International Standard: Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (T-DMB) Receivers - Part 1: Basic Requirement

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IEC 62516-1

Edition 1.0 2009-02


Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB) receivers –

Part 1: Basic requirement
IEC 62516-1:2009(E)

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IEC 62516-1
Edition 1.0 2009-02


Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB) receivers –

Part 1: Basic requirement

ICS 33.160.25 ISBN 2-8318-1032-1

® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission
Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission
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1 Scope ...............................................................................................................................6
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................6
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations ................................................................................7
4 Summary of receiver implementation ................................................................................8
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................8
4.2 Basic operation of a T-DMB transmitter ...................................................................8
4.3 Functional requirements ........................................................................................ 10
4.4 Summary of audio service ..................................................................................... 10
4.5 Summary of video service ..................................................................................... 11

4.6 Summary of data service ....................................................................................... 11

5 Requirements on receiver implementations .................................................................... 11
5.1 T-DMB service selection and basic requirements .................................................. 11
5.2 Audio service requirements ................................................................................... 11
5.3 Video service requirements ................................................................................... 12
5.3.1 General ..................................................................................................... 12
5.3.2 Video objects............................................................................................. 12
5.3.3 Audio objects............................................................................................. 12
5.3.4 Auxiliary data objects ................................................................................ 12
5.3.5 Delays between objects ............................................................................. 12
5.4 Receiver channel switch time and initial access time (delay) ................................. 12
5.4.1 Delay......................................................................................................... 12
5.4.2 Initial access time (delay) .......................................................................... 13
5.4.3 Channel switch time .................................................................................. 13
5.5 Audio and video synchronization ........................................................................... 13
5.6 Functional requirements on the interfaces of auxiliary data ................................... 13
6 Synchronization of objects in T-DMB video service ......................................................... 13
7 Video.............................................................................................................................. 14
7.1 General ................................................................................................................. 14
7.2 Two-layer architecture ........................................................................................... 14
7.3 AVC features applied to T-DMB ............................................................................. 15
8 Audio.............................................................................................................................. 16
8.1 General ................................................................................................................. 16
8.2 Summary of BSAC and HE-AAC V2....................................................................... 16
8.3 Operational method for decoding audio objects ..................................................... 17
9 Auxiliary data ................................................................................................................. 18
9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 18
9.2 Examples of services using auxiliary data ............................................................. 18
9.3 Receiver structure for processing auxiliary data .................................................... 18
9.4 Transmission of image data................................................................................... 19
10 Minimum RF performance specification .......................................................................... 19
10.1 RF summary.......................................................................................................... 19
10.2 RF frequency band ................................................................................................ 19
10.3 RF input ................................................................................................................ 20
10.4 RF operational characteristics ............................................................................... 20

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Bibliography.......................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 1 – Conceptual transmission architecture for the video services................................... 9

Figure 2 – Conceptual architecture of the video multiplexer .................................................. 10
Figure 3 – AVC decoder structure ......................................................................................... 15
Figure 4 – Flow diagram of MPEG-4 general audio ............................................................... 17
Figure 5 – Example of content composition using auxiliary data ............................................ 18
Figure 6 – Example of a receiver structure for processing auxiliary data ............................... 19
Figure 7 – Block diagram for T-DMB channel assign per block .............................................. 21
Figure 8 – Block diagram for selectivity measurements ......................................................... 22
Figure 9 – Block diagram for adjacent channel selectivity measurements.............................. 22

Table 1 – Band III signals ..................................................................................................... 20

Table 2 – Design specifications of T-DMB tuners .................................................................. 21

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Part 1: Basic requirement

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International Standard IEC 62516-1 has been prepared by by technical area 1: Terminals for
audio, video and data services and content, of IEC technical committee 100: Audio, video and
multimedia systems and equipment.

The text of this standard is based on the following documents:

FDIS Report on voting

100/1490/FDIS 100/1521/RVD

Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.

This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.


