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Quarter 1 – Module 3
Active Recreation

Physical Education – Grade 10
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Active Recreation
Revised Edition 2021

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Development Team of the Module

Writer/Compiler : JAMER D. MAESTRADO - Teacher I, CCDCAGMNHS



Management Team : RHEA MAR A. ANGTUD EdD

Schools Division Superintendent
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Printed in the Philippines by: DepEd Cebu City Division, RO7

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About the Module
This module is especially crafted to let you understand and know the benefits of
physical fitness through active recreation. In this module, we will explore and
discover our own fitness level and engage in various active recreational activities;
understand how we can improve our overall health and; apply it in uplifting the
overall health and wellness of our family and community.

This module was designed and written to help you explore what is involved in Active
Recreation. It is divided into 2 lessons, namely:

⮚ Lesson 1 – Lifestyle Management

⮚ Lesson 2 – Exercise & Weight Management

What I Know

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and encircle the letter of
the best answer.
1. What is the term that depicts a person’s way of living?
A. Exercise B. Health C. Lifestyle D. Routine

2. Which statement best describes lifestyle?

A. love eating seafood.
B. follow a strict diet and schedule.
C. doing many laps in my jogging for a marathon.
D. wake-up every day at 6:00 o’clock in the morning.

3. The following are aspects of lifestyle, EXCEPT:

A. Health C. Physical Activity
B. Economic Status D. Social Relationship

4. These are the general categories of exercise, EXCEPT:

A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Endurance D. Flexibility

5. What type of exercise is intended to improve the elasticity of the muscles and
the range of motion of joints?
A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Endurance D. Flexibility

6. What statement best describes the Intensity under FITT Principle?

A. Junnel goes to the gym twice a week.
B. Yang is doing light to moderate exercise every day.
C. Micah runs more laps in preparation for a marathon.
D. Clark adds extra sets for his exercise every other workout session.

7. The following words are used to describe the intensity or level of an exercise,
A. Average B. Light C. Moderate D. Vigorous

8. The following are lifestyle diseases associated with poor lifestyle, EXCEPT:
A. Diabetes B. Cancer C. Hypertension D. Obesity

9. What statement best describes the Principle of Specificity under FITT

A. Dante goes to the gym twice a week.
B. Yang is doing light to moderate exercise every day.
C. Micah runs more laps in preparation for a marathon.
D. Clark adds extra sets for his exercise every other workout session.

10. What statement best describes the Frequency under FITT Principle?
A. Mike does brisk walking every day.
B. Lara does 400m warm up in every swim.
C. Mel does his workout with a 1km run in the park.
D. Neil does free weights exercise in preparation for a competition.

11. The following are the factors needed to determine a person’s BMI, EXCEPT:
A. Age B. Exercise C. Gender D. Height

12. What values are computed to determine the BMI?

A. Age & Height C. Age & Weight
B. Height & Weight D. Height & Girth

13. If Marjun is 168 cm. tall and weighs 70 kg., what is his BMI?
A. 24.80 B. 25.80 C. 26.60 D. 27.60

14. If King is 160 cm. tall and weighs 59 kg., what is his BMI?
A. 23.05 B. 24.05 C. 25.05 D. 26.05

15. The following are categories of BMI, EXCEPT:

A. Average B. Normal C. Obese D. Underweight


1 Lifestyle Management

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
a. discuss how lifestyle affects the overall health of a person;
b. perform a self-evaluation of his/her own lifestyle; and
c. appreciate the value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What’s In

Think About It!

What was the last food you ate?

Where do you spend most of your time?
What kind of activities did you do?

We need to be more physically active and be aware of the proper kinds of food
to eat. From time to time, we have to be conscious of our lifestyles as it greatly
affects our health, especially these time during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What’s New & What Is It?

Our overall health and wellness are greatly affected by what we do, what we
eat and how we spend our time in our everyday life.

Lifestyle - the way in which an individual lives; includes the typical patterns
of an individual’s behaviour like every day routine at home, in school, or at
work; eating, sleeping, and exercise habits, and many others; are related to
elevated or reduced health risk. (Lualhati F. Callo et al, 2015)

Managing our lifestyle is the first step in improving our health and wellness.
Knowing the quality of our current lifestyle is essential before taking that first
big step to the better life we deserve.
Knowing the quality of your lifestyle will determine your next step towards
achieving better health and better life.

