X Approved For Supplier Distribution Internal To Deere Only: Worldwide Construction and Forestry Division Specification
X Approved For Supplier Distribution Internal To Deere Only: Worldwide Construction and Forestry Division Specification
X Approved For Supplier Distribution Internal To Deere Only: Worldwide Construction and Forestry Division Specification
DTW 3769
444-544L Cooling System Specification
Table of Contents
1. Scope 4
2. Supplier Capability Requirements 4
3. Definition of Terms 7
4. Design Rationale 8
5. Identification 9
6. Fluids 10
7. Test Documentation 12
8. Application Data 12
9. Fill Rate, De-aeration, and Draw-down 32
10. Vehicle composite for Thermal and Pressure Cycle Fatigue Life Calculations 33
11. Thermal Cycle Test 33
12. Pressure Drop Test (internal fluid) 38
13. Burst Test 39
14. Pressure Cycle Tests 40
15. Shock/ Vibration Tests 44
16. External Corrosion 45
17. Internal Erosion Corrosion for Radiators 46
18. Cleaning Requirements for External Fouling 46
19. In Vehicle Customer Reparability Requirements 46
20. End of Line (EOL) 46
21. Cleanliness Requirements 47
22. Manufacturing Quality Requirements 47
23. Allowable Heat Exchanger Aesthetics 48
24. Handling Protection 49
25. References 49
26. Appendix A: Reference material on erosion/corrosion 51
27. Appendix B Performance Characteristics 52
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Cooling System Layout (544L) ............................................................................ 16
Figure 2 Envelop Dimensions ........................................................................................... 17
Figure 3 Cooling Package Airflow Layout (544L Pictured) ................................................ 19
Figure 4 Steady state pre-heats for Zone 1 (TOC)............................................................ 19
Figure 5 Steady state pre-heats for Zone 2 (RAD/HOC) .................................................... 20
Figure 6 Steady state pre-heats for Zone 3 (Condenser/fuel cooler stacked) .................... 20
Figure 7 Steady state pre-heats for Zone 4 (CAC) ............................................................. 20
Figure 8 Fan control software logic .................................................................................... 21
Figure 9 Expected Coolant Flows, Minimum Water Pump Inlet Pressures and Maximum
Radiator Pressure Drops .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 10 Engine Coolant Heat Rejection ......................................................................... 23
Figure 11 Typical Coolant System Layout .......................................................................... 24
Figure 12 CAC Heat Rejection CAC System and CAC Pressure Drop Requirements ....... 25
Figure 13 Typical CAC System Layout ............................................................................. 26
Figure 14 Typical TOC System Layout ............................................................................. 28
Figure 15 Typical Hydraulic System Layout ...................................................................... 29
Figure 16 Typical Axle System Layout .............................................................................. 31
Figure 17 Surge Tank Vent and Return Schematic ............................................................ 32
1. Scope
This document outlines:
1.1. The minimum capability that C&F suppliers are expected to meet for Cooling
System Heat Exchangers from the perspective of:
Engineering verification
Product verification & validation (PV&V)
End-of-line (EOL) leak test
1.2. Engineering design specifications
1.3. Performance requirements and characteristics
1.3.1. The supplier shall have the capability to measure performance
characteristics. Performance characteristics include heat transfer, internal
pressure drop and external pressure drop.
1.4. Durability requirements
1.4.1. The supplier and Deere shall collaborate to determine if durability
requirements are met. Durability requirements include pressure, thermal,
vibration and corrosion.
Volumetric airflow 5%
Percentages are of maximum reading. Precautions shall be taken to obtain readings
unaffected by turbulence and velocity.
2.2. The fluid for testing is that which is to be used in the C&F application. Contingent
upon approval from C&F, an alternate fluid can be used.
2.3. The supplier shall provide Deere with cooler performance information for use in
cooling system analysis. When appropriate, the supplier is to provide cooling
system performance analysis. The preferred cooling analysis software is KULI.
2.4. A means to predict component durability will be required. Life predictions can use
either stress life or strain life predictions. Life shall be predicted individually with
inputs of pressure and thermal gradients. Information will be electronically shared
with C&F.
2.5. Material selection
2.5.1. Heat exchanger materials and manufacturing process shall be compatible
with C&F fluids and systems.
2.6. Product Verification & Validation (PV&V)
2.6.1. At a minimum, production verification will be required on production tooled
parts. Depending on the nature of the design, design verification may also be
required. C&F will make the decision of whether or not design verification will
be required.