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Part 1: Basic requirement

1 Scope

This part of IEC 62516 specifies the characteristics and minimum required performance for
terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB) receivers. The contents of this standard
include T-DMB system information, video, audio, and MPEG-4 BIFS data.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IEC 62104:2003, Characteristics of DAB receivers

ISO/IEC 10918-1, Information technology – Digital compression and coding of continuous-

tone still images: Requirements and guidelines

ISO/IEC 11172-3, Information technology – Coding of moving pictures and associated audio
for digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s – Part 3: Audio

ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000, Information technology – Generic coding of moving pictures and

associated audio information: Systems

ISO/IEC 13818-3:1998 Information technology – Generic coding of moving pictures and

associated audio information – Part 3: Audio

ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001, Information technology – Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 1:

Amendment 3 (2003)

ISO/IEC 14496-3, Information technology – Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 3: Audio

ISO/IEC 14496-10, Information technology – Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 10:

Advanced Video Coding

ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005, Information technology – Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 11:

Scene description and application engine

ISO/IEC 15444-1, Information technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding

ITU-T Recommendation H.264, Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services

ETSI TR 101 496-2, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Guidelines and rules for
implementation and operation – Part 2: System features

ETSI TS 102 427 V1.1.1, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Data Broadcasting –MPEG-2 TS

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ETSI TS 102 428 V1.1.1, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); DMB video service; User
Application Specification

ETSI EN 300 401 V1.3.3, Radio Broadcasting Systems; Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) to
mobile, portable and fixed receivers

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

T-DMB receiver
terminal that can receive and process the programs transmitted following this T-DMB receiver

minimum required performance
lowest performance level allowed for a receiver in order to be called a T-DMB receiver

3.2 Abbreviations

AAC Advanced Audio Coding

ASO Arbitrary Slice Order
AU Access Unit
AV Audio/Video
AVC Advanced Video Coding
BIFS BInary Format for Scene
BSAC Bit-Sliced Arithmetic Coding
CAVLC Context Adaptive Variable Length Coding
CTS Composition Time Stamp
CIF Common Interchange Format
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting
DP Data Partitioning
ES Elementary Stream
FIC Fast Information Channel
FMO Flexible Macroblock Ordering
IMDCT Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform
IDR Instantaneous Decoder Refresh
IOD Initial Object Descriptor
IP Internet Protocol
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
MCI Multiplex Configuration Information
MOT Multimedia Object Transfer
MPEG-2 Motion Picture Experts Groups-2
MPEG-4 Motion Picture Experts Groups-4
MS Mid/Side
MSC Main Service Channel
NAL Network Abstraction Layer
OCR Object Clock Reference
OD Object Descriptor
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OTB Object Time Base
OTC Object Time Clock
PAT Program Association Table
PCR Program Clock Reference
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PES Packetized Elementary Stream

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PID Program IDentifier

PMT Program Map Table
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PNS Perceptual Noise Substitution
PS Parametric Stereo
PSI Program Specific Information
PTS Presentation Time Stamp
QCIF Quarter CIF
QMF Quadrate Mirror Filter
QVGA Quarter VGA
RS Redundant Slice
RS-coded Reed-Solomon coded
SBR Spectral Band Replication
SEI Supplement Enhancement Information
SI Service Information
SL Synchronization Layer
ScF-CRC Scale Factor Cyclic Redundancy Check
STC System Time Clock
T-DMB Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
TNS Temporal Noise Shaping
TS Transport Stream
TwinVQ Transform domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization
VCL Video Coding Layer
VGA Video Graphics Array
WDF Wide DMB Format

4 Summary of receiver implementation

4.1 General

This part of IEC 62516 provides the characteristics and minimum required performance
specifications necessary in implementing T-DMB receivers in order to minimize flaws due to
misunderstandings of the relevant standard. This clause provides just a summary of this
specification. Normative characteristics and requirements are provided in detail in Clauses 5
to 10.

4.2 Basic operation of a T-DMB transmitter

As shown in Figure 1 the T-DMB system is an extension of the existing DAB system by adding
a video multiplexer before the stream mode channel.

