Astronomy Notes Final - Bhavya Malik

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The Formation of the Solar System

Learning Goals:
- Learn how galaxies are organized into star clusters, local groups and
- Learn how galaxies are classified by their shape
- Learn about the BBT and evidence that supports the theory to explain the origins
of the universe
- Learn about dark matter energy

The Solar Nebula Theory

- Solar systems originate from vast clouds of gas and dust, known as the solar
nebula within interstellar space. (mostly hydrogen and helium)
- Suggest that shockwave from a nearby supernova may have triggered the collapse
of the nebula.
- The nebula started to contract under its own gravity. Within the giant nebula,
clips of gas and dust began to form and one of those massive clumps became a
- The remaining gas and dust was pulled in by gravity.
- As the protostar contracted, the temperature and pressure in its core increased.
More particles attracted to it which only caused it to contract more under its own
- The counterclockwise spin of the protostar is amplified due to the increasing
temperature and pressure at its core.
- Over time, it became hot enough for nuclear fusion which caused the contracting
material to form a disc of gas and dust around the core of the protostar, it then
became a star (the sun).
- The sun formed at the center of the rotating disc of gas and dust.
- The disc surrounding the new sun has the leftover gas and dust.

- While the sun was forming, lighter gasses (hydrogen and helium) were pushed
away due to solar winds.
- The lighter gasses accumulate in the outer solar system forming the gas giant
- Denser pieces of matter remained behind in the inner solar system (mercury,
venus, earth, mars) to form those planets.

→ Astronomers have discovered that some nearby young stars also have discs which
stretch billions of kilometers into space. The material in the discs is not static,
spinning similarly to the Solar Nebula Theory.
→ The fact that we see these processes to the other stars today helps support the
theory since it is believed to create our solar system.

*Do we have to know the solar nebula theory and its evidence?
*The more mass a star has, the greater the gravitational force and the faster it contracts.

Evidence for the Solar Nebula Theory:

- Explain why the planets orbit the sun in the same direction, why they are all in
the sun plane with the sun at the center, most planets rotate in the same direction
of their axes and why the terrestrial planets are closer to the sun than the gas
giants are.

Other components of the Universe

Galaxies: a collection of stars, gas, dust and planets held together by gravity.
Milky Way: The galaxy that includes the solar system and appears as a hazy white band
in the night sky.
The most common type of celestial object astronomers see in space is a star, and most of
them are gravitationally bound together into groups and some groups are more
numerous than others.

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