2.6.2. The supplier shall have the capability to perform testing or contract a test
facility to perform verification testing. At a minimum Deere shall be informed if
contract testing will occur. In some cases, Deere will participate in
communications with the contracted test facility.
2.6.3. Testing is to be carried out until failure, with multiple samples and multiple
loading conditions so that a load life curve can be developed or strain life K f
factors can be determined.
2.6.4. All test failures must be reported to C&F immediately. For each failure,
analysis must be performed to determine failure mode and whether or not
failure is a result of the design or manufacturing. Corrective action
recommendations must also be submitted.
2.6.5. Pressure Drop Test Supplier shall provide pressure drop vs. flow curves for both the
internal and external flows. C&F to define the fluid flows and operating
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DTW 3769
444-544L Cooling System Specification
3. Definition of Terms
3.1. ADV: Accelerated Design Verification. Test is designed to simulate a large number
of field hours in a relatively short amount of time
3.2. Air-to-Redline (ATR)
ATR is the primary performance measurement used by John Deere to determine
the in-vehicle cooling capacity of the radiator and all other heat exchanges
except condensers and CAC’s. It is defined by the following equation:
ATR = Tmax – Tmeas + Tamb
Tmax = maximum allowable operating temperature (this could be
the top tank of radiator, an oil cooler inlet or an oil sump)
Tmeas = measured stabilized temperature during the prescribed
vehicle cooling performance test
Tamb = ambient air temperature during the prescribed vehicle
cooling performance test measured at a point reasonably
close to the vehicle, but not so close as to be influenced
by the vehicle.
To further explain, assuming that ATR is required to be a minimum of 52°C, T max
is defined as 115°C, and Tamb is determined to be 52°C, then Tmeas must be equal
to 115°C. The implication is that ATR merely indicates the ambient temperature
at which the vehicle may operate without exceeding the maximum operating
3.3. Burst Pressure – a safety factor established for components that is typically four
times working pressure.
3.4. DVP&R – Design Verification Plan and Report – test plan and results for
component testing
3.5. EPDP – Enterprise Product Delivery Process – process used by John Deere to
introduce products to market
3.6. Working pressure: maximum pressure a system is intended to operate at. Often
times working pressures can be exceeded during cold ambient operations.
4. Design Rationale
4.1. Design Objective Statement and System Concept
The following document pertains to the cooling systems for the FT4 models
of Deere 444L, 524L, and 544L 4WD Loaders manufactured in Davenport,
IA. These machines will be implemented in two phases: Phase 1 will
implement 524L and 544L (along with 624L), Phase 2 will implement 444L
(along with 644L and 724L). The scope of this program centers on an
updated cab and loader linkage. Cooling system changes from the K-Series
FT4 cooling systems to the L-Series FT4 cooling systems are limited to
metrification of ports and hexes on plumbing where possible. This cooling
system includes heat exchangers for the following vehicle systems:
o Radiator
o Charge Air Cooler
o Fuel Cooler
Axles (Front and Rear, independently)
Air Conditioning Condenser
The coolers in this system will be arranged in the Quad-Cool™ format in the
aft-most portion of the machine. Heat exchangers will be stationary in relation
to the cooling plenum with the exception of the axle oil coolers which will be
affixed to the fan door. The fan door will pivot about one edge of the rear
opening of the cooling plenum and will contain a hydraulically driven sucker
fan with an optional reversing function. The supplier(s) will be responsible for
the design of individual heat exchangers or combination coolers, where
applicable. Deere will integrate individual heat exchangers into the cooling
system through the design of supporting structures, cooling airflow and fans,
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444-544L Cooling System Specification
plumbing and all other components not explicitly stated to be within the
design control of the supplier(s).The supplier may be requested to provide
mounting provisions for some Deere assembled components (i.e. hose and
wire harness mounting points).
4.2. Musts
Though this specification details many design requirements, operating
conditions, and performance requirements, any system design optimization
requires specification compromise. The design requirements listed below
identify the specifications that the system must meet as a minimum (no
4.2.1. Meet prototype development and model production schedule.
4.2.2. Meet target cost objectives.
4.2.3. Meet the minimum cooling performance requirements.
4.2.4. Meet durability goals.
4.2.5. Meet warranty goals.
4.2.6. Meet system envelope requirements.
4.3. Wants
The design requirements listed below identify the specifications that
characterize desirable system traits. These specifications may be
compromised during system design optimization.
