Avid NEXIS EDGE 2023.12 Install Guide
Avid NEXIS EDGE 2023.12 Install Guide
Avid NEXIS EDGE 2023.12 Install Guide
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The following disclaimer is required by Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics, Inc. for the use of their TIFF library:
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software [i.e., the TIFF library] and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
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This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
This Software may contain components licensed under the following conditions:
Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
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Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
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Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear
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used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Daniel Dardailler makes no representations
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Modifications Copyright 1999 Matt Koss, under the same license as above.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in all
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This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.
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© 2010 Nexidia Inc. All rights reserved, worldwide. Nexidia and the Nexidia logo are trademarks of Nexidia Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
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“Videomedia, Inc. makes no warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, regarding this product, including warranties with respect to its merchantability or
its fitness for any particular purpose.”
“This software contains V-LAN ver. 3.0 Command Protocols which communicate with V-LAN ver. 3.0 products developed by Videomedia, Inc. and V-LAN ver. 3.0
compatible products developed by third parties under license from Videomedia, Inc. Use of this software will allow “frame accurate” editing control of applicable
videotape recorder decks, videodisc recorders/players and the like.”
The following disclaimer is required by Altura Software, Inc. for the use of its Mac2Win software and Sample Source Code:
Certain waveform and vector monitoring capabilities are provided under a license from 3Prong.com Inc.
The “Interplay” name is used with the permission of Interplay Entertainment Corp., which bears no responsibility for Avid products.
This product includes portions of the Alloy Look & Feel software from Incors GmbH.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
© DevelopMentor
This product may include the JCifs library, for which the following notice applies:
JCifs © Copyright 2004, The JCIFS Project, is licensed under LGPL (http://jcifs.samba.org/). See the LGPL.txt file in the Third Party Software directory on the
installation CD.
Avid Interplay contains components licensed from LavanTech. These components may only be used as part of and in connection with Avid Interplay.
This product includes FFmpeg, which is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
This product includes software that is based in part of the work of the FreeType Team.
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
This product includes libjpeg-turbo, which is covered by the wxWindows Library License, Version 3.1.
Portions copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Funded under Grant
Portions copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Boutell.Com, Inc.
Portions relating to GD2 format copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Philip Warner.
Portions relating to PNG copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Greg Roelofs.
Portions relating to gdttf.c copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 John Ellson ([email protected]).
Portions relating to JPEG and to color quantization copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, Doug Becker and copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, Thomas G. Lane. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. See the file README-JPEG.TXT for more information. Portions
relating to WBMP copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Maurice Szmurlo and Johan Van den Brande.
Permission has been granted to copy, distribute and modify gd in any context without fee, including a commercial application, provided that this notice is present
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This does not affect your ownership of the derived work itself, and the intent is to assure proper credit for the authors of gd, not to interfere with your productive
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This software is provided "AS IS." The copyright holders disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this code and accompanying documentation.
Although their code does not appear in gd, the authors wish to thank David Koblas, David Rowley, and Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation for their prior
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)
MediaCentral may use OpenLDAP. Copyright 1999-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights Reserved. OpenLDAP is a
registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.
Media | Distribute enables its users to access certain YouTube functionality, as a result of Avid's licensed use of YouTube's API. The charges levied by Avid for use
of Media | Distribute are imposed by Avid, not YouTube. YouTube does not charge users for accessing YouTube site functionality through the YouTube APIs.
Media | Distribute uses the bitly API, but is neither developed nor endorsed by bitly.
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. This Software and its documentation are “commercial computer software” or “commercial computer software
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Avid, the Avid Logo, Avid Everywhere, Avid DNXHD, Avid DNXHR, Avid NEXIS, Avid NEXIS | Cloudspaces, AirSpeed, Eleven, EUCON, Interplay, iNEWS, ISIS, Mbox,
MediaCentral, Media Composer, NewsCutter, Pro Tools, ProSet and RealSet, Maestro, PlayMaker, Sibelius, Symphony, and all related product names and logos,
are registered or unregistered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. The Interplay name is used with the permission of
the Interplay Entertainment Corp. which bears no responsibility for Avid products. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For a full list of
Avid trademarks, see: http://www.avid.com/US/about-avid/legal-notices/trademarks.
Adobe and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Apple and
Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners."
Avid NEXIS | EDGE Installation Guide v2023.12 • Created 6/11/2024 • This document is distributed by Avid in online (electronic) form only, and is not available for
purchase in printed form.
Using This Guide 8
Symbols and Conventions 8
Join Us on Facebook 9
1 Overview 10
Welcome to Avid NEXIS EDGE 10
User Management 10
Proxy Specifications 15
Software Requirements 17
Operating System 17
Networking Requirements 18
QuickTime Support 19
Installing the Avid NEXIS Client 22
Creating Certificates 29
Redeploying Certificates 35
Automatically Updating Avid NEXIS EDGE Software 73
6 Additional Information 81
Installing Alternate Language Packs for Phonetic Search 81
Using This Guide
For information on how to use the Avid NEXIS EDGE software once it is installed and configured, see the Avid
NEXIS | EDGE User’s Guide.
Important: See the following link on the Avid Knowledge Base for the latest updates to this guide and all
related documentation:
Revision History
w A warning describes an action that could cause you physical harm. Follow the
guidelines in this document or on the unit itself when handling electrical equipment.
c A caution means that a specific action you take could cause harm to your computer
or cause you to lose data.
This symbol indicates menu commands (and subcommands) in the order you select
> them. For example, File > Import means to open the File menu and then select the
Import command.
t This symbol indicates a single-step procedure. Multiple arrows in a list indicate that
you perform one of the actions listed.
Bold font Bold font is primarily used in task instructions to identify user interface items and
keyboard sequences.
Using This Guide
Italic font Italic font is used to emphasize certain words and to indicate variables. Variables are
often enclosed in angled brackets: < >.
Courier Bold font Courier Bold font identifies text that you type.
Ctrl+key or mouse Press and hold the first key while you press the last key or perform the mouse action.
action For example, Command+Option+C or Ctrl+drag.
1. Retry the action, carefully following the instructions given for that task in this guide. It is especially
important to check each step of your workflow.
2. Check the latest information that might have become available after the documentation was
published. You should always check online for the most up-to-date release notes or ReadMe because
the online version is updated whenever new information becomes available. To view these online
versions, visit the Knowledge Base at the following locations:
For Avid NEXIS EDGE Documentation, see:
For MediaCentral Cloud UX documentation, see :
3. Check the documentation that came with your Avid application or your hardware for maintenance or
hardware-related issues.
4. Visit the online Avid Knowledge Base. Online services are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Search this online Knowledge Base to find answers, to view error messages, to access troubleshooting
tips, to download updates, and to read or join online message-board discussions.
For information on courses/schedules, training centers, certifications, courseware, and books, please visit
https://www.avid.com/learn-and-support and follow the Training links, or call Avid Sales at 800-949-AVID
Join Us on Facebook
Looking for the latest information on Avid NEXIS EDGE, what’s the latest update, have a tip to share or need
assistance? We have created a place just for you. The Avid NEXIS EDGE Facebook group is for all users of
Avid NEXIS EDGE. This group is for peer-to-peer discussions of Avid products from: How To’s to installing
and upgrades, getting started, and troubleshooting to what gear to buy. See the following link to get
started and get connected with Avid and fellow users in post production organizations as they share their
insight to what works best for them. https://www.facebook.com/groups/avidnexisedge/
1 Overview
1 Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the system architecture, as well as the basic user tasks involved when
installing and configuring an Avid NEXIS EDGE system:
l "Welcome to Avid NEXIS EDGE" below
l "Avid NEXIS EDGE Overview" on page 12
Users can access projects, work with media, and share the contents of Avid bins using an intuitive user
interface embedded directly in the editor. Alternatively, producers, story editors and assistants can access
the user interface through a web browser to manage projects and associated media— thus freeing a
valuable editing bay for increased productivity.
Media Composer includes bin locking and other features to make it easy for creative teams to efficiently
collaborate on shared projects. Bin locking allows one user to write to a bin; multiple users can read the files
in that bin. For more information, see “Working with Bins and Projects in an Avid Shared Storage
Environment” in the Avid Media Composer | Software Editing Guide or the Media Composer Help.
Bins use icons to identify clips, sequences, and other media objects that they display. For information on all
of the possible object icons that you might see in a bin, see “Object Icons in Bins” in the Avid Media
Composer | Software Editing Guide or the Media Composer Help.
User Management
Access to Avid NEXIS EDGE is controlled through the user management system built into Avid NEXIS. When
you sign in to an Avid NEXIS EDGE server (through Avid NEXIS EDGE web portal), you enter user credentials
that are managed in the associated Avid NEXIS shared-storage system. Avid NEXIS EDGE supports an Avid
NEXIS with one or more Storage Groups and multiple Workspaces.
Your Avid NEXIS credentials determine what shared-storage workspaces you can access and use. There is
no need to create or manage any user accounts directly on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server. When a user signs
in to Avid NEXIS EDGE through an editor or a web browser, the authorization request is passed to Avid
c You must have at least one Avid NEXIS workspace mounted on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server. Previous
software versions, only required that the Avid NEXIS Client be installed.
We recommend use of the Workspace Whitelist feature to designate which Workspaces should be scanned
If the user has a valid account on the shared storage system, the login succeeds and the user is allowed to
access any workspaces for which they have read or read/write permissions. If the user does not have
permissions to a workspace, that workspace does not appear in the Avid NEXIS EDGE user interface for that
1 Overview
Avid NEXIS EDGE can be used with Avid NEXIS | Cloudspaces, both for saving and accessing Bins and also
saving media. Playback performance of media stored on Cloudspaces may vary depending on network
bandwidth and conditions.
Avid NEXIS EDGE can have a differing number of Media Composer and Avid NEXIS EDGE browser users (and
therefore licenses).
This differentiation allow us to apply a higher priority to requests from Avid NEXIS EDGE Browser users, as a
way of improving the Browser user experience.
On the Media Composer login window, if the hostname can be reached by Media Composer, and it includes
proxy service endpoints, the Avid NEXIS EDGE badge turns green. If the current host does not have proxy
service, the badge turns red, “quota exceeded”. A yellow badge indicates “connecting and retrying”.
1 Overview
Users can access projects, work with media, and share the contents of Avid bins using an intuitive user
interface embedded directly in the editor. Alternatively, producers, story editors and assistants can access
the user interface through a web browser to manage projects and associated media— thus freeing a
valuable editing bay for increased productivity.
The following table details the main areas of the user interface:
Section Description
1 Fast Bar Shows available apps and the User Profile menu.
2 App Header Displays aspects of the selected app, such as the Browse app’s directory tree or
and Sidebar the Search app’s search parameters.
3 Results area Lists the contents of a directory or assets returned by a given search.
4 Asset Inspector Displays selected assets and associated metadata.
Avid NEXIS EDGE consists of multiple components installed on a Windows server. Some of these
components are installed and operate directly under the Windows operating system while other
components operate within two Linux virtual machines (VMs). During the installation process you must
install Microsoft’s hardware virtualization platform — Hyper-V — as an add-in role on the Windows server.
Hyper-V establishes the environment that supports the creation of the Linux virtual machine.
The following illustration and table highlight some of the critical components used to create and power the
Avid NEXIS EDGE system.
1 Overview
Avid Bin Index Windows Enables read/write access to Media Composer bins stored on Avid NEXIS.
Avid NEXIS Windows and Client application used to connect and mount Avid NEXIS workspaces on
Client Virtual the server. The Avid NEXIS Client is installed on the Windows server. A
Machine (VM) second instance of the client is embedded in the Virtual machine (VM).
For more information, see the following link to the Avid Knowledge Base:
Avid Thumbnail Virtual Creates thumbnail images of Avid media files as displayed in the Browse
Service Machine (VM) and Search apps.
Avid Login Virtual Enables login authentication against Avid NEXIS user management.