What’s More


1 2 3 4 5

Never Sometimes Often Always

Rate yourself according to the following statements about your daily activities
using the scoring system below. Get the score and determine your current
lifestyle quality based on the table provided below.
I engage in physical activities for at least 30 minutes several days a week.
I engage in physical activities that challenge my heart rate.
I do not stress myself about schoolwork deadlines.
I make sure I have time for myself.
I take care of the environment.
I do warm-up and cool-down before and after exercise.
I am conscious about what I eat.
I eat vegetables and fruits.
I take note of what the label says about my food.
I believe in what I see on TV and online about fitness, health and
I have a first aid kit and I know how to use it.
I find time for leisure and recreation.
I can manage my time well.
I spend quality time with my family and friends.
I have adequate sleep.
61-75 Excellent
46-60 Above Average
31-45 Average
16-30 Below Average
1-15 Needs Improvement

Based on your score, how do you describe your lifestyle quality?

What I Have Learned

Directions: To check your learning in this

lesson, elaborate the idea depicted the quote
below in 5 sentences.

What I Can Do

Directions: Evaluate your daily activities in your home or community and categorize
them accordingly whether it should be a STOP or GO. Write your answers on the
designated box. Provide at least five (5) on each category.

(e.g. eating fast food) (e.g. doing exercise)

Exercise & Weight
2 Management

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to:

1. discuss the difference between exercise and weight management;
2. perform weight management activities together with family
members; and
3. appreciate the value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle thru weight
management and exercise.

What’s In

Based on the image you see below, answer the questions briefly.
What lifestyle do you think does the patient has?
What does the doctor want to convey to the patient?
What do you think the patient needs to do?
How do you determine the ideal weight of a person?


What’s New / What Is It?

Body weight is an indicator of health. If managed properly through exercise and

proper diet, it can greatly improve the person’s overall health and wellness.

Body Mass Index (BMI) - a rough measure of the body composition that is useful for
classifying the health risks of body weight; also based on the concept that a person’s
weight should be proportional to height; calculated by dividing your body weight
(expressed in kilograms) by the square of your height (expressed in meters)

𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑘𝑔)
ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑚)2
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑘𝑔) 59𝑘𝑔 59𝑘𝑔
ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑚)2
𝐵𝑀𝐼 = 23.05𝑘𝑔/𝑚2

= Normal

The BMI is used to determine the category of a person’s weight using a standard
measure. The formula for the BMI is stated as:

Classification BMI
Underweight <18.5
Normal 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25.0 – 29.9
Obese (I) 30.0 – 34.4
Obese (II) 35.0 – 39.9
Extreme Obesity (III) ≥40.0
Now that you know how to get your weight category using the BMI, what are your
thoughts on your discovery?

The Three Categories of Exercise:

A. Aerobic Exercise
‘Aerobic’ exercise refers to exercise that requires the consumption
of substantially more oxygen than at rest. It is of a light to moderate
intensity, and can be undertaken for a prolonged duration (many
minutes to several hours) without excessive fatigue. (Aerobic
exercise: the health benefits n.d.)
B. Anaerobic Exercise
Anaerobic means without oxygen. Anaerobic exercise consists of
brief intense bursts of physical activity, such as weightlifting and
sprints, where oxygen demand surpasses oxygen supply.
(Study.com 2015)
C. Flexibility Exercise
Flexibility is defined as the range of motion of your joints or the
ability of your joints to move freely. It also refers to the mobility of
your muscles, which allows for more movement around the joints.
Range of motion is the distance and direction your joints can move,
while mobility is the ability to move without restriction. (Study.com
The Phases of Exercise
The warming up is The phase where The cooling down


a preparation for the actual exercise phase transitions

physical exertion program is done, the body from
or a performance following the activity to rest,
by exercising or Principles of performed to allow
practising gently Exercise suited for the body to adjust
beforehand. each person's its temperature
needs. and vitals

Principles of Exercise
Frequency How often do you exercise? (e.g. 3x a week)
F. Intensity How hard do you exercise? (e.g. vigorous, moderate, etc.)
I. Time How long do you exercise? (e.g. 1 hour/session)
T. What kind of exercise? (e.g. Resistance exercise, Running
Load or stress to the body should be greater than normal
capacity to progress.
Exercise should be steadily and gradually increased over
The way you exercise should be specific to what you want
to accomplish.
Rest & The body requires adequate time to rest and recover
Recovery between training and exercise sessions to adapt.

What I Have Learned

Think About It!

Instruction: Read the following questions below and answer briefly in 5 sentences.