4.3.1. Minimize total manufacturing cost (TMC).
4.3.2. Maximize trash resistance.
4.3.3. Minimize number of factory options.
4.3.4. Minimize number of service parts.
4.3.5. Minimize fan noise.
4.3.6. Simplify core cleaning.
4.3.7. Maximize serviceability.
5. Identification
5.1. Major serviceable components and assemblies (Radiator, CAC, Fuel cooler,
Transmission Oil Cooler, Axle Oil Coolers, Hydraulic Oil Cooler, and Condenser)
must be permanently identified with the following data:
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444-544L Cooling System Specification
6. Fluids
6.1. Factory fill fluids
6.1.1. Radiator: John Deere Cool-GardTM II, 50-50 Water-Glycol
6.1.2. Fuel: JDM J12 – Diesel Fuel Specification
6.1.3. Transmission: John Deere Hy–GardTM
6.1.4. Hydraulics: John Deere HydrauTM
6.1.5. Axle: John Deere Hy–GardTM
6.1.6. Condenser: R-134a refrigerant and poly-alkalyne glycol oil (PAG oil:
Nippon Denso Oil-8)
6.2. Allowable fluids (in addition to factory fill fluids)
6.2.1. Radiator: John Deere Cool-Gard II PG, heavy duty diesel engine coolants
with the minimum following chemical and physical properties:
Formulated with a quality nitrite free additive package
Provides cylinder liner cavitation protection according to either the John
Deere Cavitation Test Method or a fleet study run at or above 60% load
Protects the cooling system metals (cast iron, aluminum alloys, and copper
alloys such as brass) from corrosion
7. Test Documentation
7.1. Prior to EPDP Gate #11, the Engine and Cooling System PV&V plan will be
established. See V2 Net 251959 for the PV&V plan. This plan will list V2 Net
numbers for all testing related to the cooling system. As appropriate, the test
activities for the pressure cycle durability or thermal cycle durability will include the
suppliers cooling system DVP&R and supplier test reports.
8. Application Data
8.1. Vehicle
8.1.1. Type: 4WD Loader
8.1.2. Off level operations: Fore/aft: 30 degrees Side to side: 15 degrees
8.1.3. Vehicle operating ambient temperature range: Minimum: -40°C
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DTW 3769
444-544L Cooling System Specification
8.5.4. Fan control system must consider disengagement of compressor clutch when
a fan reversal occurs.
8.5.5. Fan control system must consider condenser airflow requirements.
8.6. Test Conditions for Cooling System Performance
8.6.1. Reference John Deere Dubuque Engineering Analysis Procedures (EAP)
0400-015 Engine Air System Testing and 0501-002 Cooling System
Performance and Underhood Temperature Testing for specific test conditions.
8.6.2. All heat exchanger performance testing is to be conducted “clean” (no
external fouling).
8.6.3. Charge Air Cooler Performance Test Ambient Temperature 25°C Elevation 1000 ft. MSL Vehicle loading Full load rated speed To be accomplished by performing a torque converter stall and
stalling hydraulics over relief, if necessary.
8.6.4. EPA CAC Cooler Corner Condition (Calculated) Ambient Temperature: 38°C Elevation 5500 ft.
8.6.5. Field Heat Rise Ambient Temperature: >25°C Elevation 1000 ft. MSL Operation Loader stockpiling at a rate of 2.5 cycles per minute at 100% fan
speed commanded through the vehicle monitor
8.7. Environment and Airborne Contaminants
8.7.1. 444L, 524L, and 544L 4WD Loaders are considered utility machines and are
employed to move a variety of materials. They operate in many environments
from construction to agriculture to waste-handling. Materials commonly found
in those environments include, but are not limited to, dirt, rock, and organic
material. The level of airborne contaminants may be substantial.
