Jobs Ash 2024july23

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-{ccredited .
(A Cenkal Universtty by
N.IAC in
' .,1++ cmde
Act ofparliament)
269817 t7
Maulaoa Mohammed
\ilrhqr f*fuqr
Ali Jauhar Marg, New Delhi- | 10025
Fax 9l-lt-26988846 '---.*l-
E-€rrkeTr E-mail [email protected] r-? | ,.,
( sftfa-aar{ER ddtq ftraftmerc
ridrar rirriq-{ rd ulrr araf , d Rd_r r oozs
1 Wet site
Ileprnnrent 0f Applicd Scicrrcu & llunrtrririei dldtftd h-drd gi dratrd fuxrn gt"y*,6v j*,,-.:
Faculty of Engineering and Technotogli 3iftq'ih$ si *ders rniq ,!r6\,J-E\;;tf
Iuly 23,2024

The following candidates have been shodlisted for interview for the position of Assistant Professor
ContractuaVGuest Teacher in Engineering Mathematics, vide Local Advertisement No . 02/2024-25 dated

S. No. Name of Candidate Father's/ Husband's Name

I Pooja Sharma Vijender Pal Sharma
2 Shikha Mittal Sagar Mittal
3 Ahmad Zama Khan Idrees Ahmad Khan
4 Atiya Perveen TauseefAhmad
5 Iftikhar Iqrar Husain
6 Aisha Jabeen Usman Umar
7 Meraj Ahmad R.A. Warsi
8 Himanshu Dharam Veer
9 Mohd. Saif Abdul Hannan
t0 Mohammad Prawesh Alam Wakeel Ahmad
l1 Sabahat Ali Khan Firasat Ali Khan
t2 Mohd. Jubair Nafees Ahmad
13 Md. Shamim Akhter Md. Farman Alam
l4 Uzma Nigar Azaz Khan
t< -tlz*rlti+tar--{(han
16 Mohammad Javed Alam Ali
t7 Mohabbat Ali Himmat Ali
18 Mohd. Shadab Munawwar Khan
t9 Ahmad Raza Mohd. Ahmad
20 Saima Jabee Mohd. Abid
2l Talat Parveen Abdul Dawan

The candidates are required to appear before the Local Selection Committee for interview on 29"t July,2024
at 10:00 a.m. onwards in the Office of the Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering &
Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia. New Delhi-110025. Applicants are required to report at 09.30 p.m. and
bring their original cerlificates/all relevant documents for verification. There will be no TAiDA paid for
attendine the interview.

,iJ. Fjrfi q1. r,T;l / Prof Zis.r:n H iirrn

lirit.i-,i+i / HeaC
rlr.lF i:.: i (] :i G. i.t1 /i ..c I
-'.,iPlJl'..1 ,ti': t:
irfii{ ilii.rlii 'i'iil,'li, ri: I ,

,ii,|i: l. i,r,,'a, il .
Accredited by N.IAC .
Tel. 26988846

.{,++ Gradein EPABX 2698t',1t7
Central University by an Act of parliamenr)
Maulaos Mobammed Ali Jauhar Marg. New Delhi-110025
Ext. 25t0,?5t2
Ldfe-qr f*krqr Fax
dr+q [email protected]
aler*r dra-c
aftrfuqxrauT? d6/tq
rd frn qrul, a{
fursfftr-ira )
Rd-t I oo25
Website *;ll*l
Ihprrtnrrnt 0f Appli{d Scicrrrcs & llunulirics ;rrc51F6 hda !q ,r,ahd fu* ;r,rf.r, j.,", ....."
Faculty of Engineering md Technotogy gffie.d Si i$n;$ ndiq g$b44$ie

July 23,2024

Notification of Local Selection Committee

The following candidates have been shortlisted for intenriew for the position of Assistant
ContractuaVGuest Teacher in Engineering physics, vide Local Adver"tisement No.
0212024-25 dated
09.07 .2024.

S. No. Name of Candidate Father's/ Husband's Name

I Ashi Ikram Ikram uddin
2 Vishal Kurrar Maurya Arun Kumar Mourya
3 Mirza Tanweer Ahmad Beig Israruddin
4 Lisha Raghavan Shaneesh N
5 Jasvendra Tyagi Mangesh Kumar Tyagi
6 Mohd. Imran Mohd. Saleem
7 Sana Zafar Zafar Sultan
8 Shama Islam Mohd Islam
9 Sharaddha Agrawal AnilKumar Agarwal
t0 Ateeq Ahmad Tasleem Ahmad
ll Mohd. Shariq Asnain Mohd. Shamshad
t2 Neerai Sharma B.K. Sharma
l3 Mohsin Ahmed Ginaie Mushtaq Ahmad

The candidates are required to appear before the Local Selection Committee for
interview on 30"t July,2024
at 10:00 a'rn. onwards in the office ofthe Head, Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of
Engineering &
Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia. New Delhi-1 10025. Applicants are required
to report at 09.30 a.m. and
bring their original certificates/all relevant documents for verification. No TA,IDA paid
for aftending the