Service Machine (VM)
Avid Bin Cache Virtual Part of the core MediaCentral components on the virtual machine (VM).
Service Machine (VM)
Avid Search Virtual Powers the Avid Search app.
Machine (VM)
Phonetic Search Virtual Powers the Phonetic Search functionality.
Machine (VM)
Log App Virtual Powers the Avid Log app.
Machine (VM)
2 Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Avid has qualified two new HP servers for usage as the Avid NEXIS EDGE server. The specifications of each
server are tailored to the size and depth of the team using Avid NEXIS EDGE.
For the descriptions below, a “User” refers specifically to the Avid NEXIS | EDGE Web Client Connector,
which is the browser-based toolset of Avid NEXIS EDGE that runs either within Google Chrome, or as an
embedded HTML panel within Avid Media Composer. Currently, Avid supports up to 25 total Web Client
Connector users on a single Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
For teams or productions of 1-15 Web Client Connectors, Avid recommends the following server:
l HPE Proliant DL360 G10 Server DUAL Xeon-S 4210R Processors
96GB RAM, 2x 500GB (or greater) SSD Drives RAID1, 10Gb 2P 530SFP+ Adptr w/ 2x SR Transceiver
included, DUAL 500W PS, HP 3-Year Parts, 3-Year Labor, 3-Year Onsite support, Windows Server
2019 Std Pre-loaded.
For teams or productions of 16-25 Web Client Connectors, Avid recommends the following server:
l HPE Proliant DL360 G10 Server DUAL Xeon-G 5218 Processors
128GB RAM, 2x 500GB (or greater) SSD Drives RAID1, 10Gb 2P 530SFP+ Adptr w/ 2x SR Transceivers
included, DUAL 500W PS, HP 3-Year Parts, 3-Year Labor, 3-Year Onsite support, Windows Server 2019
Std Pre-loaded.
Avid NEXIS EDGE also allows for up to 75 concurrently connected Avid Media Composer | Enterprise
systems, however it should be noted that Avid Media Composer plays media directly from Avid NEXIS
storage, even when connecting remotely, and not through the Avid NEXIS EDGE server. Thus there is very
little computational impact placed on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server itself by Avid Media Composer |
2 Hardware and Software Requirements
Proxy Specifications
The Proxy specifications are listed in the following table:
24 24
25 25
29.97 29.97
30, 50 30, 50
59.94 59.94
60 60
Resolution HD 1/4 HD
Audio Codec AAC AAC
Audio bit rate 24 kbps - 640 kbps 24 kbps - 640 kbps
2 Hardware and Software Requirements
Avid NEXIS EDGE clients that connect through the public Internet require VPN access into the server
network. All connections pass through the VPN router/firewall through identified ports. Once the data has
passed into the “house network” it is secured using the customer’s existing network security infrastructure.
The following table lists the ports leveraged by Avid NEXIS EDGE.
Avid NEXIS EDGE 443 HTTPS, Inbound / Client Connections (web, YES
Outbound MediaCentral Panel, Proxy
Resolver). Also includes the
connection to the License
Manager Service (Outbound).
Kubernetes 30143 HTTPS Used to access the Kubernetes Optional
ACS Monitor 30800 HTTP, Inbound Used to access the Avid ACS Optional
RMQ Management 15672 HTTP, Inbound Port 15672 is specified when Optional
connecting to the RabbitMQ
management web portal
(<hostname>:15672). Firewall rule
required if accessing
management port from a remote
Playback 5000 TCP, Inbound Playback service (loading assets, YES
serving JPEG images and audio,
etc.). Outbound flow to client
serving inbound requests.
Playback 9080 HTTP(S), Inbound Used by icps-manager. This YES
service manages player
connections and load-balancing.
Playback 26000 TCP, Internal rendering service. YES
Inbound /
Gateway 9900 HTTPS, Inbound Used by the ACS Gateway YES
service. This port might be
required by Bin Manager service
2 Hardware and Software Requirements
to be accessible.
Search API 30880 TCP, Inbound (v2019.2) HTTP (insecure) to YES
provide Audio download to Search
Media Composer 9900 HTTPS, Inbound Used by the ACS Gateway service YES
Distributed (secure) or
Processing 9966
30092 HTTP, Inbound This port is needed by remote and YES
local sites for initial Kafka
connection. This port is used to
discover Kafka brokers (cluster).
9092 HTTP, Inbound This port is used by clients to YES
produce and consume messages
from Kafka.
Grafana 30003 HTTPS Grafana front-end, an optional Optional
monitoring component.
NGINX Ingress 10254 TCP NGINX Ingress Controller YES
Controller Prometheus metrics
Avid NEXIS 80/443 HTTP/HTTPS, Used by the Avid NEXIS Admin YES
Authentication Outbound service and IAM for user and
Service permission management.
Avid NEXIS Client For details, see the topic “Avid NEXIS” in the Avid Networking Port Usage Guide on the Avid
Knowledge Base.
Software Requirements
An Avid NEXIS EDGE system requires the following software components.
Operating System
This topic contains important information regarding the installation and configuration of Microsoft
For an operating system, Avid NEXIS EDGE currently supports the following versions of Windows Server:
l Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition
l Windows Server 2022 - Standard Edition
For more information about Windows Server 2019 or 2022, see:
The Avid NEXIS EDGE server must also be configured with a Hyper-V Role. Hyper-V supports the Linux virtual
machine (VM) that is deployed during the Avid NEXIS EDGE installation process. For more information, see
"Adding Hyper-V to Windows " on page 21.
2 Hardware and Software Requirements
n With the introduction of PhraseFind AI and ScriptSync AI, all Media Composer builds pre-dating
2023.8 were removed from the Download Center on September 29, 2023.
n Users are encouraged to upgrade to Media Composer 2023.8 or later, or the most recent long
term maintenance releases of MC 2022.12.5
l Avid Media Composer | Distributed Processing v2022.10 minimum required; v2022.12.1
n Avid NEXIS EDGE supports connecting a Media Composer | Ultimate v2022.10 to use the Avid NEXIS
EDGE browser interface as well as the embedded panel within Media Composer. The proxy workflow
however requires a seat of Media Composer | Enterprise.
Networking Requirements
Prior to beginning the installation, you must obtain two static IP addresses from your network
administrator. The first IP address is used to configure the primary network adapter on your Windows
server. The other IP address is assigned to the Linux virtual machine (VM) during the Avid NEXIS EDGE
installation and configuration process.
n Avid does not support using dynamically assigned IP addresses (DHCP) with Avid NEXIS EDGE.
Avid requires that all client workstations can resolve the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) assigned to
the Avid NEXIS EDGE Hyper-V image through the network. The following lists three ways in which this
objective can be accomplished:
l Connect to a Domain Name Server (DNS) somewhere on your network and add the host name and IP
address of both the Windows server and the Hyper-V image to the DNS.
l A DNS is a system that maps the IP address to more user-friendly host names. DNS is often installed
on a dedicated Windows server that runs Active Directory, DNS, and other services. If you do not
already have a DNS server in your network, Avid supports installing the DNS role on your Avid NEXIS
EDGE server.
l This document does not describe the process for installing and configuring DNS. For more
information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/dns/dns-start-page.
l Configure DNS mapping on your network switch or router if the device offers this capability.
l Configure a local hosts file on each server and client station.
2 Hardware and Software Requirements
This process is slightly more time consuming and prone to error as a text file must be configured
manually on each client and server. On a Windows PC, the hosts file is often located at:
l Kubernetes Networking Options. During the deployment process, there are reserved IP ranges
designated for Kubernetes deployment. These IP ranges should not be used for any other portion of
the Avid NEXIS EDGE configuration:
– Kubernetes Service Network: The default range of this network is
– Kubernetes Pod Network: The default range of this network is
Kubernetes uses these network ranges to assign an IP address to each service and each pod
that it manages.
n Unless you have an network conflict that cannot be resolved (the default ranges are
already in use at your facility), Avid recommends that you do not change the default
In general, Avid supports installing Windows security patches (sometimes referred to as “hot fixes”) on
production servers. Do not install any security updates on the Linux Hyper-V image unless directed to do so
by Avid. The virtual machine image supplied by Avid already includes specific security updates supported
by Avid.
For more information about anti-virus and security updates, see the following link on the Avid Knowledge
Base: https://kb.avid.com/articles/en_US/troubleshooting/en239659
QuickTime Support
If you intend to use a web browser to access Avid NEXIS EDGE, and you plan to link to non-Avid assets
through a QuickTime® AMA workflow, you must install QuickTime on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server. Avid NEXIS
EDGE requires the same version of QuickTime that is supported with Media Composer. For detailed version
information, refer to the Media Composer ReadMe on the Avid Knowledge Base. You can download and
install QuickTime from the Apple website at https://support.apple.com/.
n QuickTime is required on the server for web-based workflows only. If you are accessing Avid NEXIS
EDGE exclusively through an editor such as Avid Media Composer, you do not need to install
QuickTime on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
For additional information on the use of QuickTime with Avid products, see the following link:
The following web browsers are supported to access the user interface:
l Google Chrome
3 Installing the Software
n The process for uninstalling MediaCentral Editorial Management software is the same for uninstalling
Avid NEXIS EDGE software..
If you have already downloaded the Avid NEXIS EDGE software, you can install it. For more information on
installing Avid NEXIS EDGE, see "Installing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software" on page 23.
c Metadata created by the Log App is not saved when creating a new VM. When performing a clean
installation of the software as opposed to a “patch” upgrade, the VM will be deleted in its entirety,
and you will lose all user-created metadata generated within the Customizable Logging app, the
Search app (such as Favorite searches), and Media Composer Enterprise. If this metadata is meant to
be preserved, do not perform a complete installation, but instead use the patch upgrade workflow.
c When you reinstall the new version, you can use the same System ID, but you will need to acquire a
new license.
3 Installing the Software
Complete the following process to add the Hyper-V role to the server. For more information on this process,
see the following link to the Microsoft documentation page: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-
3 Installing the Software
The Create Virtual Switches section within the Hyper-V section are three sub-sections that you will
configure at a later time. Click Next through the following, accepting the default:
– Virtual Switches: Do not select any network adapters in this window. Later, during the Avid
NEXIS EDGE configuration process, the Avid NEXIS EDGE Configuration Tool will create the
Hyper-V virtual switch for you.
– Migration: Select the default options
– Default Stores: Select the default options
For more information on these settings, see the Microsoft documentation link listed at the beginning
of this section.
10. In the Confirmation Installation Selections dialog box, click the Install button to add the Hyper-V role
to the server.
11. After the installation is complete, click the Close button to exit the wizard.
12. Restart the server to enable the new functionality.
Once the server restarts, you can Install the Avid NEXIS Client. For more information see, "Installing
the Avid NEXIS Client" below.
c You must have at least one Avid NEXIS workspace mounted on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server. Previous
software versions, only required that the Avid NEXIS Client be installed.
For details on installing and configuring the Avid NEXIS Client software, see the Avid NEXIS Client Manager
Installation and User’s Guide at: https://kb.avid.com/articles/en_US/User_Guide/Avid-NEXIS-
On the Avid NEXIS Management Console, you must create a group for your Avid NEXIS EDGE system, and
assign all Avid NEXIS EDGE users to that group. For more information, see the topic “Managing User
Groups” in the Avid NEXIS Administration Guide.
n Although the Avid NEXIS Client is required on both the Windows server and the Hyper-V image, you
only need to manually install the Avid NEXIS Client on the Windows server. The Linux Hyper-V image
comes with the Avid NEXIS client pre-installed.
3 Installing the Software
On the Avid NEXIS Management Console, you must create a group for your Avid NEXIS EDGE system, and
assign all Avid NEXIS EDGE users to that group.
For more information, see the topic “Managing User Groups” in the Avid NEXIS Administration Guide.