Unfortunately, John Deere is currently unable to quantify the airborne
contaminant levels in a meaningful manner. Consequently, Deere and the
supplier are required to consider and make plans for managing these
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444-544L Cooling System Specification
6.2°C 8.6°C
10.7°C 7.4°C
8.10. Fan
8.10.1. Fan weight: 3.63 kg
8.10.2. Fan rotational inertia: 0.11 kg*m2
8.10.3. Maximum fan unbalance 72 g*cm
8.10.4. Fan immersion (amount of fan inside shroud): 50%
8.10.5. Maximum fan speed (444L) 1550 rpm
8.10.6. Maximum fan speed (524L) 1700 rpm
8.10.7. Maximum fan speed (544L) 1800 rpm
8.10.8. Estimated cooling system air flow at maximum fan speed and
maximum pressure drop across total system = 0.5 kPa 4.7 m3/s ΔP Heat Exchangers = 0.25 kPa ΔP Heat sheet metal = 0.25 kPa
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444-544L Cooling System Specification
Figure 9 Expected Coolant Flows, Minimum Water Pump Inlet Pressures and Maximum
Radiator Pressure Drops
Coolant heat
Machine Engine Operating Engine speed Power rejection
model model point (RPM) (kW) (Nm) (kW)
444L PSS FLRS 2200 92 400 66
444L PSS FHR 2040 70 333 50
524/544L PVS FLRS 2200 117.5 510 92
524/544L PVS FHR 2000 80 386 60
Surge Tank
9.2. Cooling system must purge all entrained air within 25 minutes after initial fill and
one hot shutdown followed by 25 additional minutes of operation per EAP 0400-
9.3. Cooling system design must maintain de-aeration under all modes of operation
including off level. In level operating conditions, coolant loss switch must activate at
2% coolant volume prior to aeration occurring. See DTW 2378 for additional
requirements of the off level operation. To be tested per EAP 0400-011.
9.4. Test fluid: clear coolant per EAP 0400-011
10. Vehicle composite for Thermal and Pressure Cycle Fatigue Life
10.1. The composites used for fatigue life calculations are defined in the following
two Engineering Analysis Procedures (EAP)
10.1.1. 0501-006: Oil Cooler Pressure Cycle Performance and Verification
10.1.2. 0501-008: Thermal Cycle Durability of Heat Exchangers
10.2. These composites used in conjunction with the component tests to failure will
be used to predict fatigue life. Unfortunately, the life prediction cannot be performed
until heat exchangers are built, installed in vehicle for strain or pressure history data
collection and finally a lab test. This method does not provide guidance for the
durability enhancing features that should be incorporated into the design. For this
reason section 11 defines a lab cycle test that can be used to determine which
durability features may need to be included in a design.
10.3. The primary considerations when developing a composite include:
10.3.1. Vehicle work idle cycles. A work idle cycle is defined as operating the
machine under load for 3 minutes or more and then idling the machine for 1
minute or more.
10.3.2. Machine operations that induce a rapid change in heat loads such as
torque converter stalls, retarders, engine brakes, low idle to full load rated
speed operation, etc.)
10.3.3. Frequency of fan reversals
11.3. Lab thermal cycle durability tests can be accelerated two ways:
11.3.1. 1. Faster cycle rates than what can be obtained in the field. This
means of accelerating the test is almost always obtainable.
11.3.2. 2. Strain ranges in the lab that are higher than the field. This means of
accelerating the test is frequently possible, but not always.
11.4. Radiator
11.4.1. Test fluid: Water/Glycol Mix
11.4.2. Minimum sample count: 3 (2 for testing to failure and 1 for strain
11.4.3. Max cycle rate of: 1 cycle per 3 minutes
11.4.4. The thermal cycle test parameters can be defined by one of the
following two means. Whichever case is chosen, a strain gauged radiator will
be used to characterize the strains observed during the lab test. The strain
gauged radiator will be removed once characterization is complete and new
components installed for the thermal cycle test. Method 1: Lab strains to duplicate or be higher than strains that were
observed during the vehicle field history. Note: not all strain gauges will be
matched. Supplier and Deere to agree on strain gauges to match in the
lab. Test to be performed to a minimum of 5,000 cycles or until
failure. Extension of the test beyond 5,000 cycles may be required to
meet component B50 goal of 25,777 hours. Failure is define as a leak
occurs. Inspection interval: 200-500 cycles Method 2: Accelerated test such as: Hot water flow of 4 l/s at 100 +/- 5 C through heat exchanger
until the outlet temperature stabilizes to within 3 C of the inlet. Cold water flow of 4 l/s at 80 C lower than the hot temperature
through heat exchanger until the outlet temperature stabilizes to within
3 C of the inlet. Temperature rise rate at inlet: 5ºC/sec External air flow rate: 0 Cold oil flow of 3 l/s at 80 C lower than the hot temperature
through heat exchanger until the outlet temperature stabilizes to within
3 C of the inlet. Maximum Cycle Rate: 1 cycle per 3 minutes Temperature rise rate at inlet: 5ºC/sec External air flow rate 0 Test to be performed to a minimum of 5,000 cycles or until
failure. Extension of the test beyond 5,000 cycles may be required to
meet component B50 goal of 36,944 hours. Failure is defined as any
visible leak.