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DAB (ETSI EN 300 401)

FIC data
Fast information (FIC) path

information Service information (SI) path Trans-

program General DAB Path
DAB audio frame path
service CIFs
Packet multiplexer
data General DAB Path
Packet mode data path

Optional OFDM Video

Video Video conditional Convolutional Time signal transmission
service multiplexer access
encoder interleaver generator signal
Stream scrambler

IEC 301/09

Figure 1 – Conceptual transmission architecture for the video services

Figure 2 shows the conceptual structure of the video multiplexer including an IOD generator
that provides the information on system initialization, an OD/BIFS generator that provides

information on scene composition using objects, and AV encoders that generate audio/video
compressed streams. The IOD, OD, BIFS, compressed AV data, and auxiliary data are
packetized and multiplexed into a RS-coded MPEG-2 TS. The RS code is included here for
maintaining the multiplexed video data at a higher quality than those of existing DAB signals.

For each of the video, audio, and data services provided by the video multiplexer in Figure 2,
this standard specifies characteristics and requirements that are needed in implementing a
receiver that supports such services.

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IOD data
generator PSI section


OD/BIFS stream SL packet


MPEG-2 service

Video Video

AVC TS stream


ES SL packet



Audio Audio PES

BSAC ES SL packet Packet

AUX data Auxiliary data

ES SL packet

IEC 302/09

Figure 2 – Conceptual architecture of the video multiplexer

4.3 Functional requirements

Information on receiver implementations is provided on a technical basis by the descriptions

and requirements on the items needed for the implementation of T-DMB receivers.

Various operational situations are defined such as service switching situations within an
ensemble and between ensembles.

4.4 Summary of audio service

In this standard, the audio service is related to the implementation of a receiver compatible
with the DAB audio, i.e. MUSICAM. For the audio service, IEC 62104 can be referred to
without making any further specifications. IEC 62104 classifies system functions, performance
requirements, interfaces, minimum performance specifications and its measurement method
and gives as requirements audio decoder, automatic mode selection, service selection,
receiver operation on multiplex reconfiguration, automatic switching to another ensemble, etc.
It has specifications for each of the interfaces that are divided into RF inputs, analog and
digital audio interfaces, and coded audio interfaces. For minimum performance specifications
and measurement methods, it specifies bit-error ratio (BER), selectivity, minimum input
power, sensitivity with their measurement methods.

Mandatory characteristics and requirements for T-DMB and audio services are described in
5.1 and 5.2.

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4.5 Summary of video service

In this standard, the video service is defined as in the T-DMB standards, i.e. ETSI TS 102 427
and ETSI TS 102 428, and is related to the implementation of a receiver compatible with a
service composed of a video (H.264), audio (BSAC or HE-AAC V2) and multimedia data
(BIFS, Images) in stream mode.

Clause 5 gives additional requirements to those already specified in ETSI TS 102 427 and
ETSI TS 102 428. Clause 6 explains the timing information related to the AV synchronization.
Clauses 7, 8, and 9 define requirements for video decoders, audio decoders, and BIFS,

4.6 Summary of data service

The data service is related to the implementation of a receiver compatible with the T-DMB
data services including MOT slideshow and broadcast website service that use MOT,
transparent data channel, and IP datagram tunnelling protocols. The data service is outside
the scope of this document.

5 Requirements on receiver implementations

5.1 T-DMB service selection and basic requirements

The main service channel and the fast information channel (FIC) deliver service components
and MCI, respectively. A service is composed of one or more service components and
multiple services can be delivered in an ensemble.

Users of T-DMB receivers get access to a service component by selecting a service. Primary
component is a mandatory service component in a service, whereas the other remaining
service components are secondary components. These two components should be

A T-DMB receiver shall meet the following basic requirements:

– a T-DMB receiver shall appropriately process the MCI for the access to the service
– a T-DMB receiver shall abide by the terms in ETSI TR 101 496-2 regarding multiplex
– a T-DMB receiver shall have the function of automatically switching to another ensemble
in order to process the “service following” of T-DMB services. The “service following” is
defined in ETSI TR 101 496-2;
– audio shall be muted when a scrambled service component cannot be processed.