The software can be downloaded from the Avid Download Center. If you have not already created an
Avid.com user account, you must do so now. This Master Account enables you to sync your Avid Video
Download and Avid Video Community accounts as well as gain access to the Avid Support Center.
For first time installations, you need to perform a clean installation. For more information, see "Installing
Avid NEXIS EDGE Software" below.
Updating Avid NEXIS EDGE assumes that a previous version of Avid NEXIS EDGE has been installed and
configured, and that a license has been activated.
c For the 2023.12 release, updates from 2023.7 to 2023.12 are not supported.
For more information, see "Automatically Updating Avid NEXIS EDGE Software" on page 73.
3 Installing the Software
– The Avid NEXIS Client has been installed on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server. If necessary, make
sure that the NEXIS Client Remote Hosts settings have been configured.
– (if applicable) Make sure QuickTime has been installed.
3. Copy the Avid NEXIS EDGE installer to a temporary location on the server.
Avid suggests copying the installer to a temporary folder on your desktop, or another location such
as C:\temp.
4. Unzip the Avid NEXIS EDGE installer.
When you unzip the installer package, multiple files are extracted. If you create a folder, the files are
restricted to a single and organized location.
5. Double-click the “Install Avid NEXIS EDGE” application to begin the installation process.
6. Select a language from the Avid NEXIS EDGE InstallShield Wizard, and click OK to continue.
The Avid NEXIS | EDGE installation prerequisites window appears.
7. Click the Install button to begin the installation. Some components take longer to install than others.
8. After the prerequisites are installed, click Next in the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Avid
NEXIS | EDGE window to continue the installation.
3 Installing the Software
9. In the License Agreement window, accept the license agreement (click Yes), and click Next.
10. In the “Ready to Install” window, click the Install button to continue the installation process.
3 Installing the Software
The Avid NEXIS | EDGE Installer Information dialog box opens asking you to restart your system for
the configuration changes to take effect.
12. Click Yes to have the changes take effect now. Or click No, if you plan to restart later.
Your next step is to ensure that the Local User Account has been created. For more information see
the topic "Ensuring that the Local User Account Has Been Created" on the next page.
3 Installing the Software
To ensure this does not happen, before you configure the Avid NEXIS EDGE software, you must make sure
that the local user account has been created.
1. Open Computer Management, and navigate to Local Users and Groups > Users folder.
2. In the Users folder, determine if there is a user with the Description “Avid user enabler for user mode”
as shown in the following example:
3. If there is not a user with the description “Avid user enabler for user mode”, then launch “C:\Program
Files\Avid\Utilities\CreateUser\CreateUser.exe” and restart the bin service. The local user should
appear in the Users folder
n If there is already a user with the description, “Avid user enabler for user mode”, then the local
user has already been created.
Your next step is to configure and license your server. Proceed to Chapter 3 Configuring and Licensing
Your Server, specifically the topic "Avid NEXIS EDGE Installation Options " on page 37 to configure
your site-specific settings and create the Virtual machine.
For more information on creating signed certificates, see the "Creating Certificate Files" on the next page.
For more information on Google Chrome, see https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/7679408.
3 Installing the Software
In 2019, Apple published updated certificate requirements for macOS 10.15 (Catalina). As part of this
notification, Apple instituted a maximum validity period of 825 days for all certificates. You can read more
about this and other requirement at the following link: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210176.
As of September 1, 2020, multiple groups including Apple, Google, and Mozilla further reduced the
maximum allowed certificate validity period to 398 days. For more information, see
c Organizations that deploy self-signed certificates need to plan on recreating their certificates on a
recurring basis. The maximum validity period for these certificates is 397 days. After that period
expires, the certificate is considered invalid and a new one would need to be created. This same
guidance might also apply to organizations that create internally-signed certificates.
1. Review the process for "Updating the Self-Signed Certificate" on page 30. When you issue the avidctl
tools cert-gen command, you must also include the -d switch with a value of 825 or less. For example:
sudo avidctl tools cert-gen -d 825 -c /etc/mycerts/dashboard.pem -k
/etc/mycerts/dashboard-key.pem -N wavd-mcux.wavd.com -s wavd-mcux.wavd.com
-s wavd-mcux -s
If you need more information, you can use the script’s help function by entering the following
command: sudo avidctl tools cert-gen --help
2. Complete the process for "Deploying the Secure Sockets Layer Certificates" on page 35.
3. Redeploy the system configuration.
4. Import the new certificate into your macOS workstation.
3 Installing the Software
n When using a certificate that does not include all Subject Alternative Names, your local IT department
might be required to create additional references in the local DNS to associate the short host name(s)
and IP address(es) with the FQDN of the Avid NEXIS EDGE system.
In 2019, Apple published updated certificate requirements for macOS 10.15 (Catalina). As part of this
notification, Apple instituted a maximum validity period of 825 days for all certificates. You can read more
about this and other requirement at the following link: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210176.
As of September 1, 2020, multiple groups including Apple, Google, and Mozilla further reduced the
maximum allowed certificate validity period to 398 days. For more information, see
c Organizations that deploy self-signed certificates need to plan on recreating their certificates on a
recurring basis. The maximum validity period for these certificates is 397 days. After that period
expires, the certificate is considered invalid and a new one would need to be created. This same
guidance might also apply to organizations that create internally-signed certificates.
Creating Certificates
Proceed to one of the following processes to create or prepare your certificate files:
l "Updating the Self-Signed Certificate" on the next page
Complete this process if you plan to deploy a self-signed certificate.
l "Creating a Certificate Request for an Internal CA" on page 31
Complete this process to use a certificate issued by an internal Certificate Authority.
l "Creating a Certificate Request for an External CA" on page 33
Complete this process to use a certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority.
l "Redeploying Certificates" on page 35
Complete this process if you have already deployed a complete Avid NEXIS EDGE system and you
need to update the system with a new certificate.
c If you plan to configure a multi-site environment, you must create and deploy the certificate files on all
sites before attempting to create the multi-site configuration.
3 Installing the Software
While created automatically to facilitate the Avid NEXIS EDGE installation process, the certificates might be
ineffective for production as they might not include all used names (e.g., short host name, or IP address).
The following process allows you to create a new self-signed certificate that includes all Subject Alternative
Names (IP address, short host name, and FQDN).
n If you need more information about the script referenced in this process, you can use the script’s help
function by entering the following command: avidctl tools cert-gen --help
1. Enter the following command on your single server or primary master node to create a temporary
directory where the new certificate files can be created:
mkdir /<path>
For example:
mkdir /etc/mycerts
2. Navigate to the newly created directory:
cd /<path>
3. Create the certificate files using the following command:
avidctl tools cert-gen -c /<path>/dashboard.pem -k /<path>/dashboard-
key.pem -N <common-name> -s <value_1> -s <value_2> -s <value_N>
The following list describes each value:
– <path> and <directory> point to the location on the server where the certificate files will be
– dashboard.pem is the required name of the certificate file.
– dashboard-key.pem is the required name of the certificate key file.
– <common-name> enter the FQDN of the Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
– <value_x> is a list of subject alternative names for your Avid NEXIS EDGE system.
– If you are running a single server, you must enter the short host name, FQDN, and IP
address of the server.
avidctl tools cert-gen -c /etc/mycerts/dashboard.pem -k
/etc/mycerts/dashboard-key.pem -N wavd-mcux.wavd.com -s wavd-mcux.wavd.com
-s wavd-mcux -s
When entering this command, you must make sure to enter the FQDN twice: once with the -N switch
and again with the -s switch.
4. Copy the new certificate files to the /certs directory on your single server or primary master node:
cp /<path>/dashboard.pem /<path>/dashboard-key.pem /opt/avid/etc/certs/
For example:
cp /etc/mycerts/dashboard.pem /etc/mycerts/dashboard-key.pem
3 Installing the Software
When prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite the existing certificate files, enter Y for each
5. Proceed to "Deploying the Secure Sockets Layer Certificates" on page 35.
As described above, certificates issued by these groups must include the FQDN of your Avid NEXIS EDGE
server. Some internal CAs might allow for additional Subject Alternative Names (short names, IP addresses)
to be included in the certificate. Before beginning this process, you must verify with your CA if additional
alternative names are allowed.
If you are deploying Avid NEXIS EDGE in a multi-site environment, you must use the same Certificate
Authority for each site in the multi-site setup.
n The following process details the most common method of creating the files needed to create an
internal CA-signed certificate. However, other methods do exist. Before completing this process, check
with your CA to determine if an alternate workflow is required.
1. Enter the following command on your single server or primary master node to create a temporary
directory where the new certificate files can be created:
mkdir /<path>/<directory>
For example:
mkdir /etc/mycerts
2. Navigate to the newly created directory:
cd /<path>/<directory>
3. (if applicable) If your internal CA group allows you to include Subject Alternative Names in the
certificate, you must complete this step to create a configuration “answer” file.
a. Enter the following command to create a configuration file:
vi openssl.cnf
b. Add the following text to the file (bold text requires customization):
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req
countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_default = <value>
stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
stateOrProvinceName_default = <value>
localityName = Locality Name (eg, city)
localityName_default = <value>
organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
organizationalUnitName_default = <value>
commonName = <value>
commonName_max = 64
3 Installing the Software
[ v3_req ]
# Extensions to add to a certificate request
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = <value>
DNS.x = <value>
IP.1 = <value>
IP.x = <value>
Where each <value> represents site-specific information for the following fields:
– countryName_default: Two-letter ISO country code (e.g. US, CA, DE)
– stateOrProvinceName_default: State, Province, etc. (spelled out – no abbreviations)
– localityName_default: City, locality or jurisdiction (e.g. Paris)
– organizationalUnitName_default: The name of your organization (e.g. Avid)
– commonName: The single server FQDN (e.g. wavd-mcux.wavd.com)
– DNS.1 through DNS.x
Enter the short hostname of your server for DNS.1 and delete the DNS.x line (if allowed
by your CA).
– IP.1 through IP.x (if allowed by your CA)
Enter the IP address of your server for IP.1 and delete the IP.x line.
c. Save and exit the vi session. Press <ESC> and type: :wq
4. Create the certificate key file using the following command:
openssl genrsa -out <FQDN>.key 2048
Where <FQDN> is the fully qualified domain name of your Avid NEXIS EDGE server. The name must end
with a .key extension. For example:
openssl genrsa -out wavd-mcux.wavd.com.key 2048
5. Enter one of the following commands to create the Certificate Signing Request file.
t If you created a configuration answer file, enter the following command:
openssl req -new -key <FQDN>.key -out <FQDN>.csr -config openssl.cnf
Again, the <FQDN> represents the fully qualified domain name of your Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
After you execute the command, you are prompted with a list of questions similar to the
Country Name (2 letter code) [US]:
State or Province Name (full name) [MA]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [Burl]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [Avid Technology]:
wavd-mcux.wavd.com []:
If you created the answer file correctly, each question is associated with your custom data as
the default value (shown in brackets [ ]). Press Enter to accept each default value or type a
different custom value if necessary.
t If you do not want to include a list of Subject Alternative Names in your certificate, enter the
following command:
openssl req -new -key <FQDN>.key -out <FQDN>.csr -config
3 Installing the Software
Again, the <FQDN> represents the fully qualified domain name of your Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
After you execute this command, you are asked to answer a series of questions that relate to
information that will be included in the CSR file. The following data is requested:
– Country Name: A two-letter ISO country code (e.g. US, CA, DE)
– State or Province Name: State, Province, etc. (spelled out – no abbreviations)
– Locality Name: City, locality or jurisdiction (e.g. Paris)
– Organization Name: The name of your organization (e.g. Avid)
– Organizational Unit Name: The name of your department (e.g. Eng)
– Common Name: The server FQDN (e.g. wavd-mcux.wavd.com)
– (optional) Email Address
– (optional) A challenge password
– (optional) An optional company name
6. Enter the following command to verify the contents of the CSR file:
openssl req -text -noout -verify -in <FQDN>.csr
The system should respond with a “verify OK” message and a structured dump of the CSR contents.
