2017 Impact of Service Quality in Customer Satisfaction
2017 Impact of Service Quality in Customer Satisfaction
2017 Impact of Service Quality in Customer Satisfaction
ISSN 2250-3153
Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Abstract- The products and services offered by banks are very service quality is the customers ’overall impression of the
similar. The differentiator is the level of service quality. Many relative inferiority or superiority of the organization and its
studies have been conducted to explore the impact of service services. Customers in the present banking environment are
quality on customer satisfaction in retail banking. However; it knowledgeable and highly demanding, due to rapidly developing
finds fewer studiesconducted to identify the impact of Human information technology and advanced communication channels.
Related and Non-Human Related Factors of perceived service The present competitive business environment facilitates
quality on customer satisfaction with special reference to rural customers to switch banks easily seeking better options for
economic contexts. Alongside the research context briefed, the higher levels of satisfaction. This is a major challenge to the
key purpose of this study was to examinehow perceived service banks. (Silva, 2009). With the above insights on customer
quality factorsimpact on Customer Satisfaction. Data was satisfaction, the present study is focused on the perceived service
collected through a sample of 210 respondents from Puttlam quality and customer satisfaction of the state commercial banks
District. A deductive approach was employed to construct the in the rural economic context Sri Lanka.
conceptual framework and accordingly hypotheses were formed.
Survey method was followed for the data enumeration and SPSS
20 software packages has been used for data analysis. The II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
hypotheses were tested using Co-relations and Regression The Services sector accounts for56.6% of GDP reporting
analysis.Findings revealed that the Human Related Factors of 5.3% growth in value added terms in 2015, in comparison to the
perceived service quality have a greater impact on customer growth reported as 5.2%in the year 2014. The robust growth of
satisfaction whereas Reliability and Responsiveness are the most 15.8 % in financial service activities, largely contributed to the
influential factors on customer satisfaction. Managerial Services sector growth. (Annual Report, Central Bank of Sri
implications and the research propositions were suggested for the Lanka 2015). Further it indicates that banking sector was found
service marketing sphere at the conclusion. to be robust during 2014 and continued to expand its asset base
maintaining its lead role in the financial sector. As at end of
Index Terms- Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Service Quality, 2014, the total banking network of 34 banks included25 Licensed
State Commercial Banks, Rural Economy, Sri Lanka Commercial Banks (LCB), of which 12 were branches of foreign
banks, and 9 Licensed Specialized Banks with a branch and other
banking outlet network of 6,554 and ATM network of 2,635, in
I. INTRODUCTION last five years. (Performance Review 2015 IBSL). Therefore,
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ISSN 2250-3153
Further, Dissanayake, Wasantha&Jinadasa (2016) said that 3. To evaluate the relationship between service quality and
the services sector including commercial banks need to focus on perceived customer satisfaction.
non –financial perspectives in terms of service performance, 4. To propose recommendations to enhanceperceived
consumer behavioral responses and it is an area to be examined customer satisfaction in banking industry.
Meanwhile,service quality aspects have been fragmented as:
Human Related Factors of perceived service quality and Non- IV. LITERATURE REVIEW
Human Related Factors of perceived service quality on customer Empirical studies indicated that service quality has been
satisfaction providing a new notion to be examined (Silva, 2009). increasingly recognized as a critical factor in the success of any
Moreover, institutional service delivering excellence has been business (Parasuraman, 1988), and the banking industry in this
recognized as one of the key detriments to assist for the case in not exceptional (Hossain & Leo, 2009). Service quality
wholesome development where rural economies are considered has been widely used to evaluate the performance of banking
as strategically a sensitive scope for the said matter (Wasantha, services (Cowling &Newman, 1995). The banks understand that
Ali &Goash, 2015). Further,Dissanayake, et.al. (2016) stated that customers will be loyal if they provide a greater service than
the commercial banking sector need more consumer driven their competitors (Dawes &Swailes, 1999), and on other hand,
service improvements to enhance the overall performance banks can only earn high profits if they are able to position
including commercial banks as a postulated segment. Alongside, themselves better than competitor within specific market
Sri Lankan Development Indexes show the insights of the growth (Davies, 1995). Consequently, banks need to focus on service
of regional economies. Adding to this point,Puttlam district has quality as a core competitive strategy (Chaoprasert& Elsey,
been claimed as one of the less considered economic contexts in 2004).
