Frog Dissection

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NAME: ___________________________________



1. Perform a frog dissection.

2. Identify the different organs of a dissected frog.
3. Use the dissected frog to demonstrate the process of digestion.
4. Relate the frog’s organ system to that of humans.


 Frog
 Cotton ball with chloroform
 Dissection tray
 Dissection pins
 Dissection scissors
 Scalpel
 Forceps
 Magnifying glass
 Plastic container with a cover
 Paper towels


1. Place the frog on its back on the dissection tray.

2. Using dissection pins, pin the frog to the tray.
3. Using the forceps, lift the frog’s skin between its rear legs.
4. Use the scalpel to cut through the lifted skin. Make the incision
similar to the ones shown in the diagram below. Be careful to
cut only the skin.
5. Peel back each flap of the skin using the forceps.
6. Separate the skin from the muscle layers of the frog using the
7. Use forceps to pull back and hold the muscle flaps from the
8. Use the scalpel to separate the muscle flaps from the organs.

IV. Draw the outline and organs of the frog. Label your drawing.
1. Cut the stomach lengthwise using dissection scissors. Use a
magnifying glass to observe the muscular walls of the stomach.
2. Cut the small and large intestines. Unwind the small intestine and
stretch it next to the large intestine. Observe and compare the
two organs.
3. Dispose of the frog properly.
4. Rinse all equipment and dry them using paper towels.


1. What have you observed upon cutting the frog’s stomach.


2. What is the difference between the small intestine and the large
the intestine of the frog?

3. How do frogs’ digestive organs compare with humans?



Have you observed that a frog has eaten an insect? What

happens to the insect as it passes through the frog’s digestive tract?


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