7. Copy the new .key and .csr certificate files to your local workstation and e-mail them to your
Certificate Authority for additional processing.
n If your internal CA allows for Subject Alternative Names, Avid recommends that you include the
same list of names and IP addresses that you added to the CSR file as part of your e-mail to
ensure that the names are included in the certificate.
n This step provides one possible example of a conversion command. If you need to convert your
files from any other file type, you must work with your CA provider for more information.
Alternatively, you might perform an Internet search to identify companies that offer conversion
tools or applications.
10. Proceed to "Deploying the Secure Sockets Layer Certificates" on page 35.
1. Enter the following command on your single server or primary master node to create a temporary
directory where the new certificate files can be created:
mkdir /<path>/<directory>
3 Installing the Software
For example:
mkdir /etc/mycerts
2. Navigate to the newly created directory:
cd /<path>/<directory>
3. Create the certificate key file using the following command:
openssl genrsa -out <FQDN>.key 2048
Where <FQDN> is the fully qualified domain name of your Avid NEXIS EDGE server. The name must end
with a .key extension. For example:
openssl genrsa -out wavd-mcux.wavd.com.key 2048
4. Using the key file, enter the following command to create the Certificate Signing Request file:
openssl req -new -key <FQDN>.key -out <FQDN>.csr
Again, the <FQDN> represents the fully qualified domain name of your Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
After you execute this command, you are asked to answer a series of questions that relate to
information that will be included in the CSR file. The following data is requested:
– Country Name: A two-letter ISO country code (e.g. US, CA, DE)
– State or Province Name: State, Province, etc. (spelled out – no abbreviations)
– Locality Name: City, locality or jurisdiction (e.g. Paris)
– Organization Name: The name of your organization (e.g. Avid)
– Organizational Unit Name: The name of your department (e.g. Eng)
– Common Name: The server FQDN (e.g. wavd-mcux.wavd.com)
– (optional) Email Address
– (optional) A challenge password
– (optional) An optional company name
5. Enter the following command to verify the contents of the CSR file:
openssl req -text -noout -verify -in site.csr
The system should respond with a “verify OK” message and a structured dump of the CSR contents.
6. Copy the .key and .csr files to your local workstation and e-mail them to your Certificate Authority
for additional processing.
7. Wait for a reply from the Certificate Authority.
At this point you must wait for a response from the Certificate Authority before you can continue with
the certificate installation process.
8. (if applicable) Avid NEXIS EDGE requires the certificate to be created with a .pem extension.
Depending on the file you receive, you might need to convert the file. The following example
command converts the .cer certificate file into the required .pem file type:
openssl x509 -inform der -in <FQDN>.cer -out <FQDN>.pem
Again, the <FQDN> represents the fully qualified domain name of your Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
n This step provides one possible example of a conversion command. If you need to convert your
files from any other file type, you must work with your CA provider for more information.
Alternatively, you might perform an Internet search to identify companies that offer conversion
tools or applications.
9. Proceed to "Deploying the Secure Sockets Layer Certificates" on the next page.
3 Installing the Software
Redeploying Certificates
If you complete your Avid NEXIS EDGE installation and you need to deploy a new self-signed or internal CA
certificate, you must use the following process to complete this task.
The following process configures Avid NEXIS EDGE to use either a self-signed certificate or a certificate
obtained from a trusted Certificate Authority. If you are using a certificate obtained from a trusted CA, you
must obtain separate certificate and key files. Additionally, the certificate file must be created using the
PEM format — this requirement applies to the certificate file and not the key file.
n If you need more information about the script referenced in this process, you can use the script’s help
function by entering the following command: avidctl platform config cert --help
To configure a certificate:
1. Install and configure Avid NEXIS EDGE using the Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard.
2. If you have obtained a certificate file and a certificate key file from a trusted CA, you must copy the
files to a temporary location on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server such as /tmp.
After you copy the files to the server, make sure to retain a copy of the files on a safe, external
location such as a USB drive in the event that you ever need to reapply the certificates.
3. Enter the following command on your single server or primary master node to execute the certificate
deployment script:
avidctl platform config cert -i
The script prompts you to answer a series of questions. In some cases, the question is associated with
a default value. If the default value is correct for your environment, you can simply press Enter (or
Return on a Mac keyboard) to accept the default value and continue.
4. At the File Path to Certificate prompt, define the path to the certificate file.
t If you want to use the self-signed certificate, press Enter to accept the default path of
t If you are adding a certificate obtained through a trusted CA, type the name and path to the
location of the certificate file and press Enter.
For example: /tmp/my_trusted_certificate.pem
5. At the File Path to Certificate Key prompt, define the path to the certificate key file.
3 Installing the Software
t If you want to use the self-signed certificate, press Enter to accept the default path of
t If you are adding a certificate obtained through a trusted CA, type the name and path to the
location of the certificate key file and press Enter.
For example: /tmp/my_trusted_certificate.key
6. Redeploy the system configuration using the following command: sudo avidctl platform
redeploy -r avid-release-nexisedge
This is the final piece of data required by the script. After you press Enter, the values are written to a
cert.yaml file located at /etc/avid/config.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
Avid NEXIS EDGE “unified” installer, allows for the co-install of Avid NEXIS EDGE, Media Composer |
Enterprise (MC|E), and Media Composer | Distributed Processing (MC|DP) on the same system. This allows
for all three applications to co-reside within the same Virtual Machine on the same physical server.
However, it is not visible until you license your system.
A single Virtual Machine (VM) will be installed as the core of the Media Composer | Enterprise system.
To have a fully functional Media Composer | Distributed Processing installation, you must follow the
instructions in the topic “Installing Distributed Processing for Windows” in the Avid Media Composer |
Distributed Processing Administration Guide.
n Because of resources, we do not recommend installing the Distributed Processing Avid Media Worker
Service on the same machine as Avid NEXIS EDGE. However, the Avid Metadata Worker Service would
be fine.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
3. Type the Administrator’s user name and password, and click Sign in.
n If the Avid NEXIS password has been changed after the initial Avid NEXIS EDGE installation, you
can sync the Avid NEXIS password from Avid NEXIS EDGE. To do so, click the Sync Avid
NEXIS Password button. For more information, see "Syncing the Avid NEXIS Password in Avid
NEXIS EDGE" on page 78.
If this is your first time logging in to the Avid NEXIS EDGE server:
– In the User field, type Administrator
– In the Password field, type Avid123
Once configured, the password will change to the Avid NEXIS Administrator password.
The Avid NEXIS EDGE Select Product dialog box opens:
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
n Media Composer | Enterprise user credentials will be based on either a connected Avid
NEXIS system, or an external Active Directory server. This AD server is an external
resource typically provided by IT professionals, and is not supplied by Avid.
– Media Composer | Distributed Processing - Selecting this option installs the standalone
Distributed Processing product only.
b. If you want to perform a custom installation of Avid NEXIS EDGE, select the Custom Installation
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
Options of Avid NEXIS EDGE option, and then select the products that you want to install.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
5. Select the identity provider you want to use for this installation. Options include:
– Avid NEXIS - If you select Avid NEXIS, and click Next the Configure Avid NEXIS dialog box opens.
Go to Step 7.
– Active Directory - If you select Active Directory, click Next and go to Step 6.
n The Active Directory option is only supported for non-Avid NEXIS EDGE installations (e.g.,
Media Composer | Enterprise Admin).
6. (Option) If you selected Active Directory, and click Next, the Configure Active Directory dialog box
will appear.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
You must complete these fields as described below to configure the Active Directory. Scroll down to
view all of the fields.
a. At the Admin Group prompt, enter the path to this user group. This value must be entered using
a format similar to the following:
For example:
CN=CloudUX_Admins,OU=Security Groups,OU=Engineering,DC=wavd,DC=com
For more information about the Administrator-only area of Avid NEXIS EDGE, see
"Administrator App Overview" on page 56.
b. At the Base DN prompt, enter the search root path.
t If you are integrating with Global Catalog, Avid recommends that you press enter to
leave this value empty. This allows Avid NEXIS EDGE to reach across multiple domains.
t For all other configurations, this value must be entered using a format similar to the
c. At the Bind User prompt, enter the distinguished name of a user who has the right to query
Active Directory. This value must be entered using a format similar to the following:
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
In the following example, the Common Name (CN) user “WAVDadmin” exists in the
“Engineering” Organizational Unit (OU) at company “wavd.com”:
This is just a single example of the Bind Name formatting. You might have multiple Common
Names, no Organizational Units, or other variations in your environment. You must enter the
Bind Name according to the structure of your Active Directory system.
d. At the Bind Password prompt, enter the password for the Active Directory Bind User.
e. In the Default Group field, type the name of the default group.
f. At the Admin User prompt, enter the short sAMAccountName of the user that can be used by
the Licensing app.
For example: mcemadmin
g. At the Default User prompt, enter the path to this user group. This value must be entered using
a format similar to the following:
For example:
CN=CloudUX_Default_Users,OU=Security Groups,OU=Engineering,DC=wavd,DC=com
h. At the AD (Active Directory) Host prompt, enter the short host name, FQDN, or IP address of the
authentication provider (or providers). You can configure this value in one of following ways:
t If you are specifying a single AD server, Avid recommends that you use an IP address as
it eliminates DNS resolution.
t If you have multiple AD servers, you can enter multiple servers — each separated by a
comma. Avid recommends that you use IP addresses as this eliminates DNS resolution.
This method allows you to maintain tight control over which AD servers are used and in
which order they are prioritized.
t If you have enabled enable AD fail-over by registering the IP address of multiple AD
servers to the same DNS host name, Avid recommends that you specify the FQDN of this
DNS entry.
When your AD has been configured for AD fail-over, Avid NEXIS EDGE attempts to
connect to the first server provided by your DNS. However note that if you are working in
a global organization, the AD server selected by DNS might not be optimal for your Avid
NEXIS EDGE server.
If, for example, your Avid NEXIS EDGE server is located in New York and your DNS
provides an AD server that is located in Beijing, the physical distance of these systems
could introduce network latency and potential connection timeouts.
The benefit of configuring AD in this way is that you can manage your list of AD servers
through DNS, rather than locally on the Avid NEXIS EDGE system.
t If your Active Directory is configured as a Global Catalog, specify the IP address of the
Global Catalog server.
i. In the AD Port prompt, type the required information in this field.
j. At the Use SSL Connection prompt, enter Y for yes or N for no.
If you need to secure the data, enter Y (yes) to enable a secure connection through a Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) or N (no, the default selection) to use an unsecured connection.
k. Click the Next button. The Configure Avid NEXIS dialog box opens.
7. In the Configure Avid NEXIS dialog box, do the following:
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
a. In the IP Address field, type the System Director IP Address that is assigned to the Avid NEXIS
You are not required to enter a User Name. Avid NEXIS EDGE requires that the Avid NEXIS
Administrator account is used. This allows the Hyper-V image to access all workspaces on the
Avid NEXIS system. Therefore, when a user signs in to Avid NEXIS EDGE, they are only allowed
to access the workspaces assigned to the individual user.
For more information about the System Director IP Address, see “Installing the Software and
Setting up the Avid NEXIS System” in the Avid NEXIS Setup and Maintenance Guide.
b. In the Password field, type the password for the Avid NEXIS Administrator.
The password for the Avid NEXIS Administrator account must not be blank, and does not
support the use of special characters. If you leave the Avid NEXIS password field empty or use
any special characters, and click the Next button, the Password field shows “Required” in red
beneath it and you cannot continue without entering a valid password.
If you need to change the Avid NEXIS Administrator password, see "Changing the Avid NEXIS
Administrator Password" on page 89.
8. Click Next to verify that your Avid NEXIS EDGE server is able to contact the Avid NEXIS system with
the given IP address and Administrator password.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
n If the information in either the IP Address or Password fields cannot be validated, a message
“Error, please check provided password” appears. Click Previous to go back and reenter the
IP Address and/or password.