5.2 Audio service requirements

Audio service requirements are the same as those specified in IEC 62104. This document
does not provide additional requirements on audio services and the rest of this clause is only

a summary of the requirements in IEC 62104.

The audio decoder for the T-DMB audio service shall conform to the subset, as defined in
ETSI EN 300 401 and ISO/IEC 11172-3. As defined in ETSI EN 300 401, it is recommended
that an audio decoder supports error concealment based on scale factor cyclic redundancy
check (ScF-CRC). If an audio data stream is not decoded for some reason, a T-DMB receiver
shall force the audio muted. The audio decoder shall be able to decode T-DMB audio streams
corresponding to both 24 kHz and 48 kHz sampling frequencies. The audio decoder shall be
compatible with ISO/IEC 11172-3 and ISO/IEC 13818-3 and the processing of 256 kbps
streams is optional.

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5.3 Video service requirements

5.3.1 General

The T-DMB standards, i.e. ETSI TS 102 427 and ETSI TS 102 428 were written based on the
requirements as described below. These requirements are derived assuming an ideal receiver
that supports a video service and, for correct operations of T-DMB receivers, shall be fulfilled
by transmitters when streams are transmitted. A T-DMB receiver should be designed
assuming that transmitted streams fulfil these requirements.

5.3.2 Video objects

Since a service component coded by H.264 compression algorithm is provided with maximum
spatial resolution of 101,376 pixels and maximum temporal resolution of 30 fps (frames per
second), a receiver must be able to process it up to the maximum resolution. The maximum
number of pixels is calculated as 352 x 288 based on the typical 352 x 288 format. A receiver
shall support other formats defined in ETSI TS 102 428, which have pixel counts less than or
equal to the 352 x 288 format.

5.3.3 Audio objects

Since a service component coded by MPEG-4 BSAC or HE-AAC V2 compression algorithm is

provided with maximum sampling rate of 48 kHz, a receiver should be able to process it up to
the maximum sampling rate.

5.3.4 Auxiliary data objects

Though a service component coded by the scene description and graphics data specification
of MPEG-4 BIFS, JPEG, JPEG-2000 or PNG must be provided in a way allowing random
access in units of 0,5 s, its processing is optional and thus receivers except for those that
allegedly support it are allowed not to process it.

5.3.5 Delays between objects

Because a conformant transmitter ensures that the delay between a video object AU with CTS
and the corresponding audio object AU lies within −20 ms to +40 ms when an audio object
time is measured relative to that of the corresponding video object, a receiver must be able to
present an audio object either up to 20 ms earlier or up to 40 ms later than the corresponding

video object. In case of auxiliary data that should be synchronized with AU, because a
conformant transmitter ensures that the delay between auxiliary data and the corresponding
video object lies within −300 ms to +300 ms when auxiliary data time is measured relative to
the corresponding video object, a receiver must be able to present auxiliary data either up to
300 ms earlier or up to 300 ms later than the corresponding video object.

5.4 Receiver channel switch time and initial access time (delay)

5.4.1 Delay

In the case of a channel switch or the initial access after receiver power-up, the time that is
required from the reception of the signal all the way down to the first picture on the screen is
composed of the following:

– physical channel acquisition time in a tuner and decoding time in an OFDM receiving
– processing time of TS section data;
– time consumed in decoding a video and an audio frame and presenting the initial picture
on the screen.

The required time in an ideal case is to be estimated based on the fact that the update period
of the TS sections (PAT and PMT) is at maximum 500 ms and IDR frame interval of a video
object is at maximum 2 s. (Refer to ETSI TS 102 428.)
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5.4.2 Initial access time (delay)

The initial access time (delay) of a receiver is defined as the interval between the time when a
receiver tries to receive a signal that is in good reception state (see 10.3) and the time when
the first picture is displayed. It is recommended that the initial access time of a receiver is no
longer than 5 s. Neither the booting time of an operating system nor the loading time of an
application program is counted. If it is assumed that PAT, PMT, and IDR are processed in
sequence, which is the worst case, the initial access time (delay) of a receiver is composed of
the following. In extracting TS data at a tuner and an OFDM receiving module, it takes
approximately 2 s. In order to find the PAT section from the buffered TS stream data, it takes
maximum 500 ms. In order to find the PMT section, it takes another maximum 500 ms. In
order to find the first video AU that contains an IDR frame, it takes maximum 2 s.