!1. iilFi {q P"f zl'i''r lr':' ' i

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iriiiri iri--ri4 {':r,i:ii . :
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-{ccrcdited N..LdC in A++'Gr.ade
Tel. : 26988846
EPABX : 26981?l?
(A CeDtral University by Act of parliament)
Maulana Mobrmmcd Ali Jauhar Marg. New Delhi- l 10025
ExL :2510,2517 n--.,1*
qrhff Frfuerr 5.trrkqr Fax : 9f-l l-26988846
E-mail : [email protected] r-?l;
(-ET+q rfuF*+-ar1rq
darn dpq-E rd iln
an{, ;r{
dfq FtroFcrr6a )
kd-r r oo25
Websitc hftp:i/ *;ll,"l
Scirnctx Jr umarririrs dldfltid hdra trri araft-d ftanr iar*,sfy jyelr;
Faculty of Enginecring and Technology qfttqihd si frdQrd Taiq ,!'*-,J-Er;tp

luly 23,2024

Notification of Local Selection Committee

The following candidates have been shortlisted for interview for the position of Assistant Professor Guest
Teacher in Engineering chemistry, vide Local Advefiisement No . 0212024-25 dated 09.01 .2024

S. No. Name of Candidate Father's/ Husband's Name

Sumbulunnisa Shareef Shareef Ahmad
2 Fehmeeda Khatoon Dr. ldrees Quresh i
3 Razia Sultana Nisar Khan
4 Mohd. Shoeb Khan Mohd. Aslam Khan
5 Shahidul Islam AB Salam Dar
6 Md. Sarfaraz Nawaz Md. Sabih Ahmad
1 Huda Sawed Zakir Ali
8 Iftkhar Ahmad Ghulam Mohd.
9 Arshid Nabi Ghulam Nabi Sofi
10 Hina Javed Mohammad Javed
ll Nida Fakhar Fakhrul Islam Farooqi
l2 Afroz Jahan Shareef
l3 Arshi Choudhry Fariyad Ali
t4 Shabana Noor Afzal Ali
t5 Shaily Arif Khan
16 Afzal Ansari Samiullah Ansari

The candidates are required to appear before the Local Selection Committee for interview on 30't Juty,2024
at 02:30 p'm. onwards in the Office ofthe Head, Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty oflEngineering &
Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia. New Delhi-l10025. Applicants are required to report at 02.00 p.m. and
bring their original certificates/all relevant documents for verification. No TA,/DA paid for attending the
\ .^n\
tr'd ,1rf"
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PM#; HusainKhan

ti. Ff,fC [4. qti /prot Zjsiiiij-i. f.i a,l

hii,tiiqii i ueaii
Sf,rgf h,fli Cs rFk4l &Errr tDerr. oir.,r:, : !l
f Dqfu ,i,rtr c.i t;. rr;c ,
.-rl. a f'lf.-r1t :il , -,, . '
Jami:i [4ii]ia l:,lerni3, hr$ i. i fi,. ,
Tel. 26988846
-{.ccredited by N-{AC . in A++ Grade EPABX 269817 t7
9*lr-"1 Universiry by sn Ad of partiamenr) 0xl.
Mobrhmcd Ali Jauhar Marg, Ncw 25t0,?5t2
Delhi- | 1002i
ftfurqr Fax 9t -l l -26988846 =ery1|==

El..mrh{Tr E-mail [email protected] Ef,r f l-:

(Bs+q qfuh{rr1ff{
. d6ffq hwfurrco ; Website bttp://
da,qr ahqc rd cnrr ar-d, a-{ Rd- rro ozs
llepartmert 0f Applicd Srirnrts
DepRrtmelt * llumx$ilies ;rmgrR'o hg6 pd a6ft-d, fuqrq j1f S",L/-vyrbt+
Faculty of Engineering and Technolory 3iftqlhd gi *derd nciq &ldr-tJ-Etif

July 23,2024

Notification of Local Selection Committee

The following candidates have been shortlisted for interview for the position of Assistant professor
Teacher in Electronics/Design Thinking, vide Local Advertisement No. 0212024-25 daIed,0g.07 .2024.

S. No. Name of Candidate Father's/ Husband's Name

I Khalid Nafees Mukhlar tz Zaman
2 Mohd. Amir Nizamuddin
3 Rashid Mustafa Irshad Hasan Siddiqui
4 Mohd. Taazeem Ansari Mohd. Tahir Ansari
5 Farheen Jahan Naved Khalil
6 Mohammad Zaheer Late Hasan Zaheer
7 Nusrat Jahan Nasim Ahmad