If the IP address and password are correct, the Configure NEXIS Confirm dialog box opens.
9. If the Avid NEXIS IP Address and Password are Validated, click Next to continue.
10. In the Setup Virtual Machine dialog box, review the automatically populated fields to make sure they
are correct, complete all other fields.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
Review and complete the fields in the Setup Virtual Machine dialog box as follows:
a. Main Adapter: If not pre-populated, or if incorrect, select your preferred network interface
(NIC) from the menu. This menu lists the physical network interfaces found on your Windows
server. In most cases, you should select the same physical interface to which you assigned an
IP address when configuring Windows.
n If your server includes non-physical interfaces such as virtual, loop-back, or other, these
interfaces do not appear in the Name menu. If you do not see your desired network
interface, click the Refresh button to update the list.
Once selected, the Main Adapter field displays the name of the NIC.
b. Details: Verify the information in the following fields is correct:
– Gateway: Displays the IP address for the network gateway assigned to your server.
– Netmask: Displays the netmask (subnet) assigned to the primary network interface.
– DNS: Displays the IP address of the primary DNS server assigned to the Windows server.
For more information, see the topic "Networking Requirements" on page 18.
c. In the IP Address field, type the IP address of the Virtual machine.
d. In the Hostname field, type the hostname of the Virtual machine as a Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN).
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
n In addition to being an FQDN, the hostname must be in lower case, and must start with a
letter (not a number). Upper case naming is not supported. For example: wavd-
For more information, see the topic "Networking Requirements" on page 18.
e. When you have entered and verified all of the information is correct, click the Next button.
c After you click the Next button, the VM Network Settings cannot be changed. If you want
to assign a different IP address or make other changes, you must uninstall and reinstall
the virtual machine with new settings.
The Confirm Settings dialog box opens.
11. In the Confirm Settings dialog box, review the information, and click Install to begin the installation.
n If the information does not look correct, click the Previous button.
This begins the configuration process of the services on the virtual machine, and could take 60
minutes or more to complete.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
12. In the Details section, you can monitor the progress of a certain action. Also note that the Log utility
only updates the interface after performing a particular action, such as configuring a service.
n The Avid NEXIS EDGE installation log is not written to a file. If you want to save the logging data,
you must copy all the text from the console, and then paste and save the text in a text editor
such as Microsoft Notepad.
13. When configuration is complete, you will be returned to the Login screen.
14. If you want to optimize performance when connected to an Avid NEXIS with a large number of
workspaces, especially when not all media and workspaces are to be used by Avid NEXIS EDGE users,
we suggest that you create an EDGE_whitelist group.
n This capability can greatly reduce the startup time of the Avid NEXIS EDGE system.
For information on how to create an EDGE_whitelist group, see "Using an EDGE_whitelist Group" on
page 55.
15. License the Avid NEXIS EDGE system. For more information, see "Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE" on
page 59.
When you are finished licensing the Avid NEXIS EDGE system, you should log in to view the Avid NEXIS
EDGE Dashboard. For more information, see "Viewing the Avid NEXIS EDGE Dashboard" below
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
1. Open your Google Chrome browser, and type the IP address of the physical Avid NEXIS EDGE server
followed by :3000/ to indicate the Port number being used.
For example: 12.345.678.90:3000/
The Avid NEXIS | EDGE Configuration Tool Welcome page opens:
2. In the Enter password field, type the Administrator’s password, and click Sign in.
3. In the SYSTEM section, you are presented with the following fields:
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
– Configuration Status - View the status of your Avid NEXIS EDGE configuration. If you see a
green check box and “Ready”, the server is configured and in a healthy state.
– Current Version - Displays the current version of the Avid NEXIS EDGE software that is installed
on the system.
– Patch Manually - Toggle this slider to ON if you want to perform the update manually with the
update files you have downloaded yourself.
You will be prompted to browse to the .zip file and update the Avid NEXIS EDGE software to
that latest version. For more information on updating Avid NEXIS EDGE software, see
"Automatically Updating Avid NEXIS EDGE Software" on page 73.
– Update - If updates are available, the button will appear blue. You can then click the Update
button to update the Avid NEXIS EDGE software to the latest version that has been
downloaded on your server.
n Updating Avid NEXIS EDGE assumes that a previous version has been installed and
configured, and that a license has been activated.
4. In the VIRTUAL MACHINE section, you are presented with the following fields:
– Status - View the status of the virtual machine (e.g., Running, or Stopped).
– IP Address - Displays the IP address of the virtual machine.
– Hostname - Displays the hostname of the virtual machine.
– Start / Stop - Enable this slider if you want to start or stop the virtual machine.
The Service status changes to: Running.
5. In the BIN MANAGER section, you are presented with the following fields:
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
– Status - View the status of the bin manager (e.g., Running, or Stopped).
– Start / Stop - Enable this slider if you want to start or stop the bin manager.
The Service status changes to: Running.
The status of the service does not change, but updates are added to the Log section of the tool.
6. In the BIN MANAGER WATCHER section, you are presented with the following fields:
– Status - View the status of the bin manager watcher (e.g., Running, or Stopped).
– Start / Stop - Enable this slider if you want to start or stop the bin manager watcher.
The Service status changes to: Running.
7. In the PHONETIC SEARCH section, you are presented with the following fields:
– Status - View the status of the Phonetic Search app (e.g., Running, or Stopped).
– Start / Stop - Enable this slider if you want to start the Phonetic Search app. The Service status
changes to: Running.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
10. In the SERVER INFORMATION section, you are presented with the following fields:
– Platform - View the platform that your Avid NEXIS EDGE server is installed on.
– RAM - Displays the amount of RAM (in GB) that is installed on the system.
– Processor- Displays the type of processor on the server.
– Hostname - displays the hostname for your server.
11. In the CONFIGURED ADAPTER section, you are presented with the following field:
– NIC4 - Displays the name and description for the currently installed network adapter (NIC).
12. In the AVID NEXIS INFORMATION section, you are presented with the following fields:
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
– IP Address - Displays the IP Address of the Avid NEXIS system you are connected to.
– System Name - Displays the name of the Avid NEXIS system you are connected to.
– User Name- Displays the user name for the Avid NEXIS system you are connected to.
13. In the ALL NETWORK ADAPTERS section, you are presented with the names of all of the network
adapters (NICs) available on your system. If you expand the option, you can see details regarding
the network adapter.
14. Click the Diagnostics tab to view diagnostic information for Kubernetes, and Grafana regarding your
installed Avid NEXIS EDGE system.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
– The Start / Stop field enables you to start and stop the Grafana application.
n This button must be set to "Running" before you can view the Grafana dashboard.
– In the Dashboard area, click the Open Diagnostics button to open the Grafana sign-in screen.
Once signed in, you can view the dashboard's diagnostic information.
n It might take up to 15 minutes for all the Grafana areas to populate the sample data.
For more information, see "Working with Grafana" on page 98.
16. In the KUBERNETES section, you can open it and sign-in to the Kubernetes dashboard, you will need
to copy the token, and paste it in the Enter token field on the Sign-in screen. The steps below outline
how to sign in.
n Your browser might ask for permission to access the clipboard, and to allow a pop up
b. Place your cursor in the Enter Token * text field, and paste the copied token (Ctrl + V) in the
Enter token* text field. It should look like this:
c. Click the Sign in button. The Kubernetes dashboard opens. For more information, see "Working
with Docker Containers and Kubernetes" on page 96.
17. Click the Support tab to view helpful information regarding your installed Avid NEXIS EDGE system:
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
In the AVID NEXIS | EDGE DOCUMENTATION section, you can click the View button to view the Avid
NEXIS EDGE documentation on the Avid Knowledgebase, including the ReadMe, Installation Guide,
and User's Guide.
18. In the CONTACT SUPPORT section, you are presented with some Recommended Links:
– Avid NEXIS EDGE Support Page - Click the View button to access the Avid NEXIS EDGE Support
– Avid NEXIS EDGE Knowledge base - Click the View button to access the Avid NEXIS EDGE page
on the Avid Knowledgebase.
Most users do not necessarily need Avid NEXIS EDGE to “see” or index 100% of their Avid NEXIS workspaces.
Rather, a much smaller number of workspaces is needed in many workflows for which they hope to use Avid
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
To fix this problem, you have the ability to set which workspaces are visible to Avid NEXIS EDGE users. To
implement this capability, we have created a new unique group (EDGE_whitelist) within Avid NEXIS that can
be used to represent what Avid NEXIS EDGE “sees” and indexes for workspaces. Once activated, this
process enables Administrators to “allow access” to certain workspaces from Avid NEXIS EDGE, freeing up
Avid NEXIS EDGE to process only the workspaces in which that particular user has access to.
n A whitelist must have at least one workspace with access enabled. If there are no workspaces with
access enabled, the system will act as if there was no whitelist, and all workspaces will be exposed to
It is important to note that if the whitelist feature is enabled, only specifically identified workspaces will be
processed. The whitelist workspaces are those that are listed with READ or READ/WRITE permission in the
Avid NEXIS “EDGE_whitelist” group's “Workspace Access” section. With this in mind, three things are
important to understand:
l Shared projects on Avid NEXIS that need proxies and/or remote access must be stored on whitelist
l DP workers that are set up for proxy creation should only mount whitelist workspaces.
l Users should only specify whitelist workspaces when using DP to create proxies.
If either shared projects or proxy media are stored on non-whitelist workspaces, then the proxy workflow
will fail, Media Composer will not be able to link hi-res clips to proxy files because the Avid NEXIS EDGE
services will not process the needed data due to the whitelist.
n Please note that if you already have a group called MCEM_whitelist, you will need to rename it
to "EDGE_whitelist" at this time.
4. In the whitelist group Workspace Access list, for each listed Workspace, you can add Read/Write
capabilities for what you want to expose to Avid NEXIS EDGE. All workspaces with no access will be
hidden from Avid NEXIS EDGE. This is all done by going down the list and selecting one of the
following access types (Read/Write, Read-only, or No Access).
5. Click Save.
6. (Option) If you have not licensed your system yet, return to you configuration procedure, and license
your system. For information on licensing your system, see "Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE" on page 59.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
For more information on using the General Settings, see "Configuring the
General Settings" on the next page
Search Settings The Search Settings app allows system administrators to monitor the status
of the search configuration, obtain details about the search indexes, and
manually rebuild the index for one or more connected systems.
For more information, see the topic “Using the Search Settings app” in the
Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX Installation Guide.
License Allows you to import licenses into Avid NEXIS EDGE.
For more information, see "Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE" on page 59.
Workflow Settings This app allows you to configure settings related to Publish workflows,
including the ability to create Send To: Playback profiles.
For more information, see "Using the Workflow Settings App" on page 70.
Media Composer | If your organization has purchased Media Composer | Enterprise, this icon
Enterprise Admin appears in the Administrator Fast Bar after you deploy and license the
Tool feature.
Metadata [Not available for Avid NEXIS EDGE] Allows you to map Avid metadata
Mapping values to matching values in applications that connect to MediaCentral
Management Cloud UX, such as Adobe Premiere Pro.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
n The Single Sign-On and Modules options are currently not implemented for Avid NEXIS EDGE.
To configure the General Settings:
1. Click on the Configuration Settings button in the Administrator Fast Bar and select General Settings
from the menu in the app’s sidebar.
The General Settings window opens.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
You can activate your subscription license either Online or Offline. Refer to the appropriate topic when
activating your license.
In addition to the User apps, Administrators have access to a set of Administrator apps that are available
through a specialized URL. These Administrator-only apps allow you to manage user groups, import
licenses, and configure additional settings that are related to each site’s custom workflow.
If you sign in to the Administrator portal and subsequently need to access the User apps, you must
complete one of the following actions:
l Open a second browser tab and sign in using the standard (non-admin) URL.
l Sign out of Avid NEXIS EDGE and sign back in using the standard (non-admin) URL.