5.4.3 Channel switch time

The channel switch time of a receiver is defined as the interval between the time when a
receiver tries to switch channels and the time when the first picture is displayed. It is
recommended that the channel switch time of a receiver is no greater than 5 s in the case of
switching to a video service in another ensemble and no greater than 3 s in the case of
switching to a video service in the same ensemble.

5.5 Audio and video synchronization

The basis of the synchronization of a video object and an audio object in a video service is
the CTS attached to each object.

5.6 Functional requirements on the interfaces of auxiliary data

The following are functional requirements on the interfaces of auxiliary data.

– If a receiver supports optional interactive services, it should be able to process auxiliary

data objects upon the user input that select an auxiliary data object displayed on the
screen. The devices that are used for the user inputs can be one or more among touch
screen, number pad and direction keys.
– Transport stream for the interactive data service can be transmitted with maximum 3 BIFS
data and OD data divided into maximum 2 ES, and the T-DMB receiver for the interactive
data service should be able to handle these data.
– Because the resolution of the auxiliary data for interactive services cannot exceed that of
a video object, the auxiliary data are rendered within the scope of the resolution of a
decoded video object.
– The ES descriptor of additional OD and BIFS data should be allocated after the ES
descriptor of OD and BIFS data.
– The OD data and BIFS data should not include the contents of the auxiliary service.
– It is recommended that the resolution and number of JPEG or PNG as the auxiliary data
for an interactive service should not exceed the following specifications so that any T-DMB
receiver conforming to those specifications should work properly:
– the resolution of auxiliary data for the composition of a scene: maximum 352 × 288;
– the number of auxiliary data for the composition of a scene: maximum 4.

6 Synchronization of objects in a T-DMB video service

This clause describes the synchronization of decoded video and audio objects in a T-DMB
video service system.

A T-DMB video service system consists of two layers. For transport, it uses MPEG-2 TS layer
specified in ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000 and, for the synchronization of video and audio objects, it
uses the synchronization layer of MPEG-4 system specified in ISO/IEC 14496-1: 2001.

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The function of MPEG-2 system (ISO/IEC 13818-1: 2000) is to make the reference clock
(27 MHz) in the decoder side synchronized with that of the encoder side. A system decoder
compensates for the system time clock (STC) using PCR values delivered in TS packet
headers. Because the transmission rate is fixed in the case of T-DMB, the PCR values
delivered in MPEG-2 TS packet headers indicate values that the STC in the decoder should
represent. In other words, the time when the MPEG-2 TS packet header that includes a PCR
enters the decoder should be the value that the STC currently represents. The period of PCR
input shall be no greater than 0,1 s.

ISO/IEC 13818-1: 2000 describes in Figure 2-5 that the stream after PID filtering enters the
decoder through TB, MB, and DB. The time when data moves from MB to DB is not defined
and the rate from MB to DB is defined as ‘instant bitrate’ that is defined in MPEG-4. The time
when an OCR is recovered is the time when the last bit of the OCR enters the MPEG-4
System (ISO/IEC 14496-1: 2001) with instant bitrate and is decoded instantly. The PTS value
at this time instance should coincide with the STC used as the reference clock in the MPEG-2
system. (According to of ISO/IEC 13818-1: 2000, it is specified that if an SL packet
header includes the OCR field, a PTS should be delivered in the corresponding PES packet

The PTS value contained in the PES packet header must be always greater than the STC
value. That is, compared with the value of PCR in TS packet header, a PTS value greater
than the PCR value must be delivered.