Sri Lanka (Central Bank Annual Report 2015).It has specifically
referred the need of institutional and knowledge related inputs
for such segments to accelerate the development phenomenon.
Thus, studying how public sector commercial banks perform in
such economic contexts could be an extendedly important matter Parasuraman, Berry &Zeithaml, (1985, 1988) defines
to provide empirical knowledge for the needful development ‘service quality’ as the difference between customer perceptions
matters, for instance, consumer behavioral perspectives towards of the current servicebeing provided by a given organization and
service related performance (Dissanayake et.al. 2016, Wasantha customer expectations of excellent service within thatgiven
et.al. 2015, Dissanayake& Ismail,2015). Therefore, examining industry. According to Gronroos (1982), perceived quality of a
consumer’s perception towards the service quality delivered by given service is the result of an evaluation process since
public sector commercial bank could address to the empirical and consumers often make comparison between the services they
practice-related knowledge gaps in Sri Lanka whereas special expect with perceptions of the services that they receive. He
reference to rural economic sphere could provide a significant points out; when it comes to service quality it is not the actual
knowledge contribution in par with the notions specified in rural level of quality, but the level of quality the customer expects.
economic development potential (Wasantha, et.al.,2015). Hence, service quality depends on the strategy of the
Accordingly, this paper has figured out its research problem as organization, how itwants to be perceived. A customers’
how far the perceived service quality of state commercial banks perceived service quality is very much impacted by how the
has influenced perceived customer satisfaction in the context of customers are approached by, and treated by the banks front-line,
Puttlam districtwhich represents critically important economic and support-employees at different encounters with the
contexts in the rural segment of Sri Lanka. organization. The same can be applied to the banking industry.
Customers perceive services in terms of quality of the service
Research Questions and of the overall satisfaction with their experience. Thus,
companies today recognize that they can compete more
1. How do Human-Related Factors of service quality effectively by distinguishing themselves with respect to service
(Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy) quality and improved customer satisfaction.
influenceon perceived customer satisfaction?
2. How do Non-Human-Related Factors (Tangibility) of
service quality influenceon perceived customer satisfaction? VI. PERCEIVED SERVICE QUALITY MODEL
3. How differently Human-Related Factors and Non-Human Gronroos (2000) presented the Perceived Service Quality
Related Factor influence on customer Satisfaction? Model. He identified three components of service quality,
namely: technical quality; functional quality; and image.
Technical quality (outcome) is the quality of “what” consumer
III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY actually receives as a result of his/her interaction with the service
1. To identify the impact of Human-Related service quality firm. Functional dimension is “how” the manner in which the
factors towards the perceived customer satisfaction in product/service is delivered to the customer. Functional quality
commercial banking sector. of the process is subjective as it is based on encounters with the
2. To identify the impact of Non-Human Related service service provider. The third step in the above model is the Image
quality factors towards the perceived customer satisfaction (Corporate and/or Local). This is how customers will see the
in commercial banking sector organization and its methods of operation and is a major element
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of quality perception. Image is very important to service firms Empathy is defined as the caring, individualized attention
and this can be expected to build up mainly by technical and that the firm provide its customers. The essence of empathy is
functional quality of service including the other factors (tradition, conveying, though personalized or customized service, customers
ideology, word of mouth, pricing and public relations). Further, are unique and special and that their needs are understood.
if the company has a good image, minor mistakes will not change Customers want to feel understood by and important to firms that
customers’ perception of the company, but if the company has a provide service to them. Personal at small service firms often
bad image, mistakes will yield that customers perceive quality as know customers by name and build relationships that reflect their
bad. He suggests a company must not focus merely on one personal knowledge of customer requirements and preferences.
strategy and forget the other. Company should strike a balance when such a small firm compete with larger firms, the ability to
between the two dimensions, since one cannot disregard the be empathic may give the small firm a clear advantage.