This following steps detail the process for signing in to Avid NEXIS EDGE as an Administrator.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
n In addition to being an FQDN, the hostname must be in lower case, and must start with a letter
(not a number). Upper case naming is not supported. For example: wavd-vem.wavd.com
3. (Option) If you are accessing Avid NEXIS EDGE for the first time, you must access the administrator
apps so that you can configure additional system settings. To access the administrator apps and
licensing, do one of the following:
t Type the following URL in the browser’s address bar: https://<hostname>/admin
Please note that <hostname> is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Avid NEXIS
EDGE server.
n In addition to being an FQDN, the hostname must be in lower case, and must start with a
letter (not a number). Upper case naming is not supported. For example: wavd-
t Click the Avid logo in the top left of the screen.
If you access the Administrator page, the word “Administrator” appears above the User Name
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
field. To return to the standard user login window, click the Avid logo again.
In place of the sign-in screen, you might see a warning indicating that the connection is not private.
This warning relates to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. The warning indicates that you must
install a valid signed certificate to access the user interface for all versions of Avid NEXIS EDGE.
Without a valid certificate, users are met with a security warning when accessing the Avid NEXIS
EDGE sign-in page. Any attempt to bypass this security warning without a valid signed certificate is
unsupported, and could result in negative impacts to the user experience.
n You can eliminate this warning message by either purchasing a certificate from a trusted
Certificate Authority or by creating and importing a self-signed certificate to your local
workstation. For information on this process, see the topic "Creating Certificate Files" on
page 28“.
n Once the certificate is created, you need to import the self-signed certificate. For more
information, see "Importing Certificates on Local Workstations" on page 103.
n Unless you save the certificate to a location that is not deleted when you reinstall a new version
of the software, every time you reinstall the software, you will need to repeat these procedures.
4. Enter your Avid NEXIS user credentials to access the Avid NEXIS EDGE user interface:
– User: Administrator
– Password: Your Avid NEXIS Administrator password
5. The first time any user signs in, the Avid Software License Agreement is presented.
Click the Accept License Agreement button to proceed.
6. To sign out of Avid NEXIS EDGE, do the following:
a. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar.
b. Select Sign Out.
Next, you must choose how you want to activate your license.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
– For Online Subscription license activation, see "Activating a Subscription License Online"
– For Offline Subscription license activation, see "Activating a Subscription License Offline" on
page 64.
Activating a Subscription License Online
The Configuration area of the Licensing app guides you through the process of activating a new
Subscription license for Avid NEXIS EDGE online.
n Please note that activating a perpetual license is not available for Avid NEXIS EDGE.
n After you complete the licensing process, your organization might decide to add new features or
additional client seats at some point in the future. The process of upgrading an existing license is
similar to the process of installing a new license.
n If you activate a license and subsequently activate a newer, updated license, the existing license is
replaced with the new one.
1. Open the Avid NEXIS EDGE Administrator page, and select the Licensing app from the Administrator
Settings Fast Bar.
2. Enter your System ID into the System ID field on the left-side of the Licensing app.
n Your Entitlement ID and System ID are provided to you by Avid. If you cannot locate your
System ID, contact your Avid representative.
The System ID is a number (usually eleven digits) that is provided by Avid after you have purchased
your system. The System ID is a unique identifier that Avid uses to track both features related to your
system and support cases created through Avid Customer Care.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
6. Click the Activate button at the bottom of the bottom area of the app.
t If successful, your license is activated, and you will get the following message:
The Results panel is updated to reflect the new license. This process can take a few minutes to
complete, so please be patient.
t If the activation process fails, you have entered an incorrect System ID. The system alerts you
with an Activation error message.
If you receive an activation error, you must correct and resubmit your System ID. To do so,
click anywhere outside of the pop-up window to dismiss the message.
After you active your subscription license, the two values below the Entitlement ID field begin
to populate with data.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
License Last Checked On: Reports the last time that the Avid NEXIS EDGE server was able to
verify your subscription license with the Avid license server. The system also displays the result
of this verification step.
Metrics Last Transmitted On: Relates to subscription / over-subscription values. If you over-
subscribe any licenses during your subscription period, this data is used to track overages that
could result in additional fees at the end of your subscription.
Activating a Subscription License Offline
The Configuration area of the Licensing app guides you through the process of activating a new
Subscription license for Avid NEXIS EDGE offline.
n Please note that activating a perpetual license is not available for Avid NEXIS EDGE version.
n After you complete the licensing process, your organization might decide to add new features or
additional client seats at some point in the future. The process of upgrading an existing license is
similar to the process of installing a new license.
n After you successfully activate a license, the System ID and Device ID fields in the Licensing app
become locked.
n If you activate a license and subsequently activate a newer, updated license, the existing license is
replaced with the new one.
1. Open the Avid NEXIS EDGE Administrator page, and select the Licensing app from the Administrator
Settings Fast Bar.
2. Enter your System ID into the System ID field on the left-side of the Licensing app.
Your Entitlement ID and System ID are provided to you by Avid. If you cannot locate your System ID,
contact your Avid representative.
The System ID is a number (usually eleven digits) that is provided by Avid after you have purchased
your system. The System ID is a unique identifier that Avid uses to track both features related to your
system and support cases created through Avid Customer Care.
Make sure there are no spaces or special characters.
3. Click the Submit button to generate a Device ID for your server.
If you have entered a valid System ID, the Device ID field is populated with a unique 25 digit identifier
for your system.
After you generate a Device ID, the System ID and Device ID fields in the License app become locked.
If you accidentally enter the wrong information, see "Resetting the System ID and Device ID" on
page 66 for details on clearing the information from the License app.
4. Activate your product and generate a license file by doing the following:
– Click on the Activation page link in the MediaCentral Cloud UX Licensing app.
The Activation page appears as a new tab in your browser.
– Manually enter the following link into your browser’s address bar, and press Enter:
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
The Software License Activation page opens.
g. Access the Licensing pane and click the Browse button to upload the .json file, and click
5. Click the Activate button at the bottom of the bottom area of the app.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
t If the activation is successful, your license is activated, and you will get the following message:
The Results panel is updated to reflect the new license. This process can take a few minutes to complete, so
please be patient.
t If the activation fails, you have entered an incorrect System ID. The system alerts you with an
Activation error message.
If you receive an activation error, you must correct and resubmit your System ID.
To do so, click anywhere outside of the pop-up window to dismiss the message.
After you activate your subscription license, the two values below the Entitlement ID field begin to populate
with data.
License Last Checked On: This field reports the last time that the Avid NEXIS EDGE server was able to verify
your subscription license with the Avid license server. The system also displays the result of this verification
Metrics Last Transmitted On: This field relates to subscription / over-subscription values. If you over-
subscribe any licenses during your subscription period, this data is used to track overages that could result
in additional fees at the end of your subscription.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
If you need to reset either the System ID or Device ID, you can click this button to delete both IDs from your
Avid NEXIS EDGE system. When you click the Reset ID button, both the System ID and Device ID are reset.
You cannot selectively reset only one of these values.
If you have already licensed your Avid NEXIS EDGE server with Avid and you reset the IDs, you will be
required to reactive your license. To do so, you would need your original Entitlement ID to reactivate.
1. Select the Licensing app from the Administrator Settings Fast Bar.
For more information, see "Administrator App Overview" on page 56.
2. Before you reset the ID, you must take note of the System ID that was previously submitted. You will
need this information later in this process.
3. Click the Reset IDs button.
The system prompts you to confirm the reset command.
4. Click the Reset button to confirm the action, or click Cancel to keep your existing IDs.
5. After confirming the reset command, you are prompted to confirm your System ID.
t To proceed, enter your previously submitted System ID and click the Reset IDs button.
t To exit without resetting, click the Cancel button.
Reviewing the Licensing Results Panel
The Results panel provides additional information on each license that is successfully imported into Avid
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
The upper-left corner of this section displays the total number of licenses that have been imported into Avid
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
Each license is associated with a number. In some cases the number represents a license count and in
other cases it could represent a value, such as the number of hours licensed for Phonetic Index. In the
case of an On/Off license type, a value of 1 means that the license is enabled.
In some cases the quantity value is listed as a fraction — 10/40 for example. The number on the right
indicates the total number of licenses available and the number on the left indicates how many
licenses are currently in use.
l Maximum Quantity
This column displays the maximum concurrent user count of the corresponding license. As described
earlier in this chapter, subscription licenses allow you to extend beyond the number of licenses that
are displayed in the Current Quantity column. If this occurs, the number is displayed in red to
indicate the over-subscription.
l Expiration Date
Subscription licenses and MediaCentral Support offerings are valid only for a certain period of time.
In this case the Expiration Date column displays the date on which the license will expire.
Additionally, the License app provides visual colored feedback regarding the status of the expiration:
– White: Indicates that the license is active and is at least 30 days away from the expiration
– Yellow: Indicates that the license will expire in less than 30 days.
– Red: The license has expired.
If you need to continue to use a feature beyond its expiration date, you must contact Avid to renew
the feature or extend your subscription. If you plan to extend your subscription, Avid recommends
doing so proactively to ensure uninterrupted operation of your system.
If a license expires, the features associated with that license are disabled until the license is renewed.
However if a license expires while users are connected to the system, the associated features remain
available to all active (signed-in) users during their current session. In this case the expired features
are disabled only after the user signs out of Avid NEXIS EDGE and makes a new connection to the
You can increase or decrease the size of any column by clicking and dragging the separator bars in the
column header. However, you cannot reorder the list of columns.
l Filtering: This feature works almost like a search in that you can enter text in the filter field and only
those licenses whose name includes the filter term are displayed.
l Sorting: This feature allows you to reorder the list of licenses based on the column header.
Licenses are organized in alphabetical order (0-9, Aa-Zz) according to the License Name column by
default. You can sort the results by License Name, Type, Quantity, or Expiration Date — one column
at a time.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
n If you filter the Quantity column, the values are sorted by the total number of seats, not the used
To filter the Results list:
You can access the Workflow Settings app through the Administrator settings. For more information on
accessing the Administrator settings, see "Administrator App Overview" on page 56.
4 Configuring and Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE Software
For more information on variable speed playback, see the topic “Using the J-K-L Keys for Playback”
in the Avid NEXIS EDGE User’s Guide.
4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the app to apply and save your settings.
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
1. Open the Avid NEXIS EDGE Dashboard, Configuration tab, in the Virtual Machine section, click Stop.
2. Power-off the Windows server as normal.
n The system must be licensed before you can start the Phonetic Search settings. For more information,
see "Licensing Avid NEXIS EDGE" on page 59.
1. Open Media Composer, select File > Settings, click the Site tab and double-click Media Cache.
The Media Cache dialog box opens.
2. Click the File Cache tab.
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
3. Using the slider, adjust the value in the Desired File Cache Size (GB) field to increase the cache size to
the desired level. The following information can also be helpful:
– File Disk Cache (for proxy media only) stores individual frames of proxy media played from the
Avid NEXIS server. This allows the remote client to avoid pulling the same media over a network
connection more than once, and improves playback performance and editing. The directory
for File Disk Cache is already selected by default in the Media Cache dialog, and can be found
in the following locations:
(macOS) /Users/Shared/AvidCache
(Windows) C:\Users\Public\Documents\Avid Media Composer\AvidMediaFilesLocalCache
– Another cache that helps with network variability is Bin Cache. Project and bin files are stored
locally for remote clients and (over time) can add up. Bin Cache stores the files indefinitely, but
users can delete the files to clear space, and they will be re-cached the next time a project and
bin are opened. Only bins opened on the remote client, and not a complete copy of the entire
shared project, are stored. Bin Cache is stored in the following locations:
(macOS) /Users/Shared/AvidMediaComposer/Avid Remote
(Windows) C:\Users\Public\Documents\Avid Media Composer\Avid Remote
For more information, see the “Media Cache Settings: File Cache Tab” topic in the Avid Media Composer
User’s Guide or Online help.
c For the 2023.12 release, updates from 2023.7 to 2023.12 are not supported.