The difference of two adjacent PTS values must be an integer multiple of the difference of the
corresponding OCR values. A PTS contains a value of 90 kHz counter derived from the
27 MHz STC and if the frequency of OTB is 90 kHz, the difference of two adjacent OCR
values must be the same as that of the corresponding PTS values. If the MPEG-4 OCR uses
the frequency of 45 kHz, the PTS difference is twice the OCR difference.

The MPEG-4 system decoder can recover the reference clock of the MPEG-4 system encoder
by using the PTS values contained in PES packet header after recovering the MPEG-2 TS
reference clock. Once the reference clock, i.e. object time clock (OTC), is recovered in the
receiving side, the presentation time of each object (audio/video object) can be determined by
using the OTC value that each object refers to and the CTS value of the object. The objects
(audio objects, video objects, and data objects) may refer to OTCs with different time bases.

7 Video

7.1 General

T-DMB uses MPEG-4 AVC (advanced video coding, ITU-R Recommendation H.264 | ISO/IEC
14496-10 AVC) in order to compress video objects.

7.2 Two-layer architecture

One of the main characteristics of the AVC standard is that it has two layers, i.e. video coding
layer (VCL) and network abstraction layer (NAL) as shown in Figure 3.The deployment of a
variety of digital communication networks combined with the expansion of multimedia content
services created various new application areas. Hence, the multimedia standards recently
developed or under development solve the problem of network adaptation by adopting two-
layer architecture. The whole system is divided into two layers: one layer in charge of signal
processing related to video compression and the other layer in charge of transforming the
compressed data into another form appropriate for network transmission. The AVC standard
is a standard that clearly reflects the approach, wherein the allotment of functions and roles of
layers are clearly defined.

The NAL_Unit in Figure 3 is composed of slice data, parameter sets, and additional
information called supplement enhancement information (SEI). The slice data and the
parameter sets are used for video decoding in VCL. In general, SEI is consumed in the

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application layer that utilizes decoded video, but sometimes a small part of it is delivered to
VCL for usage in the decoding process.

IEC 303/09

Figure 3 – AVC decoder structure


7.3 AVC features applied to T-DMB

The features of AVC that are applied to T-DMB are the following. Input chrominance format
supports only one format, i.e. 4:2:0 YCbCr. As picture types, I and P are defined while B is
not used. In a purpose of improving the reconstructed video quality, it is allowed to use the
deblocking filter in reconstructing frames as defined in the AVC standard decoding process.
For entropy coding, context adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) is used. T-DMB adopted
AVC baseline profile at level 1.3. The following additional limitations are defined to make
broadcast equipment less complex and to make receiver burden lower:

– the features of ASO (arbitrary slice order), FMO (flexible macroblock ordering), RS
(redundant slice), and DP (data partitioning) in baseline profile are not allowed;
– MaxDPB (maximum decoded picture buffer) = 445,5 kb (corresponding to 3 CIF frames);
– vertical motion vector search range: −64 to 63,75;
– resolutions supported: QCIF, QVGA, CIF, and WDF (384 x 224);
– frame rate: maximum 30 fps (frames per second).

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8 Audio

8.1 General

For the purposes of compressing audio objects, T-DMB uses MPEG-4 BSAC (bit-sliced
arithmetic coding, ISO/IEC 14496-3 BSAC) or HE-AAC V2.

8.2 Summary of BSAC and HE-AAC V2

BSAC is a part of MPEG-4 GA (general audio) coding tools based on the perceptual coding
approach, as used in the MPEG2/4 advanced audio coding (AAC) scheme and one of the
highly-quality compression codec that provides high-efficiency coding and fine grain
scalability down to 1kbps/ch by adopting a bit-packing scheme that takes into account the
importance of data to be packed and the concept of layers where bit partitioning is applied.

HE-AAC V2, also known as AACPlus, is the combination profile of two MPEG audio
technologies comprising AAC and spectral band replication (SBR). The SBR tool in the HE-
AAC V2 profile improves the performance of low bit rate audio codecs by increasing the audio
bandwidth consequently, the HE-AAC V2 profile provides significantly better audio quality
than AAC at low bit rate (under 48 kbps).

