existence of corrosion allowances. Unlessspecifically stated otherwise in the problem corrosion allowance is assumed to be "0". 5. Static head is to be considered only when the problem gives relevant height or other data,otherwise it is assumed to be "0". The following are some typical math problems which cover each of the formulas that you will study QUESTION: 1 During the inspection of a horizontal pressure vessel a corroded area was found on the inside surface,the thickness at the point was measured to be .906 inches thick. Checking the ASME Data Report for thevessel it was found that the shell plate was 1-1/4 inch purchased thickness, 48 inch inside diameter, of SA-516 Gr. 70 material, the shell was rolled and welded using a type 1 longitudinal seam with fullradiographic examination. No corrosion allowance was specified. The MAWP is 600 psig at 300 F. Allopenings in the vessel are fully reinforced, welded connections. S is 17500. As the Inspector what position would you take with regard to this area of thinned shell? (Show your calculations upon which you based your decision.) QUESTION: 2 A vessel has fixed tube sheets with 40, 4 inch outside diameter by 0.120 inch minimum wall thicknesstubes of SA-192 material installed between tubesheets. The total unsupported length is 72 inches. Thevessel is stamped 500 psig at 400 F.on the shell side. Do these tubes comply with Code requirements? QUESTION: 3
A seamless 2:1 elliptical head on a horizontal pressure vessel is found by inspection to have a minimumthickness of 7/8 inch. The nameplate shows a MAWP of 500 psi at 600 degrees. The vessel has not beenradiographed and the Data Report shows that UW-11(a)(5)(b) has not been applied. The inside length of the major axis is 42 inches. The material is SA-516 Grade 60, S = 15,000. Must the MAWP be reduced? QUESTION: 4 A seamless flat circular head, attached to a cylinder as shown in Fig. UG-34(b-1), has been subjected tocorrosion near the center of the head which has reduced the thickness below acceptable limits. Thereduced area is to be restored by weld buildup. The head is made of SA-105 material, S = 17500 with aninside diameter d of 36 inches. The hydrostatic head acting on the flat head is 10 psig. From thenameplate, the MAWP is 550 psi at 475 F and RT-3 is the extent of radiography. What is the minimumrequired thickness of the head after the weld buildup has been completed? QUESTION: 5 A vessel is to be altered to add a new nozzle to a cylindrical shell. The Engineer has provided thefollowing information: P= 605 psig design pressure t= 3.0 in. vessel thickness E1= 1 for vessel and nozzle tn= 1.5 in. nozzle thickness d= 12 in. nozzle inside diameter h= 0 in. internal nozzle projection Outward nozzle weld leg = 1 in. See Fig. UW-16.1(e) for mounting. Does this nozzle have adequate reinforcement to meet Code without additional reinforcement? F = 1 unitless (Fig. 37) R = 36 in. inside vessel radius c = 0 in. corrosion allowance S= 15,000 psi vessel Sn= 15,000 psi nozzle
QUESTION: 6 A hydrostatic test is to be performed on a pressure vessel using the same methodology as required bySection VIII, Div. 1 Code where the MAWP is 725 psig at 700 F. The vessel is a single chamber vesselconstructed of SA-516 Gr. 70 or equal materials. Sd= 16600, St= 17500. Describe the hydrostatic testalong with the required test pressure. (Show your calculations.) QUESTION: 7 Calculate the pneumatic test pressure and describe the pressure test for a vessel of SA-515 Gr 60, S =15000, with a temperature of 450 F and an MAWP of 800 psig. The MDMT is 100 F. QUESTION: 8 A welded nozzle is installed into a vessel shell using two fillet welds as shown in Figure UW-16.1(i). Thenozzle thickness tn = 0.75 in., the shell thickness t = 1.5 in., t1= 0.5 in., and t2= 0.375 inch. Does the asmeasured weld throat dimension meet Code requirements? QUESTION: 9 A pressure vessel shell with the following characteristics is to have a plate replaced using SA-515-70material. Minimum thickness 1.125" Inside radius 30" E 1.00 MAWP 641 psig @ 300 F. PWHT Applied to original vessel but not mandatory MDMT -20 F. S 17500 Ratio of design stress 1.00 to allowable tensile stress Does the replacement plate require impact testing? QUESTION: 10 A vertical pressure vessel is to be hydrostatically tested for an MAWP of 125 psi. Two pressure gages willbe used to monitor pressure. One is placed at the top of the vessel at the 175 ft. The other is placed atthe 25 ft. level. Stress ratio is 1.0 for the materials. As the Inspector you are to read the test pressuregauge at the 25 ft level. What pressure reading would you expect to observe? The following general knowledge areas of Section VIII, Division 1 must be studied as a basis for answering the quiz questions. These areas are: 1. U-1 through U-3, Introduction.