In some cases, System Administrators may need to update their Avid NEXIS EDGE system that is not directly
connected to the internet. In those cases, they need to toggle the “Patch Manually” toggle to ON. Once
that is done, you need download two zip files to your Avid NEXIS EDGE server, and run the included Install
script followed by performing the Manual Update process.
n In this release, updating Avid NEXIS EDGE assumes that a previous version of the Avid NEXIS EDGE
application has been installed and configured, and that a license has been activated. This process
does not apply to Media Composer | Enterprise only systems.
c For the 2023.12 release, updates from 2023.7 to 2023.12 are not supported.
To automatically update Avid NEXIS EDGE software:
1. Open your Google Chrome browser, and log into the Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard by typing the IP
address of the physical Avid NEXIS EDGE server followed by :3000/ to indicate the Port number being
For example: 12.345.678.90:3000/
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
n If the Avid NEXIS password has been changed, you can sync the Avid NEXIS password from Avid
NEXIS EDGE. To do so, click the Sync Avid NEXIS Password button. For more information, see
"Syncing the Avid NEXIS Password in Avid NEXIS EDGE" on page 78.
2. Type your password, and click Sign in. The Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard opens.
In the Configuration > System section, you will notice the Current version of the software is listed.
3. If enabled, make sure to toggle the Patch Manually slider to OFF (grey) to perform the patch update
4. Click the blue Update button in the Configuration > System section of the Avid NEXIS EDGE
The New Patch Available dialog box opens, showing you the current version of software you are
running, and the latest version of software available.
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
5. After confirming that you want to update to the latest version, click the Next button.
A dialog box opens asking if you are sure you want to proceed with the update.
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
After the patch is installed, the About dialog box should update to reflect the latest version.
c For the 2023.12 release, updates from 2023.7 to 2023.12 are not supported.
This procedure is for System Administrators who need to update an Avid NEXIS EDGE system that is not
directly connected to the internet.
n You may need to install PowerShell as an app before completing these steps. For more information,
see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-
1. On the Avid NEXIS EDGE server, obtain the latest Avid NEXIS EDGE software version, and download
both files and unzip just the latest Avid NEXIS EDGE Configuration Tool.zip file.
2. Right-click on the Configuration Tool install script, and select Run with PowerShell.
3. Do the following:
a. Log out of the Configuration tool.
b. Log back in to the Configuration tool.
c. Go to the next step.
4. Open your Google Chrome browser, and log into the Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard by typing the IP
address of the physical Avid NEXIS EDGE server followed by :3000/ to indicate the Port number being
For example: 12.345.678.90:3000/
The Avid NEXIS EDGE Welcome screen opens:
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
n If the Avid NEXIS password has been changed, you can sync the Avid NEXIS password from Avid
NEXIS EDGE. To do so, click the Sync Avid NEXIS Password button. For more information, see
"Syncing the Avid NEXIS Password in Avid NEXIS EDGE" on the next page.
5. Type your password, and Sign in to the Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard. In the Configuration > System
section, you will notice the Current version of the software is listed.
6. Toggle the Patch Manually slider to ON to perform the patch update manually using the update files
you have downloaded yourself.
7. Click the blue Update button in the Configuration > System section of the Avid NEXIS EDGE
The following dialog box opens for you to select the patch file.
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
8. Click Select File, and navigate to the location of the .zip file that you saved to your Avid NEXIS EDGE
server (e.g., Avid_NEXIS_EDGE_2022.10.1_Update.zip).
Once you select a file, it will appear as a Selected file in the dialog box as shown:
9. Click the Update button to update the Avid NEXIS EDGE software.
After the update is completed, open the Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard, and in the System tab, the
Current Version field displays the current version (e.g., 2022.10.1).
10. Once you have verified the version has been updated, verify that all items are green in the Avid NEXIS
EDGE dashboard.
Your Avid NEXIS EDGE software has now been updated to the newest version.
After the patch is installed, the About dialog box should update to reflect the updated version.
This topic contains information on how to sync the Avid NEXIS password in Avid NEXIS EDGE.
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
1. Open your Google Chrome browser, and log into the Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard by typing the IP
address of the physical Avid NEXIS EDGE server followed by :3000/ to indicate the Port number being
For example: 12.345.678.90:3000/
The Avid NEXIS | EDGE Configuration Tool Welcome screen opens.
2. To sync the Avid NEXIS password, click Sync Avid NEXIS Password.
The Sync Avid NEXIS Password dialog box opens.
3. In the Enter old Avid NEXIS password field, type the old Avid NEXIS password.
4. In the Enter new Avid NEXIS password field, type the new Avid NEXIS password.
5. Click the blue Sync Password button.
5 Working with Avid NEXIS EDGE Server Software
A message saying "Password update in progress. Please wait a moment. Thank you for your
patience!" appears.
When it's done, a dialog box opens that says "Password has been successfully synced".
Your Avid NEXIS password has now been synced to the latest version.
6. Click the blue Go to Sign In Page button to return to the Avid NEXIS EDGE Configuration Tool
Welcome page.
c If you have already obtained a license from Avid, and you completely uninstall the product, you will
require a new license from Avid after reinstalling Avid NEXIS EDGE. You can use the same System ID
when relicensing the software.
1. Go to Windows Settings > Apps and features, and locate the Avid NEXIS EDGE application.
6 Additional Information
6 Additional Information
This chapter contains information related to processes referenced in the Avid NEXIS EDGE installation and
configuration process. The following topics are included:
l "Installing Alternate Language Packs for Phonetic Search" below
l "Accessing the Linux Hyper-V Virtual Machine" on page 86
l "Changing the Avid NEXIS Administrator Password" on page 89
l "Customizing the User Experience" on page 91
l "Copying Software to the Avid NEXIS EDGE Server" on page 93
l "Working with Docker Containers and Kubernetes" on page 96
l "Working with Grafana" on page 98
Avid NEXIS EDGE supports International English plus one other language installed at a time. Only the last
installed language pack will be used (active). For example, if you have the default language (e.g.,
International English) installed, and you install the Polish language pack, all material will be indexed using
the Polish language pack.
You can change your alternate language, but to do so, you must uninstall the previously installed alternate
language before installing the new language.
n Do not install on top of the existing language, and do not perform a clean install for the new language.
To install alternate language packs:
6 Additional Information
8. In the left panel (source server), navigate to where the Language packs are located.
In the example below, you can see that you are currently in
C:\Users\stu\Desktop\AVID\language packs\
6 Additional Information
In the list above that path, you can see the server local disk.
9. (Option) If the Language packs are on the other disk, select the target disk from the list.
10. After you have found the Language Pack in the source screen (left panel), copy it to the destination
path by dragging and dropping it to the /avid/languagePack/ directory on the Destination
screen (right panel).
After copying the Language Pack, it will appear in the destination window (or panel) on the right as
11. Open the Avid NEXIS EDGE Dashboard, and make sure that Phonetic Search is running.
6 Additional Information
13. Log into the Virtual Machine using its IP Address from the Avid NEXIS EDGE Configuration Tool, and
click Open.
14. Log into the Virtual machine using required credentials as follows:
a. In the login as: field, type avid and press Enter (or Return on a Mac keyboard).
b. In the password: field, type the Avid NEXIS Administrator password and press Enter.
You are now logged into the VM inside the root folder.
6 Additional Information
6 Additional Information
18. Once installed, you need to license and activate (if not already done) the language pack by selecting
the license from the Avid Unified Licensing tool. For more information, see "Licensing Avid NEXIS
EDGE" on page 59.
The Hyper-V role is added to allow the server to run a Linux-based virtual machine. The services and
applications on the Windows server work together with the components on the Linux virtual machine to
enable Avid NEXIS EDGE workflows.
6 Additional Information
Unlike the Windows operating system, Avid runs the Ubunto virtual machine without a GUI (Graphical User
Interface). Instead, you access and work with the system through a CLI (Command Line Interface). The
following illustration provides an example of the Ubunto CLI, showing a successful login to the OS.
If you need to access the command line interface of the Linux virtual machine, refer to one of the following
l "Using an SSH Client to Access the Virtual Machine" below
l "Using Hyper-V to Access the Virtual Machine" below
For more information on using PuTTY, see the documentation available on the PuTTY website.
1. Open the Hyper-V Manager by selecting it from the Start menu at: Start > Windows Administrative
Tools > Hyper-V Manager.
The Hyper-V Manager application opens. The following illustration shows the Avid NEXIS EDGE virtual
machine “avid_nexis_edge” listed under the Virtual Machines pane.
6 Additional Information
2. Click on the virtual machine and then click the Connect button in the Actions menu on the right-side
of the application.
A new Virtual Machine Connection window appears as in the following illustration.
6 Additional Information
3. Click inside this window to login to Ubunto using the login credentials to begin working with the
operating system:
a. Enter the root user (avid) and press Enter (or Return on a Mac keyboard).
b. Enter the password for the root user (AVID NEXIS Administrator password) and press Enter.
1. Open the Hyper-V Manager by selecting it from the Start menu at: Start > Windows Administrative
Tools > Hyper-V Manager.
The Hyper-V Manager application opens. The following illustration shows the Avid NEXIS EDGE virtual
machine “avid_nexis_edge” listed under the Virtual Machines pane.
6 Additional Information
2. Click on the virtual machine and then click the Double click on avid_nexis_edge in the Virtual
Machines section. The Virtual Machine console will open as in the following illustration:
6 Additional Information
6 Additional Information
After you sign-in to Avid NEXIS EDGE, the logo appears in the upper-right corner of the Fast Bar.
If you want to add a custom graphic, the file used for this process must adhere to the following
l File Name: The file must be named exactly as the following: customer-logo.svg
l File Type: The file must be saved in the .svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) format.
l File Attributes: In order for the Chrome browser to display the graphic, the xlink:href attribute of the
SVG file must be configured as data:image and not data:img.
You can use the Elements tab of the Chrome Developer Tools to verify if your file is created correctly.
The following example illustration shows this attribute.
6 Additional Information
1. Download and install the WinSCP software on a Windows system that has network access to the Avid
NEXIS EDGE server.
WinSCP can be downloaded from the following location: http://winscp.net
2. Launch WinSCP.
3. Click the New button and enter the Host name (or IP address) of your Avid NEXIS EDGE server, the
User name (avid), and Password.
4. Click Login.
The following warning message is displayed: “Continue connecting and add host key to the cache?”
5. Click Yes.
The WinSCP interface is displayed. The left pane represents your source Windows system. The right
pane represents your Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
6 Additional Information
6. Use the left pane to navigate to the location of the files that you want to copy to the Avid NEXIS EDGE
7. Use the right pane to navigate to the directory on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server where you want to
copy the files.
8. (optional) Create a directory structure on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server to organize your files.
a. Navigate to a location on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server where you want to create a new
In the example illustration above, the user has navigated to the /media directory.
b. Right-click in the right pane and select New > Directory.
c. In the “New folder name” field, type the name of the new directory and click OK.
n When manually creating folders, avoid spaces and other illegal Linux characters.
Installations will fail if spaces or illegal characters are encountered in the file path.
1. Insert the USB drive into the Avid NEXIS EDGE server.
2. Enter the display message command in the Linux console to verify the name of the device:
sudo dmesg
Information relating to the hardware appears on the screen.
Information for the USB drive will appear near the end of the output, near the list of SCSI devices. The
name of the USB drive is found inside square brackets (for example, sdc). This is the name you use to
mount the drive.
6 Additional Information
The dmesg command displays a great deal of information which can be difficult to review, given the
limited size of the VM display window. You can reduce the amount of information that dmesg returns
by using the Linux grep command to show only items that contain certain text (such as “sd”) and the
more command to display only one page of information at a time. The following command can be
used as an alternative:
sudo dmesg | grep sd | more
Press the space bar to display additional pages.