The basic decoding process is shown in Figure 4. For example, BSAC shares most of the
functional blocks with MPEG-4 AAC-LC (advanced audio coding-low complexity) scheme, but
it uses an arithmetic coding method for noiseless coding.


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IEC 304/09

Figure 4 – Flow diagram of MPEG-4 general audio

8.3 Operational method for decoding audio objects

The decoding process of a BSAC decoder can be divided into three steps.

The first is the step that performs noiseless decoding and is composed of the parts that apply
arithmetic decoding, quantization, and adjustment by scalefactors.

The second is the step that performs noisy decoding which is the reverse process of noisy
encoding. Noisy encoding step in an encoder plays the role of increasing coding efficiency
and improving audio quality by performing inter-channel and inter-frame coding which result in
reduced quantization noise.

The third step is a filterbank which generates 16-bit PCM data that are actually audible (after
D/A conversion) by transforming spectral-domain data into time-domain data through
2048/256-point IMDCT (inverse modified discrete cosine transform).

In the HE-AAC V2 decoder, the bit-stream is first split into the AAC, SBR and PS (parametric
stereo) data portions. The AAC decoder outputs a time domain low-band signal at a sample
rate of f s /2.

The signal is then transformed into the quadrate mirror filter (QMF) domain for further
processing. The SBR processing results in a reconstructed high band in the QMF domain.

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The low and high bands are then merged into a full-band QMF representation. If the
parametric stereo tool is used, the PS tool generates a stereo representation in the QMF

Finally, the signal is synthesized by a 64-band QMF synthesis filter bank. The result is a time
domain output signal at the full sampling rate f s .

9 Auxiliary data

9.1 General

In order to provide auxiliary data services and interactive services, T-DMB can deliver
auxiliary data by utilizing BIFS defined in ISO/IEC 14496-11, JPEG, JPEG-2000 (according to
ISO/IEC 14496-1, Amendment 3 on JPEG 2000 support in MPEG-4) and PNG.

9.2 Examples of services using auxiliary data

By using auxiliary data, one can create contents in a form where interactive menu information
for providing additional data services associated to the video content is overlaid on the screen
as shown in Figure 5. Also it is possible to create contents in a form where upon the user
selection, additional information related to a menu is overlaid on the video content.

IEC 305/09

Figure 5 – Example of content composition using auxiliary data

9.3 Receiver structure for processing auxiliary data

As shown in Figure 6, a terminal that processes auxiliary data should be able to process BIFS
data and JPEG/JPEG-2000/PNG image data and have the structure that renders in an overlay
form these data and video data on the same screen. Also, in order for the users to freely
select auxiliary data, it should provide appropriate user input processing functions.

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CU renderer

MPEG-4 SL AVC renderer
depacketizer decoder and
module TS demux BSAC

JPEG Audio
decoder renderer


IEC 306/09

Figure 6 – Example of a receiver structure for processing auxiliary data

Auxiliary data can include URLs necessary for calling internal or external applications related
to the broadcast contents and utilizing the data according to the user selection. A terminal
should provide appropriate processing functions for these URLs.

9.4 Transmission of image data

Image data for implementation of associated interactive service should be JPEG/JPEG-2000

and PNG. JPEG shall use the baseline of ISO/IEC 10918-1 and JPEG-2000 shall use the
baseline of ISO/IEC 15444-1. In BIFS auxiliary data service, the size of a transmitted data
carousel should be 480 bytes and the limited maximum number of the possible ES number
included in a carousel shall be 64. The contents of image data transmitted by an ED ID
possibly changed.

10 Minimum RF performance specification

10.1 RF summary

A T-DMB receiver should be able to receive and process band III signals.

10.2 RF frequency band

A T-DMB receiver shall be able to receive minimum one ensemble signals within the RF
signals in Table 1.