2. UG-4 through UG-46. 3. UG-55 through UG-100. 4. UG-102 through UG-120. 5. UW-1 through UW-60. 6. UCS-1 through UCS-115. 7. Appendices 1-1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, L, and W.
ASME SECTION VIII DIVISION 1 PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1. The ASME Code used for the construction of pressure vessels is: a. Section I b. Section IV c. Section VIII, Division 1
2. When designing pressure vessels containing cast material what corrections are required to bemade to the allowable stress values? 3. Material subject to stress due to pressure shall conform to:a. ASTM standardsb. API-ASME specificationsc. ASME Section II, with specified limitations 4. Can material that is not identified with one of the permitted specifications in Section VIII beaccepted as meeting the requirements of a permitted specification? 5. Define minimum design metal temperature? 6. The design formulas in Section VIII address what loadings? 7. When calculating the required thickness or internal design pressure of a cylindrical shell theformula most commonly used considers: a. circumferential stress b. longitudinal stress c. both a and b
8. What is the minimum thickness permitted for shells and heads? 9. A torispherical head on a vessel must be replaced, what formula would apply if the knuckle radiusis 6% of the inside crown radius? 10. What are the two methods of calculating the MAWP for a convex head with the pressure on theconvex side? 11. An circular unstayed flat head is to be replaced on a pressure vessel. The head is similar to thatshown in Figure UG-34(h). What formula would you use and what "C" factor would apply? 12. What product forms are required to have a material test report or certificate of compliance? 13. Welding materials must be provided with a Certified Test Report or a Certificate of Compliance?True or False 14. What Code paragraph addresses Quick Actuating Closures? 15. Are openings in pressure vessels limited to only those of circular shape? If not, If no, what are thepermitted shapes? 16. What classes of vessels are not considered to be within the scope of Section VIII Division 1? 17. Certain openings that are not subject to rapid fluctuation do not require reinforcement other thanthat inherent in the construction. What are the size limitations for these openings? 18. When calculating the required thickness of vessel and nozzle walls to determine the requiredreinforcement what "E" factor is used? 19. On what theory is the reinforcement of openings based? 20. What are the limits of reinforcement measured parallel to and normal to the vessel wall? 21. Can credit be taken for reinforcement material having an allowable stress value higher than thatof the vessel wall? 22. UG-41(b) requires that strength calculations be made for certain welded nozzle configurations.Which configurations are exempt from these strength calculations? 23. Nozzle necks other than those for access openings and openings for inspection require specialattention regarding their required thickness. Where are these requirements found and brieflyexplain their application?
