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Relation with other Dimensional Formula SI Unit

Physical Quantity Quantities
A. Mechanical Quantities
1. Area Length x breadth |LxL= L² - [M°L?TO1 m²
2. Volume Length x breadth x height LxLxL= (M°L'T']
Mass M
3. Density =[ML T° gm
Distance L ms-l
4. Speed or velocity -[M°LT']
Time T

Change in velocity LT-!

5. Acceleration Time =LT =(M°LT 1
6. Momentum Mass x velocity MxLT- -[MLT-) kg ms
7. Force Mass x acceleration MxLT -[MLI
8. Work Force x distance MLT ×L= [ML'T
9. Energy Amount of work (MLT)
Work MLT2
10. Power Time
- (MLT] W

Force MUT-?
11. Pressure
Area =[MLT) Pa or Nm

12. Moment of force or torque Force x , distance MLT xL= (ML'T Nm

Force x(distance) MLT-1?
13. Gravitational constant G' Mass x mass =(M'T Nm²kg
M ×M
14. Impulse of aforce Force x time MLT ×T = (MLT Ns
Force MLT 2
15. Stress Area -[MLT-2) Nm -2

16. Strain Change in dimension

Original dimension IM'LT'](dimensionless)
17. Coefficient of elasticity Strain -|ML T Nm 2
No. Physical Quantity Relation with other
Quantities Dimensional Formula SI Unit
18. Surface tension Force MLT-2 Nm
Length - MT =[ML°T-]
19. Surface energy Work MLZT-2 Im-2
Area = MT (ML'T
20. Coefficient of viscosity Force x distance
MLT L Nm s
Area x velocity L² x LT-! =[ML-T or Pa s

21. Angle Arc L

F=1=(M°L'T°](dimensionless) rad
22. Angular velocity Angle 1 rads-l
Time T

23. Angular acceleration Angular velocity T1 rad s

Time T
- T²-(M°LT-]
24. Moment of inertia Mass x(distance) ML² - [M²T°] kg m
25. Radius of gyration Distance L=[M°LT] m

26. Angular momentum Mass x velocity x radius MxLTxL=[ML?T-] kgm's-1

T-ratios Length L
27. F=1= [M'LT°](dimensionless)
(sin 0, cos 0, tan 0) Length L

28. Time period Time T= [M°LT)

1 s or Hz
29. Frequency
Time period
30. Planck's constant 'h Energy MIZT-2 Js
Frequency T-1
Density of substance ML-3
31. Reiative density [M'1oT°]
Density of water at 4°C ML-3 *1-
32. Velocity gradient Velocity
Pressure ML-T2 Pa ml
33. Pressure gradient --[ML2T

34. Force constant

Force MLT Nml
Displacenment L
- MT? = [ML'T-)
B. Thermal Quantities
35. Heat or enthalpy Energy [MLT² 1
Heat ML? T 2 Jkg- Kl
36. Specific heat Mass x Temperatre
[M°L²T K]
Heat ML?T 2 Jkgl
37. Latent heat
Mass M
Heat x distance ML? T.L Js'm-'K-!
38. Thermal conductivity =[MLT K-}
Area x temp, x time L'.K.T
Heat ML²T2 JK-1
39. Entropy K
=[MI²T K-')
PV ML-T23 Jmol-! K-1
40. Universal gas constant nT mol. K
[ML²TK- mol]

S Relation with other Dimensional Formula SI Unit

No. Physical Quantity Quantities
41. Boltzmann's constant Energy ML2 T- 2 JK-1
- (MLT 2 K
42. Stefan's constant Energy ML2 T-2 Js- m² K-4
Area x time x (temp.)* L?.T-K
43. Solar constant Energy ML? T -2 Js'm2
=[ML T-3
Area x time L?.T
44. Mechanical equivalent W MLT-2
of heat J= H ML? T-2 =[M°L°T°)

CElectrical Quantities
45. Electric charge Time x Current T. A =[M°L°TAJ C(coulomb)
46. Electrical potential Work MI?T -2 V(volt)
Charge TA

47. Resistarnce Potential difference MLT-A-1 2 (ohm)

Current A
- (MLTA]
Charge TA F (farad)
|48. Capacitance Potentialdifference ML? T-3 -1 - [M'L?T A?]
49. Inductance EMF MLT A1 =[ML'T-2A-1 H (henry)
Current/ time AT-1

50. Permittivity of free space

A N'm?
MLT2 ?
51. Relative permittivity or 8. Or K=
a pure ratio = [M°L'T')
dielectric constant (dimensionless)
52. Intensity of electric field Force MLT-2 NC or
E= =[MLTA) Vm-l
Charge AT
53. Conductance C= ML? T-3A -MLT³A1
R or mho

54. Specific resistance or p=

RA ML?TA2.12 [MLT -3A21 Qm
resistivity L

55. Specific conductance or (M'LT'A']

56. Electric dipole moment qx 21 AT·L =[M'LTAJ Cm

D. Magnetic Quantities
57. Magnetic field B= MLT T (tesla)
qu sin 0 AT- LT -l.1 =[MLTA
58. Magnetic flux =BA MTA-. L' =(ML? TA-] Wb (weber)
59. Permeability of free space 4r. F L·MLT-2
A'.L - [MLTA-1
60. Magnetic moment Current x area A-L'- (M°LT A) Am?
61. Pole strength Magnetic moment AL? Am
Magnetic length - [M°LT°AJ

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