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Table 1 – Band III signals

Frequency range Center frequency

Channel number
7A 174,512 to 176,048 175,28
7B 176,240 to 177,776 177,008
7C 177,986 to 179,504 178,736
8A 180,512 to 182,048 181,28
8B 182,240 to 183,776 183,008
8C 183,968 to 185,504 184,736
9A 186,512 to 188,048 187,28
9B 188,240 to 189,776 189,008
9C 189,968 to 191,504 190,736
10A 192,512 to 194,048 193,28
10B 194,240 to 195,776 195,008
10C 195,968 to 197,504 196,736
11A 198,512 to 200,048 199,28
11B 200,240 to 201,776 201,008
11C 201,968 to 203,504 202,736
12A 204,512 to 206,048 205,28
12B 206,240 to 207,776 207,008
12C 207,968 to 209,504 208,736
13A 210,512 to 212,048 211,28
13B 212,240 to 213,776 213,008
13C 213,968 to 215,504 214,736

10.3 RF input

The return loss of an RF input signal of a T-DMB receiver that employs an external antenna
should be above 6 dB.

10.4 RF operational characteristics

Considering gaussian channel environment for indoor reception and in-car reception through
a mobile terminal, the sensitivity of received band III signals shall be at least –95 dBm. A
receiver converts the received analog RF input signal down to intermediate frequency.

The decision criteria of each item shall be a BER of 10 –4 according to viterbi decoding or
values at the time when the picture is displayed normally above 30 s.

The design specifications of T-DMB tuners are shown in Table 2.


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Table 2 – Design specifications of T-DMB tuners

Parameter Specification Note

Operational frequency 174 MHz to 216 MHz Band III

Bandwidth 1,536 MHz

Channel spacing 1,712 MHz Refer to Figure 7

Required BER 10 –8 After outer decoding

–95 dBm Gaussian channel

–89 dBm Rayleigh channel

Maximum input power –10 dBm

≥ 30 dB Adjacent channel is DMB channel

Adjacent channel
≥ 40 dB Adjacent channel is analog channel

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 21

1,536 MHz1 Block
1,536 MHz 2 Block
1,536 MHz
3 Block 21
1,536 MHz
512 192 192 496 yyyyy 192 496
kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz

174 175,280 177,008 178,736 214,736 216

174,512 – 176,048 176,240 – 177,776 177,968 – 179,504 213,968 – 215,504

Frequency (MHz) IEC 307/09

Figure 7 – Block diagram for T-DMB channel assign per block

The spectrum of wanted signal and interferer shall be in accordance with Figure 8.

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IEC 308/09

Figure 8 – Block diagram for selectivity measurements

The measurement set-up is depicted in Figure 9.

IEC 309/09

Figure 9 – Block diagram for adjacent channel selectivity measurements

The power level of the wanted signal (P wanted ) at the T-DMB receiver input “A” in Figure 9
shall be adjusted to –70 dB(mW) using attenuator 1 when signal generator 2 is switched off.
The signal level of the interfering ensemble (P unwanted ) shall then be increased until a BER of
10 –4 above at point F is reached or values at a time when the picture is displayed abnormally
within 30 s.


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The adjacent channel selectivity (A CS ) of a T-DMB receiver is expressed in dB and shall be

given for the adjacent channel is DMB channel or the adjacent channel is analog channel
separately. These values shall be calculated from the adjusted signal levels by the following

A CS = P unwanted – P wanted = P unwanted + 70 [dB]

Minimum requirement: A CS ≥ 30 dB (if adjacent channel is a DMB channel)

: A CS ≥ 40 dB (if adjacent channel is a analog channel)


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IEC 60169-10, Radio-frequency connectors – Part 10: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner
diameter of outer conductor 3 mm (0,12 in) with snap-on coupling – Characteristic
impedance 50 ohms (Type SMB)

IEC 60169-24, Radio-frequency connectors – Part 24: Radio-frequency coaxial connectors

with screw coupling, typically for use in 75 ohm cable distribution systems (Type F)

ETSI TR 101 496-3 V1.1.2 (2001-05), Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); Guidelines and
rules for implementation and operation; Part 3: Broadcast network



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