11.6.3. Transmission oil cooler fatigue life prediction to meet component B50
goal of 36,944 hours. See DTW 2807 Component Durability Goals Technical Specification
for All Products
11.6.4. Hydraulic oil cooler fatigue life prediction to meet component B50 goal
of 36,944 hours. See DTW 2807 Component Durability Goals Technical Specification
for All Products
11.6.5. Axle oil cooler fatigue life prediction to meet component B 50 goal of
36,944 hours. See DTW 2807 Component Durability Goals Technical Specification
for All Products
11.7. Fuel Cooler
11.7.1. Historical evidence has shown that the thermal cycles from the engine
are minimal, and thermal cycle testing of the fuel cooler has not been required.
If the following requirement is met, then no thermal cycle testing is required:
11.7.2. The supplier has previously provided Deere with production fuel
coolers of similar construction (i.e. Bar-Plate, Tube-Fin, etc.) and has
completed a DVP&R (consult your Engine & Cooling PV&V Engineer).
11.7.3. If the fuel cooler fails to satisfy the above requirement, please consult
your Engine & Cooling PV&V Engineer for specific lab thermal cycle
11.8. Condenser
11.8.1. If existing supplier with existing technology and life has been
demonstrated with other applications and application conditions are similar, that
is similar (pressures and flow) testing is not required.
11.8.2. If new supplier or new technology, durability must be proven.
12.3.3. Pressure drop at maximum flow rate shall not exceed limit per Section
12.4. Fuel Cooler
12.4.1. Fluid: need a fluid that matches the viscosity of #2 diesel at 70°C
12.4.2. Measure and provide pressure drop curve vs. flow rate.
12.4.3. Pressure drop at maximum flow rate shall not exceed limit per Section
13.8. Radiator
13.8.1. Connect a pressure source to the inlet port of the heat exchanger.
13.8.2. Plug the outlet port of the heat exchanger.
13.8.3. Elevate the pressure at a constant rate to 200% of working pressure
within a period not less than 15 seconds and hold for 60 seconds and monitor
pressure decay.
13.8.4. Any pressure decay, external leakage, visible permanent deformation
of components or structural cracks warrants a failure.
13.8.5. Continue to increase pressure until heat exchanger fails and record
maximum pressure obtained.
13.9. Fuel cooler: burst testing of fuel cooler is not necessary pending approval of
fuel cooler construction by John Deere Engineering.
14.8.3. If the fuel cooler fails to satisfy both of the above requirements, consult
your Engine & Cooling PV&V Engineer for specific lab pressure cycle
requirements. Minimum sample count for each pressure level: 2 Test fluid: oil Pressure range #1: 30% above rated pressure of fuel cooler Cycle count: Test until failure Any external leakage, visible permanent deformation of
components, or structural cracks warrants a failure Pressure range #2: 60% above rated pressure of fuel cooler Cycle count: Test until failure Any external leakage, visible permanent deformation of
components, or structural cracks warrants a failure Oil temperature: 90°C +/-5 Maximum cycle rate of 4 cycles/sec Fatigue life prediction to meet component B50 goal of 50,000 hours. DTW 2807 Component Durability Goals Technical Specification
for All Products
14.9. Surge tank (for reference see V2 Net 92454)
14.9.1. Minimum sample count 2
14.9.2. Test Fluid: 50/50 water glycol
14.9.3. Pressure range: 0 kPag - 140 kPag
14.9.4. Minimum Cycle Count: 50,000
14.9.5. Coolant Temperature: 120 +/- 5°C
14.9.6. Pressure profile: 2 sec up, hold for 2 sec, 2 sec down
14.10. Radiator and Coolant hoses – see SAE J1927, consult engine and cooling
PV&V. Also see V2 Net 205776.
14.10.1. Minimum sample count for each pressure level: 2
14.10.2. Test Fluid: 50/50
14.10.3. Pressure range: Dependent on working pressure
16.1. All testing to be conducted on parts that have not been repaired; See Section
16.2. Sea Water Acid Accelerated Test (SWAAT) - ASTM G85 Annex 3
16.2.1. 4.2 % Synthetic sea salt - ASTM D1141 at 49°C
16.2.2. pH 2.8 - 3.0
16.2.3. 30 minutes salt spray / 90 minutes hold @ 98% Rel. humidity - test
units to failure
16.3. Goal: Heat exchangers must not leak after 400 hour (200 cycles)
20.2. No Leakage is allowed except for CAC’s. No Leakage is allowed except for
20.3. Supplier and Deere to discuss and agree upon a leak test method and
criteria. To be documented in a supplier document, not in this document. The
preferred documentation location is the drawing.
