Notice (YDC Post Office)

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Facilities at YDC
Sumedha Primary College-
Government approved private school 2024.08.02
Education Department No.ASN 1290
Examination Department -08419 8o:OoJ q6laCqo>
government syllabus, students eligible
areo oe,@e8csC oOr:,
to sit for grade five scholarship
examination. YDC tlrc:zd zocbcsceca
Sumedha Junior College- Local OIL
(Government bilingual syllabus o@e.:o odlet eeoObOzs: gOlsaicJca.loC aidcSot 6d2r eE YDC r:1o16f
Science, Maths and Health Science in
English medium , English '
tocbc,:cgce @ e"m:c oll<elC oqocbo:o@zdo2oO o1e:tC tocbcocA.eS.
and Computer Diploma Certificate)
Local NL English medium in Maths, Oo oceso5! edcJcSo nd glolool oq@c8c^:Cocd, qdlOCod eso octeg qOO
Biology and InformationTechnology.
8Orl Scad@ oe,r:coirJ crergo 6,oqtec@8.
Yishaka International Pre-School-
Enslish Medium- olav Grouo. LKG
stale 1, LKG stage 2 arid LIKG ' O0ocd

YDC Coruputer Centre open from o pciqd qeo:sorOoet

Internet Caf6 Jomputer, CelI Phone . e8 @c::eQ.O 55t9
Accessories & Servicies.,
Day Care Centre- 6.30 am-6.3Opm
. ocljeeC tllote
"clooO Fullv Eouinoed Air
o q8ceb oaJCcO o@@ ot1o16f tocbc,:caocerrj gAO e:eogoOzri eOc olo
tonvenhontin - 1200
C-onditioned "^-..4--
a, (ora.
seatingcapacity. r
a ES€, de, o@cDoo6!, SLT FCooJ o6189
Mini Conference Hall
a Ccarr:: dnie<6cc
Iro Mini Theaters
a Ccorrll e,C ootE@
Gampaha Media Centre a toco ocedo2
YDC Printing Press ,. oes@r:omC eSED dzaJeg{6 Ol6mt oo8@
Children's Blay- Ground well equipped
andprotected o oo@o@gf oaiocO
SwirpmingPogl- I nt e rp at i o.n a I o Cashon Delivery (COD) p@c,: @6aJ arcdO colO@o
sutnoaro seven Lane rwenry ilve meter

Toddlers Pool open from 6.00am to 9,00

pm. i dCo: YDC o1e-.15f nrUcecgc^: oOo,
Badminton complex- Four indoor 90ocj oedOrCal zofl:l@o-J eo1o8@O @ gonc o1o1C
courts of International Standard, opeh
oedOce fiqrr:@.
from5.O0amto I 1,00pm every day.
YDC X'itness Centre
- BookShop,
YDC MercantileSector
Communication Centre, Super zog,@6cmlc9otOo
Market Family Restaurant., Green
Shop, Organic vegetable sale point.
Organic Vegetable Farm.
Elocutlon, Thtion Classes, Western &
Eastern Danclng, Gymnastlcs,
MartialArt Classes (Karate)
Car Park- for over 250 vehicles.
CCTY Security Camera System.

Let us Produce Patriotic Sri Lankans of International Standard.

Vishaka Rd, Gampaha.
033-2222635 / 22229 4t / 2236834 / 07 7 7 -663625 / 07 t -2443460
IT Depr- O33-22348L1. / EaxrOSS-222L799
Web: E-mail:- [email protected]

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