1st Q Emptech Exam
1st Q Emptech Exam
1st Q Emptech Exam
A.Y. 2024-2025
NAME: ___________________________________________
GRADE AND SECTION: ____________________________
8. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you 19. What is the proper sequence in inserting page border in MS word?
print or send it out? I. Go to Design > Page Borders.
A. Address book B. Greeting line II. Make selections for how you want the border to look.
C. Preview results D. Start Mail merge
III. To adjust the distance between the border and the edge of the page, select
9. What part of the document that contains the main part of the message that Options.
we want to convey or send? IV. Make your changes and select OK.
A. I, II, III,IV B. II, I, III, IV C. III, I, II, IV d. IV, I, II, III
A. Body Document B. Document Header
20. What is productivity tool of google lets you create a survey, attendance, or
C. Form Document D. Layout Document
enrolment forms.
A. Google Docs B. Google Forms
10. Which of the following best describe a function?
C. Google Slides D. Google Sites
A. It is a predefined calculation which is in-built in Excel.
B. The function is like an equation that user’s type.
21. How would you create a new google form?
C. It can be any type of calculation depending on the user’s choice.
A. Go to form.google.com, Select template, Change the title of your form, adjust
D. It consumes more time because of manual typing.
questions and answers, Customize the google form theme.
B. Go to googleforms.com, Select template, Change the title of your form,
11. How would you describe balance?
adjust questions and answers, Customize the google form theme.
A. It is the visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly
C. Go to form.google.com, Select template, Change the title of your form, See
distributed on the screen.
preview, Customize the google form theme.
B. Refers to the relative sizes and proportions of different elements in a design.
D. Go to google.forms.com, Create an account, Change the title of your form,
C. Refers to visual elements creating motion and guide the viewer’s eyes in
adjust questions and answers, Customize the google form theme.
certain direction.
D. Refers to distance or closeness between elements that shows the
22. How would you stop cyber bullying amongst your classmates?
connection and convey the visual message.
A. Report the bully to the authorities.
12. How would you describe proximity?
B. Do not respond to the bully.
A. It is the visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly
C. Block the bully.
distributed on the screen.
D. All of the above.
B. Refers to the relative sizes and proportions of different elements in a design.
C. Refers to visual elements creating motion and guide the viewer’s eyes in
23. How to protect yourself and your family against cybercrime?
certain direction.
A. Keep software and operating system updated.
D. Refers to distance or closeness between elements that shows the
B. Use a strong password.
connection and convey the visual message.
C. Do not give out personal information.
D. All the above.
13. How would you describe movement?
24. Which of the following is defined as an attempt to steal, spy, damage or
A. It is the visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly
destroy computer systems, networks, or their associated information?
distributed on the screen.
A. Cyber attack B. Computer security
B. Refers to the relative sizes and proportions of different elements in a design.
C. Cryptography D. Digital hacking
25. Which of the following is not an advantage of cyber security? A. The earliest form of internet.
a) Makes the system slower B. Described as read-write and execute kind of web.
b) Minimizes computer freezing and crashes C. It is known as the future of internet.
c) Gives privacy to users D. It is originally called as semantic web.
d) Protects system against viruses
39. how is web 3.0 is different from web 2.0?
26. Which of the following is the hacking approach where cyber-criminals A. Web 3.0 is created as the internet for big tech corporations.
design fake websites or pages for tricking or gaining additional traffic? B. Web 3.0 emphasizes allowing control and ownership over data.
a) Pharming C. The objective of web 3.0 focuses on introducing interactive content to the
b) Website-Duplication internet.
c) Mimicking D. Web 3.0 delivers a better user interface than web 2.0.
d) Spamming
40. Which characteristic is not applicable distinctly for web 3.0?
27. What type of malware is designed to encrypt files and demand payment for A. Contextual Communication B. Data ownership
their release? C. Decentralization D. Speed
A. Ransomware B. Trojan
C. Rootkit D. Worm 41. How would you evaluate the aesthetic worth of a piece of art or a website
28. What type of malware is designed to steal sensitive information, such as design?
login credentials? A. By understanding the basic principles of graphics and layout.
A. Adware B. Trojan B. According to its usability.
C. Ransomware D. Worm C. If it is free to use.
29. Which of the following are objectives of Malware? D. Does the art invoke feeling in the audience?