24. A replacement torispherical head of P-No. 1, Group No. 1 material is required for a low alloy steelvessel. The head thickness before forming is 1 inch and the knuckle radius is 3 inches. The headis to be formed at 8000F. Does this head require heat treating after forming? 25. When nozzles are welded into a pressure vessel what must be done to the exposed insideedges? 26. What are the requirements for identification of material at the completion of a newly constructedpressure vessel? 27. What is the maximum out of roundness permitted for any shell cross section? 28. Under what conditions may the out of roundness tolerance exceed the 1% value? 29. What are the shape tolerances that apply to torispherical and ellipsoidal heads? 30. What is the difference between RT 1 and RT 2? 31. The material specifications specify either a material test report or a certificate of compliance.What is the difference between the two? 32. When a pressure part is to be welded to a flat plate thicker than 1/2 inch to form a corner jointsome additional examinations must be made. Where are these requirements found? 33. Define Maximum Allowable Working Pressure for a completed vessel and a part of a vessel? 34. All pressure vessels for external pressure service must have stiffener rings installed?True or False 35. When determining the minimum required hydrostatic test pressure what correction factor must betaken into account? 36. Non pressure parts that are welded to a vessel shall meet what criteria? 37. What is the minimum and maximum range permitted for dial indicating test gages? 38. When openings are to pass through welded joints what additional provisions apply? 39. Is there any upper limit on the hydrostatic test pressure that is applied to a vessel? 40. Sketch a typical form of stamping with the following data included: X Y Z Company MAWP 400 psi @ 3500F MDMT - 200F @ 400 psi Serial No. 12345 Vessel completed 4-25-91 Welded main seams Vessel completely spot radiographed 41. What are the markings that can be applied to the stamping for vessels that have beenradiographed? 42. A carbon steel vessel has a required thickness of 3/16 inch. The shell is seamless and the vesselis stamped RT3. Must additional corrosion allowance be provided? 43. You are reviewing the stamping on a vessel and note that the extent of radiography is RT 3. Thevessel was constructed in the year 1994. What "E" factor would you use when calculating theshell and head thicknesses if type 1 joints were used? 44. What special service conditions are applicable in Section VIII and where are they found? 45. What are the four weld joint categories? 46. What is the mandatory minimum test temperature that shall be used during a hydrostatic or apneumatic pressure test? 47. Category defines: a. location of joint b. type of joint
48. You are welding a seamless torispherical head to a seamless shell. To be able to allow the fullallowable stress value on the head what must be done to the weld joint? 49. Do butt welds in nozzles and communicating chambers that neither exceed NPS 10 nor 1-1/8inch wall thickness in a lethal vessel require any radiographic examination? 50. Sketch an example of a Type 1 and Type 2 weld joint? 51. A nozzle neck is to be replaced. What are the requirements for determining the correct weld sizesfor partial penetration welds?
52. You are reviewing the stamping on a pressure vessel and find two nameplates, one of which isfor a part. What would you expect to find when you are reviewing the Manufacturer's Data Reportfor the vessel? 53. What is the permitted alignment tolerance when joining a torispherical head to a seamless shellwith both having a section thickness of 9/16 inch? 54. A finished Category B joint with a nominal thickness of 1-1/16 inch has a maximum reinforcementof 9/32 inch. Does this meet Code requirements? 55. You are replacing the head on a vessel constructed in 1994. The Data Report shows the materialto be SA-516 Grade 60 not normalized. The nominal thickness is 1-1/2 inch. What would be theMDMT for this material considering the required thickness times E*equals the nominal thicknessminus corrosion allowance? 56. You are replacing the bolting on a vessel with SA-193 Grade B5 bolts. The MDMT is - 210F. Isimpact testing required? 57. You must replace the reinforcing plate around a nozzle. What is the requirement regarding thesize of the telltale hole? 58. To utilize SWPs, additional controls must be added to what document? 59. What alternatives to SNT-TC-1A are allowed for personnel qualifications for radiographers or UToperators? 60. What are the minimum sizes permitted for elliptical or obround manways or circular manways?
ASME CODE SECTION IX A good general knowledge of Section IX is required to evaluate the acceptability of a Welding ProcedureSpecification (WPS) its qualifying Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) and the Welders PerformanceQualification Record (WPQ). The actual examination is limited to the welding portion of the Code only andto the processes shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), gas metal arcwelding (GMAW) and submerged arc welding (SAW). No more than one process will be included on aWPS, PQR or WPQ. A technical knowledge of welding such as that held by a welding engineer or technician is not necessaryto perform the evaluation of the WPS, PQR and WPQ or to answer any of the quiz questions or those onthe examination. The evaluation consists of four separate phases which are: 1. Are all of the essential, supplemental essential variables when applicable and nonessentialvariables as required by the process addressed on the Welding Procedure Specification and arethere any errors or incompatibilities? 2. Are all the essential and supplemental essential variables when applicable as required by theprocess recorded on the Procedure Qualification Record and are there any other errors or incompatibilities? 3. Are all the required essential variables addressed for the qualification of the welder and areactual values and qualified ranges recorded and are they correct or do incompatibilities exist? Some examples of suspect data is as follows: 1. Base material specification and P-No. that are not compatible. 2. Welding material classification and F-No. that are not compatible. 3. Root gap and use of retainers is required to be addressed but is missing. 4. Tensile test specimen sizes, areas, ultimate unit stresses do not meet requirements. 5. Incorrect type or size of bend specimens. 6. An actual value for a welders essential variable is or is not given but no range qualified isindicated. A study of the following areas of Section IX is required: 1. Part QW a) Article I - Welding General Requirements. b) Article II - Welding Procedure Qualification: 1) Excluding QW 202.4(1).