1. Why do we need to manage our weight and lifestyle?

2. What can you do to elevate you and your family’s health status?

What I Can Do

ACTIVITY 1 – The Family Weigh In

Directions: Calculate the BMI of 10 family members and relatives. Categorize their
weight accordingly on the first table. Write your weight management
recommendation for each family member on the second table. Show your BMI
calculations on attachment #1.
Note:1. Conversion Values
Centimetres (cm) to Meters (m) – 𝑐𝑚/100 (e.g. 168cm/100 = 1.68m)
Pounds (lbs.) to Kilograms (kg) - 𝑙𝑏𝑠/2.2 (e.g. 110lbs/2.2 = 50kg)
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑘𝑔)
2. BMI Formula:𝐵𝑀𝐼 =
ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑚)2

Table 1 – BMI Calculation & Category
Name of Family Relationship Height Weight
BMI Category
Member/Relative to Learner (𝑚 )2 (kg)

Table 2 – Weight Management Recommendation

Name of Family
Recommendations Signature

ACTIVITY 2 – The Family Exercise Plan

WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
(what exercise are you
(How long did you do it?)
(Who were with you during
the exercise?
(What do you want to
achieve in this exercise?)

(Signature of other


Direction: Read the following questions carefully. Choose the letter of the best
answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
1. The following are lifestyle diseases associated with poor lifestyle, EXCEPT:
A. Diabetes B. Cancer C. Hypertension D. Obesity

2. What statement best describes the Principle of Specificity under FITT

A. Dante goes to the gym twice a week.
B. Yang is doing light to moderate exercise every day.
C. Micah runs more laps in preparation for a marathon.
D. Clark adds extra sets for his exercise every other workout session.

3. What statement best describes the Frequency under FITT Principle?

A. Mike does brisk walking every day.
B. Lara does 400m warm up in every swim.
C. Mel does his workout with a 1km run in the park.
D. Neil does free weights exercise in preparation for a competition.

4. What is the term that depicts a person’s way of living?

A. Exercise B. Health C. Lifestyle D. Routine

5. Which statement best describes lifestyle?

A. love eating seafood.
B. follow a strict diet and schedule.
C. doing many laps in my jogging for a marathon.
D. wake-up every day at 6:00 o’clock in the morning.

6. The following are aspects of lifestyle, EXCEPT:

A. Health C. Physical Activity
B. Economic Status D. Social Relationship

7. These are the general categories of exercise, EXCEPT:

A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Endurance D. Flexibility

8. What type of exercise is intended to improve the elasticity of the muscles and
the range of motion of joints?
A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Endurance D. Flexibility

9. The following are the factors needed to determine a person’s BMI, EXCEPT:
A. Age B. Exercise C. Gender D. Height

10. What values are computed to determine the BMI?
A. Age & Height C. Age & Weight
B. Height & Weight D. Height & Girth

11. If Marjun is 168cm tall and weighs 70kg, what is his BMI?
A. 24.80 B. 25.80 C. 26.60 D. 27.60

12. If King is 160cm tall and weighs 59kg, what is his BMI?
A. 23.05 B. 24.05 C. 25.05 D. 26.05

13. The following are categories of BMI, EXCEPT:

A. Average B. Normal C. Obese D. Underweight
14. What statement best describes the Intensity under FITT Principle?
A. Junnel goes to the gym twice a week.
B. Yang is doing light to moderate exercise every day.
C. Micah runs more laps in preparation for a marathon.
D. Clark adds extra sets for his exercise every other workout session.

15. The following words are used to describe the intensity or level of an exercise,
A. Average B. Light C. Moderate D. Vigorous

n.d. Aerobic exercise: the health benefits. Accessed 7 6, 2020. http://www.mydr.com.au/sports-

Lualhati F. Callo, Mark Kenneth S. Camiling, Johannsen C. Yap, Janeth P. Cagulang, Jose C. Doria, Encarnita
Deveraturda, Jo-Ann G. Grecia. 2015. "Physical Education and Health – Grade 10 Learner’s Material."
In Physical Education and Health – Grade 10 Learner’s Material, by Mark Kenneth S. Camiling,
Johannsen C. Yap, Janeth P. Cagulang, Jose C. Doria, Encarnita Deveraturda, Jo-Ann G. Grecia Lualhati
F. Callo, 48. Department of Education.

n.d. Meme. Accessed July 15, 2020. me.me.

Study.com. 2015. Anaerobic Exercise: Definition, Benefits & Examples. Accessed June 30, 2020.

—. 2016. Flexibility in Fitness: Definition, Stretches & Exercises. Accessed June 30, 2020.

n.d. Warming up. Accessed 7 6, 2020. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warming_up.

World Heritage Encyclopedia. n.d. "Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press." http://self.gutenberg.org/.

Accessed June 30, 2020. http://self.gutenberg.org/articles/eng/Lifestyle_(sociology).


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