3. Create a mount point for the USB drive:
sudo mkdir /media/usb
If you have completed this process at least once before, the /media/usb directory should already
4. Mount the USB drive to the mount point:
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/usb
In this example, the name of the USB drive, sdc uses a 1 (one) in the mount command. This indicates
that a partition exists on the drive. When the USB drive was formatted, the partition was created.
The USB drive is now mounted and available for use.
5. Verify that the USB drive is mounted:
sudo df -h
Information is displayed about all mounted file systems and devices, and should include information
about the USB drive, similar to the following (some output omitted for clarity):
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 7.5G 5.3G 2.2G 71% /media/usb
6. Enter the following command to navigate to the USB mount point:
cd /media/usb
7. (optional) Create a directory structure on the Avid NEXIS EDGE server to organize your files:
sudo mkdir /<path>
Where <path> is the name of the directory that you want to create. For example, to create a new
“installers” directory in the /media folder, you would enter the following command:
sudo mkdir /media/installers
n When manually creating folders, avoid spaces and other illegal Linux characters. Installations
will fail if spaces or illegal characters are encountered in the file path.
9. Once you have finished copying your files, you must navigate away from the current directory.
Ubunto cannot unmount the USB drive if it is the current active directory. Type the following to
navigate to the /root home directory:
10. Unmount the USB drive from the server:
6 Additional Information
1. Open a web browser to access the Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard, and click on the Diagnostics tab.
2. In the KUBERNETES section, sign-in to the Kubernetes dashboard by copying the token, and pasting it
into the Enter token* field on the Sign-in screen.
For more information on how to sign in Kubernetes, see "Viewing the Avid NEXIS EDGE Dashboard" on
page 48
If bins do not display contents in the browser, then either the bin index service or the bin cache service are
at fault. There have been times where the bin cache pod has needed to be restarted.
If bin updates do not appear in the browser, then the file system notifications may be stuck.
6 Additional Information
If a bin is modified, but a refresh does not update the bin display in the browse app, then it may be the case
that the Avid NEXIS notifications have stopped. This can be tested by connecting to the Kubernetes
dashboard, looking at the avid-bin-cache pod log file and seeing if there is a re-scan of the bin file after it is
modified. If it has not been modified, then the Avid NEXIS needs to be restarted to turn the notifications
back on.
n You should also be able to see notification evidence in the edmgmt-fsnotify-bridge pod log file.
NEXIS CTC (ACS: avid.nexis.ctc)
NEXIS CTC runs in a docker container under the virtual machine (avid-nexis-ctc-EDGE-xxxx). This is the
only service that is invoked directly by the Browse app. It walks the Avid NEXIS file structure and exposes it
to the Browse app.
If there is no EDGE module license, the code will not show the user Avid NEXIS files. Logs should show
unlicensed operation errors.
If there are no log messages reflecting the file system activity, then the bridge is not receiving the Avid
NEXIS messages. At this time, the only solution is to restart the Avid NEXIS system.
If assets are not appearing in the Search app, make sure the Search Connector logs do not show errors.
It converts timelines to AAF files that are then imported into a bin. Look at the logs for this pod if there are
problems saving sequences in the Browse app.
Additional Information
For more information, see the topic “Understanding Docker Containers and Kubernetes” in the
MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide or the MediaCentral Cloud Help.
For more information on the commands that you can use with Kubernetes, see the topic “Working with
Kubernetes” in the MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide or the MediaCentral Cloud UX Help.
6 Additional Information
If you have accessed Kubernetes via the Diagnostics tab, you are only able to view pods and log files. You
cannot delete pods.
To delete pods, you need log into your VM to generate an Admin token.
c Avid strongly recommends that you deploy the System Monitoring tools for all Avid NEXIS EDGE
installations. This recommendation applies specifically to the Monitoring aspect of the System
Monitoring solution. Deployment of the Logging feature is at your discretion.
The following illustration shows the General diagnostics dashboard that displays the Avid
NEXIS EDGE modules and their statuses.
6 Additional Information
In addition to the General diagnostics dashboard, Avid provides a series of other dashboards that you can
use to obtain information on Elasticsearch, MongoDB, system license usage, and more. While these
dashboards detail common areas of interest for many Avid NEXIS EDGE installations, your organization can
create custom dashboards by reviewing the documentation on the Grafana website at:
When working with Grafana, you might notice a few common areas of the user interface. For example the
menu in the upper-right corner of the UI allows you to switch between the available dashboards. This menu
not only provides quick access to the dashboards, but also preserves the selected time range so that you
can easily compare data without the need to reconfigure the time range controls.
Some dashboards also include an Interval menu that allows you to configure the time span used to
aggregate or group your data. When altering the interval value, you should note the following:
l A large interval will render quickly, but you might not capture all data peaks because the curve is
l A short interval will take longer to render, but you might prefer this view if you need to identify
specific data peaks — for example a period in which CPU consumption spikes.
The Avid NEXIS EDGE deployment process installs the packages to enable Grafana and Prometheus. If you
need to troubleshoot system monitoring or logging, the following Kubernetes pods are of particular
l Monitoring
– grafana
– prometheus-server
l Logging (optional, if deployed)
6 Additional Information
– mon-elasticsearch
– mon-fluent-<name> (multiple pods)
– mon-kibana
The following process provides information on how to access the Grafana user interface and an example
1. Open a web browser and access the Avid NEXIS EDGE dashboard, and click on the Diagnostics tab.
In the GRAFANA section, start the Service.
n This button must be set to "Running" before you can view the Grafana dashboard.
– In the Dashboard area, click the Open Diagnostics button to open the Grafana sign-in screen.
Once signed in, you can view the dashboard's diagnostic information.
The Grafana Log In page appears.
6 Additional Information
3. (Option) Click the Home button in the upper-left corner of the user interface to display all of your
dashboards, and select a dashboard from the list of options to display the related system
4. After you have finished using Grafana, you can sign out by clicking the user avatar in the bottom-left
corner of the window and click the Sign out button.
A Importing TLS Certificates
If you want to use a self-signed certificate or a certificate created by an internal CA, you can refer to the
following processes to import the certificate into the client’s local workstation:
l "Importing Certificates on Local Workstations" on the next page
Alternatively, you might be able to distribute the certificate to multiple clients simultaneously through
Windows Group Policy. For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-
If you still receive a connection warning in your browser after importing a certificate to the client
workstation, your certificate might not have been created correctly. In this case, you can refer to the
processes for "Verifying the SSL Certificate" on page 109.
The following table provides an overview of the different types of certificate files and guidelines on where
they can be used.
A Importing TLS Certificates
Certificate Supported for Supported for Web Can include What needs to be
Type iOS Android Browser short names imported on the
and IPs client
If you need to alter your existing certificate files, refer to the process for "Redeploying Certificates" on
page 35.
The section references the Google Chrome browser to assist in the certificate import process.
n Chrome menus, operating system menus, and related applications are subject to change. As a result,
the following processes might not reflect the options available in the latest Chrome browser or your
operating system. For the latest information on importing a certificate, see the documentation for
your operating system or browser.
This section is divided into different processes for Windows and macOS:
l "Configuring Windows" below
l "Adding the Certificate to Keychain" on page 108
Configuring Windows
Trusting a certificate in Google Chrome is a two-step process. First, you export the certificate from a web
browser. Second, you must import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. Both of
these procedures are performed through Chrome menus.
1. Launch Google Chrome and enter the URL of the Avid NEXIS EDGE server in the address bar.
https://<FQDN>, where <FQDN> is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the server.
2. Click on icon on the far-left of the browser address bar.
As shown in this illustration, the icon shows a “Not secure” status. When you click on the icon,
information about the connection appears in a new window.
A Importing TLS Certificates
A Importing TLS Certificates
6. Use the default options in the wizard to export the certificate from the browser, saving it to a
convenient temporary location, such as the local desktop.
Once you have exported the certificate, you must add it to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities
store, as described in the following process.
1. If you are recreating a Avid NEXIS EDGE certificate or if you are uncertain if a certificate has been
created and imported in the past, it is good practice to verify that an existing certificate with the
same name does not already exist. Multiple certificates with the same name might cause problems
with certificate verification. Note: This process might vary, depending on your version of Windows. If
necessary, see the Microsoft Windows documentation for additional information.
a. Open the Windows Internet Properties Control Panel.
b. Select the Content tab and click the Certificates button.
c. In the Certificates window, click on the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” tab.
The list of trusted certificates is listed alphabetically.
d. Search for the host name of your Avid NEXIS EDGE server in the list of certificates.
A Importing TLS Certificates
e. If you find a certificate that matches your hostname, highlight the certificate and click the
Remove button.
f. Click Yes to the two warnings about removing a certificate and close the control panel.
2. Double-click on the certificate file that you created during the export process.
A new Certification Information window appears.
3. Click the Install Certificate button to open the Certificate Import Wizard.
4. Click Next on the Import Wizard’s Welcome page.
5. In the File to Import dialog, click the Browse button to locate your certificate.
6. Select the certificate file that you exported in the previous procedure and click Open.
7. Click Next to proceed to the next window.
8. Click the Browse button in the Certificate Store window.
9. Browse to the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” store and click OK to select the store.
A Importing TLS Certificates
13. Restart Chrome and enter the FQDN of the Avid NEXIS EDGE server in the address bar.
The browser should connect to the Avid NEXIS EDGE page without issuing a certificate warning.
Configuring macOS
Complete the following processes to save and import a certificate into your macOS workstation.
n If you are exporting a certificate as part of "Working with Docker Containers and Kubernetes" on
page 96, you must enter the Kubernetes Dashboard and port number into the address bar. Since Avid
NEXIS EDGE is not yet deployed, you cannot enter the Avid NEXIS EDGE FQDN at this time. After you
import this certificate to your local browser, the certificate is valid for both the Kubernetes Dashboard
and Avid NEXIS EDGE.
1. Open Safari and enter the FQDN of your Avid NEXIS EDGE system into the address bar.
2. Click the “view the certificate” link in the This Connection Is Not Private warning message.
3. Click on the certificate icon and drag it to the desktop as shown in the following illustration.
A Importing TLS Certificates
4. Click the OK button to close the certificate window, and then quit Safari.
5. Continue to "Adding the Certificate to Keychain" below.
Export from Chrome for Windows:
1. Use the process described in "Configuring Windows" on page 103 to save a copy of the certificate to
a Windows workstation.
2. Copy the certificate to the Mac and continue to "Adding the Certificate to Keychain" below.
Adding the Certificate to Keychain
Complete the following processes to import the saved certificate into your macOS workstation.
3. Double-click on the certificate in the Keychain Access utility to see more details.
If you do not know where to find the certificate, you can use the application’s built-in search
capabilities to help locate it. The name of the certificate matches the name that you saw during the
export process.
4. In the certificate details window, select “Always Trust” from the “When using this certificate” menu.
A Importing TLS Certificates
This updates all of the other trust categories to reflect the Always Trust selection.
5. Close the details window to save your changes.
A Certificate Trust Settings window appears.
6. Enter your Administrator password and click the Update Settings button.
7. Launch Google Chrome and enter the FQDN of your Avid NEXIS EDGE system into the address bar.
As shown in the following illustration, the warning symbol should be replaced with a lock icon in the
address bar and you should be able to continue to the Avid NEXIS EDGE sign-in page with no further
security warnings.
n Some browsers might cache certificate information. If you do not see a valid certificate, you might
need to clear your browser’s cache and reconnect to Avid NEXIS | EDGE.
A Importing TLS Certificates
1. Click on the Site Information button and click the Certificate link to show more information about the
2. Click the Details tab to display additional information about the certificate.
The following example illustration shows a certificate for a three node cluster.
3. (If applicable) Verify that the certificate includes all of the subject alternative names that you entered
when creating the certificate.