other, in order to increase perceived service quality. However,
according to Gronroos, (2000) it is very common to have slightly
more focus on functional quality by most of organizations. The VIII. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
present study was focused on the above model and the functional Customer satisfaction is the extent to which a product’s
dimension of the perceived service qualityof the local banking perceived performance matches a buyer’s expectations Kotler
sector in the rural economic context. (2006). It further argues customer satisfaction depends on the
product’s perceived performance relative to a buyer’s
expectations. If the product’s performance falls short of
VII. HOW TO MEASURE SERVICE QUALITY IN THE expectations, the customer isdissatisfied. If performance matches
BANKING INDUSTRY? expectations, the customer is satisfied and if performance
One of the most useful measurements of service quality is exceeds expectations, the customer is highly satisfied or
the dimensions stated in the from the SERVQUAL model delighted. (Kotler 2006) .
developed by Parasuraman, Berry &Zeithaml, (1988). Oliver (1997) defines customer satisfaction as the
customers’ evaluation of a product in terms of whether that
1. Reliability: delivering on promises product has achieved their needs and expectations. If it fails to do
Reliability is defined as the ability to perform the promised so, dissatisfaction would occur. Satisfaction commonly has
service dependably and accurate. In the broadest sense, reliability thresholds at a lower level (under fulfillment) and at an upper
means that the company delivers on its promises- promises about level (over-fulfillment). A consumer’s satisfaction may drop if he
delivery, service provision, problem resolution, and pricing. “gets too much of a good thing”. People focus upon the lower
Customers want to do businesses with companies that keep their threshold and neglect the potential for an upper threshold.
promises, particularly their promises about the service out come Outcomes of satisfaction feelings may involve intent to
and core service attributes. repurchase, word-of-mouth and complaints.
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Non-Human Related Factors
H1: Human Related service quality factors & perceived customer satisfaction are significantly correlated.
H2: Non- Human Related service quality& perceived customer satisfaction are significantly correlated.
H3: Overall service quality and perceived customer satisfaction are significantly correlated.
were used as descriptive statistics whereas co-relations and
XI. METHODOLOGY coefficient techniques were used as inferential statistics. The
DATA COLLECTION researcher used SPSS-20 version software package to analyze
Primary data was collected by distributing a detailed data. As per the inferential statistical tools, the researcher used
questionnaire for 210 respondents who arethe customers of state Pearson Correlation technique and Regression analysis in order
commercial banks in Puttalam district. Personal interviews were to test the hypothesis and evaluate the relationships in between
used to fill the questionnaires. The questionnaire comprised of 32 service quality and customer satisfaction. For the purpose of
close ended questions.All close ended constructs used in this presentation of findings, researcher has used Histograms in order
study were measured by various items on five-point Likert-type to provide a clear presentation of analyzed data.
scales ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) to
measure the relationship between service quality and customer RELIABILITY TESTING
satisfaction. Secondary data was collected from secondary A reliability test (Cronbach'salpha) was conducted to assess
sources such as previous researches, Journal articles and websites the internal consistency of each construct. According to the
which are related to service quality and customer satisfaction. values in the table, all variables are adequate and reliable.
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XV. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCHES [9] Dutta, K., & Dutta, A. (2009). Customer Expectations and Perceptions
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should encourage further study to investigate the influence of Science and Management, 52-68.
Technical and Image dimensions on customer satisfaction in [11] Gronroos, C. (2000). Service Management and Marketing. John Wiley &
retail banking. Moreover, service sector of Sri Lanka needs more Sons, Ltd.
attention in researching consumer behavioral perspectives, [12] Hoq, M. Z., & Amin, M. (2010). The Role of Customer Satisfaction to
perceived brand evaluations and brand relationship behaviors in enhance Customer Loyalty. African Journal of Business Management,
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Dissanayake& Ismail, 2015). In line with the said, research [13] Kotler, P. (1994). Marketing Management Analysis, Planning,
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and other forms of extended brand relationship behaviors. [15]
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brand citizenship behaviors (BCB) could be examined to Bankers of Sri Lanka.
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satisfactions and brand evaluation perspectives including brand satisfaction in Commercial Banks of Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of
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