22.1. All sealing surfaces shall be free of visible defects and fall within geometrical
nominal dimensions and tolerance standards of fluid sealing surfaces.
22.2. All mounting surfaces shall be free of weld spatter and shall fall within John
Deere specified dimensions and geometric tolerances.
22.3. All internal and external threads, bores, and ports shall be free of weld
22.4. When applicable painting per John Deere JDM F17 Enterprise Specification
for Paint Performance Examples Fin damage not exceed 2% of total core face surface area No leak repair allowed If it is expected that a part and/or assembly print will be adopted from
the supplier it is required that the supplier related controlled documentation
regarding aesthetics be referenced in the adopted print’s drawing notes.
25. References
25.1. Industry standards
25.1.1. ASTM G 85 Sea Water Acidified Accelerated Test
25.1.2. ASTM D6210 Standard Specification for Fully-Formulated Glycol Base
Engine Coolant for Heavy-Duty Engines
25.1.3. ASTM D975 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils
25.1.4. ASTM D1141 Standard Practice for the Preparation of Substitute
Ocean Water
25.1.5. ASTM D6751 Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock
(B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels
25.1.6. EN 590 Automotive fuels Diesel - Requirements and test methods
25.1.7. EN14214 Liquid petroleum products Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)
for use in diesel engines and heating applications - Requirements and test
25.1.8. ISO 261 General purpose metric screw threads -- General plan
25.1.9. ISO 3457 Earth-Moving Machinery Guards - Definitions and
25.1.10. SAE AS5131 Tube End - Beaded, Design Standard
25.1.11. SAE J20 Coolant System Hoses
25.1.12. SAE J1927 Cumulative Damage Analysis For Hydraulic Hose
25.1.13. SAE J1231Formed Tube Ends for Hose Connections and Hose
25.2. John Deere standards approved for supplier distribution
25.2.1. John Deere DTW 1046 Tube and Hose Fittings Air Conditioning
25.2.2. John Deere DTW 1223 Radiator and Heater Hose Specification
25.2.3. John Deere JDM F17 Enterprise Specification for Paint Performance
25.2.4. John Deere JDM J12 Diesel Fuel Specification
25.2.5. John Deere JDM J20 Specification for Anti-Brake Chatter
Transmission/Hydraulic Fluids
25.2.6. John Deere JDQ 64 Cleanliness of Parts and Components
Determination of Particulate Contamination — Gravimetric Method
25.2.7. John Deere JDS-G 135 Worldwide Recommendations for Fuels,
Coolants, and Lubricants for John Deere Equipment
25.2.8. John Deere JDS G169 Cleanliness Classifications of Parts,
Assemblies and Fluids
25.2.9. John Deere JDS-G223 Supplier Quality Manual – Program
25.2.10. John Deere JDS-G226 Cleanliness Requirements for Air Conditioning
Hose and Tube Assemblies, Evaporator Cores, and Condenser Cores
25.2.11. John Deere JDS G242.4 Recommended Cleanliness Classification
System and Internal Cleanliness Levels for Air-Cooled and Liquid-Cooled Heat
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DTW 3769
444-544L Cooling System Specification
If the wall shear stress created by the flowing coolant becomes too great, the protection
silicate and the oxide layer can be eroded. Leaving unprotected metal ions that can react
with the coolant. At Reynolds Number greater than 104, the flow will be full developed
turbulent flow. Momentum from the free stream will be transfer into the boundary layer
increasing its velocity and the wall shear stress. Flow in this regime should be avoided.
At transitional flow rates 2300< Re < 104, smaller scale turbulent eddies will exist with the
flow. These small scale effects will be random expect when a surface discontinuity, such
as tube weld creates a regular local phenomenon. This may load to localized erosion and
Even at laminar flow rates Re<2300, some erosion may still occur in the entrance to the
tubes where the flow regime is still developing. Irregularly shaped tube ends and burrs from
tube cut-off can trigger local disturbances that can increase tube damage.
In areas of excessive flow rates (hydrodynamic forces) there may be erosion corrosion
which produces broad shallow regions of thinning quite unlike corrosion pits. ASTM 2570.
*Adapted from Design and Development of Automotive Engine Cooling
Systems 1998-by Al Kargilis
** Adapted from SAE SP-1541 A Systems Engineering Approach to Engine
Cooling Design by Peter Kanefsky, Valerie A. Nelson and Mary Ranger –
Ford Motor Company
ASTM 2570