2) Limited to P-Nos. 1, 3, 5, and 8 base materials. 3) Excluding special welding processes. c) Article III - Welding Performance Qualification. d) Article IV - Welding Data: 1) Excluding QW-462.5 through .11. 2) Excluding QW-470. You will be given several sample WPSs and PQRs to review during the course. The followingcomprehensive quiz on ASME Section IX will help you prepare for that portion of the presentation
ASME CODE SECTION IX PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1. If a performance qualification is made on a groove weld in a pipe over 24" in the 3G test positionfor what position(s) is the welder qualified? 2. What is the purpose of the WPS and PQR combination? 3. The performance qualification of a welder/welding operator shall expire when no welding isperformed in the process for what period of time? 4. If a tension test specimen breaks in the base metal outside of the weld or fusion zone what arethe acceptance criteria? 5. When corrosion resistant weld overlay cladding is not a factor would a 1/16" open defect beacceptable for a guided bend specimen? 6. What is the purpose of a WPS? 7. Pipe diameter is not an essential variable for a welder under the GMAW process? 8. Under what conditions can a PQR be revised? 9. Does procedure qualification on a 1-1/2" thick base metal qualify the procedure to be used torepair groove welds and to make weld buildups on base metal thicknesses no exceeding 8"? 10. 1G and 6G are test positions or positions for which a welder is qualified? 11. Groove design and retainers are essential variables for the SMAW process? 12. Anyone can supervise the welders making procedure and performance test coupons? 13. Performance test coupons are required to be visually examined to confirm complete jointpenetration and fusion? 14. The base metals and filler metals used during qualification do not have to be one or more of those listed in the WPS? 15. Can an existing PQR be used to support a newly written WPS? 16. Can organizations with two or more companies having different names exchange WPS's andPQR's? 17. The WPS specifies a single V groove design. Can the PQR use a double V groove to qualify theWPS? 18. For what processes and P-No.'s may welders be alternatively qualified by radiographicexamination? 19. When and immediate retest is made following failure of the visual examination how many testcoupons are required for each position which failed? 20. If a welder/welding operator has left the employ of an organization and has not welded for aperiod of five years what are the qualification renewal requirements? 21. If QW-404.15 is shown as a variable can a welder who has welded F-No. 4 filler metal withoutbacking also weld F-No's 3, 2 and 1 without backing? 22. Multiple reduced section specimens can be used for tension tests on thicknesses not exceeding1 inch?
23. If QW-406.1 is shown as a variable and the preheat temperature qualified was 3500F, would apreheat of 4520F require requalification? 24. When are longitudinal bend specimens permitted to be used? 25. What is the minimum specified tensile strength of the following base metals: a) SA-53 Type F b) SA336 Type F3V
26. If a welder uses a P-No. 1 material for a qualification test coupon what base metals is he qualifiedto weld? 27. Can a welder who has passed the required tests for groove welds make fillet in all thicknessesand pipe diameters of any size? 28. What ASME Specification and F-No. is the filler metal E-6010? 29. What are the procedure qualification bend test requirements for a 3/8" test coupon? 30. Is the term N/A addressing and essential or nonessential variable? 31. How many tension test specimens are required to qualify a welder? 32. If a 2-7/16" OD test coupon is welded by a welder what is the minimum and maximum outsidediameters qualified? 33. If a filler metal is A-No. 1 what elements must be shown on the analysis? 34. What is the specimen width of a tension test reduced section - plate?
API RP 577 This document is supplemental to ASME Section IX and there is a lot of duplication. Areas to concentrateon are those bits not covered in ASME Section IX.
API RP 571 Make sure you review the damage mechanisms listed at the beginning of this pre study guide for your examination and only study those mechanisms. Concentrate on key data about how, where and when thedamage occurs. Critical temperatures, pH etc are common key questions.
