Unit Iv
Unit Iv
Unit Iv
For him, "all human beings naturally desire ARISTOTLE'S interpretation of "Human
eudaimonia or human flourishing". Flourishing”
To be flourish, Plato believed that one must ARISTOTLE (384-322 B.C.)
have moral thought and virtuous action.
(VIRTUE - trait or quality that is deemed to be He explained that eudaimonia or human
morally good). flourishing is the highest good of human beings.
The well-being of a human individual must Zey (2001) introduced the Rational Choice
NOT depend on external goods (such as fame, Theory, which is used to model human decision
wealth, good appearance). making. It explains the behavior of human being
To live just for the sake of these external goods in order to satisfy human needs.
will not lead to flourishing. What are the aspects of Human Nature?
If having a VIRTUE is needed in order to There are four aspects of Human nature
FLOURISH, how does one develop virtue? according to Aristotle.
According to Plato, Human being can develop 1. Physical
virtue by the following:
2. Emotional
3. Social 11 Virtuous Traits
4. Rational 1. Courage 5. Magnanimity 9. Friendliness
2. Temperance 6. Patience 10. Justice
Humans are Physical Being 3. Liberality 7. Truthfulness 11. Shame
4. Magnificence 8. Wittiness
For humans, to keep their body physically and
mentally functioning, they need air, water, food In addition, Aristotle stated that all virtues are
rest, and exercise. connected by PHRONESIS or "PRACTICAL
WISDOM". It enables an individual to apply the
Humans are Emotional Being appropriate virtue in each situation. A virtuous life
Humans are the highest forms of animals. Like can be attained through education and habit. In
any other animals, humans have needs, desires, summary, when an individual possesses
and wants. Humans have emotional needs to INTELLECTUAL VIRTUE and VIRTUES OF
express different emotions in such reaction. CHARACTER, he or she will attain
Humans are Social Being
B. Human Flourishing: A Modern World
The feeling of satisfaction, flourishing, or well- Concept
being can be experienced when learning to
socialized. As social beings, it is inherent that In Psychology, Human Flourishing has different
humans need friendship, companions, components: happiness, life satisfaction, mental and
cooperation, and a sense of belongingness in virtue, close social relationship, and financial and
society. material stability.
As Aristotle said, a human is defined as a It contrasts with the Greek Philosopher's point
rational animal because they can think and use of view that human flourishing is a means to an
reason consistently. Rationality is what end goal, happiness. Flourishing is naturally
differentiates humans from other animals. It good and is worth striving for. Therefore, it is
allows human to express, be creative, or obey intrinsically worthwhile.
reason. 2. The actualization of the human potential
How does human become more virtuous? When an individual uses his or her potentials
For Aristotle, a virtue is a character trait that and capabilities it is called human flourishing.
enables a person to flourish. Just like Plato, The level of flourishing for every individual will
Aristotle believed that humans, through reason, seek cannot be compared because every individual
knowledge about the world. He also believed that has different potential and encounter different
by gaining knowledge, humans would flourish. He opportunities.
called it "INTELLECTUAL VIRTUE" Criteria for Human Flourishing
(According to King (2014), intellectual virtue is an
excellent personal trait or character strength that is a. Life as a whole
deemed to be morally good for thinking and In studying an individual's flourishing, it
learning and is often associated with knowledge and is needed to understand his or her nature
cognitive ability.) Aristotle made an important as a whole person/life, which means it is
distinction between knowledge and human important to study not only some parts of
flourishing. an individuals life but its totality as a
2 Types of Knowledge: human as a well.