The candidates are required to appear before the Local Selection Committee for interview on 29"t July, 2024
at 02:30 p.m. onwards in the Office of the Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering &
Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia. New Delhi-l I0025. Applicants are required to report at 02.00 p.m. and
bring their original cetificates/all relevant docrrmcnts for verification. Thcrc will bc no TA/DA paiil for
attending the interview.
Accredited by NA{C . in A++ Grade
2698t7 t7
Ji g"tltll University by an Acr of partiamenr) Ext. 25t0,25r2
Maulaoa Mobammcd AIi Jeuhar Marg, New Dclhi- | 10025
6lkqr fttrg-err 5-{-f,rftrqr Fax 9l-l l-26988846 '-,-.-t
E-mail [email protected]
t-at-*q sf\ftq{r{En d6*q hlafcrrca I
alarqr d!-rq.{ rS iln anf , rl ffi-r r oo:s
Website *;U*l
Deprr|ment 0f Applicd Srienccs & llnrnrnirics onAPo hgn [d drdkd fuua jntd.,u,v jutt,+:
Faculty of Engincering and Technology q$iqih& !d d\dft-d sdiq J!\y'r-,-t Et;\p
Julv 23.2024

Notification of Local Selection Committee

The following candidates have been shortlisted for interview for the position of Assistant Professor Guest
Teacher in Biofogy for Engineers, vide Local Advertisement No . 02/2024-25 dated 09.07 .2024.

S. No. Name of Candidate Father's/ Husband's Name

Shabana Noor Afzal Ati
2 Ahmed Abdur Rehman Mohd. Saiid
3 Meh.jabeen Javed Mohammad Javed
4 Ziaul Hasan Hafizul Hasan
5 Anam Beg Shabih Abbas

The candidates are required to appear before the Local Selection Committee for interview on 2g"t July,2024
at 12:00 p.m. onwards in the Office of the Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering &
Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia. New Delhi-110025. Applicants are required to report at 11.30 a.m. and
bring their original certificates/all relevant documents for verification. There will be no TA/DA paid for
attendine tlie interview.

f\A\ ..'n/l$
,rfZ '
\ rNn
Proh9#61) ilusain Khan
Accredited by NddC . in ' A++ Grade
2698t7 t7

51 9""q11 Universiry by sn Acr of part;amenr)
M.ulala Mobalnmed Ali Jauhar Marg. New Delhi. I I002!
qrhqt ftfuqr

E""drtrrqr [email protected] ,-.'i I -

E-mail ;

i. *,;ll,,l
3{ttfrqrr{Tn d6{tq Folaftrr@ ) Website
darn dprE rd ut: qnf , ad H-r r oors '',",,

I)€prrtmert of Applicd Scirnrss & Hlmrnirics slrflpo ft-drd pii ardhdl fuem
Faculty of Engineering and Technologi $ntqiike si ftd0rd s{iq ,j*J>-&-tt:i,p

Julv 23.2024

Notification of Local Selection Committee

The following candidates have been shortlisted for interview for the position of Assistant Professor Guest
Teacher in Communication Skill, vide Local Advertisement No.0212024-25 dated, 09 .0i .2024 .

S. No. Name of Candidate Father's/ Husband's Name

I Iram Fatima Shariq Ahmed
2 Tabassum Praveen Md. Lal Babu
3 Shafaque Zehra Maqbool Alam Ansari

The candidates are required to appear before the Local Selection Committee for interview on 29"t July,2024
at 03:00 p.m' onwards in the Office of the Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering &
Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia. New Delhi-110025. Applicants are required to report at 02.30 p.m. and
bring their original certificates/all relevant documents for verification. There will be no TA/DA paid for
attendins the interview.

Accredited try NAdC
( in -{++
Centlal Universjry by an Act of parliament)

qrhqr Frfuren -E=ilft-q'

Moh$nmcd AliJauhar Marg, New Delhi- | t002i
(riT+q . sitfqqqrEET{ $dtq Eraftrrca I
4ldriil dlrae rd alrr aruf , +{ Rd_ r r o o z s
Website -?l;
".-' .,,,..r'
Department nf Applicd Scirnccs & lfrrmunirics qnafto hila U, *M fuura jrd.,"rvjrrq
Faculty of Engineering and Technoiogy qfi{qihd d *drh;e s{is 6t{rzrJ-Et;rt!
July 23,2024

Notification of Local Selection Committee

The following candidates have been shortlisted for interview for the position of Assistant professor
Teacher in Constitution of IndialEngineering Economics vide Local Advertisement No
, .0212024-25 dated

S. No. Name of Candidate Father's/ Husband's Name

I Mohammad Haroon Anwar Anwar Husain Ansari

The candidates are required to appear before the Local Selection Committee for interview
on 2g"t Jrrly,2024
at 04:00 p.m. in the office ofthe Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering & Technology,
Jamia Millia Islamia' New Delhi-l10025. Applicants are required to report at 03.30 p.m.
and bring their
original certificates/all relevant documents for verification. There will be no TA/DA paid for attendine

naHrrsain Khan

fr. fr{H Sq qll / Proi zshan H Ki''an

RE1'[E-I / Head
3$qq kiilr qj qn?fr RqFr i oep( Q',App ' ',qr '
' ''fiffit Ti{q Cd t6. / Faciit/ ol i' ,.r ''
qfur ftRw lmr1i:qr, li i"i-":
Janra t\4illia l! amra. lL v lJ':| "1:

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