ANSWER KEYS The references listed below for the written questions are where the answers to the quizzes can be found. API 510 1. 1.1 2. Appendix A 3. 5.4 4. 5.5 5. 3.1 and 3.15 6. 3.1 7. 6.1 8. 6.3 9. 5.5 10. 6.6 11. 3.11 12. 6.7 13. 3.15
14. 3.16 15. App. B 16. 5.2 17. 5.3 18. 5.5 19. 6.3 20. 5.5 21. 6.4 22. 5.6 23. 5.7 24. 5.7 25. 5.7 26. 6.4 27. 4.3 28. 5.7 29. 6.6 30. 6.4 31. 5.1 32. 6.3 33. 5.6 34. 6.4 35. 7.1 36. 6.4 37. 6.5 38. 7.2.7 39. 6.5 40. 6.5 41. 6.5 42. 6.6 43. 6.6 44. 6.6 45. 5.7 46. 7.1 47. 7.2
48. 49. 6.5 50. 7.2.5 51. 7.2.5 52. 6.4 53. 7.2.7 54. 7.3 55. 7.3 56. 5.7 57. 5.7 58. 6.4 59. 7.2.6 60. 61. 7.2.6 62. 7.2.10 63. 64. 6.4 65. 5.7 66. 7.1 67. 3.2 68. 3.2 69. 7.2 70. 6.2 71. 6.2 72. 6.2 73. 6.6 74. 3.20 75. 5.8 76. 3.21 77. 5.8 78. 6.4 RP572 1. 4.3 2. 9.2 3. 9.3
4. 10.4.5 5. Figure A-11 6. 4.3 7. 10.2.1 8. Section 5 9. 8.2 10. 8.5 11. 8.5 12. 10.3.7 13. 9.1 14. 9.1 15. 9.2 16. 10.1 17. 10.1 18. 10.1 19. 8.3.7 20. 10.5 21. 4.3 22. 7.1 23. 8.2 24. 10.2.2 25. 10.3.2 26. 10.3.3, 10.3.6, 10.3.8 27. 10.5 28. Figure 4 29. Section 5 30. 10.3.13 31. A.9.1 32. 10.3.13 33. 10.8.1 34. 10.4 35. 10.4.5 36. 10.4.6 37. 10.4.2
38. 10.4.3 39. 10.5 40. 10.8.1 41. 10.4.6 42. 12.2 43. 10.8.2 44. 10.8.2 45. 10.7 46. 10.9 47. 10.9 48. Section 11 49. 10.9 50. Section 11 51. 12.1 52. 12.2 53. 12.2 54. 10.8.3 55. 12.1 56. 12.1 57. Figure A-11 58. A.9.1 59. A.9.1 60. Section 11 61. Section 11 62. A.9.2 63. A.11 64. A.12 65. A.12 66. 3.7 67. 4.2 68. 8.5.3 69. 10.5 70. 10.4.4 71. 10.5
RP576 1. 4.2 4.9 2. 6.3 3. 4.9.2 4. 6.1 5. 6.4 6. 7. 6.5.2 8. 6.4.2 9. 6.5.1 10. 6.5.4 11. 6.2.14 6.2.21 12. 7.1 13. 6.2.1 14. 7.2 15. 4.2.1 16. B.2 17. Figure B-1 18. 6.2.5 19. 6.2.9 20. 6.2.8 21. 6.2.14 6.2.15 22. 7.2 23. 7.2 24. 5.1 5.10 25. 4.3 26. 6.2.4 27. 6.2.4 28. 5.5 29. 4.2 4.9 30. 6.2.21
4. T-224 5. T-225 6. Deleted 7. Table T-233.1 8. T-271 9. T-276 or T-23310. Deleted11. Deleted12. T-285 & Section VIII, UW-51(a)(3)13. T-275.114. T-277.115. T-277.1(b)16. T-277.2(b)(1)17. T277.318. T-282.119. T-276.2(a) & Table T-27620. T-23221. Section VIII, Appendices 6 & 822. T-282.223. T-291, T-292 & Section VIII UW51(a)(1)24. T-621.125. Deleted26. Deleted27. Deleted28. Deleted29. Deleted30. Deleted31. Deleted32. T-64133. Deleted34. Deleted